Thermal insulation roof coverings. Insulation of the roof from the inside: choose a heater and do it yourself. We insulate a pitched roof: basic rules

What should the house be like? First of all, warm. Agree, comfort is out of the question when there are drafts in the room, and the air temperature in cold periods reduces all thoughts to a cup of hot coffee or tea. Rapidly rising prices for energy resources are forcing consumers to limit their consumption in order to save items of expenditure and to look for other ways of insulating living quarters. One of these is the thermal insulation of the roof, which saves up to 25-30% of energy costs. Given the fact that a third of the heat loss falls on the roof, it is recommended to finish it with special roofing materials first.

Roof thermal insulation means the installation of a special material with special technical characteristics, which increases the thermal resistance of the coating, which can significantly reduce heating costs by reducing heat loss. It can be performed on any type of roof, does not require large financial costs, is characterized by simplicity of organization, endurance, durability, practicality and special functionality. Thermal insulation of the roof is the only chance to significantly reduce expenditure items, to make the microclimate in the house healthy, and a person's life as comfortable as possible.

The modern market is ready to offer consumers a variety of roof insulation materials of a wide variety of technical parameters. Gained massive popularity in recent years:

  • mineral wool- one of the most affordable thermal insulation materials, characterized by excellent sound insulation properties, impeccable vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity. It does not absorb moisture, does not burn, has a service life of up to 25 years and is dense enough to insulate residential buildings;

Mineral wool retains heat well and guarantees the absence of extraneous noise

  • cellulose insulation- materials made on the basis of cellulose. They appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already been able to conquer it due to their qualities, such as environmental friendliness, air permeability, excellent insulating properties, low thermal conductivity, antiseptic properties. Cellulose insulation is not subject to decay, mold and mildew, and rodents do not eat them. Thanks to additives, they perfectly resist fire, they are mounted quite simply, forming a solid surface without voids and seams;

Cellulose insulation does not contain volatile substances harmful to health and does not cause allergies

Extruded polystyrene foam retains its properties at temperature jumps from -50 to +75 degrees

Insulation selection rules

The effectiveness of the thermal insulation of the roof of the house and its technical components largely depend on the material used for this purpose. How to choose it correctly? Quite simply, it is important to focus on the following criteria when buying:

  • insulation compliance with regulations and building standards;
  • the scope of the material is exclusively for roofing;
  • simplicity and speed of installation (it should not cause difficulties and require large expenditures of labor);
  • price-quality ratio;
  • the service life of the selected thermal insulation coating;
  • the presence of water-repellent properties (the insulation should not absorb moisture, otherwise its thermal conductivity will increase several times);
  • vapor barrier characteristics (it is advisable to use a thermal insulating material, one side of which is covered with foil).

It is important to choose the right thermal insulation coating

It is important to remember: roofing for roof insulation must meet not only the above criteria, but also environmental standards. The release of harmful substances under the influence of sunlight or any other natural phenomena hazardous to human health is unacceptable.

Preparatory work before installing thermal insulation

Before starting work on roof insulation, it is imperative to properly prepare the surface to be insulated. Start by checking the rafters for rot, mildew and mildew. If the listed defects are still found, but in small quantities, the rafters should be cleaned with sandpaper, treated with special antiseptics and painted with oil, enamel or bitumen paint, thus isolating them from the effects of the external natural environment. If the damage to the elements is significant, it is better to replace them.

The second stage of the preparatory work before installing the roof insulation is to check the wiring for serviceability. Its damaged parts should be repaired, worn wires should be replaced, the switches should be ringing, all connectors, joints, fasteners, and joints should be carefully checked. If the wiring is completely unusable, it is better to redo it.

Important: it is imperative to check the wiring before installing thermal insulation materials on the roof, with the support of professionals. Thus, you can save yourself from possible troubles and troubles in the future associated with fire.

Thermal insulating "pie"

Installation methods for thermal insulation materials

In construction practice, there are two ways to install a thermal insulation roofing:

Internal roof insulation

This is the most common version of thermal insulation, suitable for both flat and pitched roofs, and is produced according to the following technology: first, the inner cladding of the room is laid, then a vapor barrier, on top of it is a heat-insulating material, wind and waterproofing.

The final thermal insulation layer is the selected roofing material.

It is important to know: the insulation must have a certain width and be adapted to the existing climatic conditions. The main thing is that it does not greatly burden the roof structure. When installing it, it is prudent to leave the gaps necessary to remove moisture from the structure.

When installing the roof insulation, you should strictly adhere to the installation rules

External roof insulation

It is made on the basis of flat roofs using rigid slabs, which, in turn, are pressed against pebbles or concrete slabs. When organizing thermal insulation in this way, it is very important to calculate the strength of the roof in order to protect yourself from the collapse of the roof.

Which method is more suitable in each specific case depends on the complexity of the roof structure and the materials used to insulate it.

Installation features

At first glance, the installation of a heat-insulating roofing is very easy, but you should not do it yourself, especially if the master does not have a certain technical knowledge base and the necessary tools in stock. It is better not to experiment and immediately contact a specialist. They will do the job at the proper level and save you from unnecessary financial costs.

It is possible to achieve the calculated and planned efficiency of roof insulation only if the formation of cold bridges is prevented. To do this, the roofing material should be laid on top of wooden flooring or rafters, without interruption by any other structural element. The heat-insulating layer should not have cavities or planes for the passage of air.

Correctly installed roof insulation should prevent the formation of cold bridges

Only a high-quality installation of thermal insulation is capable of saving energy resources, creating the most comfortable microclimate in the house. Therefore, it is not worth saving on it, otherwise fatal mistakes, such as using an insulating material of an unsuitable width, and creating a small thickness of insulation cannot be avoided. Turning to professional builders, you can not worry about the quality of work and the effectiveness of the thermal insulation layer.

An integrated approach to insulation

It should also be remembered that it is possible to achieve the maximum possible effect from roof insulation only with an integrated approach to the thermal insulation of a house.

An insulated roof is a reliable protection of the building and prevention of heat loss, saving energy costs for insulation. Therefore, the arrangement of the roof is a priority in the construction of a residential building. At the same time, different materials can be used for thermal insulation, differing in characteristics, installation method and efficiency. Knowing these features will allow you to choose the ideal coating for the arrangement of a particular building roof.

Types of roof insulation

There are several options for insulating the roof of a private house. The choice of the desired type is carried out depending on what function the attic space performs, and this can be a living room, a storage room or just a warmed attic. In any case, thermal insulation prevents cold penetration through the roof area and ensures comfort in the house.

The roofing cake of an insulated residential building consists of several layers

The organization of insulation is necessary in the case of arranging an attic room in the attic. If it is used for household purposes or is not functional, then you can do without insulation, but at the same time it is worth equipping the ceiling of the room or the floor of the attic.

Arrangement of the roof in order to prevent heat loss in the house can be internal or external. The first option is optimal for any type of roof and involves the installation of heat-insulating material from the inside of the room under the roof. The features of this species are expressed in the following:

  • the structure of the roofing pie is created from the rafter system, the installation of waterproofing and lathing, the roof covering from the outside. Then, a heat insulator, a vapor barrier membrane is installed from the inside, and then the finishing of the room follows;
  • a gap of about 3-5 cm is left between the vapor barrier and the insulation, which is necessary to drain moisture. This will help protect the materials of construction from decay;
  • all popular heat insulators can be mounted from inside the room, calculating the layer thickness and taking into account the technology of work.

With internal roof insulation, different methods of thermal insulation are possible

In the second case, the material is laid outside, which is often convenient for pitched roofs with a rafter system. Such external insulation requires a careful calculation of the weight of the heat insulator, since there is a load on the load-bearing elements of the roof. The option is optimal for flat roofs, and during installation, rigid slabs are used, on top of which pebbles or concrete slabs are laid.

If an external arrangement of a pitched roof is required, then such work is carried out outside the building. Preliminarily remove the roof covering, the supporting sheathing and the waterproofing film. After that, a base is mounted from boards with a thickness of 20 mm from the inside of the rafters, on which the insulation will be laid outside.

Video: external roof insulation by means of "Polinor"

Thermal insulation materials and their characteristics

For arranging the roof, you can use different materials, which are presented in a wide range and differ in characteristics, appearance, cost and installation method. It is these factors that are taken into account when choosing one or another component, and it is also important that the characteristics of the insulation must correspond to the climatic characteristics of the region, the type of roof and the method of arrangement. Another ideal material should have high sound insulation, long service life and resistance to moisture and fire, low weight.

You can equip the roof with different materials, but the insulation must have high characteristics.

Among the wide variety of materials, the following structures are in demand and are practical:

  • mineral wool is a well-known, affordable and practical version of a heat insulator, characterized by a service life of up to 25-30 years, minimal water absorption, low weight, good sound insulation and low thermal conductivity. The fibrous structure and high rigidity make the cotton wool optimal for insulation. Manufacturers such as Rockwool, IZOVOL, Knauf, Paroc present many options for the material in rolls and plates, for example, with a reflective film that provides a high heat-retaining effect;

    The Paroc brand produces practical and high quality mineral wool options

  • structures based on polystyrene are in demand and diverse. These are expanded polystyrene, penoizol, extruded polystyrene foam. They are very light, presented in the form of slabs, have good sound insulation and low thermal conductivity. Heaters of this type are characterized by high flammability, destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The Penoplex, Extrol and Novoplex companies produce different versions of structures based on polystyrene at an affordable price;

    Penoplex is practical and easy to install on different surfaces.

  • cellulose fiber heat insulators are loose and light fibrous structures. They do not rot and are not affected by moisture, have antiseptic properties and provide good protection from outside noise. Flame retardants make the material resistant to fire. Manufacturers "Izotek", "Ekovata-Center" and others produce modern cellulose materials at an affordable price.

    Cellulosic materials are laid on horizontal surfaces, providing protection against heat loss

All of these structures are in demand not only for arranging the roof, but also for the basement, floor, utility rooms, walls. In each case, the installation is carried out according to a certain technology, but all heat insulators are easy to install and provide protection against heat loss.

Video: thermal insulation of the roof outside with mineral wool

How to prepare a roof for insulation

Before direct installation of the insulation, the roof should be prepared. This is necessary both when arranging the attic room, and for simple thermal insulation of the attic floor.

Basic rules of preparation:

  • all wooden elements of a pitched roof or concrete surface are cleaned of traces of mold and decay. You can remove such dirt from wood with sandpaper, and from concrete with a spatula;
  • after cleaning, the surface is dried and an antiseptic agent designed for a specific material, for example, for wood, is applied;
  • after cleaning, wooden, metal parts of the roof are covered with anti-corrosion or bituminous paint. Ordinary oil is also suitable, because these structural elements need protection from moisture and fungus;
  • during preparation, they check the reliability of fastening all structural elements of the rafters, partitions and other parts of the pitched roof. In the case of a concrete roof, all cracks, chips and leaks are eliminated.

The surface to be insulated must be clean, dry, undamaged.

For surface treatment, use a brush, spatula, roller. Dust is best removed with a vacuum cleaner, and concrete surfaces can be dried with a construction hairdryer. This will remove all the dirt and prevent rotting of the structure.

Choosing a method for installing roof insulation

Existing materials for arranging the roof are mounted using different methods and therefore you must first select it. The methods differ not only in technology, but also in the area on which work will be carried out.

To eliminate heat loss through the roof, the following arrangement options are suitable:

  • fixing the material between the rafters. This method involves placing insulation between the rafters. For this purpose, slabs or rolls are optimal, but it is worth considering that the rafters should be about 4–5 cm larger than the thickness of the heat insulator layer. This can be achieved by building up supports, that is, attaching additional boards. A vapor barrier film is mounted on top of the rafters, and then the decoration of the room begins;

    Warming between the rafters is convenient and does not require special skills

  • laying the material along the rafters is carried out when the required thickness of the insulation is greater than the width of the rafters. This method is also applicable if roofing has already been installed. To carry out work, a crate made of a metal profile or wooden boards is attached to the rafters from the inside of the attic, and then a heat insulator is fixed;

    Sprayed polyurethane foam refers to rafter insulation

  • for a cold pitched roof, insulation of the attic floor is optimal. In this case, logs are installed, in the space between which heat insulator plates are laid, granular components are poured, for example, expanded clay or cellulose material. On top of such a structure, an attic floor is laid.

    Floor insulation is suitable if there is no need for thermal insulation of roof slopes

All methods differ in the cost of carrying out work by professional craftsmen. The most accessible is the insulation of the attic floor, since in this case you only need to equip a horizontal surface, and not work with slopes, corners and other difficult areas.

Stages of installation of thermal insulation

Arrangement of the roof from the inside is in demand. For this purpose, mineral wool in slabs or rolls is convenient, but you can use penoplex, polystyrene, since the technology of their installation is similar to laying mineral wool.

First you need to calculate the amount of material. To do this, calculate the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe roof slopes from the inside, then determine the area that one roll of mineral wool or a package of slabs can cover. The average thickness of the insulating layer should be at least 15–20 cm, which is optimal for roofs made of corrugated board, metal tiles, soft roofs.

The minimum thickness of the thermal insulation layer is 15 cm

The roof is equipped with tools such as a tape measure, nails and a hammer, strong thread, a sharp knife, wooden blocks (if rafter extension is required). Slabs of mineral wool or a roll should be pre-cut into pieces of such a width that is equal to the distance between the rafters.

The main steps for arranging the roof:

  1. The prepared pieces of material are tightly placed in the space between the rafters. For this, glue and other fasteners are not used. If the material has a reflective coating, then it should be located indoors. The material should not be pressed too hard, as its low thermal conductivity is provided by the fibrous and airy structure.

    For easier fastening, you can install profile elements and lay between them

  2. At the end of the laying of the plates in one row, nails / screws are fixed on the extreme rafters or profiles, and a strong thread of synthetic fibers is pulled on them in a zigzag manner. Thus, the slabs will be securely fixed between the rafters.

    You can use wire to fix the mineral wool

  3. When laying each next row, make sure that the joints of the slabs of the previous rows are not located side by side. There should be no gaps between the wool slabs and the rafters. After arranging all areas, a vapor barrier film is attached to the rafters, but not pulling it tightly, and then the room is finished.

    Clapboard can be used to decorate the attic, but it must be treated with an antiseptic

Vapor barrier is an indispensable component of the roofing pie, because such a film protects the insulation from humid air from the premises. Without this, thermal insulation will not be durable and effective even when using the best material.

Video: features of editing the material "Isover"

For arranging the roof and preventing heat loss, you can use different materials, but you always need to take into account their characteristics. The technology of insulation also requires attention, because correct manipulations will ensure a good result.

Insulation of the roof from the inside is carried out not only in order to arrange an additional room in the attic, but also for maximum preservation of heat throughout the house.

If the building has an attic roof, then the insulation is carried out directly on the roof itself, which is not only a roof for the future room, but also walls. If the structure or has one slope, then most often the thermal insulation is arranged in the attic floor.

The third variant of thermal insulation measures is used in regions with a harsh climate, where both the roof itself and the ceiling are insulated from the inside.

Types of insulation used

The modern building materials market offers a lot types of insulation, of which you can choose a suitable one for any thermal insulation work.

  • Bulk materials are sawdust, expanded clay of different fractions, slag, dry leaves or needles. These heaters are used for filling in the attic floor, and they perfectly protect the lower rooms of the house from the penetration of cold, but they will not be able to make the attic itself warm.

  • Mineral wool of various types, expanded polystyrene, penoflex and polyurethane foam are suitable for insulating both attic floors and.

All these materials are light enough, so they will not weigh down the structure of the roof and the whole house, but they will make it much warmer. The technologies for installing thermal insulation materials differ from each other, so it is worth considering some of them.

It should be noted that with the advent of auxiliary materials that facilitate the work process and are aimed at protecting the thermal insulation itself from external influences and maintaining their performance, it has become easier to carry out the installation process.

Video: mineral wool is an excellent material for roof insulation

Mineral wool prices

Mineral wool

Vapor barrier coatings

One of these materials is a vapor barrier film. It is designed to protect wooden structures and insulation from exposure to vapors arising from temperature drops and leading to the formation of condensation. Excessive moisture provokes the appearance of mold, which destroys the structure of the tree, reduces the thermal insulation characteristics of the insulation and contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the room.

The vapor barrier membrane is fixed to the roof or floor structure prior to the installation of insulation materials.

When using a vapor barrier film in a heated room, it is placed only under the finishing layer of the walls.

To protect structures that are exposed to high temperatures on one side, and on the other - low, the vapor barrier must be located on both sides. Such structures include wooden attic floors and roofs when insulated. Concrete slabs do not require the installation of vapor barrier materials.

The protective film can have different thicknesses and be of different types - a regular non-woven material or a foil membrane. In the case of using the latter on the structure of the attic floor, it is laid down with foil, since it reflects the heat rising from below to the ceiling, thereby preventing it from escaping outside. The sheets of material are fastened together with foil tape, which helps to create an airtight coating.

Prices for different types of insulating films

Insulating films

Insulation of the attic floor

Any warming measures are best carried out in the process of building a house, but, unfortunately, very often they are done only when they feel the winter cold.

Before filling or laying the insulation, you need to carry out preparatory work. This is especially important if you use fine expanded clay, slag or sawdust.

  • Previously, when there were no modern auxiliary materials on sale, a plank attic floor was prepared as follows:

- Boards, fixed to the floor beams, were thoroughly coated with a solution of clay or lime, having an average consistency in density. These natural materials create a good airtightness of the floor, but at the same time, they allow the whole structure to "breathe".

- After the clay or lime had completely dried, the insulation works were carried out. Previously, slag, sawdust, dry leaves or a mixture of these materials were mainly used for this. They fell asleep between the beams on prepared boards.

It should be noted that the old traditional method is quite reliable, and therefore some builders even prefer it to the modern one to this day.

  • In modern construction, a special vapor barrier film is mainly used for flooring under insulation. Its canvases are laid completely over the entire area of ​​the attic with an overlap of 15–20 cm, deepening between the beams and fixing them to boards and beams. It is recommended to glue the canvases together with construction tape.

The film will become an additional obstacle on the way out of the premises of the house for heat through the ceiling, since the heated air, going up not finding a way out, it will go down and stay inside the house.

  • Further, insulating material is poured onto the film, mineral wool is laid, expanded clay is poured, or the openings between the beams are filled with ecowool. You can also use the insulation used earlier - slag or sawdust.

  • To avoid the appearance of cold bridges through wooden beams, a layer of thin insulation must also be fixed on them.

  • On top of the insulation material, another layer of vapor barrier is laid, in the same way as before - with an overlap. This layer of film is fixed to the floor beams with slats, which are more often called counter-strips.
  • A covering of boards or thick plywood is laid on top.

Sometimes the vapor barrier can be fixed from the inside of the room to the wooden ceiling, but in this case it will need to be finished, for example, with plasterboard plates. They will level the ceiling and become another additional insulation layer.

Insulation of roof slopes

When insulating roof slopes, as well as when insulating floors, they are used mineral wool and expanded polystyrene, but mineral wool in this case it is preferable, since it has practically zero flammability.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to use foam, then it is recommended to purchase an extruded version. Although it has a slightly higher thermal conductivity, it is not flammable, which is very important for wooden structures.

Different systems are used to insulate the roof slopes, but they always contain a layer of vapor barrier material, insulation, waterproofing and counter-lattice.

1. This diagram shows one of the options for the insulation "pie". It is used in roof construction and roofing decking.

  • It is laid on the rafter system. Usually, for this layer, polyethylene is used, which has a high density (more than 200 microns thick) - it will also protect the roof not only from moisture, but from wind penetration under it. The film is laid with an overlap of 20 ÷ 25 cm and fixed to the rafters using staples and a stapler.
  • On top of the film, a counter-rail with a thickness of 5 ÷ 7 mm is fixed on each rafter. It is necessary so that the roofing material does not adhere directly to the waterproofing film, and there is a small distance between them for air circulation.
  • Further, if the roof slopes are covered with soft roofing material, it is necessary to lay plywood on top of the counter rails. In the case when slate or other rigid sheet material is used, a crate is arranged instead of plywood, the width between its slats is calculated according to the length of the sheets of roofing material.
  • When the lathing is ready, the roof is covered with the chosen covering.

After that, you can proceed to the insulation measures that are carried out from the inside, that is, from the attic room.

  • Mats of mineral wool or other insulation are placed between the rafters. They should fit as tightly as possible between the elements of the wooden structure. Installation of mats is carried out, starting from the bottom, gradually rising to the ridge. Insulation should be the same thickness as the width of the rafters or slightly less her, by about 10 ÷ 15 mm.
  • The laid insulation is tightened with a vapor barrier film, which is fixed to the rafters with slats. The film is also overlapped and glued with construction tape.

The last stage is the decorative finishing of the walls of the attic room
  • Further, if the attic space is equipped for a living room, then the entire surface is sheathed with plasterboard or clapboard. In addition, in this case, in addition to the walls and ceiling, the floors are also insulated, that is, the attic floor.

2. Another option may be a thicker insulation "cake", which is also installed immediately when installing the roof.

  • In this case, a waterproofing windproof film is also laid on the rafter system.
  • A crate for roofing material is arranged on top of it.
  • Further from the side of the attic, the first is laid between the rafters a layer of insulation, which should be equal to the width of the rafters.
  • Then, transverse slats are stuffed onto the rafters at a distance from each other equal to the width of the insulation of the next layer. In this case, a thinner insulation is used. Its thickness must be equal to the thickness of the stuffed cross-battens.
  • After that comes a vapor barrier film, which is fixed to the slats with brackets.
  • The interior decoration material is then attached to the slats.

If the roof is insulated in an already built house, where the roof covering is fixed, then a vapor barrier is fixed to the rafters from the attic side with brackets, and only after that the insulation is laid. Further, the process proceeds in the same way as in the previous versions.

Insulation of the roof from the inside with polyurethane foam

Insulation with polyurethane foam takes place differently than bulk materials or mats of mineral wool and foam.

This method of thermal insulation has recently become more and more popular and is suitable both for ordinary attics and for the attic, which will later become an additional room.

If the attic is ventilated, and a living space will not be arranged in it, then only the attic floor is insulated. For this, it is recommended to moisten the boards and beams for better adhesion, and a thin layer of polyurethane foam is sprayed onto the wet surface between the beams. After it has foamed, increased in volume and solidified, if necessary, another layer is applied. Such insulation will be quite enough to keep warm in the house, since the foam penetrates into all the cracks and closes them hermetically.

If the attic allows for its height to arrange a room on it, or the attic is an attic superstructure to the house, in addition to overlapping with polyurethane foam, the roof slopes are also insulated.

Spraying starts from the bottom of the structure, gradually rising to the ridge. Foam is sprayed between the rafters, and its lower layers, rising and solidifying, will be the reference for the next upper applied levels.

A similar or loft space creates a completely sealed, unventilated space. Polyurethane foam will retain heat well inside the premises in winter and will not allow the attic to overheat on hot summer days. However, ventilation should still be provided, since the room must necessarily receive air flow.

This type of thermal insulation has the following advantages over other heaters:

  • The polyurethane foam coating does not have joints or seams throughout the insulated area.
  • A significant reduction in temperature differences in the attic and rooms on the lower floors is achieved.
  • The building receives reliable protection from low and high temperatures that affect the house from the outside.
  • This method of insulation shows a high payback in a very short time, due to the reduction of heating costs due to the low thermal conductivity of the sprayed material.
  • When spraying polyurethane foam directly onto the roof, it receives additional rigidity and strength, since the leveling coating forms a reliable connection with the entire roof structure. At the same time, the polyurethane foam layer does not significantly increase the roof weight.
  • Convenience application - foam closes all hard-to-reach places of the roof and floors, penetrating into all large and small holes and cracks, expanding and sealing walls and floors.
  • Polyurethane foam is highly resistant to moisture, to the appearance any forms of biological life, high and low temperatures, prevents the emergence and development of wood decay processes.
  • Foam provides not only excellent thermal insulation to the premises, but also well insulates from extraneous noise from the outside.
  • Polyurethane foam does not shrink, does not wrinkle or soften.
  • The insulation has a fairly long service life, which is about 30 years.
  • The material does not emit substances toxic to the human body and unpleasant odors.

The disadvantages of sprayed insulation include the following factors:

  • The toxicity of the material during its application, therefore, you need to work with the use of protective equipment.

Non-cured polyurethane foam is quite toxic, so that all work is carried out with mandatory protective equipment for the skin, eyes and respiratory organs
  • Polyurethane foam is susceptible to the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, therefore, after applying the insulation, it must be covered with a finishing material, for example, clapboard, plywood or drywall.
  • For installation work on polyurethane foam insulation, you must have special expensive equipment. True, if you have the skills to work with this material, then the equipment can be rented. But in the case when this work is unfamiliar, it is better not to risk it, but to invite specialists with equipment to spray the material.

Video: spraying polyurethane foam on the roof slopes from the inside

Insulation of the attic and roof is necessary for buildings located in most Russian regions, so this process should not be postponed "until later", but it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation work at the stage of building a house. Excluding the method of spraying polyurethane, all other insulation measures can be carried out independently, observing the technology of work. If you enlist the help of a friend, then the roof insulation can well be done in a few days.

In cold northern latitudes, the issue of keeping warm in winter has always been an acute issue. Even many centuries ago, there was already an established technology of roof insulation.

After all, what less heat goes away from housing during heating, so less resources are spent to maintain it, the more comfortable it is to live in the house.

Years and centuries have passed, now there is no need to make a fire inside or heat a stove - central heating greatly simplifies the task.

But roof insulation is still necessary - after all, when the heat stays in the house for as long as possible, less energy is spent on heating, and living in a warm insulated house is much more comfortable.

Not so long ago, the most popular insulation was glass wool... Using glass wool is cheaper than using other types of insulation, however, it has some significant disadvantages that make people abandon it and insulate the roof with other materials.

For example, cotton wool is not suitable for insulating inclined surfaces - it simply rolls down, exposing the very top of the roof, through which heat will seep. In addition, when using cotton wool, you need to think about how to protect it from moisture. However, cotton wool is still used in some homes, mainly due to its low cost.

Most often used now Styrofoam and mineral wool (e.g. rockwool)... The thing is that they are devoid of the disadvantages of glass wool, but they have a number of additional advantages. - quite durable material and is able to withstand significant loads, and mineral wool is wonderful noise isolator... You can read more about roof insulation with mineral wool.

Choosing the perfect insulation

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

It is extremely important insulation thickness... There is no way to miscalculate with her. Read below how to calculate the thickness correctly.

Correct calculation of the thickness of the insulation

The formula for calculating the layer thickness in meters will look like this:

Layer thickness = Thermal resistance of the layer * Coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material (snip of the roof insulation).

These data are provided by the manufacturer and may vary. Specialists in a hardware store will help you find detailed information on each insulation.

Many experts advise, after receiving the final result, add half of the calculated value to it. It is worth noting that when using filling or crushing materials, they should be loosened from time to time so that the current layer thickness is not disturbed and remains stable.

Roof insulation technology

Any properly laid roof consists of a certain sequential combination of materials that form the so-called roofing cake or a roof insulation scheme.

Violation of the sequence or skipping one of the "layers of the pie" can lead to dire consequences, so let's take a closer look at the entire roof insulation pie, starting from the bottom and going up to the very top of the roof.

As a roof, you can choose any material you like: corrugated board , ondulin, soft tiles, etc. Now let's look at the standard procedure for insulating an attic under a gable roof:

  1. Let's consider all the layers of roof insulation in more detail. The first layer is the interior decoration, behind it is the lathing... These layers are not of great importance for insulation, so you can skip them.
  2. There is vapor insulation behind them.... And here it is worth dwelling in more detail. does not allow warm (or even hot) air masses to interact with the thermal insulation, so that moisture does not remain on the thermal insulation itself - the result of condensation. Each roof must have a vapor barrier - after all, the insulation should not damp.
  3. Above there is a counter-lattice, on which the insulation itself is laid directly. We have already talked about it and will talk more, so let's pay attention to the top layer - waterproofing.
  4. As the name suggests, waterproofing protects the insulation from water coming from above - like rain, snow, or moisture simply condensed on the roof. must also be present in every roof.
  5. Then comes empty space for ventilation and, finally, the roof itself. Do not forget about the insulation of the eaves of the roof, the easiest way to do this is with a spray.

Laying roll vapor barrier

Pitched roof insulation technology

Roofing pie cutaway

Extremely important observe all the norms for installing each of the layers and the procedure for insulating the roof, otherwise the insulation itself may be damaged, and then it will cease to perform its functions. If you still have questions about roof insulation, you can find the answers in the article - "".

Thermal insulation of a flat roof

When insulating a flat roof, you should decide on the purpose of the surface - whether it will be used or not... If so, then an additional concrete screed will need to be made on top of the thermal insulation (for example, if you walk on such a roof, adjust the antenna, for example). If the roof deck is not in use, then the screed is not needed. You can read more about it at the link.


The main requirement for flat roof insulation is strength and reliability of the material... Indeed, in winter, a significant mass of snow will accumulate on a flat roof, which can deform a weak fragile material.

There are two types of thermal insulation on a flat roof - single layer and double layer... As the name suggests, two-layer insulation uses two layers of insulation, one layer, respectively, uses one.

Pitched roof thermal insulation

In total, there are two types of pitched roof insulation - insulation of floors(attic) and warming of stingrays(attic roof insulation scheme).

With attic insulation, the type and strength of the material is not so important - since there are no risks of slope, exposure and deformation of the material.

But with an attic, you need to pay attention to material strength, on its ability to maintain its shape and not roll.

When insulating floors, the attic should be ventilated, it is desirable to maintain a temperature in it close to the outside temperature.

Roof insulation nodes - overhangs, parapets and roof cornice

When insulating the above elements, in addition to complying with the standard requirements (waterproofing, etc.), it is important protection of joints of "layers" from moisture ingress during rain or snow... For these purposes, boards, lining, galvanized steel and other similar materials are used. They need to flash the roof from the end without leaving horizontal gaps into which moisture can seep.

Warming overhangs roofs can be done with using mineral wool or finishing material - lining or corrugated board... The roof parapet is insulated according to the same principle.

Useful video

And now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the technology of roof insulation using a practical example:


So, an important factor when choosing a heater is the type of roof, as well as the type of insulation, if the roof is pitched. Having chosen a heater, it is necessary to correctly calculate its thickness and add a little just in case... It is important to observe the sequence and correct laying of the layers, then your roof will serve you for many years, protecting your house from the cold and helping to keep warm.

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Every person's home must be warm, comfortable and cozy. To do this, it is necessary to avoid drafts, keep the heat inside the dwelling during cold seasons and, preferably, do this at the least cost. Energy prices are constantly growing, the most effective and efficient way of saving is the insulation of residential premises.

In order for the house to be warm, comfortable and cozy, it is necessary to avoid drafts and keep the heat inside the dwelling.

Materials for thermal insulation

Various materials are used for roof insulation, such as mineral wool, foam insulation, cellulose insulation and expanded polystyrene.

Roof insulation with penoizol is the most economical and lightweight material.

Penoizol is one of the most economical options, it is an ideal price-to-quality ratio, however, it has a strong and unpleasant odor generated during application and drying. Penoizol is very light and does not create pressure on structures, and also cannot burn on its own, which is important when using wooden floors. It is advisable not to use expanded polystyrene in houses built in regions with high humidity, since it has minimal moisture insulation. Expanded polystyrene is one of the most durable materials, it can be used for up to 60, and sometimes up to 80 years at temperatures from +40 ° C to -40 ° C, but it is fire hazardous.

Cellulose does not burn well and does not cause allergies.

Cellulose insulation is environmentally friendly and breathable, and also serves as an antiseptic. The cellulose contained in this insulation does not burn well and does not cause allergies due to the minimum content of harmful substances. Its installation is possible on any surface, including concrete, brick, wood. It can be sprayed on or covered up, and it fills the entire space, isolating it. Cellulose insulation can be mounted in arcuate, triangular and other types of construction. Mineral wool is the most affordable thermal insulation, it is perfect for residential buildings, does not burn, perfectly retains heat in the house, does not absorb moisture and is sound insulation. Mineral wool insulation can last a very long time if rocks were used in its manufacture. If cotton wool is obtained from synthetic substitutes, then under conditions of temperature changes it will be short-lived and more subject to deformation.

Thermal insulation for different types of roofs

Depending on the type of roof, the type of insulation and its installation differ. For flat roofs, external insulation of an unexploited roof is performed with plates of mineral wool or foam. This is not a difficult installation - the insulation plates are simply laid on a prepared surface and a concrete screed is poured over them or a layer of pebbles is poured over them. You can use a layer of bulk insulation - expanded clay, it is poured onto the coating slab, compacted and a concrete screed is poured in the same way or rolled roofing material is laid.

But it is worth remembering that polystyrene is mounted only in the presence of fireproof pillows in the roofing "pies", which will protect the insulation. Fireproof pillows are ordinary screeds, they are mounted on top of the insulation, and reinforced concrete coatings - from the bottom.

Internal roof insulation is suitable for both pitched and flat roofs, which type may be most suitable depends on the purpose of using the premises under the roof. Most often it is done during roofing work during the construction of a house. In the attic, the insulation is installed in the ceiling between the joists, over the ceiling slabs, while in the attic, the insulation is mounted along the slope itself. If the attic will be used as a non-residential additional space, then the insulation must be hidden under the flooring of the boards. If the premises are planned to be made residential - an insulated attic, which will increase the useful area of ​​the house, then before starting the installation of thermal insulation, it is necessary to think over and build an under-roof ventilation system. The attic will require more insulating material than non-residential rooms.

For any type of roof, a waterproofing material is installed to protect the heat-insulating material and building structures from external moisture vapor and condensation. It is laid with an overlap between the rafters, is attached to the roofing boards with a construction stapler, and the seams and joints are sealed.

Methods for fixing thermal insulation

There are the following methods of fastening insulation: gluing, fastening with wooden slats with nails and anchors, flooring, tab in the crate. As a rule, a pitched roof is made along the rafters, their pitch should correspond to the width of the insulation. Thermal insulation should fit snugly against the rafters and outer walls to avoid the formation of "cold bridges" and significant heat loss. The insulation is laid so that there are no gaps, and if necessary, then two layers are used, with an offset of the joints for greater reliability. If the gaps still remain, they must be carefully filled with sealant or a strip of insulation.

Gluing is chosen as the installation of lightweight thermal insulation. Most often, gluing is used with frost-resistant facade glue or liquid nails. Mixed methods are sometimes used, such as for foam. It is initially laid in the roof crate, and then additionally reinforced with special dowels with a thermal head. This installation is the most common.