Thermal conductivity of expanded clay in comparison with mineral wool. Insulation of the floor with expanded clay or mineral wool - Insulation of the floor with expanded clay - pros and cons: the pros and cons of insulation from the bottom under the screed in a wooden house and on screw piles, reviews - Thermal insulation of structures. Compared


While the summer heat lingers in the yard, in the construction work of a new house someone will not be up to the definitely calculated thermal insulation, but you should immediately decide what will serve as a heat insulator, expanded clay concrete or basalt wool, and how thick the layer will be.

After all, sooner or later winter will come, and even if there are no cracks in the walls with accompanying drafts, something with low thermal conductivity should separate you from the street.

Which is better - expanded clay concrete or basalt wool?

First, I propose to figure out why. Walls, ceilings and roofs can be insulated. Now we will consider the properties of materials between which it will be necessary to make a choice. First of all, we are worried about heat conductivity, for expanded clay concrete its indicator is 0.1, but for wool on a mineral basis it is only 0.04. Therefore, the latter will release much less heat to the outside than the former, if the thickness of the thermal insulation is the same. And now the second significant factor is weight. Which is more preferable, weighing up to 250 kilograms per cubic meter of expanded clay concrete or basalt wool, the mass of which is no more than 30 kilograms for the same cubic meter?

The looseness of expanded clay concrete depends on the size of the granules, which can have a diameter of less than 5 millimeters (sand) and as much as 20-40 millimeters, and coarse material is more affordable.

But to draw conclusions in advance. Let's say that a 5-centimeter layer is enough for thermal insulation of the floor mineral wool... Based on this, expanded clay concrete will need to be poured 12 centimeters. Even if it weighs 8 times more than a fibrous heat insulator, it is unlikely that expanded granules of fired clay will require an increase in the bearing capacity of walls and foundations. We make a low box for the entire overlap area, fill it with expanded clay concrete, close it with a vapor barrier, and complete order. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that very small particles of basalt wool, getting into the lungs, lead to serious diseases, and clay is an environmentally friendly product.

How to change expanded clay concrete, are there any analogues?

If it seems to you that for your purposes, and specifically for bulk thermal insulation, expanded clay concrete is too heavy, you can turn to the rest of the porous and swollen backfills. In particular, a similarity to expanded clay concrete, similar in its characteristics, is agloporite, a kind of pumice with a composition identical to glass. This filler is made from brick clays, mixed with a charge of coal mining waste and shale, and also with ash and slag from the combustion chambers of TPPs. However, the environmental friendliness of this material is questionable. Another replacement for expanded clay concrete is expanded perlite sand, its moisture absorption is even lower than that of expanded clay concrete, only 3-5%, but the thermal conductivity is only 0.04, like basalt wool.

The best option than changing the expanded clay concrete is expanded vermiculite. This material is environmentally friendly, produced from rocks belonging to the group of hydromicas (remember the mica plates that were inserted into windows in Kievan Rus). To compare the indicator of thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete corresponds to 0.1, and for vermiculite - 0.08, which is several times less than that of mineral wool... The volumetric weight of a cubic meter of expanded vermiculite is 100 kilograms, which is not enough. The use of this material will be expressed in the end with a thinner layer of backfill, less load on the floor and will be a completely suitable base for the screed.

Than expanded clay is harmful, and is it not preferable to use expanded polystyrene?

Often on the Internet there are warnings about the fact that along with materials like mineral wool, quite harmful to health, but possessing excellent qualities as a heat insulator, expanded clay concrete is also dangerous. As if after a certain incubation period, the expanded granules begin to release substances hazardous to health. Is it so? First of all, let's turn to the source, by which we mean not the manufacturer, but the raw material. Simple red clay that can swell under high temperatures. So what expanded clay is harmful, is it a brick-related material? There is no specifics in the information about the toxins it supposedly secreted.

It is another matter, if you select, put expanded polystyrene or expanded clay concrete in the form of an insulation material. Any heat insulator asks for moisture protection along with a vapor barrier. However, if all of a sudden it happens that dampness penetrates into the thickness of the expanded clay layer, if there is a ventilated circuit, the granules will work as an unusual drainage system, and then the moisture will evaporate. Expanded polystyrene has the peculiarity of rotting in a damp environment, almost a year later it turns black, and mold can develop on it. And, which is very unpleasant, if out of nowhere to happen sunburn (which you don't want), expanded clay concrete, like brick, will not react to it in any way, but expanded polystyrene will begin to emit very caustic and hazardous substances.

The video shows a presentation of how to change expanded clay concrete when insulating floors

Expanded clay or mineral wool - which is better?

Expanded clay or mineral wool - what is the best way to create a protective layer that keeps precious heat in the house, and how best to use them. These materials are created for insulation:

  • walls,
  • attics,
  • floors,
  • roofs.

If we weigh the pros and cons

As a bulk insulation, it requires preparatory work, it is not convenient to use it for thermal insulation of facades, to create "warm floors" and effective insulation will require a large amount of expanded clay. But the material itself is inexpensive and multifunctional.

Mineral wool is well suited for insulating facades, roofs and large surfaces. It can be cut with a knife or a file, cut out pieces for insulating pipes or difficult sections of the structure.

It cannot be said unequivocally that one material is better than another. Both species share many of the same qualities:

  • simple laying of material,
  • increased fire resistance,
  • high heat capacity,
  • additional insulation.

And in principle, you can not make a categorical choice in favor of expanded clay or mineral wool, they can be successfully combined, reducing the cost of repairs and increasing the level of thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation of a wooden floor: expanded clay, mineral wool

The floors against the background of the walls have less heat loss, and yet quite a significant amount of heat escapes through the floor. To create favorable conditions in a room, most often, even with the most modest heating system capacities, it is enough to increase the temperature of its surface relative to the temperature of the room by only two to three degrees. So it is quite justified that the determining factor that determines the level of comfort of a room is the temperature on the floor surface.

Thermal insulation of a wooden floor is a set of actions performed in a clearly defined order. Common to all insulation technologies is the following steps:

  • rough floor,
  • thermal insulation material,
  • clean floor.

Some projects also provide for the presence of a waterproofing layer located before the subfloor and a vapor barrier layer - under the finishing one.

Thus, the floor is a rather complex system consisting of many sections. In a wooden field, in this case, the tree is only the last "layer" that is laid on some kind of base. It is on it that insulation is performed.

The ideal option would be to perform thermal insulation work at the stage of construction of the cottage, but more often, as a rule, this happens during the renovation. In this case, you have to resort to the complete dismantling of the old floor.

Often for these purposes, foamed mass or mineral wool is used, which, moreover, have good vapor barrier characteristics. In some cases, expanded clay is used as insulation. This is a porous filler of artificial origin, which, as practice has shown, is quite effective.

When laying expanded clay, the uniformity of filling the space is especially important. Only then can good insulation be ensured.

The foamed mass and cotton wool are produced in the form of blocks, which are placed on a previously prepared surface.

Features of floor insulation with mineral wool, foam and other heat-insulating materials

For each of the materials for insulation, there are certain points that must be taken into account in the process of thermal insulation work.

Mineral wool: shape is important

The material is fire-resistant, provides good sound insulation and moisture resistance, is able to maintain its performance for a long time, not to mention heat protection. Mineral wool is placed between the logs, special beams, laid along the base of the floor and forming a certain cellular system. The material is perforated on one side, and it is laid this side down.

When using mineral wool as a heater, it is necessary to initially select the shape of this material. Mineral wool is made in the form of a hard tile or flexible mat. The first is used, as a rule, when insulating a wooden floor of a house built on the ground, in other cases, preference is given to mats.

Styrofoam: the right connection

Since the foam has a cellular structure and has many other useful properties. When connecting foam blocks, use a special sealant sold in specialized stores. In addition, the joints must be glued with metallized sk

Ceiling insulation - which insulation to choose. Insulation of the floor with expanded clay or mineral wool

Which insulation is better for the ceiling: mineral wool, expanded clay or expanded polystyrene

With an increase in the cost of heating the house, the owner comes to the conclusion that it needs additional insulation. In this case, the thermal insulation of the ceiling is very important, because the most intense heat is lost through the ceiling, if it does not have a heat-reflecting screen. Warm air, according to the laws of physics, rises. Therefore, insulated walls, reliable double-glazed windows, tight doors cannot provide effective heat retention inside the room if the ceiling is not able to keep heat inside the space. But what kind of insulation is better for the ceiling: mineral wool, polystyrene, expanded clay? To answer this question, you need to familiarize yourself with the information on the properties of insulation and how to insulate the ceiling.

Insulation scheme for attic floors and ceilings.

Ceiling insulation: indoors or outdoors

Before choosing a material for thermal insulation, you should decide on the method of insulation. Ceiling insulation is possible from the side of the room or from the outside - from the side of the attic.

Insulation of the ceiling from the inside is practiced, as a rule, during construction or renovation.

If a decision is made to insulate a room that does not require repair from the inside, then the repair will still become a necessary final stage of the thermal insulation work.

Diagram of a ceiling device with insulation.

Thermal insulation of an attic floor is a traditional way of insulating a house. In this case, our ancestors used dry, bulky materials - wood sawdust, shavings, dry leaves, reeds, dried grass - as insulation for the ceiling. These are natural materials that have some disadvantages: they are highly flammable, attract rodents, are a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms, and are significantly inferior in their thermal insulation properties to modern heaters. Over time, an alternative material for warming the floor of the attic space has become a light, porous material, expanded clay (clay is the basis for its manufacture).

Expanded clay has a number of advantages over the above-mentioned natural materials - it is fireproof, absolutely uninteresting to rodents and microorganisms, and has low thermal conductivity. At the same time, the effectiveness of expanded clay insulation depends on the thickness of the layer of insulating material - from 20 cm to 40 cm. The thermal insulation properties of expanded clay are significantly inferior to modern materials, for example, mineral wool - inexpensive, fireproof, simple

Expanded clay or mineral wool - choosing the best insulation

1 Which is preferable - expanded clay or mineral wool?

First, let's figure out why. You can insulate walls, floors and a roof. Now let's consider the characteristics of the materials between which you have to make a choice. We are primarily interested in thermal conductivity, for expanded clay its coefficient is 0.1, but for mineral wool it is only 0.04. Consequently, the latter will release much less heat outside than the former, with the same thickness of thermal insulation. And now the second important factor is weight. What is better, weighing up to 250 kilograms per cubic meter of expanded clay or mineral wool, the mass of which is no more than 30 kilograms for the same cubic meter?
The looseness of expanded clay depends on the size of the granules, which can have a diameter of less than 5 millimeters (sand) and up to 20-40 millimeters, with coarse material being cheaper.
But it is too early to draw conclusions. Let's say that a 5-centimeter layer of mineral wool is enough to insulate the floor. Accordingly, expanded clay will need to be poured 12 centimeters. Even if it weighs 8 times more than fiber insulation, it is unlikely that expanded granules of fired clay will require an increase in the bearing capacity of the walls and foundation. We make a low box for the entire floor area, fill it with expanded clay, close it with a vapor barrier, and complete order. It should also be taken into account that the smallest particles of mineral wool, getting into the lungs, can lead to serious diseases, and clay is an environmentally friendly product.

2 How to replace expanded clay, are there analogues?

If it seems to you that for your purposes, namely for bulk thermal insulation, expanded clay is too heavy, you can turn to other porous and swollen backfills. In particular, an analogue of expanded clay, similar in properties, is agloporite, a kind of pumice with a glass-like structure. This filler is made from low-melting clays, mixed with a charge of coal and shale mining waste, as well as with ash and slag from TPP furnaces. However, the environmental friendliness of this material is questionable. Another alternative to expanded clay is expanded perlite, its moisture absorption is even lower than that of expanded clay, only 3-5%, but the thermal conductivity coefficient is only 0.04, like mineral wool.
The most optimal option than to replace expanded clay is expanded vermiculite. This is an environmentally friendly material produced from rocks belonging to the hydromica group (remember the mica plates that were inserted into windows in Russia). For comparison, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of expanded clay corresponds to 0.1, and for vermiculite - 0.08, which is 2 times lower than that of mineral wool. The volumetric weight of a cubic meter of expanded vermiculite is 100 kilograms, which is relatively small. The use of this material will result in a thinner backfill layer, less load on the floor and will be a perfectly acceptable base for the screed.

3 Why is expanded clay harmful, and is it not better to use foam plastic?

Often, warnings appear on the Internet that, along with materials, such as mineral wool, which are quite unhealthy, but possessing remarkable properties as insulation, expanded clay is also dangerous. That supposedly after a certain incubation period, the expanded granules begin to release substances harmful to health. Is it so? First of all, let's turn to the primary source, by which we mean not the manufacturer, but the raw material. Regular red clay that swells when exposed to high temperatures. So what is harmful to expanded clay, which is a material related to brick? There is no specific information about the toxins allegedly secreted by it.
It's another matter, if you choose, to lay polystyrene or expanded clay as insulation. Any insulation requires protection from moisture along with vapor barrier. However, if it suddenly happens that dampness penetrates into the thickness of the expanded clay layer, in the presence of a ventilated gap, the granules will work as a kind of drainage, and then the moisture will evaporate. Polyfoam tends to rot in a damp environment, literally in a year it turns black, mold can develop on it. And, what is most unpleasant, if a fire suddenly occurs (which we would not want), expanded clay, like brick, will not react to it in any way, but the foam will begin to emit very caustic and harmful substances.

What insulation to choose: expanded clay or mineral wool? Floor insulation with mineral wool or expanded clay

What is better for floor insulation

In our time, the cost of heating housing and premises in general is constantly increasing. At the same time, for some reason, salaries remain almost in place - a bad trend, but one has to reckon with it. In such conditions, almost every owner of a house or apartment begins to worry about the issue of saving energy. Today, walls, floors, ceilings, slopes are massively insulated - such measures allow the most efficient distribution of heat throughout the room due to the fact that the level of heat transfer of the building is reduced.

This article will touch upon such a difficult issue as floor insulation - let's figure out what is better for this: mineral wool or expanded clay. In principle, foam is also often used, but this is not the best option, because the possibility of ventilation, airing the ceiling practically disappears. Although, undoubtedly, the thermal insulation characteristics of the foam are at a height.

So, mineral wool and expanded clay, which is better - you can start with a review of the first material and compare everything on specific properties.

Mineral wool and its properties, features

This insulation is a soft coarse fiber board or rolls. This material is made on the basis of waste from metal and carbon alloys of various minerals such as basalt. In structure, it resembles glass wool, only the latter is much worse in terms of thermal insulation characteristics. In principle, mineral wool is widely used in construction, and it is especially popular when insulating facades. However, the facade is not floor insulation - there are still different specifics.

The main advantages of this insulation are considered to be several points.

  • Durability.

A rather controversial property, since in order for the insulation to serve for a really long time, it is necessary to ensure that there is no moisture in the space where it is installed. Weak resistance to moisture is the main drawback of the material, because if the mineral wool gets wet, then in this place all the thermal insulation qualities are instantly excluded. Of course, manufacturers have now learned how to process rolls with various moisture-proof compounds, but this does not always work effectively.

In addition, mats and rolls are afraid of mechanical damage, that is, simply speaking, they can break even due to the activity of mice. Therefore, the issue of durability is still largely dubious. It is difficult to 100% protect such insulation.

  • Fast installation.

This is true, however, it is also controversial - which is easier - to roll out the rolls on a plane or fill the space with expanded clay? There is not much difference in complexity. Therefore, in comparison with working with expanded clay, this quality is definitely not an advantage.

  • Fire resistance.

Likewise, expanded clay is also not afraid of fire.

  • Air permeability.

What to choose: expanded clay or mineral wool?

During the construction process, in order to reduce heat loss, the walls, floors and floors of houses are necessarily insulated. As a heater, special building materials are used - polystyrene foam, expanded plastic, expanded clay, mineral wool, etc. They have low thermal conductivity, low weight and low cost. Insulation materials are used not only as a heat-insulating material, but due to their properties, they are also used as a soundproofing coating. They have special requirements, in particular, mandatory environmental friendliness and fire resistance. From this side, expanded clay or mineral wool have the best properties.

Even if the heating system is of high quality, efficient and reliable, without a good insulation, these indicators are minimized due to the large heat loss. You need to insulate the floor, roof, walls, floors of residential buildings. Expanded clay or mineral wool are most often used as insulation.

Expanded clay is a lightweight building material due to its porous structure, which is made from heaving clay. It is a loose, breathable material that is durable.

Minvata is a soft rolled artificial insulation. They make it from carbon alloys and metal waste. It has good technical characteristics and is durable.

Both heat insulators have advantages and disadvantages. Before deciding on the choice, you should consider the operational characteristics of each insulation. The main ones are thermal conductivity and weight. The thermal conductivity coefficient of expanded clay is 0.1, that of mineral wool is 0.04. Therefore, mineral wool releases less heat than expanded clay with the same thickness. The weight of expanded clay is 250 kilograms per cubic meter, and the mass of mineral wool is only 30 kilograms. Expanded clay is characterized by a high degree of soundproofing, which is important in the construction of residential premises. Mineral wool is not inferior in this indicator. And also the affordable price of both materials plays an important role. The choice of this or that material depends on the specific conditions of construction, financial and technical capabilities. In addition, these heaters complement each other perfectly. They are often combined. If you use building materials separately, then it should be borne in mind that expanded clay is a completely natural material and does not contain toxins. And mineral wool is a fragile and non-moisture resistant material that is unsafe for the human body, if it gets into the lungs, it has a harmful effect.

Expanded clay analogs

If expanded clay turns out to be a heavy material for the planned construction work, then other porous backfills can be selected. As an analogue of expanded clay acts agloporite - pumice, similar in structure to glass. But the material is not so environmentally friendly, it contains a variety of harmful additives. Expanded perlite is used as an option. Its thermal conductivity, like that of mineral wool, and moisture absorption is not much lower than that of expanded clay. Expanded vermiculite will be the best option for its characteristics. The material is non-toxic, expanded clay weighs less. Therefore, it has less stress on the floor.

Can expanded clay emit harmful substances

There is an opinion that expanded clay after a while can release substances harmful to the body. And it's better to use Styrofoam. But expanded clay is an ordinary red clay that can swell when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, the assumption that the material is harmful is not substantiated. In addition, if you choose polystyrene as a heater, then when moisture gets into it, it will start to rot, after a year it will turn black and mold will appear. And expanded clay in this case, due to the ventilated gap, will not retain moisture in itself, it will evaporate. In addition, expanded clay is fire resistant, as well as a brick and will not be damaged in case of fire. At the same time, the foam will release substances harmful to health.

Expanded clay and mineral wool are traditional time-tested building materials. The best option would be to combine insulation. When choosing a specific one, it is important to take into account the core operational and physical and technical characteristics of both.

The efficiency of the heating system largely depends on the insulation used for thermal insulation of walls and floors. Expanded clay or mineral wool are evaluated in terms of practicality, cost, performance.

Thermal conductivity is not the only metric used to assess the merits of thermal insulation materials. The thermal conductivity coefficient of mineral wool is about 0.04 W / (m * K), and of expanded clay - 0.1-0.18 W / (m * K). During operation, this indicator is influenced by the scope of application, the thickness of the insulation layer, the level of humidity.

The practicality of mineral wool and expanded clay granules is assessed by a number of parameters:

SpecificationsExpanded clayMinvata
Thermal conductivity0.18 W / (m * K)0.048 W / (m * K)
Layer thickness950 mm253 mm
CondensationNotYes - vapor barrier required
475 kg / m²10.1 kg / m²
SustainabilityClay is a natural materialPhenolic resins are used in the production of mineral wool
Fire safetyIncombustibleWhen exposed to direct fire, the bonding adhesive burns, releasing phenol
BiostabilityResistant to fungi and mold. Not a habitat for insects and rodents

For insulation of a horizontal surface, mineral wool or expanded clay can be used. The vertical backfill will settle over time, expanding the walls. Moisture-resistant expanded clay granules are considered the best insulation for the basement, basements and bathrooms. Lightweight wadded insulation is carefully insulated from living quarters to eliminate health risks.

Subject to the installation rules, manufacturers of both types of insulation guarantee a service life of more than 50 years.

Which is cheaper: comparing the cost of two materials

1 cubic meter of expanded clay gravel can be bought for 1500 rubles, 1 roll of mineral wool measuring 8200 × 1220 × 50 mm costs from 1400 rubles.

The cost estimate for insulation should include the costs of:

  • for the services of loaders - for the delivery of heavy bags of expanded clay;
  • additional consumables - timber, vapor barrier membrane, fasteners;
  • personal protective equipment - important when using mineral wool insulation.

For the simultaneous solution of the problems of thermal insulation and sound insulation, it is clear that mineral wool is better. Expanded clay is not a heater, and the cheapness of the material can be completely leveled by the need to use it in large quantities.

Reviews of expanded clay

Alexander, 42 years old, Volgograd: “I used expanded clay for floor screed in the bathroom and toilet. Waterproofing "Osnovit", a layer of 7 cm was poured with cement milk, on top of a cement-sand screed and tiles. Normal, warm. "

Aleksey, 38 years old, Saratov: “I covered the roof of the old house with expanded clay with a layer of 20 cm. It became warmer, and the rain is not so audible”.



I propose to compare such heaters as expanded clay and mineral wool. These heaters are not the most expensive. And today, the cost is the first thing customers pay for when building and choosing building materials. These materials are different in structure and have different application possibilities. Thermal conductivity is also different for them.
against ? ? ? ?

Scope of expanded clay or mineral wool

First, I propose to make a fundamental choice between the materials according to this table.
region Warming Warming Warming Fill Fill Insulation Warming Filling Easy Backfill Drainage
example stingrays sex facade, floors floors pipes, ventilated niches, yam, concrete ceramic wet areas, material for
neniya roofs attic walls screed ventilation facades partitions zit concrete roads, etc. gardening
expanded clay + + + + + + +
mineral wool + + + + + + (dry!)
First of all, select the specific tasks that you want to achieve using this or that material.

Comparison of the price of expanded clay and mineral wool

  • The price of expanded clay in Kharkov produced by KhKZ 480 UAH / cubic meter
  • The price of mineral wool depends on the density and fluctuates 680 to 1200 UAH / cubic meter
As you can see, expanded clay wins relative to the price! Data for 2013.

Thermal insulation characteristics of expanded clay and mineral wool

Here, of course, the championship will be for mineral wool. It has a much wider application temperature range. Minvata easily withstands +300 degrees, and in some cases up to +600. Therefore, it can be used in thermal insulation of high-temperature surfaces. The melting point of basalt wool starts from +700 degrees. This material is not flammable. Expanded clay is also not flammable, but cannot be used in such a wide range of temperatures. Heat transfer coefficient with the same thickness of insulation for expanded clay 0.1 and for cotton wool 0.04... And this is at the standard density of mineral wool. And if you use high-density mineral wool, then the heat transfer will decrease even more!

Weight of expanded clay and mineral wool

Specific gravity of a cubic meter of expanded clay from 350 to 750 kg... It all depends on the moisture content of the material, the size of the fraction, and the manufacturer. The specific gravity of dry mineral wool is from 40 to 80 kg per cubic meter. Of course, mineral wool has less stress on structures and much better thermal insulation!

The harm of mineral wool to health. Environmental friendliness of expanded clay.

  • Minvata is very harmful to health... It consists of small fibers and forms a flying dust that is invisible to the naked eye. Such dust has an inorganic base and therefore is not able to expand and be removed from the body.
This dust builds up in the lungs and turns to stone when wet, which can lead to stone formation and lung cancer.
  • Expanded clay is an environmentally friendly material!
Clay is used in the production of expanded clay. When the granules are heated, foaming occurs, and when rotating, the granules acquire a caked, closed crust. Expanded clay is organically resistant, fungi and rodents do not start in it. Output Minvata is very harmful; such material should be used indoors with great care. The use of mineral wool in Europe is being questioned and is being replaced by expanded clay. The choice is yours! Choose based on price, thermal insulation characteristics, weight. But the main thing is the health of you and your loved ones.