Type of infusoria. As manifests it more difficult than other simplest, the structure of infusoria-shoes in the process of nutrition and selection

The type of infusoria is still accepted by the ciliary - organs of the movement of these simplests are cilia. The cage of infusoria possesses two nuclei, they are called small and large. The first regulates the process of reproduction, and the second is responsible for the processes of nutrition, movement and respiration.

Features of the vital activity of this type should be considered on the example of infusories-shoes.

Movement and breathing

Infusorian-shirt, the length of which is about 0.5 mm, selects the habitat of the reservoirs. The shape of the body of the simplest is easy to guess by the name - it resembles a shoe. The speed of movement is approximately 2.5 mm per second.

The presence of an outer elastic shell provides a stable body shape.

In the cytoplasm, which is adjacent to the shell, the supporting fibers are located, their development is a guarantee of the safety of constant form of infusoria.

On the surface of the infusoria are 15 thousand cilias, their base is the basal Taurus. Moving occurs with the help of ciliary oscillations: they produce about 30 crawls per second, thereby pushing the infusor-shillhead.

Breath it carries out the surface of the body.


Feature of infusoria is the presence cell RTA, Near which there are especially long and tight cilia. Cellular mouth continues with a cellulle: cilia pushes water into it and food infusories - bacteria.

The infusorium feels chemicals that it highlights bacteria. Thus, it looks for prey.

Then food turns out to be in the digestive vacuole, where it is digested. From here it follows to the cytoplasm.


Allocation is carried out with two contracting vacuoles, one is located at the front end, and the other is at the rear. Vacuoles consist of a tank and channels.

The liquid fills the channels, then follows the central reservoir, after which it comes out of the infusoria. The process of reduced vacuole takes 10-20 seconds.


The infusorium is multiplied by sexually - it is divided into two. Its feature is dividing across the body.

The core infusories are divided into two parts: newly formed infusories have a small and large core. Daughter infusories have parts of organoids, and the missing is formed on their own. The reproduction occurs several times a day.

For infusories-shoes, sexually reproduction is possible, but in this case there is no increase in the number of individuals. Temporarily simplest connected, forming a connecting bridge from the cytoplasm.

Each individual disappears a large core, and small divided twice - four cores appear. Of these, only one core remains, which is also divided. There are two cores in individuals, then the exchange of nuclei occurs - one of the nuclei moves to another individual.

There it merges with the core, which remains, and so small and more kernel are formed in each individual. This process, called conjugationrequired to update genetic material between individuals.

Types of infusoriy

Infusoria is complexly organized simplest, there are approximately 7,000 species.

Infusoria Showingle - the simplest live moving cell. Life on Earth is distinguished by variety, living on it, living organisms, sometimes having a complex structure and a whole set of features of physiology and vital activity that helps them survive in this, full dangers, peace.

But among organic creatures there are such unique creatures of nature, the structure of which is extremely primitive, but they once again have long ago, billions of years ago, gave impetus to the development of life and there were more complex organisms from them in their diversity.

To primitive forms of organic life, existing now on Earth, belongs infusoria showerbelonging to unicellular beings from the Alveolat group.

With its original name, she is obliged to form his spine-shaped body, removally resembling the sole of ordinary shoes with a wide stupid and tight ends.

Such microorganisms are counted by scientists to the highly organized simplest infusori class, shoesare the most typical species.

The name of the infusoria of the shoe is obliged to the structure of his body in the form of a foot

Shoes Usually in the abundance divorced in small fresh reservoirs with calm standing water, provided that in this environment there are organic decomposing compounds in excess: aquatic plants, dead living organisms, ordinary il.

A medium suitable for their livelihoods can even be a homely aquarium, only to detect and pretty consider such a living nature solely under the microscope, taking water rich water as a prototype.

Infusoria shoessimplestliving organisms, referred to as otherwise: paramesia of tautyatat, and in fact extremely small, and their size is only from 1 to 5 tenth millimeters.

In essence, they are separate, colorless in color, biological cells, the main internal organoids of which are two cores, called: large and small.

As can be seen on the enlarged photo infusoria shoes, on the outer surface of such microscopic organisms, there are arranged longitudinal rows, the smallest formation, called cilia, which serve for the movement of the vehicle organs.

The number of such small legs is huge and ranges from 10 to 15 thousand, the base of each of them has an attached basal caller, and in the immediate vicinity of the parasonal bag, drawn by the protective membrane.

Structure of infusoria shoesDespite the simplicity seemingly superficial consideration, it has enough difficulties. Outside, such a walking cell is protected by the thinnest elastic shell that helps her body to maintain a constant shape. Also, as well as protective support fibers located in a layer of dense cytoplasm adjacent to the shell.

Its cytoskeleton, besides all of the above, are: microtubule, alveoli tanks; Basal tales with cilia and, located near, not having them; Fibrils and philames, as well as other organides. Thanks to the cytoskeleton, and in contrast to another representative of the simplest - amoshiba, infusoria shower It is not capable of changing the body shape.

Character and lifestyle Infusoria shillry

These microscopic beings are usually in constant wave-like motion, gaining a speed of about two and a half millimeters per second, which for such insignificantly small creatures 5-10 times the length of their body.

Movement of infusoria shoes It is carried out blunt ends forward, while it has the wing to turn around the axis of its own body.

The shoe, dramatically swinging with the with the legs and smoothly returning them to the place, works by such a vehicle organs as needles in the boat. Moreover, the number of such waves has a frequency of about three dozen times in one second.

As for the inner organides of the shoes, the large core of infusoria participates in the exchange of substances, movement, breathing and nutrition, and small responsible for the reproduction process.

The breath of these simple creatures is carried out as follows: oxygen through the bodies of the body enters the cytoplasm, where the organic substances are oxidized and the conversion of them in carbon dance gas, water and other compounds using this chemical element.

And as a result of these reactions, energy used by microorganism for its livelihood is formed. After all, harmful carbon dioxide is removed from the cage through its surface.

Feature infusoria shoesAs a microscopic living cell, consists in the ability of these tiny organisms to respond to an external environment: mechanical and chemical impacts, moisture, heat and light.

On the one hand, they seek to move towards bacteria clusters to carry out their livelihoods and nutrition, but on the other, harmful allocations of these microorganisms, force infusories to float them away.

Also, the shoes react to salty water, from which they hurry to retire, but with hunting move towards heat and light, but unlike evglen, infusoria shower So primitive that he has no photosensitive eye.

Nutrition infusoria shoes

Plant cells and a variety of bacteria, in a variety of founders in the aquatic environment, form the basis power supply infusoria shoes. And the process of this process is carried out with the help of a small cellular deepening, which is a peculiar mouth, suction food then falls into the cellulum.

And from it in the digestive vacuol - organoid, in which the organic food is digested. The substances received inside are clocking when exposed to acidic, and then an alkaline medium.

After that, the nutritional substance is transferred to the currents of the cytoplasm in all parts of the body of the infusoria. And the waste is derived out by means of peculiar formation - poroshires, which is placed behind the oral opening.

In infusories, the excess water entering the body is removed through the contractile vacuoles located in front and behind this organic education. They are assembled not only water, but also waste substances. When the amount of them reaches the limit value, they are poured out.

Reproduction and life expectancy

The process of reproduction of such primitive living organisms occurs, both sexual and punishable way, and a small kernel directly and actively participates in the process of reproduction in both cases.

The useless type of reproduction is extremely primitive and occurs through the most common separation of the organism for two, in everything is similar to each other, parts. At the very beginning of the process, two cores are formed inside the body of the infusoria.

After that, there is a division into a couple of subsidiaries, any of which receives its part organoid infusoria shoes, and the missingness of each of the new organisms is re-formed, which makes it possible to carry out their livelihoods in the future.

In half, these microscopic beings usually begin to multiply only in exceptional cases. This may occur with a sudden appearance of the conditions associated with the threat of life, for example, with a sharp cooling or shortage of power.

And after the implementation of the described process, in some cases, both microorganism involved in contact can turn into a cyst, plunging into a state of complete anabiosis, which makes it possible to exist in the body in adverse conditions a long time, lasting up to a decade. But under normal conditions, the age of infusories is underworld, and, as a rule, they are not able to live more than a day.

During sexual reproduction, two microorganism are together for a while together, which leads to the redistribution of genetic material, as a result of which the resistance of both individuals increases.

Such a condition is called scientists and continues in duration about semi-sufficient. During this redistribution, the number of cells does not increase, but only the exchange of inheritance information occurs.

During the connection of two microorganisms between them, the protective shell dissolves and disappears, and instead it has a connecting bridge. Then the large kernels of two cells disappear, and small are divided twice.

Thus, there are four new kernels. Further, all of them, except for one, are destroyed, and the last one is again divided. The exchange of remaining nuclei occurs along the cytoplasmic bridge, and from the resulting material arise, the newly born, nuclei, both large and small ones. After which the infusories diverge with each other.

The simplest living organisms are performed in the general cycle of their life functions infusoria shoes Many species of bacteria destroy and serve as food for small invertebrate animals of organisms. Sometimes these simplest are specifically bred as some aquarium fish for fry.

The shower infusorium lives in small standing reservoirs. This is a single-milking animal with a length of 0.5 mm has a belief-shaped body shape, reminded to a shower. Infusoria are all the time in motion, swimming in a blunt ending forward. The speed of movement of this animal reaches 2.5 mm per second. On the surface of the body they have organides of the movement - cilia. In the cage, two cores: a large core is responsible for food, breathing, movement, metabolism; Small core participates in the interpretation.

Structure of infusoria shoes

The body of the infusoria is more complicated. A thin elastic sheath covering the infusorium outside maintains a constant shape of its body. Well-developed support fibers, which are in the cytoplasm layer adjacent to the shell. About 15,000 heating cilias are located on the surface of the body of the infusoria. At the base of each cilia lies the basal caller. Each cilia movement consists of a sharp wave in one direction and a slower, smooth return to the initial position. Cilia ranges about 30 times per second and, as if vest, push the infusor's forward. The wave-like motion of the ciliary at the same time consistently. When the shower infusor is floating, it slowly rotates around the longitudinal axis of the body.

Life processes


Shoe and some other freely living infusories are powered by bacteria and algae.

Food Infusoria Reaction

Thin elastic shell, ( cell membrane) Covering infusorium outside, retains a constant body shape. About 15 thousand cilias are located on the body surface. On the body there is a deepening - cellular mouth, which goes into a cellulum. At the bottom of the pharynx, food enters the digestive vacuol. In the digestive vacuol, food is digested for an hour, first at acid, and then with an alkaline reaction. The digestive vacuoles move in the body infusoria of the current cytoplasm. Not digested residues are thrown out in the rear end of the body through a special structure - poroshires located behind the oral hole.


Breathing occurs through body coverage. Oxygen enters the cytoplasm through the entire surface of the body and oxidizes complex organic substances, as a result of which they turn into water, carbon dioxide and some other connections. At the same time, the energy that is necessary for the life of the animal is exempt. Carbon dioxide in the process of respiration is removed through the entire surface of the body.


In the body of infusoria-shoes there are two contractile vacuoles, which are located at the front and rear ends of the body. They assemble water with dissolved substances formed during the oxidation of complex organic substances. Having achieved the limit value, the contracting vacuoles are suitable for the body surface, and their contents are poured out. In freshwater single-cell animals, excess water is removed through contracting vacuoles, which is constantly entering their body from the environment.


Infusoria-shoes are assembled to the accumulations of bacteria in response to the action of substances allocated by them, but they float from such an irritant as the salty salt.

Irritability - the property of all living organisms to respond to the actions of irritants - light, heat, moisture, chemicals, mechanical effects. Thanks to the irritability, single-celled animals avoid adverse conditions, find food, individuals of their year.



The infusoria usually multiplies with the useless way. The kernels are divided into two parts, and in each new infusoria it turns out one large and one small kernel. Each of the two subsidiaries receives a part of the organoids, while others are reproduced.

Reproduction of infusories-shoes


With a lack of food or change in the temperature of the infusoria, go to the sexual reproduction, and then can turn into a cistol.

With a sex process, the number of individuals does not occur. Two infusories are temporarily connected to each other. At the scene of contact with the shell dissolves, and connecting bridge is formed between the animals. The big core of each infusoria disappears. Small kernel is divided twice. Each infusoria forms four subsidiaries. Three of them are destroyed, and the fourth is again divided. As a result, each remains two cores. On the cytoplasmic bridge, the exchange of nuclei occurs, and it merges with the remaining core. The newly formed nuclei form a large and small nucleus, and the infusories are diverged. This sexual process is called conjugation. It lasts about 12 hours. The sexual process leads to the update, the exchange between the individuals and the redistribution of hereditary (genetic) material, which increases the resilience of organisms.

Life cycle infusoria-shoes

The class of infusories includes about 6 thousand species. These animals are the most highly organized among the simplest.

With the morphological and biological characteristics of the structure of infusories, we will get acquainted with the example of a typical representative - infusories-shoes.

Structure of infusoria shoes

External and internal structure of infusoria shoes

The infusorian-shoe has a size about 0.1-0.3 mm. The shape of the body resembles a shoe, because it received such a name.

This animal has a constant body shape, since the ectoplasm is sealing outside and forms pellicul. The body of infusories is covered with cilia. They are numbered about 10-15 thousand.

Characteristic feature of the structure of infusories It is the presence of two cores: large (macronucleus) and small (micronucleus). The transfer of hereditary information is associated with a small core, and with large - regulation of vital functions. The infusorian-shoe moves with the help of cilia, front (stupid) end of ahead and at the same time rotates right along the axis of his body. The high speed of the effect of the infusoria depends on the rigid movement of the cilia.

In the ectoplasm of shoes there are formations, called tricotists. They perform a protective function. In case of irritation of infusories-shoes, Trikhotists "shoot" the outside and turn into thin long threads affecting a predator. After using some trico officers in their place in the ectoplasm of the simplest developing new ones.

Food and allocation organs

Fuel intake organelles in infusori-shoes are: predrotective recess, cellular mouth and cell pharynx. Bacteria and other particles suspended in water together with water are driven by nearly the cilia through the mouth into the throat and fall into the digestive vacuol.

Fill with food, the vacuol breaks away from the pharynx and is fond of the current of the cytoplasm. As the vacuole is moved, food in it is digested by digestive enzymes and is absorbed into the endoplasm. Then the digestive vacuol is suitable for poroshice and non-fulfilled food residues are thrown out. Infusories cease to eat only during the reproduction period.

Orgellaces of osmoregulation and allocations in shoes are two contractile, or pulsating, vacuoles with drive tubules.

Thus, infusories, in comparison with other simplest, have a more complex structure:

  • Constant body shape;
  • the presence of cell mouth;
  • the presence of cell pharynx;
  • poroshitz;
  • complex nuclear apparatus.

Reproduction of infusoria. Conjugation process

The infusorium is multiplied by cross-division, in which the cores are first. Makronukleus is divided by amitootically, and the micronucleus is mittochically.

From time to time they have a sexual process, or conjugation. During this, two infusories are brought together and closely applied to each other with mouth holes. At room temperature in this form, they float about 12 hours. Large cores are destroyed and dissolved in the cytoplasm.

As a result of meiotic division from small nuclei, a migratory and stationary nucleus is formed. Each of these nuclei contains a haploid set of chromosomes. The migratory core is actively moving through the cytoplasmic bridge from one individual to another and merges with its stationary core, that is, the process of fertilization occurs. At this stage, each slipper forms one complex core, or a Sinkarion containing a diploid set of chromosomes. Then the infusories are diverged, they again restore the normal nuclear unit and they are intensively breed internally by division.

The conjugation process contributes to the fact that in the same body, the hereditary starts of different individuals are combined. This leads to an increase in the hereditary volatility and greater vitality of organisms. In addition, the development of the new nucleus and the destruction of the old is of great importance in the life of infusories. This is due to the fact that the basic life processes and protein synthesis in the body of infusories are controlled by a large core.

With prolonged bunch of breeding in infusories, the metabolism and the division rate decreases. After conjugation, the level of metabolism and the division rate is restored.

The meaning of infusories in nature and human life

It has been established that infusories play a significant role in the cycle of substances in nature. Infusories feed on various types of larger animals (fry fish).

They serve as regulators of the number of single-cell algae and bacteria, thereby cleansing reservoirs.

Infusories can serve as indicators of the degree of pollution of surface water - water supply sources.

Infusories living in the soil improve its fertility.

A man breeds infusories in aquariums for feeding fish and their fry.

In some countries, human and animal diseases caused by infusories are widely found. A special danger is an infusor of the Balantidium, which inhabited in the intestines of pigs and the passing person from the animal.

A typical representative of the classified infusority is a tunnel infusorium or parametion (RagaMaecium Caudatum; Fig. 1)

Structure and reproduction of infusoria shoes

The infusorium of the shoe dwells in small standing reservoirs. The form of a word she resembles the sole of shoes, the length reaches 0.1-0.3 mm, covered with a durable elastic shell - a pellicula, under which skeletal support threads are in the ecto and endoplasm. Such a structure allows the infusorial to maintain a constant body shape.

Motion organides are hair-shaped cilia (at the infusories of their shoes 10-15 thousand), covering the whole body. In the study of the cilia with the help of an electron microscope, it is found that each of them consists of several (about 11) a fiber. Each cilia is based on a basal taurus located in a transparent extoplase. The shoe is quickly moving thanks to the agrichet's consistent work, which will enjoy water.

In the cytoplasm of infusoria, the ectoplasm and endoplasm are clearly different. In the ectoplasm, between the foundations of the cilia of parametion, the organelles of the attacks and protection are located - small spine-shaped Taurus - Trichotsists. In the photos made using an electron microscope, it can be seen that the thrown tricotters are equipped with novelty tips. In case of irritation, tricotters are thrown out, turning into a long, elastic thread, affecting the enemy or prey.

The endoplasm is located - two nuclei (large and small) and digestive systems, as well as excretory organoids.

Nutrition organoids. On the so-called abdominal side there is a predest deepening - a peristry, leading to the cellular mouth, which goes into the throat (cytofarinx) opening in the endoplasm. Water with bacteria and unicellular algae, which feeds on the infusorium, through the mouth and the throat is driven by a special group of ciliars in the endoplasm, where the digestive vacuole is surrounded. The latter gradually moves along the body of infusoria. As the vacuole is moved, the staled bacteria is digested for an hour, initially with acid, and then with an alkaline reaction. The undigested residue is thrown out through a special hole in the ectoplasm - poroshire, or an anal time.

OKOROLUTION ORGANIES. In the front and rear ends of the body at the ecto and endoplasm border, one pulsating vacuole (the central tank) is located around which is located a wedge of 5-7 leading tubules. The vacuol is filled with a liquid from these leading channels, after which the liquid-filled vacuole (diastole phase) is reduced, fluid is poured through a small hole outward and falls on (systole phase). Following this, the fluid that again filled the resulting channels is poured into the vacuol. The front and rear vacuoles are reduced alternately. The pulsating vacuoles perform a dual function - the return of excessive water, which is necessary to maintain constant osmotic pressure in the parametion body, and the allocation of dissimilating products.

Nuclear apparatus shoes Presented at least two high-quality various nuclei located in the endoplasm. The shape of the nuclei is usually oval.

  • A large vegetative kernel is called macronucleus. It occurs in it - the synthesis on the Matrixes of DNA information and other forms of RNA, which go to the cytoplasm, where protein synthesis is carried out on ribosomes.
  • Small generative - micronucleus. Located next to Makronukleus. In it, before each division, the number of chromosomes occurs, so the micronucleus is considered as a "depot" of hereditary information transmitted from generation to generation.

The infusorian-shoe is multiplied both with sexually and sexually.

  • When the cell reproduction is reproduced, the cell is transferred to the equator and the reproduction is carried out by cross division. This is preceded by the mitotic division of the small nucleus and the processes in the big core characteristic of mitosis.

    After multiple powerful reproduction in the life cycle, a sexual process occurs, or conjugation.

  • The sexual process consists in a temporary connection of two individuals with rotted holes and the exchange of parts of their nuclear apparatus with a small amount of cytoplasm. The large nuclei at the same time decompose on the parts and gradually dissolve in the cytoplasm. Small cores are first divided twice, the reduction of the chromosome number takes place, then three of the four nuclei are destroyed and dissolved in the cytoplasm, and the fourth is again divided. As a result of this division, two haploid germ nuclei are formed. One of them is migrating, or male, - goes into a neighboring part and merges with the remaining female (stationary) core. The same process occurs in another conjugant. After the merger of the male and female nuclei, the diploid set of chromosomes and infusoria diverges. After that, in each infusoria, the new core is divided into two unequal parts, as a result of which a normal nuclear apparatus is formed - a large and small nucleus.

    Conjugation does not lead to an increase in the number of individuals. Its biological essence consists in periodic reorganization of the nuclear apparatus, its update and increasing the viability of infusoria, its enforcement adaptability.

Shoe and some other free-lived infusories are powered by bacteria and algae. In turn, infusoria serves as food for fry and many invertebrate animals. Sometimes slippers are bred for feed just hatched from eggs of fry fish.

Meaning Infusorii

Balantidium Coli

Localization. Colon.

Geographical distribution. Everywhere.

Two contracting vacuoles. Macronukleus has a beanoid or roller shape. Near his concave surface is a rounded micronucleus (Fig. 2). Protects the cross division and by conjugation. Cysts of oval or spherical shape (50-60 μm in diameter).

Basic Balantidiasis Reservoir are considered homemade and wild pigs. In some farms, infection reaches 100%.

In the intestine of animal balancing are easily incisive, while the cysts are formed in a human body in a relatively small amount. Animals highlight cysts with feces and pollute the environment. Employees of the pig farms can infect when caring for animals, cleaning facilities for livestock, etc. The infection of employees of this category compared to other specialties is much higher. Cysts in the feces of pigs are saved for several weeks. Vegetative forms at room temperature live 2-3 days.

Infection occurs through contaminated vegetables, fruits, dirty hands, non-filled water.

Pathogenic action. The formation of bleeding ulcers in the intestinal wall, bloody diarrhea. Without treatment, the deadly outcome reaches 30%.

Laboratory diagnostics. Detection in feces of vegetative forms or cysts.

Prevention: Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is essential; Public - the struggle with pollution of the means of pine feces, as well as people, the corresponding organization of working conditions on pig farms, timely identification and treatment of patients.