Fabric blinds on the loggia. Blinds on the balcony with sliding windows. Vertical blinds in the interior of the balcony

Reading 4 min.

The balcony is the most illuminated part of an apartment or house. This is not only a big plus of the room, but also brings some inconvenience. For example, on a hot day, the adjacent room heats up from the balcony, house plants burn out under the influence of direct sunlight, and the bright light from lanterns interferes at night. That is why you can see a variety of curtains on almost all modern balconies. Let's figure out which curtains are best suited for placement on balcony windows.

Which is better: blinds or roller blinds?

Since the balcony and loggia are limited space, it is impractical to hang tulle and classic floor curtains on the windows here. The most successful and common options are blinds and. Which one to choose from this?

Blinds Roller blinds
Materials - aluminum and plastic - are quite durable and strong The plastic mechanism and fasteners rarely break, but the fabric curtain may tear or lose its aesthetic appearance
Replacing bent or broken plates is a complex and costly process You can also replace the fabric on the roller blind yourself, and the cost of materials will be low
The lamellas can be rotated 360 °, which allows you to adjust the illumination of the room Individual curtains on each sash can be fixed at different heights for perfect illumination of the balcony
They collect all the dust that is very noticeable when closing the lamellas High-quality roller blinds practically do not attract dust and wool
They are resistant to moisture, so they are easy to clean and can be used on poorly waterproofed balconies Requires periodic dry cleaning (vacuum cleaner, knocking out dust, etc.), not suitable for rooms with high air humidity or leaky windows
Heat up strongly through glass in sunlight Even in hot weather, it is impossible to burn yourself from the curtain fabric.

Read also: What to choose to protect your balcony from the sun?

Vertical blinds
Horizontal blinds

Everyone who has ever compared horizontal or vertical blinds with roller blinds in the interior notes a more aesthetic appearance of the latter. Most often, blinds are associated with offices, offices and government agencies, but not with cozy living rooms and balconies.

A few more advantages of roller blinds:

  • design versatility - suitable for wooden, aluminum or plastic window frames;
  • a large selection of materials, colors and patterns;
  • ease of installation and operation;
  • wide price range.

Of the shortcomings, we can only note the decreasing opening angle of the sash and the impossibility of attaching to sliding windows, but this disadvantage applies to blinds and Roman blinds.

Owners of apartments and houses with a balcony or loggia should think about the decent design of these zones, which are practically not used for storing unnecessary things. This article will help you understand the features of such decorative products as blinds on the balcony, introduce you to their classification, advantages and disadvantages. The publication contains a brief overview of existing types of structures, as well as recommendations for their use on windows and doors of loggias and balconies with different types of glazing.

Balcony windows without blinds look empty and uncomfortable. In addition, nothing prevents the penetration of sunlight into the house, which negatively affects the microclimate of residential premises. Of course, curtains can be used to protect the space from negative influences from the outside, but they are less convenient and practical than blinds.

The range of such designs is quite diverse. On sale you can find narrow and wide blinds with a smooth or textured surface. Some of them can be decorated with drawings. Manufacturers offer customers hundreds of options for products made from various materials. Therefore, before buying blinds, you should understand the features of these designs, their advantages and disadvantages.

The main types of blinds: classification by type of construction

The designs of modern blinds consist of canvases or lamellas, as well as a cornice. Various raw materials are used for the production of products.

Lamellas can be made from the following materials:

  • wood;
  • metal (aluminum);
  • fabrics;
  • plastic.

Note! The designs of modern blinds are not universal. When choosing the right option for installation on a balcony, it is necessary to take into account not only its decorative design, but also the configuration, as well as the type of glazing and other features.

Classification of products by type of design:

  1. Horizontal blinds are the most popular type of product for installation on balcony windows. They are distinguished by their practicality, convenience and simple operation system.
  2. Vertical - canvases or slats are placed vertically, which allows you to adjust the direction of the luminous flux entering the balcony from the street.
  3. Roll - more versatile than other options for products, presented on the market in a large assortment.
  4. Facade or street blinds - installed from the outside of the building. They perform not only a decorative, but also a protective function.
  5. Roman - have excellent decorative characteristics, are made from natural fabrics.
  6. Pleated fabric - made of pleated fabric. The structure is formed from folds 20 mm wide.

Each type of product has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account when choosing products.

Why is it profitable to buy blinds on the balcony: general advantages and disadvantages

The high popularity of blinds is due to the large number of advantages that are inherent in these products:

  • the production uses high-quality materials with a high margin of safety;
  • the possibility of creating a cozy atmosphere;
  • protection of space from prying eyes;
  • simple cleaning system;
  • unlike ordinary curtains, the blinds on the balcony do not wrinkle or tear, they do not need ironing;
  • dust-repellent surface (roll and vertical structures);
  • the ability to control the level of natural light on the balcony;
  • a large selection of colors and decoration;
  • affordable cost.

Even when closed, the lamellas do not impede the natural circulation of air. Opening the window for ventilation, you can not be afraid that the room will be visible from the outside. Regardless of what material the blinds are made of, these products can be easily installed with your own hands.

There are not so many drawbacks to blinds. Some types of products are distinguished by high cost, for example, pleated. But this disadvantage is compensated for by the ease of maintenance. Unlike other types of blinds, pleated blinds can be washed.

Helpful advice! If the balcony is on the sunny side of the building, it is advisable to use roll types of products (mini-rolls).

Characteristics of the main types of blinds on the balcony: photo and overview of structures

For balconies, roll, horizontal, vertical types of structures, as well as pleated, are considered optimal. Each type of product has certain properties and characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing blinds.

When choosing a product in a store, you should pay attention to the quality of the swivel mechanism. Its moving components must move freely, without squeaking and extraneous sounds. It is necessary that the parts of a high-quality swivel mechanism work smoothly, only in this case daily operation will be comfortable.

Features of horizontal blinds on doors and windows of balconies

Horizontal structures are the most affordable option for balconies. In most cases, these blinds are compact in size. Their installation is carried out on balcony frames, and the products are fixed separately on each glass unit.

The horizontal louver structure consists of the following components:

  • slats;
  • cornice, equipped with a built-in type regulating mechanism;
  • mesh made of threads;
  • control cord.

Some products have additional elements. They ensure the fixation of the lower plank, so that the blinds do not sway in strong gusts of wind when the windows are open. The advantage of horizontal structures is their compactness. Narrow and thin plates require a minimum of space, so there is enough space on the windowsill for growing flowers. At the same time, the blinds protect the plants from the hot sun during the day.

The lamellas perfectly trap street dust, which is also one of the significant advantages of horizontal structures. To clean the product from contamination, it is enough to immerse it in a soapy solution, and then rinse thoroughly with clean water. This procedure does not require a lot of time, and the lamellas dry out quickly.

Important! In the process of washing, it is strictly forbidden to wet the curtain rod of window blinds. In this area there is a swivel mechanism that breaks down when water gets in. If this happens, you will have to buy new blinds, as they will be unusable.

Disadvantages of horizontal products:

  • under the influence of ultraviolet light, the lamellas turn yellow;
  • over time, cheap structures dry up;
  • with regular use, the swivel mechanism quickly fails;
  • if handled carelessly, the lamellas can be bent, after which they must be replaced.

Horizontal blinds, although they look neat, are not able to create a cozy atmosphere on the balcony. They are exclusively suitable for minimalist spaces.

How to choose blinds for sliding windows on the balcony: pleated designs

Horizontal, cassette and roll types of products are not suitable for sliding windows. Although pleated blinds are horizontal, their design has a different structure. It consists of a pair of aluminum profiles with pleated textiles fixed between them.

These designs can be adjusted in various ways:

  • using a chain;
  • remotely;
  • by means of a special handle.

Day / night systems are equipped with an additional profile. In addition, the fabric on such products is much denser, therefore, when closed, the canvases practically do not allow sunlight to pass through. If the structure is folded, the thickness of the fabric will not exceed 5 cm.

Pleated blinds can be installed in different areas:

  • on the window frame;
  • along the contour of the glass;
  • into the window opening.

Blinds for sliding windows can be used on glass units with a non-standard shape, for example, triangular, round or trapezoidal. The linens are washable. The only exceptions are structures with a metal coating. In this case, the cleaning process consists of wiping off the dust with a damp cloth. Pleated designs are made in a wide variety of colors, which allows consumers to choose the ideal option for any interior style.

What are the features of vertical blinds on the balcony and loggia

Vertical blinds can be closed from left to right, from right to left, and also diverge in both directions from the center. Most often, the installation of structures is carried out on the ceiling or walls. Brackets are used for fixing.

The design of vertical blinds consists of the following elements:

  • cornice made of aluminum or plastic;
  • lamellas placed in an upright position;
  • a connecting chain equipped with runners and weights;
  • control cord.

When closed, the lamellas turn around their axis, and when opened, they are assembled into an accordion. These elements are available in aluminum, fabric or plastic. For balconies, loggias and residential premises, manufacturers offer products decorated with various patterns, which gives the blinds the maximum similarity to curtains. Thanks to a special impregnation, fabric blinds are less susceptible to fading in the sun. In addition, the material acquires dust-repellent properties.

Note! Vertical type fabric blinds are ideal for mounting on plastic frames. The size of such products allows you to block windows of any size. It is also possible to install vertical blinds on the door.

Vertical structures can be closed with one movement of the hand, while shading the entire balcony. To achieve the same result with horizontal products, you will have to close each window separately.

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  • do not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • do not delaminate under the influence of moisture thanks to a protective varnish coating;
  • equipped with handles of optimal length.

Among the disadvantages of such structures are the high cost and significant weight.

Note! It is undesirable to use wooden products on balconies with large windows, since problems with the turning mechanism may arise during operation. If you still want to install such blinds, you should abandon the bulky structure in favor of small sections.

Various types of textiles can be used to make fabric balcony blinds, but polyester is the most popular option.

Advantages of fabric products:

  • long service life;
  • high resistance to the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • simple operation system.

The disadvantages of fabric blinds include design imperfection. At the edges, the fabric is not protected by anything, which can change its structure.

Bamboo blinds for a balcony have the appearance of a wicker fabric, which is characterized by high strength and moisture resistance. Most often, Roman and roll models are made from this material. Products, the width of which does not exceed 100 cm, are equipped with a metal cornice. It is decorated with a decorative strip that repeats the shade of the canvas. For models with a width of more than 1 m, a cornice with a wooden strip is provided. Manufacturers camouflage it with a bamboo coat.

Metal and multi-textured blinds for balcony windows

Metal structures are less in demand as they are more suitable for office and commercial premises than for living rooms. The fact is that the lamellas made of aluminum make a lot of noise, which is one of the main disadvantages of the design.

Advantages of metal products:

  • low cost;
  • do not need special care;
  • are not afraid of the influence of the sun and moisture.

Multi-textured blinds are products with an original design. They can combine several shapes, materials and textures. The advantage of such canvases is their unique and unusual design. The range of multi-textured designs allows you to choose blinds that will fit into a romantic setting or a simple interior.

Helpful advice! If the kitchen space is combined with a balcony, experts recommend using structures with lamellas made of metal. They are not afraid of moisture and do not absorb odors. For cleaning, it is advisable to use detergents that do not contain abrasive particles.

What is better to order blinds by size: the choice of the optimal dimensions of the product

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of the size of the product, it is necessary to decide where the blinds will be installed: on the glass, on the wall or in the window opening. If it is planned to install the structure on the sashes, then the optimal width will be equal to the distance between the glazing beads. Add 3 cm to this indicator. In this case, the length of the blinds should correspond to the height of the window.

If the structure will be installed in a window opening, then the width of the product must correspond to the width of the glass unit. In addition, you will need to add the thickness of the side seals. The optimal length of the blinds will be equal to the height of the glass unit with an allowance of 2 cm. The canvas should be placed so that the cornice does not catch on the hinges and slopes.

If the blinds are to be mounted on the wall, their width is selected taking into account the size of the window opening and an additional allowance of 10 cm. The length in this case can be arbitrary. Leave at least 5 cm of free space above the opening so that the cornice can be fixed.

Can I use window blinds instead of doors?

Recently, decorators have resorted to non-standard design solutions using blinds, installing these structures in doorways. This approach to space zoning looks very original. In order for the blinds on the doors to harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, you need to pay special attention to the choice of construction, its design.

Blinds are not able to become a full-fledged replacement for doors: they do not contain noise and are not able to protect the room from penetration. These structures are used as partitions between two rooms. It is allowed to use these products in combination with a conventional door leaf. It is desirable that it be glass.

As in the case of window structures, blinds installed in the doorway can be vertical, horizontal, in the form of an accordion or roller shutters. In addition, there are string-type products. They are made from threads and are used to protect the premises from the sun.

Blinds can be installed in a balcony doorway only if the balcony or loggia has high-quality insulation and glazing. Raising or closing such a partition will increase the overall space of the living space. Most often, the balcony is combined with a kitchen, living room or bedroom. In this area, you can equip a rest corner, a compact dining room, a workplace.

The choice of blinds does not depend on many factors. It is imperative to take into account the purpose of the room and its location in relation to the cardinal points. If a working area will be settled on the balcony, it is advisable to select products that will help smoothly adjust the level of natural light. For rooms located on the north side of the building, it is recommended to take blinds with thin sheets.

With regard to decorative features, the choice of design depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the apartment and the style in which the room is decorated. The modern assortment of blinds allows you to choose products that will meet the taste of even the most demanding customers, so there should be no problems with the choice.

How to install blinds on windows: video review of technology

The main functions of window decoration are to protect rooms from outside view and from sunlight. In this article, we will consider blinds for the balcony - the advantages and disadvantages, we will discuss what pitfalls you can encounter during the operation of this product.

The advantages of blinds on the balcony over curtains are obvious:

The designs of various products generally consist of lamellas or cloth and cornice. Lamellas of devices are made of metal (aluminum), plastic, fabrics, wood. In order to choose the right model of curtains or blinds that meets the requirements of the room, you should have an idea of ​​all kinds of blinds.

Vertical blinds perfectly support the theme of a single space on balconies with panoramic glazing

It is difficult to talk about the blinds on the balcony which are better or more beautiful, since the first stages of selection are the analysis and clarification of the technical parameters of the installed window. For example, blinds on a balcony with sliding windows can be of one type of attachment - directly to the window frame.

When installing structures on a loggia, special attention should be paid to the options for attaching the cornices. Which blinds are best mounted on the balcony is determined by the material from which the glazing of the room is made.

Blinds on the balcony. Which models are better - an overview of the advantages, disadvantages

The expanded assortment of the construction market allows you to choose a decor for the balcony, based on the characteristics of the room, the desires of the owners. When choosing, the strengths and weaknesses of the products, their cost (depending on the size of the structure, the quality of materials) are taken into account.

Blinds type Distinctive features approximate cost
pros minuses
Vertical Easy maintenance, low price, installed on non-standard openings; easy replacement of damaged lamellas; smooth control of natural light. In the case of drafts, they make noise and get confused. In products with a pattern, it is difficult to replace individual damaged strips; it is difficult to open the doors. from 370 rubles
Horizontal Installed on separate double-glazed windows; wipe and wash without dismantling; fixation of the lower bar eliminates noise during drafts; the daylight level changes smoothly. They are not mounted on aluminum frames, plastic white lamellas turn yellow over time; plastic is deformed with a sharp impact; from 420 rubles
Roll They adhere tightly to the glass thanks to the fastening features. The inability to smoothly adjust the natural light of the room. from 1110 rubles per item
with sides 0.7 m by 1.8 m
Roman Several mounting options; ease of maintenance (the cloth can be washed). The light intensity changes only by lowering / raising the canvas; high price. from 1600 rub.
Pleated Many installation options, various control systems, custom-made wooden, plastic, aluminum windows; the canvas is erased (manually). High price; it is not advisable to install it on the kitchen loggia due to rapid pollution. from 1200 rubles per item
with sides 0.4 m by 1.6 m
Wooden bamboo Environmental friendliness; stylish window decor. Significant weight weakens the mount over time; price; the level of illumination is regulated only by raising / lowering the slats wooden - from 2600
rub / sq.m. bamboo - from 900
rub / sq. m.

Blinds models for a loggia, balcony, bay window - differences

When installing blinds, the distinctive features of the glazing of the premises must be taken into account. Taking these nuances into account creates a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere on the site:

Which blinds are better to choose for the balcony - depends on the tasks of the room, its location. For the working corner, products are selected that smoothly regulate the degree of natural light. It is rational to mount structures with thin canvases on balconies on the north side. A variety of types of curtains / blinds solves lighting issues, implements interesting design ideas.

The usual blinds, so cool replacing classic curtains and curtains - items with a very long and rich history. The first mentions of such a device date back to the 19th century! For more than two centuries, blinds have undergone many transformations, and now there are many varieties for any window. Therefore, often buyers who decide to embellish a balcony or loggia are easily lost in such an extensive range. Knowledge of specific characteristics will help to determine, by which it is easy to choose an acceptable option. In addition, it would be nice to consider in advance the various blinds for plastic windows, photo options of which can be viewed in our gallery.

Blinds - a device similar to curtains, consisting of many plates of the same size. Changing the position of the plates is done with a simple turn by means of levers (knobs). There are two main types of rotation: vertical and horizontal.

Nowadays, blinds are used all over the world in offices, apartments, industrial buildings and private homes. Such a high level of demand is simply explained by a large number of positive qualities:

  • ease of use and management;
  • the convenience of use;
  • full provision of the privacy of the room;
  • full provision of air exchange;
  • comfort;
  • a huge assortment in all respects: from size and size to exclusive piece design work;
  • ease of installation and no need for specialized knowledge;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • versatility;
  • dispersion of sunlight;
  • a cost that is available to literally everyone.

The very first thing to decide is. It is with this parameter that the path from desire to purchase and installation begins.

Types of blinds

A huge number of variations on the theme of "blinds" can confuse even experienced craftsmen. Beginners are completely lost at the sight of luxurious variety.

  1. Horizontal products... They are undemanding in care and easy to maintain. They are considered one of the most practical and therefore popular models. Such blinds are most suitable for curtains on plastic windows.
  2. Vertical- a combination of style, comfort and convenience of regulating the flow of light into the room. They hide the interior of the balcony very well from prying eyes, and are easy to clean. Mostly made of plastic, textile or aluminum.
  3. Facade blinds differ primarily in the method and place of installation - from the outside of the building. It is this circumstance that determines a very high degree of protection against unwanted spies, bright sunlight and at the same time serves as a reliable security system against intrusion. The external arrangement of the blinds allows them to increase the functionality of plastic windows. Together with the window structure, such devices perfectly maintain the temperature on the balcony: in winter they retain heat, and in summer they prevent the room from overheating, thereby creating optimal conditions for growing indoor plants, arranging an additional room on the balcony or playing for a child. The main material of execution is stainless steel and aluminum, which are practically not subject to corrosive processes ( read more about).
  4. The most expensive option is pleated blinds on plastic windows, photos of which are available in the article catalog. It is a structure made of pleated fabric with pleats, measuring two centimeters. The high price is fully justified by its versatility: pleats can be used in any conditions, installed on a wide variety of window openings, are easy to wash, look original and bright. Opening / closing adjustment is done with a handle, rope or even electronic control. Closing pattern - "bottom-up", which additionally provides protection from unwanted light or accidental glances. In addition to plastic, pleated blinds are made of aluminum and wood. The fabric base allows you to choose shades and the material itself.
  5. Roller blinds- universal for balconies, pleasant in price and versatile in implementation. Thoroughly hide the room from prying eyes, reliably protect from light. Most often they are installed on the sunny side of the building, as they perfectly maintain the temperature and prevent the room from overheating. The price is more than democratic. Read more -.
  6. Roman curtains- a classic, practical option. One-piece fabric, consisting of separate sections, is easy to fold and adjust. The material of manufacture is different: linen, cotton, silk fabrics, coated with special anti-burnout compounds. more expensive than others, but very functional and reliable.
  7. Bamboo blinds (wood) first of all they are used as an element of decoration in the interior, and then for their intended purpose. However, in terms of protection, they are in no way inferior to analogues made of other materials, they fold perfectly into a roll and are easy to adjust. But, in addition to the rather high price for such products, they are also very heavy. Therefore, the reliability of the fastening plays a very important role.

Most of all, plastic blinds are suitable for loggias and balconies: they are easy to clean, freely adjustable, do not require special care, are easy to use, are not subject to temperature effects, are durable and resistant to fading.

However, homeowners may of course have a different opinion. The most important thing is that the chosen option suits the household in all respects and fits a specific window.

The nuances of choosing blinds for the balcony

It is highly undesirable for the curtains to lie on the windowsill or, even worse, hang below the window. Therefore, before buying, it is worth measuring and marking or writing everything down. The blinds themselves must be checked for ease of rotation of the plates: there should be no effort, squeak or squeak during manipulation.

On the sliding windows, the curtains pass inside the opening, therefore, when measuring, 2 cm are subtracted from the result of the frame height. If it is supposed to go behind the frames, then you need to take away 10-15 cm. Vertical products are installed at least 5 cm of the lamella from the floor. It is better to write down all the results obtained or do it if you plan to have blinds on a balcony with sliding windows, a photo of the options can be viewed in the gallery of this article.

Blinds for sliding windows on the balcony

Vertical blinds made of fabric look great on plastic windows - a budget and convenient option. Roller blinds will be great helpers in creating a unique interior. Thanks to the color variations, you can “play” with the mood of the room. They are, of course, very expensive, but they will last 10 years, at least.

In general, the blinds on the balcony are not only beauty and convenience, but also space saving. After all, the product will not hang down to the floor, which means that it becomes possible to come up with something else. And the blinds themselves can be chosen in bright colors, focusing attention and adjusting the entire style for them.

There are no specific criteria for choosing blinds for a balcony. Unless there are restrictions in the choice due to certain designs. For example, blinds that are fixed on the window sash will not go on sliding windows. Vertical patterns are fine here. Aluminum structures are picky too. For the rest, choose what the soul asks for. Just make sure that the option you like fits the window and by the type of attachment.

Balcony in the living room and curtains

A balcony is a modern, functional and rational room that is present in almost all multi-storey buildings. In many apartments, the exit to the balcony is conceived as a continuation of the window opening, and is decorated together. Therefore, it is more optimal to use sliding curtains on the window with a balcony to the living room, see the photo options in advance. Although products with a lifting mechanism will look no worse, leaving the passage free. The main thing is to make sure that the doors close completely. The fabric of the curtains should be easy to wash, and the design should be easy to remove for washing.

Blinds in the living room on the windows with access to the balcony

The most practical and convenient option for such a window with a balcony is blinds. However, they do not look as good as the curtains. And the living room is somehow not conducive to ordinary records. However, if the owner is not so concerned about the external decoration of the room, the blinds will become faithful helpers and protectors from light.

You can opt for the roll mechanism, although it is more preferable in the kitchen or bedroom. Rolling up, they quickly open access to the doors to the balcony.

They are most suitable for decorating a balcony door combined with a window from the point of view of aesthetic perception. For the convenience of the exit, it is better to use two curtains, and not one (this also applies to tulle), moving apart in different directions. Such curtains will completely cover the door, and, if necessary, will easily open access to the balcony. It is worth noting that it is desirable to fix one part, in particular, tulle. And the one that is directly located above the balcony door, leave movable, and slightly shorten and round the lambrequin so that it does not interfere with the opening of the sash.

The original design of blinds on the windows

Another very interesting way to decorate a window opening is a Chinese curtain, which is a strip of fabric proportional to the window. To open, you need to manually lift the canvas and fix it in the upper position with a string or tape. At the same time, you can choose a suitable height, it is not at all necessary to completely roll up the fabric. We can say that Chinese curtains for windows are a new design that is increasingly being used for decoration. It is noteworthy that some craftsmen not only select original curtains, but also completely change the style of the room, turning it into "fang".

Well, and finally, it is worth remembering thread products that fit perfectly into any interior and do not restrict access to the balcony door. Which option to choose is up to you. The most important thing is that the final result should bring joy, pleasure and reliably protect against unwanted "effects".

Blinds on sliding windows on the balcony Blinds on sliding windows on the balcony Blinds in the living room on the windows with access to the balcony Original design of blinds on the windows Horizontal blinds pleated on a horse

The best way to hide from the scorching sun is to hang blinds on the balcony. And which ones to choose, what should you pay attention to when buying them?

This designer product was made back in the 18th century, but spread throughout the country only in the 90s. They used to be expensive, and not everyone could afford it. Today, every family can buy blinds for a loggia, they are available for sale, there is a wide selection of products, different shapes and colors.

Advantages of the material

    Limit space from bright sunlight.

    Reduces heating of the room during hot weather.

    They decorate the window space, give beauty and attractive appearance.

    Practical to use.

    Long lasting.

Blinds hermetically close windows, take up little space, can be easily cleaned from dirt and dust. And their wide selection allows you to purchase a product according to the architectural solution of the room, without changing the interior space.

What blinds for the balcony would be the best solution?

Horizontal blinds

Horizontal blinds on the balcony, window decoration photo.

They consist of numerous rows of planks, which are fastened together in the same way with fastening materials, for example, a rope or other decorative item. The mechanism is like an accordion, you need to pull the latch and the blinds open or close. Thanks to this mechanism, even when closed, a dosing beam of light can pass through them, and therefore the room will not be dark and uncomfortable.

Attention! Horizontal blinds should be placed on the loggia separately for each window frame, according to its dimensions, so that you can easily open the window and place household items on the windowsill.

Vertical blinds

Vertical blinds on the balcony quickly gained popularity. The mechanism of action is similar to the previous version, the vertical planes rotate around their axis with the help of a regulator and are assembled into an accordion. They can be mounted to the full width of the window, especially when the windows on the balcony are hinged rather than sliding. They create the feeling of curtains, maintain coziness and comfort in the room. We look at the photo - vertical blinds on the balcony.

Important: such models are convenient in combination with aluminum windows. They are easy to maintain and serve for many years.

Rolled blinds.

An excellent alternative to previous models, easy to attach and install on individual window sashes. They are able to significantly reduce the air temperature when closed. Original, attractive, practical and comfortable, they give coziness and comfort to the room.

To make a high-quality choice of goods, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the blinds are made.


    They are unpretentious in care, it is enough to wipe them with a dry cloth and they are like new again.

    Do not fade when exposed to direct sunlight.

    Available in selection.

    Practical to use.

    Durable, resistant to temperature changes.

    Available in various colors.

And also they do not bend under the influence of the wind when the window is open; if you wish, you can order individual plastic blinds with a pattern.

Attention: too cheap models very soon go out of working condition, turn yellow and crack.


They are in high demand among lovers of environmentally friendly materials. They are handsome and rich, but they are too heavy and soon fail. For large loggias, it is better not to buy such structures. Of course, such products can be made to order, for each window separately, then the weight will be distributed and the switching mechanism will not loosen so quickly.


Most often these are aluminum horizontal plates, white or beige. Cheap, weather resistant. They have several drawbacks - they thunder and do not differ in a long service life, they are easy to bend and break.


Most often they are made of polyester, do not fade in the sun, are easy to clean, dense and elegant. You can choose a different shape and color, according to the owner's interior preferences. They are an order of magnitude higher than previous models (except for wooden ones), but over time, such costs are more than paid off. Long service life is their strong point.

How to choose blinds for the balcony? What should you pay attention to?

It is important that the products do not lie on the windowsill, and even worse, they hang on the floor and dangle.

Before choosing a specific model, you need to take measurements of the window, pay attention to the swivel mechanism. It should be composed of moving parts that do not squeak or make loud noises. Functions smoothly and comfortably for daily use.

The blinds on the balcony with sliding windows will pass inside the opening, and therefore, to select the length, you need to remove 2 cm from the height of the window frame. If the products are planned to go beyond the window openings, then at least 10-15 cm.When the user wants to install vertical blinds on the balcony, then they must have a distance from the lamella to the floor of no more than 5 cm.

For plastic windows, an excellent economical option is fabric vertical products. The owner will be able to easily adjust the lighting level, block all the huge windows. To create coziness and comfort, roller blinds, multi-colored, bright and effective, will be an excellent solution. Perhaps they will become a big cost for the buyer, but they will last more than 15-20 years.

The advantage of blinds on the balcony is that such designs do not hang down to the floor, save space, create a comfortable and original look, and their huge assortment allows you to create real interior masterpieces, bright and unusual.

Features of all kinds of balcony blinds

Today, the most popular are roller blinds, they are not only original, but also very practical. They consist of a very dense canvas, which is wound on a roller, which is attached to one sash or to the entire window. Complementing the interior, very easy to use. They create a pleasant twilight, do not let direct sunlight into the room. The material is not darker, the color does not fade, they can be combined with curtains or lambrequins hung on top.

Vertical blinds for the balcony at the most affordable price, made of plastic, aluminum, fabric. They have vertical slats, and therefore reliably close the window opening. The maximum price per square meter is not more than 1,500 rubles. Installed on windows with aluminum or sliding frames.

Important: the process of cleaning them is quite laborious, the filters vibrate under the influence of the wind, creating a specific noise in the room. Plastic goods are of the best quality, because they do not rust and do not break over time.

The standard lamella width is about 1, 27 or 8.7 cm, for narrow and wide window openings.

Horizontal blinds for the balcony are made of various materials, have a variety of designs, easy to maintain, economical and affordable. Tight fit to the window, small. But they cannot be installed on sliding frames, this will complicate the process of using the windows. Lamellas are rolled with a special swivel rod, made of fabric, bamboo, plastic, aluminum.

Pleated curtains are a new type of decorative blinds that decorate the room and create a semi-darkness effect. They are cleaned with a special brush, which can be purchased at any hardware store, expensive products do not fade in the sun and serve for more than 20 years.

How does the type of balcony affect the choice of blinds?

    When the room is fully glazed, then it will be correct to install vertical structures or roller shutters, it is possible on a fabric basis, which do not let light through and create a pleasant comfort.

    Vertical blinds are installed in the presence of a high ceiling on the loggia. They hide the room and make it more mundane.

    For plastic windows, fabric roll products are better suited.

    In a standard balcony, horizontal or wooden curtains that have window glazing will look great.

Blinds slats

Fabrics have antiseptic properties, do not fade in the sun, and are perfect for any interior solution. Textile structures do not deteriorate even after 5-10 years of operation, they are based on jacquard and fiberglass. The service life of the product will be calculated depending on the density of the material. Designed for home use.

Plastic slats can be disinfected, used on the balcony, they do not deform and retain their original shape for a long time. The more expensive the plastic, the better and more reliable the product.

Wooden ones are safe, solid, expensive. Not always affordable for ordinary citizens. Although you can find cheaper substitutes, from inexpensive types of trees, pine, birch.

Combined lamellas consist of different materials, suitable for a complete replacement of curtains in any room. They decorate and improve the light emission in the room.

To darken the windows on the balcony, it will be rational to use not curtains, but blinds. They are practical in use, allow you to open and close windows for ventilation, look aesthetically pleasing and elegant. Easy to clean and have a fairly long service life. Fashionable, beautiful, reliable, affordable! We use and enjoy the comfort and coziness!