Grass lawn sports how to plant. How to plant lawn grass in the country: a step-by-step guide and tips. How to grow lawn grass: preparing the site in the country

To turn your site into a neat green meadow, you need to spend quite a lot of time and effort. In addition, you need to know exactly when to sow lawn grass (in autumn or spring), how to care for it, and what other points you should pay attention to.

Lawn grass: features

The selection of plants that can be used as lawn grass has been carried out over several generations. Preference was given to crops with the following characteristics:

The latter quality is considered especially important, since in its absence it is impossible to create a full-fledged lawn. Florists are not so picky about the height of plants, however, low-growing lawn grass requires much less care (it does not need to be cut and leveled weekly). It would also be more far-sighted to choose perennial crops: they do not need to be planted again every year, and growth activity in such varieties is noticeably lower.

Interesting! There are lawn grasses that help get rid of weeds. They are a mixture of plants, necessarily including bent grass. True, this culture requires a lot of moisture for normal growth and development.

Thanks to good watering and top dressing, you can get uniform green shoots already 1.5-2 weeks after planting. In the future, they can be admired during each spring-summer period for several years. However, in order to avoid the development of diseases that can destroy most of the plants on the site, experienced gardeners get rid of the old lawn grass every 2-3 years and grow cultures of other varieties in the selected area.

When is the best time to plant lawn grass - in spring or autumn

From the point of view of many landscapers, the arrangement of the lawn can be carried out throughout the entire growing season. However, each season has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Sowing lawn grass in the fall is the most preferred for several reasons:

  • lack of drying heat and sharp thermal fluctuations within a day (such conditions favor seed germination);
  • optimal, almost unchanged level of air and soil humidity (the liquid necessary for growth accumulates due to heavy dew and prolonged rains);
  • the intensity of growth of weeds is markedly reduced.

This option also has its downsides. For example, night frosts can ruin what a gardener has sown. And the likelihood of this is relatively high.

Attention! The minimum temperature at which one can expect the appearance of friendly autumn shoots is + 6 ... + 8 ° C.

Timely preparation of the site for the lawn begins 4-6 weeks before the landscaper plants the grass mixture. First of all, the selected location will need to be cleared of:

  • garbage (for example, construction);
  • cobblestones;
  • branches;
  • stumps;
  • unnecessary trees and shrubs;
  • weeds (if there are too many of them, then it is possible to treat the soil with herbicides 3-4 weeks before sowing).

If the soil is clayey, heavy, then it will need to be loosened and mixed with sand or fine (0-4 mm) gravel. This will improve aeration. It is recommended to enrich sandy soil with nutrients by adding humus or compost to it.

The optimal acidity level for a lawn is 5.5-7 pH. If this indicator is too high in the soil, then it can be corrected by liming with dolomite flour.

Lawn grass

Areas with excessively wet soil must be drained. For this you need:

  1. Remove the fertile part of the soil.
  2. Pour pebbles, broken bricks and stones in a layer of 15-20 cm.
  3. Raise the achieved level by another 8-10 cm by pouring sand.
  4. Level the surface by rolling it with a thick log.
  5. Bring back the humus.

After 10-15 days (after the soil has settled), the area will need to be leveled by pouring earth into the pits and removing it from the bumps. After that, you can fertilize the soil with potassium-phosphorus or special lawn compounds, distributing them with a rake.

The finishing touch is compacting the soil with a garden roller or a log. To further stabilize the soil, you can make abundant watering of the site.

Autumn lawn sowing can be:

  1. Moisten the soil a couple of days before the expected day of sowing.
  2. Mix seeds with sand in a ratio of 1:1.
  3. Evenly scatter the resulting mixture over the area (first walk along, then across, crossing the rows).
  4. Loosen the surface of the earth with a rake, simultaneously planting the seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm.
  5. Tamp the soil with a roller and sprinkle with a layer of peat 1-1.5 cm thick.
  6. Water the soil carefully using a fine sprinkler.

In autumn, about 60-70 g of seed material is consumed per 1 square meter.

Attention! In order not to damage the fragile root system, you should not walk on the lawn in the first months after germination.


The spring version is good because during this period the germination of seeds improves for natural reasons - daylight hours lengthen, it becomes warmer. It is better if the lawn is sown in April, because during this period the moisture is still retained in the soil. Later - from the end of April to the beginning of July - it is possible to sow lawn grass mixtures only if they are guaranteed regular and sufficiently plentiful watering (from a watering can with a fine spray).

The soil for spring planting is prepared in the same way and at the same time as for autumn planting. Top dressing and intensive watering during spring planting begins in March. This allows not only to make the soil as suitable as possible for the lawn, but also to germinate all the weed seeds left over from last year, and then remove unnecessary grass from the territory in a timely manner.

Note! During sowing, you should move around the site on wide skis or boards. This will ensure that no traces are left behind.

1 m² will require 30-50 g of seeds. It is also recommended to leave some of the seed material in reserve in case there is a need for additional seeding. After completing the procedure, the earth must be mulched with peat, humus and sand.

The first mowing is done when the lawn grass reaches a height of 6-10 cm.


Planting lawn grass in July or early August is perfectly acceptable. However, seed consumption will be somewhat higher than in spring, since some of them will burn out (accordingly, another part will have to be left for sowing bald spots, which may appear later). More intensive watering will also be required, since in July - August the soil dries out especially quickly.

The rest of the summer landing leaves a positive impression:

  • with proper care, shoots appear after a week;
  • it is possible to see, before the snow falls, which places on the site remained empty and sow them before the vegetative period ends;
  • the lawn will be green most of the fall (before frost).

It is preferable to plant a lawn at the end of summer, when the earth is still warm enough, and the humidity of the air and soil is already beginning to gradually increase.

Lawn grass

Seedling Care

The main part of lawn care activities involves the implementation of:

  • glaze;
  • cleaning;
  • top dressing;
  • cutting.

All these procedures are easy to perform, but they must be repeated regularly, otherwise the appearance of the lawn will noticeably deteriorate.

  • walk on the lawn if the thickness of the snow cover is less than 20 cm;
  • arrange a skating rink on the lawn;
  • cover the lawn with snow

In the spring, you need to do the following:

  • clear the area of ​​debris, stones and leaves;
  • comb the lawn with a fan rake;
  • aerate and fertilize the soil;
  • treat plants for fungal diseases by spraying them with fungicides;
  • sow those areas that remain bare;
  • cut the lawn.

In summer, the list is reduced to watering (produced every two days), fertilizing with fertilizers and cutting. With the onset of autumn, it will be necessary to sow bare areas, fertilize the soil and aerate it.

Rolled lawns

Tools needed for planting and care

To prepare the soil, and after planting the lawn and caring for it, the following tools are required:

  • metal and wooden rakes;
  • wooden slats 1 m long (several pieces for leveling the area);
  • mosquito net (used to protect seeds from exposure to sunlight);
  • fertilizer (special lawn or complex): 50 g per square meter;
  • watering can with fine spray;
  • scales.

Of course, you will need high-quality seed material (it is desirable that it be grafted) or several strips of rolled lawn.

Often oats, rye and other cereals are used for sowing. The best grasses for lawns in the south are:

  • bluegrass meadow;
  • meadow fescue;
  • ryegrass.

If desired, lawn crops can be independently combined in suitable proportions, checking the success of the selected combination in the area next to the cottage.

Thus, there is no fixed time frame for planting the lawn. You can sow seeds at any time of the year, except for winter. When choosing the time for planting, you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each season of the year.

To create a beautiful lawn on the site in front of the house, you need not only to plant grass, but also to properly prepare the soil. After that, you need to take care of the sprouted greens, otherwise it will quickly wither.

Do-it-yourself lawn in the country

First you need to choose the type of coverage that the gardener wants to get. It is not necessary to plant only green grass. There are the following types of lawns:

  • an ordinary green carpet of field or mountain plants;
  • meadow or Moorish type with flowering layer;
  • sporty look that resists abrasion well.

The technique of planting the lawn, its watering, aeration, cutting and top dressing depends on this choice.

Note! There are no general rules for laying out such a cover, but there are some principles for working when planting a lawn.

People are often interested in when is the best time to sow a plot with purchased seeds or sprouts. On average, these works take from 1 to 1.5 months. To start and finish decorating the lawn in the country on time, it is better to choose the time from late spring to early autumn. Most often, gardeners begin to carry out such work from the end of May, and finish in early September. The main thing is that this period of time does not capture the winter.

Lawn grass

It is better to sow the seeds after carrying out the preparatory measures for laying out the lawn in the country. Most often this is done in the summer, in mid-June, but this procedure can be postponed closer to autumn.

Preparing the soil for planting seeds

First, mark the future lawn. Clean it of weeds, debris, level. The summer cottage is divided into squares, in one of which it is planned to place a grassy carpet.

Note! It is necessary to carefully prepare for these works, since subsequently they will eliminate the need for weeding the planted bushes and greatly simplify their haircut.

It will take from 7 to 30 days to independently conduct preparatory activities. If the farmer lives in the southern regions or central Russia, then work can begin in the last days of May. For residents of Siberia, this period is shifted by 1 month closer to autumn. The earth must be well warmed up, otherwise the seedlings may die.

  1. When marking a plot for a lawn, you need immediately lay flower beds, paths or paths. For this, a simple technology is used using twine and pegs. There is no need to strive to give the lawn strict geometric shapes, since the sown areas will look harmonious in the absence of clear boundaries.
  2. After that, it is carried out leveling the site, eradicating stumps (if any), removing debris and stones. If the soil is poor in minerals, then nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are added to it.
  3. The right approach to destruction of weeds and harmful insects consists in treating the area to be cleaned with herbicides and preparations that kill pests. Geotextiles are often used for these purposes. It provides uniform coverage of the area selected for the lawn.

Preparing the soil for the lawn

After carrying out the preliminary work, you can begin to create a herbal composition.

Step-by-step instructions for sowing a lawn with seeds

Before sowing grass, you need to check the type of soil in the country. Well, when it is fertile, it can pass air, retain water. If this is not the case, then the soil is dug up, and then superphosphate is added to it.

In the country, these works will take from 3 to 7 days. You need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. with increased acidity of the earth - this parameter is normalized by adding chalk or slaked lime to the soil;
  2. when sowing in the spring, the main emphasis is on nitrogen fertilizers, and if the sowing of grass is moved closer to autumn, then superphosphate is used;
  3. after that, the earth is loosened and watered;
  4. the entire section is rolled with a special roller, the mass of which can vary between 50-100 kg.

When these works are completed, they wait another 4-5 days, and then weed the weeds that have appeared.

How to sow lawn grass with your own hands:

  1. First, the entire territory of the future lawn is divided into pieces of equal size. Then the purchased seeds are distributed to the marked areas.
  2. Before sowing grass, it is necessary to spray water onto the soil using a special nozzle on the hose. The soil should be slightly damp and fairly loose.
  3. When to sow lawn grass, the summer resident himself determines. Experts recommend doing this operation on a sunny, calm day. The selected seeds are manually scattered in the field, first along the territory, and then across.
  4. Gardeners often have questions about what to do if the summer is rainy, how to sow lawn grass. It is recommended to postpone this process closer to autumn.
  5. After it was possible to sow the selected area, it is processed with a French rake. In this case, the seeds are covered with soil, and then everything is rolled with a roller to compact the soil. Then water everything from a hose with a nozzle.

After the grass has appeared, sown on the lawn, you need to monitor its development. To do this, regularly remove emerging weeds, moisten the ground, cut young grass:

  1. The first shoots appear after 14 days. When they grow to 10 cm, they are neatly sheared.
  2. Irrigation of the site is carried out using a sprayer. The earth should be saturated with moisture by 5 cm. This is necessary to strengthen the roots of the sown grass.

Important! Lawn care must be regular, otherwise the plants will die quickly.

What to choose: seeds or rolled lawn

It should be noted that seeds are cheaper than rolls. In the first case, you will have to sow the site yourself, and when using a finished lawn, its installation is included in the price. For independent work, it is best to choose the seeds of bent grass, ryegrass, fescue and bluegrass.

bent seeds

When choosing grass, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • germination;
  • resistance to external mechanical loads;
  • the presence of immunity to various infections;
  • frost resistance and the ability to tolerate heat.

When purchasing rolls, you need to know their advantages and disadvantages.


  • unpretentiousness and ease of operation;
  • Ready-made carpets are well suited for arranging uneven areas.

The only disadvantage of rolls is their high price.

To get the desired decoration of the site in the form of a green lawn, you need:

  • first, choose the right place for sowing grass in the country;
  • then pick up suitable seeds;
  • after that, carefully prepare the place for processing;
  • sparsely water the soil before sowing the seeds, otherwise they will stick together;
  • mow and irrigate a new lawn every 20 days with a sprayer;
  • do not wait for results throughout the year, since a normal lawn is obtained only 24 months after sowing.

Any novice farmer must decide for himself whether to use seeds or purchase ready-made cover. If the first option is preferable, then you need to carefully follow all the instructions of the specialists, otherwise all the work will go down the drain.

So! You have decided to get a lawn in your area. A reasonable question arises - when and how to plant lawn grass?
Let's start in order.

How to choose lawn grass

The decisive issue for the choice of lawn grass mixture is its intended purpose.

Usually the name of the lawn grass that you see on the packaging speaks for itself. For example:

sports turf– lawn for places subject to high load. It can be sports and playgrounds, playgrounds for active games of dogs. Such a lawn is resistant to trampling, but grows quickly, which requires frequent mowing.

Parterre lawn- a lawn with a decorative function, serves as a backdrop for solitary plants and flower beds. It has a bright color and a beautiful sheen. Requires regular watering and space open to sunlight.

dwarf lawn– A lawn containing low-growing and slow-growing grass species, which makes it easier to care for and minimizes the need for mowing. It is more often used as decorative, because it is subject to trampling.

Slope lawn– in this lawn, the grasses are selected in such a way as to form a strong root layer (sod) that is able to hold the soil on the slope and prevent erosion.

When to sow lawn grass

In central Russia, lawn grass seeds can be planted immediately after the snow melts (late April - early May) and until the very end of the confidently warm season (usually October). In a later period, it is not recommended to sow the lawn, since the plants will not have time to fully get stronger before wintering, and as a result, in the spring it will be necessary to oversow, or even re-sow the lawn.

The most favorable period for sowing lawn grass is the end of April - May and September - the beginning of October

If fresh fertile soil is brought in, it is worth waiting 1-2 weeks before sowing. After spilling the soil, wait 3-4 hours, then sow the lawn.

If sowing lawn grass is carried out in the summer, it is worth waiting for rainy, cloudy days.

Do not overdo it with watering. Before germination - watering every day, then no more than 1 time per week.

The first mowing of the lawn at a grass height of 15 cm.

Before planting the lawn, it is necessary to create a drainage system, if provided, a power supply system, an underground irrigation system.
In order for the lawn to look perfect, it is necessary to level the soil. The slope can be 1-3% to facilitate surface water runoff. A large lawn area can be given a greater slope, but not more than 30%.

Soil preparation for lawn grass

Weed removal

Removing weeds will ensure friendly seedlings, the appearance of the lawn and will facilitate further care for it.

Weed control methods:

Freezing- this is the death of the underground parts of weeds in the winter, for this in the fall it is necessary to carry out deep digging of the soil.

suffocation- a long-term method based on repeated cutting of weeds at a shallow depth (harrowing for 2-3 years), the effect is achieved by depleting the rhizome.

Provocation- a couple of weeks before sowing, it is necessary to prepare the soil, and when many sprouts of weeds appear, they are loosened on the surface, thereby destroying them.

Mulching- cover the soil, depriving the light of weeds. For this purpose, ripened compost is well suited, and crushed bark under trees and shrubs.

New soil- the most effective, but time-consuming and more expensive way. Removing the old soil and laying out the new soil with a drainage system - the soil is removed to a depth of 30 cm and laid out in layers: crushed stone, sand and black earth, and a rolled lawn is laid on top or seeds of lawn grass mixture are sown.

herbicides- Treatment of weeds should be carried out during their active growth, but at the same time they should not be mechanically damaged. Within 5-10 days, the herbicide spreads over the entire area of ​​the plant and after 20-30 days the plant dies entirely. Approximately 15 days after the action of the preparation, the land can be cultivated. Herbicides are best applied in the fall if lawn grass is planned to be planted in the spring.

Plots on which weeds have already been removed would be good to protect from those that have not yet been processed.

The surface of the soil under the lawn must be leveled - there should be no mounds or holes. In the pits, subsequently, water will accumulate, which will lead to wetting of the grass, and the bumps will make it difficult for the lawn mower to work.

soil fertility

The thickness of the fertile layer for the proper development of lawn grass should be at least 10 - 15 cm.
The soil should be improved, depending on its characteristics.

The soil mixture and all its components should be well mixed and carefully embedded in the soil, loosened to a depth of about 40 cm, so that the lower layers do not subsequently move up. When carrying out these works, it is necessary to remove from the ground all parts of plants that have previously been treated with chemicals, especially carefully to remove their roots.

In order to make it convenient to care for the edges of the lawn, it is better to fix them. For borders, materials such as gravel, crushed stone are usually used, you can also use a stone border or lay tiles - this will look advantageous in a decorative way and will provide you with access to cutting the edges of the lawn, which will greatly facilitate mowing.

How to sow lawn grass with your own hands

  • Level the soil with a fan rake. There should be no bumps or depressions.
  • The seeding rate of lawn grass is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Sowing is done by hand or with a special manual seeder, the site should be passed several times: in different directions (left to right, right to left and diagonally). This is done to evenly distribute the seeds over the entire area.
    For convenience, seeds can be mixed with sand before sowing. Then the seeds will not stick together, sowing will be convenient and even.
  • Then you should roll the seeds with a special roller or close them with a rake.
  • Be sure to shed the soil well with a nozzle that finely sprays a jet of water.

How to care for lawn grass

During the period of growth of a young lawn, he needs to provide:

  • sufficient watering
  • removal of weeds that will attack a fragile lawn
  • mowing the lawn to a height of 5-10 cm

A mature lawn is considered to be 2-3 seasons after sowing.

To give any building, whether it is an industrial building or a residential building, a well-groomed and noble appearance, it is necessary to bring the area around it into proper condition. One way is to create a lawn.

This process includes three main steps:

Landing site preparation;

The choice of material for planting;

Direct planting of the lawn.

How to properly prepare a site intended for planting lawn grass.

Preparatory work for planting a lawn

A very important and responsible process. The durability and condition of the planted grass will largely depend on it.

The first step is to clear the site of debris, unnecessary stumps and shrubs. If it is planned to plant trees on the lawn, then it must be done at this stage. Before starting soil preparation, it is necessary to lay all engineering networks, if any, will pass through the territory of the future lawn.

If water stagnates in the area intended for the lawn after heavy rainfall or during the melting of snow in the spring, then it is necessary to carry out work on the installation of a drainage system.

The sequence of work when installing drainage:

Release of drains from the fertile soil layer;

Backfilling a layer of gravel with a thickness of 12 - 15 centimeters, gravel can be replaced with broken bricks;

Laying sand in a layer of 8 - 10 centimeters;

Work on the device of the top layer: pour about 15 centimeters of fertile soil and lightly compact it.

The preparation of the site for planting the lawn is completed by the removal of weeds. These works are carried out either with the use of chemicals (herbicides), or through mechanical action on weeds - weeding and mowing.

The use of a chemical method of tillage allows you to start planting lawn grass only after 3 to 4 weeks.

The choice of material for planting a lawn

One of the most expensive lawn materials is rolled lawn grass. The result is visible immediately after installation.

Do-it-yourself lawn will allow you to get aesthetic pleasure and see the real result of labor. For planting such a lawn, grass mixtures are used.

It is the use of a mixture of seeds that makes it possible to achieve a higher resistance of the lawn to weather conditions. The appearance and intensity of growth of the lawn depends on the quality of the selected grasses.

Typically, up to five types of seeds are used in an herbal mixture. The varieties used must match the type of turf chosen:

Parterre decorative lawn requires planting grass, which forms a fairly dense and very delicate cover. Grass should be narrow-leaved, such as bentgrass or fescue. Such a lawn is not suitable for walking on it.

On the lawn, intended for a garden or a park, you can not only walk, but also play active games (football, badminton). The grasses used to plant this lawn are highly resistant to frequent mowing and constant exposure. They are tougher and more durable.

A meadow-type lawn is the most cost-effective of all existing ones. A mixture of lawn grass is sown to wild grasses.

A lawn located in the shade requires the planting of special very resistant grasses that do not respond to a lack of light. Such varieties successfully resist the spread of weeds or moss.

To create an even lawn cover with a uniform grass structure, it is necessary to select according to external signs. It is necessary to take into account the width of the sheet, and the growth rate, and the shade of color. An important condition for planting a beautiful and durable lawn is the use of a grass mixture designed specifically for the type of soil and those climatic conditions in which it is supposed to be planted.

The most commonly used grasses in lawn mixtures are fescue, ryegrass, and bent grass. These herbs are the most resistant to sub-zero temperatures, diseases and various kinds of pests.

Planting a lawn can be done at almost any time, but there are some peculiarities for each region. The most optimal for sowing seeds is warm, but not hot weather, moderate rainfall. If sowing is carried out in autumn, it is necessary to ensure that at least 45-50 days remain before the first temperature drops. Summer sowing is possible only in regions with a temperate climate, and is by no means applicable in arid areas.

Sowing of lawn grass is carried out on a previously prepared site. The next step after preliminary preparation is leveling the ground. All lumps must be crushed, for which you can use a hoe, and then level the dug up area with a rake.

The ground must be compacted with a special roller or trampled down using improvised means, such as boards.

To loosen the earth, it is necessary to walk around the site with a large rake at a depth of about 2 centimeters. Carefully break up the smallest clods of earth, making the surface almost flat, without recesses and mounds.

After completing all the above steps, you can proceed directly to sowing seeds.

Sowing seeds

In order for the sowing to take place more evenly and uniformly, it is necessary to carry it out using a special lawn seeder. If there is no such device, you can use a special canister.

Sowing seeds with its help occurs with the use of water. Of course, manual sowing remains the most affordable.

Grass seeds are sown to a depth of about 2 millimeters, about 50 grams per 1 sq. meter. In the process of sowing, special fertilizers are used, which include potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. To obtain an even grass cover in the future, half of the seeds are sown along the plot, and the second - across.

Planting seeds and fertilizer must be done very carefully, using a rake. To compact the soil over the seeds, you need to walk with a roller.

In no case should the soil be compacted too hard.

The soil should remain moist until germination. To do this, it is necessary to water it daily. Water should be evenly sprayed throughout the lawn, and not poured with a stream. This condition is mandatory!

The length of time until the first shoots appear ranges from a week to 20 days. You can step on the lawn grass after another two weeks of patient waiting.

Subject to all the rules and conditions for planting and caring for lawn grass, a green carpet will delight the eye for a long time.

For those who want to have a beautiful and well-groomed area near a country house, information on how to sow lawn grass with your own hands will be useful. A well-planted and beautiful lawn will be a great place for the whole family to relax and an integral part of the landscape.

  • 1 Seed selection
  • 2 Landing
  • 3 Lawn care
  • 4 Helpful Hints
  • 5 Photo gallery

Seed selection

How to grow a beautiful green lawn? First you need to choose the right seed. Manufacturers offer a wide range of ready-made compounds for sowing lawns. For example, it can be a sports or family lawn.

When deciding how to plant a lawn with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the lawn mixture. Seeds must be adapted to the local climate, otherwise you may be in for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a lawn frozen after winter. It is wiser to select frost-resistant varieties of grasses, which differ not only in durability, but also in the density of the cover. These herbs include red fescue and bluegrass meadow. The best option for a lawn mixture is to combine 2 of these types of grass in equal proportions.

An important criterion for obtaining a dense planting is an accurate measure of the seeds to be sown. After the choice is made, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations for material consumption.

Another criterion is the choice of a suitable landing time. In any season, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations on the number of seeds for planting lawn grass. If sowing is carried out in summer or spring, it is worth adding another half of the norm to the specified parameter. This is due to the fact that spring floods and autumn rains carry away some of the seeds with the flow of water.

In the summer, for planting grass, they also take a few more seeds than indicated by the manufacturer. The hot sun is detrimental to young shoots, so it is advisable to increase the number of seedlings so that some of them are guaranteed to continue to grow.

The most dense lawn in the country will grow on flat ground. Lawns that slope or have irregularities should be seeded more densely than required by the grower.


After the planting time is determined, the ideal seed variety is selected, you can start sowing lawn grass. Lawn planting technology is as follows:

  1. Weeds are removed from the yard. Those who want to know how to properly plant lawn grass should remember that the site must be carefully cleared of weeds. To achieve this goal, you can use all known methods: cultivation, mulching, watering the site with herbicides, manual weeding. The most effective can be considered watering with herbicides. These solutions remove the smallest weeds of any kind. Within two weeks after treatment, all weeds are completely destroyed.
  2. Be sure to cultivate the soil so that the planting of the lawn is successful. Before sowing the lawn, the land must be dug up, stones and dried roots removed. Large earthen clods must be broken with a shovel. The prepared soil should be homogeneous, sufficiently loose and saturated with oxygen. Simultaneously with digging, the land is also leveled. The pits are covered with earth, and the soil is raked from the mounds.
  3. Without fertilizer, a thick lawn will not grow. If the soil type is alkaline, then it is fertilized with peat, and if acidic, with lime. Before planting lawn grass on the site, the soil must be fertilized with mineral or organic additives. The best option would be compost or biohumus. If the soil is very poor, replacing the topsoil will help improve its composition. To do this, the site on which it is planned to plant lawn grass is dug up, the top layer of soil is removed to a depth of 40 cm. The depleted soil is taken out, and fertile soil is laid in its place.
  4. Leveling and compacting the site is a critical stage of work. Before sowing lawn grass with your own hands, the soil must be leveled with a rake and compacted. High-quality compaction is carried out using a garden roller or a small barrel of water. The area prepared for landing should be compacted to such an extent that a person passing through it does not sink their feet into the ground.
  5. How to sow lawn grass on the site? To begin with, you will have to make shallow grooves on the compacted surface of the earth. The depth of the place for sowing should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise small seeds will not sprout. Lawn planting lines are first made horizontally, and then vertically. It is required to remember the manufacturer's recommended seed consumption rates. After the seeds are planted, all grooves must be carefully covered with earth and rolled with a roller or barrel.

Lawn care

It is not enough to know how to sow the lawn with your own hands - you need to understand how to care for it after planting. To get friendly shoots, it is important to organize the first watering correctly. The best option is to use special sprayers with a fine irrigation function, then puddles will not form on the surface, and the seeds will not float. If the seeds are planted on rainy days, then the first watering can be omitted.

How to properly care for crops? If everything is done correctly, then the first sprouts can be seen within two weeks after planting. Grass sprouts and develops unevenly, so do not panic if at first the lawn area looks a little bald. The real picture of the future lawn can be seen only four weeks after planting the lawn grass.

In the hot season, the lawn should be watered every day.

It is necessary to mow regrown blades of grass if their length has reached 10 cm. A haircut is needed both for aesthetics and to stimulate the growth of new grass.

  1. The soil should stand prepared for at least 10-14 days before the seeds hit the ground. During this time, the soil will be able to settle.
  2. In spring, the grass sprouts within 20 days, and in summer this period is reduced to 7 days.
  3. To minimize the number of weeds that sprout along with the grass, sowing is best done in the fall.
  4. Fertile land should not be dug deep, so you can avoid excessive shrinkage of the site.
  5. In order for the plot to be sown evenly, it is pre-distributed into squares.
  6. The first 7 days after sowing, water the lawn with a watering can or an autonomous sprayer. So you can save air access to sprouts that have not yet broken through the thickness of the earth.
  7. They purchase seed material with a margin, because with poor germination, you will then have to fill in the empty spaces.
  8. If the weather is very hot outside (over + 30 ° C), it is not recommended to fertilize seedlings, otherwise their root system will burn.

Only if all the rules are followed will it be possible to grow a beautiful lawn without weeds and bald spots.

Photo gallery

Here you can see in the photo how you can decorate the landscape design of any site with the help of a lawn.