Toilet paper for dry closets. Thetford Aqua Soft toilet paper for dry closets

To connect plumbing fixtures to the water supply network, a flexible water pipe is used. It is in demand when connecting faucets, showers, toilets and other points of water intake, and greatly simplifies the installation process. Flexible hose is also used when installing gas equipment. It differs from similar devices for water in manufacturing technology and special safety requirements.

Characteristics and types

Flexible hose for connecting plumbing is a hose of different lengths made of non-toxic synthetic rubber. Due to the elasticity and softness of the material, it easily takes the desired position and allows installation in hard-to-reach places. To protect the flexible hose, the upper reinforcing layer in the form of a braid is designed, which is made of the following materials:

  • Aluminum. Such models can withstand no more than +80 ° C and remain functional for 3 years. At high humidity, the aluminum braid is prone to rust.
  • Of stainless steel. Thanks to this reinforcing layer, the service life of the flexible water hose is at least 10 years, and the maximum temperature of the transported medium is +95 ° C.
  • Nylon. This braid is used for the manufacture of reinforced models that can withstand temperatures up to +110 ° C and are designed for intensive use for 15 years.

As fasteners, nut-nut and nut-union pairs are used, which are made of brass or stainless steel. Devices with different permissible temperatures differ in the color of the braid. The blue ones are used to connect to the cold water pipeline, and the red ones are used with hot water.

When choosing an eyeliner for water, you need to pay attention to its elasticity, reliability of fasteners and purpose. It is also mandatory to have a certificate that excludes the emission of toxic components by rubber during operation.

Features of gas connections

When connecting gas stoves, water heaters and other types of equipment, flexible hoses are also used. Unlike water models, they are yellow and do not pass environmental testing. End steel or aluminum reinforcement is used for fixation. There are the following types of devices for connecting gas appliances:

  • PVC hoses reinforced with polyester thread;
  • made of synthetic rubber with stainless steel braid;
  • bellows made in the form of a corrugated stainless steel tube.

Holding "Santekhkomplekt" offers engineering equipment, fittings, plumbing and accessories for its connection to communications. The assortment is represented by products and materials from well-known foreign and domestic manufacturers. Discounts apply for bulk purchases, and the quality of products is confirmed by certificates of the established form. For informational support and assistance, a personal manager is assigned to each client. The ability to arrange delivery within Moscow and to other regions of the Russian Federation allows you to quickly receive the purchased goods without unnecessary hassle.

Drainage is an irrigation and drainage measure to remove excess groundwater.

If water does not leave the territory of the site for a long time, the soil gleies, if the shrubs and trees quickly disappear (soak), it is necessary to urgently take measures and drain the site.

Reasons for waterlogging

There are several reasons for waterlogging:

  • clayey heavy soil structure with low permeability;
  • the aquiclude in the form of gray-green and red-brown clays is located close to the surface;
  • high groundwater table;
  • man-made factors (construction of roads, pipelines, various objects) that impede natural drainage;
  • violation of the water balance by the construction of irrigation systems;
  • the landscape plot is located in a lowland, a ravine, a hollow. In this case, precipitation and water inflow from higher places play an important role.

What is the risk of excess moisture in the soil

You can see the results of this phenomenon yourself - trees and shrubs perish. Why is this happening?

  • the oxygen content in the soil decreases and the carbon dioxide content increases, which leads to a violation of the air exchange processes, the water regime and the diet in the soil;
  • oxygen starvation of the root-forming layer occurs, which leads to the death of plant roots;
  • the intake of macro and microelements by plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) is disrupted, because excess water washes away the mobile forms of elements from the soil, and they become inaccessible for assimilation;
  • there is an intensive breakdown of proteins and, accordingly, the processes of putrefaction are activated.

Plants can tell you what level the groundwater is at

Take a closer look at the flora of your site. The species inhabiting it will tell you at what depth the groundwater layers are located:

  • top water - in this place it is best to dig a reservoir;
  • at a depth of up to 0.5 m - marigold, horsetails, varieties of sedges - bubbly, holly, fox, Langsdorf reed grass grow;
  • at a depth of 0.5 m to 1 m - meadowsweet, canary grass,;
  • from 1 m to 1.5 m - favorable conditions for meadow fescue, bluegrass, mouse peas, ranks;
  • from 1.5 m - wheatgrass, clover, wormwood, plantain.

What is important to know when planning the drainage of the site

Each group of plants has its own moisture needs:

  • at a depth of groundwater from 0.5 to 1 m, vegetables and annual flowers can grow in high beds;
  • the depth of the water layer up to 1.5 m is well tolerated by vegetables, cereals, annuals and perennials (flowers), ornamental and fruit and berry bushes, trees on a dwarf rootstock;
  • if the groundwater is at a depth of more than 2 m, fruit trees can be grown;
  • the optimum depth of groundwater for agriculture is from 3.5 m.

Do you need drainage of the site

Write down your observations at least for a while. You yourself can understand how much drainage is needed.

Maybe it makes sense to just redirect melt and sedimentary water along a bypass channel, rather than letting them flow through your site?

Perhaps it is necessary to design and equip a storm drain and improve the composition of the soil and this will be enough?

Or is it worth making a drainage system only for fruit and ornamental trees?

The exact answer will be given to you by a specialist, whom we strongly recommend to call. But after reading this article, you will gain some awareness of the matter.

At the end of the technological and production tasks related to the arrangement of the sewer system in an apartment building, an industrial building, as well as in a private household, it is required to test the involved system by the forced spill method. This task was applied to identify possible defects or improper installation of the entire sewer part involved, and the test report for internal sewerage systems and gutters will be material evidence of the acceptance of the facility.

The visual check should be accompanied by the introduction into the certificate of testing of internal sewage systems and gutters according to SNIP, which is currently represented by the current regulations of the application of the D series, which corresponds to SP 73.13330.2012 "Internal sanitary-technical systems of the building", recently a new one has been applied updated working edition for SNiP 3.05.01-85.

When purchasing and installing a dry closet, you need to understand that for all their indisputable advantages, they are still not as simple as they might seem at first. In order to use such a miracle of modern technology, the owners will need not only to clean the structure, but also to purchase special fillers (peat), liquids (for chemical devices) and even special toilet paper.

The question arises: what is wrong with the usual one and why is it necessary to buy a special one?

The fact is that the use of ordinary toilet paper can lead to clogging and clogging of drains, after which they will need to be cleaned or even repaired. Plumbing repair and blockage repair experts say that plain paper flushed down the toilet can lead to blockages.

How it's done. Toilet paper

What properties does special paper for dry closets have?

Its main advantage is the possibility of complete dissolution in a liquid medium, which is why it easily passes through the flush system and disappears without a trace.

The canvas, which it was made of, is quite dense, but soft and pleasant to use. Many manufacturers, taking care of convenience and comfort, produce rolls of this type with already perforated web for easy separation of a cut of the required length.

Do I have to use special toilet paper?

If the owner intends to flush the used toilet paper into his dry closet, he simply must stock up on a special one so that he does not have to constantly repair a clogged device.

Of course, no one forbids the use of ordinary inexpensive options, however, you need to get rid of the used pieces without flushing them down the toilet, but throwing them into a specially designated trash can next to it.

As already noted, specialty paper will dissolve in the lower compartment in a matter of seconds, while ordinary paper may well create problems.

Thetford Aqua Soft toilet paper for dry closets

The American company Thetford counts the years of its existence since 1963. Its history began with the release of accessories for marine lavatories. This company began to actively produce portable toilets only five years after its foundation, and for more than forty years it has been occupying a leading position in the world market of dry closets. They now also manufacture various types of travel toilets for travel in trailers, trains and yachts.

In addition to the structures themselves, Thetford produces a number of products necessary for their comfortable use:

  • Special instant toilet paper;
  • Liquid for dry closets (disinfectant liquids, waste breakers);
  • Powders for dry closets.

Toilet paper for dry closets Aqua Soft (Thetford) is specially designed for use with dry closets. Under the action of a liquid-splitter, it will quickly dissolve in the receiving compartment of any model to a homogeneous mass, which will continue to decompose along with the waste of the human body. Its characteristics fully meet all the requirements imposed by manufacturers and sanitary standards for such a product.

The special softness of a rather dense (in several layers) canvas makes the use of this paper especially pleasant. This is the only toilet paper produced specifically for dry closets on the domestic market.

You can buy a package of such paper (each has four rolls) only in specialized stores or specially ordered from an online store with delivery or pickup from the warehouse. The price of this miracle of papermaking, to put it mildly, bites.

About more affordable options

In the event that it is not possible to buy branded toilet paper from the manufacturer, you can try to look for something of high quality and more affordable. Attention should be paid to whether it dissolves in water.

The familiar one-layer gray toilet paper in standard rolls for such a device is unambiguous, so when using it, you should get a small bucket with a garbage bag into which the used pieces will be thrown. Then it can be burned or thrown into the trash can. Summer residents most often prefer the first option.

The modern market for bathroom and toilet accessories is represented by a huge number of various brands and varieties of goods. The demands of buyers are becoming more and more demanding, and in response to this, the demands for toilet paper are increasing. They concern both materials and technical characteristics, and ease of disposal after use. The ideal option is the ability to wash it off along with the waste of the human body, however, you need to avoid possible troubles in the form of blockages.

One of the important requirements is the ability to dissolve in water. The undisputed leader among manufacturers on the domestic market is the Polish company Zewa, whose products are distinguished by special comfort and quality.

A relatively recent innovation of this company was the ability to dissolve in water not only the paper itself, but also the core on which it was wound. Two- or three-layer paper is light and pleasant to the touch, perforated, and quickly dissolves in water, albeit not completely, but the possibility of filling a dry closet with it is much lower. The company also produces toilet papers for children, colored and scented types.

Wet toilet paper

A kind of know-how in the field of personal hygiene has become the appearance of wet toilet paper, which in appearance and packaging is more reminiscent of wet wipes that have already become familiar to everyone, but has its own unique features.

The undoubted leader among the manufacturers of such products in the domestic market is the Russian-British company Maksan, which has been producing and supplying such an irreplaceable product as wet wipes to stores for more than ten years.

Wet toilet paper "Maksan" is made of non-woven material, easily dissolving in water, with the addition of calendula extract, which kills microbes and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Each package contains forty small wet wipes that dissolve in water, which after use can be flushed not only into an ordinary toilet, but also into a dry closet. It can be used both as a stand-alone hygiene product and in conjunction with plain paper.

This toilet paper is great for both adults and children.

On store shelves, you can find similar wet toilet paper of such brands as:

  1. Zewa;
  2. Mon Rulon;
  3. Aura;

Advantages and disadvantages

The need to buy toilet paper and cleaning products is a regular payment for using such a good of civilization as the toilet. For dry closets, more often used on the road or in the country, due to the peculiarities of their design, special means will be needed. The use of special toilet paper for dry closets has both advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include:

  • Environmentally friendly (it dissolves quickly in water and breaks down into environmentally friendly chemicals);
  • Convenience (such paper is very convenient and pleasant to use: soft to the touch, thick enough and with a perforated tear line);
  • Does not create blockages (really dissolves, and does not just get wet and swollen).

As for the shortcomings, they include:

  • Inaccessibility (you can buy branded paper for dry closets in specialized stores or online with delivery or pickup from the warehouse, and who needs such hassle with toilet paper?);
  • Price (the cost of special paper is quite high in comparison with the usual paper and not everyone can afford it).

When purchasing a dry closet and starting to use it, you need to clearly understand that such a bathroom, like no other, needs an attentive and careful attitude towards itself. The carefully thought-out and complex design of the dry closet is very easy to clog or break if misused. It is necessary to approach the operation of the dry closet with all responsibility, so that it does not suddenly turn from convenience into a problem.

Video: THETFORD Aqua Soft Paper

The dry closet is beautiful and convenient, it is light and compact, hygienic and does not spread odors. It can be used in the house and in the country, in the workroom and in the car, on the street. The dry closet does not require connection to the sewerage and power supply. The toilet consists of two split tanks. The upper one is a flush water tank equipped with a seat. Bottom waste tank.

The dry closets have a pressure relief valve when draining waste, which ensures uniform draining and prevents splashing. The valves in dry closets are fixed and non-fixed (they must be kept pressed during the drain process).

Waste usually needs to be disposed of down the drain, but with Aqua Kem Green bottom tank fluid, it can be used in the compost.

Fluids for dry closets that increase the comfort of its use

For the bottom tank, there are two types of special waste-recovery preparations Aqua Kem Blue and Aqua Kem Green. They destroy odors and recycle waste water, converting it into a homogeneous mass with a medical and cosmetic odor. When using Aqua Kem Green, the waste can be composted. If it is possible to drain the effluent into a sewer, it is recommended to use the economical Aqua Kem Blue disinfectant.

It is also recommended to add Aqua Rinse fragrance to the water in the top tank, it not only removes unpleasant odors, but also facilitates flushing. It is difficult to wash off solid waste with water alone, and thanks to this tool, they can be washed off in one flush - only 120 ml of liquid, in some cases it is necessary to drain the water up to 3 times.

All Thetford dry closet fluids are concentrated solutions, For example, one bottle of Aqua Kem Blue or Aqua Kem Green, 1.5 liters in volume, is enough for about 3 months of use for a family of 3 people.

The Bathroom Cleaner, which gently and effectively cleans the plastic without damaging it, will help you take care of your dry closet.

What toilet paper should be used in a dry closet

It is not recommended to throw toilet paper into a dry closet. It is better to place a trash can next to it. If for some reason it is impossible to use the trash can, then you can use ordinary toilet paper, but it will not undergo 100% decomposition, however, thanks to the convenient tank draining system, you will be able to empty it from the remaining paper. Thetford offers a special Aqua Soft toilet paper, which is easy to rinse and dissolves quickly in the waste container, eliminating the possibility of clogging the dry closet.

How low temperatures affect the dry closet

Any liquid dry closet cannot be used at sub-zero temperatures. At subzero temperatures, the dry closet can only be stored completely dry (it is necessary to disassemble and dry the pump). The material from which the dry closet is made can withstand temperatures up to - 45 degrees, therefore, for example, a country toilet does not need to be transported to an apartment, but you can safely leave it to winter outside the city.