Still heating circuit for 2 floors. Heating schemes for a two-storey house. Advantages and disadvantages of various systems

The system of heating a single-storey structure does not cause special issues even in inexperienced, few people who understand this industry. Most represent how it can be equipped, and therefore only clarify some incomprehensible parts for themselves. But the heating scheme of a 2-storey private house is more complex not only in the implementation, but also simply in understanding.

If you have a two-storey your own home or country cottage, you want to equip the heating system with your own hands, but do not know where to start - our article will help you solve all the problems that arise.

Variety options

The main feature is that it is necessary to ensure the rise of the coolant to the second floor, that is, a height in a given project. How to solve this issue - we will talk in this section.

To begin with, let's decide exactly what equipment and components are required:

  • boiler;
  • pipes and batteries;
  • shut-off valve;
  • temperature regulators, other additional measuring instruments, control sensors.

The work of the entire system directly depends on the quality of the components used - so do not save on them! Modern, reliable equipment will not only provide the microclimate you need, but also will avoid emergency situations.

We now turn to a variety of schemes used in the arrangement of the heat supply system in two-storey buildings.

Proven types of heating schemes

There are several time-tested and many people in constructions:

  • with lower wiring;
  • with top wiring;
  • 1-pipe system;
  • 2-pipe system;
  • depending on the type of circulation used - forced or natural;
  • depending on the position of the risers - traditional, vertical or horizontal (they are extremely rare)

Most often there is a scheme that envisages the forced movement of the coolant. It is more effective, it allows to ensure a uniform warming around the whole house. But additionally need to establish a special pumping pressure pump and an expansion tank. The boiler can be actually any - and gas, and solid fuel, and so on.

What scheme is better?

Most often it is customary to use a two-pipe scheme, which is characterized by:

  • versatility;
  • reliability;
  • economy.

For example, when using a single-tube version, it will not be possible to adjust the level of heating the level of individual batteries, because in this case there is a sequential connection of all the radiators used and when the transfer of the coolant is overlapped to one of them all the subsequent will also get less heat.

In a two-pipe scheme, each battery involves connecting two separate pipes:

  • for supplying the coolant;
  • for his removal.

It also makes it possible to ensure installation for each battery of the adjustment valve, which will provide an opportunity to control the temperature in any room of your home, and not to be attached to the whole building.

Dealted attention deserves the collective type - it is more expensive in its arrangement, and therefore is not as popular, but has its positive qualities. Among those are the hidden location of all pipes, which is positively reflected in the interior. Design features are as follows:

  • the boiler is placed on the first floor;
  • expansion tank - on top;
  • pipes pass under the floor, under the ceiling or under the windowsides.

Also on each battery you can install the valve to control the temperature level in separate rooms.

From the above description, it is possible to make an intermediate output - the optimal option will be the installation of either two-pipe or collector scheme. The first is cheaper, the second is more expensive, but wins from aesthetic point of view!

On the video - installation of a two-pipe heating system with their own hands

Choose pipelines

Choosing equipment - an important point. What kind of boiler to use is an individual business, it all depends on your preferences and financial opportunities. If you are not afraid of heating bills, you can leave the gas, and if you want to save - choose a solid-powder or so-called hybrid, which can work on different types of fuel (gas-electricity, solid fuel-electricity, electricity-liquid fuel, etc. ). More about hybrid boilers you will learn in the article.

The hybrid boiler is an order of magnitude more expensive than a monotoxy boiler, but ultimately this is a real opportunity is always in a warm house, and save on one of the types of fuel.

If the question of the selection of the boiler is individual and the specific tips, we will not be able to give, then everything is wrong with pipes for wiring. In this we are ready to help you. So, when the pipe is selected, it is important to remember that not only the reliability and durability of the system depends on their material, but also the rate of room warming.

If you want to achieve a high level of heat transfer, copper pipes are recommended, which, by the way, is removed by the appearance of corrosion, they are able to withstand even high pressure;

The budget, common option, which is metal-plastic models, which, however, are also characterized by high quality and heat transfer.

Do not forget about the extelling tank presence - this is a mandatory element of the scheme that promotes the preservation of the heating system!

It also needs to be remembered that various deposits are harvested inside metal-plastic models, "congestion" are not formed. Even with a large period of time, your system will work as efficiently as possible!

All other types of pipes are recognized as inefficient, rapidly lose their reliability and are not able to provide high-quality room heating over the years.

What you need to remember?

Be sure to consider all the little things and details. After all, it is necessary to create not only an efficient, but also a durable heating system, which will work for at least 25-50 years, without requiring overhaul and replacement. It is better to "invest" once, to spend a big amount, but to enjoy warmth in the house all your remaining life!

Especially since a properly selected scheme, the heating system will allow:

  • create an ideal microclimate in the house even in tall frost;
  • qualitatively to warm each individual room;
  • control the temperature in each room;
  • reduce the cost of purchasing fuel, energy, because their consumption will be smaller.

And in general, the absence of any problems in the functioning of the heating system will allow you to avoid extra, unplanned costs.

Scheme of radiator heating on video

We brought you the main, the most popular options for creating heating in a two-story private house. Such methods will be relevant for suburban cottages. The drawings presented in the article will best understand the principles of the system's arrangement - we are confident that our information will be useful for you, will avoid extra spending.

To ensure heat and comfort in a two-story house, it is necessary to properly determine the heating scheme of the two-storey house. The heating system is an essential engineering system of life support of any home. Its purpose is to reimburse the heat loss and the creation of a certain temperature regime, which is needed primarily for people living in the house, but should not be underestimated and the factors that the effective heating system is designed to provide, including the durability and durability of building structures.

Calculation and design is better to entrust heat engineering engineers who will appreciate the heat loss will give recommendations on the insulation of the house, and will also make a detailed calculation, which will avoid excessive costs for expensive equipment. But the choice of the heating scheme of a two-story house can be made by the Customer, based on the long-term experience.

Classification of heating

Types of sources of thermal energy - heat generators

Before you choose one or another heating scheme, it is useful to learn existing species and which one is suitable for a specific task. It is known that various types of heat generators are the main source of heat, which can be:

  • Furnaces and fireplaces. This type of heating was once basic, but is now used less and less often due to the high cost of fuel (firewood and coal) and it is impossible to effectively control the temperature in the house. In some regions where there is no gas supply, this type of heating is a non-alternative choice.

  • Various types of heating boilers, which can be: gas, solid fuel, liquid-fuel, electrical, - depending on the availability of access to various energy carriers and their cost.
  • Alternative energy sources. This category includes: geothermal energy obtained, as well as solar, which is transformed into thermal solar collectors. This type of heating is in the stage of violent development and is still applied in our country quite rare due to high prices for equipment.

The prospect of the future is non-volatile home
  • Infrared heating. Heat sources are special infrared emitters that use in most cases electrical energy. Thermal energy with such heating is delivered directly to the "addressee" by radiation. For heating large rooms or rooms with a small periodicity of people appearing in them, infrared heating will be an excellent choice.

In some situations, it will be reasonable to combine various types of heat generators for heating. For example, if there is a country house where the family comes only for the weekend. In this case, it will be reasonable to have a gas boiler for basic heating and electric - to prevent the freezing of water in the system and maintain the minimum permissible temperature in the house.

Types of coolants

Any heating system must transfer heat concentrated in the heat generator to the thermal device that heats the specific room. This is done with the help of a coolant that can be:

  • Air, which is used when heating with furnaces, fireplaces, as well as various electrical heaters. Due to the fact that air has low density, heat capacity and heat transfer coefficient, it is highly inferior to liquid coolants.
  • Water is an almost perfect coolant due to the fact that it has a high heat capacity, density, heat transfer coefficient, and chemical inertia. Water heated by boiler heating is transported to thermal instruments using a pipeline system.

In most modern heating systems, water or various antifreeze, which are aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol or combinations thereof are used as a coolant. Such a property as resistance to non-freeze at low temperatures can be useful in systems of heating of such houses, where people are not planned constantly in winter. In those houses where heating will work all winter, the use of antifreezes is economically inexpedient.

Various antifreeze badly "get along" with aluminum radiators, some seals and pipes. In addition, coolants with the content of ethylene glycol poisonous. Therefore, it is necessary to use such compositions only in cases where it is simply not to do without them.

Types of heating devices

Heating devices can be divided into two main classes:

  • Radiators - Translated from Latin, they are translated as "emitter", that is, such a device that heat transmits in the form of infrared heat radiation. However, modern radiators are not pure emitters, and also transmit part of the heat in the form of convection, but they retained their name.
  • Convectors - the transmission of heat energy into the room occurs due to air heating, and he already gives it to all surrounding objects. Such heating devices have copper (less than steel) tubes surrounded by ribbed heat exchangers. The air, falling into the heat exchanger, heats up its plates and rises, yielding the place is colder. In order for the air exchange to be effective, the entire convector design is placed in a special casing.

In modern systems, another kind of heating as a "warm floor" or "warm walls", which, in essence, are a large radiator, transmitting the "lion's share" of heat as radiation, and this increases comfort and reduces the air temperature in the room Approximately 2 degrees, which leads to a fuel economy by about 12%.

Types of heating radiators

In the system of heating a two-storey building, completely different, depending on the tasks, space, design data, preferences can be used. Radiators can be divided into several types:

  • Cast iron sectional radiators are those that we used to see in apartments and houses of the old building. They have a greater mass and high thermal inertia, but it is undemanding to the quality of the coolant, are not subject to corrosion, have high heat transfer. Such radiators fit perfectly in any interior, especially classic.

Cast iron sectional radiators - a powerful classic
  • Aluminum sectional radiators are an excellent choice for autonomous heating systems, but they are more sensitive to the quality of the coolant, do not tolerate direct contact with copper pipes. Such radiators fit perfectly into any interiors.

  • Bimetallic sectional radiators are a combination of steel or copper tubes, which circulates the coolant and an aluminum surface that gives heat into the room. Such radiators are undemanding to the coolant, withstand high working pressure, externally indiscriminately indistinguishable from aluminum.
  • Steel is a one-piece design of stamped and welded sheet steel. Such radiators have only two threaded connections to the heating system, which increases their reliability. High heat transfer, low weight, low inertia, aesthetic appearance - all this made them the most popular in autonomous closed home heating systems.

In addition to listed models, manufacturers still produce various design models, which include solid cast iron, steel tubular and even ceramic. The high price for these devices is explained by the fact that the design ambitions in them prevail over the engineering rationality.

Prices for popular models of heating radiators

Radiators heating

Schemes of heating two-storey house

The number of implementations of the heating system of the two-storey house is infinite, as it depends on many factors: the size of the house, the presence of uninterrupted power supply, the consistency of residence in the house of people, etc. Therefore, it will be reasonable to consider several typical schemes that have proven their effectiveness.

Scheme of home heating with natural circulation

The name of such a system itself speaks for itself - circulation of the coolant in the heating system occurs due to natural natural processes. The work of such a system can be considered in the figure.

Water, heated in the heat exchanger of the boiler, decreases in density and displaces the colder and dense water of their reverse line. It is this difference of weights of hot and chilled water that provides circulation in the heating system. At the highest point, the hot water riser is equipped with an expansion tank, which gives water to expand when heating, allows you to control the water level in the system and, if necessary, produce a feedback. In addition, all air, which will inevitably be present in the system, will go out into the expansion tank.

Building pipelines and return lines, called still lying, to facilitate water circulation, always do under the slopes: the upper bed to the radiators, and the lower - to the boiler. In such a system, the boiler must be at the lowest point. The flow of the coolant on radiators is made through hot water risers, and the plums chilled through the return risers.

One of the embodiments of the two-pipe heating system of the two-storey house with natural circulation is presented in the following scheme.

You should pay attention to this scheme for a large number of pipelines and their high conditional passage - dU. This is explained by the fact that in gravitational systems to ensure the circulation of the coolant, it is necessary to minimize resistance, and this is possible only in large diameter pipes.

Systems with natural circulation, naturally, have advantages:

  • Electricity independence - heating system will operate both with the complete absence of electricity and during interruptions in its submission.
  • Proven by many years of operation reliability and simplicity.
  • The absence of pumps and low circulation rate of the coolant make such a system silent.

Despite all the advantages, such systems gradually go into the past, as they no longer respond to modern requirements for heating systems.

  • Gravitational systems are extremely material - for their installation, steel pipes of large diameters are used.
  • Installation of heating systems with steel pipes is complicated technologically and takes a lot of time.
  • Systems with natural circulation have limitations on the area of \u200b\u200bheated premises. According to experts, the total length of horizontal sections (sunbeds) should not exceed 40 meters, and the total area of \u200b\u200b150 m2.
  • High inertia - from the moment of starting the system to warm all radiators to the current temperature, several hours can pass to the calculation temperature.
  • A large difference in flow temperatures and returns can badly affect the boiler heat exchanger.
  • In the coolant of gravitational systems, a large amount of dissolved oxygen, which affects corrosion of pipes and radiators, so only iron or bimetallic radiators can be used in such systems.

Heating systems with forced circulation

Almost all modern heating systems use only forced (artificial) circulation of the coolant, which gives weighty advantages:

  • The use of circulation pumps helps to dig any area with any floor of the building.
  • The diameter of the pipes can be much smaller, as the pump allows pumping the coolant at a higher speed.
  • The use of circulating pumps reduces the temperature in heating systems with the same radiators heat transfer parameters, and this, in turn, allows you to use cheaper polymer and metal-plastic pipes.
  • The possibility of both general and zonal adjustment in heating systems.

The disadvantages of systems with forced circulation are:

  • Electricity dependence, which is easily solved by the presence of uninterruptible power supply or generators.
  • Higher noise of operation of the heating system, but with the right calculation, it is not hearing the human ear in heated rooms.

The circulation pump is usually embedded into the heating system on the reverse line in front of the boiler, since in this place the lowest temperature of the coolant.

So that forced circulation worked correctly, the selected pump model must respond to the system parameters. There is a special method for calculating key characteristics - productivity and pressure generated. In order not to tire the reader with formulas, we propose to use the built-in calculators.

Pump Performance Calculator

Enter the requested values \u200b\u200band click the "Calculate" button.

Specify the power of the heating boiler

Translate to Watty

Specify the type of heat exchange instruments

Water heat capacity coefficient

Density of water

Calculator calculating the generated head of the coolant

Enter the requested data and click the "Calculate" button.

Specify the total length of the contours (feed + feed)

Specify the type of shut-off and adjustment valves used

Pipe resistance

Circulation Pump Prices

Circulation pump

One-pipe system of heating of a two-storey house

In single-tube systems of autonomous heating systems, both natural circulation of the coolant and forced can be applied. The coolant from the boiler goes to the feed riser, and then divided into two floors in the sun beds, to which heating radiators are consistently connected.

A single-tube heating system is reliable, but outdated

Obviously, after each of the radiators, the temperature in the pipeline will decrease, and this is necessarily taken into account in the calculations. The advantages of such a system are:

  • Pipe consumption when installing such a system is minimal.
  • The possibility of implementing a system with natural circulation. For example, when the electricity is disconnected, you can close the pump with a bypass jumper, and the system will continue to function, albeit with less efficiency.
  • The time and cost of installation is lower than other systems.

The disadvantages of one-pipe layout are:

  • The difficulty of adjusting and setting the system.
  • To remove one individual radiator, you need to stop the entire system.

Video: one-tube heating system, its advantages and disadvantages

Two-pipe offline heating system

Requirements for modern heating systems involve fine adjustment as the entire system as a whole and each part separately, which allows you to control the microclimate in the premises, as well as save energy resources. And this feature gives just a two-pipe heating system.

In such systems there are two separate pipelines: feed and reverse, and heating radiators are connected to them in parallel. Consider the work of such a system on the example. The heat carrier heated in the boiler is a monitoring automatic valve (2) and enters the vertical riser, which is divided into horizontal sections of the first and second floor. The return pipe is connected to the appropriate input of the boiler and is similar to the feeder divided into two floors.

On the reverse line in front of the boiler are:

  • Safety valve (11) discounting overpressure in the system. Operating pressure in closed heating systems is 1-3 bar.
  • Circulation pump (9) supporting the current of the coolant at a given speed, with the reinforcement reinforcement (7, 8).
  • The membrane expansion tank compensates for the expansion of the coolant and maintains the constancy of the pressure in the system.

Radiators (4) are connected in parallel to the feed and reverse pipeline, and it is best to connect exactly how it is shown in the figure: the feed is made at the top point, and the return on the bottom diagonal, - with such a scheme, the most uniform heating is underway and, accordingly, better heat transfer.

The possibility of self-adjustment of each radiator separately gives a special thermostatic valve (3), which, depending on the air temperature in the room, can limit or overlap the coolant current through the radiator. In this case, this will not affect the work system as a whole. In order for the radiators to do not interfere with each other's work, they have an approximately equal resistance to the flow of the coolant through them, balancing valves (5) are put on their output with which the entire heating system is set.

The two-pipe autonomous heating system has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • The coolant in each radiator comes with the same temperature.
  • Smaller losses in the system allow you to use less powerful circulation pumps.
  • Completely different thermal devices can be connected to the feed and reverse pipeline of the two-pipe system: radiators, convectors, fan coils, a warm floor system with its collector and a pumping group.
  • Repair or configuration of each individual assembly does not affect the work as a whole.

The disadvantages of the two-pipe system are large material intensity, which affects cost and complexity, and this may, with illiterate calculation and installation, affect reliability.

Options of two-pipe systems

Two-pipe heating systems have many embodiments. The axonometric scheme presents the three most used cases of laying of two-pipe heating systems.

  • Two-tube coupling pipe wiring, represented on the conditional first floor of the circuit. In such a system, direct and return pipelines are mounted nearby, in parallel to each other until the last radiator of the branch. The diameters of the feed and reverse tube as it approaches the dead-end radiator is reduced. With this method, the connection is required to configure the system using balancing valves so that radiators located closer to the boiler have not closed the coolant duct through themselves.
  • The two-pipe counter-laying of pipelines is presented on the conditioned second floor of the circuit. In such a method of connecting, the direct pipe is suitable on one side to the radiator, and the reverse on the other. This allows you to stabilize the coolant duct and avoid balancing radiators. This method is also called "Loop Tichelman." The feed and return pipelines should have the same sections.
  • Collector wiring is represented on the third floor of the circuit. The main direct and return pipe is connected to the collector, from which the pipes are already being wiring the same diameter to all radiators. Such a system requires a greater flow of pipes, but its balancing is very simple. In order for the system to work better, the collector should be located close to the geometric center of the floor, while the length of the pipelines will be approximately equal.


  • The development of a system of heating system of a two-storey house is better to entrust heat engineers.
  • The most promising and modern are two-pipe heating systems.
  • A competent combination with warm water floors gives the best results.

Video: Options for radiator systems heating

Top 10 best circulation pumps for heating system

Photo Name Rating Price
Top Circulation Pumps for High Resistance Heating Systems

WILO TOP-S 30/10 EM PN6 / 10 ⭐ 99 / 100

Belamos BRS 25 / 8G (180 mm) ⭐ 98 / 100
The best circulation pumps for medium resistance heating systems
#1 Grundfos UPS 25-40 180 ⭐ 99 / 100

⭐ 98 / 100 1 - Voice

Wilo Yonos Pico 25 / 1-6 ⭐ 97 / 100

WILO STAR-RS 25/4 ⭐ 96 / 100

DAB VS 65/150 M ⭐ 95 / 100

WILO STAR-RS 30 / 6-180 ⭐ 94 / 100
Top Circulating Pumps for Hot Water Supply

Grundfos Comfort 15-14 BA PM ⭐ 99 / 100

WILO STAR-Z 20/1 Circostar ⭐ 98 / 100

What would you choose from circulating pumps for the heating system or would you advise you to purchase?

WILO TOP-S 30/10 EM PN6 / 10

The Wilo-Top-S 30/10 circulation pump can be used in various heating systems. The base is made of cast iron with a cataphoraza coating. Two types of connections: threaded and flange, 3 rotational speed. For 1 hour of operation, the pump pumps up to 12 m3 of the coolant, the rise is a maximum of up to 10 m. Engine with a capacity of 410 W. The maximum coolant temperature is up to 140 s, but when operating no more than 2 hours.

  • high-quality and reliable manufacture;
  • high performance.
  • large weight.

Belamos BRS 25 / 8G (180 mm)

Purpose to pump the coolant in the pipeline system. Used in heating, air conditioning and warm floor systems. Performance maximum 5.28 cubic meters / hour, maximum pressure - 8 m. The pump work is almost silent (40 dB (a)), power consumption is low, low weight.

  • presence of overheating protection;
  • the working fluid lubricates bearings and cools the rotor.
  • not sealed control unit;
  • nuts from a set of not better quality.

Grundfos UPS 25-40 180

Equipment from Grundfos has high performance, long service life and quality. This model is suitable for the heat supply system in the "average" country house. Performance of 1 hour is not more than 3 cubic meters, the largest pressure is 4 m. As a coolant, both ordinary water and propylene glycol antifreeze are suitable. The pump has an economical engine (no more than 45W) and 3 positions of the regulator. The rotor is separated from the stator of stainless steel sleeve, which is very important to avoid leakage and the use of water as a coolant. Manufacturers took care of the trifles to access the terminals do not need a screwdriver, there is a check box that is enough to rotate.

  • there is automatic control over water level;
  • frontal control panel;
  • low noise;
  • small energy consumption
  • a small height of lifting liquid;
  • small performance.

The circulation pump with a bronze housing is equipped with a single-phase motor with a wet rotor and a securely protected stator. The capacity of the liquid is 11 cubic meters per hour, creates resistance up to 7.5 m, engine power is 135 W, so this model is suitable for the longest heating system in the country house. The pump installation can be made both in the vertical and horizontal position. The main advantage of the equipment is adjusting the speed of rotation of its working shaft. The pump has pretty simple control to change its speed, just press one button.

Grundfos UPS 32-80

The system of autonomous heating of a private country house is in itself very difficult on planning and practical embodiment of the project. It is required to take into account the mass of the nuances, to carry out the necessary heat engineering calculations, correctly select all the equipment required for the system and specifications, decide on the schemes of its installation and laying the necessary communications, competently carry out installation and conduct putting-commissioning Work. All this is done in order to create in residential areas the most optimal The microclimate is fully combined with the ease of operation of the heating system, the reliability of its work and, in mandatory, with the highest possible efficiency.

Well, if the heating diagram of a 2-storey private house is being developed, then the task becomes even more difficult. Not only increases the number of rooms and the length of thermal trails. It is important to achieve the necessary uniform distribution of heat in all premises, regardless of which floor they are located and what area have.

This publication will consider the basic elements of the private home heating system and are given several schemes that are already tested in operation. Of course, it is necessary to mention the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options.

What are the heating systems?

First of all, it is necessary to consider and compare two basic schemes - open and closed heating systems. What is their main difference?

The pipes circulates the coolant - a liquid with a high heat capacity, carrying thermal energy from the heating site - a heating boiler, to the heat exchange points - radiators, convectors, heat and contours, etc. Like any physical body, the fluid has an extension property when increasing the temperature. But, in contrast, for example, gases, it is an incompressible substance, that is, the appearing excessive volumes of the volume to provide a place for the pressure in the pipes, according to the laws of thermodynamics, it has not increased to critical quantities.

To do this, an expansion tank is provided in any heating system with a liquid coolant. Its design and installation site and predetermines the separation of heating systems to closed and open.

  • The principle of the device of the open heating system is shown in the scheme:

1 - heating boiler.

2 - pipe (riser) feed.

3 - open expansion tank.

4 - heating radiators.

5 - Pipe "Furning"

6 - pump node.

The expansion tank is an open container of factory or handicraft production. It has an inlet nozzle that is connected to the feed riser. It can be complemented by pipes for overflow during the filling of the system, to replenish the lack of coolant (water).

The main condition - the expansion tank itself must be installed in the highest point of the system. It is necessary, firstly, in order for excess the coolant simplicity, it is simply overflowing out according to the rule of reporting vessels, and secondly, it serves as an effective appears - All gas bubbles formed during system operation rise upstairs and freely enter the atmosphere.

Under No. 6, the diagram shows the pump node. Although very often open-type systems are organized by the principle of natural circulation of the coolant, the installation of the pump - never hurts. Especially, if we bind it correctly, with the waterproof loop and shut-off cranes - it will give it possible to switch from natural circulation to forced and back.

By the way, the installation of an open expansion tank is at the top point of the feed pipe - is not at all a mandatory rule. Here are options, the choice of which is made on the basis of the specific features of the specific heating system:

a - the tank is located at the highest point of the main pipe of the feed, departing from the boiler. Can be said - classic option

b - the expansion tank is connected by a pipe with a "return". Sometimes you have to resort to this location, although it has a significant drawback - the tank is not fully fulfilled air roadAnd to avoid gas plugs, such a device will have to install special taps on risers or directly on heating radiators.

b - the tank is installed on the far feeding of the feed.

g is a rarely found location of the tank with a pump node immediately after it on the feed pipe.

  • Below is a scheme of a closed heating system:

Numbering of common elements is stored by analogy with the previous scheme. What are the main differences?

The system has a hermetic expansion tank (7), which has a special design. It is divided by a special elastic membrane into two halves - a water and air chamber.

Works such a tank is very simple. With a temperature expansion of the coolant, its excess falls into a closed tank, increasing the water chamber in the volume by stretching or deformation of the membrane. Accordingly, pressure increases in the opposite air chamber. When the temperature is reduced, the air pressure pushes the liquid coolant back to the system pipe.

Prices for expansion tanks

expansion tank

Such an expansion tank can be installed almost anywhere in the heating system. Very often, it is located in close proximity to the boiler on the pipe "Frames".

Since the system is completely sealed, it is necessary to protect against critical increase in pressure in it with abnormal situations. This determines the obligation of another element - a safety valve configured to a specific trigger threshold. Usually this device is part of the so-called "security group" (in Scheme - №8). Its standard equipment includes:

"Security Group" assembly

1 – control and measuring The device for visual monitoring of the system status: pressure gauge or combined device - thermometer pressure gauge.

2 - automatic air road.

3 is a safety valve with a preset of the upper pressure threshold or with the possibility of self-regulation of this parameter.

The security group is usually placed in such a way that the simplicity of control over the system status is ensured. Often it is installed right near the boiler. In this case, the upper sections of the heating system will require additional air roads On risers or on radiators.

Systems with natural and forced circulation

On the principles of natural and forced circulation already casually mentioned, but they should be considered closer.

  • The natural movement of the heat carrier in the contours of heating is due to the laws of physics - the difference in the density of hot and cooled fluid. To understand the principle, take a look at the scheme:

1 is the point of primary heat exchange, the boiler where the cooled heat carrier gets heating due to external energy sources.

2 - pipe supply of the heated coolant.

3 - Point of secondary heat exchange - heating radiator installed indoors. It must be placed above the boiler by magnitude. h..

4 - Pipe "Top, coming from radiators to the boiler.

The density of the hot liquid (Rgor) is always significantly less than chilled (rokhl). Heated coolant, therefore, cannot have any significant impact on a more dense substance. Therefore, it is possible to conditionally remove the upper "red" part of the scheme, and consider the processes in the "returns" pipe.

"Classic" reporting vessels are obtained, one of which is located above another. Such a hydraulic system always strives for equilibrium - to ensure equal level in both vessels. Due to the exceeding one over the other, a constant current of the fluid in the side of the boiler occurs. This naturally created by the pressure with proper layout is sufficient for the general circulation of the coolant on a closed heating contour.

You may be interested in information about what is

The greater the magnitude of the radiators over the boiler (h)the more active is the natural movement of fluid, but it should not exceed 3 meters. Very often to achieve an optimal location, the boiler is installed in the basement or basement. If it is impossible to do this, they try to slightly lower the floor level in the boiler room.

To make it easier and stabilize the natural circulation, it is helped by gravity - all the contour pipes are located with a slope (from 5 to 10 mm on the temporal meter).

  • The system of forced circulation provides for the mandatory installation of a special electrical pump required performance.

As already mentioned, the system can be combined - a properly linked pump will allow switching from one circulation principle to another. This is especially important in cases where the supply of electricity in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence does not differ in stability.

The optimal location of the pump is considered a pipe "Furning" before the entrance to the boiler. This is definitely not a dogma, but in this section it will be less affected by the high temperature of the coolant and serves longer. Currently, they are increasingly purchased, which constructively already contain a circulation pump with the necessary parameters.

Prices for different types of heating boilers

heating boiler

Advantages and disadvantages of various systems

First of all, it should be noted that there is no clear separation of systems at once in two mentioned parameters. Thus, the open system can work according to the principles of both natural and forced circulation, depending on its design features. The same as a certain extent can be said about the closed hermetic system, although already - from defined assumptions.

But if you consider projects presented on the Internet, it can be noted that the open system more often involves natural circulation or combined, with the possibility of switching. Closed heating schemes most often include the installation of forced circulation - so they work correctly and easier to adjust.

So, consider the main advantages and disadvantages of both systems.

At first - O. advantages open system with natural circulation.

  • In the open type system, the expansion tank immediately performs several functions.

- Such a scheme does not require the installation of a security group, as the pressure can never achieve critical values.

- Installing the expansion tank at the highest point on the feed pipe provides spontaneous output of the accumulated gas bubbles. Most often - this is quite enough, and the installation of additional air roads No need.

  • The system is extremely reliable in terms of operation, since it does not contain complex nodes. In essence, her term of "life" is determined only by the state of pipes and radiators.
  • There is no complete dependence on power supply, electricity is not consumed.
  • The absence of electromechanical nodes is the silent functioning of heating.
  • Nothing prevents the system with forced circulation.
  • The system has an interesting property of self-regulation - the intensity of the circulation of the coolant depends on the speed of its cooling in radiators, that is, from the air temperature in the rooms. The higher the heating, the lower the flow rate. This often allows you to balance the system without the use of complex adjustment devices.

Now - about her disadvantages:

  • The installation of the expansion tank at the highest point often leads to the need for its location in the attic room. If the attic is cold, then the mandatory reliable thermal insulation of the tank is required to prevent serious thermal losses and to avoid freezing at low winter temperatures.
  • Overlooked tank does not prevent the contact of the coolant with the atmosphere. And this, in turn, entails two negative points:

- First, the coolant evaporates, it means that you need to monitor its level. In addition, it limits the owners in choosing a coolant - evaporation of antifreeze entails certain material costs. Moreover, the concentration of chemical components can also be changed, and for some boilers (for example, electrolyte) it is unacceptable.

- Secondly, the liquid is constantly saturated with oxygen from the air. This leads to the activation of corrosion processes (steel and aluminum radiators are especially affected). And the second negative - increased gas formation in the heating process.

Aluminum radiators for open heating systems are unsuitable

  • Such a system causes certain difficulties during installation - required to maintain the desired level of slope. In addition, tubes of different diameters, including large, as for each site, with natural circulation, you need to observe the desired section. This circumstance also complicates the installation and leads to significant material costs, especially when using metal pipes.
  • The possibilities of such a system are very limited - with too much remoteness from the boiler, the hydraulic resistance of the pipes may be higher than the natural pressure of the fluid being created, and the circulation will become impossible. By the way, this completely eliminates the possibility of using "warm floors" without special additional equipment.
  • The system is very inert, especially with the "cold start". A serious starting "impulse" is required, that is, the start to the low power to ensure the beginning of the circulation of the liquid. For the same reasons - there are certain difficulties in the fine balancing of the system on floors and premises.

And now take a look at the closed system with forced circulation.

Her dignity:

  • Subject to the correct selection of the circulation pump, the system is not limited to no floor of the building or the size of the plan.
  • Forced circulation provides faster and even heating of radiators when starting. It is much easier to succumb to thin adjustments.
  • The evaporation of the coolant and its saturation oxygen does not occur. There are no restrictions on the type of liquid, nor by varieties of radiators.
  • The tightness of the system prevents air from entering pipes and radiators. Gas formation in fluid over time gradually comes on no, and easily eliminated airlighteners.
  • It is possible to use pipes of smaller diameter. When they are installed, no observance is required.
  • The expansion tank can be installed in any place convenient for the owners in the heated room - the likelihood of its freezing is completely eliminated.
  • The temperature difference at the outlet of the boiler and in the "return" during stable operation of heating is significantly less. This circumstance significantly improves the service life of the equipment.
  • Such a system is the most flexible in terms of using heating devices. It is suitable for "classic" radiators, and for convectors and "thermal curtains", wall or hidden, and for the contours of the "warm floor".

Disadvantages A little bit, but they still have:

  • For correct work, it will be necessary to preliminarily calculate all components of the system - boiler, radiators, circulation pump, expansion tank to achieve complete consistency of their functioning.
  • It is impossible to do without installing a "security group".
  • Perhaps the most important drawback is the dependence on the stability of electricity supply.

Most likely, it will require the acquisition and installation of uninterruptible power sources (if the design does not imply the possibility of switching to natural circulation at a non-volatile boiler).

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Prices for uninterruptible power supplies

uninterruptible power system

Wirout schemes in a two-story house

How to dilute heating pipes by two-storey house? There are several schemes from the most simple to up to enough.

First of all, you need to decide, there will be a single pipe or two-pipe system.

  • An example of a single-tube system is shown in the pattern scheme:

One-tube system - the most imperfect

Heating radiators seem to be "strung" on one pipe, which is flakes from entering the entrance to the boiler and on which the feed and the removal of the coolant is carried out. The obvious advantages of such a scheme - its simplicity and the minimum consumption of materials when installing. For this, alas, its advantages and end.

It is clear that the temperature of the liquid drops from the radiator to the radiator. Thus, in rooms located closer to the boiler room, the temperature of the batteries will be significantly higher than in the rooms located on. Of course, this can be in some extent to compensate for by a different amount of heating sections, but it seems only in small houses. If we consider that the article is about a two-story building, then such a scheme is unlikely to become the best solution.

Part of the problems is solved when installing a single-tube system - "Leningradka", the diagram of which is shown in the figure below. The input and output of each battery in this case are interconnected by the jumper-bypass, and the weight loss as it removes from the boiler is not so significant.

The scheme "Leningrad" allows you to eliminate some of the problems

"Leningrad" gives back to even more modernization. So, on the bypass you can install the adjusting valve. The same valves can be installed on one or even both of the radiator nozzles (shown by arrows). This immediately opens up ample opportunities in a thinner setting of the heating system for each room separately. It can be accessed to each radiator - it can if necessary, simply turn off or remove to replace, not at all disturbing the performance of the entire contour.

Advanced "Leningradka" with shut-off and balancing valves

By the way, its flexibility, simplicity, low flow of pipes "Leningradka" won great popularity - it can often be found in one-story houses (especially with a pronouncedly large perimeter of the walls), and in high-rise buildings. It is quite suitable for two-storey mansion.

Nevertheless, it is not devoid of flaws. Fully eliminated the possibility of connecting the contours of the warm floor, heated towel rails, etc. In addition, the mutual location of the premises, doors, exits to the balconies and t.P.. Do not always allow to stretch the pipes throughout the perimeter, and "Leningradka" ultimately must be a closed ring.

  • The two-pipe heating system is much more perfect. Although it will require more consumption of materials and will be more difficult in the installation, but it is more preferable to stay on it.

In essence, she puts the feed pipes and "returns" parallel to each other. The radiators are connected with nozzles with each of them. An example is shown in the diagram:

Radiators are connected to the pipes of feed and returns in parallel, and each of them in no way affects the operation of others. Each "point" can be very accurately configured individually - for this use bypass jumpers (pos. 1), which can be installed balancing valves (pos. 2) or even three-way adjustable thermostators (pos. 3), constantly supporting the stable temperature Heating a specific battery.

The advantages of a two-pipe system are indisputable:

  • The total heating temperature at the entrance to all radiators is withstanding.
  • The total pressure loss from hydraulic resistance of pipes is significantly reduced. This means that you can install a lesser power pump.
  • Any of radiators can be disabled or even removed for repair or replacement - it will not affect the system as a whole.
  • The system is very universal, and it is quite possible to connect any heat exchange devices to it - radiators, warm floors (through special collector cabinets), convectors, fan coils, and the like.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of the two-pipe system is its material intensity and complexity of installation. In addition, the calculations during its design will also add.

One of the complex, but very effective in the work of the two-pipe system is a collector or radiation layout. In this case, from two collectors - feed and returns, two individual pipes are extended to each radiator. This is definitely, many times complicates installation - and the material is required incomparable, and hide the collector wiring is heavier (usually placed under the surface of the floor). But the adjustment of such a scheme is highly accurate, and can be carried out from one place - from the collector cabinet equipped with all the necessary adjustment and safety equipment.

By the way, in the scale of two-story buildings, it is very often necessary to resort to the combination of the connection schemes, two-pipe and one-tube, in some sections, where it is more profitable and easier in terms of installation, and does not affect the overall efficiency of heating.

The next important question is a floor laying pipe.

Two main options are used. The first is a system of vertical risers, each of which provides the heat at the same time both floors. And the second is a diagram with the so-called horizontal risers (or rather, they will be called "sun beds"), in which each floor has its own wiring.

An example of wiring with risers is shown in Figure:

In this embodiment, risers are presented with lower wiring. From the horizontal bedding of the first floor is understood to be the upwards of the feed, and the "returns" are returned. In this case, in the upper tip of each riser it will be advisable to place air road.

There is a different option - risers with top feed. In this case, the emerging of their boiler pipe feed is immediately rises upAlready on the second floor or even in the upper technical room, vertical risers are connected to it, penetrating the structure from top to bottom.

The scheme with risers is convenient if the layout of the floors coincides in many respects, and the radiators are located one over the other. In addition, this particular option will be optimal when it is decided to still apply the open system of heating with natural circulation - in this case, the most important task is to minimize the length of horizontal (inclined) sites, and the risers do not have a serious resistance to the flow of the coolant from top to bottom.

An example of such a system is shown in the following scheme:

From the boiler (pos.1) rises the total pipe supply pipe of a large diameter, which is included in the expansion tank of the large volume (pos. 3), located at the top of the system in approximately the center between the risers. The decision is quite interesting - the expansion tank simultaneously plays the role of a kind of collector, from which the rays in all parties diverge the pipes for vertical risers. Radiators of both floors are connected to the stands (pos. 4), the exact adjustment of which is carried out by special valves (pos. 5).

As already mentioned, systems with natural circulation are rather demanding to the exact selection of conditional diameters of pipes. On the diagram, these are shown by the letter notation:

a - dy \u003d 65 mm

b - DY \u003d 50 mm

c - DY \u003d 32 mm

d - DY \u003d 25 mm

e - DY \u003d 20 mm

The disadvantage of the system with risers is considered to be quite complex performance - you will have to organize several inter-storey transitions through the overlap. In addition, the vertical risers are almost impossible to "remove from the eye" - it is important to those owners who have a decorative decoration of the rooms in priority.

An example of a two-pipe system with an individual wiring for each floor is shown in the following scheme:

Here - just two nearby vertical risers - for feed And for the "return". This principle looks rather rationally from the point of view of installation, allows you to completely disable a whole floor in case it is not temporarily used for any reason. In addition, the pillage installation of pipes allows them to almost completely hide them out of sight, closing the flooring and leaving the courtyard only the inlet and outlet nozzles of radiators.

In essence, on each floor there may be their own scheme, depending on the layout plan. There are many options for the location of the pipes and connect the radiators during the location. Some of them are shown in the diagram where the conditioned division into three floors is carried out.

  • The conditional first floor - an easy-to-pipe layout of the "dead-end" type with the counter movement of the coolant is applied. The scheme has its own characteristics. The feed and inverse pipes are mounted in parallel to each other until the very end of the branch (branches can be somewhat shown in the diagram). The diameter of TPB is gradually narrows from the radiator to the radiator. It is very important to provide for balancing valves, otherwise the radiators installed closer to the boiler are able to close the coolant current through itself, leaving the subsequent points of heat exchange.
  • The second floor shows the so-called "loopTichelman" A very successful scheme in which flow streams and "return" go in one direction. The diagonal connection of the batteries is envisaged - the inlet and the output from the bottom is considered optimal from the point of view of heat transfer. Very often, with such a scheme, it does not even require balancing radiators. But there is an important condition - the pipes must necessarily be one diameter.
  • The third floor is equipped with the already mentioned collector scheme. From two collectors there is an individual layout to each radiator with pipes strictly one diameter. The system is the most convenient in the exact setting. It should be used if it is planned to install the "warm floor" contours. It is desirable that the collectors are located as close as possible to the center of the floor - to withstand the exemplary proportionality of the lengths of all the "rays" from them.

There are a lot of other options for wiring in a two-story house, and all of them will not be able to look at the scale of one article. In addition, much depends on the "geometry", architectural features of the house, and develop "universal recipes" - simply impossible. In such matters, it is better to trust experienced specialists - they will help to properly choose a scheme to specific conditions.

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Video: Useful information on radiator heating schemes

Basics of calculating the main elements of the heating system

Little to determine the type of heating system and the pipe laying scheme - it is necessary to clearly determine the operational parameters to properly purchase and install the basic necessary elements - heating boiler, heating radiators, an expansion tank, circulation pump.

How to calculate the required boiler power?

There are many techniques for calculating this indicator. Very often you can meet the recommendations from proceeding from the total area of \u200b\u200bheated premises in the house, and then carry out calculations at the rate of 100 W per 1 m².

Such a recommendation has the right to life, and can give a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe required thermal power. However, it is rather suitable for very averaged in conditions, and does not take into account a number of important features that directly affect the heat loss at home. Therefore, it is better not to be lazy and carry out the calculation more carefully.

It is best to go as follows. To begin with, draw the table in which it was a substitute for all the premises where heating devices will be installed. For example, it may look like this:

RoomSquare, m²External walls, quantity included on:Number, type and size of windowsOutdoor doors (outside or on balcony)Result calculations, kW
TOTAL 22.4 kW
1st floor
Kitchen9 1, south2, double glass, 1.1 × 0.9 m1 1.31
Parishion5 1, yuz- 1 0.68
Dining room18 2, C, in2, double double-glazed windows, 1.4 × 1.0not2.4
... ... ... ...
2nd floor
Children's... ... ... ... ...
Bedroom 1.... ... ... ... ...
Bedroom 2.... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...

With before the eyes, the plan of the house and having information about the features of their housing, having passed on it, if necessary, with a tape measure, all the necessary data for calculations will be completely simple.

Then the calculations will then be selected. But we will not tire readers with a long formula and tables of coefficients. In two words, the calculation is carried out, based on their already mentioned standards of 100 W / m². But many amendments are taken into account that affect the required power of the heating system to maintain a comfortable temperature and compensation of thermal losses. All of these correction factors are made to the Calculator offered to the attention - you only need to enter the requested data and get the result.

Calculator calculating the required thermal power boiler heating

The calculation is carried out for each room separately and the result fits into the table. And then it will only remain to find the amount - this will be the minimum thermal power that the heating boiler must be issued. Naturally, when the model is selected, the "reserve" can be laid, about 20%.

Make sure that with the calculator, the calculator will take quite a bit of time!

Before us is a three-storey country house. On the ground floor there is a garage and utility rooms. In the second and third floors there will be residential premises. A two-pipe system will be chosen as heating, radiators as heating devices.
three-storey country house
A single-tube system in this house is inappropriate, since the area of \u200b\u200beach floor is more than 60 m2. This means that if we mount a single-tube system, then the first radiators will receive all the energy from the coolant, each subsequent will get a little less. And since our floors are large, the difference between the first and last radiator will be very significant. To avoid this, we must make a two-pipe or collector system.

boiler room

The boiler room will be located on the first floor. The boiler will be a gas with a closed combustion chamber and coaxial chimney.
The boiler power will be 43 kW. This power is calculated according to the following formula (195 m2 x 170 W) + 30%. 30% is a stock necessary for the efficient operation of the boiler in severe frosts or for quick warm-up of the cold house.

connecting boiler to metalplastic pipes and filter installation

installing the plum assembly and the bay of the coolant

In our boiler there is already a pump, an expansion tank, a security group and we need only to put the filter before the boiler and the discharge / bay node of the coolant at the lower point of the system.

installation of two-pipe heating on the first floor

main pipe wiring

We collect and hang radiators, make a wiring and connect the main pipes.

radiator connection circuit in a two-pipe system

Let's look at the connection of the radiator to the two-pipe system.

camping radiator in a two-pipe system

The last radiator closing and to him we immediately supply the pipe 16 mm.
And so we considered the installation of a two-pipe heating system for the first floor. This floor will be calculated for non-residential premises, so radiators will not work for all power, but will provide a temperature of about 15 C, which we set using thermostators installed on radiators.

scheme of two-pipe heating of the second floor
Now let's look at the second floor.
We stretch the riser, we mount the radiators and connect the main pipes.

thermal insulation of metalplastic pipes

Let's pay attention to the entrance door. To pave pipes, we need to deepen them in the floor and well insulate.

radiators are connected as well as on the first floor
Consider risers and their connection. Radiators are connected in the same way that we considered on the first floor.
to connect the third floor, we will need adapters 32x26
We will connect the third floor through adapters, there will immediately go 26 pipes.

third floor scheme

Now let's look at the third floor. Radiators are installed similarly to the first and second floor. Under each window there is a radiator to avoid fogging windows in a minus temperature.
Now briefly tell me how to calculate the power of radiators for each room. For example, take one room. Calculation Create according to the following formula:
19.5 m2 (room area) x 170 W (the required power for heating 1 m2 of the country house) / 180 W (power of one section of the aluminum radiator) \u003d 18 sections.
But since in our room 3 windows, we divide the 18 sections to 3 and get 3 radiator for 6 sections. Here on such a simple formula, see the calculation of the power of the radiator.

3D Scheme of heating two-pipe systems from metalplastic

And so we looked at a 3-storey house with a two-pipe heating system.

A properly equipped heating system guarantees the comfort of any housing. Especially careful planning requires a system of heating a two-story house, because it has the need to lift water in the pipes at an additional height.

Under water (CO) residential building with two floors understand the complex of elements, including pipelines, boiler, fittings, temperature control sensors and other nodes. If they are correctly chosen and installed, the operating costs of housing heating can be significantly reduced and at the same time enjoy a truly comfortable microclimate.

Water system heating 2-storey residential building

The modern system of heating of a two-story house is different:

  • two- and one-tube;
  • with top and bottom wiring;
  • with natural circulation and with forced;
  • with risers of horizontal and vertical design;
  • with a trunk variant of the movement of the coolant and with a dead end.

Heating with a trunk displacement of the coolant

In each particular case, the owner of the cottage is selected the most effective CO, which ensures the maintenance of a given temperature in the dwelling for a certain time, has a simple, functional and convenient control, makes it possible to equip the "warm floor" system.

The optimal is the option of heating, when all the equipment from which the heating system of the two-storey house is functioning in automatic mode.

Let's talk about what is best to put in a cottage with two floors.

The simplest is considered with the name "Leningrad". She was very popular in Soviet times due to the fact that she made the owner of a country cottage completely independent of the central heating system. Leningradka is an economical single-tube heating scheme that is easy to make it yourself. Such from works with and with electric, with brick furnaces, where peat briquettes, firewood, coal are loaded.

With "Leningrad" for a private house

Leningradka gives you the opportunity to reduce the number of pipes necessary for the organization of housing heating, compared with a two-pipe system. To other advantages include:

  • low laboriousness of installation (as mentioned, everything can be done with their own hands) and its "budget";
  • the possibility of simple repair during operation;
  • preservation of an elegant interior in the house (the smaller the pipes, the more unnotines they are indoors);
  • the possibility of mounting the "Warm floor" system (subject to certain conditions) and the installation under the doorways of the "main" pipe (feed heat carrier for steam heating).

"Leningradka" can be "hidden" under the floor, it is easy to spend over it, the installation of pipes for water heating is allowed to perform and vertically, and horizontally. It would seem - the system is better not to find. Unfortunately, everything is not so rosy. First, Leningradka is more suitable for single-storey buildings. The heating of a two-story house with its help is associated with a number of serious difficulties, which, however, can be resolved with their own hands with relatively lowest costs. Secondly, "Leningradka" with horizontal installation does not allow you to make a "warm floor".

Installation of pipes for water heating

Also described by one-tube CO requires the use of welding equipment and a mandatory test (very complex and long) tightness of the obtained welded joints, increase the pressure inside the system. The main disadvantage of it is the fact that heat transfer from radiators standing in different rooms is uneven. For these reasons, two-pipe with many times better "Leningradka".

Such a diagram of the heating of a two-story house is deprived of most "minuses", which have a single-tube design. True, it requires more pipes and other materials. But the organization of high-quality heating of a private building is undoubtedly more important.

The two-pipe system operates according to the following scheme: on one highway, the coolant goes up, and on the other, it returns. To perform such a scheme, it is allowed to use any pipes and types of heating batteries. The radiators are connected in different ways. If the pipeline is "hidden" under the floor or both pipes of the highway are located under the battery, reverse and the coolant itself is connected to the lower radiator pipes.

Diagram of connecting radiators

The efficiency of heat transfer of heating elements in this case may not be very high, since the upper portion of the battery does not always warm. It is not recommended to use such a water heating pipe connection scheme if cast iron radiators are installed. It is better to use more modern panel batteries in this situation.

The second method - the return is connected from below, and the coolant is on top (on the one hand). With this method of connecting, the two-pipe layout functions much more efficiently. But it is not suitable for batteries with a large number (over 15) sections - heat loss in the presence of 16 or more sections become critical.

Connections 2 pipe wiring

The most popular is the projects of heating a private dwelling in two floors, which use the cross (diagonal) method of connecting pipes with their own hands:

  • on the one hand (from above), the coolant is suitable for the radiator;
  • the return is connected on the other side below.

Two-pipe wiring in a private house allows you to overlap CO on one of its sections at any time. At the same time, the rest of the rooms in the cottage continue to heat up in the same volume. It is desirable that the two-pipe system is made with forced, rather than natural circulation (EC) of hot water. We will tell about the differences between the types of circulation.

The difference between these two types of circulation consists in the way of moving water according to CO. To implement a compulsory scheme, it is necessary to install special equipment, in particular the circulation pump, there is no such need for a natural such need.

The EC is characterized by a number of advantages:

  • the absence of noise and vibration system during operation;
  • installation and maintenance elementality;
  • large service life.

Installation of a system with natural circulation

At the same time, with natural circulation, it is quite slowly started, water in pipes of such systems can freeze at minus temperatures on the street. Another minus consists in the need to install large on the cross section of the pipes (they are more expensive and more complex in the installation).

Now such systems are rarely applied. Users prefer more modern and efficient heating scheme. This is with forced circulation, having the following important advantages:

  • the possibility of building in a private house laying of any length;
  • independence of the quality of heating from the temperature of the coolant;
  • simple adjustment of working modes.

With forced circulation

In options with forced circulation, hot water goes through pipes due to the operation of pumping equipment. Water comes from the boiler in which heats up, under the action of a special pump (it is called circulating).

On each radiator, with such a heating scheme, the valves and cranes of Maevsky are put. The first make it possible to choose the heating temperature of a particular battery. The valves can be automatic and manual. And the crane of Maevsky allows you to remove unnecessary air from the system.

Specialists advise Mounting with two-storey cottages with a two-circuit boiler and forced circulation. Then you will be very easy to make in the house "warm floor", set towel rails and always monitor the work of CO, exposing for yourself the most comfortable temperature.

The growing popularity of such a heating scheme for private buildings is due to the convenience of its management and operation. Collector single or two-pipe CO is characterized by an independent laying of the coolant to each radiator installed in the cottage. Due to this, if necessary, you can completely disable any battery or reduce (increase) the temperature of the water in it. At the same time, in other rooms, radiators will operate in previous modes.

Collector independent grade

The collector system has the following scheme:

  • on the risers of the first and second floor of residential buildings are back and feeding collectors;
  • the batteries on the floors are contaminated and the logging line (they are placed in the wall or "hiding" under the floor);
  • the collectors and radiators necessarily put air drains that operate automatically or the cranes of Maevsky.

Revelation air

This layout is ideal for creating a "warm floor" system. In some cases (relatively small cottage area) collector steam heating is mounted without radiators. In essence, the "warm floor" replaces the rag of the batteries. Thereby, the costs of installing the heating system of the house are reduced.