Creative personality and revolution. "Doctor Zhivago" Boris Pasternak. Creative personality and revolution About the book "Doctor Zhivago" Boris Pasternak

The name of Boris Pasternak has long ceased to be the name of only a poet. He became the conscience and creative force of his generation. Creativity B.L. Pasternak - is the comprehension of the harmony of the world.

From the compiler:

“... Compiling this collection of poems by Boris Pasternak, written in different years, we wanted to draw the reader's attention to the unified, organic nature of the main content of his many years of work (1910-1960). Before his eyes, the world was changing, the image of which Pasternak painted, but while maintaining the integrity of his talent and loyalty to him, he vigilantly followed what was happening around him, not being deceived by the dominance of the “crackling phrase” and the lies of topicality that reigned all-encompassing in his mature years. ... "

The collection includes poems from the following cycles:

From the book "Initial Time" 1912-1914

From the book "Over the Barriers" 1914-1916

From the book "My sister is life" Summer 1917

From the book "Themes and Variations" 1916-1922

Poems of different years 1916-1931

From the book "Second Birth" 1930-1932

From the book On Early Trains. 1936-1944

Poems by Yuri Zhivago 1946-1953

From the book "When it clears up" 1956-1959

On our website you can download the book "Poems" by Pasternak Boris Leonidovich for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Russia, 10.2.1890 - 30.5.1960 A great Russian poet, a classic of Russian and world literature. He was born on January 29 (February 10), 1890 in Moscow in the family of the artist L. O. Pasternak and pianist R.I. Kaufman. Musicians, artists, writers often gathered in the house, among the guests were L.N. Tolstoy, N.N. Ge, A.N. Scriabin, V.A. Serov. The atmosphere of the parental home determined the deep rootedness of Pasternak's work in the cultural tradition and at the same time taught him to perceive art as everyday painstaking work. As a child, Pasternak studied painting, then in 1903-08. seriously preparing for a composing career, in 1909-13. studied at the philosophical department of the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University, in 1912 he spent one semester at the University of Marburg in Germany, where he listened to the lectures of the philosopher H. Cohen. After graduating from the university, he was practically engaged in literary activities, however, professional musical and philosophical training largely predetermined the features of Pasternak's artistic world. Pasternak's first steps in literature were marked by an orientation towards the symbolist poets A. Bely, A.A. Blok, Vyach. I. Ivanova and I.F. Annensky. He participated in the Moscow symbolist literary and philosophical circles, in 1914 he joined the futuristic group Centrifuge. From the beginning of the 1920s. Pasternak became one of the most prominent figures in Soviet poetry, his influence is felt in the work of many younger contemporary poets P.G. Antokolsky, N.A. Zabolotsky, N.S. Tikhonova, A.A. Tarkovsky and K.M. Simonov. Since the mid 1930s. and until the very end of his life, one of the main literary activities of Pasternak was translation. He translated modern and classical Georgian poetry, tragedies and sonnets by Shakespeare, Goethe's Faust and many other works. Pasternak himself considered the novel Doctor Zhivago, on which he worked from 1946 to 1955, to be the result of his work. The publication of the novel in the homeland of Pasternak was denied. He handed it over to an Italian publisher for publication, and in 1957 Doctor Zhivago appeared in Italian, soon followed by Russian, English, French, German and Swedish editions (in the USSR it was published only in 1988). In 1958, for outstanding achievements in modern lyric poetry and in the traditional field of great Russian prose, Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, which was perceived in the USSR as a purely political action. A campaign of persecution of the poet unfolded on the pages of the press, Pasternak was expelled from the Writers' Union, he was threatened with expulsion from the country, a criminal case was even opened on charges of treason. All this forced Pasternak to refuse the Nobel Prize (the diploma and medal were awarded to his son in 1989). Boris Pasternak died on May 30, 1960.

Doctor Zhivago Boris Pasternak. Creative personality and revolution

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Title: Doctor Zhivago
Author: Boris Pasternak
Year: 1945-1955
Genre: Russian classics, Soviet literature, Literature of the 20th century

About the book "Doctor Zhivago" Boris Pasternak

Life during social upheavals - revolutions and wars - simply cannot be normal. It breaks, bursting at the seams of a dream of happiness ... Creative, subtle, intelligent personalities especially suffer from this. This is how Doctor Zhivago in the novel of the same name by Boris Pasternak. Like hundreds of thousands of people of that era ... "For the continuation of the traditions of the great Russian epic novel," the poet and prose writer became a Nobel Prize winner. In addition, his novel was included in. Therefore, if you are not yet familiar with Pasternak's prose, I recommend it.

You can download the Doctor Zhivago book at the bottom of the page in epub, fb2, rtf, txt format.

Everything seems to be covered in this book: the search and loss of happiness, as well as the meaning of life, the personality at the stages of its formation, flourishing and withering, and life itself, is full of unexpected upheavals. Pasternak tells about all this, using lyrical poetic prose.

In the center of the novel is the filigree personality of the doctor and poet Zhivago. This man is steadily changing under the influence of revolution, war and the death of loved ones. He, despite the blows of fate, tries to live, not to exist. But this turns out to be an unrealistically difficult goal. In the meantime ... at least not lose your head from the murders and hunger, blood and anger that reigned in the once bright and peaceful society.

As for me, poetry for Doctor Zhivago was a means of salvation from life. Each time, creating a new verse, he seemed to be escaping from his own bitter reality. Fortunately, he had the opportunity to write, looking away at least for a moment from the sick and wounded.

On the one hand, Yuri Zhivago was very lucky with his work. She gave him enough time for creativity. On the other hand, if you think that he had to see blood and agony every day, then perhaps the profession of a doctor is the worst of all possible. At least for an intellectual living in an era of revolution and war.

We see the revolution for what it is - not from the point of view of reds, whites or whatever, but through the eyes of ordinary people who want to be left alone and let them live. They are disgusted by any violence, they do not tolerate hatred. Yuri, Lara and Tonya - everyone had their own dreams. Over time, unfortunately, destroyed ...

It is impossible to live and not know history - not from textbooks, but from the point of view of ordinary people who once lived and survived. What happened is worth knowing and remembering. And especially - from classical fiction.

On our site about books, you can download for free or read online the book Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

She was a burden to herself. She wanted to run far away from herself.

What an irreparable nonentity one must be in order to play only one role in life, to occupy only one place in society, to mean only one and the same thing!

But he lives and does not feel.

The mystery of life, the mystery of death, the beauty of genius, the beauty of exposure.

She doesn't want to please, he thought, to be beautiful, captivating. She despises this side of the feminine essence and, as it were, punishes herself for being so good. And this proud hostility to itself tenfolds its irresistibility.

Oh, how one sometimes wants to go from incompetently sublime, hopeless human speech into the seeming silence of nature, into the hard labor silence of long, hard work, into the wordlessness of sound sleep, true music and quiet heartfelt touch numb from the fullness of the soul!

Over the next few days, it became clear how lonely he was. He didn't blame anyone for this. Apparently, he wanted it himself and achieved it.
Friends have strangely faded and discolored. No one has their own world, their own opinion. They were much brighter in his memories. Apparently, he used to overestimate them.

I want to say that in the life of the wealthy there was, however, something unhealthy. An abyss of excess. Extra furniture and extra rooms in the house, extra subtleties of feelings, extra expressions.

Oh, with what power, how shrewdly they feel in childhood, for the first time!

When your thoughts are already confused, you will blurt out something that will only make your eyes pop out.

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In the format txt: The name of Boris Pasternak has long ceased to be the name of only a poet. He became the conscience and creative force of his generation. Creativity B.L. Pasternak - is the comprehension of the harmony of the world.

From the compiler:

“... Compiling this collection of poems by Boris Pasternak, written in different years, we wanted to draw the reader's attention to the unified, organic nature of the main content of his many years of work (1910-1960). Before his eyes, the world was changing, the image of which Pasternak painted, but while maintaining the integrity of his talent and loyalty to him, he vigilantly followed what was happening around him, not being deceived by the dominance of the "crackling phrase" and the lies of topicality that reigned all-encompassing in his mature years. ..."

The collection includes poems from the following cycles:

From the book "Initial Time" 1912-1914

From the book "Over the Barriers" 1914-1916

From the book "My sister is life" Summer 1917

From the book "Themes and Variations" 1916-1922

Poems of different years 1916-1931

From the book "Second Birth" 1930-1932

From the book On Early Trains. 1936-1944

Poems by Yuri Zhivago 1946-1953

From the book "When it clears up" 1956-1959