Pumpkin porridge with millet. We will select a recipe to your taste. Cooking millet porridge with pumpkin: healthy recipes

Pumpkin porridge combined with cereals is a dish that mothers often feed in childhood. It is also popular among lovers of healthy and wholesome food, because in this porridge, even after heat treatment, many useful vitamins and microelements are preserved.

Most often, millet porridge with pumpkin is prepared in the cold season; it is perfect both as a healthy breakfast and as a light dinner.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk

The simplest and most familiar recipe for millet milk porridge was prepared for us by mothers in childhood. Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk turns out to be sweet and aromatic.


  • 1 cup millet groats
  • 3 cups milk
  • 500 gr pumpkin pulp
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • ½ tsp salt.

Step by step preparation of milk porridge:

  1. First you need to prepare the pumpkin: wash it well, cut off the place with the rest of the stem and peel the skin. So that the pumpkin is well and quickly boiled, cut into small pieces - the smaller the size, the faster the pulp will cook.
  2. Pour milk into an enamel container and heat. When it is almost hot, add the pumpkin slices, sugar and salt. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Rinse the millet through a sieve under running water and add to the almost finished pumpkin porridge. Stir well and cook on low heat for another third of an hour. Readiness is determined by the degree of thickening of the porridge.

In order for the dish to be infused and thoroughly steamed, the container is wrapped in a blanket for an hour. An alternative option is to hold it for half an hour in a water bath.

Advice. A dish cooked with homemade cow's milk will be much more aromatic, nourishing and healthier than a store-bought one.

Recipe for cooking with water

Porridge, boiled in water, tastes slightly more fresh than milk porridge. Nevertheless, it remains just as tasty and healthy. The dish is suitable for those who do not like dairy products or with lactose intolerance.

Ingredients for porridge on water for 6 servings:

  • 750 gr pumpkin
  • 3 glasses of water
  • 1.5 stack of millet groats
  • ¼ tsp fine salt
  • 1 tablespoon butter for dressing.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in water:

  1. The first step is to prepare the cereal: rinse through a fine sieve under running water, then you can pour boiling water and leave for a few minutes.
  2. Put water in an enamel pot and leave to warm. Dissolve the salt.
  3. While the millet is brewing and the water boiling, prepare the pumpkin: peel, rinse and cut into small cubes, 1 * 1 cm in size. Put in boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Pour millet porridge to the pumpkin cubes, mix well and leave to cook under the lid for another third of an hour, while reducing the heat. The contents need to be stirred periodically.
  5. Turn off the heat, add oil, close the lid tightly and cover with a towel on top. Leave the dish to evaporate for half an hour. After that, mix thoroughly so that the butter is evenly distributed and can be served.

Important. Be sure to remove seeds and skins when cooking.

Milk millet with pumpkin in a slow cooker

Many housewives have long appreciated the convenience of cooking in a multicooker. This amazing device allows you to cook almost everything - from scrambled eggs to borscht. And pumpkin porridge with millet was no exception.

Ingredients for 3 servings dish:

  • 1 stack of millet
  • ½ l of water
  • 2 stacks of grated pumpkin
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of butter.

Cooking millet porridge with pumpkin in a multicooker is available even for a novice cook - you just need to put all the above ingredients together in a multicooker bowl. Cooking takes 1 hour 10 minutes in the “Milk porridge” mode.

Before serving, the porridge is thoroughly mixed with a silicone or wooden spoon.

Porridge with milk, baked with pumpkin in the oven

It is believed that pumpkin tastes best with rice porridge. In this recipe, we suggest mixing millet and rice, add a little raisins - the porridge will turn out to be tender and moderately sweet.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 200 gr fresh pumpkin pulp without skin
  • ¼ a stack of rice
  • ¼ stack of millet
  • 1.5-2 glasses of milk (more if you like liquid porridge)
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • ½ tbsp sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 cup light raisins

Cooking millet porridge with pumpkin in the oven:

  1. Preheat the oven 180 degrees. For cooking, it is recommended to use a cauldron or a rooster.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan. Dilute salt. When the liquid boils, add washed rice and millet, and boil for 2-3 minutes, then turn off the heat and drain the liquid.
  3. Cut the pumpkin, washed and peeled from seeds and peel, into small cubes. Put cereals, raisins, butter in a cauldron. Pour milk over the entire contents so that its level does not completely cover the cereal mixture. Top with pumpkin and sprinkle with sugar.
  4. Cover the cauldron with a lid and put in the oven for a third of an hour. Then turn off the oven and leave to brew for another quarter of an hour. Stir the layers before serving.

Recipe with the addition of honey and dried fruits

The dish with honey and dried fruits turns out to be incredibly sweet and healthy. This option is recommended to cook in the cold season, when a person's immunity is weakening. Porridge will give a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that energize and strengthen the immune system.

Products for preparing a dish for 2 servings:

  • 4 tablespoons rice flakes
  • 2 tbsp millet
  • 4 dried pears
  • 8 dried peaches
  • 200 gr dried pumpkin pieces
  • 6 pcs dried apricots
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 4 tbsp honey (better liquid)
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract.

How to make sweet porridge:

  1. Dried apricots, pears, pumpkin and peaches cut into small pieces, pour boiling water to the top, add cinnamon and bring to a boil at a low temperature, stirring continuously. When it boils, add vanilla and honey, stir thoroughly and let it brew.
  2. Rinse millet groats and pour boiling water over for 15-20 minutes.
  3. While the fruit mixture is infused, put the milk to boil. When it boils, pour the cereals and cereals over them so that the milk covers the porridge. Cover with a saucer or lid for a few minutes. Then stir with the fruit mixture and serve.

Millet porridge with rice

Delicate, aromatic and very nutritious milk porridge made from rice and millet will be a great dinner for the whole family.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 2 tbsp of water
  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ cup millet porridge
  • ½ cup rice cereal
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tablespoon butter.

Cooking a dish:

  1. Rinse both cereals under running water and cook in water. After boiling, boil for 10-12 minutes.
  2. Heat milk in a separate container and pour into almost finished porridge. If the milk is cold or at room temperature during infusion, it will curl up into lumps and the dish will not work.
  3. Add salt and sugar to the dish. During the cooking process, the porridge must be stirred periodically.
  4. Turn off the stove, put a piece of butter on top of the porridge and leave for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the butter will melt, and the porridge will infuse. After stirring and serving.

Pumpkin and millet porridge, cooked in pots, turns out to be boiled, tender and juicy, saturated with the nutmeg aroma of pumpkin pulp. This option is most close to how the dish was prepared before - in the oven, on fire.

Products for cooking:

  • 300 gr pumpkin pulp
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 300 gr millet groats
  • 1.5 tbsp oil
  • 2 tbsp sugar (adjust to taste)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 bag of vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Cooking porridge in pots:

  1. The first step is to prepare the pumpkin - peeling and cutting into small pieces.
  2. Millet groats must be rinsed with water several times. Thus, dust and small debris are removed from the cereal. Sometimes cereals give a taste of bitterness to the finished dish, which you can get rid of by pouring boiling water over it for 3-5 minutes. The boiling water with the released bitterness is drained.
  3. Put pumpkin cubes and cereals in pots in layers, sprinkle with sugar, vanilla and salt on top. It is better to add oil at the end, when the dish is almost ready. A piece of butter is placed on top and mixed before eating the dish.
  4. Pour milk into containers ⅔ of the volume. Then cover with lids and put in the oven. You need to cook the dish at a low temperature, no more than 180 degrees. For readiness, depending on the temperature, it will take from 30 to 45 minutes.

Porridge cooked in pots will be even tastier if you add dried fruits to it. It is also worth noting that the oven is not preheated in advance - the filled pots are placed in a cold oven, and then heated at a minimum temperature.

Pumpkin porridge is usually cooked along with some kind of cereal. It can be anything: semolina, rice, oatmeal. Each of them is good in its own way. But since ancient times, the favorite dish of our ancestors was pumpkin porridge with millet. There are many original recipes and different ways to prepare it.

Harmony of taste

Choosing the right recipe, any housewife primarily focuses on the tastes and preferences of her household. In addition, pumpkin porridge with millet can be a great fasting meal if cooked without milk. There is one amazing recipe. Among the ingredients:

  • 0.5 kilograms of pumpkin pulp;
  • 200 grams of millet;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil and honey.

It is better to cook such porridge in a pot:

  1. Boil ½ liter of water with salt and sugar in a small saucepan or saucepan.
  2. Pour millet into a ceramic pot, fill it with the prepared solution, cover tightly with a lid and let stand for a while. This time is required for the cereal to swell a little.
  3. In the meantime, cut the pulp of the pumpkin into arbitrary pieces.
  4. Heat the butter and honey in a frying pan and fry the pumpkin in this mixture until half cooked.
  5. Transfer the resulting mass, while still hot, into a pot on top of the swollen millet.
  6. Cover it with foil or a lid, and then put it in an oven preheated to 130-140 degrees for 40 minutes.

This one turns out to be very lush, soft and rather sweet. Therefore, it is quite possible to serve it as a dessert.

If there is no oven

If there is no oven in the house or it is not working at the moment, do not be upset. Pumpkin porridge with millet is good because it can be perfectly cooked on the stove. Products required:

  • pumpkin weighing 1 kilogram;
  • half a glass of millet, water and sugar;
  • 50 grams of butter.

It is not difficult to prepare such a dish:

  1. Peel the pumpkin and chop the pulp at random.
  2. Put the resulting pieces in a saucepan, and then put it on the stove and turn on low heat.
  3. After 30 minutes, mash the still hot pumpkin in mashed potatoes. To do this, you can use a pusher or mixer.
  4. Pour millet on top, cover, and then put on fire again. The groats will slowly cook until they are soaked in the pumpkin flavor.
  5. After 10 minutes, remove the saucepan from the stove, and knead the contents again in a thick puree, adding oil.

Now you can put fragrant porridge in deep plates and invite everyone to the table.

Pumpkin with dried fruits

Those who like pumpkin porridge with millet can improve the recipe a little. The dish will be even tastier if you add raisins to it. In this case, the set of products will look like this:

  • 0.5 kilograms of pumpkin;
  • a glass of millet;
  • 0.5 liters of water and milk;
  • 50-60 grams of sugar;
  • 150 grams of seedless raisins.

The cooking process will be slightly different:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and core, and cut the rest into large pieces. Put the resulting blanks in a saucepan, gently pour cold water, and then put on fire for 20 minutes.
  2. After the time has elapsed, drain the water into a separate bowl, and set the boiled pulp aside.
  3. Pour washed millet into a clean saucepan, pour pumpkin broth over it and let it cook for about 15 minutes.
  4. Add milk and leave the cereal to simmer for another 10-12 minutes.
  5. At this time, pour the raisins with hot water to swell.
  6. Meanwhile, crush the pumpkin until soft.
  7. Remove the pot with ready-made porridge from heat, pour pumpkin, sugar and prepared raisins into it. Mix everything well and let stand a little (about 10-15 minutes).

It turns out a very unusual pumpkin porridge with millet. Her recipe is not only original, but also allows you to prepare a dish that is very useful from a medical point of view.

Calorie control

People who are forced to control their weight dream of finding a product that can be eaten in any quantity without fear of gaining weight. Any specialist can confirm that the ideal option in this case is pumpkin porridge with millet. The calorie content of 100 g of such a product is no more than 95 kcal.

The low-calorie recipe contains common foods:

  • 300 grams of pumpkin and millet;
  • litere of water;
  • 75 grams of sugar;
  • 20 grams of butter.

You need to cook such porridge correctly:

  1. Place the pumpkin pulp, chopped at random, on the bottom of the pan.
  2. Top with sugar and well washed millet. Pour the food with water and put on medium heat, after covering it with a lid. It is better to take a saucepan with a thick bottom so that the porridge does not burn.
  3. Add butter 5-6 minutes before it is ready and, as soon as it melts, turn off the heat.
  4. Stir the contents of the pan, wrap it tightly in a blanket and let it brew a little.

Such a dish can be eaten at any time of the day without fear of gaining weight.

Lightweight way

Usually housewives are afraid to prepare meals that contain milk. During cooking, you need to monitor it very carefully. Otherwise, the mixture may escape or burn. But if there is a slow cooker in the house, then cooking such a dish as milk pumpkin porridge with millet is sheer trifles. The main thing in this case is to stock up on the necessary products:

  • 350 grams of pumpkin pulp;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • 1 glass of millet;
  • 5 grams of salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 20-30 grams of butter.

The whole process takes place in two stages:

  1. Food preparation. Cut the pumpkin into medium-sized pieces. Millet should be thoroughly rinsed and rinsed with boiling water.
  2. Cooking. Put all the products in the bowl one by one, close the multicooker and set the "Milk porridge" mode on it. The device will automatically signal the readiness of the dish with a signal.

This option is very convenient and simple. And in conditions of a catastrophic lack of time for any hostess, he is a real find.

For the little ones

Delicious pumpkin porridge with millet is liked not only by adults, but also by children. Mothers try to cook it for their babies as often as possible. It is no secret that pumpkin contains a huge amount of various useful substances that are so important for a growing body. To prepare an appetizing porridge, you will need products:

  • a glass of millet;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 500 grams of pumpkin;
  • some salt and sugar.

The dish should be prepared as follows:

  1. Rinse the groats several times under running cold water, simultaneously removing debris that may be in it.
  2. Then put the millet in a saucepan and fill with water so that it covers the cereal by a couple of centimeters.
  3. Put the saucepan on the fire and slowly bring the contents to a boil. Reduce the flame and cook the millet for 15 minutes.
  4. Chop the pumpkin pulp on a coarse grater and add to the cereal, brought to half-readiness. To mix everything.
  5. Add salt and pour milk over everything. Cook the mixture for 10 minutes with constant stirring.
  6. At the very end of the cooking process, add sugar and butter.

Any kid will love this delicious porridge!

Porridge is a wonderful breakfast dish: right in the morning we get a boost of energy, saturate our body with vitamins and other useful substances.

Millet porridge with pumpkin cooked in the oven is good for everyone. The only drawback is that it takes a relatively long time to prepare, as for a weekday. Unfortunately, many of us do not have enough time in the morning to set aside an hour and a half for cooking. So on weekdays, cooking pumpkin and millet porridge in the oven can be transferred to dinner, well, on weekends, treat yourself to your favorite porridge in the morning.

Pumpkin porridge is incredibly healthy. The bright orange vegetable is quite sweet, so those who are worried about excess calories can do without sugar. For the rest, you can add sugar, the minimum amount. Pumpkin porridges are good because they can be cooked with the addition of other cereals. Recently I cooked, well, today I will tell you how to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in the oven.

For cooking, we need not a whole pumpkin, but only a piece. Cut off a thin layer of skin from the pumpkin pieces.

We check the millet groats for impurities, rinse them several times, then fill them with boiling water and keep them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. It is believed that millet groats can taste bitter, and this simple procedure will protect us from this.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into pieces or grate. Fold in the form in which we will cook porridge in the oven. You can cook porridge in this way in clay pots (portioned and large), ceramic dishes, in fireproof glass dishes.

Let's pour in washed and scalded millet.

Pour the porridge with milk or milk in half with water. At this point, add sugar (if you add it). All contents should not reach the edges of the form or the pot by 2 centimeters.

It is best if your mold or pot has a lid. I do not have a lid on the form, I will cover the contents with foil. When baking, the contents of the pot may burst out, so you can place the dish on a baking sheet or in a large skillet. It is recommended to put such a form as mine in a cold oven, otherwise it may crack. The temperature in the oven should not rise above 220 degrees. This is also provided for in the operating rules. Roasting time is about 1 hour.

Mix the prepared porridge. The pumpkin pieces will become so soft that they will turn into a puree when mixed, and the porridge will take on a uniform consistency.

Millet porridge with pumpkin cooked in the oven was a success! It should be served with butter, if desired, you can add honey and dried fruits.

Millet groats and pumpkin taste great and a very healthy combination. Millet porridge with pumpkin can be cooked simply in water, as well as in milk alone. It is believed that millet grits in milk boil down worse than in water, but the addition of pumpkin successfully solves this moment. If you wish, you can cook crumbly or viscous millet porridge. The ingredient list shows the amount of milk for both options. It is better to take low-fat milk.

The pumpkin is suitable both fresh and frozen for the winter, grated or in pieces. Depending on the variety, the pumpkin pieces will either disintegrate or retain their shape when cooked. For sweetening, use sugar or honey, which is better added to the finished porridge than during cooking.

To prepare millet porridge with pumpkin in milk, prepare the required amount of ingredients according to the list.

Simmer the pumpkin cut into pieces in milk, i.e. in half the milk. To do this, after boiling milk, reduce heat and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes.

During this time, prepare the millet. If necessary, sort it out of garbage, but it is better to buy good quality cereals that do not require painstaking sorting of the grains from you. Millet needs to be washed several times in cold water and several times in hot.

Put the prepared millet groats and a pinch of salt into a saucepan with milk and pumpkin, pour in the second part of the milk. I plan to have a more crumbly than viscous version, so two glasses of milk are used, it is easy to divide in half.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook for 25 minutes under a lid.

The finished porridge should be allowed to stand for a few more minutes - to steam. Then add butter and, if desired, sugar or honey.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

Pumpkin porridge with millet is a traditional winter food in Ukraine. It is prepared in a variety of options, usually sweet, and for an hour and salty - with cracklings or butter and herbs. Flavored with raisins, viburnum berries, honey, nuts and, of course, butter.

Millet and pumpkin - perfect combination for our health

Recently, pumpkin porridge has been cooked with rice, but in Ukraine it has always been cooked with millet. In terms of its taste and nutritional value, rice is similar to millet (it was not for nothing that it was previously called “Saracen millet”), but the chemical composition of rice (especially peeled white) is undoubtedly inferior to our usual millet. This simple cereal has truly healing properties.

I would like to write a short review of pumpkin porridge. This is one of my favorite foods, and healthier and lighter foods are hard to find. So.

Pumpkin porridge for breakfast

This is a sweet porridge, very satisfying, "charged" with carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, vitamins - an ideal breakfast for a schoolchild, student, office worker.

You will need:

  • 2/3 cup millet;
  • 1.5 cups of milk;
  • 1 cup pumpkin (coarsely grated)
  • a handful of raisins and chopped dried apricots;
  • 4 teaspoons of sugar (or honey);
  • 4 teaspoons of butter.


  1. It is most convenient to cook this pumpkin porridge in portions - in pots or deep refractory cups in the oven.
  2. Rinse the pots with water. Thoroughly rinse the millet groats on a sieve, then pour boiling water over for 10 minutes.
  3. Also pour a little hot water over the sliced \u200b\u200bdried apricots with raisins.
  4. After that, divide all the ingredients into 4 parts and place in pots.
  5. Pour milk, dried fruits and pumpkin with milk so that it covers these products completely. By the way, if you want the dish to cook faster, boil the milk while the cereals and dried fruits are soaked, and pour in hot milk.
  6. Then add a teaspoon of sugar and butter to each serving.
  7. Make sure that the pots are slightly more than half full, as the porridge will increase in volume during the cooking process. If you want to cook porridge with honey - exclude sugar, and add honey when serving.
  8. Place the pots on a baking sheet and place them in an unheated oven for 1 hour. Turn on the oven and bring the temperature to 190 ° C.
  9. After half an hour from the start of cooking, reduce the temperature slightly - to 170 ° C ... If necessary, you can add milk or water.

This porridge is delicious both warm and cold. Hot, straight out of the breakfast oven, it's perfect.

Salted porridge with pumpkin and millet

This porridge can serve as a side dish or as a completely independent dish. Especially if you are trying to lose weight or avoid meat products. Definitely, after a plate of porridge with pumpkin and millet, you will not be hungry.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of pumpkin pulp;
  • 1 glass of millet;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • some chopped greens (dill, onion, parsley).


  1. Remove seeds, core fibers, and skins from the pumpkin. Cut the pulp into 1 x 1 cm cubes.
  2. Rinse the millet, remove the black grains and cover with two glasses of boiling water. Then let it sit in hot water for about 5 minutes. Thus, our millet will not be bitter and cook faster.
  3. Bring milk to a boil, put pumpkin in milk, add salt, stir and bring to a boil again.
  4. Now add the millet to the pan.
  5. Bring to a boil, stir, and then simmer for 25-30 minutes, uncovered, until the porridge is cooked.
  6. Finally, add chopped garlic, ground black pepper and butter.
  7. Stir, turn off heat, cover and let sit for 5 minutes.
  8. When serving, sprinkle each serving with chopped herbs.

Pumpkin porridge-puree

The pumpkin porridge prepared according to this recipe contains more pumpkin than cereals and is tender, soft and creamy in texture. Ideal for toddlers.

You will need:

  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 1 kg of pumpkin pulp;
  • 1/2 cup millet;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of salt.


  1. Peel the pumpkin, remove seeds and fibers and cut into small cubes or grate.
  2. Place in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, add a few tablespoons of water and simmer over low heat until the pumpkin is tender and soft (about half an hour).
  3. In a separate saucepan, bring milk to a boil, add washed millet, salt and cook over low heat for half an hour or until millet is cooked.
  4. Make mashed potatoes from the finished pumpkin, add boiled millet, mix.
  5. Add as much sugar and butter as you like and then place in the oven for another 30 minutes (at 150 ° C).
  6. You can sprinkle the finished porridge on a plate with sugar if it turns out to be unsweetened, and whoever wants to - add dried fruits or pour sour cream. Delicious!

Millet porridge in a pumpkin "pot"

This is an old country recipe. It may have appeared back in the days when the pumpkin was used as a dish. My grandmother used to cook such a dish in the oven. True, there were no portioned small pumpkins then, they just took a small pumpkin (or half a large one) and cooked porridge for the whole family.

You will need one (or more) round small pumpkins for batch cooking. Also keep in mind that the dish can be sweet or savory. In addition to sugar, you can add a handful of viburnum berries or cranberries to sweet porridge. In salted - a little meat cracklings or fried pieces of sausage. If you want a low-calorie meal, add nothing but salt and a small spoonful of oil.

You will need:

  • small round pumpkin;
  • 1/3 cup millet (or slightly more);
  • 2/3 cup milk;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of salt (or 1 teaspoon of sugar);
  • 1 teaspoon of butter.


  1. Wash the pumpkin, wipe it off with a napkin and cut off the top of it in the form of a "lid".
  2. Remove the seeds and fibers - the inner cavity of the pumpkin should be approximately one glass in volume.
  3. Rinse the cereals, pour boiling water over it (to eliminate the bitterness), put in a pumpkin pot.
  4. Add all the ingredients you have chosen for cooking: salt (or sugar), butter, berries, cracklings, etc. If cooking without additives, use a little more cereals.
  5. Fill everything with milk, cover the pumpkin with a "lid", slightly sliding it to the side to form a significant gap.
  6. Place the pumpkin on a baking sheet and place on the middle rack in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.
  7. D cook for half an hour, then lower the temperature to 150 ° C and cook for morefrom 40 minutes to an hour - depending on the pumpkin variety (crust hardness and pulp thickness).
  8. Remove the finished pumpkin from the oven and let it cool slightly. It turns out to be soft, and millet porridge is boiled and creamy in taste. Pumpkin and porridge can be cut into pieces vertically - like a watermelon.
  9. If the porridge is sweet, when serving, you can additionally sprinkle with sugar or pour over honey. Salted porridge can be additionally seasoned with a slice of butter or a spoonful of sour cream.

All health and bon appetit!

See more recipes for healthy pumpkin cereals on our website: