Tulle on the French window. Marquise is an elegant French curtain. How to choose material for curtains

French curtains are well-known curtains that often decorate wedding palaces, concert halls, halls in houses of culture and other public institutions. They appeared in the distant 18th century in France, and were used only in the palaces and reception rooms of kings and other wealthy nobility. This is due to the fact that a lot of fabric was required for such chic curtains, it was of high quality and very expensive.

Today, with a wide variety of materials on the market, any connoisseur of medieval interior decoration can afford to sew or purchase ready-made French curtains. In this article, we have collected detailed information about what French curtains are, what is the best way to sew them and where to hang them.

What are French curtains

French curtains are a large rectangular cloth of fabric, gathered along the entire length by uniform, lush folds, forming scallops. Initially, according to history, French curtains were static, today they are equipped with a cornice with a lifting mechanism, which greatly simplifies their use, because by themselves such curtains cannot move apart and open the window.

Although before the French curtain was only floor-length, now its length can be different: to the floor, to the windowsill, and just below the windowsill. And it is already possible to hang such lush curtains not only on large windows in a spacious room, but also in more modest apartments. Decorated and continue to decorate solemn French women with fringes and tassels.

Materials for French curtains

French curtains in the interior can be either daytime - from a transparent fabric, and nighttime from a dense one. In any case, the choice of material for such curtains must be taken responsibly so that the legendary jewelry looks presentable and dignified.

To make French curtains, you will need a lot more fabric than for ordinary curtains, so before buying fabric, you should definitely determine whether this decor suits your interior or not, do you like curtains with lush scallops?

For curtains

The most important thing in the presentation of French curtains is the beauty and splendor of folds, and only high-quality fabrics can cope with this and they should have the following properties: lightness, density, softness and pliability for draperies. Here is a list of the best fabrics for fine curtains:

  • organza;
  • veil;
  • chiffon;
  • silk;
  • muslin.

Organza is a dense fabric and folds on it are very clear and even, and it also has a shiny coating over the entire surface, which will help to convey all its beauty to the curtains and bring us as close as possible to the era of the reign of King Louis XIV. Veil and chiffon fabrics lighter in structure and folds on such curtains will be airy. Muslin is a natural fabric and very thin, so if you want to sew French curtains from it, you should take into account that the folds may turn out not as pompous as from organza, but more simple.

French curtains can be either an independent decor on the windows, or be combined with thick curtains of a classic cut.

For curtains

French curtains made of dense fabric can decorate your window at night. The material for such a decor needs very dense to darken the room well, and soft, forming graceful folds.

This could be:

  • velvet;
  • atlas;
  • cotton or linen;
  • wool for curtains.

A velvet French curtain as in the photo below is always rich and luxurious, the only drawback of such a fabric is the rapid accumulation of dust. The satin looks solemn because of its play in the light, and the soft texture allows you to form folds. Natural fibers of cotton or flax can also be used in French curtains and decorate the interior, especially since they are perfectly breathable.

Additional curtains for dense French women will not be required, as this will overload the window and the whole environment.

Fabric color

Depending on your interior and its colors, you can choose French curtains of any tone. Most often these are monochrome models, since the pattern can simply get lost in numerous folds. To give a solemn atmosphere to the room, snow-white, gold or milky curtains are suitable. Blue and salad shades look more gentle and romantic. For darkening curtains, it is better to choose darker shades: burgundy, blue, brown, red.

Application in the interior

Today, in order to hang aristocratic curtains at home, it is not necessary to decorate the entire room in the style of a royal castle, but it is still worth considering some points to create a harmonious image.


French curtains of a short cut are often hung in the kitchen, it is very convenient if they are equipped with a lifting cornice. In general, the interior of the kitchen can be in a modern way, then the fabric will be simple: a light transparent veil, plain or with a small pattern. This window decor will complement the contrasting color lambrequin and tassels along the bottom edge.


In a spacious bedroom, you can hang long French organza curtains and complement the look with thick classic curtains. If the window is above the bed or sofa, then short French women will be very useful. As for the colors, here the choice is completely yours. Psychologists advise using a minimum of contrasting combinations in the rest room and choosing calm colors: beige, sand, muted green or blue.

In the bedroom, lifting curtains are more relevant than ever - the French ones in this photo fit perfectly into the classic interior

Living room

The living room is a central place in any home; it hosts guests and holds family holidays. Therefore, the atmosphere should be appropriate. Formal curtains with many folds will perfectly cope with the function of a festive decor and will live up to your expectations. If in the living room there are two or more windows on one wall at once, then you can hang one wide curtain the width of the entire wall. Or you can decorate each window with separate sets of curtains with additional curtains.

Lush lambrequins with flounces, fringes and tassels will emphasize the high cost of curtains and decoration.

French curtains are a unique and non-standard way to decorate windows at home. With the right selection for a particular room, you will create a festive and cozy atmosphere at home.

And the living room is the best option for fans of classics in the interior. French curtains in the interior are found not only in city apartments, but also in country houses.

Advice! A high-quality French curtain will fit equally well into a romantic and classic interior.

You can create such a design with your own hands, taking into account the specifics of the room being decorated.

Rules for choosing material for French curtains

Craftswomen can purchase for work both airy light tulle and dense curtain fabric. Among the main requirements that are put forward for the material purchased to create a high-quality French curtain in the living room, we note the possibility of draping it. The appearance of the folds depends on the texture and density of the fabric.

For the correct selection of fabric, it is necessary to be based on the following performance and external characteristics:

  • a delicate and dense fabric is suitable for creating falling waves;
  • for volumetric folds, rigid and weightless matter is needed;
  • french curtains for the kitchen are best sewn from organza

Interior professionals pay special attention to the choice of fabric with a pattern. There is a risk of getting "ripples", which are then lost in the folds, which will spoil the external impression of the finished curtain.

Advice! The best option for a French kitchen curtain is a plain light fabric: silk, organza, satin, chiffon.

With the help of a ready-made curtain in the kitchen, they close the window in the working area. An interesting addition to the created image will be the use of a beautiful lambrequin.

Rules for calculating fabric for sewing

French curtains in the interior involve the use of a significant amount of material, since it is necessary to make draperies and beautiful waves. To calculate the usual curtains, take into account the width of the window opening, as well as the size of the decorative cornice. And for the manufacture of French curtains, a degree of assembly is used, which cannot be less than two widths of the fabric itself.

Advice! It is necessary to take into account the length of the curtain, adding 5 cm on each side of the curtain (at the seams). The rest of the length of the fabric is used to create beautiful folds.

The length of the finished curtain is multiplied by 2, the seam allowances are added, amounting to 5 cm for the bottom of the curtain, 3 cm for the upper part.

There are some similarities between French and Austrian curtains, but they differ in the amount of fabric used.

Features of patterns

French curtains, photos, pattern options, useful tips, all this can be found in the video fragment

Sewing consists in choosing a drawing, as well as strict adherence to a certain sequence of actions. Decatting is done first. It involves processing the fabric in order to prevent its subsequent shrinkage.

The decating procedure is quite simple and straightforward. The fabric is soaked in warm water for 10-15 minutes, then it is carefully wrung out and dried.

The algorithm for sewing French or in the living room can be represented as follows:

  1. Finishing the top and bottom edges of the curtains. It is convenient to place the fabric on the floor, make 1.5 cm folds on the sides, then hem the curtains.
  2. From the bottom, the porter is bent two centimeters, the edge is hemmed.
  3. Next, you need to mark the drawstrings. Using a ruler, you can get equal gaps along the entire length of the curtain.
  4. The formation of the wings is carried out using fabric cuts. A fabric with a width of 3 centimeters is sewn along the marked lines, it is folded inward on the sides.
  5. The curtain on the balcony or in the kitchen should be adjusted with a drawstring that is threaded into the drawers.

For the manufacture of French curtains, a sketch drawn up in advance is used. The finished design includes several components.

Advice! You need to choose a model not only based on personal preferences, but also taking into account the style direction used to decorate the room.

Upholstery can be done with rings. On the drawstrings, rings are sewn after 15-20 centimeters. In order to achieve high-quality fastening of the curtain to the eaves, professionals recommend using a durable tape.

A simplified version of French curtains

On the balcony you can see a version of the curtain made by yourself. In order to cope with the task, it is necessary to take into account five basic rules: calculate the fabric, mark the scallops, outline the grooves, fix the curtain tape on the markings, stretch the cord, and achieve uniform drapery.

Even without sewing skills, it is quite possible to make a simple model of French curtains for decorating a balcony. Currently, there are two options for curtains: lifting and static. Lifting models operate on a rotor-chain mechanism, and static curtains cannot be moved.

Such curtains are suitable for baroque, empire, classical style. In the living room, they will emphasize the laconicism of the interior, in the bedroom they will help create a romantic atmosphere, and in the study they will demonstrate the status of the owner of the premises.

Such curtains appeared in the 18th century in France, only expensive fabrics were used for their manufacture, so French curtains could be seen only on the windows of noble mansions.

At first, marquises were used to curtain windows in palaces, theaters, and restaurants. Currently, they can be seen both in city apartments and in country mansions.

The splendor of the curtains allows you to use them to decorate window openings in the bedroom, living room, kitchen. French curtains can also be seen on the balcony windows.

Light curtains with soft and even folds will become a real decoration of the window in the bedroom, fill the room with romanticism. To make such a design, you can first make a line along the entire length of the curtain, then carefully tighten the laces, getting a uniform canvas.

Advice! In the kitchen, it is better to select a curtain along the length, which will be just below the windowsill. In this case, the curtain will not interfere with the cooking process, when cleaning the room.


The effect that a French curtain will produce depends on the texture and type of material used in its sewing. For example, if the room has high ceilings, you can choose dense expensive fabrics, they will help to emphasize the sophistication of the room, the status of the owner of the apartment.

For work you will need a veil, organza, cambric or silk. The choice of fabric depends on the material capabilities of the owner of the apartment, the design of the room, as well as on personal wishes.

In order for the curtains to be beautiful and practical, you need to remember about the seam allowances, and also that the length of the fabric should be twice the size of the finished product. Only if you follow these simple rules, you can count on sewing a beautiful French curtain for the kitchen or living room.

The owners of French balconies are definitely in luck - the panoramic glazing of the loggia creates a delightful feeling of spaciousness and freedom. But it is impossible to admire the views endlessly, therefore it is necessary to choose curtains for such a balcony, so as not to feel in full view. After all, the French loggia will be a great place to relax, and maybe for an office. What kind of frame to choose for a balcony with panoramic glazing? Let's look for inspiration in photos showing great design ideas!

Principles for choosing curtains for a French balcony

Perhaps you should immediately understand the terminology. It so happened that under the French balcony we mean two architectural solutions at once: a small one-winged balcony (traditionally - with a forged fence) and a spacious loggia with glazing "to the floor". In this case, we mean the second option.

The glazing features of the French balcony to a certain extent dictate the principles of choosing the frame:

Design ideas for a French loggia

The variety of interior solutions invented by designers for balconies with panoramic glazing can give rise to the well-known psychological phenomenon - "stupor" with an excess of choice. This phenomenon is often observed in supermarkets: there are so many products that the customer does not know what to choose! And in the end it takes the usual brand. To solve this problem, you should first decide how exactly you will use a panoramic balcony, and then carefully examine the advantages of various design ideas.

If the French loggia becomes a seating area for you - say, with a chaise longue or coffee table - light curtains are best suited. An excellent choice - thin silk or cotton fabrics of light, pastel colors, flowing in straight linens. You can intercept the curtains with grabs: in this case, the balcony will provide an excellent view, but the feeling of an "aquarium" will disappear.

If you are going to equip an office on a French balcony, choose laconic solutions that do not distract from work. For example, a light tulle that gives access to light, but hides you from the views from the street. However, one must remember that when the light is on, the whole loggia will be in full view. A combination of tulle with thicker curtains for the evening will help to solve this problem. Another interesting proposal is a combination of cozy wooden blinds with light chiffon or organza curtains.

A very convenient option for a French balcony is roller, Austrian and Roman blinds. At any time you can pick them up and enjoy the panorama that opens.

Finally, if the loggia is spacious enough, Japanese panel curtains will look great in it. Check out this option as well - perhaps you will like it.

These curtains, also called awnings, are distinguished by beautiful uniform folds (scallops) along the entire length of the canvas. Their homeland is France, where they appeared in the 18th century. Marquises were sewn exclusively from expensive fabrics and were used to decorate windows in the homes of nobles.

The principle of operation of French curtains is a special cord lifting mechanism that holds the canvas in a certain shape.

Many ordinary people confuse awnings with Austrian curtains. A distinctive feature of the former is that they have folds (scallops) along the entire length of the panel, and Austrian curtains - only along the lower edge.

Classification of marquises

There are French curtains:

  • Workers - they are used in new types of cornices and are regulated by a lifting mechanism controlled by a remote control;
  • Decorative - canvases, which are controlled exclusively by hand.


Initially, awnings were used to curtain windows in rooms for celebrations - banquet halls, palaces, theaters, restaurants. But they can also be used in an ordinary apartment or house. These curtains, due to their splendor, are perfect for decorating windows in the living room, bedroom. In the hall, a French curtain will become the main accent of the interior; against its background, ordinary furniture will seem expensive and refined.

French curtains will add romanticism and elegance to the bedroom interior. All this thanks to the soft folds that carry the charm of France. Even in the children's room awnings will be appropriate. Made of thin material, they will add lightness to the room. You can decorate them with bows, butterflies, decorative elements that will be of interest to the child.

Advice: for the nursery, it is better to choose French curtains up to the windowsill, so the child will not touch them while playing.

Elegant awnings will complement the classic kitchen design. They will turn any meal into an important meal. The length of the curtain should also be short so that the product does not interfere with cooking and cleaning.

French curtains in the office will be appropriate. They will emphasize the formality of the atmosphere and the importance of the conversation.

The effect produced by French curtains will depend on the type and texture of the material used for their sewing, as well as the conformity of the product design to the dimensions and style of the room decoration. Given that the awnings were originally intended to give a room a solemn look, they will look good in rooms with large windows and high ceilings.

This window drapery will add sophistication, nobility, solemnity, and even some pomp to the interior. Will adequately frame the awning and give the interior a complete look of a lambrequin, or classic curtains.

Making French curtains, materials

Awnings are sewn from light fabrics - silk, cambric, organza, veils. Classic French curtains are made of dense silk, pleasant to the touch. It can be smooth or have a damask pattern. This texture of the canvas allows you to form beautiful, smooth folds from it.

Polyester is used for sewing awnings from synthetic materials. In terms of its performance, it is superior to silk, but it is more practical and cheaper.

Design features

The width of the curtain panel in finished form corresponds to the length of the eaves, or slightly exceeds it (to form assemblies). When sewing a product with your own hands, it is necessary to make allowances for the formation of scallops in the height of the fabric (this indicator exceeds the size of the finished product by 1.5-2.5 times).

Material calculation

To form the drapery, special rings and a gathering braid are used. Its length is calculated by the formula: l \u003d h * f + h. Where h is the cutting height of the canvas, f is the number of scallops.

Features of cutting fabric

Before starting to sketch, it is necessary to take measurements of the window opening. Next, you need to determine the width of the product. To do this, the length of the cornice board (width of the window opening + 5 cm) is multiplied by 2 and 10 cm is added to the resulting figure (allowances for two hemming seams. This calculation formula allows you to make small assemblies along the width of the fabric. If you do not need them, then the width of the panel must correspond to the length of the cornice + 4 cm is added to the processing of the curtains from the sides.

To calculate the length of the curtain, the formula is used: h (desired height of the product) * 2 + 2 cm (for the design of the upper seam) + 5 cm (for the lower hem).

To make the curtain look beautiful, not sag and not be too taut, it is necessary to determine the optimal number of scallops. A table will help in this, in which the number of warehouses is calculated depending on the width of the curtain panel.

The optimum distance between scallops is 50-60 cm. But narrower folds can be formed - about 30 cm wide. The vertical distance between them should be in the range of 12-24 cm.

Advice: so that the French curtain does not rise in a draft, or when a window is opened, special weights are sewn to its lower edge.

Once cut, you will end up with a rectangular piece of fabric. On the back side of the panel, the arrangement of the scallops is marked. To do this, outline vertical and horizontal lines along which the gathering tape will be sewn. After that, the curtain is turned inside out. The braid is preliminarily fixed on the panel with pins so that its lower end coincides with the edge of the awning. On the sides of the product, the braid is placed close to the side edge.

The lower edge of the braid is tucked in by 2.5 cm, after having ironed and pulled out the cords to tighten the folds. When processing the sides, the edge is cut off and processed with a hem seam.

Next, they begin to form the top of the curtain. The curtain tape is applied to the fabric 4 cm from the front side and stitched together. The product is turned inside out, and again stitched along this first line, and then passed along the lower edge of the tape. This stage of sewing curtains can be final. After this, the cords of the tape are pulled together, forming folds.

On a note: on the upper edge, you can make a small comb (0.5-1 cm), which will cover the hooks. But for this, at the cutting stage, you should lay the double height of the comb.

If the awning is lifting, the locations of the rings are marked on the panel. Their lower row should be located at a height of 5 cm from the lower edge of the awning, and the upper one - 12 cm. Sew the rings in 4 stitches with a double thread, securing the part with a double knot. The formation of folds begins only after sewing on all the rings. The threads are pulled together neatly, making uniform folds. The width of the upper border is adjusted to the size of the cornice board. The ends of the threads are tied as close to the panel as possible and cut off.

Next, they begin to tighten the cornice board with a finishing fabric. To do this, the tape is cut to the width of the finished curtain. The part where the hooks are located is nailed to the front edge of the cornice board with small studs. The second side is sewn to the tape located along the upper edge of the awning. The curtain is attached to hooks driven into the board, neatly aligning the panel.

The cords are threaded into the rings, starting from the bottom edge of the product. Each ring at the bottom is secured with a knot. At the top, all the ends of the cords are passed through the hooks of the cornice board and brought out to one side of the curtain. Then they are pulled together, evenly placing the folds along the entire awning cloth. Fasten the scallops with ribbons.

After installing the cornice board with the awning over the window, the ribbons are removed and the curtain is lowered. The connected ends of the cords are tied in a knot so that it is located behind the last hook. Then they are threaded through the handle to raise the awning and another knot is tied at a distance of 46 cm from the first. Next, the ends of the cords are cut off, fasteners are installed, around which the cord is wrapped to fix the curtain in the desired position.

Methods for combining awnings with other types of window frames

French curtains go well with:

  • Curtains;
  • Lambrequins;
  • Fringed;
  • Golden threads (muslin);
  • Bugle beads;
  • Kantami.

A win-win option is a combination of awnings with classic curtains. Festoons framed by a lambrequin also look beautiful.

Advice: the folded fabric will be complemented by various ornaments, accessories - decorative cords, fringes, beads. They will give the product individuality and originality.

Care for awnings

French curtains are unpretentious in maintenance - it is enough to periodically clean them with a vacuum cleaner. Awnings made of synthetic fabric can be washed. Ironing the product is done in a wet state. But if these curtains are made of natural material, it is not recommended to wash them yourself - the folds may lose their shape.

Proper care will keep your French curtains in top condition and extend their lifespan by several years.

Video: Luxurious French curtains

They are lush flowing draperies formed from even semicircular folds of fabric (scallops) laid along the entire height. French curtains will perfectly decorate the window opening, which together with them will be distinguished by sophistication and luxury. Traditionally, French curtains are used to give the room more solemnity, splendor, both in public and private interiors. French curtains were born in the 18th century, when solemnity, luxury and splendor were in fashion. Much time has passed since then, but these curtains continue to successfully fit into almost any interior.

French curtains together with are among the curtains. The main principle by which they are used is a lifting mechanism that allows the canvases not to be pushed apart, but to be lifted in the upper part of the window. At the same time, beautiful wavy folds are preserved along the entire length. The main difference between these two types of curtains is that French curtains always keep folds along their entire length, whether in the up or down position, while Austrian curtains keep soft folds only at the bottom edge of the curtain.

Usually, in the manufacture of French curtains, thin and light are used fabrics - cambric, silk, other materials in pastel and light colors. Some of them also use transparent tulle of any colors and shades, veil, organza. At the same time, the main requirement for fabrics is elasticity, which provides drapery with soft folds. Recently, when sewing French curtains, modern fabrics have been used, for example, polyester, which surpasses silk in practicality, is easy to wash, does not fade, does not shrink, but at the same time it gives the appearance of rigidity and creates lush folds.

French curtains are often combined with classic curtains with tassels and lambrequins.


Since its inception, French curtains have been used to drape the windows of royal banquet and ballrooms, reception rooms and bedrooms. Very often, when sewing them, they used the same fabric as the walls of the room were upholstered. Also, many people associate French curtains with theaters, offices, restaurants, assembly halls. Nowadays, French curtains have found their use not only for decorating the interiors of the Kremlin, but also for luxurious mansions and stylish apartments.

If you hang such a curtain in the hall, then at the entrance to the house an elegant atmosphere will be created.

At the same time, the window opening in the bedroom can be decorated with French curtains, giving a relaxed and romantic look to the interior, and at the same time a kind of privacy. In a room with wide windows, you can use the simplest option for placing French curtains in the interior. To do this, hang 2-3 narrow French curtains of various lengths on the window (for example, to the middle of the window, to the window sill, to the floor). This option looks good on its own, without additional curtains.

There is a classification of French curtains, according to which they are divided into two categories:

  • decorative - when the folds on the curtains are fixed and cannot be changed. In this case, the curtains can only be raised manually.
  • workers - free control of the curtain, here you can already use modern systems and lifting mechanisms that easily allow you to open and close the window opening.

You can make French strength on your own, because the way of sewing them is very simple. The fabric consumption for these curtains is one and a half times more in width and 2 times more in height from the dimensions of the finished product. Maximum width and length allows for rich and luxurious builds. The fabric of the future curtain is divided by cords into symmetrical vertical sections. The maximum area of \u200b\u200bthe finished French curtain is 8 sq. M. With a larger area, difficulties may arise during installation and operation.

So, French curtains are a classic, noble, luxurious beauty that will fill your home with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, and, moreover, revitalize and ennoble it.