Which of the Russian actors smells unpleasant. "Tasty" smelling stars, from whom we did not expect this. Beyoncé: bad breath

1. Who: Ukrainian actress Mila Kunis

In this form, Mila almost always appears on the streets in everyday life. No, she is not embarrassed by the paparazzi, the actress boldly flaunts in stretched sweatpants under the arm with her beau Ashton Kutcher.

2. Who:
Vanessa Paradis

In such a non-stellar image, Vanessa goes shopping.

3. Who:
singer Katy Perry

The singer appeared at the rehearsal of a speech in support of presidential candidate Barack Obama in a completely sloppy appearance.

4. Who: singer, TV presenter Lolita Milyavskaya.

The Russian star does not lag behind his Hollywood colleagues in untidiness. The famous lady without complexes paid for her love for bare legs and home clothes, pajamas and lack of makeup.

5. Who: ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

This star lady is also tasteless. A ballerina cannot deny herself concert dresses, whether they are appropriate or not.

At the European Football Championship "Euro 2012", the singer appeared in a rather shocking form for the star. Untidy, unkempt, swearing Ruslana is what she remembered for the fans that day.

7. Who:hollywood actress Jessica Simpson.

The girl, after becoming a mother, completely abandoned her appearance. After pregnancy, Jessica gained a lot of weight. According to some reports, the celebrity weighed about 100 kg, which is simply unacceptable for a girl with once-model data. Pictures taken on a vacation in Hawaii, very clearly demonstrate all the untidiness of the star.

8. Who: singer Madonna.

The singer's clearly protruding muscles do not delight Madonna's fans. And in everyday life, the singer does not really take care of herself.

9. Who: actress Julia Roberts.

This is how the famous Beauty goes shopping.

10. Who: singer Britney Spears.

I think this star of show business is the leader in untidiness among the stars.

11. Who: actress Lindsay Lohan.

Are you getting rid of fellow travelers on public transport who forgot to take a shower and use deodorant in the morning? Imagine that Hollywood stars may well be in their place.

Gwyneth Paltrow

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Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow, as a rule, looks impeccable - a real style icon, but those who communicate with her closely assure: the smell of a star is often not very pleasant. The fact is that the actress does not use deodorants in principle - they contain aluminum and carcinogens that can lead to breast cancer. Choosing between an unpleasant aroma and a terrible ailment, Gwyneth prefers the first: it is better to let those around them wrinkle their noses, but she will not get sick. The actress does not take into account the opinion of scientists who believe that the ingredients in the deodorants have nothing to do with breast cancer.

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The unpleasant smell coming from Cameron Diaz is also due to the actress's refusal to use deodorants. Firstly, she, like Paltrow, considers these hygiene products to be harmful to health, and secondly, she is sure: the substances that make up the deodorants clog pores and block sweating, due to which the unpleasant odor of the glands increases significantly and the person begins to "smell sweet "even stronger. Diaz says that it is quite enough to do epilation in the armpit and take a shower every day, but, according to her colleagues, these measures do not save the actress - it is often not very pleasant to be near her.

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Leonardo DiCaprio rarely bathes and does not use deodorants solely for good intentions - he is afraid of harming the environment, the safety of which is seriously concerned. The actor saves water, so he limited all procedures related to it to two or three per week, and no circumstances in the form of hard physical labor or heat, accompanied by increased sweating, can force him to change this schedule. As for the deodorants, after learning that the ingredients in them increase the ozone hole, the actor refused to use them, which also does not in the best way affect the smell emanating from him.

Julia Roberts

Another lover of saving water on the planet - and, as a result, smelling not the most pleasant way - "beauty" Julia Roberts. The actress rarely bathes, and she does not particularly care for the armpit area - she does not shave them or her legs. She herself told about this in an interview with Oprah Winfrey when she took part in her program. And the security guard, who worked with the star for a long time, confirmed her words, calling Roberts "hippie". "She can go without a shower for a long time," he told reporters, "she likes the smell of her own body."

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey also does not like to use deodorants, preferring to replace them with salt stone, because he believes that he fights perspiration much better than chemical compounds sold in perfume stores and pharmacies. True, the actors who have to be on the same set with McConaughey do not think so - they, at least, express dissatisfaction, and, at the most, rebel. So, Kate Hudson, who played with him in the film "Fool's Gold", demonstratively - in front of everyone! - gave the actor a deodorant, saying that he "smells awful," and the bottle she handed him might at least slightly reduce the size of the "disaster." I must say that McConaughey did not remain in debt - he replied that since not everyone likes his natural smell, he can go and take a shower, but he will not smell like flowers or a thermonuclear mixture that is passed off as a men's perfume.

We can admire the talents and beauty of our favorite stars for as long as we want, but it turns out that nothing earthly is alien to the celestials, including such a delicate problem as halitosis, or, in other words, bad breath.

One of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood, Angelina Jolie, has a disarming smile, especially if you get too close to her. Angie is said to have such bad breath that the actress's ex-husband, Brad Pitt, once gave her a box of peppermint candy for Valentine's Day.

A source close to the couple told Us Weekly that the actor often teased his wife for bad breath. We hope that the actress will find time after the divorce proceedings to solve the problem.

It is said that Ben Affleck only needs to open his mouth and breathe to strike a blow in the battle between Batman and Superman. These rumors appeared after Affleck starred in the film "Forces of Nature" with Sandra Bullock, and this was back in 1999

The actress constantly complained about Ben's bad breath. But not only Bullock had to come to terms with this for the role: according to one of the star dentists, many female colleagues complained about the actor's breath. Well, for the sake of a successful career you won't go for that!

One of two things: either Jennifer Lawrence doesn't care for oral hygiene, or she's a big joke! How else to explain the fact that Liam Hemsworth, after filming "The Hunger Games" on one of the talk shows, complained that the actress seemed to gorge herself on spicy food before the kissing scenes, as her breath was disgusting

We believe in Jennifer's sparkling sense of humor: I really don't want to think that the actress doesn't look after her health.

Britney Spears' bad breath may be related to her addiction to unhealthy diets, a source told PopCrush. Before one of the seasons of the show X-Factor, in which the singer was a judge, she went on an extreme diet to look good in the frame. So extreme that it consumed only 600 kcal. in a day

Consume less than 1000 calories regularly. - hazardous to health: the gastrointestinal tract fails, which entails many consequences, including unpleasant breathing. Britney may have acquired a wasp waist, but scared everyone around

It seems like Johnny Depp is sure that charisma is much more important than cleanliness. A source told Fox News that the actor doesn't like to shower and doesn't prioritize personal hygiene.

Looks like Johnny liked the image of a filthy pirate with unclean teeth! It's good that the technology that transfers smells during the screening of the tape has not yet been invented ...

The Oscar ceremony is the most significant event in world cinema. The stars present the best version of themselves: they rent the most luxurious jewelry, wear couture dresses and elegant suits. It is a pity that you cannot rent fresh breath. In a post-event report, the Guardian's secular chronicles once wrote that Hugh Grant literally exuded a ghoulish odor, and his colleagues were begging to do something about it.

It was rumored that friends of the actor even made him rinse his mouth before going on stage.

Jason Siegel's bad breath is caused by his addiction to smoking. This was an unpleasant revelation for actress Alyson Hannigan, who played his wife on the TV show How I Met Your Mother. The non-smoker Hannigan said that she would not get close to Siegel if he did not give up his bad habit. Considering that these two were playing a couple in love, it's not hard to imagine what kind of atmosphere reigned on the set.

Later, Jason admitted that the actress left him no other choice: "I quit the day she gave me an ultimatum, and I have not smoked since then!" I would like to think that along with the actor's bad habit, bad breath has disappeared.

Apparently, Jessica Simpson forgot about the importance of regular brushing. On the Ellen DeGeneres show, the blonde stated that she brushes her teeth 2-3 times a week! The singer simply hates the "slippery" feeling when her teeth are clean. Instead of a toothbrush, she uses mouthwash, dental floss, and chews gum.

While Simpson insists that this habit guarantees her fresh breath, doctors unanimously admit that avoiding daily brushing is a direct path to tooth decay. Plaque and bacteria build up in the spaces between teeth (even with floss), which can lead to periodontitis and eventually tooth loss

Would you be able to live with someone who has a bad breath? So Khloe Kardashian could not. In one of the reality series, she complained to Kim that she was starting to feel sick after kissing Lamar Odom

Apparently, Chloe was relieved when she filed for divorce. It is not known how things are with her current lover, Tristan Thompson, but it is obvious that his breath is better than the ex-husband of the star

Rumor has it that Sophia Loren herself has not been spared a delicate problem. The most famous Italian actress excuses herself by ...... loves dishes with onions and garlic too much

They don't brush their teeth, don't shower, wear underwear and clothes for several days ... Do you think this is a description of hipsters or homeless people? But no, some celebrities are guilty of this.

Hearing that a person smells bad, many imagine a homeless person, but this is just a stereotype. Surprisingly, there are many people among the world's stars who neglect the rules of personal hygiene. Let's find out who these dirty people are, from whom you sometimes want to stay away.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio

The great actor is actively involved in environmental protection, regularly donating huge sums to various charity events. In addition, he believes that wasting water on a shower is a luxury, which is why Leo does not take it every day. DiCaprio's odor is also negatively affected by the fact that he independently recycles his garbage. The paparazzi often caught the actor with a dirty head and sloppy clothes.

2. Johnny Depp

The actor can play the role of the homeless without preparation, since his appearance is fully consistent with the image. In addition, the performer of the role of Jack Sparrow forgets to take a shower and wears the same clothes for more than one week. Rumor has it that during filming, where kissing is supposed, Depp's partners give him mints. Ex-wife Amber Heard also spoke about his stale breath.

3. Julia Roberts

"Pretty woman" is not shy about telling that she does not use deodorant, she rarely shaves her armpits and legs. In addition, she admitted that she also does not take a shower every day, since she saves water.

4. Angelina Jolie

Millions of people dream of a personal meeting with one of the most beautiful actresses, but you don't have to talk about a kiss. At the same time, the fans will be disappointed, because it turns out that Jolie's breath smells unpleasant. The ex-husband often teased Angelina about this, and for the holiday he gave her a box of mint candies.

5. Robert Pattinson

Often in the media, you can find publications dedicated to the strange look of an actor who looks more like a homeless person or an alcoholic. Many colleagues on the set complain that Robert smells bad. In addition, he does not like to wash his hair and can walk with dirty hair for more than a month. Pattinson himself admits that due to his busy schedule, he does not have enough time to take a shower.

6. Brad Pitt

Jolie's ex-husband, who is also on this list, doesn't like to shower. Rumor has it that during the filming of one of the films, he was offered to use wet wipes in order to somehow reduce the unpleasant odor of his body.

7. Britney Spears

After the divorce, the life of the pop star has seriously changed, and she stopped taking care of herself. A former bodyguard said that the singer smokes a lot and often forgets to brush her teeth. In addition, she does not use deodorant and may not go to the shower for several days (we hope that after performances and rehearsals she does not forget about water procedures). Former housekeepers talk about the singer's sloppiness, who constantly throws clothes and food around the house.

8. Courteney Cox

The Friends star is another opponent of deodorant. Her ex-husband, giving an interview, said that Courtney smells like a truck driver, but at the same time he noticed that it attracted him.

9. Kourtney Kardashian

When looking at the attractive appearance of a socialite, few people have the idea that she might smell unpleasant, but this is really so. When Courtney was breastfeeding, she decided to stop using deodorant. She even tried to create her own deodorant by mixing baking soda and cornstarch. Apparently, she herself feels that she smells not very pleasant.

10. Viggo Mortensen

Another actor who does not like showers, so he may not wash for a week. As a result, many people around him complain that he smells terrible sweat.

11. Uma Thurman

The actress looks unbeatable only on red carpet and social events. People who meet her in everyday life claim that she does not pay attention to what she is wearing. She can often be seen wearing stained clothes and smells bad.

12. Bradley Cooper

The blue-eyed handsome himself said that he felt that sometimes it smelled unpleasant, he was trying to fix it, but so far he had not succeeded. The actor has given up on deodorant, but at the same time he tries to take a shower more often. It is good that the person realizes that he has a problem.

13. Russell Crowe

It has long been rumored in Hollywood that the actor is a "stinker." This information is confirmed by many of his colleagues, for example, Renee Zellweger, during a joint filming, insisted that Crowe be replaced by an understudy in bed scenes. There are those who stand up for the actor, saying that he can smell like your favorite curry and alcohol after a party, but not afterwards.

14. Ben Affleck

People who worked on the same site with the actor noticed that he often had a bad breath. An example is Sandra Bullock, who said this after working in the film Forces of Nature. Rumor has it that before every scene together, she made Ben eat a peppermint.

15. Megan Fox

In one of the interviews, the girl unashamedly admitted that she is sloppy and often neglects her own hygiene. She realizes that this causes certain difficulties, but she cannot help herself. In addition, Megan said that she has memory problems, and sometimes she forgets to flush after herself in the toilet, even when she is away.

16. Pee Diddy

Another celebrity with bad breath, but he has an excuse. Some sources report that the benchmark suffers from a problem such as halitosis (increased formation of bacteria in the oral cavity due to gastrointestinal diseases). There are rumors that a similar nuisance has affected Beyoncé.

17. Matthew McConaughey

The actor believes that women are attracted by his natural scent, so he does not use deodorant, cologne and eau de toilette. He has been using this rule for 20 years. Matthew states that he does not like it when he smells unpleasant, and if someone tells him about it, he will certainly take a shower.

18. Jessica Simpson

Many people dream of such snow-white teeth as this singer, but few people know that she brushes them quite rarely, explaining that she does not like it when after this procedure her teeth are too smooth. She prefers to just rinse her mouth with a freshener and use a floss, but it is clear that this is not enough for fresh breath.

19. Jennifer Aniston

The actress looks great, but she has one important drawback - bad breath, which is triggered by drinking a lot of coffee. Many film partners have not officially, but confirmed this information. In addition, at the beginning of her career, Jennifer lived with a neighbor, who later told that the actress was very sloppy.

20. Kristen Stewart

Roberto Pattinson's partner and ex-girlfriend often doesn't look her best, but claims she's fine with it. While giving an interview to a popular magazine, while still in a relationship with Robert, she said that she liked how her lover smells and that he loves to lick her armpits (it's just disgusting! Fu-fu-fu ...). In addition, she wonders why people are obsessed with the shower, because it destroys the natural smell of a person. Kristen does not like to wash, brush her teeth and wash her hair. The situation is aggravated by the fact that when an actress is nervous she sweats.

21. Cameron Diaz

The actress frankly admitted that she has not used deodorants for over 20 years, which, in her opinion, are harmful to health. She says that the use of deodorant leads to a blockage of sweat glands, and this can provoke serious problems, and the unpleasant smell only intensifies. To confirm that Diaz does not use deodorants, there are many photos of her with wet armpits.

22. Gwyneth Paltrow

One gets the impression that the actress is perfect in everything, but colleagues are talking about something completely different. They claim that Gwyneth smells bad at times. She said that she does not use deodorants, since they contain harmful substances - carcinogens and aluminum.

23. Cheryl Crow

Like Leo DiCaprio, the performer is an ardent environmentalist. In her interview, she said that when going to the toilet, you need to take only one square of toilet paper, and in exceptional cases, no more than three. In addition, Cheryl is in favor of saving water, so she does not take a shower every day.

24. Zac Efron

One of the most sexy men, according to a million women, who also has an unpleasant train. The actor loves to play active sports. So, after playing basketball, he often does not take a shower, because he is simply lazy. Instead, he uses wet wipes, which cannot cope with persistent sweat odors.

What do you think about this? We look forward to hearing from you in the comments!

Stars are supposed to look great in their profession, and looking at photos from the red carpet, it's hard to imagine that some of them smell bad. The editors have compiled a selection of such celebrities.


He is considered one of the main handsome men in Hollywood, but at the same time he is ranked among the stars that smell bad. According to members of the film crews who worked with the artist, he rarely takes a shower and does not consider personal hygiene as a priority. Exactly the same opinion is shared by his former common-law wife.


Believe it or not, co-stars of the "" star claim that she suffers from bad breath. This is due to the fact that the actress drinks too much coffee and does not rinse her mouth with water after that.


The world famous actor is also an ardent environmentalist. He only takes a shower a couple of times a week because he thinks he needs to save water. In addition, he personally recycles household waste in his house, which also does not contribute to a pleasant smell.


The star of the film “” adheres to about the same position. Her former security guard said that the actress is capable of not using the shower for a long time to save water. The artist likes her natural scent, in addition, she said that she considers deodorant unhealthy and does not use it.

By the way, this position is literally becoming a trend. More and more celebrities are reluctant to use antiperspirants. Among them is the Russian TV presenter.

Julian Assange

The creator of the WikiLeaks website has been living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since 2012. As employees of the diplomatic mission said in January 2018, the online journalist smells bad and does not wash. This information was previously confirmed by Assange's closest assistant Daniel Domscheit-Berg.


One of the most foul-smelling representatives of Hollywood is the actor. Colleagues often complain about the bad smell from him. Rumor has it that a celebrity may not wash his hair for up to six weeks. In addition, the performer of the role in "" rarely cleans his apartment.


Pattinson's Twilight co-worker and ex-girlfriend have stated that they do not understand the shower obsession with the destruction of natural scent. The star does not like to swim, brush her teeth and wash her hair, so many people close to her noted that she smells unpleasant. Stewart also does not use deodorant, so the situation is aggravated by the fact that she sweats a lot when she's nervous.