A husband's prostatitis can become pregnant. Pregnancy and Prostatitis - Does Prostatitis Affect Conception? Influence of chronic prostatitis on conceiving a child

Prostatitis and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive concepts. The presence of such a diagnosis does not mean infertility for a man. Doctors say that with the right approach, a man can conceive a healthy child. If we are talking about a neglected disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the measures necessary for conception. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Pathology adversely affects male fertility

Before you figure out whether it is possible to get pregnant with a sluggish prostatitis in a husband, you should figure out whether prostatitis affects the possibility of conceiving a child and how this effect manifests itself.

The negative effect of the disease on male fertility is manifested as follows:

  • decreased sperm motility;
  • deterioration in the quality of prostate secretions;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • side effects from medications.

Even if the man was not affected by erection problems, the previous two points remain.

Role of prostate secretion in conception

To understand whether a man can conceive a child with prostatitis, one should understand the functions of the prostate gland. This organ secretes an important secretion that mixes with the semen during ejaculation. The secret of the prostate does not contain spermatozoa, but it performs the most important function in the process of conception - it ensures the viability of spermatozoa after ejaculation. In other words, if there is no prostate secretion, sperm cells are deprived of a medium of movement, which means they die much faster.

Another important nuance is a change in the acidity of the female vagina, which is provided precisely by the prostate juice. The fact is that normally the acidity of the vagina is low. In such an environment, sperm do not survive. In addition, the low acidity does not allow them to move in the direction of the egg. The secret of the prostate gland, mixed with the ejaculate, significantly increases the acidity of the female vagina, allowing the sperm to reach their target and to conceive.

Prostatitis and Reproductive Health

In addition, it is important to understand how the disruption of the prostate gland affects the functions of all genital organs. In chronic prostatitis, the blood and lymph flow of the pelvic organs is disrupted, which means that all systems malfunction. Stagnation in the pelvic organs against the background of prostatitis negatively affects the quality of semen. Sperm cells become less mobile, their number in the volume of ejaculate decreases, which complicates the process of conception.

Effects of drug therapy on fertility

A side effect of some prostatitis medications is a decrease in fertility

You should also pay attention to the drugs taken by a man for the treatment of an inflammatory disease. Some of the side effects of prostatitis medicines make it impossible to get pregnant. This is a temporary phenomenon, fertility returns to normal after the end of the medication.

Note! Some drugs are reproductively toxic. Attempts to conceive a child during therapy with such drugs can lead to fetal abnormalities.

As a rule, warnings about reproductive toxicity of certain drugs are always contained in the instructions for use. In addition, doctors usually warn that you must use reliable contraception when taking certain medications.

In the treatment of prostatitis, alpha-blockers are often used. Such drugs normalize the urination process, but can lead to retrograde ejaculation. This is a temporary, and generally not dangerous, side effect that is manifested by the throwing of sperm into the bladder during ejaculation. By itself, this violation does not pose a danger and passes after some time, but it is impossible to conceive a child with retrograde ejaculation.

In general, whether it is possible for a man to have children with chronic prostatitis will depend on the degree of changes in the functioning of the reproductive system, which is directly related to the characteristics of the course of the disease in the patient.

Is there a risk for a woman?

Having figured out that prostatitis and pregnancy are really connected, you should think about your partner's health. Despite the fact that it is quite possible to have children with prostatitis, it is important to correctly approach the issues of conception.

The only risk for a woman is infectious or bacterial prostatitis in a man, both acute and chronic. The fact is that in the secret of the prostate gland during infectious inflammation there are pathogenic agents. These microorganisms enter a woman's vagina during ejaculation and can cause inflammation.

Possible consequences for a woman's health:

  • cystitis;
  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • colpitis;
  • cervicitis.

Infected semen disrupts the vaginal microflora, which is fraught with the development of various diseases.

If a woman is already pregnant, unprotected intercourse with a man with infectious prostatitis is equally dangerous for the fetus. This can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus, the formation of adhesions, and premature birth.

Non-infectious prostatitis is not dangerous for a woman, but unprotected intercourse in this case can cause a secondary infection of the man himself. The fact is that the female vagina is non-sterile, it has its own microflora. With prostatitis, a man's local immunity falls, so any opportunistic bacteria that inhabit a woman's vagina can be perceived by the male body as foreign elements. In response to this, various inflammatory processes develop in the organs of the genitourinary system. So, due to a decrease in immunity, even a healthy microflora of the vagina can be dangerous for the male body.

Can I get pregnant if my husband has prostatitis?

Competent medical assistance in this situation will be very useful

In general, with prostatitis, you can really get pregnant, but the question of planning pregnancy must be approached wisely. If the husband has prostatitis, a woman should insist on a complete examination of her husband by a urologist, as well as undergo an examination by a gynecologist herself and consult a doctor about whether it is possible to become pregnant in this situation, and whether it will not be dangerous for the health of the fetus.

The exact effect of prostatitis on the conception of a child depends on the type of inflammatory process and the form of the disease.

So, timely cured acute prostatitis does not negatively affect male fertility. The main thing is to wait some time after the end of treatment, to pass the seminal fluid for analysis, and only then proceed to attempts to conceive.

With chronic prostatitis, you can also conceive a child, but only if the disease is under control. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is not recommended to try to get pregnant. But with advanced chronic prostatitis, serious health problems are possible that will not allow a man to become a father.

Conception with chronic prostatitis

Doctors answer positively to the question of whether a man can conceive a child with chronic prostatitis. Despite the fact that chronic prostatitis and conception do not exclude each other, one should thoroughly approach the issue of prolongation of the genus and undergo a comprehensive examination.

With a sluggish non-infectious inflammation, a man will be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and prostatoprotectors. A course of treatment with such drugs increases the chances of becoming a father.

If we are talking about advanced prostatitis, which has never been treated, a long and tedious complex treatment may be required. The fact is that with advanced chronic prostatitis, the prostate gland ceases to cope with its functions. Long-term “inactivity” of the body negatively affects the entire reproductive health of a man. This disease can lead to a change in the composition of the semen, which is fraught in the future with fetal malformations and even a miscarriage for a woman.

Intimacy, with a bacterial form of prostatitis, is dangerous for girls

Women are also interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant if a man has bacterial prostatitis. With this prostatitis, a couple may have children, but only after a course of treatment. The fact is that with bacterial prostatitis, it will not work to get pregnant, since the sexual intercourse itself and the process of ejaculation are accompanied by severe pain.

Acute bacterial prostatitis can be successfully treated with one course of drug therapy and does not adversely affect male fertility. It is important not to let the disease take its course and consult a doctor in time, and then there will be no obstacles to conception in the future.

Having sex with bacterial inflammation is unsafe for a woman, since the semen contains pathogenic microorganisms. In other words, in this case, it is possible to proceed to conception only after the acute inflammation has been arrested, and the results of repeated analyzes of the bacterial seeding of prostate secretion are satisfactory.

Can you become a father with acute prostatitis?

Having figured out whether it is possible to have children with chronic prostatitis, you should consider another option for acute inflammation in the prostate. Men who have such a diagnosis need to think about ways to cure prostatitis, and not about the urgent conception of children. The fact is that acute inflammation is accompanied by severe pain, fever and dysuric disorders, therefore, the issue of conception is secondary in this case.

You should not try to become a father with acute inflammation. Conception during this period is greatly complicated by the general health of a man. In addition, there is a risk of infection in a woman. If it is possible to conceive a child, a violation of intrauterine development, pregnancy fading and miscarriage are likely. This is due to the fact that during acute inflammation, toxic compounds are formed that negatively affect the quality of the semen.

Risks during pregnancy

It is possible to get pregnant from a man with prostatitis, but urologists recommend postponing conception until the disease is cured. The fact is that if a spouse has prostatitis, there is a high risk of infection for a woman. Pregnancy in this case will be difficult, possibly intrauterine infection of the fetus, ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

If conception has already occurred, men with prostatitis should use condoms to avoid infecting the pregnant woman and the fetus. It should be remembered that infectious inflammation in the prostate can negatively affect not only the conception of a child, but also the course of pregnancy, therefore it is recommended to consult a urologist.

Pregnancy planning and prostatitis

A man must donate blood and all the necessary tests to determine his ability to conceive in case of a disease

Despite the fact that pregnancy with prostatitis is possible, it is recommended not to risk the health of the unborn child and woman. You should go to the clinic, get tested and undergo treatment. Usually, antibiotics are used in the treatment of prostatitis for a four week course. Immediately after the course of therapy, pregnancy should not be planned; it is necessary to wait several months for the side effects of antibiotics to subside.

Immediately before conception, a man needs to pass three tests:

  • spermogram - to assess sperm motility;
  • general and biochemical analysis of blood and urine - to determine inflammatory processes in hidden foci of infection;
  • bacterial seeding of prostate secretions - to exclude disease-causing agents in the prostate.

If the test results are satisfactory, the man can become a father. Otherwise, a second course of therapy is required, followed by tests to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

During drug therapy, a man should be protected and avoid accidental conception. This is due to the fact that drugs have a negative effect on reproductive function, therefore, there is a high risk of negative pregnancy. From the moment of taking the pills to conception, at least three months must pass - this is enough time for the man's body to be completely renewed.

Whether prostatitis and conception are compatible - are asked by couples who are planning a pregnancy, but face some problems. Many do not know whether it is possible to conceive a child with an inflammation of the prostate?

What effect this disease has on the continuation of the genus is a question scientists have been researching for a long time. The concentration of attention on this issue has increased since the time when the number of patients increased significantly.

Men suffering from this disease, groundlessly consider it the cause of future infertility. But this is not at all the case. The consequences of prostatitis, like the symptoms, are the weakening of erection and sexual desire itself. But this does not happen in every patient. In addition, a timely diagnosed disease will not have time to turn into a chronic form, which is characterized by symptoms of sexual impotence, and the issue will be resolved by itself.

Problems with conceiving

It is difficult to answer unequivocally whether the disease affects the formation of active sperm. Since prostatitis itself has a different character and manifestation, which can affect the fetus or the process of conception itself. In the event of a disease due to infections, there is a risk of infecting the partner and the future fetus.

The main points in which you need to navigate in case of prostate inflammation in a partner:

  1. The chronic form of prostatitis, even if not started, can cause difficulties in conception. Not only because a man experiences pain during intercourse. If the chronic form of the disease is neglected, the quality and viability of the patient's sperm are reduced.
  2. The prostate gland produces a secret that enters the semen of a man and is responsible for the mobility of sperm in it. That is, the condition of the prostate directly affects the male fertility. A healthy prostate is one of the key factors in a successful and effective intercourse.
  3. It should be understood that this disease is not the cause of infertility. Although if prostatitis has turned into an advanced chronic form, it can be assumed that the problem in pregnancy lies in the man's illness.

The life situations of real people trying to conceive a child with inflammation of the prostate can be discussed and read on specialized forums, in sections dedicated to prostatitis. Here you can also find general and specific medical advice on this matter.

Prostatitis and infertility

Conception with prostatitis, if the form of the disease is not very advanced and the sperm is viable, is safe, provided that the cause of the disease is not an infection. In most cases, fertilization is impossible due to painful sensations and problems with erection in a man.

This disease is characterized by the presence in the mucous membrane of the male genital organ:

  • various pathogenic bacteria,
  • viruses,
  • other organisms that may be related to the partner's problems getting pregnant.

Whether conception is possible and under what conditions - one can reasonably reason only in relation to each case individually.

The likelihood of getting pregnant from a man with prostate inflammation is greatly reduced, so the planning process must necessarily be under the supervision of a gynecologist and urologist. Unlike a woman who has difficulty getting pregnant after 35, a man with prostatitis is able to fertilize her at any age.

If the father suffers from prostatitis, doctors recommend starting pregnancy planning only after treatment. There are chances of getting pregnant from a man with prostate inflammation. But a successful result will be due to a number of nuances in the process. And if it didn't work out once, it doesn't mean that you should stop trying.

Nevertheless, all questions regarding prostatitis and the limitations in it should be discussed with the urologist. The conclusion is formed separately for a specific case thanks to diagnostics and personal consultation.

Every married couple sooner or later thinks about procreation. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in conceiving the long-awaited heir the first time, and most often, after a year of unsuccessful attempts, doctors diagnose infertility. One of the causes of male infertility is inflammation of the prostate and how prostatitis affects conception.

According to statistics, almost 90% of the male population of reproductive age have experienced prostate inflammation, so the question of the possibility of conceiving a child with prostatitis is one of the first places during pregnancy planning.

Pregnancy planning

If the husband has prostatitis in the family, then it is necessary to establish how long this inflammation has been present. After all, the growth rate of the connective epithelium and the increase in the likelihood of infertility in a man directly depend on the duration of the inflammatory process.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant if the husband has prostatitis, one should understand the functioning of the prostate gland in a healthy state. If it is not inflamed, then it performs the following tasks:

  1. controls ejaculation;
  2. normalizes sperm viscosity;
  3. is responsible for its quality characteristics and increases the activity of sperm.

Sperm motility and survival is ensured by the alkaline environment of the prostate juice. The unique antigen of the prostate prevents the thickening of the ejaculate and the stagnation of semen.

The inflamed prostate gland does not completely lose the ability to produce ejaculate, but the birth of a child is observed only in 2% of cases, since the influence of prostatitis on conception and the further course of pregnancy is very large.

There are three types of prostatitis: chronic, acute and bacterial (viral, infectious).

If there is an introduction of infections into the chromosomes of sperm, the quality of their genetic material will decrease.

What effect can prostatitis have on women's health?

During intimacy with a man whose prostatitis is of a viral nature, toxic substances and bacteria will inevitably penetrate into the woman's vagina along with sperm, which will ultimately lead to a violation of the acid-base balance of the mucous membranes. Spermatozoa weakened by prostatitis in the acidic environment of the vagina are not able to survive, plus immunity decreases, which creates comfortable conditions for the penetration and reproduction of bacteria that can provoke female diseases.

Certain bacteria that cause prostatitis can cause cystitis and pyelonephritis in women, which will also affect the conception of a child.

Everyone who has encountered this disease wants to know how prostatitis affects conception and whether it is possible to get pregnant with it. Yes, inflammation of the prostate in the husband's family poses a danger to the health and fertility of the wife, but, fortunately, statistics show that with prostatitis there are chances of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Is there a danger to the fetus

When conception has occurred, you do not have to worry about the course of pregnancy if the inflammation of the prostate is non-infectious.

If a man's prostatitis is viral in nature, the bacteria can be passed on to his partner during sexual intercourse. If a woman becomes pregnant under these conditions, the virus will affect the body of the expectant mother and negatively affect the developing fetus.

About 2% of pregnancies are terminated in the first 7 days of the embryo's life. This is most often due to the pathology of fetal development (61% of all possible factors).

If a man has not treated prostatitis and the pregnancy has come, there is a danger that it will be ectopic or frozen. This will lead to the mandatory termination of pregnancy in the first case, or fetal death and miscarriage in the second.

Can a healthy child be carried out?

The likelihood of conceiving a child in men who are worried about prostatitis decreases daily. But even with such a disease, it is possible to become parents.

Pregnancy with prostatitis will be successful with appropriate preliminary preparation.
In order to conceive and bear a child without pathologies, planning and management of pregnancy was invented. At this stage, the man should be examined for the presence of diseases that in any way may interfere with conception and pregnancy. You should start with the delivery of sperm for analysis, which will help determine the number of motile and viable sperm, as well as signs of possible inflammation.

If acute prostatitis, chronic or infectious, is detected, then it is better to refuse conception for now, in order to avoid undesirable consequences during pregnancy.

We will talk about the non-bacterial form of prostatitis, if other methods have revealed inflammation of the prostate, while the quality of the sperm is normal. In this case, the doctor will tell you how you can solve the problem, prescribe an individual treatment and consult on further conception.

When refusing contraceptives, if the conception of a child occurs within a year, this is the norm. Otherwise, the question will arise about a complete examination of the couple to determine the causes of infertility.

How to prepare a man for conception

People who are faced with this form of the course of the disease want to know whether it is possible to conceive a child with chronic prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis complicates the arrival of a long-awaited pregnancy by the fact that planning can begin only in the stage of complete remission. Primarily, in order to check the quality of the sperm composition and to predict the probability of successful conception, a man needs to pass a spermogram.

In addition to this study, a number of other tests can be assigned:

  1. check for hormones;
  2. for the presence of pathogens of viral origin;
  3. determination of the level of leukocytes, indicating the presence of inflammation;
  4. determination of the size of the prostate gland using ultrasound.

The complex examination helps to see and determine the severity of the disease in order to choose a further treatment regimen.

Undoubtedly, with prostatitis, you can have children. But the risk for the health of the expectant mother and for the development of an immature fetus is so great that it is better not to engage in dangerous experiments. If you suspect and have symptoms of prostatitis, get examined by a urologist.

Treatment of prostatitis and restoration of reproductive function in men

An individual treatment regimen for an inflamed gland can only be prescribed by a doctor. The course of treatment consists of antibiotics, physiotherapy and diet.

In this case, it makes sense to postpone pregnancy planning until the man is fully recovered. On average, it can take up to 5-6 months from the day you see a doctor and start taking antibiotics until the sperm is completely renewed.

By giving up bad habits, a man will be able to speed up his recovery. Also, it will not be superfluous to devote time to gymnastics every day, which stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area.

The reproductive function of a man can be fully restored for a long time, if you do not neglect the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

To exclude relapses of the disease, you will need:

  • giving up alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • do not eat spicy, sour and fatty foods;
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • do gymnastics;
  • avoid emotional stress and stress.

These simple measures can help restore male strength and make it possible to avoid infertility. Under these conditions, men, after prostatitis treatment, will be able to become happy fathers, and the answer to the question whether a man can have children with prostatitis will be positive for them.

When in a married couple there are difficulties in conceiving a child, the first suspicions fall on the woman's inferior health. However, male pathologies, such as inflammation and adenoma of a very important organ, the prostate, can also prevent a woman from getting pregnant. In the chronic course of the inflammatory process of the prostate gland in a man, sex cells are considered defective and incapable of fertilization.

Etiological reasons

The ability of male germ cells to penetrate into the egg and fertilize it depends on many factors, the main of which are:
  1. Stages of prostatitis as a disease, its activity.
  2. The presence of chronic inflammation in adjacent organs, leading to successful conception.
The so-called fertility in men is impaired by inflammation of the organs responsible for the production of germ cells and secretions that support their movement and maturation.

Not always the absolute indicators of a woman's health and excellent male erection immediately lead to conception.

Chronic dysfunction of the reproductive organs is often caused by inflammation of the prostate and related organs. Any inflammation entails a complex of symptoms in the form of fever, pain, edema and others. Temperature rise is most dangerous for sperm cells, as they mature in a cool environment. When prostatitis in men is detected often, and the methods of its treatment are aimed at eliminating its activity, the body begins to adapt to the changed parameters of the internal environment. A practically healthy male representative who has a history of prostatitis and does not suspect that this is the reason for the impossibility of his partner A strong half of humanity is much less likely to go to doctors with questions of conceiving children. They are reluctant to talk about their problems of the genital area, previous illnesses and difficulties in intimate life. Often, after a frank conversation, the doctor quickly finds a scheme for the correct treatment of an imaginary infertile couple.

Prostatitis and infertility

There are several mechanisms for reducing the ability to conceive children, acting with prostatitis:
  1. Transport dysfunction, referred to in medical practice, is observed after bacteria attach to sperm and their inability to enter the urethra. If the sperm is damaged by an infection or a virus, then its movement on the way to sperm is also difficult.
  2. The inflammatory process itself causes an increase in the temperature of the prostate and its secretion, which has a detrimental effect on the reproductive cells of men. In addition, special mediators are produced during inflammation, which also damage or even kill sperm. Their death can also be caused by the body's autoimmune response to inflammation through the production of antibodies, for which male sex cells are also foreign.
Prostatitis leads to infertility only in the most advanced cases, when all treatment options are already useless. The irreparable consequences of evil ailments can be easily prevented if you consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Such temporary provoking factors of infertility, such as difficulty in ejaculation, infection or even adenoma, respond well to treatment and completely disappear after a while if medical recommendations are strictly followed.

There are also more dangerous conditions when the function of having children can be lost forever and cannot be restored. If the damaged tissue of the prostate is replaced by a connective fiber, then conception becomes impossible due to the formation of an obstacle to ejaculation and a lack of nutrient secretion of the organ. It happens that such sclerosis of the prostate can completely stop spermatogenesis, which makes it impossible to conceive even in laboratory conditions. Only then can a man hear the diagnosis of infertility which modern medicine is unable to influence.

Fertility with prostatitis

Approximately one in five couples cannot get pregnant due to male pathologies. It happens that previous diseases have long-term consequences, with the negative influence of which a man encounters during the reproductive period. Prostatitis, in turn, is a classic inflammation with the presence of an infectious agent that adversely affects the quality of sperm. Therefore, any method of treating male infertility should be a complex of drugs. There is still no medicine in the world that would fight mycoplasmas and chlamydia, and at the same time improve the ability to conceive a child. Inflammation of the prostate does not exclude the possibility of having children. If the disease has been treated and is not a neglected pathology, competent therapy will restore the ability to give birth to a healthy child.

When the disease has not received treatment, a long-term inflammatory process has a negative effect: first, it reduces the mobility of germ cells, and then completely reduces their number. The consequences of this can often be irreversible, which leads to a terrible diagnosis of infertility.

The damaging effect of infection is fatal for the glandular cells of the prostate gland, which are replaced by connective tissue and are no longer able to perform their function. However, some of the cells can continue their work, thanks to which you can conceive a child. Taking place in the presence of prostatitis, pregnancy can no longer be susceptible to the pathological effects of a man's disease. However, in the process of intercourse, bacteria can be transmitted to a woman, and then they can penetrate the fetus. The most terrible malformations of the child and other teratogenic effects can be expected if one of the partners suffers from infection with the simplest or herpes virus.

Therefore, it is best to plan conception, and before pregnancy, cure diseases not only of the male prostate gland, but also of other organs and systems in both partners, and only after a while can one proceed to direct conception.
Usually, doctors do not specify how much should elapse after treatment, but the recommended period is at least three months.

It consists in the negative effect of infection on the male genitals and their functioning.

If you do not start a full course of treatment in time, then the consequence of the development of the disease will be hardening and scarring of the urinary ducts. Toxic products that will be released during this process will significantly disrupt the mobility, structure and endurance of sperm.

IMPORTANT: With prostatitis, pregnancy may not occur if you have an advanced stage of the disease.

Impact of the disease

In cases where the conception of a child with prostatitis does occur, another risk arises - negative impact of the consequences of the disease on the future fetus.

The fact is that if the egg is fertilized by a defective sperm, then the chances of a successful pregnancy in a woman are reduced.

In the early stages of gestation, there may be a risk of a non-viable embryo.

The infection can cause deviations in the formation of the organs of the unborn child and his internal systems.

The influence of prostatitis on conception consists of the following factors:

  • deterioration of spermogram indicators;
  • weakening of sperm and their activity;
  • dysfunction of sperm;
  • inability of sperm to fertilize.

For sperm

Inflammatory processes, actively developing in the prostate gland, disrupt blood circulation in the male genital organs, which entails a significant change in the quality of sperm. In sperm with prostatitis, the number of spermatozoa decreases, and the existing individuals are characterized by weakness and inability to fully fertilize the egg.

How does prostatitis affect semen? Effect of the disease on semen:

  • the inflammatory process destroys sperm (harmful microorganisms stimulate the production of active substances - inflammatory mediators);
  • scars on the tissues disrupt the natural process of movement of cells and sperm;
  • violation of the natural reproductive function of sperm by a pathological process;
  • the appearance of antisprmal antibodies that cause (you need to remember the fact that prostatitis and infertility often accompany each other).

The consequences of treatment

This type of drugs has a negative effect on the human body.

During the period of taking strong medications and immediately after the cancellation of the course of treatment with them, it is not recommended to plan the conception of a child.

Otherwise, there is a risk of complications of pregnancy in a woman and the presence of pathologies in the fetus.

Where to begin?

After prostatitis treatment, when can you plan a pregnancy? There is no specific time frame for planning pregnancy after treatment for prostate inflammation in a man. Each drug is specific and leaves the body over a specific period of time. In addition, the individual characteristics of the patient play a special role in this case.

On average, the process of removing antibiotics from the body is:

  • by 50% within 12-24 hours after the last dose of the drug;
  • 100% within one or three months from the date of the last medication intake.

If the course of antibiotic treatment was prolonged, then after the drug is discontinued, it is necessary to take funds that help restore the immune system and microflora of the body.

Only after a full course of rehabilitation can you start planning for conception. It is preliminarily recommended to consult with doctors and undergo a comprehensive examination.

Experts recommend to refrain from conception for 70 days from the moment of the abolition of antibiotics and the implementation of the course of restoration of the body. This period is due to the time of maturation of the sperm. Within 70 days, non-viable individuals are destroyed, but full-fledged ones remain.

What is the probability?

The likelihood of conceiving a child with prostatitis depends on the stage of the disease and the implementation of its treatment. If a man does not take measures to get rid of the disease or the inflammation of the prostate gland reaches a critical form, then the fertilization of the egg becomes impossible.

With ejaculation, a sharp pain is felt, which leads to the disappearance of sexual desire or.

The likelihood of conception with different forms of prostate disease:

  • in the chronic form, the probability of conception is present;
  • in the acute form, the probability of conception is completely absent.

Despite the fact that there is a chance of conception with prostatitis, the fertilization of an egg entails a danger. The process of bearing a fetus in a woman can be accompanied by difficulties, and the unborn child himself may be born with developmental disabilities.

What to do and to whom to contact if conception does not occur?

If a man has prostatitis and does not conceive a child within a year, then the couple must undergo a comprehensive examination. The best option is to contact a specialized hospital or family planning center.

REFERENCE: Some men, in addition to specialized specialists, have to be examined by a psychotherapist. Fear of impotence can provoke significant mental abnormalities.

To identify the reason for the absence of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo the following examination options:

  • consultation with a urologist;
  • additional consultation with a surgeon and therapist;
  • referral to a physiotherapist;
  • examination by an immunologist.

The urologist or other specialists will order additional tests. For example, general blood and urine tests, semen analysis, etc. Based on the collected data, a diagnosis is made and an appropriate course of treatment is selected.

The examination should be carried out not only for a man, but also for a woman, in whose body the microflora can also be disturbed during intimacy with a patient who has an inflammation of the prostate gland.

Now you know if you can get pregnant from a man with prostatitis. Take care of yourself and your health!