The angle of inclination of the roof from the sandwich panels. The minimum bias of the roof. External coating: Protection against atmospheric precipitation

The panel sandwich is a modern version of the roofing material. Installation of roofing in the form of multilayer panels is easy, since the material weighs a bit. Low weight is at the same time an advantage and disadvantage, since the strong gusts of the wind can tear the coating.

In three-layer roofing panels, the outer layers are a profiled metal (thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm), inside the heat insulator (fiberglass, minvat, expanded polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam). All layers of the sandwich panel are a single product, the compound of layers occurs with the help of glue or pressing method.

Benefits of roofing sandwich panels:

  • Good noise-and thermal insulation;
  • Original appearance;
  • Refractory;
  • Service life of more than twenty-five years;
  • Universality - There are elements of different sizes.


The roof, which is planned to cover with sandwich panels, should have the right slope. The bias of the roof is registered in the bottom, the incorrect design of the roof is almost doubled the life of this roofing coating.

  • If there are windows or light hatches on the roof, the bias should be greater. In this case, the calculations are carried out individually.

Problems when choosing an incorrect linker of roofing rods:

  • Rapid wear of material, deterioration of operational parameters;
  • The occurrence of water and water;
  • Bad waterproofing, roofing;
  • Loss of aesthetic attractiveness.
03.04.2016 02:39

The optimal option for BMZ is a roofing of three-layer metal sandwich-panels ready to install: does not need additional insulation, easy to install, cost-effective, is distinguished by aesthetic attractiveness, unpretentious in maintenance.

Reliable roof is a combination of high-quality roofing sandwich panels at a bargain price, accurate calculations and proper installation!

Block Blowing Sandwich Panels

For the guaranteed water removal during the roof icing, the slope of the roofing rods should not be less:

  • 5% for roofs mounted from solid panels without transverse connection and light hatches,
  • 8% for roofs mounted from panels connected along the length and in the presence of light hatches.

At the same time, it is impossible to forget about the minimum step and the width of the roofing supports. It is recommended to check the compliance of the support with preferred characteristics. It will not be superfluous to take into account the data of maximum permissible loads.

Intermediate supports

Extreme supports

The correct installation begins with proper transportation and warehousing. It is at this stage that the risk of damage to the panels and to reduce their qualitative characteristics. To avoid mistakes, read:

The panels must be mounted on the thermostat, glued along the entire length of the carrier element and adjoining structures. In longitudinal joints and in overwearing panels of transverse joints, a sealant must be laid, mainly butyl rubber tape. The use of silicone sealants is not allowed.

When laying panels longer than 12 m, the use of the transverse beam is permissible - traverse. It is allowed to use a one-dimensional or chamber beam - the panel is suspended every 3-4 m.

It is also necessary to take into account the root slope to avoid damage to the edges of the panels.

Lifting panels on the roof

In the process of laying roofing sandwich panels, the optimal option is considered to use the crane.

The rise of individual panels from one package one must be carried out with the help of specially intended and widely available tools: a carpentry clamp with a steel plate and rubber or felt lining, vacuum grip.

Installation of roofing panels: Fastening to run, horse, tump

The first priority with the exception of the skate roofing runs with one mounting element panel is fixed to the run of the skate.

The extreme panels are fastened at the top of the trapezoid to run three screws; Average - two. Given the difference in loads in the above zones, the recommendations are conditional. The final quantity and type of fasteners are determined by the work project.

At the end of the main installation work, it is necessary:

  • between the skate runs, mount the inner skate bar
  • polyurethane foam fill the free space in the joints of the panels;
  • when foam hardens, establish a profile polyurethane gasket on both sides of the skate;

In the case of the use of roofing panels with a mineral wool insulation, the junction is filled with a sealing mass of mineral wool.

It is also important and the correct organization is low. To ensure proper drainage from the surface of the roof, the panel in the sink is separated by the bar.

Under the top cover of the panel, the insulation is covered, the bar is dyed and attached to the bottom panel. Hooks of drainage gutters are attached to the bar, the drains gutter are preferably invested from PVC.

Roof adjoining knot to sandwich panels

Installation nodes, nodes of the adjuncing panels of the roofing panels, fixing panels and decorative slats are performed in the strictest compliance with the project documentation, the development of which is carried out by a specialized organization licensed to design the design.

The popularity of roofing sandwich panels is explained by the simplicity of their laying. In order for the resulting design to serve for a long time and reliably, it is necessary to carefully execute the recommendations for transportation and laying of the material.

Determination of the minimum roofing angle

There are the following recommendations SNiP: the bias of the roof from the panel sandwich should not be less than 5 degrees. At the same time, only solid panels should be used for laying: this surface does not contain joints, windows and other disturbing monolithic elements. All other situations provide for the minimum roof slope from the sandwich panels 7 degrees.

When selecting the optimal roofing structure and its inclination, the climate is taken into account in this region. In areas with frequent and abundant sediments for the roof of the sandwich panels, the tilt of a single-row roof of at least 40 degrees is recommended. This will allow rainwater to smoothly go down, without stuffing on the joints. If a dry and hot climate reigns in the region, the minimum bias for the panel sandwich is allowed to reduce to 7-25 degrees. It should be remembered that the construction of coolest roofs will require a greater consumption of building material.

Flat roofing from sandwich panels will provoke moisture stagnation. It does not avoid negative consequences for the tightness of the butt sections. When the thaw is replaced by freezes, it leads to the freezing of accumulated water. Such processes damage the outer protective layer of the panel, and subsequently they destroy the metal shell. If carrying metal, reinforced concrete or wooden design acts as a base under the roof, during the arrangement of a small linker of the roof from the sandwich panels, no additional fasteners will be needed. In case of exceeding the minimum bias of the roofing sandwich panels of 7 degrees, additional connecting attachments are used.

Required equipment for installation

In the course of the structures of the roof from the sandwich panels constantly arises in cutting the material in size. It will also need to be fixed and engaged in waterproofing seams. To cut the panels, you can use electronics, fine-grained saw or stationary machine with a disk saw. Bulgarian or hot cutting fixtures are better not to use, since because of the heating line of the panel, the panel is started to bent. This leads to a violation of the protective coating, which begins to appear corrosion.

When carrying sandwich panels, mechanical or vacuum captures are usually used, which makes it possible to avoid surface damage. In those areas where the captures are installed on the panel, they sample a special film in advance. Long stainless self-tapping screws are used as a fastener for installation of roofing sandwich panels. Also necessarily the presence of washers and special sealing pads. When choosing the optimal length of the screws, focus on the thickness of the panel and the framework, to which it is fixed. Split screws more convenient with a screwdriver.

When calculating the required number of fastening material, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Wind load on the building. It affects its height, location and angle of inclination of the roof from the sandwich panels.
  • Features of construction (open or closed).
  • In which place the roofing design is the element enshrined. The highest wind load turns out to the extreme panels.
  • Bearing abilities of each fastener.

Accurate calculations must perform a qualified specialist, taking into account the lowering of the minimum roof slope from the sandwich panels. Special attention is required to join the panels: there should be no gaps between them. On the roofs with any corner of the roof from the sandwich panels for sealing are used by a special band type Abris LB 10x2. You can also use silicone sealant. In the same way, all vertical adjoins are equipped.

Sandwich panel characteristics

The sale presents several varieties of material with different sizes, filler and indicator of strength. Depending on their characteristics, the purpose of each type is determined. The inner insulation layer usually consists of polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, polyisocyanurate or mineral wool.

Weigh the sandwich panels are quite small, and can combine the finish coating and insulation. The warmest products with basalt wool are considered the warmest. The body made of thin sheet metal is covered with decorative protection from the polymer - thanks to this slabs, the necessary color design and corrosion protection is reported.

In order not to damage the protective layer during the laying of the material, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Fully excludes the use of hot and abrasive cutting.
  2. The protective film at the bottom of the panel should remain up to its laying. The upper film is removed at the end of work.
  3. If a metal chips occurs when cutting the material, it must be brushed immediately, otherwise it can later scratch the polymer layer.
  4. Conducting installation work, it is allowed to use shoes only with a soft sole.
  5. If the sandwich panels in the course of construction work are stored in the open sky, it is necessary to consider reliable protection against climatic influences for them. For laying the material, it is recommended to use a smooth dry pad.


Snip roofing from sandwich panels involves compliance with the following conditions:

  • It is advisable to choose a windless day for mounting, as the area of \u200b\u200bthe panels is large, and the weight is small. It is allowed to have weak bustov winds to 9m / s.
  • It is forbidden to work in rainy, snowy or foggy weather.
  • With bad lighting, the installation process should be stopped.
  • To qualitatively carry out a longitudinal seal, the air temperature should be not lower than +4 degrees.

Getting started to lay roofing material, you need to do the following:

  • Carefully inspect the roofing design for compliance with its project documentation. When making defects and installation defects, they need to be eliminated.
  • Check that all runs, riglels and other design elements fit the project. For this, it is necessary to use the construction level.
  • Prepare all devices and tools.

Order stacking

Installation of sandwich panels is carried out in the transverse direction to runs, which are located in parallel to the eaves. To increase the carrying capacity of the roof, the running set step can be reduced. This technique is usually applied on roofing with a small slope in areas with abundant snowfall. For any scenaries, this parameter should not be greater than 200 cm.

Initially, plates up to 10 m long, as they are much easier to raise the roof. In addition, in this case, the risk of deformations is decreased due to temperature fluctuations in the operation of the coating. Before mounting the sandwich panels, laying insulation (mineral wool) and waterproofing. You should also check the horizontal of the runs and the condition of wooden, metal and reinforced concrete supports. All detected rust, mold and other layers need to be removed.

If there are cracks in wooden elements, they need to be embedded. The same applies to the cavity in the concrete solution. It takes the sealing of all joints of frame elements. For the processing of wooden surfaces, flaky-protein is used, for metal - anti-corrosion products. It is very important that the step of carrier elements corresponds to the size of the plates. When choosing the width of the spans, try to ensure that the material is attached at a distance of 50 mm from the edge. Soft panels should also have a good support.

If mineral wool is used as thermal insulation inside the sandwich panels, it is necessary to protect the respirator breathing. Raising the roof panels, it is forbidden to put them on the castle to avoid its curvature. Start the laying of sandwich panels on the roof is best from any of the lower corners, sticking to the strict vertical of the installation.

Today we will tell about the construction material, which is quite recently considered purely wall. Currently, manufacturers offer its variety that covers roofs of buildings and structures. This is a roof from sandwich panels. In the article we will analyze questions regarding the structure and composition of the material, its classification, as well as the technology of installation on the rafting system of the roof, taking into account some nuances of construction operations. We will figure out in the information received, you will, as they say, on the same wavelength with masters who were entrusted to the roof of the sandwich panels.

The roof of the sandwich panels source

What is a sandwich panel

This is a three-layer material formed by metal sheets, between which the insulation is laid. As thermal insulation, it is used or polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or basalt cotton wool. The first two options are preferable at their highest technical and performance characteristics.

As a metal sheat, a galvanized steel sheet is used, topped with top or paint, or a polymer layer. This is primarily increasing the protective qualities of the steel sheet, extending its uneasy operation on the roof. Secondly, it is a huge variety of color design, which allows architects and designers to solve some designer tasks.

In this case, all the layers are glued together with a special composition - two-component polyurethane glue, which gives a three-layer design a special strength. It is necessary to add that steel sheets are an optional flat surface. Today, manufacturers mainly offer roofing sandwich panels for a roof with a profiled form in the form of a professional flooring. That is, with a trapezoidal form or wavy.

Three-layer Sandwich Panel Structure Source

Benefits of sandwich panels

The first dignity in the list of positive characteristics of this building material is a complete set of roofs in terms of insulation and waterproofing. That is, mounted panels on the roof, you solve the whole task at once. With insulation it is clear, but the waterproofing problems solves the bottom sheet of galvanized sheet.

Other advantages:

    long-term exploitation with competent installation;

    small specific weight, and this is a decrease in loads on the rafter system;

    calmly withstands quite serious load;

    mining deformation;

    high sound and thermal insulation characteristics;

    high fire resistance;

    increased aesthetic qualities;

    rapidity assembly roofing;

    material practical not subject to Climatic characteristics of the region.

We add to this list that the minimum bias of the roof from the sandwich panels - 5 0. But with one condition that the panels will be seamless taking into account the length of the rank of the house. With the slope of more than 10 0, it is allowed to mount different lengths of the panel, strictly joking them by special technology.

And another positive side. Sandwich panels - the material is universal, so it is used today to cover the roofs regardless of the appointment of the construction itself. Even for residential buildings.

High aesthetics of roofs from sandwich panels Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of design and roofing, finishing and insulation of houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Characteristics and sizes

Let's start with the fact that this roofing material is produced by many manufacturers for specifications. Although there is GOST at number 32603-2012. True, the standard is intended for panels with insulation of mineral wool.

So this document states that the roofing sandwich panels, designated in the labeling of the letter "K", must be issued with accurate dimensions:

    thickness 50-300 mm;

    width - strictly 1000 mm;

    length from 2000 to 14000 mm.

Many manufacturers of these requirements are strictly followed. But offer longer panels if you place an order on them. At the same time, instead of Minvati use more high-quality insulation in terms of and strength, and reduced thermal conductivity. This is polystyrene or polyurethane.

As for metal sheets, how it was already mentioned above, it is a flat surface, trapezoid, wavy and rolled. The latter is grooves or in the upper, or in the lower wave, which perform the functions of rigidity functions. Panels with rolling are considered stronger elements of roofing. By the way, the roll is done both on the lower steel sheet and on the top.

Standard sizes of sandwich panels Source

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of houses, for the finishes of which used sandwich panels and ventilated facade - from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-story Country".

And a few words about characteristics:

    thermal conductivity Depends on the type of heat-insulating material used: mineral wool 0.034-0.044 W / m K (depending on the density), polystyrene foam - 0.03-0.04 W / m K, polyurethane foam - 0.019-0.025 W / m to;

    density - 40-50 kg / m 2;

    life time - 50 years.

Montaja technology

Let's start with the fact that the roof of the sandwich panels is primarily a quick and fairly simple installation. But, as in all construction operations, it is required to spend thorough preparation.

Preparatory stage

It includes:

    check accuracy roof run plane, no drops;

    strict perpendicularity between support racks and rigels;

    check tilt angle skates;

    if additional is required waterproofing, then spend it.


As already mentioned, the installation is simple. But there are many nuances in it, on which the quality of the final result depends.

Let's start with the fact that under the sandwich panels for the roof laid a metal rafting system. These are either steel standard profiles, or made of galvanized leaf bearing elements imitating standard profiles. If the first option is used, then in profiles will have to make holes under the fasteners in advance. If a second option is applied, then a small thickness of galvanized elements is easily drilled by roofing screws for metal, which are used for fastening roofing.

Sandwich panels on the roof raise the crane source

And one more point associated with the processing of the material. Often the panel have to be trimmed in length or width. It is impossible to use the grinder. The speed of rotation of the cutting disk of the power tool is huge. A zone of elevated temperature is formed on the cut surface, which burns the zinc and polymer layer, brawling metal. It is in places that the panel is started to corrosive, which is why their life is reduced.

So, algorithm of installation operations:

    Necessary prevent contact Sandwich panels with supporting structures. Therefore, the latter, or rather, their contact surfaces are closed with a sealing self-adhesive ribbon.

    Lifting crane panels raise On the roof, where it is placed, starting on any side of the roofing design.

    The adjacent panels are connected by the lock connection.that provides complete tightness of the joint. Some manufacturers are recommended to additionally use silicone sealant to seal, which is applied to the castle surface.

    All panels must attack with special self-drawswho have two threads: lower for fastening to the support, top to hold the upper steel sheet. Self-tapping screws are equipped with neoprene rubber pads, which under the action of natural loads throughout its operation does not change its qualities and properties.

Self-tapping screws for fastening sandwich panels to supports and together Source

It is very important to properly tighten the screws. First, they screw them into the upper wave of sandwich panels. Secondly, it is impossible to drag them, it will squeeze the gasket, which means that the mounting hole for the penetration of moisture will open. By the way, it is also impossible to prevent for the same reason. Thirdly, screw the fasteners must be accurately perpendicular to the plane of the roofing coating.

Since the castle connection is practically a nestrest, then the adjacent jammed panels should be fastened with each other by the upper steel galvanized sheets. For this, short screws for metal are used.

Video Description

Look at the video showing how it is necessary to properly cover the roof of the sandwich panels:

Mounting with transverse joints

If the slope length is large enough, and this parameter is not closed with one panel, then the laying of material with transverse joints is used. It uses very interesting technology, which is based on the process of forming the adhesive of two adjacent panels. This is done like this:

    cutting bottom steel sheet For the length of the adhesion of the panel, which will be laid as the upper element;

    at the same distance cuts and insulation;

    it remains only top sheet;

    cropped in this way the panel is placed on the neighboring, closing part of the bottom panel by the remaining steel protrusion;

    two jammed panels must attacks, And the backstage of small self-drawing with a mandatory missing plane of the allen sealant.

Note that if the angle of the slope is 5-10 0, then the amount of the alternation must be within 300 mm if the angle is above 10 0, then the flax length is 200 mm. Look at the photo below, where it is shown how the sandwich panels are stacked according to this technology, and in what order they should be mounted on the roof.

Connection of sandwich panels on the length of the skate Source

In principle, this can be assumed that the roof sandwich is ready. It remains only to establish good items. This is primarily a horse. Between the upper edges of the laid panels, the thermal insulation material is placed, and on top are closed with a metal element painted in the color of the sandwich panels. If there is a roof adjoining to the protruding wall, then this joint is closed by the so-called ovelast. This is an angular type of profile, one shelf of which is fixed to the vertical surface, the other to the surface of the panel, closing the mix.

Kind of roofs from sandwich panels Source

Video Description

About the types and characteristics of the sandwich panels The following video:

Conclusion on the topic

Today, the sandwich panels for the roof is one of the demanded materials of the new generation, especially in industrial construction. Easy installation - does not mean that this process can carry out illiterate and inexperienced masters. To spoil the panel will not be a lot of work. Therefore, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions that represent the manufacturers.

The construction of roofing works of the building is one of the most difficult and responsible operations. Despite the material from which the installation of real estate is carried out, it is quickly possible to make a roof from the sandwich panels. Thus, when the device is roofing from sandwiches, the building is completely optional, too, must also be made of this material. An important detail when installing is the observance of the technical characteristics and features of the panels. The bias of the roof from the sandwich panels must be performed according to the calculated characteristics and the estimated load.

Varieties of roofing sandwich panels.

For the roofing device, three-layer sandwich panels are used, the main insulating element of which is basalt fiber or polyurethane foam. Stainless steel or aluminum is used as a facing material.

A low roof load allows you to perform any manipulations using panels. The main thing is necessary to take into account the weather features of the region where installation occurs. This is especially true of the central and northern regions of Russia, where the burden of snow cover on the roofs of buildings can be quite high. It is recommended to perform a roof slope of at least 5% relative to the horizon line.

The use of a sandwich panels with a certain type of insulation depends on the characteristics of the building under construction. For increased thermal insulation properties of buildings, panels with filling from polyurethane foam are used. In addition, this insulation has a much smaller weight, as a result of which the roof load is significantly reduced. Features of polyurethane foam allow you to apply a panel sandwich with this type of filler in rooms with aggressive and aqueous media during long-term operation.

Panels with basalt fiber as a filler are recommended to be used for the device of the elevated category of fire danger. Such application is possible due to the fact that fiber refers to non-combustible materials.

The bias of the roof from the panel sandwich should also correspond to the region in which the installation occurs. In this case, the following principle is used - the larger the calculated load, the greater the roof slope should be. Thus, the natural gathering of a snow cover from the roof of the building is ensured. Otherwise, the snow will have to be removed additionally with the help of labor. Such an impact on the roof cannot not have a negative effect on the quality properties of the roof covering, which significantly reduces the life of the material.

Features of mounting work.

When using solid sandwich panels, the roof bias cannot be less than 5%. In the event that the panels are connected along the length, the slope must be at least 7%.

If the bias of the roof is more than 7%, then for fastening the longitudinal connections, you must additionally install the connecting screws. To eliminate possible leaks, it is necessary to install sealing sealing gaskets in all places in the width of the panel. When preparing for installation, the panel must be prepared by cutting down the lower metal sheet of the panel and the layer of the insulation, by the size of the joint starting from the second row of panels.

When determining the decoration of the roof depending on the region, for the device in the regions with an increased precipitation of the roof rainfall may have a slope of 40% and more. In a dry and hot climate, the slope performs from 7 to 25%.

The prefabricated sandwich panels, "explained the head of the construction site," "can also be used for the roofing device."