Outdoor sweet pepper care. Outdoor cultivation of sweet peppers. Planting and caring for peppers in open ground

Pepper is a thermophilic and moisture-loving culture. Growing pepper in the open field is not a difficult task, it is only important to adhere to some features. Sweet bell pepper is very popular among professional gardeners; it is successfully grown by summer residents. Everyone can grow pepper in their summer cottage. How to grow bell peppers and get the most out of the plant will be advised by the advice of experienced breeders. Following their recommendations, the yield can be increased several times.

Preparing a site for planting sweet pepper

Peppers thrive in open, sunny areas. But plants are afraid of the wind. Young plants should be planted in a place that is not shaded by trees, but also not in a draft. An ideal location is an area adjacent to the southern wall of a building. Planting peppers in open ground requires attention to soil composition, lighting, and draft protection.
The sweet guest grows well after cabbage and pumpkin crops, legumes and table root crops. Plant it the next year after these crops, and the pepper will surprise with the abundance of fruiting.
Bell peppers have not been grown for 3 years in the place where nightshade crops grew: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants. Peppers and nightshades suffer from the same infections that are transmitted through the soil.
The soil at the planting site of the pepper should be fertile, well-drained, and retain moisture well. The pepper planting site is prepared in the autumn. After the previous cultivated plant has been harvested, it is necessary to clear the bed of weeds and dig it up. In the autumn period, it is necessary to fertilize the soil using 1 sq. m. area:

  • 50 g superphosphate;
  • 80 g of wood ash;
  • 10 kg of humus.

After even distribution of the nutrient composition, the soil is dug up.

Pepper is not planted in the area where organic matter has just been introduced.

The Bulgarian guest does not need an abundant amount of fresh organic matter. Pepper is better to "underfeed" rather than "overfeed". The abundance of nitrogen combinations leads to the fact that the culture is actively growing and developing rapidly. Such a plant bears fruit much worse: the pepper sheds the tied fruits, the size of the vegetables decreases. Therefore, organic fertilizers are applied precisely in the autumn period.
In the spring, before planting, the open area must again be loosened and fertilized. For 1 sq. m. for spring fertilization is used:

  • 40 g phosphorus;
  • 40 g of potassium;
  • 20 g nitrogen.

The preparations should be applied in early spring. Immediately before planting pepper seedlings, the site should be dug up and leveled again.

We plant seedlings

Bell pepper is a thermophilic plant. Young specimens are planted in the soil after the threat of spring night frosts has passed. The planting time of seedlings depends on the regional location of the dacha. Peppers are usually planted starting in mid-May.
Bell pepper seedlings for open ground must go through a hardening process. To increase resistance to unfavorable factors, plants should be taken out into the fresh air in warm weather. The hardening of young individuals is carried out gradually, starting from a few minutes.

Pepper planting scheme 70x30 cm or 50x50 cm:

  • A few hours before planting, young plants are watered abundantly. The culture at the time of transplantation should be vigorous and healthy. Lack of moisture can have a detrimental effect on the survival process. Withered plants shed their first buds and retard their development. A weak and wilted plant when transplanting - a significant decrease in yield.
  • Young seedlings are planted in the afternoon. At night, the culture will not fight the sweltering heat and will throw all its strength into survival. In the case when it is cloudy outside, pepper seedlings can be planted at any time of the day.
  • Prepare planting holes in the soil. Each hole should be watered abundantly: 2 liters of water per plant. It is best to use water for irrigation at room temperature, warmed up in the sun.
  • Seedlings are transplanted with an earthen clod. Each plant should be separated from the container and planted in the prepared pits not too deep: the pepper is planted 3 cm deeper than it grew in room conditions. Pepper does not form adventitious roots well. But still, their appearance contributes to better nutrition of the culture.

The plant is not demanding to the composition of the earth. But it still grows better on loamy soil.

Watering plants in the open field

Pepper loves water very much. But still it should be watered carefully. Pouring is as detrimental to the plant as dryness. Immediately after transplanting bell pepper from containers into the soil, watering is not carried out. For the first time, the soil is moistened after 7 days. Water the pepper at intervals of 3 days with 1 liter of warm water per plant. Water the culture at the root. In extreme heat, pepper is watered daily.

10 days after planting the seedlings, the plantings should be checked for survival. The dead sprouts are replaced with reserve ones.
The established plants are watered very carefully. Bulgarian professional vegetable growers call this watering thin - frequent watering in small doses.
Determining when a plant needs water can be simple: if the bush has completely darkened, the pepper needs urgent watering. Withering peppers can also indicate insufficient watering. Although the wilting of the plant in the afternoon hours does not indicate dryness of the soil.
At the time of the ripening of the crop, the pepper is watered much more: once every 6 days, 2-3 liters per plant.
During the hot period, pepper is watered in the morning or evening.

Loosen the bed with peppers

Pepper is very susceptible to soil air permeability. It is impossible to allow the formation of a crust in any way. With the help of loosening, the roots of the plant receive more oxygen, and the plant itself develops more quickly. Loosening helps fight weeds.
At first, the pepper grows slowly. Within 15 days after planting the culture, the root system develops, and the plant itself "sits" in place. Until the pepper starts to grow, it is not recommended to loosen the area.
The first loosening is carried out to a depth of no more than 10 cm. The root system of bell pepper is placed superficially, therefore, the soil should be loosened carefully, without injuring the delicate roots.

Subsequent loosening is carried out after precipitation, irrigation, before a crust has formed on the surface of the garden. As a rule, the bed under the early varieties of bell peppers is loosened 4 times during the growing season. The place under the early varieties is loosened a couple of times during the growth period.
The peppers bloom very profusely. During the period of peduncle formation, the culture needs hilling.

Loosen, weed, sprinkle sweet peppers very carefully. Its root system is in the upper soil layer. In addition, the plant itself is very fragile.

Proper feeding is the key to successful cultivation

During the growing season, peppers are fed no more than 4 times. The plant reacts painfully to the abundant content of organic matter and minerals in the soil, although it still needs a nutritious soil for successful fruiting.
The first application of fertilizers is carried out at the time of the first loosening of the soil - 2 weeks after transplanting seedlings into open ground. At the first fertilization, it is necessary to add a manure solution or chicken droppings: 1 part of manure is diluted in 5 liters of warm water, 1 part of chicken droppings is diluted in 15 liters of warm water. You can add 1 tbsp to the prepared organic matter. wood ash or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
First feeding:

  • 10 liters of prepared organic solution;
  • 60 g superfasphat;
  • 20 g of potassium chloride;
  • 1 glass of wood ash.

Also, pepper can be fertilized without using organic matter:

  • 10 liters of settled warm water;
  • 20 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 60 g superphosphate;
  • 30 g of potassium chloride.

Fertilizer is applied at the root at the rate of 1 liter per 1 plant.
The second time, Bulgarian pepper is fertilized with the same compositions during the period of bud formation.
At the time of the formation of ovaries, the plant needs organic matter. That is why professional gardeners are advised to fertilize the plant with organic fertilizers at the time of fruit formation.
The fourth time the plants are fed when the fruits are reduced in size. This happens very often with early varieties closer to autumn.

Pepper does not tolerate chlorine. That is why it is recommended to replace potassium chloride with wood ash. Any varieties for open ground should be fertilized especially carefully.

Spring night frosts are detrimental to pepper: protective measures

After planting bell pepper seedlings in an open bed, you need to be ready for night frosts. They are found even at the beginning of summer. Many summer residents advise using so-called tents as protection - structures made of wooden planks, cardboard, and plastic. Young seedlings are simply covered overnight. In the morning, the protection must be removed. Film portable shelters, which are advisable to use during prolonged cold snap, have also proven themselves perfectly.

Since ancient times, fumigation of plants has been a reliable protector against spring frosts. For such a process, special smoke heaps are prepared, capable of producing very thick smoke.
Too low temperature readings lead to the dropping of small fruits and flowers. A temperature of 8-10 degrees is capable of causing this unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, in the cold, the growth of plants stops, the yield decreases.
It is not recommended to plant peppers in the open field too early. It is susceptible to low temperatures.

Temperature readings for successful cultivation

For successful development and high fruiting, sweet peppers need warmth. The plant feels best at temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees, and responds perfectly to higher temperatures. At low rates, the development of the culture slows down, the yield decreases significantly. You can protect the plant from low temperature indicators if you cover it during the cold growing season.

Tall varieties need support

Tall sweet peppers need to be tied. Low-growing varieties of pepper can not be tied up, but the presence of support contributes to uniform ripening of fruits, easier care and high-quality harvesting. Traditional wooden pegs are used to create the support. The plants themselves are protected by other high-growth crops. The wind through such protection will not blow so much.
We form a bush - we increase the yield of a vegetable

Formation of the plant is very important for obtaining high yields. Many breeders believe that it is impossible to get the most out of the plant without the correct form.
Bush formation methods:

  • They create a skeleton of a bush: in the first fork, only the two strongest shoots are left. On skeletal shoots, 2 branches are also left, one of which will grow vertically, and the second directed to the outside. It is recommended to remove internal shoots. When properly shaped, a pepper bush can grow up to 1.2 m in height.
  • The skeleton of the bush is created: two shoots are tied up in a vertical direction. In each node, 1 external shoot is left. With such a formation, it is necessary to plant the plants at a distance of up to 50 cm, install supports and pull horizontal strings. The bush is able to rise more than 2 m in height.

Attracting insects for pollination

In order for the pepper to be pollinated by insects, and accordingly, to give higher results of fruiting, insects can be attracted. For such a process, during the flowering period, it is necessary to spray the plant with a sweet composition:

  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 g boric acid;
  • 1 liter of hot water.

In addition to artificial pollination, to attract honey insects, it is recommended to put containers with honey solution near the plantings: 1 tsp. honey dissolves in 1 tbsp. hot water.

Choosing a variety of pepper for growing in a garden

Currently, summer residents have the opportunity to use modern varieties of pepper that are resistant to low temperatures, not susceptible to infections. Breeders have developed a great variety of sweet pepper varieties, differing in the abundance of fruiting, color, and size of the fruit.


  • the height of an adult plant ranges from 50 to 70 cm;
  • fruits have a rich red tint;
  • conical ovary without relief pattern;
  • fruit weight - 100-180 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: one bush is able to please 18 fruits;
  • resistant to infectious and fungal diseases.


  • relatively tall plant: as a rule, the bush has a height of 60-70 cm, under certain climatic conditions its height can reach 1 m;
  • during the ripening period, the fruit changes its color from rich green to orange-red;
  • ovary cone-shaped with a sharp nose;
  • fruits are large, fleshy: weight can reach up to 250 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: during the fruiting period, one bush is able to "grow" up to 18 fruits;
  • fruits can be used for food both in green and ripe form.


  • sweet peppers can grow up to 70 cm;
  • fruit color from deep yellow to orange;
  • fruits of a conical elongated shape;
  • ovary weight - 150-200 g;
  • during the growing season, it is possible to collect up to 18 fruits from one plant;
  • it is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and the ability to adapt to any soil composition.


  • tall plant: the height of the bush exceeds 1 m;
  • fruit color from dark brown to purple;
  • fruits have a conical relief shape;
  • large-fruited variety: one peppercorn can weigh up to 250 g;
  • with proper care, up to 15 fruits can be harvested from one plant;
  • bears fruit throughout the growing season.


  • it is distinguished by its exactingness to lighting: with abundant light, the height of the plant can reach 1 m, but as a rule, the plant grows only 50-60 cm;
  • fruits have a bright red hue;
  • cone-shaped fruits;
  • the weight of the ovary depends on the light: with abundant lighting - 200 g, with a lack of light - 150 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: from one plant you can collect from 10 to 20 fruits;
  • strong lighting is required for successful cultivation.

"Pinocchio F1"

  • undersized variety: height very rarely exceeds 50 cm;
  • fruits of a gradient shade, spotted ovaries can also be found;
  • cone-shaped vegetable with significant elongation;
  • peppercorns are lightweight from 80 to 120 g;
  • low-yielding variety: with proper care, 12-15 fruits can be harvested from one bush;
  • according to professional summer residents and cooks, this is the best variety for winter harvesting.

"Cabin boy"

  • bush 50-60 cm high;
  • color from dark green to deep red: green fruits are used for conservation, red ones are eaten fresh;
  • the fruits are cone-shaped with a pointed tip;
  • the weight of one vegetable is 130-180 g;
  • high-yielding pepper: during the fruiting period, it can please up to 30 medium-sized fruits;
  • resistant to diseases, unpretentious to care.


  • one of the tallest varieties of pepper: the height of the bush is from 1 to 1.5 m;
  • when ripe, the fruits have a scarlet hue;
  • ovary conical, strongly elongated with a blunt tip;
  • the fleshy pepper: the weight of the fruit is about 300 g;
  • medium-yielding plant: up to 14 vegetables can be harvested from a bush.


  • bush height 80-100 cm;
  • fruit of a beautiful orange hue, sometimes with green or red spots;
  • ovaries are club-shaped and with interesting relief;
  • medium-sized ovaries - 150-200 g;
  • has an excellent taste, refined aroma;
  • during the growth period, one bush gives up to 14 peppercorns;
  • high resistance to infections, fungi.


  • as a rule, an adult plant has a height of up to 80 cm, with good care, its height can reach 1 m;
  • unripe fruits have a rich green color; when ripe, the vegetable becomes orange in color;
  • fruits are cone-shaped with a blunt tip;
  • the variety is picky about watering;
  • with sufficient moisture, fruits can weigh up to 250 g;
  • yield value: up to 16 fruits from one bush;
  • the variety can be used for food at different stages of ripening.


  • an adult plant reaches a height of no more than 70 cm;
  • fruits have a burgundy color, purple ovaries are less common;
  • cone-shaped fruits with a sharp tip;
  • ovaries weighing 70-180 g;
  • medium-yielding variety: up to 15 fruits can be harvested from one bush;
  • differs in the duration of flowering, is able to bear fruit throughout the growing season.


  • the variety is picky about lighting, on which the height of an adult plant depends: with abundant light, the bush can have a height of up to 1 m, with insufficient lighting - 50 cm;
  • fruits during ripening have a bright yellow or orange color;
  • ovary conical rounded;
  • medium-sized fruits weighing up to 150 g;
  • high-yielding variety: more than 25 fruits can ripen during the fruiting period;
  • as a rule, abundant fruiting leads to a decrease in the size of the ovaries.


  • not picky about growing conditions;
  • the height of an adult bush can exceed 1 m;
  • fruits are deep red, less often burgundy;
  • differs in upward directed growth of fruits;
  • the mass of one vegetable can range from 160-250 g;
  • during the growing season is able to please up to 15 ovaries from a bush;
  • the fruits are juicy and have a pleasant aroma.

The best outdoor sweet peppers will help you grow decent yields. Adhering to the recommendations of the breeders, the growing process turns into an interesting activity, and the result will stun with abundant fruiting.

Hybrid or variety: what to give preference to

There are a huge number of opinions regarding the cultivation of hybrids and varieties. If you are going to collect seeds from fruits, you should give preference to the cultivar in cultivation. Otherwise, a hybrid is used.
The variety is the result of breeders. Such peppers are adapted to certain growing conditions, capable of producing seed similar to the parent plant. It is distinguished by the reliability of its taste. But, unfortunately, the variety is more susceptible to all kinds of infections and is not always suitable for growing in a certain region. Pepper seeds can be harvested and used as seed.
Hybrid - plants obtained by crossing different varieties. Requires a lot of attention. Differs in resistance to infections and fungi, capable of producing high yields. As a rule, it differs in insignificant growth, taste of fruits and their presentation. In order to sow a hybrid, you need to buy seed in a specialized store every year.
Pepper is an amazing vegetable that is hugely popular. It has excellent taste and rich refined aroma. A variety of dishes are prepared from the fruits of the culture, used in fresh food. Pepper is a plant that should be in every summer cottage.

Pepper is habitually rooted in the minds of gardeners as a heat-loving plant that is grown only in greenhouses. But the selection does not stand still and varieties have already appeared that give an excellent harvest when grown in open ground (in the garden). You just need to know which pepper can be grown in this way and how caring for it will differ from cultivation in a greenhouse. In this article, we will look at how to grow bell peppers outdoors in the country.

How to grow peppers: step-by-step instructions in an infographic

The most important points in growing pepper are reflected below in the infographic ⇓

(click to enlarge)

Bioportrait of Pepper

When choosing a pepper variety, pay attention to the ripening period and growing conditions. There are such varieties as: early ripening, mid-ripening and late. As a rule, planting of peppers is carried out in the first half of February.

It is a well-known fact that pepper came to us from Europe, and there from America after the discovery of a new continent. Based on this, three fundamental factors are determined when growing this crop:

  • Warmly. For pepper, both low temperatures and high temperatures are destructive. The optimal range is 14 - 35 degrees. Although it is wide enough, the best development of pepper occurs at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  • Illumination. Lack of light will cause flowers and ovaries to fall off.
  • Humidity. Since the root system of peppers does not lie deep, in our conditions they are not able to provide themselves with moisture. Consequently, constant watering is required.

The main thing that should be considered for obtaining pepper in the open field is its early maturity.

On this basis, peppers are classified according to the following types:

View Ripening period to technical ripeness Favorable days of planting seeds (terms)
Very early Less than 100 days February 1-15
Early 101-120 days
Mid-early 121-135 days
Late 136-150 days
Very late From 150 days

Pros and cons of growing peppers outdoors

Consider the positive and negative aspects of growing pepper in the open field in the country.


  1. There are no costs for the construction of a greenhouse or greenhouse;
  2. There is no need to open and close the greenhouse every day, which is convenient if there is no opportunity to be in the country every day;
  3. Outdoors, there are fewer problems with high humidity and temperature;
  4. The main stages of care are not very different from those in a greenhouse.


  1. Unpredictable weather conditions. This is the first negative in temperate climates for heat-loving peppers. First of all, it must be taken into account when deciding whether to plant pepper in open ground. Although its influence can be reduced, but more on that below;
  2. If the seedlings are planted too early, there is a risk of damage from recurrent frosts.
  3. At the end of summer, under unfavorable weather conditions, it is quickly affected by diseases.

What conditions are required for peppers outdoors?

It is especially important to protect young plants from late frosts.

To obtain the maximum yield of pepper in the open field, you should carefully approach the choice of a planting site.

  1. Since pepper is a light-loving culture, when choosing a place, you must immediately exclude the beds on which the shadow from tall trees and buildings falls.
  2. In the selected location in the previous season, crops of the Solanaceae family (tomato, potato, eggplant) were not grown. Under unfavorable conditions, this factor can cause the development of diseases.
  3. The pepper planting site should be protected from drafts and cold winds. To do this, cover the peppers area on the windy side with tall plantings such as beans, corn, beans. The main thing to remember is that the pepper should not be shaded.
  4. The soil for the pepper should be well prepared, free of weeds. You can add mineral fertilizers while digging.

Advice! To reduce the influence of weather conditions, peppers are grown with partial cover, that is, they are placed above the bed of an arc and, as necessary, cover the plants with film or lutrasil. This will be especially true in spring, after planting seedlings, and in autumn when rainy weather sets in.

Pepper growing starts with seedlings

If the pepper remains covered after germination, it is necessary to ventilate it every day.

Since the age of seedlings for planting in the ground, its age should be at least 60-65 days, then adding 2 to 3 weeks for seed germination to this, it turns out that the sowing of seeds should be carried out in the first half of February.

Before planting, the seeds can be pre-soaked for a day in warm water to accelerate germination. Sowing is done in boxes with a loose substrate, seeding the seeds to a depth of no more than 1 cm, but not too shallow. Here it will be appropriate to plant the seeds to a depth of no less than its diameter. Before the emergence of seedlings, the crops can be kept under the film, but after the appearance of the first shoots, the shelter is removed.

For the best development of seedlings, it should be in the range of 18-25 degrees. At the same time, large differences between day and night indicators should not fluctuate much.

Strong seedlings will quickly take root in a new place and start growing

Transplanting seedlings into separate cups is carried out 2-3 weeks after germination... By this time, the plant should already have at least one pair of true leaves.

Watering the planted seedlings is carried out less often, but more abundantly. It is imperative to make sure that water does not collect at the bottom of the cups, for this you need to make a hole in the bottom. By the time of planting in the ground, the plant should be about 20 cm high and have 4-5 pairs of true leaves and several buds.

About two weeks before planting in open ground, the seedlings should be hardened, gradually taking them out to fresh air and leaving them there for an increasingly long period.

Advice! You can plant pepper seeds for seedlings earlier than the specified time, but in this case it will be necessary to organize additional lighting for the full development of the emerged seedlings.

Planting and caring for peppers in open ground

After planting in the open ground, caring for peppers is not much different from the usual care in a greenhouse. When planting peppers in a permanent place, it is necessary to injure the root system as little as possible; for this, shortly before transshipment, cups with seedlings are watered abundantly.

Watering during planting is carried out directly into the hole, and then the plant is lowered there. Outdoor pepper care includes the following activities.

Care type Leaving time Care products and materials
Watering Abundant, 2-3 times a week Warm water
Garter Immediately after disembarkation Sturdy plastic or wood stakes and wide ties
Mulching (⊗_) Immediately after disembarkation, adding as needed Peat, nonwovens, grass cuttings or sawdust (but not softwood)
Top dressing 3-4 times per season Mineral fertilizers diluted in the specified proportions
Loosening and weeding As needed Ripping tools
Prevention against disease After planting, before mass bud formation Chemical means of protection
Treatment of diseases As the signs appear Chemical means of protection
Harvesting As it ripens In order not to break off the branches to remove fruits, use a sharp knife or pruner

Which peppers are best grown outdoors?

The fruits of the variety "Apricot Favorite" are large enough and orange in color and are excellent for the garden

As already mentioned above, for cultivation in the open field, you need to take varieties only of an early and very early ripening period, otherwise the crop simply will not have time to ripen.

Even in early varieties in the second half of August, it is advisable to cut off all the flowers, so that all the ovaries that have appeared by this time have had time to gain strength.

There are now many early maturing hybrid varieties for outdoor cultivation. But to obtain a guaranteed result, it is better to take domestic, if possible, zoned varieties.

One of these varieties is "Apricot Favorite" from Aelita.

The walls are thick and fleshy. Fruit weight is about 120 grams. You can shoot with green color. Grown both indoors and outdoors, it always gives a stable harvest. Convenient for growing in the garden of its stunted growth. Its height is only 40-50 cm.

Common mistakes gardeners make when growing sweet peppers outdoors

All pepper roots lie shallow underground

Mistake # 1: Refusal from preventive measures to combat diseases and pests. It is better to take all the precautions in advance than to deal with the invasion of pests or diseases later. If you do not want to poison the plantings with various chemicals, then there are many so-called folk methods for carrying out preventive measures.

Mistake # 2: Too deep loosening of plantings with peppers. Since the root system of this plant lies close to the surface of the earth, it is necessary to loosen the topsoil very carefully. But you should not give up loosening, in any case.

Mistake # 3: Excessive burial of pepper during planting. Peppers, unlike tomatoes, cannot be planted at any depth - they have a rather pronounced root collar, when deepened, the development of the plant slows down. The optimal planting depth is no more than to the cotyledonous leaves, ideally, the pepper in the new place should be at the same level as before the transplant.

Mistake # 4: Even if the seedlings are well hardened, there is no need to rush and plant them in open ground. It is best to wait for a stable temperature that is comfortable for peppers grown without shelter. It is approximately 18-20 degrees. Otherwise, with the onset of a cold snap, the pepper will slow down the owl's development, and in the worst case, it will even shed flowers and leaves.

Frequently Asked Questions When Growing Peppers Outdoors

Question number 1:Pepper is a self-pollinated plant, so can only one variety be planted?

Although peppers can pollinate on their own, it is still worth planting several varieties. It has been empirically observed that cross-pollination with the help of insects is also possible, so it is possible to get a larger yield.

Question number 2:It is believed that frequent picking of plants contributes to better root development. Is this true for pepper?

No, pepper does not like frequent transplants; during the cultivation of seedlings, one of the common boxes in separate cups will be sufficient. In the future, it is recommended to transplant the pepper only by the transshipment method, that is, damaging the root system to a minimum.

Question number 3 : Pepper belongs to the same nightshade family as tomato, is it also affected by phytophrosis, especially if it is grown outdoors?

Yes, pepper can get late blight, but it is more resistant to this disease than its close relatives - tomatoes and potatoes. Still, it will be useful to take preventive measures to combat this disease in pepper:

  • treat with special preparations;
  • observe the principle of crop rotation;
  • when rainy and cold days come, cover the bed with a light covering material such as lutrasil.

Question number 4: If the summer is hot, will the outdoor pepper harvest be great?

No, pepper is a very sensitive plant, for it there should be a measure in everything. In extreme heat, it can shed the buds and suspend the emergence of new ones. Pepper leaves can get burned from the bright sun. Therefore, if it is sunny hot weather during the daytime, it is worth covering the bushes with light covering material (⊗ for example).

Question number 5: Is it possible to water peppers in the open field using the sprinkler method, if it is not done during the sundial?

No, in addition to the risk of getting burned, moisture, getting on the leaves and buds, contributes to the development of various diseases. Therefore, the pepper should be watered only at the root, and even better by the drip irrigation method.

Question number 6 : When growing seedlings, the cotyledon leaves cannot free themselves from the hard shell and die?

This happens when the temperature and humidity regime is not observed when growing seedlings, if the temperature is below normal, then fungal diseases begin to develop inside the leaves and the plant dies.

Although pepper is a rather capricious plant, with the right approach, it can be successfully grown outdoors.

Delicious, sweet, aromatic pepper, which is suitable for many salads, canning, stuffing, etc., can be grown simply in your country house in the open field. Gardeners have long proven that fairly thermophilic crops, such as peppers, can grow in more severe conditions if certain rules are followed and appropriate care is taken. This article will discuss how to cultivate pepper in the open field.

Before you start growing peppers, you need to prepare open ground. In regions where the climate is mild, sweet peppers grow well in the open field in areas protected from the wind, provided there is enough sunlight. These requirements are met by the site located next to the southern wall of the house. If wind protection is not provided, you can build a curtain shield consisting of plants or create a windbreak in the form of a wattle fence.

It is worth saying that the cultivation of peppers cannot be carried out earlier than 3 years after the growth of nightshade crops on the ground (for example, tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes). A large number of diseases of these plants can be transmitted through the soil. Before planting, you can grow cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, other pumpkin and legumes, table roots.

The soil in the area where you are going to grow the pepper must be drained, fertile, and retain moisture well. Site preparation must be done in the fall. After the previous crop has been harvested, you need to completely free the soil from plant residues and dig up the soil.

It should be noted that from 30 to 50 grams of superphosphates, from 50 to 80 grams of wood ash and from 5 to 10 kg of humus or manure are introduced per 1 m2. At the same time, I would like to focus your attention on the fact that you should not plant peppers on the ground where fresh manure has just been added. An excess of soluble nitrogen negatively affects the preservation of the ovary, as well as the ripening of the fetus.

In the autumn, you need to carefully dig up the area where you are going to grow the peppers. In the spring, it is necessary to loosen the soil, add 30 to 40 grams of fertilizers (potash and phosphate) and 20 to 30 grams of nitrogen fertilizer per 1 m2.

Landing rules

To get a really great harvest, planting must be done according to certain rules.

The cultivation of peppers in the open field is usually carried out in the last days of May. During this time, the danger of frost is minimized. Peppers are planted according to the scheme 60-70 x 20-30 cm. Before planting, you need to water the seedlings abundantly so that during the planting process your pepper does not look wilted, it can take root better, and grow faster.

When planting peppers in the heat, it is better to choose the second half of the day to allow the plant to grow stronger overnight. When the weather is cloudy, disembarkation can be done in the morning.

Prepared holes should be poured with plenty of water: at the rate of 1-2 liters per hole. In this case, it is better to use water heated in the sun. After carefully pulling the seedlings out of the pots, they must be placed in the holes in an upright position and planted a little deeper than they grew in the pots. This is necessary to provide your pepper with additional nutrition, which will help the adventitious roots that have appeared on the stems covered with earth.

What should the care include?

To grow a good crop of pepper, it is necessary to carry out certain care, which consists in ensuring proper watering, weeding, feeding, garter and other actions.

When growing, the optimum temperature should be between +20 and +25 ° C. If the temperature is below + 13 ° C, cover the peppers with a special material or film. If you see lilac shades on the fruits, this will indicate a violation of the temperature regime.

It is better to water your peppers with water that has settled, or rainwater. The optimum water temperature for irrigation is from + 24 ° C to + 26 ° C. Before flowering, you need to water once a week, and in the heat - 2 times. The irrigation rate is up to 12 liters per 1 m2. During flowering and fruiting, it is worth watering 2-3 times throughout the week. At the same time, the irrigation rate is up to 14 liters per 1 m2.

The first feeding must be done when 1-2 leaves appear on the pepper seedlings. You need to mix 3 grams of superphosphates, 1 gram of potassium fertilizer and 0.5 grams of ammonium nitrate in one liter of water. After 14 days, you need to re-feed your pepper. In this case, the dose of mineral fertilizers should be doubled.

The soil under the pepper must be loosened. Loosening is carried out to a not very great depth (up to 5 cm), since the roots are located in the upper layer. In addition, it is necessary to huddle and weed the plants.

Pepper shoots are very fragile, break easily, so they must be tied to pegs. And it is better to plant tall crops around the garden bed, which will create protection for your planting from the winds.

Cold protection

As soon as you plant the pepper seedlings in the open ground, you need to take care to protect the plants from frost. As an excellent protection from the cold, it is recommended to use tents, which are made of wooden blocks, cardboard, burlap and other materials. Such tents should be covered with pepper in the evening and opened in the morning. If the cold snap lasts longer, it is better to use a portable temporary film cover.

Another long-known means for protecting plants from frost is sprinkling and fuming. It is better to select a material for combustion that can provide thick smoke. The sprinkler must be capable of fine atomization of water. This will have the greatest effect.

Pest and disease control

Peppers can be susceptible to the same diseases as other vegetables from the nightshade family. Diseases can be caused by a variety of viruses, bacteria and fungi. The most famous diseases of peppers are wilting and blackleg. "Black leg" is associated with the defeat of pepper seedlings. To solve the problem of this disease, you need to adjust the temperature and humidity. Adult crops are prone to withering. The manifestation of this disease occurs in a change in the color of the leaf blades, the shedding of leaves and the browning of the vessels on the stems. In the end, all this leads to the death of plants.

Disease control and prevention measures are primarily the purchase of high-quality seeds and seedlings, the elimination of pests and weeds, the observance of crop rotation and the removal of diseased plants. The main pests for peppers are mites, slugs and aphids. Good old proven folk methods are suitable for dealing with them. Such a solution will help to overcome aphids: 200-250 grams of wood ash is taken in a bucket of water (+ 50 ° C). To protect peppers from spider mites, you can apply chopped onions or garlic (200 grams), as well as dandelion leaves (200 grams) in a bucket of water. The above solutions must be infused for at least a day. Stir and strain before use. To increase the effect, you can add a little liquid soap to the solution (30-40 grams). Regular loosening and processing of the soil with dry mustard or crushed red pepper (one teaspoonful per 1 m2) will save you from slugs. Straw mulch can also help.

As you can see, it's pretty easy to grow a good quality pepper crop outdoors. You just need to follow the recommendations outlined in this article. We wish you a rich harvest.

Video "Growing pepper in the open field"

Secrets from an experienced gardener. She will tell you how to care for peppers, what top dressing to use and how to identify missing trace elements by the appearance of the pepper.

2017-01-16 Igor Novitsky

Sweet pepper is a rather whimsical plant, but this quality does not prevent hundreds of thousands of gardeners from collecting hundreds of kilograms of this amazing plant from the garden every year. In order for the sweet pepper to be juicy, ripe and not succumb to the effects of pests, you will have to study the features of planting, care, growing seedlings and their subsequent planting!

Growing pepper is quite troublesome. Nevertheless, this garden culture is considered one of the most popular. Indeed, it opens up endless spaces for culinary fantasies! Juicy and aromatic sweet peppers can be added to salads, borscht, soups and sauces, stuffed, baked, pickled and used to make delicious vegetable stews!

Homeland of sweet pepper South America with its tropical climate. Today it is grown all over the world in various climatic conditions. We, in Russia, began to grow pepper for culinary purposes only in the 19th century. Before that, it was used exclusively in medicine. It should be noted that the content of vitamin C in this vegetable is higher than in oranges. In addition, its regular use improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Where to plant and how to care?

Pepper is extremely thermophilic and photophilous. A comfortable temperature for him is not lower than + 20-25 ° С.
Plant peppers on the south side of your garden so that other plants are out of the sun.
Pepper care when grown in a greenhouse or open field consists in proper watering, constant feeding, weeding and loosening. Water the pepper bushes as the topsoil dries. At the same time, it should not be allowed to dry out completely, the plants may die. After watering, it is advisable to loosen the ground.

How to grow seedlings?

Pepper is a late ripening crop, therefore it is grown as seedlings. We sow seeds for seedlings in late February and early March.

Prepare the soil before planting seeds. If it was stored in a cold place, we bring it into the house a few days before planting so that it warms up well. Previously, a day before planting, we spill the soil with a pale pink solution of hot water with potassium permanganate. This is necessary for disinfection from harmful microflora, as well as final warming up.

For better growth of pepper seedlings, we mix ordinary soil from the garden with peat-based soil in a 1: 1 ratio.
This will have a beneficial effect on the further development of plants. Add wood ash to the resulting mixture in a ratio of 1:15. Ash is an excellent source of potassium, which is so essential for the full development of plants. Then fill the seedling container with prepared soil and water it. In principle, you can plant seeds in ready-made commercial soil, if you are not afraid of additional costs.

In a container where many plants will grow, we sow seeds at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other. Then in the future there will be no need to dive the seedlings. Sprinkle the seeds with earth and pour warm water again. To accelerate germination, we create a "greenhouse effect": we cover our crops with foil (a regular plastic bag is also suitable).

Remove the film immediately after emergence. Otherwise, the pepper sprouts will outgrow and be very weak. Containers with seedlings should be placed in a warm and bright place with an air temperature of at least + 18-20 ° С. Water the seedlings at intervals of 1-2 days so that the soil is always moist.

In the first days - always with warm water with a temperature not lower than + 25-30 ° С. It is best to water the plants in the morning or evening. Before watering, we periodically loosen the soil to a depth of 5-7 cm.

After our peppers get a little stronger, we increase the air temperature to + 22-27 ° С. This will help them grow better. Then, in the phase of formation of 3-4 main leaves, we maintain the following temperature: + 22-25 ° С in sunny weather, + 19-22 ° С in cloudy weather, + 16-18 ° С at night.

During the growing period, the seedlings will need to be fed 3 times.

The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after the start of germination, when the plant already has 3-4 leaves. During this period, the pepper must be provided with nitrogen in order for it to fully grow and develop. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of urea to 10 liters of water, stir and water our seedlings. Before watering, you can sprinkle the soil around the plants with ash.
The second feeding is carried out 2-3 weeks after the first, according to the same scheme.

We do the third feeding of seedlings 4 days before planting in the ground. Add 1 tablespoon of urea and 1 tablespoon of superphosphate to 10 liters of water.

Where to grow: in a greenhouse or outdoors?

We know that pepper is a thermophilic culture. Therefore, when grown in a greenhouse, you will receive a guaranteed higher yield than in the open field. Plant care is the same everywhere. But it is in the greenhouse that ideal conditions are created for the growth of pepper.

In spring or early summer, do not rush to plant pepper seedlings in a permanent place. This crop requires a well-warmed soil and consistently warm weather. In addition, the threat of night frosts must be completely avoided. For areas with a warm climate, the best time to plant peppers in open ground is late May - early June. For cold ones - mid or late June.

2 weeks before planting in an open ground or greenhouse, start hardening your peppers. What it is? In the early days, we just open the window. Then we take out the seedlings to the balcony or veranda in a place where the plants will be protected from direct sunlight. If the temperature on the balcony or veranda does not drop below +14 ° C at night, the seedlings feel quite comfortable. Then we no longer bring it into the house.

We plant the seedlings according to the 30x30 scheme, carefully removing them from the glass so as not to damage the roots. We plant at the same depth as in the pot! Scheme 30x30: next to a separate bush there should not be another one close to it at a distance of less than 30 cm; seedlings can be planted in a "line", or staggered.

Growing sweet pepper in the photo

Of all the variety of types of pepper in the culture, the most common pepper is annual, or capsicum. It is to this species that the so-called sweet (or bulgarian) pepper, widely known and popular among amateur gardeners, belongs.

There are two groups of pepper varieties - vegetable and spicy (hot). In the former, the fruits are used unripe as a vegetable, in the latter they are very spicy and used as a spice.

Pepper fruits are very different in shape - from rounded to elongated-cone-shaped with a two-, four-chambered middle. In technical ripeness (before the seeds ripen), the color of the fruit, depending on the variety, is dark green, green, light green, cream, yellow. When the seeds ripen, the fruit turns red, in some varieties - orange.

The homeland of pepper is the tropics, so it is distinguished by increased requirements for heat, moisture, soil fertility; is, along with cucumbers and tomatoes, a fruitful greenhouse crop.

In the southern regions it grows and gives a good harvest outdoors. In the central (middle) lane, it is grown in glazed greenhouses.

Pepper belongs to the nightshade family, like tomatoes and eggplants. Therefore, the agricultural technology for growing peppers and other nightshade crops is largely the same. The best predecessor in the garden bed can be cabbage, beets, carrots, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, onions, garlic and green crops.

The fruits become edible 25-45 days after flowering, at which time they are green or white in color.

Ripe green fruits are considered ripe. It doesn't make sense to wait for them to turn red - they won't taste better.

Pepper is a light-loving plant; it grows poorly in the shade. The optimum temperature for development and fruiting is +18 ... + 25 ° С. At +15 ... + 20 ° C, plant growth slows down, and at + 13 ° C, it stops. Prolonged cold snap negatively affects flowering and the formation of generative organs. Sharp daily temperature drops cause massive dropping of flowers and ovaries.

The culture does not tolerate even short-term frosts. Plants die when the air temperature drops to -0.5 ° C. Therefore, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for growing pepper.

Sunny, warm days are necessary for pepper during the fruiting period. He also does not tolerate high humidity. At a temperature of +35 ° C, buds and flowers fall off.

Pepper plants grow slowly at the beginning of the growing season, the root system grows longer than the leaf mass. Flower buds begin to form on the plant when the fourth leaf unfolds. The ripening phase begins 15-45 days after the appearance of the first bud.

According to the technology of growing pepper in the open field, the plants are not stepchild, only the first bud is removed. Fruits are formed where the stems are branching, therefore well-developed plants with a large number of branches tend to produce more fruits.

When caring for peppers in the open field, regular watering at the root is required. Optimal soil moisture enhances fruit formation, promotes the yield of high-quality products. With a lack of moisture, the fruits become smaller, deformed, they are often affected by apical rot.

The correct technology for growing pepper does not allow mixed planting of sweet and bitter species, since cross-pollination will occur, and in appearance, sweet forms will taste bitter.

The growing season for the culture is long (150-200 days). Therefore, even in the southern regions, the cultivation and care of peppers is carried out through seedlings. Growing seedlings for open ground begins in the second half of February. Sow in boxes or bowls with drainage holes.

The seeding depth when planting pepper seeds for seedlings is 1.5-2 cm. Until the seeds germinate, the crops are kept at a temperature of +25 ... + 28 ° C. After the emergence of mass shoots for a week, the crops are transferred to a cool room (+17 ... + 20 ° C) so that the seedlings do not stretch out. In the future, the seedlings grow at room temperature +20 ... + 24 ° С.

Bell pepper seedlings in the photo

Seedlings dive after about 20 days into 7 x 7 cm pots, one plant at a time. Weak seedlings are discarded. The pots are filled with nutritious soil. Mineral fertilizers are not added to the soil when growing seedlings. After planting seeds for seedlings for growing peppers with a small volume of pots, plants do not need fertilizer. On the garden bed, they are brought into the hole.

When growing pepper seedlings from seeds, the seedlings are looked after in much the same way as tomato seedlings. But given that peppers begin to grow a month earlier, it is necessary to lengthen the daylight hours with the help of backlighting up to 12-14 hours.

Watch the Planting Pepper Seeds video for a better understanding of this farming technique:

How to grow a good crop of peppers outdoors

  • Do not use seeds purchased from a random source for sowing. The basis for obtaining high-quality seedlings, and therefore a good harvest, is high-quality seeds. Purchase seeds from specialized stores. The seed bag must clearly indicate the variety, the number of seeds and the expiration date.
  • Do not sow seeds in a dense, heavy potting mix of unknown origin. The best mixture is garden soil plus store-bought seedling soil. Do not forget to water the soil in boxes first before sowing seeds, otherwise the seeds with water will be pulled deep into the soil and the germination period will be extended.
  • Do not thicken the crops of seeds; always sow the rate, otherwise the plants will stretch out, be weak, and may be affected by the "black leg".
  • Do not put containers with seeds on the radiator - the soil instantly dries up and the seeds that have hatched die. Crops are placed only next to the battery and must be covered with foil.
  • Do not use bowls or other containers without drainage holes for seeding. Stagnant water leads to the death of seeds, as well as seedlings in the initial stage of seedling.
  • Do not be late with picking seedlings. For most vegetable crops, this should be done after one or two true leaves appear. After picking, the plants are watered and shaded for 1-2 days.
  • Remember to harden the seedlings before planting them in their permanent place. 7-10 days before planting plants, containers with seedlings are taken out for 2-3 hours on loggias, verandas, windows in the room are opened. The time spent for seedlings in the open air is gradually increased. Seedlings are planted in the evening or in cloudy weather.

The video "Growing pepper with seedlings" shows how to plant seeds and care for seedlings correctly:

Planting sweet pepper seedlings in open ground

Planting pepper seedlings in open ground is carried out at the age of 55-60 days. By the time of planting, it should be strong, have a height of 16-20 cm, 8-10 developed leaves, buds and form a well-developed root.

Seedlings are planted in double rows (ribbons) with a distance of 60 cm between ribbons, 30 cm between rows and 20 cm between plants.Wide aisles are made for passage during harvesting and plant care, and in narrow ones, grooves for irrigation are made.

Low-growing varieties of this culture can be planted thicker, tall ones - more distance. The main thing is that adult plants should be closed by crowns.

When planting in open ground, pepper seedlings are not buried, since no additional roots are formed above the root collar on the stem, as in eggplant. Buried plants grow poorly and do not give a good harvest. For the same reason, growing peppers never huddle.

Proper care of sweet peppers in the open field: watering and feeding

When caring for peppers, you need top dressing and regular watering.

Watering. From an early age and throughout the growing season, pepper needs frequent watering and the obligatory loosening of the soil after each watering or rain.

Excess moisture, like its lack, is contraindicated in pepper. Excessive watering reduces air access to the roots, leaves turn pale green and plants wither.

Insufficient watering of sweet peppers inhibits the growth of plants, leading to the shedding of flowers, ovaries and the formation of small fruits. The frequency of watering depends on weather conditions and the phase of plant development, but generally at least 1-2 times a week.

Correct watering of the pepper is carried out only with warm water. From wells and wells, water for irrigation must be preheated in the sun in containers for 2-3 days.

Fertilizing and feeding. Pepper needs fertile soil. It grows successfully on light loamy and black soil, well supplied with nutrients, including nitrogen. Solonetzic and heavy loamy soils are not suitable for pepper.

Peppers, like tomatoes, need phosphorus. He needs both organic and mineral fertilizers. For feeding peppers in the open field when planting seedlings, a tablespoon of superphosphate is added to each hole in a mixture with humus or just with earth.

During the period of budding, flowering and fruiting, every two weeks they give additional fertilizing with complex water-soluble fertilizers ("Sudarushka", "Agrolux", "Aquarin", "Solution" or "Zdraven", etc.). They are alternated with organic fertilizers.

In the second half of summer and autumn, sweet pepper is fed by "Kaliyphos".

Harvesting is carried out selectively when the fruits reach consumer (technical) maturity (green). Collection - weekly, preventing the formation of seeds in them, as this will slow down the appearance of new ovaries. Remove the fruits carefully with both hands, so as not to break off the plant shoots with the pepper.

The video "Growing Pepper" demonstrates how to properly water a crop:

In this section of the article, you will learn about pests and diseases of pepper, as well as measures to combat them in your garden plot.

Stolbur (small-leaved) pepper leaves in the photo

Stolbur (small-leaved) - a viral disease is manifested by chlorotic leaf color, internodes are shortened. The leaves then wither, droop and fall off. Stolbur is not tolerated either with the juice of a diseased plant or with seeds. The leafhopper is the main vector of the disease.

Planting high-quality seedlings in the ground, systematic watering followed by loosening the soil, and weed control are the basis for the prevention of this disease.

Top rot of peppers in the photo

Top rot - a disease of a physiological nature. It manifests itself at high temperatures and low relative humidity.

Regular even watering. Root and foliar dressing with calcium nitrate, as well as superphosphate during the period of intensive fruit growth, allows you to get a full harvest.

Black bacterial speck of pepper. Not only fruits are affected, but also leaves and stems. On the leaves, the spots are small, at first watery, and then blackening, the tissue around the spots turns yellow. The disease is transmitted with seeds and plant debris. Preventive spraying with a copper-containing preparation "Abiga-Peak", starting from seedlings, allows you to get healthy fruits of pepper.

During the harvest season, to contain the spread of the disease, use the biological preparation "Gamair", which has a therapeutic effect.

Fusarium wilting. Symptoms first appear as slight yellowing of the leaves and wilting of the upper leaves. As wilting progresses, the leaves may turn dull green to brown in color and remain on the plant. When the stem or roots are cut, reddish-brown stripes are visible in the conductive tissues. Diseased plants must be removed.

Look at a selection of photos "Diseases of pepper and measures to combat them":

Spider mite on pepper in the photo
Spider mite in the photo

Spider mite. In the steppe zone, pepper plants are often colonized by spider mites. When a pest appears, treat the plants with Iskra-M or Fufanon. If the crop is on its way, use Tuoeum Jet, colloidal sulfur or Bitoxibacillin.

Aphids on pepper (photo)
Aphids in the photo

Aphid. This pest can also create problems when growing a crop. To fight, use the "Iskra Zolotaya" or "Confidor", "Commander" with a waiting period of at least 20 days. During the harvest period - Fitoverm, Iskra Bio, Akarin (waiting period 2-3 days).

Here you can see photos of diseases and pests of photos that threaten the crop:

Spider mite on sweet pepper leaves (photo)
Aphids on sweet pepper leaves (photo)

The best varieties of sweet peppers for open ground: photo and description

Traditional sweet peppers combine excellent fruit set, large fruit size and excellent taste. They differ in ripening period, fruit color, their weight up to 200 g, with a fleshy, juicy wall. They are characterized by a friendly return of the harvest.

These varieties include:

Pepper seeds "Gift of Moldova" in the photo
Pepper "Gift of Moldova" in the photo

"Gift of Moldova",

Pepper seeds "Swallow" in the photo
Pepper "Swallow" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Belozerka" in the photo
Pepper "Belozerka" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Winnie the Pooh" in the photo
Pepper "Winnie the Pooh" in the photo

"Winnie the Pooh",

Pepper seeds "Venti" in the photo
Pepper "Venti" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Caramel" in the photo
Pepper "Caramel" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Golden Jubilee" in the photo
Pepper "Golden Jubilee" in the photo

"Golden Jubilee"

Pepper seeds "Yaroslav" in the photo
Pepper "Yaroslav" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Alyosha Popovich" in the photo
Pepper "Alyosha Popovich" in the photo

"Alesha Popovich".

Early ripe sweet pepper hybrids.

Pepper seeds "Latino" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Latino" F1 pictured

Latino F1 - from germination to technical ripeness of fruits 97-110 days. Plants up to 100 cm high. The fruits of this variety of pepper for open ground are cuboid, 3-4-chambered. In technical ripeness it is dark green, in biological ripeness it is bright red.

Peresvet F1 pepper seeds in the photo
Peresvet F1 pepper in the photo

"Peresvet" F1 - from germination to technical ripeness 92-105 days, to biological - 120-135. The plant is medium-sized, 50-60 cm high, compact, standard.

Pepper seeds "Sonata" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Sonata" F1 pictured

"Sonata" F1 - from germination to technical ripeness 95-100 days. The plant is up to 100 cm high. The fruit is cuboid, 3-4-celled, glossy, dark green in technical ripeness, bright red in biological ripeness, weighing 180-200 g.

Pepper seeds "Orange Miracle" F1 pictured
Pepper "Orange Miracle" F1 pictured

"Orange Miracle" F1... Hybrid for open and protected ground (100-110 days) Plants 90-110 cm high. Fruits are large, cuboid, bright orange in color.

Pepper seeds "Jubilee Semko" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Jubilee Semko" F1 pictured

"Jubilee Semko" F1 - hybrid for open and protected ground (90-100 days). The plant is a standard plant, medium-sized, 50-60 cm high, compact, slightly spreading and low-leafed. The fruits are light green in technical ripeness and red in biological ripeness.

Pepper seeds "Montero" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Montero" F1 pictured

Montero F1- 90-108 days pass from germination to technical ripeness of fruits. Fruits are long, prismatic, green in technical ripeness, bright red in biological ripeness.

Pepper seeds "Snowfall" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Snowfall" F1 pictured

"Snowfall" F1- fruits are cone-shaped, up to 15 cm long, creamy white at the technical stage, red at the biological stage.

High yields also give hybrids

Pepper seeds "Grenada" in the photo
Pepper "Grenada" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Sevilla" in the photo
Pepper "Sevilla" in the photo


Pepper seeds "Casablanca" in the photo
Pepper "Casablanca" in the photo

Pepper seeds "Edino" in the photo
Pepper "Edino" in the photo

"United" with large cuboid fruits.

Seeds of a mixture of peppers of hybrids "Siesta" in the photo
Peppers of hybrids "Siesta" in the photo

Among the best varieties of pepper, a special mixture of Siesta hybrids is distinguished.

Original color sweet pepper hybrids:

Pepper seeds "Cardinal" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Cardinal" F1 pictured

"Cardinal" F1 with large purple cuboid fruits.

Pepper seeds "Aries" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Aries" F1 pictured

Aries F1 - with large dark red fruits weighing up to 300 g, prism-shaped.

Pepper seeds "Fidelio" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Fidelio" F1 pictured

Fidelio F1 - with silvery white fruits.

Large-fruited sweet pepper hybrids include:

Pepper seeds "Russian size" F1 on the photo
Pepper "Russian size" F1 in the photo

"Russian size" F1... Giants over 20 cm long grow without much additional effort.

Pepper seeds "Yellow bull-NK" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Yellow Bull-NK" F1 pictured

"Yellow Bull-NK" F1- fruits are elongated, large, up to 200 g, 9x20 cm in size, consist of 3-4 lobes, green, when ripe they are yellow.

Pepper seeds "Red bull-NK" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Red Bull-NK" F1 pictured

"Red bull-NK" F1 - fruits are large, weighing up to 200 g, elongated shape 8 x 20 cm, consist of 3-4 lobes, light green, when ripe - red.

Bell pepper "Black bull-NK" F1 pictured
Pepper "Black bull-NK" F1 pictured

"Black Bull-NK" F1 - differs in a defiant, brilliant black color. Fruits weighing up to 400 g.

Pepper seeds "Indalo" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Indalo" F1 pictured

Indalo F1 - mid-early hybrid. From germination to technical ripeness of fruits 110-120 days. Plants 110-120 cm high. This is one of the best varieties of sweet pepper with large cuboid fruits, beautiful bright yellow color, weighing 280-300 g. Wall thickness up to 10 mm.

Pepper seeds "Flamenco" F1 in the photo
Pepper "Flamenco" F1 pictured

Flamenco F1- early maturing, high-yielding. The variety has cuboid, thick-walled fruits measuring 10 x 14 cm, consisting of 3-4 lobes. Fruits are light green in color; when ripe, they acquire an intensely bright red color. The variety is suitable for various types of indoor and outdoor ground.

Such hybrids also deserve attention: Minotaur F1, Sevilla F1, Athena F1, Flamenco F1.

Check out the best varieties of pepper in the photos below:

Pepper variety "Sevilla" F1
Pepper variety "Flamenco" F1

Using sweet peppers

In terms of vitamin C content, sweet pepper ranks first among vegetable crops. Its fruits in technical ripeness contain 100-150 mg% of vitamin C per 100 g of fresh weight, and in biological ripeness - 250-480 mg%. Vitamin P (rutin) gives a special value to pepper, its fruits are 70-380 mg% per 100 g of raw weight. Contains sweet peppers and vitamin A - 0.5-16 mg%. It contains from 2 to 6% sugars and starch, about 1.5% proteins, fat, fiber, ash compounds.

Sweet pepper contains carotene, valuable for the body (red pepper is especially rich in it), vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, as well as minerals, among which there are sodium and potassium. It is also rich in glucose, fructose, useful organic acids and mineral salts.

The use of all varieties of sweet peppers in food is permissible at the onset of technical ripeness. These are already fully formed fruits of at least 6-8 cm, with thick fleshy walls, light green or green color and with a characteristic peppery aroma.

Red, yellow, orange, pinky yellow, black, lilac, or green peppers are great in all varieties. Fresh fruits decorate dishes with bright colorful colors, taste and aroma. You can also use pepper leaves in the preparation of soups, green cabbage soup, borscht. They contain vitamin C.

Bell peppers are eaten raw, fried, baked, stuffed, pickled, pickled and even dried. Ripe fruits can be chopped and dried. The dry fruits of this culture and the powder from them are a vitamin product used as a seasoning for main dishes and for making sauces.

Bell peppers can also be kept fresh. To do this, the fruits are cut carefully together with the stalk. Each fruit is wrapped in paper, placed in a cardboard box in 1-2 layers, placed on a shelf in a dry cellar. The fruits harvested at the stage of technical ripeness gradually ripen, and their vitamin C content increases.