Firming foot massage for a 7 month old baby. Proper massage for a child in the first three months of life

Massage and gymnastics

When the baby is 6 months old, he can sit up on his own, roll over from his stomach to his back and vice versa. If you pull him by the arms, he will make attempts to stand on his feet ...

Like massage, many gymnastic exercises have a beneficial effect on the child's body. With constant gymnastics, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood circulation and breathing improve. Such exercises not only develop the child's motor skills, but also help regulate the processes of nervous excitation and inhibition.

When the baby is 6 months old, he can sit up on his own, roll over from his stomach to his back and vice versa. If you pull him by the arms, he will make attempts to stand on his feet.

By this time, he, as a rule, already knows how to crawl. At this age, great attention should be paid to such exercises that stimulate the coordination of movements and the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Since the baby can already actively respond to the voice of an adult, he can be given commands: lie on his back, on his stomach, sit down, roll over, etc. However, it is worth remembering that these commands must be given in an affectionate form so that gymnastics is a joy for the child and the exercises were enjoyable.


Reduction of hands on the chest

The technique for performing this exercise has been described above. However, for a 6-month-old child, it needs to be a little more complicated: the child may not hold on to the massage therapist’s hands, but to some kind of round toy, for example, a rattle, a ring for teeth, etc.

Pulling on a round toy, spread the child's arms in different directions and cross them on the chest. This exercise should be repeated 8 times, while crossing, periodically alternating the child’s hands: first, the left hand should be at the top, then the right, etc. The exercise should be done vigorously, but carefully so as not to injure the child.

Alternate and simultaneous bending of the legs

Starting position - lying on your back.

Exercise promotes the development of muscles and joints of the legs. To perform it, you should take the child by the shins and first together, and then in turn bend and unbend them at the knees: bend and unbend the right leg, left leg, and then both legs together. All 3 doses must be repeated 6 times.

Flip from back to stomach

Starting position - lying on your back.

To perform the exercise, you should order the child to turn on his stomach. To help the child perform this exercise, you need to slightly turn his buttocks and pelvis in the direction in which the coup is being performed. The exercise is performed 1 time per day.

Back and buttocks massage

The procedure promotes the development and strengthening of the muscles of the back and buttocks. Its implementation consists in the alternate use of stroking, rubbing, sawing, tong-like kneading, tapping and pinching. As always, the massage procedure should begin with a few strokes. After that, you need to start rubbing the back muscles with your palms and sawing them with the ribs of your palms. Rubbing and sawing should be finished with strokes. After rubbing, sawing and stroking, you need to move on to tong-like kneading. It starts in the region of the long muscles of the back and continues on the buttocks. After kneading, you should again do a few strokes and only then move on to tapping and tingling. The whole procedure must be completed with a few strokes. All techniques are recommended to be repeated 3 times.


Starting position - lying on your stomach.

The exercise helps the child to develop crawling skills. To perform it, take the child by the heels with the thumb and middle finger. In this case, the masseur's index finger should be between the baby's feet.

Gently but vigorously bend the child's legs, and after 1-2 seconds - unbend. After performing this movement 3-4 times, the child will push off from the hands of the massage therapist and crawl on their own. When the child gets used to the exercise, bending the legs will need to be carried out not simultaneously, but alternately.

belly massage

Starting position - lying on your back.

The procedure consists in the alternate application of stroking, rubbing, sawing and tingling techniques.

At the beginning of the procedure, you need to do a few strokes. After that, you can start rubbing. It should be done with the fingertips. Then again do a few strokes and proceed to sawing, which is done with the ribs of the palms along the rectus abdominis muscles. After sawing, you need to return to stroking. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to do a few pinching of the skin around the navel. The latter method is a good prophylactic against the development of a hernia. The massage ends with stroking the rectus abdominis muscles. Each reception should be repeated 3 times.

Squat with spinal flexion

Starting position - lying on your back.

This exercise will help your baby develop crawling skills. The methodology for its implementation has been described in detail above. However, due to the fact that at the age of 6 months the child becomes more independent, the exercise can be slightly complicated. To do this, you need to support the child by the knees with one hand, and the thumb of the massage therapist's free hand should be in the palm of the child.

Take the baby's hand to the side and ask him to sit down. When the child is in the desired position, the massage therapist should smoothly run his hand from bottom to top along his spine. In this case, the back of the baby will straighten. At the end of the procedure, the child must be carefully lowered so that he lies on his right side. This exercise should be repeated 2 times.

Straight leg raise

Starting position - lying on your back.

Exercise contributes to the development and strengthening of the muscles and joints of the child. To perform it, you need to take the child by the shins, and the thumbs should grab the bottom of the lower leg, and the rest should be on the kneecaps.

The child's legs should be straightened, held in this position for 1-2 seconds and slowly lowered. This exercise is repeated 7 times.

Raising the body from a prone position

Starting position - lying on your stomach.

Exercise promotes the development of the muscles of the back and abdomen. To perform it, you should put the thumbs of the massage therapist in the palms of the child and make him clench his fists. The rest of the fingers need to support the child by the wrists.

Raise the child's arms through the sides up and pull slightly. In this case, the head of the child, reflexively thrown back, will rise up, and his heels will rest against the massage therapist. You need to pull the child up until he kneels.

This exercise should be repeated 2 times.

breast massage

Starting position - lying on your back.

This procedure helps to strengthen and develop the muscles of the chest. Its implementation is associated with the alternate use of stroking and vibration massage. Massage begins with several circular strokes, which should be carried out in the direction from the ribs to the shoulders. After that, you need to do stroking along the intercostal arches. After stroking, it is necessary to proceed to vibration massage. The whole procedure ends with circular strokes. All massage techniques should be done 3 times.

Bent-arm support squat

Starting position - lying on your back.

Exercise helps develop and strengthen the joints of the arms and legs. To perform it, you need to put your index fingers in the child’s palms and make him clench his fists so that he holds on to his fingers on his own. Spread the child's arms wide apart and, pulling him slightly by the arms, ask him to sit down. If the baby copes well with the task, after a while the exercise can be complicated by using not fingers for support, but a round toy (rattle, etc.), which is convenient to grip. This exercise should be repeated 2 times.

Hand circles

The methodology for this exercise is described above. When the child is 8 months old, the exercise should be complicated. The kid must perform it from a sitting position, holding on to the rings placed in his hands.

At the age of seven months, the baby crawls

As the baby masters the ability to crawl, he begins to move a lot. As a result, all the muscles of the body begin to learn to relax (lengthen). Knowing how to crawl, children themselves can approach everything that interests them (get a toy, crawl to their mother, change positions to see what is happening in the room). Leaning on one arm, a six-month-old child sits down on his own, and then begins to sit down.

By the age of 8 months, when the back muscles have learned to relax so as not to pinch the lymphatic vessels coming from the spine, the child begins to play while sitting. A seven-month-old baby looks at toys with pleasure, waves, knocks them on other objects. When children at this age swing a rattle or knock it on any object, they listen to the sound made and repeat the action. Thus, repeated movements are formed, and classes with a toy become longer.

At the 7th month of development, the child understands the speech of an adult. “Primary” understanding is manifested in the fact that when asked where an object, person or animal is, the baby looks for it with his eyes. At the beginning, with such a question, he turns to the side where he usually saw the named object. Therefore, the first time in developing an understanding of the names of objects is better if they are always in a certain place.

At the age of seven months, the baby, following a verbal sentence, makes simple movements - “okay”, “goodbye”, “what a big one”. If the child does not crawl easily and freely at the age of 7 months or does it incorrectly, does not freely raise his hands up (cries when dressing), then there are problems in the back muscles. As a result, back pain will also appear in adulthood (maybe already in school).

Massage for 7 month old baby

The specialist in influencing the muscles using the Nikonov method, Dr. Nikonov Nikolay Borisovich, will tell about the technique of general strengthening massage for a healthy child. Detailed information about massage for children aged 7 months is available on the video.

Exercises for a child of 7 months should be carried out daily. Gymnastics for a child of 7 months is an easy set of exercises to strengthen the baby's musculoskeletal system.

Each age of the baby is accompanied by certain skills and abilities. To make physical development faster and easier, parents are able to help the child, push him in this direction, provide the necessary basis for further strengthening all emerging skills. Gymnastic exercises with a seven-month-old baby have a beneficial effect on his entire body, not only developing the baby’s motor abilities, but also participating in the regulation of processes responsible for nervous excitement and calming.

Classes cannot be one-time, for their effectiveness, daily exercises are a prerequisite, preferably in the daytime, since gymnastics invigorates and leads to activity. Regular exercise improves breathing and blood circulation, helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

A simple set of exercises for a seven-month-old baby

Exercises for a child of 7 months should be carried out from several positions: lying on your back, on your stomach and sitting. The child must be undressed and placed on a hard, flat surface, previously covered with a thick terry towel. From the “lying on your back” position, you can start with the handles: spread them to the side and cross them, raise them up and lower them down, while the hands should be carefully pulled to harm.

The legs should be taken by the feet, alternately bending at the knees and straightening, then repeat this exercise with two legs together, making circular movements with the legs bent at the knees. After that, taking the child’s left hand by the place just below the hand, bend it simultaneously with the right leg and try to touch the knee with the elbow several times. Do the same with the right arm and left leg. If the knee and elbow do not touch each other, you should not be especially zealous, you need to reduce the distance between them gradually - from week to week.

Gymnastics for a child of 7 months must necessarily include exercises in which the baby tries to sit down from a “lying” position, pulling himself up by the arms of his mother or father. This needs to be done several times. Then also, forcing him to strain his arms, you need to help him get up from the “sitting” position.

Put the child on his stomach and gently bend each leg alternately for a couple of seconds, after several such exercises, he will certainly start to push off. In this way, you can help him start crawling.

Each exercise performed with a seven-month-old baby should take place in a fun, cozy and warm atmosphere with a smiling mother. It is recommended to include children's songs or sing.

We do massage to a child of 7-10 months.

Good day, our dear visitors! A lot of words have been written on our site about massage and gymnastics for kids.

Today, continuing this topic, we bring to your attention another article about massage and exercise for children.

Physical exercises and massage for a child 7 - 10 months.

As always, let me remind you - before you give your baby a massage, please read it during massage and gymnastics.

I would like to note that in comparison with the previous complex of massage and gymnastics (for children 5-6 months old), new exercises appear here. And new additions are being introduced into the existing ones, which are designed to prepare the baby's musculoskeletal system for new loads.

After all, very soon the baby will have to learn to stand on his feet, and he will begin to take the first independent steps in his life. And already acquired skills to crawl, sit down, etc. with the help of new exercises will be confidently fixed. In addition, massage and gymnastics exercises will improve your baby's mood, invigorate him and deliver a lot of pleasant sensations and emotions!

Remember! The baby's body must be strengthened all the time with the help of water hardening, air baths, outdoor walks, massage and physical exercises.

So, let's start mastering physical exercises and massage for a child of 7 - 10 months.

1. We will do the exercise of our complex from 1 to 4 by laying the baby on the back. We take the crumbs by the handles, putting our thumbs into his hands. It will be just wonderful if the child firmly grasps your fingers. We spread his arms to the sides, and then we cross them on the chest (the baby “hugs” itself). We do 8 - 10 times.

2. We bend and unbend the arms of our crumbs. Also, we do 8 - 10 times.

3. We take the child by the feet and unbend - we bend his legs. We do 8 - 10 times. Then 2 - 4 times we reduce - we breed the baby's hips.

4. We turn the child from the back to the tummy, first through the left side, then through the right. The kid can already do this exercise on his own and you just have to help him a little.

5. Back massage. We lay the baby on the tummy. Direction - along the spine from the sacrum to the shoulder blades. Here, as in the previous complexes, we will apply stroking, rubbing and kneading, pressing effortlessly with the fingertips. We do 4 - 6 repetitions.

6. After that, we give our baby a couple of minutes to lie on the tummy. He will diligently bend his back, rise, turn his head, due to which there will be a load on the muscles of the neck, back, buttocks, and a little on the hips.

In no case do not leave the child during the massage and exercise alone for a second!

The next exercise of our gymnastics and massage complex for children 7-10 months old:

8. We massage the chest and tummy, stroking in a circular motion in a clockwise direction 10 times. The child lies on his back.

9. We put our thumbs into the hands of the child. He must hold on tight to them. And slowly sit the baby. He does this exercise almost on his own. We do 2 repetitions.

10. Circular movements of the handles. Here the muscles of the shoulder girdle of the child are loaded. We put the crumbs on the back and help him in performing this exercise, in turn, in each direction. 8 - 10 repetitions.

11. Raise the straight legs pressed against each other to 45 degrees. In this case, the child lies on his back, and you take him by the feet. We do 5 - 6 repetitions.

12. Starting position - the baby lies on the tummy. We bring our palms under the tummy and chest of the crumbs. He will raise his head and bend his back, thereby contributing to the development of his muscles. We repeat 3 times.

The above complex "Physical exercises and massage for a child of 7-10 months" should take 5-6 minutes (with regular use).

A baby at 7 months needs to do massage and gymnastics every day 2 times. Don't forget about it!

Massage has a positive effect on the blood and lymphatic vessels, improves blood and lymph circulation, enhances the function of the glands - sebaceous and sweat. With its help, the condition of the skin improves - it becomes more elastic and resistant to external factors, old cells of the epidermis are removed.

Children's massage helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the child, improves muscle tone, their elasticity and contractility, flexibility and mobility of the ligaments.

If a mother systematically massages her baby, then the baby’s sleep will noticeably improve, and the baby will grow and develop better.

I think the advantages of doing gymnastics and massage for a child of 7-10 months are obvious to you.

Elena Medvedeva.

When the baby is 6 months old, he can sit up on his own, roll over from his stomach to his back and vice versa. If you pull him by the arms, he will make attempts to stand on his feet.
By this time, he, as a rule, already knows how to crawl. At this age, great attention should be paid to such exercises that stimulate the coordination of movements and the development of the musculoskeletal system.
Since the baby can already actively respond to the voice of an adult, he can be given commands: lie on his back, on his stomach, sit down, roll over, etc. However, it is worth remembering that these commands must be given in an affectionate form so that gymnastics is a joy for the child and the exercises were enjoyable.
Massage and gymnastics technique
Reduction of hands on the chest
I. p .: lying on your back.
The technique for performing this exercise has been described above. However, for a 6-month-old child, it needs to be a little more complicated: the child may not hold on to the massage therapist’s hands, but to some kind of round toy, for example, a rattle, a ring for teeth, etc.
Pulling on a round toy, spread the child's arms in different directions and cross them on the chest. This exercise should be repeated 8 times, while crossing, periodically alternating the child’s hands: first, the left hand should be at the top, then the right, etc. The exercise should be done vigorously, but carefully so as not to injure the child.
Alternate and simultaneous bending of the legs
I. p .: lying on your back.
massage for children from 6 to 9 months
Figure 34.
Exercise promotes the development of muscles and joints of the legs. To perform it, you should take the child by the shins and first together, and then bend and straighten them at the knees in turn: bend and straighten the right leg, left leg, and then both legs together (Fig. 34). All 3 doses must be repeated 6 times.
Flip from back to stomach
I. p .: lying on your back.
To perform the exercise, you should order the child to turn on his stomach. To help the child perform this exercise, you need to slightly turn his buttocks and pelvis in the direction in which the coup is being performed. The exercise is performed 1 time per day.
Back and buttocks massage
I. p .: lying on his stomach.
The procedure promotes the development and strengthening of the muscles of the back and buttocks. Its implementation consists in the alternate use of stroking, rubbing, sawing, tong-like kneading, tapping and pinching. As always, the massage procedure should begin with a few strokes. After that, you need to start rubbing the back muscles with your palms and sawing them with the ribs of your palms. Rubbing and sawing should be finished with strokes. After rubbing, sawing and stroking, you need to move on to tong-like kneading. It starts in the region of the long muscles of the back and continues on the buttocks. After kneading, you should again do a few strokes and only then proceed to tapping and pinching. The whole procedure must be completed with a few strokes. All techniques are recommended to be repeated 3 times.
I. p .: lying on his stomach.

Figure 35. Massage of the back and buttocks
The exercise helps the child to develop crawling skills. To perform it, take the child by the heels with the thumb and middle finger. In this case, the masseur's index finger should be between the baby's feet.
Gently but vigorously bend the child's legs, and after 1-2 seconds - unbend. After performing this movement 3-4 times, the child will push off from the hands of the massage therapist and crawl on his own (Fig. 35). When the child gets used to the exercise, bending the legs will need to be carried out not simultaneously, but alternately.
belly massage
I. p .: lying on your back.
The procedure consists in the alternate application of stroking, rubbing, sawing and tingling techniques.
At the beginning of the procedure, you need to do a few strokes. After that, you can start rubbing. It should be done with the fingertips. Then again do a few strokes and proceed to sawing, which is done with the ribs of the palms along the rectus abdominis muscles. After sawing, you need to return to stroking. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to do a few pinching of the skin around the navel. The latter method is a good prophylactic against the development of a hernia. The massage ends with stroking the rectus abdominis muscles. Each reception should be repeated 3 times.
Squat with spinal flexion
I. p .: lying on your back.
Baby belly massage

Figure 36.
This exercise will help your baby develop crawling skills. The methodology for its implementation has been described in detail above. However, due to the fact that at the age of 6 months the child becomes more independent, the exercise can be slightly complicated. To do this, you need to support the child by the knees with one hand, and the thumb of the massage therapist's free hand should be in the palm of the child.
Take the baby's hand to the side and ask him to sit down. When the child is in the desired position, the massage therapist should smoothly run his hand from bottom to top along his spine. In this case, the back of the baby will straighten. At the end of the procedure, the child must be carefully lowered so that he lies on the right side (Fig. 36). This exercise should be repeated 2 times.
Straight leg raise
I. p .: lying on your back.

Figure 37. Raising straightened legs
Exercise contributes to the development and strengthening of the muscles and joints of the child. To perform it, you need to take the child by the shins, and the thumbs should grab the bottom of the lower leg, and the rest should be on the kneecaps.
The child's legs should be straightened, held in this position for 1-2 seconds and slowly lowered. This exercise is repeated 7 times (Fig. 37).
Flip from back to stomach
A detailed description of this exercise is given above.
Raising the body from a prone position
I. p .: lying on the stomach.

Flip from back to stomach
Figure 38.
Exercise promotes the development of the muscles of the back and abdomen. To perform it, you should put the thumbs of the massage therapist in the palms of the child and make him clench his fists. The rest of the fingers need to support the child by the wrists.
Raise the child's arms through the sides up and pull slightly. In this case, the head of the child, reflexively thrown back, will rise up, and his heels will rest against the massage therapist. You need to pull the child up until he kneels (Fig. 38).
This exercise should be repeated 2 times.
breast massage
I. p .: lying on your back.
This procedure helps to strengthen and develop the muscles of the chest. Its implementation is associated with the alternate use of stroking and vibration massage. Massage begins with several circular strokes, which should be carried out in the direction from the ribs to the shoulders. After that, you need to do stroking along the intercostal arches. After stroking, it is necessary to proceed to vibration massage. The whole procedure ends with circular strokes. All massage techniques should be done 3 times.
Bent-arm support squat
Starting position: lying on your back.
Exercise helps develop and strengthen the joints of the arms and legs. To perform it, you need to put your index fingers in the child’s palms and make him clench his fists so that he holds on to his fingers on his own. Spread the child's arms wide apart and, pulling him slightly by the arms, ask him to sit down. If the baby copes well with the task, after a while the exercise can be complicated by using not fingers for support, but a round toy (rattle, etc.), which is convenient to grip. This exercise should be repeated 2 times.
Hand circles
The methodology for this exercise is described above. When the child is 8 months old, the exercise should be complicated. The kid should perform it from a sitting position, holding on to the rings put into his hands (Fig. 39). Squatting with support for bent arms massage the baby