Mental (intellectual) work. Brainwork

Name of parameter Value
Theme of article: Brainwork
Rubric (thematic category) Education

Education time

Chapter 1. What is mental work?

Mental labor will be the main type of labor activity in the 21st century and the one who will greater degrees will be more successful and will ensure their family more qualitative in spiritual, cultural, financially life.

The time of higher education is the best time of the young man. A man of any age will feel like young when he takes textbooks in the hands, will plunge into new information, it will discover new horizons of knowledge, look at the world with other eyes. Creative forces wake up, I want to rather use what I learned how to succeed in life. Education - ϶ᴛᴏ What is going to success, improves the quality of life. And that success is constantly accompanied, and education should be continuous.

Of course, the life of the student includes not only his active participation in the educational process, but also other works and recreation: home management, additional or main work, sports, entertainment. But after all, for the period of obtaining higher education, it is mental work in the entire manifestation of its manifestations is the main component of the student's life. It should be noted that it is mental labor to be the main type of labor activity in the 21st century and the one who will greater than will be more successful and will ensure their family better in financial, cultural, spiritual terms.

In higher education, it acquires his real meaning of the word 'learning'''''''''m, that is, "myself. Not the transfer of knowledge and skills that in the modern world is rapidly and hopelessly age, namely the extraction of new information, the ability to creatively think and reasonably act, become in the head of the angle of the educational process, and the human life in modern society.

Education is the process of continuous, creative and individual, requiring active personal participation, mobilization of forces, will, changes in psychological attitudes and refusal of habits incompatible with intense mental labor.

It is not easy to give a definition of mental work, since its result is far from almost everything can be obtained in the material embodiment, often only yellowed paper sheets, drawings and formulas remain descendants, as the fruits of many years of genius. To determine the concept of mental work we turn to different information sources.

The ability of a person to think, the basis of conscious, reasonable life (see: Ozhegov S.I., Swedov N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).

1. Human activities aimed at creating material and spiritual values \u200b\u200busing instruments. Mental t. Physical t. 2. Working occupation. 3. Effort aimed at achieving something. 4. The result of activity, work, work. 5. Pushion of skills and skills in some professional, economic activity. (See: Ozhege S.I., Swedova N.Yu. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language)

Mental work, intellectual work (Intellectual Labour; Mental Labour) - Labor activity in which:

· The body creating a product is the brain;

· The costs of mental energy prevail;

· Labor product is defined information.

Hence it follows that

Mental work - mental activity, the product of which is defined information (

Mental work is a purely human sphere. If we consider all the work of a person as an object of research, then mental labor will be the subject of our study, since learning and education is unthinkable without a clear understanding of the characteristics of this type of work.

Mental work is a concept and species. Classification and features of the category "Mental Labor" 2017, 2018.

Mental labor combines work related to the reception and processing of information requiring the preferential stress of attention, as well as the activation of thinking processes. For most modern professions, an accelerated pace of work is characterized, a sharp increase in the volume and heterogeneity of information, the time deficit for decision-making, an increase in the social significance of these decisions and personal responsibility of the employee.

Mental labor is presented as professions related to the field of material production, such as designers, engineers, technicians, dispatchers, operators, etc., and outside it - scientists, doctors, teachers, writers, artists, artists, etc.

With mental work, the main burden falls on the highest department of the nervous system - on the bark of large hemispheres of the brain. Muscle loads are usually not significant, energy consumption are at the level of light physical work, category IA and are 10-11.7 MJ (2000-2400 kcal) per day.

The frontal shares of the brain belongs to a significant role in the implementation of mental activities. The extensive connections with non-specific structures of different brain levels provide non-specific activation forms necessary for the flow of mental labor. In front of the frontal fractions, a variety of information comes from the surrounding and internal media of the body, from the underlying brain structures, information about the emotional state of the person is intended.

The most power consists of limbico-reticular and tammocortical emotional areas. Under the influence of emotions, people are configured to work. This is the signal role of emotions.

An increase in the intensity of exchange processes, hemodynamic parameters and oxygen consumption occurs in those structures that are involved in the implementation of mental functions.

For intellectual work is characterized by hypocinezia, i.e. Reducing the motor activity of a person, leading to deterioration of the organism reactivity and an increase in emotional stress. Hypokinesia is an unfavorable manufacturing factor, one of the causes of cardiovascular pathology in persons of mental labor.

Mental labor forms are divided into operator, managerial, creative work. They differ in the organization of the employment process, the uniformity of the load, the degree of emotional voltage.

Operator work. It is caused by the need to carry out the functions of management and control over the work of technological lines, the process of timing and servicing customers, a set of information.

Management work is carried out by the heads of institutions, dispatchers, teachers. In this type of labor, the factors associated with the need to perceive the large, sometimes excessive amounts of information, an increase in the time deficit for its processing, an increase in social significance and personal responsibility for decisions made. The leaders are characterized by the need to adopt non-standard solutions, the irregularity of the load, the periodic emergence of conflict situations.

Creative work (scientists, writers, artists, artists, composers, architects, designers) requires long-term preparation, high qualifications, special conditions for implementation. The work of this category of workers is characterized by non-sterootic activity, an unregulated labor schedule, requires a significant amount of memory, stress attention, mental activity.

Labor tension reflects the load on the CNS, mental functions, is characterized by the volume of perceived information, the density of the incoming signals, the state of analyzer systems, the level of emotional voltage and is determined by the degree of voltage of attention. According to this indicator, mental labor is also divided into 4 groups:

1 - unprofitable, requiring concentration of attention to 25% of the work time;

2 - low-stressed, requiring attention concentration up to 50% of the work time;

4 - Very tense, requiring a concentration of attention more than 75% of the work time.

With intensive mental activity (in contrast to physical work), gas exchange or does not change at all, or changes slightly, the blood pressure increases, breathing is increased, the blood ventilation of the brain vessels increases, but the blaring of the vessels of the limbs and the abdominal cavity decreases, the excitability of the Central CNS increases, the cutting function of the muscles increases , the heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, the respiratory frequency increases, respiratory volume decreases.

Prolonged mental work leads to a fall in conditional vascular reflexes, there are violations of the equilibrium of braking and excitation processes, expressed in the disorder of the positive braking of conditional bonds.

The mental creative activity of man is highly depends on its emotional state.

Mental work is closely connected with the work of the senses, primarily vision and hearing. It is known that mental work more fruitfully proceeds in the conditions of silence.

Muscular work with human mental activity plays a big role. Easy muscular work stimulates mental activity, and heavy, exhausting work, on the contrary, lowers it, reduces quality. For many representatives of creative mental activity, walking was a necessary condition for the successful performance of work.

With intense mental activity, there is a significant increase in energy consumption, which is associated with an involuntary reduction in skeletal muscles, which is not directly related to the work performed. At the same time, motor reactions often arise (gestures, walking around the room, shifting objects on the desk), and with their arbitrary suppression, the maculature voltage (isometric) is enhanced.

It has been established that mental activity is associated with the enhanced protein and carbohydrate exchanges. With mental work, lipoid consumption is enhanced. The excitation process is associated with an increase in carbohydrate oxidation, with an increase in the exchange of ATP.

After the enhanced mental operation, the content of phosphates in the blood and the urine increases significantly. Vitamins B1, B2, PR and S. are also essential for mental work.

As a rule, the total magnitude of the cerebral circulation in various types of mental activity varies slightly. The redistribution of blood flow is carried out by autonomous mechanisms of cerebral vessels in such a way that the most active areas of the brain receive a larger blood volume per unit of time. This is accompanied, naturally, an increase in the delivery of oxygen and the energy substrate of the brain - glucose. For example, the muscular operation of the average intensity increases regional blood flow through the motor area of \u200b\u200bthe cortex (by 50%), with visual-hard work - in the visual region of the cortex (up to 100% or more).

Mental work conjugate with neuro-emotional tension increases the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, which ensures the mobilization of the vegetative components of emotions. Activated carbohydrate, fat exchanges.

Intensive work, both physical and mental, can lead to fatigue and overwork and as a result - to injury and morbidity.

One of the objective signs is a decrease in labor productivity, it is generally subjectively expressed in the feeling of fatigue, i.e. reluctance or even the impossibility of further continuing work.

Even on the topic of physiological features of mental labor:

  1. Physiological features and classification of physical labor
  2. Features and prevention of fatigue with the mental activity of a schoolboy and a student. Optimization of mental performance
  3. Factors of rational organization of the life of the worker of mental labor
  4. Impact of health factors. Hygiene mental and physical labor. Prevention of overwork. Production harm and occupational diseases. The main directions of their prevention

Scientists for almost ten years have observed the elderly, both patients of the hospital and people who rarely appeal to doctors and participated in the experiment voluntarily, writes MK. It turned out that the more one or another person was associated with science, the more stronger health he possessed. Swiss researchers associate it with a constant training of the brain: if all the time solve non-standard tasks, learn foreign languages, remember many formulas, then the neurons involved in the work - brain cells - dying slower. People who would like to extend their years of life longer remain in the right mind and hardware, scientists advise more to train the brain with all sorts of memorization and solve puzzles.

Vice-President of the European Association of Gerontologists Vladimir Havinson:

The most important for long-life is not so much level IQ as the level of people's intelligence. As far as they are internally balanced, how respectfully relate to others, how much are moderately in food and be friends with physical labor. Often such people may not be high intelligence, but live longer due to moderation in everything. By the way, those who adhere to religious rules, for example of the post, rejection of anger and envy, are also often related to the group of long-livers. Scientists also additionally help long live great knowledge of the same hygiene and nutrition rules, greater interest in life. For example, a lot of long-livers among the Nobel laureates, regardless of which area of \u200b\u200bscientific activity they relate. The fact recognized worldwide: the level of long-life increases with the level of human evolutionary development.

Monotonicity of work as one of the negative factors of production

Monotonous work is a type of work in which a person throughout the work shift performs the same operation, the duration of which does not exceed 30 s.

The less the duration of the operation, the fewer elements in the operation, the higher the degree of monotony, the more pronounced its negative impact on the state of the person. In modern production, labor crushing for certain operations led to the emergence of a huge army of workers engaged in monotonous labor. Monotonous labor negatively affects a person by the fact that monotonous operations cause a "dulling" of the same structures of the organism - neurons, muscles, tendons. In the process of monotonous labor, drowsiness develops, boredom, which sometimes it is difficult to overcome. Conveyor production on which monotonia is particularly manifested, it causes hypertensive disease, ischemic heart disease, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and 12-rosewoods - diseases that develop under stressful effects. Obviously, monotonia is a powerful stress factor.

When organizing labor on conveyor lines, the struggle with monotony is important. In particular, for this purpose, the technological process is organized in such a way that any operation is "rich" in content demanded from the contractor of efforts and even the creative process. So, it is necessary that each operation lasted at least 30 s and contained at least 5-6 elements.

Functional music, production gymnastics, frequent macroases (5-10 minutes), the rational organization of the workplace - this is the incomplete list of events that is often used to combat monotony on conveyor lines.

Mental work is the performance of work related to the reception and processing of information, which requires the active functioning of the sensory apparatus, as well as the structures of the brain, providing such mental processes as attention, memory, thinking, emotions.

Classification of mental labor.

1. Operator work - groups of professions related to the management of machines, equipment, technological processes.

2. Management work is managers of institutions, enterprises, divisions, teachers and teachers. This category of mental labor is characterized by a large amount of information required for continuous use, a time deficit, responsibility for making a decision.

3. Creative work - requires many years of preliminary preparation, high qualifications, special conditions, high intensity of attention, a large amount of memory, thinking tension.

4. The work of medical workers is characterized by high neuro-emotional tension, contact with people, large amounts of memory, personal responsibility.

5. Student labor and students - it requires stress of memory, attention (especially, concentration and sustainability of attention), perception and is characterized by the presence of stressful situations - exams and tests.

The incidence of mental activity. If mental work is organized correctly, no emotional factors, it does not have a negative impact on the human body. And its positive fruits have a beneficial effect on health. Thus, the labor of the designers does not have large emotional disruptions, voltages, therefore the designers have the level of cardiovascular diseases does not exceed 8%, while telephone operators have to deal with a time-deficit when processing information, this level reaches 16%. Especially emotionally tense is the work of managers. Among them, 40-50% have hypertensive disease or ischemic heart disease.

The risk factors of cardiovascular pathology in human mental people are increased neuro-emotional tensions, hypocinezia, excess body weight, smoking, hereditary predisposition.

Men's mechanisms.Multiply mental activity is mainly. It proceeds with the participation of neurons of many brain departments - bark, subcortical formations of the limbic system. When mental activity, both hemispheres of the brain are functioning at the same time. With any mental activity, generalized activation of the brain occurs and the local activity depended on the type of mental process (perceptual, motor, verbal, epispical) increases at the same time (perceptual, motor, verbal, s). For example, at verbal functions, one brain structures are activated, which is reflected on the EEG, and when solving tasks - others. A special role in mental activity is played by the frontal shares. Emotions belongs to the role of organizer of targeted mental activity.

What does nervous emotional tensions arise from mental activity? This is explained by the fact that the amount of information that must be treated with the brain is close or exceeds the bandwidth of individual units of the functional system involved in the implementation of this function. This often requires distinguishing close to the value of signals and performing subtle processes of thinking. Emotional tension cites the responsibility of work. In general, with mental work, there is usually a combination of emotional factors and tensions of mental activities. Therefore, they talk about neuro-emotional tension.

EEG studies show that with mental activity, alpha rhythm changes - its amplitude decreases, the alpha complexes index decreases. With overloads, when performing complex mental processes, a slow rhythm appears on the EEG, or theta rhythm (4-7 Hz), which is regarded as a sign of emotional voltage.

Of great importance to ensure mental activity is the activity of a sympathy-adrenal system and a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalocortical axis. The higher the degree of neuro-emotional stress, the higher the activity of these structures (stress-implementing systems). A short increase in neuro-emotional tension is likely to play a positive role in the CNS activities, as the intensity of metabolism in the CNS increases, the rate of information processing increases. However, with significant neuro-emotional tension, the activity of the cardiovascular system is significantly changing - the systolic and minute volume of the heart increases, blood pressure increases, the pulse increases. In stressful situations, for example, on the exam, the sympathetic nervous system is activated even more.

The presence of emotional voltage in mental activity is indicated by the magnitude of blood pressure. For example, in the operators of the railway, when an accident is detected, arterial pressure immediately increases to 160/100 mm RT, Art. And it is held at this level throughout the remaining shift. The most vividly existence of the emotional component in the paper reflects the magnitude of the middle-ethnic blood pressure (diastolic +1/3 pulse pressure) - it increases immediately after emotional tension.

With a significant emotional voltage, the ECG varies: for example, a decrease in the teeth of T, which indicates a decrease in the intensity of the coronary blood flow. Thus, in case of emergency situations in the metropolitan at the driver, the number of heart abbreviations reaches 150 beats per minute, and typical signs of coronary failure appear on the ECG. V.S. The Fomin (1970) for estimating the emotional component proposed to use the Vagosympatic index - this is the ratio of the amplitude p / t: with increasing the tone of the sympathetic nervous system caused by emotional voltage, the index increases, and when the tone of Vagus is increasing, on the contrary, it decreases. This index better reflects the situation than the frequency of heart rate.

With mental activity, the redistribution of cerebral blood flow occurs, it becomes more intense in the regions that take direct participation in activities. In general, the intensity of blood flow during mental activity increases, especially in the left hemisphere.

A constant high neuro-emotional stress that accompanies mental labor leads to pathology.

Features of fatigue in mental activity. Toying is manifested primarily with a decrease in the functionality of the CNS, which is reflected on the EEG. The tone of the parasympathetic nervous system increases (probably as a method of protection against excessive stressful effects) - this is evidenced by the decrease in the skin-galvanic reflex, a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in the wagosympoatic index of p / t, the pulse pertension. If there are emotionic factors, all changes in the body have a more pronounced.

Once again, we note that all shifts that are observed in mental activity mainly arise due to the presence of emotional stress. The higher this component, the deeper changes in the process of mental activity.

According to Fomin V.S. (1979), fatigue in mental activity is most likely due to a decrease in the activating influence of the reticular formation on the bark and the subcortex region. Proof of this is the data on the use of aminezine - this substance blocks the ascending effect of the reticular formation and the state occurs, which is accompanied by the same changes as with mental fatigue, including caused by the change of mental state.

Optimization of the employment process with mental activity. For mental activity, it is characteristic that after work it can continue and sometimes it is difficult to stop it. A. I. Herzen said, thought can not be folded like hands. In order to stop the thinking process, switching. From this point of view, it is especially effective to switch from mental activity to physical. In the organization of mental activity, all researchers refer to 5 points, which put forward in 1911. N.E. Introduced.

1. To work should be parted gradually. 2. There must be a certain rhythm of work, since rhythmic work contributes to the development of skills and slows down the development of fatigue. 3. It is necessary to adhere to the usual sequence in operation. This suggests regular, organized and planned work. 4. It is necessary to establish the correct alternation of labor and recreation. With mental work, rest must be active and combined with physical exercises. 5. High performance is maintained with constant and systematic activities at which the skill is strengthened.

Table 5.

Classification of overwork and its signs

Sign Starting overwork Easy overwork Expressed overwork Heavy overwork
Reducing ability to work Little pronounced Expressed noticeable Expressed enough Expressed dramatically
Compensation to work capacity reduction efforts Not required Full compensation Incomplete compensation Minor compensation
Emotional shifts Temporary decline in work At times unstable mood Irritability Depression, sharp irritability
Sleep disorder It's hard to fall asleep or wake up It's hard to fall asleep or wake up Sleeping day Insomnia
Reduced mental performance Not It is difficult to focus At times forgetfulness Noticeable weakening of attention
Treatment Organize holiday, physical education. Regular vacation and rest Urgent regular vacation, organized rest Treatment in hospital or in the clinic

Overwork with mental activity.It has been proven that intense mental activity without a sufficient holiday between working days leads to the appearance of voltage Persians. It manifests itself, first of all, in an increase in blood pressure, the growth of peripheral resistance, changing the brain blood flow and excretion of catecholamines (there is no nightliness of these hormones during overwork). Some signs of overwork are reflected in the table (Platonov K. K., 1962).

Features of work work

The incidence of students.The first place in the structure of diseases of students is occupied by hypertensive disease. Students of technical universities, it is found at 8-9%, in the physicians - in 1%. 2nd place is occupied by hypotonic states. Then there are such diseases as chronic and sharp tonsillites (approximately 3.3-5.7% of students), ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Sensellars have a peptic disease more often. So, at first grasses of Chelyabinsk for 1000 students, she is found in 2 cases, students of the 3rd course - in the 4th. The prevalence of myopia is expressed: for example, in Chelyabinsk, it has been revealed from 31% of students, and in senior courses the percentage of myopia is higher than that of first-year students.

Labor and recreation mode.Really students work for 12 hours daily. Up to 30% of students are forced to spend on the learning process and at night. Consequently, even in a non-stating period 1 / 4-1 / 3 students are not saturated. Up to 30% of students do not have free time. All this indicates that students have a large load, and their work and recreation regime is clearly irregular. In recent years, however, an attempt has been made to regulate the work of students, reduce the duration of academic work in the student audience. But really no time has decreased.

According to the literature, only 6-10% of students are meant, the rest
Either they do not have breakfast, or take food at various hours, or it is forced to take a dinner of a dinner of a student who is prevailing fatty and carbohydrate food, little protein, especially animal origin.

Up to 30% of medical university students are few outdoors. About 83% of daily time students are in a state of relative immobility. The percentage of students regularly engaged in sports does not exceed 23%.

It was established that even for 1 hour carbon dioxide accumulates in the audience (its content increases 3-4 times in an unbelievable audience), the air temperature increases by 3-5 °, and the humidity increases by 3-4%. By the end of the school day, in many poorly ventilated premises, the air temperature reaches 26 °, relative humidity - 80%, and the level of CO 2 exceeds the maximum permissible concentrations.

Changes in the body of students during the period of semester classes and the exam.It has been established that by the end of the working day, students decreases the level of attention, the amount of memory decreases, the heart rate slows down, the level of blood pressure is slowed down, the level of arterial pressure is reduced, the latent time of the visual and engine reaction increases, the differentiation braking is weakened. All this indicates the development of fatigue (reduction of the tone of the sympathetic nervous system). These shifts are especially noticeable in the second half of the working week. According to EEG, by the end of the day, students decrease the indicators of general brain activity, the focus of excitation from the left-front brain departments is reduced.

For first-year students of medical universities, by the end of the working day, performance indicators are on average decrease by 24%, students of the 4th course - by 18%, and 5- and 6 curses have not been notified (data 1970). Judging by the results of the blood test, the most tedious for a student is independent work, in second place - a practical occupation and the least shifts are observed at the lecture.


1. Agadzhanyan, N.A. Human physiology: textbook (lecture course) / N.A. Agadzhanyan, L.Z. Tella, V.I. Zirkin, S.A. Garlic. - St. Petersburg: Sotis, 1998. - 526 s ..

2. Alekseeva, T.I. Adaptation of a person in various ecological niches of the earth: course of lectures / T.I. Alekseeva. - M.: Mnepu, 1998. - 279 p.

3. Physiological basis for human health / ed. B.I. Tkachenko. - St. Petersburg. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing Center of the Northern State Medical University, 2001. - 728 p.

4. Weiner, E.N. Valeology: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., Act. / E.N. Weiner. - M.: Flint: Science, 2002.- 416 p.

5. Savchenkov, Yu.I. Normal human physiology: Tutorial / Yu.I. Savchenkov. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix; Krasnoyarsk: Publishing projects, 2007. - 448 p.

6. Korobkin, V.I. Ecology: Textbook for universities / V.I. Korobkin, L.V. Percelsky. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2008. - 602 p.

Lecture number 1 ............................................... .................................................. .....................................four

Lecture №2 ............................................... .................................................. .....................................eight

Lecture # 3 ............................................... .................................................. ...................................sixteen

Lecture №4 ........................................................... .................................................. ...................................nineteen

Lecture №5 ............................................... .................................................. ................................... 25.

Lecture №6 ................................................. .................................................. ................................... 29

Lecture №7 ............................................... .................................................. ................................... 33.

Lecture №8 ..................................................... .................................................. ................................... 37.

Lecture №9 ............................................... .................................................. ................................... 4.

Lecture №10 ................................................. .................................................. ................................. 47.

Lecture №11 ................................................... .................................................. ................................. 51.

Lecture №12 ............................................... .................................................. ................................. 53.

Lecture №13 ............................................... .................................................. ................................. 57

Lecture №14 ............................................... .................................................. ................................. 61.

Lecture №15 ............................................... .................................................. ................................. 63.

Lecture №16 ..................................................... .................................................. ................................. 68.

Lecture №17 ............................................... .................................................. ................................. 75

LITERATURE................................................. .................................................. .............................. 79.

There was an opinion that mental work is easier and prestigious physical. We think, many have ever heard to their address: "We will not take care of study - you will run all my life" or " " For some, these are serious arguments to sit behind books and, ultimately, get a guarantor of profitable and non-cleaning - a diploma. Someone, on the contrary, believes that strong hands will always find their jobs, and nail over the textbook - the yard of Belarus and Laklikov. Allows all points over "І" so that you do not choose a future profession in captivity of stereotypes.

What is the difference between mental and physical work?

Brainwork - This is mental activity consisting of a review and generalization of information, which should be definedly changed. For example, we facilitate the task, and in order to correctly perform it, you should analyze the condition, to build a solution algorithm, pre-picked up and synthesizing the desired knowledge.

Foundation physical Labor Make up the muscular efforts of a person aimed at converting the surrounding world.

In fact, such a strict distinction is conditional. In fact, these are two sides of the same medal. In the primitive times of such a division, it simply did not exist: to catch the mammoth, it was necessary to spread the brains, think about the action plan, organize a trap and, of course, put on full.

Over time, the Company was divided into poor and rich, and severe physical labor became the dot 'first, and the mental is the privilege of the second. Such a situation remained for whole centuries.

In the twentieth century, the proportion of mental labor has increased significantly and continues to increase due to the permanent growth of information. The development of technology allowed people to significantly facilitate their work.

But this does not mean that mental labor is completely devoid of physical exertion and vice versa. We are talking, rather, about the predominance of one type of activity over the other.

Minuses of mental labor

With mental work, our brain is not only regulating (both in physical), but also the main working body, so intellectual loads affect the state of the central nervous system and the overall well-being in general.

Mental work always causes nervous emotional tension. And if it is incorrect to organize a workflow, then you can bring ourselves to depletion and neurosis. A sedentary lifestyle, which is peculiar to this type of activity, is also able to play a cruel joke: weight gain, impaired musculoskeletal system, etc. Be sure to arrange for themselves breaks, physical attacks. In a healthy body, not only a healthy mind, but also the brain. So, if you have health problems, mental work will not save the situation.

The benefits of physical labor

Physical activity improves the work of the brain, the state of our organism as a whole. It is much more pleasant to solve any task, feeling cheerful and full of strength than terribly tired and with a sick head, you will agree.

Physical work also has the same beneficial effect on the body, as well as sports. Moderate loads strengthen the body, but here should be careful: any forces have a limit and do not experience them.

Work can be associated with the implementation of the same type of operations, which are reproduced on the machine over time. In this case, the problem arises than to take the head. The answer is simple: it needs to be loaded with useful information, entertaining puzzles. In his free time, read the books, solve crosswords, collect Rubik's cube - in general, do everything that your soul. Otherwise, the work can bother soon.

In both cases, you need to properly organize the mode of the day, load and power. In mental work, fatty varieties of fish should be used (trout, salmon, sardine), porridge (oat and rice), tomatoes and all kinds of cabbage, walnuts, eggs. Sweet in moderate quantity will not hurt either. And during exercise - bakery products, potatoes, pasta, meat, eggs, fish. Alternate mental and physical work, then will work in joy and benefit.

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