A toilet with a sink on a cistern is a practical space saving. A toilet with a sink on a cistern: a miracle of engineering and its features How to use broken toilets and sinks

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To make the use of plumbing fixtures comfortable and safe, you need not only to choose high-quality products, but also to comply with the ergonomic norms and rules for installing equipment when installing them.

Methods for connecting water pipes made of different materials

Copper pipes connected by soldering or radial crimping. Such work should be performed by a qualified craftsman who owns a specialized tool and is familiar with all the nuances of the process.

Steel tubes weld or plant the threads with a sealing material. The second option is less reliable, but it must be borne in mind that a poorly executed welded seam negates all the advantages of such a connection.

Plastic pipes Are products made of polypropylene, cross-linked polyethylene PE-X and heat-stabilized polyethylene PE-RT. Only a professional should mount polypropylene: if, during welding, the fitting and the end of the pipe slightly overheat, then there is a risk of narrowing or completely blocking the lumen, and if it is not heated, the pipe can jump out of the fitting under the pressure of water. For products made of PE-X or PE-RT with an aluminum layer (metal-plastic) or without it, a threaded connection is often used, but a more reliable option is axial (that is, along the axis) crimping. It does not require high qualifications of the performer, rubber seals are not used here and visual quality control is possible.

Copper pipes

Steel tubes

Polypropylene pipes

Is it permissible to brick up pipes in building structures?

Water pipes can be laid in a hidden way, but so that condensation does not fall out in the wall, pipes for cold water must be insulated. Experts recommend using foam materials such as polyethylene or rubber for this. Corrugation cannot serve as insulation. But the main thing is that in this case detachable pipe connections are unacceptable, since these are potential leaks, which means that they must be within reach.

Methods for joining metal-plastic pipes for concealed installation

For wiring in walls or inside a screed, there are two options for connecting pipes: using ferrules and push-on press fittings. Method one: a crimp sleeve is put on the pipe and inserted into the fitting, on which the rubber seal is put on. The clutch is then crimped using hand or electric pliers, resulting in distinct rings appearing on it. Crimping can only be done once. With a push-on fitting, they work as follows: the pipe is put on the fitting of the fitting and the sleeve is squeezed by a manually or hydraulically driven press. When the push-on sleeve is pushed on, the pipe is firmly pressed against the fitting nipple - a strong connection is ready.

For open routing, reinforced-plastic pipes can be connected using a compression fitting. Unscrew it, remove the nut and clamping clamp and put them on the pipe. The pipe is inserted into the fitting, leveled, the clamping collar is lowered into place and the nut is tightened by hand, and then with a wrench

Wiring diagram: collector or tee?

Wiring diagrams

The main advantage of the collector circuit is the ability to shut off each draw-off point separately. But such a wiring requires a lot more pipes and installation materials than a tee, which is why the latter is cheaper. In addition, with a T-piece connection, fewer stagnant sections are formed in the pipes.

Collector circuit

Tee circuit

What are shells made of?

First of all, of course, from sanitary ware. In second place is cast marble, which consists of 80% natural marble chips and 20% of polymers (acrylic resins) as a binder. In terms of strength, this material is comparable to cast iron. If a small chip appears on the product (which is possible only with exposure equivalent to a hammer blow), the defect must be eliminated at home. In addition, the market today offers models of sinks made of artificial and natural stone, glass, wood, metal.

Depending on the installation method, the sinks are hinged (console), overhead, built-in, semi-built and so-called "tulips"

Console sink mounting options

A cantilever (or hinged) sink is usually mounted on brackets or special aluminum corners, but this method of installation requires a main wall as a basis. Another disadvantage: the drain pipe remains in sight, because the bracket will not hide it, and this is not appropriate in every interior. Another option is to install a sink on an installation (for all manufacturers they are unified by holes; the most common height is 1120 mm), which will cost a little more, but sometimes it is more expensive to level the wall than to install an installation, sheathe it with plasterboard and revet it. At the same time, the siphon will be hidden behind the casing, and there will be free space under the sink for a cabinet or washing machine. In this case, the model of a sink with the drain directed to the wall (type "water lily") is ideal.

From the point of view of ergonomics, the most convenient for use is a sink with a width of at least 60-65 cm, located at a height of 850 to 900 mm. As a rule, plumbing manufacturers give recommendations on the installation of their products, based on the features of the model and the type of installation.

How to install a built-in washbasin?

The sink can be built into the countertop completely (and there are two ways of installation - top and bottom; the second option, in addition to mechanical fasteners, also implies fixing with glue) or only half. This is the so-called semi-recessed sink, when the bowl is lowered into the countertop to a certain depth and sealed along the contour with silicone. It is advisable to first purchase a sink, and then order a countertop, then the hole in it can be cut exactly according to the pattern and the gap will be minimal.

Features of mounting a surface-mounted sink

Overhead sinks are installed directly on top of the countertop, drilling holes in it only for the siphon and mixer hoses. They are compact, often have an original configuration and look very stylish. Fittings for these models are usually sold separately. The shape of the siphon - round or square, as well as the version - white, "chrome", "gold" - is chosen in accordance with the interior design. The diameter of the holes for connecting the siphons is standard, but their design obviously assumes one of two types of installation of the drain pipe - in the floor or in the wall.

If two sinks are planned in the bathroom, for the convenience of simultaneous use of the devices, it is better to install them at least 20 cm from each other (center-to-center distance - 60-80 cm). Or you can choose a large model with two plums

How is a sink with a bottom valve connected to the sewage system?

The bottom valve is a simple mechanism located in the drain hole and actually works like a plug. There are mechanical and automatic devices with an overflow (equipped with a small metal pipe for water drainage) and without it. But in any case, there are no differences in the connection of "ordinary" sinks and sinks with a bottom valve.

What are the toilet bowls by design?

Funnel bowl model

Disc-shaped toilets with a shelf inside the bowl are not in great demand today, since, due to stagnant water, they are prone to the formation of rusty streaks, most often require repeated flushing, etc. makes the use of the toilet as hygienic as possible, as well as funnel-shaped, providing the highest quality flush.

A relatively recent development is rimless toilets that have taken the hygiene of these sanitary fixtures to new heights. They have no rim with hard-to-reach cavities along the top of the bowl and use a circular flush carried out using jet diffusers, as a result of which the surface of the product is perfectly cleaned even with an economical water consumption.

Rimless toilet

Which bowl is the best in terms of the anti-splash effect?

A shelf in a dish-shaped toilet can provide "anti-splash" (however, according to other indicators, this design cannot be called successful), a displacement of the drain from the center, a specially calculated slope of the bowl walls, a low location and a reduced diameter of the drain channel. The splash damper is also a small ledge-shelf in the foot of the toilet bowl.

Technical developments aimed at combating unpleasant odors

There are models of toilets with special channels through which the air from the bathroom is fed to the charcoal filter and, cleaned, returns to the room. The system is absolutely silent and can be operated both from the mains and from batteries. It is triggered by a pressure sensor installed on the seat.

Also, a system of filtration of air taken directly from the toilet bowl has been developed. The nozzle from the cistern is filled with water for only 3 seconds, so that through it the air is fed to the activated charcoal filter and, after being cleaned, is released into the room. The second component of the system is a special flush button that allows you to drop the disinfectant cubes with aromatic additives into the tank. At the same time, it is important to understand that no innovative developments to get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom will replace the ventilation system.

Why do rust stains appear on the walls of the toilet?

Brown marks on sanitary ware can appear if the risers are made of carbon steel. The metal corrodes and the water gets into the tank. The second reason is that the flush valve is leaking or there are problems with the filling valve, which constantly begins to supply water to the tank, and it flows through the overflow hole. It is also possible that there are technological cavities inside the toilet bowl, from where the water flows down slowly after flushing, and the iron dissolved in it gradually settles on the walls of the bowl.

Hearing the phrase "a toilet with a sink on a cistern", initially not very good thoughts come to mind - primarily in hygienic and aesthetic terms. Despite all the conflicting ideas, this constructive solution will be an ideal option for small apartments. In this article, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the design, we will study the varieties and characteristics of this kind of products.

Toilet with a sink on the cistern and its pros and cons

Despite such a bold design decision, such products have few advantages. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Bathroom area. Models combined with a sink make it possible to a large extent in the bathroom. This option is similar to washing machines, on which sinks are installed on top;
  • ... Modern tariffs for water supply make us think seriously about saving this type of resources. And here a toilet bowl with a sink on the cistern will come in handy;
  • Multifunctional view of things. This sanitary ware can be used anywhere - both at home or summer cottages, and in public places. The sink on the toilet will save on water consumption and reduce losses. In general, this design will be appropriate in any small-sized toilet.

But, as in any barrel of honey, there is a fly in the ointment and the irreplaceability of this design is an indirect concept. Consider the disadvantages of the product:

  • When using the sink to wash your face and hands, some discomfort arises - the toilet bowl interferes. To wash your hands, you will have to reach for the sink, bending over and stretching your back. Some manufacturers found a way out of the situation - they positioned the toilet bowl relative to the sink at an angle of 45 °, but at the same time the aesthetics of the product disappeared (it looks a little clumsy and at least unusual);
  • Psychology. Not every modern person will be able to overpower himself and wash his face and hands in the "toilet cistern" (this is what the overwhelming majority of ordinary people think, who first saw such a "miracle of technology").

The sink over the toilet cistern is a controversial phenomenon. Such a bathroom will have to be looked after especially carefully. Few people want to wash in such a sink, if before that someone close to them went to the toilet. Constant cleaning, disinfection and other delights of daily care will be on the agenda. Some people dislike the fact that the shell is located in relation to the height of the average person.

Internal structure of the toilet - functional

The technical side also plays an important role when choosing a new toilet - this is especially true for combined models. If we disassemble the structure into parts, we get a sink and a toilet bowl. There is no toilet lid, as the washbasin plays its role. The two main parts are separated - it remains to study the technical nuances of each element, which can surprise even a seasoned plumber:

  • The toilet is designed like the classic model, but has some characteristic features. So, the water drain lever is located not from above, but from the side (there is simply nowhere to put it at the top). Overflow is another distinctive feature. In view of the intensive use of the sink, the water simply needs to go somewhere and then the protective system is triggered - if the water level reaches a critical level, the water automatically begins to go down the drain. If a person uses the sink very rarely, water may not be collected. In expensive models, a double tank system is provided. One tank is collected from the waste water from the sink, and the second is filled like a classic toilet tank. It should be noted that the improved models have two sinks;
  • The sink that fills the toilet cistern - if you don't look at its shape, it looks like its classic counterparts. The same sink, mixer. The only difference is that a siphon is not required on such a sink, because a drain tank will play its role. Another difference is the type of mount that is located on the toilet cistern. In most cases, it is a threaded branch pipe, onto which a sink is "pushed" from above and screwed up with the help of an overflow neck.

In general, toilet bowls of this type can be subdivided according to many characteristics. Today, such models are not only distinguished, but divided into separate subgroups, which we will now consider.

Varieties of combined models

Combined toilets with a sink on a cistern differ in several factors and are divided into separate groups. They are divided according to the following criteria:

  • Fastening method. Like classic models, in "nature" is known a floor-standing and wall-mounted toilet with a sink on. As for wall products, a specialist with the skills of such work will be required for their installation. Accordingly, the cost of such models is several times higher than floor products;
  • Bowl type. As in the classic versions, the combination models have a vertical, angled or bottom outlet;
  • Constructive principle - there are monoblock models on the market, where only the sink can be removed. There are also collapsible models, where, in addition to the sink, you can dismantle the tank;
  • Transformer models - some premium models have a sliding cover. If you need to go when you need it, the sink is shifted to the side, at the end of the "business", we return the sink to its place and calmly wash your hands.

When choosing a model of a combined toilet bowl, it is recommended to pay attention to products with a sliding bowl. If necessary, you can move it to the side and calmly make your morning toilet.

We assemble a combined toilet bowl with our own hands

Russian people are not looking for easy ways. If there is a need to save space in a combined bathroom, you can assemble a combined model with your own hands, without spending extra money to purchase such a miracle. To complete the work, the home craftsman will need to choose a small toilet and sink. The following requirements are imposed on them:

  • The drain button should be located on the side of the tank;
  • It is recommended to choose tanks with smooth edges along the entire perimeter;
  • The sink should have a flat bottom - the model of a sink of the "water lily" type, which is often mounted, is ideal;
  • You should choose a sink that matches the size of the toilet lid or sticks out just a little. If you choose a large washbasin, then the sink rim will rest against the back of the person sitting on the toilet (this causes discomfort).

If the height is not critical, you can make it easier - hang the sink directly above the toilet and use it to fill the tank with water. The only drawback of this solution is that you have to look for a flat siphon.

Brief summary

Now you know what a toilet with a sink on a cistern or a combo toilet is. If you are a jack of all trades, then you can go even further and turn a simple toilet into a real multifunctional device - experts advise installing a bidet lid on the toilet and that's it. The combined model will combine three plumbing fixtures.

There are a huge number of models on the market, you can study the design features of which on the Internet or in a specialized plumbing store.

When you first look at this "miracle of modern technology", one thought creeps in - why such wisdom? And besides, wouldn't this combination be inconsistent with everything we've been taught hygienically? And how to repair such unusual equipment? But, as soon as you imagine that a toilet with a sink on a cistern will look great in small rooms, you immediately understand that this solution is quite good.

The device makes it possible to simultaneously implement several tasks, which we will talk about today. We have to study in detail the toilet bowl combined with a sink on the cistern, we will learn its advantages and what manufacturers are trying to keep silent, we will get acquainted with the design features of the "miracle", as well as what types of this plumbing fixture exist today.

Another "miracle" of minimalism is a shower cubicle with a toilet and a sink

What's good and bad about him?

There are not so many advantages of this device, however, there are some situations when they can outweigh any disadvantages of the equipment. It is thanks to them that consumers replace standard plumbing fixtures with hybrid ones. Let's consider these points in more detail:

Disadvantages of equipment:

  1. It can be inconvenient to use the washbasin; the toilet bowl can interfere with the handwashing process. A person will not be able to get close to the sink, so he has to bend over, straining his back once again. For this reason, most of these plumbing fixtures are made with the toilet bowl turned to the side 45˚.
  2. Psychology - not all of us will be able to carry out hygienic procedures in this way, many may not be able to overcome the psychological barrier.

To bring the equipment back to normal, the instruction recommends taking care of it more carefully:

  • flush several times more often than a regular toilet; (See also the article.)
  • disinfection is carried out almost every day.

An interesting solution - a toilet with a built-in sink

Design features

If you disassemble the combined plumbing fixture into elements, it has two components:

  • toilet bowl;
  • a sink that simultaneously serves as a cover for the cistern.

The design features of this technique do not end there, since one and the other part have a lot of specific details, which are not only in a unique form. Therefore, it is worth considering them in more detail.

Toilet bowl

  1. Most often it is a monoblock that combines a bowl and a cistern.
  2. The drain mechanism and its location for the drain - the trigger lever is usually located on the side, since the sink is located on top.
  3. The overflow system is larger than in a standard toilet, due to the faster filling of the cistern with water from the washbasin. The overflow neck has a slightly wide diameter, allowing for intensive use of the washbasin faster to drain water into the drain.
  4. The hybrid design also has the usual mechanism for filling the tank so that it does not remain empty at the right time.
  5. Expensive sanitary fixtures that save water have a double cistern - for filling in the standard way and through the washbasin. Accordingly, such systems have two drain buttons.

Tip: Drukspühler is another design feature of the hybrid toilet.
When the water tank is empty at the right time, a tankless system will help to flush.


  1. Structurally, the element is standard - it has a mixer and a drain hole.
  2. There is only a siphon, the role of which is played by the toilet.
  3. A special mount is used, which distinguishes the product from similar models. It is usually located on the cistern and resembles a threaded pipe. The sink is put on it and secured with an overflow neck.

Types and features of models

Structurally, hybrid plumbing fixtures can differ from each other in many ways. This makes it possible to classify them into different types, of which there are not so many.

We will divide them according to the main characteristics.

  1. type of instalation... Such products can be wall-mounted, a special installation is required, due to which the price of equipment increases several times, and floor-standing. The latter can have a lower, oblique or direct release.
  2. Disassembly degree... There are monoblocks in which only the sink can be removed, which plays the role of a lid. There may be compacts where it is possible to disconnect both the sink and the tank.
  3. Rotary models are interesting where the sink can perform two functions at the same time. In this case, to drain the water or in order to go when needed, you need to move the lid to the right side.

Tip: when choosing a combined toilet bowl, we recommend paying attention to models in which the bowl is shifted to the side, which allows you to get closer to the sink.

In the photo - a combined device in the bathroom

We make kombounitase ourselves

Do you want to make your own hybrid plumbing fixture? Below we will show you how you can make a simplified toilet with a built-in sink. This knowledge will come in handy when you need to place the device in a small bathroom in order to save a lot of space.

To do this, you need to choose the right washbasin and toilet, which must meet the following requirements:

  1. The toilet must have a side flush button.
  2. The tank should be with an even edge around the entire perimeter.
  3. The washbasin should have a flat bottom, for example, a water lily sink, which is used to be installed above a washing machine, works well.
  4. The dimensions of the washbasin should correspond to the cistern or not be much larger than it. This is especially true for the length - it will not be very convenient to use the toilet bowl when the sink hangs over its bowl.

If you are not confused by the height of the washbasin, you can use an easier way - choose a lower toilet and install a wall-mounted washbasin with a flat siphon above it. You can also increase the functionality of the device by making three in one. For this it is necessary.


Interesting hybrid plumbing design that deserves attention. It will be ideal for small washrooms where it is not possible to install a separate washbasin. At the same time, the device needs more careful maintenance than the standard version. The video in this article will provide an opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.

Recently I found information about how a South Korean company developed a closet for growing greenery in an apartment. This glass cabinet is about the size of a two-door refrigerator and looks very stylish. Plants are grown hydroponically, that is, without soil (due to nutrients and moisture). The system uses LED lighting and draws used water from the sink for irrigation, thus saving energy and water. For a long time and with interest I have been looking for materials on how "savings systems for the lazy" are designed. And today I will be happy to share my findings. It is not a fact that these solutions should be immediately tried to be implemented in your own apartment - our water is not so expensive yet. But, perhaps, for those who live in cottages with cesspools and are regularly forced to pay for their pumping out, these thoughts will seem quite interesting.

Idea 1. From the sink and shower to the flush tank

The partially contaminated water system used in some American homes draws water from the sink and shower to create a flush in the toilet. One housewife shared that her system of using partially dirty water from two 95-liter tanks saves at least 416 liters per day (four people live in the house). Such water goes down the drain from the sink, shower and bathtub into special vertical tanks, and from there - into four toilets in the house. The system is "scalable": when new family members appear and water consumption increases, you can simply install additional tanks. By using water repeatedly, the owners also save on the wear and tear of the autonomous water disinfection system.

Water from the bathroom and shower passes through a bleach filter and enters the tank, from where it can be pumped into the toilet. You can connect both a kitchen sink and a washing machine to the system, but the water from them requires additional filtration, and according to experience, water from one bathroom is enough for toilets. The biggest headache is monitoring and controlling the level of bleach in the water storage tank. If there is not enough chlorine, bacteria will start in the tank, if too much, it will kill bacteria that are vital for our immunity. The problem is solved by a carbon filter with chlorine level control: by letting water through itself, it prevents the chlorine from entering the tank and toilet, so that there is no pool smell in the bathroom. By the way, similar systems with storage tanks are actively used in office skyscrapers: flushing with water that has already been used in sinks provides significant savings in operating costs for transporting water inside the building.

Idea 2. Eco-urinal

There are different schemes for reusing water

Designer Yeongwoo Kim combined a toilet with a sink, obtaining an original and probably quite cheap construction of even rectangles and squares of thick glass. More precisely, he combined a urinal with a sink: a man can urinate on an inclined glass surface, and then, after washing his hands, wash away the traces of his life from this surface. It is unlikely that such a design will take root in ordinary houses, but in offices and shopping malls it can well be used, saving both space and water.

Idea 3. Sink - toilet lid

The Sinkpositive company produces a plastic nozzle for the toilet cistern lid, which is a sink with a tap. It is not so much the fact of the waste water flowing into the tank that is interesting, but the very principle of the sink's operation, which does not require a separate water supply. Washed off - and while water is collected in the tank, it flows from the tap. You do not need to turn off anything, the water will stop by itself when the tank is full. The development company considers that the biggest problem for promoting new items on the American market is the ignorance of ordinary Americans of the principle of the toilet bowl and, therefore, the inability to connect this nozzle without the help of professionals. Particularly economical Russians propose not to create a new plastic nozzle, but to use the existing tank lid (for example, turning it over and making an additional hole in it).

Idea 4. Water from the bath to the washing machine

Standard Japanese new construction projects differ from our houses no less radically than modern Japanese cars from AvtoVAZ products. According to eyewitnesses, the desired water temperature in the faucets there can be adjusted to within a degree. Baths are usually "sit-down" and are taken after a shower. The bath filling timer will call you in a pleasant female voice. It is possible to

heating the water in the bath while maintaining the ordered temperature for several hours (this is convenient when several family members “warm the bones” in turn), there are even special “bath covers” so that the water does not cool down there. Like Americans, Japanese people often install sinks on toilet cisterns and recycle the water that flows out of the sinks. But something else is more interesting: the standard connection of the washing machine allows you to fill it both from the water supply and the water that flows out of the bath.

Idea 5. From the washing machine to the toilet

The innovative WashUP washing machine works on the same principle as standard appliances. The machine shows its "water-saving essence" at the final stage of washing. The used water is drained into a special tank and later used to flush the toilet. The design feature allows you to hang the car right above the toilet, which, in addition to water, also significantly saves bathroom space.

In new modern apartments, it is not uncommon to have a spacious and well-equipped bathroom. But much more often it is still a small room, which, at first glance, simply cannot be made convenient and place the necessary plumbing fixtures on its area. Yes, so that it was not very crowded, comfortable and beautiful.

And today we are just going to talk about how to modernize a typical bathroom, in which the toilet can barely fit, into a room, even if it is modest in size, but fully meets modern requirements.

If you approach the task creatively, avoiding traditional solutions whenever possible, it is quite possible to make a small bathroom more comfortable and more convenient. When arranging, a special approach will be required, in which every centimeter and all the flaws in the layout should work to increase the space, at least visually.

One of the ways to solve the problem in a limited space is to skillfully choose compact plumbing fixtures, installation systems and decorate the walls and free space, leaving only the most necessary in the interior.

You can save useful centimeters by using not only smaller devices, but also not quite standard in shape, for example, combined or corner products. Manufacturers of plumbing equipment do not forget about the problems of owners of small bathrooms and create entire collections of equipment for them.

Custom toilet

It is not difficult to choose a decent model among the many hygienic and comfortable modern toilets. But it is advisable to determine what you need even before shopping, focusing not only on the design and beauty of the model, but also on its size (height, shape).

This is true when it comes to a small bathroom. Here everything is important that makes it possible to use the volume of the room with the greatest benefit. In small toilets and combined toilets, compact devices with a shallow depth (less than 60 cm), adjacent to the wall, with narrowed cisterns, but not to the detriment of the size of the seat, are primarily in demand.

Toilet bowls can be conditionally divided according to the method of attachment into several types:

  • Floor standing toilets with open cistern

This group of toilets is presented on the market in two versions: the classic version (when the toilet is fixed to the floor) and the add-on model, which is mounted close to the wall and is fixed to the floor. In the latter case, the toilet is 10-15 centimeters less than the usual one.

For small rooms, various models of floor-standing compact toilets are best suited, which, due to the special design and location of the cistern on the toilet shelf, save space in the room. And in terms of location, they can be ordinary and angular.

There is another type of classic-style toilets, when installed in a small toilet due to a thin and wide cistern (its volume does not decrease), it is possible to reduce the distance from the edge of the toilet bowl to the wall by 6 centimeters. At first glance, not much, but for a small bathroom very significant.

  • Suspended plumbing

In modern washrooms today, you can often see suspended plumbing "hovering above the floor", the installation of which uses engineering modules called installation systems. In this design, only the flush button (panel) and the toilet bowl remain visible. Everything else (connection pipes, tank, shut-off valves, communications) are hidden behind a partition or in a wall.

Among the mounted appliances, it is easy to find a compact model for small rooms with a depth of 46.5 cm (the distance from the front point of the bowl to the point of contact with the wall).

Wall-mounted toilets with installation structures and a built-in cistern fit easily into the interior of any room and take up much less space than floor-standing compact toilets. The installation system, which is not visible to the eye, allows you to move the toilet close to the wall.

There are also pluses: if the toilet is not fixed to the floor, the room looks more spacious. The possibilities for using space in a small room are expanding, you can place plumbing in the most unexpected places. In addition, this design makes cleaning easier and does not interfere with the laying of floor tiles.

  • Combined version (toilet and bidet)

The installation of a bidet, a device designed for hygiene procedures, does not cause problems in spacious toilets and bathrooms. What can not be said if the bathroom is small.

A bidet is a device that takes up about the same amount of space as a toilet. How to be in this situation? By combining the toilet and bidet and creating a multifunctional device, plumbing manufacturers have solved this problem, thereby saving space.

Using the corners of the bathroom

Not only plumbing of non-standard shapes and sizes saves usable space in a small room, but also the ability to use all corners in the bathroom. Corner plumbing allows you to effectively place the necessary equipment and necessary furniture in the room and to functionally plan the space.

Corner compact toilets with a corner cistern and a small bowl fit perfectly into corners. This design, adapted for small rooms, allows you to use the toilet space efficiently, using all the free space (for example, corners, the distance between plumbing and the wall), saving space and ensuring comfort.

Miniature corner sinks and installation systems with a small cistern built into the panel free up additional space. In this case, the corner and the resulting ledge due to the use of the frame structure can be used as a beautiful functional shelf.

Of course, it will not be possible to save a lot of space by installing a corner toilet, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible to put in the remaining centimeters a small round sink with a compact tabletop or narrow with a comfortable bedside table, a sitting bath furniture, a shower cabin in the remaining corners.

We combine and combine

To avoid crowding in small bathrooms, you can combine plumbing fixtures in different ways, for example, instead of a toilet bowl and a bidet, use a “two-in-one” device, compact washbasins complete with miniature cupboards, complexes that combine the advantages of a shower and a bath in one plumbing fixture ...

Combined solutions provide enhanced capabilities. For this, items purchased separately from different manufacturers with a set of necessary functions that ensure the rational use of the area and at the exit give interesting unconventional interior design solutions are also suitable.

Compact plumbing

You can create comfort and rational use of space in a small bathroom using small plumbing fixtures. For a small combined bathroom or even an isolated toilet, small miniature sinks are most often chosen, combining functionality and style, designed mainly for washing hands. Their approximate size is 38x21, 41x50.

Instead of a bathtub, which occupies most of the room with a combined bathroom, you can install a shower cabin or a special tray paved with tiles (in this case, you will need to make good sealing of the wall and floor in the shower area).

To save usable space in a small bathroom, in addition to hinged toilets and corner sinks, you should pay attention to the faucets built into the wall.

In a compact combined bathroom, one of the problems is the installation of a washing machine. You can save space by using narrow washing machines with a small load (3 kg). This is quite justified if the family is small.

Alternatively, the washing machine can be placed under the sink (for this, special units and sinks with a flat siphon are provided). Although it will not be very convenient to use such a washbasin.

Expanding space with color solutions

Wall design and the use of color in a small room is another opportunity to visually expand the space. Soft, as if slightly washed out by water, pastel shades are welcome in small bathrooms.

More spacious than it is, light shades of light gray, pearl, cool gray-blue, pale green colors and various combinations of white with other shades make the room. Delicate shades of mint, ultramarine, turquoise, lilac and rose fill the interior with coolness.

By the way, soft greens and blues and feng shui white are recommended for decorating accessories, walls and plumbing, since they are best combined with the elements of water.

A popular design trick for wall decoration is soft contrast. For this, one of the surfaces stands out (most often it is the back wall, to which the toilet bowl adjoins) with a color, an interesting vertical pattern that pulls it up and visually expands the space.

Colored bright blotches on the general light background of the wall, color accents in the form of a holographic pattern, a bright graphic panel, well complementing any ceramic tile, will help to revive a monophonic pastel interior.

In addition to the color scheme, you can visually expand the toilet using a properly selected finishing material. It can be latex or water-dispersed paint, moisture-resistant wallpaper, glass, ceramics, plastic panels, decorative plaster. Properly selected, they can make a small room brighter and more spacious.

For example, it can be a mirror tile that reflects light well and visually enlarges small rooms. It is better to refuse large tiles of complex shapes and large decorative elements in tiny toilets (this will visually crush and reduce the space of an already fast-sized room).

It is preferable to use small tiles or small glossy tiles, for example, mosaics individually or in different variations on the walls and on the floor.


In the interior of a compact bathroom, special attention should be paid to lighting.

In small rooms, it is optimal to use bulbs built into the false ceiling, correctly placing them around the perimeter of the room. Spotlights can be supplemented with wall lamps and sconces.

Interior and decor items

For a thorough study of the design, every detail and every little thing is important. Nothing: neither a paper holder, nor a brush, nor a trash can - should not stand out from the general theme and are designed to help make our small bathroom more spacious and brighter.

A large mirror located along one of the walls will give additional volume to a small room. The ability of a mirror surface to reflect objects makes a small bathroom twice as large and visually brighter even with a small number of lamps.

The glass partition does not visually eat up the area, which separates the wet area and, moreover, protects the rest of the room from splashes and water. If it is not possible to install a glass partition, it can be replaced with an ordinary curtain in a neutral color, so as not to overload a small space.

You should not install closed bulky cabinets in a small bathroom. Lightweight open or transparent structures with mirrors and shelves, hanging cabinets with lighting and mirrored doors, niches, vertical pull-out drawers, shelves above the door will look much better.

All these decorative elements are important not only for saving space, but also quite functional (you can hide a lot of things you need in them).

In order for plumbing fixtures to harmoniously fit into the interior design of the bathroom, you need to carefully look through the catalogs, take a closer look at the various models. In this case, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • when placing plumbing, it is recommended to leave at least 60 cm of free space in front of the toilet and at least 20 cm at the edges (right and left). It is believed that such a gap between the devices is the most convenient for using them.
  • If a washbasin is provided in the bathroom, then it is installed at a height of 80-85 cm from the floor (this height is optimal for people of different heights). The recommended free space in front of the bathroom and sink is at least 70 cm.

Obviously, there are in fact a great variety of options for equipping a small bathroom, making it ideal in terms of the presence of the necessary functional appliances in it and corresponding to the basic design idea of ​​the interior. The main thing is not to overdo it and adhere to a single style in the apartment and bathroom.