Do-it-yourself installation of split systems. Basic rules for installing an air conditioner. Installing the indoor unit

The only salvation in the hot summer is air conditioning. But in order to already enjoy the coolness, it is important to take care of all installation activities in advance. And if residents of private houses are easier in this matter, then for those who live in an apartment building, you need to do paperwork before buying. What kind of work is this and what are the rules for installing an air conditioner?

Permission to install an air conditioner

The design of the air conditioner is such that one of its parts is in the room, and the other is outside on the facade. During operation, it makes a lot of noise and generates condensate. If the installation is carried out in a private house, then no permission is required, since the sole owner is a citizen. But what about the installation in a multi-storey building? What happens if you install the air conditioner is not authorized, without permission? Is it needed at all?

Do I need a permit to install an air conditioner?

In judicial practice, there are two points of view on the issue of installing an air conditioner. Some believe that permission to install air conditioners must be obtained in any case. The grounds are as follows: the facade of a multi-storey building is a load-bearing structure, so it is a common property. That is, you need the permission of all members of the house. In addition, some of the courts in their decision on the case state that the installation of an air conditioner on the facade can be regarded as a reconstruction or refurbishment of the premises. The ordinances state that the housing maintenance organization must ensure that no guy wires, pendants, signs, signs, satellite dishes, and air conditioners are attached to the walls.

To install an air conditioner on the facade of a multi-storey building, you need permission from the authorized local government and from the owners. And as practice shows, this will take several weeks or months. If it’s too late to deal with the issue, then air conditioning may not be needed.

Another point of view: federal law does not have direct instructions that you need to get permission to install an air conditioner. After all, the installation does not include the redevelopment of the apartment, the real estate plan will not be changed, as well as the common property of an apartment building. If you look at the judicial practice of recent years, then this legal position is confirmed.

However, it should be taken into account that housing legislation is a joint property of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, i.e. regions. But the subject of the Federation can adopt a law that regulates the installation of air conditioners and other equipment on the facade. The law prescribes the procedure for obtaining a permit and names the authorities that can coordinate the installation of an air conditioner.

The bottom line is this: before you start installing an air conditioner, you need to find out if there is a regulation in your area that regulates the procedure for obtaining these permits. In its absence, the authorities have no basis for issuing a permit. It is enough to go to the administration of the municipality to be convinced of this, write a request for clarification on the installation of an air conditioner in a multi-storey building.

Note! Since the air conditioner is domestic and does not take up much space, permission for its installation from the authorities may not be required, except for special cases described below. In addition, on March 21, 2011, the Moscow Government canceled the procedure for obtaining permission to install an air conditioner.

Do I need to get the consent of other tenants?

From the above it follows that it is mandatory. As court practice shows, without the consent of other owners of the house, the court can satisfy the requirements for dismantling the installed air conditioner from the facade. This is another additional argument, since the air conditioner violates the rights of the owners.

Violations are the following:

  1. The air conditioner makes a lot of noise, buzzes, vibrates, which disturbs the peace of the neighbors.
  2. Condensation is formed, which spoils the appearance of the facade and enters the plaintiff's balcony / loggia.
  3. The installed air conditioner blocks the view or view from the window.
  4. Violations that were made during the installation of the air conditioner. These are cracks in the house, the threat of an electrical short circuit or self-ignition due to non-compliance with fire safety rules.

So that after installing the air conditioner, the court, at the request of one of the residents, does not decide to dismantle it, the citizen needs to schedule a general meeting of owners (neighbors). Most of them must give their consent. This follows from paragraph 1 of Art. 36 LCD RF, art. 244 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the facade of a multi-storey building is a common property.

The note! Installation cannot be carried out without permission from the owners. Otherwise, it will be unauthorized.

When permission is required

There are several cases when you cannot do without the permission of the relevant authorities:

  1. If the installation of the air conditioner will be carried out on the front side of a multi-storey building.
  2. If a citizen lives in a historical and cultural house of historical value.
  3. When air conditioner installation is carried out over footpaths.
  4. In case of installation in a window opening without masking fences.

Note that it is imperative to obtain permission when not a household, but an industrial and semi-industrial air conditioner is used. In this case, the installation is associated with re-equipment, reconstruction or redevelopment. If we are talking about the installation of a domestic air conditioner, then it is enough to coordinate everything with the neighbors so as not to violate their rights.

What do you need to do to get a permit?

To obtain permission to install, you must:

Do not forget about initiating a meeting of all residents of the house to obtain consent. If you fulfill all these requirements, then the installation of the air conditioner will be correct and legal.

Requirements for the installation of air conditioners (split system)

Most used air conditioners have a split system. This is the design of the air conditioner, consisting of two parts: external and internal. They are connected to each other by copper pipes and an electric cable.

The outer block consists of the following elements:

  • fan base. It circulates the air passing through the air heat exchanger;
  • capacitor. In it, freon condenses and cools;
  • compressor. It compresses freon and pumps it into the refrigeration circuit;
  • automation.

The indoor unit consists of:

  • filter systems (coarse and fine cleaning);
  • fan. It circulates cool air in the room;
  • air heat exchanger cooling air;
  • blinds. They control the direction of the airflow.

In order for the installed air conditioner to justify the hopes placed, to serve for a long time and not cause questions from the relevant authorities and neighbors, you need to adhere to three main points:

  1. Choose a quality air conditioner model. It should be powerful for the room, as quiet and compact as possible.
  2. Correctly install the air conditioner, choose the ideal place and check the quality of the fastening.
  3. Operate the structure in full compliance with the rules, regularly perform preventive measures and monitor it.

Basic requirements for installing an air conditioner with a split system:

Let us consider in more detail the rules for installing an air conditioner, delving into the features of a split system.

Basic requirements and rules for the installation of air conditioners

If the system contains several (2–4) indoor units, then it is called a multi-split system. The outdoor unit serves as a condenser and the indoor unit as an evaporator. The outdoor and indoor units are connected using a line, which includes electrical cables and pipes through which freon circulates.

Another important detail is the drain pipe that is connected to the outdoor unit. Thanks to it, the removal of condensed moisture is ensured. The requirements and rules state that the drainage pipe must be connected to the sewer system so that condensate does not flow down the facade.

As for the design of the air conditioner with a split system (shape and color), each model is different, and the internal content and design are the same for everyone. Appearance and design does not affect the principle of installation. For installation, it is necessary to choose the right place for installation. That is why when choosing it for any air conditioner, it is important to consider:

  1. The weight of the outer part of the product.
  2. The side of the horizon where the block will be placed.
  3. What are the walls of the facade of the house and their design.
  4. Availability of space for preventive measures.
  5. Possibility to protect the condenser from precipitation and ice formation.

Now about the power of the product. When choosing power, the total heat generation in an apartment or house is taken into account. These indicators depend on such factors:

  1. The position of the building on the sides of the horizon.
  2. The number of family members in the house.
  3. The number of electrical appliances and their power.

    Pay attention! Heat is generated during the operation of electrical appliances. These are computers, microwave ovens, TV, iron, etc. The more appliances, the hotter it will be in the room.

  4. The number of heating batteries.
  5. The presence of other ventilation systems in the room.

Rules for installing the outdoor unit of the air conditioner

There is a danger that the outdoor unit will fall, resulting in unforeseen consequences. Before proceeding with the installation of the structure, it is important to make sure that the wall or balcony railing has the necessary margin of safety in order to withstand the load from the product. If the indoor unit can weigh 6 kg, then the outdoor unit weighs 20 or even 60 kg, depending on the model.

The requirements state that the margin of safety of walls, fasteners (brackets, dowels, screws) is needed twice, no less. Most facades are thermally insulated with appropriate materials in order to save heat. The layer can reach 20 cm or more. Dowels and brackets must pierce this layer and be fixed directly to the wall. Then the fixation is secure.

New high-rise buildings can be made of aerated concrete, as can a balcony. The point is in the operational properties and other characteristics of the material. However, aerated concrete is brittle (its structure is porous). Mounting a split system on walls made of aerated concrete is not recommended. Otherwise, dowels 14x70 and screws 10x260 are used, installation is carried out by professionals.

If the outdoor unit is in contact with the cladding, such as a ventilated facade, vibration will be generated. And this is additional noise that no one needs. To avoid this during installation, special damper seals must be used. Basically, the working unit produces noise no more than 25-28 dB.

Particular attention should be paid to the location of the capacitor unit. It is installed strictly in a horizontal position under the level so that distortions do not form. The location of the block will affect the conditions for the circulation of freon inside the system.

The note! The optimal place for installing the outdoor unit is to place the structure under a canopy or on the wall of a balcony railing. And if the apartment is on the top floor, then the condenser unit, which is included in the split system, can be installed on the roof. However, the length of the line should not be more than 15 m, because then the system will lose its cold.

The drain is arranged so that condensate does not fall on people passing below. Nevertheless, we repeat that the installation rules state that the output is docked with the sewer system.

The requirements indicate that the outdoor unit is placed at least 10 cm from the wall. What for? This is necessary for high-quality blowing of the compressor. If in the summer in extreme heat the blowing is insufficient, then the capacitor will fail. All work on the installation of outdoor units is carried out by industrial climbers with insurance, as the danger of high-altitude work is high.

Rules and requirements for installing the indoor unit

Installation work indoors consists of hanging the indoor unit of the air conditioner, as well as wiring the main path and laying electrical cables that feed the entire air conditioning system.

An installed household air conditioner can consume up to 2 kW of energy in a residential area, sometimes more. It all depends on the model. And this is an additional burden on the electrical wiring network. If it does not withstand such a voltage, then there will be a danger of short circuit and fire. In this case, you need high-quality wiring, as an option, lay a special line from the shield, providing it with all the fuses.

An important stage is the laying of the main pipeline from the unit outside to the place where the indoor unit of the air conditioner will be installed. Laying is internal (by sealing pipes into the wall) and external. With an outdoor installation system, the line is protected by a special box.

When choosing a place to install a split system inside, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. With a minimum distance from one to another unit of the split system, the efficiency of the air conditioner for the room improves, due to the reduction in the level of losses occurring during operation.
  2. Obstruction of the evaporator by objects is unacceptable. Often curtains or pieces of furniture block the free movement of air.
  3. The block should be located at least 3 cm from the furniture, and not lean against them closely.
  4. The indoor unit of the air conditioner cannot be installed above radiators. Warm air rises from them, which negatively affects the work.
  5. The indoor unit must be accessed in order to perform service. In addition, from time to time the owner should take out the filters himself and clean them.
  6. The air conditioner must not be installed above pieces of furniture (table, sofa, bed), as well as fixed to the ceiling plane. The air flow should not be directed towards the working or sleeping place. As a result - colds.

Note! So that the installed air conditioner does not fall out of the general concept of the apartment, the aesthetic side of the suspension and fixing elements is taken into account.

Most of the indoor units of the split system are wall-mounted (90%), the rest are ceiling-mounted. Whatever the design, it is required to install it geometrically correctly and take care of reliable fastening. There are models that are fixed with screws and brackets to walls or a stream. All brackets must be tested for strength.

When the connection of two units of the system is carried out by means of a line, all connections are evacuated. Moisture and air are removed from them. All work is carried out with special equipment for this purpose.

Procedure for installing the air conditioner

Installation work is carried out according to the developed algorithm. All requirements and rules are taken into account. How to install the air conditioner:

The air conditioner is installed and ready to go.

Typical mistakes when installing air conditioners

Incorrect installation of the air conditioner is a common thing. It also happens that a mistake leads to the fall of the structure. The reason for this is the high cost of installation services provided by special firms, as well as the presence of non-professionals in this field. For example, skilled workers provided by the firm will charge almost half the cost of the air conditioner for their 2-3 hour installation of an air conditioner. Therefore, in order to save money, the owners prefer to hire an unskilled worker. The result of such an installation is different: for some, the air conditioner lasts for years, while for others it does not.

Note! Often, non-professionals do not pay attention to the material from which the facade is made, what load it will withstand, etc.

Here is a list of the most typical and common mistakes that are made when installing air conditioners:

  1. Freon tubes are too often and excessively bent. Then the load on the compressor increases, and it fails faster.
  2. Installation of a condenser unit on a glazed loggia. As a result, air circulation deteriorates.
  3. Installing an air conditioner in a room with appliances that emit high-frequency electromagnetic waves. These include: lathe or drilling machine, welding equipment.
  4. Installing the evaporator unit in a skewed fashion: condensate flows out onto the floor.
  5. Installing an air conditioner above a heat source.

When these errors are already made during the installation process, you will have to fix them. To do this, you need to understand the meaning of the error and the reason:

If you follow all these steps, you can be sure that the installed air conditioner will last for many more years.

Summing up

Installing an air conditioner in a house or apartment is a difficult undertaking that requires permission, correct work and sufficient qualifications. Then no one will report unauthorized installation, and the air conditioner itself will remain intact and will be able to perform the tasks assigned to it every season.

This article will discuss how to install the air conditioner with your own hands. Experts strongly recommend preparing the climate device for intensive use in advance. Installation of air conditioners is a responsible and rather complicated event from a technical point of view. With a certain desire, practical skills and a theoretical base, installation work can be done by hand.

The efficiency and duration of the operation of a split system depend on how accurately the installation rules are followed. An unsuitable place, improperly selected equipment for installation, its non-compliance with the technical operating conditions, violation of technology - all this can eventually lead to a breakdown of the unit. And even the most expensive devices fail without revealing their potential.

Properly organizing the whole process will not work if you do not have an idea about the principle of operation of this climate apparatus.

    Show all

    The principle of operation of the unit

    All models of split systems offered for sale are built and operate according to the same principle. They consist of a compressor and an evaporator unit. To connect them, special pipes are used. The outdoor unit is mounted outside the wall.

    Unit device

    An evaporator is installed inside the room. More productive and expensive models are equipped with several with a common compressor.

    The principle of operation of the air conditioner at home:

    1. 1. High-pressure refrigerant (freon) is supplied through a nozzle, the diameter of which corresponds to the outlet pipes.
    2. 2. It goes to the inside of the evaporator, where it gradually expands, and after some time it completely boils. The generated steam actively absorbs heat.
    3. 3. In the process of absorption, condensate is certainly released in the form of water, which settles on the surface of the radiator.
    4. 4. Moisture is transferred to the tank, and then discharged outside the walls of the house.

    If the installation of the air conditioner is done professionally and correctly, the compressor will constantly pump out freon vapors from the internal chamber, while the internal pressure increases in parallel. As a result, the refrigerant heats up, which contributes to its transformation into a dense fog.

    The refrigerant is redirected to the condensation chamber, where it is cooled by an integrated fan, transforming into a liquid. In this state, it is sent to the evaporator (through the nozzle) and everything closes in a circle.

    note! If you install an air conditioner inside a room near a heating device, then the power consumption will increase significantly, and the device itself will most likely fail after a few months of operation..

    Even ordinary dust can lead to breakage of the climate unit. Wet cleaning is not only necessary, but also prescribed, and thorough, regular and thorough. Indoors, it is strictly forbidden to put any products or objects on the unit itself. It is also impossible to cover it with a tablecloth.

    Scheme of work

    Do-it-yourself installation of an air conditioner necessarily involves sealing all connecting elements and joints, which will eliminate the likelihood of refrigerant evaporation. Experts recommend placing the outdoor unit in such a way that it is lower in level than the indoor unit. The standard installation of the air conditioner involves the location of the outdoor unit in a cool place, in the shade.

    The device and principle of operation of the air conditioner

    Tools and preparations

    Do-it-yourself installation of an air conditioner cannot be done without preliminary preparation of tools:

    • electrical tester;
    • bicycle and vacuum pumps;
    • pipe cutter;
    • perforator;
    • indicator;
    • example;
    • pipe flaring kit.

    Required Mounting Tools

    This is just a basic set of accessories necessary for the installation of air conditioners. Additionally, you will need a full coil of copper tube (note that its ends must be rolled initially, at the factory). Any visual defects (dents, scratches) are simply not acceptable.

    note! Installation of air conditioning systems is impossible without making holes in the walls, damaging the exterior and interior finishes, so the work should be carried out in parallel with the repair.

    Step-by-step instructions for installing the climate system

    After purchasing the climate unit and preparing the necessary tools, you can proceed to the main pool of work. The installation scheme is quite simple:

    • choice of location for the installation of the unit.
    • installation of brackets on which the unit will be installed.
    • Initially, the installation of the external (outdoor) unit of the unit is carried out.
    • then the indoor unit and other elements of the system are mounted inside the object.

    note! In the process of performing the relevant work, it is extremely important to strictly observe safety standards, especially when it comes to a height of 2-3 floors. Knowing how to install the air conditioner yourself should not go against the precautions.

    The choice of a place for the installation of the unit is no less important than the purchase of the climatic device itself. Experts advise taking into account a number of requirements when choosing a place for the indoor unit:

    • remoteness from the side wall - from 30 cm;
    • distance from the ceiling - at least 15 cm;
    • to the nearest large object that disrupts the movement of air masses - from 150 cm.

    Unit placement options

    As for the placement of the outdoor unit, the balcony is considered the ideal place, but on condition that it is open. In the case of a glazed loggia, you can stop at the option of mounting on the fence, with sufficient bearing capacity of this design. We recommend that residents of the first and second floors place this part of the split system above the window so as not to cause inconvenience and level the likelihood of theft.

    note! In the case of a private house, no strict recommendations are provided.

    Choosing a place for the unit

    If there are several air conditioner units, then the minimum distance between them should be at least 1.5 m, optimally - 3 m. A number of manufacturers do not regulate this value and you can select it yourself. But it is better to refuse the “sandwich” option, in which neighboring blocks are located with the back side to each other.

    The distance between 2 blocks indoors is from 6 m. More is allowed, but in this case, refueling with refrigerant cannot be avoided. It is better to invest in the specified value.

    Where to install the air conditioner

    Installation of brackets for air conditioning

    Brackets for installing the unit

    So, where is the best place to install an air conditioner? – The climate control unit is fixed in an unhindered access zone. Installing an air conditioner on a balcony is the best option. This type of equipment requires periodic and high-quality maintenance.

    Experts strongly recommend placing the outdoor unit on the north or east side. Installation of a window air conditioner is often performed at the bottom of the balcony. This zone is considered the best, because it allows you to freely open the window, service the unit. The sequence of actions is simple:

    1. 1. The fixing points of the brackets are indicated and marked with a level.
    2. 2. Holes are formed under the anchor bolts.
    3. 3. For communications, it is necessary to prepare a through hole, its diameter should be at least 8 cm. It is better to make mounting recesses and recesses in the space between adjacent bricks, this will not only simplify the work, but also make them visually neater.

    Bracket dimensions

    The brackets are installed in accordance with the preliminary marking, adjusting them according to the level and screwing in the anchor bolts. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there should be about 10 cm of free space between the base of the wall and the air conditioning unit. Gaps must be carefully sealed. After making sure that this block is securely fastened, the installation steps continue, but already inside the room.

    ATTENTION! Don't skimp on brackets.

    Brackets for air conditioners. What is the difference?

    Outdoor unit fixing

    Starting to fix the outdoor unit, you need to make sure that the wall is structurally reliable and durable. Large models can weigh more than 50 kg, and in some cases more. Household climate units weigh about 15 kg, and there are no problems with their fastening. Experts advise to provide a margin of safety for all fasteners and walls at least 2 times.

    Advice! If your house has external insulation, you should make sure that the brackets are fixed not to it, but to the wall itself.

    In recent years, in the segment of private development, such material as aerated concrete has been especially popular. With all its positive qualities, it is not able to provide sufficient strength for the installation of an air conditioner. The same is the case with the ventilated facade.

    note! During the installation process, it is extremely important to ensure a horizontal level for the product, while you can use the building level. The slightest deviations are fraught with improper circulation of the refrigerant.

    Proper fixing of the outdoor unit

    • the outdoor unit of the air conditioner should be blown by the wind from all sides (if possible);
    • the body is better placed under a canopy;
    • residents of the upper floors of apartment buildings can place them directly on the roof;
    • the maximum line length is 15 m, if this value is exceeded, then cold losses increase.

    Professionals pay close attention to the competent arrangement of the drain for condensate drainage. In accordance with the rules and regulations, this tube must be connected to the sewer system. That's just our compatriots in the vast majority neglect it, completely in vain.

    The outdoor unit should be at least 10 cm away from the wall surface. It is required to ensure high-quality blowing of the unit. If you do not withstand it, then the device may completely fail. Remember that any activities associated with the installation of the outdoor unit are associated with a high risk to health, since these are high-altitude work.

    Fixing the indoor unit

    Professionals categorically forbid placing the indoor unit behind curtains, near electrical appliances, above the battery. Self-installation of the air conditioner in these places is fraught with failure of the device's processor. Having decided on the place, it is imperative to check the wall for other communication solutions (heating pipes, plumbing, electrical wiring).

    Fixing the indoor unit

    Direct installation of a window air conditioner is possible only if there is a free area. First of all, a metal plate is mounted: at least 10 cm must be retreated from the ceiling, and about 7 cm from the base of the wall. Distances are marked with a pencil. Holes are made for fasteners, and the plate is securely screwed.

    Fixed plate for indoor unit

    The further installation scheme involves fixing the indoor unit on an already attached plate. A hole is made in parallel in the wall for laying a copper cable, condensate hoses, pipes, and electrical wiring. Standard includes all necessary products, solutions and elements.

    Electrical connection

    Electrical connection diagram

    The indoor unit functions only if it has its own wiring, the cross section of which must be at least 1.5 square meters. mm. A mandatory requirement is the presence of a shutdown machine, especially if it is the installation of industrial air conditioners. The wiring is connected to the shield only when it is fully laid: a yellow wire with a small green stripe is connected to the neutral wire.

    note! In order to determine the phase and zero, it is most effective to use an indicator.

    The rules for installing an air conditioner require the connection of individual units using insulated stranded wires, previously passed through a hole in the wall. Each climate control unit comes with instructions that clearly indicate the wiring diagram and sequence.

    Answering the question of how to properly install an air conditioner, professionals invariably state that the key to the success of this entire event depends on the quality and literacy of laying copper pipes. They are cut in such a way that there is a small margin (about 0.8-1 m) for bends.

    Pipe laying

    It is simply not possible to bend them, since dents, wrinkles will form, and the metal may even crack.

    note! The installation of industrial air conditioners, as well as household ones, involves the use of special pipe benders. They allow you to maintain the structural integrity of the tubes. For window air conditioners, this moment is the key to effective functioning.

    Only after this, the tubes can be covered with polyurethane foam hoses, which play the role of thermal insulation. As for the traditional foam rubber, it is completely unsuitable in this context, due to the short service life. Flanges for threading are worn solely on the fact of pipe insulation.

    Installation and installation of air conditioners is carried out with mandatory flaring, while the process itself requires utmost care in order to eliminate the risk of grooves and microcracks. Be that as it may, spare parts and the necessary tools should always be at hand. On rolling, the nut should be placed easily, but when tightening, it is better to use a torque wrench, which eliminates the possibility of squeezing out small particles from the machined area.

    Further, it is enough to fix the corresponding pipeline at each fitting. A small piece of pipe in a reinforced casing is attached to the drain pipe (for such cases, it is better to use heat-shrinkable tubes).

    Advice! An important component of the successful installation of an air conditioner at home is the presence of a drainage pipe located at the maximum possible distance from the bearing walls.

    The next step is to insert pipes into the holes in the wall, while they should be placed as evenly as possible. At the wall, the canvas is fixed with clamps. An air conditioner with installation outside the home must be mounted extremely securely. Small holes are filled with mounting foam. To check the tightness, you can use a soapy solution.

    Vacuum system

    To install air conditioners, it is necessary to evacuate the system. Even if the activities are carried out at home, this is indispensable, since moisture and fine dust are removed as part of the evacuation. During the installation of the air conditioner, connections and threads are sealed, otherwise it will not work to remove air from the unit. A vacuum pump is used to pump out air for 20-40 minutes.


    After the installation of the air conditioner is completed, the refrigerant in the cylinder is supplied to the system. A small adapter is attached to it, and then a pressure gauge. The filling of the air conditioning tank is independently carried out taking into account and correcting for pressure. Upon completion of the process, the disconnector is activated and the system enters the test mode.

    note! The uniform circulation of cold air indicates that everything is done correctly. The air conditioning unit can be used for its intended purpose.


    Now you know how to install the air conditioner yourself. This work is quite feasible. Naturally, this is not a simple and easy task. The key recommendation is to strictly follow the instructions and if any defects occur, they must be eliminated in a timely manner. In this case, the air conditioner will work efficiently for a long time. Be sure to watch the video on installing the air conditioner from A to Z.

The technical name of the air conditioner is a split system (from the English word "separate"). It consists of an air blowing outdoor unit and an evaporative indoor unit. To cool the air in the room, you need to perform not only installation work, but also connect the air conditioner to the electrical network. The features of this process depend on the power of the device.

The wiring diagram of an air conditioner for consumer services is different from connecting a three-phase device, which is used in large offices for various purposes, business centers, supermarkets.

It must be remembered that the electrical installation is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the installation of installations and relevant regulations.

To connect the units to the mains, you should carefully prepare. For this you should:

  • carefully read the diagrams and specifications for the components and materials of the device;
  • inspect the existing power supply system, including the location and cross-section of incoming cables;
  • test the intended route with a detector for the absence of internal electrical wiring and metal elements of building structures;
  • analyze the composition of the walls, on the surface or inside which electrical work will be performed.

Connecting the air conditioning system is impossible if there is old aluminum wiring in the house and there is no grounding.

Direct cable laying must be carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  • junction box, switch, socket for domestic air conditioning are located in an accessible place;
  • the socket is installed at a distance of at least 50 cm from the floor and grounded metal elements (batteries, water and heat supply pipes);
  • the laying of the wire goes only horizontally and vertically;
  • with horizontal laying recede:

- from the cornice 5-10 cm,

- from the ceiling - 15 cm,

- from the plinth - 15-20 cm;

  • between the vertically stretched wire and corners, as well as window and door openings, there must be at least 10 cm;
  • laying parallel to gas pipes is carried out at a distance of 1 m from them;
  • electric wire is protected from heating pipes with insulation.

In addition, the following rules for connecting devices to the mains must be observed:

  • It is strictly forbidden to connect the wires by twisting. Build-up is carried out using terminal blocks or bolts;
  • it is not allowed to connect a wire made of aluminum and copper due to their different electrical conductivity (for a copper cable, this figure is one and a half times higher).

External wiring

If the method of laying on the wall surface is chosen, then the cables are fixed every 50-60 cm with plastic clamps, which, in turn, are fixed on the wall with screws. When using boxes in which the wire is laid, they are fixed with glue or screws.

Internal wiring

Cables hidden in the wall are laid in plastic corrugated pipes, having previously made a recess (strobe) of the required length. Usually the corrugated pipe is fixed inside the wall with clamps. If the depth of the strobe is 2 cm or more, then it is allowed to perform work without a corrugated pipe.

Wires must not be laid in bundles and at a distance of less than 3 mm from each other.

Connecting and connecting the interconnect cables of the air conditioner with your own hands

After installing the air conditioner, it is necessary to lay the interconnect cable from the indoor unit to the outdoor unit, and stretch the other wire from the indoor unit to the electrical system terminals. An interconnect cable is used mainly with 4-5 cores of different colors to prevent errors in connecting both blocks. The cross section is selected 2.5 mm 2.

The essence of the connection in general terms is as follows:

  • remove the front panel and the protective cover of the unit;
  • stretch the cable and place it on the side of the module;
  • strip the ends of the wires, insert into the terminals and tighten with screws;
  • fix the cable at the outlet of the unit;
  • cover the module.

After connecting both units, you should carefully check the correctness of the work performed. Next comes the testing of the assembled circuit and a short-term start-up of the system.

Otherwise, the scheme for connecting the air conditioner to the household electrical network is individual for each model, as well as in the case of powerful three-phase split systems. In this regard, the connection details should be specified in the attached instructions.

How to connect the air conditioner to the mains

There are two common ways to connect an air conditioner to mains power:

  • through a socket for single-phase household appliances;
  • from a separate line mainly for industrial devices.

with socket

Powering a split system using a plug and socket is the simplest way that does not require preparatory electrical work. This option is chosen for air conditioners built into the window, low power systems up to 4 kW, as well as for temporary use. It must be remembered that the outlet for household air conditioning must be strictly individual.

The connection can only be made if there is experience in electrical work with household appliances. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • prepare materials and tools;
  • study the diagrams in the instructions;
  • lay and connect interconnect cables (this was described above);
  • install an outlet.

Before a test run of a split system, you need to check the circuit for correct connection.

The socket must be with copper wires and connected to the shield in accordance with all electrical safety rules.

Direct network connection

A separate power line is best suited for a powerful split system. In this case, you need to make sure that it is possible to connect additional equipment to the electrical panel (necessarily grounded). The option of direct connection to the network does not load the working lines of the network: the power is supplied directly to the indoor unit of the air conditioner.

The cable is laid along the prepared strobe in the wall or in a box along the wall surface. To the shield, the cable is pulled through the machine with the calculated power, which will be discussed in detail in the next subsection. The cross section of the wire will depend on the power of the device and the distance of its location from the shield.

The connection instruction otherwise repeats the first method. This method allows you to install the air conditioner anywhere in the house.

What cable is needed to connect a split system

The wire for the air conditioner must be made of electrical copper and three-core (phase, zero, protection). For low-power split systems less than 3 kW, a cross section of 1.5 mm 2 is sufficient, with a power of 3-5 kW, a cross section of 2.5 mm 2 is required. Air conditioning units up to 8 kW are connected with a 4 mm cable.

A reliable power cable of the VVG brand, which has a standard PVC insulation, is widely used. Its service life reaches 30 years. Marking is read by special symbols. The first two letters "B" stand for external and internal insulation made of polyvinyl chloride. "G" has the designation of the lack of armor.

The VVG cable under the air conditioner must be laid in such a way as to ensure not only safety, but also aesthetics. For communications hidden in the wall, a flat cable VVG-P is convenient. In walls covered with drywall, the wire is laid in a corrugated pipe. In this case, it is better to use VVG ng, which ensures stable incombustibility of the shell.

Do I need a circuit breaker or RCD

Protection of electrical communications in buildings from short circuits and overloads is carried out by automatic switches. Safety for human health and life from a possible current leakage is carried out by a residual current device (RCD). This low-voltage device is not protected from overcurrents, so it is installed together with the machine. There are also differential circuit breakers, which include an RCD and an automaton.

What is more rational to install: a difautomatic device or an RCD with an automatic device? So, the differential switch will take two module-places on the shield (the more expensive ones will take one), and the RCD and the machine will take three. To save space on the switchboard, of course, preference is given to the circuit breaker.

As for electrical work, installing a difautomatic is somewhat easier than linking a pair of RCDs plus an automatic.

Malfunctions in electrical networks are more convenient to diagnose in the presence of an RCD. In this case, each of the devices works independently of each other. The differential switch will not be able to identify the specific cause of the failure, as it shows the diagnosis without the modules tripping. Here it is necessary to analyze each diagnosis separately.

If we talk about repairs, then in a pair of RCDs and a circuit breaker, one failed element is replaced. This is much more economical than changing the difavtomat completely.

Installing an RCD with a machine will be cheaper by 1000 rubles than a differential circuit breaker. However, experts advise choosing the second option when laying one line, which, along with reliability, saves space on the shield. A socket for a medium-power household air conditioner is also installed with an automatic machine.

When connecting several air conditioners or other household appliances, the advantage is on the side of the RCD, which simultaneously serves 2-3 lines.

Connecting the split system to the network must be carried out carefully and accurately. If there is no confidence in the knowledge of electrical engineering and sufficient experience, then you should turn to the help of professionals.

The word split actually means "gap", but in technical English it has several meanings. In this case, we are talking about an air conditioning system using an air conditioner with spaced blocks. We will tell you how to install a split system with your own hands in a city apartment and a private house.

How air conditioner works

Installing an air conditioner is a tricky business. In order not to screw up, you need to know exactly what is being done for what. Therefore, we briefly recall the principle of operation of the air conditioner:

  • A refrigerant enters the evaporator through a narrow opening - a die or nozzle - under pressure: a low-boiling liquid with a high heat of evaporation. In the evaporator chamber, the refrigerant expands, boils, evaporates and absorbs a lot of heat.
  • At the same time, water condensate forms on the evaporator radiator (dew falls). The condensate flows into the tank, and from it through the drain tube - out.
  • The compressor, arranged on the principle of a vacuum pump, continuously pumps out refrigerant vapor from the evaporator chamber. From the increase in pressure behind the pump, the refrigerant heats up and goes into a supercritical state: neither gas nor liquid, something like a very dense fog.
  • Next, the refrigerant enters the condensation chamber, also equipped with a radiator, which is blown by a fan. Its temperature drops below the critical one and the refrigerant condenses into a liquid.
  • The liquid refrigerant is blown through the die into the evaporator; the work cycle is repeated.

Do's and Don'ts of Air Conditioning

From the principle of operation of the air conditioner, it is clear that for its successful operation and economical consumption of electricity during installation, the following must be taken into account:

  1. Any thermal contact between the cold and hot zones dramatically increases the energy consumption: the compressor, in addition to pumping the agent, now has to drive heat inside the system - at the expense of the owner.
  2. Dust and debris in the system are unacceptable: the vacuum pump is a high-precision device; one piece of metal can destroy it.
  3. The system must be completely sealed: low-boiling liquids strive to evaporate even through a micron gap.
  4. The outdoor unit must be located lower than the indoor unit: in this case, the thermosyphon effect (the heated liquid tends to rise) facilitates the operation of the compressor. Otherwise, the compressor, in addition to the additional consumption of electricity to lift the agent, will also have to overcome the thermosyphon effect.
  5. The outdoor unit should be located in the coolest place possible. Any additional heating is paid by the owner.
  6. The drain tube must not have an upward bend anywhere. Any “U” quickly becomes a source of infection: condensate is pure water, in which microbes and fungi are free and at ease, and their spores are always in the air.

What is an air split

Air conditioners for split systems are made with separate units: evaporative (internal) and compressor-condensing (outdoor). The names, however, are conditional, because. most modern air conditioners can both cool and heat the room; During heating, the refrigerant condenses in the indoor unit and evaporates in the outdoor unit. Therefore, they often say simply: outdoor and indoor unit.

In some (rather expensive) models of air conditioners, several indoor units are connected to one outdoor unit, which can work separately for cooling and heating. Such a split system, with the initial high cost of operation, turns out to be more economical: in this case, interroom heat exchange does not interfere, but helps the air conditioner. How a split system is installed in an apartment is shown in the figure:

When is the best time to split

It is better to time the installation of a split system in an apartment for repairs. The work ahead is serious: for the installation of electricians, you will have to walk along more than one wall. If the walls are already tiled - lay the new cladding in advance in expenses.


In order for the split to work and not break in a day or a week, you need to purchase or rent the following tool:

  • Perforator with a set of chisels - you will have to make a hole under 100 mm in diameter in the main wall.
  • Reinforcement detector, if the wall is concrete - hitting the rebar during grooving, you will have to punch a new hole.
  • Pipe cutter. Never cut the refrigerant pipes with a hacksaw! Copper chips will definitely remain in the gap, which will quickly kill the compressor.
  • Tube flaring kit. When expanding with improvised means, tightness cannot be achieved. About flaring tubes will be discussed separately. Good flaring kits also include a pipe cutter with a scraper.
  • Scraper (reamer) - a tool for stripping the ends of pipes. A needle file or file is not suitable because of the same sawdust.
  • Bicycle hand pump - to check the tightness of the system.
  • Vacuum pump - to evacuate the system before filling. Flushing with refrigerant, which is often recommended, does not remove moisture, which ruins the compressor no worse than metal filings.
  • Phase indicator and tester for electrical work.
  • Pressure gauge.

About pipelines

Buying pipes

It is better to buy a copper tube in a whole bay: it is better to spend money on some stock, which will then go somewhere else, than to risk the compressor: sawdust may remain in the tube from which it was cut off. Also make sure that the ends of the tube in the bay are factory-rolled, and the tube itself does not have dents or cracks. Long piping will allow the outdoor unit to be lowered, so that some overspending when buying is then offset by a good thermosyphon.

Cutting, scraping and expanding tubes

Before embarking on the installation, you need to practice flaring the tubes: for an air conditioner, this is a vital issue. Flaring is done with a special tool; how it works, looks, what defects are possible, and what the final result should be - you can see in the figure:

For training, you need to immediately buy some kind of scrap of the same with a tube bay; do not touch the bay before installation. At the same time, we will practice trimming and scraping: the tube is cut in a circular motion, and when scraping, the tube must be held with the end down so that the scraped off burrs do not fall into its lumen.

Outdoor unit installation

It is strongly not recommended to install the outdoor unit on the wall by yourself, starting from the second floor. Why? See the statistics of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Health in the sections: "Resuscitation" and "Urgent surgery". Fortunately, the upper floors have balconies or loggias.

On a balcony, the outdoor unit mounts very well on self-made shallow (i.e. shallow) brackets, see fig. On any balcony, no matter how you turn it, there is always a north or east side, just right for the air conditioner. But even when installed in the loggia "facing" to the south, the visor will protect the outdoor unit from the direct rays of the sun during the hottest time of the day, when the air conditioner is just running.

With this installation method, the installation and maintenance of the air conditioner is easy and does not pose a danger. The only inconvenient operation is fixing the block to the brackets; it will have to be done by leaning over the railing.

To install the brackets, the glazing will have to be temporarily removed, and the root parts of the brackets should be cut into the lower frame frame. If the “roots” of the brackets are bent down in the form of horizontally arranged “U”, then you can do without struts and not touch the balcony skin.

Split system installation

Installation of a split system in an apartment is carried out in the following order:

And now we will describe some features of each stage of work. Allowable distances from walls and ceiling for indoor and outdoor units are shown in the figure on the right.

Places for indoor units

Indoor units cannot be installed:

  1. Above radiators and other heat sources.
  2. Behind curtains, curtains, screens and other airflow obstructions.
  3. In rooms with sources of electrical interference: workshops with power tools, induction and microwave ovens, electric ovens - pickups can damage the unit's processor.

The question immediately arises: what about the kitchen? In it, it turns out, the air conditioner cannot be installed at all. Right. The supply of conditioned air to the kitchen is provided.


The smallest air conditioner consumes 1.5 kW of electricity. Therefore, for it it is necessary to lay a separate wiring with a cross section of at least 1.5 square meters. mm and put the automatic shutdown - as for a boiler or washing machine.

When connecting the wires to the input shield, we connect the yellow wire with a longitudinal green stripe to the neutral (neutral wire). Phase and zero are determined by the phase indicator. If the wiring is made from wires in non-standard colors, zero and phase must be marked at both ends.

outdoor unit

Installation of the outdoor unit has already been described above.

Hole in the wall

Firstly, if the house is block, you need to determine in advance the locations of the reinforcement. It is impossible to cut off the reinforcement that is in the hole: the outer wall is always load-bearing, and violation of the reinforcement is unacceptable.

Secondly, a second person is needed: he must stand below and warn passers-by. An accidentally dropped piece of concrete or brick can cost the owner a long prison sentence.

The diameter of the hole must be at least 80 mm. Recommendations about 60 and even 50 mm clearly do not take into account thermal insulation.


We cut the tubes to size with a margin of 1 m, for bends. Bending the tubes must be done carefully to prevent kinks or wrinkles. Wrinkles create resistance to the flow of the agent, and this entails an increased consumption of electricity. Permissible bending radius of tubes is not less than 100 mm.

Then we put threaded flanges (“nuts”) on the tubes and flare the ends of the tubes. Make sure that the flanges are put on correctly - threaded towards the end of the tube.

Finally, we connect the pipelines to the fittings. This must be done alternately so that the cold fitting of the indoor unit is not connected to the hot outdoor unit. The matter is facilitated by the fact that in most air conditioners hot and cold fittings of different diameters.

We tighten the flanges on the fittings tightly, but not tightly: copper can be easily pinched. We will tighten the threaded connections later, when sealing.

For drainage, you need a piece of reinforced plastic tubing. We connect it to the drain pipe either with a threaded flange, if provided, or with a piece of heat-shrinkable tube. You can heat the heat shrink with a soldering iron with light circular movements, slightly touching the tube with a sting.

Electrical connections

Stranded wires in insulation with a cross section of at least 1.5 sq. mm we connect the terminals of the same name of the indoor and outdoor units. If the names of some terminals do not match, we understand the instructions, consult with a specialist. Of course, both pipelines and wires are passed through a hole in the wall.


When sealing, we use a method proven by generations of gas workers: a soap solution. We buy 0.5 liters of distilled water at the pharmacy, heat it “to steam” and, stirring gently, dissolve a spoonful of laundry soap shavings in it.

To seal, remove the outlet nipple, attach a bicycle pump to its pipe with a rubber hose. One person pumps up, another brush applies a soapy solution to the threaded connections and tightens them when the bubbles stop, and another 1/8 turn. Soap residue can be removed with a damp cloth.


After sealing, the system must be evacuated to remove dust and moisture along with the air. To do this, put the nipple in place, tighten it well, attach a vacuum pump to it and pump it for an hour - it is necessary that all the moisture in the system evaporates in a vacuum and is pumped out with the remaining air.

Filling and washing

We fill the system from a refrigerant cylinder through an adapter with a pressure gauge to the pressure indicated in the instructions.

Attention! It is impossible to fill air conditioners designed for freon with freon, and vice versa.

We connect the power wires in strict accordance with the designations on the terminal block - 0 to 0 or N (neutral), phase - by color.


Turn on the air conditioner disconnector. The air conditioner must enter the test mode itself. If not included, run the test from the remote control. If it doesn’t work out that way, alas, all guarantees for self-installation are lost. You need to call the master.


If the test passed, cold air comes in, the blinds are set to the desired position and swing, we first wrap the inter-unit bundle on top with a metallized film (you can use an aluminum baking sleeve) - additional thermal shielding will give 2-3% energy savings. Then we wrap the entire tourniquet with a drainage tube with moisture-resistant electrical tape. It remains to close up the hole in the wall (capital, not with foam) - and that's it, the split system in the apartment was installed by hand.

When choosing a place to install an air conditioner, the first thing to consider is that the coolest air will be at a distance of 2-3 meters from the device. Place it in such a way that this area does not include a bed, sofa or other place for sleeping or long rest. In addition, when choosing where to install the air conditioner, it is worth choosing a place remote from all heating appliances. Anything that emits heat or steam is a bad neighbor for an air conditioner, unless of course you want to arrange room tornadoes 🙂. It is also undesirable for pieces of furniture to stand in the way of the air flow, otherwise the operation of the device will not be effective enough.

When choosing how to properly install an air conditioner in a room, the location of the windows is also taken into account. If you have a sunny side, then the flow of cooled air should go perpendicular to the influx of heat from the windows, in which case the temperature will be distributed most evenly. It is also not recommended to place the split system opposite the door to the room so that the cooled air does not go to other rooms.

When installing the air conditioner under the ceiling, you must also take into account the necessary indentation - at least 15 cm from the ceiling, in order to provide space for air movement. Since most split systems do not provide air from the street, but only cool the existing one, for a healthy microclimate, it is better to put the air conditioner in the same room as it will supply fresh air, and the air conditioner will cool it to the desired temperature.

If you decide how to properly install the air conditioner in the bedroom, then the best solution is to place it above the bed - in this case, the coldest zone will be outside the bed, and the air during sleep will be at a pleasant temperature.

If we talk about how to properly install the air conditioner in the kitchen, then, in addition to moving away from heat sources, which include the stove, you need to take into account the fact that if the air flow enters other rooms, then the smells from the kitchen will go throughout the apartment . If you have a gas stove, then you should not place the air conditioner opposite it either, since the air from it will blow out the flame. In the kitchen, there is often not enough space to install a split system in accordance with all the rules, in which case you can choose a corner or compact installation, now such options are also available on the market.