Insulation of the attic roof with foam from the inside. Roof insulation technology with foam. Insulation of the attic roof from the inside with your own hands using stone wool

The roof is an integral element of any building that protects the building object from the effects of atmospheric phenomena: wind, dust, rain, snow.

It is necessary to produce it so that it is warm during the cold season, and overheating does not occur on hot summer days.

It depends on the literacy of the choice of material for insulation, the professionalism of the work performed, and compliance with all the rules for arranging the roof. life time roofs.

It seems possible even to a non-professional. Before embarking on the direct insulation of the roof, you need to have a clear idea of ​​where the attic, residential area or non-residential area for the attic. The consumption of material for insulation depends on this.

  • choose the appropriate material, suitable in terms of characteristics and meeting the requirements of a particular building, indicate the scheme and procedure for work;
  • necessarily check the rafters for strength, quality, possible damage by a fungus. If defects or moisture are found, the unusable elements must be replaced;
  • to increase the service life antiseptic all elements of the roof frame, including wires, water pipes, rafters. As an impregnation for a wooden structure, you can use both antipyretic and antiseptic agents.

When all the preparatory work is done, you can start to insulate the roof.

The main types of insulation

Of the many materials on the construction markets for the installation of thermal insulation, the most popular are:

  • Styrofoam;
  • glass wool(fiberglass);
  • basalt slabs.

Thermal insulation materials must have high thermal insulation qualities, including good water resistance, low thermal conductivity, environmental friendliness, low flammability.

The longer the material can maintain these properties, the more reliable and durable it is.

Polyfoam: advantages and disadvantages

Polyfoam is a foam material that consists mainly of gas enclosed in microscopic cells of the material. Due to its good thermal conductivity, foam is often used for roof insulation.

This material, unlike wadded counterparts, has more high heat-shielding performance, which allows you to lay it in a thinner layer.

In addition, the foam has advantageous characteristics that characterize it as a worthy heat insulator. The use of foam for roof insulation is due to some characteristic advantages:

  • lack of water absorption;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • strength;
  • does not undergo stretching and compression;
  • good performance soundproofing;
  • ease of installation;
  • lack of decay;
  • does not lend itself to the action of microorganisms;
  • good performance wear resistance: not subject to temperature changes;
  • does not make the structure heavier;
  • durability(service life up to 80 years);
  • relatively low price;
  • according to hygienic standards, it is harmless to humans and the environment, since it does not emit harmful substances.


Polyfoam has fairly good fire resistance indicators (not subject to spontaneous combustion), however, emits toxic substances when burning, therefore, during installation, all fire safety rules must be observed.

Despite the fact that the foam has a fairly rigid structure, this indicator can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, since rigidity is also accompanied by fragility. In this regard, when insulating a large volume of the roof, a lot of waste can remain, therefore, material should be purchased with a margin.

The disadvantages of foam as insulation include:

  • instability to mechanical stress;
  • subject to destruction when exposed to varnishes or nitro paints;
  • does not allow air to pass through(it is necessary to additionally install ventilation);
  • has a lower coefficient of thermal insulation compared to modern heaters;
  • does not constitute an obstacle for rodents, therefore, requires additional protection.

Despite the disadvantages, foam is widely used in thermal insulation work.

How to find the optimal foam thickness?

Climatic indicators of the region are the starting point for calculating the thickness of the foam for roof insulation. There are special tables that display the heat transfer parameters for each region.

In addition, on the packaging (sometimes in the certificate) of the foam, the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation is indicated.

The product of the values ​​of the coefficient of thermal conductivity and thermal heat transfer of the region will be equal to the thickness of the insulation layer.

There are average indicators of the density of the material, which experts are guided by when choosing expanded polystyrene:

  • on flat or attic roofs use material PSB-35 (density - 35 kg / m3, thickness - from 50 to 100 mm);
  • on pitched and attic- PSB-15 ( density - 15 kg / m3, thickness - from 50 to 100 mm);
  • on the walls- PSB-25 ( density - 25 kg / m3, thickness - from 50 to 100 mm).

Sometimes you have to lay the foam in two layers. In this case, the thermal insulation layer may be thicker than the width of the rafter, as a result of which it is necessary to build up the frame boards.

With the technology of laying polystyrene foam between the rafters, additional work can be avoided to increase the width of the wooden frame, but then the installation can be significantly complicated.

Foam insulation of a non-residential attic

In the presence of a non-residential attic, only insulation of the ceiling with the building or the floor of the attic itself.

Sometimes they also resort to. In this case, the roof is insulated with foam plastic from the inside.

Before proceeding with the insulation of the roof with foam, you need to know what work must be done without fail:

  • provide the perimeter of the surface to be insulated with a continuous heat insulating circuit;
  • to produce rafters, in we talked about the insulation of a metal roof (corrugated board and metal tile);
  • provide space between the insulation and the roof for ventilation.

It is the carrying out of these works that provides high-quality thermal insulation.

Warming procedure foam attic is carried out as follows:

  • the amount of material required for the work is calculated. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the surface area that needs to be insulated, surface irregularities. The brittleness of the foam contributes to an additional increase in the batch of the purchased material;
  • rack and pinion is also purchased in the form of bars (for lathing);
  • collect and attach the crate to the roof;
  • lay insulation.

Flat roof roofing pie

Installation of insulation for the attic roof is carried out in several stages:

  1. wooden structure treated with an antiseptic, gaps are eliminated with polyurethane foam, silicone glue or other sealants;
  2. the entire surface is covered waterproofing layer;
  3. stack lathing of bars(section 10x10mm) with a step equal to the width of the material plate.
  4. lay the foam around the entire perimeter of the roof, while making sure that between the panels no gaps formed;
  5. insulation is covered;
  6. at the end, the entire "pie" is covered with a material that will completely hide the entire structure (drywall, plywood, plastic panels) and cover the entire coating.

The final stage of laying insulation

When the attic is insulated, the heat remains in the building itself much longer and is not spent on the attic space.

Insulation of the attic roof with foam

It implies insulation of the entire area of ​​the attic floor. Initially, the roof is insulated, then the walls and the floor. It should be remembered that there must be a gap between the plates for ventilation.

Insulation of the attic roof with foam is done quite often, while the sequence of actions must be followed:

  1. before starting work it is necessary to calculate the amount of consumable material... Thin blocks of foam are often used, which are laid in a double layer in a checkerboard pattern so that the joints of the lower layer are covered with the upper one. Due to the fragility of the foam, you should take the material with a margin;
  2. further on the rafters with the help of nails or staples waterproofing film, which is fastened with bars up to 5 cm high. On the roof slopes, the waterproofing is laid across with an overlap (the width of the overlap of the edges of the material is about 10 cm). It is allowed for the film to sag a little, but not be taut;
  3. further between the rafters stack foam, in this case, contact between the material and the rafters should not be allowed, otherwise the insulation will cool much faster. Styrofoam sheets should fasten with self-tapping screws or special glue. It is recommended to seal the joints between the rafters and the wall, as well as between the rafters and the foam;
  4. the space of window openings is sealed with pieces of foam and a waterproofing film;
  5. then the entire area is covered vapor barrier film, securing it with staples;
  6. the final stage is the laying of the cladding: plasterboard, plywood or other finishing material, which is then putty and prepared for the application of decorative materials (paint, wallpaper, wood trim). The sheathing is attached to a profile or a wooden beam, which provides a gap of about 5 cm between the cladding and the thermal insulation.

Pitched roofing pie

A combination of insulation - foam + mineral wool

This option for insulating the attic roof with foam is the most common. If you follow all the recommendations, you can achieve good thermal insulation of the roof for many years.

Common mistakes in foam insulation

It is advisable to insulate the roof with foam plastic in conjunction with the insulation of all walls of the building. However, if the roof is insulated not right, then soon the consequences of unprofessional insulation will clearly make themselves felt.

The most common mistakes, which is important to avoid during the installation of insulation:

  • the appearance of gaps between the foam plates. These gaps are cold bridges that appear during the cold season. In addition, they can cause moisture in the insulation;
  • use as a waterproofing polyethylene film... After a few years, its properties will be lost and cellophane will allow moisture to pass through;
  • errors in calculating the thickness of the thermal insulation layer can lead to the appearance of depressions and a violation of the tightness of the insulation.

Correctly selected thermal insulation material and properly equipped roof insulation will keep the house warm for many years.

Useful video

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video on self-insulation of the roof:

In contact with

As a heater, polystyrene today is one of the demanded and popular materials. It is used to insulate the roof of the attic, ceiling, walls and foundations of buildings.

Roof insulation is required for a number of reasons. First of all, to prevent the loss of warm air, which, according to the laws of physics, rises up and, if the roof is poorly insulated, leaves the house. Also, the foam extends the life of the roof structure. What the roof looks like after thermal insulation with this insulation can be seen in the photo.

Roof service life

The service life of the roof depends on how well it is made and on the intensity of atmospheric and other loads on it. Rain and snow have a negative impact, especially during the cold season. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the structure of building materials. These points must be taken into account when the attic is insulated with foam with your own hands. The process of creating a thermal insulation system mainly depends on the type of roof that needs to be insulated and therefore the stage-by-stage implementation of the work may differ.

Calculation of the amount of foam

Before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the thickness of the attic insulation and, accordingly, determine the number of foam plates so that the entire area of ​​the roofing structure is covered with it. At the same time, it is necessary to buy material with a margin, since an unforeseen situation may arise during the installation process. For example, when cutting foam, the material needed to be shaped, but a mistake was made. Other troubles are also possible. Therefore, if the calculations showed that at least 40 plates are required, it is advisable to purchase 50 before.

If the material remains, it will be useful in the future to replace the worn out elements. During transportation, the foam must be protected from mechanical damage and physical stress, and if it is transported in an open body, then from atmospheric precipitation.

Insulation of a flat roof

If a decision is made on what kind of insulation to perform thermal insulation, and this is polystyrene, then before carrying out work on laying the material, you should prepare the surface - clean it from the previous backfill. Then waterproofing is laid on the structure to prevent moisture penetration. The ingress of water on the insulation reduces its operational properties.

One of the important points is the slope angle of the roof - the minimum slope cannot be made less than 25 degrees, otherwise it is impossible to ensure a normal flow of precipitation from the roof and they will accumulate on its surface. The water should be allowed to flow freely into the gutters. In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it and not make too steep slopes on the roof.

Covering with hexotextile and gravel

Geotextile material is laid on top of foam boards.

Thanks to this type of textile, the following main tasks can be solved:

  • protect the roof from the negative effects of solar radiation;
  • reduce the effect of mechanical stress;
  • increase the life of the roof.

After the geotextile, a 5-cm layer of gravel is backfilled with a fraction of 16/32. The thickness of the layer, depending on the strength of the wind, can be less. Paving slabs or concrete may be used instead of gravel, but gravel is a better option. This is due to the need for complex measures if it is planned to lay paving slabs or work with concrete, and you can simply fill up the gravel.

Thermal insulation for the attic

In order to ultimately get a usable area, you need to know how to properly insulate the attic with foam or other heat insulator. The work on the arrangement of the premises located directly under the roof involves a number of activities, ranging from waterproofing to the creation of a final finish.

The advantages of foam and its fixing

Often, when choosing a heat-insulating material, the question arises as to whether it is possible to insulate the attic with foam and what are its advantages.

The advantages of foam boards are as follows:

  • low coefficient of water absorption (when moisture gets on the insulation, it is not absorbed, but flows down the surface, but if done correctly, this cannot happen);
  • low weight, due to which the total load of the roofing structure from above on the structure itself is reduced;
  • heat conductivity corresponding to accepted standards;
  • ease of installation;
  • affordable cost;
  • a large assortment.

The installation method is influenced by the thickness of the foam for. Plates with a thickness of 7 centimeters or more are fastened with wooden slats, which are nailed down with galvanized nails. After the installation is completed, a mulch film is laid, which will perform the function of a waterproofing layer.

Features of insulation with foam plates

When, after laying the foam plates, visible joints are formed between them, they must certainly be sealed, for which polyurethane foam is ideal, which is produced in the form of polyurethane foam. It is advisable to fill even the smallest gaps in order to prevent the formation of cold bridges.

When the attic is insulated from the inside with foam, for greater reliability, the plates are attached to the surface using nails, dowels or adhesives (see: ""). But glue, even high-quality, loses its properties over time, but additional fastening with nails ensures the durability of the surface (read: "").

Foreword... Most owners of private houses try to carry out small repairs on their own. This also applies when the owner of a country house wants to insulate the attic for winter living with his own hands. Various heat-insulating and finishing materials can be used for work. Consider how to achieve the result yourself, when the attic will be suitable for living at any time of the year. We will tell you how to insulate the attic for winter living with foam and mineral wool.

In winter, in most of Russia, a lot of money is spent on heating a private house. But thanks to high-quality insulation of the strip foundation and other building structures, including the attic and interfloor floors, heating costs can be significantly reduced. Before starting work, it is important to choose insulation, determine the thickness of the attic insulation and calculate the required amount of material.

How to insulate the attic for winter living

Photo. Attic insulation with foam

The choice of insulation and the thickness of the thermal insulation layer for converting the attic into a living space is determined by how severe the frosts are in winter in your region. If it is very cold in your area in winter, then you will need to install insulation with good thermal insulation characteristics, with a thickness of at least 200 mm. In northern latitudes, thermal insulation has to be laid in several layers.

Be that as it may, it is not worth saving when buying dormers and basalt thermal insulation, otherwise living conditions in the attic of a private house in winter will be far from ideal. Many people choose polystyrene for work, because of the ease of installation of expanded polystyrene plates and their low cost. But the choice in favor of extruded polystyrene foam will be more deliberate.

Like foam, extruded polystyrene foam is produced in the form of plates. But, extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex, technoplex or URSA XPS) is distinguished by the best thermal insulation characteristics and high strength. Basalt wool, for example, Izorok mineral wool, despite the need to protect against moisture with vapor barrier films, is environmentally friendly, low thermal conductivity and fire resistance.

Calculation of materials for insulation step by step

As you understand, for successful work, it is not enough to choose the right material. To ensure high-quality insulation of the attic for living in winter without cold bridges, it is extremely important to calculate the thickness of thermal insulation for this structure. Many factors should be taken into account, the dependence of the thickness of the insulation of a building structure on all factors can be represented by the following formula:

Rreq = (1 / A1) + (L / K) + (1 / A2), where

L is the thickness of the heat-insulating material, in meters;
K is the thermal conductivity of the heat-insulating material;
A1 - heat transfer index for the inner surface of the wall: 8.7 W / m * ° С;
A2 - heat transfer index for the outer surface of the wall: 23 W / m * ° C.

The thermal conductivity of the insulation can be found in the manufacturer's certificate. Using the formula presented above, you can easily calculate the thickness of the insulation of any room in the house. In this case, you should determine exactly what kind of insulation you will use to equip the attic. When determining the thickness of the insulation, take into account that the insulation of the gable of the attic made of bricks and the roof requires different thicknesses of the heat-insulating layer.

How to insulate an attic for winter living

If basalt wool or glass wool is used, which, when wet, lose their thermal insulation characteristics, then the insulation should be protected with vapor barrier on the right side from the side of the warm room. The need to use vapor barrier films is due to the fact that warm air contains moisture, and when it passes through the insulation it cools down and the moisture falls into condensate.

When using extruded polystyrene foam, additional waterproofing is not required, since this insulation does not absorb moisture and retains its original characteristics at any humidity. Therefore, penoplex, like any other extruded polystyrene foam, is popular for insulating the columnar foundation of a house.

Outdoor insulation is always considered the best option. With this option, the insulated structure is in a warm circuit and is not subject to freezing. This reduces the risk of mold and mildew due to condensation. But when arranging the attic of an already built house, it is very difficult to place thermal insulation under the roof, since this is due to the removal of the roof from the roof.

Most owners of private houses resort to internal insulation of the attic when converting it into a living space. For this, a frame made of timber for future rooms is being built in the attic, which is subject to thermal insulation. How is the work carried out for external and internal insulation? Let's take a closer look at all the technologies and give step-by-step instructions on how to insulate the attic of a residential building with our own hands.

How to insulate an attic: step by step instructions

The attic can be insulated with two methods from the inside and outside. Thermal insulation of the attic for winter living outside is carried out even at the stage of building a house - this is nothing more than insulation of a gable roof. Self-insulation of the attic from the inside is done when the roof is already covered, when deciding to convert the attic into a living space. Let's take a closer look at both approaches to understand the difference between them.

Carrying out work with external thermal insulation

In the “pie” of insulation, a ventilation gap of at least 2 centimeters should be provided for the weathering of vapors and condensate from the vapor barrier. Ventilation holes are created in the lower and upper parts of the roof slope, so that air flows from below along the ventilation gap in the roof, collects excess moisture from the surface of the vapor barrier membrane and leaves through the upper holes in the roof.

It is worthwhile to insulate the roof and attic of a house only in sunny, warm weather. Before installing thermal insulation, it is necessary to carefully inspect the surface of the walls. The wood is covered with antiseptics, and the metal with bitumen mastic to protect it from corrosion. All wet areas should be dried. Step-by-step instructions for insulating an attic for living in winter looks like this:

  1. From the bottom of the rafters, a crate of boards is stuffed;
  2. The rafters and lathing are covered with a vapor barrier;
  3. Thermal insulation material is laid between the rafters;
  4. The insulation is covered with a roll vapor-waterproofing;
  5. A crate of boards is stuffed on top of the "pie" of insulation;
  6. The roofing material is attached to the crate with self-tapping screws.

Carrying out work with internal thermal insulation

It is necessary to carefully select thermal insulation. The material should be lightweight so as not to load the attic floors, be easy to install, environmentally friendly and fireproof.

To achieve the best result, basalt insulation should be installed without cracks and gaps. When laying slab insulation, the gaps should be filled with polyurethane foam. When laying the vapor barrier, make sure that the sheets of material go with an overlap of at least 20-30 mm.

When carrying out work from the inside, the insulation is carried out in a slightly different way. The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

1. A crate is stuffed onto the rafters or a prepared frame;
2. The structure is covered with a film that provides wind protection;
3. A layer of insulation is placed between the frame or rafters;
4. The insulation is closed from the inside with a vapor barrier film;
5. A crate is stuffed onto the structure for the ventilation gap;

All space under the roof belongs to the attic or attic. The footage of this space depends on the area of ​​the overall structure, that is, the constructed one-story or multi-story job. At this level, a pantry is arranged in the house, all unnecessary old things or the rest of the building material left after construction (bags with cement and dry mix, wooden boards or rafters, etc.) are stored here.

Recently, these "celestial" premises began to be used as living rooms. For normal living conditions, the attic must be insulated, the timing of these works depends on the complexity of the roof configuration.

Typical projects include in the engineering documentation all stages of thermal insulation work and a list of insulation materials for the work. What is the insulation of the attic from the inside?

Attic spaces require the following work:

  • insulation of the attic walls, that is, insulation of the roof from the inside,
  • insulation of the attic floor, or rather, insulation of the ceiling of the last floor of the house from the side of the attic,
  • warming of the pediment,
  • insulation of floors,
  • insulation of windows and staircase space.

Attention! Insulation of the attic depends on the correctness of thermal insulation, on compliance with all the rules for the installation of thermal insulation materials, waterproofing, vapor barrier and ventilation of the attic space.

After the installation of roofing materials with the installation of high-quality waterproofing and all other technical expiring ones, the insulation of the attic roof can be started, for this the finished covered space allows. As materials, there can be a variety of modern heaters of different origins, the production process of which depends on the method of the technological process.

The attic from the inside can be sheathed with mineral stone wool, ecowool, glass wool, extruded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, ecowool, sawdust and other heat insulators. For insulation of the attic floor, you can use expanded clay, cellulose slabs, expanded polystyrene concrete, and you can also cover it with the most popular and simple product - foam. The main thing in the attic roof insulation is not to clutter up the roof frame and the general structure of the building, therefore, building materials with low weight are used. Another important point in thermal insulation is the fire safety and durability of the thermal insulator.

Thermal insulation or insulation for the attic

The range of products for heat and sound insulation is rich, that is, not only types but also brands, and plus high technical characteristics and technologies of their application allow all types to be used in work.

Polyfoam (expanded polystyrene) is a modern polymer insulation of the latest generation. This product is used in almost all areas of construction and even in industrial production processes. Polyfoam grades PPT-25 and PPT-35 are used to insulate the walls of attics or attics, as well as mansard floors. The dimensions of the foam boards are standard: 1000x500x50mm.

The material has the following qualities: low coefficient of water absorption, zero level of thermal conductivity, resistance to biological and chemical destruction, windproof and soundproof properties, low weight, flexibility and ease of installation. The material is in a group of environmentally friendly products. The service life is over 50 years. The price of this product is the most affordable, despite some disadvantages as a class of flammability.

Mineral wool (stone wool or glass wool) is a heat and sound insulation material widely used in the insulation of buildings of any purpose. Internal and external use of insulation has justified its quality due to the physical and technical characteristics:

In the insulation works of attics, mineral wool with a thermal conductivity of 0.034-0.037 W / mK and a flammability class of NG (non-combustible) is used. It is possible to work with the material at temperatures from -60 ° C to + 220 ° C. Rolls are produced in sizes: 1000x600x50mm, 7000x1200x50mm, 9000x1200x50mm, 10000x1200x50mm, 10000x1200x100mm, except for rolls of cotton wool is produced in slabs.

Mineral wool brands used for warming attics: Ursa, Isover, Knauf, Rockwool, Technonikol, etc.

Polyurethane foam is a type of plastic that has a cellular-foamy structure. The space of the cells is filled with air and takes up 90% of the total mass of the product. Polyurethane foam has a high level of resistance to various chemicals, does not absorb water, excellent heat and sound source, has a low weight and high adhesion to all types of work surfaces: concrete, glass, wood, steel, brick, painted surfaces. You can work with the material at a temperature of 100 degrees. The service life is up to 30 years.

PPU is widely used in the process of insulating frame structures, as well as for insulating structures with complex configurations. The zero level of body conductivity and elasticity of the product is exactly what is needed to insulate attics and attic spaces. The seamless process of this product and its perfect adhesion creates a truly hermetic coating. Such a coating for the upper roof floors is a guarantee of excellent vapor barrier and, first of all, waterproofing. The only drawback is the high cost.

Extruded polystyrene foam is the latest generation material made according to a special technological process. For insulation of attics, extruded polystyrene foam from Technonikol - Technoplex is often used.

Technoplex - has a high coefficient of energy saving, zero heat loss. In addition to insulating attics, this material is widely used in insulating balconies, loggias, outer walls, floors, basements, etc. When installing a "warm floor" - expanded polystyrene material is essential. Coefficient index of thermal conductivity - 0.0029W / (m ° C). Comparing Technoplex with panels of polystyrene, mineral basalt wool or glass wool, the level of energy saving exceeds them by 2-3 times. Moisture resistance is equal to 0.2%, the strength factor is 200-500 kPa. Not subject to destruction by mold, chemicals and rodents. The slabs are quickly assembled due to their low weight. The product corresponds to the flammability class G1, G4. Almost all brands of extruded polystyrene foam are endowed with such characteristics.

Thermal insulation of the attic with foam

Insulation of the attic walls

To obtain high-quality thermal and sound insulation of the walls of the upper floor, located directly under the roofing materials, one should adhere to the basic technological rules and the sequence of execution, namely:

  • the first technological stage: preparation of all the necessary materials and tools and the choice of modification of the insulation, in this case - polystyrene,
  • the second stage: the implementation of a sealed hydro and vapor barrier,
  • third stage: correct installation of insulation.

Technical execution:

  • 1. On the roof rafters, or rather between the gaps of the rafters, including themselves, a vapor barrier film made of polyethylene of the densest consistency is spread and attached. The film is fastened with staple brackets, it is necessary to try to overlap the layers of the film. All film joints and seams are glued with adhesive tape to avoid leakage violations. The plastic wrap will protect the insulation from moisture or direct rain or snow.

    Attention! A free space of 1-1.5 cm is left between the first layer of polyethylene film for ventilation.

  • 2. Adjusting the foam to the dimensions of the inter-rafter space. The heat insulator should have 2 cm more than the distance between the beams, during installation it will hold on tightly, without planning between the rafters.
  • 3. Another layer of polyethylene film is spread on top of the foam - the method of fastening is similar to the first stage of fastening the film: we attach it to the rafters with staple brackets, seal the seams and joints with adhesive tape, closing hermetically from all sides - the "pie" is ready.
  • 4. Choose a decorative finish according to your taste: drywall, plastic paneling and wooden board.

Warming of the attic pediment

Insulation works on the thermal insulation of the pediment are slightly different, since the pediments are built from monolithic concrete, brick or stone. Cleansing walls from construction dirt and dust. Impregnation with antifungal agents and application of a waterproofing layer such as Sopro (Poland).

Technical execution:

Insulation of the attic floor with foam

The attic floor is the ceiling of the top floor of a residential building. Below - you can be sure of good thermal insulation, the matter remains in the arrangement of a good and warm floor in the attic.

Technical execution:

  • Cleaning the surface from construction debris and dust.
  • Surface treatment with antifungal impregnations.
  • Surface priming with deeply penetrating primers such as Polimin, Ceresit, Sopro, Knauf and others.
  • Arrangement of a self-leveling floor such as Polimin, Sopro or another manufacturer. The layer of cement mixture should be 2-3cm.
  • Foam plates are glued to the wet surface.
  • Another layer of self-leveling floors (2-3 cm) is laid directly on the foam surface, after it has completely dried.
  • And the last layer is decorative flooring.

Attention! Thermal insulation work with foam will save money that can be spent on finishing materials.

Insulation of the attic with mineral wool

Insulation works of walls, ceilings, gables and floors of the attic floor can be qualitatively produced using mineral basalt wool of the brand: Ursa, Isover, Knauf, Rockwool, Technonikol, etc. When insulating with rockwool, the attic will be warm, cozy and most importantly dry.

The technical “pie” should contain the following elements:

All technical aspects fully correspond to the stage-by-stage installation of expanded polystyrene. The floor can be installed in the same technological interpretation. Frontal thermal and sound insulation is carried out according to the same scheme: waterproofing work, antifungal impregnation, vapor barrier, installation of insulation and decorative finishing.

Clarification of some points:

Why are these materials so good for insulating the attic? The fact that they do not take up extra space, since they are installed between the rafters. In other cases, using them for indoor insulation, they will reduce the square of the living space.

Attic insulation with polyurethane foam

The easiest and most sealed method of insulation work. It is applied on all types of substrates or surfaces: stone, brick, concrete, wood, plastic, glass, etc. At the same time, creating an ideal waterproofing. The specific gravity of the product and finishing material is minimal, lighter than mineral wool and extruded polystyrene foam. PU foam is applied between the rafter gaps, creating a strong foamy mass, and can also be successfully used for warming gables and floors. For ventilation, special blowers or other devices are installed for ventilation of the roof. The work uses equipment for spraying PPU. As a decorative finish, you can choose wooden lining or drywall to taste. The disadvantage of this technology is its high cost.

Warming the attic with sawdust or other types of products

Sawdust is one of the cheapest options for insulating attics; in this technology, the main thing is waterproofing, vapor barrier and the absence of rodents with insects. The penetration of condensate will turn the sawdust mass into rotting debris, so it is undesirable to insulate the attic with sawdust.

Polyurethane foam bulk is the second option for insulation, but its technology for filling polyethylene "bags" with foam balls is complicated. In this case, everything is done at random, and the tightness of the bags must be of high quality.

Expanded polystyrene plates - the third option, the stages of work are no different from foam insulation, but this material gives additional weight to the roofing structure and load-bearing walls. For the attic floor, expanded polystyrene concrete is an excellent choice both in terms of technical data and in the method of arranging the floor.

Expanded clay for the attic floor - used in extreme cases when there is a lack of final construction funding. Better to postpone and make a quality attic floor.

An attic room can become a full-fledged part of the living space of a house if it is properly insulated from the inside. This will not only increase the usable area, but also reduce the heat loss of the entire building.

To insulate the attic, you can invite specialists, or better - do it yourself, saving on the cost of work. Work technology and video are given below.

Thermal insulation materials that are suitable for warming the attic

  • Minvata (mineral basalt wool) in the form of slabs or mats is the most suitable material for thermal insulation of attics. It is fireproof, does not harm human health, has excellent insulating and soundproofing qualities;
  • Polyurethane foam is a viscous self-foaming compound that is sprayed onto the roof and walls of the attic and has good performance characteristics... Reviews about this insulation are mostly positive. However, its use requires the involvement of specialists equipped with special equipment, therefore, it is not suitable for self-insulation;
  • Styrofoam refers to the most affordable heat insulators, but for a residential attic this is not the best material, as it is toxic and fire hazardous;
  • Glass wool also available stuff. It is resistant to fire, non-toxic, and has good insulating properties. A significant drawback is the presence of glass impurities in it, which brings many inconveniences during installation, therefore glass wool is not recommended for do-it-yourself insulation;
  • Ecowool- insulation, consisting of cellulose and antiseptic; non-toxic and absolutely safe for humans. However, the use of ecowool requires special equipment;
  • Material penoplex(improved expanded polystyrene) is moisture and fire resistant, environmentally friendly, durable. Sold at an affordable price. Installation of penoplex is simple and will take a little time.

In addition, sometimes for insulation, it is quite profitable and practical.

Preparatory stage

How and what to insulate the attic roof from the inside - possible options

The attic insulated in this way can become a full-fledged room at home, performing various functions. Do-it-yourself insulation will not only save the family budget, but also give confidence in the quality of the work performed.

You can learn how to choose the type of insulation, correctly mount it and other important stages of the attic insulation process from this video: