Insulating garage walls for winter. Insulating a garage from the inside with your own hands How to insulate a permanent garage

You click the lock on the gate and walk home contentedly through the crisp snow in the cold.

Meanwhile, you have just personally created all the conditions for the favorable development of corrosion on the car body.

The hot metal of the engine and the hot exhaust pipe will heat the icy air in the garage. But the opposition between heat and cold will be unequal. The engine will cool down quickly.

According to the inexorable laws of nature, drops of condensation will appear on the cooled surface. Corrosion takes over.

If the garage metal, he is doomed to rust along with the car.

On brick walls, dampness will eventually cause destructive mold, and on the wooden shelves of a tool rack, fungus.

Oddly enough, cars left in open parking lots in winter are not subject to external condensation. But the condensation process occurs in a closed cabin, these cars rust from the inside. That is why it is recommended to close the windows loosely, leaving slits for ventilation.

It's not safe on the street, but garage do this always.

Rescue ventilation

The first step to defeating condensation and corrosion is a device in the garage. In opposite corners of the garage, two pipes must be brought out.

We will place the lower edge of one of them closer to the floor. Through this pipe the room will receive cold air. A short pipe near the ceiling in the other corner will serve as a hood.

This simple but reliable device will work flawlessly automatically, without fancy fans, creating natural movement (convection) of air within the garage.

Convection will not allow condensation to form. Wet fumes will simply fly out into the chimney. Exhaust gases hazardous to health, evaporation of fuel, and other chemicals stored in the garage will also be directed there.

Now let's move on to the most important thing - insulate DIY garage. Here the situation is more complicated, but the task is quite accessible for independent solution.

How to insulate a garage cheaply from the inside?

Insulation building a garage from the inside with your own hands is a complex and comprehensive enterprise. This is one of those jobs that must be completed to the end, otherwise your work and money spent on materials will be thrown away in the literal sense of the word.

In the struggle for a comfortable living environment for a car, it is absolutely pointless to insulate only gates or walls garage. The insidious cold will penetrate inside through any surface unprotected by insulation.

After all, it is impossible to block the river by filling only part of the dam.

Insulating a garage with your own hands - photo:

Types of materials

How to insulate a garage from the inside inexpensively?

If you are planning insulate garage walls, you should first become familiar with some types of insulation materials. They are very diverse in properties.

Almost everything insulation materials are made from waste from the production of metal, glass, paper, and chemical industries. Some of them are unsafe under certain conditions.

Reference: Sellers don’t like to talk about it, but the safety factor eloquently indicates price. The more hidden pitfalls in the insulation, the more cheaper.

  1. Glass wool
  2. Elastic, heat-resistant, resistant to aggressive chemicals material. It is produced in the form of slabs and rolls. This fiberglass insulation is effective, but potentially harmful for good health.

    During any manipulation, microscopic, invisible to the eye glass wool rises above the glass wool. needles and specks of dust, broken off from fragile glass fibers.

    These dangerous sharp dust particles irritate the skin and can seriously damage the eyes and lungs. When working with glass wool, use a respirator, gloves, and safety glasses.

    Glass wool is indispensable in places that require thermal insulation from high temperatures. If installed in the garage bake, glass wool will reliably protect walls from overheating and fire.

  3. Mineral wool
  4. It is made from molten natural stone and slag waste from metallurgy. The properties are close to glass wool, but the heat resistance mineral wool much higher. They are offered for sale in the form of mats and slabs.

    When heated to high temperatures (over 300 °C), it emits hazardous to health toxic substances.

    In many countries, some types of mineral wool are prohibited as they pose a health hazard. But these prohibitions do not go beyond borders: in neighboring countries such cotton wool is produced and used.

    How insulation for the garage, mineral wool is effective and safe.

  5. Cellulose insulation
  6. Eco-friendly, with good thermal insulation properties. Flaws: highly flammable, permeable to water, susceptible to mold formation.

  7. Expanded polystyrene
  8. Suitable for insulation DIY garage walls from the inside. Resistant to water and mold. Not compatible with chemicals or high temperatures. Fire hazardous. Some types of this insulation, treated with fire retardants, do not burn, but melt.

    Manufacturers claim that the level of thermal insulation 10 cm layer expanded polystyrene is equal to the thermal protection of a two-meter brick wall.

Exterior walls

How to insulate a garage cheaply? If the garage is narrow, we will not take away the already meager internal space for sheathing, but will move the structure outside.

In principle, the technology of work will not change in any way.

Only insulation and siding materials need to be selected waterproof.

Mineral wool, with all its advantages, is not suitable for us in this case - it absorbs(accumulates) moisture.

Foamed ones are suitable for all parameters plastic insulation: polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam.

For siding, we will choose panels made of warm cellular vinyl or metal (aluminum, steel).

Having compared prices and calculated the available budget, we will focus on polystyrene foam And profiled metal. After all, with one sheet of corrugated sheeting you can cover almost the entire wall of the garage at once.

Insulating a garage with foam plastic

Foam boards- one of the cheapest and most effective insulation materials. But in the construction of modern buildings it is practically not used.

The fact is that this material has a large flaw- it is highly flammable. Burns like napalm. Can't extinguish it with water. In addition, some types of foam disintegrate into small granules over time.

However, the temptingly low cost attracts many private developers for whom fire bans are not a decree. After all Styrofoam has undeniable advantages.

It is lightweight, waterproof, easy to cut and process, and can take any shape. Positive qualities include bacteriological properties foam plastic. It is not subject to rotting, neither mold nor fungi will ever settle on the foam.

In a word, if you promise yourself to follow all conceivable fire safety rules, feel free to go to the store for foam boards for budget insulation of car storage.

At the same time, buy a fire extinguisher with foam or carbon dioxide. God saves man, who save himself.

Garage thermos

How to insulate a garage with foam plastic?

Using cheap polystyrene foam (5 cm thick), inexpensive sheets of colored corrugated sheets and wooden beams (50 x 50 mm), we transform a battered iron garage into an attractive, warm candy house.

Dense buildings

How insulate DIY garage? Often garages are installed close together. The side walls seem to be inaccessible for insulation. But there is a way out.

Offer your neighbors on the right and left a non-standard solution: limit the space between the walls and fill it up expanded clay along the entire height to the roof. It is best to weld the openings with steel sheets; a wooden shield is short-lived.

Expanded clay- excellent insulation. There is no need to cover the backfill from rain and snow. Expanded clay “breathes”; moisture trapped in the backfill will quickly evaporate. All you have to do is insulate the back wall, gate and roof.


Looking at the miracle built with your own hands, you will not believe your eyes. But there are a couple more bonuses.

Remember how many times you've cleaned off the rust and painted the outside walls of your metal garage? How many times has the battery died in a frozen garage and the oil in the transmission has frozen? Do you remember? Now forget about it forever.

A garage is a home for a car, which must be maintained at an optimal temperature throughout the year. This is necessary so that the car is always in good condition and so that the owner of the garage building feels comfortable working in this room. It is to comply with these conditions that such a procedure as insulating the garage is carried out. Many car owners decide to insulate their garage themselves.

But before starting this process, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the procedure, types of materials for insulation and a detailed algorithm of actions.


Insulation is the finishing of the walls of various parts of a garage building or gate using a layer of material that retains heat inside the building in the winter and prevents excessive heating of the garage in the summer. This technology allows you to maintain a stable temperature range, which will have a positive effect on the operation of the car or other devices that you store in this room.

It is necessary to insulate the garage space, because if this is not done, condensation may form on the surface of the car - excess moisture that is released as a result of contact of the heated surface of the car with cold air. If this phenomenon occurs regularly, the risk of corrosion on the car body increases, which can significantly shorten its service life.

In the summer, an uninsulated garage gets very hot, which also contributes to the malfunction of the car, because it is undesirable to store the car at too high a temperature. Even an indicator of +20 degrees is unfavorable.

To effectively and cheaply insulate a garage building with your own hands, you need to take into account a number of features of your building. These include:

  • The material from which the garage is made. Each raw material has different resistance to heating and cooling, has different heat capacity and characteristics. Therefore, some buildings require a denser layer of insulation, while in the case of others it is enough to get by with small layers. In addition, garages made from some materials, such as brick buildings, tend to have a standard thin wall thickness. Gates are often made of corrugated sheets, which are even less resistant to temperature influences.
  • Features of a specific garage area in which you want to stabilize the temperature. Not only the thermometer readings, but also the air humidity may differ in different zones.
  • It is imperative to separate the concepts of insulation and ventilation. One process must not disrupt another. At the same time, pay attention to the layout of the building, especially if the garage has non-standard dimensions.
  • Garage premises can be insulated with your own hands only from the inside or outside. But the ideal is a double-sided insulation option.
  • An important factor is the heating of the room. For heated garages, insulation is carried out using a special technology. A different type of material may also be required.
  • The area of ​​the garage structure also determines the amount of heat loss. The larger the garage, the more thoroughly it needs to be insulated.

Material selection: varieties

To independently equip a garage space with a thermal insulation system, you can use a huge number of different materials. Each of them has unique features that should be taken into account during the insulation process.


Mineral wool is a special material that allows the room to “breathe” if it has a thermal insulation layer. It is presented in the form of mats of various thicknesses, which consist of special fibers that retain heat. The texture of the coating depends on the location of the insulation, since soft material is used for interior decoration, and harder material is used for exterior decoration. Such insulation has a number of positive qualities:

  • versatility of use (the material is used for insulating various surfaces, including walls, floors, gates, and various partitions);
  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • reasonable price.

Among the disadvantages of insulation is the impossibility of its operation in conditions of high humidity. Under the influence of water, the structure and thermal insulation properties of mats deteriorate. To prevent mineral wool from losing its qualities, it must be protected with a special vapor barrier layer that will prevent the effects of moisture. The basalt variety of material is considered the most multifunctional and high-quality. It has the best thermal conductivity. Also, such mats are able to absorb sounds.

A type of mineral wool is a material such as glass wool, which has differences in texture and rigidity. Compared to mineral wool, glass wool is much stiffer, its fibers have a scratchy texture, so you should wear gloves when working with such mats. This insulation is quite cheap because it is absolutely resistant to moisture.

If water gets on the glass wool during the insulation process, it will no longer be suitable for further use. To prevent such an incident from happening, the mats should be carefully insulated with foil material.


Foam insulation is in greatest demand for thermal insulation of garage spaces. This material has many positive characteristics:

  • Foam boards are very easy to install. They lend themselves perfectly to cutting with a hacksaw or even an ordinary construction knife (if the thickness of the material is small).
  • Polystyrene foam does not rot.
  • The material is resistant to moisture.

Negative qualities include the flammability of the material. Therefore, you need to choose types of foam that can fade on their own. Usually it is necessary to extinguish the source of the flame, and foam products will go out on their own after 4 seconds. Also, such insulation does not allow air to pass through. Polystyrene foam is not suitable for insulating surfaces that are often exposed to sunlight, because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation the material is prone to crumbling and acquiring a yellow tint.


Traditional foam is being replaced by modified materials. These include insulation such as penoplex. It is made from extruded polystyrene foam and is used for insulating garage buildings. The positive properties of the material are:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • uniform small cells give penoplex strength;
  • the material is very easy to install yourself;
  • using penoplex you can insulate a garage from the outside, because the material has low moisture conductivity;
  • the raw material does not emit toxic substances during combustion.

The disadvantage of penoplex is its instability to fire.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is an insulation material that has a very plastic structure and includes air bubbles. It is often used for garage buildings because it has a number of special characteristics:

  • the material is difficult to burn;
  • resistant to aggressive chemical solutions;
  • such material can serve for a long time as a thermal insulation layer;
  • does not emit any harmful substances or gases, which makes it safe for human health and environmentally friendly;
  • such material is not afraid of moisture;
  • It is important that mold and mildew do not form on polyurethane foam;
  • a special property is the resistance of the material to the influence of small rodents, because sometimes mice appear in garages, but polyurethane is usually not exposed to their teeth;
  • The service life of polyurethane foam reaches 50 years.

Among the negative characteristics of polyurethane foam are:

  • Instability to ultraviolet radiation. To protect the material from the harmful effects of sunlight, it will be necessary to cover its surface with a special protective paint.
  • The price for such material is usually high. But taking into account the service life and area of ​​your garage, it is quite reasonable to choose this raw material as insulation.

Reflective Thermal Insulation

The combination of polyurethane foam and polished foil insulation creates a new type of thermal insulation material - reflective thermal insulation. The thickness of this insulation does not exceed 5 mm, so it is sold in rolls. Its main advantages include:

  • the ability to carry out internal insulation of the garage without significant loss of space;
  • the material meets high hygiene standards;
  • reflective thermal insulation is difficult to ignite;
  • The material is light in weight, which is very convenient for transportation and DIY installation.

The disadvantage of this type of insulation is not complete, but only partial elimination of heat loss, since polyurethane foam and foil are not able to cope with all types of heat loss.

"Warm" plaster

This material is a special combination of fillers, which include expanded polystyrene, sawdust, and expanded vermiculite. This material has the following advantages:

  • there is no need to level before installing the insulating layer;
  • plaster is combined with bases made of almost any material due to its high level of adhesion;
  • due to the plastic structure of the material, you can easily apply it even to hard-to-reach areas of the garage;
  • for such raw materials there is no risk of exposure to mold, mildew, or small rodents;
  • the material is able to absorb heat and distribute it evenly;
  • products of this type are environmentally friendly;
  • This plaster is not subject to combustion.

Among the disadvantages of warm plaster are:

  • it is necessary to apply a thick layer of such material to the walls, which contributes to the loss of space;
  • due to its thickness and structure, warm plaster is prone to absorb moisture;
  • also, a dense layer will take longer to dry on the surface;
  • the material is quite expensive, since it appeared on the construction market not very long ago and represents an innovation in insulation compared to other methods.

Thermal insulation paint

Many people value not only the quality of the insulation, but also the attractive appearance of the material. It is these users who will benefit from a special paint based on acrylic polymers, organic pigments and synthetic rubber. This coating is similar to regular paint, but it has thermal insulation properties. It has a pasty consistency, the standard color of the composition is white, but you can add any color to it. The main advantages of such coverage are:

  • the ability to apply the material to the base in a thin layer that does not exceed 0.4 cm;
  • the material is useful for insulating such hard-to-reach areas where it is not possible to strengthen roll insulation;
  • the paint can be applied using a sprayer; this method allows you to evenly cover the surface;
  • although the service life depends on the thickness of the layer with which the material is applied, heat-insulating paint will perform its functions for a long period of time - up to 40 years;
  • the composition is presented in various variations. This helps to choose a type of paint for a certain temperature regime; in general, the temperature range ranges from -70 to +260 degrees;
  • such material is resistant to ultraviolet rays;
  • the composition applied to the surface is resistant to mechanical stress.

Among the disadvantages of the material, one can highlight only its fire hazard. A special type of material for garage insulation is isolon. It is made on the basis of polyethylene foam and is a structure with small closed cells. This structure is made in the form of canvases of various thicknesses. One of the sides of some models is foil. The advantages of isolon include its resistance to moisture and sunlight.

Interior decoration

From the inside, various surfaces of the garage building are provided with a thermal insulation layer: horizontal and vertical, smooth and embossed, large and small, static and mobile.

But when finishing each of them, it is important to take into account a number of special nuances that are not typical for other types of surfaces. This will help you quickly and efficiently insulate your garage.


If you decide to protect your garage building from freezing by insulating the walls from the inside, then The process of such finishing is carried out as follows:

  • Clean the surface of the walls from dirt and grease stains.
  • Using drywall, make a partition. It forms a frame for the thermal insulation material. To create a partition, special UD guides are used, which are attached with dowels to the floor and ceiling. Then CD profiles are installed into the wall every 30 cm.
  • In addition to plasterboard sheets, you can also use asbestos fiber, a huge advantage of which is its resistance to fire.

But if you choose asbestos fiber, install frame profiles at more frequent intervals, since the fiber is a rather fragile material.

  • When the frame is made, you need to add a layer of insulation to the spaces between the partitions. The most convenient way to lay a material is glass wool, which is attached to the surface using special hooks.
  • After the glass wool layer, you need to create a vapor barrier layer. To do this, take a special membrane and apply it close to the insulation.
  • From the outside you need to plaster the garage “box” with warm plaster. It will protect the walls from freezing and excessive moisture. Instead of plaster, you can use heat-insulating paint.
  • It is necessary to arrange ventilation in the garage, which will be designed for intensive air exchange.

If the surface of the walls is made of iron, then the most optimal option is to insulate them with polyurethane foam. Insulation paint with a liquid texture is also suitable. Using special foam generators, liquid foam is produced. It changes its state of aggregation when it is applied to the wall, becoming a hard crust.

You can also insulate an iron garage using polystyrene foam. This material is attached to the walls using glue. The process is carried out in several stages:

  • the iron surface is cleaned and degreased;
  • foam sheets are cut to the required sizes;
  • the insulation is attached with glue to the surface of the walls;
  • the cracks are sealed with polyurethane foam;
  • If desired, such a thermal insulation layer can be painted.


To insulate the floor in a garage-type room, you need to make a screed using materials such as sand, crushed stone, expanded clay for additional thermal insulation. To insulate this surface, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions:

  • Arrangement of a cushion made of crushed stone and sand. The crushed stone layer is poured 10 centimeters thick. Then a layer of sand is applied, its thickness can vary from 5 to 10 cm. The layers need to be watered and compacted using a vibrating plate.
  • Waterproofing on the floor is created using roofing felt or polyethylene, which is evenly laid on the base. It is important that the ends of the polyethylene sheet extend onto the walls to a height of 10 to 15 cm.
  • A ten-centimeter layer of expanded clay is poured onto the film and compacted.
  • A vapor barrier polyethylene layer is laid overlapping.

  • Reinforcing mesh is laid on stands made of wood or brick. In this case, the cell size should be 10x10 cm.
  • Next, the beacons are installed and fixed using cement-sand mortar.
  • At the final stage, a cement-sand mortar is mixed, which includes 1 part water and cement and 4 parts sand.
  • The composition is applied to the floor using shovels and subsequently leveled using a rule and processed with a vibrating plate.
  • To retain moisture in the screed, it is covered with film. The surface will be ready for use after 28 days.


The majority of garages are equipped with a pitched roof, which must be insulated, because it is this roof that is most exposed to various precipitation. But when insulating this floor, it is important to take into account the material from which it is made. Foam is usually attached to a wooden structure using nails and dowels.

If the covering is made of concrete, then it is necessary to attach a special frame to it, made using self-tapping screws and corners. Foam plastic is fixed into the frame, adhesive tape is used, and the insulation plates are pressed tightly against the ceiling.

If the insulation contains fibers, then a waterproofing layer must be placed on the roof side, and a vapor barrier on the ceiling side. To extend the service life of the insulation, the surface is treated with special antiseptic paints.


The roof is also insulated with polystyrene foam from the ceiling side. The insulation process itself occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. the ceiling surface must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased;
  2. the ceiling is being primed;
  3. the slabs must be glued to the ceiling and leveled according to the rule;
  4. it is necessary to carry out additional fastening using dowels;
  5. for additional connection between the plates it is necessary to attach a stepper;
  6. then the plaster layer is applied;
  7. Based on personal wishes, you can carry out additional coloring.

Another suitable material for ceiling insulation is penofol. Creating thermal insulation with penofol yourself is quite simple due to the light weight of the material and its small thickness.

Door, gate

Garage doors are most often a sliding metal structure with a small door built into it. The greatest amount of heat passes through the gates, so it is imperative to insulate them. To do this, you can use ordinary plastic or high-density fabric. The process is carried out as follows:

  1. Thick polyethylene film is cut into strips, the length of which does not reach the garage floor by 1 cm. The width of the segments should be from 20 to 30 cm.
  2. To attach the strips, you need to install a wooden strip.
  3. The polyethylene strips are overlapped by 1.5-2 cm. This ensures that there are no gaps through which cold air penetrates.

The most suitable material for insulating garage doors is polystyrene foam. It fills the pre-installed crate. Using adhesive tape and rubber seals, gaps that may allow drafts are eliminated.

In places where the insulation will come into contact with the surface of the base, corrosion often forms, so it is necessary to apply a special anti-corrosion compound to the surface of the canvas in advance. The final stage is the installation of a waterproofing frame made of plasterboard, which is pre-primed.

Exterior design

Many people prefer to insulate garage structures exclusively from the outside. Such users believe that internal insulation significantly conceals the space of the room. Also a distinctive feature of interior decoration is the release of caustic substances and gases from some insulation materials.

If you decide to insulate the garage from the outside, then you can additionally decorate the structure using an interesting finish, which will not only decorate the appearance of the structure, but also help withstand environmental factors that affect the condition of the thermal insulation layer.

The most popular way to decorate a garage structure is with heat-insulating paint of the desired shade. The gate is covered with it. But if the garage is large and in addition to the gate, there are also open sections of the wall that can be finished with other materials. The most popular, practical and interesting option is siding.


Many garages have a basement, which often serves as a cellar. This area of ​​the room should be properly insulated, because it has a special microclimate. One of the popular materials for insulating basements is polystyrene. At the preparatory stage of work, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the basement from dust and dirt.

The surface of the walls in the cellar must be leveled using putty and soil mortar, which will also protect against the possible occurrence of fungus. Using a spray bottle, it is important to moisten the surface of the insulation and the base. It is necessary to create a special ventilation layer between the wall and the insulation.

  • Using an adhesive solution. It is mixed in a special container and applied to the walls in a dotted manner - by forming spots at a distance of 0.2 m. Using a trowel, another layer of glue is applied. The sheet must be applied to the surface of the wall and tapped with the palm of your hand.
  • Fungal method involves the use of dowels. It is also necessary to use disc-shaped plastic screws. Through holes are made in the polystyrene and the wall with a drill. It is necessary to leave indents of 100 to 150 mm in length in the corners. The length of the screws should be selected by adding another 40-50 mm to the thickness of the polystyrene plates. The gaps between the plates must be sealed after 5 days using polyurethane foam.

At the last stage, the room is finished, for which plaster or acrylic compounds are used.

Absolutely all openings for ventilation of the room should not be sealed. This can significantly complicate the further operation of the garage and even harm your health. Due to the lack of even minimal ventilation, harmful gaseous substances will accumulate in the garage building.

  • By insulating the floor, you can create a slope so that water drains better.
  • When you create a curtain from polyethylene strips, you don't want to make them too narrow because they will snag on the car.
  • Consider how harmful the insulation is. Some materials are toxic and are recommended for use outdoors rather than indoors.
  • To insulate a concrete roof from the outside, it is best to use extruded polystyrene.

  • When insulating doors and garage doors, be sure to cut the material to fit the holes for the lock.
  • Instead of drywall, you can use OSB panels of small thickness.
  • If during the process of foam insulation you need to take breaks for a day, then it is better to use a construction gun, with which you can resume working with the composition after some time.
  • To create additional insulation along the contour of the doorway, you can use roller shutters.
  • When insulating with mineral wool, remember that the minimum thickness of the thermal insulation layer should be 100 millimeters.

At first glance, insulating a garage may seem impractical and expensive. But this is just a misconception; today’s building materials market makes it possible to quickly and inexpensively insulate any room. Thanks to insulation, it will be possible to reduce the humidity that arises from temperature changes. And as you know, humidity stimulates metal to become corroded. Therefore, insulating the garage walls from the inside will contribute to the safety of the car.

Almost any heat-insulating material that meets the following characteristics is suitable for insulating garage walls:

  1. Not exposed to moisture and fungus;
  2. Has low thermal conductivity;
  3. Fire resistant;
  4. Has little weight;
  5. Has a positive attitude towards temperature changes;

Which material has good thermal insulation and meets all requirements:

  1. Styrofoam;
  2. Glass wool or mineral wool;
  3. Sprayed polystyrene foam;

It cannot be said that this or that material is better suited for insulating a garage. Each of them has its own specifics, advantages and disadvantages.

Insulating garage walls with mineral wool

Mineral wool is one of the most common materials for thermal insulation of a room. Advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Mineral wool has excellent characteristics;
  2. Has good sound insulation;
  3. Low weight of insulation;
  4. Easy to install;
  5. The material is resistant to attacks by dampness and fungus, since air has the ability to circulate through the insulation layer.

Disadvantages of the material:

  1. When wet, cotton wool loses its thermal insulation properties;
  2. Requires good waterproofing;
  3. The cost is several times higher than other thermal insulation materials;

Mineral wool is produced in rolls and has a foil-coated heat-generating layer. It will be an excellent solution for insulating walls in a garage.

Disadvantages include a high flammability class and fear of water.

Insulating a garage using polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam is a cheap and practical material for insulation, easy to use.

Quite cheap, but effective and versatile material. Suitable for insulating all parts of the visit. It is quickly installed, insulating the garage from the inside will take no more than 1-2 days. The advantages include:

  1. Durability and affordability;
  2. It is not attacked by mold and does not rot;
  3. Excellent moisture tolerance;
  4. Resistant to temperature changes;

Disadvantages of the material:

  1. Subject to attacks by rodents;
  2. Under the influence of sunlight, the foam begins to lose its structure;
  3. Flammable quickly;

It is worth emphasizing that insulating a garage with foam plastic from the inside requires additional finishing with plaster or concreting

Spray polyurethane foam

Garage walls are treated with sprayed polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam entered the market not so long ago, but already from the first sales it gained leadership in its field. There are no questions regarding the insulating qualities, but the price of the material is too high. The principle of operation is to spray a protective layer that is completely sealed and resistant to physical and chemical influences. Polyurethane foam, as insulation for the inside of a garage, is ideal armor against frost and moisture.

It is important to know! Before insulating a brick garage from the inside, it is necessary to study the design of the roof and floor covering. Based on the information received, the choice of insulation is made.

Warm plaster

A brick garage is often insulated with special heat-insulating plaster

Quite a modern material that looks like ordinary plaster. The composition contains substances with low thermal conductivity, namely:

  1. Expanded clay;
  2. Expanded polystyrene;
  3. Pumice;
  4. Sawdust;
  5. Vermiculite;

Polystyrene plaster performed best. The material is used both externally and internally. The price is of course high, but it is due to the best thermal insulation performance.

Warm plaster is still best used in combination with other types of thermal insulation

Working with this type of insulation is quite simple, so insulating the garage from the inside is done with your own hands.

Sawdust-based plaster is also considered quite popular. It also has excellent thermal insulation properties and can be used inside and outside. The disadvantages of such plaster include the drying time. To make the process go faster, the room must have good ventilation.

Advantages of warm plaster

The main advantage is the speed of installation. If to install other insulating materials, you initially need to prepare the walls for their fixation, then with plaster everything is different. The surface does not need to be leveled; the plaster adheres perfectly to any material. There is no need to use reinforced mesh or anything else.

Of course, compared to traditional insulation materials, plaster is significantly inferior in its characteristics. Its use alone may not be enough for good thermal insulation of the room. Therefore, this material is best used in combination with other insulation materials.

Thermal insulation paint

One of the easiest materials to use. It also appeared on the market not so long ago, but in a short period of time it was able to gain customer trust. Despite its simplicity, the paint is highly effective in thermal insulation of a room.

In the photo a layer of heat-insulating paint is applied

In terms of properties, a layer of paint is 5 mm, but in terms of efficiency they replace 1.5 meters of a brick wall. Therefore, when choosing heat-insulating paint to insulate the walls of the garage, the owner will not go wrong. The unique composition of the insulation is based on the structural features and principle of operation. If other insulation simply does not allow heat to pass through itself, then thermal paint also serves as a reflector. The material has similar properties due to the vacuum that is inside the paint.

Advantages of thermal insulation paints

They have excellent thermal insulation characteristics and are not susceptible to attacks by fungus and moisture. Excellent attachment to unprepared surfaces. When using such insulation, the structure is not overloaded, since the paint layer has little weight. The paint is fire-resistant; at high temperatures it does not ignite and simply smolders.

The only disadvantage is the cost of the material, but the price is fully due to many advantages.

Insulation of brick garage walls

As practice shows, it is better to insulate a garage from the outside. Thus, the insulation will protect the room from moisture and frost. But if you want to insulate the garage from the inside, you need to familiarize yourself with the sequence of work.

Insulation along the sheathing is additionally sheathed with decorative panels

Insulation of walls using lathing

When starting to build insulation for garage walls, you should remember that you need reliable waterproofing. The insulation must have ventilation, and this can be achieved by using sheathing. In the case of a built frame, it is better to use soft materials as insulation. For example, glass wool or mineral wool in rolls.

Insulation of a brick garage from the inside using frame technology has the following points:

  1. Cleaning the wall;
  2. Treating the surface with an antiseptic to avoid mold and mildew;
  3. Construction of a frame from timber or profile;

It is important to know! To build a frame structure in a garage, it is better to use profiles. They do not rot and have low cost.

  1. Carrying out the sheathing of the garage, the distance between the profiles should not exceed one meter for long;
  2. Laying film waterproofing, overlapped along the frame;
  3. When laying insulation in zones, it is important not to leave gaps for cold penetration;
  4. Finishing with plywood or other materials;

Regarding garages in which boilers are installed, it is better to use glass wool as a material for thermal insulation. External insulation is installed in the same way.

Protection of the ceiling and floor from the cold

An example of insulating a garage ceiling with mineral wool

The final stage is insulating the garage ceiling. The process is almost identical to the construction of thermal insulation of walls, but there are still some nuances. So, how can you insulate the ceiling in a garage:

  1. It is safer to use glass wool rather than polystyrene foam.
  2. When insulating along the sheathing, it is advisable to leave several holes through which air will circulate.
  3. It is necessary to create good waterproofing; it is best to use roofing felt.

As sheathing, as in the case of wall insulation, it is best to use plywood.

Floor insulation

Expanded clay as insulation is often used in private garages for floor insulation

Most often, floors in garages have a soil base, so they must be insulated. An excellent option would be expanded clay and other rigid insulation materials using reinforced concrete screed. How to properly insulate a garage floor:

  1. The thickness of the insulation plus the height of the screed is measured, and the top layer of soil is removed exactly to this depth.
  2. The soil is thoroughly compacted;
  3. A layer of waterproofing is laid, it is best to use roofing felt;

Important! It is necessary to make an allowance of roofing felt on the walls of at least 25-30 cm. The material is laid with an overlap.

  1. Installation of beacons;
  2. A layer of expanded clay is poured, it should have a height of more than 30 cm;
  3. Installation of beacons for reinforced concrete screed;
  4. Installation of the concrete layer;

A water heated floor system would be a good option. It is installed under a concrete screed. True, this system cannot be installed in every garage.

Insulation of metal gates

As often happens, owners insulate only the walls and ceiling in the garage, but completely forget about the gate. And they, in turn, are the main source of cold and dampness in the garage. So how to insulate the garage so that the car does not freeze in winter.

The easiest way is to decorate the inside of the gate with polystyrene foam

  1. A sheathing is created from the profiles, in the zones of which insulation is laid;
  2. Fixing foam plastic to the metal base of the gate. You need to use liquid nails.
  3. The gaps between the foam plastic must be covered with polyurethane foam;
  4. Spray with polyurethane foam;

Having installed one of the types of insulation, it is worth installing seals on the gate leaves. Even small gaps can make a big difference to the temperature in your garage.

Insulating the garage is guaranteed to increase the life of the car. If all the work is done correctly, you will be able to create the optimal temperature in the garage at any time of the year.

If you are the owner of a metal garage, then the question of insulating it will definitely come to your mind, if not immediately, then definitely after spending a short time inside it in the winter. In order to insulate a garage, you need to choose a suitable insulation and study the technology of its installation. To carry out insulation yourself, it is enough to be able to work with your hands, since there are no special subtleties in this process. It is enough to choose the right material and follow the sequence of actions.

Optimal temperature conditions in the garage

Usually garage walls are made thin, about 200−250 mm. Metal garages are all thin-walled and there is no point in heating them in winter. Therefore, for a comfortable stay in such a garage it is necessary insulate.

For normal storage of a car in a garage, there are certain conditions. In winter, the optimal temperature in the garage should be maximum +5°C. Thanks to the built-in ventilation, there should be an influx of fresh air, which is 180 m³ per hour (per car).

Many people will think that it is possible not to insulate the garage at all, but this is not so. Such a low optimal temperature in winter is as follows: if you create “greenhouse” conditions in the garage with a temperature that exceeds +17°C, the car becomes covered in “perspiration”, when colder air from the street enters the garage. In the future, condensation can cause corrosion of the car.

About ventilation we can say that it is also very important. Many car enthusiasts seal up the ventilation holes to insulate the garage. This is absolutely impossible to do. Thanks to ventilation, the necessary microclimate is maintained in the garage, promotes the removal of carbon monoxide, purifies the air and prevents the occurrence of dampness.

Technical parameters of materials for insulation

Different insulation materials have different thermal conductivity:

For example, polystyrene foam is 17 times worse in thermal conductivity than cinder block. Accordingly, a layer of polystyrene foam 5 cm thick will almost replace a cinder block wall 1 m thick.

Thermal inertia It is also a very important indicator; it determines how quickly the temperature on the surface of the structure changes over time. In this case, the opposite is true. A cinder block wall will have greater thermal inertia than a polystyrene foam wall. Thus, it takes significantly longer for a massive wall to heat up.

To properly insulate a garage, it is necessary that the thermal inertia of the insulation increases and the thermal conductivity decreases.

By following this simple scheme, the insulation will not let the cold in in winter and heat in summer.

Before choosing insulation for your garage, it’s worth remembering how heat moves in space:

  • convection- movement of heated air, thanks to which the room is heated;
  • conduction- a process during which heat is transferred from heated materials to unheated ones;
  • thermal radiation- a process during which heat is emitted, but air does not move.

Today the most common combined method of insulation. Classic insulation is used (prevents conduction and convection) and a reflective heat insulator. This insulation is used if the garage is part of the house. If the garage is built separately from the house, then such insulation does not make sense.

If you decide to insulate your garage, then you need to do it comprehensively. Since leaving uninsulated surfaces will not allow maintaining the required temperature in the garage. Simply put, there will be no benefit from insulating walls if the ceiling, floor or gate is left without insulation.

Types of insulation

A detached garage will only need to be insulated with classic material that prevents conduction and convection.

Classic insulation materials are:

  • polymer;
  • mineral wool;
  • fiberglass.

Each type of insulation must be water-permeable, which will protect surfaces from excess moisture and fire resistance. There is always a risk of fire in a garage, so you should follow all safety measures and approach the insulation process very responsibly.

Mineral wool

One of the best insulation options for the garage. This material is highly effective in insulation. It has excellent technical characteristics for this type of work. However, it also has certain disadvantages. This is sensitivity to moisture - the structure will require mandatory waterproofing. And also quite a high price.

Glass wool

In terms of thermal characteristics, this material is similar to mineral wool, but has more disadvantages. Not only is he afraid of humidity, but he is also flammable. In terms of cost, glass wool is slightly cheaper than mineral wool.


This material is perhaps the best option for insulating a garage, since it has a huge number of advantages and virtually no disadvantages. Polystyrene foam has excellent thermal insulation characteristics and does not allow moisture to pass through. It has high bacteriological properties - it is not susceptible to the formation of fungus, as well as rotting. This material is easy to install due to its lightness, and also has a fairly reasonable price.

The only drawback of polystyrene foam is its flammability However, in this situation there is a way out - foam plastic of the PBS-S brand. It's processed fire retardant and extinguishes itself when ignited.

Instructions for wall insulation

We will look at insulating a metal garage using polystyrene foam. It is this material, as we have already found out, that has all the necessary qualities for this type of work. You can also insulate a building with foam plastic from the outside - for this you need foam layer of at least 20 mm.

So, to insulate a garage with polystyrene foam, you need to do the following:

  1. Initially you need to do sheathing garage walls using a wooden beam.
  2. The next step is to directly attach the first layer of foam. Attach foam to the sheathing it is necessary to use Liquid Nails glue.
  3. Followed by second layer of insulation. It is attached to the first one in the same way (with glue). There is an important feature here - the second layer of foam must be laid relative to the first in a checkerboard pattern so that the joining seams do not coincide. This will help make the insulation as effective as possible.
  4. After this, the insulated walls can be decorated in any convenient way - sheathe with plywood or clapboard.

Instructions for insulating garage doors

The insulation of garage doors is carried out approximately according to the same scheme as the thermal insulation of the entire garage. The use of insulation here corresponds to the parameters for walls. In this case, we will also consider insulation using foam plastic, since this material is most suitable for this. Here you will also need beams for sheathing.

Based on the above, it can be noted that insulating a garage with your own hands is not particularly difficult. A person with “hands” can easily do this on his own. This process will not require excessive effort, but there will be a lot of benefits from it. You will protect your car from the influence of the external environment, creating the correct microclimate in the room, conducive to adequate storage. This will help avoid premature corrosion and wear of the car. And also you will be able to produce everything comfortably during the cold season necessary manipulations, such as minor minor repairs to your “iron friend”.

Insulating a garage is a way to ensure proper operating conditions for the building and storage of the car, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Proper insulation of a brick garage

Very often, car owners believe that the temperature inside the garage should be almost the same as in the house. But this is an erroneous opinion, since when driving from the cold into a warm garage room, the car will definitely become covered with condensation. Which in turn will destroy its anti-corrosion coating, which will lead to the appearance of rust and subsequent destruction of the metal parts of the car.

During construction, the garage walls are not laid out thick enough. Naturally, they cannot prevent cold air from entering the room in winter. For this purpose, the walls of the building are insulated. Let's take a closer look at how to insulate a brick garage.

Important: the temperature inside the garage should be no more than 5-6 degrees so that the difference between the temperature inside and outside is minimal.

Insulation methods

Plastering garage walls for insulation

In order for the insulation of a brick garage to be correct, it is necessary to increase the inertia of the insulation and reduce thermal conductivity. If you follow this rule, the garage will be quite warm in winter and cool in summer. To achieve greater effect, it is best to use a combined method, in which insulation is used in conjunction with a heat insulator. At the same time, it is impossible to achieve the set goal by limiting itself only to insulating the walls, forgetting about the roof and gates. Insulation must be complete and comprehensive.

Before choosing materials, you should decide on the method of carrying out insulation work, since the technology for performing finishing work depends on the latter. The following methods are distinguished:

  1. plastering technology;
  2. double insulation;
  3. internal insulation;
  4. external.

Double wall insulation scheme

The first option is the cheapest. It involves the use of a fiberglass mesh on which a layer of plaster is applied. But additional installation of a thermal layer is required. It is usually made of siding, lining, plastic and other similar materials. But this method takes a long time to complete and is therefore not used so often.

The double insulation method is very effective. It allows you to retain heat, significantly reduces the cost of additional heating of the room in winter and almost completely eliminates the possibility of corrosion.

The latter methods are the most common. Moreover, any one is used. External insulation is the best method and fully meets building standards.

The internal method of laying insulation is less effective; there is always a risk of freezing of the walls, release of harmful fumes and destruction of the structure under the influence of condensation.

Currently, new thermal insulation technologies have appeared on the construction market. But they are not yet widespread enough. These are reflective thermal insulation and thermal insulating dyes. Reflective thermal insulation is used mainly for metal garages and is available in roll form. If the inside of the garage is finished with plaster, you can use heat-insulating dyes as insulation. It will allow the layer of plaster to breathe.

Insulation materials

Photo of insulating garage walls with foam plastic

Can be used as insulation materials:

  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • glass wool

Glass wool is a classic insulation material and is quite common. But when choosing it as a thermal insulation material, you must remember some rules:

  • its fibers are very hard, so you should only work with it with gloves;
  • It is imperative to isolate it from moisture, since when water gets in, the fibers crumple. Glass wool loses its basic insulating qualities and can no longer be used.
  • In addition, glass wool is flammable. It is better not to use it to insulate the garage from the inside.

Photo of insulating a garage wall with mineral wool

Mineral wool is a good and common insulation option. It, like glass wool, is sensitive to moisture; it is necessary to apply a layer of waterproofing. It can insulate garage walls both outside and inside. The only difference may be the degree of hardness of the mat. For external insulation they must be more rigid. The modern building materials market has a wide range of mineral wool. Experts recommend basalt for purchase, as it is a leader in quality and sales level. But it is worth noting that it has a higher cost than glass wool.

Polystyrene foam is an almost ideal thermal insulator for a brick garage. They can be used to insulate the walls and ceiling in the garage from the inside. This material has a number of advantages:

  • light weight and ease of installation, allow you to do the work yourself;
  • good thermal insulation properties and moisture resistance;
  • long service life;
  • not subject to rotting;
  • quite reasonable price.

However, polystyrene foam has a drawback - it does not allow air to pass through at all and is flammable. But for the interior decoration of the garage, you can use PBS-S foam, which is treated with fire retardant and is capable of extinguishing itself in the event of a fire.

Insulating the garage from the outside

Insulating the garage wall from the outside with polystyrene foam

Many experts consider external insulation to be the most suitable and effective method. The following arguments support this:

  1. The risk of walls freezing is almost completely eliminated.
  2. Resistance to condensation between the wall and the insulation.
  3. There is no environment for the formation of mold and fungal compounds.
  4. Saving space indoors.
  5. No harmful fumes.

The most common material for external insulation is polystyrene foam. For this method, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls well.

Important: it is necessary to store polystyrene foam and its derivatives without exposure to sunlight, since under their influence it is destroyed and loses its basic properties.

It is necessary to first clean the surface from chips, repair potholes and oil stains. In some cases, an adhesive solution can be used for leveling. Then allow time to dry and apply a layer of special primer.

Now you should move directly to insulation. A profile under the starting row is attached to the bottom. Then the remaining rows are installed and the top profile is installed. Glue is applied to sheets of foam plastic (expanded polystyrene). This is done using a notched trowel over the entire surface evenly, or pointwise, with a small amount of glue. Install the foxes by adjusting their position by level.

It is better to lay the foam in a checkerboard pattern, carefully pressing it against each other. The glue is allowed to dry completely for three to four days, and then the sheets are additionally secured with dowels.

To maintain high thermal protection properties and eliminate the possibility of moisture ingress, additional surface finishing is required. You can use traditional plaster or the now popular siding finish.

Important: the garage must have a ventilation system installed to avoid the accumulation of harmful carbon monoxide and excessive humidity.

Insulating garage walls from the inside

Internal wall insulation is used quite rarely. But if this is the only possible option, then the work must be carried out in a strictly defined sequence.

How to insulate a brick garage from the inside?

Initially, you should thoroughly clean the surface of the garage walls. Next, you should mount a frame that will hold the insulation layer and at the same time serve as the basis for attaching finishing materials.

Any material can be used as insulation. But for fire safety purposes, it is best to use mineral wool. You can insulate a garage from the inside with polystyrene foam, but working with it is quite complicated and requires additional help.

The frame is mounted in increments, depending on the geometric dimensions of the insulation sheet (roll). It is necessary that the step width be slightly (1-2 cm) smaller than the size of the heat insulation sheet to ensure density during installation. Before laying insulation, it is necessary to perform waterproofing. This can be done using special insulating mixtures or film coating.

In some cases, an additional layer of aluminum-based film insulation is laid on top of the insulation.

The last stage of internal insulation can be finishing with wooden lining or plasterboard. On drywall, it is imperative to apply a layer of plaster on top of the fiberglass reinforced mesh. The lining is additionally treated with various antiseptic mixtures.

For insulation from the inside, you can use the method of constructing an imitation (false) partition. Then a layer of thermal insulation is placed in its frame. But be prepared for the fact that this method will significantly reduce the area of ​​the room.
Video on insulating garage walls:

Gate insulation finishing

When insulating a garage, you should pay special attention to the gates, since a lot of heat is lost through them. Unnecessary heat loss can be eliminated and insulate garage doors? To do this, it is better to make a door in one of the gate leaves.

The gate leaf is usually insulated with polystyrene foam. A sheathing is mounted on the inside, then sheets of expanded polystyrene (foam) are attached to it. The gaps where the gates close are treated with special adhesive tape. You can install seals in places where air penetrates. Next, waterproofing is performed. For the final cladding of the gate, you need to mount the frame. Experts recommend using OSB or thin boards as finishing materials.

Important: the gate panels are usually metal, so before insulation they need to be thoroughly treated with anti-corrosion mixtures. You can use regular drying oil for this, just warm it up a little.

You should not use moisture-resistant materials such as gypsum plasterboard to decorate garage doors.
Video on insulating garage doors:

Garage roof insulation

Insulating the garage roof photo

To complete the insulation process, you should also think about the roof. Is it worth spending effort and money on insulating walls if warm air rising up to the ceiling will escape through the structural elements of the roof?

If the roof is wooden, then sheets of foam plastic are simply laid on top, fastened well, a layer of waterproofing is laid and covered with roofing materials.

If the garage floor is concrete, then it is better to insulate the ceiling in the garage from the inside. Using metal corners, a frame is constructed. It is secured with self-tapping screws. Sheets of insulation are laid over the frame (it is better to use polystyrene foam and its analogues). You can secure them with glue or tape. Then they are pressed tightly with the sheathing and fastened again. If necessary, you can lay an additional layer of waterproofing material on an aluminum base and finally cover it with clapboard. But this option makes sense if mineral or glass wool is chosen as the thermal insulation material. Foam does not require any additional waterproofing.
Video on insulating the ceiling in the garage:

Additional insulation measures

Garage owners rarely insulate the floor, especially if it has an inspection hole. Of course, when the garage is part of the house and there is a basement underneath it, then there is no need for such work. But if the floor freezes, then this problem also needs to be solved.