In a dead end what to do. Relationships went to a dead end: what to do, signs of "alarming bell"

Engineering "Crossroads"

If it seems that life has entered a dead end ...
Imagine that you are on the intersection! "If you did not decide where to go, it means that any direction is suitable for you." - Cheshire cat.

Instructions for passing a crossroads:

1. First of all, we run in yourself. Understand what you want.
Happy man will become only when they succeed in what you like. And it will not be necessary to like it close.

Considerations of prestige and fashion requirements - can only prevent. Forgive yourself and close to all nonsense and misunderstandings, and if you can fix them. It is impossible to enjoy life if you feel remorse. Remember that there are no enemies - there is a teacher!
After that, repeat the code words: I know what I want! I go to the goal!

2. Focus on good. Remember - thought material. You can attract the fortune to yourself, reprogramming your attitude to life. Do not dwell on failures, and learn even in them to see positive parties. Customize mind and feelings for positive. Relieve an optimist. Each unpleasant event has a bright side. From each failure to remove the lesson and adjust the next step. Remember - the world belongs to optimists. Pessimists - only the audience! Better blind in hand than the "duck" under the bed.
Code words: glass half full!

3. Learn to look successful. You cope, and you know it! Surrounding yourself as if you have a sea of \u200b\u200bknee. And often dancing mentally the party of the lucky way from the ballet "Our whole life is a game!". Unlock simple "Pa" of a successful image. Stand, legs with straps, shoulders back, chest forward, lips break into a smile. Eyes look ahead, and most importantly - the head is "on the sky." Pushed, fell?!? Lift, Corre your crown and went forward!
Code words: good luck and success!

4. Remember - you want to like everyone at once - this is an illusion, time loss and energy.
On the way to his happiness (success) you will inevitably have to upset someone. And more than once. To achieve something - our own goals are needed, your own plan and own activity. Do not allow you to manipulate yourself! The faster you move forward, the louder and dissatisfied with the voice of your back. Learn to stand on your own. In the controversial situation, I decide - it is important to get this result or not. If not - relax. If so, the delay is fraught with serious losses - no compromise! Do not let the will with negative emotions !!! If you are the last person on whom the decision depends - become the captain and persistently demand fulfillment. Calmly explain what the consequences of the wrong choice will be. Happened? Hooray! Not? Write in the Count "Life Exchange". A negative result is also the result.
Code words: Farewell quickly! As a whole slowly. I love sincerely! Laugh is uncontrollable!

5. Trust yourself, listen to your heart!
Intuition is not supernatural than a little, it is an implicit experience. About your problems, desires, no one knows the best features. Develop intuition. Mentally bother all the facts and situations, concentrate on what you feel for each of them. But! Motion intuition from emotions. Trust yourself and the feeling of the right choice! If you were born without wings - do not bother them to grow!
Code words: I do everything right!

6. Act! Under the underlying stone water does not flow !!! He sails itself into hand only what is not sinking. Do not wait for a miracle - you feel yourself! Miracle will definitely happen if it is pretty prepared. Be active. Look for yourself "candy". Create a stimulus. Comething more often in different places. Do not lose touch with old friends, raise new! Do not postpone tomorrow what can be done today! If you need to score a nail - do not call upon the highest strength - just take the hammer!
Code words: Walk asset going!

7. Have time to live !!! Use your prompts, use your own and someone else's experience. Distribute time. Prevent a diary. Fix in it the goal and appoint the time of its execution. Make an achievement plan. Analyzing and adjust the path to the goal. Saving power for the finish jerk at the right moment. And do not need to seem ordinary if you can be extraordinary !!! Remember that life is a terrific adventure - do not refuse yourself to live him joyfully!
Watch your thoughts - they become words.
Watch the words - they become actions.
Stone for actions - they become habits.
Stone out of habit - they become fate!
Code words: if not me, then who!

8. Remember the rest. We work without fanaticism. Have a hobby for the soul. Meet friends. Sleep enough, correctly fighting and train the body - fitness, gymnastics, dancing, swimming, football, bike, hiking - all that your body is pleased. Sex is a mandatory and important component of our physiology. No sex from a mature man - provokes a hormonal background failure, a drop in mood, aggressiveness, disease, alcoholism, early old age. The topic about sex especially concerns family and does not particularly apply to those who practice celibacy and spiritual practices.
Code words: Made the case - Goulai boldly!

9. Summary. For those who are still at the intersection:
It's impossible! - said the reason.
This is a recklessness! - noticed experience.
It's useless! - cut pride.
Try ... - Quietly whispered in a dream.

Key owl: There is always a choice!

In life impasse, there are plenty of people. The hopelessness is dumping with dark mass and presses every day more and more. A person remains one on one with his demons. Why is this happening? Who is guilty? How to escape?

First you need to figure out what a dead end and how real is it. This problem can be divided into two main directions. In the first case, a person really falls into a difficult life situation. It may be a disease, the death of loved ones, debts, prosecution and other real problems. In another case, life deadlock exists only in the imagination of man. It is in the depressed state, everything begins to annoy it, desires disappear. But, there is no serious reason for this. Although it seems to him that he is on the very edge of the abyss. Both states are very serious and can have a destructive impact, both on the psyche and physical health.

Is it possible to fight? You can and need. The prolonged life "in a dead end" threatens to turn around with the deposits, right up to suicide and psychiatric clinic. It is worth noting: In the dead end, strong and confident people are rarely falling. Such a state beats on a weaker, which is very dangerous.

How to find a way out of life deadlock? First of all, you need to remember that the old proverb, however it would be trite, right. From all you can find a way out. Truth, truth, but it is not easy to do this, and the most difficult thing is the first step. First you need to try to evaluate the situation: it is possible to cope with the problem on their own. Some requires professional psychological assistance. In no case should not be shy. In Russia, so far with suspicion relate to the campaigns in the Cabinet of psychoanalyst. However, there are situations where it is impossible to do without it.

With an independent solution at the first stage, it is necessary to exit stressful state. Here can help:

  • breathing exercises;
  • yoga;
  • walks in the open air;
  • communication with animals.

The latter is extremely effective. For a long time, the positive effect of animals on the physical and emotional state of a person has been proven. Animals always feel when a person is bad. In addition, sincere selfless love of the animal is able to distract a person from bad thoughts.

A number of people need to be spoken, free from the psychological cargo. The role of the interlocutor can act like close people and professional specialists.

After stress goes, it will be easier to assess the situation that created and proceed to solving existing problems.

Much worse the case is with a contrived "dead end." People with great prosperity often fall into the controversial "deadlock", without life difficulties. In the people they say "with fat silent." Partly this is true. At one moment, desires end up, or rather, people no longer know what to wish. Such states are characteristic of people limited and with relatively low intelligence. Often, wives and children of wealthy people suffer from such a notch. Many drinks or become drug addicts. But this happens not only because they do not know what to wish. They do not know where to move in life further.

There is one effective way: never stop. This does not mean that you need to run up the stairs somewhere. This means that you need to continue to deal with daily urgent affairs. This will help to stay afloat and not immerse yourself in the "dead end" with a head. Some habits can help in this situation. For example, habit to make charging or walking a dog every day.

What to do if a close man was in life deadlock?

When you noticed the condition "deadlock" from a close person, you don't need to throw it from the go with the help of it and choke it with your own care. It is necessary to delicately try to find out: what's the matter. Then calmly think how to help. The scale of the problem can be determined by some characteristic features: whether a person refuses to communicate whether it ceases to engage in habitual affairs, does not make strange actions.

With real problems, it is sometimes difficult to help, but the joint activity will be able to help you get a close person from a dangerous state. Gradually, the employment displaces "deadlock" from consciousness. In the case when the problem exists only in the consciousness of a person, it is extremely difficult to start solving it. It is always difficult to deal with phantoms. However, such a state can be extremely dangerous. For non-existent problems, unfortunately, there is no real solution. You can try to distract a loved one. It can be a joint trip. But solely in a quiet is not a partition. Because in such a state, the type of satisfied cheerful people can only be aggravated by the depressed state.


Loneliness most often becomes the cause of "dead end". A lonely man defensive, it is easy to offend, he has no support. It is terrible to think that no one is worried about you, no one is waiting for you, and no one will be upset if you disappear. The brightest illustration is the deterioration of the mental state in people who lived with their parents all their life, after their death. They turn out to be on the ground block in the midst of the endless ocean.

Unfortunately, no one pays attention to the psychological state of lonely people, and no one strives to help them. They are provided to themselves. Sometimes it ends with a deplorable.

Also in the "deadlock" can push the lack of personal life. A person begins to gnaw, look in the shortcomings and even discovers the "crown of celibacy." And the problems begin to grow as a snowball, because the depressed person is not needed to anyone, and an unnecessary person finds himself in a life impasse. Naturally, the attention of the opposite sex will help to get out of this state, flirt and relationships. Sometimes even flirting is quite enough.

Exit from "deadlock"

Summing up some results, you can call a number of things that will help to get out of life deadlock.

  1. Any type of activity and everyday affairs. When a person is busy, he is distracted from dark thoughts. Help him can be family and friends. Joint activity is even more efficient.
  2. Tactical and unobtrusive support for loved ones. Heat and love can cope with any difficulties.
  3. Help professional psychoanalyst. Do not be afraid to seek help to a professional. Despite public opinion, not all "brains" machines for pumping money. There are such complex cases, it is absolutely impossible to cope with themselves. Hike to a psychologist, sometimes you can save your life.
  4. Communication with wildlife at all times brought a person only benefit. It may be time spent with animals or gardening. By the way, in many countries there are special therapy, the basis of which is the communication of a person with dolphins or horses, as well as care for homeless animals in specialized shelters. The last is very effective. Two disadvantaged creatures help each other. In the US, there is even a program on the rehabilitation of former prisoners who care for pit boules saved from dog battles.

Hello! Tell me, please, how and where to start changing your life if in all life areas stagnation? 35 years old, divorced, no children, there is no personal life, although herself is beautiful, slim, charming woman. At work for a long time (7 years), it is impossible to achieve an increase (I do not seek another job, because I want to get an increase in this position in this place). Girlfriends are married with children, there are already practically no interests of common. Probably, it is possible to name lonely, but because of the contents, I do not suffer from this, although I understand that communication with people is necessary. Permanent despondency and times despair against the background of what I feel like a loser. I do not know where to start changes. I would really like to hear a plan of action from a specialist, because Suma was confused and see no exit.
Tell me, please, the algorithm for action of the output from the situation, when I absolutely in all spheres of life I went into a dead end. Thank you so much.

Psychologist's response TheSoltion:

A psychologically difficult period has come in your life when the usual methods of operation no longer bring a satisfactory result, and the new ones are not yet developed. You do not know what to do and where to make efforts to move from the dead point. It is wonderful that in difficult situation you are looking for professional assistance. This may mean your readiness to take responsibility for your life and its change in your own hands, and not shift it on others.

Determine the maturity of your personality.

In order to understand where to start working on yourself, it is worth passing such a test and its interpretation is on our website. According to its results, you can understand which of the 14 least developed and require special attention. If the indicators for several parameters or by the result of the entire test will be below 40, it can mean availability, that is. When describing the results of the test, in each of the parameters there is a hint about what skills should be developed and what to do for this.

In support of the state of stagnation in life, several psychological phenomena participate.

In the field of work, difficulties with the construction of close relations are characteristic of neurosis. With neurosis there is a decrease and self-use. You can realize the need for change, to understand what exactly needs to be done, but unexpectedly for ourselves do not do the necessary or do on the contrary. Self-skating is also manifested in procrastinations, i.e. constant postponing for later important cases (even with aware of the negative consequences of such behavior), the destruction of success already achieved, in order to do not as you think necessary, but on the contrary. Thus, self-safe behavior leads to the preservation and support of the existing situation, preventing development. In the literature, samosabotage is also called resistance to change.
Samosabotage coexists with persistent helplessness, that is, belief in the absence of ability (lack of forces, opportunities) to change the unpleasant and painful situation. A person prefers to endure and suffer, confirming his position and beliefs of the "victim." The learned helplessness and self-acquisition are caused by the presence of negative beliefs formed in childhood under the influence of unfavorable in relations with parents.
It is necessary to understand what is the secondary benefit from your current state. Secondary benefits are those positive moments for you that is in the situation of stagnation. Here the secondary benefit may be in the presence of emotional support or approval of the surrounding or absence of fear and anxiety, etc. In each case, it must be considered individually. With a conscious refusal to the role of the victim, obtaining secondary benefits and overcoming neurotic protective reactions you can develop your identity.

It is necessary to conduct a negative belief correction, learn to understand their emotions.

To move in your development further, it is important for you to deal with negative beliefs, as well as fears that impede your development. To do this, listen carefully to your feelings, learn to notice those. Take care of your needs and watch for what reason you do not allow them to be implemented. Endressing feelings can be a good development assistant. Listen to them, but do not go for them.

To determine the objectives of its development, you can perform several exercises.

To clearly realize wherever you want to move and what you want to achieve, do an exercise. Imagine in all colors what you see yourself and your life in a few years, decades. "Consider" to the fact that you surrounds how you act, look, think. "Look" on your "Living" life and analyze which events led you to this result. Based on this exercise, you can decide on the objectives and build an exemplary plan of your further action.

In order to determine your desires and needs, there is another exercise. Imagine a hypothetical situation as if you left to retirement for 3 months. What will you then do then? What kind of desires and needs will be implemented? Make a list of what is important to you to execute, say where to go than to do. After that, analyze why you do not do this now and make a plan of action to implement your desires. Other exercises on this topic we give on the course "System Planning Lifestyle".

To achieve its goals at the moment, some skills and skills may miss.

Gradually, purposefully producing the necessary skills, you will start moving to the goals set. In order for such a movement to be the most effective, it is worth painting in detail to the smallest details all the way (plan) of achievements. Naturally, reality sometimes does not allow moving to goals as quickly as we want, so it is important to form or develop behavior flexibility, skills to deal with failures, learn how to make emotional solutions, constructively solve conflicts and much more.

It is necessary to work on the development of their personality.

To work out self-limiting beliefs ("I can not", "not worthy," "will not work" and others), the fears of rejection, change, learned helplessness, as well as to develop the necessary psychological skills you can both independently and when passing individual psychotherapy. Independent work on change is possible when reading psychological literature, systematic analysis of behavior, emotions. Such work can take for a long time. Psychotherapy can be considered as an accelerated process.

Hello, readers of my blog! For each person, there are sometimes difficult situations for life, the way out of which is because of circumstances, it is difficult to detect, and sometimes it just lacks internal resources to look for it. Therefore, I dedicated today's article: "If a lifetelpion has come, what to do?".

1. If you admitted that I got to a dead end, you should not despair

Sometimes you need time to realize the problem. After all, to know where to go, it is important to understand where I come from and where I am now, right? This is a very important process, and if you won't give yourself the opportunity to gain strength and look around, all the time scrolling in the head of the current situation and tormented yourself with the search for decisions - you will simply come to spend your domestic strength and reserves. So let yourself suspend and just be. Sometimes it helps to switch to other tasks, then the output itself is detected.

2. Send your attitude to the situation

After all, in fact, no matter how difficult, but every crisis and ambushes arose is such a very motivating way to go beyond the boundaries of your comfort to achieve change in the level of quality of your life. After all, many accomplishments of great people occurred after a long period of stagnation. It is important not to give up, but to understand that you are on the breakthrough path, when the accumulated energy will achieve its goal, and this "suspended" state will sooner or later cease.

Thanks to such difficulties, a person acquires experience, its inner strength, maturity and awareness increases.

3. Convenience

Support for loved ones is very important at such a moment, but we should not forget that only you are responsible for your life. Yes, you can help with advice or even financially, but you should not just expect help, relying on the circumstances or other people. This is your life and only you decide how to live it, and only you make efforts to satisfy your at least basic needs.


Sometimes we make a big mistake in the fact that with the failure we spend the energy in search of the perpetrator. Instead, concentrate on the problem and think how to get out of the current situation. A dead end happened, and if you put the blame on the circumstances or other people - it will not help you to advance, and only the temptation will not do anything.

5. Test is Dar.

Sometimes some tests are given to us so that we realize that the usual way of life does not satisfy. The usual ways to build relationships no longer work that we are moving forward, and we simply need changes. In case of ignoring the need for personal growth, a person becomes static, "canned", up to the point that it may lose the meaning of life.


No matter how hard it sounds, but sometimes the feeling of helplessness and the impossibility to solve some problem - beneficial for us and for some reason you need. Some get attention to others do not have to apply a lot of effort to ensure comfortable living conditions, as the other took this burden on himself ...

It happens differently, listen to yourself if you are a long period in a dead end, maybe you really need it for some reason now needed? And then, instead of searching for excuses, it will be relevant to find the courage to admit itself in this.

Reflection method

This method is good because it helps to find an answer within yourself about how to get out of the feeling of hopelessness. When it seems that we are moving in a circle, day after day, being in the same state of anxiety and desire for change. To do this, select the time and place where no one will disturb you, disconnect the sound of the mobile phone and take the sheet with the handle.

Record all thoughts and answers

  • Describe the problem or the situation from which you intend to find a way out. Detail every moment and nuance.
  • Close your eyes and try to identify the feelings. It can be: anger, disappointment, impotence, sadness, fear, wines, shame, irritation, etc. It can brightly manifest one feeling, and sometimes a lot at the same time, sweating like a tangle.
  • Now listen to the feelings of the body, in which place the tension occurs, perhaps even pain. It is likely that when aware of something, a head can start circling, or a lump in the throat appears.
  • Now describe the thoughts that arise. No matter, negative or positive, just write down each. Sometimes the answer lures on the surface, so even the smallest item is important.
  • Connect your fantasy and try to imagine the worst outcome option of events. If your most huge fear is justified, what happens then? Consider mental all the options that is terrible in them? Remember your fear when it's not just something the volume scares you, and when you consider it from different sides, it often happens that there is really no such terrible, and it is quite possible to cope with what was initially very afraid.
  • And now, on the contrary, make sure that the event development scenario would be the best option for you? What exactly do you want to come together to the feeling of a dead end? Try clearly and in detail to present the desired, and sometimes it happens, as with fear, when there is some kind of total voluminous desire, but it consists of something - it is not clear, not at all the specifics.
  • Explore the beliefs that arise with your thoughts about solving an existing problem. Those who suspend you in actions. For example: "I am weak and nothing will come out," "I can not earn so much money" ... and so on.
  • And now, reformulate these beliefs on positive, which are called affirmations, how to do it correctly, you can read in my article. And as often as possible, repeat them yourself, therefore, with time, the subconscious will be programmed to a positive result, which will greatly simplify every day.

Methods that help restore resources to overcome difficulties

1. Music

With the help of creativity it is possible to release the accumulated and unconscious energy. Sometimes the usual drawing gives an answer to the most difficult question, because you know the saying: "all ingenious just"? Therefore, take a sheet, pencils or paints, and try to portray your hopeless situation. It is not necessary to know how to draw beautifully, let it be just lines, stains, a point, anything, but symbolizing your condition. Allow your hand to move, do not control accuracy and clarity.

Then, when you feel that the drawing is ready, listen to yourself, what feelings do you feel in relation to it? What thoughts come to mind? What do you want to do with him? Save, hang in the frame, or vice versa, break, remember and burn? Make what you want, these manipulations will help you to get out a bit beyond the usual look at the situation and free yourself from accumulated feelings.


Or active physical exertion. When your body can reset all the tension, and you will feel fatigue, your thoughts will become much clearer. Sometimes it is also important to simply distract and send energy to another channel.

3. Seek with meditation

She will help to relax and hear their true desires, listen to themselves, afford just to be at the moment. And if you approach contact with yourself, it is likely that you will find a solution to the problem quite easily and unexpectedly. If you do not know the technician of the right relaxation, you can familiarize yourself with them in the article.

4. Work with subconscious

Also, I recommend immediately starting my work with subconscious. This is a very strong person who does not give in direct influence, but in turn, it is very effect on us.


That's all, dear readers of my blog! It was important for me to convey to you the idea that if I got into a dead end and feeling the impossible situation, you should not despair. There is always a way out, you only need to be able to wait and look for an exit option. Let not immediately, but you will definitely choose, through it all people are not alone in your experiences.

For example, you can familiarize yourself with the article, and you will understand that it is quite possible to move forward from absolutely any turmoil and crises, having achieved enormous change and achievements. The main thing is to believe in your strength! Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates, a lot more interesting! See you soon.

Photo: jochenschoenfeld /

Sometimes there are situations in our lives when the hands are literally lowered when we are in despair we do not know what to do and where to go further. "I'm in a dead end!" - We exclaim and break our heads, how to get out of it, passing into despair, depressed and thinking about suicide. Do not rush to break through the walls of the forehead, rushing from the rock and burn all the bridges, it's not a dead end, but only a steep turn of your life path. Start for the new stage of your development.

What do you need to understand about dead end?

The most important thing is the first thing to make a person who got into, to understand, realize that every dead end is the stage of its developmentAfter which there are two ways: back (down) or forward (up). It can be said that dead end is a prerequisite for our growth, which, as it were, signify to us, what in this direction, the friend, you have already fascinated the right distance, everything did, reached the edge, you need to turn, go to the other side or find a hole in the wall, Fly the key opening the secret door to move on. Or go back what is undesirable, because it automatically returns you to the already passed stage of development.

The second understanding of a person should be like this: the whole world consists of walls, that is, dead end. If we talk about the universe, its inner part is surrounded by the seven shells. Essentially walls. Moreover, the thickness of each next shell is thicker than ten times. In the Ancient Indian and Slavic Vedas, talk about who hold a person in the material world. They consist of land, water, ether, light, ego, mahat Tattvama. Mahat Tattva is the initial, undifferentiated shape of the aggregate material energy from which the material world appears. If it is easier to speak, the whole spiritual world that can be accessible to a person can be called heaven. And Mahat-Tattva is a cloud that hangs over his very small, limited part of the world. It is called the material sky, for it closes or limits the review, that is, forced by a person in the sphere of its material interests. And these are not only objects, things, money, etc. But his internal limiters in the form of pride, anger, greed, envy and lust. That is, the person is surrounded by countless deadlocks, shells, walls, limiters, overcoming which the unlimited spiritual sky opens him.

Another point to understand: all deadlocks with which life is confronted, it is our own deadlocksThat we need to overcome our own problems. We ourselves create our impasses for yourself. Original, authentic and exclusive. And our task, that is, the task of our development, learn them and get out of them. It is possible to blame the situation of the country, the president, the state that is not taken care of us. Parents who missed us impropered or gave not the initial capital, mind and beauty to which we expected, comparing themselves with others. But if you look at your own problems with your own eyes, then most of the dead end will immediately become explained. Moreover, we can easily find the key from those doors that seemed tightly closed to us when we looked at them from a social point of view.

What to do in deadlog situations?

And now the most interesting. What to do when you get into, from which it seems impossible to get out? Maybe. And how. There are at least five ways to do this.

Go across That is, smash the wall, which they themselves and neglected in their lives. Many do this, burning bridges, breaking the relationship, heroically rushing to the flame of fire. Sometimes they are lucky, and they are chosen alive. Sometimes with the hematoma on the forehead and the wound in the heart. Worse to stay without head or without a heart. But this happens when we go straight thoughtfully. Or believe that the wall is stronger and we will not be able to pass through it, as Harry Potter did. Spiritual walls exist only in our imagination. If you understand this with all clarity, you can feel that they are simply not in reality. In any case, passing through the walls, you become a winner and climb a new level of development.

Find the key and open the door. Sometimes everything is much easier than we liked themselves. And deadlocks built in our head are just a mirage of our consciousness. It is necessary only to remove the marrow and look at the wall in all eyes, feel it with all my heart. Sometimes this is enough to understand that the door is open. Sometimes for its discovery, only one light impetus is needed, one word, one degree, knocking out of your usual arsenal. Even simple: "Hello!" in combination with .

Bypass the wall, find another way, turn the other way.Most often, people do this. The only disadvantage of such a choice is stretchability over time and is highly likely to please the new deadlock. If you understand that every individual impasse is created in order for you to overcome it, then you will go to a new stage of your development. If you begin to go around, you will come to the same, but the long-end road. Everyone has their own preferences. Someone harvested for a long time, but quickly rides. Someone is having broken his head. And some love a measured movement on maps and navigator. The choice is yours.

You can turn back and abandon the release of a new frontier.
Any step backs out of us from the spiritual sky of the Universe, to which every human soul seeks. Sometimes a retreat is useful for those who are too tired and spent a lot of strength in an infinite grizzle of roads. Rotate back - a kind of hand. But do not even think that you will be able to kick from life, it will certainly make you move. Even tipping down far down and backward. But why do you need it? Since you have come to your dead end, which is undoubtedly your victory in its own development, then why return and all start first. Is it better to find a way to move forward and then?

To put a bullet in the forehead, drink poison or jump from the roof. There is such an option. Weak natures, frightened by an hopeless situation sometimes see the only way out of it - to end. In fact, it is not even an output, it's just the end of life in this embodiment. It's not a fact that a new attempt after reincarnation will give you the opportunity to return to Earth as a person. It is possible that your decision will return you to this world with some animal or a "durable cabinet".

What can help us understand that deadlocks are the walls on which our happiness is written?

Belief in the fact that they are created for us in good by some higher mind, which leads all our actions. All walls are created by God, who is merciful to us. If we believe in his good and in His mercy, the walls will be perceived by us not as dead-end, misfortune or tragedy, but as mercy and kindness of the highest mind. And then, overcoming his dead end, we will not hit the wall, and we dwell into it, as in the ocean of infinite possibilities.