Roller with embossed pattern. Textured rollers: varieties and uses. Preparation of the building base

If you want to create an original and stylish design for your premises, but are not ready to spend big money on the services of an experienced finisher, do not give up and do not despair. There is a way out of your situation - these are rollers for textured plaster. It is such a tool that will help you cope with the task with your own hands, without resorting to specialists.

Finishing work with textured rollers

But, do not rush to immediately run to the hardware store for the purchase of such a miracle device. Further in the article we will tell you how you can make rollers for decorative plaster with your own hands and what technology you can use with them.

Varieties of rollers

We use rollers for decorative plaster

We all have worked at least once in our life, or seen rollers, which are used for decorating and painting surfaces. But, from older people, you can hear stories about a device made of wood in the form of a cylinder, which used to be used to draw pictures on the walls. This cylinder helped to solve the problem of the inaccessibility of wallpaper, and it was he who became the prototype for creating the rollers that we see today on the shelves of our building stores.

Today on the construction market, all rollers are presented in the form of a rotating cylinder, which is fixed on the handle. Its cover can be made from:

  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • foam rubber;
  • fabrics;
  • skin;
  • fur.

The future texture of the treated surface depends on the variety and relief of the canvas, which can be a trip to brick or stone masonry, marble, wood, fabric, and can also be decorated with an interesting pattern.

Let's take a closer look at the most common decorative plaster rollers:

  1. a relief roller with a dense coating of plastic or rubber and a relief pressed into it helps in creating a convex pattern on the walls;
  2. a canvas with a convex relief helps to squeeze out the pattern over the not yet dried plaster mass;
  3. a fur roller is used to decorate the plaster "fur coat";
  4. a fabric tool (you need a soft and crinkled canvas) helps to simulate a marbled surface, which will look very realistic if you choose the right plaster mass and paints and varnishes.

A small list of techniques for embossing walls is given in the table.

Type Device How to get the pattern
Chaotic Use a roll with a porous structure, a rubberized brush, a trowel and a small spatula You can form a drawing with chaotic or schematic movements with moderate pressure on the tool.
Striped with repeating elements Embossed roller and stencils with the necessary patterns To achieve the result, you will need to apply a pattern using a stencil with one direction of movement
Simulating an old surface No tools needed To work, you just need to cover the surface with special plaster, which, after drying, will crack and create the desired effect
Various patterns and pictures of different difficulty levels Tools can come in handy, ranging from different brushes to sharp objects To achieve the result, you will need to apply drawings on the not yet hardened plaster mixture.

Do-it-yourself roller

Today a structured roller on the market can cost differently, it all depends on the material, size and complexity of the pattern. But, whatever one may say, it is not worth big money to try to save on its purchase.

Nevertheless, there is always such a person who is interested in seeing what happens if you make a roller with your own hands? Hand-made tool making helps not only to satisfy your interest, but also to create a truly unique and original canvas for wall decoration.

You can make a structural roller with your own hands in this way:

  • cut out the required pattern with a clerical knife or blade on a rubberized roller;
  • cut out the future pattern on the rubber and glue the canvas to the previously prepared roller with a special adhesive (do not miss the fact that the edges need to be rounded off so that they evenly sink into the plaster).

Note that it doesn't matter what drawing you display on the surface of the roller, the main thing is that it is closed. Otherwise, the pattern will be interrupted, and you will not be able to evenly apply the pattern.

  • to wind rubberized strips, a lace or a clothesline to the working cylinder in a chaotic manner;
  • the application of an unusual pattern is obtained if a crumpled cellophane bag, vegetable net or burlap is tied to a roller with adhesive tape.

But, a roller is not the only way by which you can decorate the surface of the walls. For these purposes, they often use a comb, brushes with hard bristles, foam sponges, and even their own fingers, etc.

How and for what purpose to use the roller?

The application of patterns and drawings to the surface of the walls can be done in different ways. Of course, the surfaces must be pre-prepared, without dents and flaws, otherwise the impression from the roller will be uneven. That is why you should treat the preparation of the foundation with all responsibility.

If you are applying the pattern with a hard roller, then your actions should be as follows:

  • apply a layer of plaster on a previously prepared surface;
  • allow time for the solution to dry out a little, because on a liquid base it will not be possible to display a clear print, the mixture will stretch behind the roller and clog its relief; but, for a long time, this process does not need to be delayed, but it is best to work in pairs: one applies the solution, the second - the drawing;
  • then, slightly pressing the roller to the wall surface, they are continuously led from the ceiling to the floor, trying to apply the same force;
  • the next fragment must be applied as tightly as possible to the previous one, starting the pattern from the same element (so that the picture clearly coincides, a small mark can be applied to the roller, which will be a guide for you).

If the resulting texture seems rough to you, it can be smoothed out a little with a sanding mesh and moistened with water. It is possible to apply paints and varnishes only after the solution has completely dried.

How much will it cost to decorate the surface?

The cost of applying decorative plaster with textured rollers is affected by:

  • type of roller coating;
  • the volume of the consumed mixture.

Materials for decorating surfaces today can be bought at any hardware store and their prices are very different depending on the manufacturer of the mass and its composition.

The most expensive is the Venetian plaster, which is complex in its composition, puts forward many requirements for the base and application technique.

Prices for textured rollers are also varied: the higher the quality of the base, the more expensive it is. Despite the fact that rubber and wooden rollers are the most expensive among their "brothers", but it is these representatives that are distinguished by the longest service life.

Embossed rollers are a tool, albeit with a simple design, but with ample opportunities. It helps transform ordinary walls into leather or fur, stone, brick, wood, as well as leave traces of animals or other plant elements on the walls.

All you need to do is select a canvas with the required texture and master the technique of applying the mixture. Adhering to simple recommendations and our advice, you can easily create a unique design for your apartment.

The use of rollers for decorative plaster makes it possible to give the surface an original appearance, but few people know about this. Therefore, coming to a hardware store, ask what new tools have appeared for finishing work.

You can radically transform the interior of your apartment by adding depth and shape to the walls.

Embossed roller application

This tool is one of the most popular for finishing with textured plaster. The base of its cylinder can be metal, rubber or plastic, the cover is made of fabric or foam rubber.

There are also embossed rollers made of leather. From this we can conclude that it is not a problem to acquire the necessary tool, the main thing is to find an acceptable texture, for example, under a tree, stone or marble.

When choosing the surface of the roller, you must understand what the final result you want to see:

  1. The pile will allow you to achieve the effect "under a fur coat". Keep in mind that the longer it is, the more prominent the surface will be. When working on brick and concrete surfaces, choose a tool with a pile thickness of 18 mm.

  1. Plastic holes allow you to make small indentations on the work surface.
  2. For a longitudinal texture, use a convex top layer tool. If the image is too rough, touch up the sharp corners with a brush.

  1. Need to make a stone-like surface? Get a roller with "ears".

How to decorate a wall with a roller

Prepare materials and tools for work:

  • deep penetration resin-based soil;
  • putty, for example, "Blik", "Rotband" and the like;
  • building level;
  • rough sponge;
  • a roller for creating a relief;
  • foam roller;
  • brushes for painting the surface;
  • ironing iron or with a sanding net.

The application of decorative plaster with a tool must follow certain rules, which will be shown by the instructions below:

  1. from previous material and prime them thoroughly.

  1. Put the first layer on the surface and plaster the wall to a flat surface, and if the decision is made to combine layers, then paint it in the desired color.

  1. Apply a decorative second coat. Select the required density of the solution and tint it off. Do not rush, practice on a section of the wall how you will do it.

Tip: to achieve the necessary separating effect between layers, use masking tape, with which you can make clear boundaries, and for arbitrary ones, use a self-adhesive sealant used for windows.

  1. Take your decorative plaster rollers and start quickly creating your design, because the material dries very quickly.

Tip: do not press hard with the tool on the plaster, otherwise you will simply ruin the textured drawing.
Move it very lightly, as if sliding along the surface.

  1. After 15-20 minutes, moisten a trowel with a sanding mesh with water and smooth out the embossed protrusions with light movements.
  2. After two days, clean the fine particles left after work from the wall surface, and paint the layer in the desired shade with a brush or sponge.

We make the roller ourselves

More like a creative than a finishing process. Therefore, in this situation, it is more expedient for each drawing to be as original as possible, for which it is best to make a roller with your own hands, and not use a standard one.

For instance:

  • wrap a common store tool with a thin cord or overlapping clothesline in any order. It is unlikely that someone will be able to repeat the same pattern at home, and the price of the product is minimal;
  • use a standard vegetable mesh or plastic bag. Wrap one around a stiff roller cylinder and tape it in, leaving natural folds. Thanks to this, not a single identical fragment of the pattern will appear on the decorative plaster;
  • buy a foam roller and cut whatever you can on it. Although the process is laborious, the end result is impressive.

Roller for structural plaster - make your interior original

Most importantly, having your own roller and finishing the surfaces with it will give you a sense of self-satisfaction.


Thanks to textured rollers, it became possible to quickly decorate large areas of surfaces with a repeating pattern. In addition, if you have a great desire to give the interior in the house uniqueness and originality, such a tool can be made with your own hands from scrap materials.

When working with decorative plaster, remember that it begins to harden after 15 minutes. Therefore, you should treat with a solution such a number of square meters that you can decorate in a given period of time. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

To create a picturesque finish with a small scale of work, all kinds of sponges, combs and other devices are usually used. In the event that it is required to process large areas, the plaster is applied using rollers, which reduce the time for this procedure. This tool can be purchased at a hardware store or made by hand at home.

Specificity of textured rollers

High-quality finishing gives the room an unusual and stylish look; today, among a large number of materials, decorative plastering of walls or coating them with paint stands out. To this end, professionals use a variety of tools, but structural rollers are especially popular.

When working with them, it is not necessary to have certain skills and mastery, even using this method for the first time, you can get quite a decent result. Instruments have certain qualities, advantages and differ in their types.

Design features

Rollers for painting walls have a very simple device, they can be made of various materials, their cylinders are fixed with a handle by means of a metal rod. With the help of these devices, a complex ornament and original drawings are created that can decorate not only a classic, but also a modern interior. The tool includes the following components:

  1. 1. Clasp, which is a supporting element and is the basis of the roller. It has a curved configuration, thanks to which a kind of cylinder is fixed on one side, and a handle on the other, which gives the instrument integrity.
  2. 2. The handle, which is held in the hand during the work, is usually made of rubber, plastic or wood. In order to make it convenient to hold and prevent slipping, special recesses are made on the parts.
  3. 3. Roller, which is the main part of the roller and is made in the form of a cylinder. It is located on the side of the clasp opposite the handle and has the ability to rotate with ease. Mostly plastic or metal is used for its production.
  4. 4. A fur coat worn on top of the roller and intended for direct application of paints and varnishes. It is made of velor, foam rubber or fur.

This uncomplicated design improves productivity and reduces paint consumption. During work with this kind of tool, there are practically no streaks and splashes, and the end result is much more effective than when painting with an ordinary paint brush.

Types by material of manufacture

Rollers differ from other devices, thanks to which the texture is made on the plaster, in their purpose. With the help of applicators, decorative tampons, sponges and stamps, spot work or decoration of small areas is performed. The structured roller is designed to handle large areas of the surface.

There are many types of these tools. But they all fall into two categories: according to the pattern created on the plaster and according to the material that covers the surface of the moving cylinder. They also differ from each other in the width of the roller.


When opting for a tool of this type, you need to know that foam rubber should have pores with sufficient depth and different diameters. These features allow leaving a pattern similar to craters on the Moon and burst bubbles on the treated surface.

When applying decorative plaster with a roller with such a coating, this should be done easily, without pressing on the device, which will exclude the compression of its soft texture, entailing smoothing of the pattern. It is important to remember that when in contact with solvents, the structure of polyurethane foam is easily destroyed, so you cannot choose types of plasters containing this kind of substances to work with it.

Experts advise, before applying decorative plaster, to wrap the foam cylinder with ropes of various thicknesses, a net for vegetables, or simply cut out a pattern on it. Such a solution will make it possible to embody very original ideas.

Fur (pile)

Natural or synthetic fur, such as polyamide or acrylic, is used to make a fur coat for such rollers. Its pile has different lengths (from two to twenty-five millimeters), on which the relief depends - the larger it is, the more bumpy the surface will be. When purchasing these tools, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the pile. If it crumbles, the bristles will remain on the plaster, thereby damaging the appearance of the coating.


Rollers with such a structure allow producing surfaces that are identical to marble or natural stone. In work, they are usually used to apply Venetian plaster to the wall.


Rollers made of this material can be called the most budgetary models. The options for their surfaces are very diverse, since the concavities and convexities have all kinds of shapes.

The disadvantage of this material is its fragility. In the process of use, cracks and chips appear on them, which have a negative effect on the quality of the pattern.


When applying decorative plaster, you can use wood rollers. In terms of its functionality, this tool surpasses even the most common rubber counterpart due to its ease of use, since the degree of adhesion of the plaster to the surface of the material is much less.

When using this tool, observing all the rules, you can get a very high-quality result. In addition, due to its environmental friendliness, wood is not capable of entering into a chemical reaction with the composition of the plaster. This property is very important when carrying out finishing work in premises for children. The disadvantage of wooden rollers is the ability to swell due to prolonged contact with water, which affects the size of the pattern. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to carefully rinse and dry the instrument after each use.


All kinds of grooves and bulges located on the roller of such a device allow you to create the most complex textures on the surface. It can be animals, plants, geometric shapes, paintings and even brickwork.

Usually rubber rollers are used by professionals. This is due to the fact that certain skills are required when working with such a tool.


As for the application of intricate patterns and complex textures, this material is absolutely not inferior to rubber. However, due to its ability to be easily damaged during the processing of large surfaces, repeated tool changes will be required. A better option for foam rollers would be to work in small areas.

Principles of work

According to the texture of the finished pattern, the rollers are divided into textured and textured (structural) types with the appropriate name. The former convey natural materials to the surface, while the latter are capable of applying a complex ornament. Before you start painting the walls with a textured roller, you should carefully study all the subtleties of this process. There are a number of specific rules, adhering to which you can achieve an amazing effect:

  • it is recommended to start painting from the corner of the room located by the window;
  • for paint, you need to purchase a special tub with corrugations, the size of which will allow you to comfortably dip the roller;
  • after applying the first layer, you need to wait for it to dry completely, then you can start applying the second;
  • when painting a wall, paint should be applied from bottom to top and then in the opposite direction.

Working with textured rollers requires mandatory adherence to all technologies and time intervals required for drying materials.

Self-manufacturing methods

It's no secret that many finishing tools are expensive. Therefore, making them with your own hands will become a budget option that allows you to significantly save money.

Experts say that in order to design a textured roller with your own hands, it does not take much time and effort. The main thing in this process will be the presence of imagination and patience. There are several ways to implement such an undertaking, which will require an old and out of order tool.

Based on a worn out fixture

To do this, you need to find an old roller made of any material and of any size. The main thing is that the tool retains its handle. The rest of the elements for its complete set can be easily found in every home.

To do this, you will need a little dense fabric to form figures from it, you can also twist all kinds of flaps from its segments that resemble origami in their appearance. All prepared elements are attached to the roller by means of pins or a special stapler.

With a rope

In order to make a roller, you need to find a clothesline or a cord similar to it and wind it around the old structure. The degree of pattern density will directly depend on the frequency of the wound cord.

Winding can be done using various methods and intersections, as a result of which the original pattern is formed. Before starting work with a roller of our own manufacture, it is required to check its performance on a sheet of plywood.

Using a knife and foam rubber

In the case when a roller with a foam cylinder remains in a satisfactory condition from finishing work, it can be made the basis of a textured tool. For this, various geometric shapes of any size are cut with a knife with a sharpened blade. But it should be remembered that the size of the texture of the picture will correspond to the dimensions of these figures.

In the same way, processing of a foam tool is allowed. If you have a product made of foam rubber, you can subject it to a constriction with a thread, thereby contributing to the formation of wrinkles on the surface of the fur coat.

By means of a plastic bag

This method is one of the simplest and least expensive. To do this, you will need to fix the crumpled bag with adhesive tape on the old roller. The result is a complex and unique pattern consisting of embossed stripes.

In addition to the bag, you can use hair ties, thick paper, pieces of fabric, or a vegetable net. All of these simple items are great for making your own texture roller.

From a rubber tool

You can build a wall paint jig using an old rubber roller. To do this, first the desired pattern is applied to it, using copy paper, and then cut out with a knife. For this purpose, it is allowed to use ordinary rubber with a thickness of five millimeters or more.

It is necessary to ensure that the pattern on the roller is a single whole and has wavy lines. At the end of the work, the rubber with the harvested relief is attached to the workpiece.


To make a textured device, you will need thick foil, a crochet hook and acrylic putty. First of all, the foil is cleaned of possible contaminants of various origins. Then a pattern is applied to it, which is later transferred to the surface to be painted.

With a crochet hook or a similar object of a similar shape, volumetric patterns are squeezed onto the foil, according to the previously drawn lines. There must be the necessary intervals between the embossed strokes, otherwise the pattern will turn out to be blurry, the ideal value in this case is considered to be five millimeters. An acrylic putty is applied to the back of the roller, after it dries, foil is glued to the tool.

Made of silicone and rubber

This option requires a sheet of thin rubber, a marker and silicone sealant. First, the rubber surface is cleaned and degreased. Then the desired drawing is applied to it with a pencil or marker and, according to the resulting markings, a sealant.

For this method, the image of waves or simple geometric shapes is optimal. In the manufacture of such a roller, you can use buttons with an interesting embossing, plaster objects or artificial leaves. The selected element is coated with vegetable oil, the rubber is covered with a layer of silicone sealant, and then an impression is made. After the sealant has dried, the rubber will adhere to the roller.

Having available tools at home, you can create rollers for decorative plaster and embody almost all conceived options for the surface structure.

Decorative plaster is a common finishing material that makes it possible to obtain a durable, wear-resistant coating. With its help, buildings are decorated both outside and inside. An embossed plaster roller creates impressions on its surface that imitate various types of surfaces. In this way, you can recreate the texture for wood, stone, "fur coat" and many other types. The resulting coating gives an aesthetic, attractive appearance to the room, emphasizes the originality of the design.

Classification of rollers by contact surface material

The nozzles for decorative plaster rollers differ in the material from which they are made. Differences in the properties of contact surfaces ultimately affect the final result. A detailed classification for this feature is presented in the table.

Tool tip groupsDescription, characteristic
1 rubberthey are mainly employed by experienced craftsmen, because they require certain dexterity and skills
2 woodenrequires drying, cleaning after use, otherwise it swells and deforms, and then, after drying, may crack
3 made of plastica cheaper replacement for rubber nozzles
4 leatherrollers with these attachments create marble-like final coatings, Venetian plaster is made

There is a wide variety of bait textures. Some can be seen in this photo.

Varieties of roller attachments

A wide range of decorative coating rollers help bring a wide range of designs to life. It is easy enough to choose a tool for a specific case.

Separate tools by the type of drawing they create

Roller plaster adds a variety of patterns and texture to the surface. Depending on the created patterns and the clarity of the relief, the rollers are divided into textured and structural. The effect achieved will depend on the type used.

Textured rollers for decorative plaster are tools with which they create a design that resembles such common types of finishes as:

  • fur;
  • wooden;
  • textile;
  • marble and others.

The imitation of the required relief is achieved by using nozzles with an appropriate coating. Examples of using various materials for these purposes are as follows:

  • to obtain a "fur coat", pile rollers with long threads are used;
  • the surface under the natural stone is created with loop patterns on the contact part of the roller;
  • leather and fabric rollers for textured plastering allow you to achieve a marble look.

The most realistic patterns are obtained with uniform movements of the tool. The working solution is directly applied to the surface by the device, and at the same time the required texture is created.

When decorating with such rollers, it is necessary to take into account:

  • with wide nozzles, the desired effects are achieved more easily;
  • bulges on the working surface are created by the depressions of the contact part of the tool, and the depressions on it - by its protruding elements;
  • the plaster layer must be sufficiently plastic, but not fluid.

In terms of width, textured products are divided into short (up to 0.3 m), medium (0.3-0.5 m) and long (over 0.5 m).

An illustrative example of structure

Structural rollers for decorative plaster are distinguished by the fact that they are used after applying a finishing compound to decorate complex, repetitive structures (ornaments, drawings). The figure shows a possible appearance of such tools.

In most cases, the attachments for these rollers are made of wood or rubber. The ornament on them has clear contours and is closed in a circle on the entire working part.

This tool allows you to achieve various volumetric effects. It is often used when applying a liquid compound on top of a finished surface. Because the clear relief of the nozzle entails the formation of an uneven resulting coating. This is due to the accumulation of plaster in the roller cells.

To avoid this kind of trouble, you can use a tool with a small relief patterns or work on a dried layer.

Textured and textured rollers allow you to achieve many different effects in interior design.

Self-made roller at home

You can make a roller for decorative plaster with your own hands. Such a solution will allow you to create a truly unique design and spur creativity. An exclusive look to the interior will be provided.

An example of self-made roller

Depending on which surface it is desirable to simulate, do

  • obtaining a wood texture for the walls is provided with a wrapped bundle (it is better to glue it) with a rubber roller, and turns of unequal thickness are laid in different directions;
  • a plastic roller wrapped in a narrow tape made of compacted fabric also allows you to achieve a "wood" look on the surface to be decorated;
  • if you glue the smooth nozzle with a cloth, then a textile ornament corresponding to its texture will be displayed on the wall;
  • grooves and patterns can be cut on replaceable foam parts, which will allow you to create images that depend on your personal imagination, but you will have to work carefully.

The simplest version of how to make a nozzle with your own hands: it is necessary to wrap any existing roller in any way with polyethylene, a rag, rope or bundles. An individual result is guaranteed.

Technique for working with decorative plaster

To apply decorative plaster with a roller, you will also need some more tools, such as a spatula, a level, paint brushes, hard sponges, floats, and trowels. Of materials other than the mixture, a resin-based primer is required.

All work is performed according to a sequential scheme. Its main stages are as follows:

  • prepare the walls: they are cleaned of dirt, old coating, exfoliated fragments and primed;
  • the working plane is plastered with the first layer to a leveled state and, if necessary, painted;
  • the next layer (after the previous one has dried) is applied with decorative plaster of the required density;
  • a tool with textured or structured attachments quickly draws up a drawing;
  • after 20 minutes, blemishes are removed from the surface dipped in water with a trowel;
  • after two days, small defects are removed and painted.

The photo shows the process of creating a design.

Plastering is more effective when two people are involved: one applies the plaster, and the other gives the required decorative appearance to the surface.

It is necessary to apply the compositions with structural rollers without overlaps, next to the previous passes. When working with a textured instrument, strong pressure is not required: the smaller it is, the greater the effect. All movements should be carried out evenly, smoothly and as continuously as possible from the ceiling to the floor.

The nuances of roller coating

Roller application of plaster must be accompanied by the observance of certain rules. Work should be done as carefully as possible. The nuances of decorating are reduced to the following principles:

Compliance with the simplest rules allows you to apply decor with your own hands in the shortest possible time. The main thing is to constantly monitor the drying of the plaster solution.

Textured plaster with a relief roller is created quickly. This method of decoration makes it possible to decorate large areas of walls with a pattern. To achieve a unique result in the shortest possible time, an integrated approach to the entire process is required. It consists in observing the application technology, choosing the right working tool, using high quality finishing materials. A big plus is the ability to independently perform all work and manufacture tools for applying decorative plaster.

An example of working with a relief video is shown in detail in the video.

Plastering work is an important stage in finishing work. Plaster not only aligns and protects the surface of the structural elements of the building, but also gives them one or another texture and color.

Creating a plaster layer requires skill and knowledge, in particular about the available arsenal of materials and tools, their properties, functions, as well as when and in what combinations they are used.

Special rollers are used as hand tools in the so-called "wet" plastering work. With their help, the master creates the last coating layer on the surface, performing protective and decorative functions.

What is this tool?

The decorative roller is called the working body of the tool rotated by adhesion with the processed surface.

  • application of paints and plasters with a layer of unequal thickness;
  • to give a decorative unevenness to the laid, but still damp plaster.

Roller revolves around a metal bar connected to the handle (the base structure is called the "roller handle").

The roller consists of a rigid (usually plastic) base - a cylinder with a through axial hole and a working surface, giving the roller elasticity, as well as the properties of the decorating tool.

Types of rollers by type of material

The name of each decorative roller includes information:

  • about the material of the working surface;
  • about the effect that it will create;
  • and sometimes the properties of the recommended plaster.

More often the rollers are removable and characterized by their length and diameter(sometimes diagonal), as well as the thickness of the shaft of a suitable handle.

A soft working blade that is gaining a plaster mass is often called a "fur coat". So they say about pile and foam rubber.

Hard and resilient rollers, the pattern of which leaves a distinct imprint are made of rubber, wood or plastic.

Skin, fabric form soft, flexible canvas with variable outlines... The stiffer the roller, the higher the requirement for wall evenness.

Rubber - chemically resistant and non-toxic material, easy to clean, does not absorb moisture, lasts a long time. Rubber products are inexpensive.

On a non-seized flat textured plaster, a pattern is pushed through with a rubber roller with a convex pattern. From impressions made with any other instrument, the result is has the same depth and the uniformity of the distribution of the elements of the pattern.

The step of the ornament is the greater, the wider the roller (the width increases due to the diameter of the base).

There are coarsely porous rubber sponge rollers. They do well with the application of plasters with a decorating filler.


The contact surface of a decorative wood roller is formed either by gluing parts to a flat cylinder, or cutting grooves in it.

Due to the hardness of the material, excessive force applied to the wooden roller can leave a mark not only from the picture, but also from the "background". This is not a bad thing for border design, when border imprints are not only acceptable, but also form part of the drawing.


From cast plastic, surfaces for embossing are obtained, from gas-filled plastic - foam rubber "coats".

The molded plastic roller work surface is easy to clean, but sometimes "inaccurate" in work with some formulations due to their hardness and adhesion to the working mixture. In terms of service life, plastic is inferior to rubber, but has a lower cost.

Of thin plastic, soft or hard, compressed, twisted or otherwise wrinkled and wound on a hard elastic roller, get a work surface for easy embossing with an unobtrusive pattern.

Soft perforated plaster roller - product creating a fine-grained surface, the relief of which is formed more by a decorative filler than by the shape of the tool surface.

Do you know how to finish the wall putty on the wallpaper? This article describes the process of doing work with your own hands.

The decorating ability of the leather roller is achieved arrangement of material on the basis with the formation of folds.

Depending on whether the folds are fixed with glue or freely positioned, the pattern, unique in itself, will come out on the wall regular or as natural as possible.

The last - "free" - option indispensable for creating marble texture... But without observing other additional conditions, there will be no such effect, the roller will create an equally interesting, but more "cozy" pattern.

Hard, fixed leather wrinkles will leave embossed unidirectional pattern, similar to a rubber print, but softer.

Roller with fluffy work surface applies a plastering coating with roughness the smaller and more frequent, the shorter the pile.

Surface may become shale-like, or covered with an openwork non-woven fabric. The effect depends both on the thickness and material of the pile and on the type of plaster.

Pile is made of polyacrylic, polyester, polyamide, natural fur is also found. Such rollers are often used for painting rough surfaces and to create a plaster coating with an unobtrusive texture that does not focus on the volume of the room, masking the unevenness of the wall.

By pattern type

To determine the type of drawing of a decorative plastering roller, it is better to focus on its appearance than on the name.

In the descriptions of this tool, the words "textured" and "structured" are always present, although they are not synonyms, the same instrument can be found named in one way or another, or even in two words at the same time.


Even with the existing confusion with terminology, it is easy to see that the word "structural" is usually found in the trade names of foam rollers.

It is the spongy surface and captures aggregate commensurate with the pores and without dragging, "puts it in place." The decorative effect is created by the structure of the plaster.

Most of the rollers that apply the plaster directly to the wall are suitable for structural formulations. Their folds are designed to "not interfere" with the work of a large filler and, if desired, add relief patterns, imitating natural material.

Textured soft roller can visually imitate the presence of inclusions in the plaster - that is, to create a coating with the texture of structural plaster.

The purpose of using textured rollers is give the surface the appearance of some material: natural stone, tree bark, leather upholstery, patterned wallpaper, etc. etc. An example can be seen in the photo.

Undeniably textured - solid rollers with embossed or raised details. Their property is the predictability of the result. On a fresh plaster layer, they leave a clear pattern of uniform depth throughout the area.

To maximize the decorative effect, the plaster filler must be thin.

The same rollers leave a colored paint pattern on dried plaster. Such rollers especially it is important to roll exactly in a straight line.

How to do it yourself?

The design of the paint roller is simple and familiar, but there is no need to tinker with it in a homemade way. A convert work surface, or create a new one - a feasible task, not costly and a win-win.

  1. Coiled on a smooth roller tough waterproof fabric(or wet, but dense), crumpled or twisted, will add a tool to the master's arsenal to create a natural pattern on plaster.
  2. If the cover of the pile roller is "interrupted" with a twine wound with a noticeable pitch, multilevel roughness can be achieved with a directional pattern. You can also cut out specks or grooves, then the pattern of the relief "fur coat" will become more complex, and "cobwebs" - more delicate.
  3. Small smooth objects glued on a roller with a thin working surface (for example, velor), or on a rubber one (for wallpaper), will leave a clear rhythmic pattern on the plaster.
  4. Add extra surfaces, periodic level of relief cut out "holes" in a foam rubber roller or a rope wound on it, with a large pitch. And by wrapping it around a smooth roller, it is easy to get a tool for clear embossing with a unique pattern.
  5. Proficiency in the technique of wood carving will allow you to create a cliché with a complex and readable pattern. Transfer the contours from paper to wood on carbon paper.

How to apply decorative plaster "fur coat"?

A plaster composition containing cement and fine sand (1: 3, 1: 2, 1: 1) forms a "fur coat" coating if diluted to the consistency of a thick, viscous flowing paint and applied with a roller with a long pile.

The choice of slag or pumice sand is preferable (then the mixture is stirred for at least 2 minutes).

Too much slurry will drain from both the tool and the wall, and too thick will not cover the nap of the roller to its full depth.

In the second case, you can apply the mixture with a spatula, and the roller will become a tool that gives the layer of slightly set plaster the texture of a "fur coat".

Mixture with the addition of coarse aggregate requires the use of a short-pile roller, but diluted with water in the ratio indicated by the manufacturer.

Decorative facade plaster with a roller includes the following steps:

  1. The surface is cleaned from foreign materials and loose layers, from oil stains and protruding salts, irregularities are filled with leveling plaster.
  2. With a hard sharp tool, incisions are made in the form of an oblique mesh - on the wall.
  3. The entire surface is moistened and primed twice (with a brush).
  4. The plaster is taken with a roller from a paint bath and applied to the wall, without pressure, in the longest parallel stripes, without gaps.
  5. To apply the second layer, you do not have to take a 1-2-day break for drying, it is enough to slightly level the previously set layer.

Leveling the covered layer of plaster "fur coat" will give the surface the texture of a cork coating.

When choosing decorative plaster rollers, it is worth remembering that different patterns next to them look ugly. At the end of the work, both the roller and the rod must be thoroughly cleaned and dried.

Textured rollers for decorative plaster: how to do it yourself?

What are decorative plaster rollers? Varieties and scope. How to work with them correctly?

Rollers for decorative plastering of walls

The use of decorative plaster as a finishing material has long ceased to be something exotic. Its use in the design of the interiors of apartments or public institutions, as well as the facades of houses, allows you to obtain a strong and durable coating that is resistant to damage and wear.

Additional advantages include the absence of seams and joints on the surface, which significantly increases the aesthetic value of the finishing material, and we can talk endlessly about decorative qualities. The decorative plaster rollers, which are best suited for working with this finishing material, will help to make the idea a reality.

Varieties of rollers.

A smooth painted wall is good, but an interior with such elements does not look original and has no artistic value. Rolling plaster can solve this problem, and depending on the type of the tool itself, you can get stunning volumetric effects on the surface of the walls. In addition, the use of a roller can increase productivity several times: in a short time, you can process the maximum area.

A roller for textured plaster is a cylinder fixed to the handle, a special coating is applied to the surface of the roller, due to the texture of which the necessary relief is created on the decorative coating.

Before choosing a tool, you should determine what kind of decorative plaster is applied with a roller, because in addition to it, craftsmen use spatulas, brushes, etc. First of all, these are acrylic structural plasters for facade and interior work, fine and Venetian - for rooms. The granules that make up the material should be small in order to maximize the decorative effect when using a roller.

All rollers for decorative plaster are conventionally divided into two categories:

  • by the type of material of the working surface of the tool itself;
  • by the type of pattern left on the surface.

Types of rollers according to the material of the working surface.

The working surface of the tool directly affects the final result. Today, several groups of rollers can be distinguished, which are used when applying decorative plaster.

  1. Rubber. On the roller of such a tool, various protrusions or recesses are located, due to which the desired effect is created on the surface of the wall. Such a device is well suited for imitation of a clear texture: masonry, patterns, etc. Rubber rollers are used most often by experienced craftsmen, since they require certain skills in working with plaster.
  2. Wooden. The tool is similar in purpose to a rubber one, but it is easier to work with it, since during application the plaster sticks less to its surface. In addition, wood is an environmentally friendly material and will not enter into a chemical reaction with the composition (this can be useful when decorating a children's room). Over time, the wooden roller can swell from constant contact with water, so after each use it should be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  3. Plastic. Cheap analogue of rubber. With use, deformation of its surface and the appearance of cracks are possible, which can negatively affect the final result.
  4. Leather. With their help, the decorative coating acquires the effect of marble. Leather rollers are indispensable for applying Venetian plaster on the walls with your own hands. For work, a roller made of genuine leather is better suited, which can provide the highest quality result, in addition to everything, it will last much longer than artificial analogs.
  5. Pile. The fur coat of such a roller is made of artificial (acrylic, polyamide) or natural fur of various lengths. The length of the pile affects the relief, the smaller it is, the smoother the surface will be. The quality of the tool is very important, when buying it is worth paying attention to the durability of the pile, if it "climbs", then all the fallen hairs will settle on the plaster and spoil the final coating.

In addition to these types, foam, fabric and foam rollers are used, which create various roughness on the walls. For example, the use of the latter creates the effect of bursting bubbles or craters on the plaster.

Important: The pressure on the roller when applying the textured coating is not encouraged. The lower the pressure, the more the effect appears. The movements when working with the tool should be smooth, sliding from top to bottom and as continuous as possible.

Depending on the desired result and the surface area on which the textured plaster is applied, the appropriate tool width is selected.

Types of rollers by the type of final drawing.

Depending on the desired pattern or texture, the following types of rollers for decorative plaster are used, even with their own hands, you can use them to create unique decorative elements.

1. Textured rollers. Such tools are capable of imitating a variety of materials on decorative plaster: fur, marble, textiles, wood, etc.

The relief on the plane of the wall is achieved due to the corresponding surface of the roller itself. For example, to obtain a decorative plaster with a "fur coat" effect, it is required to apply it with a roller with a long nap.

A surface imitating natural stone is obtained by using a roller with a loop-shaped "ears" pattern.

Textured rollers for decorative plaster are indispensable for obtaining a marble effect; for this, rollers with leather or fabric attachments are used. To make the texture as realistic as possible, it is important to move the tool evenly, without lifting it off the surface for as long as possible.

The composition of the decorative plaster is applied to the wall directly with a roller, the surface texture is formed simultaneously with the application of the plaster.

When using these tools, it is important to remember that:

  • The wider the plaster roller, the easier it is to achieve the desired effect.
  • The convex pattern on the surface of the wall is achieved with the help of a roller with recesses, and the depressed effect, on the contrary, due to the relief protruding on the roller.
  • It is better to use a roller on a slightly dried surface so that the effect "does not float".

2. Structural cushions. Unlike the previous type, these tools are used to create a repeating complex pattern or ornament on an already applied finishing material.

Such rollers are most often used when applying a liquid composition over an already finished surface, painted or plastered. This is due to the fact that a pronounced relief on the nozzle when rolling the roller over a thick layer of plaster can lead to uneven subsidence of the material in the tool cells, and as a consequence - the formation of an uneven final coating.

To avoid this, you can:

  • Use a roller with a weakly pronounced relief;
  • Dry the plastered surface for 20 minutes, and only then, from top to bottom, observing the uniformity of speed, pressure and direction, roll the roller along the wall.

Important: When applying decorative compositions using a structured roller, it is important to ensure that each time the tool passes exactly next to the previous pass. You should not retreat and overlap the roller, this will negatively affect the result.

Self-made rollers.

It is not always possible to find a suitable embossed plaster roller in a store, but in this case you can make it yourself. The pattern applied with such a tool will be unique, which will allow you to create an exclusive interior.

To imitate the texture of wood, an ordinary rubber roller is wrapped with a tourniquet of the same material (for reliability it is better to put it on glue), the turns can be made of different thicknesses and directions, due to which the “wooden” surface will look very realistic. You can do the same with a plastic roller, wrapping it with a narrow strip of dense fabric.

You can get a textile ornament on the wall by using a smooth roller pasted over with a cloth of the appropriate texture.

Even a simple roller, randomly wrapped with rope, rope or polyethylene, can create unique ornaments and unique textures on the plastered surface on the wall.

Widespread use can be found with foam rollers with patterns or grooves of various degrees of curvature cut out on them, so you can achieve both the effect of brickwork and just an interesting vertical ornament. But it is worth remembering that the foam can deform the final drawing somewhat, so it is worth using such a roller very carefully.

Patterning technique.

So, the choice in favor of the material for finishing the walls has been made - decorative plaster. The technology for applying it with a textured roller is available even to a novice master, but it requires certain skills and accuracy:

  • The roller is dipped into the decorative composition, poured into a special cuvette, the excess plaster is squeezed out.
  • It is necessary to apply the composition to the wall from top to bottom (in the future, this direction cannot be changed), trying not to tear the roller from the surface to the end of the strip - the quality of the final work depends on this. The pressure and the rolling speed of the roller should be uniform.
  • Each strip is applied close to the previous one without gaps and overlaps, it is worth applying the plaster immediately to the entire wall so that the boundaries are not visible.
  • Decorative plaster is applied in only one layer, so it is important to ensure that it is of the same thickness.
  • If the texture appears rough after application, you can soften the effect with a brush.
  • When using a structural roller, you should wait a little for the surface to dry, but the longer the plaster dries, the more it loses its plasticity.
  • By changing the degree of pressing the roller, you can achieve various effects on the surface of the wall, this technique is useful for emphasizing individual decorative elements.

Important: Rollers for decorative plaster with a large relief visually reduce and narrow the space, this must be taken into account when decorating small rooms with low ceilings.

In addition to interior decoration, decorative coating is used for outdoor work. Decorative facade plaster under a fur coat is especially popular as a reliable, simple and beautiful finish. It does not require any special skills to apply it with a roller.

The price of the issue.

The cost of applying textured plaster (per square meter) depends on:

  • Coating types, the most expensive - Venetian and silicone.
  • Material consumption. On average, the consumption is 1kg / m2, if the plaster is finely dispersed, then the consumption is reduced.

You can buy the material at any hardware store, prices vary greatly depending on the type of composition and its manufacturer.

The most expensive coating (per sq. M) is Venetian decorative plaster, which is due to:

  • application technology in several layers;
  • high requirements for the quality of the base;
  • the complexity of working with the composition.

If you wish, you can make a decorative composition yourself or order it from builders. In this case, the price per m2 of the finished coating will turn out to be much less.

The price range of rollers for decorative plaster is also wide, the higher quality roller material is used, the more expensive the tool is. A rubber or wooden embossed plaster roller is the most expensive, but its service life is much longer than that of plastic or foam counterparts.

Rollers for decorative wall plaster, All about plaster, its varieties and features

Which roller is best used and with which plaster. It can be a textured nap or a structured rubber roller. What other rollers are and

Roller for decorative plaster: the choice of the necessary modification and technology of use

How is decorative plastering performed with a roller, what are such rollers and are there still effective ways to apply the required texture to the surface to be plastered?

We will consider the answers to these questions within the framework of this article.

Factory roller and DIY modifications

Main characteristics

A rubber roller and a fragment of decorative plaster applied with its use

The structured decorative plastering roller is a variation of the traditional pressure roller.

However, if a traditional painting tool is designed to apply an even layer of paint, then its structural modification is designed to perform somewhat different tasks. By pressing on the treated surface, the structural, or as it is also called the textured roller, gives the surface of the plaster one or another relief - a volumetric texture.

A wide range of these devices is currently on the market. Among the wide range of structured rollers, you will certainly be able to choose the modification with which the interior decoration will provide the best result.

Selection of the required modification

Replaceable structured roller attachment

Textured rollers for decorative plaster are of two main types:

  • soft (usually made of polyethylene or foam rubber;
  • rigid (made of rubber and elastic plastic).

Regardless of the type, these tools "work" like a stamp. When pressing on the surface to be treated, imprints of the roller pattern remain on the plaster. Thus, by swiping the tool along the newly laid plaster in one direction or another, you can get the desired texture.

So, what to choose, structural rollers for decorative plaster with soft or hard working part?

A rigid structured roller is the optimal solution for handling more viscous formulations. That is, using such a tool, you can work on both just laid and partially dried plaster. In addition, using this tool, you can apply complex relief compositions to the surface.

Despite the fact that the price of a hard roller is slightly higher than the cost of soft analogs, this difference is fully justified. Firstly, a tool with a hard surface will last for more than one year, of course, if it is properly cared for. And secondly, the assortment of hard roller textures is much wider.

A rubber embossing roller is used to form a coating with a highly embossed, well-defined structure. If necessary, a thread roller can be used as an alternative to the embossing tool. But, unfortunately, the fleecy working part of such a tool is quickly clogged with plaster solution and needs to be washed, which significantly complicates the finishing work.

The price of pressure and structural rollers is twice the cost of equivalent painting modifications. Therefore, when choosing this or that model, it is necessary to ensure that there are no cracks and delamination on the rubber layer. Moreover, the rubber with the applied relief must be glued with high quality so that during operation the roller does not fall apart into pieces.

With rare exceptions, the pressure rollers and structured embossed rollers for decorative plaster are produced with thick 8 mm clasps. This is due to the fact that considerable pressure is exerted on the working part of the tool and the more fragile structure will simply fall apart.

A significant advantage is the presence of a rubberized handle. Working with a regular paint roller, this advantage will not be appreciated at its true worth, but if you hold the pressure roller all day long, you will feel the convenience for sure.

Soft fluffy roller in a paint bath

Foam or polyethylene rollers for applying decorative plaster are a more affordable modification of the tool. But the acquisition of such products is advisable only if the plaster is done in one copy, since if you work with a foam roller constantly, it quickly clogs up, requires periodic rinsing and does not guarantee the same intensity of pressure as when using a rubberized tool.

The main area of ​​application of foam rollers is the application of fine-grained coatings on plaster surfaces with various color and light transitions.

Technology of use

In the photo there is an assortment of rollers in hardware stores

The application of a decorative plaster coat with a roller is carried out as follows:

  • Preparing the base. We remove all dirt and significant relief from the surface. Next, fill up all the depressions and level the work surface with a putty. After the leveling layer has dried, cover the base with a primer.

Important: The putty must be selected in accordance with the type of surface to be leveled. You can find out more about the selection and application of leveling putties for walls in the corresponding articles on our portal.

  • We prepare a modeling plaster mortar with our own hands. In order to start making plaster mortar, we use a galvanized or plastic bucket and a slow-speed drill with a special attachment.

We open the package with the mixture and prepare the solution in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The dry mixture is thoroughly mixed with water until a homogeneous consistency and complete absence of lumps.

Tip: If splashes scatter around the bucket while stirring at low speeds, try reverse to rotate counterclockwise.

  • After the solution is ready, add color to it and mix everything thoroughly again until a single-colored mass is formed in the container. After that, let the solution settle for 5-10 minutes, and proceed to application.
  • Pour a small amount of the solution into a paint bath and dip a hard roller into it. Then we roll the roller over the surface to be treated. After that, we dip the roller into the bath again and repeat the procedure.

We apply the lines with a roller in one direction so that the stripes are invisible and so that the transitions do not stand out. Stripes can be applied both vertically and horizontally and diagonally, the main thing is that the result is completely satisfactory.

In the photo - Venetian plaster applied with a tool of our own production

Is it possible to simplify the finishing work? Of course, you can, but for this you need to buy a ready-made mixture in a special sealed container. In this case, you do not have to stir the solution, pour it into a paint bath, because everything is ready!

A special bucket in which the finished plaster is realized has an oval shape and is adapted for immersing the roller. An important advantage of using ready-made solutions is that there is no need to use personal safety equipment.

If, when working with dry mixtures, it is necessary to use a respirator and sewn-on goggles, in the case of ready-made plasters, this is not necessary.

Important: After use, the structured roller, no matter what material it is made of, must be thoroughly rinsed in running water and dried.

Applying texture with a comb

But what if there is no such tool? DIY decorative plaster rollers can be easily made, but you can also use a stiff brush and brush it in different directions. In addition, to give the surface of a particular texture, you can use various improvised means, up to a crumpled cellophane bag.

However, you can read about various methods of applying decorative finishing plasters in the corresponding articles on our portal.

Now you know what the instructions for using structural rollers are, and what are the features of their choice. It remains to purchase a plaster mix and the appropriate tool and get to work.

Roller for decorative plaster: textured products for applying compounds, videos and photos

Roller for decorative plaster: textured products for applying compounds, videos and photos

How to choose a roller for decorative plaster

Rollers for decorative plaster will help to add a stylish design to the room and make it unusual. It is amazing that such an affordable and familiar tool for leveling walls has become a full-fledged tool for decorative finishing. The secret of transformation is hidden in textured rollers, which allow you to create a figured print on the wall, imitating various types of surfaces, for example, the texture of stone, wood, leather, "fur coat", etc.

With the help of curly rollers, you can easily create a picture on the wall

Varieties of rollers

For a long time, craftsmen have worked on the walls with improvised means: sponges, a comb, a stiff brush. Today, the range of construction tools for decoration allows you to find a suitable roller with a ready-made relief, which, after processing the plastered wall, turn it into real volumetric images. Roll cylinder coatings variations:

  • rubber;
  • foam rubber;
  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • silicone;
  • the cloth;
  • leather.

Before choosing a roller, you need to decide on the desired pattern on the wall.

Tools with a soft surface, such as fur, create a “fur coat” effect on the plaster. The marble finish is obtained with a fabric roller with a crinkled cloth, while a natural stone finish is obtained with a leather surface. As a rule, they work with such rollers when it is necessary to process a painted surface. Standard foam cylinders can be retrofitted by winding twine, threads, or foam pieces to create natural patterns such as tree bark structure.

Features of structural plaster rollers

If you are interested in a more pronounced decor, then you cannot do without hard-coated rollers. Their cost is an order of magnitude higher than ordinary clamping ones, but this is due to their high aesthetic value. In addition, they can be used multiple times. The most productive will be rubber rollers, which can have a convex pattern to get a depressed pattern or a slotted one to form three-dimensional textures.

Since such an innovation for decorative plaster came from Western countries, it is in their stores that a variety of textures and patterns reigns: leaves, flowers, animals, birds, geometric shapes.

Work with a structural roller is carried out in two ways - first, they apply plaster, wait for it to be fixed, then finish in a layer or apply plaster to the wall (already decorated with putty in one layer), dipping the roller into the composition. But basically, the second method is used to carry out a patterned color painting by making prints with this rubber product.

Stages of plastering walls

In order for the plaster to last longer and not crack, it is necessary to do a preliminary treatment. To do this, the surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt, old wallpaper, dust, and a primer is applied to it. After that, for leveling, they pass with putty. For putty use spatulas 300 mm, 450 mm, 600 mm in size. The application of the putty must be uniform. And don't push too hard.

After the first layer of putty has dried, apply the second layer using a 600 mm spatula. It is necessary to apply and smooth the putty in two mutually perpendicular directions. Then you can proceed to the decorating process, which consists of the following stages:

  1. Dry plaster is mixed with water, bringing to a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Then they are engaged in applying the mixture to the wall with a layer of 2-4 mm in order to proceed to creating a decor, or more dense, if it is also necessary to level the surface. Smooth with a spatula.
  3. They give about ten minutes for the composition to thicken, and begin to pass it with a textured roller from top to bottom, forming a pattern. It is more convenient to work in pairs, when the first person is engaged in applying plaster, and the second creates a relief, for example, a "fur coat".
  4. The subsequent processing of the wall with paint is performed after 48 hours, as the plaster finally dries up. If it is necessary to paint over the entire wall, then a roller with a long nap is bought, and to add color only to the protruding parts, a tool with a short nap is taken.

Principles of accurate drawing

Using rollers for decorative plaster, you must follow several rules:

  1. The roller is not pressed strongly against the wall, the movement should be smooth and unhurried.
  2. The second line of paint begins where the border of the first pattern is, without overlapping.
  3. At the ceiling, the roller needs to be pressed slightly upward, but keep the pressure low further.
  4. If the pattern comes out too embossed, it can be smoothed out with a wet sanding mesh.

How to create a fur coat surface

A “fur coat” wall means that plaster is sprayed onto the surface using a broom, brush or a special machine. "Fur coat" is especially popular for the front surface, but it will also look interesting indoors. The modern option for creating a fur coat includes the use of a textured roller, which allows you to make the layer even and presentable.

Facade processing under the "fur coat" is carried out in the same way as in the room. First, putty is applied, plaster is applied and a roller with a pile is carried over the plastered layer. If an error occurs or you see that the plaster is uneven, you should remove the excess with a spatula. It is impossible to take breaks in the process of creating a "fur coat", otherwise the composition will have time to dry, and there will be a too noticeable joint at the edges.

The use of structural rollers will allow you to decorate the wall as well as any repair specialist. Decorative plaster has long outgrown its main purpose (wall leveling) and is a great way to create exclusive interiors, even in ethnic style.

Rollers for decorative plaster - types and technique of application

Rollers for decorative plaster are made from hard materials (plastic and rubber), used to create a relief pattern, and tools with a soft coating (foam rubber or fabric) form a layer like a stone.

Varieties of textured rollers for decorative wall plaster

In the old days, plaster was used only for the base for painting, and the direct decoration of the walls was carried out with paint. However, progress does not stand still, and today it has become fashionable to cover walls with decorative plaster. Moreover, the process of finishing the surface of such plaster itself is not complicated. It is possible to make a stylish design for a room, adding unusualness to it, using special rollers for decorative plaster. Interestingly, such an accessible and popular tool for leveling walls has become a full-fledged tool for performing decorative wall decoration. The secret of such a device lies in textured rollers that allow you to make curly prints on the walls, imitating various types of surfaces and textures, for example, the texture of kosh, wood, stone, and even the effect of a "fur coat".

Decorative plaster is widely used for interior decoration. For many years it has been used both for external work and for internal work. It has wear-resistant qualities, it is water-resistant, and after being applied to walls it forms a reliable and durable layer.

Thanks to this type of material for decoration, you can use various design solutions for the house, give the room texture and unusual color design. Various patterns are applied to the surface using special decorative plastering rollers. If you carefully study the technology of work, then you can easily do such a finish with your own hands, without asking for help from expensive specialists.

Among the additional advantages, one can single out the absence of joints and seams on the surface, and this, in turn, significantly increases the aesthetic value of the finishing material. You can also note the presence of many decorative qualities. To translate the idea into reality, you should better study all the existing varieties of rollers for decorative plaster, which are best suited for working with such a finishing material for a particular case.

Features of the structural roller for decorative plaster

If the owners of a house or premises are interested in a more pronounced decoration of the walls, then they cannot do without a roller with a hard coating. Such rollers cost an order of magnitude higher than conventional pressure rollers, which is due to the higher aesthetic value compared to conventional tools. In addition, they can be used multiple times. The most productive ones are rubber rollers with a convex pattern for obtaining indented patterns or slotted rollers that form volumetric textures.

Since such an innovation for finishing decorative plaster came to the domestic market from Western countries, this also determines the variety of their patterns and textures in the construction markets. You can find textures in the form of birds, animals, flowers, leaves and geometric shapes.

Work with structural rollers is carried out in two ways:

  1. first of all, they apply plaster and wait for it to harden somewhat, and then finish on a layer;
  2. dipping the roller into the composition, plaster is applied to the wall, which has already been decorated with one layer of putty.

To carry out patterned coloring with color, the second method is mainly used by creating various prints with such a rubber product.

Varieties of textured rollers

First of all, rollers differ from other tools designed to give texture to plaster by their purpose. Decorative swabs, sponges, stamps and applicators are intended for spot application or for decorating small areas. With the help of a structural roller for decorative plaster, it will be possible to process surfaces of a large area, increasing the productivity of work several times.

All existing types of rollers can be conditionally divided into two categories: according to the type of material used in the manufacture of their working surface, and according to the picture left on the plaster.

Types of rollers according to the material of the working surface

Structural foam rollers for decorative plaster

For a structural roller, foam rubber should have deep pores of various diameters, leaving traces on the plaster according to their size in the form of lunar craters or bursting bubbles. It is not necessary to press on the roller with great force, otherwise the plaster will lay down in an ordinary even layer without relief. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

  • The plaster for decorating should be finely dispersed, since the embossed rollers cannot cope with the stretching of large particles that come in, as a result of which the effect of the desired surface is smeared.
  • It is not permissible to work with plaster containing solvents in its composition, since such substances will easily dissolve the foam rubber, fragments of which will remain on the surface of the walls, creating an ugly appearance.

Foam textured rollers for decorative plaster

This type is a cheaper analogue of a rubber roller. It can also be used to apply various types of plaster, creating many patterns, but keep in mind that such rollers do not last very long. Polyfoam cannot be called a durable material, since it is prone to deformation. During work, you will have to replace such a roller with a new one several times. In addition, on foam, the patterns have a habit of flattening, resulting in the resulting pattern not being as expected. Alternatively, it is permissible to use a foam roller with a flat surface, but, unfortunately, it will not give the plaster an unusual texture.

Textured rubber rollers for decorative plaster

This version of the tool is the most preferable. The rubber roller has grooves and protrusions on its flat surface, which create a pattern. This tool is suitable for creating clearly defined textures, for example, paintings, brickwork and other patterns of various types. There are times when plaster can stick to the roller surface. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to moisten the instrument in soapy water, but one way or another, it is not known what kind of manipulations this can affect the final wall covering.

Leather textured rollers for decorative plaster

The leather roller can create one of the most popular effects, the marbled effect. Due to its elasticity, the skin leaves beautiful stains like on a marble surface. This roller is most often used when working with Venetian plaster. It is necessary to choose a roller with responsibility and purchase a roller coated with genuine leather, as artificial material can be disappointing. Poor quality leather, at best, will not leave any marks, just sliding over the plaster, and at worst, when it dissolves, it will ruin expensive plaster.

Wooden textured rollers for decorative plaster

A textured wooden roller is the simplest one, but it has all the advantages of a rubber analogue and, moreover, additionally provides an environmental friendliness of the coating, since a wooden tool will not spontaneously enter into a chemical reaction with components from the plaster composition. For this reason, wood rollers are often used to decorate walls for children's rooms.

However, the wood also absorbs water from the plaster mix, which can cause it to swell. This makes the resulting picture less clear. This can be corrected by drying the roller, after which further work can be carried out.

Plastic textured rollers for decorative plaster

A plastic textured roller is considered a cheaper analogue of a rubber roller. With it, you can create a wide variety of patterns and textures. In construction markets, you can find rollers with holes and holes to form bulges on the wall. This option is characterized by non-triviality. The disadvantage of this material is that the plastic deforms after some time, becoming covered with chips and cracks. This, of course, does not reflect on the coating in the best way.

Hairy textured rollers for decorative plaster

Rollers of this type create a "fur" effect on the walls. The material used for the pile of the roller is very diverse, ranging from natural furs to polyamide threads. The pile is 2-25 millimeters long. The longer the length of the pile, the more "furry" the surface of the walls will turn out.

When buying a fleecy roller, you must be careful to carefully check how well the pile is attached to the rotating cylinder, since a poor quality roller can ruin the surface of the walls, leaving peeling villi on it.

Varieties of curly rollers according to the resulting final texture

Rollers can have a completely different texture, imitating textiles, wood, fur, marble, brickwork and even more complex patterns, for example, waves, oriental-style ornament, braids and others. Thanks to each of them, you can create a specific surface. The deeper the pattern is cut on the roller, the richer and more pronounced the final texture is.

It should be noted that it is necessary to select for each room its own texture of the pattern on the wall, and therefore its own type of textured roller. So, for example, in the working area of ​​the kitchen or in the hallway, imitation of brickwork will look good, which will be completely inappropriate for the bedroom. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase a roller that has replaceable nozzles in the kit.

DIY decorative plaster roller

Although a large assortment of factory-made textured rollers is presented in hardware stores, nevertheless, many still prefer to make such a tool on their own. There are several reasons for this: the desire to save on financial resources, which are already spent on repairs in considerable quantities, or if you cannot find a roller with the desired pattern on sale, especially if you want to create individuality in the interior by applying an exclusive author's texture to the walls.

Regardless of the reasons, making a textured roller with your own hands is possible using one of the existing methods:

  1. To simulate a brick treasure, a foam roller serves as a base. With the help of an ordinary clerical knife, recesses in the shape of bricks are cut out on it. In this case, it will be a mistake to cut the bricks themselves, since after smoothing with a roller they will not be convex, but simply pressed into the wall, having lost the effect of realism.
  2. There is no better way to reproduce a textile canvas on the wall than using the textile itself. In this case, a simple foam rubber roller is wrapped with a strip of coarse canvas fabric and fixed with threads.
  3. To imitate a marble surface, a plastic roller trimmed with a piece of genuine leather is ideal. Moreover, it is advisable to sew on the skin carelessly and with folds.
  4. To give the surface of the walls the effect of a board made of natural wood, the plastic roller must be wrapped in a narrow strip of textiles or sheathed with a crinkled cloth.
  5. To get a particular pattern, you need to cut it out on the surface of the roller, which plays a supporting role. For these purposes, a foam or foam roller is best suited. It should be borne in mind that the foam rubber is required hard.

In some cases, kitchen utensils such as a rolling pin and even massage rollers can be used as a structural roller.

Step-by-step technique of decorative wall plaster

Before applying decorative plaster, it is necessary to prepare the walls. In order for the plaster material to last longer and crack, the walls are pre-treated. To do this, the entire surface of the walls is cleaned of dirt, dust and old wallpaper, and a primer is applied on top. Then, for an even greater leveling of the walls, putty is performed. To do this, use spatulas with dimensions of 40, 45 and 60 centimeters. The putty is applied as evenly as possible, without pressing it hard into the walls.

After the first layer of putty has dried, the second is applied with a 60 cm spatula. The putty is applied and smoothed in two directions, mutually perpendicular to each other. Finally, after preparation, the process of decorating the walls begins, consisting of the following several stages:

  1. Dry plaster is mixed with water until a homogeneous consistency is achieved.
  2. Next, the mixture is applied to the walls with a layer of 2-4 millimeters for the transition to decoration. If it is necessary to level the surface of the walls, then the layer is made dense. Everything is smoothed with a spatula.
  3. Next, you need to pause the work for about ten minutes to thicken the composition, and then pass from top to bottom with a textured roller, forming a pattern. In this case, it is advisable to work in pairs, so that one worker is engaged in applying the plaster, and the second one creates the selected relief.
  4. The subsequent processing of the walls with paint is carried out after 48 hours, that is, after the final drying of the plaster. If you plan to paint the entire wall, then you need to purchase a roller with a long nap, and in order to add color only to specific protruding elements, a roller with a short nap is used.

Rules for the neat application of decorative plaster

When using textured rollers for decorative plaster, certain rules should be followed:

  • Do not press the roller too hard against the wall, the movements should be unhurried and smooth.
  • The second line of paint begins to be applied at the place where the border of the first strip passes, without making overlaps.
  • The roller in the area of ​​the ceiling must be slightly pressed upward, while maintaining the same pressure further on.
  • Movements are made from bottom to top, while it is unacceptable to make chaotic movements, in the opposite case, the structure of the picture will be indicated indistinctly. For the same reason, the strips carried out by the roller should pass close to each other, and not with an overlap.
  • The first strips must be checked using a building level, otherwise they can be "filled up" in relation to the ceiling and floor.
  • The work should be carried out taking into account the time during which the plaster dries. Even very slightly dried plaster will become less plastic. It is permissible to apply decorative plaster in fragments, followed by processing with a roller, after which it will be possible to proceed to the next section on the wall.
  • Do not forget that the rollers wear out, and when carrying out long-term work with a structured roller, it must be replaced periodically.
  • If the pattern is very embossed, then it can be smoothed using a wet sanding mesh.
  • The finishing work process can be facilitated if you purchase a ready-made mixture in special sealed containers. Then you do not have to waste time and energy stirring the solution and pouring it into a paint bath.
  • The bucket, in which the finished plaster is sold, has the shape of an oval, thereby adapted for the smooth immersion of the roller. An important advantage of using a ready-made solution is that there is no need to use means for personal safety. If, when working with dry mixtures, there is a need to use a respirator and goggles, then when working with ready-made plaster there is no such need.

It is important to take into account that the structured roller after use, regardless of the material of manufacture, must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and dried.

Creating a "fur coat" effect using decorative plaster and textured roller

A wall with a "fur coat" effect means spraying plaster onto the surface of the walls using a brush, broom or a special machine. the most popular "fur coat" is for facade surfaces, but it will also look interesting indoors. The modern method of creating a "fur coat" effect is to use a textured roller, which makes it possible to apply an even layer, making the walls look presentable.

Facade processing under the "fur coat" is carried out in the same way as in the premises. First of all, putty is applied, plastering is performed and a decorative roller with a nap is applied along the layer of plaster. If a mistake was made during work or the surface is uneven, then you can remove the excess with a spatula. It is not allowed to take breaks while creating the "fur coat" effect, because otherwise the composition will dry out, leaving very noticeable joints at the edges.

Sponge plugging technique

In addition to rollers for decorative wall decoration, a sponge is also used to achieve a spotted soft pattern. The sponge can be synthetic or marine. The image obtained with a synthetic sponge is much different from the drawing performed with a natural one, since the first sponge has an ordered pore structure. This makes the drawing correct. A natural sponge has larger pores in a chaotic manner, which makes the pattern itself disordered as well. To achieve a more unique image, some experts advise cutting such a sponge in half, applying the solution with its inside. When working, you need to touch the base with light blotting movements.

Technique of tamponing decorative plaster using fabric

Another unusual way for decorative plastering is tamponing with a cloth. As a rule, non-fibrous, highly absorbent materials are used. In this case, the drawing can be applied in two ways: with a tissue tourniquet or with patches. The first method can create a soft, unique pattern, and the second is similar to surface treatment with a sponge. There is also some combination of tampon and tissue in the form of special tampon rollers. Such a roller does not make any difference for surface treatment, but it is much more convenient and faster to work with it. Also on sale in specialized stores you can find design rollers that form complex and beautiful patterns.

For an orange peel effect, you can use a medium grit sponge roller. A honeycomb roller is used to achieve the "country" effect. If you want to leave traces with a brush, it is carried out over the applied plaster. In this case, the brush should be Spanish or a short nap.

The cost of applying decorative plaster with a roller

The price for applying textured plaster per square meter depends on the following factors:

  • type of coating, for example, the most expensive of them are silicone and Venetian;
  • on the volume of consumable material, which is on average 1 kilogram per square meter, and in the case of finely dispersed plaster, the consumption will be less.

Materials for decorative plastering can be purchased at any hardware store. Material prices are very different and depend on the manufacturer and the composition of the product. The most expensive is decorative Venetian plaster. Its high cost is due to the complexity of work with the composition, strict requirements for the quality of the base, as well as the technique of applying the composition in several layers. If you wish, you can make such a composition yourself or order its preparation from experienced builders. This will significantly reduce the cost of coverage per square meter.

The price variation of textured rollers for decorative plaster is also wide. The higher the quality of the material used in the manufacture of the roller, the more expensive the tool is. A wooden or rubber plaster roller is more expensive than others, but it has the longest service life compared to foam or plastic counterparts.


Structural rollers are simple but flexible tools. It can be used to simulate leather, fur, stone, wood and even animal paw prints. To apply textured plaster, you just need to pick up a roller with the required texture and start mastering the application technique. When I give it, it is advisable to give preference to a high quality tool, observing the appropriate technology for wall decoration.

If you follow several recommendations, this simple tool can become indispensable for creating a dream interior. After all, decorative plaster has long passed from its main function of leveling walls into a means for decorating them. A textured roller for decorating with plaster consists of a cylinder, its cover and a handle. The cylinder itself has a base that can be made of metal, rubber or plastic. The cover is also made of various materials, for example, fabric, leather or foam rubber. The unevenness on their surface will be reflected in the wall covering in various shapes and images. The plaster is applied with a structural roller onto the pre-treated walls in an upward motion. When working, it is important to remember that you cannot press on the roller in order to get a clear texture of the picture. After the surface has dried, in some cases individual elements are covered with acrylic paint, for example, bulges or depressions are painted over with golden or silver paint in accordance with the tone prevailing in the interior of the room.

Textured rollers for decorative plaster

It is possible to make a stylish design for a room, adding unusualness to it, using special rollers for decorative plaster.