Options for the hall wallpaper. What wallpaper is better to glue in the hall. We decorate the walls with liquid wallpaper

Repair is always a very responsible business. But the most responsible thing is to make an attractive living room. The hall is the place where the owners of the house receive guests. This is where most of the time is spent. That is why the selection of high-quality correct wallpaper for this room is a very important point.

Types and samples

If the owners make a mistake with the choice of wallpaper in the living room, then they will be very uncomfortable in it. Why wallpaper, the answer to this question is simple. Designers and builders agree that other finishes lose to wallpaper as the most comfortable finish. It is thanks to them, whatever they may be, that you can create a very cozy living room in which it will be pleasant to be. In addition, just among the wallpapers, one can note the widest variety of choices for interior design.

When the choice is made of which material will become the main one for finishing, you need to decide on other parameters that relate directly to the wallpaper itself. There are a great many of them.

In the hardware store you can buy options for the classic style, hi-tech and even wallpaper for the "rustic" hall. Recently, there is no particular style that is more popular than others. As a rule, several options are at the peak at the same time. So, for example, often customers of wallpaper stores are interested in classics.

Even if someone decides to repeat someone else's interior, it is still unlikely to succeed, because in each particular room the wallpaper looks different. This should be taken into account when buying.

Often, apartment owners decide to stick wallpaper on their own, without calling master finishers. This is only a good idea if the homeowners know how to deal with any kind of material from which the wallpaper is made. And they come in paper, and bamboo, and textile. Read more about materials in the article below.

Doing it yourself will save a lot of money, but it can spoil the appearance of the apartment if you approach the matter carelessly and do not study the instructions on how to do it.


When the question arises that it is time to make repairs in the hall, then first of all you need to decide what material will be used for decoration. The living room is, as a rule, a little polluted room, so the indicator of soiling is not so important.

But having chosen in advance what material the finishing materials will be made of, you can calculate approximately what the expenses will be.

In general, for decorating the walls of the living room, you can buy wallpaper from a variety of materials. Restrictions are set only on the basis of the repair budget. Among the huge variety, everyone will find what he needs both in appearance and cost. Manufacturers of this type of finishing materials take into account fashion trends and wallpaper manufacturing technologies.

Thanks to technological progress, more and more unusual wallpapers appear in the building materials market, which are gradually gaining popularity. But it's important to consider more familiar materials before the living room gets refurbished. So, roll finishing materials are:


This is the most common type of wallpaper. It is the cheapest. Paper canvases are very easy to glue, but they have their drawbacks. So, for example, they need to be protected from water and general humidity, as well as from sunlight, since over time the finish may lose color, and the pattern on them will not be visible.

Despite these shortcomings, they are quite suitable for the living room, because this is not a kitchen where humidity regularly rises and there is a risk of splashes.

This coating option has the longest history of development. China is believed to be the origin of paper wallpaper. From East Asian countries, they came to European countries only in the 18th century. Since that time, wallpapers have become very popular, and now it is not easy to find at least one apartment in which such materials would never be used for decoration.

Such materials are made not only smooth, but also structural. As a rule, all of them can be divided into two conditional categories: in two layers (duplex) and in one layer (simplex). The first option has, as a rule, a protective coating, which is designed to protect against environmental influences. Two-layer paper models are now very popular. In any case, this coating for the surface of the walls will serve the owner regularly for at least five years after they are glued.

The main indisputable advantage of these paper finishing materials, experts call their environmental friendliness. Paper does not provoke allergic reactions, easily passes air, this will not give a chance to develop fungi. An important plus of this product is a relatively low price.

It should be said about the defects that such coatings have. Paper is not considered a waterproof material, as a result, wallpapers made from it are not designed for use in rooms with a high level of humidity. They are rarely found in the hallway or in the kitchen.


This is also a paper version of the coating, but it has a high level of resistance to damage, which is important in those apartments where there are children or pets. In general, such material looks prettier than ordinary paper wallpaper. They are denser, so they require special glue.

There are almost more such wallpapers on the materials market than paper ones. This is the current trend.

In building materials stores, as a rule, two types of such coatings are presented. If we talk about the first, then the finishing base for the walls, consisting of interlining, is durable and looks great. Wallpapers belonging to the second type are similar to the first, but have only a non-woven base, while the wallpaper itself is created from vinyl. To understand what the properties of such a coating can be, you need to figure out what kind of material it is.

So, this is a fiber of cellulose material combined with the help of glue with a special polymer composition, similar in quality to paper. The difference is that interlining is stronger and has stronger refractory properties. Wallpaper is made from such material, which is made for painting. The paint will repeat the texture that the canvas has. This combination looks amazing.

For repairs using non-woven models, acrylic or other water-based paints are best suited.

Non-woven wallpaper has excellent characteristics. They are made on a thick base, which means that by sticking them on the walls, you can close some flaws, get rid of cracks and bulges. Such models are difficult to ignite, which perfectly characterizes them as safe in case of fires and fires. They do not interfere with air circulation, so fungus will not appear on the surface.


Thanks to this material, the design of the walls will become a feature of the apartment. Most often used if the room involves decoration in a classic style. The main disadvantage is a very high level of soiling. The only way to remove dirt is to glue a new canvas. And this, as a rule, does not happen soon and requires new financial investments. And the textile finishing material itself is not cheap.


These wallpapers are based on paper on which nylon fibers are applied. They are suitable for almost any room, but in the living room they will be most effective. The process of gluing them is quite labor-intensive. The glue should be rubbed with smooth movements with a cloth, the joints should be ironed with a brush.

One of the main qualities of velor wallpaper is its soundproofing properties. The surface treated with such material shimmers like velvet. The material does not fade from sunlight, no matter how much it is used.

Interior artists often use this method of finishing to give a room a special decorative zest, decorating and emphasizing areas of the room.

But they also have negative properties. The pile collects a huge amount of dust. The villi also absorb odors, and not just get dirty, but you only need to clean it with a dry method. If there is a stain, it will not be so easy to remove it. And, as mentioned above, it is quite difficult to fix these wallpaper canvases on the wall.


On a par with non-woven, they are ahead of paper ones, since they are also moisture resistant. Most often they are glued in the corridor or in the kitchen, since it is there that a high level of moisture resistance is needed. But they are also good for the living room, because a large number of options, colors, patterns are offered.

They will be ideal in those rooms where there is always moisture. This is a frequent problem of the first and last floors in multi-storey buildings, as the proximity of the basement to the boiler room and the roof, which can periodically leak, affects.

Finishing vinyl coating has the ability to be in excellent condition for quite a long time - up to twenty years. It is important to clean it with a damp cloth when caring for it. The widest range of colors, textures, ornaments is also considered an advantage. Wallpaper does not lose color in the sun and is resistant to damage. Vinyl is great not only for wall decoration in the living room and hallway, but also in the kitchen, corridor.

Unfortunately, vinyl also has negative properties. Experts noted the release of vapors dangerous to humans, such as methanol. On the packaging with a roll, as a rule, it should be indicated that the materials used in the creation are environmentally friendly and meet all requirements.

In rooms where there is vinyl covering on the walls, it is better to open windows and doors as often as possible in order to ventilate the room.

Another negative quality is that the layer with pores, which is located on top, began to be created relatively recently. If you buy wallpapers of a long-standing production, they will not let air through, which means that moisture easily accumulates under them. This contributes to the appearance of mold on the wall and on the wallpaper, including mold that is dangerous to human life.

Liquid decorative plaster

Otherwise, such wallpaper is called liquid wallpaper. They are based on fibers that are made from special cellulose, they are absolutely harmless. The naturalness of the components is especially appreciated by modern people who care about the environment. In addition to other ingredients, the wallpaper contains a binder mass that has adhesive properties.

This type of wallpaper does not look like classic, but modern technologies allow the appearance of liquid wallpaper with the effect of silk, matte, textile, glossy.

It is not necessary to plan in which direction the light falls into the room, since liquid wallpaper does not have seams. Apply the mass when it is ready, it is possible not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling surface. In the process of work, the support of another person will not be required; it is possible to cope with their application alone.

Another advantage, thanks to which customers love liquid wallpaper, is that there is no need to prepare the plane for a long time, which cannot be said about classic wallpaper. If there are minor irregularities on the walls, it is possible to get rid of them with the help of the applied mass. The result is a high quality finish that is free from defects.

Reviews will undoubtedly help to figure out what qualities this finishing material has. For example, this is the ability of a material to pass air. Sometimes buyers believe that with a seamless sticker, the plane cannot breathe, which means that fungi and mold can develop under it.

It is important to take into account that the cellulose base passes air very well, just because of this, you should not be afraid that the walls will become damp. This will free you from the greenhouse effect that tends to appear in some rooms.

Reviews from a huge number of buyers point to the relatively expensive price of coverage as a drawback. But this is true only on first impression. The overspending of material in this case is practically impossible, as a result of the repair work there is no waste left. You can prepare exactly the amount of the mixture that you plan to use right now, which is impossible to say about roll wallpaper. All these conditions force us to admit that the cost of such coverage is quite profitable.

Wall mural

This is a kind of paper and non-woven wallpaper, but with the difference that stunningly beautiful photo printing is applied to them. Thanks to the combination of photo wallpapers and ordinary ones in the room, you can achieve a delightful effect. More details about their combination in the interior will be discussed below. But now photo wallpaper can be mentioned as one of the varieties of material that is used in the repair of the hall or living room.

Although it is worth considering that photo wallpapers are used not only for this room. Often they can be found, for example, in the kitchen or in the nursery.

Liquid wallpaper

In fact, liquid wallpaper is a cross between standard paper wallpaper and decorative plaster. The basis for the mixture is viscose and cellulose, which are considered to be recycled raw materials. The fastening element for the composition is glue. In factory-made products, antifungal agents are added to the solution, as well as various kinds of plasticizers. As the main fillers, the factories use waste from the woodworking industry in the form of cellulose fibers and cotton linen.

For the manufacture of expensive types of wallpaper, natural silk fibers are used. Additional decorative additives have no technological significance. These include: woolen threads, marble or quartz chips, mica spangles.


It seems that such a parameter as size is absolutely not important, but this is an erroneous opinion. Depending on the size of the roll, you can calculate how many rolls you need per room. Usually the dimensions are unchanged, but recently manufacturers have begun to produce options, the footage of which can vary significantly. You can read about these nuances in the article below, but for now it is worth considering such an important parameter as the width of the canvas.

The most common on store shelves are rolls of the usual standard sizes. There are, of course, all kinds of unique options, in a single quantity - handmade. There are much fewer of them, it makes no sense to dwell on their sizes, since each company produces a roll of a certain width in an individual case.

However, it is important to distinguish and note two standard width options: half a meter and a meter.

  • half meter- the most popular and well represented in the retail chains of Russia. They are made of various types, in large quantities, with texture and patterns. They also have a variety of materials. They are convenient for transportation. The main disadvantage is found already in the process of work. Due to the fact that they are rather narrow, a large number of seams form on the wall.
  • Meter- quite rarely used in household repairs due to their considerable width. Such wallpapers are more difficult to transport - the weight of one roll is much greater than that of the previous version. But at the same time, finishing work with them is carried out at a faster pace, there are significantly fewer seams on the walls, often the cost of a wide roll with similar properties is lower than that of a narrower one.

Manufacturers offer customers unusual dimensions of panels. It is worth saying that such "oversized" in recent years are more and more common. They are released in leading European factories located in the territories of such countries as Italy, Belgium, Germany.

Now you should consider such a parameter as the length of the roll.

Before starting work, you need to find out the size of the surface that can be pasted over with a medium-sized roll. In Russia, a roll length of 10.5 meters is considered ideal, otherwise 10 meters and 5 centimeters with an error in various directions, as a rule, they take plus or minus three percent more.

Approximately in a roll 53 centimeters wide - 5.3 square meters, 106 centimeters wide - 10.6 square meters.

Not all designs involve floor-to-ceiling wrapping. It happens that you need to leave a strip on top or bottom, where there will be either a different type of wallpaper, or a completely different material, for example, an artificial facing stone.

When using wallpaper with rapport in work (this is how those pasting methods are called when the pattern shifts), two or three rolls will come out, but it all depends on the height of the walls to be finished.

Without shifting the pattern, only three or four sheets are spent, which is much more economical. When choosing a pattern, you need to take this into account.

They also produce extraordinary lengths. In this case, the rolls are 15, 20, 25 and 50 meters. Usually this is characteristic of materials for painting, the width of which is 106 centimeters, for example, Fintex and similar products.

If there is a pattern, then there may be significant "waste" or it will be necessary to glue the canvases with your own hands, leaving a large allowance at the bottom. Due to the allowance, the edges of the canvases near the floor or ceiling may become uneven, this happens when trimming.

To hide this defect, it is necessary to close the edges with a plinth from below or a special side from above.

By the way, the sides are made of the same material as the wallpaper, and are sold with them in the same collection. Otherwise, in order to choose the right edge for the selected wallpaper, you need to carefully look at the number of the selected wallpaper and compare it with the number of the edge. By color alone, by eye, it is almost impossible to determine whether the edge fits the wallpaper.

Colors and colors

The shade of the walls is of paramount importance in the perception of the design of the entire room, therefore it is quite natural that sometimes several times more time is spent on the selection of wallpapers that are ideally suited than on the walls themselves. Often, buyers spend a lot of time, effort and money to buy a roll of what they think is perfect wallpaper, but as a result they realize that they didn’t buy what they needed.

In order to avoid such annoying oversights, it is necessary to choose the right color carefully and consciously, after analyzing the many characteristics that can affect visual perception.

The modern building materials market offers any color and wallpaper colors: light, dark, lilac, white, brick-like, blue, purple, beige, yellow, plain, peach, gold, pink. The choice of finishing material for the walls is limited only by the wallet and imagination of the buyer, so it is becoming more and more difficult to decide on the right color for decoration. Many buyers want wallpaper to turn a room into a spacious, cozy and stylish space.

Of course, you can seek the help of specialists, they will be able to choose the shade of wallpaper in the room, but no one guarantees that they will be able to predict the desire or preference of their customer. Therefore, the most reliable way to choose the right color for the walls is to personally study all the tricks of creating a color composition in a room.

It is important to remember that a lot depends on the features of the premises that are planned to be designed.

You need to follow a lot of basic rules for the classic selection of colors:

  • The peculiarity of the location and number of window openings in the hall. The degree of natural light entering the room should determine the color and material of the wallpaper. In rooms with windows that face the north side, there is always a feeling that they are colder than they really are. In such rooms, a lack of lighting will be noticeable if you make a mistake with the choice of color. Therefore, it is better to choose warm colors of the walls: peach, beige, pink.

  • The dimensions and layout of the rooms also influence the choice of wall colors. Even the most spacious interiors are not always perceived as comfortable, and small rooms with the wrong choice of wallpaper can create a feeling of tightness. That is why it is fundamentally important to take into account all the characteristics of the rooms if you plan to make a design using different colors.

Colors for wallpaper in a small room must be selected as light as possible: beige, white, blue - the ideal choice in this case.

  • The quality of the colors used in the design. This is the reason that has a direct impact on the "survivability" of the selected coatings. The better the paint, the longer it will last on the walls. Therefore, you need to use wallpaper options with paints that are resistant to sunlight.
  • Individual features of interiors. Some areas in the interior require the use of a small number of colors, therefore, not always a random selection of a shade for the main color in a particular room can serve as a guarantee of a harmonious style.

  • It is better to use and repeat already used shades indoors. For example, an important place is occupied by shades in which furniture, accessories, floors and textile elements in the interior are painted: in no case should inconsistency or excessive contrast of shades be allowed.

  • When choosing the shade of the finish for the walls, it is necessary to take into account other parameters. So, for example, an overly bright color can contribute to the fact that emotional arousal occurs, and this is not always suitable for some room interiors, for example, a bedroom. At the same time, a faded shade can be perceived well only in sunny weather.
  • You need to heed the advice of the experts. When there is no certainty that ready-made models of wallpaper will suit the interior well, designers advise purchasing wallpaper intended for painting.

Already glued canvases are easier to repaint in a different color than to re-glue. This will save you time and money.

  • If the room is used for several tasks at once, as is the case with living rooms, then it is better to choose pale or neutral color. It is necessary to take into account some color characteristics, which are discussed in the article below.
  • As noted earlier, light shades reflect sunlight, therefore they are able to turn the room into a much brighter and more pleasant space for being in it. They visually increase the size of the room, personify cheerfulness and cleanliness.

  • dark wallpaper in design, they are designed to create the opposite effects: stop the movement of light, turn the room into a gloomy and dark one, reduce space and exert psychological pressure on the subconscious.

It is better to dilute the cool color palette with more light and cheerful colors. Then the hall will be not only pleasing to the eye, but also stylish. It is dangerous to use only dark colors, as the room will look like a dark dungeon.

  • Feng Shui is often used as a technique to perfectly match the color of walls. It implies a strict adherence to ancient traditions. Feng Shui experts say that in the children's room it is optimal to use yellow and green, in the bedroom - pink and burgundy, in the kitchen - white, black and red. But in the hall it is better to take white or beige tones.

  • For those who cannot choose just one color scheme, there are other options. Multi-colored wallpapers are becoming more and more in demand, harmoniously combining and light and black colors(as a composition or pattern). Classic black and white wallpapers are gaining popularity again, allowing you to add contrast to the design of the room, which is sometimes so lacking in modern apartments.

For the correct and ideal decoration of interior decoration, experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with the psychological and aesthetic features of the main and popular colors that are used to color the wallpaper.

  • A sign of energy and striving for the goal is Violet shade on the walls. They can be applied in advanced living room or kitchen interiors. They will also look good in the bedroom. Lilac shades, on the contrary, have relaxing properties and do not make the design too dark.

  • greenish wallpaper carry the beauty of natural nature. They are ideal for reproducing natural motifs and are suitable for almost any modern design, because they go well with all colors.

Using them, you can achieve the greatest harmony if you take such wallpapers in tandem with woody elements or floral ornaments.

  • blue wallpaper- a sign of tender, deep. It symbolizes movement, energy, sea freshness. Color activates the awakening of fantasy, has calming properties, despite the potential of energy hidden in it.

Ideal for decorating such a living room where the owners sleep at night. By the way, yellow wallpapers have a similar effect, as well as shades such as pistachio and turquoise.

  • Reddish and bright orange the colors of the wall coverings belong to the catchy color scheme. If they are used in an excessive amount in the interior, then this is fraught with overexcitation of those who are in the room.

This color has strong potential. Because of this, such shades should be taken only as accents when it comes to a residential interior.

  • To make the space light, spacious, homely, gentle will help pink wallpaper coverings for walls. At the same time, this paint has long been not only for women. Combining with other colors can create an elegant and contemporary wall decor.

  • blue wallpaper- An excellent option for those who prefer creativity and are not afraid to use rich shades. Gives the room an additional effect of freshness and lightness. Suitable for the living room and some areas of the kitchen, bedroom and children's room. Often used for male teenagers.

  • It is considered to be universal gray shade: almost the entire palette of colors and styles suits it, and in the interior it does not exert the strongest mental pressure, unlike, for example, bright colors. In addition, they look quite aesthetically pleasing if there is a lot of natural sunlight in the room. No need to be afraid to use it, referring to its gloom and fading.

To ensure the completeness of the design, you do not need to stop at one color palette. The main feature of any interior will be a high-quality and correctly selected combination of several colors.

At the same time, they can harmonize not only within the same plane - on the walls, but also in a furniture set, textiles, and devices.

The choice of decor and decoration

You should pay attention to the fact that not all types of drawings fit equally well into the interior. This should be taken into account when planning.

Experts distinguish the following types of decor:

  • Flat and convex.
  • Matte and glossy.
  • With 3D effect.

The difference lies in the method of application and the tools used.

Depending on the composition, the design coating can be:

  • Shelkov. Silk fibers create a specific pattern and give the material strength, resistance to abrasion and fading. The cover is pleasant to the touch.
  • Paper. Such wallpapers are less reliable than the first ones, but are easily restored.

  • Khlopkov having the lowest degree of abrasion resistance.
  • Mixed. This type of material has unique decorative properties that depend on the type of additives.

We decorate the walls with liquid wallpaper

  • The walls will look great if they are decorated with vegetation. The plants don't have to be life size, you can make giant flowers or small spruces.
  • Parts of the lounge are recommended to be decorated in soothing colors. To do this, you can use landscapes, geometric or floral patterns. Experts do not advise overloading such zones with drawings.
  • If the design of the room allows, you can reproduce a stylish panel on the central wall.


You can create them yourself, but it's easier to buy at a hardware store.

The process of making a stencil with your own hands is simple:

  • The image is transferred to paper using a printer and then transferred to cardboard.
  • If the drawing is large enough, it should be divided into several parts. Print the elements, and then get a cardboard stencil, combining all the details into one and outlining them.
  • An easier option is to use the services of a copy shop, where it is possible to print large drawings.

In addition to large stencils, you can use small contours. To do this, the picture needs to be cut out and inserted into the holder. A projection is created with the help of a flashlight in a semi-dark room. The light source should be behind the stencil. By adjusting the distance between them, they achieve the picture of the desired size. The resulting shadow should be circled with a pencil.

The decoration process consists of two stages. On the first, the first preparatory layer of liquid wallpaper is applied. After it is completely dry, you can work on the drawing. The stencil is attached to the surface with masking tape. The mixture fills the space inside it. If you finish finishing at this stage, the pattern will be slightly convex. To achieve uniformity, a second background layer is applied to the wall behind the stencil.

Important: masking tape and patterns can only be removed after the material has set.

Freehand Drawings

The method is more labor intensive. Moreover, the more color shades and textures, the more the drawing execution time increases.

The procedure is as follows:

  • With a simple pencil, a sketch of the future drawing is applied to the wall with notes on the color scheme of each section.
  • The mixture is being prepared.
  • Part of the composition is painted in the main shade and applied with a spatula within the boundaries.
  • As the main part of the pattern dries, the other parts of the mixture are tinted.
  • Next, the wallpaper is applied to those parts of the sketch that do not touch each other.

  • With the help of a spatula and a construction knife, the drawing is framed.
  • Before the next step, the material must dry.
  • After that, you can begin to fill in other parts of the composition and correct those places where the wallpaper lay unevenly.
  • Various strokes and contours are drawn with special markers or wax pencils.
  • The final stage is drying for 1-2 days.

See the following video for the technique of drawing a picture with liquid wallpaper.

Drawings on the wallpaper

The hall and living room are the right place to experiment with colors and shades. It is here that the use of both light and dark shades will be successful, since the design of this room is intended for everyday relaxation. At the same time, there is a need to create some kind of solemnity, since it is in this room that guests are most often received. The design should be suitable for creating family comfort and home warmth.

As mentioned above, a light color will turn the room into a softer one for visual perception. Here, a peach coloration is possible, causing a strong association with nature, which comes to life in the spring after hibernation, yellow. You can pay attention to the pattern on the wallpaper, where pink, blue, beige flowers will be used.

If the choice has settled on a dull color, you need to remember that an olive shade is often used in the hall: if the design is correct, then with its help it will be possible to emphasize the effects of an aged room. This effect of an artificially created aged wall is becoming more and more popular.

Do you want to use bright and contrasting colors in the room? Such wallpaper with a pattern is ideal for use as an insert: they can be placed in the so-called niches, placed on a free wall as a decorative panel. They can highlight a separate part of the room, thereby creating a zoning of the room.

Often allocate the place where the sofa and TV are located. It is not at all necessary to take a bright color with a pattern or pattern, it can simply be in sharp contrast with the main color of the walls.

A similar effect can be achieved using a dark shade, but, according to the advice of designers, they must be combined with more care than just bright colors. Dark is always a very strong accent, so you need to carefully choose the area that will be darker. It should be a perfectly smooth, beautiful wall that you really want to highlight and emphasize. It is important not to overdo it and not turn the accent into the main color of the room. It is necessary to maintain a balance of dark and light colors in the interior.

Light, according to many experts, should be more, regardless of the overall design concept.

If you apply colors and patterns that are associated with spring to decorate the living room, and these are warm colors: green, yellowish, orange, pinkish, peach, then the room will become cozy and positive. True, they have a feature - to cause a good appetite, so often these shades are used to finish the kitchen.

If the living room and kitchen are one room, as is the case in studios, then you can use this tip.

Light colors with various images are perfect for the corridor. Yes, walls can get dirty faster, but a lighter shade will make any room feel much larger visually. This is just what you need for small hallways or small living rooms.

Creating an accent with wallpaper looks pretty good. This is done like this: three walls are made similar, of the same color, texture, and the last fourth is deliberately decorated with some noticeable spot. In the role of a highlighter, wallpapers of a different color or color can play, having a different texture or pattern, or those that have a pattern, but there is no pattern on the other three. The latter option includes, for example, photo wallpapers. Probably a combination of wallpaper with some other finishing material.

The designer can create a so-called spot only from color or from color and texture.

Style and modern design ideas

For almost all design styles, wallpapering surfaces is acceptable. Armed with imagination, you can use them to create bright interiors, focus on individual architectural elements, reproduce silk panels and abstract paintings. It is worth dwelling on the most common and popular style options for living rooms.


A modern citizen works hard during the working day, therefore, once at home, he must be able to relax. The effect of relaxation is perfectly promoted by wallpaper in the style of minimalism: white wallpaper on the walls, delicate or pastel colors.

The brightest and most unusual details or accents for such a design should be used as little as possible, a very sharp and contrasting shade transition between walls and furniture is unacceptable. This applies not only to the color scheme, but also to interior items.


Traditional design involves light colors, now some designers especially pay attention to the fact that incomplete wall decoration is acceptable. A good option for a living room in a traditional manner is, for example, textiles.

It is important to remember that the material itself is very heavy, which is why significant difficulties can arise with its gluing.

The traditional design can be supplemented with wallpaper with the image of stucco, various paintings or columns, it would be nice to use wallpaper with a design for magnificent curtains as accents. Traditional furniture implies showiness, scale, must be combined with the walls according to the scale or according to the achromatic principle.

It is recommended for such a design to take plain vinyl or reed wallpaper with a soft pattern. Suitable decorative plaster, called liquid wallpaper. Cold painting on the walls is welcome. It is permissible to apply wallpaper with a small pattern throughout the living area.


When choosing wallpaper for this style, rich colors are used: scarlet, yellow, coffee with ocher color. The structure of the wallpaper for the living room must be heavy. Ornate complex ornaments and floral, lace patterns look great in the design of the hall. Accents are often used, all kinds of inserts, which, as a rule, involve highlighting with the help of frames or moldings. You can glue wallpaper depicting raw plaster.


Rococo is a direction that experts attribute to the directions of the Baroque style. Its distinguishing features are richness, splendor and some playfulness in the design of the living room. Quite often you can see rooms decorated with wallpaper in pastel colors: pinkish, bluish, greenish.

For wall decor, as a rule, textile wallpapers with fractional ornaments, carved and stucco frames are used. In order to give shine to the coatings glued to the wall, silk or glossy material is used before painting. Wallpaper with snow-white or gold stucco molding looks great in the interior of the hall.

The transition between the wall and the ceiling is recommended to be smoothed out using an elegant pattern (otherwise called a paduga), decorations like frescoes look great. The peculiarity of the style is the frequent use of mirror planes, gilded furniture details. Elegant rococo wallpaper for the hall is a great idea for those who love beauty.


If the owner of the room wants to decorate it in modern style, you should pay special attention to the color. Saturated colors organically fit into such a design, but it is better to muffle them with additional design, otherwise they will dazzle in bright light. The selection of color and light at the same time is important here. The walls with a pattern depicting, for example, an ornament on the skin of a leopard or other animal look quite bright. Art Nouveau also implies floral motifs on the wallpaper.

English style

In general, it is not at all necessary to create a similar pattern the size of the entire room - the designers believe that one or two walls, decorated according to the rules of the English estate, will be enough.


The well-known southern French design is a set of shades from a light pastel palette, it is usually devoid of ornaments. At the extreme, this is a design that has discreet geometry as a pattern or a floral motif. A variety of colors is permissible and even sometimes looks better, but at the same time they should not stand out too much - the emphasis is still on muted tones.

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In the conditions of city apartments it is a multifunctional room. Here they not only arrange meetings with guests, but also spend most of their free time with the whole family. Therefore, wallpaper for the living room should not only be suitable for decoration, but also be practical: durable, not easily soiled, etc. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right wallpaper for the hall in the apartment, photo catalogs will clearly present design solutions for and non-trivial ideas for their combinations.

Despite the abundance of modern finishing materials, wallpaper remains the most common option used in the design of the hall.
PHOTO: eremontbp.com

When choosing modern wallpaper for the hall, buyers first of all pay attention to the pattern or texture. However, this factor is far from the most important. First of all, you should determine the type of product. Unlike or, there are no special operational requirements for the finishing materials used in the living room. In the hall, in combination with high temperature and aggressive environment, there are no sharp strong odors, condensation. Therefore, wallpaper on the wall in the hall can be made from almost any material.


Despite the affordable cost, their market share is rapidly decreasing. First of all, this is due to significant limitations in operation, as well as the need to perfectly prepare the base surface. Even two-layer paper wallpapers easily reveal any defects on the work surface. Use only in rooms with normal humidity - up to 70%. The maximum service life does not exceed 4-5 years, and if the apartment has or, then 1.5-2 years.

An example of using paper wallpaper in the living room interior:

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Wallpaper for walls: photo catalog interesting solutions for the living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen and corridor. The basic rules for selecting canvases and recommendations from designers - read in our review.

Wallpaper on a polymer basis

Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper experts classify as one class of finishing materials. They are characterized by high strength and durability, as well as a wide color palette, the presence of textured solutions. Non-woven wallpaper can be repainted several times, periodically updating the interior without significant financial costs. Wet cleaning with the use of cleaning products is allowed, which preserves the aesthetic qualities of the finish for a long time.

Vinyl wallpaper in the interior of the living room:

PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com
PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com

Advice! Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper with deep embossing can hide significant defects in the base.

Related article:


This is a wallpaper based on natural fibers:

  • cotton;
  • silk.

They are made by fixing a natural fabric on a non-woven or cellulose base. On the market of finishing materials, you can buy textile wallpapers with jute, velor or felt texture. This finish is ideal for decorating a room in a classic style. It gives the interior of the room sophistication and sophistication.

Exquisite textile wallpaper for the hall in a private house, photos of interiors:

PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com
PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com


Metallized or foil wallpapers also consist of two layers: a paper base and an outer decorative layer of thin metal foil. As a rule, gold, silver, pearl, mother-of-pearl or bronze color and texture combinations prevail in the decor. This finish is used to focus on individual elements of the interior.

Metallized wallpapers are usually used to decorate individual building structures and interior elements:

PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com
PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com

Wall mural

Wall murals in the hall have gained wide popularity due to the wide possibilities of visual correction of the dimensions of the room. Thanks to the rich assortment of themes available for sale, you can both visually expand the room, giving it a greater height, and visually reduce it, bringing a distant wall closer, highlighting separate functional areas, etc. Photowall-paper can be both on paper, and on a non-woven or vinyl basis. Recently, many imaging technologies have appeared, and its detail and quality have also increased significantly. 3D prints stand out in particular, which have radically changed the approach to the design of a hall with photo wallpapers. To preserve the image in its original form, a special film or varnish is applied to the surface of the photo wallpaper.

Wall mural in the hall photo interiors:

PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com
PHOTO: eremontbp.com
PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com

Related article:

Glass fiber

The principle of manufacturing such a finish is in many ways similar to textile wallpaper materials. Glass threads produced by a special technology are used as fibers. They are attached to a paper or non-woven base. Such a finishing material has an attractive appearance and original texture. In addition, cullets do not burn, and their melting point is +500ºС. The high cost is offset by a significant service life - up to 25 years.

Designers develop very original prints for glass wallpaper:

PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua

PHOTO: tvoidvor.com PHOTO: tvoidvor.com

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of wallpaper for the hall

Production materialAdvantagesFlaws

Ease of sticking;

Wide range of colors and patterns


They are afraid of mechanical influences;

Do not tolerate high humidity;

not cleared;

Burn out over time

Shows base defects

VinylHigh strength;

Embossed texture;

Humidity resistance;

Washing with household chemicals is allowed;

High decorative performance;

Conceal significant base defects

High price;

Vapor resistance;

They have a characteristic smell that lasts quite a long time after gluing;

The material is heavy, requires special glue;

Pretty difficult to self stick

InterliningAcceptable cost;

Good vapor permeability;

Easily cleaned from contaminants;

Withstand wet cleaning;

They are painted, depending on the relief, from 3 to 5 times;

Hides minor imperfections

Limited range of textures;

Require special glue;

Needs to be painted

AcrylicVapor permeable;

Non-marking (dust-repellent effect);

biologically neutral;

Withstand light wet cleaning with household detergents

Limited range of colors and textures;

Do not stick in rooms with high humidity

TextileEnvironmental neutral;

Natural materials are used as raw materials;

Have sound and heat insulating effect;

There is no obvious docking of canvases;

High decorative performance

Very high cost;

Gluing can only be carried out by a professional;

Absorb odors;

Electrified and attract dust;

Dry clean only

MetallizedHigh parameters of sound and heat insulation;

Have a protective effect against electromagnetic radiation;

Wet cleaning with the use of household chemicals is allowed

Vapor proof;

Sensitive to mechanical stress;

Create minor interference with wi-fi and mobile communications

LiquidThere are no seams and joints;

Do not fade from sunlight;

Simple application technology (you can do it yourself);

High soundproofing effect;

Very easy to repair

Relatively high cost;

Wet cleaning is not allowed;

Limited choice of decorative solutions

Wall muralWide range of images;

You can find the most original theme, in harmony with any type of interior;

Affordable cost

A very thorough gluing job is required, which is best left to professionals;

Show wall defects;

Cleaning should be done very carefully

Glass fiberEnvironmental friendliness;

Long service life;

original design;

fire resistance;

Ease of care

Extremely high cost;

Limited color palette

Related article:

: price, features, advantages, disadvantages, varieties, secrets of choice, average prices, how exactly the stereo effect is created - read in our review.

Video: how to choose and combine wallpaper

What wallpaper to choose for the hall, photos of interiors in various styles

The choice of a particular type of wallpaper, as well as their colors, patterns, textures and other decorative elements depends on the following factors:

  • area and shape of the living room;
  • the number of windows, their dimensions (glazing area of ​​the room), as well as the location of window and door openings;
  • positioning of the room relative to the cardinal points;
  • general stylistic solutions for the design of an apartment, especially adjacent premises;
  • the need to combine zones for various purposes in the living room: a dining room, a kitchen, an office, a play area, etc. This factor has a key influence here on the choice of material or the combination of wallpaper in the hall;
  • personal tastes and preferences of residents. The desire to create coziness and a peaceful atmosphere in the room or highlight individual bright accents in the hall.

How to choose wallpaper for the hall in a classic style

Few apartments can boast a living room of sufficient area to accommodate a fireplace, furniture and other classic-style interior items. In this case, the emphasis in the decor is on the wallpaper. As a rule, the classics in finishing materials are characterized by a fairly rich color scheme and "traditional" patterns:

  • royal lilies and monograms;
  • floral ornaments;
  • wavy lines and damascus-type ornaments.

Wallpaper for a hall made in a classic style should have an expensive and presentable look:

PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua
PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua
PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua
PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua

How to choose wallpaper for the living room in the style of Provence and Country

Initially, this style originated in the south of France. It has now gained considerable popularity due to its apparent simplicity and graceful modesty. American country style has a lot in common with it. Wallpaper in both stylistic solutions is characterized by light warm shades, chintz texture, floral patterns or geometric patterns: stripes, checks. A living room decorated in this style is characterized by a large amount of sunlight, various flower arrangements and decor made from natural materials.

The living room, made in, creates an atmosphere of comfort and home warmth:

PHOTO: comfortoria.ru PHOTO: ratatum.com

PHOTO: ratatum.com PHOTO: comfortoria.ru

How to choose wallpaper in a loft-style room

The loft style is characterized by a combination of modern furniture and the atmosphere of an old house: exposed brickwork, roughly plastered walls, unfinished ceiling beams. The same textures can be traced in the wallpaper, they imitate natural materials, plaster, stone or brick. However, in some design solutions, wallpaper can be used as a bright accent.

It is best to use vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, which can more accurately convey the structure of the material:

PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: dizainmetrov.ru
PHOTO: dizainmetrov.ru PHOTO: dizainmetrov.ru

Modern living room design, hi-tech photo wallpaper

High-tech style in the interior is becoming more and more popular for city apartments. With it, you can implement various effects of changing the space and zoning of the room. For wallpaper in, which is used in living rooms, both geometric ornaments and photo wallpapers with various urban themes are characteristic.

PHOTO: walldeco.ua
PHOTO: walldeco.ua
PHOTO: walldeco.ua PHOTO: walldeco.ua

Wallpaper for the hall in the apartment: photo catalogs of modern and old styles

Despite the fact that many new and unusual ways of decorating the interior have recently appeared, wallpaper continues to be used to decorate living rooms, both in the old and in the modern style. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • incredibly wide possibilities for decorating both in terms of color and texture solutions;
  • a large selection of materials with different technical characteristics;
  • wide range of costs. Everyone can choose wallpaper according to their financial capabilities. At the same time, the quality of the work performed and well-chosen design solutions will betray a prestigious look to the interior, even from budget materials.

Modern style in the design of the living room

The use of modern style in the design of the living room includes many factors. This is the use of the latest technologies, the addition of natural and artificial light sources. The basic colors of finishing materials are light, ranging from warm pastel tones to cold ones: blue and purple color palette. Particular attention is paid to wallpaper with a metallic effect.

Wallpaper in a modern living room allows you to harmoniously combine elements of various styles: from strict minimalism to hi-tech:

PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com
PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com
PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com

Beautiful wallpaper in the hall classic and vintage decoration design

The choice of wallpaper for an old-style living room depends on the specific design. It is necessary to take into account the specifics and diversity of directions. For example, baroque and rococo are characterized by ornaments with many patterns. The color scheme is soft and unobtrusive: pink, lavender and gray shades. For the Empire style, the presence of floral ornaments on vertical surfaces is welcome, as well as bas-relief structures and false columns that create accents in the design of the room.

The wallpaper for the living room is made in the old style, emphasizing the luxury and richness of the decoration:

PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com
PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua
PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua PHOTO: bouw.ru
PHOTO: bouw.ru PHOTO: bouw.ru
PHOTO: bouw.ru

Ideas for combining wallpaper in the hall: design and photo

Using several types of wallpaper to decorate the walls in the hall is a fairly common design technique. Its complexity lies in the need to choose harmonious not only color, but also texture combinations.

The combination of two-color wallpaper photo in the hall

The simplest design option for combined wallpaper for the hall is a combination of two tones of the same color. This unmistakable technique will be useful for those who do not have deep knowledge of interior design. The result is a rather static, but calm and very elegant design of the living room. The second, no less effective technique is the combination of different colors of the same saturation. As a rule, it is used to create contrast in small living rooms.


Photo wallpaper has been familiar to us since the days of perestroika. They made it possible to decorate the room without big expenses, distract from the irregularities on the walls and significantly save time on thinking through the design.

This was a real salvation for Soviet apartments, with almost monotonous furnishings and nondescript walls.

Most often, they glued photo wallpapers in the living room or in the corridor to surprise guests with an original solution.

general information

In the Soviet Union, wallpaper was applied mainly to images of nature, and their quality left much to be desired.

But this did not stop anyone and the photo wallpapers in the interior of the living room took pride of place.

Therefore, this finishing option has become familiar to everyone and neither then nor today is something alien and incomprehensible.

In the 1990s, there was some dissonance: ordinary wallpaper manufacturers began to make up for lost profits and work to improve the quality of their product, while photo wallpaper manufacturers were in no hurry to change anything.

Because of this, the latter lost their former popularity. However, not for long. For many years they have been bought on a par with simple wallpaper.

This revival is due to several reasons. First, print quality has improved significantly.

The drawings have become realistic, and there is even a 3D wallpaper for the living room. Secondly, the stories are very diverse. And, thirdly, their wear resistance has increased due to improvements in the decorative layer.

It is important to note that in addition to buying ready-made options, many companies offer their services for transferring your photos to wallpaper in the living room or any other room.

They just need to be of good quality.

Use cases

The living room, or as it is often called the hall, is a place where guests are taken, where they gather with their families. Her environment should provide ease and comfort. Here are some tips for designing a living room with photo wallpaper:

It is best to decorate the wall near which there is a sofa or other places to sit. An active drawing will not constantly distract you.

As an alternative to the first option, stick the photo wallpaper on the wall opposite the sofa. This will create an even more complete picture.

Be careful not to let the background color be too aggressive, it will annoy you and your guests.

Wall murals fit well into the minimalist style, they do not like heaps of styles and accents.

Choosing a plot

If you decide to use photo wallpapers when decorating any room, it is important to remember that they are the main accent, and the rest of the walls are their background. Let's analyze a few win-win options for using unusual wallpapers.

Imitation of wall painting will fit into Italian and Mediterranean interiors. The view from the window on some ancient European city looks especially beautiful.

For a modern style (high-tech, loft, etc.), choose modern cities in an urban vein.

Wallpaper with a picture of a rural landscape looks good in the appropriate country style. This direction is gaining momentum today. Take a look at him.

Wallpaper with the image of the national color of different countries will transfer you to the ethnic style. Photographs can convey the spirit of a certain country, or an entire region, or they can only give hints of them.

For example, sakura takes us to Japan, and birches to Russia. Such paintings carry more than just an image. They encapsulate the mood.

Pop art is associated with cinematic culture, glamorous, social life. Wallpaper in this style is used in modern interiors.

They add colors to the room, and discreet luxury without any pretentiousness and pomposity.

Nature images are a classic for wall murals in the living room. Their modern performance, of course, is not the same as in Soviet times.

The plots have become bright, varied and even exotic. In addition to their decorating function, images of nature calm psychologically. They also visually expand the space of small rooms.

A "subsection" of natural motifs is a floral theme. Wall mural in the living room with roses, tulips, whole gardens will add freshness and elegance to the room.

So, now it is obvious that the role of photo wallpaper is not limited to wall decoration. They also carry practicality and functionality.

Modern technologies make it possible to make photo wallpapers resistant to various pollution, exposure to sunlight and water.

They visually smooth out the unevenness of the walls, expand the space and give it a unique charm and originality.

Photo wallpaper design in the living room

Wallpaper can be compared with plastic surgery, which was done in time to lose its appearance to the room. The new colors in the home are energizing, but they don't just change the palette of the room, they give the interior its own atmosphere, feel and design.

Types and features of paper products

  • Simplex. Represents a single layer with a flat surface.
  • Duplex. Contains two or more layers, the surface is decorated with texture.

If you're going into wallpaper painting in the future, a duplex with raised hard-fiber patterns (may contain wood shavings) is a good option. The big advantage of paper sheets is their low cost and ease of care. The negative effect will be a short service life and the inability to hide the irregularities of the wall. You can glue the paper product in every room where there is little humidity.

Over the past decade, there has been a revolution in the standard wall decoration - wallpaper, for buyers now there is a huge choice of models with different patterns, textures and colors. In connection with the development of printing technologies, it has become easier and more inventive to create and select new models. Modern design agencies are constantly working with fresh raw materials, creating entertaining interiors that create effects on the walls in the form of feathers, wood, leaves or animal fur. To the touch, such coatings are also very pleasant.

Before sticking wallpaper, it is important to know the following features:

  • Horizontal lines on the wallpaper are best suited for a small room, they will slightly increase its size.
  • Vertical lines will visually make the room appear taller.
  • Wallpaper in gloomy shades will make the space look smaller.

Advantages and characteristics of vinyl wallpaper

This wall covering is suitable for those who want to diversify their interior in a practical and tasteful way. Such a product differs from paper counterparts in the presence of a polyvinyl chloride coating. This is a strong and durable material that will decorate your room for many years, sparkling with its shiny surface.

The content of the outer layer may contain chemicals, for example, various resins and similar materials, which add reliability to the product, increased resistance to liquids, and protection from sunlight. Care for such a product will not present difficulties, they can be easily wiped with a damp cloth, even when there are strong dirt on it (they can be glued in the bathroom and kitchen due to resistance to hot steam). However, do not use cleaners containing active chemicals when washing, they can damage the outer vinyl layer.

The interior of the hall wallpaper with vinyl coating can diversify with a large number of colors, textures and patterns suitable for the space of the room. You can choose trendy wallpapers that imitate wood, stones, and other materials.

Non-woven wallpaper

The design of wallpaper for the hall will help to diversify the options from the carbohydrate base and soft fibers, which perfectly block sound and are protected from hot temperatures. But these models are not perfect: dust and various aromas easily penetrate the product and stay there for a long time, so you should not glue them in the room near the front door. To attach to the walls here you need an individual adhesive, which must be applied directly to the wall. Color can be changed with acrylic paints.

Gallery: wallpaper for the hall (25 photos)

Textile options

They are made from paper products and covered with various materials used to create fabric. Such a coating will create a warm and cozy homely atmosphere in the room. Compared to conventional options, it absorbs sound waves better. You can monitor its cleanliness with a vacuum cleaner or wiping with a damp cloth.

There are models for painting:

How to choose the right wallpaper (video)

Fashionable wallpaper in the hall

Unusual and modern wallpapers can also be liquid! They are a loose substance consisting of cellulose, fabric fibers and a sticky substance. For application on walls, they are first diluted in water, following the instructions, and they get to work, applying them with a roller. This option will look great in the room and hide all the roughness and deformation of the walls. Various colors will make the room more bright and sunny.

Options with photo wallpaper

If you've run out of wallpaper ideas, try using New York-style photo wallpapers again. First of all, photo wallpapers are chosen because of famous beautiful places: the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, various skyscrapers and remarkable buildings of world capitals. Some buyers choose more mysterious and mythological images.

If you still haven't chosen a wallpaper for the hall, try to look for ideas in the beauty of nature. Wall mural with beautiful green motifs will always be in demand for buyers, drastically changing the design of the room. You can easily give your room an atmosphere of quiet and secluded nature, add freshness to everyday life and add new colors. Due to such a simple action, a room with photo wallpapers will turn into a small secluded corner.

How to choose wallpaper in the hall to preserve the classic style

The standard room option is now becoming popular again. If you are interested in what kind of wallpaper to paste in the hall, then you will certainly like the classic style. It gives the room a touch of sophistication, reminiscent of the majestic styles of the old days, when palaces dazzled the eye with their design.

Variants of the classic are full of a variety of patterns and motifs. The most popular wallpaper colors for the hall:

  • combined pattern (two colors change alternately)
  • striped (mostly dark milky and pistachio colors) will perfectly convey the image of classic wooden furniture with fabric upholstery.
  • sunny shades with floral patterns.

Just like choosing wallpaper for the hall, you need to approach the choice of curtains. They will add sophistication to the overall composition of the solemn classics and play a special role in creating an ancient atmosphere.

Combined wallpaper for the hall will be a good way to decorate the room in an interesting way. One of the classic methods is to divide the wall into a top and bottom section with different colors separated by an edge. A similar combined technique is often used in rooms with a classic and English style. A feature of such an interior will be a visual decrease in the height of the room.

romantic style

A modern house can be decorated with a beautiful design from France, which brings a romantic touch to the interior of the apartment. The apartment, breathing with the ideas of romantic natures, simply cannot but make a positive impression. The lightness and genuineness of French motifs mentally moves the residents of the house to the lavender fields of the provinces, complementing the room with grace.

loft style

For a quick interior decoration and redecoration, you can try to use wallpaper of the same style. There are many stylistic options on the market for various models. They give the apartment a special style. Attic-inspired products contain elements of wood, metal, brick or stone, giving the interior an industrial look. Due to the stone style, you can create the effect of the industrial style of the eighties in the hall.

What wallpaper to choose for the hall

The hall room is an important part in every home. It is in this room that guests are welcomed, feasts are held and evening gatherings with the family are arranged. The hall is a place where you can relax after a hard day's work, read an interesting book or have fun with your loved ones. A lot of the atmosphere of this room depends on the decoration. Properly selected finishing materials allow you to make the pastime in the hall as comfortable and cozy as possible. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, which is the most common material, you should take into account a lot of points related to their color and structure.

Before you buy wallpaper, you should decide what color wallpaper to choose for the hall. When choosing a color, it is necessary, first of all, to rely on how well the room is lit, what rooms have disadvantages and advantages. In addition, it should be borne in mind that some colors can irritate or induce action. At the same time, other colors can soothe and relax.

If the room is well lit, then bright colors will look more organic in it. In this case, they will not be too catchy and will be able to fill the room with energy and positive. These colors include green, purple and orange. In a darker room, it is recommended to use muted light shades, however, then you need to focus on interior items. In addition, you should separately approach the choice of wallpaper for small rooms.

What wallpaper to choose for a small area hall

When choosing a design for a small room, you should take into account the features of such a room. For a small room, you should choose wallpaper in light and bed shades, as they visually increase the space. It is preferable to choose wallpaper in sand, beige, light gray and white. These colors and their various shades will make even a small room very bright and spacious.

An important point: when choosing wallpaper for the hall, it should be remembered that if the room is small in size, then you should not choose wallpaper for it that has a large pattern or too small an ornament. A large pattern on the wallpaper will only emphasize the modest parameters of the room, and a pattern that is too small for everything will make it visually even smaller.

The hall, which has a small area, can also be decorated in a combination of bright colors and soothing shades, choosing wallpapers of different types. This solution is very popular today and this design looks quite modern. It is important to use materials made from natural fabrics. Below you can see options for which wallpaper to choose for a hall with a photo with a small area.

Traditional choice or choice in favor of originality of creativity?

The modern market of finishing materials includes a wide variety of all kinds of finishing materials. In this regard, sometimes it is quite difficult to decide which wallpaper is best for the hall, which style and color to choose. In general, all types of wallpaper can be divided into two main types - these are traditional materials and materials that are more original and unusual.

The most unusual and creative look in the hall is wallpaper made on the basis of plant fibers, reed or bamboo. As a rule, such material has a corresponding pattern. The advantage of this type of wallpaper is the environmental friendliness of the material.

In addition, there are foil wallpapers that are used only for decorating the hall, since they do not create the desired effect in other rooms. This type of wallpaper is suitable for decorating a hall made in a classic and modern style. In addition to the fact that such a finish will look very original, thanks to this material, the sound insulation in the room also improves.

Those who prefer traditional finishing materials should look at vinyl, non-woven or paper wallpapers. This also includes wallpapers based on fabric, for example, from silk, linen or velvet. These wallpapers look very elegant and help to make the room cozy and family room. Traditional wallpapers have a wide choice of colors, so there should be no problems with choosing shades. The main thing when choosing wallpaper for the hall is to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wallpaper should be selected based on the future design design. The style of the wallpaper should match the overall theme of the room;
  • it should be remembered that for small areas it is best to use light shades of wallpaper in order to visually enlarge the space of the room;
  • you should not experiment too much and combine colors and patterns on the wallpaper that are radically different from each other;
  • you need to remember that the hall is a place for receiving guests, and therefore this room is an indicator of the taste and preferences of the owners.

Below you can see what color of wallpaper to choose for the photo hall of various options.

Combinations of the style of the hall and the color of the wallpaper

When choosing wallpaper for this room, of course, it is necessary to take into account in what style the hall is planned to be decorated. Below are some recommendations that will help you choose the right wallpaper color for a particular design style:

Video what wallpaper to choose for the hall