Quilted blankets. Online store bed world Cotton blankets of various sizes for adults

Cotton filler

A wadded blanket is a bedding that does not lose its relevance. Most often used in institutions such as kindergartens and hospitals, but also popular at home. Wadded blankets deserve widespread love for the fact that they warm even in the coldest winter, keep warm during temperature drops in the room. Heavy-duty, durable products are made from 100% cotton. The cover for the filler is sewn from natural fabrics - coarse calico, flax and other materials.

Why buy a cotton blanket

After reviewing the assortment in the online store, some users decide to buy a cotton blanket, guided by the characteristics of the product. First of all, it is the wear resistance and durability of factory bedding. Among the advantages of buying cotton quilts from Ivanovo stand out:

  • the ability to use at any time of the year;
  • ensuring the optimum temperature both in heat and cold;
  • no static effect (the material is not electrified and does not shock);
  • made exclusively from natural materials;
  • service life up to 30 years with proper care.

Buying a cotton quilt means eliminating the need to constantly fluff up heavy bedding. The filler in such products does not crumple, which is ensured by the high quality of the stitching.

Why is it better for newborns to buy a cotton blanket

cotton blanket

The most optimal solution for the birth of a baby is to buy a baby cotton blanket for a newborn. The material of the product is pleasantly in contact with the body. The cotton filler does not prick and does not cause allergies. When deciding to buy a real cotton blanket, you need to remember that it is heavy. However, specialized products for little ones usually do not exceed 500 grams in weight. This is due to its rather small size. So for newborns, it is best to buy a blanket with parameters 110 by 140 cm.

Cotton blankets of various sizes for adults

Having set out to buy a cotton blanket, you need to focus on the season in which you plan to use it and on the size of the bed. The tighter the cover and the larger the size of the product, the heavier the blanket. So its greatest weight can reach 8 kg. Usually heavier cotton wool euro blankets designed for winter use.

Where to buy a real cotton blanket in Moscow

"Native Ivanovsky Textile" is an online store where you can buy inexpensive wadded blankets with delivery in Moscow. High quality seams, non-marking materials that do not fade over time are the advantages of the products we offer. Focusing on the needs of the client, we provide affordable prices and high quality service. We sell wadded duvets for a 1.5-bed bed, as well as double and euro duvets. Healthy sleep for adults and children is what we strive for. Cotton and downy dressed from the manufacturer - a guarantee of comfort and coziness.

Each buyer in choosing a blanket is guided by their own feelings and habits. Some try to buy models that are light, like a cloud, in the store, while others like, hiding, to feel the weight of winter blankets. At the same time, everyone, without exception, is concerned about quality, safety, ease of care.

Online store of blankets Mister Slip offers to buy certified sleeping blankets with various fillers with delivery in Moscow and St. Petersburg. You will find a blanket for all-season use, summer or winter, in a cotton satin or satin jacquard cover, with or without trim, in a variety of colors.

What is the difference between summer and winter blankets? Summer blankets use about 300 g / m2 of filler. In all-season models its 450 g / m2, due to this, a winter blanket can weigh 1.5 - 3 kg.

Why is it worth buying silk?

Blankets with silk inside appeared on the Russian market later than woolen, downy models, and products with synthetic materials, but quickly gained popularity. The main difference between a silk blanket is that it creates an ideal microclimate thanks to the materials used:

  • natural silk in a filler;
  • 100% cotton satin and jacquard satin covers;
  • high quality threads and accessories for sewing.

Many buyers choose silk duvets for their hypoallergenic properties.

How inexpensive blankets differ

The difference in the price of blankets does not mean the reduced quality of inexpensive models. If we compare the sleeping blankets of the Elite, Lux and Classic categories, we will see that the products of the Elite and Lux \u200b\u200bgroups use exquisite finishing - embroidery, woven ornament, premium quality Mulberry AA silk. Silk of the first grade of Mulberry A is added to the “classic” products. The main functional characteristic of the product - the composition of the filler - does not change: each blanket is made of natural silk. If finishing is not essential for you, you can save a lot and buy a quality blanket.

In the online store Mr. Slip, blankets of different collections, manufacturers and materials of manufacture are presented. The filter system on the left, photos and characteristics on the product page will help you choose and buy the right blanket, and delivery within a day in Moscow will not keep you waiting for a new purchase. If you still have questions, ask them by phone in Moscow: 8 495 545-47-33, our call center managers will be happy to advise you on finding the most suitable model.

Half-woolen blanket 190 * 200, 50% wool, 50% PAN, pl. 420 g
There is nothing like a relaxing and cozy atmosphere in which you can find yourself covered with a warm blanket. Coming home from work, school, tired of the fast paced daily rhythm, I want to relax to the maximum, and with health benefits. And while modern brands are constantly developing new types of filler, there is nothing better than wool blankets.
Woolen blankets are one of a kind products. Such blankets are radically different from their counterparts in the Soviet era. If then blankets made of wool were prickly, causing discomfort, today they are presented in a favorable light, they have a natural, soft, pleasant texture to the body, are made using the latest technologies, while not diminishing the best properties
The uniqueness of woolen blankets is that they serve several functions. Due to their composition, such products:
used as regular blankets;
depending on the type of implementation, they can become a daytime "coverlet" of the bed (sofa);
if necessary, they can become a mattress topper, providing the right atmosphere (important for sick people and kids);
are a kind of cocoon sweater, covering the user from head to toe when the room is cold.
The most important feature of woolen blankets is their benefits: they are not simple products designed only to keep the body warm during sleep. Wool blankets are good for health, and this is a proven fact.
Today doctors themselves recognize the tangible benefits of such products. Woolen blankets:
with regular use, they help to strengthen the user's immunity;
able to relax the body by calming the nervous system;
relieve a person from feeling tired, having a beneficial effect on the entire body;
create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere, sheltering the owner;
reduce the severity of pain syndromes associated with such diagnoses as rheumatism, osteochondrosis, otitis media, pain in the lower back and shoulder girdle, joints;
accelerate recovery from colds, sinusitis, gout;
relieve puffiness and restore the structure of skin cells (relevant for frostbite, dryness, flabbiness of the dermis);
normalize metabolism, blood flow and heart function;
relieve the body from prickly heat (relevant for babies and people with increased sweating);
good for adherents of a sports lifestyle, restoring the body after strenuous workouts, stretching of muscles and ligaments.
The basis of the beneficial effect is the filler's ability to warm the body in the required volume. Whatever the temperature in the room, it is impossible to overheat and sweat under this blanket. Thanks to the breathable structure of the fiber, the slightest moisture from the inside will immediately be absorbed and released outside into the air. Due to the low thermal conductivity, heat will not "seep" through the blanket.

To the choice blankets you should be responsible, because you are buying here a thing that will be with you for more than one day. Should buy this blanket, which will delight you with its warmth, softness, give comfort for several years. For everyone, such a choice is individual, there can be no general advice for a poet.

Buying blanket, the first step is to pay attention to its size and the material from which it is made. Blanket size should be selected based on the size of your bed and the size bed linenwhich you are using. You can familiarize yourself with the standard sizes of bed linen in the corresponding section of our website.

The choice of filling for a blanket is more difficult. We are confident that our recommendations will help you choose blanketthat will keep you warm and provide wonderful comfort for many nights. The price of blankets in our store will delight you.

Buy a blanket in Moscow inexpensively you can in our store, a wide range of products and pleasant prices are already waiting for you.

A person sleeps for about a third of his life. For the rest to be complete, pleasant awakening, and cheerful mood, you need to choose the right and buybedding, especially blanket.

From who you are buy a blanketin our online store, well-being and performance directly depends. It will be comfortable to sleep under the right blanket. An inexpensive synthetic blanket is quite nominal and does not require much maintenance. And how pleasant it is to sleep in winter under a warm down or woolen blanket.

Buy a blanket in the online store

Check your beds and your family members right now - maybe the duvets are out of season or the size of the duvet covers and are uncomfortable to sleep under? How old are they? Where did you buy them? Maybe they are out of order long ago, so your loved ones sleep restlessly, and during the day they have a bad mood?

To provide yourself and your family a sound healthy sleep, it is worth buynew blankets in the online store "website". Suitable bedding in size and properties will make your stay more comfortable.

What blankets can you buy from us?


Bird down is a lightweight soft filler that retains heat, breathes and absorbs moisture. However, it requires special care. Downy items need a special washing mode, regular airing and drying. You can buy a duvet at a bargain price.

Silk blankets

Buy blankets in Moscow in a store website. made of natural silk. Natural silk contains amino acids, proteins and other useful substances, so it has a healing effect on the human body. Soft lightweight material does not electrify, regulates body temperature, does not cause allergies. It does not breed bacteria and dust mites. Elite class blankets are made from silk fibers.

Woolen blankets

For the manufacture of blankets, camel and sheep wool of various breeds, including merino wool, are used. Warm, lightweight products are environmentally friendly, breathable, hypoallergenic, maintain a comfortable body temperature. The material contains lanolin, which prevents the development of bacteria, and also relieves headaches, insomnia, depression.

Cotton (wadded and fleece)

Quilts are stuffed with 100% cotton so they are considered environmentally friendly. They are hypoallergenic, warm well, do not electrify. Suitable even for small children.

For the summer is buy bike blankets, which are made from cotton fibers with the addition of viscose or synthetic materials. They fully retain the properties of natural cotton.

Synthetic blankets

If you want to buy a cheap blanket, but at the same time to get good quality choose a fiber blanket. Products made of holofiber, synthetic winterizer or other artificial fibers are very practical. They are cheap, durable, easy to machine wash, dry quickly, and weigh almost nothing. High-quality synthetic materials do not cause allergies and are breathable.

Where to buy an inexpensive blanket?

We sell certified products from domestic manufacturers. They are much cheaper than imported counterparts, but are not inferior to them in quality and comply with international standards.

IN store "Site" is blankets all colors and sizes:

  • large blankets
  • children and adults;
  • economy and premium class;
  • summer, winter, demi-season;
  • electrical;
  • filled with down, wool, silk, bamboo, holofiber, eucalyptus.

Are you shopping for practical bedding for a hotel, childcare or hospice? AND online store The "site" offers affordable prices, holds promotions and sales - you can cheap to buy blanketsthat will serve for many years.

Most of the goods are in our warehouse in Moscow. We can order blankets wholesale or retail directly from home and sleep well - we will deliver the goods within 24 hours within the Moscow Ring Road!

Make the choice of the right blanket in the online store site in Moscow and you will be satisfied.

When buying blankets or other products worth more than 2300r. free delivery!