Ventilation in the toilet and bathroom - an overview of current schemes and ways to implement them. High-quality ventilation in the bathroom and toilet Ventilation box in the bathroom and toilet

The bathroom is a place where water is poured every now and then, a bath is filled, a hot shower soars, wet linen is dried. Therefore, ventilation here should work not only no worse, but even better than in any other room. Otherwise, the whole house will "suffer".

Here are 10 facts about bathroom ventilation:

Fact 1. Mold, tile breakage and rust are often the result of poor ventilation.

The bathroom is the dampest and most humid, therefore, it is necessary that the ventilation works properly here. Otherwise, you can't avoid:

Musty air, unpleasant odors, condensation and, as a result, the appearance of fungus, mold (unsafe for human health),
- the appearance of rust on metal surfaces,
- destruction of finishing materials (including darkening and cracking of inter-tile grout, and then chipping of the tile itself),
- "swelling" of furniture coatings (even from moisture resistant materials).

If you notice mold, don't rush to buy desiccants or special anti-fungal coatings. Check the ventilation first!

Fact 2. It is impossible to block the ventilation hole in the bathroom!

This is common knowledge and undeniable. Complete overlapping of the exhaust ducts is justified only if forced supply and exhaust ventilation is installed in the house or apartment.

Fact 3. Condensation on mirrors and walls is the first sign of poor ventilation.

If, after water procedures, the mirrors in the bathroom "fog up", and droplets of moisture remain on the walls for a long time, this is the first sign that there are problems with the hood or inflow.

Do you open the doors and the condensation disappears quickly? This means that the ventilation duct is working properly. Expand the opening between the door leaf and the floor, order special doors with ventilation holes, or simply leave the bathroom entrance open often to allow air flow.

Does the humidity persist even with the doors wide open? Natural ventilation should be checked.

Fact 4. To find out if the hood works, you can use the experiment with a napkin. At the same time, in the summer, checking natural ventilation is pointless.

There is a common way to check ventilation. We open the door to the bathroom and bring a napkin to the ventilation grill. If attracted, ventilation works. If not, we open all windows and doors and try again. Is the napkin attracted? This means that there is a problem with insufficient inflow (for sure, you have sealed plastic windows installed).

Does the napkin fall even with the windows open? Problems with the hood. Perhaps the mine is clogged, it is worth contacting the management company.

Fact 5. The reason for poor traction can be exhaust devices installed on the lower floors.

Another reason that the air is not drawn out of the apartment may be fans or exhaust devices installed at the neighbors below. The fast flow in the ventilation shaft, created by the forced devices, prevents natural ventilation from other apartments.

In addition, on the upper floors, due to the pressure difference, ventilation works worse without any interference than on the lower ones.

In this case, the exhaust fan is able to adjust the hood. But on one condition, about which below.

Fact 6. Neither the exhaust duct, nor the fan will provide adequate ventilation without supply.

For intensive air exchange, a balanced amount of both supply air and extract air is required. Therefore, we carry out the experiment with the napkin with open doors and windows!

The reason for insufficient inflow is often plastic double-glazed windows, sealed entrance doors, insulated walls. They prevent fresh air from entering. And the exhaust humid air from the bathroom is not drawn out, even with a working hood or when installing an exhaust fan.

In order to establish the work of natural ventilation or help forced ventilation, it is necessary to install supply devices .

Fact 7. Warm floor without ventilation will not get rid of the fungus in the bathroom.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of high humidity and mold in the bathroom, the owners install underfloor heating and change heated towel rails.

This can speed up the process of drying moisture and renewing air masses in the cold season. However, it will not help completely get rid of the fungus in case of ventilation problems.

The performance is calculated according to the following formula: the volume of the room (length, width and height) multiplied by the air exchange rate (for a bathroom, approximately from 4 to 8). For example, for a bathroom with an area of \u200b\u200b2x2.5 m and a ceiling height of 2.7 m, the volume of the room is 13.5 cubic meters. We multiply by 4 and by 8. Find out the minimum and maximum power of the exhaust fan (54-108 cubic meters / h).

At the same time, according to the SNIP, air exchange in the bathroom or toilet must be at least 25 m3 / h, in the combined bathroom - up to 50 m3 / h.

Fact 9. When installing an exhaust fan, you must place it as far as possible from the entrance and higher.

It is better to install a fan (or diffusers of general ventilation) before finishing work,
to hide the wiring. Position it - as high as possible, under the ceiling (or on the ceiling), ideally - on the opposite wall from the entrance, so that the supply air has time to pass throughout the room before entering the hood.

Fact 10. A non-return valve without proper ventilation can aggravate the situation.

The check valve is installed in the ventilation duct, it prevents the appearance of reverse draft (air movement from the street to the room), the ingress of odors, pollution, cold. But its installation is justified only in the presence of a working hood and an established inflow. Otherwise, the check valve will simply close the channel (the section will become even smaller, the air will not be able to be drawn out)!

So, in order to establish ventilation in the bathroom, you must:

- organize the inflow,
- adjust the hood,
- and ensure free movement of air between rooms.

All this can be done either on their own (using appropriate ventilation equipment), or by ordering work from specialists.

Still have questions? Call. Our company carries out the design of ventilation, the supply of devices and accessories, installation. We work in Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk. We provide a guarantee for both work and equipment.

Each bathroom is characterized by an increased level of humidity. In order to prevent such a phenomenon as the formation of mold or mildew, it is worth checking the health of the ventilation system or installing additional equipment. Very often, many people have the question of how to make ventilation in the toilet with their own hands.

Checking the ventilation is simple: the sheet of paper attached to the ventilation hole should not fall.

In order to prevent mold from forming on surfaces, there are several options for dealing with it:

  • insulate all surfaces - this method will prevent the formation of condensation;
  • a very effective method is a forced ventilation device.

Cleaning natural ventilation

Use a brush with a long flexible handle to clean the ventilation from dust and debris.

If the natural ventilation system in the toilet does not work well, it is worth cleaning the ducts. To do this, it is worth eliminating all accumulated dust and cobwebs from the channel. For such a procedure, you should use a brush with a long flexible handle.

Air duct cleaning professionals may use a more hazardous cleaning option that uses a flammable gas cartridge. This method involves burning off the dust. It is strictly forbidden to carry out such a procedure on your own, without experience, it is better to entrust everything to specialists.

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Forced ventilation

In order for high-quality air exchange to take place in the toilet, it is worth making ventilation that will work automatically. This is very important so that air with heavy odors and vapors does not penetrate the living quarters. The forced one must be equipped with its own exhaust duct. The owner will be presented with a choice of ceiling and wall ventilation systems.

Diagram of the general ventilation device in the bathroom and toilet.

For the toilet, it is worth choosing a supply and exhaust system as a forced ventilation. Such a system will regularly circulate air in the room. In addition, it does not imply cutting down an additional ventilation duct, which can subsequently compromise the strength and reliability of the wall.

Ventilation in the toilet, built with your own hands, is quite simple, the main thing is to understand all the nuances. The need to make ventilation often arises at a time when natural ventilation does not perform its main functions well.

This problem is especially manifested in the summer, this is due to the fact that the temperature outside and inside the room is almost the same, and the Bernoulli effect does not work. Also, the deterioration in the work of natural ventilation is due to the fact that plastic windows are installed in apartments and houses, which hermetically close the premises and prevent the penetration of fresh air. Also, doors that close tightly prevent air from entering the toilet. This problem is especially evident on the upper floors of high-rise buildings, where the temperature outside in summer is much higher than indoors. This problem is less noticeable on the lower floors, where the temperature difference remains even at minimal levels.

Alternatively, an automatic exhaust system can be installed, in which case the air will be forced out of the room to the outside. But it should be borne in mind that due to the lack of air in the room, the maximum efficiency of such a system will not be achieved.

The best option is to make ventilation in the supply and exhaust type toilet.

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What may be required in the process of work

Diagram for connecting the fan to the light switch.

In order to make ventilation in the toilet with your own hands, it is worth purchasing all the necessary tools and materials. Everything you need can be bought in a special section of the hardware store. It is worth buying everything at once, having previously drawn up a plan according to which the forced ventilation system will be mounted.

Examples of materials for creating forced ventilation:

  • tin boxes - today they are presented in various forms;
  • plastic boxes;
  • flexible air ducts, which are made in the form of a flexible aluminum pipe;
  • corrugated plastic pipes;
  • flexible plastic air ducts;
  • fans;
  • recuperators.

In order to carry out the installation work on the installation of the ventilation system, it is worth preparing the necessary inventory:

  • tape measure and pencil for marking;
  • hacksaw and scissors;
  • construction knife;
  • hammer for driving dowels;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • screwdriver with different attachments;
  • fasteners - dowels, screws, self-tapping screws.

In the winter season, it is very important to equip the ventilation system with supply valves.

The circuit for turning on the fan from a light switch with a timer.

This element is a regular hole in the wall with a branch pipe with one or two leaves. The flaps can be positioned manually or in an automated way. For maximum comfort, this opening is located behind the convector or radiator.

This arrangement increases traction and simultaneously warms up the air. This will allow using the ventilation system without additional fans. One valve is enough to ensure normal air exchange in one room. In order to protect the room from the penetration of debris, it is worth installing a grate.

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The use of recuperators in the ventilation system

For the toilet, the best option would be to equip the system with a special fan, which will significantly improve the performance of the entire system. This is especially necessary for the summer period. Modern technologies are moving forward, and one of the modern elements that can be equipped with a ventilation system is a recuperator. This device will circulate air regardless of the weather outside. In order to install a supply and ventilation system, you must:

Diagram of a supply and exhaust unit with a heat recuperator and supply air filtration.

  • 4 holes, which are connected in pairs with special accessories "street - room", "room - street";
  • the main essence of the system is that clean air is taken directly from the street and enters the premises, and the exhaust air is removed outside;
  • recuperators are equipped with special filters that remove dust from the incoming air;
  • recuperators work automatically or using a control system.

An integral part of almost every modern apartment is bathroom ventilation, which performs a number of important functions.

In addition, ventilation in the bathroom plays an important role in a private house, and can also be installed even in the country.

It is she who provides the necessary ventilation of the toilet room, which makes it possible to improve air quality and minimize the risk of mold on the ceiling and walls.

After reading the material, you will learn how to make ventilation in the bathroom and how to understand that it is working correctly.

As you know, there are several types of ventilation systems that can be used in the bathroom, namely forced and natural.

The simplest option is natural ventilation, which does not involve the use of electricity and is a gap in the ceiling or front door.

It is through this opening in the door that air blows into the room, thus carrying out the movement of air masses.

In turn, forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is more complicated technically and operates from a special fan that blows into the corresponding hole.

It is ideal for both a private home and a small bathroom, and can be assembled by hand.

The main types of ventilation systems

During the construction of any object, including a private house, a system is required that is responsible for ensuring the outflow of air from the interior space.

Typically, it is a small gap in the ceiling, wall, or door through which air is blown.

In most cases, such ventilation in the bathroom and toilet does not cope with its tasks, therefore, an additional forced system must be installed.

You can install such a system with your own hands, of course, this is not done on the door.

It is artificial ventilation that makes it possible to provide air in a continuous mode, since it blows when the fan is on.

It can be roughly divided into several types:

  • exhaust;
  • supply air;
  • combined.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages, however, for a private house or apartment, it is optimal to choose the combined one.

Such a system will make it possible, if necessary, to provide both the inflow and outflow of air.

A more economical option is to make ventilation in the bathroom of a forced type. Its main element is an electric fan that blows into the room. It can be placed on a ceiling or wall.

It only blows after it has been powered up.

When choosing a fan, you should pay attention to its noise level, as well as to safety, since high humidity is almost constantly observed in the toilet room.

In addition, you should pay attention to its implementation.

For example, an axial or cross-flow fan is perfect for a small room, and a centrifugal or centrifugal-axial fan is best installed in the country, but it is also suitable for a private house.

When choosing a ventilation system that is designed to improve the flow of fresh air, it is necessary to calculate the volume of space.

Installation of the ventilation system can be done by hand, and its installation scheme is quite simple.

Installation of ventilation in the apartment

Many, having noticed signs of fungus or mold in their toilet room, think about how to make ventilation in the bathroom with their own hands.

Unlike a private house or, for example, in a country house, installation of ventilation in a small room of an apartment does not require the installation of any special air ducts.

For these purposes, the most ordinary axial fan, which can be mounted on a stationary pipe designed to extract air, will suffice.

The only condition is that the shaft itself should be located directly behind the partition of the toilet room, and not near the door.

In the event that a stationary ventilation duct is located in the toilet through the wall from the bathroom, it will be possible to mount the grilles both in the toilet itself and in the bathroom.

It should be noted that in our time, a special combined installation has been developed, which provides for the installation of gratings where there are landing nests.

Subsequently, it is enough to simply install a radial fan on such grilles with your own hands.

It should be noted that it is possible to effectively ventilate the room if forced ventilation is used together with natural ventilation (that is, by opening the doors).

For example, when a fan is blowing, open the doors and thus ensure maximum air flow.

It so happens that the ventilation channel is located across several rooms, therefore, in this case, the contactless method will not be effective.

To ensure the flow of air and normal air exchange in the bathroom, it will be necessary to assemble a special ventilation duct, which should be directed to where there is a stationary duct.

For this, a special scheme is used and ventilation ducts are required, which are of two types, namely plastic and corrugated.

Each of them works on a similar principle, and the difference exists only in the material from which they are made. Everyone can assemble such a channel with their own hands.

Installation of ventilation in a private house and in the country

For a private house and in the country, ventilation of some rooms plays an important role, but when installing it, some difficulties may arise due to the fact that the main ventilation duct can be located far enough from the bathroom.

In the event that the bathroom is small and the ventilation duct is mounted in the immediate vicinity, then the ventilation system is installed in the same way as in the apartment.

For these purposes, you can use the most ordinary overhead fan, which works very quietly and consumes a minimum of electrical energy, and also has a stylish design and will not spoil the overall interior of the room.

In the event that the volume of the room is large, and the main ventilation duct is located far enough, the ventilation system will have to be assembled according to a certain scheme.

In order for ventilation in the bathroom to provide the necessary supply of fresh air, a powerful fan will be required, as well as a special ventilation duct through which air will move from the main ventilation duct to the room and vice versa.

First of all, you need to carefully consider the ventilation system diagram, as well as acquire some tools.

At the initial stage of work, the ventilation box should be hermetically attached to the main duct. Next, the box is laid to the bathroom.

It should be fastened as firmly as possible, since vibration is possible during the subsequent operation of this ventilation system.

After the box is brought to the required point, you can proceed to the installation of all the necessary equipment.

At the final stage of work, the installed fan is connected to the power supply and the operation of the entire system is checked.

When arranging a ventilation system in an apartment or a private house, in order for it to work as efficiently as possible, you should carefully seal all outlets that ensure the passage of air outside the space.

This applies both to the introduction of a stationary shaft for ventilation of an apartment building, and to the hole that is punched directly into the street.

This can be done with ordinary polyurethane foam, otherwise strong drafts will always penetrate through the doors into the room.

If the bathroom provides for the installation of a false ceiling, then first install the ventilation system and test it in operation.

If this is not done, then difficulties may arise after the ceiling has already been sewn up.

For example, you may be faced with the fact that the installed exhaust fan for some reason does not blow, which means that the system itself will not be able to provide normal outflow and flow of air.

Natural ventilation in the toilet, when air blows through the doors, is simply unacceptable in the private sector because of the specific smell.

In addition, access to the fan during operation should be provided. This can be done by installing a special inspection hatch under it.

The fan power for the bathroom should be selected on the basis that a complete air change in the room should be done in two hours.

Everyone can do all the necessary calculations, as well as install the ventilation system for the bathroom with their own hands.

To do this, you only need to have basic knowledge, the necessary tools and a little patience.

Correctly mounted ventilation will allow for the flow of fresh air into the room, which will eliminate the problem of mold and mildew on the walls and ceiling.

To maintain human health, it is not enough to monitor the quality of food and liquid consumed by him. Great attention should also be paid to the air in our premises. Unfortunately, few people think about the fact that it is as important as good food and water.

The ecological situation that develops in gas-polluted large cities does not allow their residents to simply ventilate the premises. The most acceptable solution to this problem is to install ventilation. The inflow of clean air will reduce the likelihood of headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, and will also serve as prevention of allergies.

The need for ventilation in the bathroom

In the construction of dwellings, the bathroom and toilet are usually set naturally. However, it is clearly not enough to constantly provide a normal level of freshness and cleanliness of the air in these rooms. So, when you take a shower, the bathroom is immediately filled with steam. Due to the lack of normal air exchange in it, moisture settles on the ceiling and walls. In the future, it is this factor that will affect the occurrence of black spots and mold. And this is very unhealthy.

Mold spores in the bathroom air can settle in the lungs of a person and cause the development of diseases such as allergies, asthma, etc. In addition, black spots gradually destroy the finishing materials, reaching the concrete itself. That is why everyone needs to establish a normally functioning one in their home.

Serviceability check

It also happens that the natural and toilet works quite well. That is why, before installing a new system, it is necessary to check the health of an existing one. This is not difficult to do. In addition, no additional tools are required for this. It is enough to bring a piece of paper directly to the sheet should adhere to it under the action of moving air. If this did not happen, then we can say that the hood does not work. Sometimes the reason for this condition may be too tight a room or toilet. In this case, the flow of air into the bathroom in the required volume is not ensured. This also requires verification. If the hood works when the door is closed, but not when the door is open, then you can simply make a gap between the floor and the door leaf.

How the ventilation system works

Air exchange in private cottages and apartment buildings is carried out according to different schemes. In small residential buildings, separate ventilation ducts are led out to the roof from the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Another scheme is designed in houses. Here the air is collected in one common channel, which is led out to the roof. If the house is provided for, then the builders install special systems equipped with sensitive elements. Such equipment closes or opens the dampers when necessary.

When should you install artificial ventilation?

The operation of air exchange systems installed in the house can malfunction if there are:

Errors in design or installation;
- accumulation of debris in ventilation ducts;
- damage to the system during repairs, etc.

Fan selection

Before installing a forced air exchange system, the necessary device must be purchased. It is an electric fan. When choosing this device, pay attention to:

  • noise level during switching on (it should not be higher than 30 dB);
  • device power (selected depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room).

It is also necessary to decide on the place where it will be installed. It should be located away from any. The bathroom ventilation system is equipped with high-quality insulation of the electrical wires used. This warning is caused by the high level of humidity in this room.

Fan types

These devices can be of the following types:

  • connected to switches (their work is carried out only when the light is on in the room);
  • equipped with sensors (they are switched on automatically if the standard humidity value is exceeded);
  • with a timer that sets the time of their work.

Forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is arranged using various models of appliances. Moreover, each of them has its own design features. So, fans are:

1. Axial (propeller). This is the simplest model.

2. Radial. This type of device is capable of providing indoors.

3. Diagonal. This model combines the functions of the previous two.

4. Diametrical. These fans are capable of working with a large air volume due to the passage of air flows around the perimeter of their wheels.

The device of the new system

Forced ventilation in the bathroom can be done by hand. Moreover, the work is not particularly difficult. First of all, check the air duct and clean it, if necessary, from debris. For those unable to install a new fan, a different option is recommended. You can simply remove a few meters of a new one from the old canal by purchasing the appropriate materials in a hardware store.

When installing an electric fan, you should decide on the place where it is best installed. Ideally, this should be the wall opposite the door.

It is carried out directly into the opening of the exhaust duct. If your device has a larger diameter, then the hole will have to be slightly widened. After that, all electrical wires must be carefully connected. However, they should be placed in a dry place (so that they are not visible). At the next stage of work, the device is connected to a switch and fixed together with the lattice on self-tapping screws or liquid nails.

Exhaust system options

As a rule, there is a channel through which ventilation is carried out in the toilet. The scheme for organizing air exchange between this room and the bathroom can be carried out in two ways. The first one involves laying a separate ventilation pipe. It should be located in the ceiling space and go from the bathroom to the air outlet. The second option is to install two separate fans.

One of them should be located on the air outlet, and the second in the wall between the toilet and the bathroom.

Most often, ventilation in the "stalinka" bathroom is arranged according to the first option. The adoption of such a decision is facilitated by the height of the ceilings in such apartments, which is equal to 3-3.5 m. Forced ventilation in the bathroom is carried out with the laying of an additional air duct. This structure is attached to the very ceiling and covered with plasterboard. In this case, ventilation in the bathroom is carried out using a flexible, rigid or semi-rigid air duct.

Toilet ventilation

Good air exchange is important not only in the bathroom. Normal air circulation is also necessary in the toilet. It will allow you not to feel discomfort from the work of the sewer system and prevent the appearance of fungus by reducing the humidity in the room. Often, artificial ventilation is required in the toilet of a private house. Such a need arises if there is no natural air circulation due to the lack of sufficient wind speed in the area where the dwelling is located, high ambient temperatures and some other factors.

How to make ventilation in the toilet (forced type)? To do this, you need to study the device diagram of the existing duct. Sometimes he can go directly to the toilet. But often ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is carried out from one box in the bathroom. In this case, there must be an opening between these two rooms, closed by a grill.

In the first case, it is possible to install the fan directly on the box. With the second version of the exhaust scheme, an additional air duct will be required.

Installation of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet will help prevent the appearance of dampness, mold and mildew. This must be foreseen before starting a major overhaul. In these rooms, there are constant temperature drops and increased air humidity, which over time will certainly affect the condition of the walls and ceiling, where pathogenic flora will begin to develop. To carry out the work, you can invite a master or do it yourself.

Types of ventilation systems

Ventilation in the bathroom of a private house or summer cottage is quite simple: the air duct is located under the ceiling and is brought out to the roof or into a common hood. When the door is opened, the air flow enters the room and exits through the pipe, creating natural circulation.

In apartment buildings, the situation is a little more complicated: the entire entrance is connected to one ventilation duct. In apartments located on the lower floors, the risk of clogging of the air exchange system is much higher.

Forced ventilation in the bathroom.

The main types of ventilation are:

  • natural;
  • forced;
  • combined.

The choice depends on the place of residence and state. In multi-storey buildings, forced ventilation is preferable.

How natural air exchange works

A properly installed hood works very simply: air enters the bathroom or toilet and then exits through the ventilation shaft. The difference in temperature indoors and outdoors creates a draft, with the help of which the air flows are constantly moving.

When air leaves the hygiene room, a zone of reduced pressure is created, the difference is compensated by the inflow from the street, coming through the open windows during ventilation. Thus, natural ventilation occurs, which is called supply ventilation.

Natural ventilation cannot take place if the door to the bathroom or toilet is hermetically closed. For normal air circulation, it is necessary to provide a gap between the door and the floor, through which fresh air will constantly flow.

If the natural or mine is disturbed), problems instantly arise: humidity rises, unpleasant odors appear, condensation can accumulate on smooth surfaces and heating pipes.

Determination of blockage in a pipe or shaft

It is better to check the working condition of natural ventilation during the cold season. This requires:

  • open a window in a house or apartment for cool air;
  • close by attaching a sheet of paper;
  • if the sheet is not pressed tightly by the air stream, then the ventilation is clogged.

The degree of blockage can be determined by the behavior of the paper. If it keeps weak, then the air passes, but not in full. If the sheet does not hold at all, then the channel is completely clogged. In either case, cleaning or installation of a device for forced ventilation is required.

Forced ventilation

In contrast to natural ventilation, forced ventilation in the toilet and bathroom is provided by a fan built into the air exchange system. When choosing it, you need to take into account that it will consume electricity and work in high humidity.

Installation of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, its cost, durability, performance and noise level depend on. It is of three types:

  • diametrical;
  • axial;
  • radial.

The first device is not suitable, it is designed to work in air conditioning systems and heat guns. You need to choose between the other two types of devices.

The axial model differs from the radial in lower cost and more power, but at the same time it produces more noise. The impeller of the axial fan is driven by an electric motor, the air flow goes along the axis of the motor, it is installed directly on the exhaust hole.

The centrifugal force of the centrifugal fans is centrifugal, so energy consumption and noise levels can be reduced by changing the tilt of the blades. Install such a device in a ventilation pipe, at some distance from the grill.

How to choose a fan

Buying the right fan is hampered by a large assortment of various models, so it's better to use the hint. When choosing a hood, several factors are taken into account at once:

These indicators will help you make your choice. The required performance can be calculated according to the following scheme:

  • determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • multiply it by 5;
  • add 20% to the resulting number.

This will be the choice of the performance of the device with a small margin. Assumed air change in the room - at least 5-8 times a day.

Installing a fume hood

You can install a fan in the toilet with your own hands, as in the bathroom, if there are already ready-made air ducts. Before starting the installation, it is imperative to check them for blockages, and if necessary, clean the channels with a special brush. If you cannot restore air exchange on your own, then it is better to call a specialist who will do it professionally.

When the bathroom and toilet are located separately, it is enough to put a fan in one of the rooms, provided that they are connected by a ventilation hole in a common wall and air circulates freely between them.

With a wall-mounted axial fan, everything is simple - it is installed over the ventilation hole:

  1. 1. The wall around the entrance to the mine is coated with polymer glue, silicone or liquid nails.
  2. 2. The working part of the fan is completely recessed in the hole, and the outer part is tightly pressed against the wall.
  3. 3. Install the mesh and fix the front cover with self-tapping screws or dowels. They usually come with the device.
  4. 4. Lay the cable and connect it to the mains.
The stages of installation work are performed in the following sequence:
  1. 1. The cover of the terminal box is unscrewed.
  2. 2. The electrical wires are inserted into the latch located on the cover.
  3. 3. The wires are connected to the terminals labeled "linear phase" and "zero".
  4. 4. The cover is replaced.
  5. 5. The device is plugged into a socket to check the correct connection.
  6. 6. The diameter of the duct is adjusted to the dimensions of the fan. If necessary, use an additional plastic pipe.
  7. 7. The device is mounted in the duct pipe at some distance from the grille. To do this, use split clamps with rubber seals or special flange connections with adapters (with a square section). When fastening, use at least 4 bolts.

The grill of the ventilation opening is put in place, and the wires are covered with a special box to protect them from moisture.

In order to save energy, some people prefer to automatically turn on the fan when they turn on the light in the bathroom or toilet. The operation of the device in this mode may not be enough to maintain an optimal microclimate. This must be taken into account when connecting the wires to the switch.

In the absence of self-confidence, it is better to turn to specialists. They will quickly solve the ventilation problem and carefully perform all the work in compliance with the rules and regulations.

When installing a mixed system (natural and forced), it is necessary to have two exhaust openings. One of them will have a fan. A mixed supply and exhaust system is used in large rooms with high humidity, where conventional supply ventilation is not enough.