Vertically or horizontally: which is the best option? Definition of verticality

Russia is one of the leaders in terms of oil production, which cannot be said about the efficiency of the process. On average, one Russian well per life cycle produces twice as few hydrocarbons as its European counterpart. The main reason is the low intellectualization of our fields.

In our country, no more than 15% of the well stock has been digitized so far, while in Europe this figure is close to 90%. Today, not all Russian companies even have a single repository of geological and production information. According to Deloitte, the market for intensification of production and enhanced oil recovery in Russia exceeds $ 2.2 billion. Part of this pie is claimed by domestic IT companies that develop smart field technologies.

The use of technology for smart drilling, smart wells and automated digital oilfield increases drilling speed and production efficiency. A digital field system can include many functions: online progress monitoring, field development planning, production monitoring, well depletion prediction and digital modeling of the drilling process. In addition, various applications for processing geological, geophysical and seismic data should be connected to the system, which allow you to build a section of the field and simulate production in digital form.

“By equipping equipment on the well with sensors and installing cameras for visual observation, it is possible to remotely monitor the state of the well, the quality of the produced product and send repair and production teams only when there is an objective need, significantly reducing the operating costs of personnel,” says the director of business applications of the company "Croc" Maxim Andreev.

According to PJSC Gazprom, innovations in the field of field development and production can increase the recoverability of reserves by 8-25%.

In Europe and the USA, “smart” fields appeared in the 2000s; they came to Russia with a delay of five years. During the pre-sanction period, foreign companies supplied innovative solutions for Russian oil and gas. High oil prices turned out to be a disincentive for the development of similar domestic solutions. “Conservatism and inertia of thinking slowed down the desire of geologists of oil and gas companies to try something new. Why is it needed when there is an unlimited budget and well-known foreign suppliers, whose product line covers all aspects of the drilling process - hardware, software, and even drilling mud - besides, they provide a full service, ”says the founder of the GTI company Sergey Stishenko.

However, despite the delay at the start, Russian developers cannot be considered catching up. Major players in the global oilfield services industry are interested in our projects, especially in the field of drilling: in 2015, Schlumberger tried to buy almost half of the shares of the Russian independent drilling company Eurasia Drilling Company, but prevented the FAS, which opposed the appearance of a large player on the domestic market by foreign control. In December last year, the media reported on the plans of the American transnational oilfield services corporation Halliburton to buy 100% of the Perm oilfield services and engineering group Novomet. His stake in the company (30.76% of shares) back in the summer of 2016. put up for sale "Rusnano", its price during this time increased from 7.5 to 10 billion rubles. The FAS decision on the deal has not yet been made public.

Meanwhile, more and more innovative companies are appearing on the Russian market, offering their own developments for smart drilling.

Drill wisely

Skolkovo resident, GTI (Geosteering Technologies) company develops software for smart well drilling and provides remote drilling support services based on it. The startup is two years old, it belongs to Sergei Stishenko, Ayrat Sabirov and Vitaly Tikhanovich. GTI's clients are Gazpromneft, Rosneft, Slavneft, Bashneft, Lukoil and other oil and gas and oilfield service players. At the end of last year, the company raised $ 2 million from several venture capital funds.

GTI product - Geonaft professional geosteering software. Geosteering support is already an industry standard for the construction of horizontal wells in the USA, Canada, and at fields in the North Sea and will become the necessary minimum for Russia. Thanks to the developments, as reported in GTI, the drilling speed is increased up to two times, the productivity of the future well will increase by 2-3 times, and its profitability by 3-5 times.

With the help of sensors located on the drill string, the GTI program reads information from the well in real time, transmits it to the drilling support center, where it processes and analyzes the data, and then issues recommendations for further control of the drilling trajectory. The Russian company is trying to compete with the world's largest technology providers for integrated reservoir assessment, well construction and hydrocarbon production management.

Now all over the world, including Russia, the construction of horizontal wells is actively developing. They are 3-4 times more profitable than vertical ones, and oil and gas companies see this benefit. On an average well in just a year, the difference may amount to $ 5.5 million. In the United States and the Middle East, the share of horizontal wells is about 80% of the total well stock, in Russia this figure has reached 30% and continues to grow. “The volume of horizontal drilling over the past six years has grown more than fivefold, this trend will continue: in the future, until 2025, horizontal drilling will account for more than 50% of the total volume of work. Such wells require technologies that help to see in real time what is happening inside, ”Sergei Stishenko is sure. At the same time, the construction of horizontal wells is much more expensive, and oil companies are actively using technologies to improve drilling efficiency. Each meter of horizontal wellbore drilled outside the reservoir with hydrocarbons removes from development during the life of the well up to 3000 tons of hydrocarbons ($ 0.9 million in monetary terms), the loss of a well in the event of a trajectory error can cost up to $ 100 million. When using geosteering equipment, the average percentage production rises from 20% of the well reserves to 40-45%.

Fear of little

Despite the rosy promises of innovators, their own future depends on the mentality of top managers in the oil and gas industry. “Most large oil and gas companies still lack the culture of working with small tech companies. The share of managers who are ready to consider and implement new technologies in order to increase the efficiency of their companies (and not for the purpose of reporting to the state) can be estimated at 20%. As a rule, these are people who have worked abroad or in global oilfield services. Nevertheless, this 20% today opens up huge market opportunities for fast-growing technology companies and refutes the thesis that it is impossible to break into the oil sector, ”says Pyotr Lukyanov, managing partner of Phystech Ventures fund.

The Perfobur startup is trying to break into this market, which has developed a technology for controlled radial drilling, which makes it possible to extract oil from wells, the reserves of which are only partially selected for technical reasons. Oil companies are interested in increasing production from existing fields, where the entire infrastructure has been created. All over the world there are more than 200,000 such wells, in Russia - 20,000-30,000. Perfobur has scientific roots: the co-founder of the company, professor at the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Alexander Lyagov, has been dealing with the problem of enhanced oil recovery for over 40 years. The head and co-founder of Perfobur is his son, Ilya Lyagov. In 2014, the startup received $ 400,000 from North Energy Ventures and Phystech Ventures funds. Large oil producers, primarily Bashneft, are showing interest in the development of Ufa residents, but there are no implemented projects yet.

Unite and conquer

For the successful development of domestic innovations, the partnership of strong teams working in different niches is important. An example of such cooperation can be the SAP Upstream Field Activity Manager by OIS (UFAM) system - a joint creation of SAP and the Russian company GIS-ASUproject. Little is known about the owners of the Russian company: the minority shareholder is Artem Glotov, who also heads JSC Mobile GTES, a subsidiary of RAO UES of Russia (after 2008 - FGC UES). The main activity is the placement and operation of mobile gas turbine power plants in energy-deficient regions. According to, in 2016 Mobile Gas Turbine Power Plants acted as government customers in 353 contracts worth more than RUB 13 billion.

In December 2016, for the first time, a product developed jointly with a Russian company was included in the SAP global price list. UFAM allows you to create complex integrated models of the reservoir, well, infrastructure, uniform network schedules, as well as financial and economic models. Previously, these processes in most large Russian and foreign industrial companies were performed manually or using non-industrial software.

According to preliminary estimates, the capacity of the world UFAM market reaches 1 billion euros. Thus, customers from Southeast Asia and the BRICS countries are showing interest in the development. UFAM has commercial prospects everywhere, except for North America, where the Russian product will be treated with caution, according to SAP. The developers predict that the costs of implementing the solution will pay off even when the shortfall is reduced by 1%. At the same time, the maximum bar for cutting field development costs is set at 5%, and production can be increased by 2%.

The work on UFAM took over 2.5 years. According to Andrey Portyannikov, deputy general director of GIS-ASUproject, the digital reservoir model is exclusive: it works with the same accuracy as foreign analogues, but weighs less and calculates faster. SAP UFAM is currently undergoing pilot tests at "one of the three largest" oil companies. Previously, during beta testing at one of the "largest European oil companies", carried out with the support of SAP, it took about an hour to analyze a field of 40,000 wells. European oilmen emphasized that the use of SAP UFAM will allow them to leave only four out of 18 systems used.

According to the forecast of the Cambrige Energy Research Association, the potential effect of the introduction of UFAM on the increase in oil and gas debit will be 1-6%, reduce downtime by 1-4% and labor costs - up to 25%.

The GIS-ASUproject portfolio includes developments for Rosneft, Gazpromneft, Lukoil, Bashneft and other oil producers. According to the results of 2015, the company's revenue amounted to 215 million rubles, net profit - 6.5 million rubles. against a loss of RUR8.4mn shown a year earlier. According to the service "Kontur.Fokus", "GIS-ASUproekt" is the executor of state orders for 27 million rubles, among state customers are JSC "Zarubezhneft" and LLC "IC Rusvietpetro". OIS system solutions from GIS-ASUproekt are implemented, for example, by Gazprom Neft.

Seismically active "Yandex"

Solutions in the field of digital fields are being developed within the framework of the Yandex.Terra project, which provides a range of services for processing seismic data. The history of the project began in 1975 with the research of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, mathematician and geophysicist Vladimir Glogovsky in the Central Geophysical Expedition. V2010 his followers founded Seismotech LLC, which in 2012 integrated with Yandex. Today Yandex LLC, according to, has 25% in Seismotech, the remaining shares are equally owned by five individuals: Ivan Kuznetsov, Sergey Langman, Oleg Silaenkov, Dmitry Finikov and the current CEO of the company Dmitry Mosyakov. The small business is registered on the territory of the Skolkovo IC. At the end of 2015, the company's revenue amounted to 80 million rubles, net profit - 17 million rubles. (in 2014 - 1 million rubles). Seismotech is actively involved in government procurement, for example, for processing 3D seismic data at Rosneft's licensed areas. In May 2016, Yandex.Terra began cooperation with the Gazprom Neft Science and Technology Center. Seismotech software products will be used and integrated with the state company's own software.

“We already have experience in creating software that has successfully replaced imported counterparts. Our software products, developed in the framework of the technological strategy, are not only actively used in the company, but are constantly being improved. Cooperation with Yandex.Terra will expand our capabilities in terms of creating new IT products and continue the implementation of the Electronic Asset Development project, - said Mars Khasanov, General Director of Gazpromneft Scientific and Technical Center.

As Konstantin Ordov, Head of the Department of Financial Management of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, notes, it has become a stereotype to classify IT-sector companies, pharmaceutical and modern gadget companies as cinematic, and mining and industrial companies as hopelessly lagging behind world progress. “This is the deepest delusion. Just look at the sectoral structure of investment volume, where Russian mining and processing enterprises account for more than 60% of total spending on technological innovation in Russia, while oil and gas companies account for about 15% of total costs, ”he says.

Trends in the development of oil and gas fields

... Collection, transmission and processing of field data by installing sensors-sensors with remote control.

... Creation of an integrated management and decision-making system for an oil and gas field in real time.

... Application of high-tech innovative technologies to increase development efficiency.

... Development of complex deposits (geological, climatic, territorial conditions).

... Simulation of technological processes of production, transportation, processing and sales of products in real time.

... Reducing the influence of the human factor. Striving for the most automated technologies in oil and gas fields.

Two inseparable components of culture. The vertical symbolizes the energy of forward movement, creative. a breakthrough into the unknown, new and extraordinary, distinctive and original, which is sometimes not realized by such contemporaries and is sometimes misunderstood due to stereotyped thinking, traditionalism of thinking, prevailing species preferences and evaluative norms. The development of culture in the vertical dimension embodies the infinity of perspective and the avant-garde principle. The pioneers-pioneers cause an ambiguous attitude among the society, their ideas and actions are often rejected by the majority in all spheres of spiritual life. One of egypt. Pharaohs were ahead of their time, expressing the idea of \u200b\u200btransition to monotheism, but did not receive wide support and understanding. Christ, preaching his creed, was betrayed and crucified. Brilliant artists, with rare exceptions, were not appreciated by their contemporaries, in accordance with their contribution to spiritual culture. Creative drama. fate is impressive and amazing. Bach received recognition after 100 years, representatives of the Fatherland. artist the avant-garde was not spoiled by the public at first either. These isolated examples from the history of culture, unfortunately, are not an exception to the rule, but rather their confirmation. The well-known idea of \u200b\u200bN. Bohr that an idea, distinguished by its indisputable novelty, goes through three stages in the process of its introduction into public consciousness: a) this cannot be; b) perhaps there is something in it; c) this is indisputably true. What is the horizontal in the development of cultural phenomena? In the triad "denial - doubt - affirmation", the vertical begins to turn into a horizontal plane at the moment a new cultural form takes root in the minds of a mass audience, i.e. at the stage of its full acceptance, when the cultural form becomes recognizable. The ratio of V. and G. in culture is a two-pronged process. Vertical - the discovery of new forms of culture, "driving into the unfamiliar", the quintessence of creative and productive beginning. Horizontal is a gradual process. mastering this new, turning it into the property of many, a recognizable form of culture based on the production of the known. In addition to the stated interpretation of the relationship between V. and G. in culture, one can offer one more, in which the vertical symbolizes the process of temporary development of culture, its history. character, the principle of continuity, the transition of previous cultural forms or their elements into new cultural formations. So classic. antiquity became a role model in the Renaissance, classicism, and cultural elements of the Middle Ages in the era of romanticism. The horizontal in this case can be interpreted as the spatial development of culture, the synchronous coexistence of different. local and nat. its forms, their interaction and mutual enrichment. Lit .: Unknown E. Catacomb culture and official art // Posev. Fr./M., 1979, no. 11; Berdyaev N.A. Philosophy of Inequality. & M., 1990; Centaur: Ernst Unknown about art, literature, philosophy. M., 1992. I. G. Hangeldieva

Watch value Vertical & Horizontal in other dictionaries

Vertical - m. Lat. astronomer. the arc of a circle, vertical to ovidi, I will close, the sky; plumb line, vertical arc. ny, perpendicular, vertical; -nost w. plumbness, property or condition ........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Horizontal - horizontals, w. (fr. horizontale). 1.naya line, horizontal direction. 2. In topography, a line connecting points at the same height (special).
Ushakov's explanatory dictionary

Vertical J. - 1. Straight line, the direction of which coincides with the direction of the plumb line; vertical line (opposite: horizontal).
Efremova's explanatory dictionary

Horizontal J. - 1. A straight line parallel to the plane of the horizon. 2. A curved line that connects points on a geographical map located at the same altitude above sea level.
Efremova's explanatory dictionary

Vertical - vertical, w. Plumb line; same as vertical line, vertical direction.
Ushakov's explanatory dictionary

Vertical - -and; g. Vertical line (opposite: horizontal). Spend in.
◁ Vertically, in zn. adv. 1. \u003d Vertically. Arrange pictures vertically. Read vertically .........
Explanatory dictionary Kuznetsov

Horizontal - -and; g.
1. Straight, parallel to the plane of the horizon. Horizontally.
2. Geode. A curve that connects points on a geographic map that are located at the same height above sea level.
Explanatory dictionary Kuznetsov

Vertical of Power - - the construction erected by V.V. Putin in the course of the administrative reform. The construction of the vertical of power is justified by the need to strengthen the Russian statehood, ........
Political Dictionary

Executive Power Vertical - - a group of state and municipal positions hierarchically established by law in a straight line, which provide an opportunity for their occupants to carry out ...
Legal Dictionary

Orbital-auricular horizontal - (syn. Frankfurt horizontal) a line connecting the lower edge of the orbit with a tragus point or with a porion point; in anthropometric studies, it is customary to combine ........
Big Medical Dictionary

Vertical - a series of geophysical single-stage rockets fueled by liquid fuel were created in the USSR and have been used since 1970 under the program of research and use of outer space ........

Gyroinertial Vertical - a gyroscopic device for determining the true vertical or plane of the horizon, as well as the angles of deviation from them. Much more accurate and more stable than a vertical gyro, ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Frankfurt Horizontal
Big Medical Dictionary

Horizontal - horizontal line of equal absolute heights of the earth's surface; the main way of depicting relief on topographic, physical and hypsometric maps. Represents........
Geographical encyclopedia

Vertical - (from Lat. Verticalis - sheer) - a conditionally-figurative concept associated with the application of spatial representations to music and denoting harmonious. aspect of the muses. fabrics. K V .........
Musical encyclopedia

Horizontal - (French horizontal, from the Greek orizon, genus. Case orizontos, literally - limiting) is a concept associated with the deployment of muses. manuf. in time and opposed to the vertical - to the concept, ........
Musical encyclopedia

Orbital-auricular Horizontal - (blue Frankfurt horizontal)
the line connecting the lower edge of the orbit with the tragus point or with the porion point; in anthropometric studies, it is customary to combine ........
Medical encyclopedia

Frankfurt Horizon - see Orbital-auricular horizontal.
Medical encyclopedia

Vertical - In contrast to the horizontal as an existential plane, the vertical is perfect and transcendental and symbolizes the striving for the spiritual. the axis is the message line ........
Dictionary of symbols

VERTICAL - VERTICAL, -and, well. Vertical line. Vertical (also trans.: Along the ascending line, as well as along the line of subordination from bottom to top or subordination from top to bottom).
Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

HORIZONTAL - HORIZONTAL, -and, well. Horizontal line. Horizontal (also translated: along a peer-to-peer line).
Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

To the question What does it mean horizontally and vertically? Horizontally it's up and vertically it's nuu ... right yes? given by the author Yoy Mommy the best answer is on the contrary

and vertical is up

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What do you mean horizontally and vertically? Horizontally it's up and vertically it's nuu ... right yes?

Answer from Olesya Ermolaeva[newbie]
horizontally from the word horizon, then the vertical is straight! Example:
...! _)). E
..! _)) .. T
..! _)) .. L
.! _)) ... b

Answer from Nika Weber[newbie]
Vertical from top to bottom (or vice versa), and horizontal from left to right (or vice versa).

Answer from Etepan Krasheninnikov[newbie]
Horizontally is the horizon line. land
Vertical is from top to bottom

Answer from Yergey Minaev[newbie]
the horizon divides the earth and the sky -_-

Answer from Osalina[newbie]

Answer from Vlada Rybarchuk[newbie]
horizontal-horizon (that is, the line lies__) vertical-up (the line is I)

Answer from Anna Denisova[active]
horizon earth line vertical from top to bottom

Answer from OlgaGo _[newbie]
Vertical up, horizontal - right)

Answer from the guest[active]
Stirlitz lies in a puddle. Looks past the men are walking - in harnesses, helmets ... - Cavers ... - thought Stirlitz. “You yourself are a dirty pig! - thought the climbers ...
Climbers go to the next conquest of Everest. They climb up to the top with the last of their strength - and suddenly they see the following picture: there is a 600th Mercedes, all frozen, and there are brothers in it .. fingers from the cold completely cramped. The climbers are completely at a loss: - Guys! And how did you get here? - How we got here is our business, but the bitch who shot us an arrow here will regret it very much !!! "
A climber crawls on a rock, suddenly sees - on the top, catching one hand on a protruding stone, a yogi is hanging in the lotus position and reading a book. The climber was stunned and asked: - Is it true that you yogis can do anything? The yogi takes his hand off the stone, turns the page: - They lie!
Thought is a process of thinking at the speed of light 300 thousand km / sec. The psyche is a mirror that reflects everything at the speed of light.

Answer from Gulnaz Gusmanova[newbie]
horizontal - from the word "horizon", that is, parallel to the edge of the earth, draw a line to it at 90 degrees (right angle), you will find a vertical)

Answer from A GLASS[guru]
on the contrary
horizontally is the horizon line. land
and vertical is up

Answer from LIANA IVANOVNA[newbie]
horizontal - and vertical up

Answer from Alina Vodyanikova[newbie]
____________ is a vertical |
| is horizontal)

Answer from Alisa morozova[newbie]
vertical | horizontal ---

Answer from Violetta Violetta[newbie]
Vertical is from bottom to top, and horizontal is from left to right.

Answer from Ѝlbrus[newbie]
- two inseparable components of culture. The vertical symbolizes the energy of forward movement, creative. a breakthrough into the unknown, new and extraordinary, distinctive and original, which is sometimes not realized by such contemporaries and is sometimes misunderstood due to stereotypes, traditionalism of thinking, prevailing species preferences and evaluative norms. The development of culture in the vertical dimension embodies the infinity of perspective and the avant-garde principle. The pioneers-pioneers cause an ambiguous attitude among the society, their ideas and actions are often rejected by the majority in all spheres of spiritual life. One of egypt. Pharaohs were ahead of their time, expressing the idea of \u200b\u200btransition to monotheism, but did not receive wide support and understanding. Christ, preaching his creed, was betrayed and crucified. Brilliant artists, with rare exceptions, were not appreciated by their contemporaries, in accordance with their contribution to spiritual culture. Creative drama. fate is impressive and amazing. Bach received recognition after 100 years, representatives of the Fatherland. artist the avant-garde was not spoiled by the public at first either. These isolated examples from the history of culture, unfortunately, are not an exception to the rule, but rather their confirmation.
The well-known idea of \u200b\u200bN. Bohr that an idea distinguished by its indisputable novelty goes through three stages in the process of its introduction into public consciousness: a) this cannot be; b) perhaps there is something in it; c) this is indisputably true.
What is the horizontal in the development of cultural phenomena? In the triad "denial - doubt - affirmation", the vertical begins to turn into a horizontal plane at the moment when a new cultural form takes root in the minds of a mass audience, that is, at the stage of its complete acceptance, when the cultural form becomes recognizable. The ratio of V. and G. in culture is a two-pronged process. Vertical - the discovery of new forms of culture, "driving into the unfamiliar", the quintessence of creative and productive beginning. Horizontal is a gradual process. mastering this new, turning it into the property of many, a recognizable form of culture based on the production of the known.
In addition to the stated interpretation of the relationship between V. and G. in culture, one can offer one more, in which the vertical symbolizes the process of temporary development of culture, its history. character, the principle of continuity, the transition of previous cultural forms or their elements into new cultural formations. So classic. antiquity became a role model in the Renaissance, classicism, and the elements of culture cf. -century in the era of romanticism. The horizontal in this case can be interpreted as the spatial development of culture, the synchronous coexistence of different. local and nat. its forms, their interaction and mutual enrichment.

Imagine having to pick a cupcake quickly.

What do you think is the most attractive option for positioning the assortment on the screen?

Or vertical:

Each of us is faced with both on a daily basis. Everything around: from supermarkets to online stores - they attack us with different options for presenting products:

But which one is better? And can this factor in general be important and influence something?

Can. And in this article, you will learn about which product presentation is more effective and when.

First, we see the world horizontally. We have binocular vision, and our eyes are horizontal, which gives us a wide horizontal view - about 190 degrees.

This is why computers and monitors are made wider (not taller).

Secondly, horizontal scanning is physically easier.

Due to the peculiarities of the muscular structure of a person, it is easier to move the eyes horizontally. Our head naturally tilts slightly forward, which makes moving our eyes up and down more laborious.

In 2016, a study was conducted in which the subjects were offered two options for the location of the lollipops. To study the patterns of eye movement the participants were used. It was possible to find out that the nature of eye movement corresponded to the type of presentation of products. The eyes made movements in the horizontal plane with the horizontal presentation of goods and in the vertical - with the vertical one.

But more importantly, since horizontal movements are easier to perform, people captured more objects per second in the horizontal view (3.26 for the horizontal and 2.77 for the vertical).

3. The horizontal assortment of goods seems to be more diverse

Since a person can see more objects at a time, he makes the wrong conclusion that the choice of goods is wider.

4. Horizontal display increases the likelihood of selection

In turn, a wide choice is a factor contributing to the transaction. Customers have a natural tendency to seek variety, which is why they prefer product ranges that meet this criterion.

In addition, it takes people more time to browse through a more diverse assortment. As a result, people view more items of the product and form a wider pool of options available to choose from (considering buying more options). Unsurprisingly, a horizontal view ultimately leads to more purchases (and more purchases of multiple items).

A few caveats

1. Use vertical presentation on vertical screens

The presentation of goods on smartphones should not be horizontal. It's just smart. No other explanation is required here.

2. Use vertical presentation when you need to reduce product variety

The horizontal presentation is effective because the product range presented in this way appears to be wider.

But sometimes a wide variety of choices can be counterproductive.

If customers know exactly what they want, they are unlikely to want to browse too many items.

Take Amazon, for example.

It is right. When people are “just looking,” variety is beneficial.

However, if you look at the search results — the area where people search for a particular product — you will notice that the products are presented vertically.

If users are looking for a specific product, you should reduce the apparent variety and simply help them find the product they want. Therefore, vertical presentation is most preferred.


The good thing about the horizontal presentation of products is that it increases the breadth of choice and gives the impression that the product range is more diverse. However, if your goal is to shorten and speed up the selection, use the vertical view.

You can follow the lead of Amazon or even Walmart. On the site of the latter, if you are not looking for a specific model of a certain product, but give a request for all categories (for example, humidifiers), the proposed results will be presented horizontally.

And this is also correct. Walmart understands that the person searching for this generic term is in the early stages of the sales funnel, where choice is an advantage, and horizontal product presentation does just that. But if you search for a specific product, the search results will be presented vertically.

The vertical view focuses the customer's attention on a specific product of interest. In addition, these products will occupy the most advantageous place on the page — there the customer's eyes will fall first.

Horizontal, horizontal, horizontal - all these words denote the position of an object or any object, including a living one, described in a figurative sense, in relation to the earth. If you look from some distance at the disorderly accumulation of objects, you can see that the objects turn into horizontal chains, in the end - into horizontal lines.

Let's look at examples of what does horizontal mean?

  • We look into the distance - we see the horizon. How is the horizon line located? Horizontally. What? Earth.
  • We went to rest - we took a horizontal position. What position is our body in? Horizontal. In relation to what? To the sofa. To the floor. To the ground.
  • We read a letter or a book. How are the lines arranged? Horizontally. About what?
  • The bird flies - horizontally. What? Earth.
  • The river flows horizontally. What? Earth.

Here we can give a lot of examples, but now it is clear that horizontal means the parallel position of lines, objects, objects or structures in relation to the ground or another object (object, structure), but which must be located parallel to the ground again. To make it easier to imagineWhat is horizontal, horizontal or horizon, henceforth, we propose to focus on the location of the object in relation to, ultimately, the surface of the earth.

Horizontal line

Draw a horizontal line on a piece of paper. If a sheet of paper is on the table, the sheet is horizontal. Line drawing is done on the left right or right to left - a horizontal line is drawn. You can draw anything on the sheet: vertical lines (top to bottom or bottom to top), diagonal, any drawing. In this case, the sheet is still horizontal. What? The table. Semi. The lower floor of the house. Earth.

The horizontal is the most familiar of all, the baseline. In any sense, it serves as the basis for any composition. Even its visual severity reminds us that a horizontal surface is a fundamental holding base. It is parallel to the ground. It is not for nothing that the image of a horizontal line expresses weight, calmness, peace and stability.

Horizontalness as a psychological concept

Horizontal lines in drawings can be viewed through knowledge of psychology. Straight lines imply some sort of dividing line. A person, as a spectator, can stay outside, looking behind her, or step over this horizon, so to speak, "step over the line." Straight and clear lines express boldness and perseverance, thin and curving horizontals - delicacy and softness.

Horizontal - topographic definition

The simplest definition of this word can be found in numerous dictionaries and encyclopedias of different directions. Most often, this name is used in relation to isohypsumthat is, lines connecting points that are at the same absolute height above sea level or any other reference plane.

This is how it deciphers this concept. Encyclopedic Explanatory Dictionary of I.A. Efron and F.A. Brockhaus:

  • Horizontals - (isohypses) lines connecting points on the ground that lie at the same height above sea level or some basic plane, taken as the base.
  • Horizontals - lines on a map or terrain plan, obtained from the intersection of the earth's surface by horizontal planes standing at the same distance from each other.

Excerpt from the Geological Encyclopedia:

  • Horizontal linesthese are lines connecting points of the same height above sea level. With the help of contour lines on topographic maps, the features of the relief of various parts of the earth's crust are displayed.

And at the end we give the text of the definition from the Technical Translator Handbooka (engineering industry):

  • Horizontals - lines on the surface parallel to the horizontal projection plane.

Definition in professional growth

Professionals have such a concept as career vector... Numerous and now very popular trainings on achieving results in professional activity and moving up the ladder to a successful career, bring up ideas that imply the growth of a person's potential both vertically and horizontally. It is clear vertically, stepping over the steps one after another, that is, moving upward, the individual rises vertically. What about the second option?

Here it is necessary to recall the humorous principle of the Canadian teacher Peter Lawrence, which says that there is a limit when ascending vertically, that step above which a person is not able to rise. Well, there is some truth in this. But, few people agree to dwell on what he is good at. This means that it makes sense to continue growing in the other direction.

Horizontal growth means deepening of the specialist into the area of \u200b\u200bexpertise. An individual becomes an excellent master and an unsurpassed expert in a specific type of activity, in a specific direction. He does his job, he has the same duties, but at the same time he has mastered and applied new tools to perform the assigned tasks. Over time, his work becomes of better quality and is performed more masterly, for which the professional is more appreciated by his superiors and external partners.

Another option for the development of professional activity horizontally is the transition to a parallel direction, the acquisition of new skills in it, including in many other areas. This is necessary when the company practices the transfer of employees from one block to another. For example, from the finance department to logistics. On the one hand, a specialist brings knowledge from other areas to this new unit, on the other, he learns new things all the time. The employee develops strongly personally, which will certainly affect his professional qualities.

Many professionals are quite satisfied with horizontal growth and do not need vertical growth, motivating this with such an important bonus as less responsibility. The most important thing is that in this case a person must understand in what role he will be most successful, valuable for the profession and effective for the result. Here you need to think carefully about your steps up the career ladder and be honest with yourself. Moreover, not everyone wants to be leaders.