Slate weight: is it important? Slate weight: an important parameter for roofing Types, dimensions, weight and average cost

A decade ago, wave asbestos-cement slate was the most popular roofing. Later, its position in the market was shaken. Modern analogues of this material appeared - from metal, bitumen and even plastic. However, despite this, many consumers, when covering the roof, prefer not the popular ondulin, but the usual wave slate.

This is explained by the fact that most modern materials have not yet passed the test of time, they poured into our markets only 10-15 years ago. Quite another thing is wave slate.

It is known that for him and 50 years of operation in our conditions is far from the limit. In addition to durability, slate has a lot of other advantages: low price, practicality, ease of installation.

Wave slate is rectangular asbestos-cement sheets with a wavy profile. They are made by molding from a plastic solution, consisting of:

  • Portland cement grades M300-500 (80-90%);
  • chrysotile asbestos (10-20%);
  • water.

As part of the slate, Portland cement is in the role of a binder, and chrysotile-asbestos is in the role of a reinforcing aggregate. Chrysotile asbestos holds the brittle cement slurry in a predetermined wavy shape and creates a strong material structure.

Characteristics of wave slate

Consider the most important technical characteristics of wave slate, allowing it to be used everywhere, for roofs of premises for various purposes.

Number of waves

Wave slate is produced in accordance with GOST 30340-95. According to this document, asbestos-cement corrugated sheets must have 6.7 or 8 waves.

Sheets with 7 and 8 waves are the most practical. This is due to the small difference between their nominal and usable area. The eight-wave slate has a total area (nominal) of 1.978 m 2, and a useful area of ​​1.57 m 2. That is, when installing such a slate on overlaps (1-2 waves on both sides), a small part of the material is lost. The same can be said about the seven-wave slate. Its nominal area is 1.715 m 2, and the useful area is 1.3362.

The consumption of six-wave slate, when installing the roof, will be slightly higher. The total area of ​​a standard sheet with 6 waves is 1.97 m2. At the same time, the useful area is 1.41 m 2. Thus, the overlaps take on about 20% of the total material.

In addition to slate with 6, 7 and 8 waves, some factories produce material with 5 waves. However, it should be understood that such material is not produced according to GOST standards, but according to individual specifications of the plant.

Profile dimensions (waves)

The profile of the slate sheet depends on the height and pitch of the wave. According to GOST, sheets with two types of sections are produced - 40/150 and 54/200. In this case, the first digit of the fraction (numerator) indicates the height of the wave, and the second (denominator) indicates its step (in mm).

Wave height is the distance measured between the highest and lowest point of a slate wave. In the fraction denoting the type of section, the height of the ordinary wave is indicated (40 mm and 54 mm). There are also extreme waves.

On one side of the sheet, the wave is called overlapping, and on the other, it is called overlapping. The height of the overlapping and ordinary waves is the same. The height of the overlapped wave is somewhat less.

For slate sheets with a section of 40/150, the height of the ordinary and overlapping waves is 40 mm, the height of the overlapped wave is 32 mm. Section 54/200 implies the following heights: for ordinary and overlapping waves - 54 mm, for the overlapped wave - 45 mm.

The second digit of the fraction (150 mm and 200 mm) - the wave pitch - indicates the distance between the tops of two adjacent waves.

Sheet thickness

The thickness of the slate is directly dependent on its size and profile size. Sheets with profile 40/150 are produced with a thickness of 5.8 mm.

A larger cross-section will require an increase in thickness, otherwise the material will not be able to support its own weight and will crumble during installation or during the initial stage of operation. Therefore, sheets with profile 54/200 have a thickness of 6 mm or 7.5 mm.

Sheet sizes

In accordance with the current GOST, the dimensions of the sheets of wave slate are regulated as follows: length - 1750 mm, width - 1125 mm (slate with 6 waves), 980 mm (slate with 7 waves), 1130 mm (slate with 8 waves).

At the same time, many manufacturers produce slate with non-standard sizes. When ordering, it is advisable to clarify this point in order to correctly calculate the amount of material.

Sheet weight

Since the installation of slate is carried out manually, the weight of a single sheet is of no small importance when buying. This parameter depends on the number of waves, profile size, material thickness.

Weight of standard slate sheets (made according to GOST):

  • Type 40/150, 7 waves (dimensions 1750x1130x5.8 mm) - 23.2 kg;
  • Type 40/150, 8 waves (dimensions 1750x1130x5.8 mm) - 26.1 kg;
  • Type 54/200, 8 waves (dimensions 1750x1130x6 mm) - 26 kg;
  • Type 54/200, 8 waves (dimensions 1750x1130x7.5 mm) - 35 kg.

Coating color

The usual color of slate is white-gray. However, thanks to the use of coloring agents, the color palette of slate has expanded significantly. Factories produce sheets of red, green, blue, brown, yellow, brick and other colors.

Slate staining can be done in two ways:

  1. Coloring pigments are introduced into the composition of the liquid asbestos mass at the stage of slate production. The color is as stable as possible, as it penetrates the entire thickness of the material. However, coloring of slate in bulk is carried out only according to the manufacturer's own specifications and does not meet the requirements of the current GOST.
  2. Pigmented compositions (acrylic, alkyd and polymer paints) paint ready-made slate sheets. Such decoration is practiced by factories producing colored slate according to GOST. Also, paints can be used to cover slate with your own hands - to improve its decorative qualities, update its appearance and extend its service life.

Regardless of the staining method, the color finish of slate increases its frost resistance, reduces water absorption, and protects against damage. On average, the durability of colored slate, compared with a gray counterpart, is 1.5 times higher.

Physical and mechanical characteristics

The physical and mechanical features of slate make it possible to use it in difficult conditions, on the roofs of residential and industrial buildings.

The main characteristics are:

  • Concentrated die load - not less than 150 kgf (for 40/150 - for any thickness and 54/200 - for a thickness of 6 mm) or not less than 200 kgf (type 54/200, thickness 7.7 mm). In other words, slate can easily withstand the weight of objects of 150 or 200 kg. On the slate roof, you can move freely during installation, at the stage of operation and repair. Significant snow loads are also not terrible for her.
  • Density - observed at a level of at least 1.6 g / cm3 - for type 40/150; not less than 1.65 g/cm3 - for type 54/200 6 mm thick; not less than 1.7 g/cm3 - for type 54/200 7.5 mm thick. The higher the density, the greater the strength of the slate and its weight.
  • Bending strength - 16 MPa - for type 40/150; 16.5 MPa - for type 54/200 6 mm thick; 19 MPa - for type 54/200 with a thickness of 7.5 mm.
  • Residual strength - remains at the level of 90%. This is the strength level of the destroyed slate.
  • Water resistant - 24 hours.
  • Frost resistance - 25 cycles - for slate type 54/200 6 mm thick and type 40/150, 50 cycles - for slate type 54/200 7.5 mm thick. These figures indicate the number of freeze and thaw cycles that do not lead to visible destruction of the slate.

See the picture below for more details:

Advantages and disadvantages of wave slate

To better understand the properties of wave slate, let's combine all its advantages in one list. The positive aspects of this material can be considered:

  • Durability- on average, the operation of a slate roof lasts 30-50 years. Coloring further extends this period.
  • fire resistance- slate does not burn, does not spread flame, therefore, according to GOST 30244, it is characterized as a non-combustible material.
  • Weather resistance. Slate does not rot, does not deteriorate under the influence of precipitation, withstands significant wind loads.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Slate retains heat well in the room during the cold season, so when installing a roof, you can save on some of the insulation layers. At the same time, in summer, slate, on the contrary, isolates the room from intense solar radiation. It heats up a little, unlike, for example, metal tiles or corrugated board.
  • sound absorbing properties. Asbestos-cement sheets tend to absorb sounds, so the sound of falling rain or hail will be little heard in a house with a slate roof.
  • Decorative. The choice of colored wave slate allows you to get a roof with high decorative properties. However, gray traditional slate also fits well into the architecture of modern cities and towns.
  • Easy installation. A roofer covering a roof with slate does not have to be highly qualified. The scheme and technology of laying corrugated sheets is very simple and does not require specialized skills and tools. You can cut slate with almost any cutting tool used in everyday life. For example, a hacksaw, grinder, circular saw.
  • The use of a sparse crate. Slate is a hard material that does not bend or change shape. Therefore, the roof sheathing under it can be mounted with a sufficiently large step, optimally - 0.75 m.
  • Small cost. The cost of erecting a roof from slate is, as a rule, 2-3 times lower than from other materials. The low price of slate sheets, together with the low cost of their installation, allows you to get a quality roof without significant damage to the family budget.

Of course, slate, despite all its positive qualities, is not an ideal material and has its drawbacks.

Thus, some of the negative properties of slate are corrected with the help of proper operation and special care. Other shortcomings are more far-fetched, and still others do not have a significant impact on the long-term operation of the roof.

Taking into account the indisputable advantages of the material against the background of minor shortcomings, we can conclude that slate, despite the emergence of more modern analogues, continues to be a competitive and promising roofing with a wide range of uses.

Slate is one of the most popular roofing materials in the world and especially in Russia. He reached his greatest fame in the 20th century in Europe. Since then, many modern roofing products have appeared, but it is still in demand in both residential and industrial construction. Having analyzed all its features, advantages and technical characteristics, it is possible to understand the reasons for such popularity. In this case, we will analyze the 7-wave slate.

Description and characteristics

7-wave slate is a material with a high degree of strength and an affordable price. It is used for roofing roofs of various buildings and structures. Thanks to modern technology, it is available in a wide range of colors. Therefore, it will look good on any building.

In the manufacture of using GOST 3340-95. Based on this document, it is of three types: six, seven-eight-wave. Among them, the latter are the most durable.

Wave slate has the following technical characteristics:

  • the number of stages for freezing and thawing is 25.
  • density 1.6-1.7 grams per cubic cm.
  • ultimate strength in bending - 16-19 mPa.
  • based on ACL (asbestos-cement sheets)

When choosing the thickness of the sheet, it is important to take into account the load that will be created by gusts of wind. It is also important to take into account the amount of snow cover in winter.

Like any material, 7-wave slate has advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Strength, durability. It is not subject to corrosion, does not rust, withstands about 25 cycles of changing environmental conditions.
  2. Resistant to temperature changes.
  3. Slate does not burn and does not melt. Therefore, it provides a high degree of fire safety.
  4. Quick installation, without the involvement of outside labor.
  5. Affordable price. Compared to other roofing materials, this one is the cheapest.
  6. Safe from an environmental and radiation point of view.


  1. The presence of asbestos, which is harmful to the human body.
  2. Fragility. Installation, as well as transportation, must be done carefully so as not to damage it.
  3. If exposed to open fire, there is a risk of splitting into small pieces.
  4. Moss or mold will form on the surface over time. To combat this, you need to use special primers.
  5. Heavier than other materials.

The benefits apply to all types, including the seven-wave. Even in the presence of negative qualities, it is widely used in various fields.

Due to the physical and mechanical properties of the 7-wave slate, it can be used in difficult conditions. It is in demand in residential and industrial construction. This species, like the rest, is produced in dyed and unpainted form.

Dimensions and weight of 7-wave slate

According to GOST, there are such brands:

  • 54/200. Its height is 54mm, and the pitch is 200mm.
  • 40/150: height 40mm, pitch 150mm.

The dimensions of the 7-wave slate are the following indicators: wave height, the gap between them. The parameters also include the width, length, thickness of the sheet surface.

7-wave is a unified type, its parameters are: 1750mm length and 1125mm width.

Sheets with 7 waves are the most durable, on a par with eight-wave ones. Both options are equally in demand when performing roofing work.

The weight of each sheet is different, so the load-bearing walls of the structure have a different load. The weight of the sheet is affected by its dimensions. The mass of one is 23.2 kilograms.

The 7-wave slate has two types of area: nominal, useful. They are 1.715 and 1.336 sq. meters.

In addition to these indicators, there are standard sizes:

  • thickness - 5.8mm.
  • width - 98cm.
  • length - 175cm.

The height of the 7-wave slate, which is 4 cm and its pitch is 15 cm, is standardized by GOST No 30340-95.

Produce sheets and non-standard sizes. This point must be clarified when ordering.

The composition and environmental friendliness of slate

The composition of slate is very simple, so it is easy to analyze. Components. included in the composition are: water, cement, asbestos fiber. Water and cement, of course, are safe from an environmental point of view.

The same cannot be said for asbestos. It is he who makes many doubt the security. There are two types of asbestos: chrysotile asbestos and amphibolasbestos. Of these, the second option is considered unhealthy. Slate was made from this material for a certain time by foreign manufacturers. After a long testing, scientists came to the conclusion about the harmfulness of this component and banned it. In the manufacture of domestic raw materials, amphibolasbest is not used, which means that it is absolutely safe to use.

Each component in the composition performs its function. Portland cement, due to its binding properties, is a link. Chrysotile asbestos performs the task of a reinforcing filler. It helps to keep the cement mortar in the required wavy shape and provides a strong and reliable structure.

In addition, chrysotile, which is used in the production of a domestic product, is used in combination with gypsum, resins, rubber, oils, and bitumen. This type is allowed in construction and industry in many countries.

Production technology and quality standards

Wave slate is produced on the basis of GOST 30340-95. It applies to asbestos-cement corrugated sheets, as well as to its components used for roofing roofs or fencing buildings and structures.

The technology for the production of asbestos fiber was patented in the 19th century in England. The modern manufacturing process has not changed much since those times. In Russia, the production of this material was launched in 1908. Asbestos fibers are strong enough, in addition to them, Portland cement and soda are used. The resulting asbestos mesh structure is a solid basis for the slate sheet. An important point in the production is the obligatory observance of the proportions of cement and asbestos fibers. Existing standards allow domestic manufacturers to produce many installations of various types for manufacturing.

The production process takes place in several stages:

  1. At the beginning, the pulp is kneaded with a bucket kneader.
  2. The resulting mixture is then recovered and redirected to a sheet shaping machine. This process takes about 30-90 seconds.
  3. The strips are then cut with specialized scissors.
  4. After that, the process of creating waves using drums takes place.
  5. Finished sheets are sent to the next stage for curing.
  6. At this stage, the prepared samples are saturated with water.
  7. Sent to a warehouse with a high temperature for drying.
  8. Upon completion of all these actions, the product becomes durable, ready for use.

All types of corrugated slate have their own parameters, which are also controlled by GOST. In the production, a certain solution of a plastic consistency is used, which consists of chrysotile asbestos, water and Portland cement. The interaction of all components allows to produce high-quality, strong and durable material.

To obtain a high-quality appearance, it is necessary to adhere to strict standards:

  1. Observe the correct ratio of asbestos fibers, cement and water, which is prescribed in GOST.
  2. Production should be carried out only on high-quality equipment that can evenly and accurately distribute asbestos in the raw material.
  3. Adhere to the regulatory documents governing the production process.

Application in construction

Today, wave slate is widely used for the construction of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the construction of residential premises. Such popularity is due to its strength, as well as wear resistance. It takes first place among roofing materials, while leaving its competitors behind. Its use guarantees the construction reliability and durability.

Manufacturers produce products in various colors, this allows you to choose the right type of roof for any design. Also, coloring allows you to increase the service life of slate at times.

Before starting the installation of the roof, you need to find out how many sheets you may need. First you need to make measuring work on the roof. Then you need to determine the length of the overhang. The choice of sheet size is influenced by the shape of the coating. It is easiest to produce roofing roofs with straight and non-curved shapes. This allows you to reduce the time of work. After all the preparatory work, you can proceed directly to the installation of the roof. To increase the thermal insulation function of the roof will help applying roofing material to the surface.

More and more new and perfect roofing materials appear on the market. There is even a risk that demand for it may decline. Therefore, experts are engaged in its improvement. The appearance of a double-sided protective coating on its basis made it possible to make it environmentally friendly.

Experts note that the functionality of the roofing will depend on such factors as the characteristics of the base, the structure of the roof structure, the presence of heat and vapor barrier, and the type of roofing material. All described parts must comply with the technical specifications. When designing a rafter system, the coating of which is made of asbestos-cement sheets, one should take into account such an important parameter as the weight of the slate. It is the mass of this wave roofing product that our article will be devoted to.

Why you need to know the mass of slate roof

The coating is considered one of the main ones in the creation of roofs for household buildings, therefore, its choice must be approached with special responsibility. With the same overall dimensions, the weight of 1 sheet of the material in question will not be the same. This is especially important when designing a truss structure. But there is one important rule here: the thicker the asbestos-cement products are, the stronger they are. Consequently, with an increase in thickness, the weight of the 7 wave slate also increases.

When choosing such materials, it is possible to make a roof with a particularly durable coating, but this option will put a significant load on the frame. In this regard, when designing truss structures, the following indicators must be taken into account:

1. How much does a slate sheet weigh.

2. Maximum loads from the effects of wind and snow lying on the surface.

3. Loads during roof operation. Here, the weight of building structures and people who carry out installation work are taken into account.

When using a thickened wavy version for the manufacture of a truss structure, a thick wooden beam is used, as well as thick boards, the sheathing step is reduced. In such a case, the cost of installing the roof increases, and its weight also increases. In this regard, at the design stage, it is necessary to calculate the foundation so that it can withstand all the loads. One of the main values ​​​​that are taken into account is the mass of slate 8 wave or other materials for mounting the coating.

At the design stage of the roof, you need to decide on the method of laying asbestos-cement products. The amount of horizontal and vertical overlaps of sheets will depend on the slope of the roof, wind and snow load. Sloping roof structures are subject to increased requirements for strength. Sheets should be laid with increased overlaps on a reinforced crate. During the calculations, the weight of 1 m2 of slate is determined, and then the mass of the entire coating.

As for the financial costs of roofing, asbestos-cement products are considered one of the cheapest. When building a reinforced roof, the cost of the truss structure will exceed the cost of the cover. In some cases, it is necessary to know the weight of flat slate, and especially if such material is used for lining the ceiling in garages, sheds or other auxiliary structures.

What are they made from

The material in question is made from such raw materials as Portland cement, non-combustible substance asbestos and water. The proportion of these components is 4 to 84 to 11. In the general composition of the mixture, asbestos-cement fibers perform the function of reinforcement. This feature makes the sheets resistant to tensile forces and other mechanical loads. At the moment, not every manufacturer adheres to the requirements of state standards, so the strength indicators of a particular product will depend not only on the thickness, but also on the size of the asbestos fibers, the fraction of cement particles.

flat slate

Asbestos-cement products are supplied to the construction market in the form of flat and wavy, and the latter can have from 5 to 8 ridges. The thickness of materials with a flat surface can range from 5 to 40 millimeters, but the most common options are sheets with a thickness of 6 and 8 mm, as well as 10 mm.

Each of the described options has its own scope of use:

1. Asbestos-cement sheets with a thickness of 6 millimeters are designed for subfloor installation and installation of interior partitions, they are also used for finishing the house from the facade. Experts recommend painting the surface of flat slate. A layer of paint will give the product a waterproofing effect.

2. Moisture-proof and fire-resistant asbestos-cement sheets of 8 mm thickness are used for exterior decoration of facades of brick buildings, frame houses and panel buildings. The main property of the described products is considered to be an increased service life.

3. Flat slate sheets with a thickness of 10 millimeters are used for finishing the facades of buildings, the roofing of country houses, as well as the installation of fences. In addition, similar material can be used for interior partitions.

As you know, the weight of a flat slate will depend on its overall dimensions. Let's take a closer look at this option:

  • flat unpressed, with dimensions 3 * 1.2 * 0.012m weighs 83 kilograms;
  • weight of a slate sheet with dimensions 3 * 1.5 * 0.01m - 87 kilograms;
  • unpressed - with dimensions of 3 * 1.2 * 0.01 m have a mass of 78 kilograms;
  • products 3 * 1.2 * 0.035 meters have a mass of 293 kilograms;
  • a similar version with dimensions of 3 * 1.5 * 0.025 m has a mass of 250 kilograms;
  • flat pressed 3 * 1.5 * 0.02 m - 180 kilograms.

Wavy slate

The materials under consideration can be divided into three types:

  • VO - sheets with dimensions of 1.12 * 0.68 meters.
  • VU - reinforced for industrial construction has dimensions of 2.8 * 1 meter.
  • UV - unified wavy for civil engineering with dimensions of 1.75 * 1.13 meters.

For the roofing of country houses and master buildings, 7 and 8 wave are mainly used. Such products have the same size, they are distinguished only by the distance between the tops of the ridges. In the 7th wave sheet, the crest has a height of 54 millimeters, the distance between adjacent waves is 200 millimeters. In wave 8, the height of the crest is 40 millimeters, the distance between the tops of the waves is 150 millimeters. And now let's take a look at how much slate 7 wave weighs. The length of such a product is 1.75 meters, the width can have parameters of 0.98 or 1.13 meters, the thickness of the material is 5.2 or 5.8 mm. Consider specific examples:

  • The weight of slate 7 wave with dimensions of 1.75 * 0.98 * 0.0052 meters is 18 kilograms;
  • The same version with a thickness of 0.0058 meters weighs 21.8 kilograms;
  • The weight of slate 1 of seven waves with dimensions of 1.75 * 1.13 * 0.0052 meters is 18.7 kilograms;
  • A similar one - 0.0058 meters thick - weighs 23.2 kilograms.

How much does slate 8 wave weigh? The mass of the described products also depends on the overall dimensions:

  • The weight of slate 8 waves 1.75 * 1.13 * 0.0052 meters is 20.6 kilograms;
  • Similar - 0.0058 meters thick - 26.1 kilograms;
  • The same ones with a thickness of 75 millimeters weigh 35 kilograms.

The weight of a particular product must be taken into account, and especially if the transportation of materials to the roof is carried out manually. One person can handle products weighing between 18-20 kilograms, but if the weight exceeds 25 kilograms, an assistant must be involved in the moving work.

Words such as "slate" or asbestos-cement sheets are familiar to many firsthand. Today, although this is an old-generation roofing material, nevertheless, it still does not lose its leading position in the construction market. It is easy to use, inexpensive and durable.

How many have thought about the weight of 1 m 2 of slate. Of course, this is not so important for people far from construction, another thing is professionals or amateur developers who intend to cover the roof with these materials. The weight of slate is of particular importance for them, since, for example, the calculation of the truss system depends on it.

How much it weighs is also important because its laying is done manually, that is, it requires physical effort, and considerable. The mass of the sheet must also be known when organizing the transportation of building materials in order to select transport with the appropriate carrying capacity.

Material characteristics and dimensions

Today, the most common material, which includes asbestos, cement, mixed with water. The components are in the ratio of 85 to 11 and to 4. There are ACLs - wave and flat, each of which has its own modifications:

  • – pressed and unpressed;
  • - reinforced, conventional and unified.

They also differ in their dimensions, which, in addition to length and width, include wave parameters such as height and pitch, which determine the profile of the sheet. There are two of them - 40 by 150 and 54 by 200 mm. By the number of waves, they are, say,.

Another version of slate is bituminous, in the bituminous base of which synthetic fibers and a plasticizer are added. The mass is baked at a high temperature, then it is molded under pressure. The resulting sheets are similar to asbestos-cement only in form. As for the characteristics of the materials, they are very different, for example, bituminous ones are much smaller in weight, say, for one sheet of 2 m 2 it is only from 6.5 to 7 kg. This is an environmentally friendly material, easy to install, chemically neutral, resistant to the formation of fungus, mold and more.

The most widespread among the available species is bituminous, etc. still received asbestos-cement. The weight of the slate is determined primarily by the dimensions and thickness of the profile.

Sheet weight 7 wave, 8, 6

ACL can be transported to the construction site using small-sized vehicles. Obviously, its load capacity is strictly limited, so it is clear why it is so important to have an idea of ​​​​how much 1 sheet of material weighs.

Considering the large assortment of ACL, we will determine the parameters of the main varieties, in particular, how much slate weighs 7 wave, 8 and weight 6 wave. This parameter gives an answer to such significant construction questions as whether the structure will be able to withstand the entire mass of the coating, or whether it will cause excessive shrinkage.

A certain confusion in the state of affairs is introduced by the fact that sheets made by different manufacturers according to their own specifications may have some variation in length and width. Naturally, this must necessarily affect the final weight of the product.

Therefore, we consider the profiles made according to the requirements of the state standard 30340-95. In suburban construction, 7-8-wave profiles of size 40 by 150 are mainly used. As indicated in GOST, their thickness can take two values ​​​​- 5.8 and 5.2 mm. In the first case, the mass

  • an eight-wave product is equal to 26.1 kg;
  • seven-wave - 23.2 kg.

A thickness reduction of only 0.6 mm lightens the profiles by approximately 4–4.5 kg.

It is performed with an overlap of one or two waves with an adjacent sheet, which reduces the usable area. It is its value that is used when calculating the number of profiles required to cover a given roof.
When calculating, you can use the following hint: to cover 100 m 2, you need 64 eight-wave profiles or 75 seven-wave profiles.

Let us calculate the load exerted by the roofing of wave material per 1 m 2. For an eight-wave profile, the number of sheets (64) is multiplied by the weight of each of them (26.1 kg), after which the result (1670 kg) is divided by 100. As a result, we find that the eight-wave profile acts on 1 m 2 of the roof structure with a load of 16, 7 kg. For a seven-wave, this value is 17.4 kg.

A large load requires more floors, so for buildings with light foundations, eight-wave material is used, since it acts on walls and foundations with less force.

When developing a roof project, the load created by natural phenomena, say, snowfall, is additionally taken into account.
The weight of products of size 50 to 200 (six-wave profile) is determined by its thickness: at 6 mm it is 26 kg, and at 7.5–35.

The mass of this roofing material, in addition to dimensions and thickness, also depends on factors such as the composition and structure of the profile, for example, the degree of grinding of raw materials at the stage of molding the product. Many homeowners today prefer painted material - it is more practical and more weather resistant, not to mention the expressiveness of the roof. So, priming and coloring also leads to a certain increase in the mass of profiles.

Increases the load from the asbestos-cement profile and the increase in humidity. This fact is also taken into account in the GOST standards - calculations related to the mass of these products are performed, taking into account the humidity of 12%.

How much does flat slate weigh 10 mm, 8 mm

Flat slate has also received wide application in various fields. The weight of the sheet in this case is determined not only by the dimensions, but also by whether it is pressed or unpressed. If an unpressed flat ACL weighs 18–104 kg, then a pressed one weighs 20–162 kg.

This material is often used as a roofing material. They cover both small buildings and rather large objects, mainly in the economic sector. This is mainly due to the mass of the product, which is calculated on the basis of an average of 12 kg per 1 m 2 (the minimum value is 10, and the maximum value is 14 kg). Parameters are selected depending on the project and construction needs.