HIV what to do how to treat. Can HIV infection be cured? Early symptoms of HIV. How many are living with HIV? Rapid HIV test. What Happens With HIV Infection

The human immunodeficiency virus is a pathology that destroys the body's natural defenses. Its danger is that it reduces the body's resistance to various infections, contributing to the development of serious diseases and their complications.

It is completely impossible to cure the ailment, since its structure is constantly changing, which does not allow pharmacists to create substances that can destroy it. Treatment for HIV infection is aimed at strengthening the immune system and blocking the activity of the virus.

The disease has four stages, the last of which is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), which is terminal.

HIV infection has a very long incubation period. After entering the body, the virus does not manifest itself for a long time, but continues to destroy the immune system. A person begins to get sick more and for a longer time, because the immune system is unable to cope even with "harmless" infections, which give complications, worsening the state of health more and more.

At the terminal stage, immunity is completely destroyed, which gives impetus to the development of oncological tumors, severe damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, respiratory organs, etc. The result is the death of the patient from one of the diseases of these organs.

HIV has four types, of which the first two are diagnosed in 95% of cases of infection, the third and fourth are extremely rare.

The virus is not resistant to environmental influences, antiseptics, alcohol solutions, acetone. It also does not tolerate high temperatures and dies already at 56 degrees for half an hour, and when boiled, it collapses instantly.

At the same time, its cells remain viable when frozen (they are able to "live" for 5-6 days at a temperature of 22 degrees), in solutions of narcotic substances they remain active for about three weeks.

For a long time, HIV was considered a disease of drug addicts, homosexuals and women of easy virtue. Today, among the carriers of the virus there are people with a high social status, heterosexual orientation. Neither an adult nor a child is insured against infection. The main route of transmission is biological body fluids. Pathogenic cells are found in:

  • blood;
  • lymph;
  • semen;
  • cerebrospinal fluid;
  • vaginal secretions;
  • breast milk.

The risk of infection increases in proportion to the number of pathogenic cells in these fluids, and at least ten thousand virus particles are required to transmit the infection.

Infection methods

The main routes of transmission of the virus are

  • Unprotected sex.

According to statistics, infection by this route is diagnosed in 75% of patients, but the risk of transmission of pathogenic cells is the lowest: with the first vaginal contact, about 30% of sexual partners become infected, with anal contact - about 50, and with oral contact - less than 5%.

Increases the risk of genitourinary pathologies (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, fungi), trauma and microdamage to the mucous membranes of intimate organs (scratches, ulcers, erosion, cracks in the anus, etc.), frequent sexual contact with an infected person.

Women are more inclined to accept the virus than men, since the area of \u200b\u200bthe vagina and direct contact with pathogenic cells is larger.

  • Intravenous injection.

The second most popular way, as more than half of drug addicts suffer from it. The reasons are the use of one syringe or utensils for the preparation of a solution, as well as unprotected intimate contacts with dubious partners in a state of intoxication.

  • Intrauterine route.

During pregnancy, the risk of virus penetration through the placenta does not exceed 25%; natural childbirth and breastfeeding increase it by another 10%.

  • Penetrating wounds with non-sterile instruments: infection occurs during surgery in questionable clinics, tattooing, manicure procedures, etc.

  • Direct blood transfusion, transplant of unverified organs.

If the donor is HIV positive, transmission is 100%.

The possibility of infection depends on the strength of the recipient's immunity. If the natural defense is strong, the course of the disease will be weaker, and the incubation period itself is longer.

Pathology manifestations

Symptoms of HIV infection are a manifestation of curable diseases provoked by a weakened immune system, which makes it very difficult to diagnose, since a person only takes the necessary tests, treats the consequences of the disease, without even knowing his true status. There are slight differences depending on the stages of the infection.

Symptoms characteristic of the virus do not exist: the manifestations of the disease are individual and depend on the general state of health of the patient, the diseases caused by it.

The first stage is the incubation period. This initial stage, which develops from the moment pathogenic cells enter the body, and up to one year. In some patients, the first signs appear within a couple of weeks, in others - not earlier than after a few months.

The average incubation period is one and a half to three months. Symptoms during this period are completely absent, even tests do not show the presence of the virus. It is possible to detect a dangerous ailment at an early stage only if a person is faced with one of the possible routes of infection.

The second stage is the stage of primary manifestations. They arise as a reaction of immunity to active multiplication of harmful cells. Usually occurs 2-3 months after infection, lasts from two weeks to several months.

It can flow in different ways

  • It is asymptomatic when the body produces antibodies and there are no signs of infection.
  • Sharp.

The stage is typical for 15-30% of patients, the manifestations are similar to those of acute infectious pathologies:

  • temperature increase;
  • fever;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • skin rashes;
  • bowel disorders;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • an increase in the size of the liver, spleen.

In rare cases, the development of autoimmune pathologies is possible.

  • Acutely with secondary pathologies - typical for most patients.

Weakened immunity allows the existing representatives of opportunistic microflora to actively multiply, which leads to an exacerbation or the appearance of infectious diseases. At this stage, it is not difficult to cure them, but soon their relapses become more frequent.

The third stage is deterioration in the work and condition of the lymphatic system. Lasts from two to 15 years, depending on how the immune system copes with viral cells. The enlargement of the lymph nodes occurs in groups (except for the inguinal), not connected with each other.

After three months, their size returns to a healthy state, pain disappears on palpation, elasticity and mobility return. Relapses sometimes occur.

The fourth stage - terminal - the development of AIDS. The immune system is almost destroyed, the virus itself multiplies without hindrance. All the remaining healthy cells succumb to destruction, many of them degenerate into malignant ones, and severe infectious pathologies develop.

AIDS also has four stages

  • The first occurs in 6-10 years. It is characterized by a decrease in body weight, rashes on the skin and mucous membranes containing purulent contents, fungal and viral infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is possible to cope with infectious processes, but therapy is long.
  • The second develops after another 2-3 years. Weight loss continues, body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, weakness, drowsiness occurs. There are frequent diarrhea, lesions of the oral mucosa, fungal and viral lesions of the skin, the manifestations of all previously diagnosed infectious pathologies increase, pulmonary tuberculosis develops.

Conventional medications are unable to cope with illness; only antiretroviral therapy can relieve symptoms.

  • The third stage occurs 10-12 years after infection. Symptoms: exhaustion of the body, weakness, lack of appetite. Pneumonia develops, viral infections become aggravated, and their manifestations do not heal. Pathogenic microflora encompasses all internal and external organs and their systems, diseases are acute, give new complications.

The duration of HIV infection from the moment of infection to the death of the patient is individual. Some die after 2-3 years, others live 20 or more years. Cases have been recorded when people burned out from the virus in several months. A person's lifespan depends on his general health and the type of virus that has entered the body.

Features of HIV in adults and children

The clinical picture of the disease in the stronger sex does not differ from the manifestations that develop with weakened immunity. Girls, on the other hand, tolerate the infection more difficult, since they begin to have menstrual irregularities.

Menstruation runs with severe pain, becomes profuse, bleeding occurs in the middle of the cycle. Malignant formations of the organs of the reproductive system become a frequent complication of the virus. Cases of inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system are becoming more frequent, they proceed harder and longer.

In babies and newborns, the disease does not manifest itself for a long time, there are no external signs. The only symptom by which one can suspect the presence of pathology is a delay in the mental and physical development of the child.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is difficult to detect HIV at an early stage, since the symptoms are absent or similar to the manifestations of curable pathologies: inflammatory processes, allergies, infectious diseases. It is possible to identify the disease by chance, when undergoing a routine medical examination, admission to a hospital, registration during pregnancy.

The main diagnostic method is a special test, which can be done both in the clinic and at home.

There are a lot of diagnostic methods. Every year scientists develop new tests and improve old ones, reducing the number of false positive and false negative results.

The main material for research is human blood, but there are tests that can make a preliminary diagnosis when examining saliva or urine, using scraping from the surface of the oral cavity. They have not yet found widespread use, but are used for preliminary home diagnostics.

HIV testing in adults is carried out in three stages:

  • screening research - gives a preliminary result, helps to identify people who have been infected;
  • reference - carried out for persons whose screening results are positive;
  • confirming - establishes the final diagnosis and the duration of the presence of the virus in the body.

Such a phased survey is associated with the high cost of research: each subsequent analysis is more complex and expensive, therefore it is economically impractical to conduct a full complex for all citizens. In the process of research, antigens are detected - cells or particles of the virus, antibodies - leukocytes produced by the immune system to pathogenic cells.

It is possible to determine the presence of harmful cells only after reaching seroconversion - a condition when the number of antibodies will be sufficient to detect them by test systems. From the moment of infection until the onset of seroconversion, a "window period" occurs: at this time, transmission of the virus is already possible, but no analysis can detect it. This period lasts from six to twelve weeks.

If the diagnostic results are positive, you should consult a doctor for the appointment of antiretroviral therapy. Which doctor treats HIV infection? An infectious disease specialist who is usually present in the central clinic of a city or district center.

Human immunodeficiency virus treatment

Once in the body, the virus remains in it forever. Although research on infection lasts more than a dozen years, scientists have not been able to invent drugs that can destroy pathogenic cells. Therefore, almost 100 years after the discovery of the virus, the answer to the question of whether HIV infection can be treated is a sad “No”.

But medicine is constantly inventing drugs that can slow down HIV activity, reduce the risks of developing pathologies, help cope with them faster and prolong the life of an infected person, making it full. Treatment of HIV infection includes taking antiretroviral therapy drugs, prevention and treatment of concomitant inflammatory processes.

Therapy is taking medications, but it is impossible to cure immunodeficiency using traditional medicine. Refusal from pharmaceutical products in favor of non-traditional recipes is a direct path to the development of AIDS and the death of the patient.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on many factors, but the most important condition for therapy is the patient's responsible attitude to the prescribed treatment. In order for it to give results, medicinal drugs should be taken at a strictly defined time, observe their dosage, and avoid interruptions in treatment. It is also shown adherence to a diet and a healthy lifestyle.

If these recommendations are followed, the number of protective cells increases dramatically, the virus is blocked, and it often cannot be detected even by highly sensitive tests. Otherwise, the disease continues to progress and leads to dysfunction of vital organs: heart, liver, lungs, endocrine system.

For HIV infection, the most effective treatment is antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Its main task is to prevent the development of complications and concomitant pathologies that can shorten the patient's life. HAART also helps to improve the patient's quality of life, to make it full.

If the therapy is carried out correctly, the virus goes into remission, and secondary pathologies do not develop. Such treatment has a positive effect on the psychological state of the infected: feeling support and knowing that the disease can be “slowed down”, he returns to his usual way of life.

In our country, all antiretroviral drugs are provided to a person free of charge after receiving the status of an HIV-positive patient.

Features of antiretroviral therapy

HAART is prescribed on an individual basis, and the tablets included in its composition depend on the stage of development of the infection. At the initial stage, specialized treatment is not prescribed, it is recommended to take vitamins and special mineral complexes that help strengthen the body's natural defenses.

As a preventive method, chemotherapy is shown, but only to those people who have come into contact with an HIV-positive person or a potential carrier of the virus. Such prophylaxis is effective only in the first 72 hours after a possible infection.

In the second and subsequent stages, therapy is prescribed according to the results of clinical tests that determine the state of immunity. The terminal stage, that is, the presence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, requires the mandatory intake of drugs. In pediatrics, HAART is always prescribed, regardless of the clinical stage of the child's disease.

This approach to treatment is conditioned by the norms of the Ministry of Health. But new research shows that early initiation of antiretroviral therapy produces better treatment outcomes and is more beneficial for patients' well-being and life expectancy.

HAART includes several types of drugs that are combined with each other. Since the virus gradually loses its sensitivity to active substances, the combinations are changed from time to time, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

Several years ago, scientists presented the synthetic drug Quad, which includes the main properties of prescribed drugs. The huge advantage of the drug is taking only one tablet a day, which greatly facilitates the treatment. This tool has practically no side effects, is easier to tolerate by the body, and solves the problem of loss of sensitivity to active ingredients.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to block the activity of the virus with alternative methods and how to treat HIV infection at home? It should be remembered that such treatment is possible, but only if it is auxiliary and agreed with the treating doctor.

Folk recipes are shown to strengthen the body's defenses. This can be decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, the use of gifts of nature, rich in vitamins, minerals and useful trace elements.

Preventive actions

The immunodeficiency virus is a preventable disease that cannot be cured. Today, developed countries have developed special programs aimed at preventing HIV and AIDS, which are monitored at the state level. Every person should know the basics of preventive measures, since there is no guarantee that infection will not happen.

You can avoid serious pathology if you take a responsible attitude to your own intimate life. You should avoid having sex with questionable persons, always use condoms when having sex with a new sexual partner, about whose condition there is no reliable information.

It is important that the sex partner is one and constant, who has medical reports about the absence of HIV.

One of the popular myths is that a condom is unable to protect against a virus, since the pores of the latex are larger than the cells of the virus. This is not true. Today, barrier contraception is the only way to prevent infection during sexual intercourse.

If a person suffers from drug addiction and uses injecting drugs, he should always use disposable medical instruments, give injections with sterile gloves, and have individual utensils for preparing a narcotic solution. In order not to become a victim of the direct intake of the virus through the blood, it is worth refusing blood transfusion.

For procedures in which there is access to blood, choose trusted institutions, ensure that their employees carry out all manipulations with gloves, and that instruments are disinfected in the presence of the client.

If HIV is present in a woman preparing to become a mother, the baby is monitored throughout the pregnancy. Caesarean section and refusal to breastfeed can reduce the risk of infection of the child. It will be possible to determine the HIV status of the crumbs no earlier than six months later, when the mother's antibodies to the virus leave the baby's body.

Artificial insemination methods are capable of preventing the appearance of a serious infection in a child.

A future HIV-positive mother should exclude all factors that reduce the baby's immunity: quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol, eat more vitamins, cure all infectious and inflammatory diseases, and treat chronic ailments in order to prevent their recurrence during pregnancy.

Observing these rules, you can prevent infection with a dangerous pathology and prevent its transmission to healthy people. Since there is no cure for the disease, the only way to rid the world of the virus is to block its spread.

What is HIV, HIV Infection and AIDS

First, let's define the names.

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus that infects cells of the immune system with CD4 receptors (T-lymphocytes (T-helpers), monocytes, macrophages, Langerhans cells, dendritic cells, microglia cells).

HIV infection is a slowly progressive disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, as a result of which the human immune system weakens sharply and ceases to protect the body - AIDS develops.

AIDS is an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection. People with HIV infection die due to the manifestations of AIDS (infections and tumors).

HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, was discovered in 1983, although the first mention of deaths of people of homosexual orientation caused by unknown immunodeficiency states appeared in 1981. A year later, it became obvious that, in addition to homosexuals, this condition is common among injection drug users, hemophiliacs and citizens of Haiti. All this indicated the infectious nature of the disease.

HIV spread very quickly on Earth, becoming an epidemic. It was even called the "plague of the 20th century." For almost 35 years of observation, over 60 million people have become ill with HIV. Almost 30 million people have already died of AIDS; the rest are living with HIV.

An HIV vaccine has not yet been developed. At the same time, over the past 20 years, thanks to powerful public propaganda and widely implemented prevention methods, it has been possible to stabilize and even halve the level of infection and the incidence of HIV infection.

Within 5-8 years (while there is a slow destruction of the immune system by the virus), HIV infection is almost not clinically manifested. After the number of T-lymphocytes falls below 200 cells / μl (6 times lower than normal), immunity is destroyed and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) develops. With AIDS, a person is "attacked" by infections that he would not have gotten with normal immunity (opportunistic infections) and tumors, in particular lymphomas. The patient dies within 1-3 years from infections and / or tumors.

After the onset of AIDS, a person can no longer be radically helped; only prolong life. At the same time, modern medicine is very successful in combating HIV infection, detected in the early stages. Antiviral drugs and special protocols (long-term highly effective antiretroviral therapy) have been developed, with the help of which it is possible to prolong the life of an HIV-infected patient for several decades.

Prevention of HIV infection includes the use of condoms during any sex, the use of disposable syringes by injection drug users, mandatory HIV testing of donated blood, mandatory testing of expectant mothers in early pregnancy and other activities.

How HIV is transmitted

HIV is transmitted:

    • through the blood; most often it happens with injectors who use one syringe. The virus from an infected person enters the needle and into the contents of the syringe; during the next injection it enters the blood of a healthy person. Another common variant of infection is the transfusion of HIV-infected donated blood;
    • through damaged mucous membranes of the oral cavity, vagina, rectum during unprotected oral, vaginal, anal sex, as well as during dental procedures, gynecological examinations, etc.;
    • through damaged skin or wound, when the virus enters the blood or lymph; most often this happens during surgical operations (through an infected instrument, the patient becomes infected; through an accidental puncture of the hand, the surgeon operating on an HIV-infected patient becomes infected), dental procedures, gynecological examinations, childbirth;
    • during pregnancy and childbirth (from mother to fetus);
    • when breastfeeding (from mother to fetus and vice versa - when an infected child bites the nipple of a healthy mother).

HIV does not penetrate through intact skin because there are no cells in it for the virus to “catch on” (T-lymphocytes, macrophages, etc.).

HIV is not transmitted by airborne droplets and by household (through common items), through saliva (with a kiss) and tears, through animal and insect bites.

Symptoms of HIV infection and AIDS

HIV infection can be roughly divided into 3 stages:

    • incubation stage (1-7 years) - asymptomatic or accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy). At the beginning of this stage, the number of T-lymphocytes is close to normal, but progressively decreases with the destruction of immune cells;
    • the manifest stage, or the stage of clinical manifestations, which is characterized by acute infections (, bacterial,, listeriosis, etc.), seborrheic and ulcerative, peripheral neuropathy, idiopathic thrombocytopenia (a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood); leukoplakia (damage to the mucous membrane of the cavity, mouth, respiratory system, genitourinary system and anus), etc.;
    • AIDS, which manifests itself as infections (lungs, cytomegalovirus infection, herpes lesions of the esophagus, mycobacteriosis, salmonellosis, etc.), tumors (, lymphoma, etc.),. AIDS ends with the death of the patient.

Diagnosis of HIV infection and AIDS

The disease is diagnosed and treated by a virologist. For any suspicion of HIV infection, an HIV test is prescribed (popularly referred to as the “AIDS test”), which is done on a voluntary basis. Donors of blood, other biological fluids and organs must be tested for HIV. It is extremely important to conduct an HIV test in women at an early stage of pregnancy, medical workers, foreign citizens and persons in prison.

An HIV test is reduced to the implementation of two approaches: the detection of antibodies to HIV and HIV itself (more precisely, the DNA of the virus).

For the detection of antibodies to HIV, as a rule, a relatively inexpensive and accurate (accuracy exceeds 90%) ELISA method (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is used; it requires a small amount of blood from a vein.

To detect DNA, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is used. PCR gives the result within ten days after the alleged infection; therefore, it is mainly used in cases where early detection of infection is required.

An HIV test is carried out free of charge (at least in the CIS countries it is provided by the Law); blood sampling is done in dermatovenerologic dispensaries and AIDS centers.

AIDS symptoms are diagnosed through blood and urine tests, abdominal ultrasound, CT (computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), and so on. To identify AIDS symptoms, consultation may be required, and other specialists.

Treatment of HIV infection and AIDS

So far there are no ways to radically eliminate HIV from the body. The most effective treatment for HIV infection is antiretroviral therapy, which slows the progression of HIV infection (delays or prevents the onset of AIDS), allowing a person to live a full life for decades.

Highly effective antiretroviral therapy requires many years of regular (without gaps) taking three (four) drugs under supervision

Now in the world, perhaps, there is no adult who does not know what HIV infection is. "Plague of the XX century" confidently stepped into the XXI century and continues to progress. The prevalence of HIV is now in the nature of a real pandemic. HIV infection has captured almost all countries. In 2004, there were about 40 million people living with HIV in the world - about 38 million adults and 2 million children. In the Russian Federation, the prevalence of HIV-infected in 2003 was 187 people per 100 thousand population.

According to statistics, about 8,500 people are infected every day in the world, and in Russia at least 100.

Basic concepts:

HIV - human immunodeficiency virus - the causative agent of HIV infection.
- an infectious disease caused by HIV, and the outcome is AIDS.
AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is the final stage of HIV infection, when a person's immune system is so affected that it becomes unable to resist any type of infection. Any infection, even the most harmless, can lead to serious illness and death.

History of HIV infection

In the summer of 1981, the US Centers for Disease Control published a report describing 5 cases of Pneumocystis pneumonia and 26 cases of Kaposi's sarcoma in previously healthy homosexuals from Los Angeles and New York.

Over the next few months, cases were reported among injecting drug users and shortly thereafter in transfusion recipients.
In 1982, a diagnosis of AIDS was formulated, but the causes of its occurrence were not established.
In 1983, it was first allocated HIVfrom a cell culture of a sick person.
In 1984 it was found that HIV is the reason AIDS.
In 1985, a diagnostic method was developed HIV infection using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which determines antibodies to HIV in blood.
In 1987, the first case HIV infection registered in Russia - he was a homosexual man who worked as a translator in African countries.

Where did HIV come from?

In search of an answer to this question, many different theories have been proposed. Nobody can answer it exactly.

However, it is known that during the first study of the epidemiology of HIV infection, it was found that the maximum prevalence of HIV occurs in the region of Central Africa. In addition, the great apes (chimpanzees) living in this area have isolated a virus from their blood that can cause AIDS in humans, which may indicate the possibility of infection from these monkeys - possibly by biting or cutting carcasses.

There is an assumption that HIV existed for a long time among the tribal settlements of Central Africa, and only in the twentieth century, as a result of increased population migration, spread throughout the world.

AIDS virus

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) belongs to a subfamily of retroviruses called lentiviruses (or "slow" viruses). This means that from the moment of infection until the first signs of the disease appear, and even more so until the development of AIDS, a long period of time passes, sometimes several years. Half of HIV-infected people have an asymptomatic period of about 10 years.

There are 2 types of HIV - HIV-1 and HIV-2... The most widespread in the world is HIV-1, HIV-2 is morphologically closer to the monkey immunodeficiency virus - the same one that was found in the blood of chimpanzees.

* - In 2019, a team of scientists in the United States discovered a new HIV strain for the first time in nearly 20 years. This strain is part of the M group of the HIV-1 species. There are many different subtypes or strains of HIV. Like other viruses, it can change and mutate over time. This is the first new strain of group M, discovered after the principles of classification of subtypes were established in 2000.

When it enters the bloodstream, HIV selectively attaches to blood cells responsible for immunity, which is due to the presence on the surface of these cells of specific CD4 molecules that HIV recognizes. Inside these cells, HIV actively multiplies and, even before the formation of any immune response, quickly spreads throughout the body. It primarily affects the lymph nodes, since they contain a large number of immune cells.

During the entire illness, an effective immune response to HIV is never formed. This is primarily due to the defeat of immune cells and the lack of their function. In addition, HIV has a pronounced variability, which leads to the fact that immune cells simply cannot "recognize" the virus.

With the progression of the disease, HIV leads to the defeat of an increasing number of immune cells - CD 4 lymphocytes, the number of which gradually decreases, eventually reaching a critical number, which can be considered the beginning AIDS.

How can you get HIV

  • During sexual intercourse.

Sexual transmission is the most widespread mode of HIV transmission worldwide. The semen contains a large amount of the virus; apparently, HIV tends to accumulate in the semen, especially in inflammatory diseases - urethritis, epididymitis, when the semen contains a large number of inflammatory cells containing HIV. Therefore, the risk of HIV transmission increases with concomitant sexually transmitted infections. In addition, concomitant genital infections are often accompanied by the appearance of various formations that violate the integrity of the genital mucosa - ulcers, fissures, vesicles, etc.

HIV is also found in the discharge of the vagina and cervix.

It should also be remembered about the criminal liability (Art. 122 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which the HIV-positive partner bears, placing the other in a situation that is dangerous from the point of view of HIV infection. In the same Art. 122, a note was added, on the basis of which a person is exempted from criminal liability if the partner was promptly warned about the presence of HIV infection and voluntarily agreed to take actions that created the danger of infection.

During anal intercourse, the risk of transmission of the virus from semen through the thin rectal mucosa is extremely high. In addition, with anal sex, the risk of injury to the rectal mucosa increases, which means the formation of direct contact with blood.

With heterosexual intercourse, the risk of infection from man to woman is about 20 times higher than from woman to man. This is due to the fact that the duration of contact of the vaginal mucosa with contaminated sperm is much longer than the duration of contact of the penis with the vaginal mucosa.

With oral sex, the risk of infection is significantly lower than with anal sex. However, it has been reliably proven that this risk occurs! Condom use reduces but does NOT eliminate HIV infection.

  • Using the same syringes or needles among injection drug users.
  • When transfusing blood and its components.

You cannot get infected with the introduction of normal immunoglobulin and specific immunoglobulins, since these drugs are subjected to special processing to completely inactivate the virus. After the introduction of mandatory testing of donors for HIV , the risk of infection has decreased significantly; however, the presence of a "blind period", when the donor is already infected, but the antibodies have not yet formed, does not completely protect the recipients from infection.

  • From mother to child.

Fetal infection can occur during pregnancy - the virus is able to cross the placenta; as well as during childbirth. The risk of infection of a child from an HIV-infected mother is 12.9% in European countries and reaches 45-48% in African countries. The risk depends on the quality of medical supervision and treatment of the mother during pregnancy, the state of health of the mother and the stage of HIV infection.

In addition, there is a clear risk of infection when breastfeeding. The virus is found in colostrum and breast milk of HIV-infected women. therefore is a contraindication for breastfeeding.

  • From patients to medical personnel and vice versa.

The risk of infection when injured by sharp objects contaminated with the blood of HIV-infected is about 0.3%. The risk of getting infected blood on mucous and damaged skin is even lower.

The risk of HIV transmission from an infected healthcare professional to a patient is theoretically difficult to imagine. However, in 1990, a report was published in the United States about the infection of 5 patients from an HIV-infected dentist, but the mechanism of infection remained a mystery. Subsequent observations of patients who were treated by HIV-infected surgeons, gynecologists, obstetricians, dentists did not reveal a single fact of infection.

How you can not get HIV infection

If there is an HIV-infected person in your environment, you must remember that you cannot get infected HIV at:

  • Coughing and sneezing.
  • Handshake.
  • Hugs and kisses.
  • Sharing food or drinks.
  • In pools, baths, saunas.
  • Through "pricks" in transport and metro. Information about possible infection through infected needles that HIV-infected people put on the seats, or try to inject people in a crowd with them, is nothing more than myths. The virus remains in the environment for an extremely short time, in addition, the content of the virus at the tip of the needle is too small.

Saliva and other biological fluids contain too little of the virus, which cannot lead to infection. There is a risk of infection if body fluids (saliva, sweat, tears, urine, feces) contain blood.

HIV symptoms

Acute febrile phase

The acute febrile phase appears approximately 3-6 weeks after infection. It does not occur in all patients - in about 50-70%. In the rest, after the incubation period, the asymptomatic phase immediately begins.

The manifestations of the acute febrile phase are nonspecific:

  • Fever: fever, more often subfebrile condition, i.e. not higher than 37.5 ° C.
  • Sore throat.
  • Swollen lymph nodes: the appearance of painful swelling in the neck, armpits, groin.
  • Headache, eye pain.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Drowsiness, malaise, loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Skin changes: skin rash, ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Serous meningitis can also develop - damage to the membranes of the brain, which is manifested by headache, photophobia.

The acute phase lasts from one to several weeks. In most patients, it is followed by an asymptomatic phase. However, approximately 10% of patients experience a fulminant course of HIV infection with a sharp deterioration in the condition.

Asymptomatic phase of HIV infection

The duration of the asymptomatic phase varies widely - in half of HIV-infected people it is 10 years. The duration depends on the rate of reproduction of the virus.

During the asymptomatic phase, the number of CD 4 lymphocytes progressively decreases, a drop in their level below 200 / μL indicates the presence AIDS.

The asymptomatic phase may not have any clinical manifestations.

Some patients have lymphadenopathy - i.e. an increase in all groups of lymph nodes.

Advanced stage of HIV - AIDS

At this stage, the so-called opportunistic infections - these are infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms that are normal inhabitants of our body and are not capable of causing diseases under normal conditions.

There are 2 stages of AIDS:

A. Decrease in body weight by 10% compared to baseline.

Fungal, viral, bacterial lesions of the skin and mucous membranes:

  • Candidal stomatitis: thrush is a white cheesy plaque on the oral mucosa.
  • Hairy leukoplakia of the mouth is a white, grooved plaque on the lateral surfaces of the tongue.
  • Shingles is a manifestation of the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus, the causative agent of chickenpox. It manifests itself as a sharp soreness and rash in the form of bubbles on large areas of the skin, mainly the trunk.
  • Repeated frequent occurrences of herpes infection.

In addition, patients constantly suffer pharyngitis (sore throat), sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear).

Bleeding gums, hemorrhagic rash (hemorrhages) on the skin of the hands and feet. This is associated with developing thrombocytopenia, i.e. a decrease in the number of platelets - blood cells involved in clotting.

B. Decrease in body weight by more than 10% from the original.

At the same time, others join the above infections:

  • Unexplained diarrhea and / or fever for more than 1 month.
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs.
  • Toxoplasmosis.
  • Intestinal helminthiasis.
  • Pneumocystis pneumonia.
  • Kaposi's sarcoma.
  • Lymphomas.

In addition, severe neurological disorders occur.

When to suspect HIV infection

  • Fever of unknown origin for more than 1 week.
  • An increase in various groups of lymph nodes: cervical, axillary, inguinal - for no apparent reason (absence of inflammatory diseases), especially if lymphadenopathy does not go away within a few weeks.
  • Diarrhea for several weeks.
  • The appearance of signs of candidiasis (thrush) of the oral cavity in an adult.
  • Extensive or atypical localization of herpetic eruptions.
  • A sharp decrease in body weight, regardless of any reason.

Who is at higher risk of contracting HIV

  • Injection addicts.
  • Homosexuals.
  • Prostitutes.
  • Persons who practice anal sex.
  • People with multiple sex partners, especially if they are not using condoms.
  • Persons with other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Persons in need of transfusions of blood and blood components.
  • Persons in need of hemodialysis ("artificial kidney").
  • Children whose mothers are infected.
  • Medical workers, especially those in contact with HIV-infected patients.

Prevention of HIV infection

Unfortunately, to date, no effective vaccine against HIV has been developed, although in many countries there is now extensive research in this area, on which they pin great hopes.

However, so far, the prevention of HIV infection is reduced only to general prevention measures:

  • Safe sex and consistent, reliable sex partner.

Using condoms can help reduce the risk of infection, but even when used correctly, a condom is never 100% protective.

Condom rules:

  • the condom must be the right size.
  • it is necessary to use a condom from the very beginning of intercourse until completion.
  • the use of condoms with nonoxynol-9 (spermicide) does not reduce the risk of infection, since it often leads to irritation of the mucous membrane, and, therefore, to microtrauma and cracks, which only contributes to infection.
  • there should be no air in the seminal receptacle - this can cause the condom to break.

If sexual partners want to be sure that there is no risk of infection, they should both be tested for HIV.

  • Refusal to use drugs. If addiction cannot be dealt with, only disposable needles should be used and never shared needles or syringes
  • HIV-infected mothers should avoid breastfeeding.

Drug prophylaxis has been developed for suspected HIV infection. It consists in taking antiretroviral drugs, as in the treatment of patients with HIV, only in different dosages. The course of preventive treatment will be prescribed by the doctor of the AIDS center at a full-time appointment.

HIV test

Early diagnosis of HIV is critical to successful treatment and prolonged life expectancy in these patients.

When should I get tested for HIV?

  • after having sex (vaginal, anal or oral) with a new partner without a condom (or if the condom breaks). after sexual assault.
  • if your sexual partner has had sex with someone else.
  • if your current or past sex partner is HIV-positive.
  • after using the same needles or syringes to inject drugs or other substances, as well as for tattoos and piercings.
  • after any contact with the blood of an HIV-infected person.
  • if your partner has used someone else's needles or has been exposed to any other risk of infection.
  • after detecting any other sexually transmitted infection.

Most often, the diagnosis of HIV infection is carried out by methods that determine antibodies to HIV in the blood - i.e. specific proteins that are formed in the body of an infected person in response to the ingress of a virus. Antibodies build up within 3 weeks to 6 months after infection. Therefore, the analysis for HIV becomes possible only after this period of time, the final analysis is recommended to be performed 6 months after the alleged infection. Standard test method for antibodies to HIV called enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) or ELISA ... This method is very reliable, its sensitivity is over 99.5%. Test results can be positive, negative, or equivocal.

If the result is negative and there is no suspicion of recent (within the last 6 months) infection, the HIV diagnosis can be considered unconfirmed. If there is a suspicion of recent infection, retest is done.

There is a problem of so-called false positives, so when a positive or doubtful answer is received, the result is always checked with a more specific method. This method is called immunoblotting. The result can also be positive, negative, or questionable. If a positive result is obtained, the diagnosis of HIV infection is considered confirmed. If the answer is doubtful, a second study is required after 4-6 weeks. If the repeat immunoblot result remains uncertain, a diagnosis of HIV infection is unlikely. However, for its final exclusion, Western blotting is repeated 2 more times with an interval of 3 months or other diagnostic methods are used.

In addition to serological methods (i.e. determination of antibodies), there are methods for direct detection of HIV, with which it is possible to determine the DNA and RNA of the virus. These methods are based on PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and are very accurate methods for diagnosing infectious diseases. PCR can be used for early diagnosis of HIV - 2-3 weeks after a dubious contact. However, due to the high cost and the large number of false positives due to contamination of the test samples, these methods are used in cases where standard methods do not allow for the determination or exclusion of HIV with confidence.

Video about which HIV tests you need to take and why:

Medication for HIV and AIDS

Treatment consists in the appointment of antiviral - antiretroviral therapy; and in the treatment and prevention of opportunistic infections.

After diagnosis and registration, a number of studies are carried out to determine the stage and activity of the disease. An important indicator of the stage of the process is the level of CD 4 lymocytes - the very cells that affect HIV, and the number of which is progressively decreasing. If the CD4 lymphocyte count is less than 200 / μL, the risk of opportunistic infection, and, therefore, AIDS becomes meaningful. In addition, to determine the progression of the disease, the concentration of viral RNA in the blood is determined. Diagnostic studies must be carried out regularly, since the course HIV infection it is difficult to predict, and early diagnosis and treatment of concomitant infections is the basis for prolonging life and improving its quality.


The prescription of antiretroviral drugs and the choice of a specific drug is a decision of the specialist doctor, which he takes depending on the patient's condition.

  • Zidovudine (Retrovir) is the first antiretroviral drug. Currently, zidovudine is prescribed in combination with other drugs when the CD4 cell count is below 500 / μL. Zidovudine monotherapy is prescribed only to pregnant women to reduce the risk of fetal infection.

Side effects: impaired hematopoietic function, headache, nausea, myopathy, enlarged liver

  • Didanosine (Videx) - used in the first stage of treatment HIVand after long-term treatment with zidovudine. Most often, didanosine is used in combination with other drugs.

Side effects: pancreatitis, peripheral neuritis with severe pain, nausea, diarrhea.

  • Zalcitabine (Hivid) is prescribed for ineffectiveness or intolerance to zidovudine, as well as in combination with zidovudine at the initial stage of treatment.

Side effects: peripheral neuritis, stomatitis.

  • Stavudine -used in adults in later stages HIV infection.

Side effects: peripheral neuritis.

  • Nevirapine and delavirdine: given in combination with other antiretrovirals in adult patients when signs of progression occur HIV infection.

Side effects: maculopapular rash, which usually goes away on its own and does not require discontinuation of the drug.

  • Saquinavir is a drug belonging to the group of protease inhibitors HIV... The first drug from this group approved for use. Saquinavir is used in the later stages HIV infection in combination with the above antiretroviral drugs.

Side effects: headache, nausea and diarrhea, increased liver enzymes, increased blood sugar.

  • Ritonavir is a drug approved for use both as monotherapy and in combination with other antiretroviral drugs.

Side effects: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lip paresthesia.

  • Indinavir - used to treat HIV infection in adult patients.

Side effects: urolithiasis, increased blood bilirubin.

  • Nelfinavir is approved for use in both adults and children.

The main side effect is diarrhea, which occurs in 20% of patients.

Antiretroviral drugs should be provided free of charge to patients registered at the AIDS center. In addition to antiretroviral drugs, treatment HIV infection consists in the adequate selection of antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, and anticancer agents for the treatment of manifestations and complications AIDS.

Prevention of opportunistic infections

Prevention of opportunistic infections contributes to an increase in the duration and improvement of the quality of life of patients AIDSm.

  • Prevention of tuberculosis: for the timely detection of persons infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis, all HIV-infected persons are given a Mantoux test annually. In case of a negative reaction (i.e., in the absence of an immune response to tuberculin), it is recommended to take anti-tuberculosis drugs for a year.
  • Prophylaxis of Pneumocystis pneumonia is carried out for all HIV-infected with a decrease in CD 4 lymphocytes below 200 / μl, as well as with fever of unknown origin with a temperature above 37.8 ° C, lasting longer than 2 weeks. Prevention is carried out with biseptol.

Opportunistic infections- these are infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms that are normal inhabitants of our body, and under normal conditions are not capable of causing disease.

  • Toxoplasmosis - the causative agent is Toxoplazma gondii. The disease is manifested by toxoplasma encephalitis, i.e. damage to the brain substance, with the development of epileptic seizures, hemiparesis (paralysis of half of the body), aphasia (lack of speech). In addition, confusion, deafness, coma are possible.
  • Intestinal helminthiasis - the causative agents are many helminths (worms). In sick AIDS can lead to severe diarrhea and dehydration.
  • Tuberculosis . Mycobacterium tuberculosis is common even among healthy people, but they can cause disease only with impaired immunity. That is why most of the HIV-infected are prone to developing active tuberculosis, including its severe forms. Approximately 60-80% of HIV-infected people have tuberculosis with lung damage, and 30-40% with other organs.
  • Bacterial pneumonia . The most common causative agents are Staphylococcus aureus and pneumococcus. Pneumonia is often difficult with the development of generalized forms of infection, i.e. ingestion and multiplication of bacteria in the blood - sepsis.
  • Intestinal infections salmonellosis, dysentery, typhoid fever. Even mild forms of the disease, which in healthy people pass without treatment, in HIV-infected people proceed for a long time with numerous complications, prolonged diarrhea and generalization of the infection.
  • Syphilis in HIV-infected, such complex and rare forms of syphilis as neurosyphilis, syphilitic nephritis (kidney damage) are more common. Complications of syphilis develop faster in AIDS patients, sometimes even with intensive treatment.
  • Pneumocystis pneumonia . The causative agent of pneumocystis pneumonia is a normal inhabitant of the lungs, however, with a decrease in immunity, it can cause severe pneumonia. The causative agent is usually referred to as mushrooms. Pneumocystis pneumonia develops at least once in 50% of HIV-infected people. Typical symptoms of Pneumocystis pneumonia are: fever, cough with little sputum, chest pain that worsens with inspiration. In the future, shortness of breath during exercise, weight loss may occur.
  • Candidiasis is the most common fungal infection in HIV-infected people, since the causative agent, the fungus Candida albicans, is normally found in large quantities on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and urinary tract. In one form or another, candidiasis occurs in all HIV-infected patients. Candidiasis (or thrush) manifests itself as a white cheesy plaque on the palate, tongue, cheeks, pharynx, and vaginal discharge. In the later stages of AIDS, candidiasis of the esophagus, trachea, bronchi and lungs is possible.
  • Cryptococcosis is the leading cause of meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) among HIV-infected patients. The causative agent - a yeast fungus - enters the body through the respiratory tract, but in most cases it affects the brain and its membranes. The manifestations of cryptococcosis are: fever, nausea and vomiting, impaired consciousness, headache. There are also pulmonary forms of cryptococcal infection - which are accompanied by cough, shortness of breath, hemoptysis. In more than half of patients, the fungus penetrates and multiplies in the blood.
  • Herpetic infection. For HIV-infected people are characterized by frequent relapses of herpes of the face, mouth, genitals and perianal region. As the disease progresses, the frequency and intensity of relapses increases. Herpetic lesions do not heal for a long time, leading to extremely painful and extensive damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Hepatitis - More than 95% of HIV-infected people are infected with hepatitis B virus, many of them also have concomitant infection with hepatitis D virus. HIV-infected people rarely have active hepatitis B, but hepatitis D in these patients has a severe course.

Neoplasms in HIV infection

In addition to an increased tendency to infections, patients AIDS the tendency to the formation of both benign and malignant tumors increases, since neoplasms are also controlled by the immune system, in particular CD4 lymphocytes.

  • Kaposi's sarcoma is a vascular tumor that can affect the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. The clinical manifestations of Kaposi's sarcoma are diverse. Initial manifestations appear as small reddish-purple nodules that rise above the surface of the skin, which occur most often in open areas that are most exposed to direct sunlight. With progression, the nodes can merge, disfiguring the skin and, when located on the legs, limiting physical activity. Of the internal organs, Kaposi's sarcoma most often affects the gastrointestinal tract and lungs, but sometimes the brain and heart.
  • Lymphomas are late manifestations HIV infection... Lymphomas can affect both lymph nodes and internal organs, including the brain and spinal cord. Clinical manifestations depend on the location of the lymphoma, but are almost always accompanied by fever, weight loss, and sweating at night. Lymphomas can manifest as rapidly growing masses in the mouth, epileptic seizures, headache, etc.
  • Other malignant tumors - in HIV-infected people occur with the same frequency as in the general population. However, in patients HIVthey have a fast course and are difficult to treat.

Neurological disorders

  • AIDS dementia syndrome;

Dementia - This is a progressive decline in intelligence, which is manifested by impaired attention and ability to concentrate, memory impairment, difficulty reading and solving problems.

In addition, motor and behavioral disorders are manifestations of AIDS-dementia syndrome: impaired ability to maintain a certain posture, difficulty walking, tremors (twitching of various parts of the body), apathy.

In the later stages of AIDS-dementia syndrome, urinary and fecal incontinence can join, in some cases, a vegetative state develops.

Severe AIDS dementia syndrome develops in 25% of HIV-infected people.

The cause of the syndrome has not been definitively established. It is believed to be due to the direct effect of the virus on the brain and spinal cord.

  • Epileptic seizures;

The causes of epileptic seizures can be both opportunistic infections affecting the brain and neoplasms or AIDS-dementia syndrome.

The most common causes are: toxoplasma encephalitis, cerebral lymphoma, cryptococcal meningitis, and AIDS dementia syndrome.

  • Neuropathy;

A frequent complication of HIV infection that can occur at any stage. The clinical manifestations are varied. In the early stages, it can occur in the form of progressive muscle weakness, minor impairment of sensitivity. In the future, manifestations may progress, burning pains in the legs join.

Living with HIV

Testing positive for HIV ... What to do about it? How to react? How to live on?

First, try to overcome your panic as quickly as possible. Yes, AIDS fatal disease, but before development AIDS you can live 10 or even 20 years. In addition, now scientists around the world are actively looking for effective drugs, many recently developed drugs really significantly prolong life and improve the well-being of patients. AIDS... Nobody knows where science will reach in this area in 5-10 years.

FROM HIV it is necessary to learn to live. Unfortunately, life will never be the same again. For a long time (perhaps many years), no signs of the disease may appear, the person feels completely healthy and full of energy. But one should not forget about infection.

First of all, you need to protect your loved ones - they must know about the infection. It can be very difficult to tell your parents, your loved one about HIV-positive analysis. But no matter how difficult it may be, loved ones should not be at risk, so partner (s) (both current and former) need to be sure to report the result of the analysis.

Any sex, even with a condom, can be dangerous in terms of transmission of the virus, even if sometimes the danger is extremely small. Therefore, when a new partner appears, you need to give the person the opportunity to make a choice himself. It must be remembered that not only vaginal or anal sex, but also oral sex can be dangerous.

Medical supervision:

Although there may be no signs of illness, regular monitoring is required. Usually this control is carried out in specialized AIDS-centers. Timely detection of disease progression and onset of development AIDS, and, therefore, on time started treatment is the basis for successful treatment in the future and slowing down the progression of the disease. Usually, the level of CD 4 lymphocytes is monitored, as well as the level of viral replication. In addition, the general condition of the patient is assessed, the possible presence of opportunistic infections. Normal indicators of the state of immunity make it possible to exclude the presence AIDS, which means that they allow you to lead a normal life and not be afraid of any cold.


Most people get infected HIV In young age. Many women want to have children. They feel completely healthy and capable of giving birth and raising a child. No one can prohibit the birth of a child - this is a mother's personal business. However, before planning a pregnancy, you need to weigh the pros and cons. After all, HIV is most likely transmitted through the placenta, as well as during childbirth through the birth canal. Is it worth exposing a child to congenital HIV carriage, growing under constant medical supervision, taking toxic drugs? Even if the child does not become infected, he runs the risk of being left without parents, not yet reaching the age of majority ... If, nevertheless, the decision is made, you need to treat pregnancy planning and bearing with all responsibility and even before pregnancy, consult an AIDS center doctor who will direct your actions and review treatment.

Life with AIDS:

When the CD4 lymphocyte count falls below 200 / μL, an opportunistic infection develops or any other signs of a decreased immune response are diagnosed AIDS... Such people should follow a number of rules.

  • Proper nutrition: do not follow any diet, any malnutrition can be harmful. Meals should be high in calories and balanced.
  • Give up bad habits: alcohol and smoking
  • Moderate exercise can positively affect the immune status of HIV-infected
  • You should talk with your doctor about getting vaccinated against some infections. Not all vaccines can be used in people with HIV. In particular, live vaccines must not be used. However, killed vaccines, as well as vaccines that are particles of microorganisms, are suitable for many HIV-infected people, depending on their immune status.
  • It is always necessary to pay attention to the quality of the food and water used. Fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed with boiled water, food must be thermally processed. Untested water must be disinfected; in some countries with hot climates, even tap water can be contaminated.
  • Communication with animals: it is better to exclude any contact with unfamiliar (especially stray) animals. At the very least, it is imperative to wash your hands after contact with an animal, even your own. You need to monitor your pet especially carefully: try not to allow it to communicate with other animals and not allow you to touch the garbage on the street. After a walk, be sure to wash, and it is better with gloves. It is also better to clean up after animals with gloves.
  • Try to limit your communication with sick, cold people. If you need to communicate, you should use a mask, wash your hands after contact with sick people.


Two weeks after the first child was cured of HIV, scientists said that similar treatment can help adults too.

The most important thing is to start early treatment, although this does not guarantee success.

Professor Azie Saez Siriona (Asier Sáez-Cirión) from Institut Pasteur in Paris analyzed 70 people with HIV who were treated with antiretroviral drugs between 35 days and 10 weeks after infection... This is much earlier than HIV patients are usually treated.

All participants' medication regimen was interrupted for various reasons. For example, some people made their own decision to interrupt their medication, others tried other drugs.

In most of the volunteers, the disease returned after stopping treatment, and the virus recurred to the level that it had before treatment. But 14 patients, including 4 women and 10 men, did not have a relapse of the virus after stopping treatment, which was carried out on average for 3 years.

Despite the fact that 14 patients had traces of HIV in their blood, their levels were so low that their bodies could control it without medication.

Treatment of HIV infection

On average, 14 participants stopped taking medication 7 years ago, and one of them managed without drugs for 10.5 years.

More recently, it was announced that the baby was "functionally cured" of HIV after being prescribed three antiretroviral drugs almost immediately after birth: zidovudine, lamivudine and nevirapine... However, experts warned that quick treatment is not suitable for everyone, but it is important to start as early as possible.

"There are three benefits of early treatment," Saez-Siriona explained. "This limits the reservoir of HIV, the diversity of the virus, and preserves the immune response to the virus that controls it."

However, none of the 14 patients was a so-called "super controller", that is, 1 percent of people who are naturally resistant to HIV and quickly suppress the infection. In addition, the majority had severe symptoms that led to early treatment.

"As paradoxical as it may sound, the worse they felt in the beginning, the better they felt afterwards", - said the scientists.

How long does it take for HIV to appear?

A month or two (at the earliest 2-4 weeks) after HIV has entered the body, the first signs of infection may appear. But sometimes HIV symptoms may not appear for years or even ten years after infection. This is why it is important to do HIV tests to help detect the presence of the virus.

The first signs of HIV

During the first 2-4 weeks after HIV infection (and up to 3 months), 40-90 percent of people may develop acute symptoms of the disease that are similar to those of the flu. It is called " acute retroviral syndrome"and is a natural response to HIV infection. During this time, the level of the virus in the blood is high and a person can more easily pass it on to others.

Symptoms such as:


Night sweats

Sore throat

Muscle pain



Enlarged lymph nodes

After the early symptoms of HIV disappear, the virus becomes less active, although it is still present in the body. During this time, the person may not experience any symptoms. It is called latent phase, which can last up to 10 years and longer.

After HIV turns into AIDS, symptoms of fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, fever, chills and others appear.

The likelihood of contracting HIV

The risk of contracting HIV depends on various factors.

Infected blood transfusion - about 90 percent

Pregnancy and childbirth - 30-50 percent

Breastfeeding - about 14 percent

Intravenous injection - 0.5 -1 percent

Accidental stabbing with an HIV-infected needle - 0.3 percent

Unprotected anal sex - 3 percent

Unprotected vaginal sex - about 1 percent

HIV treatment is based on the use of a group of medications that help to stop the multiplication of the immunodeficiency virus, thereby prolonging a person's life. There are entire regimens used to treat patients who have been HIV-infected. There are also principles of treatment that must be strictly adhered to.

Can HIV infection be treated?

It is completely impossible to cure, even despite the cutting edge technologies and existing drugs. But the patient's health can be maintained. In recent years, a number of drugs have been developed that prevent the virus from multiplying and significantly strengthen the immune system. After such therapy, the immunodeficiency virus is hardly detected with repeated. The main thing is to adhere to these rules:
  • you need to take drugs strictly at the same time;
  • it is important to observe the dosage;
  • it is imperative to adhere to a special diet;
  • you can not interrupt the course of treatment.

If the rules of therapy are not followed, the patient is subject to the development of complications. It can be cancer, gangrene, heart disease and death.

How effective can the treatment be?

In the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus, antiretroviral therapy is used, thanks to which (if the rules and treatment regimens are not violated) a protective psychological regime is created, life is extended, and its quality improves. The period of remission is also prolonged, the development of complications is prevented.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, you need to reduce the viral load and increase the CD4 cell count. This will reduce the risk of infection from a sick partner to a healthy partner.

Treatment regimens and principles

Principles of therapy against immunodeficiency virus:
  • It is very important to support the infected person on a psychological level.
  • The state provides patients with free medicines.
  • Before treatment, a complex is prescribed that will determine the degree of HIV, the course of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies and complications.
  • Treatment should be antiviral, symptomatic, and pathogenic.
  • The treatment regimen and dosages are prescribed based on the patient's condition, viral load, existing diseases, the severity of HIV, the presence of complicated consequences.
  • Primary and secondary are required.
At the initial stages of the development of the disease, a certain scheme is drawn up. There can be many of them, but the most commonly used are the following schemes:
  • Scheme 1 assumes the use of a combined therapy method. The patient should take 2 types of drugs from the NRTI group and 1 type of PI. This is the most optimal scheme.
  • Scheme No. 2. In this case, 2 NRTI drugs and 1 NNRTI are also used.
  • Scheme No. 3. Only one group of drugs is used - NRTI, you need to take 3 drugs.
It has been proven that monotherapy does not always give a positive result, so it is best to use different groups of drugs. However, scheme number 3 is used in practice, but in the case when there are contraindications to the use of other groups (pregnancy, etc.). The use of several groups at the same time is justified, since this enhances the effectiveness of treatment.

The immunodeficiency virus has a high degree of vitality, therefore, over time, it begins to mutate and acquire resistance, that is, it becomes resistant to drugs. For this reason, after six months or a year, the patient is assigned a new therapy regimen.

Below is a video from which you can learn about the main principles of HIV treatment, the effectiveness of therapy and other nuances.

Medicines for treatment

The main drugs that are used to treat the immunodeficiency virus:

  • NIOT Group stands for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. The most commonly used drugs: Lamivudine, Abakovir, Didanosine, Zalcitabine, Phosphazide, Zidovudine, Stavudine.
  • NNRTI, that is, non-nucleoside inhibitors of viral reverse tracriptase. Preparations: Ifavirenz, Etravirin, Delavirdine, Nevirapine.
  • SP - protease inhibitors. Protease is an enzyme in a virus. Drugs: Indinavir, Atazanavir, Saquinavir, Darunavir, Ritonavir, Lopinavir, Nelfinavir.
Today, an innovative new generation drug is being developed called “ Quad". It differs in fewer side reactions, acts more effectively and is not addictive. This drug alone can replace 2-3 groups of drugs at the same time. The drug is not yet available as research is underway.

Necessarily therapy includes immunomodulatory drugsthat stimulate the work of lymphocytes. After all, it is these substances that are suppressed in large quantities with weakened immunity.

Before prescribing drug therapy, the doctor analyzes the significant factors:

  • how quickly the disease progresses;
  • what is the degree of immunity deficiency (level of weakened immune system);
  • is the risk of further rapid development of immunodeficiency high;
  • how much the patient himself consciously relates to therapy and compliance with all prescriptions.
Against the background of the development of the human immunodeficiency virus, many diseases arise. To eliminate them, the following therapy is used:
  • With pneumocystis pneumonia, which is manifested by shortness of breath and cough, "Biseptol", "Clindamycin" is prescribed.
  • With toxoplasmosis of the cerebral form, the doctor will prescribe "Doxycycline", "Fansidar", "5-fluorouracil". This disease is considered dangerous, as it can be fatal.
  • If it is present in the mouth or genitals, such antiviral agents are used: Valacyclovir, Famciclovir, Acyclovir.
  • In case of cytomegalovirus infection, which is characteristic of the presence of HIV, "Ganciclovir" or "Cymeven" is used.
  • Cryptococcosis often occurs against the background of the human immunodeficiency virus, so the doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs: "Fluconazole", "Amphotericin B".
  • If Kaposi's sarcoma develops, and this happens only in the late stages of HIV, then the patient is prescribed chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Medicines are used: "Doxorubicin", "Bleomycin", "Vinblastine".
  • With tuberculosis, the patient must take additional drugs that are used for uninfected people.

Folk recipes

Thanks to the general condition of the infected patient improves. After all, many herbs are able to increase immunity and generally strengthen the entire immune system. Not only herbs are used, but also other means:
  • Banana kvass. Buy a few ripe bananas, rinse them thoroughly and wipe them off with a paper towel. Peel the bananas. The pulp can be eaten, and kvass can be made from the skin. Grind them, you should have 3-4 cups of skins. Place them in a glass container (3 liter jar) and add 200 grams of sugar. Be sure to add a spoonful of homemade sour cream. Stir the mixture and cover with warm water to the very top. Cover the jar with gauze and secure. You need to put the kvass in a warm place, for example, near a heating radiator. Kvass will ferment for 14-16 days. After cooking, leave about a liter of liquid in the jar, and take the rest by mouth, 50 ml 3-4 times a day, strictly before eating. Use the kvass remaining in the common can to prepare a new portion of this healing drink.
  • Make st. John's wort decoctionsince it suppresses the symptoms of HIV. For 50 grams of herb, take 25 grams of sea buckthorn oil (preferably natural). Pour dry water, boil for 10 minutes, let it brew. When the broth is warm, add the oil. Leave the mixture for 3-5 days to infuse. Take four times a day, 100 ml.
  • Drink throughout the day green tea... The Kakhetians it contains inhibit the development of the virus. It is enough to drink 2-3 cups a day.
  • There is such a rare plant as sprunela... If you manage to get it (it is rare in pharmacies), be sure to prepare a healing broth. For 50 grams of dry grass, you will need one and a half liters of boiling water. Pour over the herb and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Then strain and add 50 grams of nettle. Put on fire and cook for an hour. Strain the broth again. You must drink a glass of the drug during the day.
  • Purify the blood from viruses and help root part... Brew in the usual way (indicated on the package), strain and add honey to taste. Take 200 ml on an empty stomach.
  • Broth or tincture of calendula... The tincture should be taken according to the scheme: on an empty stomach, drink 2 drops diluted in water. Then take another 1 drop hourly and before going to bed again 2. Consumption schedule - 3/3, that is, take the tincture for the first 3 days, take a break for the next 3 days, and so on. The decoction is prepared according to the instructions on the package, it must be taken 1-2 times a day for a week, and then take a break.

Therapy at various stages of HIV infection

Stage one. At the first stage of the development of the immunodeficiency virus, therapy is not prescribed, but chemoprophylaxis is carried out. Medicines are used that are prescribed only by the attending physician.

Stage two. The second stage is divided into types:

  • A: No therapy is usually prescribed. But if the level of CD4 lymphocytes is less than 200 / cc. mm, then drugs are selected.
  • B: if the CD4 cell count exceeds 350 / cc. mm, then therapy is not needed.
  • Q: if your CD4 cell count is over 350 / cu. mm, treatment is not prescribed, but in the presence of symptoms of the 4th degree, therapy is carried out.
Stage three. HAART is indicated when the CD4 cell count is less than 200 / cc. mm, the RNA of the virus is more than 100,000 copies. Also, treatment can be prescribed at the initiative of the patient himself.

Stage four. In this case, treatment is required. Especially if the CD4 cell count is less than 350 / cc. mm.

Stage five. Life-long therapy is prescribed.