Seeing a fast river in a dream. River with clean water according to the dream book

Did you dream about a beautiful and exceptionally clean river? Soon you will experience immense happiness and be completely satisfied with life. The dream book will explain in detail the various options for what this enchanting image is dreaming of.

Miller's assurances

Miller's dream book is sure that a transparent and clear river at night means that there are tempting prospects ahead of you that will help you fully enjoy your existence.

You will be healthy!

Why else is there a dream of a particularly transparent rivulet? This is a reflection of the success of all affairs and good health.

Even if a slight illness overtakes you, such a river guarantees that it will pass almost instantly.

For family people, clear water in a dream promises stable prosperity and tranquility in the house.

Do not forget!

Dreamed of a big and clean river? The coming period promises an increase in income, a comfortable existence and modest joys.

In addition, a large river in a dream symbolizes an important conversation, cleansing tears and good news.

The dream book reminds that the interpretation of sleep also depends on the color of the water. So blue foretells good luck, green foretells career growth, and black foretells trouble and even trouble.

Hold on!

What is the dream of a clean, but at the same time quite turbulent river? Prepare for the same stormy, but strictly positive events.

Dreamed of a literally seething river? The current business is stalled because of your bad character. The dream book recommends restraining emotions and looking at things more detached.

Happened to see stones in the water? On the way, there will be obstacles that you can easily overcome. If there was a stormy mountain stream, then a sharp deterioration in health shines on you.

Everything will happen very quickly!

What does a clear river with a fast flow mean in a dream? This is a reflection of the momentary change of events, which are of an exceptionally kind nature.

At the same time, a stream with a fast current hints at a successful overcoming of difficulties.

Wait ...

Why dream of a clean river with fish? The dream interpretation believes that soon one of the cherished desires will come true. Seeing a river bed with fish is a generous gift of fate.

For dreamers engaged in business, the vision promises good deals and generally excellent prospects. Sometimes a stream with fish marks a fateful test in a dream, which a strong spirit and will will help to survive.

Deciphering the terrain

For further interpretation of the dream plot, the dream book advises to remember the features of the area where the clear river flowed.

  • On a rocky desert - a closed, modest life.
  • In the forest - the need for contemplation, peace.
  • There are ample opportunities in the field.
  • The city has a noisy, overly busy lifestyle.
  • Falls into the sea - the need for reflection.
  • To another river - a new period, changes.
  • The two merge - a long and happy marriage.

Don't get carried away!

Why dream about what happened to swim in clean water? The dream interpretation suspects that you are reveling in your own love, but do not notice what is happening around. Being in love euphoria, you risk missing an important chance.

Did you have a chance to swim in a dream in the very center of a wide river bed? It is urgent to check all business-related matters. He is in latent danger.

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy, satisfaction with the course of your life.

The noise of the river in a dream foreshadows some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river, reflecting the surrounding nature, portends future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life.

If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. The setbacks predicted by this dream can adversely affect your future.

To see a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great trouble, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of a serious illness or death.

The river of milk in a dream portends great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure.

If you dream that the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surroundings, then a great shock awaits you and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream can also mean a big scandal that can be bad for your future.

A dream in which you saw that the river carries you away with its current means that you should control your feelings and not try to take evil off your friends or loved ones, as this can lead to a break in some kind of relationship. Such a dream also portends danger, illness, or a lengthy lawsuit.

It is better to see in a dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely bring the business you started to the end.

Looking at the river from a high bank in a dream means that soon you will have a road. The longer the river is, the longer your road will be.

If you dream that the river has blocked your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail.

Crossing a river in a dream means fulfilling a secret desire or achieving a great goal. Such a dream often portends a large profit.

If in a dream someone helps you to swim across the river, then you are in for a lucky break. Such a dream can portend a win or unexpected money.

Wading the river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles.

If you dream that a calm river with clean and transparent water flows in your house, then soon a rich guest will visit your house, who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny.

If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm flow of your life and entail a long discord between members of your family.

Jumping into the river in a dream means that you hope that your affairs will get better soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, float.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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The stormy river seen in a dream is a reflection of an exciting life stage. This is a period when life is "in full swing": nerves are tense, feelings are heightened, and events are replacing each other with great speed. But, like all symbols, a dreaming river, quickly carrying its waters, something, and even promises. To everyone who wants to know this, dream books offer their explanations of why this is a dream.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, if you dreamed about a stormy river that blocked your path, then this means that you will encounter grumpy personalities who will drag you into a squabble. But if you successfully overcome this obstacle in a dream, then in reality, you will be able to extricate yourself from the conflict.

Brief interpretations

Dreamed of a stormy river? Why is this dreaming, dream books will prompt you without difficulty. But what you should pay special attention to is what you were doing near her.

  • They tried to wade across the river - to decisive actions.
  • If you see that you have fallen, you will find yourself in an awkward situation.
  • Admired the fast flow - come to the rescue of a friend.
  • Swam in a boat, resisting the stormy stream - you will be able to achieve what you want.

Fall into the rapids, or there are no minor troubles ...

Swimming in a stormy river and drowning is not the best dream, you must agree. Pastor Loff's dream book explains that such stories mean clues from above: pay attention to problems and solve them in time.

In a dream, you fell into a rapture, but decided not to resist and go with the flow? Why is this dreaming, interested? Then seek help from the Wanderer's dream book. The interpretation of the dream that he offers describes the reality very accurately: if in a dream you swam in the fast waters of the river, without even thinking of opposing the stream, then this means your inability or unwillingness to be the "master" of your fate.

A dangerous hobby is a sign of fearlessness and optimism

Seeing in a dream that you are rafting and rafting on a mountain stormy river is a sign that you do not know fear. But at the same time, you are a reasonable person, never risking without self-confidence.

In a dream, you explained to beginners what dangers a mountain river is fraught with? You will achieve respect in the team. And if you dreamed that the rafting on a mountain river was interrupted by a log that blocked the channel, then some circumstances will "try" to scare you with the impossibility of realizing your plans, but your optimism will help you overcome all obstacles, the Lunar Dream Book pleases.

Bridge as a symbol of new life

If you are puzzled by the question of what the bridge over the rapids is dreaming of, then remember if there was dirty water flowing under it. If you see that she is dirty and muddy, then you will have the opportunity to strengthen your authority by refuting the gossip about a colleague. Dirty water rushing at a breakneck speed, so that splashes hit your face and clothes? You will have to justify yourself.

If you dreamed about a calm river, then the life of a person who sees such a dream will flow in a calm channel. And if there are thresholds, then these are most likely minor troubles and it is not worth talking about them. A stormy river in a dream will leave no doubt that life will pass brightly, with memorable pictures and unexpected changes.

What if you dream of crossing the river?

But this is a general interpretation of the river dream, without details. But each dream needs to be interpreted taking into account the surrounding objects, the time of the year, the time of day and the presence of other symbols, which are sometimes crucial for a more accurate understanding of sleep.

For example, a dream in which the dreamer is forced to cross the river means that in reality he is in too much haste with some business, advancing, as they say, at the wrong time. Perhaps you need to slow down a little with the development of events and not force them too much.

If the one who sees the dream swims across this river, then such an action can affect the fulfillment of many of his desires. You need to learn to swim in reality and then you won't have to look for a ford in your dreams, alienating your dreams!

It is important that any crossing or even an attempt to cross a river in a dream foreshadows or expresses the dreamer's desire to change the course of his life. Go from a turbulent stream to a quieter one, and from a smooth flow of life - to the most interesting and impetuous one.

But what matters here is whether the goal is achieved. When crossing a river, crossing it or crossing it by boat, it is important to get to the other side. In some dream books, the crossing of the river ford, in itself, means an obstacle, a stop on the way. But if, nevertheless, a person sees the shore, then this means that the goal has been achieved.

Of no small importance for the interpretation of sleep is the purity of the water in the river. If it is clean, then the dreamer will have a happy life on all sides, and if it is dirty, then life will flow in quarrels, gossip and endless personal and family problems.

What portends?

A dry river does not bode well in all dream books, without exception. This is either an imminent bankruptcy, impoverishment and gray everyday life, or a depletion of vitality or a complete decrease in sexuality.

On the contrary, the flood foreshadows the rise of strength and emotions, the desire to live and create. Sometimes a river overflowing on the way promises in reality trouble at work. But with a surge of fresh vitality, turning the anger of the bosses at the mercy of their labor successes will not present difficulties.

It is better for women to avoid rivers in their dreams, as dreams with rivers always turn into health changes for them.

If you dream about swimming in clean water, then you can expect wealth and a happy life. And even if you fall into a clean river and be carried away by the current, then nothing terrible will happen. But a simple wash in river or spring water in a dream, which means you need to be wary - this will lead to misfortune and disease.

Having learned about why you dream of crossing the river, you can not be upset about sleep. Everything that can happen later are quite everyday situations that happen at every verst of a person walking along the road of life. The main thing is not to repeat mistakes and not then try to enter the same river, in the same place.

Dreamed of a river with clear water? In a dream, this is a messenger of cloudless happiness, incredible luck and mutual love. The dream book will tell you in detail why this image is still dreaming.

It will be even better!

In a dream, a wide and clear river reflects good thoughts, good intentions and a positive mood. In addition, the dream book is sure that this is a sign of good health and a relatively comfortable existence.

Swimming in such a river, especially if you dreamed that it was cool, promises an even greater strengthening of health and position.

Did you happen to see a river with the purest water? This means that soon all adversity will end, and a favorable period will come.

Independence or financial difficulties?

An absolutely transparent wide river acts as a symbol of independence and freedom in a dream. But if you happen to see corpses or large objects floating on it, then serious sorrows and difficulties will replace joy and satisfaction.

Why else is there a dream about a river with clean water? If its surface is quiet and smooth, then profits will literally flow like a river. If you are restless, then the dream book advises you to prepare for financial problems.

Absolute clarity

Had a dream that a completely transparent rivulet flows into the sea? The image indicates an excellent opportunity to realize the dreamer's talents or a conceived plan.

Interpretation of actions

A truthful interpretation of a dream is impossible without taking into account more specific details and actions of the dreamer himself.

  • Relaxing on the shore - get good news.
  • Sunbathing is a slight discomfort.
  • Swimming - to unexpected wealth.
  • Swim across - to a dream come true.
  • Wade to go - to cunning.
  • Sailing on a ship is an early marriage.
  • On a boat - to consent in marriage.
  • To fall - to surprise, surprise.
  • Friends will help you to sink.

Prepare for challenges!

What is the dream of a stormy river with clean water? The dream book claims that it symbolizes a life full of events, but strictly positive.

Had a dream about a stormy mountain stream? There is a chance of catching an ailment, but the precautions taken in time will reduce it to a minimum.

Sometimes in a dream, a stormy river marks surmountable waking trials. Soon there will be changes that will delight, and a series of interesting events will only add enthusiasm and excitement.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book claims that a river with clear water and a smooth surface means the onset of a joyful period that promises tempting prospects and opportunities.