Types of floor insulation in a wooden house. What insulation for the floor is better: characteristics of expanded clay, mineral wool, glass wool, expanded polystyrene, polystyrene What kind of insulation is better for insulating the floor

In order for the home to be cozy and comfortable, and you and your children can walk around the house barefoot without the risk of catching a cold, you need a warm floor.

In apartment buildings, the reason for cold floors is concrete floors, which are a good heat conductor. But wooden floors, despite the good thermal insulation qualities of wood, need insulation. Let's try to figure out how to insulate the floor, namely, what materials exist for this, what are their advantages and disadvantages.

Varieties of heaters

On the construction market, there is a wide variety of materials for thermal insulation, the use of which allows you to insulate a wooden or concrete floor. They can be divided into three groups:

  • wood-shaving;
  • mineral;
  • polymer;
  • Cork.

Let's consider each type in more detail, the pros and cons of each material.


This is the simplest and highest quality thermal insulation. It includes:

  • sawdust;
  • plywood;
  • ecowool.


It is a safe natural material. On their basis, various mixtures are prepared with sand, cement, lime, and other components.

Sawdust should be dry, mold-free, medium-sized, aged for at least one year.

It is an eco-friendly, cheap and reliable insulation that retains heat well.


Chipboard - wood shavings pressed into boards with a binder and special additives. It insulates sound, heat well. Despite its strength, chipboard is easy to cut and cut.

Perfect for working with concrete, but since it has the property of absorbing moisture, you need to start work with waterproofing.


Plywood is simple and easy to use. It can be easily covered with linoleum, carpet or any kind of paint.

For the floor, it is necessary to choose a waterproof grade of plywood made from environmentally friendly materials.


On the basis of sawdust, a modern eco-friendly material is produced - ecowool. It is made from newspaper waste paper with the addition of antiseptics and fire retardants. Does not deform during long-term use, perfectly retains heat, excellent sound insulator.

Ecowool is easy to use, it can be easily filled by hand between the logs. It has one drawback - high cost.


The use of such materials does not require special construction skills.

Mineral wool

One of the most popular floor insulation materials is mineral wool. It is a natural, eco-friendly product with fireproof properties.

Mineral wool is durable, does not shrink, does not deform with temperature drops. Provides excellent sound and heat insulation. It is produced in different sizes of slabs, rolls and mats, which makes it easy to install on a concrete floor. The disadvantages include a rather large layer thickness.

Expanded clay

A type of heat-treated clay - expanded clay - is not bad for the floor. Durable, resistant to dynamic loads and temperature drops, provides good sound insulation, perfectly retains heat.

It is produced in the form of granules, which are simply distributed between the lags by hand. Expanded clay is relatively inexpensive. It is fragile, absorbs moisture well, which, of course, is a disadvantage.


All polymer heaters are produced using similar technologies, have a porous structure and low weight.


It is one of the most popular polymers used to insulate walls (both inside and outside) and floors in private houses. He has undeniable advantages:

  • very convenient to use, easy to cut, fit;
  • does not absorb moisture, is resistant to decay;
  • does not deform during the entire service life;
  • keeps warm well;
  • has a low cost.

The disadvantages of foam include low fire resistance. In addition, an unpleasant odor may occur when heated.

Styrofoam is well mounted on any surface, but it is most effective for insulating a concrete floor.


The innovative building material penoplex has a cellular structure and good heat-saving qualities. Like polystyrene, it is simple and easy to install, cannot be deformed, and does not absorb moisture.

Penoplex has a long service life. Its disadvantages include rapid flammability and the release of hazardous substances during combustion. It can be easily mounted on concrete and wooden floors under a screed or laid on the joists after the frame has been installed.

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is gaining more and more popularity. It is one of the inexpensive polymers, lightweight, durable, solid. Resistant to high and low temperatures, wear-resistant. The material does not absorb moisture, it is not subject to damage by fungus and mold.

With long-term operation, the properties of expanded polystyrene are preserved, which is facilitated by its cellular structure. Like all polymers, it has little fire resistance. Easy to work with, easy to assemble.


An excellent insulation is izolon - foamed polyethylene. Izolon has zero water absorption, which makes it impossible for mold or mildew to appear.

Keeps warm well, lightweight, elastic material. It is produced in rolls, which are easily laid on the surface and secured with adhesive tape. Self-adhesive isolon can be purchased.

Polyurethane foam

By spraying, polyurethane foam is applied to the floor, which creates an even layer of insulation. It is a lightweight and durable polymer that is resistant to decay and mildew.

Has good fire retardant properties. It is absolutely safe for human health.


A special polymer paint, which is the thinnest insulation, copes very effectively with thermal insulation. This is a new development in the building materials market. Possesses water-repellent and fireproof qualities, the paint is easy to apply and dries quickly.


In an age of environmental concern, it's no surprise that many are opting for natural materials. The bark of the cork tree has excellent thermal insulation properties. Cork differs from other natural materials in its honeycomb structure, which includes large and small cells filled with air.

Technical plug absorbs sound and vibration well, it is strong and durable. It is produced in the form of rolls, has a small thickness and good density. The small thickness of the product allows you to insulate floors in rooms with a maximum height. Differs in ease of installation on any surface. Like any natural material, it has a high cost.

The advantages of an insulated floor

Taking into account the characteristics of insulating materials, we can conclude about the advantage of a floor with insulation:

  • reduced heat loss to the outside or into the ground through the coldest surface in the room;
  • reduced energy consumption, thereby saving the family budget;
  • the formation of condensation on the floor surface is prevented, making it impossible for the occurrence of mold and mildew;
  • additional sound insulation is created.

How to choose a material?

In search of an answer to the question of what is the best way to insulate the floor, do not forget about the norms of building heating technology, which are different for each region of Russia. Thermal insulation will be more effective if you choose the best option for your particular flooring.


First of all, it is necessary to calculate the thickness of the material. For this, resistances are taken into account:

  • air acceptance by the floor - R1;
  • passing through the floor of heat - R2;
  • heat transfer - R3.

All layers are taken into account, including the air gap. The density of the material is divided by the coefficient of its thermal conductivity. The result of the calculation is the value of the coefficient of heat transmission through the floor.

A product with a thickness equal to the sum of all resistances should be equal to the heat resistance rate for a specific region, determined according to SNiP II - 3 - 1979 "Construction thermal equipment".

The microclimate in your home, warmth and comfort in winter cold weather and autumn bad weather will depend on the accuracy of the calculation.

Concrete floor

For a concrete floor, wood chip insulation, which is mounted on a polyethylene film for waterproofing, is perfect. Mineral wool is also convenient for installation. Thermal insulating paint and foam work effectively.

Inspect the concrete base before starting work. If you find cracks, then be sure to remove them with polyurethane foam.

Wooden floor

For the wooden floor of a private house, mineral wool is perfect, which is convenient to lay under the boards. If you plan to replace the floor after insulation, then use polystyrene or polystyrene foam. It is not always possible to put a dense insulation, in this case, use a cork or chipboard.

Floors play a huge role in keeping the room warm. Heat loss through cold floors reaches 20% of the total volume. By insulating floors in an apartment or a private house, you not only create an optimal microclimate for your family, but also save energy and money resources.

One of the main conditions for comfort and coziness in the house is its insulation, including the presence of thermal insulation of the floor. This is especially important when the floor of the home is in direct contact with the ground. Moreover, the insulation for the floor is necessary not only as a means of improving the comfort of living, but also to reduce the cost of heating the home.

Basic materials for floor insulation

Today, thermal insulation materials are presented on the market in a fairly large amount. Depending on the properties of the insulation, different requirements are imposed on them. The main ones, regardless of the type of material, are low thermal conductivity, high strength, moisture resistance and durability. Most common materials:

  • expanded polystyrene, most often in demand for insulation of concrete floors;
  • extruded polystyrene foam Penoplex, another well-known brand - Technoplex;
  • expanded clay;
  • mineral wool;
  • cork insulation;
  • gypsum or fiberglass;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • cellulose, on its basis ecowool is made;
  • foam glass.

These heaters are divided into two types: natural and artificial. The first category includes cellulose and granular slag, which is a by-product of iron smelting. Its use is quite popular due to its high thermal insulation properties. However, it may contain harmful impurities, so you need to buy it only from trusted suppliers.

It looks like bulk insulation

All other heaters are of the artificial type. By their appearance, they are also divided into several categories:

  1. Sprayable. These are penoizol, or liquid foam, cellulose and polyurethane.
  2. Roll: mineral wool, linoleum, penofol.
  3. Tiled: glass wool, polystyrene foam, foam plastic, foam glass, etc.
  4. Bulk, which include foam glass, granulated slag, expanded clay and sawdust insulation.
  5. Polymer mixtures, that is, bulk insulation.

Depending on what kind of insulation for the warm floor is used, the technology of its installation also depends. For example, linoleum, fiberboard sheets or cork insulation are rolled out on the floor and covered with hard material: parquet, laminate or wood flooring. And mineral wool, expanded clay or extruded polystyrene foam need to be laid screed or logs.

Floor insulation with tiled materials

Features of the most popular materials

Mineral wool and glass wool have good sound and heat insulation properties due to the presence of fine mineral fibers. When burning, harmful toxins are released, and noise is "damped". The disadvantage of glass wool is that it absorbs moisture quickly, so it should not be used in damp rooms.

Most often, both of these materials are used for wooden floors due to their good vapor permeability. However, chemicals, although in small quantities, they still emit, therefore, glass and mineral wool cannot be classified as environmentally friendly materials. Their installation requires a ventilation gap.

Cork insulation is more expensive due to its significantly better characteristics compared to other materials. It retains its strength and integrity for a long time, and it is also considered one of the most environmentally friendly and durable materials. The cork bedding can be placed under the linoleum, which will significantly improve sound insulation. However, the unevenness of such a coating after a while can be transmitted to the linoleum, especially if you put only one layer of material. Such insulation is made from the bark of cork oak.

A good replacement for glass wool is expanded polystyrene. It is a moisture resistant material, so it can be used in damp rooms. Expanded polystyrene reduces heat loss, because it does not conduct heat well. It flashes with difficulty, however, if it ignites, then "write it was gone", since fire resistance is not its quality.

Another name for expanded polystyrene, more familiar to all of us, is polystyrene. It is often used during the installation of a floating screed, after which it is poured with a concrete or cement layer. Due to its good moisture resistance, it can be used to insulate the floor on the balcony.

Due to the low density of glass wool during laying, material slippage is possible, which requires careful control during installation

Another available and inexpensive material is expanded clay. It is also used as a screed floor insulation, but mostly dry. Expanded clay is added to concrete or poured under gypsum fiber boards. It can also be used for a floating screed, but then you need to pour cement or concrete on top. Expanded clay has a porous structure, is made of clay, and serves as an excellent thermal insulation material even in very cold conditions. However, for this purpose, the insulation layer should be at least 10 - 15 cm.

The most important characteristics

Before choosing a floor insulation, one should take into account not only its field of application, but also important parameters, which determine how much the material will retain heat in certain conditions:

  1. Coefficient of thermal conductivity. Perhaps one of the most important parameters. It determines how much the material is able to transmit heat. Equal to the amount of heat that passes through a 1 meter thick material with an area of ​​1 square meter in 1 hour. Calculations of this coefficient should be carried out under the condition that the temperature difference on both sides of the coating is 10 ° C.
  2. The characteristics of the insulation largely depend on the porosity. Equal to the ratio of the number of pores to the total volume of the material.
  3. The ability to absorb water. The lower it is, the better the material is resistant to high humidity conditions.
  4. Water vapor permeability. It depends on it how well the material will "breathe".
  5. Strength. Important when there is a compressive load.
  6. Heat capacity. Determines how long a layer of material can withstand heat during temperature changes.
  7. Fire resistance - the ability of a heater to withstand high temperatures.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account what kind of floor - wooden on logs, concrete or "warm floor" system. In all three cases, different materials will be needed.

Floor insulation in a country house

Do not be surprised why the country house was chosen. The floors in them are both wooden and concrete, so the most different insulation materials are installed.

For insulation of wooden floors, you can use bulk materials, for example, expanded clay or wood concrete, as well as mineral fibers or glass wool. The mineral wool slab is covered with roofing material or polyethylene, then poured with a cement-sand or concrete screed. Polyfoam cannot be used due to poor vapor permeability. The thickness of the insulating layer depends on the climate in the region. If the average air temperature in winter is -20 ° C, then this parameter should be 150 mm and above.

For insulation of the floor, its leveling and subsequent flooring, it is necessary to fill in the bulk gravel layer and tamp it

To insulate wooden pores, it is best to lay logs every 60 cm. The gaps between them are closed with boards with hemmed insulation. On both sides it is necessary to install waterproofing, the layer of which is 200 mm or higher. This insulation technology will protect the material from mechanical stress.

For a concrete floor, just foam is suitable, because it has good moisture resistance, compressive strength and a low coefficient of thermal conductivity. The thickness of this insulation is at least 100 mm.

Thermal insulation should be laid tightly to the logs, leaving no gaps and cold bridges.

It fits in the following way:

  • the concrete base is pre-dried and waterproofing is laid on it, which can be a polyethylene film;
  • then they put the foam and lay the waterproofing layer again;
  • at the end, a concrete screed with a thickness of at least 50 mm is poured.
  • then you can start laying the flooring.

Be sure to put waterproofing on both sides of the insulation

Video on laying floor insulation

Underfloor heating system

This is a so-called low temperature hot water heating system used in apartments, kitchens, bathrooms and children's rooms. It is not installed so often, since this technology is quite expensive. Pipes with circulating hot water are laid under the floor surface. Of course, in addition to pipes, it is necessary to purchase an automatic control device, manifolds, risers and shut-off valves.

Basically, for underfloor heating, polymer pipes are used, which are made from polyethylene, polybutene and polypropylene. They are resistant to corrosion, durable, and have good strength.

There is another version of the "warm floor" system. A cable is laid under the floor covering that converts the current into heat. However, a 3 - 7 cm concrete layer or a cement-sand mortar must be laid on top of the heating elements, and only then the floor covering must be laid. The disadvantage of this technology is that due to malfunctions it is necessary to completely dismantle the floor.

The advantages of low-temperature water heating systems are simplicity of design and low capital costs compared to steam heating systems.

Main conclusions

It is impossible to say for sure which insulation is best for the floor. There are a lot of such materials today. Styrofoam, or Styrofoam, works well for concrete floors. Mineral wool and glass wool are more often used for wooden floors, but they must be well insulated so that dust does not get into the room when it wears out. Ecowool is also best used for wooden floors, but only where there is no moisture.

When choosing a coating, one should pay attention to its thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and other important characteristics.

Warming the floor in a country house is a necessary process. Reliable and high-quality thermal insulation will keep the warmth in the house for a long time, prevent the appearance of condensation and mold, and allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. Up to 20% of the heat leaves the house through the floor! Today, different insulation materials are made, which differ in cost, quality, strength and other parameters. Let's look at what criteria you need to choose insulation.

How to choose insulation

Before choosing a material, you need to carefully study the characteristics and properties of the product. When choosing, take into account the following parameters:

  • High thermal insulation is the main criterion. After all, the main function of the insulation is to keep the warmth in the room;
  • Terms and conditions of operation. The longer the insulation lasts, the less often it will be necessary to make repairs and update the coating;
  • High strength. The floor is constantly exposed to stress, therefore it is important that the material has high strength indicators;
  • Resistant to moisture and vapor permeability. The material must be resistant to dampness and temperature extremes, this will avoid the formation of mold and rot, retain its original appearance and increase the operational life. The water that accumulates in the insulation reduces the thermal insulation by 15-20%;
  • Safety and environmental friendliness are especially important if the insulation is carried out in a wooden house. Natural materials will preserve the ecological purity of wood and will not disturb the healthy atmosphere of the room. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the resistance of materials to fire, in order to ensure safety in case of fire;
  • The weight of the material is a weighty criterion if you do not plan to build a powerful and expensive foundation. In this case, you need a light insulation.

In addition, the choice is influenced by the speed and ease of installation, consumption and cost of insulation. You should also take into account the climatic conditions, area and purpose of the room. Let's take a closer look at the types of materials and find out which insulation is best used for the floor in a private house.

Types of heaters

- a widespread and popular type, which is characterized by low weight and easy installation, good thermal insulation and high strength. It effectively resists moisture, so the material can be used on balconies, basements and other areas with high humidity. However, expanded polystyrene is not recommended for wood floor insulation.

Penosiol- liquid foam, which is easy to pour into hard-to-reach places. Such material is used to seal seams and cracks in the first stages of building a house, as it fills air voids and prevents heat outflow during further operation of the building. Penosiol features light weight and easy installation, moisture resistance and strength.

- an affordable and inexpensive way of insulation. Rigid insulation is added to the concrete mix or covered under gypsum fiber boards. It has a porous structure and high thermal insulation, so the material is used in areas with a cold climate and frosty winters. However, to provide comfortable thermal insulation, 10-15 centimeters of material will be required. This not only increases material costs, but also reduces space.

Mineral and fiberglass wool- cheap materials in the form of slabs or rolls, which are often used for wooden floors. However, they have a large number of disadvantages, including high moisture absorption. As a result, the cotton wool becomes moist and heavy, which shortens the life of the material. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to carry out additional ventilation and make ventilation gaps. In addition, such materials contain chemicals that will violate the environmental safety of a wooden house.

- environmentally friendly loose material, which is made on the basis of cellulose. The product is distinguished by high heat and sound insulation qualities, does not require a large consumption of materials, like expanded clay. A big plus is that ecowool is excellent for insulating hard-to-reach places. However, it is not suitable for rooms with high humidity, as it is not resistant to dampness.

- lightweight, soft and thin insulation, which is considered one of the best. It is characterized by high thermal insulation and moisture resistance, strength and long service life. This fiber can be laid under a floor covering or used as a stand-alone covering, which reduces the cost and time for setting up the floor. In the second case, the fiber is polished and coated with varnish or paint. The result is a natural, aesthetic, durable and warm floor that looks harmonious in a wooden house. The only drawback of such material is its expensive cost.

- thin insulation that will reduce material costs. You only need 5 centimeters to organize good thermal insulation. In addition to retaining heat, polystyrene concrete prevents the penetration of extraneous noise and provides reliable sound insulation. Any covering can be laid on the layer of material. In addition, it will create a flat and smooth surface.

- reliable and durable material that reflects heat back into the room, and does not hold it inside, like other heaters. Foil is durable and waterproof. The advantage of this product is that it can be used for floor insulation in all types of premises (even in a bathhouse and sauna).

By the way, it is not necessary to use only one type of materials for floor insulation. The combination of several options, for example, layers of foam or cotton and foil, will enhance thermal insulation and increase the life of the structure. When you decide what kind of insulation to use for the floor, you can proceed with the installation.

How to properly insulate the floor

To insulate a wooden floor, logs are mainly used. In this case, the bars are laid at a distance of 60 centimeters, and the gaps are filled with boards, to which the insulation is hemmed. It is important to insulate both sides. A waterproofing layer is laid on top of the heat-insulating layer. If you are using foil, the reflective layer must be on the outside!

For a wooden floor, in addition to foil, glass wool and mineral wool, ecowool and cork fiber are suitable. But you cannot use expanded polystyrene! The thickness of the insulation layers depends on the climatic conditions. So, at an air temperature in winter of -15; -25 ° C, the thickness of the thermal insulation is at least 150 mm.

For the concrete floor, polystyrene foam is used in the form of slabs. First, a waterproofing material is placed on the dried concrete surface, a standard plastic wrap will do. Next, the insulation is laid, and then waterproofing again. From above, the layers are poured with a concrete screed with a height of at least 50 mm. The flooring can only be laid after the concrete screed has completely hardened!

When insulating the floor, it is important to follow the installation technology and use only high-quality, reliable materials. Otherwise, the service life of the structure will be reduced. The heat will quickly go away and the room will become cold. Due to insufficient moisture resistance, mold and rot will appear in the house. To avoid such problems, seek professional help!

Masters of the company "MariSrub" will select and calculate suitable materials for a house or a bath, perform all types of work on insulation and arrangement of floors.

Warming the floor in the house is an important procedure that requires a responsible approach. Insulate a wooden floor with high quality - to minimize money costs for heating in the winter and provide the floor covering with a long service life. Currently, the market for insulation materials offers a wide range of products that make it possible to make a person's life comfortable even in cold climates. However, it is necessary not only to correctly install the insulation, but also to choose it correctly. The fact is that each of these materials has features that make it possible to use it in certain cases.

Insulation is performed during the construction of a house, in this case it is not necessary to dismantle the insulation material, and the consumption of building materials and time is minimal. But if it is necessary to insulate the floor of a wooden inhabited house, then it is more difficult to perform the work here. First you need to decide what kind of insulation material is suitable.

Types of heaters

Choosing a heater

The choice of insulating materials is considered deliberately. In no case should you save money on thermal insulation, remember that heat losses in a room entail cash costs for the constantly rising price of electricity for heating housing. But what should be the insulation for the floor in wooden housing and how to choose it correctly, you can determine after you familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of each type of thermal insulation. Popular thermal insulators are:

  1. Ecowool and mineral wool.
  2. Sawdust.
  3. Expanded clay.
  4. Styrofoam and penofol.
  5. Polyurethane foam insulation

They differ from each other in features and installation technology. To choose the right type of insulation, some parameters are taken into account:

  • Temperature and humidity indicators inside a wooden house and the frequency of their changes.
  • The required thickness of the insulation layer.
  • Operating conditions of a wooden floor and expected loads on it.
  • Estimated weight of the floor structure.

Warming with sawdust

It should be noted that wood in itself is a good heat insulator, however, without an additional insulating layer, wood will not provide a high level of heat conservation in the room. High-quality thermal insulation of the floor is carried out with wood sawdust.

This material has a number of advantages, including:

  • Low price. Buying sawdust will be cheaper than buying mineral wool.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material. To insulate the floor with sawdust in a wooden house, the subfloor will need to be covered with material.
  • The thickness of the layer is from five centimeters or more. The thicker the insulation layer, the better.
  • Sawdust can be easily poured into crevices and other hard-to-reach places where another type of thermal insulation cannot be laid on the floor.

Warming with sawdust

Advice! Insulation of a wooden house with sawdust is done then, if you are not afraid of a high level of fire hazard, in another case it is wiser to pay attention to a heat-insulating material that has a lower degree of flammability.

Mineral wool insulation

If you are faced with the question of what is the best way to insulate a wooden floor, then mineral wool would be the ideal solution. At the moment, such thermal insulation is an attractive solution in terms of price and quality. In addition, mineral wool has many advantages in comparison with other heaters:

  • Low degree of thermal conductivity, this allows you to minimize heat losses in winter.
  • Excellent level of water repellency. Mineral wool is used as insulation in houses with high humidity, the material does not allow moisture to pass through.
  • Non-flammability. This indicator minimizes the occurrence of a fire.
  • Long service life. Thermal insulation of a wooden floor with mineral wool ensures a long service life of the heat insulator, which other materials cannot boast of.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Resistant to decay.
  • Mineral wool is resistant to temperature extremes.
  • Low cost. The price for such a heat insulator is slightly higher than for sawdust, but lower than for most other heat insulating materials.
  • Good soundproofing.

A number of disadvantages of mineral wool stems from the pros. The main disadvantage is considered to be a low level of vapor permeability, because of this, water condensate collects on the heat insulator. Therefore, if you have chosen mineral wool, then think about a vapor barrier device.

In addition, over time, the mineral flooring cakes, which negatively affects the properties of the cotton wool - the thermal insulation becomes worse. Therefore, during installation, it is recommended to lay mineral wool in two or three overlap layers. The installation of the insulation is carried out without gaps, a vapor barrier layer is placed on top of it, the seams are glued, such a step will ensure reliable protection of the mineral wool from the accumulation of condensation on it.

Laying mineral wool

Penofol insulation

Such a material for floor insulation has been used not so long ago, so penofol did not have time to "overgrow" the enormous popularity of many heat insulators. Such insulation consists of two layers, the first layer is foil, the second is insulation. Using penofol as a floor insulation, you provide many advantages:

  • Simplicity and ease of installation. It will not be difficult to lay such material; you do not need to have professional skills for this.
  • The insulation is resistant to mechanical stress.
  • The insulation has a high density, which allows you to lay the material under the wooden subfloor in a thin layer.
  • When using penofol as a heater, there is no need to arrange a vapor barrier, because condensation does not accumulate on such a material.

Advice! Penofol has too high a cost, but don't let that scare you, because the performance of such a heater more than compensates for this price.

To insulate floors using penofol, you must adhere to the following sequence of work:

  • At the first stage - laying a layer of waterproofing.
  • The insulation material itself is laid on the already laid waterproofing layer.
  • Joints and seams are securely closed with polyurethane foam.
  • Further, logs are installed on the insulation in increments of at least fifty centimeters.
  • Between the wooden logs, the insulation is again laid, the cracks and seams are again sealed with foam.
  • Now you can install the boards.


Insulation material foam

This type of insulation, in terms of its popularity, is in the same position as mineral wool. However, the thermal insulation material differs from the latter in higher performance: it does not cake over time, does not absorb moisture and retains its properties for a long time. In addition, by using polystyrene as insulation under wooden floors, you will provide the following benefits:

  1. The highest strength characteristics of the heat insulator, it freely withstands mechanical stress.
  2. Low degree of thermal conductivity. Thanks to this property, even a thin foam layer minimizes heat loss in the room.
  3. Resistant to fire.
  4. Resistance to temperature extremes and negative environmental influences.
  5. The material is not subject to decay.
  6. Foam is not afraid of rodents.


Ecowool insulation material

Choosing ecowool as a heater, you should know that such thermal insulation will take time for installation, in contrast to the above materials. But on the other hand, such a heat insulator will serve you for more than a dozen years and during this time it will reliably keep heat in a wooden house. The disadvantages of the material include its price and the need to use special equipment during the installation process.

Thermal insulation with ecowool

Insulation material penoplex

If you insulate the floor with foam, then here the installation scheme is the same as laying mineral wool. Installation of insulation material is in progress, seams and joints are sealed with foam. Insulation can be laid in two or three layers. The use of penoplex provides the following advantages:

  • During installation, there is no need to make a vapor barrier, because condensation does not collect on such a heat insulator.
  • The material does not require additional protection against moisture.
  • Resistant to any mechanical stress.
  • Penoplex is not afraid of rodents.
  • Has a long service life.

High-quality thermal insulation of the floor is necessary to ensure comfort and prevent the appearance of cold bridges in the house. This issue is especially relevant when it comes to direct contact of the floor with the ground, the coating is located on the border of the heated and unheated parts of the house or in the zone of access to street air. Warming measures will help create optimal living conditions for people, as well as significantly save on heating costs.

In work, you should use a material with low thermal conductivity, compressive strength, moisture resistance and durability.

When choosing a material, you should consider the following factors:

  • Insulated surface area
  • Indoor relative humidity
  • Type of premises (residential / non-residential).

Types of floor insulation

The modern market offers different types of thermal insulation materials, each of which has its own scheme and installation procedure. For example, mineral wool materials are best used to insulate a wooden base, and expanded polystyrene for floors on the ground and concrete bases. Let's consider in detail the most popular types of insulation:

  • Mineral wool

It is characterized by low thermal conductivity, high sound insulation and fire resistance. Mineral wool is available in the form of a flexible mat or solid board. One side of the flexible mat is coated with perforated paper. This side of the mat should be placed directly on the floor surface. One of the sides of the mineral slab is also stiffer and denser (marked with a blue stripe). On the surface of the base to be insulated, the slab should be laid with the marked side.

  • Expanded polystyrene

The use of extradited polystyrene foam allows you to provide high-quality thermal insulation of the floor and significantly save on waterproofing materials. The list of its indisputable advantages includes low thermal conductivity, fire resistance, high strength, resistance to decay and durability.

Measures for thermal insulation of the base with the participation of expanded polystyrene can be carried out at any time of the year without additional leveling of the floor surface.

However, when it comes to insulating concrete floors, make sure that the joints of the thermal insulation materials do not overlap with the joints of the concrete slabs.

  • Expanded clay

This material is made on the basis of ordinary clay. Its quality directly depends on the quality of the starting material (clay), and the cost depends on the size of the fraction (degree of thermal conductivity). The larger the fraction of the granules, the higher the thermal conductivity. Expanded clay is most often used as insulation under the screed.

  • Polystyrene concrete

In comparison with expanded clay, the thickness of the floor insulation with the participation of polystyrene concrete will be much thinner. To ensure high thermal insulation of the floor, it is enough to lay a material 5 cm thick. Any floor materials, including tiles, can be placed on top of the polystyrene concrete. With its help, you can create a perfectly flat base for self-leveling floors.

  • Glass wool

It is especially popular for thermal insulation of wooden floors. This is explained by the high vapor permeability of the material. Lay glass wool between the lags. The next step is the insulation of glass wool, which prevents dust from entering the living space that occurs during the wear of the material. Ensure ventilation clearances when laying materials. Glass wool, like mineral wool, has disadvantages such as water absorption and weight.

  • Cork

This lightweight, thin and safe material is the best option for floor thermal insulation under floor coverings. The indisputable advantages of cork fiber include moisture resistance and durability.

The cork can be used both as a heater and as an independent floor covering. In the second variant, cork slabs are additionally polished and varnished. The result is a beautiful, natural and expensive floor.

  • Sawdust heaters

This category includes ecowool and wood concrete made on the basis of sawdust with the addition of antiseptics, fire retardants and special glue. Ecowool is the most popular these days. It has high heat and sound insulation properties and is environmentally friendly. However, it can only be used where there is no risk of a sharp rise in moisture levels. With the help of ecowool, a layer 15-20 cm thick is created, which, in terms of its thermal characteristics, corresponds to a layer of expanded clay 80 cm thick. Most often, ecowool is used in the construction of wooden floors.

  • Penoizol

This is a liquid foam, which can be used to insulate hard-to-reach places, hermetically seal cracks and cracks. Most often it is used at the stage of building a house to fill air voids, thereby eliminating the outflow of heat.

  • Foil insulation

This material is capable of reflecting heat, keeping it indoors. The foil is placed with the reflective side up to prevent heat leakage into the environment.

Due to its absolute waterproofness and durability, it can be used in rooms with high humidity (baths, saunas).