All types of papilloma virus should be passed. HPV positive: what to do and how to treat it. Sexually transmitted diseases as causes of papilloma

The ability to quantify allows you to assess the types and degree of activity of the infectious agent. An analysis allows you to find out if there are or a person is infected with "harmless" viruses, the likelihood of developing malignant tumors in which is extremely low. This study is of particular importance in cancer of the larynx, and cervical erosion.

Photo 1. Quantitative analysis is required to determine the danger of the virus. Certain strains of HPV cause cancer. Source: Flickr (Jan Das).

Quantitative analysis for HPV

Exist three main ways quantitative analysisfor HPV:

  • Determination of antibodies... Due to the specific molecular structure of immunoglobulins (antibodies) produced against each type of papillomaviruses individually, it becomes possible to judge the presence of one or another HPV strain by their presence in the human body.
  • Digene test... The technique allows you to determine the DNA of the virus in all kinds of biological fluids or biopsies taken for analysis. An analysis is made for the presence in the body of the 18 most common oncogenic types of the virus.
  • PCR(polymerase chain reaction). This diagnostic method is the "gold standard" in the diagnosis of HPV. The analysis technique is built in such a way that even with single virions caught in the samples of the submitted material, the number of copies of their DNA increases, after which the type of papillomavirus is determined.

Important! The quantitative determination of HPV 16, 18 and other oncogenic types is of the greatest clinical importance due to their danger to life and health.

Decoding the quantitative analysis for HPV

The result of all analyzes for the quantitative content of papillomaviruses is information about viral load on the body.

Reference values

Reference values \u200b\u200bare determined in the course of a mass study of an indicator in people with a certain trait (for example, data of the studied value only in men from 20 to 45 years old or only in pregnant women, etc.).

For many laboratory data, reference values make sense in search of a framework of normal indicators analysis performed.

Research criteria

Essential in the study for HPV are indicators that make it possible to determine the number of virions and the number of antibodies.

So the results PCRand Digene test calculated in coefficient Lg, which the indicates the relative number of viruses.

The antibody test is measured in IU / ml and indicates how long ago the infection was made and how strong the response is.

Decoding PCR and Digene-test

  • Negative analysis indicates that no detectable HPV types were identified during the study, which means that the patient is not infected with papillomavirus.
  • Less than 3 Lg... Indicate a low concentration of viruses.
  • 3 - 5 Lg speak of a significant, from a clinical point of view, the concentration of HPV in the body.
  • More than 5 Lg indicates a high content of papillomaviruses in the body.

When tested for the presence of antibodies, the detection IgM indicates recent infection, while IgG - about the long stay of the virus in the body. The higher their concentration, the more actively the virus manifests itself.

What is considered the norm

When passing an analysis for HPV can be considered normal only those analysis data that did not reveal the presence of papillomavirus... This may be the absence of concentration of immunoglobulins in the determination of antibodies to the virus, zero Lg values \u200b\u200bduring the PCR and Digene test.

What can skew test results

  • If the analysis for HPV is carried out on the basis of a cervical scraping or biopsy, then the results may be affected by the use of any contraceptives, hormonal drugs, drugs injected into the vagina, intercourse during the last 3 to 5 days.
  • When donating blood, errors may occur due to food intake, because the analysis is important to take on an empty stomach.
  • In addition to patient errors, there may be mistakesand in the analysis itself... The collection of any material should be carried out under sterile conditions and placed in a special container. Inadequate reagents or technique used can also lead to false positive or false negative results.

Errorswhen taking tests for papillomavirus in a modern laboratory minimaland are extremely rare.

Photo 2. Analysis for papillomavirus is highly accurate.

Cutaneous growths of various shades of flesh color often indicate infection with the human papillomavirus. In total, there are 100 types of HPV and more - of which one can distinguish both the most dangerous (with a high carcinogenic risk) and not dangerous (medium risk and non-oncogenic).

This disease requires accurate diagnosis and effective therapy. No less important is further prevention and periodic examination by a specialist, with the delivery of tests.

Decoding the analysis for papillomavirus is an important stage in the diagnosis of the disease. Based on the indicators obtained as a result of the study of biological material, the attending physician prescribes antiviral therapy and the most appropriate way to remove pathological growths.

HPV - complete blood count

A general analysis of blood or urine does not determine the presence of HPV in the body. This research method is used to identify concomitant sexually transmitted diseases, because in almost all cases, several pathogens are detected.

With HPV, a general analysis of the DNA of this pathogen will not determine, but it will reveal concomitant infections, which makes it possible for a specialist to adjust the therapy.

Such infections include:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Mycoplasmosis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Human immunodeficiency virus, etc.

If the general analysis for HPV is negative for concomitant sexually transmitted infections, therapy is directed only to the treatment of this virus.

Diagnostic methods should be aimed at the qualitative and quantitative determination of the pathogen, as well as a detailed study of the affected surface.

HPV - quantitative analysis. Decryption. Norm

The Daigen test is considered quantitative - it is a diagnostic method based on hybrid DNA capture. For the analysis, it is necessary to take a biological material (smear, scraping). With the help of this study, both the viral load (HPV titers) and the type of strain (typing) are determined.

Only an experienced doctor can interpret the results. The following figures are for informational purposes only:

  • Virus particles<3 на 10 5 клеток эпителия - малозначимая концентрация;
  • 3-5 Lg (HPV / 10 5) - significant;
  • Particles of the pathogen\u003e 5 per 10 5 cells. ep. - high.

In the first case, there are very few papillomavirus DNA particles even to cause the appearance of body growths. Most often, such indicators are accompanied by the self-elimination of the pathogen from the body.

A clinically significant amount of HPV suggests a concentration of the virus sufficient for the manifestation of external symptoms of the disease in the form of cutaneous or anogenital neoplasms. This will require further regular monitoring and prevention.

If, with HPV, a clinically insignificant concentration of the virus cannot be a precursor of oncology, then an increased one in most cases is noted in severe dysplasia. In this condition, atypical cells multiply - there is a high probability of their malignancy.

If the patient, for the purpose of prevention, decided to be tested for the presence of the pathogen and several non-oncogenic HPV strains were identified, this is the norm. The virus can enter the body not only sexually, but also through the skin (if their integrity is violated) - more than 95% of people are carriers of the pathogen. If the doctor did not identify external symptoms, this condition does not require therapy (only in the presence of a small concentration of non-oncogenic strains).

HPV - PCR test results

This research method is carried out using a special device - an amplifier. To obtain results, it is necessary to load pre-prepared samples into the apparatus, which are examined for 4 hours.

Using the polymerase chain reaction method, you can determine the number of particles of the pathogen with HPV, and also carry out DNA typing, which will provide information on the presence of one or more strains of the virus.

The test is able to determine HPV, even if there are several particles of virus DNA in the sample, or it is in the incubation period of development. Automation of the process eliminates the situation when HPV is negative, but there are papillomas.

The advantages of the PCR method:

  • Versatility;
  • Painlessness;
  • The speed of obtaining the result;
  • High sensitivity;
  • Ease of conduct.

The collection of biological material is no less important stage in the procedure than decoding the analysis. Papillomavirus can be found on the mucous membrane of the epithelium, but sometimes it does not get into the scraping. Proceeding from this, only a highly qualified specialist can correctly pick up a piece of the epithelium, having previously estimated the degree of damage and possible transformation zones.

False HPV test results

Methods for determining the concentration and strains of the virus are high-tech and automated - the results are given by devices, so machine errors can be excluded. There are factors that contribute to incorrect results.

Having tested for HPV, a false positive result can be obtained in the following cases:

  • Sample contamination by foreign particles;
  • During the period of elimination of the neutralized virus after effective therapy.

The course of treatment is aimed at stimulating the immune system, which inactivates the cells of the pathogen (excreted from the body due to the high phagocytic activity of cells).

If the HPV test is negative, and pectoral growths or anogenital warts were found during examination, then one of the factors influenced the course of the study:

  • The material is poorly taken;
  • Inflammatory processes in the ovaries, fallopian tubes (in women), or in the prostate gland (in men);
  • Application of antibacterial, contraceptive medicines before sampling;
  • Douching was performed.

If in men the test for human papillomavirus is negative, and genital warts or other pathological growths are present, the results of the analysis (scraping or smear from the urethral canal) could be affected by urination one hour before the sampling.

To obtain reliable information about the presence or absence of the pathogen in the body, you need to check with your doctor if there are any recommendations regarding preparation for the procedure.

HPV enzyme immunoassay - transcript

This study requires the patient's blood. The essence of the analysis is to determine the antibodies specific to the papillomavirus. Leukocytes, due to ingestion of the pathogen, produce immunoglobulins.

With HPV, enzyme immunoassay indicators can only describe the state of the immune system in relation to a foreign agent, but not the fact of the presence of a virus.

ELISA provides an opportunity to learn about:

  • The duration of the presence of the pathogen in the body;
  • The presence or absence of tumor markers (malignant process).

When examining for the human papillomavirus, test results can give the following indicators:

This indicates the presence of specific immunoglobulins. The first indicator indicates a fresh infection, the second - a recent one. When examined for HPV, the IgG value will indicate a long-term presence of the pathogen in the body.

Since the papillomavirus of a high oncogenic type is capable of causing dysplasia, as a result of which a malignant neoplasm may develop, tumor markers may be present along with IgG. This is due to the presence of a large number of atypical cells (with a severe stage of dysplasia).

This method cannot be used to accurately detect whether there is a papillomavirus in the body. The norm is its absence, but even when the virus was detected during PCR, the ELISA results may not show it. This is due to insufficient functioning of the immune system, when immunoglobulins are not produced in response to the presence of infection.

HPV reference values

The parameter is used to interpret the test results. Any laboratory test has its own reference values \u200b\u200bor ranges. With their help, the specialist is able to determine the deviation from the norm.

In the deciphering of the test results for the human papillomavirus, the norm - HPV was not found. In the conclusion of any study for this type of pathogen, a reference value will be indicated: not found.

This does not mean that there is no virus in the body. After that, HPV groups, strains and their concentration in the blood can be written. When the test for human papillomavirus is positive, numerical values \u200b\u200bare indicated. If in these lines of the conclusion, after the enumeration of the types, it also says "not found", then the pathogen is absent and the patient is healthy.

These digital values \u200b\u200bindicate the amount of HPV (normal - not detected). They can range from<3 до >5, where the first indicator denotes an insignificant concentration of the pathogen, the second - a high one.

Positive test for HPV - further actions of the patient

If the test results show the presence of a high carcinogenic type virus, patients are shown treatment with further prevention and regular testing for viral load. In women, such strains of the pathogen can provoke intraepithelial cervical neoplasia; there is also a risk of dysplasia and cervical cancer.

  • Transient;
  • Persistent;
  • Reinfection.

There is no standard treatment regimen, because each patient has different symptoms, load and strains - therapy is selected individually, taking into account concomitant diseases.

If the test for papillomavirus is positive, you need to carefully consider the treatment - if dangerous strains are identified, the patient is automatically transferred to a high-risk group of cervical cancer.

Many people face such a problem as papillomas on the body. But not everyone knows why they arise and what consequences such neoplasms can lead to a person. The impetus for the formation of such growths is the human papillomavirus (abbreviated HPV). This virus, when it enters the body, is able to live there without any manifestations, and only when the immunity weakened does it make itself felt. Therefore, you need to know what tests are taken to detect the virus.

The attending physician is responsible for decoding the HPV test.

What is HPV, and how is it dangerous

HPV is a human papillomavirus. It is common, although not everyone knows about its presence. This is due to the fact that once in the human body, the virus is able to be in a dormant state for some time and not bother in any way. When HPV appears as small papillomas, people usually don't notice.

Doctors consider this virus to be the most common on the planet. Some experts display deplorable statistics on this score. They estimate that 80 percent of the world's population is infected with HPV. These numbers are related to the ease of transmission of the virus from person to person.

You can get HPV:

  • during intercourse, all forms of its manifestation;
  • during everyday contact, during a handshake, in the event that a person has a small wound on the body;
  • during a kiss;
  • during childbirth;

if you neglect personal hygiene products, use one towel; when visiting public places such as the beach, swimming pool, gym. At the moment, scientists know more than a hundred stamps of this virus. It can manifest itself on any part of the body, including the genitals and the oral cavity. But in addition to external manifestations, some varieties of this virus are able to manifest themselves on the esophagus, nasal mucosa or cervix.

When shaking hands with a person with HPV, the virus is transmitted to a healthy person

What tests are there to detect HPV

To determine if there are papillomaviruses in the body, you need to pass certain tests. Any doctor can issue a referral, but most often a dermatologist, urologist and gynecologist have a reason to send a person for tests. It is these doctors who meet with the manifestations of the virus on the human body.

There are many ways to determine if a virus is present in the body. Modern techniques will be able to detect not only the presence of HPV in the body, but also tell whether this type belongs to a dangerous stamp of the virus. Such studies include:

  1. Colposcopy. This method will help the doctor to visually examine the cervix. With the help of a special device, the doctor receives a picture of the cervix enlarged several times. If a woman has papillomas, it will be visible.
  2. Cytological research, another name, pap test. With this method, a smear is examined under a microscope. If the test results show numbers from one to two, then everything is fine, if the analysis shows the number three, then additional tests are required. If the test results show numbers from four to five, then this indicates the presence of malignant cells in the body. When analyzed for HPV, the laboratory assistant looks for modified cells. However, this analysis can show false results, this happens if the smear was taken incorrectly or was incorrectly decoded. The error in this case is 5%.
  3. Histological method. In this method, the doctor takes a scraping from the area where there is a growth similar to papilloma. After that, a study is carried out under a microscope to detect changes in the cells.
  4. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This method of research is not 100% reliable, but sometimes it is carried out. The fact is that the immune system produces antibodies before the virus manifests itself. Such testing is carried out as an additional analysis.
  5. Amplification test. This is the newest and most accurate method for examining HPV. With its help, the amount of the virus in the body is determined. And also the amplification method helps to determine whether a tumor is oncogenic. In order to carry out this test, the doctor makes a scraping of the mucous membrane.
  6. PCR. This is a popular type of analysis for the determination of papillomavirus and oncogenic cells. This test is liquid, as it examines: urine, blood, saliva, amniotic fluid, or a mucosal smear. This test is accurate and aims to identify the HPV DNA in the body. But if the analysis is carried out by an unqualified specialist, then the probability of an erroneous result is high.

Cytological examination involves examination of the taken smear under a microscope

Preparation for testing for HPV

In order for the HPV test results to be correct, you need to follow certain rules during preparation for the collection of research material.

If you intend to collect the test material from the vagina, then certain rules should be followed:

  • you cannot be tested five days before the start of the menstrual cycle, and within five days after its end;
  • douching is prohibited;
  • antibiotics are prohibited;
  • it is forbidden to use antibacterial agents, including hygiene products;
  • within two days before the study, sexual intercourse is prohibited;
  • 2-3 hours before sampling, abstinence from urination is recommended.

If blood sampling is planned, then this is best done in the morning on an empty stomach. Also, three days before the tests are not recommended to drink alcohol.

After the patient has passed the tests, he is given the results of laboratory tests. Decoding of the HPV analysis is performed by the attending physician.

You must not drink alcohol 3 days before the test

Decoding analyzes for HPV

If the doctor suspects that the patient is infected with the human papillomavirus, he prescribes a series of tests. One of these tests will be a general urine and blood test. They will not show if there is a papilloma in the body, but with their help you can find out the presence of concomitant diseases that are sexually transmitted.

The next direction that a doctor can prescribe is quantitative analysis (Digene test). This is a modern, accurate and fast method for detecting the virus, based on the capture of DNA cells. For this study, you will need to take a scraping of the material under study.

HPV quantitative analysis decoding:

  • a unit of the virus is less than 3 per 10⁵ cells, is an insignificant concentration;
  • a unit of virus from 3 to 5 per 10⁵ cells is a significant concentration;
  • a unit of the virus is more than 5 per 10⁵ cells, is a high concentration.

The first indicator is the HPV norm, since such a content of the virus in the body rarely has any consequences. Most often, the human immune system itself copes with such indicators of the virus, so no additional treatment is required.

In the second case, the concentration of the virus is high enough for neoplasms to appear on the body. In this case, the doctor will recommend treatment and follow-up.

With an increased concentration of the virus in the body, there is a possibility of the development of malignant cells. Therefore, the doctor prescribes treatment and further observation of the patient.

HPV test will show virus strains and concentration

If the patient decided to pass a quantitative analysis for no apparent reason, and as a result, an insignificant concentration of the virus was detected, then do not worry. The virus could enter the body not as a result of sexual intercourse, but through the skin. In this case, if the doctor does not consider it necessary to prescribe additional treatment, you can drink a course of vitamins to maintain immunity.

Another doctor may prescribe a test of the tests using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. In this method, the research material is immersed in a special apparatus for four hours. This device is able to determine not only the amount of the virus in the body, but also to determine how many HPV stamps have been detected. This method is good because it is able to detect the virus even during the incubation period.

In the analysis of PCR, it is important to take the right material for research, since the device may show incorrect information. Therefore, a highly qualified specialist should take biological matter.

Decryption features

It must be remembered that the doctor should deal with the decoding of the analyzes, and only he, after that, prescribes the treatment.

Sometimes HPV test results can be wrong. This can be influenced by the following factors:

  • dirty test tube;
  • incorrectly taken biological material;
  • before passing the tests, the patient took medications;
  • urination shortly before taking a scraping for analysis;
  • if, before the smear procedure, the woman doused.

In order for the test results to be correct, you need to consult your doctor and follow his instructions.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a serious health threat, with the number of reported cases growing every year. HPV analysis allows you to identify the pathogen in time and correctly identify the strain.

The result of a competent diagnosis will be an effective treatment regimen that prevents further tissue damage.

HPV infection in women: what is it?

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is an abbreviation for a family of viruses that cause papillomatous damage to cells and tissues.

On the English keyboard layout, the abbreviation looks like Dgx - when typing, the search engine automatically corrects it to HPV.

The viral family includes about 70 strains, each of which is dangerous to certain organs. The pathogen feels most comfortable in the conditions of the vaginal microflora, therefore, the infection is most often diagnosed in female patients.

A characteristic sign of the disease are neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of papillomas and warts. They are often localized in areas of the body hidden from prying eyes (genitals, rectum), and can appear on the face and neck.

Important! The danger of HPV lies in the fact that the pathogen is capable of provoking the development of oncological pathologies.

For a long time, the virus does not make itself felt and does not manifest itself outwardly. But it is enough to endure severe stress, a cold or change climatic conditions - and unsightly neoplasms appear on the body.

Pathogen transmission routes:

The virus can be “picked up” even in the beauty salon, where disinfection is negligent and tools are poorly processed. Permanent make-up, pedicure, manicure, hair removal - all these procedures can result in infection.

Why do I need to make an appointment for an examination?

Viral papillomas are not just an aesthetic problem that can be remedied by cosmetic means. The appearance of neoplasms indicates internal disorders that arise at the cellular level.

The virus is able to integrate into human DNA, causing mutations in cells, precancerous changes and interfering with their normal functioning. First of all, the changes concern the principles of cell division, which leads to increased proliferation of the epithelium and the formation of tubercles.

What else is HPV dangerous for women:

The presence of HPV in the male body causes impaired urination and chronic urethritis. High carcinogenic risk HPV increases the likelihood of cancers of the penis, anus, or throat tumors.

High-quality diagnostics, regular examinations will help to notice carcinogenic processes in time and prevent complications.

All sexually active patients should be examined for HPV once every 3-5 years.

Transmission of the virus during coitus occurs in 45-75% of cases, and even with oral sex, the likelihood of infection remains high.

The appearance of papillomas after unprotected contacts is a serious reason to visit a doctor and sign up for an examination. According to the indications, the attending physician will write a referral for tests and assess the results.

Modern diagnostic methods

Several techniques are used to detect the HPV virus: visual examination, blood and urine tests, cytological and histological examinations of smears and scrapings. Each of them has a certain level of information content and is applicable in one case or another if a viral lesion is suspected.


Diagnosis for papillomavirus begins with a simple examination: gynecological for women and urological for men. At this stage, the doctor visually assesses the condition of the genitals and, if a virus is suspected, he takes a biomaterial, which is studied in the laboratory.

Typical condylomas in women are found on the mucous membrane of the urethra, vagina and cervix. Bimanual examination reveals inflammation in the uterus and its appendages.

Frequent localization of papillomas on the male body is the head of the penis and the anal region. To exclude endourethral warts, ureteroscopy is prescribed.

Important! Pre-cancerous processes in the initial stages are not always visible with the naked eye, and the disease can proceed without papillomas. Re-admission and additional examinations are required.

The initial examination does not provide a complete picture of the patient's condition. The colposcopy method is highly informative. The examination is carried out using a colposcope, which consists of a binocular and a lighting device.

Diagnosis is carried out on a gynecological chair. During the procedure, the cervix is \u200b\u200bcarefully examined for papillomas infected with the virus, mutating cells, areas with inflammation and redness.

During extended colposcopy, a special solution based on acetic acid and Lugol is applied to the epithelium of the cervix. Normally, the mucous membranes acquire a uniform color, and pathological foci are colored unevenly.

Histology and Cytology

Colposcopy is often combined with a biopsy to examine the cellular composition of the tissue. A small piece of tissue is removed with a special needle from the mucous membrane of the penis. The resulting material is sent for histological examination.

The analysis allows you to accurately determine the type of tissue changes and see the cells affected by the virus under a microscope.

Important! A biopsy is a slightly painful procedure, but at the request of the patient, the doctor will numb the area with lidocaine aerosol.

Most often, a biopsy is performed in women, guided by the results of previous tests and examination.

Examination by a gynecologist and urologist cannot do without taking a smear for cytology. A smear in women is taken with a special brush, which is carried out along the walls of the urethra and vagina. Similarly, the material is obtained from the stronger sex - a brush is carried along the urethra and a scraping is made from the glans penis.

Cytological screening usually precedes histological examination. This is a more superficial laboratory technique, its purpose is to identify dyskeratocytes and coilocytes. A large number of these cells indicates the activity of the human papillomavirus.

The results are evaluated in five grades:

The procedure requires careful adherence to the rules for sampling biomaterial, the use of an appropriate method of staining the smear and preparation of preparations for analysis.

Blood and urine

Body fluids can be material for the detection of viral pathogens. Only venous blood is used for diagnosis. It must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. For the study to be reliable, it is necessary to exclude from the menu products that can provoke an allergic reaction 3-4 days before donating blood.

The study of urine gives less reliable results and is used less often. The patient collects morning urine in a special container. The container with the liquid must be tightly closed and delivered to the laboratory within 4 hours from the moment of urination, otherwise the answers will turn out to be false.

Important! The container for urine must be sterile, so it is better to purchase it at the pharmacy.

Blood and urine sampling is equally suitable for both sexes.

The biomaterial is used for qualitative and quantitative assessment in laboratory conditions:


The task of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is to identify the DNA of the papillomatous virus in the cells of the scraping. The detection of deoxyribonucleic acid in the biomaterial serves as evidence of the presence of the pathogen in the patient's body.

Important! One examination allows to identify only one viral group.

There are two types of polymerase reactions:

  • With typing;
  • No typing.

A reaction without typing will help you simply get a negative or positive result for a particular type of virus.

The typing analysis is more extensive, with the identification of groups of high carcinogenic risk (HRS):

  • 21 types (strain) are considered to be oncological - 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68.
  • The safe genotypes include 1, 2, 3, 5.
  • Types 6, 11, 42, 43, 44 represent a low carcinogenic hazard.

The most common strains of HPV are 16 and 18. They are the ones that most often cause cancer. The gene information of these strains changes human cells in such a way that they are transformed into malignant neoplasms.

The analysis is interpreted as follows:

For example: "HPV 16 DNA - positive", or "PCR HPV type 16 - detected", or "HPV 33, 39, 51, 66 - positive." This means that the specified type of HPV is currently present in the tissues.

Sometimes PCR gives negative results even in the presence of HPV. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the pathogen simply did not get into the portion of the biomaterial that was sent for research. Therefore, for a diagnosis of high accuracy, it is recommended to carry out a comprehensive examination using several methods.

Video about PCR analysis of HPV

Digene test

Human papillomavirus infection can be detected by a dajin test. This is a modern and accurate analysis that involves scraping the mucous membrane of the vagina or urethra.

The main advantage of the procedure is that it can be used to determine the amount of the virus. This is of great importance in assessing the result, making a forecast, developing therapeutic and preventive measures. However, with this testing, it is impossible to type the virus and determine the type of strain.

Important! The Digene test is protected by international patent law and is used worldwide to screen women over 30 years of age.

The test is combined with cytology - so the results are as reliable as possible.

Cells are examined under a microscope, and the result is evaluated in relative units. KVM analyzes (control of the taken material) are correlated with the threshold level, which is 100 thousand copies of the virus per 1 ml of biomaterial.

If the relative units do not reach the threshold level, the answer is considered negative, and in the conclusion indicate “not found”. Exceeding the specified threshold indicates a positive test reaction and will be indicated in relative units.

Even one relative unit contains such an amount of the virus, which is enough for the development of oncological disease.

HPV antibodies

Another method of detecting a viral pathogen is a blood test for antibodies to infection. The blood is subjected to an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which the virus itself does not detect, but only detects antibodies to it.

This indirect method is less reliable than the daijin test and PCR. However, the high sensitivity of modern reagents helps to obtain results with 90% accuracy.

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay will not show what strain is in the blood, it identifies only the interaction with the pathogen that the immune forces could have successfully suppressed. Human immunity reacts poorly to papillomavirus, antibodies are produced in small quantities, so it is so difficult to detect them.

Important! The study of antibodies to HPV is used as an auxiliary technique, since it does not provide an opportunity to predict the behavior of the virus.

What you need to know about research

If the doctor ordered an HPV test, you need to carefully prepare so that the results are reliable and do not have to be repeated:

Other important notes:

  • Only a qualified specialist has the right to decode the results of tests and examinations.
  • The answer to the study is received in the laboratory 2-3 days after the sampling of the biomaterial. This period can vary depending on the level of the medical facility.
  • Qualitative tests are prescribed during preventive examinations; if HPV is suspected, you will have to take quantitative tests with typing.
  • In the first three years of sexual activity, it is necessary to be tested for HPV at least once.

  • Men from the beginning of their sexual life are advised to be checked once every 3-5 years, women - every two years.
  • You will have to be examined after HPV treatment to assess how effective it was.
  • If the answer is yes, you need to repeat the procedures after 8-11 months.

Studies have shown that if HPV infection occurs before the age of 30, the virus in most cases disappears from the body, without having time to cause pathological changes. But with age, the risk of oncological diseases under the influence of a carcinogenic virus increases several times.

Timely diagnostic measures will help to identify the pathogen in time and avoid dangerous complications.

Thanks to modern research methods, HPV is detected with high accuracy, which greatly facilitates treatment and allows decisive measures to be taken to combat the disease in the early stages.

2015-04-10 08:40:55

Julia asks:

After visiting the gynecologist, small condylomas were found and I was sent to the laboratory for tests. HPV type 52 has been confirmed. There was only one sexual partner and most likely he was either infected or infected me. Please tell me how dangerous this virus is, is it necessary to fight it somehow, and is it possible to have sex without a condom with a partner?
(At the time the virus was detected, there were no pain or other signs during intercourse.)
Thank you in advance!

Answers Zharov Valery Valerievich:

Hello! Transmission is carried out not only through sexual contact, but also through skin contact (petting), i.e. a condom does not save 100%. Candilomas should be removed and the cervix should be monitored. it is the favorite site of the human papillomavirus.

2014-04-17 11:25:32

Masha asks:

Good afternoon, I have already contacted you. Found HPC35, genital warts, underwent treatment. I turned to the ENT, found 2 papillomas on the back of the throat, said that there was no need to treat / remove, just observe. The question is whether it is necessary to pass an additional analysis for HPP from the mouth to determine the type, or will it also be 35? And do you think such observation of papilloma is sufficient? Can I infect my partner through a kiss? Tk he has no HPF manifestations. It got infected five months ago. thanks for the answer

Answers Vladychenko Konstantin Anatolievich:

Hello. I think the type will be the same. It is possible to infect a partner if his immunity is reduced. Observation of the ENT is mandatory.

2014-04-04 16:54:41

Maria asks:

Hello! From what can be chronic urethritis? I took PCR for chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis, nothing was found. I have HPV and small condylomas near the urethra. During a gynecological examination, a large erosion was found, leukocytes in a smear 15-20 , an inflammatory type of smear. can urethritis be from HPV, mycoplasmosis or untreated bacterial vaginosis and how is chronic urethritis treated?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Urethritis is caused by an infection, therefore it is necessary to be properly examined and treated by a urologist. Erosion - treated by a gynecologist. Treat urethritis taking into account the sensitivity of the infection to antibiotics. Bacterial vaginosis is treated with some drugs, chlamydia with others, it is necessary to establish the cause of the inflammatory process. You need to be examined.

2013-12-25 11:00:05

Maria asks:

Good day,
I am writing to you to hear your qualified opinion, which I hope will help me make a decision.
In the summer of this year, I was found to have an endometrioid cyst, after successful removal (laparoscopy) at a doctor's examination, they found a mass of warts (on the walls of the vagina), the doctor saw them with a microscope, took pictures and showed them to me on a computer. They looked like cabbage and there seemed to be a sea of \u200b\u200bthem ... They took my analysis, I took it to the laboratory, No type of PCR, HPV was detected.
The doctor said that now the main treatment is after laparoscopy, and in the future, if I want, we will remove them with liquid nitrogen.
At the subsequent examination, when I got to another doctor (because I was on sick leave), I was told that there are not many of these genital warts, and if they do not bother me, then I do not need to touch them.
I have read all the questions and answers on this topic.
But still, some say - to treat (with nitrogen) the examination before the procedure + UAH + antiviral, a total of about 2000 UAH), others - not worth it. All this is expensive, you can pay, only you want the appropriate result.
I'm confused. My husband did not notice genital warts, maybe a condom helped, I don't know. But in a few months, I am planning a pregnancy, as the surgeon advised, and after the procedure of moxibustion with liquid nitrogen, you cannot have sexual intercourse for about 2 months. These questions constantly torment me: (also, will the cervix be damaged there or something like that.
Especially that after moxibustion, it is not a fact that there will be no relapse, and that in one procedure it will help in general.
Could warts have grown when the cyst appeared?
Earlier, on examinations about this type of disease, I was not told.
Looking forward to your reply.

Answers Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

It's hard to speak virtually. If there are a lot of warts along the walls of the vagina, then it is impossible to remove them with liquid nitrogen, a large wound surface is obtained. In such cases, antiviral drugs and local treatment with drug tampons are prescribed.
If they are single and do not bother, then, in principle, they can not be touched. Papillomavirus has a tendency to eliminate (self-destruct) and it can be assumed that the body has coped with the virus and the number of genital warts has decreased.
It is strange that with a pronounced clinical picture, the analysis for HPV did not find anything. It turns out some kind of discrepancy. I advise you to go through the examination again and if the warts are single, then do nothing with them, but plan a pregnancy.
After such an operation, it is recommended to become pregnant in the first 6 months.

2013-12-11 17:28:43

Tanya asks:

After cryodestruction (4 years ago), every year she was examined by a gynecologist and suddenly she was found to have flat condyloma of the cervix! The analyzes are all right. Gene only. chronic herpes, which became active after many years of remission. The doctor prescribed a lot of hormones, again tests for HPV, herpes, CMV, as well as antiviral therapy together with a partner for several months. Can you please tell me if all this is expedient?
Is there a need to take a spermogram to a partner?

Answers Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

It is rational to give a spermogram to your partner only if the question of infertility is relevant for your couple. Tests for sex hormones are also irrelevant to herpes, they should be taken only if the menstrual cycle is disturbed. Antiviral therapy for HPV is indicated. With an exacerbation of chronic herpes, drugs such as valtrex (or acyclovir) are prescribed internally and topically.

2013-06-18 23:39:23

Julia asks:

Good day! Two years ago, I was diagnosed with cervical erosion and HPV type 33. Erosion was cauterized, plus allokin-alpha was pierced. Recently my boyfriend was diagnosed with genital warts in the anal area. Could I have infected him? How does this threaten me? And will he have relapses in the future? Maybe I should get some treatment again?

2013-05-11 16:51:54

Alena asks:

Hello! Found condylomas in the vagina. Removed Lazarem. HPV not found. Tell me this means that it was just an infection, and in the future they will not appear again? ... And if they appear. What to drink for immunity and for treatment. The doctor didn't tell me anything.

Answers Kolotilkina Tatiana Olegovna:

Hello Alena. This means that there was a sexual infection and warts have grown in the places of the defect in the vaginal mucosa. PCR may be negative. May appear if re-infection occurs. Talk to your doctor about vaccinations.

2013-04-17 18:45:58

Anna asks:

Hello. I am from Saint Petersburg. I am 25 years old. Didn't give birth. I have HPC. There were manifestations at the age of 19. Laser treatment was prescribed. everything was quiet. Now HPP again manifested itself, of the oncogenic type 16, 18 and 59. The anogenital region, namely the perineum and the inner walls of the vagina, is affected by genital warts. She underwent treatment - genferon suppositories for 10 days. Epigen spray. After the laser (multiple condylomatosis, it cost 7,000 rubles). During the removal, the doctor noticed the presence of areas on the cervix, which he assessed as possible dysplasia, and sent for a biopsy of the cervix (which takes place on April 29). 3 weeks after the laser, at the moment, there is a relapse. The defeat of the inner part of the labia majora (my observations). This time the warts are flat, for now.
I'm scared. I do not have the opportunity to buy drugs like Allokin-alpha for 6 thousand rubles anymore. And do laser destruction for 7 thousand ..
I have a regular sexual partner. After the appearance of genital warts, I spent on drink a course of isoprinosine - 2 tablets / day / 10 days and Genferon suppositories for 10 days. Passed tests at the end of the course of treatment - HPP was not found.
We also have ureaplasma (urealeticum) in large quantities, I handed over the sowing. The gynecologist prescribed Wilprafen 3t / day / 10 days. And for me from a strong thrush that began during treatment, irunin 2t / day / 3 days and vaginal tablets irunin for 10 days (I will start treatment after the end of menstruation).
Questions: what should I do next with the virus and warts?
How should we deal with sex life? Whether to start using condoms or does it not make sense?
What do you think about the HPV vaccination?
How to avoid relapses?
What drugs should I use?
What are the methods of destruction?
What is the likelihood of vertical infection of our planned children?
Is there a possibility of free removal of genital warts in St. Petersburg?