Delicious meals for every day. Proper nutrition: recipes for delicious dishes

What if you regularly cook for the family and you are already tired of the usual recipes, but you don’t feel like eating the same thing all week? What if you do not have enough imagination to come up with something new every day? Is it possible to cook every day tasty, healthy, varied and at the same time economical? Of course yes!

In this section, we have collected many ideas for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
Here you will find a large selection of simple and delicious soups, traditional and unusual main courses, familiar to everyone and the most incredible desserts, a lot of dishes that you can take to work, on a picnic or cook on many other occasions. With us you can create an original menu for every day!

This site is dedicated to cooking in the oven. But is it really possible to fully eat for a long time only dishes baked there? Isn't it boring? You can, and it's not boring at all!
Of the recipes for the oven for every day, housewives are often only familiar with baked potatoes, but they want to surprise their loved ones every day with interesting culinary finds. If this is about you, then you have not made a mistake with the address - on our website there are many hearty, tasty, healthy, beautiful, easy-to-cook and budget dishes. You will learn how the same potato can be baked in different ways - in spices, with cheese, stuffed and in many other ways.

Vegetables, stews, bread, cereals, pasta, mushrooms and pies - everything that you eat every day can be cooked not only on the stove, but also in the oven. Why fry or boil when you can bake? This will save you a lot of time and effort. No need to pay attention to each cheesecake or pancake - everything is baked in one go on a baking sheet. In addition, everything turns out especially tasty and juicy in the oven!

Ruddy chicken, boiled pork, barbecue, baked fish, a variety of pies with meat, fish, vegetables or sweet, baked vegetables - all this is easy to cook in the oven.
And the casseroles - generally a miracle - laid out all the ingredients in layers, poured dressing, sent it to the oven and in half an hour everything was ready. This is such a magical closet!

The menu for every day includes dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner with the family, but you are not ashamed to treat them to suddenly arriving guests - they will certainly appreciate your skills and ask for the recipe.

Ragout of zucchini and eggplant and potatoes

Seasonal dish of vegetables for every day. Ingredients: zucchini, eggplant, sweet peppers, potatoes. Cooking time is only half an hour.

Canned fish cutlets with rice

Mega-budget canned saury fish cakes with rice. This recipe was popular in Soviet times among students, perfect for those who are just learning how to cook.

lazy dumplings

Lazy dumplings are a hit recipe of recent culinary seasons. And not only because it's easy, but because many people liked such dumplings-rolls more than usual ones. We offer two cooking options: in haste and festive, with vegetable filling.

Omelet in the microwave

The microwave is ideal for high speed omelet cooking. 3 minutes versus 40 in the oven. The difference is impressive! The second "bonus": no need to add flour to the omelette mass. The omelet will not fall off and will retain splendor.

Vareniki with raw potatoes

The fastest and easiest to prepare dumplings with potatoes - it will not need to be boiled or mashed - the potatoes go raw into the filling. And dumplings are surprisingly tasty.

The best recipe for lush pancakes on kefir

The best Sunday breakfast is leisurely and calm, when there is time to treat your family to something delicious, something that you never have time for during the middle of the week. The most “delicious” awakening is when the aromas of strong coffee and tender, lush homemade pancakes rush from the kitchen.

Cottage cheese pancakes

This is a recipe for those who were not lucky enough to inherit a proprietary recipe for the most delicious homemade cheesecakes. Following Alina's advice, you will see that simple food made with love can be more interesting than other culinary delights.

Oatmeal with milk

Detailed instructions for cooking oatmeal. If you are getting down to business for the first time, be sure that you will get great porridge! Here are some tricks to make sure kids never miss out on oatmeal!

Beef gravy

Budget meat dish for every day. Recipe for beginners. Often, beef gravy becomes the first meat dish that a novice hostess masters in her kitchen. Remember that our task is to achieve maximum softness of the meat.

Chicken breast chops

Chicken and other poultry dishes / Have you tried hundreds of chicken fillet dishes and are looking for something new? Or was it the first time you were left alone with a fillet and you don’t know how to take it on? Try making chicken chops. Very tasty and very, very easy. / Delicious recipes for every day / Even a schoolboy can cook these chops. I cut it into pieces, beat it with a hammer, dipped it in an egg, rolled it in flour. It doesn’t take long to fry the chicken fillet, so this dish is just right for a quick dinner.

Croutons with egg and milk

A very simple and tasty dish that you can eat at least every day. It will take five to seven minutes. I know many whose love of cooking began with these simple croutons.

Lavash chips

Thin pita bread is an inexhaustible source for home culinary creativity. Introducing an easy way to turn a roll of pita bread into a mountain of crispy chips.

Fried potatoes with onions

A master class for novice cooks who dream of learning how to fry potatoes so that their crust is crispy and the structure is tender and not rigid. A simple recipe and a few secrets on how to make your fried potatoes always turn out great.

Cheesecakes with semolina

A diet recipe for syrniki with semolina and cottage cheese, which can be baked in the oven or fried in a pan. One of the most popular children's menu recipes.

Mashed potatoes

Recipe for beginners. How to make really tasty mashed potatoes the first time. Delicate, airy. Read carefully and remember!

Pork chops

The simplest recipe for pork chops. Requires minimal effort from you. A simple breading will create a delicious crispy crust, under which juicy and soft meat is hidden.

Lazy cottage cheese dumplings

Simple and clear instructions on how to cook excellent lazy dumplings the first time. They will not spread during cooking, they will turn out tender and soft. As a bonus - an easy way to make dumplings not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Fluffy omelet in the oven

A master class for beginner housewives is the most popular dish for every day - His Majesty an omelet. Lush, with a bright shiny crust.

Cheesecakes in the oven

A dish for every day for the laziest housewives - these cheesecakes do not need to be molded, they do not need to be monitored. Arranged in molds, thrown into the oven, set the timer and relax from the heart until you hear the signal that breakfast is ready.

Classic rice pudding

The classic of the genre is rice pudding, you can use this recipe at least every day, it is so simple, understandable and accessible. The taste is neutral, so you can change it with the help of various additives, we will talk about them separately and a lot.

Baked new potatoes in the oven

To bake young potatoes, it is enough just to throw them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven. But if you want something delicious, check out this easy garlic-lemon marinade recipe that will turn your potatoes into a culinary wonder.

Rustic potatoes in the oven

One of the simplest and most effective dishes for every day. The potatoes are cut into slices, mixed with butter and spices, laid out on a baking sheet and in half an hour we get a mountain of wonderfully fragrant bright golden potato slices with a crispy crust and a tender core.

Rice with vegetables

A simple and delicious recipe for beginner cooks. The rice is boiled and then mixed with a variety of sautéed vegetables. I put a mixture of zucchini, carrots, onions, corn and peas. You can add any vegetables you like.

Draniki stuffed with fish

For those who fry pancakes no less than pancakes or cutlets, an interesting recipe with fish filling. Draniki are very juicy, with a crispy crust. The whole process of preparing the right potato "dough" is described.

Omelet in a bag

A clever way to prepare a familiar dish for every day. The omelet turns out lush and super-dietary. Doesn't fall off.

Salad with egg pancakes

Unusual, but completely simple salad recipe. Instead of the usual boiled eggs, thinly sliced ​​pancakes are added to the salad, made from eggs and starch with the addition of mayonnaise or vegetable oil.

How to cook cranberry juice

A classic recipe for an extremely healthy winter drink made from frozen berries.

Buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots

A great dish for every day, simple and tasty. And very, very tasty. You can cook it from yesterday's buckwheat. We take absolutely any mushrooms.

How to cook delicious cheesecakes from any cottage cheese

What do you think is the secret of delicious cheesecakes? In cottage cheese? Certainly. And if the cottage cheese is not very tasty? How to fix the situation?

Chicken liver fritters

An original dish and a completely simple recipe. Chicken liver chopped into minced meat is added to the usual dough for pancakes in milk.

Fried shanezhki with meat

If you are tired of pancakes and bored with pancakes, fry delicious and ruddy shanezhki for breakfast. Lazy! They are made very simply.

Delicious cod fish cakes

Among the simple and delicious dishes for every day, fish cakes take pride of place. The easiest recipe is cod. Shall we try?

Fritters with apples on kefir

Apples can be your secret "weapon" in the kitchen to turn ordinary meals into delicious ones. We all remember the famous “grated apple”, which Olenka Ryzhova added to the festive salad. But if you add the same apple to the dough for pancakes, you get such an overeating ... Be sure to try it!

Cottage cheese casserole, like in kindergarten

Nostalgic recipe for cottage cheese casserole - you will be surprised how similar the taste is to what you remember from kindergarten.

The most delicious dumplings with potatoes

A step-by-step recipe for beginners - the dough does not require long kneading and will turn out “fluffy” by adding a pinch of soda. You have probably never tried such delicious dumplings!

Milk soup with vermicelli

For some mothers of young children, this soup recipe is used every day, because, oddly enough, the dish is mega-popular among ladies and gentlemen from three to six.

How to make an omelette like in a kindergarten

The simplest recipe for every day. The omelet turns out one to one, just like the one you were looking forward to in the garden for breakfast. The recipe is useful for those who always burn everything in the morning, because it is cooked in the oven.

A simple recipe for meatballs with rice in tomato sauce

Light airy meatballs with rice in a thick fragrant tomato sauce with fried onions and sweet peppers. There is a lot of sauce, it perfectly soaks the side dish. The recipe is suitable for beginners, because the basis is the usual purchased ketchup.

Since recently the fashion for healthy food is gaining momentum, there are already a lot of recipes for proper nutrition. The most popular of them should be considered in more detail and it will be possible to start pleasing yourself and your loved ones with the right culinary masterpieces.

“We are what we eat” is a common phrase and was first uttered by the famous healer from Ancient Greece, Hippocrates. Proper nutrition is one of the main fundamentals of health. But it is important not only to know the theory, but also to successfully apply it in practice. Simple recipes for healthy nutrition for every daywill allow you not only to diversify the diet, but also to treat yourself to delicious and interesting treats without making much effort.

Healthy breakfasts

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It will perfectly cheer you up after waking up early and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Hearty and healthy breakfasts include cottage cheese dishes, cereals, omelettes and scrambled eggs.
Banana syrniki

  • 400 g cottage cheese 5%;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 ripe banana;
  • 4 tbsp rice flour;
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • Sweetener.

So that the cheesecakes do not spread, but turn out to be a neat shape (washers), you need to heat the pan in advance and remember that it must be dry.

So beat the egg well. Grind the cottage cheese with a blender, this gives an airy consistency to the cottage cheese. Add banana to curd mixture and puree. In the resulting homogeneous mass, add the beaten egg, sweetener and vanillin. Done, you can start frying.

Since cheesecakes are dietary, there is little flour. The dough may start to stick to your hands, moisten them with plain water. Roll into a ball and gently press it onto the non-stick pan.

Fry at a low temperature until golden brown. Then turn over to the other side and fry again under the lid until the desired color on the other side. Tender cheesecakes are ready. You can top them with sugar-free syrup or low-calorie jam. Bon Appetit!

On a note! When losing weight, choose cottage cheese up to 5% inclusive. You should not buy only fat-free in it there are much fewer nutrients and vitamins, and the taste is more insipid.

The classic of the genre is oatmeal. One of the favorite breakfast options for an athlete, losing weight and even the simplest person who does not particularly monitor the balance of nutrients in his body.

But when you constantly eat the same thing, it gets boring. Healthy food simply cannot be discarded, so it is easy to model a new delicious option.
Oatmeal with cottage cheese

  • 40 g oatmeal;
  • 150 ml milk / water;
  • 125 g soft cottage cheese;
  • Nuts / berries / fruits;
  • Sweetener.

Pour oatmeal with a mixture of milk and water, and leave for 2 minutes. into the microwave. Next, season the porridge with cottage cheese. We put berries, nuts to our taste, you can pour syrup on stevia or add a sweetener. Due to cottage cheese, porridge acquires an original taste and becomes more satisfying.

Lunches on proper nutrition

The second meal is no less important than the first. It is an important plentiful and satisfying component of our diet. As a rule, sitting at work, everyone is looking forward to the onset of this meal in order to enjoy hot food: fragrant soup or just a salad.

So that the rest of the day does not suffer from heaviness in the stomach or indigestion, lunch should also be healthy! In this case, basic recipes for proper nutrition are suitable - soups from spinach and mushrooms.

Mushroom cream soup

  • 500 g mushrooms (preferably champignons);
  • 600 g potatoes;
  • 200 g of onion;
  • 1.5 liters of vegetable broth;
  • A glass of milk / 20% cream;
  • Salt/pepper/seasoning to taste.

Mushroom soup can be cooked in both meat and vegetable broth. Since the soup is dietary, the broth will be vegetable. To do this, boil the onion, carrot, potato and celery, season with a couple of peppercorns and salt. After the vegetables are cooked, they can be removed, with the exception of potatoes.

Finely chop the onion and fry in a dry frying pan until a transparent color, add a drop of water and leave to stew.

In parallel, cut the mushrooms into slices, add to the onion, salt and pepper. Saute until all liquid has evaporated.

Next, the fried mushrooms with onions must be added to the potatoes with vegetable broth and mashed with an immersion blender until smooth. Pour cream and milk into the resulting mass. Season to taste and bring to a boil.

On a note! Croutons go well with cream soup. And in order for them to be dietary, it is enough just to take ordinary rye bread without unnecessary additives. Cut it into squares and dry in the oven without oil.

Cream soup with spinach

  • 200 g spinach;
  • 300 g potatoes;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 100 g of arugula;
  • 1 bunch lettuce;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1.5 liters of vegetable broth;
  • A glass of 10% cream/milk;
  • Salt/pepper to taste.

The preparation of this vitamin, and most importantly, gourmet dish will not take you more than 30 minutes.

Boil vegetable broth from carrots, onions, potatoes and a couple of peppercorns. After the broth is ready, take out all the vegetables, except for the potatoes.

While the vegetable base of the soup is cooking, finely chop the spinach leaves. Chop the onion.

Cut the boiled potatoes into pieces, add ready-made spinach and onions to it, chop until a homogeneous consistency.

Pour the resulting mass into the vegetable broth, add the cream and bring to a boil.

Season the fragrant soup to taste. You can add greens or croutons when serving.

Interesting! Spinach belongs to the category of foods that fight excess fat, and is also considered one of the healthiest leafy salads.

Dinners on proper nutrition

With proper nutrition, it is very important not to forget to have dinner. After all, long breaks between meals cause serious harm to health, especially the digestive system.

For dinner, it is better to give up light carbohydrates and too fatty foods. An ideal plate will be vegetables and protein, whether it be fish, meat or cottage cheese. They will saturate our body and protect the muscles from catabolism all night. Fortunately, there are plenty of fitness recipes for a proper and healthy diet, corresponding to a light dinner.

Salad "Exquisite"

  • lettuce leaves;
  • 200 g cherry;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 200 g shrimp;
  • 50 g low-fat cheese;
  • 50 g pine nuts;
  • 100 g Natural yogurt / Caesar dressing.

Finely chop cherry tomatoes, avocado, lettuce leaves. Boil shrimp with pepper, peel and add to salad. To the resulting mass on a coarse grater, grate the cheese. Sprinkle with pine nuts.

You can season the salad with natural low-fat yogurt. And to enhance the taste, you can use homemade Caesar sauce. It is based on natural yogurt plus chopped garlic, salt and paprika. It will replace harmful mayonnaise with a bang. Delicious salad for dinner is ready!

Diet "Meat in French"

  • 600 g chicken fillet;
  • 3 large tomatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 150 g low-fat cheese;
  • Natural yoghurt/sour cream 10%;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

In order for the meat to turn out tender and juicy, the fillet must be cut into thin strips and beaten well. Put in a mold, salt and season.

Cover the mold with foil beforehand so that the dish does not burn!

Finely chop the onion into rings, put a neat layer on the meat. Chop the tomatoes into circles, this will be the next layer on top of the onion.

Spread tomatoes with natural yogurt.

The final touch of the dish will be cheese grated on a coarse grater.

Bake in the oven until golden brown on the cheese!

Festive, but at the same time a light dish is ready! Bon Appetit!

Remember! The classic "meat in French" is made from pork, but if the goal is to lose weight on proper nutrition, then it is better to refuse fatty pork. Choose turkey or chicken.

chicken cheesecakes
Among the healthy recipes for proper nutrition, chicken dishes occupy one of the leading positions. Unusually, cheesecakes are not only rich. They can be made from meat and, without fear of extra pounds, eat at dinner according to all the rules:

  • 800 g chicken fillet;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 tbsp oat/rye bran;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt/pepper to taste.

Grind the chicken fillet with a blender until minced, or chop very finely. Finely grate the carrot, finely chop the onion and garlic, you can grind in a blender.

Add vegetables and chopped greens to minced chicken. Add bran to the mass, then salt and season.

Line a baking sheet with foil or baking paper.

Blind nests, making a recess in the middle, put on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 30 min.

After half an hour, pour an egg into the nest. Put in the oven for another 15 minutes.

The finished dish can be sprinkled with your favorite fresh herbs. Bon Appetit!

Dessert on healthy eating

On the Internet, in glossy magazines and books, there are now a huge number of ways to cook healthy food. Recipes for dishes with proper nutrition with a photo are distinguished by their accessibility, ease of preparation and amazing taste. Therefore, the reluctance to switch to proper nutrition can only be explained by one's own laziness and neglect of health.

The article contains recipes for treats that are suitable for the menu for the whole week. And so that there is no longer any doubt about choosing the right food, let there be another very tasty recipe.

banana ice cream
Summer is here, which means it's getting harder and harder to get past ice cream. But, unfortunately, in the store it is completely with harmful additives. There is always a way out.

All you need is a banana. Cut it into small circles and put it in the freezer for several hours. After the banana is frozen, grind until smooth in a blender.

Optionally, you can add coconut, cocoa, nuts.

This very simple recipe completely replaces store-bought ice cream. After all, the consistency of a frozen banana is simply divine!

In the notebooks of experienced housewives there are always a few simple recipes that help out at times when there is not so much time for cooking. Such simple recipes for every day are especially useful for beginner cooks.

Such recipes are good because they do not contain incredible ingredients and do not require a virtuoso mastery of the art of cooking from the performer. Simple recipes will come in handy for every day and at the moment when unexpected, but, nevertheless, dear guests "drew" on the threshold, and they urgently need to be treated.

Much of what the Culinary Eden site has selected for you can be prepared even by a teenager who knows how to peel potatoes and break a couple of eggs without missing a frying pan.

Omelet with cabbage and cottage cheese "Healthy breakfast for the whole family"

500 g cabbage
1.5 stack. milk,
6 eggs
1 tbsp butter,
100 g cottage cheese,
salt - to taste.

Beat eggs, add milk, grated cottage cheese, salt and mix. Spread finely chopped cabbage in an even layer on a greased baking sheet, pour the prepared egg mass on it and bake in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. Drizzle the finished omelette with melted butter.

"Hedgehogs" from sausages

2 sausages.
ready mustard,
1 tbsp grated cheese.

Cut the sausages into 4 parts, make an incision in each to the middle, coat with mustard, roll in cheese and fry in heated fat. Serve with mayonnaise or your favorite sauce.

Meat salad with beets

100 g ham
100 g pickled mushrooms.
200 g beets,
100 g apples
50 ml 6% vinegar,
100 ml vegetable oil,
½ tsp dry mustard,
greens - to taste.

Boil the beets and chop finely. Grate apples on a coarse grater. Cut the ham and mushrooms into strips. Whisk mustard, vinegar and vegetable oil and mix with mayonnaise. Dress the salad with the resulting mixture and garnish with herbs.

Salad "Simple, but with taste"

2 sausages,
2 apples
1 pickled cucumber
1 sweet pepper
100 g hard cheese,

Boil sausages, cool them and cut into thin circles. Cut cheese, cucumber and pepper into thin strips. Peel apples, remove seeds and cut into small cubes. Mix the prepared ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

Salad "Pleasure"

100 g of carrots in Korean,
2 boiled eggs
100 g ham
100 g crab sticks,
1 fresh cucumber
garlic, mayonnaise - to taste.

Eggs, ham, crab sticks and cucumber cut into cubes. Add Korean-style carrots to the total mass, season with mayonnaise, add garlic to taste and decorate the finished dish with herbs.

Soup "Ordinary Miracle"

200 g lentils,
150 g canned corn,
1 l meat broth,
1 onion
2 red sweet peppers,
3 tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
2-3 tbsp oils.

Place the washed lentils in a deep saucepan, cover with a small amount of water and cook over moderate heat for 30-40 minutes. Lightly fry finely chopped tomatoes, peppers and onions in vegetable oil. Put the vegetables and corn in the pot with the lentils, pour in the broth and cook over moderate heat for 15 minutes. When the soup is ready, add chopped garlic to it.

Tomato soup with rice

5 tomatoes,
½ stack rice,
1.5 liters of water,
sour cream, herbs, pepper and salt - to taste.

Peel the tomatoes, rub through a sieve, add hot water, pepper, salt and boil for 5-7 minutes. Separately, boil loose rice, put it in the soup, let it boil a little. When serving, season the soup with sour cream and chopped herbs.

Beefsteak with egg

400 g veal,
4 eggs,
1 onion
1 pickled cucumber
3-4 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt - to taste.

Pass the veal through a meat grinder. Salt, fashion 4 cutlets from the resulting minced meat. Put the cutlets on a greased baking sheet, make a depression in the center of each cutlet, into which break 1 raw egg and bake in the oven,
heated to 180ºС, until ready. Put the finished steaks on a dish, put finely chopped onions and diced pickles around them.

Roll puff with cheese and herbs

250 g puff pastry,
200 g cheese
30 g butter,

Roll out the puff pastry into a 1 cm thick layer. Cut the cheese into small cubes and chop the dill. Put the filling in the center of the rolled out dough along the length and twist it into a roll. Pierce the top in several places with a fork and place on a greased baking sheet. Bake in a preheated oven at 200ºC for 20 minutes.

Korean barbecue

1 kg of pork pulp,
3-4 bulbs
2 tbsp Sahara,
3-4 tbsp soy sauce,
2 tbsp vegetable oil.

Cut the pork into medium pieces, sprinkle with sugar, add the onion, chopped into rings, soy sauce, vegetable oil. Mix everything and leave for 30 minutes. Then put on a baking sheet and roast in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.

Rice cutlets with cheese

1 stack rice,
3 stack. water,
1 stack grated cheese
2 eggs,
1 tbsp butter,
3 tbsp breadcrumbs,
sour cream, vegetable oil, salt - to taste.

Boil the rice in salted water until tender, adding butter. Cool the cooked rice and mix with eggs and grated cheese. Form cutlets from the resulting mass. Roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until tender. Serve with sour cream.

Buckwheat porridge baked with mushrooms

150 g buckwheat,
60 g butter,
250 g champignons,
1 onion
500 g sour cream
4 eggs,
150 g cheese
15 g fat
salt, pepper - to taste.

Prepare crumbly porridge by adding half the norm of butter to it. Cut the mushrooms into slices, add finely chopped onion, oil, a little water, salt, pepper to them, and simmer until tender. Put half of the finished buckwheat porridge on a greased baking sheet, lay a layer of stewed mushrooms on top, then the remaining porridge. Pour everything with salted sour cream beaten with eggs, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and bake in an oven preheated to 180ºС until golden brown.

Potato crumb at home

5-6 potatoes,
70 g butter,
1 clove of garlic.
150 g hard cheese,
herbs, salt, spices - to taste.

Bake the potatoes in the oven for 45 minutes at 200ºC, remembering to turn the potatoes every 15 minutes. Then cut them in half, take out the pulp in a separate bowl. Salt and pepper the resulting "boats" of potatoes. Mix the pulp with butter, grated cheese, garlic, chopped herbs and arrange in potato molds. Put them in the preheated oven for another 5-7 minutes until golden brown.

300 g broccoli,
1 onion
100 g bacon
2 eggs,
½ stack milk,
vegetable oil,
pepper, salt.

Arrange the broccoli in a greased baking dish in a circle, leaving the middle unfilled. Cut the onion into half rings and put in the "ring" of broccoli. Cut the bacon into thin strips and put in a dish on top of the onion. Beat the eggs, add milk, pepper, salt and pour over the vegetables and bacon with this mass. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180ºС for 15-20 minutes.

Fried herring with dill and mustard

4-5 pcs. herring,
2 tbsp lemon juice
6 tbsp ready mustard,
4 tbsp chopped dill,
vegetable oil, butter, salt, pepper - to taste.

Combine dill, mustard and lemon juice in a small bowl. Make three cuts on each side of the herring with a knife, cutting only the skin. Brush half of the mustard mixture on the outside of each fish, putting a little of the mixture into the slits you made. Brush the fish with a little melted butter and fry for 5-6 minutes in vegetable oil. Then turn the fish over, brush it with the remaining mustard and dill mixture, drizzle with the remaining butter and fry for another 5-6 minutes. Salt to taste and pepper before serving.

Chicken pancakes

500-600 g chicken fillet,
2-3 peeled potatoes
2-3 bulbs
2-3 carrots
1-2 eggs
salt, pepper - to taste.

Pass everything through a meat grinder, salt, pepper, add eggs and mix. Take the mass with a tablespoon, put it in a pan and bake like pancakes. Chicken fillet can be replaced with any other meat.

Fish in cheese soufflé

500 g pangasius fillet,
5 eggs
150 g hard cheese,
breading for fish,
salt - to taste.

Cut the fillet into small pieces, roll in breadcrumbs, put in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, and fry on each side for 5 minutes. Beat the eggs, salt, add the cheese grated on a fine grater to them and mix. Put the fish in a baking dish, spread the egg-cheese mass on top and place in the oven, preheated to 180ºС, for 20-25 minutes.

Fish in a potato crust

4 tilapia fillets,
4 potatoes
2 eggs,
vegetable oil, flour, salt - to taste.

Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater and squeeze to remove excess juice. Add egg, salt, flour and mix. Roll the tilapia fillet on both sides in flour, then press the potato mixture on both sides. Gently transfer the fish to a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and fry over medium heat. When the crust is browned on one side, turn the fish over to the other side, reduce the heat and fry until cooked.

Hungarian goulash

700 g beef pulp,
2 bulbs
500 g sauerkraut,
600 ml beef broth
2 tbsp tomato paste,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
100 g mayonnaise or sour cream,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the beef into cubes and fry in vegetable oil in a preheated pan. Add the diced onion to the meat and fry until golden brown. Season everything with salt and pepper. Then pour in the broth so that it covers the meat. Add tomato paste, cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes. Next, add cabbage and simmer for another 10 minutes. After that, add mayonnaise, mix, and after 10 minutes the dish is ready.

Potatoes stewed in sour cream

5-6 potatoes,
300 g sour cream
100 g butter,
1 tbsp flour,
dill and salt - to taste.

Cut the potatoes into cubes, lightly fry in butter and pour over sour cream mixed with toasted flour and salt, close the potatoes tightly with a lid, put in the oven and simmer until tender. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

Liver "Delicious evening"

1 kg liver (beef or pork),
2-3 garlic cloves,
3-4 st. l. mayonnaise,
vegetable oil.

Cut the liver into thin slices, roll in salted flour and fry over low heat in vegetable oil until tender. Mix chopped garlic with mayonnaise in a bowl, add liver slices there and mix. Let the finished dish stand for a while so that the liver is soaked.

baked wings

1 kg chicken wings,
1 tomato
2 sweet peppers
1 onion
½ zucchini
vegetable oil, herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

Wash the chicken wings, cover with water and let them boil. Then drain the water, put the wings in a greased baking dish, salt and place in the oven, preheated to 160ºС, for 10 minutes. Cut the tomatoes into slices, onion into half rings, peeled zucchini and pepper into circles. Salt and pepper all prepared vegetables, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs, season with vegetable oil and mix. Remove the pan from the oven, cover the wings with vegetables and return to the oven for 15 minutes.

nut pudding

2 tbsp. milk,
250 g white bread,
3 eggs,
150 g walnuts,
100 g butter,
¾ st. Sahara,

Soak the bread in milk, dry the nuts and chop. Pound the egg yolks with sugar, combine with the nut mass, bread and melted butter. Add the beaten egg whites and put in a greased and breaded form. Bake for 30-40 minutes in an oven preheated to 160-180º C.

Curd buns

3 stack. flour,
500 g cottage cheese,
40 g butter,
2 yolks,
2 eggs,
⅔ stack. Sahara.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, combine with the sifted flour, melted butter, sugar, eggs and knead the dough. Let it stand for a while, then roll it into a cylinder and cut into circles, from which you form buns. Place the buns on a greased baking sheet, brush the surface with egg yolk and bake in an oven preheated to 180ºС until done.

We hope that our simple recipes for every day will help you out more than once in a situation where you need to act quickly.

Cook tasty, healthy and beautiful!

Larisa Shuftaykina

In many families, the basis of the standard diet is the second course, which is great not only for a daily meal, but also for dinner. Today there is a huge range of first and second courses that are quick and easy to prepare. Find out how to freshen up your menu for family or guests with a variety of main course recipes.

What to cook quickly and tasty for the second

Most of us love to spoil our family and friends with something tasty, but not everyone has the necessary time to prepare a meal. Next, a list of recipes will be offered that will help you make second courses for every day quickly. You can cook various culinary goodies using a slow cooker or stove, using meat, fish, and vegetables for this process.

In a slow cooker

In the modern world, household kitchen appliances have long been used to create a variety of dishes. The slow cooker does its job well and allows you to save a lot of free time on preparing lunch or dinner. Here are some well-known step-by-step recipes with which you can create a delicious dish for the second.

Merchant-style buckwheat porridge with meat is a food designed for every day, it turns out crumbly and delicious in taste. Essential ingredients for a nutritious second course:

  • veal - 350-400 g;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • buckwheat - one and a half glasses;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. We clean the onions and carrots, rinse with water, cut into half rings.
  2. We cut the meat into large squares.
  3. Pour oil into the multicooker cup, turn on the “Baking” program for 40 minutes.
  4. After a couple of minutes, when the oil warms up a little, put meat, chopped vegetables into the bowl, close the unit.
  5. After the signal, add buckwheat to the rest of the products, fill everything with two glasses of water, salt, pepper.
  6. It remains to install the program "Buckwheat" or "Porridge" for half an hour.
  7. The second is merchant-ready.

Even with a low calorie content, second courses in fasting can be tasty and satisfying. For example, you can make a tender and fragrant vegetable stew that you can eat at least every day. For the recipe for the second dish you will need:

  • potatoes, carrots - 2-3 pieces each;
  • cauliflower or broccoli - 6 inflorescences;
  • lettuce sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • canned corn and peas - a few tablespoons each;
  • greenery.


  1. Cut vegetables into medium cubes or cubes. We disassemble the cabbage into small pieces.
  2. Pour the oil into a slow cooker, lay out the vegetables in layers.
  3. We select the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes.
  4. Add chopped greens, peas, corn, salt, mix well.
  5. We close the lid of the unit, leave the second dish for every day, so that it brews a little.

In the oven

If you want to quickly cook the second dish and get the most delicious result, then you can use a conventional oven. There are many variations of second course recipes with a minimum of products. Let's start with the garlic cheese casserole. You will need simple ingredients:

  • potatoes - 6-7 tubers;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • two eggs;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • dried herbs.


  1. Grind garlic and cheese on a fine grater.
  2. Mix part of the cheese with herbs and one egg. We set aside.
  3. The rest of the cheese is combined with the second egg, garlic and mayonnaise.
  4. We rub the potatoes on a coarse grater, mix with the rest of the ingredients, salt, add pepper.
  5. Put the mass with potatoes and other products in a baking dish. Distribute evenly, top with cheese-egg mixture with herbs.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for 30-40 minutes. Juicy, savory second course is ready to eat.

Another unusual step-by-step recipe for a very simple second course is chicken in a bacon shell. Well-fried chicken meat with a crispy crust will not leave anyone indifferent. Ingredients for the dish:

  • medium-sized chicken carcass;
  • smoked bacon - 7 layers;
  • spices.


  1. Rinse the carcass thoroughly, dry with a paper towel.
  2. Grate the meat with spices, salt and ground pepper. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Cover the chicken with bacon, place on a baking sheet lightly greased with butter, cover with foil.
  4. We heat the oven to 200 degrees, prepare a dish for every day for 1.5-2 hours. 20 minutes before the bird is ready, remove the foil to get a delicious bacon crust.
  5. Serve second with bacon.

On the stove

We turn to the usual type of cooking, for which the stove is used. Below are two great recipes for a hearty second for every day, created using hotplates. Make melt-in-your-mouth mushroom potatoes or gourmet Italian pasta, both daily main courses are insanely delicious. For potatoes with mushrooms, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • champignons - 450 g;
  • potatoes - 4 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream + tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


  1. We cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, put them in a deep bowl (stewpan or cauldron). Fill with water (so that it barely covers), put on gas.
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, cut the mushrooms and onions into cubes.
  3. According to the recipe, sauté the onion in a pan, then add the mushrooms to it. Fry until the liquid disappears.
  4. After the potatoes boil, we throw lavrushka, peppercorns into the pan.
  5. When the dish is half cooked, mix it with onions and mushrooms. Cover the second with a lid, leave on low heat until cooked.

The recipe for pasta with canned tuna will be interesting. Such a second dish for any day will definitely turn out spicy and pleasant to the taste, if you strictly follow the recipe. Ingredients:

  • pasta (large spirals) - 200 g;
  • tuna - one can;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pieces;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • large bulb;
  • tomato sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


  1. Boil pasta in slightly salted water.
  2. We cut the vegetables, lightly fry them in butter in a deep frying pan for 10 minutes.
  3. Tomato sauce and fish are added to them, from which the liquid must first be drained. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. We put pasta, seasonings, spices in the pan. We mix the products, cook for another 15 minutes. The second original dish is ready.
Watch the video and find out what else you can cook in the oven and in the pan.

Simple and delicious recipes for second courses for every day

The second of meat or fish is often found on the menu of most families. These products give an excellent chance to cook a wide range of dishes for an adult or a child. All recipes for second meat dishes cannot be listed. We offer several simple options that even a novice cook can cook. Try to make a brizol with minced meat or a hodgepodge with meat for the second, as well as a couple of delicious fish dishes.

From meat

Brizol is a dish that has migrated to us from French cuisine. Translated from French, "brizol" means "fried in an egg." This dish can be prepared from any minced meat: beef, pork, veal, chicken and even fish! In fact, this is minced meat fried in an omelette. Preparing this second dish for every day of the week is very easy. Products for the recipe:

  • minced meat (any) - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper, salt.


  1. In a deep container, beat the eggs with milk, salt and pepper.
  2. Heat a frying pan with oil a little, pour the resulting egg mass into it.
  3. We spread the minced meat in a thin layer on one part of the omelet, and close the ground meat with the second part.
  4. Fry the brizol on both sides.
  5. The second course can be served.

Fragrant Georgian hodgepodge will be a great addition to the diet for every day. It is worth preparing this hodgepodge once and loved ones will ask you to include this second one in the menu more than once. Products:

  • beef - 800 g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • seasonings, spices.


  1. The beef is cut into medium cubes, placed in boiling water. Cook the meat for about 60 minutes.
  2. We cut the onions into rings, fry until golden brown, mix with tomato paste.
  3. Cucumbers need to be chopped on a grater or cut into strips. Add them to the onion.
  4. Mix cooked beef with onions and cucumbers.
  5. Pour the ingredients with broth, salt, pepper, pour pressed garlic, seasonings. We mix everything.
  6. Stew meat with vegetables under a closed lid for half an hour.
  7. Sprinkle the dish with herbs before serving.

From fish

The second daily dishes made from fish always successfully diversify the diet. Consider two good, simple recipes for every day. For example, you can cook sea fish with rice. You will need the following products:

  • rice - 250 g;
  • fish fillet - half a kilo;
  • leek - 1 pc.;
  • meat broth - half a liter;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • half a lemon;
  • fresh herbs, salt, pepper.


  1. Finely chop the garlic and onion, fry in oil.
  2. We spread the rice in the pan, mix the ingredients, pour the hot broth.
  3. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.
  4. Cut the fish into medium pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice, put on rice 10 minutes before it is ready. Mix, add pepper, salt.

Another interesting, healthy second dish for any day is mackerel baked with kiwi. It is equally suitable for a family dinner or festive gatherings with friends. For cooking, the following ingredients are useful:

  • fresh-frozen mackerel - 3 pcs.;
  • kiwi - 5 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 1 piece;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • leek;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • pepper, salt;
  • parsley.


  1. We cut the fish carcasses, wash them well, dry them and open them with a boat.
  2. Sprinkle each mackerel with lemon juice, pepper, sprinkle with salt.
  3. We cover the baking sheet with foil, put the fish on it.
  4. We start the “boats” with the following mixture: onion + sweet pepper + melted cheese + kiwi + sour cream.
  5. According to the recipe, bake stuffed carcasses for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. The fish dish for the second is ready.

Video: simple recipes for second courses in a hurry

To greatly simplify the procedure for preparing second courses and constantly surprise loved ones, it is better to use video recipes. Thanks to the detailed, understandable algorithms provided below, you can make a variety of culinary masterpieces on any day. The videos explain in detail how to properly make a vinaigrette, pie or casserole, cook meat or vegetables.

salad vinaigrette

pasta casserole

Azu in Tatar from beef

Chicken breast in Omsk

Lazy pita pie with minced meat

Fried rice with vegetables for garnish