The effect of ethyl alcohol on the human brain. How alcohol affects the human brain. Cognitive impairment

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol. Excessive consumption causes health problems, leads to family discord and moral decay of a person. Problems caused by alcohol are not only physiological, but also psychological in nature - this is the so-called alcohol dependence, leading to encephalopathy and edema. The brain of an alcoholic is significantly different from that of a sober person.

Harm caused by alcohol

The greatest harm to the body is caused by ethanol, a toxic substance that poisons almost all organs and is the main cause of serious diseases. Ethanol poisoning leads to encephalopathy and permanent swelling, and even death in abusers. Affected organs include:

  1. Cardiovascular system: Alcohol destroys red blood cells, which leads to toxic hemolytic anemia and cardiac arrest, the development of arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy. Internal hemorrhages also occur, and the formation of blood clots increases, which can subsequently clog the vessel and cause intracerebral edema, stroke or heart attack.
  2. Stomach and gastrointestinal tract: Damage occurs to the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine, the absorption of water and substances is impaired, and severe swelling occurs. Long-term use can lead to cancer of the esophagus, stomach or rectum, and the development of gastritis.
  3. Genitourinary system: ethanol poisons the reproductive cells, easily penetrates the ovaries, sperm, and also passes through the placenta and enters milk.
  4. Liver: when drinking alcohol, the liver is poisoned, some of the cells die, and fat cells form in their place. This leads to a decrease in the useful volume of the liver and an increase in the load on the remaining cells, inflammation and the formation of liver cirrhosis and edema.

Also, the effect of alcohol can provoke cancer, diabetes, cerebral encephalopathy, edema, various forms of cancer and diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. The health forecasts for abusers are very negative.

The effect of alcohol on the brain

The most powerful effect of even small doses of alcohol is on the brain. It is enough to note that with a blood alcohol concentration equal to one part, the liver contains 1.45 parts, the cerebrospinal fluid contains 1.5 parts, and the brain contains 1.75 parts, that is, almost two times. Immediately after alcohol enters the stomach, it enters the bloodstream and is transferred to the skull, where it begins to poison cells, leading to encephalopathy and edema.

Negative properties that cause harm include:

Studies have also shown that the brain of an alcoholic is significantly different: their nerve cells had altered nuclei and protoplasm, that is, they were no longer able to return to their normal state. Encephalopathy occurs.

A particular danger lies in its narcotic properties: the brain does not die easily, but also begins to require a second dose. There is no need to even talk about the dangers of this.

What happens to the brain when alcohol enters and what is the result?

Alcohol affects the brain in the following ways:

  1. Ethanol exposure leads to the death of neurons in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum;
  2. Then they die off, mental activity decreases, brain volume and memory decrease, and there is a high probability of edema;
  3. Dead cells begin to rot inside the brain, leading to headaches and hangovers;
  4. To cleanse itself, the brain pumps large amounts of water through itself (hence morning thirst and frequent trips to the toilet).

The result of regular alcohol consumption is deplorable: while most organs are able to recover and revive dead cells, the brain is incapable of this. Its cells die completely along with the information stored inside. This leads to a variety of consequences:

  1. The process of personality degradation begins;
  2. There is a deterioration in memory and intelligence, with a particularly strong impact on short-term memory;
  3. The processes of long-term memorization are deformed;
  4. The activity of the entire nervous system is disrupted;
  5. The brain decreases in volume, “dries out,” and begins to decompose—this is especially noticeable in alcoholics.

On average, 100 grams of vodka kills 8 thousand cells. Poisonous substances are eliminated from the body within 20–30 days.

Complete recovery of brain cells may take several years, but this probability is extremely low. It is necessary to completely give up any alcohol so that the cells can return to their usual volume.

The effect of alcohol on memory and mental activity

Alcohol consumption not only interferes with the functioning of the brain, but also reduces mental activity, which leads to personality degradation and encephalopathy. The changes that occur are practically not subject to subsequent adjustments; it can be quite difficult to fully recover, that is, the damage caused turns out to be extended over time:

  1. Mental activity slows down, especially complex mental processes;
  2. It is worth noting that false “brilliant” conversations and the search for solutions are a consequence of the deterioration of brain activity: a person does not become smarter, the brain simply suggests a simpler solution, since it is not able to come up with a more complex one;
  3. The process of criticism and judgment weakens, but there is an increase in feelings of self-confidence and boasting;
  4. The reasons described above lead to increased sensitivity and emotional component: this includes unexpected confessions and intimate conversations.

Every year, about 75,000 people die from such a well-known drink as alcohol. Moreover, every year this figure is growing more and more, which depends on the poor quality of the product and the poor health of almost any person. – such drinks cause strokes, seizures, liver pathologies, and so on. But still, the brain suffers the most, since ethanol, present in the blood of every drinker already 5 minutes after the start of drinking, quickly penetrates the brain cells, causing their destruction. This is why alcoholics, after drinking a large dose of alcohol in the morning, suffer from memory loss (complete or partial). And this is not surprising, because the effect of alcohol on the human brain is negative - ethanol quickly destroys the cells of this organ, which aggravates its work and leads to irreversible consequences. How does alcohol affect the brain?

How does alcohol affect the organ?

The effect of alcohol on the human brain has been proven for a long time. The reason for this is the ethanol contained in such drinks, which is considered a powerful poison that destroys the cells of many internal organs. It is quite easy to suspect its effect on the body:

  • the person will speak slurredly;
  • walk slowly and unsteadily;
  • it will smell like fumes;
  • the person will be too harmless.

These phenomena show how ethanol affects the human body. Once in it, this substance quickly penetrates the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract, after which it spreads through the circulatory system to all organs. Ethanol enters the brain in greater quantities than other organs, since it is most equipped with blood flow. That is why the most alcohol accumulates in the human brain and ethanol reaches its maximum values ​​here.

Immediately after its penetration into the brain, a person becomes intoxicated, since this organ is strongly affected by toxic elements. Therefore, the question: how does alcohol destroy the body can be answered unequivocally - alcohols disrupt the condition of organs and their functioning, which negatively affects health.

Today, ethanol can have different effects on the body - short or long:

  • short-term effects result in mild memory loss or a hangover;
  • long-term effects change the tissue and structure of the brain, which leads to rapid degradation of a person.

Therefore, even the most minimal effect of alcohol on the brain and nervous system can lead to negative consequences, since each person’s body is individual and it is unknown how alcohol will begin to manifest itself in a particular case.

How do alcohols act on the organ?

The effect of alcohol on the blood and brain is quite dangerous, since this organ characterizes the general state of human health. For this reason, you need to be careful when drinking alcohol so as not to harm your own body.

The structure of the human brain is quite complex, because it consists of 5 sections that are connected to each other by a mass of nerve cells called neurons. There is a certain barrier between this organ and the bloodstream that protects it from the penetration of bacteria and viruses. However, this function is not extended to ethanol. Since alcohols are excellent solvents, they easily enter the brain through barriers and cells, after which they remain there for a certain time, since, unlike the liver, the breakdown of ethanol in such an organ takes much longer. If you drink strong drinks frequently, their breakdown may not leave the body for months, which causes severe harm from alcohol to the brain.

The effect of alcohol on the brain and its “components”:


This area is responsible for the coordination of movements and balance of the body. When ethanol penetrates the body, it first of all begins its negative effect on it, since it accumulates in this area. Thanks to this, you can understand why a drunk person constantly staggers and cannot walk smoothly. With constant drinking of alcohol, its destruction is more active.


This part is responsible for a person's thinking, as well as the ability to plan and take responsibility. Alcohol in any quantity negatively affects the state of the cerebral cortex, thereby causing loss of memory and concentration of a person.


It is responsible for a person’s consciousness, his breathing and motor activity, therefore, when this part of the brain is damaged by the breakdown of alcohol, the functioning of the entire organ is inhibited. Many people who drink alcohol to excess claim that 2/3 of all brain-related problems arise from brain damage.

As previously described, alcohol abuse causes neuronal death. What is happening in the body at this moment? After the breakdown of alcohol products in the bloodstream, a person experiences a hangover, the symptoms of which include thirst and headaches. As a result, any body tries to remove destroyed cells, increasing intracranial pressure and causing severe pain in the head. Such cells leave the body through urine.

Important: in addition to the negative effect of alcohol on the tissues, cells and components of the brain, this drink also has a negative effect on the blood vessels of the brain: under the direct influence of ethanol, the vessels begin to actively expand, and then also quickly narrow. This leads to the development of unpleasant diseases - cerebral stroke, disruption of the functioning of the organ and the whole organism, and even death.

Consequences of frequent drinking

Constantly drinking strong drinks leads to the death of a mass of neurons - after 3-4 years, the alcoholic’s brain is greatly reduced, which negatively affects the mental abilities of the drinker.

The destructive effect of this organ due to the effect of alcohol on it causes a lack of performance of important functions for humans:

  • depravity of character - a person becomes more irritable and aggressive;
  • mental work is disrupted - the patient cannot think and think;
  • organ function is inhibited, which causes dementia and develops related diseases;
  • Due to constant high doses of alcohol, a person becomes addicted - as a result, the absence of strong drinks has a destructive effect on the brain, and it begins to demand alcohol.

– due to the death of neurons, the functioning of the central nervous system deteriorates, which leads to the development of a host of nervous diseases, which need to be treated in conjunction with the brain. Only then can a complete recovery and normalization of the functioning of important organs be achieved.

How to restore an organ

Of course, it will not be possible to restore destroyed cells, but many studies have shown that if you completely stop drinking alcohol, the brain will recover a little. Within a year, a person will begin to think again - this will happen due to the fact that the volume of this organ will become larger.

Important: the orienting function will take the longest to return to normal, since for this to happen, all “components” of the brain must be restored.

What actions will restore the human brain:

  • complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages;
  • taking nootropics that improve blood circulation in the brain and also nourish this organ;
  • consumption of vitamins or their complexes.

However, a person must remember that complete restoration of brain functions is impossible, since even partial regeneration will take a lot of time for the patient.

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Much has been written and said about the negative effects of alcohol on various human systems and organs. It is noted that more often people who abuse alcohol develop diseases of the cardiovascular system, including such dangerous ones as myocardial infarction. But the vessels of the brain, the mechanisms for regulating their tone and the functions of adaptation to the various needs of the body are no less affected.

If we take the concentration of alcohol in the blood as one, then its content in the liver will be 1.45, in the cerebrospinal fluid - about 1.5, in the brain - 1.75. It is in the latter, more than in others, that this poison accumulates. After drinking a glass of wine, a glass of vodka or even a mug of beer, the alcohol contained in them is absorbed into the blood and enters the brain, where the process of destruction of its cortex begins.

Alcohol has, first of all, narcotic properties. Very quickly the need for repeated doses arises. The more addiction develops, the larger the dose required to achieve the effect.

Changes in cerebral vessels under the influence of alcohol

Statistical studies show that in alcohol-dependent people, the brain and its vessels are affected 4-5 times more often than in non-drinkers. They develop earlier and have a more severe course of cerebral vascular atherosclerosis. The disease manifests itself in more severe forms and is accompanied by mental disorders.

The same applies to diseases such as stroke. Alcohol is a significant risk factor for stroke, both ischemic, caused by blockage of a certain cerebral vessel, and hemorrhagic, caused by bleeding in the brain. Alcohol abusers are twice as likely to have a recurrent stroke compared to non-drinkers.

The types of effects of alcohol on the vascular system are diverse:

  • damage to the brain centers that regulate vascular tone;
  • perversion of vegetative reactions;
  • disruption of the activity of endocrine organs, etc.

These and other changes in the cerebral vascular system can lead to a hypertensive crisis. In another embodiment, exposure to alcohol can reduce the tone of the vessels themselves, slow down the blood flow in them, which will cause the development of ischemic stroke.

Under the influence of alcohol, the permeability of the walls of blood vessels in the brain increases, which increases the risk of brain edema. Blood clotting increases. Red blood cells have a toxic effect and their participation in gas exchange is disrupted.

The development of a hypertensive crisis is also provoked by the consumption of salty and spicy foods in the form of snacks. In the body of an alcoholic, various metabolic disorders occur due to liver damage, which also affects the reactivity of brain vessels. For example, vitamin B deficiency often reduces the activity of specific adrenergic receptors in the vascular system. Then vascular paresis and stagnation of blood in them may develop.

A more detailed study of the brains of people who died from acute alcohol poisoning reveals changes in the nucleus and protoplasm in the nerve cells. They are as pronounced as in case of poisoning with other potent poisons. In this case, the cells of the cerebral cortex are affected much more than the subcortical parts. This means that the effect of alcohol on the cells of higher centers is reflected more strongly than on lower ones.

Processes occurring in the blood vessels of the brain under the influence of alcohol

In the normal state, the surface of the red blood cell has a special coating, which becomes electrified when rubbed against the wall of the vessel. Each of the red blood cells has a unipolar negative charge, so when they move, they repel each other. Alcohol is an active solvent and removes the protective layer, relieving electrical stress. As a result, instead of mutual repulsion, red blood cells stick together with the formation of increasingly larger formations. The process increases with the amount of drinking.

The human brain consists of 15 billion nerve cells (neurons). Blood enters each cell through its own microcapillary. The capillary is so thin that red blood cells can only move through it in one row. When red blood cells stick together at the beginning of the microvessel, it clogs it. After 7-9 minutes, the brain cell dies.

Due to the fact that oxygen stops reaching the brain cells, oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) occurs. It is this phenomenon that is perceived by a person as harmless intoxication. The process leads to numbness and then death of parts of the brain. Subjectively, this is perceived by the drinker as relaxation and liberation from life’s circumstances.

In reality, such euphoria is the result of turning off part of the brain and the inability to perceive information from the outside, often unpleasant. It turns out that a person experiences pleasure when alcohol kills some of the brain cells.

After every, even moderate, drink, a new cemetery of dead neurons is formed in the brain.

When pathologists open the skull of a person who has abused alcohol, they discover a “shrinked brain”, reduced in volume, with a surface covered with microscars, microulcers and prolapsed structures.

When an autopsy is performed on a deceased alcoholic, it is in the brain that the greatest changes are observed. The soft membranes of the brain are swollen and filled with blood, the hard membrane is tense. The vessels have an expanded appearance. Cysts measuring 1-2 mm in size are found in larger numbers, which are formed as a result of hemorrhage and necrosis (necrosis) of areas of the brain. Such changes are typical not only for people who died as a result of alcohol abuse, but also for “moderate” drinkers.

The impact of alcohol on mental state and mental activity

In addition to the gradual deterioration of normal brain functioning, alcohol leads to changes in certain aspects of mental and thinking activity. The personality changes, the processes of its degradation begin. If you do not stop regular drinking in time, a full return of moral qualities may not occur in the future, no matter how much time passes.

When specially conducted observations of people who drank a small dose of vodka (1-2 glasses), it was found that in all cases alcohol complicates and slows down mental processes. Motor activity increases at first, but subsequently weakens. In this case, complex mental processes are primarily affected, and the simplest mental functions remain unchanged longer, especially those associated with motor ideas.

Paralysis of the centers of mental reactions is primarily reflected in the processes called criticism and judgment. Their weakening leads to the predominance of feelings that are not restrained by criticism. Observations show that a drunk person does not become smarter, and the fact that he himself thinks differently is the result of suppression of the higher activity of his brain.

As criticism subsides, self-confidence increases. Active body movements, gestures, irrepressible boasting of one’s strength are a consequence of the beginning paralysis of the will and consciousness. Barriers are removed that keep a sober person from rashly wasting energy and making ridiculous, useless movements.

The motor acts themselves are accelerated at the beginning of intoxication, but this acceleration is the result of relaxation of inhibitory impulses. Therefore, already at this time, inaccuracy and the phenomena of premature reaction are noticed in the movements.

In the case of acute alcohol poisoning, these processes intensify in the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex. The perception of a poisoned person slows down and becomes difficult, attention and memory are impaired. Under the influence of a constant drinking alcohol climate, profound changes in a person’s character and psyche occur.

Alcohol and memory

Alcohol is poison for the body. Not only do your organs suffer from drunkenness, but your memory also deteriorates. As a result of micro-strokes and thrombosis, irreversible death of neurons occurs in the cerebral cortex, which leads to the loss of some information and short-term memory. Alcohol primarily kills the cells responsible for memory, so the next morning those who have had a little too much do not remember anything. At the same time, the processes of processing current information, which must consolidate a significant part of it in neural structures for the formation of long-term memory, cause difficulty.

Specific brain cells that form memory are located in the hippocampus. When he becomes saturated with alcohol, these cells lose the ability to communicate and interact with other brain cells. It is this interaction that underlies the consolidation of memory. If connections cannot be formed, memories of the past are not retained.

Based on scientific research, it has been proven that in the process of intoxication, the most recent achievements and skills acquired by mental stress and brain activity are lost. After drinking alcohol, a person returns to the level of intellectual development that he had a week or month ago.

If alcohol poisoning occurs systematically, the subject remains immobile in terms of mental development, his thinking becomes stereotyped and limited. Over time, more established old associations and perceptions weaken. As a result, mental processes are narrowed, losing originality and freshness.

Changes in the structure of the brain caused by long-term alcohol intoxication are mostly irreversible, and even after prolonged abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages, they persist. With increasing doses of alcohol, the functioning of the entire central nervous system is disrupted. The spinal cord and medulla oblongata are involved in the destructive process. A coma and deep anesthesia develop. When an adult takes a dose of about 8 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of weight (1-1.25 liters of vodka), death can occur.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

Every year in Russia more than 75,000 people die from alcohol. The causes of death are heart and liver diseases, poisoning from low-quality drinks, and destruction of vital organs. A signal of the destruction of a person’s brain is memory loss after drinking alcohol. The effect that alcohol has on the human brain is irreversible and can lead to dire consequences.

    Show all

    How alcohol affects the brain

    The human brain is a very complex, structured organ consisting of five sections. They are connected using neurons - nerve cells. A special barrier provides protection against various bacteria, toxic metabolic products and viruses. Unfortunately, it is not able to prevent the effects of alcohol on the brain. It is a good solvent, so it easily penetrates through all obstacles.

    Compared to the liver, the brain takes much longer to remove toxins - even after a month it is unable to completely remove waste products. Alcohol affects different parts of the head differently, but always negatively.


    The cerebellum is responsible for coordination of movements and balance. Most of the ethanol is concentrated here, so the drinker Human has poor control of his movements and loses his sense of balance. The vestibular apparatus performs its functions poorly, the severity of the reaction is dulled.

    Cephalic cortex

    The cortex is responsible for thinking, a person’s ability to be responsible for their actions and plan actions. It is not difficult to disrupt the operation of the site with any dose of ethyl. The result is memory impairment, poor object recognition, decreased concentration . A decrease in intelligence occurs when drinking alcohol, contributing to the process of degradation.

    Parietal region

    Ethyl suppresses the parietal part. Reflex reactions are disrupted, thanks to which a person abruptly removes his hand from the fire or avoids an obstacle in time. A drunk person has poor self-control and is unable to carry out complex movements, that is, the process of inhibition begins to prevail over the process of excitation.


    This department is responsible for breathing, maintaining normal body temperature and consciousness. Toxins provoke the death of nerve cells, which is expressed in drowsiness, low temperature, and sometimes loss of consciousness. Because of this, there are often cases when a drunk person falls asleep in a snowdrift and freezes.

    After the breakdown of harmful foods, a period of hangover begins, which is accompanied by severe headache and thirst. This is explained by the fact that the body is trying to remove dead cells, as a result of which the pressure rises and there is an influx of fluid.

    Irreparable damage is caused to blood vessels. At first they expand, and then sharply narrow, which leads to stroke and disability; in some cases - to death. Due to impaired blood supply, destruction of neurons and the development of hypoxia, a hangover syndrome occurs and the psyche changes.


    Constant consumption of drinks containing alcohol destroys the nervous system. In just 4 years of uncontrolled alcohol consumption, gray matter decreases and a person’s mental abilities are impaired. Alcohol directly affects the performance of important functions:

    • Mental work becomes difficult, critical thinking decreases, and the thought process deteriorates.
    • Irritability predominates in a person’s character and aggression appears.
    • Addiction forms, which leads to addiction that is difficult to treat.
    • Long-term alcoholism leads to degradation and diseases such as dementia and dementia.

    Very little is needed to reach a state in which a person is unable to think normally. It is enough to drink about 5 liters of beer or 0.7 liters of vodka once a week.

    Alcohol and teenager

    Ethyl is extremely dangerous for a teenager, as he is still growing and developing. The sooner a young man starts drinking alcohol, the sooner the destruction will begin. High metabolism promotes rapid absorption of ethanol into the blood and several times enhances the harmful effects of the poison on brain cells. They lose water, dry out and are completely destroyed. Emotional and intellectual development is inhibited, brain activity decreases, and degradation occurs. After exposure to alcohol, young people often commit illogical and stupid acts, including crimes. Dependence is formed in a short time, and as a result - neurological and mental disorders. The earlier a child tries alcohol, the higher the likelihood that he will become an alcoholic in the future. It takes about 10 years of systematic alcohol consumption for an adult to reach alcoholism, and for a teenager it only takes about 1-2 years.

    Effect on a woman's brain

    The harm of alcohol on the female body is disproportionately higher than on the male body. Cirrhosis, deterioration of the nervous system, heart failure and other consequences occur many times faster than in the stronger sex. The greatest harm is caused by drinking strong drinks during pregnancy. The consequences will manifest themselves in diseases of the child’s brain, and in some situations, in fetal alcohol syndrome. This will happen if a woman abuses it during pregnancy. In this case, there is a high probability that the child will be born with a defect of external organs and will lag behind his peers in development and growth. It is sometimes noted that in such children the gray matter exceeds the norm in size, but the number of cells in it is much less than in healthy ones.


    The harmful effects of ethyl are striking in their scale. The work of all internal organs is destroyed, various diseases appear, many of which lead to death. These pathologies are intensified due to the destruction of neurons, cellular structures of the brain and a lack of vitamin B1. Uncontrolled consumption of harmful drinks is also fraught with the following manifestations:

    • Alcoholic encephalopathy is expressed by severe memory impairment, mental disorders, apathy and complete indifference to everything that happens. The last sign indicates an extreme stage of alcoholism.
    • Korsakoff's disease is dementia, amnesia and polyneuritis. It is difficult for the patient to answer a simple question about what year or day it is, or what his name is. The muscle tissue is completely depleted, and the person becomes disabled.
    • Alcoholic epilepsy is seizures that only occur during a hangover. With frequent seizures, dementia and complete degradation develop.
    • Delirium is better known as delirium tremens. Most often it develops with a sharp cessation of drinking. During an attack, a person loses control and can cause irreparable harm to himself or others. Urgent hospitalization is required.
    • Hallucinosis - a person hears voices and sees various creatures. It must be treated immediately.
    • Paranoia comes during a sudden refusal of libations. Symptoms are similar to delirium tremens or hallucinosis.

    Alcohol destroys the nervous system and leads to sleep problems. Prolonged insomnia can lead to hallucinations.

    Alcohol kills brain cells, physical and mental functions, and negates a person’s ability to reason, express thoughts and think logically.

    It has long been proven that alcohol-containing drinks negatively affect all organs and healthy life support systems. The brain is most severely damaged. Alcohol addiction is also scary because it is difficult for a person to understand the extent of the catastrophe.

In Russia alone, about 80,000 people die every year from the consequences of drinking. They are poisoned by surrogates, suffer strokes and heart attacks, freeze in cold snowdrifts, and die from liver failure. And what are the memory loss and ugly behavior, and the appearance of an alcoholic?

Alcohol destroys not only self-awareness, ethanol mercilessly deals with the human brain, turning a person into a real faceless animal. The negative, destructive effect of alcohol on the human brain, unfortunately, in most cases is irreversible.

Ethyl alcohol destroys all parts of the brain

The structure of the human brain is extremely complex. The brain consists of five parts, which are interconnected by billions of neurons (nerve cells). Nature has provided natural protection for this sensitive and very fragile system. The medulla is protected from blood flow by a certain physiological barrier.

The natural blood-brain barrier, which successfully protects the brain from the penetration of viruses, bacteria, and toxins, is not able to save it from ethyl alcohol.

Ethanol, being an excellent solvent, penetrates into the brain matter without any problems through all existing membranes. Once there, ethyl alcohol acquires extremely low enzymatic ability. That is, the breakdown of alcohol compounds to acetaldehyde in the medulla is extremely slow.

Ethanrol easily penetrates the protective membrane of the brain

Given the ability of neurons to accumulate (accumulate) ethanol metabolites, the brain will retain the remains of alcohol even after a month. Let's look at how alcohol affects the human brain, in particular its parts.


This structure is responsible for the sense of balance and coordination of all movements. Alcohol metabolites accumulate the most in the cerebellum, causing serious harm to this department. This explains the awkward gait of a drunken person and his lack of balance.

Cerebral cortex

This department is responsible for the individual’s ability to plan something, be responsible for their actions, think and reason. Ethanol, even in minute quantities, is detrimental to this department, causing:

  1. Memory impairment.
  2. Loss of concentration.
  3. Problems recognizing objects.
  4. Decreased intellectual capabilities.
  5. Inability to judge the distance to objects.

The prolonged effect of alcohol on the brain leads to complete personality degradation. The cerebral cortex, due to the massive death of neurons, ceases to function normally, and the person “loses his face”.

Alcohol affects all parts of the brain


The individual’s ability to breathe, regulate temperature and be aware of reality depends on the healthy functioning of this department. What happens if the neurons of a given brain region die? A person’s temperature drops, he experiences severe drowsiness and dizziness, and may lose consciousness. It is for this reason that tipsy people freeze on the street, falling into snowdrifts.

What happens during a hangover

How do events unfold after massive neuronal death? The hangover phase begins, accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. A person is especially tormented by thirst and headache. These processes occur due to the body’s active attempts to get rid of the accumulation of dead neurons.

With a hangover, intracranial pressure increases, which provokes an influx of fluid and the development of a severe headache. All this is evidence of the body’s attempts to remove dead neurons.

Ethanol affects not only parts of the brain, but also its blood vessels. Under the influence of alcohol metabolites, they sharply expand and then contract. This dangerous situation can lead to blood vessel rupture and stroke. A person faces disability, and in severe cases, death.

How does alcohol affect the brain?

In addition to deadly thrombosis, ethanol metabolites cause a huge number of various disorders associated with the functioning of the brain. A person who abuses alcohol faces an impressive list of major pathological changes that negatively impact the personal identity and behavioral reactions of the drunkard:

  1. The center responsible for morality is destroyed. That is, people dependent on alcohol forget about moral values ​​and culture of behavior. Even a small dose of alcohol dulls a person’s sense of shame and completely liberates him. And prolonged drunkenness leads to a complete loss of all moral principles.
  2. There is a global disturbance of the vestibular apparatus. A person loses a sense of reality and a sense of balance.
  3. Alcohol kills brain cells responsible for memory. Often, after particularly stormy parties, many individuals cannot remember all the events of the past holiday. These are echoes of global brain poisoning with alcohol metabolites.

Alcoholism and the cerebral vascular system

If a person suffers from chronic alcohol addiction, the activity and functioning of the brain centers gradually fades. This immediately affects the ability to remember, think and understand. But this situation is not so bad. Under the influence of ethanol metabolites, irreversible changes occur in the vascular structure of the brain.

What does a brain damaged by alcohol look like?

What does this mean? Various mental disorders. Alcohol has different, but always detrimental effects on the blood vessels of the brain. Ethanol breakdown products:

  • destroy the brain regions that respond to the regulation and stabilization of vascular tone;
  • upset endocrine functions, forming obesity or exhaustion, atrophy of the reproductive system, and neuropsychic disorders;
  • disrupt the functioning of the autonomic system, which leads to allergies, neuroses, problems in the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, pain in the joints and muscles.

All these changes ultimately lead to the formation of hypertension, hypertensive crisis and various vascular pathologies of the brain. The risk of cerebral edema increases significantly.

Even a small dose of alcohol leads to irreversible consequences in the functioning of the brain.

Pathologists working with chronic alcoholics often note various changes in the brain structure at autopsies of people who died from drinking. Namely:

  • numerous hemorrhages;
  • a sharp decrease in the volume of the entire brain;
  • smoothing and disappearance of cerebral convolutions.

What happens to the brain when drinking alcohol is that it literally dries out, significantly decreasing in size. And what happens to the person himself? Complete degradation of personality without the right to recovery. Moreover, even moderate and light drinkers mercilessly destroy their own brains.

Alcohol mercilessly destroys brain neurons

What diseases come

The negative, destructive effect of alcohol on the brain and nervous system is truly colossal. Ethanol is a powerful toxic compound; it destroys the functioning of all internal systems and organs, provoking the development of many diseases, most of them fatal.

The mechanics of the development of these pathologies is based on the massive death of neurons, brain cellular structures and a major deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamine). This vitamin is extremely important for the normal functioning of all parts of the brain. What pathologies can threaten a drinker of alcoholic beverages?

  1. Alcoholic encephalopathy. Severe brain pathology of organic nature. This disease, occurring against the background of global memory impairment, mental problems, apathy and complete indifference to everything, indicates that the patient has the last stage of alcoholism.
  2. Korsakoff's disease. A disease that occurs on the basis of the development of dementia, amnesia and the simultaneous addition of polyneuritis. Such patients are unable to answer trivial questions about what year it is and what time it is. They cannot solve the simplest problems and do not remember their name. With this disease, complete depletion of muscle tissue occurs, the person loses the ability to move and becomes disabled.
  3. Alcoholic epilepsy. A seizure condition in a patient occurs with this disease only against the background of a hangover syndrome. With numerous epiconvulsions, a person gradually develops complete dementia and personality degradation occurs.
  4. Delirium. This disease is better known as “delirium tremens”. As a rule, it develops with a sudden and sharp refusal of alcohol. While under attack, an alcoholic poses a great danger both to himself and to the people around him. In this case, the patient needs emergency hospitalization.
  5. Hallucinosis. A condition that occurs against the background of alcoholism, in which the alcoholic clearly hears voices and experiences hallucinations. This condition usually develops during abstinence and requires urgent and long-term treatment.
  6. Paranoia. Formed against the background of a sudden refusal of alcohol. But in its manifestations and symptoms, this pathology is more similar to delirium tremens or hallucinosis.

Often, with alcohol addiction, various neurotic disorders develop. A person is plagued by global problems with sleep, up to complete insomnia and the development of hallucinations as a result of this. Alcoholism destroys both the physical/mental brain functions and the cognitive capabilities of the individual (problems with the ability to express one’s thoughts, reasoning abilities, logical perception, etc.).

Does the brain recover after quitting alcohol?

The first to suffer from ethanol metabolites are the brain functions responsible for memory, thinking potential and intellectual level. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely revive dead neurons in these areas. But partial recovery is quite possible.

Comparison of the brain of a healthy person and an alcoholic

The human brain is a very flexible structure. The brain regions are able to restore the functioning of damaged areas through the formation of new neural connections.

The first sign that the brain has begun to recover is the disappearance of depression symptoms. Memory gradually improves, the mind becomes more flexible, and intelligence increases. Brain recovery after quitting alcohol takes on average about 1-1.5 years. Of course, provided that you completely stop drinking alcohol and recover from alcoholism.

But with the return of the ability to navigate, sense space and have visual recognition (the ability to create a mental image in the mind), things are much worse. The brain areas responsible for such abilities die in the last stages of alcohol addiction.

It will take 4-5 years to restore these areas of the brain. And then only on condition of long-term work on yourself. The best results can be achieved by adding special brain training exercises to the rehabilitation program. These classes are conducted by a psychotherapist, but they also need to be done at home.

But these improvements are not guaranteed. It all depends on the degree and duration of alcohol abuse, as well as on the initial state of the person’s health. When pathological changes occur in the brain (if a person continues to drink), disturbances develop in the functioning of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata. In this case, the result of alcoholism is coma and subsequent death of the person.