Impact of athletics exercise on health promotion. The importance of athletics for human health. The influence of athletics on the physical development of schoolchildren. While running, the human body performs periodic oscillatory movements


Classification of athletics exercises

Track and field athletics is one of the mass sports that combines exercises in race walking, running at various distances, jumping,

throwing and compiled from these exercises all-around.

Athletics of the Olympic Games

modern times, are divided into 5 groups and are presented in table 1.

Table 1

Classification of Olympic Athletics





Length w, m

Triple w,


Note: m - men, w - women.


in 24 types



women at 23.



track and field



more than 100 of her

varieties that

olympic sports are divided into 5 groups: walking, running, jumping, throwing and all-around. There is also a division of the types of athletics into cyclic (walking, running) and acyclic (jumping, throwing).


In ancient times, a person needed to be able to run fast,

deftly overcome various obstacles, throw stones and spears. His hunting luck and life depended on his ability to catch up and accurately hit the prey, his ability to resist the forces of nature, and therefore running, jumping and throwing were already familiar to primitive man.

In 776 BC in ancient Olympia (Greece)

the first Olympic Games (a total of 293 games of antiquity were held).

Only men took part in the competition and competed in one stage race (approximately 192 m). Hence the word "stadium" originated.

Gradually, the program included running in 2 stages, endurance running (from

7 to 25 stages), javelin and discus throwing, long jump and triple jump.

Later, a marathon run was introduced into the game program (after the victory of the Greeks over the Persians, the warrior-messenger who delivered this news fell dead after running

without stopping the path from the battlefield).

Athletes began to compete in two or more forms. Athlete,

victorious in three forms, received the honorary title of "triast". However, it is impossible to compare the high results of that time with modern achievements, since the conditions for holding competitions, the weight of the equipment and the technique of performing athletics exercises have significant differences.

So, long and triple jumps were performed with dumbbells in each hand (from

which the thrower inserted his fingers. Javelin throwers competed in marksmanship throws, while discus throwers competed for range.

Modern history

Modern athletics began to be cultivated in England. In 1837, the first competitions in running at a distance of 2 km were held between the students of the Rugby College. Soon at Eton, Oxford, Cambridge,

Running competitions are also organized in London. The program includes sprinting, hurdling, and weight throwing. Since 1851

the program of the competition introduces jumping types of running high and long jump.

A new impetus in the development of athletics came after the annual competition between the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. In 1865, the London Athletic Club was founded, which held the country's first championship. The popularity of athletics is expanding and conquering new countries and continents. So, in 1868 in the USA in New York,

the first athletic club appeared. Universities became centers for the development of athletics in the United States and England in those years. In the years 1880-90. athletics begins to be cultivated in all European countries as an independent sport.

The revival of the modern Olympic Games in 1896 had a great influence on the development of athletics. The program of the first games (Greece,

Athens) included 12 types, where 59 men from 10 countries competed.

For comparison, 2300 took part in the last Olympics in Beijing

athletes from 205 countries and medals were won by representatives of 37 countries. At the first Olympiads, athletes competed in standing and running jumps.

The athletes pushed the core and threw the javelin with their right and left hands (the winner was determined by the sum of the results of two hands).


track and field



International Amateur Athletics


She was unified


limited the range of athletics disciplines, introduced the registration of records.

The Olympic Games were attended by

countries that are


games (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


track and field


the process of their integration into the international physical culture and sports movement was slow and difficult. The main argument of opponents of women's competitions in this sport is quite typical - the potential harm of athletics to the female body. Despite this, women all over the world sought to master sports that were previously considered an entirely male privilege, demonstrating and thereby confirming

the program has undergone significant changes. Currently, women have won the right to perform in pole vaulting, triple, in hammer throw,

in steeplechase and other types.

Comparison of the results in individual types of athletics, shown at the 1st and the last Olympic Games (Table 2), indicates a significant increase in sports achievements, both in men and women.

Table 2.

Results in selected types of athletics shown on

first and last Olympic Games

High jump

Long jump

Pole vault

Shot put

Discus throw



are explained

significant changes in the set of conditions, equipment, rules




exercise and many other factors.

figures 1 and 2 show the evolution of the method

overcoming the bar in high jumps from a run and running techniques from a low

National history

The official date of birth of athletics in Russia is accepted

when vacationers in a summer cottage



running competition. In 1908 the circle builds the first cinder track in Russia and holds the first Russian championship.

In 1912, 47 athletes from Russia took part in the Olympic Games in Stockholm for the first time, but did not take a single prize.

IN In 1922, the first national championship in athletics was held in Moscow, 200 athletes from 16 cities and regions of the country participated.

IN In 1928, the first All-Union Spartakiad was held.

Figure 1. The evolution of the way to overcome the bar in high jump with

takeoff run and running techniques from a low start.

Method "Fosbury-flop" Method "flip" (70s of the XX century)

(50s of XX century)

Running technique from a low start

(90s of the XIX century)

(30s of XX century)

(60s of the XX century)

The introduction in 1931 of the All-Union TRP Complex, where the main types of athletics are widely represented, contributed to the development of this type.

In 1934-35, children's sports schools began to be created in Moscow,

Leningrad, Tashkent and other large cities of the country.

In 1946, Soviet athletes for the first time took part in the European Championship (Oslo - Norway) and won 6 gold, 7 silver, 4 bronze medals. The success of Soviet athletes hastened the entry of the national athletics section (federation) into members of the International Federation

(1948 - IAAF). Membership of the IAAF ensured participation in the Olympic Games - 1952 (Helsinki).

Having won 2 gold, 8 silver and 7 bronze medals in Helsinki,

in the team event, the Soviet team was second only to the US track and field athletes and was a revelation for the sports world.

The victorious march of our team does not stop to this day.

According to statistics, for the entire period of participation in the Olympics, our athletes won 83 gold medals and more than 200 silver and bronze medals.

The IAAF is currently expanding the competition calendar:

from 1964 European championships for juniors are held;

from 1965 - competition for the European Cup;

from 1966 - European Indoor Championships;

from 1977 - World Cup;

from 1983 - Summer World Championships.

Olympic heroes

The history of each sport keeps


have established



pushing apart the established ideas about human capabilities.



"queens of sports" that

among her "subjects"

there were more outstanding athletes,

any other form. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

The famous Finnish runner Paavo Nurmi took part in three

Olympic Games (1920, 1924, 1928), winning a total of

gold medals for

distances from 1500

victories of this athlete resembles a statue


at the Olympic stadium in Helsinki.

The greatest athlete of all times and peoples was called

years of negro runner Jesse Owens. At the Olympic

Berlin (1936) he

won 4 Olympic gold medals. Among them

long jump, in which he showed a very high result (8 m 06 cm)

even by modern standards.

An equally outstanding athlete is a runner from Jamaica

subsequent games (until 2004) and won 8 Olympic awards. In total, she became the owner of 35 medals of various denominations.

Soviet athletes have won many Olympic awards and set world records. The sprint has always been dominated by black athletes, and only Valery Borzov managed to resist them. Speaking at the Olympic Games in 1972 and 1976 in sprint and relay races, he won 2 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals. Victor Saneev showed enviable longevity in the triple jump, he participated in 4

olympiads, having won 3 gold and 1 silver medals.

A graduate of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, shot putter Svetlana Kriveleva took part in 3 Olympiads and won 3 medals of various denominations.


The technique of physical exercise (sports exercise) is the way to perform it.It includes a set of techniques, ways to overcome space, interaction with the projectile, partners and opponents.

An athlete always uses a certain technique, performing this or that movement, even a beginner athlete who has not yet mastered the movement properly has a certain technique that allows him to perform this exercise.

it develops. They distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad.

Individual technique - the adaptation of exemplary technique to the individual characteristics of the athlete.

Technique consists of a combination of kinematic, dynamic

and rhythmic patterns of exercise.

TO the kinematic structure of the exercise includes the following parameters:

spatial (distance and amplitude), temporal (duration and

pace), space-time (speed, acceleration) and angular -

direction of movement.

TO the dynamic structure of the exercise includes the interaction of external and internal forces that determine the movement of a person.

TO external forces belong: the force of inertia, which manifests itself during acceleration or deceleration and directed against the movement; the reaction force of the support, which manifests itself when the bodies act on each other (placing the leg on the support when pushing off, the impact of the nucleus on the thrower's hand, etc.) pi, depending on the magnitude of the pressure; gravity is constant and relatively neutral; external environment - wind, air density that helps or hinders movement.

TO internal forces include: active forces of the motor apparatus -

muscle contractility, passive - elasticity of muscles, ligaments,

reactive - the reflection of forces arising from the interaction of body links,

when driving with acceleration.

Internal forces can only be motive in interaction with external forces.

The rhythmic structure of the exercise comprehensively expresses the temporal,

spatial and power relations of movements, a certain order of alternation.

The technique of any athletics exercise is divided into

In walking and running - this is a start, starting acceleration, running (walking) along a distance,


IN jumping - takeoff, takeoff, flight, landing.

IN throwing - holding the projectile and starting position, takeoff, final effort, release of the projectile and maintaining balance.

Separate parts of the technique include phases - this is the middle link,

defined mainly by unidirectional movement (for example,

phase of depreciation of the leg during support, phase of extension of the leg during repulsion).

Phases having

general temporary

features are called


(for example, support and flight in running, single and double support in walking).




points defining

the end of one phase and the beginning

another (moment of touching the foot

detaching it from the ground).

The smallest


are the elements






head position, more or less bent arms, etc.).

In the technique of athletics exercises, the leading link is determined:

jumping - repulsion, in throwing - the final effort, in the cyclic movement of running and walking - step.

Walking is the main way of human movement, related to the cycle

personal exercise. Each walking distance is divided: start,

starting acceleration, walking the distance, finishing. The leading link in the cyclic movement of walking is a double step. A characteristic special

walking distance - constant support with the ground, therefore, there is an alternation of a single support, which is longer in execution time, and

double support, which is shorter.

The cycle step is divided into periods single and double support,periods are divided into phases back step, forward stepand support transition. Moments -

smaller parts of the movement-separation of the leg from the support, the beginning of its removal,

placing on a support.

When placing the leg on the support, the pressure on it is directed in the direction of movement. The reaction force of the support is equal to it in magnitude and is opposite in direction, and therefore its horizontal component does not contribute to forward movement. In race walking at this moment there is no amor-

tization, since the leg should not bend at the knee joint, and therefore

reduce the braking effect of the horizontal component of the support

action is possible by placing the legs closer to the projection of the GCMT, i.e. under the angle

scrap, closer to straight.

IN walking, the pelvis makes a complex movement, turning andup down,

and left and right, and back and forth. Vertical oscillations of OCMT are

Figure 3.

With repulsion - backward pressure, the reaction force of the support is directed up and forward, which means that its horizontal component contributes to the forward movement of the OCMT. And in order to increase it, it is necessary to increase the repulsion force and perform it at a sharper angle, without raising the swinging leg high during the transfer.

Race walking differs from the usual speed of movement due to the increase and length of steps (up to 120 cm, depending on height,

strength in the hip joints) and their frequency (up to 200 steps per minute).

Exceeding this frequency usually leads to the loss of the two-support period and the transition to running.

Running at any distance is divided into: start, starting acceleration, distance running, finishing.

Running is a cyclic locomotor movement, in a cycle of which (double step) periods of support and flight alternate. The stance period includes 2 phases: braking and repulsion. The flight period consists of 2 phases: the rise and fall of the OCMT. Conditional phase and moment boundaries

(positioning of the leg, vertical, separation of the leg - during the support period; the moment of the highest point of the OCMT trajectory - during the flight period). Vertical oscillations of OCMT in running - 8-10 cm.

Figure 4.

The source of movement when running is the same as when walking: the interaction of internal forces with the reaction force of the support. The mechanism of their action when

ke feet on support and pushing away from it is identical. You can especially emphasize

to get the efficiency of the take-off at an acute angle, which is used in running from a low start (Fig. 4).

The conditional kinematic characteristic of running of different intensity can be considered the ratio of flight time to support time: in a sprint it is

more than one, in running at medium distances is approximately equal to one, in

marathon run - less than one. In running at different distances, keeping

the general structure of the running step changes, but depending on the speed of movement, the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the running step change,

decreasing with increasing distance.

The jumping technique is divided into: takeoff, takeoff, flight,

landing, where take-off is the leading link. Jump is a way to overcome distance using an accentuated phase. flight Range and flight altitude depend on initial speed and departure angle.

The repulsion mechanism can be traced on a high jump from a spot

(fig. 5). To push off, you need to sit down slightly and tilt your torso forward - this is preparation for pushing off. Repulsion - straightening of the legs and body, where 2 forces act, equal in magnitude and opposite in direction: downward - application to the support, upward - application to the body.

Figure 5.

The acceleration of the GCMT is due to the traction of the muscles. With great strength

muscle traction exceeding body weight is created by moving the body upward.

The departure speed of the OCMT at the moment of separation from the support is called the initial departure speed. The shorter and faster the pre-bending of the legs, the more effective the take-off. Of course, it takes strong-willed efforts.

(CNS involvement) and skill. Repulsion is enhanced by an arched wave of straight or bent arms. The same is with the swing of the leg, but the straight swing is slower, and the bent swing is shorter, which means faster (Fig. 6). All the added forces to the end of repulsion create the highest rise of the GCMT before takeoff.

In the takeoff run, 2 tasks are solved: the acquisition of the required optimal speed and the creation of conditions for repulsion. In length, triple, with a pole, the takeoff run is 18, 20, 22 strides (over 40 m), respectively, in

height - 7-11 (up to 20 m).

The takeoff run has the character of acceleration, but the last 3-5 steps in each type of jumps have differences for changing the direction of the jumper's OCMT movement, i.e. rotation of the GCMT velocity vector by some angle upward.

Repulsion is carried out not only by the strength of the extensor muscles of the jogging leg, but also by the actions of all parts of the body (extension in the hip,

knee, ankle joints, swing of the swing leg and arms forward and upward,

stretching the body up).

Figure 6.

The angle of repulsion is formed by the axis of the leg passing through the GCB and the fulcrum, and by the horizontal at the moment of separation from the ground. In flight OCMT

describes a trajectory that depends on the departure angle, initial speed and air resistance. For convenience, the departure angle can be represented

(female), take-off angle - 90º, departure - 60-65º.

In flight, all movements in the air cannot increase the result of the jump,

but promote balance. All compensatory movements are performed relative to the GCMT (Fig. 7).

Figure 7.

Landing in the long jump is achieved by falling at an angle and, if performed effectively, can improve the result. Landing in the high jump takes place on the back (Fosbury flop method) with

the transition to shoulder blades and somersault, i.e. through cushioning in various joints of the body, ensuring safety.

The purpose of throwing is the range of the projectile, which depends on the initial speed, angle of departure and air resistance of aerodynamic projectiles. The projectile departure speed depends on the magnitude of the force applied to the projectile, the length of the path of the force impact on the projectile and the time of application of the forces.

The projectile departure angle depends on the initial speed, release height (disc,

spear), the state of the atmosphere. It is always less than 45º (core - 38-41º, spear - 27-30º, disc - 35-33º wives and 39-36º husband, hammer - 44º).

The preliminary speed is reported to the projectile during the takeoff run, which you

is filled in different ways: in a spear - in the form of a run and is 7-8 m / sec, in

in the core - in the form of a jump and is 2-3 m / s, in the disk - in the form of a turn (7-8

m / sec.), in the hammer - several turns (20-23 m / sec).

Individual parts of the throwing technique perform a certain motor function.

IN the initial position, the projectile is placed closer to the ends of the fingers to increase the path of application of force.

IN the takeoff run creates conditions for creating an initial speed by swinging the body and swinging individual links of the body and the projectile. IN

in a two-bearing position, the athlete acts on the apparatus with greater force,

therefore, during the takeoff run, it is necessary to reduce the time spent in a single-support and unsupported position.

Before the final effort, you should come to a position when the projectile is at a greater distance from the intended point of departure (overtaking the projectile).

In the final effort, it is important to tell the projectile the maximum takeoff speed at the optimal angle by successive contraction

muscles from large and strong (legs, trunk) to small (shoulder, arm, hand).

The speed of the projectile is equal in the spear to 30-32 m / s, in the core - 13 m / s.

IN the disc in flight, the spear rotates, which stabilizes the movement of the projectiles

in air. With different winds, the angle of attack (the angle between the axis of the projectile and the air flow) is essential. Due to the difference in pressure from above and below, a lifting force is created that supports and guides the projectile. With a headwind - the angle is less, with a tailwind - more.

Basic means of training athletes

Physical exercisei are the main means of preparation and are divided into three main groups:

1) Exercises in the form of athletics, in which the athlete is

alized, including all elements and variations of this kind.

2) General developmental exercises, which are divided into 2


a) Exercises from other sports used for general

physical development, but meeting the specifics of their species: for the development of general endurance - cross-country skiing in summer and skiing in winter; for

strengthening the muscles - exercises with weights; for speed -

sprint running; for agility and coordination basketball game and gymnastic apparatus exercises.

b) Exercises with various objects: skipping ropes, medicine balls, etc. and without them; exercises on shells, simulators, jumping, etc.

element, part or combination of several movements taken from a given view

athletics. Their use in lightweight conditions or on simulators

allows you to show maximum speed, maximum amplitude,

to improve technique, and in difficult conditions - to educate volitional qualities, to increase the level of development of physical qualities.



Track and field exercises are so diverse that they can be used

call in any of the types. / In this case, we are not talking about other sports, although the use of such exercises occurs everywhere,

for example: for the development of weight-lifting strength from weightlifting, for agility - sports games, for relaxation - swimming, for coordination -

acrobatics, gymnastics, etc. /.

Track and field exercises are used in physical training,

that is, when training physical qualities.


ability to perform

long-term work

time without losing its intensity.


working capacity



fatigue are very similar concepts.




energy reserves of the body and the speed of their mobilization. Wherein

taken into account


resources that

give in

use in conditions of specific physical activity (completely

the body's energy reserves are never consumed).

Fatigue arising







duration. According to this there is no endurance

"In general", but there is endurance to specific type of work:"Speed \u200b\u200bendurance", "power endurance", endurance to prolonged loads (static, speed-power, etc.).

Endurance to global work is more often referred to as " general endurance "or " aerobic endurance ".

Cross-country skiing is the most effective exercise for developing aerobic capacity, since almost all muscles of the human body take part in such work. Cross-country running is also an effective exercise for increasing the body's aerobic capacity.

Of course, all types of cyclical exercises can be useful,

but the specific nature of the conditions of motor activity in swimming,

skating, rowing, etc. makes them less useful for this purpose, although no less effective.

Special enduranceis determined by the specific readiness of all organs and systems in relation to the chosen sport.

developing a common



most often

apply uniform and various optionsalternating and repeated

methods in training.

the initial stages of preparation and when training a beginner

used by

predominantly uniform

method, or


training (another name for this method is quantitative training).

carried out

this method is performed in aerobic



levels (140HR-160bpm).

The duration of the load depends on two main factors - the period of the training process and the level of the athlete's fitness. So, in

the beginning of the preparatory period, with a low level of fitness,

the duration of work is from 20 to 40 minutes, and at the end

preparatory period and with a high level of athlete readiness

varieties of variable training, one of which is the so-called fartlek.

This workout is characterized by the informal nature of alternating running and involves a fairly large amount of work at different speeds,

what is preferable to do in natural conditions on the ground (field,

forest, etc.). With sufficient preparedness after 12-15 minutes of work with an intensity at which the heart rate does not exceed 180-beats / min, it is supposed to reduce the speed so that the work is performed within the heart rate equal to 150 ± 10 beats / min. The share of the most intense loads allowed by the variable method should not exceed 10% of the total volume of work, while the share of the lowest intensity (heart rate about 150 beats / min) should not account for more than 20% of the total volume. Thus, the ratio of the intensive, medium and slow parts in a workout is approximately equal to

Repeated method.During repeated work, the values \u200b\u200bof oxygen consumption change all the time, sometimes reaching the near-limit level, then somewhat decreasing. Waves of increased consumption caused by repeated loading sometimes even exceed the VO2 max. This serves as a powerful stimulus to increase breathing capacity.

Interval method- a kind of repeated method.

Basic requirements for interval training:

- optimal running time60-90 sec;

- the pace of loads should be such that the heart rate is160-180 bpm; -

rest pause duration - in the range of 30-90 seconds;

In this case, the load should be such that by the end of the rest pause, the heart rate

was at least 120-130 beats / min.

Starting method or tempo training Is a kind of repetitive method. Its essence lies in the use of a higher

the pace of work; the reference point can be heart rate in the range of at least 180 ± 10

beats / min. The time of work with such a training load can, depending on the level of preparedness, from 30 s to 20 minutes, after which 30

the fitness of an athlete and his health - is possible only on the basis of the complex use of distance and interval methods with a wide variety of training segments and modes.

the main




workout, which must evolve into a variable workout. On the


preparation (from

level I-II

sports categories)

should introduce an interval method, the use of which involves

the presence of a fairly solid functional base, laid with the help


and its varieties. However, it must be remembered that,

thinking about comprehensive training, attention should be paid to improving

anaerobic performance. And from this point of view, none of the considered methods are strictly purposeful.

Anaerobic or high-speedendurance is important for those sports

where the competitive exercise is characterized by high intensity of performance.

Anaerobic capacity building technique

1) Intensity - marginal or slightly lower(100-95% of max).

2) The length of the segments -3-8 seconds.

3) Rest intervals - 2-3 minutes. Execution in series - 4-5

repetitions in each, rest between sets - 7-10 minutes.

4) Fill in the rest intervals between series of low intensity

5) The number of repetitions is determined by readiness to a pronounced decrease in V.

Rapidity defined asability to perform movement in

the shortest possible period of time.

In its pure form, speed is manifested in the simplest, unloaded

single-joint exercises (tapping, swinging arms and legs in various planes).

Between the speed of implementation of a holistic movement in full

coordination (maximum sprinter speed) and individual

manifestations of speed, its components do not have sufficient correlation.

This emphasizes the complexity of the quality of speed, its relative independence from its elementary manifestations.

The main reason is in each movement performed with maximum speed, depending on the amount of burden of the moved load

(body weight) an obligatory component ensuring the realization of motor potential is power.

Travel speedIs a function of speed, strength, endurance, and

also the athlete's ability to rationally coordinate his movements in

depending on the external conditions in which the motor task is being solved.

Unlike speed, the possibilities for improving the speed of movement are endless. Allocate three main formsmanifestations

you were fast:

- speed as the ability tomotor reaction;

- single movement speed;

- frequency of movements.

Most often in sports activities, the manifestation of speed is

complex nature. But in this or that sport, any one of the three elementary forms of speed can prevail, and it is this that will determine the result in this sport.

The combination of these three forms determines all cases of rapidity.

At the same time, the absence of direct relationships between individual

etc.). In these sports, the so-called

complex speed.Complex speed is the ability to cover short distances in the shortest time span.


gain maximum speed as soon as possible

determined by the phase of acceleration or starting speed. On average, this time


from 4 to 6 sec. The ability to hold as long as possible

the maximum speed achieved is called speed endurance and



speed. ABOUT





section "Endurance"



As already noted, all types of speed abilities are specific.

Direct positive transfer of speed takes place only in movements, in

which semantic and programming aspects are similar, as well as

motor composition. For example, improving the result in the long jump

will have a positive effect on sprint speed and soon

performing other exercises where the speed of leg extension is of great importance. However, the speed of a punch in boxing or the speed of thrusting in fencing is unlikely to be affected by the speed of swimming or rowing. Only in physically poorly prepared children at the initial stage of training can we expect a significant positive transfer of speed.

The upbringing of speed in a certain movement can be carried out with the help of exercises performed with maximum and submaximal intensity. The duration of these exercises should be such

so that by the end of the exercise, the speed does not decrease due to fatigue.

All speed exercises can be divided into three groups:

1. Exercises of versatile (complex) impact on all the main components of speed abilities. These include sports games, outdoor games, various relay races, including track and field, single combats, etc.

2. High-speed exercises, directed at individual components of high-speed abilities: reaction speed; on the speed of performing a separate movement, on improving the frequency of movements, on improving the starting speed, on speed endurance, on the speed of performing sequential motor actions in general.

3. Exercises associated with exposure:

a) simultaneous impact on speed and all other abilities

(high-speed and power, high-speed and coordination, high-speed and


) b simultaneous development of speed abilities; improvement of motor action (in running, swimming, sports games).

When developing quickness, the leading method is the repetitive method. The number of repetitions of exercises performed at maximum speed,

is established empirically: the work stops when it is impossible to maintain the maximum speed of the exercise (the time for performing a separate exercise, depending on fitness,

fluctuates, within 10-20 sec.).

The duration of the rest intervals is determined by two main factors: the excitability of the central nervous system should remain sufficiently high and at the same time the indicators of autonomic functions should be more or less restored, most of the rapid component of oxygen should be paid for. This can happen in different cases within 3-8 minutes.

Examples of using athletics exercises to develop speed of movement: running downhill on an incline, running on marks

/ with a short step /, throwing lightweight shells / of different weights, but

it is less than competitive / or weighted, and then immediately standard, which gives a feeling of ease of exercise.

Runners can use group running with handicap / handicap /,

long jumpers - a shortened takeoff run on an inclined track, high jumpers - jumping at extreme heights, getting objects, branches with increasing tasks.

Strength is the ability to overcome external resistance. Develop strength

It means to improve neuromuscular coordination, to develop the ability to co-

create great volitional efforts, increase muscle mass.

General strength is manifested in a variety of movements, in particular, GPP.

Special strength is developed by exercises similar in structure to basic

new or its element, part.

MPS - maximum arbitrary force manifests itself in isometric

conditions with voluntary muscle contraction.

Relative strength (OS):OS \u003d MPS / S, where S - anatomical

diameter (kg / cm²) or MPS / P, where P - body weight (rel. units)

With an increase in the body weight of an athlete

indicators of its







In sports where you have to deal with the movement of shells

weight limit or other weights, the result mainly depends on

from the indicators of absolute strength. Relative strength indicators are important



sports where


movement of the athlete's body in space (athletics jumps),

as well as in those sports where the need to limit weight has been established

a pronounced drop in working capacity) the time of work with weights, the weight of which is set in relation to the characteristics of the chosen sport, or the greatest amount of work that an athlete is able to perform within a given time.

maximum muscle tension with maximum weights.

Repeated effort methodassumes the use of loads below


The repeated effort method is also used to develop

endurance. In this case, the exercise intensity is 20-50% of

MPS, exercises are performed at an average pace until complete fatigue (up to

refusal). Weights in the series are selected in such a way that the athlete

could perform this exercise 15-30 times, duration of execution - 50-

70 sec. Rest between sets should be short-lived (20-60 seconds), after

the third approach is a feeling of fatigue in the muscles

strong, so the work is done in series. Rest more between episodes


A type of LPU is dynamic effort method

overcoming unsaturated weight at maximum speed. This method

used to develop speed-strength abilities.

Speed-strength qualities (SSK) depend on the perfection of technology

movements and the rate of increase in the voltage of individual

combinations. The method of improving the SSC is the use of efforts

maximum or 90-95% of



possible speed of shortening

muscles. Big


development of intermuscular coordination, since during explosive efforts in the muscles, not maximum, but optimal tension develops. For




to realize


maximum amplitude,

speed should

competitive, and muscle tension - maximum.

Isometric method or static method

effort. This method

is used to develop isometric or static muscle strength.

Isometric strength is especially necessary for maintaining posture, for

Fast or explosive strengthIs the type of strength needed to quickly

performing movements that require the manifestation of a certain strength. It aims to create the power of movement, which is associated with the manifestation

necessary strength in the shortest possible time.

Yielding method (MM) or plyometric training (PT).

An effective method of developing maximum strength, as in this

the method shows the power more than the maximum available. Exercises in the PM should be preceded by a large strength training. If the resistance is less than the athlete's maximum strength, a significant increase in strength

can be expected in those aspects of technology when behind the eccentric

activity is concentric. Various types of bounces, bounces with loads, or deep jumps fall into this category.

Circuit training method.

For the development of strength qualities, especially in the initial stages

adaptations often use the circuit training method. This method can be used to develop all other physical qualities.

As a means of developing strength, exercises with pre-

overcoming your own weight / jumps, squats, multijumps, etc. / and

exercises with weights, but without disturbing the structure of movement / dumbbells,

sandbags, belts, cuffs, shoulder partner, shoe weights /.

You can use a variety of soil / sawdust, grass,

hard, etc. /.

Flexibility - morphological and functional properties of the

the motor apparatus, which determine the amplitude of various movements of the athlete.

Flexibility is a term used to summarize joint mobility throughout the body. When it comes to individual joints of the body, it is customary to use the term "joint mobility".

Passive flexibility- execution of movement under the influence of external

Active flexibility- the ability to perform movement when active

own muscles.

Passive flexibility indicators are always higher than active ones.

Active flexibility is realized when performing various physical

exercise and

therefore on

practice its

value above



which reflects


for development actively





requirements to


due primarily to



competitive movements.




available to the athlete

the range of motion in various joints exceeds that required for effective performance of a competitive exercise. This difference is defined as “flexibility margin”.

Features of the structure of various joints and surrounding tissues

define the anatomically possible limits of flexibility. Directed training improves the elastic properties of the joint capsule, ligaments, and changes the shape of the articulating bone surfaces.

The specific level of flexibility is limited, first of all,

muscle tension of antagonists. Therefore, flexibility largely depends on

ability to combine contraction

muscles producing


relaxation of stretching muscles.






used by only 80-95%.


flexibilityrepeatable .. On







time. More


to increase



joints of the spinal column, less - to increase mobility in the shoulder, elbow, knee and ankle joints.

Classes to increase mobility must be carried out daily - from 20-30 minutes to 45-60 minutes. (20-30% - exercise and warm-up).

After reaching the required level, you need to conduct classes 3-4-

once a week in a maintenance mode. If the achieved level is not maintained, flexibility quickly returns to its original level.

One of the most common and widely used groups of exercises to increase flexibility is exercises performed in

stretching mode.

Stretching is performed in the form of repeated short-term and

the amplitude of jerks with reaching the maximum stretching of the muscle by 10-30 s.




activate and hold

in this state 10-30 sec. After the interval

rest 30-60 s - return to

stretching the same muscle. Running 3

sets in a series with a rest interval of 3-5 minutes.

Dexterity - the ability to quickly solve a motor problem in case of unexpected

given the situation that arises. This is the highest degree of coordination of movements. As a means of development, exercises from your own

natural type, performed in unusual conditions. For example, different

soil: sand, grass, sawdust; hurdles from different; but

relay races; throwing with the other hand or pushing off with the other leg; running on

the collar in the opposite direction, etc. /.

The high level of coordination abilities allows the athlete

quickly master new motor skills, rational and

use the existing stock of skills and motor qualities (with twill,

speed, flexibility), to show the necessary variability of movements in

in accordance with specific situations of training and competitive activity.

Coordination abilities are manifested in a reasonable choice

motor actions from the arsenal of mastered. skills therefore

naturally, coordination abilities depend on motor fitnessathlete, quantity and complexity mastered skills,and

also the effectiveness of the course of psychological,

determining the effectiveness of motion control.

The greater the number, variety and complexity of the skills learned,

the faster and more efficiently the athlete adapts to unexpected conditions, solves new motor tasks, the more adequately he reacts to the requirements of the emerging situation.

ice, etc., the level of development of which is largely determined by the ability of an athlete to control his movements. When improving



The main athletics exercise used by most people to promote health, prevent disease, and improve performance is running.

Running can also be used by people with various health conditions as a rehabilitation and corrective remedy.

The focus on jogging is due to a number of reasons:

- jogging can be done at any time, year, regardless of geographic and climatic conditions and place of residence;

- health jogging is available to any beginner, as it does not require special preliminary preparation;

- running load is easily dosed in terms of intensity and duration

from taking into account the age, gender, functionality and structure of the human body;

- you can successfully and with a high degree of accuracy exercise self-control in the process of running;

- systematic jogging stimulates additional blood circulation possibilities, enhances the work of skeletal muscles,

acting as a "peripheral heart";

- under the influence of regular running, blood pressure decreases;

- while running, the main muscle groups are involved,

long-term and dynamic movement of each part of the body is provided,

high mobility in the ankle, knee and hip joints;

In joggers, the vascular system is more developed


- jogging every day for 15 to 30 minutes for 18 months approximately doubles the elasticity and capacity of the vascular bed;

- in all known sports, running is, if not the main, then an auxiliary means of training.

With a few exceptions, everyone can run, regardless of age and degree of fitness. The number of medical contraindications to health jogging and walking is very limited.

It is necessary to run according to the program corresponding to the age and degree of physical fitness of the trainees. Beginners, in the case of a prolonged inactive motor life, should not start with running. In these cases, especially in older age groups, you need

start with a walking program and only when you achieve good physical condition can you move on to running.

There are many different training modes. From the goal,

which the practitioner sets for himself (in relation to his capabilities), the training program depends - the number of trainings per week, the duration of the class.


a warm-up that

will allow





Warm up exercises should be performed in

movement and in place (when

low temperatures, preferably only in motion).

The following set of exercises can be recommended: exercises for the upper limbs (rotations in the joints, jerking, etc.), lower limbs (walking on the outside, inside of the foot, squats, etc.), inclinations and turns of the body. Each exercise is done within 1 minute. After warm-up, you need to continue walking with a step and then go to an accelerated step and, finally, run.

While running, it is necessary to monitor the position of the legs, the position of the body, head. Movements should be free and enslaved.

It is necessary to develop the skill of gradually increasing the load during exercise and effectively distributing forces so that by the end of the run the body is not exhausted. This kind of planning leads to an increase in fitness.

A distance of 5-6 km is quite sufficient for a single run.

Stabilization of most physiological indicators of the heart,

respiratory system, blood and other body systems occurs within 1-2 years from the start of health-improving running at distances, not

an individual approach to determining the volume of the run and its speed.

The main criterion of this approach is the capacity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of each student,

which is determined by heart rate.


loads causing

increase in heart rate

50-100% off


pulse mode

maintained throughout the entire period

occupations despite

increased volume and speed of running.

Work at heart rate, not

exceeding 150 beats / min,

is an




functional capabilities of people 30-60 years old and older, as well as

health-improving orientation of classes. The effect is achieved already at

pulse 120-130 beats / min, at



maximum. Job


"Near the threshold of anaerobic metabolism", and this in turn indicates

that such a load is a useful training effect,




Increasing heart rate for beginners in jogging is not allowed





mechanisms of endurance.

Although modern progress changes human life for the better, but the development of cities largely determines his alienation from nature. In humans, physical activity is gradually decreasing, which, together with poor ecology, causes sufficient harm to the human body. An increase in the number of diseases and a decrease in the activity of the immune system leads to a reduction in the length of a person's life. Which, moreover, is accompanied by diseases that used to occur in the majority of older people, and now young people also suffer from them. A decrease in motor activity is one of the negative factors that interfere with the normal productive life of a person (Zhilkin A.I., Kuzmin V.S., Sidorchuk E.V. Athletics: a textbook for. M: Academy, 2008, 464 p.).

Athletics, being the most popular sport, contributes to the all-round physical development of a person. Nowadays, athletics is also an extensive recreational means of physical culture. Regular training contributes to the development of such motor qualities as strength, speed, endurance, coordination and flexibility, which are so necessary for a person in everyday life (Akrushenko A. V., Larina O. A., Kataryan T. V. Development psychology and developmental psychology. Abstract lectures.M .: Eksmo, 2008. P.57).

Athletics is called the "queen of sports" by many researchers. This name is explained by the fact that it combines five disciplines: running, race walking, jumping (long, high, triple, pole-jumping), throwing (disc, spear, hammer), shot put. It is also worth mentioning separately about the athletics all-around. Athletics is also one of the main and most popular sports.

Due to the fact that in our work we will consider athletics throwing a small ball, and in the first paragraph we indicated that schoolchildren of grades 5-9 throw a small ball, below we will consider the effect of athletics on children 11-15 years old.

When practicing athletics at school, it is necessary to take into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's body, which are important indicators of the harmonious development of the child.

In the process of growth and development of the child's body, all functional systems of the body undergo constant changes. So, for example, the highest growth rates are for girls at 11-12 years old, for boys at 13-14 years old, about 6-7 cm per year. The maximum increase in muscle mass (4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper year) is observed in girls at the age of 13 years, and in boys at 14 years old. By the age of 14-15, the development of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus reaches a significant level, and the tissue of skeletal muscles no longer differs much from the muscles of adults (Solodkov A.S., Sologub E.B. Physiology of sports. SPb .: St. Lesgaft. 2004, 231 p.).

The uneven growth of individual parts of the body gives rise to a temporary violation of the coordination of movements, there is clumsiness, clumsiness, awkwardness. After 15 years, these phenomena gradually disappear (Ilyin EP Psychophysiology of physical education. M .: Education, 1992, 223s.).

At the same time, simultaneously with the increase in muscle mass, an intensive increase in the strength of many muscle groups occurs, which lags somewhat behind the growth of the total body weight. At this age, puberty begins, which begins due to the revitalization of the sex and endocrine glands. Functionally, the child's body is not yet stable and is often prone to disruptions in the functioning of the body's functional systems and is prone to various diseases.

At the age of 11-15 years, the ratio of different parts of the body and the type of complexion is more clearly established, which are of decisive importance in the choice of sports specialization and sports selection in the future. Scientists have proven that a person's complexion and athletic performance have a close relationship. At the same time, the body type is genetically determined and is not easily influenced by training (Kazanskaya KO Age psychology. Lecture notes. M .: A-Prior, 2008. P.38).

Also, scientists have noted significant changes in the respiratory system. From the age of 10, there is an intensive growth of the lungs and their total volume. The type of breathing in boys from the age of 10 is predominantly abdominal, and in girls it is mixed. Mixed breathing involves both chest and abdominal breathing.

In connection with the transformation of the nervous and endocrine systems, functional disorders of organs and systems can suddenly occur. In particular, an increased load on the endocrine system can affect the development of thyroid diseases and diabetes mellitus.

In medicine, such a concept as "youthful heart" or "teenager's heart" is often found. These concepts are characterized by a high growth in the size of the myocardium, as well as the presence of heart murmurs. Increased blood pressure, palpitations, increased or decreased heart rate, shortness of breath, and headache in the forehead are also common. Transformations of the cardiovascular system are more often observed in adolescents who do not regularly go in for sports, who are either limited in motor activity or in turnover with the effect of overtraining.

A.S. Solodkov also notes changes in the gastrointestinal tract. Disruptions in the work of the intestines and the movement of food through it are especially easy. Diseases of the biliary tract are frequent. With hypothermia of the lumbar region, adolescent girls develop inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (Solodkov A.S., Sologub E.B. Physiology of sports. St. Petersburg: SPbGAFK named after PF Lesgaft. 2004, 231 p.).

Teens may feel dizzy when they are standing for a long time. An unpleasant feeling in the region of the heart, abdomen and legs occurs with prolonged motionless sitting. When forced to stand for a long time, the child may faint, his face turns white, his hands become cold and may even acquire a bluish tint. These phenomena disappear quickly when lying down. Such adolescents have increased sweating, red dermographism, and rapid mood swings. The cause of such disorders is often the instability of the autonomic nervous and endocrine systems, characteristic of this age, as well as physical overstrain (Klipst II Human muscle strength and the factors that determine it. M .: 1992.95 p.).

In psychology, the age from 10 to 15 years old correlates with adolescence, the period of completion of childhood, growing out of it, the transition from childhood to adulthood . The ability to reflect, formed in educational activities in the middle grades of the school, rushes to the student on himself. Comparing himself with adults and with younger children leads the adolescent to the conclusion that he is no longer a child, but rather an adult. . The teenager wants those around him to recognize his independence and importance, begins to feel like an adult. Basic psychological needs of a teenager at this age, the desire to communicate with peers, the desire for independence and independence, emancipation from adults, to the recognition of their rights on the part of other people (Shapovalenko I.V. Development psychology (developmental psychology and developmental psychology). M .: Gardariki, 2005, 349 p. .).

Among the means of physical education of adolescents, the means of athletics (types of running, jumping and throwing) occupy one of the main places. This is due to their availability, dynamism, emotionality and naturalness. Properly organized athletics classes in combination with other means of physical education should promote:

1) strengthening the health of children and adolescents;

2) harmonious physical development;

3) the development of physical, moral and volitional qualities;

4) upbringing of organizational and physical culture and sanitary and hygienic skills.

Track and field exercises, when used correctly, help to improve metabolism, strengthen the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as develop correct posture. Also, one should not forget that his adolescent body is different from that of an adult. During physical work in a teenager, blood flow increases 40-60 times or more, and skeletal muscles pass blood through themselves in an amount that is much greater than the norm.

Physically better developed adolescents are more likely to achieve success in sports, it is easier for such children to focus on a particular sport. Therefore, even children who have just started classes in children's and youth sports schools have better physical development than their peers who do not go in for sports. The importance of selection is also manifested in the fact that adolescents who specialize in various sports turn out to be of unequal development.

So, in particular, when comparing the growth of dead power in young athletes, boxers and skaters, the best indicators were observed in skaters, when comparing the strength of the arm muscles, the best indicators were found in boxers and athletes (Klipst I.I. Human muscle strength and factors, its defining. M .: 1992.95 p.).

The issue of changes in the level of physical development of children at different age periods in connection with the specialized influence of motor activity and the environment in which the training takes place is of very great interest in research today. The system of training influences leads to an improvement in the functions of the cardiovascular system, increases muscle activity, expands the functional capabilities of school-age children.

So in children who are not engaged in motor activity sufficiently, there is an increase in heart rate (HR) and an increase in the systolic rate of heart rate. A more pronounced reaction is also noted in the indicators of blood pressure in arterial vessels (Popov VB Means and methods of training an athlete // Physical culture at school. 2001. No. 3. P.63-69).

Thus, physical exercises aimed at children and adolescents have a beneficial effect on increasing the reserve breathing capacity. The oxygen transport function of the blood circulation increases, the oxygen capacity of the blood increases, the mechanisms of tissue respiration are improved, the ability for prolonged physical activity in conditions of a lack of oxygen increases. In the process of systematic sports training among young athletes, the regulation of breathing during muscular work improves. There is an increase in the processes of economizing the respiratory system both under resting conditions and under standard physical activity. Such changes in the respiratory system indicate the expansion of the body's capabilities with age and provide an opportunity to objectively assess the functional fitness of athletes.

Under the influence of training, the vital capacity of the lungs can increase by 30%. It also rises under the influence of special breathing exercises.

Thus, we can conclude that athletics has a beneficial effect on the body of students, if age characteristics are observed in the development of body systems and the students are not exposed to the effect of overtraining.

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………. 3

1. The influence of running on the human body ……………………………………… ... 4

2. The effect of walking on the human body ……………………………………… .. 6

3. The influence of physical exercises on mental development …………………. 7

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………. nine

List of used literature ………………………………………………… 10


Track and field athletics is the “queen of sports”, combining five disciplines - running; race walking; jumping (long, high, triple, pole jumping); throwing (disc, spear, hammer), shot put; athletics all-around. This is one of the main and most popular sports. Athletics has its origins in England, where it began to develop in the 17th and 18th centuries, mainly in the form of running and walking. Since then, it has come a long way, becoming one of the most popular sports.

In our time, athletics can act as a "lifeline". Modern progress and civilization, on the one hand, improve the life of mankind, and on the other hand, they alienate it from nature. Decreased physical activity, which, in combination with negative ecology, causes significant harm to the human body. The number of illnesses is increasing, the activity of the immune system is decreasing, many illnesses, which mostly elderly people previously suffered from, have become "younger" and, as a result, lead to a reduction in human life expectancy. Decreased physical activity is one of the many negative factors that hinder the normal fruitful life of a person.

Track and field athletics is the most popular sport that contributes to the all-round physical development of a person. Systematic athletics exercises develop strength, speed, endurance and other qualities that a person needs in everyday life.

Let's consider how some types of athletics affect the human body.

1. Influence of running on the human body

Running is not a pleasant activity for many. But as practice shows, it is the most optimal, cheapest way to monitor your health. Everyone runs: children, adults, old people with their dogs ...

Running can be used for a wide variety of goals, from spiritual self-improvement to weight loss. Each person, if desired, will find the answer to his question with the help of running. But there are several basic processes that are stimulated during running - both a beginner and an experienced athlete should be aware of this.

1. During and after running, the process of hematopoiesis is activated - "young", healthy blood is formed.

2. Respiration is activated, absorption of free electrons from the air by the body is stimulated. This process takes place in the lungs due to the activation of gas exchange and through the skin. An increase in the number of free electrons increases performance (physical and mental) and stimulates all functions and systems of a person.

3. During running, the production of carbon dioxide by the body is activated, which has a very beneficial effect on all biochemical processes occurring in the cells. In particular, the amount of oxygen in the tissues increases, which helps to improve the metabolism in the body.

4. During running of an average duration (30-60 minutes), cell breakdown is activated in the body, which, in turn, after running training stimulates the synthesis of new young and healthy cells. First of all, old diseased cells are destroyed, and new ones are synthesized in their place. With the help of running, the whole body is rejuvenated and renewed.

5. An adult's body contains approximately 35 liters of fluid (5 liters of blood, 2 liters of lymph and 28 liters of intracellular fluid). With a sedentary lifestyle, all this fluid stagnates. During running, fluid begins to actively circulate, eliminating stagnant zones in the body.

6. The supply of cells with nutrients and oxygen occurs according to the following scheme. At the first stage, the necessary substances are transferred from the blood to the intercellular fluid by diffusion through the walls of the capillaries. At the second stage, oxygen and nutrients are transferred from the intercellular fluid through the membrane into the cell. The third stage is the distribution of nutrients and oxygen inside the cell. In the same way, but in reverse order, waste products are removed from the cells. During and after running, all these processes occur at high speed, which increases the vitality of the body and activates self-healing. The cells of the body get rid of the products of their own vital activity while running, which excludes the option of self-poisoning.

7. Millions of cells die off in the human body every moment. To dispose of all this on your own, you need a non-intensive load of medium duration. Slow running works best for this. Otherwise, the dead cells of the body begin to decompose with the formation of poisons, which are carried throughout the body with the bloodstream, causing poisoning and, for example, such a condition as chronic fatigue.

8. During the run, the hormone serotonin is released, which is known to everyone as the hormone of happiness, thanks to which the mood improves, the symptoms of depression disappear, and tension is relieved.

The cardiovascular system is the first to receive a health impulse when jogging. According to experts, the heart and blood vessels react very positively to unhurried loads of average (30-60 minutes) duration. Exercises on strength machines or with a barbell (dumbbells) develop skeletal muscles well, while absolutely not stimulating the development of the heart muscle and blood vessels. In contrast, running is considered one of the best ways to restore and maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

There are several reasons for this positive impact.

1. Periodic tension and relaxation of the leg muscles. For the cardiovascular system, it is the alternation of tension and relaxation of the leg muscles that is very important during training. For example, exercising with a barbell (squats, lunges), a person does not receive even a tenth of the healing effect for blood vessels that can be obtained during a run. This is because during normal training, the muscles first experience a lot of tension (squatting with a barbell) and then rest. This training regime often leads to stagnant processes in the legs, with the possibility of varicose veins. In contrast, running is a gentle, natural load on the leg muscles.

2. While running, the human body performs periodic oscillatory movements up and down. When moving up, gravity is overcome, and so many hundreds of times during training. Such oscillatory movement has a very positive effect on the entire fluid (lymph, blood, intracellular fluid) of the body, causing oscillatory movements in the smallest vessels.

3. During running, breathing becomes deep and rapid, which leads to active movement of the diaphragm up and down, which in itself is an excellent massage for all organs of the abdominal cavity. This massage activates blood circulation in these organs with all the positive consequences that follow from this. The active movement of the diaphragm promotes the outflow of venous blood from the legs up to the heart.

A steady, long run, the speed of which is not much higher than the speed of walking, according to Gilmore, the author of the book "Running for Life", can give an additional 10-12 years of life.

To many, this activity seems to be a very monotonous and boring exercise. In fact, this is not the case. Jogging, you can "throw out" your temperament in the sprint and taste all the measure of your patience, measuring kilometer after kilometer in a marathon. You can train for the ambitious desire to become a world record holder or an Olympic champion, or simply run out of the desire to maintain health, performance and normal psychology. Finally, it is possible not to part with running until a ripe old age, and in all years running will fully satisfy the moral and physical demands of the sport.

This exercise also has a healing effect on the immune system. With regular jogging, a person becomes active, collected, purposeful, which allows him to increase his self-esteem.

2. The effect of walking on the human body

Walking is the easiest of all sports. You don't need to spend a lot of energy on it, and the effect is quite high. Walking has a healthy effect on the body, raises muscle tone, strengthens bone tissue, develops coordination of movements, and stimulates metabolism.

First of all, it stimulates the work of the heart muscle (myocardium). Physicians have proven that if a person walks every day, at least for an hour, the risk of this kind of disease is reduced by 70%. Walking promotes weight loss, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, with it, lactic acid does not accumulate in the body.

Walking can be divided into two types: fast and calm. Calm is more suitable for older people, it just keeps the body in good shape. In addition, you can at the same time increase the class time to two hours. Brisk walking will exert stress on the muscles and develop bone tissue. By combining two types of walking, you can adjust the load according to your desire and well-being. After all, first of all, it is necessary to increase the tone, to raise the mood and improve health.

Walking can be both an independent sport, and a general developmental, preparatory exercise before engaging in other sports. In this case, you need to spend less time on it.

This type of physical activity can be considered the safest type of physical activity. Almost everyone can do it - from a teenager to an elderly person. Now it has gained incredible popularity in European countries and America as a means to combat physical inactivity and its attendant problems. A few years ago, an Irish health organization launched the Health Trail project, which aims to involve as many of the population as possible in walking. Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Canada and Germany have already joined this project. In Germany, mass walks are organized on certain days, in which thousands of people participate.

Brisk walking is also good with a lowered emotional background, depressed, depressed mood. In the process of walking, just like with other loads (running, swimming, etc.), the body produces endorphins - hormones that have a positive effect on the psyche. It is also useful for short distances. However, to strengthen the cardiovascular system, exercises should be continuous with a high rate of movement.

Over time, the habit of walking quickly can become motor automatism, especially when using known routes.

There are no contraindications for walking, even a hypertensive person can deal with it. It is recommended to practice it for many diseases of the cardiovascular, pulmonary systems, with nervous overstrain and even during rehabilitation periods. It has a strengthening effect on literally the entire body.

3. The effect of exercise on mental development

The positive influence of physical development on mental development was known in China, even in the days of Confucius, in ancient Greece, India, and Japan. In the monasteries of Tibet and Shaolin, physical exercise and labor were taught at the same level as theoretical disciplines. Also in Ancient Greece: Plato was a two-time Olympic champion in pankration (mixed style of martial arts), Pythagoras was a champion in fist fights, and this did not prevent them from being and remaining refined intellectuals.

How and why physical activity improves mental health is currently not fully understood. Some theories, for example, look at the effects of exercise on various hormones and other chemicals in our body.

Our bodies have an amazing hormonal system that contains chemicals similar to morphines called endogenous opioids. These hormones are of particular interest because their receptors are found in areas of the brain responsible for emotions, pain, and behavior. During exercise, the pituitary gland increases the synthesis of beta-endorphins, a type of endogenous opioid, resulting in an increase in their concentration in the blood. At the same time, there is an increase in the level of beta-endorphins in the human brain, and thus a feeling of general comfort is created.

Physical activity can also activate the action of special brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. Dr. Charles Ransford of Hillsdale College, Michigan reviewed the scientific evidence on the subject and suggested that while there is a need for further research, it can be concluded that exercise can alter the concentration of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the brain and, as a consequence, reduce the depressive state.

Dr. James Weese of Alberta Hospital and a team of researchers from Arizona State University independently concluded that increased brain alpha waves are emitted during periods of physical activity. The result of the influence of these electronic waves is the onset of a calmer and more peaceful state in a person. Their effect usually begins to appear after the twentieth minute of training and can be recorded using devices and some time after the cessation of active exercises. The researchers suggest that the effect of an increased number of alpha waves is among the positive factors of the effect of physical activity on the general psychological state of a person, including expressed in a decrease in mental excitability and a decrease in depression.

Other researchers have suggested that exercise reduces electrical tension in muscles. Some also believe that physical activity increases the transport of oxygen to the brain. In addition, during exercise, the body temperature rises, causing a decrease in muscle tension and affecting certain neurotransmitters in the brain.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends regular exercise for 30-60 minutes a day, several times a week, as an important factor in promoting health, mental alertness and overall well-being.

A decrease in the level of mental excitability and depression and an improvement in the general condition that occur as a result of a physically active life will certainly have a positive effect on the performance of their professional duties by those whose work is mainly related to mental activity. For many students and knowledge workers, this primarily means that the time spent on physical education will never be wasted. On the contrary, even a 30-minute workout will increase mental capacity and more efficient use of time. Including breaks for physical exercise ("industrial gymnastics") in the work and study schedules of sedentary workers and students can improve productivity and academic performance.


In the abstract, several examples of the impact of athletics exercises on the human body were considered. According to the given data, it is enough for a person to perform elementary physical activity in order to strengthen his health and always stay in shape. With regular exercise, you can resist the endless stream of stress, anxiety and depression that is so common in this century. Physical activity can act as a kind of protective buffer, reducing the stress and stress of everyday life, as well as positively affecting the improvement of mood and the general physical and psychological state of a person.

A person needs 30-60 minutes of light jogging or walking at an average pace to improve their health. In our time, the physical, psychological state of each of us can become a positive fact for the country as a whole. This indicator is the hallmark of the state. The health of every citizen of the country forms the health of the nation. Unfortunately, now it cannot be said that Russia is a state consisting of physically healthy and psychologically balanced people. But there is a noticeable tendency of an increase in those who began to engage in this or that sport. Now in Russia, running and walking are becoming very popular, because they are the most accessible physical activities, and the benefits from them are no less than from exercising in the gym. I would like to believe that in a few years we will be proud to say that Russia is a country with healthy citizens, and the whole world consists of physically strong people who do not know any diseases. Athletics can be a major contributor to this goal.


1. Zhilkin A.I. Athletics - study guide - M.: ACADEMA, 2003. - 461 p.

2.http: //

3.http: //

4.http: //

5.http: //

6.http: //

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………. 3

1. The influence of running on the human body ……………………………………… ... 4

2. The effect of walking on the human body ……………………………………… .. 6

3. The influence of physical exercises on mental development …………………. 7

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………. nine

List of used literature ………………………………………………… 10


Track and field athletics is the “queen of sports”, combining five disciplines - running; race walking; jumping (long, high, triple, pole jumping); throwing (disc, spear, hammer), shot put; athletics all-around. This is one of the main and most popular sports. Athletics has its origins in England, where it began to develop in the 17th and 18th centuries, mainly in the form of running and walking. Since then, it has come a long way, becoming one of the most popular sports.

In our time, athletics can act as a "lifeline". Modern progress and civilization, on the one hand, improve the life of mankind, and on the other hand, they alienate it from nature. Decreased physical activity, which, in combination with negative ecology, causes significant harm to the human body. The number of illnesses is increasing, the activity of the immune system is decreasing, many illnesses, which mostly elderly people previously suffered from, have become "younger" and, as a result, lead to a reduction in human life expectancy. Decreased physical activity is one of the many negative factors that hinder the normal fruitful life of a person.

Track and field athletics is the most popular sport that contributes to the all-round physical development of a person. Systematic athletics exercises develop strength, speed, endurance and other qualities that a person needs in everyday life.

Let's consider how some types of athletics affect the human body.

1. Influence of running on the human body

Running is not a pleasant activity for many. But as practice shows, it is the most optimal, cheapest way to monitor your health. Everyone runs: children, adults, old people with their dogs ...

Running can be used for a wide variety of goals, from spiritual self-improvement to weight loss. Each person, if desired, will find the answer to his question with the help of running. But there are several basic processes that are stimulated during running - both a beginner and an experienced athlete should be aware of this.

1. During and after running, the process of hematopoiesis is activated - "young", healthy blood is formed.

2. Respiration is activated, absorption of free electrons from the air by the body is stimulated. This process takes place in the lungs due to the activation of gas exchange and through the skin. An increase in the number of free electrons increases performance (physical and mental) and stimulates all functions and systems of a person.

3. During running, the production of carbon dioxide by the body is activated, which has a very beneficial effect on all biochemical processes occurring in the cells. In particular, the amount of oxygen in the tissues increases, which helps to improve the metabolism in the body.

4. During running of an average duration (30-60 minutes), cell breakdown is activated in the body, which, in turn, after running training stimulates the synthesis of new young and healthy cells. First of all, old diseased cells are destroyed, and new ones are synthesized in their place. With the help of running, the whole body is rejuvenated and renewed.

5. An adult's body contains approximately 35 liters of fluid (5 liters of blood, 2 liters of lymph and 28 liters of intracellular fluid). With a sedentary lifestyle, all this fluid stagnates. During running, fluid begins to actively circulate, eliminating stagnant zones in the body.

6. The supply of cells with nutrients and oxygen occurs according to the following scheme. At the first stage, the necessary substances are transferred from the blood to the intercellular fluid by diffusion through the walls of the capillaries. At the second stage, oxygen and nutrients are transferred from the intercellular fluid through the membrane into the cell. The third stage is the distribution of nutrients and oxygen inside the cell. In the same way, but in reverse order, waste products are removed from the cells. During and after running, all these processes occur at high speed, which increases the vitality of the body and activates self-healing. The cells of the body get rid of the products of their own vital activity while running, which excludes the option of self-poisoning.

7. Millions of cells die off in the human body every moment. To dispose of all this on your own, you need a non-intensive load of medium duration. Slow running works best for this. Otherwise, the dead cells of the body begin to decompose with the formation of poisons, which are carried throughout the body with the bloodstream, causing poisoning and, for example, such a condition as chronic fatigue.

8. During the run, the hormone serotonin is released, which is known to everyone as the hormone of happiness, thanks to which the mood improves, the symptoms of depression disappear, and tension is relieved.

The cardiovascular system is the first to receive a health impulse when jogging. According to experts, the heart and blood vessels react very positively to unhurried loads of average (30-60 minutes) duration. Exercises on strength machines or with a barbell (dumbbells) develop skeletal muscles well, while absolutely not stimulating the development of the heart muscle and blood vessels. In contrast, running is considered one of the best ways to restore and maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

There are several reasons for this positive impact.

1. Periodic tension and relaxation of the leg muscles. For the cardiovascular system, it is the alternation of tension and relaxation of the leg muscles that is very important during training. For example, exercising with a barbell (squats, lunges), a person does not receive even a tenth of the healing effect for blood vessels that can be obtained during a run. This is because during normal training, the muscles first experience a lot of tension (squatting with a barbell) and then rest. This training regime often leads to stagnant processes in the legs, with the possibility of varicose veins. In contrast, running is a gentle, natural load on the leg muscles.

2. While running, the human body performs periodic oscillatory movements up and down. When moving up, gravity is overcome, and so many hundreds of times during training. Such oscillatory movement has a very positive effect on the entire fluid (lymph, blood, intracellular fluid) of the body, causing oscillatory movements in the smallest vessels.

3. During running, breathing becomes deep and rapid, which leads to active movement of the diaphragm up and down, which in itself is an excellent massage for all organs of the abdominal cavity. This massage activates blood circulation in these organs with all the positive consequences that follow from this. The active movement of the diaphragm promotes the outflow of venous blood from the legs up to the heart.

A steady, long run, the speed of which is not much higher than the speed of walking, according to Gilmore, the author of the book "Running for Life", can give an additional 10-12 years of life.

To many, this activity seems to be a very monotonous and boring exercise. In fact, this is not the case. Jogging, you can "throw out" your temperament in the sprint and taste all the measure of your patience, measuring kilometer after kilometer in a marathon. You can train for the ambitious desire to become a world record holder or an Olympic champion, or simply run out of the desire to maintain health, performance and normal psychology. Finally, it is possible not to part with running until a ripe old age, and in all years running will fully satisfy the moral and physical demands of the sport.

This exercise also has a healing effect on the immune system. With regular jogging, a person becomes active, collected, purposeful, which allows him to increase his self-esteem.

2. The effect of walking on the human body

Walking is the easiest of all sports. You don't need to spend a lot of energy on it, and the effect is quite high. Walking has a healthy effect on the body, raises muscle tone, strengthens bone tissue, develops coordination of movements, and stimulates metabolism.

First of all, it stimulates the work of the heart muscle (myocardium). Physicians have proven that if a person walks every day, at least for an hour, the risk of this kind of disease is reduced by 70%. Walking promotes weight loss, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, with it, lactic acid does not accumulate in the body.

Walking can be divided into two types: fast and calm. Calm is more suitable for older people, it just keeps the body in good shape. In addition, you can at the same time increase the class time to two hours. Brisk walking will exert stress on the muscles and develop bone tissue. By combining two types of walking, you can adjust the load according to your desire and well-being. After all, first of all, it is necessary to increase the tone, to raise the mood and improve health.

Walking can be both an independent sport, and a general developmental, preparatory exercise before engaging in other sports. In this case, you need to spend less time on it.

Among the means of physical education of children, adolescents and young men, various types of running, jumping and throwing take one of the most important places. This is due to their availability, dynamism, emotionality and naturalness. Properly organized athletics classes in combination with other means of physical education should promote:

  • 1. strengthening the health of children and adolescents;
  • 2. harmonious physical development;
  • 3. development of physical, moral and volitional qualities;
  • 4. upbringing of organizational and physical culture and sanitary and hygienic skills.

Skillfully applied athletics exercises help to improve metabolism, strengthen the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as the formation of correct posture. When preparing a teenager to achieve high sports results, one should not forget that his body is different from that of an adult and that a teenager is not a miniature adult. During physical work, blood flow increases by 40-60 times or more, and skeletal muscles pass blood through themselves in large quantities.

So, the heart works with the participation of more than 600 helpers - "peripheral hearts", which provide blood circulation and blood supply to the body. These assistants are capable of developing pressure in excess of the maximum arterial pressure. And since skeletal muscles can develop such a great pressure, they alone are capable of raising blood from the lower extremities to the right atrium in a standing position.

All observations of young athletes show their better physical development in comparison with adolescents who did not exercise. However, such comparisons speak not only of the undeniable positive effect of muscle training, but also of the effect of selection in the recruitment of various sports schools and teams. Physically better teens are more likely to be successful in sports. That is why the best physical development in comparison with their peers who do not go in for sports is found in children who are just starting classes in children's sports schools. The significance of selection is also manifested in the fact that adolescents who specialize in various sports are of unequal development8.

So, for example, when comparing the growth of dead power among young athletes, boxers and speed skaters, the best indicators were noted among speed skaters, when comparing the strength of arm muscles, the best indicators were observed in boxers and athletes.

The question of the range of changes in various indicators of physical development of children in different age periods in connection with the specialized influence of motor activity and the environment is of great interest. Systematic, well-organized training usually, as mentioned above, leads to an improvement in the functions of the cardiovascular system, improves the response to muscle work, and expands the functionality of school-age children. So, for example, when carrying out functional tests (intensive running for 7 minutes), a significant difference was found in trained and untrained young athletes according to electrocardiography data.

The less trained showed a greater increase in heart rate and a greater increase in systolic rate. A more pronounced reaction is also noted in terms of arterial blood pressure. In trained athletes, the shifts were significantly smaller and recovery was more likely.

Thus, under the influence of physical exercises in children and adolescents, reserve breathing capacities increase; VC and MVL clearly increase, more oxygen is used from a liter of ventilated air, the oxygen transport function of blood circulation increases, the oxygen capacity of the blood grows, the mechanisms of tissue respiration are improved, the ability to continue physical activity in pronounced hypoxemic and hypercapnic states with the formation of a greater oxygen debt9. In the process of systematic sports training in young athletes, the neurohumoral regulation of respiration during muscular work improves, better coordination of the work of respiration is ensured when performing exercises with both muscular and other functional systems of the body; there is an increase in the processes of economizing the respiratory system both at rest and during standard physical exertion. Such a direction of changes in the respiratory function testifies to the expansion of the body's capabilities with age and provides an opportunity for a sports doctor to objectively assess the functional

Under the influence of training, the vital capacity of the lungs can increase by 30%. It also rises under the influence of special breathing exercises. There is a fairly close correlation between the value of VC (VC) and ODE. The ode to the submaximal load and the absolute heart volume is +0.61 and the relative volume +0.68. Consequently, the greater the initial value, the heart volume in young athletes, the higher their ability to increase the MOC and MOC during intense muscular activity, i.e., the higher the maximum hemodynamic performance.

Blood pressure (BP). Until now, there is no consensus regarding the influence of sports on the level of blood pressure and the assessment of hypotension as an indicator of fitness10.

Considering a decrease in blood pressure in athletes as one of the most important signs of adaptation of the body to regular physical activity, researchers come to the conclusion that not every decrease in blood pressure in athletes is a sign of a high level of fitness of the body. In addition to the so-called hypotension of high fitness (physiological form), there may be other forms of it (hypotension from overwork, neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type; hypotonic illness, hypotension with foci of chronic infection) due to the unfavorable influence of factors of the external and internal environment on the neurohumoral regulation of vascular tone in athletes. Hypotension cannot be considered a characteristic feature of the adaptation of an athlete's circulatory apparatus to physical activity.

At the same time, for young athletes in all age groups, this indicator is higher and increases with increasing fitness.

Thus, we can conclude that in sports medicine there are ideas that the success of children in sports depends on the complex of psychophysiological and motor qualities, as well as on the morphological characteristics and functional capabilities of the autonomic systems of the individual. Moreover, the significance of the individual elements of this complex is unequal for different sports. Although the selection requires specific sports requirements that determine the validity of individual psychophysiological and morphofunctional indicators, all this does not exclude the importance of general criteria that ensure the correct choice of sports specialization and assessment of the prospects of sports achievements of children and adolescents11. These criteria are indicators of biological age, as they reflect the maturity of individual systems and the whole organism. Of particular importance is the determination of the biological age of young athletes in connection with the fact that acceleration is accompanied not only by an increase in body size, accelerated growth and development, but also by a significant variability in the morphological and functional maturity of children and adolescents of the same passport age.