The influence of sport on human health. Health school "physical activity" Physical activity affects the composition

Dear friends! Today we will talk about the health benefits of physical activity. As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles and requiring energy expenditure.

So, physical activity is movement. And movement is one of the main functions of every living organism. Physical activity is perhaps the only component with which we can manage our daily calorie needs, and therefore manage excess weight loss. You can read about this.

If we want to get the maximum benefit from movement to improve the quality of our health, it is very useful to know the positive effects, but also the possible risks that need to be considered before taking up exercise.

Positive effects of properly performed physical activity

A) Effect on the circulatory and respiratory systems:

  • optimizes the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (reduces heart rate at rest, as well as during exercise of moderate and submaximal intensity, increases efficiency and improves heart function;
  • increases the lumen of the coronary arteries and capillaries of the heart muscle, slightly lowers blood pressure at normal or high pressure, increases maximum oxygen consumption (aerobic potential, VO2max);
  • the combination of increased aerobic capacity and optimal fat reduction is the most effective way to reduce stress;
  • older people get tired very quickly and physical activity eliminates fatigue and increases mental and physical performance.

B) Reducing the risk of heart and circulatory system diseases:

  • people with a sedentary lifestyle are much more likely to be at risk of coronary heart disease than physically active people;
  • people with a movement deficit are much less likely to survive a first heart attack than a person who exercises regularly;
  • clearly improves the quality of life of patients with heart artery diseases. This significantly reduces risk factors for coronary heart disease and reduces healthcare costs.

C) Positive effect on some chemical processes in the blood:

  • reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis by changing the activity of many enzymes. Reduces the level of fat in the blood (triglycerides) and cholesterol (a risk factor for atherosclerosis), on the contrary, it increases the level of “good” cholesterol, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • With a sedentary lifestyle, the need for the hormone insulin increases, which regulates sugar metabolism. Overproduction of insulin leads over time to partial depletion of the internal secretion of the pancreas and an increased likelihood of developing diabetes. Optimal physical activity increases the sensitivity of muscle fibers to insulin and stabilizes sugar metabolism. This is why regular exercise at optimal intensity prevents diabetes.

D) Helps reduce fat and optimize weight:

  • training speeds up metabolism, mobilizes fat reserves and increases energy output. Combining exercise with proper nutrition leads to weight loss;
  • a combination of physical activity and low-calorie foods is the most effective method for reducing central obesity (excessive deposition of fatty tissue in the abdominal area). The biggest risk factor for middle-aged and elderly people is diabetes, which causes diabetes, defects in the metabolism of fats in the blood, the development of coronary heart disease, heart attack and sudden death.

D) Positively affects mental activity:

  • reduces stress, fear, depression and aggression, improves sleep quality and increases self-confidence;
  • helps older people reduce psychomotor reaction time, improve coordination of movements and manage daily tasks;
  • has a positive effect on getting rid of bad habits: smoking, alcohol and drugs.

E) Positively affects systems that support human movement:

  • improves the flexibility and strength of ligaments and tendons, joint flexibility, increases muscle strength and endurance;
  • leads to an increase in the capillary network in skeletal muscles. Increases the volume of mitochondria and the activity of their enzymes. This is why fat metabolism accelerates;
  • bone architecture improves and the risk of osteoporosis decreases.

G) Positively affects the human transport system:

  • reduces platelet aggregation, increases blood plasma volume and reduces blood density. Prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

H) Positively affects work efficiency:

  • increases labor productivity and power. Reduces the risk of disease, the number of accidents at work and treatment costs.

I) Slows down aging:

  • helps reduce free radicals by increasing mitochondrial volume, increases the activity of our own antioxidant enzyme systems.

Possible risks to consider when engaging in physical activity

  • positive family history - heart attacks in siblings or parents (men under 50 years old, women under 55 years old);
  • diseases of the heart and arteries - coronary heart disease, cerebral vessels, legs (age does not matter);
  • the presence of risk factors for coronary heart disease - smoking, high blood pressure (systolic blood pressure above 160 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg), overweight or obesity (more than 25 or 30), high (above 6, 2 mmol/l), high atherosclerotic index, high levels of sugar and uric acid in the blood;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs after infections;
  • after surgery, tumors;
  • degenerative changes in the central joints and spine;
  • age over 40 years for men and 50 for women with a sedentary lifestyle and low physical activity.

Naturally, if the above risks are present, a preliminary consultation with your doctor is necessary.

For a comprehensive positive effect of physical activity on health, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Based on your age, health and physical condition, choose the main type of aerobic physical activity during which the blood is oxygenated (oxygenated).
  2. Determine the optimal load, aerobic optimal training distance and weekly training frequency according to your health, age and physical condition.
  3. Choose the right load increase strategy.
  4. Make the training program universal - perform compensatory and recovery exercises that reduce the one-sided load on the body and increase the overall resistance of the body.
  5. Make exercise a part of your lifestyle that brings you joy and improves your mental and physical well-being.

Good luck and health, friends! Enjoy physical activity.

If muscles are inactive, their nutrition deteriorates, volume and strength decrease, elasticity and firmness decrease, they become weak and flabby. Restrictions in movement (hypodynamia), a passive lifestyle lead to various pre-pathological and pathological changes in the human body. Thus, American doctors, having deprived volunteers of movement by applying a high cast and maintaining their normal diet, were convinced that after 40 days their muscles began to atrophy and fat accumulated. At the same time, the reactivity of the cardiovascular system increased and basal metabolism decreased. However, over the next 4 weeks, when the subjects began to move actively (with the same diet), the above phenomena were eliminated, the muscles strengthened and hypertrophied. Thus, thanks to physical activity, recovery was possible, both functionally and structurally.

It has been noted that radiologists involved in physical exercise have a lower degree of exposure to penetrating radiation on the morphological composition of the blood. Experiments on animals have shown that systematic muscle training slows down the development of malignant tumors.

In the response of the human body to physical activity, the first place is occupied by the influence of the cerebral cortex on the regulation of the functions of the main systems: changes occur in the cardiorespiratory system, gas exchange, metabolism, etc. Exercises enhance the functional restructuring of all parts of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and other systems , improve tissue metabolism processes. Under the influence of moderate physical activity, the performance of the heart, the hemoglobin content and the number of red blood cells increase, and the phagocytic function of the blood increases. The function and structure of the internal organs themselves are improved, chemical processing and movement of food through the intestines is improved.

Exercise also leads to an increase in white blood cells and lymphocytes, which are the body's main defenders against infection. Physical exercise affects blood pressure by reducing the production of norepinephrine, a hormone that, by constricting blood vessels, causes increased blood pressure.

The combined activity of muscles and internal organs is regulated by the nervous system, the function of which is also improved by systematic exercise.

There is a close connection between breathing and muscle activity. Performing various physical exercises affects breathing and ventilation of air in the lungs, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs between air and blood, and the use of oxygen by body tissues.

Every disease is accompanied by dysfunction and compensation. So, physical exercise helps accelerate regenerative processes, saturate the blood with oxygen, plastic (“building”) materials, which speeds up recovery.

In diseases, the general tone decreases, and inhibitory conditions in the cerebral cortex worsen. Physical exercises increase overall tone and stimulate the body's defenses. That is why therapeutic exercises are widely used in the practice of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, medical and physical education clinics, etc. Physical exercises are used with great success in the treatment of various chronic diseases and at home, especially if the patient, for a number of reasons, cannot visit the clinic or another medical institution. However, physical exercises should not be used during the period of exacerbation of the disease, at high temperatures and other conditions.

There is a close connection between the activity of muscles and internal organs. Scientists have found that this is due to the presence of neurovisceral connections. Thus, when the nerve endings of muscle-joint sensitivity are irritated, impulses enter the nerve centers that regulate the functioning of internal organs. The activity of the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. changes accordingly, adapting to the demands of the working muscles and the whole body.

When using physical exercises, in addition to normalizing the reactions of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems, a person’s adaptability to climatic factors is restored, a person’s resistance to various diseases, stress, etc. increases. This happens faster if gymnastic exercises, sports games, hardening procedures, etc. are used.

For many diseases, properly dosed physical activity slows down the development of the disease process and contributes to a more rapid recovery of impaired functions.

Thus, under the influence of physical exercise, the structure and activity of all human organs and systems is improved, efficiency increases, and health improves.

At the same time, numerous morphological, biochemical, physiological studies indicate that large physical loads contribute to significant changes in the morphological structures and chemistry of tissues and organs, lead to significant changes in homeostasis (there is an increase in the content of lactate, urea, etc. in the blood), metabolic disorders substances, tissue hypoxia, etc.

What is physical activity and how does it affect human health? Physical activity is the movement of the body or its parts in space by contracting the muscles of the body itself or its parts.

In this case, energy consumption occurs, expressed in the burning of calories obtained as a result of human consumption of food. Everything in the world and nature is interconnected. And human physical activity is a very important function of the body in maintaining the performance and proper functioning of all its organs.

A decrease in physical activity leads to the development in a person of various deviations in the activity of his internal organs; a decrease in joint mobility leads to the development of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In our cybernetic age, a sedentary lifestyle is becoming the number one problem, so if you want to live long, be healthy and happy, fight it!

Types of physical activity

The spread of computer technology and the introduction of telecommunications into our lives greatly reduces human physical activity. For young people, communication is becoming virtual, through computers, smartphones, iPhones, and tablets. Older people, men and women, spend more time in front of the TV and communicate more and more on the phone or Skype.

Another enemy of physical activity is, oddly enough, a car, which noticeably shortens distances and increases travel comfort, but is nevertheless an enemy of human health.

Any physical work is physical activity: work in production, work in the garden, housework, repairing and washing a car, climbing the stairs to your floor.

Main types of physical activity:

  • brisk walking for 30-40 minutes;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • skiing (this is also a type of physical activity);
  • skating;
  • various games (football, volleyball, basketball, etc.);
  • swimming;
  • dancing.

Any intense type of physical activity should be performed for 30-60 minutes. Then it will be from such activities.

Physical activity levels

In modern medicine, there are such concepts as: BMR - basic metabolic rate, coefficient of physical activity level. These coefficients are used to calculate the level of physical activity - PFA.

Physical activity level (PAL) is the energy expenditure, in the form of calories burned, during any physical activity. human activity (except sleep).

Basic metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum required number of calories that the body spends when performing all its basic basic functions (heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, etc.)

The UFA and BSM coefficients must be calculated in order to correctly calculate the UFA and, accordingly, correctly draw up a nutrition menu and select the amount of exercise and training regimen for those involved in physical education and sports.

Without going into details, I will say that a woman who has a sedentary job spends an average of 2000 calories per day. A man with a sedentary job spends approximately 3,000 calories per day. Based on these numbers, plan your level of physical activity and create nutritional recipes.

Currently, children are becoming victims of poor nutrition, stress related to studies, and poor environment, so physical activity for children is very important and necessary. If you are concerned about the health of your children, then please remember that a large percentage of human diseases begin in childhood. Therefore, physical training for a child is very important.

I believe that lessons should not be put in first place; it is still better for the child to move. Train with when you were a child, walk, run a couple of kilometers, do exercises, because 10 minutes a day is enough for this, and the result will not take long to arrive.

I would especially like to emphasize the importance of physical activity for children's health. Physical exercises and physical activity in children can prevent the development of various chronic diseases, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, improve the mental development of the child, and so on at an early age. Physical activity of children from an early age contributes to the development of a beautiful, strong, healthy body of a future adult.

Let's watch an interesting video: Myths about longevity. Which statements are wrong?

A healthy lifestyle is the basis of the quality of our existence. If a person does not adhere to the principles that support his body and soul in harmony, then his own body “turns its back on him.” A variety of diseases begin, which exhaust and deplete, significantly worsening the condition.

What are the postulates that determine a healthy lifestyle for us?

Proper, balanced nutrition;
Healthy, sufficient sleep;
Psychological comfort;

And, of course, physical activity. “Movement is life itself” is a very common expression with which it is impossible to disagree.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, people carry out their movement mainly through vehicles - cars, trains, airplanes.

Of course, such an information-rich environment requires rapid response and sometimes being in several places at once. However, we must not forget that man was formed by hunting for food and escaping from predators. Therefore, the decrease in physical activity immediately affected the global community. How, you ask? This is exactly the topic we will examine in our article.

Add to the above vehicles elevators, cell phones, computers, televisions, remote controls... The result is a catastrophic lack of the simplest walking.

The first terrible result was excess weight. Interestingly, people began to move much less and eat more. Standard portions are steadily increasing, and the amount of sugar and fat is increasing. These are colossal amounts of energy that a person does not have time and does not want to spend on sports, and even simple walks. Therefore, calories are safely stored as fat reserves.

Thus, we can say that decreased activity is a predisposing factor to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases: increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, which ultimately lead to disability or death.

Vessels suffer throughout the body, these are not only arteries, but also veins. Reduced movement worsens and provokes varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvis, and this is fraught with the formation of blood clots.

A sedentary lifestyle worsens the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. This is one of the causes of constipation and indigestion. As a result, taking laxatives or other medications. And the solution is simple - bring walks, outdoor games and exercise back into your life. It would also be nice to have 2 trips to the pool for an hour each.

In addition, the musculoskeletal system also suffers - joints begin to ache. Historically, the joint system was designed for active movement and deteriorated when not in use. The same goes for bone tissue. Physical activity stimulates the activity of the cells that form it - osteoblasts.

This is why sports, especially walking, are recommended in old age.
In recent years, the so-called “Norwegian” walking, that is, walking with poles, has gained popularity. The inclusion of auxiliary equipment helps to use as many muscles as possible and stimulate their development, preventing atrophy.

Physical activity helps maintain coordination, which reduces the likelihood of falls and injuries, especially broken bones. In old age and old age, this is extremely important, given the widespread prevalence of osteoporosis. A hip fracture can be fatal, so physical exercise is one of the universal methods of prevention, because calcium is absorbed by the bones only when a person is in motion.

In addition, exercises normalize the functioning of the respiratory system, improving the oxygen supply to body tissues.

It is worth saying that accustoming to sports should begin at a very early age, and activities should meet age characteristics. Subsequently, this useful habit is maintained, ensuring the desire for a healthy existence.

The influence of physical exercise on the psychological sphere deserves special attention. They improve mood, increase self-esteem and perception of oneself as an individual, and create motivation for success.

Thus, it is impossible not to note the leading influence of physical movement on human health, along with nutrition. Therefore, I will give a few examples, how can you become more active:

Walk at least a distance of at least one kilometer;
Take a walk;
Do not park next to your house;
Do not use the elevator;
Walk with children;
Clean your home more often;
Go to a fitness club;
Minimize television viewing. Don't eat while watching programs - drink tea.

By following these simple rules, you will improve your health.

Physical training stimulates important growth processes for the body and activates the performance of internal organs. The beneficial influence of sport on a person has no boundaries. Therefore, even a little activity is better than a sedentary lifestyle. The influence of physical culture on is an indisputable fact.

Physical education and health in human life

Physical culture is intended to develop and strengthen the body and its protective functions. By playing sports, a person is able to withstand many negative factors. Exercise and training are inextricably linked with organization. As a result, the immune system is strengthened, as is the body's resistance.

The importance of physical activity in human life

The emergence of technical devices: smartphones, computers has significantly influenced our modernity. It has become easier to organize your work. Although many have noticed that physical activity decreases. If such a situation is allowed to happen, body functions, muscles and skeleton will weaken. Organs will work differently. Such changes do not always improve well-being and condition, or do what they usually manifest themselves in.

A minimum of movements reduces the endurance of muscles, heart, blood vessels, and provokes interruptions in the functioning of the respiratory system. In the future, this state of affairs becomes fertile ground for the development of diseases. The importance of human physical exercises is to eliminate the unfavorable aspects of a lifestyle with low mobility. Sport is a compensation for lack of activity.

Physical education as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle

Physical activity and health are very related concepts. Sport is spreading to the masses, and a lot is being done to promote its popularity. To ensure that the public has a positive attitude towards him, educational institutions provide free memberships to swimming pools and gyms, emphasizing the important impact of physical exercise on human health. Physical health factors are described in detail in.

The number of people who neglect sports activities is still large, despite such popularization measures. Physical activity and health are important areas of life, each of which is often impossible without the other. The main thing when playing sports is to maintain a sense of proportion so as not to be subject to overload. It is necessary to keep in mind the injury factor that may occur. It is important to never neglect safety when training.

How to prevent complications during exercise?

The impact of physical activity on human health can also lead to negative results if not approached correctly. You can avoid problems that cause concern when increasing loads if you exercise under medical supervision. It is recommended to start by visiting a specialist. During the consultation, it will be clarified whether there are any contraindications. The health benefits of physical exercise will be obtained if you first study the patient’s medical history and complaints. Selection of a sport or set of exercises is possible after examination, tests, and receipt of cardiogram results. And also this is fluorography ultrasound, recommendations of specialized specialists.

Permissible load level

Regarding the questions: what exactly to realize yourself in and what intensity to choose in order to benefit your health. The last parameter should be based on the calculation of the heart rate. The optimal parameter will be selected. So the maximum heart rate is taken according to the formula: 220 - the person’s age. For example, if there is moderate hypertension, then the load is increased from 55% to 70. And only after a year it is increased to 85% of the maximum permissible norm.

How does physical education and sports affect human health? Its presence is a human need, predetermining the ability to act and. It is closely related to motor activity as a biological function.