Internal finishing of the change house. Construction trailer interior renovation design. Change house with my own hands I build change houses from your material

If you need temporary housing in a suburban area, a wooden change house will be the best option. It has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • unlike a capital structure, it takes up less space, is mobile;
  • installation does not require permissions;
  • the change house can be used as a gazebo, a rest house, an additional kitchen.

When comparing metal and wooden structures, you should pay attention to the main differences:

  • From an aesthetic point of view, wood is more attractive in natural conditions.
  • Wooden cabins are easier to transport over long distances. It is not necessary to rent heavy equipment for this.
  • You can assemble and disassemble the structure yourself.
  • Using environmentally friendly material.
  • Unlike a trailer, the cost of a change house is much lower.

How to sheathe a summer cottage

The most budgetary option for exterior decoration is lining. There is a wide variety of materials on the market today. If you plan to install a change house for a long time, you should pay attention to better types of lining.

You can sheathe the temporary hut on your own by imitation of a bar. A distinctive feature of the material is the presence of grooves, which make installation very simple.

Abroad, the so-called euro lining has gained wide popularity. The material differs from other types of lining in better quality characteristics, it is smooth and has no external defects. There should be no problems with the installation, there are also grooves here.

One of the most suitable materials is a block house.

Let's consider its main advantages:

  • The material is not afraid of minor external damages: blows by sand, gravel, small stones. The cladding always remains intact and intact.
  • A particularly attractive appearance is achieved by imitation wood.
  • The material serves as additional insulation.
  • High speed of installation.

The list of advantages can be continued for a long time, but it is clear that the material provides excellent protection for the change house at an acceptable cost.

Sheathing a summer cottage is not yet the final stage of protection. It is imperative to cover the outer part of the material with protective compounds. In the case of a block house, the following are perfect: varnishes, stains, impregnations containing antiseptics. First, the surface is primed, then a layer of colorless paint and varnish material is applied. When it's dry, you can start sanding. At the end of the work, the surface is painted over with a high-quality protective compound several times. The choice of coating should be approached no less scrupulously than the selection of finishing material. The service life of the outer skin will largely depend on its characteristics.

If you have acquired a plot of land, and you have plans to build a summer cottage or a country house on it, then the first thing to think about is the construction of a change house. This premise is temporary housing for the future owners of the cottage or craftsmen working at the facility. Subsequently, this building can be easily cleaned or garden tools, barbecue facilities and outdoor furniture are stored in it. A bicycle, roller skates, work clothes and other things that are useful in nature "live" right there.

Change house - what kind of trailer house?

On construction sites, we can often observe small buildings erected in crowds near the work site. What is it and is it possible to design them with your own hands?

Such a structure is called a change house. This is a house that performs four functions at once:

  1. Residential (at the time of construction of the main dwelling or repair of an existing one);
  2. Household (storage of unnecessary things in the house, a shed for summer cottages);
  3. Hygienic (maybe a bathroom, a dressing room, and even a summer kitchen);
  4. Aesthetic (thanks to such a structure, you no longer have to worry about objects lying around here and there, spoiling the overall picture of the site).

The appearance of the change houses

The change house, in contrast to the unsightly shed, which we are used to seeing in summer cottages, looks much more attractive. Such a building accommodates objects that are hidden in the corners before the arrival of guests and lost at the moment when they are needed.

Types of buildings

Change houses differ in manufacturing technology. Before starting construction, each option is disassembled and the one that suits your task is selected. The following constructions are common:

  1. Shield change houses. They are made of thin laminated veneer lumber, sheathed with a trolley or cheap metal shields. Suitable for craftsmen who are just trying themselves in the construction business. But there is also one, but a significant drawback - such a building is short-lived and unreliable. The winds crinkle such cabins, because there are no stiffening ribs in the structure. Used only as a temporary home. The change house is insulated with glass wool, and the wood is trimmed with plates or MDF. The finishing material is placed on a plank base. The roof is made from inexpensive roofing.

    This change house can also be used as a temporary home.

  2. Wireframe. An experienced craftsman will choose this construction option. A solid timber is selected as the base. Interior finishing is carried out using a trolley, and steam and heat insulating materials are laid on the surface.

    There will definitely be no drafts in such a change house.

  3. Lumber and log. An expensive option. It is erected when the owners are sure that the change house will be transformed after the completion of the construction of a country house. The beam is chosen as wide-profile, like the log. The inner surfaces are putty. When using a log, the change house is not revetted, because the building already looks attractive.

    Looking from the side, you might think that this is a bathhouse, in fact, this is a simple change house

  4. Container. The gaps of the frame welded from the channel are closed with sandwich panels - and the change house is ready. Cheap and durable option. But only during construction. Such a building will no longer fit into the design solutions of the courtyard area.

    Inexpensive and durable, but after construction it will have to be removed

Preparation for construction

Project drawings

The first stage is a properly constructed drawing. The area of \u200b\u200bthe change house is selected depending on the task. Small change houses, 3x3 or 4x2, are suitable only for temporary residence.

Non-standard room solution

Medium sized rooms, 3x4, 4x4 and 3x6, are used for temporary housing and later converted into a kitchen or storage room. Buildings with dimensions 6x4 and 6x6 are considered full-fledged recreation facilities. The most typical size of a change house is 3x6 m.

An example of a drawing of a conventional change house 3x6 meters

The base of the building is the foundation. For temporary construction, geotextiles are laid on rammed earth without a top layer of fertile soil, sand is poured on it and cinder blocks are installed. If the structure is capital, a brick is used as a foundation material. Cinder blocks are dug 15 cm into the ground, leaving them to stick out 25 cm above the surface. Such a foundation is insulated with bituminous mastic.

Stationary cabins with an area of \u200b\u200b24 and 36 m2 are built on cinder blocks wrapped in roofing felt.

For the base device, dry and durable wood or profile metal pipes are used. In order for the change house to stand securely, the cross-section of the beams for the base is 10x15 cm, and the pipes are 4x6 cm.

Not every master can make such a design.

Foam blocks are also suitable for the construction of a change house - light and durable. It is also important that in such a building it is warm in winter and cool in summer. This change house will become indispensable on the site after the completion of construction. In extreme cases, the building can be dismantled without effort.

Fast and reliable building

A good material for building a change house is pallets. They are cheap, you can easily purchase them in the required quantity and not be afraid of overspending of building material. This design will take longer to work. The standard length of the pallet is 1200 cm. If you do not adhere to the accepted standards and make a change house 2400x4800, while saving time, meters of usable area will be lost.

An inexpensive structure can be made from this available material.

For interior decoration, OSB slabs (for change houses on a metal frame) or lining are suitable. Do not forget to add waterproofing to the floor - mineral wool is laid between two layers of film. Top covered with boards. Siding, composite panels, boards, plastic imitation are used for exterior decoration. The joints must be carefully sealed with tape.

Tools you need

When making a change house, you will need the following:

  • chainsaw;
  • screwdriver, pliers and nail puller;
  • ax and hammers;
  • construction stapler;
  • levels, tape measures, construction square;
  • wide brush (from 5 cm), pencils;
  • you can't do without a ladder, since the height of the change houses is more than 2.5 m.

List of consumables for building a building:

  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • building corners, reinforced;
  • house-building plates;
  • nails for ondulin;
  • staples for construction and for a stapler.


Not a single master can do without the layout of the building being erected. Even a change house requires blueprints and a carefully planned interior space. Ready layouts with dimensions are posted on sites on the Internet, but, based on your needs, it is better to create a personal plan.

Four types of change houses

During the planning, the task for which the structure is made is specified, the drawing is built, and then the master follows it relentlessly. The required elements and dimensions are indicated on the plan; if necessary, the initially calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe building and the space for it are adjusted.

Initially, we think over every detail, do not forget about the little things

Step-by-step instructions for making a wooden summer cottage with your own hands: from the foundation to the roof

When using electrical appliances in a change house, you need to start construction with grounding. It is not difficult to design it yourself. To do this, you need electrodes, which are driven into a trench dug along the north side of the house. The width of the trench is 50 cm, and the depth is at least 70 cm. Use steel corners 50 by 50 mm or pieces of reinforcement 10–12 mm in section; the length of each is up to 2.5 meters. To make the task easier, the ends of the electrodes are sharpened. They are placed no closer than 1.5 meters from each other. The plates should stick out 10-15 cm above the ground.

The electrode is driven into the ground two and a half meters

Then they are connected with a steel strip and led to the foundation of the building. Before proceeding with the construction of the foundation, the trench is filled up, tamping the earth and flooding it with water. Foundations for change houses are built of two types - from cinder blocks or bricks. Cinder blocks are used for temporary construction. With permanent construction, the foundation is made of bricks.

For a permanent change house, the foundation is made of such cinder blocks

To build a brick foundation, first dig a small trench and lay a layer of waterproofing material. Then a cushion of sand is arranged up to a height of 15 cm and compacted until a flat surface is obtained.

The next step is to lay a waterproofing material - roofing material or polymers. Then a concrete pad is poured up to a height of 10 cm, which increases the bearing capacity of the foundation. After the mortar has solidified, brickwork is performed.

The corners of the change house should be controlled by the level

This is followed by the placement of lags around the perimeter and their fixation. Then transverse and longitudinal logs are laid. For the frame, we use a beam of 15x10 cm, we mount the floor and support corner posts. For a reliable connection, connectors are cut out in the logs, with the help of which the bars are inserted into each other and fastened with self-tapping screws.

A pitched roof is formed from bars of 5x10 cm. Recesses are cut out in the supporting bars in order to insert rafters into them and fix them with self-tapping screws. The rafters protrude 30 cm beyond the shed frame. The cover is made of ondulin. When designing the roof, we lay a layer of hydro and vapor barrier. We mount ondulin sheets on boards.

Without windows, the change house will be dark, which will make it uncomfortable to stay in it

The next step is to install doors and windows, if needed. The floor is laid in three stages:

  • Rough floor. The boards are treated with an antiseptic material, and then waterproofing mineral wool is laid between two layers of film.
  • Finishing flooring.
  • It is better to varnish wooden structures with a polyurethane waterproof varnish.

Exterior finishing is made of composite panels or plastic imitation. It is produced using horizontally arranged boards. They start to mount from the bottom point, and the next row goes over the previous one. This method protects the room from moisture and cold air ingress. Wooden boards are pre-soaked with antiseptic agents against fungus.

If the change house is a permanent structure, consider insulation and vapor barrier.

Interior decoration than insulating inside

The following options for interior decoration of the change house are suitable for all types - panel board, frame, log, container.

Materials can be:

  1. Coniferous lining is a planed board that has the same type of joining elements (grooves and tongues). This material is recommended for use due to its low cost, as well as such advantages as: moisture resistance, strength, high sound and thermal insulation, hygroscopicity. Softwood lining is versatile and perfect for interior decoration of cabins. Coniferous lining is divided into 4 classes: A, B, C and Extra. For finishing the change house, which will eventually remain a living space, it is recommended to use high quality material - Extra class.

    Finishing the change house with OSB plates at the same time will insulate it

  2. Laminated chipboard - 16 (18) mm. They are manufactured under the influence of high pressures and temperatures. The use of such material will make the change house bright and colorful, since the laminated plates have a wide range of colors and different textures. Perfect as a material for finishing a kitchen block. Advantages: resistance to mechanical and thermal stress.
  3. MDF panels that provide high sound absorption and thermal insulation performance. It is recommended to use such material for cladding change houses that perform hygienic functions: bathrooms, baths, showers. Moreover, in the manufacture of MDF boards, epoxy resins that are harmful to health are not used. Also, the material does not require special care - the plates are only wiped with a damp cloth from time to time.

    MDF is a beautiful and modern material for interior decoration

  4. Plastic lining (siding). Plastic panels are also well suited for cladding sanitary facilities, as this material has high moisture resistance and resistance to external influences.
  5. To build a country house, already having such a house, is much easier and much more comfortable. And a properly built change house, which is built of solid materials, will serve you for more than one year.

federal 13-06-2009 22:06

I want to insulate the change house in the village. To fill a 5x5 timber, lay the insulation and: But then, I wanted to sheathe it with galvanizing, I counted 7500 for 15 sheets. Expensive. What else can be sheathed, the cheaper the better.

ag111 13-06-2009 22:11

Polycarbonate ???

federal 13-06-2009 22:36

If the cell is the size of the sheets: 2.10m x 6.00m RETAIL< 10 листов

Transparent - RUB 2000
It turns out 5 thousand, already better.

Termist 14-06-2009 02:58

i understand you want to sheathe the outside, you just wrote galvanized And why exactly outside, inside there are more options

federal 14-06-2009 03:56

Outside, as additional protection of the change house itself from adverse weather conditions.

rabbit 14-06-2009 12:36

Flat slate, moisture-resistant pressed plate, or magnesium oxide plate. (such as drywall, Toko is bright white, porous and instead of paper fiberglass) And it is even cheaper to stick foam plastic and simply plaster it on the mesh with cerrisite. (no claims to be correct) But the house, the back wall, and the sauna, glued and putty, have been standing for the fourth year without visible changes. Although it is done obscenely, the ends of the foam are not smeared on top.

makarkharp 14-06-2009 15:03

DSP. cheap and cheerful.

wolfo 14-06-2009 16:45

board, 150x20, overlap

Termist 14-06-2009 19:05

DSP. cheap and cheerful

Particleboard will turn sour from water or moisture! Will not work for sure! Chipboard is a chipboard. After all, these are ordinary sawdust mixed with either glue or with a special resin composition, and put under a press. Then they can be pasted over with veneer, I saw the truth pasted only once.

ag111 14-06-2009 19:22

DSP has not yet seen in action.

Termist 14-06-2009 19:26

quote: Originally posted by ag111:


i wrote about chipboard, a man will fly in for money, after 2 good rains

makarkharp 14-06-2009 19:35

Cement-bonded particle board is a cement-particle board, our pieces of wood are sheathed with it, there is nowhere else to decay, and this is a north-80 degrees annual temperature drop ...

Termist 14-06-2009 19:44

quote: Originally posted by makarkharp:


quote: Originally posted by makarkharp:

there is nowhere yet nothing

i talked about DSP about DSP I don’t know, I didn’t work with it

makarkharp 14-06-2009 19:49

quote: Originally posted by Termist:

i don't know about DSP

a lot of information in the net .... DSP will be heavier, of course, but more durable at times ... and does not burn by the way

Termist 14-06-2009 19:57

quote: Originally posted by makarkharp:

a lot of information in the net ...

No, giving advice on the basis of information, the one on the Internet is not for me! I'd rather say that I myself know from personal experience!

makarkharp 14-06-2009 19:59

i meant that you can see the characteristics of the material, its weight, density, thermal conductivity, assortment ... and which material to use is a personal choice ...

rabbit 19-06-2009 12:01

quote: board, 150x20, overlap

Inside the courtyard, under the flooring, the smotritsa, if there is some thin. taste. (this is without poking. I can throw a photo)

Termist 19-06-2009 12:38

Nikolay I don’t dull advice, I ask, but I don’t distribute what I’ve found for myself in the net, until I’ve tested it on my own skin.

Nikofar 19-06-2009 01:17

On this topic. Here's what I counted, based on personal experience:
For a change house with conventional dimensions of 6x3 meters and a wall height of 2.5 m, with a wall area, excluding the door and windows equal to 45 sq.m, you will need:
- cement particle board 12 mm thick - 12 sheets with dimensions 3200x1250 mm, in the amount of 9780 rubles.
- galvanized steel sheet, 0.5 mm thick - in the amount of 9045 rubles.
- lining, grade B, boards 6 meters long - 0.9 cubic meters m, in the amount of 6750 rubles.
- edged boards 25 mm thick, not planed - in the amount of 6525 rubles.
- transparent polycarbonate, sheet 10 mm thick - in the amount of 14665 rubles.
Moscow prices. Fasteners of sheet materials were not calculated for insignificance.

mmy0462 19-06-2009 10:33

And the slate?
Flat on the walls corrugated on the roof?
Or siding on the walls? Plastic which (I have a garage with it surrounded by it - it looks quite godly, though I don't know the prices)

Country trailer - is a model of a mini-house, which serves not only as housing, but also as a warehouse for tools. Such trailers are often called change houses or block containers and are used not only as a full-fledged housing, but also as a kitchen, utility room or even a bathhouse.

The advantages of using cabins in the country

The advantages of such lightweight structures include the following factors:

  • Low weight makes this design easy to transport;
  • Such small structures are easy enough to build on your own;
  • Practicality and reliability;
  • Low price of the finished product.

Types of summer caravans

Among modern lightweight structures, the following types of mobile products are distinguished, which the townspeople are happy to make with their country houses:

  1. Wooden shed.

Cottage container

If you are eager to equip a house on the acquired suburban area as quickly as possible, then this type of construction will be the best choice. The only thing that will need to be taken into account when making such a purchase is the delivery of the container to the place of its installation.

Council. The container is delivered to the site by a special crane and for such equipment it will be necessary to provide an entrance.

With the help of containers, you can even build a two-story building or a long house. If you purchase several structures and connect your imagination, you can get a structure that is quite original.

The purchase of such a house is associated with the following conditions and needs:

  • Before purchasing, choose the installation location;
  • Measure the area thoroughly;
  • Installation of containers is carried out on flat areas, therefore, if areas with hills and depressions are selected, they must be leveled before the container is installed;
  • Check the evenness of the site using a building level;
  • After installation, the container will need to be painted and insulated if necessary.


Country houses trailers are one of the most popular options for suburban temporary housing. The instructions for preparing the site for the installation of such a product contain the same conditions and recommendations as when installing the container.

Wooden shed

This kind of dacha dwelling is considered the most expensive, due to the high cost of building materials for its construction. But in contrast to the high price, it should be noted that the construction of such a house will not take a lot of your time.

Construction of this trailer

The answer to the question of how much a trailer costs to a summer cottage directly depends on whether you will build it yourself or start arranging the purchased structure.

But if you decide to build a structure of this kind yourself, then you must understand the basic rules:

  1. The proposed change house should have minimum overall dimensions;
  2. The house should be simple.

Taking on such a construction, you can build on the basic rules and technology for the construction of ordinary houses.

But the following factors must be taken into account in the work:

  • The small size of the building implies the construction of a simple roof;
  • Any building materials can be used for the construction of such an object;

Council. Frame construction can be ideal for such a structure. Sheathed with clapboard a country house of this type is also an excellent solution.

  • In order for the flooring to remain warm, the structure should be raised above the ground and the floor should be made of wood;
  • In some cases, a trailer for a summer residence can do without a foundation.

The main stages of construction

Wooden trailers for summer cottages are built according to the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. The first step is to work on the project of the future change house;
  2. Next, you should start leveling the area on which the trailer will be installed;
  3. Purchase of building materials:
  • Bars;
  • Fasteners;
  • Polyethylene;
  • Roofing material;
  • Foundation blocks;
  • Roofing materials;
  • Uncut and grooved boards;
  • Insulation materials, if necessary (foil, glass wool, polystyrene).
  1. Draw the building boundaries on the site;
  2. Laying the foundation using blocks that must be installed on all sides of the building and in the center... In view of the fact that the house will be simple, it is enough just to raise it above ground level by 30 centimeters;
  3. Foundation waterproofing. We cover the foundation blocks with roofing material;
  4. Create a base by fixing wooden planks on top;
  5. We install frame beams to the base in the vertical direction;

Council. Fasteners should be created using jumpers and crossbars.

  1. We build a roof on the frame... It is better to make the roof from slate, having previously covered the structure with polyethylene for waterproofing. You can also use metal tiles or galvanized sheet metal;

  1. Then the walls and floor are created... The most economical option would be to sheathe the walls with clapboard from the outside, and from the inside with plasterboard;
  2. We make construction insulation;
  3. Windows and doors are inserted, communication systems are supplied.

Country house from a construction trailer

Let's find out how to make a country house out of a trailer? If you already have a metal building shed, then the process of arranging it and adapting it for a summer cottage will not be so difficult. The main task of this process is to make a cozy, but modest home for a summer resident out of a standard trailer.

Let's imagine that the trailer has already been brought to the site, and all that remains is to bring it to the appropriate form.

Note! The foundation for installing the trailer must be pillars with a diameter of at least 30 cm, in the amount of 9 pcs.

Instructions for arranging a metal trailer consists of the following steps:

  • First of all, take care of the exterior of the product by covering it with clapboard. Wooden lining for facade finishing is suitable only after the necessary processing;

Council. The answer to the question of how to cover the lining in the country can be specialized antiseptic impregnations that can protect the wood from destruction under the influence of the external environment.

  • The dacha trailer must certainly be equipped with a convenient porch, which should be built at this stage of the work;
  • Next, roofing work should be done. The choice of roofing material should be made taking into account the catchment area and snow retention. The roof centerline is usually along the long wall of the trailer.

This list of works on the arrangement is minimal. Of course, you can increase it several times, which will certainly have a positive effect on the design of the building. So, for example, if the roof axis is not along, but across the structure, its appearance will change dramatically.

Thus, from the most ordinary construction trailer, you can build an original and modest country house, and people who have not watched the construction stages can hardly guess what became the basic element for such a design.

Conditions for living in a country house

Of course, each person has his own requirements and ideas about what should be the living conditions in a country house. Especially when you consider that the temporary structure on the site may well become permanent, so you should think about life in advance when living outside the city.

What may be required for a comfortable life? Of course, in such conditions, there is no need for a special scope, but there are simply necessary necessities.


For a normal life, you need:

  • For eating you will need, which can be taken out into the street;
  • To store things, you will need a bedside table or shelf;
  • For rest and sleep, you will need beds, and they need to be purchased in accordance with the number of residents.


It will be difficult without water, therefore it is necessary to carry out a water supply. Moreover, it is advisable to conduct it directly to the house only if you intend to constantly stay in the country. But if the building is temporary, then you can get by with a cooler with drinking water.

Drain or sewer

If you do not have running water, then you can do quite well with the help of a small container in order to wash and rinse your hands.

But if there is a water supply, then you will have to equip everything completely:

  • Pipe laying;
  • Installing a septic tank or.


Drawing a conclusion from all of the above, you can be convinced that the construction of temporary housing in a summer cottage is not difficult. The main thing is to immediately decide on a work plan that would take into account all your requirements and wishes. Further, it remains only to implement our plans strictly according to plan.

And the video in this article will allow you to learn even more about how to make a summer caravan a cozy and comfortable temporary home in a suburban area.

In the summer months, every city dweller feels an urgent need to break out of the routine of working days into nature. Fresh air, active rest and silence have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of a person, allow you to restore strength, briefly change the rhythm of life.

There are several options for such a vacation - walks in the forest-park area, trips to reservoirs for fishing, ecotourism. However, there is one universal solution that can meet the demand of different generations of the same family - rest in the country.

You have the cherished 6 acres, but the trouble is - it never came to building a major house? There is a crisis in the yard, so to make your dream come true, you have to look for more economical options. Such an option can be a trailer or a construction change house adapted for a country house. It is good for both temporary stay and long-term use. Additional thermal insulation and heating system will allow you to live in such a dacha all year round.

We list the advantages of a trailer for a summer residence:

Low cost compared to an ordinary house;

High portability;

Fast delivery and installation;

Long service life (up to 20 years).

As a rule, change houses are a metal frame lined with panels. This is a fairly reliable design that will not deteriorate even with several shipments. It can withstand high wind loads, is not afraid of large temperature drops and even an earthquake up to 7 points on its shoulder. The interior decoration of finished cabins is different. For a summer residence, it is preferable to choose a model with cladding made of natural materials, for example, lining, with a wooden floor.

Further, depending on the climatic characteristics of your region, financial capabilities and imagination, an ordinary change house can be turned into a fabulous, small, but cozy holiday home. For waterproofing and protection of the trailer from rodents, it is better to install it on a columnar foundation. This will also allow you to make a beautiful porch or attach an open veranda with a canopy at the entrance. Outside, the trailer can be sheathed with siding, which will give it a Scandinavian charm.

The welded metal structure allows, if desired, to increase the number of "rooms", because a trailer for a summer residence has an average area of \u200b\u200babout 15 sq. M. A gable roof can be welded to the trailer: it will reduce the snow load on the roof in winter and the noise level in the room during rain. Thanks to this, an additional storage space will appear in the house - an attic.

If there is no running water on the site, but there is a well, with the help of a pump you can supply water and equip a full-fledged bathroom. In special trailers for giving a place for installing a shower and washbasin is already provided by the manufacturer. Electricity can be supplied to the trailer (the wiring inside is carried out by the manufacturer), and even heating systems can be installed if necessary.

Since the inside of the room has a rectangular elongated shape, it can be zoned for convenience: for example, using a screen or a small closet to fence off the sleeping area from the living room and dining room.

Here is a house created from an old wagon trailer by designer Pierre Arnoux in Jardin de la Licorne. All 20 square meters of the trailer are filled with plastic, metal, bright colors. Everything is functional, the space is used in an optimal way.

The caravan is convenient in that it does not take up much space on the garden plot. Its low height allows it to be installed under trees. This initially ready-to-use structure can be "brought to mind" gradually, and live (or spend the night) immediately after installation.

Another project of a country house made from two old containers. The containers are placed on a small platform that serves as a terrace for the country house.

The entrance to the house is served by sliding glass doors. In the warm season, you can also open the container doors.

The two containers are united by a transparent roof, which makes the house light and airy. A very good solution.

If, nevertheless, over time it will be decided to build a frame house on the site, the change house can be useful as housing for builders, and then be used as a summer kitchen or a guest house.

  • In order to solve the problem of illumination inside, as well as to mask the lack of space, you can increase the size of the windows or use sliding structures that replace the doors and the window at the same time. In addition, any furniture will look more impressive in a bright room.
  • Narrow vertical windows look quite unusual and visually increase the space.
  • The windows are placed around the entire perimeter under the ceiling, creating the effect of a higher ceiling. In addition, you can make a window in the roof itself on one side of the slope or embed skylights, which will add originality to the interior.
  • If you want to imitate a house on the shore of the ocean, then we glaze the wall overlooking the pool, and so that it is not viewed by curious neighbors, we hang it with a louver grille with a suitable color or just under a tree.
  • In a shed with a flat ceiling, you can organize the second floor as a bunk bed.
  • You can save space by building a bed on a dresser, and the dresser can be made high enough with numerous drawers for your things. In general, built-in furniture will be an excellent option for a cozy arrangement of a change house in the country.
  • If you have a regular arrival of guests who like to spend the night, then attach the hammock mounts to the ceiling in advance so that you can hang it at the right time.
  • By extending the width of the window sill, you will get a kitchen table, and by building shelves and doors under it, you can hide kitchen utensils.
  • You can use a folding sofa as a bed or make it like a folding shelf in a closet, thus reducing the space only for the night.
  • On the shelves under the ceiling, you can arrange flowers, books, various figures that give comfort to the interior. You can build them around the entire perimeter or only in the corners - everything is in the hands of your imagination.
  • If you trim the floor, walls and ceiling of the change house with one material, then you will visually remove the boundaries between the planes with your own hands, and the room will seem much more spacious.
  • Beautiful and fashionable curtains can replace partitions.
  • For winter gatherings by the fire, you can build a small fireplace, where the crackle of burning logs will echo with the crackle of a frosty blizzard.
  • In the absence of a sewerage system, it is realistic to use a dry closet as a bathroom, disguising it in the corner behind a decorative partition.
  • The bathroom can be neatly built into the floor and covered with a hatch so as not to take up space. Fans of shower stalls will have to sacrifice a piece of this area.

While thousands of young people give their last money for renting an apartment in Minsk, someone is looking for an alternative to rented housing and finds very non-standard options. A couple of months ago we talked about a guy who built a small frame house in his summer cottage. The story of the heroine of today's story is somewhat similar. The girl bought an old construction trailer and a plot 20 kilometers from Minsk. With the help of my father, the shed was modernized and turned into a mini-house where you can live all year round. “I remember when my father first came here. He sat down and lit a cigarette: “Vika, are you serious?” Yes, it was scary to start ”,

The girl laughs.

Vika is from Soligorsk. About 10 years ago, she entered the law school and moved to Minsk. After studying for a year, I realized that my soul does not lie in jurisprudence. Moved to the "part-time" and worked as an administrator in an Internet cafe, at one time sold furniture. Then she underwent retraining at BSU, having studied to be a programmer, and now she works as a developer in one of the IT companies.

- All these years I lived in rented apartments. In half of the cases, everything was okay, but the negative experience also remained ... Once the owner said: “Move out, my mother-in-law has arrived,” and I had to quickly pack my bags. Another time, it was not lucky to run into noisy neighbors. And the owner of the last apartment in my absence, for some reason, put things in order in the room and shook my personal things ...

This unpleasant story prompted me to search for some alternative to rental housing. I began to think about a plot outside the city and a small house, where at least in the summer you can live for your pleasure. I saw "wireframes" for $ 7000 on the Internet. It turned out to be empty boxes. To bring such a house to mind, you need to invest two to three times more. And this does not include the value of the land. I had to look for more budget options. And then I saw this trailer on "Flea market"

A trailer on wheels that served as a building shed for many years was purchased for $ 500. A land plot was also found at the "Flea market" - 10 acres in a garden partnership 20 kilometers from Minsk were offered for $ 5000. It seems not close, but 200 meters from the site there is a train stop and electricity is installed along the street. Another $ 100 was the cost of renting a truck and a manipulator to transport the trailer.

- I will not say that the decision to buy and alter the trailer was made spontaneously. By that time, I had already read the forums and had seen enough videos on YouTube. All over the world, people make mini-houses from just about anything, there are drawings and step-by-step instructions on the Internet. Of course, I would never have done it alone. My dad, a former construction worker, became my saving cheat code.

In the summer, Vicki's father came to the site almost every weekend. His daughter helped him in everything, and specific work, such as drilling a well and installing a sewage system, was entrusted to professionals.

First, the window openings were expanded and new windows with double-glazed windows were inserted.

Then a new metal door was installed at the end of the trailer.

Lumber was purchased for further insulation of the building. The trailer was lined and laid in the spaces between the beams of 10 centimeters of foam. A veranda built using frame construction technology was added to the residential part of the house.

The native floor of the shed was initially well insulated. Having mounted the logs, we put 2 centimeters of foam and OSB. There was 15 centimeters of some kind of insulation in the ceiling, added another 10 from the outside and covered with ondulin.

The walls were sheathed with OSB sheets, a door and a French window to the floor were installed on the veranda. Then the facade was primed and painted.

To make the house look more fun, slats imitating the half-timbered style were nailed to the facade.

- The neighbors watched us with curiosity. They approached and photographed. The interest from strangers was so high that it began to seem to me that my dad and I were participating in some kind of reality show called "Build a House from All Nonsense" - with a share of self-irony Vika recalls the summer days spent at the dacha. - And then the sewerage masters came again and were confused. They call and say: “The site seems to have been found. Where is your shed? A house of some sort stands in its place. "

This is how the trailer looked inside before the paneling began to be disassembled.

It was decided to leave the native insulation and boards on the walls and ceiling, and to foam abundantly the gaps between them. Then, from the inside, the room was sheathed with a 5-cm layer of polystyrene, and OSB was fixed on top of it. The insulated floor was later covered with linoleum.

It cost about $ 5,000 to retrofit the house with an extension to the veranda. Electricity connection - $ 650, well - $ 2500, autonomous sewerage - $ 1800, another $ 300 was spent on earthworks. Taking into account the land plot and household appliances, the total cost exceeded $ 15,000.

- Initially, I just wanted a summer cottage type house, - recalls Vika. - But when the "vnutryanka" was ready and the communications were connected, I suddenly thought: "Stop, but what prevents to live here all year round?"

The housewarming took place about four months ago. Having abandoned a rented apartment in Minsk, Vika finally moved to her summer cottage. She managed to live there in the summer and to catch the first November frosts. It seems to be happy so far, she is not going to return to the city.

The girl invites us to come in and gives us a short excursion. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe house, including the veranda, is 26 "squares", the living area is 18. The veranda is not yet landscaped and heated.

In the residential part of the house, the repairs are also not finished, therefore Vika asks us not to be surprised at some oddities. Behind the front door there is a small corridor and a not yet closed bathroom with a boiler and a shower, where the screen has not yet been mounted.

A living room occupies about half of the house. It has a mattress, minimal homemade furniture, and a TV. The room seems to be not small, but there is a feeling of tightness. It's all about the low ceiling. The ridge height is only 2.2 meters.

- Of course, I know that OSB is considered a harmful material: resins, formaldehydes and all that. But, firstly, according to the seller's assurances, this brand meets the requirements of the European standard and is suitable for interior decoration. And secondly, in the very near future I will be installing supply ventilation, because without ventilation, the air is still bad, - says Vika. - I like the texture of OSB itself, I do not plan to glue the wallpaper.

As for the interior decoration, it remains to make the window sills, put the baseboards, and then tackle the bathroom and the veranda. Vika has no plans to buy furniture yet. In the coming year, the debt will have to be repaid: part of the amount for the purchase of building materials was borrowed from friends.

- I made these brutal lockers for clothes and things in two hours using boards, a saw and a screwdriver. In general, there is nothing complicated about it. There will be time - I will do something prettier. Now I can do a lot myself - the girl smiles. - I remember one friend came once, looked around and said: "Vika, you are a man!"

The temperature outside is around zero. Indoors, if the thermometer does not lie, - 21 ° C. The electric heater is operating at minimum settings.

- The house is warm. I hope I can get through the winter without problems. I have two more heaters just in case. If the electricity goes out - I'll get a diesel generator from the garage, - Vika shares a plan of action in case of a severe winter. - Well, if the full khana comes, I will jump on the train and spend the night with a friend in Minsk.

Isn't there a sauna in the summer? Vika says that before the modernization, the trailer warmed up to 35 ° C on hot days and it was really unbearable to be inside. After insulation and roof sheathing, it became comfortable.

Living in your house helps to save $ 250 per month, which Vika used to pay for renting an apartment (thus, a house without land and communications will pay off in about a year and a half). Now you have to pay only for the electricity consumed. The meter clocked up 250 kWh last month. In winter, of course, there will be more. However, saving on rent for the IT woman was probably not the only incentive.

- The financial issue was important, but secondary. I wanted to change something in my life, to break free, - explains Vick's motivation. - Now there are no neighbors behind the wall. I can sit on my veranda in the morning and drink coffee in peace. Outside the window are not the Alps, of course, but there is some kind of nature. Or I can throw coals into the grill and cook something delicious.

Romance is romance, but of course there are plenty of problems too. The journey from home to work now takes an hour. You have to tie yourself to the train schedule (and it is not a tram, it does not run every five minutes). The last train arrives around midnight. If you are late, call a taxi for 20 rubles.

You can only walk in your own area in the evening: there is no lighting on the street. Getting to the train stop in rainy weather is another quest. "Lifehack" from Vicki: garbage bags for shoes - and forward through puddles and mud.

- Isn't it scary like this, alone? - we asked.

- In which case I know where I have an ax, - Vika laughs. - In general, what is there to be afraid of? I'm not on the farm. The whole street here is inhabited, even in winter. No communication problems.

It remains to complete the interior decoration, mount the veranda and threshold, put a fence on the site and lay the garden. According to Vika's calculations, the house will serve her for five years and during this time it will pay off not only itself, but also communications with the site.

- As long as I want to live like this, - says Vika goodbye. - Then, maybe, I will start building a full-fledged house. All communications were laid with this in mind. Or maybe I'll go back to the city or go somewhere else. What is there to think about? Life is unpredictable.

Country cabins are a cheap option for arranging temporary housing. When building the main house, the purpose of the change house can be changed by equipping it for a utility room.

Due to the small size of the change house, its decoration can be done independently. First you need to calculate the required amount of materials, purchase them and prepare tools. The most economical and practical today are:
- wooden or plastic lining;
- MDF, fiberboard;
- siding;
- PVC panels.

The process of arranging change houses

So, depending on the type of change house, they begin to arrange it. If this is a wooden shed, then first they install windows, doors and internal partitions. Metal change houses are able to withstand heavy structures: lockers, niches, wooden walls. Mini-housing needs to be provided with water and electricity. This should be taken care of at the design stage. All communications can be hidden under the cladding.

Interior decoration begins with thermal insulation of the change house both from the outside and inside. It is worth considering such a finishing option as eurolining. Thanks to special grooves, excellent ventilation and moisture removal from the room is provided. Also, in the decoration of change houses, plastic lining is often used. Walls lined with plastic panels are very easy to clean. The floor in the shed can be covered with linoleum: simple, clean and beautiful. Also, the option of laying with ceramic tiles or laminated parquet is not excluded.

The walls in the change house should be multi-layered. Mineral wool or other insulation with a thickness of at least 50 mm should be placed between each layer. The ceilings in the cabins can be finished with hardboard. They are attached directly to the rafters. When arranging the roof, it is more practical to use galvanized iron sheets. Roofing or cushioning roofing material is used as a waterproofing material for the foundation and roof of the change house.

The change house can be ennobled with shutters, a metal door. The interior lighting of the change house depends on the functional characteristics of the mobile housing. Despite the small size, it is better if professionals are engaged in the arrangement of the change houses. Insulation, lighting, zoning, water supply - this is a set of measures that is more profitable to entrust to construction companies.

A change house is a temporary household space, sometimes used for housing. Most often, a temporary building is constructed from a timber or construction cars are used as a change house, in which it is quite cold in winter even with a good heating system. To insulate a temporary room, you can use various methods that allow you to quickly and inexpensively carry out work.

You will need

  • - mineral wool in rolls or pressed plates;
  • - siding or roofing material;
  • - self-tapping screws;
  • - roll waterproofing materials;
  • - heating pipes;
  • - water boiler;
  • - circulation pump.


The simplest, fastest and most inexpensive type of insulation is wrapping the outer walls of a temporary room with mineral wool produced in rolls and pressed plates. Use cotton wool strips or simple wooden strips to cover the outside walls. If you plan to use pressed mineral wool, then measure its width, screw the strips in width with self-tapping screws and insert the plates, additionally reinforcing them with self-tapping screws.

You can decorate the walls at your discretion. If the shed will be used long enough, you can trim it with metal siding. For short-term use, cover the cotton with ordinary roofing felt to prevent birds from gutting it. In addition, the roofing material will not let the cold wind through, which contributes to additional insulation.

Be sure to carry out external insulation of the ceiling, since a non-insulated ceiling transmits heat much more than thin walls. To insulate the ceiling, use rolled waterproofing materials and mineral wool with which you insulated the walls.

Inside the household, seal all gaps with polyurethane foam or silicone sealant. Also putty on the windows and cover them with adhesive tape designed for sealing windows. Instead, you can use duct tape or cut paper strips and glue them with paste.

If there are several rooms in the utility room, and only one stove heats them, then to make the room warm, install water heating, install a boiler and a circulation pump on the stove. Circulation pumps allow you to quickly warm up even a large heating system in a short period of time.

Even these measures will be quite enough to survive more than one winter in a change house with maximum comfort, without resorting to expensive methods of insulation.

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You bought plot land or entered into a dacha partnership, and now you want to make the place of your future rest as comfortable as possible? This is a very enjoyable and interesting activity. At the same time, equip plot can be done quite quickly if you act according to a pre-planned plan.


Determine what you took for plot... As a rule, the purpose of using a particular territory is stipulated in the documents of the partnership. The methods of use are also indicated there. Land for vegetable gardens is not transferred into ownership, gardeners pay rent and cannot build anything on their site, except for temporary huts and sheds for tools. You can put a small house on the garden plot. At the dacha there may be a capital house in which you can live permanently. Among other things, registration is allowed in dacha associations.

In the newly created partnership, summer residents perform and finance all the preliminary work together. It may very well be that money will be required from you to build a road, build a power line, water, gas and much more. In order to uproot the stumps, it is also most convenient to hire a company together. In old partnerships, as a rule, all this has already been done.

Arrangement of the site where you will be all summer or even live permanently, start with planning and building a house. If you cannot start building right now, determine where to build. You can put a temporary house made of plywood or paper there. As a temporary shelter, both a building shed and a cheap shopping kiosk are suitable. Such a makeshift is also suitable for a vegetable garden. It is quite possible to store inventory there and even put a table and a chair.

Do not forget that during the construction period you will need a small warehouse for materials. It should be closer to the future home, but not spoil the view. In the future, it can be used as a barn.

Plan your lawns. You will sow them later, and at this stage, just determine where they will be. Decide how you will support them. You can remove the old layer of soil along with the sod, apply fertile soil and sow. You can just regularly mow the grass that is already there. It all depends on the plants.

Designed for a relatively long stay and rest, their finishing must meet the requirements of convenience, aesthetics, safety and environmental friendliness.

Walls and ceilings are usually finished with the same material.

Fiberboard (hardboard) and MDF panels

In the most budgetary options, interior decoration is usually from hardboard (fiberboard)... The material is quite good, but it is very afraid of moisture. For example, if a kettle is boiled in the shed, then soon mounds may appear on the walls. Also, hardboard sheets are attached to the guides with small nails, from an aesthetic point of view it is better when the nails are covered with plastic strips.

Cheap does not mean sloppy: pay attention to the joints between the sheets, to the absence of cracks and breaks.

Wall MDF panels in fact, it is also fiberboard, but created using more modern technologies. Less afraid of moisture, more durable, many color options, and most importantly - more environmentally friendly than hardboard.


The traditional material for finishing country cabins (both walls and ceilings) is wooden lining... Its advantages include high environmental friendliness, ease of installation, excellent thermal insulation characteristics, durability. A room decorated with wooden clapboard immediately takes on a cozy home look, it always smells fresh natural wood. Caring for the lining is quite simple, it is easy to provide it in a summer cottage.

The photo shows high-quality lining and good work, in practice, especially in “ready-made” cabins, usually the work is less accurate, and the material itself is far from good quality.

Look at the surface of the boards, it must be well processed, otherwise you risk getting a lot of trouble with splinters.

The difference in finishing the change house 6x2.3 with clapboard or hardboard will be approximately 10-15,000 rubles.

Worth considering euro liningwith special grooves that provide ventilation and prevent condensation from settling - a more expensive option.

The disadvantages of wooden lining include its susceptibility to fungi, mold, rotting and other damage caused by high humidity and insufficient heating in the cold season, which is quite typical for country buildings, which are used mainly in the warm season. You can avoid this by treating the lining with special means. Decorating the premises with wooden clapboard entails the need for special fire safety measures.

In the decoration of change houses they often use plastic lining... In comparison with wood, it costs less and is not subject to various destructive processes, being even more durable. The advantages of plastic lining include a variety of possible patterns and shades - like malachite, marble, wood, etc. Caring for plastic lining is extremely simple. At a height and its thermal insulation properties. The disadvantages of the material include its artificial origin and, as a result, low environmental friendliness. Cheap varieties of plastic lining emit harmful substances into the air and have a persistent odor that can stand indoors for a long time. At the same time, more expensive and high-quality varieties are completely devoid of these disadvantages.


A fairly new material for this area: OSB - oriented strand board. At high temperature and pressure, flat rectangular chips are glued together with a waterproof phenol-urea formaldehyde resin.

Very aesthetically pleasing, the material is environmentally friendly, easy to assemble, strong, durable. The cost of cladding is cheaper than lining. The lining itself is a burr and a rough surface, but here everything is smooth and neat.

We have considered the most popular materials for decoration. The "exotic" includes PVC - plastic panels, they are not afraid of moisture, have good thermal insulation properties, but they are not successful with the manufacturers of change houses. The change house is a budget solution, therefore, materials are used both familiar and common, and inexpensive.

Editors' choice: regular lining or OSB.