Interior wall decoration with MDF panels: lathing, thermal insulation, installation. DIY installation of mdf panels on walls Installation of mdf boards

MDF panels for walls - boards made of wood fiber by dry pressing of wood shavings. This building material is of medium density, and to give it a high degree of strength, sawdust is mixed with urea resins and processed using high temperature and significant pressure. Finally, the MDF panel is further processed to obtain aesthetic appeal.

Features and Benefits

MDF for walls is harvested using the same technology, but the finish of their surface is always different, in this regard, several types of these panels for walls can be distinguished:

  1. created using natural veneer as a decorative finish. Products are distinguished not only by excellent durability and reliability, but also by their high price.
  2. panels are the most popular and demanded of all types of material. To create these panels, melamine film is used. This allows you to imitate the structure of natural wood, which is so popular when decorating the walls of a room. To improve the appearance, the slabs are pasted over with a high-gloss film.
  3. Technical, service rooms, workshops and garages are finished using painted MDF panels. In this case, the decorative coating is a layer of paint. There is no imitation of the tree structure on such models.

MDF panels are distinguished by improved technical characteristics. When creating them, the manufacturer does not use harmful resins rich in phenol content.

After crushing and processing wood chips, the resulting dust is processed under the influence of high temperature in special ovens. The process lasts until the release of lignin, which ensures the adhesion of raw materials.

The main advantages of the MDF panel are:

  • attractive price;
  • the ability to use both for leveling the surface of the walls and for decoration;
  • ease of installation without the help of a qualified specialist;
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • ease of care.

There are several ways to fix MDF wall panels in the course of work related to decorating the surface of the walls inside the room. One of them requires the assembly of the frame and lathing, while the other requires special glue for wall panels.

Fastening to the frame

To assemble a high-quality frame and lathing, wooden bars or a metal profile are used. Both structures are necessary for fixing decorative material in the design of residential and office premises. Methods for attaching panels to the frame allow not only to visually change the internal space, but also to hide certain defects found on the surface of the walls. When choosing how to fasten, you need to take into account the degree of unevenness of the base. Significant flaws in the form of voids, dips or bumps can be corrected with a high-quality frame and lathing.

Fastening the wall panels to the frame is necessary in the course of work related to leveling the surface. In rooms with high humidity, only a metal profile is used for the construction of the frame. The structures of the lathing allow for the installation of additional insulation. The frame for fixing the panels with your own hands in a dry and warm room is assembled from a wooden bar: prepared wood (bars with a section of 30x40) must be installed and fixed strictly vertically around the entire perimeter of the room.

The very first (starting) profile is attached directly to the floor, the second to the ceiling. Having installed horizontal profiles along the entire perimeter of the room, proceed to fastening the vertical guides. The distance between the bars does not exceed 60 cm.This is due to the fact that the dimensions of the MDF panels are as follows:

  • width ranges from 153 to 200mm;
  • the length depends on which company is the manufacturer; this parameter reaches from 2 to 2.6 m;
  • thickness from 5 to 14 mm.

Installation features

Installation of MDF panels, metal profiles or bars starts from any corner of the room by laying individual elements vertically or horizontally. If it is necessary to create additional noise or heat insulation, insulation plates are placed between the battens of the battens.

The distance between the slats in this case depends on the parameters of the thermal insulation material used. It is less than the width of the insulation by 2-3 cm, which allows you to tightly lay the mineral wool slabs.

Each MDF panel is equipped with a special groove for installing cleats and attaching to the frame. The frame itself is fixed with "crabs" and brackets. Fastening MDF panels to the wall cannot be called a difficult process if the frame of the structure is assembled correctly and strictly according to the level.

When creating a lathing, it is important to remember that fasteners (screws), or rather their length, are selected taking into account the thickness and height of the bar or profile. The self-tapping screw must be inserted into the wall to a depth of at least 40 mm.

Before constructing the frame, you need to determine the highest point on the surface of the wall and set the vertical and horizontal from this value. All work is carried out under the constant supervision of a building level equipped with a spirit level. It is necessary to check not only the horizontal and vertical, but also both diagonals on each wall sheathed.

The dimensions of MDF panels are of great importance in the case when it is decided to attach them to the wall using a frame, and when performing work using a special adhesive composition, certain types of panels are chosen.

It is more difficult than sheathing a properly assembled frame with such panels.

Glue mounting

Before fixing MDF panels to the wall, you must:

  1. Clean the surface of any dirt, dust, remnants of old coating in the form of paint, wallpaper or cracked plaster.
  2. All areas to be restored must be plastered again.
  3. After the mortar has completely dried, prime the wall for maximum adhesion.

Knowing how to fix MDF panels to the wall, you can complete all the work in the shortest possible time. It is necessary that the surface is not only carefully prepared, but also absolutely flat. It is necessary to glue MDF panels on the wall in such a way as to ensure full adhesion and avoid air getting under the constituent structures.

If the tile or ceramic tiles are glued to the walls in one motion and cannot be dismantled and re-glued, then the peculiarity of the process of gluing MDF panels is that the future cladding cannot be glued immediately. It must be pressed against the wall, held for a few seconds and torn off. Then let the glue dry slightly and re-attach the panel to the wall surface. It is possible to glue MDF only by applying considerable force when pressing the panel.

In case of improper or poor-quality preparation of the wall surface for gluing MDF panels, the fixation will not be strong and durable.

Panels with adhesive on their surface must be laid on a clean, dry, absolutely flat and smooth wall. The quality of the cladding also depends on how correctly the first panel was glued. It must be fixed in strict accordance with the vertical mark made using a plumb bob or laser level.

The final stage is the installation of plugs and other decorative elements. The inner corners are fixed with glue. Its color is matched exactly to the tone of the finishing material and applied with a thin snake, trying to avoid the appearance of excess on the panels after pressing the corner.

You can study in detail all stages of the work by watching the video.

Interior decoration using MDF wall panels is very popular due to the many positive qualities that this finishing material possesses. This is not only an opportunity to perform all the manipulations without the involvement of qualified specialists, but also to increase the strength and reliability of the structure. MDF wall panels allow you to change the interior space of the room, making it attractive and enhancing its aesthetics.

Using MDF panels is the easiest way to decorate the walls of a room, especially if you need an additional layer of thermal insulation. At the same time, it is quite possible to do the installation of MDF panels with your own hands in a very short period of time.

To mount the panels, you will need:

  • tape measure and pencil - with their help you will mark the places for fixing the lathing bars and the required length of the panels;
  • metal corner and level - to check the evenness of corners, horizontality and verticality of the mounted elements;
  • jigsaw - for cutting panels to the desired length or width;
  • construction stapler or nails with a hammer - for fixing the panels on the crate;
  • drill and self-tapping screws (dowel-nails) - for attaching the sheathing bars to the wall;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver.

Surface preparation

One of the main advantages of MDF panels is that there is no need to completely level the surface to which you are going to attach them. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the wall was previously painted or not, and from what material it was made (brick, concrete, blocks, wood). It is enough just to cover the plastered or wooden surface (by 2 times) with a primer (or a special compound to protect wood), and then either fix the lathing immediately for mounting MDF panels, or first fix a layer of thin thermal insulation on the wall (using liquid nails glue) (such as folgoizol).


If desired, MDF panels can be easily fixed to the ceiling. In this case, it is better to be guided by the rule that MDF panels should be located perpendicular to the wall with the window. The principle of installing MDF panels on the ceiling and walls is the same, with one small exception: for facing the ceiling, you will most likely need an assistant who will support the panel and feed the tool.

Installation technology

The process of installing MDF panels with your own hands implies that you will fix them on a wooden crate, which is fixed with a certain step (in the direction perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels) bars of any section. In this case, the size of the bar (its width and thickness) does not matter much (that is, any of the same thickness will do).

If you are going to lay a layer of insulation (mineral wool or glass wool) under the MDF panel, the thickness of the bar must correspond to the thickness of the thermal insulation layer.

After preparing the bars for the lathing, the do-it-yourself installation of MDF panels will be carried out as follows:

  • Select the direction of installation of MDF panels.
  • In the perpendicular direction to the panels to be installed, fix the crate: the lower bar at a distance of 3 to 5 centimeters from the floor, the upper bar - 2-3 cm from the ceiling, fix the bars between them with self-tapping screws in increments of no more than 45-50 centimeters.
  • Check the verticality of the resulting surface. If necessary, place pieces of plywood, fiberboard or laminate under the battens.

  • Fasten vertical battens around (along the perimeter) of windows and doors, as well as in the corners.
  • If you decide to mount the panels vertically, then you should start the installation of MDF panels with your own hands from the corner, moving from right to left. Attach the first panel (from the edge with a ridge) to the bars along the entire height using self-tapping screws, which should be as close as possible to the corner of the room.
  • Fasten the second edge of the panel with clamps specially designed for working with MDF, which can be attached to the bar with a construction stapler or small nails.
  • We install all other panels on the wall in the same way, inserting the comb into the groove.
  • The last (on each wall) MDF panel must be cut to the desired size, and then inserted into the groove of the previous one, fixing the cut side with self-tapping screws to the bars.

  • After finishing the installation of MDF panels with your own hands, do not forget to close the corners of the room with special MDF corners, which are simply glued on top of the panel. Self-tapping screws holding the outer panels should be hidden under these corners.
  • Similarly, glue the MDF corners to the edges of the panels near windows and doors.

Advantages and disadvantages of MDF panels

The undoubted advantages of MDF panels include not only ease of installation (they can be fixed both vertically and horizontally), but also a beautiful appearance, which, due to a wide variety of colors, allows you to choose panels for almost any interior. In addition, MDF panels are easy to care for, since they do not require special cleaning (you just need to wipe it with a slightly damp cloth). And, of course, MDF panels are relatively cheap finishing materials.

But MDF panels also have disadvantages:

  • Firstly, the walls of such panels, due to the fact that they are attached to the crate, remain hollow.

If you decide to hang something on such a wall, you will have to use special long dowel nails. In addition, MDF panels do not resist the impact of sharp objects (although the damaged finish can be disassembled and the panel can be replaced).

  • Secondly, the wooden lathing under the MDF panels refers to combustible materials (like the panels themselves), so they cannot be used to decorate escape routes - corridors, staircases, etc. (this rule does not apply to individual houses and apartments).
  • Thirdly, MDF panels do not form a continuous, smooth, even surface (that is, you will always see the grooves at their joints), which imposes certain restrictions on the projected design of the room with their use.
  • Fourthly, if you make a step of the lathing more than the recommended one (45-50 cm), then the panels can begin to "play" under external influence from the room (for example, if you lean on them).

However, even in spite of the shortcomings of MDF panels, they still create competition for drywall, the installation of sheets of which requires much more skills and people (at least two), while you can work with MDF panels alone.


This video demonstrates the process of installing MDF panels.

More and more people every day choose mdf panels as a finishing material for the walls of their home. It is believed that it is a worthy alternative to painting and wallpaper, but it also has additional positive qualities.

In this article, we will talk not only about the installation of MDF on walls, but also reveal the secret of the popularity of this material.

Before moving on to the conversation about the installation of MDF panels on the walls, let's figure out why this material is becoming more and more popular every day. Of course, it has many advantages, but there are no less disadvantages, and some of them are so significant that they make the repair of some rooms with the help of these panels simply impossible.

So, what are the main qualities of MDF that would distinguish it from other finishing materials:

  • Installation of MDF panels on the walls is a very simple process and you can do it yourself without involving professional builders. This largely affects the final cost of the repair.
  • Since the installation of MDF panels on the walls is carried out on a special crate, the free space between the wall remains for air breathing, which is very good, since it allows the accumulating condensate to dry completely. Also, this space can be used for additional wall insulation, if necessary.
  • Conventional MDF panels are very susceptible to moisture. The boards themselves transfer this contact with ease, but the texture pattern can be damaged, therefore, if you choose material for wall decoration in a complex room, such as a bathroom or kitchen, then you should choose special boards, but we will talk about this below.
  • Panels are convenient for repairing damage... If a defect has formed somewhere that cannot be masked, it is enough to change the damaged segment, and you will not have to redo the entire repair as a whole.
  • MDF panels can be used to sew up not only walls, but also the ceilingThus, the whole room can be made in one style.
  • Large selection of decorative solutions... MDF panels can imitate natural wood or stone, as well as be completely monochromatic. This variety allows you to create the most daring and original interiors.
  • Relatively low price.

As you can see, panels are a good option for decorating your home, but before you go to the store and choose your favorite designs, you need to know what these panels can be and which ones can be used in rooms with a complex atmosphere.

What are the MDF panels


  • Conventional panels without a protective layer. The cheapest option, which is only suitable for residential premises, such as a living room or bedroom (see Decorating a bedroom: looking for options). It is undesirable to use this material in the kitchen or bathroom, as it will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable.
  • Laminated panels. This option is suitable for the kitchen. The panels do not absorb odors and can be washed with detergents. The only thing such panels are afraid of is mechanical damage, such as scratches. If even one defect appears on the surface, the destructive effect will continue to spread throughout the finish.
  • Veneered MDF. Ideal for residential applications. Veneered panels are no longer just an imitation of a natural wood covering, a thin cut of wood is really glued to them. The appearance of this material is excellent, but as a result, this is reflected in the price, which can be several times higher than that of conventional panels.
  • Cork mdf. The most expensive option, which uses cork veneer as a decorative layer. This option is perfect for a nursery, especially since there are no chemical components in the panels that could harm your or your child's health.
  • Sheet mdf. All of the above panels belong to the lining class, that is, they are assembled using the groove-comb technology. Sheet mdf does not have connecting grooves, and is attached like ceramic tiles with glue joint-to-joint.

Which of these options to choose for finishing your home is up to you, proceed from the characteristic features of the premises and financial capabilities, but you should not go into savings. If you cannot afford laminated MDF for the bathroom, then it is better to abandon it altogether than to install ordinary panels that will become unusable in a few months.

Advice! Choose your panel manufacturer carefully and always ask the seller for quality certificates. Some manufacturers deliberately call their panels moisture resistant in order to raise their prices, although in reality they are not.


Before installing MDF panels on walls, we strongly recommend that you watch the video in this article, which shows the whole process and provides detailed instructions that will help you better understand the entire installation technology.

Like any other renovation, installation of MDF on walls begins with the preparation of everything you need. On average, finishing a medium-sized room takes half a day, but finding a tool or part can take much more time, and in addition, nerves.

Important! Before installing mdf panels on the wall, they need to be allowed to rest in the room where they will be installed. This is necessary so that the material gets used to the humidity and temperature of the room and takes its shape.

Preparation and markup

Before you start attaching the lathing guides, the wall must be treated with protective impregnations and markings must be applied to it. The optimal distance between the guides is considered to be from 40 to 60 centimeters, while the panels will not sag and the fixation will be as strong as possible.

For marking, it is most convenient to use a laser level, but this device is expensive, and if you plan to finish, for example, a bathroom or toilet (see Facing with toilet panels: making the right choice), then buying it is unprofitable and it is better to replace it with the usual water level, plumb line or chalk a thread.

Important! If the panels are planned to be placed vertically, then the crate will stand horizontally, and vice versa. This is a necessary rule, and there is simply no other way to install the panels.

When the lines are drawn along the entire perimeter of the room, on each of them, with a distance of about 50 centimeters, you need to put a mark that we will need in the next step.

Stage two - installation of the lathing

The lathing shown in the photo are guides made of wood or metal profiles, on which the MDF panels will be mounted on the wall. So, in those places where we put the marks in the previous step, we drill holes and fix special table braces that will hold the guides.

The more guys there will be on one guide, the stronger and more reliable the whole structure will be, and therefore the entire finish as a whole. On the braces, guided by the level readings, we fasten the beams or profiles. It is very important to strictly observe the parallelism of all segments, since if they stand unevenly, this will also affect the panels, which will be in constant tension, and sooner or later will simply burst.

Advice! If you are building a crate from wooden beams, be sure to treat them with special impregnations that will escape the tree from moisture and temperature changes.


So, everything is the most terrible, dirty and difficult, all that remains is to install mdf panels on the wall, and in comparison with the construction of the lathing, this is the simplest stage. You can start from any convenient angle, the main thing is to do it "by hand".

We simply put the panel in a corner and fix it in one of the following ways:

  • On staples and stapler.
  • For furniture nails with small caps.
  • On self-tapping screws.
  • For special clamps.

Which method to choose is your business, this will not affect the quality of the finish. So, the first panel is fixed, and we insert the ridge of the next segment into its groove. Fasten it in the same way as the first panel.

The process is clear, so we continue this way around the entire perimeter of the room. That's all, it remains only to install decorative elements, which are easiest to mount on special glue.

The corners for mdf panels do not have a rigid shape, and, depending on the need, can be both internal and external. That's it, our finish is ready, and you can enjoy the result, and if you still have questions, there are many articles on this topic on our website, in which you will surely find answers to any questions.

MDF panels are an excellent decorative finishing material, which is characterized by a high speed of installation and the absence of the need for “wet” work at all stages of finishing.

Panels also have their drawbacks (for example, MDF, like any wood, is afraid of water and high humidity, is less resistant to mechanical damage in comparison with synthetic materials, repairing damage on it is fraught with a number of difficulties, etc.).

The fixing of MDF panels depends on the type of substrate and the desired result. The most common type of fastening is mechanical (on the base, a frame is often equipped with wooden or metal guides, to which MDF panels are attached with nails, screws or clamps) and chemical - with the help of adhesives.

The latter method assumes an even monolithic base, since in this case there is no frame made of profiles or guides.

Adhesive for MDF - an overview of the best options

The most commonly used adhesives for MDF panels are:

  • Liquid Nails . A universal adhesive characterized by high adhesion, corrosion and moisture resistance. Liquid nails do not react with substrates, unlike deep penetrating glue.
  • Mounting (or construction) foam... It is characterized by various properties such as thermal insulation, sound insulation and high adhesion.
  • Universal construction adhesive... A wide group of products, divided into many segments and areas of application. For MDF panels, it is necessary to use only those adhesives that ensure adhesion of the base materials (brick, concrete, drywall, tiles, etc.) and wood (MDF consists of small sawdust).

The most popular glue for MDF panels is liquid nails (TYTAN or TITEBOND Multi).

In addition to the economic effect when choosing an adhesive, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of working with it (time for initial fixation, time of final drying, method of application, service life, required tools and materials, etc.).

Installation of MDF panels on glue - instructions

Consider the technology of MDF installation using the above adhesives.

Liquid Nails (similarly universal building adhesives). The thickness of the adhesive layer is only 3-5 mm, so the base on which the panels will be glued must be perfectly flat. Otherwise, the panels will repeat all the unevenness of the walls or peel off in places where they do not fit snugly.

Therefore, before gluing MDF panels to the wall, it must be leveled.

  1. Degrease the surface, remove all impurities, putty on crumbling areas.
  2. Before starting work, you need to make sure that there are no irregularities using a building rule, a long level or other tool.
  3. The adhesive is applied in a wave-like motion or in another way (for example, in dotted coarse drops) so that it is evenly distributed over the width and length of the panel. The pitch between the adhesive strips determines the strength with which the panel will adhere to the substrate. That is, for example, when installing in places of greatest stress, the frequency of application can be increased. Usually it is 10-15 cm. If the manufacturer determines the waiting time before gluing, it is necessary to maintain the required pause.
  4. With the help of a construction bubble or laser level, the starting panel is installed at the desired angle (depending on the intended drawing and installation direction). Most often, vertical installation of panels is used. You should start from the corner.
  5. The glue on the first panel must have time to grasp the base before installing the subsequent ones (the same principle applies to other difficult junction points, for example, internal or external corners). The setting time depends on the type of adhesive (see instructions).
  6. Thanks to the tongue-and-groove connection, subsequent panels can be mounted without waiting (except for the waiting time before gluing).

The corners (internal or external), as well as horizontal and vertical abutments without a groove-comb connection, are closed with decorative moldings (universal MDF corners). Glue should be applied to the middle of each side of the decorative corner (so that when pressing down, excess glue does not come out).

The main thing is not to damage the decorative layer of the panels.

Option 2. Polyurethane foam.

The technology for installing MDF panels using construction foam is in many ways similar to the technology for installing using liquid nails or universal glue, with the only difference that the error of wall irregularities using foam can be higher due to a significant increase in foam in volume.

The waiting time before gluing the MDF panel to the substrate depends on the requirements of the foam manufacturer.


Basic installation errors

For liquid nails:

  • Do not overexpose the glue before mounting the panel on the base. Otherwise, adhesion will be significantly lower.
  • Improper application of glue - MDF panels will lose their attractive appearance if glue gets on the decorative front surface.
  • Wiping off excess adhesive with a heavily damp cloth can cause the decorative coating to peel off.

For polyurethane foam:

  • For gluing, foam with a low shrinkage coefficient and a professional tool should be used (high-quality guns for construction foam can smoothly and strictly dosed regulate its supply).
  • If you do not wait for the setting time of the first panel, then during the movement of the subsequent ones, the foam may collapse and not fix on the base.

The question is why it is impossible to glue MDF on liquid nails

Glue "liquid nails" is distinguished by its versatility. It is suitable for mounting a wide variety of building materials. And if the list of materials to be glued includes "wood", then liquid nails are not only possible, but also must be used for gluing MDF panels.

Often, ordinary people can confuse glue "liquid nails" with sealants or silicones (they are applied using the same tool, the tube is very similar to the tube of liquid nails and in the store they can stand on the same shelf).

However, sealants for gluing MDF panels are not recommended, since their main purpose is to fix plumbing products and seal joints.

As a material for interior wall decoration, MDF panels are now widely used. They have become very popular due to their environmental friendliness, attractive appearance and a number of positive characteristics. Using MDF panels is a simple, relatively inexpensive and quick way to decorate a room. Most often, the material is used to repair storerooms, hallways or loggias.

What are mdf panels

This finishing material is made of medium density fiberboard by hot pressing of wood fibers. As a result of pressure and high temperature, the lignin, of which the wood is composed, becomes elastic, its fibers adhere to each other. In the production of the material, no toxic components are used, for example, phenol or resins, so mdf panels are absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.

There are three types of external coating for facing slabs:

  1. A laminated film that repeats the surface of marble, wood or other natural materials.
  2. Thin veneer made of fine wood.
  3. Embossed varnish coating.

When buying mdf panels, you should pay attention to their thickness, moisture resistance and strength.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, like any building and finishing material, mdf panels have their own strengths and weaknesses.

The obvious benefits include:

  1. Simplicity and ease of installation. They can be attached to a frame that is easy to manufacture, horizontally or vertically, without the need to first apply a layer of plaster.
  2. Good insulation.
  3. Attractive appearance, wide range of colors.
  4. Easy to clean, to keep the walls neat, just wipe them periodically with a damp cloth.
  5. Affordable price.

Among the disadvantages are:

  1. The walls under the panels remain hollow after fastening, if something needs to be hung, it is important to use special dowels.
  2. Instability to external mechanical stress and moisture.
  3. The material is highly flammable and burns.
  4. MDF panels do not form an even continuous surface; grooves are always noticeable at the joints.
  5. The material is more suitable for interior decoration of corridors, storerooms, loggias.

Preparatory work

Since mdf panels can be fixed to uneven surfaces, special preparation of the walls is not required, however, due to their instability to moisture, it is better to work in a dry room in sunny weather.

The following stages can be distinguished from the preparatory work:

  1. Coating the wall surface with a primer, a special wood preservative solution or an antiseptic.
  2. Sheathing device for fixing panels (if the glue method of installation is not used). The frame can be attached directly to the walls, but this will not be the best option, since it will repeat all the unevenness of the wall. It is better to make an independent frame, the elements of which will be located on top of the insulation. The frame is of two types: metal and wood.
    • Metal carcass It is made of a guide profile, with the help of which the plasterboard is installed, with a size of about 50x50 mm. The profiles are vertically fixed to the floor with dowels at a distance of about 60 cm; before installation, it is important to check the correct positioning of the elements using a building level. The lower bar should be placed at a distance of 3-5 cm from the floor, and the upper one at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ceiling. Vertical elements are attached between the vertical elements. It remains only to securely fasten all the elements with the help of corners, which are easy to make from the profile itself. You can use a cutter, a tool that helps you connect elements together.
    • Wooden frame made of elements of the same size, approximately 50x50. The installation technology is the same as in the previous version, the difference is that wooden bars are fastened together using self-tapping screws or furniture corners.
  3. Wall insulation. The cells of the frame can be filled with a layer of insulation, how to do this correctly will be described below.

Required tools

In addition to the standard set of tools that can be found in every home, for the installation of MDF panels, you need to prepare:

  1. A tape measure and a pencil, they will be needed to mark the attachment points for the crate elements and indicate the required length of materials.
  2. A plumb line that can be made from a regular line and a nut.
  3. Building level or metal corner, with the help of which the correct arrangement of the elements is checked.
  4. Hammer, nails, construction stapler.
  5. Dowels and screws.
  6. Screwdriver and drill.
  7. Cutter.
  8. A hand saw or jigsaw to cut the MDF panels to the desired length.

How to fix mdf panels to the wall

The material is attached to the wall using frame or adhesive methods. Both of these options are equivalent. If you need to hide the unevenness of the walls, it is better to choose a frame method, if you need to finish a flat surface, an adhesive one is quite suitable.

Preparatory work for the construction of metal or wooden lathing has already been done, you can start installing the mdf panels themselves. From what corner of the room to start work, it does not matter.

  1. The first MDF panel is installed in the corner so that its spike is located 2-3 mm from the adjacent wall.
  2. The second is installed on an adjacent wall in the same way, so that its spike is also directed to the corner.
  3. Holding the panels with your hands, you need to install a universal corner between them.
  4. We fix them with special clamps - clamps. They are fixed to the edge of the panel and then nailed to a metal or wood frame. The cleats are made in such a way that they do not interfere with the insertion of the next element into the groove.
  5. The upper and lower parts are screwed with self-tapping screws at the top and bottom. After the completion of the work, their heads will not be visible, since they will be covered with ceiling and floor skirting boards.
  6. The next panel is inserted with a spike into the groove previously installed in the manner described above. Straight joints should be covered with special slats.
  7. When all the work on installing the panels is completed, using ordinary construction glue, the skirting boards and the casing are fixed.

Wall insulation

Experts advise to do wall insulation, because under the influence of moisture, the structure of the material can change, which does not have a very good effect on the appearance of the walls. The crate cells are filled with insulation before the direct installation of MDF panels.

Most often, two materials are used for this purpose:

It retains heat well and prevents noise penetration. The foam sheets are attached directly to the brackets for the profiles of the lathing, and the gaps between the sheets are closed with ordinary polyurethane foam. It is very convenient to work with this insulation, it is easy to cut, the material is suitable for any density.

Mineral wool. This is a soft insulation, which is placed in the gaps between the frame elements, slightly tucking under them. If you decide to use this insulation, you should definitely take care of treating the walls with an anti-fungal agent.

Installation of panels on glue

It is important to take into account the fact that mdf panels can be glued only on flat walls. This method is simpler in comparison with the frame method, since it saves time significantly.

Not every glue is suitable for this type of work, it must:

  1. Be plastic;
  2. Smooth out minor irregularities on the wall;
  3. Have a thick texture;
  4. Lie down in a thin layer.

Work technology:

  1. Before you start gluing mdf panels, you need to clean the walls of dirt and apply a primer or any antibacterial compound. Be sure to wait until the solution is dry.
  2. You need to start the installation from the corner of the room so that minor errors are less noticeable.
  3. Apply the glue to the inner surface of the panel pointwise, that is, in a "checkerboard pattern", wait a little to allow the glue to absorb.
  4. Place the canvas against the wall, press lightly and smooth from the center to the edges.
  5. Glue the rest of the panels in the same way. They can be fastened end-to-end or overlapped, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

In order to save time, the glue can be immediately applied to several canvases, while it dries, start attaching the first one. When working with glue, you need to be very careful, since the result of the work depends on it.

The process of installing mdf panels is very simple if you follow the recommendations of specialists and pay attention to some of the nuances:

  1. When installing the first mdf panel, be sure to use a plumb line and a building level.
  2. The material does not bend, therefore, closer to the corners of the walls, the panels just need to be trimmed, and then close this place with special corners.
  3. Fasten the lower element of the batten closer to the floor in order to securely fix the skirting boards later.