We learn to do intramuscular injection into the buttock independently. Injections to yourself

A subcutaneous injection is an injection given directly into the fatty layer under the skin (as opposed to an intravenous injection given directly into a vein). Due to the fact that subcutaneous injections provide a more even and slower distribution of medications than intravenous injections, subcutaneous injections are usually used to administer vaccines and medicines (for example, type 1 diabetics often inject insulin like this). A prescription for a medication to be injected subcutaneously usually contains detailed instructions on how to properly inject the subcutaneous injection.

Note: Please note that the instructions in this article are provided as an example only. Before giving yourself an injection at home, see a healthcare professional.



    Get everything you need ready. Getting a subcutaneous injection properly requires more than just a needle, syringe and medication. Before you start, make sure you have:

    • Dose of medication in sterile packaging (usually packaged in a small ampoule with proper labeling)
    • A sterile syringe of the correct size. Depending on the amount of medication and the weight of the patient, you can choose a syringe of the following sizes or another sterile method of administration:
      • 0.5, 1 and 2 ml volumes with a 27 gauge needle (0.40 x 10 mm 27G x 1/2);
      • syringe with Luer lock, 3 ml (for large doses);
      • filled disposable syringe.
    • Container for safe disposal of the syringe.
    • Sterile gauze pad (usually 5 x 5 cm).
    • Sterile adhesive plaster (make sure your patient is not allergic to the adhesive in the patch as this can irritate the area around the wound).
    • Clean towel.
  1. Make sure you have the correct medication and dosage. Most subcutaneous preparations are clear and come in similar packaging, so they can be easily confused. Recheck the drug labeling before use to make sure it is the drug and dosage you need.

    • Please note that some ampoules contain enough drug for only one injection, and some for several. Make sure you have enough medication for the prescribed injection before proceeding.
  2. Make sure the work area is clean and tidy. Before the introduction of a subcutaneous injection, it is advisable to avoid contact with non-sterile objects. Arrange the materials you need in advance in a clean workplace - this way the injection will be faster, easier and more sterile. Place a towel next to you so that you can easily reach it. Spread the tools out on a towel.

    • Lay the tools out on a towel in the order you need them. Please note that you can tear the alcohol wipes package to quickly remove the wipes (do not open the inner packaging that contains the wipes).
  3. Select the puncture site. A subcutaneous injection is made into the fatty layer under the skin. In some areas of the body it is easier to reach this layer than in others. Some medicines come with instructions for where they should be injected. Check with your doctor or drug manufacturer if you are unsure of where to inject. Below are the places where a subcutaneous injection is usually given:

    • Soft part of the triceps, back and side of the arm, between the elbow and shoulder
    • The soft part of the leg on the front of the thigh between the knee, thigh and groin
    • The soft part of the abdomen, below the ribs in front and above the thighs, but not around the navel
    • Remember: it is very important to change the injection site; If injections are made in the same places, scars may form on the skin and the fatty layer may harden, which will make it more difficult to inject subsequent injections and the drug may not dissolve properly.
  4. Wipe the injection site. Using a fresh alcohol wipe, wipe the injection site in a spiral and gentle motion from center to edge; be careful not to scrub backwards over the already cleaned surface. Let the injection site dry.

    • Before wiping the site of the future puncture, if necessary, free it by moving clothes or jewelry aside. This will not only facilitate access to the injection site, but also reduce the risk of infection if a person comes into contact with anything non-sterile after the injection before applying a bandage or adhesive tape.
    • If you find that the skin is bruised, irritated, discolored, or inflamed at the site of the intended injection, you should choose a different injection site.
  5. Wash your hands with soap and water. Since a subcutaneous injection is done with penetration through the skin, it is imperative to wash your hands before the injection. Washing your hands kills any germs on your hands, which, if accidentally trapped in a small injection wound, can lead to infection. After washing your hands, dry them thoroughly.

    Taking a dose of medication

    1. Remove the cork insert from the medication vial. Place it on a towel. If the cap has already been opened, in the event that the ampoule contains several doses, wipe the rubber cap of the ampoule with a clean alcohol napkin.

      • If you are using a pre-filled disposable syringe, skip this step.
    2. Take the syringe. Hold the syringe firmly in your working hand. Hold it like a pencil. Needle up (without opening the needles).

      • Although you have not opened the syringe cap yet, hold it gently.
    3. Open the syringe cap. Take the needle cap with the thumb and forefinger of your other hand and remove the needle cap from the needle. From this point onwards, make sure that the needle does not touch anything other than the patient's skin during the injection. Place the needle cap on a towel.

      • Now you are holding a small but very sharp needle in your hands - handle it very carefully, never swing it or make any sudden movements.
      • If you are using a pre-filled syringe, skip this step.
    4. Pull the syringe plunger back. Keep the needle pointing up and away from you, with your other hand, pull the plunger back to the required volume, filling the syringe with air.

      Take the medicine ampoule. Using your non-dominant hand, take the medication ampoule. Keep it upside down. Hold the ampoule with extreme caution, do not touch the ampoule cap, as it must remain sterile.

      Insert the needle into the rubber stopper. At this time, there should still be air in the syringe.

      Press the plunger to inject air into the medicine ampoule. Air should rise through the liquid medicine to the top of the ampoule. This is done for two reasons - firstly, it will ensure that there is no air while filling the syringe with the medicine, and secondly, it will create a suspended pressure in the ampoule, which in turn will facilitate the intake of the medicine.

      • This is not always necessary - it all depends on how thick the medicine is.
    5. Draw the medicine into the syringe. After making sure the needle is immersed in the liquid medicine and not the air bag in the ampoule, pull the plunger slowly and gently until you reach the desired dosage.

      • You may need to tap the sides of the syringe to force air bubbles upward. After that, gently press on the plunger and squeeze the air bubbles back into the ampoule.
    6. Repeat the previous steps if required. Repeat the process of drawing the medication and releasing the air bubbles until you have drawn the correct amount of medication and dispensed of the air in the syringe.

      Remove the ampoule from the syringe. Place the ampoule back on the towel. Do not put the syringe down, as this can lead to infection of the syringe and infection of the wound. You may need to replace the needle at this point. The needle may become dull when the medication is drawn - replacing it will make the injection easier.

    We give a subcutaneous injection

      Prepare a syringe in your dominant hand. Hold the syringe the same way you hold a pencil or dart. Make sure you can easily reach the syringe plunger.

      Collect the skin at the injection site. Using your non-dominant hand, gather approximately 2.5–5 cm of skin between your thumb and forefinger, creating a small crease. Be careful not to bruise or damage the surrounding tissue. Collection of skin is necessary to increase the thickness of subcutaneous fat at the injection site, which will allow the drug to be injected into the fat layer, and not into muscle tissue.

      • When collecting the skin, do not collect the muscle underneath. You can tell the difference between soft fat and the hard muscle underneath.
      • Subcutaneous drugs are not designed for intramuscular administration and can cause bleeding in muscle tissue, especially if the drug has blood thinning properties. However, intramuscular needles are usually small enough that drug administration is unlikely to cause any difficulty.
    1. Insert the syringe into the skin. With slight brush acceleration, insert the needle full length under the skin. Typically, the needle is inserted into the skin at a 90-degree angle (vertically downward from the surface of the skin) to ensure that the drug is fully injected into the subcutaneous fat. Sometimes for muscular or very thin people who have very little subcutaneous fat, the needle is inserted at a 45-degree angle (diagonally) to avoid the drug entering the muscle tissue.

      • Act quickly and confidently, but not too abruptly. If you slow down, the needle may pop out of the skin, causing increased soreness.
    2. Press the plunger of the syringe firmly and evenly. Press down on the plunger without additional force until you have injected all the medicine. Use the same constant and confident movement.

    3. You can use an ice cube for a little pain relief.
    4. To prevent a bruise or small scar at the injection site, press the injection site with gauze or cotton wool for 30 seconds after removing the needle. If we are talking about an injection to a child, tell him that he himself can control the degree of pressure - as long as he does not press too hard.
    5. Also alternate the injection sites between the injections on the legs, arms, or on the body (left and right, front and back, bottom and top), so that you do not inject in the same place more than once every two weeks. Just stick to the same sequence for 14 spots and the injection sites will automatically rotate! Children love predictability. Or let them choose the injection sites themselves - write a list and cross out the injection sites.
    6. Press down on the injection site with gauze or cotton wool to avoid tension on the skin as you withdraw the needle and the pain from the injection will be less.
    7. Go to the manufacturer's website and read the exact instructions.
    8. If you are giving an injection to a child and he is afraid of pain, use "Emla" as an anesthetic Apply it to the injection site half an hour before the injection.
    9. Warnings

    • Read the labeling of the medicine carefully - make sure it is the correct medicine with the required concentration level.
    • Do not throw syringes and needles with your regular waste, only throw them in medical waste containers.
    • If you are using an ice cube to relieve pain, do not apply it for too long. This can lead to hypothermia and tissue damage, which in turn can reduce drug absorption.
    • Do not give injections without first consulting your doctor.

Knowing how to inject correctly is very useful, because it is not always possible to call a nurse or go to the clinic. There is nothing difficult about getting professional injections at home. Thanks to this article, you can make them for yourself or your loved ones if necessary.

Do not be afraid of injections. After all, the injection method of administering medications is in many cases better than the oral one. With the injection, more of the active substance enters the bloodstream without having a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Most drugs are injected intramuscularly. Individual drugs, such as insulin or growth hormone, are injected subcutaneously, that is, the drug enters directly into the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Let's consider in detail these methods of introduction. Immediately it should be said about possible complications. If the injection algorithms are not followed, then the following are likely: inflammation, suppuration of soft tissues (abscess), blood poisoning (sepsis), damage to the nerve trunks and soft tissues. Using one syringe to inject several patients contributes to the spread of HIV infection and some hepatitis (for example, B, C, etc.). Therefore, it is of great importance in preventing infection to observe the rules of asepsis and to inject according to established algorithms, including the disposal of used syringes, needles, cotton balls, etc.

What is needed for intramuscular injection

Syringe volume 2-5 ml
Injection needle up to 3.7 cm, caliber 22-25
Needle for taking a drug from a vial up to 3.7 cm long, caliber 21
Tampon pretreated in an antiseptic solution (alcohol, chlorhexidine, miramistin)
Raw cotton ball
Adhesive plaster strip

What is needed for a subcutaneous injection

Assembled (with needle) insulin syringe (0.5-1ml caliber 27-30)
Alcohol-treated cotton ball
Dry cotton ball
Adhesive plaster

As far as possible, it is necessary to place the syringe in the package in the refrigerator one hour before the injection of the solution, which will help to avoid deformation of the needle during the injection process.

The room in which the injection will be performed must have good lighting. The necessary equipment should be placed on a clean table surface.

Wash your hands well with soap.

Check the tightness of the disposable equipment packaging, as well as the expiration date of the medicinal product. Avoid reusing disposable needles.

Treat the bottle cap with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic. Wait until the alcohol has completely evaporated (the lid is dry).

Attention! Do not use syringes and other accessories that were unpacked or if its integrity was violated. Do not use the bottle if it was opened before you. It is forbidden to drive the drug with the expiry date.

A set of the drug from a vial into a syringe

#1 ... Remove the syringe and attach the solution-set needle to it.

#2 ... Draw as much air by volume into the syringe as needed to inject the drug. This action makes it easier to collect the medicine from the vial.

#3 ... If the solution is released in an ampoule, then it must be opened and placed on the table surface.

#4 ... You can open the ampoule with a paper towel to avoid cuts. When collecting the solution, do not poke the needle into the bottom of the ampoule, otherwise the needle will become dull. When there is little solution left, tilt the ampoule and collect the solution from the ampoule wall.

#5 ... When using a reusable bottle, pierce the rubber cap with a needle at a right angle. Then turn the bottle over and inject the air that was previously drawn into it.

#6 ... Draw the required volume of solution into the syringe, remove the needle by putting the cap on it.

#7 ... Change the needles to the one you will be injecting with. This recommendation must be followed if the solution is drawn from a reusable bottle, since the needle becomes blunt when piercing the rubber cap, although this is not noticeable visually. Remove air bubbles from the syringe by squeezing them out and prepare to inject the solution into the tissue.

#8 ... Place the syringe with the cap on the needle on an uncontaminated surface. If the solution is oily, it can be warmed to body temperature. To do this, the ampoule or bottle can be held under the arm for about 5 minutes. Do not stand under running hot water or in any other way, because in this case it is easy to overheat. The warm oil solution is much easier to inject into the muscle.

Intramuscular injection

#1 ... Treat the injection site with a swab dipped in an antiseptic. It is best to inject the solution into the upper outer buttocks or the outer thighs. After swabbing, you should wait for the antiseptic to dry.

#2 ... Remove the cap from the needle, stretch the skin of the intended insertion site with two fingers.

#3 ... With a firm motion, insert the needle almost the entire length at a right angle.

#4 ... Inject the solution slowly. At the same time, try not to move the syringe back and forth, otherwise the needle will cause unnecessary microtrauma to the muscle fibers.

It is correct for intramuscular injection to inject the solution into the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper outer quadrant of the buttock.

The middle shoulder is also suitable for injection.

In addition, the solution can be injected into the lateral thigh area. (Highlighted in the figure.)

#5 ... Remove the needle. The skin will close, closing the wound channel, which will prevent the medicine from flowing back out.

#6 ... Dry the injection site with a cotton ball and, if necessary, cover with a strip of adhesive plaster.

Attention! It is impossible to insert a needle into the skin if there are mechanical injuries on them, pain is felt, a color change is observed, etc. The maximum volume of solution that can be injected at a time should be no more than 3 ml. It is recommended to change the injection site to avoid getting the solution in one place more often than every 14 days. If you have weekly injections, use both buttocks and thighs. When you inject in the second round, try to move a couple of centimeters from the previous injection site. Touch with your finger, perhaps you can feel where the last injection was and prick a little to the side.

Subcutaneous injection

Treat the injection site with an antiseptic. The lower abdomen, around the navel, is the best injection site. Wait for the alcohol to dry completely.

The shaded area indicates the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen that is best suited for subcutaneous administration of the drug.

#1 ... Remove the cap. Gather the skin in a fold to separate the subcutaneous fat from the muscles.

#2 ... With firm movements, insert the needle at a 45 degree angle. Make sure the needle is located under the skin and not in the muscle layer.

#3 ... Enter the solution. There is no need to make sure that you did not get into the vessel.

#4 ... Remove the needle and release the fold of skin.

The skin should be collected in a fold, which facilitates the introduction of the solution into the subcutaneous fat layer.

Treat the injection field with an antiseptic. If necessary, after the injection of the drug, the puncture site can be sealed with a strip of adhesive tape.

Attention! It is impossible to insert a needle into the skin if there are mechanical injuries on them, pain is felt, a color change is observed, etc. It is not recommended to inject more than 1 ml of solution at a time. Each injection must be performed in a different area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The distance between them must be at least 2 cm.

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The situation when you urgently need to inject yourself or someone else, unfortunately, can happen to everyone at least once in a lifetime.

We are in website prepared instructions for this case and warn you that you should do such things yourself only in case of emergency. We will consider only the simplest type of injections - intramuscular injections.


  • Make sure what you are doing is really necessary.
  • Make sure you have the correct medication, prescribed by your doctor, and the correct syringe.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with a disposable towel.
  • Find a suitable object (plate or tray) on which you will place everything you will work with and disinfect its surface.
  • Sit in a well-lit area. Ask your "patient" to lie down: this will relax his muscles.
  • Put on sterile gloves, disinfect them with alcohol.
  • Prepare cotton swabs dipped in alcohol or alcohol wipes.

How to inject

  • If the medicine is cold, warm it in your hands.
  • Open the syringe package.
  • Treat your hands and ampoule with an antiseptic, open it and draw up the medicine. If the ampoule has a rubber cap that needs to be punctured, replace the needle after dialing the medicine - it may become dull.
  • If you accidentally touch the needle, it must also be replaced.
  • Turn the syringe upside down with the needle and release a drop of medication to release the air.
  • On the buttock of the person you will be giving the injection, mentally draw a large cross dividing it into 4 parts. Inject in the upper outer part, so you will definitely not hit the nerve.
  • Wipe the place where you will inject the medicine with an antiseptic, moving from the center to the periphery.
  • Place the needle at a 90 ° angle to the skin (attention: this only applies to intramuscular injections).
  • In one firm and quick motion, insert the needle into the buttock. About 1/3 of the needle should remain outside.
  • Inject the medicine slowly, so the "patient" will be more comfortable.
  • Make sure that the syringe does not twitch. You can hold it with one hand and press on the piston with the other.
  • Apply an alcohol pad to the skin near the injection site. Remove the needle in one motion and press down on the wound with a tissue.
  • Place the cap on the needle and discard used instruments.
  • Wash your hands. Well done, you did it!

If you need to inject yourself

  • In this case, it will be more difficult to hit the buttock, so use the outer thigh.
  • Sit in a chair and relax your leg. You need the middle third of the thigh from the outside.
  • The preparatory measures and the process itself are similar to those for an injection into the buttock. The skin is also pierced perpendicularly.
  • If you find it difficult to get to the right place or you are very thin, form a fold on your thigh with your hand and inject into it. Make sure that only fat is in the fold, not muscle.

  • Never reuse a syringe or needle.
  • Do not be afraid to treat something with alcohol once more - after all, it is better to play it safe.

Once again, we remind you that in case you need an injection, it is best to seek the help of a doctor.

B vitamins are responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis, the work of the musculoskeletal system and the normal functioning of nerve fibers in the human body. In order to make up for their lack, Milgamma is used: intramuscularly or orally (Milgamma is not administered intravenously). Intramuscular administration of Milgamma allows you to quickly eliminate painful sensations, since with this method of administering the drug, the necessary therapeutic concentrations are achieved already 10-15 minutes after performing the manipulation.

Despite the harmlessness of the drug, there are some recommendations on how to inject Milgamma correctly. Therefore, before starting to use it is necessary to contact a qualified specialist at the Yusupov Hospital, who will answer all the questions, the most frequent of which are: “How many times a year can you inject Milgamma?”, “What time of day is it better to inject Milgamma - when is it better to inject Milgamma: in the morning or in the evening? "," What syringe should be used to inject Milgamma? "," How often can Milgamma be injected intramuscularly? " etc.

Why is Milgamma pricked?

The described drug is used to treat a large number of syndromes and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system:

  • plexopathy;
  • neuralgia;
  • paresis of the facial nerve;
  • ganglionitis;
  • neuritis;
  • shingles;
  • neuropathies;
  • retrobulbar neuritis;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • nocturnal convulsive muscle contraction;
  • radiculopathy;
  • muscle-tonic syndrome;
  • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • lumboischialgia;
  • myalgia;
  • herpesvirus infections, in which the joints are affected;
  • polyneuropathy.

It should be understood that Milgamma can only be used while taking other, more potent drugs, this must be taken into account before injecting Milgamma intramuscularly. The use of this vitamin solution helps to improve blood microcirculation, activate the processes of hematopoiesis, stabilize the functions and conductive abilities of the nervous system.

In addition, Milgamma is an excellent general tonic, which is prescribed to persons with a lack of B vitamins.

Who shouldn't use Milgamma?

The drug Milgamma is contraindicated in persons with high sensitivity to its constituent components, as well as those suffering from decompensated heart failure.

Benefits of Intravenous Milgamma

Both the oral form and the solution for intramuscular administration have the same composition and mode of action. Intramuscular injections of the drug are used, most often, for patients with severe pain syndrome, because due to the introduction of the drug directly into the muscle, a more accelerated effect is achieved.

Pharmacological studies have shown that the maximum level of therapeutic concentration of the active ingredients of the Milgamma preparation is observed within 15 minutes after intramuscular administration.

Milgamma, released in the form for oral administration, begins to exert its effect only half an hour after ingestion. In addition, for maintenance therapy, one injection every two to three days is sufficient, whereas pills should be taken daily.

Taking into account the above, we can conclude that the advantages of using Milgamma intramuscularly lie in the faster achievement of the effect, which is especially important in case of severe pain, since Milgamma is prescribed most often in these cases.

Milgamma (injections): how many days to inject Milgamma?

Before starting therapy with this drug, it is imperative to consult with a neuropathologist, who will decide how often Milgamma injections can be given, when to inject - in the morning or in the evening and will select the required dosage. For qualified advice, you can contact one of the leading centers in Moscow - Yusupov Hospital.

The duration of the therapeutic course of Milgamma for persons with severe pain syndrome can be from five to ten days. Injections are given daily, the daily dosage is 2 ml. After the acute inflammatory process subsides and the intensity of pain decreases, Milgamma Compositum is prescribed orally. However, in some cases, the doctor may recommend continuing intramuscular administration of the drug, but no more than two to three times a week.

Milgamma (injections): how to properly inject the drug?

Milgamma injections are quite painful, therefore there are special rules for the procedure, the observance of which will significantly reduce the patient's discomfort:

  • for intramuscular administration of Milgamma, the thinnest needles should be used, since the oily consistency of the solution makes it difficult to perform the manipulation;
  • to reduce the risk of damage to the nerve bundles and blood vessels by the needle, it should be inserted into the muscle as deep as possible. Therefore, the choice must be stopped on the longest needle;
  • slow and smooth pressure must be applied to the syringe plunger. The drug should be administered for about one and a half minutes, which will significantly reduce pain;
  • after the injection, the patient is recommended to do a light massage at the injection site, due to which the solution is more quickly distributed in the muscle tissue and the likelihood of bruising will decrease;
  • in the event of a lump in the injection area, you can make a warming compress or lotions based on magnesia.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma with oncology?

The opinion that it is possible to give Milgamma injections for cancer is deeply wrong. This drug can only worsen the patient's condition. This is due to the fact that the main components of Milgamma are B vitamins, which can help accelerate the growth of malignant cells and significantly aggravate the problem.

In order to eliminate the pain caused by the development of a malignant neoplasm, the use of completely different drugs is prescribed.

The benefits of Milgamma for cancer patients are minimal, while the harm caused by the drug in this situation can be quite significant.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma during menstruation and pregnancy?

Milgamma can be used on any day of a woman's menstrual cycle, without having absolutely any effect on it.

Due to the fact that there is currently no sufficient information on the effect of Milgamma components on the intrauterine development of the fetus, the drug is not prescribed for pregnant women.

Is it possible to prick Milgamma with endometriosis?

Milgamma is often part of the treatment of endometriosis and is often used in gynecological practice. How much Milgamma can be injected with endometriosis and in what dosages - the gynecologist decides, in accordance with the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Can Milgamma be injected in the evening?

Many patients ask themselves what time of day it is better to inject Milgamma - morning or evening? Since the drug is inherently a vitamin complex, from a therapeutic point of view, it is more logical to give an injection in the morning, when the intensity of metabolic processes is higher. However, in cases where Milgamma is part of a complex treatment along with other drugs for intramuscular administration, the sequence of their administration is established by the attending physician.

special instructions

If Milgamma was accidentally administered intravenously, the patient should be under the supervision of a physician who will prescribe symptomatic therapy for side symptoms.

There is no data on how Milgamma's reception affects the ability to drive vehicles and work with precise mechanisms.

Reception of Milgamma should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist who is familiar with the characteristics of the patient's body, his diagnosis, and a history of diseases. He selects the required dosage and decides how much to inject Milgamma.

In the Yusupov hospital, you can get the advice of a competent specialist who will tell you how often to inject Milgamma, and also prescribe a comprehensive examination to identify contraindications to the drug. Diagnostic tests are carried out on modern high-precision equipment, which is equipped with the Yusupov hospital.

List of references

  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • Badalyan L.O. Neuropathology. - M .: Education, 1982 .-- S.307-308.
  • Bogolyubov, Medical rehabilitation (guide, in 3 volumes). // Moscow - Perm. - 1998.
  • Popov S.N.Physical rehabilitation. 2005 .-- S. 608.

Service prices *

* The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. The list of rendered paid services is indicated in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

* The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

What is the correct way to give an intramuscular injection to yourself? Today we will learn to give you an intramuscular injection to yourself - in the buttock or thigh.

Learning to give an intramuscular injection to ourselves will simply force us life. Either you have to go to the clinic and stand in line in the treatment room, or pay money to the nurse to come home to give injections.

Injecting yourself is not difficult. You just need to learn how to do them correctly!

You need to overcome slight fear and uncertainty, carefully read the instructions, practice, for example, on a soft pillow, and get down to business.

What do we need to administer injections?

  • Disposable syringe;
  • ampoule with medicine;
  • medical alcohol;
  • clean cotton wool or sterile alcohol-treated gauze wipes from the pharmacy;
  • rubber disposable medical gloves. Basically, washing your hands with soap and water is sufficient.
  • a clean place on the table and a clean tray where the tools will be.

Instructions for setting up intramuscular injection

First, you need to decide what place on the body is best to inject: into the buttock or thigh muscles. Everyone has their own preferences. It is easier for someone to give an injection in the buttock. And someone got used to putting an injection in the thigh muscle.

How to choose the right point for an injection in the buttock? You need to mentally divide it into 4 equal parts. The needle should be inserted in the middle of the outer upper quadrant. Then the needle is guaranteed not to fall into the bone, nerve or large vessel.

To inject into the thigh area, also mentally divide the antero-outer thigh into the upper, middle and lower parts starting from the groin fold to the knee. Give the injection in the middle third of the thigh.

How to prepare a syringe for injection

Take a disposable syringe, remove the cellophane wrap and place it on a clean tray for now. Choose a volume of the syringe larger than the amount of medication. For example, in an ampoule 2 ml of solution. Take a syringe for 3 or 5 ml.

Open the medicine ampoule. Each package comes with a nail file. Carefully make a cut on the glass, stepping back from the narrow tip of the ampoule about 1 cm. On modern ampoules, now they indicate the place of the cut with a white or red dot. After the cut with a piece of cotton wool, wrap the end of the ampoule and break it off.

Place the opened ampoule carefully on the table. Now remove the cap from the needle on the syringe. Lower it to the bottom in the ampoule and pull the plunger so that the medicine is completely transferred into the syringe. Then hold the syringe upright with the needle pointing up. You will see that air has accumulated above the medicinal fluid. While pressing the plunger, release all the air and a few drops of the medicine. It is absolutely impossible to inject with a syringe in which there is air left.

Place the prepared syringe on the table so that the needle does not touch any objects! Better put a cap on it.


Stand in front of a mirror, turn sideways so that you can see your buttock. Expose the area you want. Transfer the support of the body to the left leg if you intend to put the injection on the right. The right side of the body needs to be relaxed.

Use a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol to wipe the middle of the upper outer quadrant of the right buttock. Take the syringe in your right hand, bring it to the buttock. Hold the point of the needle vertically to the buttock a short distance from the surface of the skin. Successfully you give the injection or you will be hurt and unpleasant depends only on your determination. Calmly and quickly pierce the thickness of the muscle with a needle and insert the needle so that a section of the needle about 1 cm remains above the skin.This will protect you - your hand can twitch and the needle breaks, so there should be a tip above the skin surface by which you pull the needle out.

I can reassure you that I have never faced such a problem in my life, although I have been working as a doctor for many years. I'm sure you can do your best. Now push the plunger all the way down and slowly inject the medicine. With a quick movement, remove the needle and press the cotton swab with alcohol to the injection site. Hold until the blood stops. So that the medicine dissolves well and does not form seals, not only press, but also rotate, suppress, move your finger from side to side.

Watch this video about a young man trying to inject himself into the buttock. He does everything right, except for one thing - he is a little coward! Usually, over time, the fear wears off and confidence appears. But I deliberately took non-pros to show, so that you can see that the procedure is available to everyone. Who else noticed small flaws in the guy's actions? Write in the comments


Indeed, some people prefer to inject themselves in the thigh rather than in the buttock. Please choose what you like best. Sit on a chair, expose your thigh, select the desired area and an approximate point where you will insert the needle. Next, proceed in exactly the same way as for the injection into the buttock.

If you are prescribed 10 shots and you are giving them daily, alternate the right and left sides. This is how you need to do intramuscular injections. There is nothing complicated about it. Learn and take action. Although, it is better not to bring your health to the need for treatment. Prevention is always cheaper and more painless for a person. All in your hands.