In a dream, a severed index finger. Cut off fingers

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

The fingers of the right hand in a dream mean male relatives, and the fingers of the left hand - female relatives.

Seeing your fingers beautiful in a dream means that your intentions will come true. For lovers, such a dream portends love pleasures and pleasures. The thumb is a father or mother, and sometimes very big changes that you will achieve in a not entirely honest way; little fingers - children; middle fingers - property, money. To remain in a dream without fingers is a sign of the loss of children or great material damage. If in a dream you have an extra finger, then wait for the inheritance, but not soon. Losing a finger in a dream portends some kind of protracted and troublesome business (or litigation). If in a dream you lose your thumb, then you will be in need and loneliness. Losing a finger or losing it in a dream means the loss of exactly what it means. After such a dream, obstacles in business, monetary losses await you; if you owe money to someone, then you will have to repay debts, etc.

A dream in which you saw that one of your fingers has increased in size portends you a great profit or the addition of a family. A wounded finger or fingers in a dream portends loss, damage, collapse of plans, loss of money. Scratching your finger in a dream is a profit. If you dream that your fingers hurt, then failures and troubles await you. If you dream that your eyes are on your fingers, then you have to do something at random. Sometimes such a dream portends an eye disease. A severed finger in a dream with blood portends the loss of a relative. Cutting or scratching your finger in a dream - to troubles that you will be painfully experiencing. Burning your finger in a dream predicts that you will soon have a second marriage. From which of the fingers and what exactly happened, you can judge the content of the dream. A dirty finger in a dream portends suffering or shame because of relatives or loved ones. Such a dream can also mean that you succumb to temptation, which will bring you a lot of trouble. See burn, point, feel.

Why dream of a finger on a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If a finger dreamed, this indicates a connection between the situation and practical activity, the solution of everyday problems. Burning fingers or injuring them is a warning against interfering in other people's affairs. Cut off fingers - loss of friends, relatives, damage. If in a dream, when asked how you are doing, you show your thumb, it means that everything will not be so great. Showing a cookie to someone is an unexpected refusal. If they show you a cookie, you will come into a state of extreme excitement. A fist portends happiness in a scandal, quarrel or fight. Scratching your fingers is a profit. Cutting your nails is in trouble. To do a manicure - loneliness awaits you away from home. If you have a pain, a wounded finger is a failure in business. To see more than five fingers on the hand is a sign of new connections, profit and inheritance. A thimble on your finger means serious trouble that cannot be avoided. Thin fingers - the pursuit of dubious entertainment will lead you to sin. Fingers thick as sausages - you will encounter misunderstanding of the interlocutor. Little children's fingers - fleeting joy awaits you. Sleek fingers - to luxury and wealth. Crooked fingers with claws - to the loss of money.

Why dream of a finger on a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed about a finger - to profit; chopping off your finger in a dream - to the loss of a relative; chopping off someone's finger in a dream - to a loss for the person who was seen in the dream; cutting a finger in a dream - to trouble; burn your finger in a dream - enter into a secondary marriage; to be without fingers in a dream - not to have or lose children; to cripple a finger in a dream - to illness; beautiful fingers in a dream - you will achieve honor, glory and respect.

The variety of dreams is associated with the richness of life's realities. This also applies to the human body with its individual parts that people dream about.

Sources emphasize the ambiguity of the image of a finger or toe, which was dreamed of. For example, Aesop's dream book explains fingers as a symbol that does not lend itself to precise interpretation. The interpretation of such a dream is associated with a number of conditions.

When decoding what fingers dream about, pay attention to:

  1. A life situation or relationship that is now occupied by the dreamer's thoughts.
  2. Additional characteristics that arose in a dream.
  3. Various interpretations offered by dream books.

Important: the interpretation of the image of a finger in a dream is not always influenced by its symbolic cultural meaning.


  • As part of the human body, the finger indicates the emergence of positions related to personal development.
  • Often such a dream is aimed at drawing attention to situations that a person forgets or does not notice in everyday life.
  • Sometimes the subconscious mind suggests a solution to everyday difficulties.
  • The body signals potential physical problems.

Criteria for interpretation

To explain why fingers dream, interpreters combine varieties of this image according to several criteria:

  • Firstly, by location on the arm or leg (large, index, and so on) and additional signs (bruised, sick, etc.).
  • Secondly, in appearance (whole, in the blood).
  • Thirdly, by the actions of the person himself or other actors (indicate, bite off, etc.).
  • Fourth, unusual or strange dreams are combined into a separate group.


To find out what the finger is dreaming of, try to remember its location on your hands (or) in a dream.

1. Dreamed of a thumb - the subconscious mind warns that you should be careful in relationships and do not trust strangers.

If he hurts, then you will face temporary failures in financial endeavors, and if he is absent, this is a small expense and misunderstanding with loved ones. The subconscious mind sends a signal: trust your friends, tell them about your worries. Also, such pains portend a mild migraine.

2. If you saw in a dream your index finger in blood (or that drops of milk are flowing out of it), you will have a difficult relationship with your mother-in-law or mother-in-law. But a difficult situation will eventually resolve, and you will get along.

You see how you injure your finger - portends problems with the left hand (sprains, bruises). Dreaming of how he rises is an image from the subconscious that in all endeavors one should maintain distance and caution. In general, the index finger dreams when the subconscious mind seeks to draw a person's attention to a problem.

3. The middle finger is associated with the person himself. Depending on his condition, you can understand your psychological state.

4. The ring finger, on which a gold ring is put on, is a harbinger of a passionate romance with a married or married woman. Such a dream predicts marriage or betrothal (for a single person). And if the nameless is absent, expect money problems that can only be solved by your efforts.

5. A bruised little finger portends minor injuries (such as bruises) on the right hand. And the broken one promises misunderstanding on the part of friends.


A finger seen in a dream can be characterized by the following signs:

Broken - if the little finger, the subconscious foreshadows disagreements with friends. In this case, Velesov's dream book speaks of ailments in the family, and Yuri Longo claims that more efforts must be made to achieve a result. Do not lose hope and do not give up what you started.

Cut off - you will be disturbed by a troubled conscience, but then you will realize that you have nothing to blame yourself for. The dreamer will regain the lost disposition of friends or relatives. If it is nameless, it foreshadows the birth of a son, and if it is average, soon the news will say about losses in the field of science or art.

White, clean, beautiful - your feeling will be reciprocated. The dreamer will be awarded a high honor, awarded, promoted. Also a symbol of health, good luck in service and in private life. Show generosity and condescension to your friends' shortcomings, and they will respond with respect and love.

Cut - You will be away from family and friends for a short time (business trip or vacation). Dream Interpretation Hasse explains why he dreams of cutting a finger: you will receive recognition from relatives and friends. Parting with a loved one is possible, but not for long.

  • Bandaged is an image of health problems that can be easily resolved.
  • Dirty - to the fulfillment of desires or to a bad mood.
  • The bruised person symbolizes leg problems (bruises, sprains): the middle one - on the left, and the nameless one - on the right.
  • Stranger - positive events in the lives of other people. Curves - ill-wishers are preparing to harm your personal relationship, but you will be able to avoid their intrigues. Stay away from untrustworthy people.
  • A severed finger - symbolizes a short separation from a husband or wife, children. Work on family relationships.
  • If the finger is covered with fur - an unexpected and large income (inheritance, bonuses at work).


Grishina points out that looking at fingers is enrichment, and scratching is a financial success in business. According to other interpretations, many small troubles are coming. To prick in a dream is a signal from the subconscious of a slight malaise.

If you see yourself burning your finger, this is a sign of marriage or misunderstanding with younger relatives. Also, the subconscious tells you not to interfere in other people's affairs. Longo claims that such an image portends a confusing situation, from which you, on your own, will find a way out with honor.

Someone shows the dreamer the sign "V" - a warning against the subconscious mind not to rush and refrain from action for 20 days. The information you have acquired during this time will change the vision of the situation.

If you dream about how they are trying to cut off your finger on your hand, then the subconscious mind calls to be vigilant and to predict the actions of ill-wishers in time. On your feet - do not invest in expensive projects, now is an unfavorable time.

If you dreamed of a fanged right hand, then a long journey awaits you. When the toes are injured on the feet, then it is the turn of financial assistance to the family, and if there are no fingers, pull yourself together, circumstances will require intervention. Clenched fist - the time for active action to solve problems in the family has not yet come.

She dreams of how the finger suddenly spoke - a warning about the tense situation in the family. Interpreters advise you to look at your own behavior and show understanding to loved ones and friends.

The image of a finger seen in a dream is characterized by a wealth of meanings and their shades. Associated with the spiritual and personal life of a person, such dreams are interpreted by dream books mainly as a good sign.

Sometimes they mean complications with relatives or friends, but the positive meanings that this image is endowed with make these difficulties short-lived. Author: Maria Kuglerova

What will happen if you dream about a severed finger? The most complete interpretation of sleep from the astrologers of the site "Star Dream Book".

The largest number of nerve endings are accumulated at the tips of our fingers, the sense of touch is concentrated on them. Therefore, what this part of the body is dreaming of is almost always associated with emotions - both good and bad. Our dream book will tell you what a plot with healthy or damaged fingers in a dream can mean.

At first, various interpretations may confuse you, but by comparing the prediction of a dream book with a real-life situation, and having analyzed the dream in detail, you can look into the future with one eye and find answers to many questions.

Why do fingers dream: interpretation of dreams

If in a dream you saw fingers, then the meaning of sleep according to the interpretation of different dream books is very contradictory. To begin with, let's consider which finger you saw, how many there were, whether they were wearing jewelry.

Why is the thumb dreaming? In real life, such a gesture can be interpreted depending on the direction, the same happens in a dream. If the finger on the dreamer's hand is directed upwards, then parting with the second half awaits him. The downward direction indicates that the relationship with your loved one will only get stronger, you will become more and more attached to each other.

On the other hand, the dream book interprets what the index finger is dreaming of. As in reality, this gesture is a warning: if you behave extravagantly and carelessly, then a serious danger awaits you, and most likely it will come from competitors or enemies.

The middle finger is the personification of the dreamer's financial position and authority. Very bad events in the material sphere await you if it was even slightly damaged. And if there was a golden ring on it, then stagnant affairs would suddenly go uphill.

The ring finger in a dream carries any meaning only if a ring was worn on it. For married and married people, this is an unfavorable symbol: the marriage will soon fall apart, due to the betrayal of one of the spouses. For the lonely, on the contrary, such a dream foreshadows the meeting of a lover or beloved, and an imminent wedding.

According to the interpretation of the 21st century dream book, what extra fingers dream of foreshadows the dreamer receiving a large amount of money. Most likely, these will be undeserved funds that will be inherited by you, but the dream book does not exclude getting a win in a gambling game or in a lottery.

Such an unusual phenomenon as six fingers on one hand can be interpreted from the side of psychoanalysis. If in reality you began to meet a person of the opposite sex, then the dream book interprets that you cannot get used to a new relationship, no matter how wonderful they are, rest assured that this is not true love, feelings are a burden for you.

If nothing has changed significantly in life recently, then you can rest assured what 6 fingers are dreaming of. A new ability will open in you, a kind of divine gift that will dramatically distinguish you from other people. Perhaps you will comprehend the world of the supernatural, look beyond the edge of everyday life.

If a woman dreaming of a child has a finger growing in a dream, then the dream book predicts that in the near future she will have joyful news of pregnancy. This news will not be overshadowed by anything if the new finger looked normal and was not damaged.

Why do fingerprints dream? If in a dream you went through the fingerprinting procedure, and then saw your prints in black and white, then you will be punished for all unrighteous deeds. You will never get rid of the pangs of conscience and lifelong shame. If a young girl in a dream saw a ring on her finger, and at the same time she carefully examined it, then in reality she will meet with her lover, or even a marriage proposal.

If a married woman dreamed of many rings on her fingers, then in reality she will have a secret boyfriend who will not reveal his identity for a long time. The dream book advises to immediately reject the secret gentleman, communication with him will not lead to anything good.

A wound on a finger in a dream

According to Hasse's dream book, cutting a finger in a dream is an auspicious symbol, especially if blood oozed profusely from it. You will earn the respect of your relatives thanks to a good deed, which, among other things, will bring peace of mind.

Seeing a stranger's cut finger in a dream is a symbol of losses. The dream book portends you big troubles at work, which will be associated with your own irresponsibility.

What is the dream of a finger cut on Taflisi's dream book? If you have distinctly experienced pain with a cut, then you will be separated from your loved one. But do not worry, the separation will not last long, you will soon meet again.

If you happen to injure your finger in a dream, then Medea's dream book warns that you should not interfere in other people's affairs. you should not impose your point of view on everyone - it is not the only correct one, it is better to moderate your ardor and sort out your affairs.

Deliberately cutting your fingers in a dream is a bad sign. The dream book predicts that with your own hands you will cause irreparable damage to yourself, which will send you into the abyss of grief and sadness. Take care of your feelings, and do not jump to conclusions, everything is not as bad as it seems at first glance.

For young girls, a splinter in the finger is a sign of an unpleasant admirer who will annoy you with his attention. For a man, such a plot in a dream symbolizes a strong opponent in business or in love. But if you pulled out a splinter, then getting rid of the newly-minted rival will be quite simple.

If you happened to prick your finger in a dream, then you can expect minor troubles. Most likely they will be associated with poor health, a mild illness that you will quickly get rid of.

What is the dream of a needle in a finger? From the side of psychoanalysts, such a dream reflects the complex emotional state of the dreamer. You are confused and do not know what to do, and only calmness will help you find a way out of the situation.

If in a dream a rat bit your finger, then in reality you will be a victim of the machinations of ill-wishers. Moreover, they will act through your friends, and if you suspect someone, it is better to trust your intuition.

The dream interpretation predicts the dreamer a serious blow to his feelings if the snake has bitten his finger in a dream. Beware of emotionally stressful situations, conflicts, they can greatly undermine self-esteem and drive into long depression.

If in real life you recently made a friendship with a stranger, and in a dream a dog bit your finger, then the dream book foreshadows the betrayal of a newly-found friend. Do not trust kind words too much, they may well turn out to be false.

Pus from a finger in a dream is a harbinger of a serious illness in reality. The disease will be associated with the dreamer's emotional instability, perhaps a nervous breakdown will lead to severe complications.

Lost and broken fingers

If you had to bite off your finger in a dream, then in reality you will have to keep a terrible secret. The dream book warns that this burden will be very heavy for you, but you can keep someone else's secret, and you will receive well-deserved gratitude

On the contrary, if the dog bit off your finger, then your innermost secret will be a heavy burden in the mind of a good friend. It is better to keep your secrets only for yourself, because it is after their announcement even to the only reliable person that everything secret can become clear.

Why do severed fingers dream? The dream book predicts that you can easily lose the support and trust of family members if you continue to disrespect other people's feelings and actions.

The dream book also gives an unfavorable interpretation to what the severed finger dreams of. If it belongs to an outsider, then you will be told how to live, constantly teach you, control and condemn absolutely all actions.

Why is the severed finger dreaming? The wanderer's dream book foreshadows a married woman who sees such a picture in a dream, a serious quarrel with her husband, which can lead to parting. Also, this dream can predict the loss of one of the relatives.

If you had to cut off your finger in a dream, then in reality you should come to grips with your business. Things are going - nowhere worse, and if you do not take any action, then the achievement of the goal will become impossible.

Losing a finger in a dream means getting problems with the boss in reality. Things are not going well at work now. As much as you would like it, but because of this, you should not go on the rampage and prove your case: no one will understand you, and you will provoke a deterioration in partnership.

If you had to break your fingers in a dream, then the dream book interprets such a plot depending on which finger was broken. If you have damaged your little finger, then you will have a little skirmish with the other half. Indicative - you will be influenced by an evil person. Big - be separated from your loved one for a long time, but in the end you will meet again.

Why is a broken finger dreaming about a small Veles dream book? This is a harbinger of the illness of one of the close relatives. According to Longo's dream book, this is a direct reflection of the current state of affairs: you are exhausted and cannot move forward. Stop, think, do you need a goal that takes so much energy?

According to the modern dream book, breaking a finger in a dream is to reveal your own dishonest deeds. Due to irresponsibility, you will find yourself in a position that will oblige you to tell about your sins, and they will become known to many people.

In a dream, a person rests, but there are such dreams, after which you need to turn to special literature for an interpretation in order to calm down. Dreams about fingers are no exception, so you need to know their meaning.

Why do fingers dream of Miller's dream book?

An American psychologist explained dreams about fingers as follows. If hands with fingers are flawed, then there will be sadness in life, they are beautiful and clean - wait for good luck and prosperity. A painful thumb dreams of failures in professional activity, its absence will lead to general abandonment.

If you dream that your finger is extremely large or, conversely, small, this may mean a bright opportunity to express yourself, but the happiness from this will not last long. A dirty thumb on one hand dreams about before a happy event.

Finger in a dream - Wangi's dream book

The clairvoyant predicted what she saw in a dream in the most accurate way. A mutilated or wounded finger, according to her, will lead to minor troubles in a dream that will be easily resolved in reality. If there are more than 5 fingers on the hand, this is a clear sign that someone significant will appear in a person's life, communication with him will lead to a loss of authority among relatives and friends.

What does it mean to have dreamed fingers - interpretation according to Freud

This versatile person contributed to the worldview of the future generation. Based on his statements and conclusions, a dream book was created, which describes dreams as a subconscious sexual attraction to the opposite sex.

If in a dream a person plays with his fingers, this means that he lacks only sexual satisfaction, and independent, for a complete feeling of happiness.

A woman sees in a dream the fingers of a man, then he is her choice as a partner in bed. A man sees his hands with wounded fingers - he is embarrassed to show his ego and thinks about sexual inferiority. For a woman, such a dream serves as a warning of an attack. If your finger is wrapped with a medical bandage, you should think about the means of protection during sex.

Why do fingers dream of Simeon Prozorov's dream book

Fingers mean, according to this dream book, a person's closest relatives. Well-groomed, healthy fingers speak of the well-being of the family and its prosperity. Small and sore fingers mean the decline of the family and each of its members in particular.

Cut off or break one of the fingers - get rid or lose a loved one. If in a dream you can hear how the bones of your fingers are breaking, this may mean a quarrel with your relatives, and they will speak impartially about you.

Why do fingers dream about Yuri Andreevich Longo's dream book

A broken finger means that the planned business will still not be successful, no matter how hard you try. A finger pointing in some direction makes it clear that you need to be extremely careful when choosing your own path, and if it is raised up, this is a sure sign of impending danger.

A finger in bandages - for treatment, but it will be short-lived and effective. Hairy fingers in a dream foresee receiving a fee or profit, something that you have worked hard and long to achieve will bear fruit.

The twisted fingers show the attitude of envious people towards you. They clearly want to harm you, so you should be careful with statements about strangers.

Why do fingers dream of Evgeny Tsvetkov's dream book

The astrologer says that in a dream you can see the solution to the problem and choose the suggested path. Examining fingers in a dream - to the soon return of a loved one. Beautiful straight fingers dream on the eve of new romantic feelings.

Cut fingers dream of changes in personal life, the second half may leave or a coldness will appear in the relationship, which will develop into indifference. Rings on your fingers mean that someone wants to command you, without considering your opinion.

More than 5 fingers on the hands suggest that a person will receive an unexpected material reward or inheritance.

Why dream of a wedding ring on your finger

Many interpreters urge to take what he saw in a dream literally. A wedding ring on your finger can mean a change in your personal life, becoming on the path of family or permanent relationships.

If a girl has a ring in size, then the choice of a life partner is correct and it is worth holding on to him, because this man can make her happy. If the ring is small or large, this speaks of how much one would like, but a man will not lead a girl down the aisle. It's too early for her to think about creating a family, or she needs to wait a little and then there will definitely be happiness.

A girl sees a ring on her beloved's finger - this means that his intentions are the most serious, he will be a loyal and kind husband. A wedding ring slipping off a finger predicts changes in the couple's relationship, there will be quarrels and misunderstandings.

A married lady dreams of a ring on her finger, which she accidentally breaks - her husband will get sick soon, and there are very few chances to save him.

Why dream of a gold ring, a ring, a silver ring on a finger?

Gold is a symbol of devotion and love. A ring made of gold on a finger means a long and happy marriage with sincere, tender feelings. All life plans will be implemented, and luck will accompany you constantly. If the jewelry on the finger is broken - this is a bad sign, troubles will begin soon and will last for a long time.

A ring on a finger in a dream means love experiences and the imminent appearance of a surprise in life. If you have rings on all your fingers, it means that new things will bring stable income and satisfaction.

A silver ring signifies loyalty and affection. A woman who dreamed of a silver jewelry can be sure of her chosen one, he will fulfill all the wishes of her beloved. If she wants to take off the ring, then this speaks of her doubts about the man.

Why dream of fingers or toes?

Dreams in which a person sees his toes mean a possible journey, a road. If they are well-groomed and clean, then everything goes well in life, dirty - this portends problems in work or personal life.

If in a dream you are angry with yourself that you have ugly fingers, this means dissatisfaction with your own actions and a desire to change what you have done. To injure your toes - soon in reality there is a danger of getting a fracture.

If you step on your toes in a dream, it means that you are on the right track and there is an opportunity to bypass competitors, envious people. In any case, beautiful, even and neat fingers always speak in a dream about the correct state of affairs, and broken, dirty, mutilated ones hint that something needs to be changed in life.

What is the dream of the ring, index, thumb, middle finger, little finger?

Fingers can be interpreted differently in different situations. The thumb says that in life everything goes on as usual and you need to react to changes calmly, raised up, it shows the correct direction of the path.

The index finger usually means judging or dissatisfied with other people. Perhaps you are in danger in the event of negative statements towards ill-wishers. The middle finger is a genital organ, its position indicates the possibility of having sex.

Healthy and even, he symbolizes a man's ability to satisfy his woman. For women, such a dream promises passionate kisses. Ring finger - success in marriage, business and friendship. Little finger - relationships with people around you that can have an impact on your position in society.

Why dream of cutting your finger? Blood from a finger in a dream

Blood means family ties, kinship. Cutting a finger means a quick quarrel with loved ones. It can also mean trouble at work, but in this case, the family will become a support and support. Blood from a finger in a dream broadcasts a meeting with distant relatives, they can not always come, warning in advance.

Dream interpretation - broken, severed, severed finger

A broken finger bone means irreversible trouble in business. You don't have to try to change the situation, the result will still be negative. A severed or severed finger is a loss of trust of a loved one, his illness or even death. Depending on which finger is severed, it could be a close relative or friend.

Many fingers in a dream

If additional fingers are found in a dream, this promises success in business. This means that you are on the right path and, perhaps, higher people will help you. If in a dream you are not satisfied with so many fingers and you decide to get rid of them, this suggests that, rejoicing, on the one hand, for the help from the strongest, you subconsciously want to complete the matter yourself.

Why else is the finger dreaming? Various variations of dreams

  • A splinter in a finger in a dream warns of possible obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • If you were shown an indecent finger gesture in a dream, wait for a refusal in the request.
  • Dreaming about how you are doing a manicure to a stranger, this means that you miss your relatives who are away from you.
  • A needle stuck in a finger means warning and imminent failures in the professional field.

Any dream is the result of a person's imagination, experiences and aspirations. Dreams can be interpreted depending on the situation or feelings experienced. What a person thinks about is likely to be dreamed of in a short time, therefore, finding out the meaning of a dream, you need to study several interpretations.

Let's figure out what fingers can dream about in general, and then let's see how the meaning of sleep affects which finger you saw in a dream (and specific interpretations - oh, how they change :)).

In short, for most people, fingers symbolize communication, communication with people around, the world.
The most famous dream books (such as, for example, Miller's dream book) rely on the same interpretation.

If the fingers are clean, well-groomed, then the meaning of sleep is rather positive. This means that the people around you will in some way show favor or favor to you.
This means that you do not need to be afraid to “give” yourself to the world around you, to go to it with an open visor.

For example, Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation says that seeing fingers in a dream is for love. Here they completely agree with Miller.

If, on the contrary, they are dirty (and in general, they somehow made a repulsive impression on you in a dream), this is a sign of conflicts or difficulties of any kind. Such a dream is rather to the fact that it is worth closing from others and protecting yourself from possible difficulties.

Why is the ring finger dreaming

According to Wilke's dream book, a dreamed ring finger is a sign of imminent change. Perhaps - to a change of residence.
It is true that we often associate it with family relationships.

But the most common mistake people make in interpreting dreams is an attempt to "impose" on a dream the meaning that they themselves would like to see in it.
Although in fact, more often than not everything is simpler: our dreams often play the role of not a predictor, but only reproduce those thoughts that haunt us.

Why dream of a severed finger or a severed finger

If a person dreams of a hand without fingers at all, this is most likely a financial loss (and quite tangible). A severed finger is, accordingly, less loss, but still noticeable.

Indeed, almost all dream books claim that losing a finger is a loss.
However, there are good interpretations here: for example, Hasse's dream book says that a crippled finger is a sign of sympathy and respect from relatives.

Why do many fingers dream

If in a dream we see that there are more fingers than usual, this is to wealth that will suddenly fall on you.
It sounds a bit archaic, but the essence is clear: if you dream of less than 10 fingers, this is a loss. Reverse dream - to profit and money.

Some dream books (for example, Tsvetkov's dream book) explain they say that seeing many fingers in a dream is an inheritance.
Well, it all fits.

Why is the thumb dreaming

Perhaps the most common dream. For you, it means the risk of deception.

Dreams that they cut off or fell off a part of the finger

Quite a vivid and unusual dream, it's true.
To simplify the essence, then usually dreams in which we see fewer fingers than 5 on the hand is a sign of financial difficulties.

In general, any oddities with fingers are a sign of difficulties or problems.

For example, a thumb (as mentioned above) is usually a deception (in any way related to your gaining benefit). Simply put - you can make a deal, get something from it, but ... Either it will be somehow connected with deception, or with the fact that this benefit will be very transient. And more likely to lead to disappointment than joy.

Therefore, if you dreamed of a thumb that either fell off or turned out to be unexpectedly small - most likely you will receive some pleasure or benefit, but then - oh, you will regret it.

Be careful!

On the other hand, dreams are usually the result of the work of our subconscious.
And many interpreters (not like Wanga or Nostradamus, but those who tried to approach the problem of interpreting dreams from a scientific point of view) - often deciphered dreams according to the associations that we have.
So, there is alternative interpretation this dream.

According to Hasse's dream book, injured or bruised finger we dream of support and sympathy from relatives and friends. Indeed, sometimes a bruised finger is often associated with loved ones who pity us later.

The dream book identifies the index finger with willpower, the ability to achieve one's own. But in order to correctly decipher why he appeared to you in a dream, you need to take into account the nuances of a night dream.

Miller's predictions

Why is the index finger dreaming? In a broad sense, on the right hand, he symbolizes the father's brothers, on the left - the mother's sisters. And if he was harmed in a dream, then something similar will happen to these people in reality.

They cut your finger, the psychologist indicates that you will not be able to cope with the accumulated problems without outside help. If blood continues to ooze from the cut in a dream, it means that the issues to be solved are related to the family.

A snake bite in the phalanx Miller deciphers as a conflict with a strong and powerful enemy.

Respect or treason

Why does a woman dream that her husband is missing an index finger? This plot means: you ignore the words and requests of your spouse, dishonor him in front of others. The universal dream book recommends showing more respect for him, and not only in a dream, if you want to save the marriage.

Freud interprets this event a little differently: the dreamer doubts the sexual consistency of the faithful and his ability to please her in bed.

If a girl personally deprives a guy of a finger, then the dream book portends an intrigue on the side. There is a chance that your lover and partner know each other. If a woman cuts off the phalanx of a finger from a man's left hand in a dream, there will be a serious conflict that will lead to separation.

Waiting for trouble

Why dream of cutting off your finger? This foreshadows the boss's nagging. Unfortunately, your diligence and eloquence will not change the state of affairs. The dream book advises not to escalate the situation by waiting out the unfavorable period.

The ancient Persian astrologer Tfalisi predicted to a woman that blood dripping from a finger means difficulties in communicating with her mother-in-law. And if in a dream a voice is heard from him, it means that loved ones are weaving intrigues.

Breaking a finger, according to the Wanderer, means falling under the influence of a cunning and greedy person. The Jewish dream book, on the other hand, foreshadows a hectic, restless task.

Pythagoras warns: if in a dream you are under the gun of the index finger, it means that they will try to make you extreme. To prevent this, for the next 10 days, avoid confessing with others, do not get involved in adventures.

Calm and discretion

Why is someone else's severed finger dreaming? In reality, a person will appear who will constantly pry into your affairs, pointing out how to do, condemn and blame. It is most correct not to pay attention to the "advisor", then he will quickly get tired of doing stupid things.

But if in a dream the cut off finger belongs to the beloved, then in reality many reproaches are expected from her. Do not rush to dismiss or take offense, because there is truth in these words.

Create a comfortable environment

Cutting a finger with a knife, Longo interprets, is setting yourself a difficult task. To solve it, you will need to give all your best. In his dream book, the psychoanalyst recommends rest, gaining physical and mental strength.

There is another interpretation: this plot means the dreamer's lack of determination to make his dream come true, says the Universal Dream Book. If a woman injures her finger, she risks being left without support.


Did you notice the ring on your finger? This portends the dreamer good luck in all matters. If the stone in the setting is precious, then in reality the respect of others is expected. For careerists, this plot portends trust and full approval of the boss's actions.


The XXl century dream book interprets vision depending on the appearance of the finger.

  • Neat and handsome - he promises reciprocity in his personal life.
  • Dirty - portends a surge of passion, surrender to it and enjoy the moment.
  • Clean - affairs will argue in hands.
  • With a wedding ring on, in reality they will be offered to marry.

Why dream about the absence of a finger on your hand? You will be alone for a long time.

If in a dream, when asked how you are doing, you show your thumb, they say, everything is fine, then in reality everything will be just the opposite.

Fold the fig out of your fingers portends an unexpected refusal, and if they show you a fig, you will come in a state of extreme excitement and do nonsense.

Fingers folded into a fist, which you threaten someone in a dream, portend participation in a scandal, quarrel or fight.

If in a dream you scratch your fingers - this is a sign of profit, cut your nails on them - to trouble, do a manicure - you will experience loneliness away from home.

To see a severed or severed finger - to the loss of a relative, ugly twisted - friends will turn away from you, broken - to danger from crooks.

If in a dream you have a wounded finger, this is a failure in business.

Losing a finger in a dream is a harbinger of need and suffering. To see more than five fingers on the hand is a sign of new connections, profit and inheritance.

Burn your fingers - lose the opportunity to have children.

Putting a ring or a ring on your finger is a sign of a second marriage or cohabitation with a widower.

A thimble on your finger means serious trouble that cannot be avoided.

Seeing thin artistic fingers plucking the strings of a guitar or flitting along the piano keys - the pursuit of dubious entertainment will bring you to sin.

Fingers thick as sausages - you will encounter a lack of understanding of the interlocutor, to whom elementary things do not reach.
Little children's fingers seen in a dream - fleeting joy awaits you.

Dirty or stained fingers portend gossip and gossip around your love affairs.

Scratched, bruised or calloused fingers signify the onset of grievous events and the forced abandonment of the original plans. Sleek fingers - to luxury and wealth.

If you dreamed of too long manicured nails on thin long fingers, it means that in reality you will experience a strong love passion. Seeing twisted fingers with claws instead of nails is a loss of money.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream book alphabetically

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What the dream represents (Idiomatic dream book)

Fingers - "Don't hit a finger on your finger" - inaction, idleness; “To know something like the back of your hand (very good). "To turn a blind eye" - connivance, do not pay attention. "To cheat" - to deceive. "To press to the nail" - to punish mercilessly, to force. “To suck out of the finger” - to invent, greatly exaggerate; "Pointing finger"; "Beckon with a finger" (attract, call). "Clawing at the finger" is a special sensitivity, but not so significant. See Add. Hands are the meaning of what this dream is about.

Why do a woman dream of Fingers (according to Natalia Stepanova's dream book)

  • Fingers - Seeing in a dream the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to bitterness and disappointment.
  • If your hands in a dream are beautiful, white, with well-groomed fingers, the sincerity of your feelings will be appreciated. Your kindness and generosity will earn you respect.
  • To see in a dream that you have no fingers on your hands means great material losses.
  • You focus on the thumb of your hand, there is a danger of becoming a victim of dodgers and scammers.
  • You are experiencing pain in your thumb - you will fail in business. The absence of a thumb means want and loneliness.
  • If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joys await you. Too much thumb means your success will be fast and brilliant.
  • According to the dream book, if you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience great pleasure, giving free rein to your passions. Too long thumbnail suggests that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you to sin.

Fingers on the dream book of the esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Fingers - Very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger (at an object or at a subject of action) is a very big change; an extra finger is an inheritance; lost or damaged is a burden.

If Finger is dreaming (according to the Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

Fingers - Fingers are very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger, tizing someone or something - big changes in life; extra finger - profit, inheritance; a lost finger - a search, some kind of trouble.

Interpretation of the Finger from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

In general - helpers, children, loved ones, loved ones. Beautiful - good luck in love. Indicative - something should be paid serious attention to. In rings and rings - demonic temptation, seduction by something or some secret knowledge. Superfluous - acquisition, inheritance. Fingers on hand are missing, cut off - losses, failures; separation from a spouse, children or death of one of them. Consider itching - to money.

To dream about the Fingers, what does it mean? (ABC of interpretation of dreams)

Fingers - Fingers in a dream indicate the attitude of the situation to practical activities, solving everyday problems. (See also Nails) Seeing fingers - many small things will arise. Burning your fingers, injuring yourself is a warning against interfering in other people's affairs. Cut off fingers - loss of friends, relatives, or damage.

Why do Fingers dream (Miller's dream book)

  • Fingers - When you dream of a thumb on your hand, there is a danger that you will become a victim of dodgers and dubious luck.
  • You are experiencing pain in the thumb - that is. Failure awaits you in business.
  • The absence of a large pala means poverty and loneliness.
  • If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joy awaits you.
  • An unnatural thumb means your success will be rapid and brilliant.
  • According to the dream book, if you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience pleasure, giving free rein to your passions.
  • Too long thumbnail suggests that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin.
  • To see the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched is to sorrow.
  • If you dream of beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers, then in reality your sincere feeling will be appreciated.
  • Your kindness and generosity will make you famous.
  • To dream that there are no fingers on your hands - this dream predicts great material losses.

The meaning of a dream about Feet (Love dream book)

Toes - You have seen beautiful fingers, mutual love awaits you, which will forever live in your heart.

What the Fingers dreamed about according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Fingers to see - Some fuss, stupid work.

  • The most common finger sleep indications are: your children; your nephews; people who are in your service; friends.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of a right hand devoid of fingers, then in reality you are destined to lose a close relative or even your own child (perhaps a nephew).
  • Fingers clenched into a fist portend that, due to very serious obstacles, you are unlikely to be able to fully deal with the problems of your own family.
  • The absence of a ring finger on your hand in a dream is a harbinger of financial losses.
  • Toes seen - you are all right.
  • If the toes are damaged, this is a harbinger of property problems.
  • Cut fingers - to separation from people close to you.
  • Broken fingers - to the death of a relative.
  • If you dreamed that your fingers and toes were broken, you need to seriously go about your business, while you can still save something.
  • If, in a dream, milk drips from the little finger or blood drips from the index finger, it portends a difficult relationship with your spouse's mother.
  • An unusual and rare dream, when you hear a voice that sounds from your finger, means that your relatives are weaving intrigues against you.

Why is Fingers dreaming?

Fingers - seeing the ring finger means that luck smiles at you, because this symbol is inextricably linked with partnerships and love. As a result of such a dream, you may have a desire to change your place of residence.

What does sleep with fingers mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why does the ring finger with a wedding ring dream in a dream - To an affair with a married man.

In the summer, why dreamed of fingers in a dream with a wedding ring (ring) - To divorce.

In the fall, why did the ring finger dream (with a wedding ring) - this dream is for the wedding.

In winter, what the fingers dream about may portend other changes. The absence of a ring finger on your hand will mean financial difficulties in reality.