How to cure inflammation of the foreskin of men. Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in men. An introduction to terminology

Inflammation of the foreskin - a process that occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inner layer of the skin layers located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe glans penis, causing inflammation of the epithelium.

This kind of inflammatory process is called postitis.

Inflammation of the foreskin in men is a fairly common occurrence that can affect the head of the penis or the tissue around it.

In the absence of treatment, complications in the form of phimosis, impotence, decreased sensitivity of the glans penis and oncology are possible.

Causes of inflammation of the foreskin

Most often, the causes of the inflammatory process occurring in the foreskin in a man can be diseases occurring in the organs of the urinary system: urethritis, testicular inflammation, balanitis. Isolated inflammation is rare.

In addition, the causes of postitis can be:

  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • allergic reactions;
  • excessive washing of the genitals with aggressive detergents that contribute to the destruction of antimicrobial natural defenses;
  • the use of tight, rubbing underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary system or genital organs;
  • pathology of the penis, congenital or acquired character (balanitis, phimosis, strictures);
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • diabetes;
  • regular sex with different women without the use of protective equipment (condoms), which can lead to the development of diseases of the genital organs (herpes, Trichomonas);
  • genital trauma.

When the inflammatory process of the foreskin begins, the man begins to feel irritating sensations in the tissues of the glans penis. The inflammation process is accompanied by a number of symptoms.

Inflammation symptoms

Symptoms of the presence of an inflammatory process in sensitive tissues of the foreskin can often be detected by visual examination, which are expressed in tissue redness, and can be felt at the initial stage of the inflammatory process.

The symptoms of inflammation can be:

  • burning sensation in the area of \u200b\u200bskin folds of the foreskin, itching, accompanied by pain;
  • painful urination;
  • swelling of the tissues that make up the foreskin;
  • painful and extremely unpleasant sensations during intercourse;
  • in the presence of phimosis, purulent discharge is possible.

Depending on the form of inflammation, symptoms can be expressed as follows:

  • with a simple post - redness, itching;
  • with an erosive form - swelling, ulcers in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation;
  • with gangrenous edema - deep ulcers, fever, weakness, severe swelling of the foreskin.

In addition, with inflammation, constant irritation of the sensitive endings of the head of the genital organ appears, which causes its excitability.

Important! If you have discomfort and the appearance of redness in the epithelium of the foreskin or irritation of the tissues of the glans penis, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A timely visit to a doctor contributes to the rapid cure of the disease with minimal complications.


In the case when a man refuses treatment during fasting, complications can have serious consequences, including cancer.

Even while fasting, there may be such phenomena as:

  • decreased potency;
  • the occurrence of ulcers and cracks in the penis;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the groin;
  • decreased sensitivity of nerve endings in the tissues of the glans penis;
  • with ulcers and dryness, a narrowing of the foreskin ring occurs;
  • the inflammatory process can cause the development of urethritis, cystitis, inflammation of the vessels of the penis.

Refusal to treat postitis leads to gangrene of the genital organ and to the development of oncology.However, treatment can be beneficial.

In the presence of diabetes mellitus, medications are prescribed that stabilize the presence of sugar in the blood. When the cause of inflammation is allergy, anti-allergic drugs are prescribed. Sometimes it is necessary to take a course of vitamin therapy.


Most often, when fasting is a consequence of phimosis, they resort to surgical intervention. In this case, circumcision is carried out, in which the head of the penis is exposed, and the favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria is eliminated.

Complete amputation of the penis is performed when the disease is advanced and cannot be cured with drugs.

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, postitis therapy is possible at the first stages of the development of the inflammatory process. Trays or decoctions using herbs or compresses for topical application can give a positive result if they are used repeatedly.

However, if during the first days of self-treatment there is an increase in the zone of inflammation or the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately contact a urologist.

Medicinal decoctions, compresses or baths from natural ingredients most often do not cause an allergic reaction and have an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

Herbs that are used in their preparation: chamomile, sage, oak bark.

Important! Most often, medicinal decoctions are used for antibacterial therapy. A qualified specialist will help to identify and completely eliminate the cause of the inflammation.

Self-medication can negatively affect the course of the inflammatory process and lead to complications, therefore, treatment with folk decoctions can have positive dynamics as part of complex therapy and with the approval of a doctor.


When fasting is found in a man, important attention should be paid to nutrition. You should include in the diet foods rich in rutin, iodine, cyanine, vitamins A, B, C, E. These elements help to restore the epithelium of the foreskin tissue and fight the cause of the disease.

Foods to include in the diet Should be excluded when posting
  • fresh (exclusively) bran bread;
  • fermented milk products with a minimum fat content;
  • fresh juices;
  • chicken meat (boiled or stewed);
  • young calf meat (boiled or stewed);
  • fresh berries;
  • fruits;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • greens (especially spinach, sorrel);
  • vegetables;
  • garlic.
  • sweet pastries;
  • stale bread;
  • marinades;
  • fried and smoked food;
  • white rice;
  • beer;
  • kvass;
  • salty foods;
  • sweet drinks, soda;
  • canned food;
  • fast food;
  • frozen semi-finished products;
  • dairy products with preservatives.

Thus, foods that promote the spread of fungal infections and viruses in the body should be excluded.


The main preventive measure against inflammation of the foreskin in men is regular hygiene procedures.

They must be carried out using mild hygiene products.

In order to prevent inflammation, one should have sex with one partner.

Do not neglect to visit a urologist if you have any symptoms of the disease.


Thus, inflammation of the foreskin is a very common male disease that can be triggered in most cases by insufficient hygiene of the penis.

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Balanoposthitis is a pathology that is accompanied by inflammation of the foreskin of the genital organ in men. The development of the inflammatory process is possible at any age, is associated with various factors - allergies, the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, fungal infection, contact form of dermatitis, etc. Treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in men is complex, using drugs and folk remedies. With constant relapses or existing complications, surgical intervention is recommended.

Causes of inflammation of the foreskin in men

In most clinical pictures, inflammation of the foreskin in men is due to the effect of a combination of provoking factors, which, to one degree or another, create conditions for the development of the pathological process.

It is worth knowing: sometimes inflammatory processes for a certain period of time proceed without the participation of bacteria, in this version they speak of aseptic inflammation. It is based on physiological reasons. For example, certain substances in urine provoke irritation of the urethra and glans.

A significant role in the development of the disease is played by smegma - a natural excretion with dead epithelial cells. Excess leads to thickening and formation of clots, which disrupt the integrity of the skin.

Risk factors for penile swelling in men:

  1. Lack of intimate hygiene.
  2. Promiscuous intercourse without the use of condoms.
  3. Age. It is noted that after 50 years, the disease is much more common.
  4. Anatomical predisposition.
  5. Contact with chemicals such as ingredients in cosmetics.

In some pathologies, certain conditions are created that contribute to the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Such diseases include diabetes mellitus and impaired renal function. In urine, there is a high concentration of glucose (normally, it is minimal or completely absent). Redness of the head and foreskin in men has a rarer justification - genital cancer. The disease is very rare. The reasons are not fully understood. Theories include exposure to chemicals.

Principles of treating inflammation of the foreskin

If the foreskin around the head is swollen, then you need to immediately seek help from a urologist. In general, the disease is successfully treated with a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis is favorable. The only problem that men may face after recovery is erectile dysfunction, which is temporary.

Drug therapy

Combined drug treatment - includes drugs for oral administration and local agents (used in the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin). If the inflammation is mild, then in most cases the use of ointments and creams is enough to cure, tablets are rarely prescribed.

The choice of therapy tactics, drugs and duration of treatment depends on the immediate cause of the inflammation and its form.

In general terms, the treatment regimen is as follows:

  • If the foreskin is swollen due to fungal infection then antifungal drugs for topical use and oral administration are prescribed;
  • With a bacterial form pathology, antibacterial treatment is carried out. First, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic (at the discretion of the medical specialist), and when the pill sensitivity tests come, it is changed or left;
  • With viral inflammation antiviral treatment is being carried out. In some pictures, it is extremely difficult to achieve complete recovery, since the disease has a recurrent course. The foreskin can turn red just a week after therapy. Treatment will have to start over;
  • Against the background of an allergic cause use antihistamine tablets for external and internal use;
  • Balanoposthitis against the background of diabetes mellitus is treated with antibiotics. In this case, it is imperative to normalize the glucose levels in the body in order to exclude subsequent relapse.

Other forms of inflammation of the frenum and foreskin are rare; the therapeutic course is developed individually by the doctor. During therapy, concomitant pathologies in the patient must be taken into account, since they often play the role of provoking factors.

For your information, the urologist makes appointments for inflammation of the foreskin. With a mild form of the inflammatory process, a competent therapist can recommend treatment. Other doctors are rarely involved. In severe cases, for example, with a purulent or gangrenous disease, consultation with a surgeon is necessary.

To cure a swollen and inflamed organ, it is imperative to prescribe topical agents - creams, gels and ointments. The most commonly prescribed drugs for local application are:

  1. Levomekol is characterized by an antibacterial effect, it is applied to the affected area several times a day.
  2. Gentamicin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic applied to the penis twice a day, while it is necessary to cover small areas of healthy skin.
  3. Clotrimazole has an antifungal effect.
  4. Lorinden is an anti-inflammatory, antihistamine that helps relieve itching. It is necessary to treat for 2 weeks without interruption.
  5. Prednisolone ointment is an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-exudative drug.

It is forbidden to use the listed funds on your own. Unauthorized use of antibiotics or antihistamines can aggravate the course of the disease and lead to serious consequences.

Antibiotics are prescribed to treat sexually transmitted diseases. Not recommended for use against the background of viral and fungal infections, with an allergic form of pathology, balanoposthitis with tumors of the penis or autoimmune disorders. Antibacterial agents are prescribed in different dosage forms - tablets, capsules or injections.

Operative treatment

Surgical intervention is prescribed for strict medical reasons. These include the purulent form of the disease. In this case, mechanical removal of purulent masses in the genitals is carried out. With gangrenous inflammation, the reproductive organ is amputated.

It is advisable to carry out an operation for a chronic and constantly recurring disease, when drug therapy does not give the desired result or the patient has contraindications.

Surgical treatment is carried out for complications of inflammation such as cicatricial changes in the foreskin, adhesion or narrowing. Before the operation, a complex of conservative procedures is required, including decongestants and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Alternative medicine

Traditional medicine is characterized by significant effectiveness, although it does not cope with all types of inflammatory processes. In the early stages of the disease, unconventional treatment helps prevent many complications. With bacterial, purulent or gangrenous balanoposthitis, folk remedies are used in addition to drug / surgical treatment. It is advisable to use not only for therapy, but also as a prophylaxis.

Tip: a bandage with a plantain will help remove swelling from the penis. It is necessary to take a leaf of the plant, rinse well under running water, then wipe it dry. Then they are crumpled with hands and applied to the affected area, secured with a bandage. The bandage is changed 4-5 times a day.

Alternative treatment methods:

  • Clean a small leaf of aloe from thorns, then rinse. Remove the top layer - a thin skin, apply to the inflamed area, fix. The sheet is changed twice a day;
  • Oak bark baths. Grind 30 g of the component, pour 400 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil over a fire, leave for 5 hours. In 200 ml of broth, 200 ml of warm water is added, the penis is immersed in the liquid for 15-20 minutes;
  • Sage tincture. Two tablespoons of a medicinal plant are poured with water in a volume of 500 ml, insisted for two hours. Impregnate a clean cloth with the solution and apply to the inflammation for 20 minutes. The manipulation is carried out three times a day;
  • Calendula inflorescences are poured with olive oil, insisted for 2 weeks. Filter out flowers. Lubricate the penis with a thin layer of oil twice a day. You can not resort to using this recipe if there is a discharge of purulent contents.

In addition to topical agents, you can prepare a decoction or infusion for oral administration. They include parsley, black currant, burdock root, aspen bark. They are characterized by anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, provide accelerated tissue regeneration, and enhance local immunity.

Since patients, before contacting a doctor, do not know the exact cause of the disease, respectively, the form of balanoposthitis, it is advised to refrain from sexual activity until the diagnosis is made. Even the non-infectious form can get worse after sex. Abstinence until complete recovery will prevent possible transmission of infection and promote a speedy recovery.

Treatment of inflammation of the foreskin requires an integrated approach and careful diagnosis. The first and main step on the way to a successful recovery is to see a specialist. The doctor conducts comprehensive diagnostics and a number of laboratory tests. A therapeutic course is prescribed only after identifying the main causative agent of the inflammatory process.

General treatment regimen for balanoposthitis

Treatment of inflammation of the foreskin begins with a thorough diagnosis and identification of the causes that caused the inflammatory process. It can be a virus, fungal infection or microflora disorder.

During treatment, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  • Sexual rest. For the period of treatment, it is recommended to refuse sexual intercourse.
  • Correct and timely hygiene. It is important to follow the rules of genital hygiene.
  • Local treatment. Topical preparations are aimed at reducing inflammation of the glans penis and combating local pathogens.
  • Antiviral and antibacterial therapy. The treatment regimen is selected based on the characteristics of a particular case.
  • Treating both partners. With balanoposthitis caused by a fungal or viral infection, both partners should be treated at the same time. Otherwise, re-infection is possible.

The main methods of treating the disease include three areas.

It is based on anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious tablets, ointments, solutions. Corticosteroid preparations of combined action have shown high efficiency in various forms of the disease.

In case of detection of a yeast pathogen, antifungal ointments and creams are used. The anaerobic form of balanoposthitis requires the use of antibiotics. Also, in all cases, a course of drugs to enhance immunity is recommended.

Operative treatment

Surgical intervention is assumed in the form of excision of the foreskin. The operation is indicated in the case of an advanced inflammatory process, the formation of phimosis. In such a situation, independent attempts to open the glans penis can lead to the formation of microcracks, constriction of blood vessels and a deterioration in the general situation.

Alternative medicine

The use of herbal infusions is intended to relieve acute symptoms of the disease. Baths of herbal decoctions and antiseptic drugs are prescribed in conjunction with drug therapy to increase its effectiveness and reduce the duration of treatment.
In the case of uncomplicated pathology, the treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in men takes from 7 to 10 days. In situations where the causative agent of the inflammatory process is a sexually transmitted infection, treatment is long-term. It can take from 1 to several months.

List of effective medicines

At the moment, the pharmacy offers a wide selection of drugs for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the foreskin. Depending on the symptomatology, the specialist prescribes different types of drugs:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. They contain a local antibiotic and corticosteroids. Used only as directed by a physician. They are used in combination with other medicines.
  • Pain medications. Designed to relieve local symptoms. Reduces burning, itching, irritation.
  • Regenerating agents. The action of the drugs is aimed at accelerating the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Antimicrobial and antifungal drugs. Essential for suppressing fungal infections.

Speaking about how to treat the inflammatory process, it is necessary to name a number of highly effective drugs.

The tool has shown high efficiency in the inflammatory process caused by bacterial and fungal infections. The product contains a local antibiotic. Thanks to its action, the healing process is much faster. The use of Levomekol has been proven in a wide range of bacterial infections. The ointment has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.


A complex agent containing antimycotics, corticosteroids and antibiotics. The use of the drug is indicated for different types of balanoposthitis. Its action is aimed at relieving local symptoms and the underlying cause of the disease.


The drug is indicated for the inflammatory process caused by a fungal infection. It showed high efficiency at the initial stages of the disease.

Efficiency was shown not only by the drug in the form of tablets, but also by an ointment with the same active substance. The remedy is indicated for the fungal nature of the inflammatory process. It has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces the severity of edema, relieves itching and burning.


Specialists prescribe the drug in case of simple or erosive balanoposthitis. It is also effective for bacterial and fungal infections. The action of Dermozolone is aimed at accelerating the healing process of erosion, relieving inflammation, and reducing allergic reactions.

Zinc ointment

The ointment is indicated for a disease caused by an infection. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Reduces swelling, relieves redness, dries wet areas well.


The main active ingredients are clotrimazole and methylparaben. It is effective when the inflammatory process is caused by yeasts.

The drug is found in a pharmacy in various forms. It has antimicrobial, sedative and anti-inflammatory effect. It is often prescribed for balanoposthitis caused by sexually transmitted diseases. In the form of a solution, it is prescribed for baths and rinsing.
The drugs Lokasalen, Syntomycin ointment, Nizoral, help to cure the inflammatory process,


How to treat the disease is determined by a specialist depending on the main causes of the disease.

Features of alternative medicine

Treatment of balanoposthitis at home comes down to observing the rules of personal hygiene and the use of antiseptic solutions, the action of which will be aimed at relieving irritation and reducing the inflammatory process. The most effective means are decoctions of oak bark, Chamomile, solutions of potassium permanganate, Furacilin, soda, Dioxidin. Herbal decoctions are used not only during the treatment of inflammation of the head and foreskin, but also for preventive purposes.

Oak bark

To prepare the broth, a drug is used, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Oak bark is dried and crushed to a powdery state. For 1 tablespoon of powder, 200 ml of water is used. The broth must be boiled for a quarter of an hour. After that, it is cooled and filtered. Applied in the form of rinses or baths at least 3 times a day.

Chamomile officinalis has antiseptic and soothing properties. It is used for baths and rinsing. To prepare the broth, you will need 1 spoon of chopped chamomile flowers and a glass of boiling water. The agent is brought to a boil and insisted for a quarter of an hour. Then they cool and filter.


The train is distinguished by its antibacterial and antiviral properties. For rinsing, prepare a light decoction of the series. To do this, 1 spoonful of the plant is brewed in a glass of boiling water. Insist the remedy for half an hour.


Sodium bicarbonate is used for making trays. A distinctive feature of soda is the absence of allergic reactions. To prepare the bath, use 1-2 tablespoons of soda. The tool has a calming effect, relieves itching, irritation.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate has drying properties and antibacterial properties. Rinsing and baths with potassium permanganate for inflammation of the foreskin are recommended to be used as often as possible. It is considered optimal to rinse the male member with a remedy after each urination. To prepare the solution, take a glass of warm water and dry potassium permanganate. The solution is diluted to a light purple color. I use a new product for each procedure.

The product has antiseptic properties. It is used to prepare medicinal baths. 1–2 glasses of water require 1 ampoule of Dioxidine. The procedure is carried out within 5-10 minutes.


For the preparation of trays, a 0.02% solution is used. They thoroughly wash the head of the penis 2 times a day. The tool is used as an additional measure in the drug treatment of the disease.
It is recommended that you consult your doctor before using home recipes. Decoctions of medicinal herbs have shown high efficiency in the treatment of balanoposthitis in conjunction with drug therapy. A complete rejection of the use of medicines in favor of treating the disease at home can significantly worsen the patient's condition.

Prevention methods

Preventive measures are the best way to avoid the appearance of an inflammatory process of the genital organs. Prevention of balanoposthitis implies compliance with a number of rules:

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene rules allow to exclude inflammatory processes of the foreskin. The genitals must be washed daily. Water procedures are carried out in the morning and in the evening. Experts recommend rinsing the genitals after intercourse. Personal hygiene includes the use of clean underwear. It should be changed daily. When choosing lingerie, you should give preference to natural fabrics and loose models.

Hygiene products

The use of an antibacterial liquid soap with a dispenser is considered optimal. It can contain anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory herbs.

Lack of promiscuous sex

It is considered optimal to have a permanent sexual partner. Promiscuous sex leads to the possible appearance of inflammatory processes and infectious diseases. If you frequently change partners, you should use a condom for contraception.

Regular visit to a specialist

To exclude inflammation of the genital organs and other diseases, you should regularly undergo medical examination. It is recommended to visit a specialist for both partners. Diseases of the genital organs in a woman lead to problems in a man. The inflammatory process of the genitals can occur with concomitant diseases, for example, with diabetes mellitus.

Have you tried a lot of products and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't use drastic methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how the experts recommend treating ...

Inflammation of the foreskin in a child or adult man in medicine is called postitis, and if the process also affects the head of the penis, then balanoposthitis. Moreover, in children, it is diagnosed much more often than in adults. Various pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, etc.) become the cause of the pathological process. The disease can be acute or chronic. How is the inflammatory process formed? Why is inflammation of the foreskin dangerous and how to treat it?

It is impossible to open the head of a penis to a baby. This condition is called congenital phimosis. Over time, a cavity begins to appear under the fold of the foreskin, in which smegma is collected. Phimosis is considered normal up to 5 years (very rarely up to 10-11 years), after which the foreskin gradually opens and the cavities are cleared.

From the video with Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, Candidate of Medical Sciences, you will learn about phimosis - one of the causes of the disease:

When urinating, urine can enter the cavity. Children who are malnourished may have various salts in their urine that can settle on the mucous membrane of the head of the penis. If the hygiene of the genitals is violated, then the cleaning of the cavity is disturbed and bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop here, since smegma for them can be an ideal habitat. And this provokes inflammation of the foreskin in boys.

The predisposing factors for the development of the disease are:

  1. Diabetes. In patients with this diagnosis, urine contains high sugar levels, which is a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply.
  2. Avitaminosis. For the normal functioning of the body, especially its immune system, certain vitamins are required. If there are not enough of them in the body, it can be difficult for the immune system to cope with the pathogenic microflora on its own.

  1. Obesity. Excessive body weight not only makes it difficult to carry out hygiene procedures. Excess weight often causes a decrease in immunity and metabolism in the body.
  2. Frequent injuries, including microtrauma of the foreskin. For example, low-quality underwear can become the cause of such microtraumas.
  3. Overcooling of the body, which provokes a sharp decrease in immune defense, after which it is easier for bacteria to attack the human body.


The intensity of damage to the skin and mucous membranes located on the head and foreskin can be of a different nature and intensity. The symptoms of an inflammation of the extreme raft will depend on the stage of the disease. Usually, inflammation of the foreskin in men and little boys has the following symptoms:

  • Unpleasant sensations when touching an organ. This causes itching, soreness, and other discomfort in this area.
  • Redness and swelling, which leads to the inability to open the head of the penis.
  • The appearance of cracks and sores in the skin, which sometimes bleed.

Urethritis - an inflammatory process in the urethra

  • The appearance of pus that accumulates under the foreskin. If the inflammation spreads to the urethra, then there is a discharge of pus from the urethra.
  • Development of urethritis that makes it difficult to urinate.
  • Violation of the quality of sexual life. Inflammation of the foreskin in men can cause premature ejaculation, a decrease in the duration of intercourse and the appearance of discomfort during sex.

Types of inflammation

There are several types of balanoposthitis:

  1. Simple - characterized by inflammation and swelling of the foreskin and head of the penis. Erosion and pus may appear. The patient notes itching and burning sensation of the skin.
  2. Erosive. In this case, small white spots appear on the skin - this is the keratinized epithelium. Over time, they become red sores with clear boundaries, from which pus is released. Sometimes puffiness provokes phimosis. The patient has enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area.
  3. Gangrenous is considered the most severe. The foreskin becomes edematous and hyperemic. On the skin, necrotic ulcers can be noted. The patient's body temperature rises and general weakness occurs. Such ulcers will regenerate very slowly.

The urologist Oleg Aleksandrovich Juncker will tell you about the disease:

If genital infections become the cause of the disease, it arose against the background of diabetes mellitus, or treatment was not started on time, then the inflammation becomes chronic.


The urologist is engaged in the treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in men. At the same time, it is very important for an adult man to exclude the development of syphilis. To do this, he will be prescribed a blood test and sowing of purulent discharge.

In children, diagnosis consists in a visual examination of the organ.


Treatment of inflammation of the foreskin is the use of antibacterial drugs that can stop the development of pathogens. When diagnosing candidal balanoposthitis, the doctor will prescribe antifungal drugs ("Clotrimazole"). For the treatment of a simple form in men or the treatment of inflammation in a boy, there are enough folk remedies with an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, which help to restore the mucous membrane and skin.

The main course of therapy looks like this:

  • Regularly, you need to make warm baths with a solution that has a disinfectant property (furacilin, potassium permanganate) or a decoction of chamomile, which have an antibacterial effect. This allows you to eliminate pathogenic microflora and remove residual secretions. If it is not possible to make a bath, then the head of the penis and the foreskin covering it are treated with hydrogen peroxide.
  • After the bath, you need to lubricate those areas that are inflamed with any ointments or creams with an antiseptic effect ("Levomekol", "Streptomycin", etc.).

"Levomekol" relieves inflammation and draws out pus. The ointment is intended for the treatment of adult patients and children over 3 years old. Average price for a tube of 40 grams 120 rubles

  • If after some time after the start of such treatment, positive dynamics are not observed, an urgent need to consult a doctor, since in this case it is hardly possible to do without antibacterial agents.
  • When the condition improves, it is important to continue treatment (baths and treatment with ointment) until the symptoms of postitis disappear completely.

In some cases, inflammation of the foreskin can lead to blockage of the urethra, resulting in acute urinary retention. This condition requires immediate medical attention.

It is important not to confuse urinary retention with the child's unwillingness to urinate due to possible pain that occurs due to irritation of the inflamed skin by substances contained in the urine. Therefore, young children may refuse to go to the toilet, even when they feel the urge. Warm baths with a decoction of chamomile or oak bark can help the boy, which relieve pain and improve the general condition of the child.

Successful treatment and effective removal of the inflammatory process depends on proper care and personal hygiene. It is important to follow these rules:

  1. Do not forcibly open the glans penis.
  2. It is important for a baby to regularly change diapers and wash the genital area after a bowel movement or when changing clothes with warm soapy water.
  3. Every few weeks, the child needs to do preventive baths with a decoction of chamomile, string or celandine.

How to treat inflammation in a child tells the candidate of medical sciences Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky:

  1. During the treatment period, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, which will help to flush the urethra and relieve the inflammatory process.
  2. The treatment of primary balanoposthitis must be treated responsibly, since the disease can turn into a chronic form, when it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.
  3. If a relapse occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor, avoiding self-treatment.

A good effect in the treatment of postitis, balanoposthitis or inflammation of the frenum is given by traditional medicine:

  • Compress made from shredded aloe leaf.
  • Plantain leaf compress.
  • Infusion of calendula flowers in olive oil.
  • Tea made from black currant leaves.

The aloe plant accumulates a maximum of useful substances by the age of five. Lower and middle leaves are subject to harvesting.

For the entire period of treatment of inflammation of the foreskin, doctors recommend men to abstain from sex, arguing that:

  1. The inflammatory process can be caused by pathogens that can infect a woman.
  2. Mechanical action on the affected tissue further aggravates the inflammation process.


Since the main cause of inflammation of the foreskin in babies is the forcible opening of the head, parents are categorically not recommended to do this. It is equally important to follow the rules for caring for the penis and not touch it unnecessarily.

In cases where inflammation is caused by an allergic reaction, it is important to identify and remove the allergen. At the same time, it is necessary to change the brand of diapers, washing powder and body care cosmetics. Lingerie should be chosen from high quality natural fabrics. In the case of food allergies, you need to stop eating the foods to which the reaction occurs.

If the causes of relapses are of a physiological nature, you need to consult a doctor and then strictly follow his recommendations.

An unpleasant disease, accompanied by inflammation of the foreskin in men and complicated by irritation of the head of the penis, is. The defeat of the upper part of the organ occurs in all age categories, can cause serious consequences in the form of urinary retention, loss of organ sensitivity and urethritis, therefore, immediate medical attention and treatment are required.

Causes of pathological processes of prepuce

Balanoposthitis is primary and secondary. The primary lesion often occurs in men with uncircumcised skin folds that cover the head. As a result of the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria under them, especially if personal hygiene is not observed, inflammation occurs. It can be caused by pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

Diagnostics of the balanoposthitis

Usually, a visual examination, palpation and analysis of the patient's complaints are enough for a urologist to make a diagnosis. However, in the case of infectious infections, the causative agent of the disease must be identified. And then the following types of diagnostic procedures are assigned:

  • Bacterial culture of material from the urethra, from the prepuce and the head of the penis;
  • A smear from the top of the male member;
  • Testing for the detection of candidiasis with an alkaline solution of potassium hydroxide;
  • Laboratory recognition of the pathogen and HIV;
  • Tests for in the form of serological reactions;
  • A complete blood count to determine the amount of sugar in the body to rule out diabetes.

In rare cases, when irritation of the foreskin in men is prolonged, a biopsy of the upper part of the penis is performed in order to identify a chronic form of inflammation.

Pathology treatment methods

If the inflammation is due to infections, then the treatment can be carried out with the use of medications of different directions.

The main point is to maintain cleanliness with the use of antiseptics indicated by the doctor. Depending on the type of pathogen and stage, antibacterial and antifungal drugs are prescribed. The use of external agents to relieve the condition of the genitals, relieve pain and itching is mandatory.

The package of measures includes:

  • If the surface of the head is inflamed, a low concentration hydrogen peroxide solution is used for regular wiping;
  • You can treat the skin with antimicrobial agents;
  • In the presence of infection, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used: Biseptol, Furagin, Levomycetin;
  • The defeat of fungal pathogens is treated with external ointments and creams, such as Levomekol and Batrafen, the drug is especially effective in this case;
  • Severe pain and pain are relieved by analgesics (Nise, Pentalgin and others);
  • Inflammation of the head with its redness requires careful treatment with bactericidal solutions Miramistin ”, Furacilin, only then the ointment is applied, usually at night;
  • Paracetamol and other analgesics are prescribed to reduce fever and fever;
  • If the inflammation of the frenum is associated with a mixed infection, Triderm ointment is prescribed, which includes antibacterial, antifungal active substances and corticosteroids;
  • Additionally, to increase immunity, the patient takes immunomodulatory medications and vitamin supplements.

For the entire duration of the course of medical measures, a man is prohibited from engaging in intimate relationships.

When there is a threat of urinary retention, surgery is recommended. The affected area must be excised under local anesthesia. After the procedure, it is advisable to perform circumcision (circumcision) to prevent pathological processes in the future.

Therapy can be carried out at home with early forms of balanoposthitis.

In addition to the daily process of treatment with disinfecting drugs, it is required to adhere to the instructions of the doctor, observe the regimen of taking prescribed drugs. During this period, it is strictly forbidden to eat fatty, spicy and smoked food, carbonated drinks, eat sweet and flour. It is necessary to completely give up alcohol and smoking.

Effective treatment of penile inflammation depends on the desire of the patient himself and his strict adherence to the rules of therapy.

The main preventive measures relate to regular intimate hygiene, the use of reliable contraceptives and a healthy lifestyle. Strengthen your immune system by eating fresh and nutritious foods, staying outdoors and moving around. Quitting bad habits will help not only eliminate many health problems, but also feel a new, higher quality of life.