"Vovka in the distant kingdom." Holiday script for older preschool children

New Year's show script

"Vovka in the distant kingdom"


    The teacher




    The newest Russian grandmothers: Matryona and Tsvetochek

    Baba Yaga

    gold fish

    One-eyed Dashing

    Father Frost

    Snow Maiden

    2 buffoons


Music sounds

Vovka comes out, throws the briefcase

Everyone has a vacation, but I have credits, I need to fix the bad marks. Now, like in a fairy tale: "By the pike's will, by my will!" Eh ...

The teacher comes out. She decorates the tree.

Teacher Maria Ivanovna

It's winter again in the city

And blizzards of commotion.

A wonderful holiday awaits us

New Year is coming to us!

A fairy tale will come to us on a holiday -

Games, tree, round dance.

New Year is coming

Children are full of worries.

New Year is on its way

He will make all your dreams come true!

We will find ourselves for a moment

In the distant kingdom.

How to celebrate the New Year

In this state?

Appeals to the guys:

Are you guys ready for a fairy tale? (Children answer)

Then listen to the riddles:

(the teacher makes trompe l'oeil riddles, and Vovka answers in rhyme)

In the thicket, with his head lifted,

Howls with hunger ... (giraffe) -Wolf

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Clubfoot, brown ... (wolf) -bear

Daughters and sons

Teaches to grunt ... (ant) -pig

Who loves running around the branches?

Of course, red ... (fox) -squirrel

Faster than anyone with fear

Rushing ... (turtle)- Hare

I walked steeply along the mountain
overgrown with wool ... (crocodile) -ram

Well done boys. And you, Vovka, do not know how to solve riddles, in Russian you have -2, in mathematics 0 2, even for work - 2. Can't you do anything yourself?


I’m tired of everything myself. Tolley business is a royal life. Just do that, do nothing.

The teacher

Everything is clear with you, Vovka. You need to visit the distant kingdom, to learn wits, and the guys will help you.

(music sounds)

Everyone knows: in the New Year

If you wish

Miracles happen

The fairy tale comes to life.

“Sleep, Vovka, and listen: you will find yourself in the distant kingdom, you will experience many adventures, you will meet different heroes, but only one of them will teach you what to do. Magic snowflakes will help you find it "

(change of scenery: throne, inscription "Far-away kingdom", fence)

(Vovka wakes up, stretches)


Oh, what a dream I had - as if I found myself in a fairy tale. (calling) Maria Ivanovna! (listens, looks around, reads the inscription by syllable) Three-de-vy-that-e kingdom.

Ouch! So this is not a dream! And I am in this outfit! I'm in trouble! (clothes are prepared on the desk. Vovka finds her and changes her clothes)

Oh, just right! Exactly what is needed!

(takes a snowflake from the desk)

What is this? Ah, I remembered! This is a magic snowflake! She will help find someone.

(reads) "He is the most important on earth"

(thinks) The king or what?

(a king appears on the stage with a bucket and a large brush. He starts painting the fence and sings at the same time)


I have zloty mountains,

And there is what to eat, and there is what to drink.

But I paint, I paint fences

So as not to be branded as a parasite.


Tsar, ah, Tsar!

(the tsar runs to the throne, puts on the crown, takes the scepter and the orb, then sees Vovka, sighs with relief)


How you spooked me! I wondered who it was.

(takes off the crown, puts down the scepter and orb, goes to the fence, continues painting)


Tsar, ah, Tsar!


What do you want?


Are you the king?


Well the king!


Tsar, why are you painting fences? You are supposed to do nothing!


Yes, I know! But if you do nothing, you can die of boredom. So I paint the fence. Both benefit and warm-up. And then I’m not a self-made king, but a fabulous one. Do you approve?


No - ah! (Sits on the throne, puts on the crown)

You're the king. You want cake, you want ice cream, and he paints the fences. Ha - ha - ha!


So! Clear! Would you give up your place to a senior if you weren’t trained at school?


Please! (Rises, the king sits on the throne)


Give - for the crown - then syudy. She is too big for you.


Please! (He takes off the crown and gives it back)


(puts on the crown) You say, cake?


(Licking) Aha!


We'll have to chop off your head!


For what?! (Horrified)


Parasite! Bummer and bummer rolled into one!


No, I can do something!


So what?


I can sing, dance, I have five in music!


Well, come on, make me laugh! I haven't heard anything new for a long time.


Guys, help. And then my head off my shoulders! Let's sing a song.

The song sounds.


Well, well done, Vovka! Good song! Forgive bye. Now watch how we have fun in our distant kingdom. Hey, pea jesters, come on, amuse us, amuse!

Buffoon 1

Hello people, honest children,

Do you mischief, do you not?

Are you obedient or what?

However, this is all a trifle!

Buffoon 2

Come on, come on!

Just take care of your pockets!

Come, honest people, people of God,

Indoor matting!

For a copper penny we will show everything this way and that!

Buffoon 1

Welcome, dear guests! Please welcome!

Have fun and joy!

We have been waiting for you for a long time, waiting for you!

We won't start the holiday without you!

Buffoon 2

We have for everyone

And a place and a word!

We've got some fun for you for every taste.

Someone - a fairy tale, someone - a song, someone - a dance!

Buffoon 1

The best and favorite fun is the game! We will tell you different news, if happy, then shout loudly "Hurray!", And if not very good - "Ooh!"

(read in turn)

They came to our New Year's holiday

Great guys! ("Hooray!)

Nice girls here! (Hooray!)

And grimy boys! (Ooh-ooh!)

Sorry, smart boys are here! (Hooray!)

Every second student here is a poor student! (Ooh-ooh!)

Every first one is clever! (Hooray!)

New Year is coming soon! (Hooray!)

We will begin our holidays! (Hooray!)

They will last one day! (Ooh-ooh!)

No, two weeks! (Hooray!)

Santa Claus has prepared delicious gifts for us! (Hooray!)

A big can of mustard! (Ooh-ooh!)

No! Tasty candy! (Hooray!)

Buffoon 2

Let's have a fun candy relay!

Music sounds.

(carry out the baton, pass fake sweets)

(There is a terrible rumble and roar, the king puts on headphones)


What is this rumble?


This is my blood, my beloved daughter - Princess Anfisa has come.

Save yourself who can.


Sing it here!

Collapsed here! (Kicks the cat)

(Touches the tree with his hand) It pricks here! Daddy! (the king runs up, blows on his finger) Swollen here! (pushes the king)


Is this your daughter?


What can you do. The costs of education.


You said - beloved daughter, krovinushka.


Of course, no, I drank all the blood! (Anfisa roars)


(To Anfisa) Stop roaring. You're a princess! If I would have a ball as a tsarevich…. If you want a cake. Do you want ice cream. And what do you want?


What do I want? What do I want? I don't want anything! (roars)


Well, now, it has begun again! Vovka, cheer her up, you can!


In general, my favorite lesson is recess, and at recess my favorite lesson is tararam!


Tararam? I love it!

Music sounds. Vovka and Anfisa are carrying out tararam exercises.

Let our feet dance

We dance ta-ra-ram!

Sing along louder to us.

Clap louder for us!

Let our hands dance

We dance ta-ra-ram!

Sing along louder to us.

Clap louder for us!

Let our tummy dance!

We dance ta-ra-ram!

Sing along louder to us.

Clap louder for us!

Let our ears dance!

We dance ta-ra-ram!

Sing along louder to us.

Clap louder for us!

And that's how the tails are dancing!

We dance ta-ra-ram!

Sing along louder to us.

Clap louder for us!

We will never get tired!

We dance ta-ra-ram!

Sing along louder to us.

Clap louder for us!


And he cheered Anfisa. Well done, Vovka!


Vovka is a carrot!


Anfiska is a rat, a rotten radish, she rolled on the floor, she was left without a tail.


(Yelling) Daddy! He calls himself names!


You, Vovka, have gone too far. To offend Tsarev's daughter! Guardians!

Music sounds. (Grandmas enter, helmets (helmets) on their heads, halberds in their hands.)


Was the guard called?


The name of the guard was, and who are you?


And where is the real guard?


They are in flaw!


You yourself are in a flaw. They are nervous, the computer is frozen!


Who are you?


The newest Russian grandmas!

We stopped by for an hour.

Hey! Bonjour! Hello!

Come on, meet us soon.

You are very lucky!


Soundsmusic... We will, we will, grandmas! (4 times)


Well, did you call the FAQ, father?


And I already forgot.


But I haven't forgotten! Catch Vovka as soon as possible and kick your ears harder so you don't get teased!


Oh guys, save me, let me through. Stop them!

Music sounds. Vovka runs away, the grandmas are catching up, the tsar and Anfiska join them.

(Vovka on stage)

What, got caught ?! Hold your pocket wider! Hey, Anfiska, you have a rat in your pocket. Hey, King Athanasius, seven by eight, eight by seven! And I found another snowflake!

(Vovka runs across the stage, removes the snowflake from the throne)


Keep it!


Guardians! Grab it! (the tsar and Anfisa run after Vovka)


Hey, Matryon, how did we end up here?


Don't tell me, Klavk. I don’t understand anything. Itself was torn from the stove.


What slab is it, reinforced concrete?


From the gas! I was preparing a festive dinner. And here - on you! In some fairy tale, it turned out not otherwise, the jokes of Santa Claus!


Yes, it's not for nothing that they say: how will you celebrate the New Year ...


Serves you right! I always said: "Who gets up early ..."


He gets everyone!


Yes, not so I wanted to say! Who gets up early sings songs!


And I love to sing, well, if we are here, let's sing with the guys.

The song sounds.

(Vovka runs in in the snow, in tinsel, reads the words on the snowflake)


There is no older in the universe.


Oh, who came to us! Father Frost! Did you bring us gifts?


What are you doing, Klavka? What is Santa Claus. This is the same lazy and robber Vovka!


Why am I lazy ?!


You’re a poor student, you won’t be able to guess a single riddle!


Do you know how?


But how! Come on, Matryon, make a guess.


All year round in a green fur coat,

In small needles.

Every round dance led ...


I know it's a crocodile!


What do you mean, can there be a crocodile with needles?


No ... so it's a hedgehog!


Well, are there green hedgehogs?


Then it is a crocodile that sat on a hedgehog.


Oh, grandma, you didn't listen to the riddle, so you got confused. Better let the children guess.

All year round in a green fur coat,

In small needles.

Every round dance led

In the New Year under ... (Christmas tree)


(Laughs at the dough)

And they said that you know how to guess! Now, let me guess. I am the best puzzle-solving expert!


We will see this later! Here's the first one:

Running uphill

Somersault from the mountain! (Children: hare)


And I disagree. These are monkeys by the name of Makak, who wanted bananas, and since bananas grow on a high mountain, Macaque ran to this mountain and said: "Give, give me bananas!" Well, they gave him! Then they gave it again, then they caught up and added more. He flew off the mountain somersault!


Well that's enough. Riddle two:

Antoshka is standing on one leg, smiling at the sun. What is it called? (Children: sunflower)


But no. These are monkeys named Makak, and named Anton.


Why is he on one leg?


Because in the other he has a banana.


Strange, banana in the leg, but what about the hands?


And his hands are busy. He itches with them.


So the third riddle:

In winter and summer in one color. (Children: Christmas tree)


Wrong again.


Is it possible that there are again monkeys Anton by the name of Makak?


But no! This is me, Vovka - magnificent and famous!


And in my opinion, you are just a famous braggart!


Am I a bouncer?


You are a braggart!


Well, stop swearing. The people are all around. Let's have some fun!

Music. Dance. (At the end, the grandmas leave)

(Change of scenery. Baba Yaga sweeps the floor near the hut)

Baba Yaga

In our forest on New Year's Eve

The snowstorm fell asleep on the path

Well why, who will say - why

Nobody likes Grandma-Yozhka?

(Appeals to children)

Well, the guests have arrived. Fu-you, well-you, bast shoes are bent. Oh-oh-oh. It became interesting to live in the forest: sheer jokes. Yesterday, for example, Koschey called to the Canary Islands, the villain drove away. Do you see him coldly in the forest? And the Water One went there: he went on a voyage around the world. Probably floating on his belly. I also found a floating Teletubbie. What is happening! What is happening! Ugh!


Great, Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga

Who is this? Are you trying to do it, or are you getting away with it?


Oh, you old hag, you bone leg, you would first give me drink, feed me, steam in the bathhouse. And then I would ask.

Baba Yaga

I read fairy tales! Well, the young people have gone! What do you want here - a hotel? Well, go away! They walk here, tossing foolishly, swearing at grandmother. If only you were Ivan Tsarevich, then I would have talked to you!


How old are you, Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga

Yes, I'm still young, 300 years old. Recently she celebrated her anniversary.


(Reading) There is no older in the universe.

Here you are what I need!

Baba Yaga

And what do you need, well done?


I want my wishes to come true.

Baba Yaga

First, grant my wish, and then we'll see. I want to dance, I want to knead the bones.


It's easy! The guys will help me.

Music. Dance. The game.

Baba Yaga

Oh, they killed me. Okay, honey, I'll help you. Here's another magic snowflake for you, and let the goldfish fulfill your wishes. (Gives Vovka a snowflake)


(Reading) "The doer of all desires"

So this is the Goldfish. (calls out) Eh-hey, Goldfish! ... Is the tunnel asleep?

Music sounds. Soap bubbles appear due to the wave.

Goldfish appears, yawns, does not look at Vovka.

gold fish

What do you want, elder? (looks at Vovka) Huh? What?


Gee-gee, Goldfish! It means this: I want ...

gold fish

What? And you wove a net, and you threw it into the sea three times, and you caught me? He didn’t hit his finger, but all the same - "I want!"


Well, here it is written in Russian in white: "Executor of all desires." Is that you ?!

gold fish

Well, in general, I fulfill my wishes, but not all, and I still have to deserve it.


Well, at least do one thing! Come play with us.

gold fish

Well so be it! I announce the game "The sea is worried once." While the music is playing, you are dancing. As soon as the music stops and you should freeze, depict some interesting figure and not move. Whoever moves will be my prisoner.

Music. Dance. (The music is interrupted 6 times, the children freeze. Those who move are taken to the stage by the heroes)

gold fish

And you, my captives, have to complete the task, and then you are free. Answer in rhyme:

If it is a fish, it has ... a smile,

If this is a fish - she has ... (smile),

If it's a fish, she has ... (smile)

If this is a fish, she has ... (Ulybina)

If this is fish, she has ... (smiles)

Well, thanks guys, fun with you. And I give Vovka a magic snowflake. (gives the snowflake to Vovka)


Again a snowflake. What is it? In a fairy tale, no one can fulfill a wish!

gold fish

Well, there are in the distant kingdom two of the casket, the same in the face. They make wishes come true. It hurts too far to go. Well, okay, I'll take you a short way.

Music sounds. Everyone walks overcoming obstacles.

(On the stage there is a chest)


(knocks) Hey, two from the casket, the same from the face! (nothing happens. Vovka opens the chest, takes a note, reads)

"There were, but they all came out!"

But what kind of a distant kingdom is this, a magical state. What you don’t miss is not.

Music sounds. The grandmas are coming out.


Well, are you making a noise, are you making a noise?


You again?! And where are these two, who are the same from the face?


You see, Flower, now you and I are two from the casket, the same from the face!


Yes, God forbid, to be the same with you from the face.


Look at yourself, a miracle in feathers!


(looks around) Oh, really, in feathers. I used to pinch geese. And suddenly: bang - bang, and I'm here.


I am tormented by vague doubts, whose handiwork is this?




Ouch. Honey, we forgot about you. Would you like a faq?


And what, you will fulfill my desires?




OK! First, the cake (bends a finger). Secondly ... (grandmothers bend his finger)

What is this, you and your fingers will bend for me?




Well, let's. This means, secondly: ice cream, thirdly: different sweets and more!


Well, ice cream never happened in the distant kingdom, but we can get a loaf.

(grandmothers lead a round dance around Vovka)

As on Vovka's name day we baked a loaf. This is such a height, this is such a bottom, this is such a width, this is such a supper. Loaf, loaf, open your mouth wider!

(Vovka closes his eyes, opens his mouth, the grandmas give him a loaf, Vovka opens his eyes.


Wow! (bites, grabs a tooth, whines)


Vovka, when was your name day?


(unintelligible mumbles) Oooh!


Oh, in May. Well, faq did you want, the loaf is already stale.


Well, what else to treat you to?


Thank you for eating!


Yes, Matryon, we were guilty before Vovka, there is no straight face on him.


Right now, we will return his face.

(sings a ditty)

I danced with three legs

Lost my boots.

Looked back

My boots are standing!

Eh-eh, well, guys, dance more merrily, make Vovka laugh!

Music. Dance. (grandmas leave)


Well, the distant kingdom! Don't understand what's going on. Oh, so my snowflake has not been read yet (takes it out, reads it)

"Sometimes children are afraid of him"

So who is it? I'm not afraid of anyone at all. Guys, are you afraid of anyone? (Children answer)

Scary music. Dashing One-Eyed appears.


Who here said that he is not afraid of anyone?


Yes, I have not seen this yet. No wonder they say: "Do not be dashing while it is quiet"


You guessed! I am Dashing One-Eyed! They sent me for you!

Music. Chase. Vovka runs away from Likho. (Run out of the hall)

Baba Yaga

(with cast iron, looks around)

So, nobody. I got rid of Vovka. Everything goes according to plan. Then you can safely prepare a potion.

(puts cast iron, conjures)

Chufyr - fufyr ... changed the guard.

Fufir - chufyr ... two from the casket are also my scam.

The most important thing remains:

Witchcraft music sounds.

Crocodiles, mice, goats.

I will enchant Frost.

Santa Claus will be a brawler,

A real bully!

(Dashing appears)

Baba Yaga

Yeah, Likho, came, did not get dusty.


Why? Very dusty. (Shakes himself off, dust flies)

Baba Yaga

Where is Vovka? (sneezes)


I lured him to a place where he would never return! (Sniffs the air near cast iron)

What are we cooking? Whom are we going to torment?

(Baba Yaga conjures silently)

Do not respect, Granny, do not deign to answer.

Baba Yaga

Chiki - chiki - scatter, bend in half!

(Dashingly bends sharply, groans, slowly unbends)


Nk, of course, how to grab someone, neutralize, like this: "Dashing, please", but how to talk, so - "bend over"

Baba Yaga

Yes, I'm preparing a potion, I have no time. Look, take care of the children while they are spying on, distracting me.

(continues to conjure)


I am Dashing One-Eyed.

I love to scare people.

My favorite game -

Scream and repeat.

Can you guys scream loudly? I will pronounce the phrase, and then you repeat after me, loudly and amicably.

Oh, piri, tiki, tomba.

Oh, mousse, mousse, mousse.

Ole, ole, ole.

About pikim, be-be.

Oh le-ba-ba, oh le.

Tse-e, ka-a, rice.

Rice, rice, mango.

Sa-ah, samango.

Hurray, hurray, oh Dashing!

Well, thanks guys, I took my heart out.

Baba Yaga

What a self, such a game! I almost ruined the potion because of your cucaryamba!


So what kind of potion is it?

Baba Yaga

(in a whisper) Witchcraft potion for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

(Rumble backstage, Vovka runs in with a slingshot, shouts loudly)


Get down!

(Baba Yaga and Likho collide their heads and freeze, looking at Vovka in horror)

What, got caught, villains. I have solved your intrigues, have you decided to get rid of me?

Baba Yaga

Well, scared. I thought it was war. And here you are, worse than the war.

(shows his fist Likho)

Someone is uncomfortable.

Vovka, you don’t understand, it was a joke, a practical joke. Really, Likho?



Baba Yaga

We were preparing a surprise for you. We found Santa Claus and Snegurochka, now we will call them, they will come to our Christmas tree.


Hooray! Let's call them!


Santa Claus, come out, you mean coward!

Baba Yaga

Snow Maiden, prophetic cow, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of the grass!

Music. Grandmothers come out in the clothes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden


(Matryona) I don't recognize you in makeup. Are you hto? Spiderman? No! Harry Potter?


But I recognize you in any makeup. I thought they were fresh, but here they are all the same.

(addresses the audience)

Oh. Children and uncles and aunts,

I have a question for you:

Are you waiting for Santa Claus here?

Well then I am Santa Claus!


Well, if you are Santa Claus, then I am a ballerina.


What are you, what kind of ballerina?


Anastasia Volchkova!


Well, if you are a ballerina, and even Volchkova, then spin with a top!

Let's hold the New Year's relay!

(They carry out the baton with hats, scarves, mittens and felt boots)



And where are the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?


I came up with it! Let's go to,

We ourselves will find it.

To our school people

I met the New Year amicably!

Baba Yaga

Look. Nimble what.

Young, businesslike.

Your nose is not yet mature,

To find where Santa Claus is.


Oh, you old hag, you have bewitched him. What are we going to do now?

Music. Anfisa enters with a magnifying glass, followed by the Tsar.


Well, you, Vovan, got it! For a long time I followed the trail and found you!


What do I have to do with it? All this Baba Yaga conjures, fools his head!


Oh, that's it? Again for the old! Do we do magic without a license? The fine is a million euros!

Baba Yaga

Oh, what are you, Afanasy, what is the fine? The pension was detained. I have been interrupting for 200 years, peeing crusts, moonlighting on Christmas trees.


Or you will immediately tell me where Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are, or ...

Baba Yaga

Well, you can't joke! Yes, I'm kindness myself, right, Likho? Ask in an amicable way!


Grandma Yaga, please!

Baba Yaga

So that all paths are open

And Frost could come to us,

At the tree, try

Find the snowflake!

(Vovka finds a snowflake with the guys)


I seem to have understood, I need to read everything!

(is reading)

He is the most important on earth

There is no older in the universe.

The performer of all desires,

And there is white fur on the fur coat,

The beard is almost waist-high

There is a mustache and a red nose

Well, children, answer,

Who is this? … (Father Frost)

Music sounds. Enter Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Father Frost

Hello, my dear children!

Hello, my golden suns!

How glad I am to see you

My loved ones!

How glad I am to see you

My beautiful ones!

Glad to your wonderful laughter!

Glad to your beautiful smiles!

Hello and you, Vovka! I've heard about your adventures. Well, what have you learned in the distant kingdom?


I realized that I had to try to do everything myself!

Father Frost

But what about desire?


I have one wish. Have fun celebrating the New Year!

Snow Maiden

Let's meet with a funny song

We are happy New Year!

Near an elegant Christmas tree

Let's spin our round dance!

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Father Frost

Dances, games, round dance -

Everyone is celebrating the New Year.

And for you my friends

I saved the game too.

Music. Snowball game.

Snow Maiden

Today you sang and danced.

But we haven't read poetry.

Maybe someone will read

We have a poem about the New Year!

(Children recite poetry)

Father Frost

You guys, I wish

Not lazy, not sick.

Read a hundred thousand books

Dad and ma do not upset.

I was visiting you today,

And now it's time for me to go.

Waiting for New Year's holiday

Grandfather's kids are everywhere.

Snow Maiden

I wish you success in the New Year,

More cheerful, sonorous laughter!

Let bad weather pass you by

Happy new year friends!

With new happiness!

Final song.

The script of a musical parody based on songs-alterations. Authors - teachers of the school № 48 of Kirov, Chudinovskikh I.A., Nagdiman N.A. The material can be used at a thematic evening, replacing the questions on life safety in the script with questions on any subject. In our school, we also used this fairy tale for the competition on traffic rules, replacing all the questions that Baba Yaga and Koschei asked Vovochka with questions about traffic rules.

Songs in italics can be dropped from the script without affecting the plot too much.

You can watch the video recording of the fairy tale in the "Video" section (see Site menu).


We honestly want to tell you
We don't watch TV shows anymore
They break our hearts all our lives
They torture us endlessly.

How long can we watch them,
How much can you endure all nonsense,
To be anesthetized by their captivating dreams
And take them seriously again every time.

And how to live without them, well, you tell me, tell me
Without them, where are we, but just nowhere,
No wonder the whole country has gone crazy from them,

And we, like zombies, are watching the series again.

Someone from the choir:
- School number 48 presents a musical fairy tale "Vovka in the far-off kingdom-2"

Vova appears.
A wasteful look
Stylishly fashionable outfit,
The vanguard is in the head.
Ten twos in a row
Everyone is talking about him.

He is not used to teaching,
He doesn't read books
He writes somehow
There's a mess in my head
A very strong fist.

The teacher appears.

Teacher: What, Little Johnny, why weren't you at school today?
Vova: Oh, Marya Ivanovna! There is such a thing!
Vova (sings):
It was an ordinary gray Kirov evening,
I walked from school in a bad mood
I just see - suddenly comes to meet me
Either a girl, or a vision.
She says: “Drop your school,
Let's fly with you to magical lands! "
She treated me with menthol chewing gum
She promised to call early in the morning.

I remember something I sang to her about lessons,
And about the fact that I have training,
But tender lines sounded in my heart:
"If you drop out of school, you will be great, Vovka!"
And I looked into the starry sky for a long time,
And the next day I was sick all day,
I was looking for her, but only to no avail,
Either a girl, or a vision.

She walked like a caravel on the green waves
And now I will ponder all night,
Shouldn't she change her mind to ask if she changed her mind
Ask me if I have changed my mind.

She passed like a caravel on the waves
And now I will ponder all night,
Shouldn't she change her mind to ask if she changed her mind
Ask me if I have changed my mind.

Teacher: Oh, Vova, how tired of your fairy tales I am!
Vova: Yes, I swear.
I see your smile
I remember my mistake
But it doesn't matter anymore
I've been deceived twice
On my ears again
You will hang noodles!

And they won't give you a certificate just like that.

Don't heal me with your girl,
And do not hang out in the club, but teach lessons,
And the little clock is laughing tick-tock
And they won't give you a certificate just like that.

The teacher waves her hand at Vovka and leaves, a Fairy appears

Fairy: Hello, Vova! I want to ask you what you decided. Are you flying with me to a magical land? I have a magic scooter with which we can get there!
Vovka: How? Wasn't that a dream? .. Well, of course, I will fly wherever I want, so long as I never go to school again. Yes, I will be the best friend to anyone who relieves me of my lessons!
Fairy: Really! (Sings)
I ask you don't
Tell a lie,
Do not rush to call yourself a friend.
Rustle of falling leaves,
Moonlight Sonata,
All that we need now for the soul.
Better in the world of all awards
This magic scooter
He is for the one who has been waiting all these years,
Magic scooter!

A magic scooter after a hot summer,
You may be the one who deserved it
Maybe you alone wanted this evening
Drink with me to the bottom.
Magic scooter, you will not be superfluous
What a pity that our meeting did not come out early
But the whole autumn is ahead, I need you very much,
And you need me ... You need me.

"Fly away", the chorus sings the chorus "Vova-plague"

Baba Yaga appears
Baba Yaga (looks in the mirror and sings)
Baba Yaga knows that nature has its own renewal,
And the fogs stand and stand over the river at night.
My hair, my hands and my legs are a crime,

Together with the choir:

Because you can't be so beautiful in the world.
Because you can't, because you can't,
Because you can't be so beautiful in the world.
Because you can't, because you can't,
Because you can't be so beautiful in the world.
Because you can't, because you can't,
Because you can't be so beautiful in the world.

Koschey appears.

I'm an immortal naughty reveler
In this thirty-something neighborhood,
In our more often every dog,
Knows my moonwalk!

Baba Yaga: Hello, Koscheyushka!
Koschey: Hello, Baba Ege!
Baba Yaga: I am not Ege, but Yaga!
Koschey: Yes, damn it, nothing good ... Listen, we haven’t feasted on Losers for a long time!
Baba Yaga: Don't worry! My younger sister dressed up as a good Fairy and will soon bring the best poor student to us!
Koschei: It can't be! Yes, the round Losers have long been extinct! Last time you slipped me a C grade and my stomach hurt all evening!
Baba Yaga: Don't you believe? Now my middle sister will come and bring his photo.

Baba Yaga-2 appears.

Baba Yaga-2: Hello!
Koschey: Did you bring the photo?
Baba Yaga-2: Here, look!
Koschey: How cute!
Baba Yaga-2: And don't talk! (Sings)
I'm looking at you

In the kingdom we have rains, closure,
Bang! And the trams got up.
Traumatic brain injury
My love.
And I'll swim to you, I'll reach you,
I will settle next to you,
I will be glad to have such a neighbor.
You are a simple people from Russia,
I'll tell them right away, great!
Then I'll smile and tell you:
- I've been waiting for you, Vova! - Five times
Chorus: Grandma Yozhka ..

I'm looking at you
You are sitting in the photo, and I am on the couch,
More often we have winter,
Soon all exits and entrances will fill up,
Traumatic brain injury
My love.
And I'll swim to you, I'll reach you,
I will settle next to you,
I will be glad to have such a neighbor.
You are a simple people from Russia,
I'll tell them right away, great!
Then I'll smile and tell you:
- I've been waiting for you, Vova!
Chorus: Grandma Yozhka ..

Fairy and Vova appear during the song.
Baba Yaga: Hello, dear guests! How glad we are!
Vova: Are you a real evil spirit?
Baba Yaga-2: The present does not exist! (Sings without piano) I've been waiting for you so much, Vova!

They surround him and take out the ropes, and in the process of the next song, they dance and tie Vovka.

Top-top we came from around the corner
Top-top, such mournful deeds
It's too late to pay now
Look at the stars

Look at this sea

It's too late to pay now
Look at the stars
Look at this sky and these roses
Look at this sea
This is the last time you see this.

Top-top, uh, come on, knit it,
Top-top, we are four for one,
And for the wonderful boy with deuces in the magazine
Well, call the bears to play
To play fashionable and very popular
In our more often there is a funeral march. The transition to funeral music.

Vovka: Let me go immediately! I will complain ... to the high school council!

Koschey: Before you had to think when you got deuces!
Baba Yaga-1: Well, what are you worth? Quickly into the forest for firewood, light a fire! And I'll keep watch so that some compassionate merman doesn't untie him!
Fairy: Aha! Fall asleep like last time, then run after him through the woods!
Baba Yaga-2: Let's tie her to the boy. If he starts to twitch, she will wake up!
Koschei: This is an idea!
Vovka: Well, let me go, please!
It's too late to pay now
Look at the stars
Look at this sky and these roses
Look at this sea
This is the last time you see this.

(While the choir sings, they tie Baba Yaga, tie Vovka's mouth, leave, Baba Yaga soon falls asleep, the Water One appears)

I grew up in a swamp deep and rotten
A kid in a fashionable cap and a groovy character,
The boy is all simple and I am not at all handsome,
And all the girls are smiling towards me.
When in the evening I go out of the swamp into the forest,
Everyone knows more often that they are more and more interested in me,
I joke tirelessly over everyone in the fairy forest,
And I will bring my sharp joke to all people.
After all, I have black humor, it is always with me,
After all, I have black humor, sharp and crazy,
After all, I have black humor, groovy humor,
Come on here, girls, let's hang out with me.

With chorus:

Let not everyone catch up, if you can, catch up,

Black humor, black humor, roll your ears into a tube,
Black humor, black humor, if you can, catch up
Black humor, black humor, soon everyone will get it
Black humor, black humor, kids really like it.

(Sees Vovka)

Vodyanoy: Oh, again this scum caught the poor student! Listen, boy, I'll try to help you, just name a subject on which you know at least something!
Vovka shakes his head negatively.
Vodyanoy: Well, maybe geography? .. No? History? .. Literature? .. OBZH?
Vovka shakes his head negatively at all objects, but happily nods to OBZH.
Merman: Got it! I will be back soon, and you remember everything you know from OBZH! And when they return, take the time!
Leaves. Evil spirits return with firewood.
Koschey: Well, of course, she's asleep!
They put the firewood in a pile. Baba Yaga and Vovkin's mouth are untied. Koschey puts on a referee's hat.
Koschey (mockingly): Defendant! You have the last word!

Vovka: I won't do it anymore! Honestly! I will study well!
1. I'll come to school, and, lowering my eyes,
I will remember all the words and repeat again:
Who told you, well, who told you

Chorus with chorus:
I am every year, every hour is yours in my soul,
Your call is ringing in my heart
No, I can never stop loving you,
And you love, you always love me.

2. I don’t want to believe and don’t want to think,
Parting will come and dreams will not come true
At night I scream, in pain I scream
If you dream that you will expel me.

3. And in spite of fate, a homeless woman, fate,
Again I will remember the words and repeat again,
Who told you, who told you
Who came up with the idea that I do not love you.

A watery one appears.

Vodyanoy: Hello honest company! I see that you are here preparing for the feast, but they didn’t invite me.
Koschey: Join us, don't mind.
Vodyanoy: And you definitely checked that he is a round poor student? And then last time they slipped a C grade, so two kikimors died.
Baba Yaga-2: Do you have deuces in all subjects?
Little Johnny: For all ... except OBZH.
Baba Yaga-1 (to the Fairy): Where were you looking?
Fairy: Yes, I studied the entire magazine from cover to cover!
Baba Yaga-1: Aha! Wanted to cheat?
Vova: And we do not have OBZH this year, but last year I had a five!
Fairy: Yes, he is lying! He wants us to let him go!
Vodyanoy: Let's check it out! I just had OBZH tests in my pocket.
Koschey: Oh, let me here, I'll test it myself ... (leafs through) The first question. What light should you cross the road to? Variants of answer: a - red, b - blue, c - green, d - purple.
Vovka: To the green! I knew without options!
Baba Yaga-2: Oh, well, check if he answered correctly?
Koschey is looking for answers at the end.
Koschey: You won't believe it, but really, it's green! Really bummer again!
The second question. What telephone should I call in case of fire? Answer options: a - 01, b - 02, c - 03, d - 04.
Vovka: Well, I know this phone very well, my friend and I once joked, called "01", so our parents were given such a fine that after that I didn't eat ice cream for 3 years! They told me at school that the smart learns from the mistakes of others, and the fool learns from his own!
Koschey (checks at the end of the book): Nightmare, indeed, "01"! The third question. Is it possible to light candles and sparklers during the school tree. Variants of answer: a - not allowed, b - allowed, c - only with the permission of the teacher.
Vovka: The answer is "a" - no!
Koschey: You guessed it!
Baba Yaga-1: Give me a book, you are asking the wrong questions! Yeah, I found it! Question four: What color headgear should be worn during hot weather to avoid sunstroke and heatstroke. Variants of answer: a - black, b - white, c - red, d - green.
Vovka: Answer b - white! The white surface reflects the sun's rays!
Baba Yaga-2: So he also cuts in physics!
Vovka: Nope, we do not teach physics yet, they told us this in nature studies in the fourth grade.
Baba Yaga-1: (to herself) I'm going to confuse him now! (Vovka) What are the two most important qualities a pedestrian should have? Variants of answer: a - courage and decisiveness, b - determination and perseverance, c - cunning and insidiousness, d - attentiveness and caution.
Vovka: In life, of course, many of these qualities can be useful, but on the road, attentiveness and caution are important.
Koschey: We're lost! Five out of five questions!
Merman: Maybe let's let him go? He has been fooling around for a year, he will lose the last knowledge, then we will ... and that ... Moreover, this year he has no OBZH lesson!
Fairy: Great idea, but for now I'll find another fool.
(untie Vovka).
Fairy: Get on the scooter, let's go!
Others: Just look, don't learn your lessons!

Fairy and Vovka leave to the chorus "Vova-Chuma". The rest begin to take off the attributes of evil spirits and congratulate each other. The teacher appears.

Baba Yaga-1: Marya Ivanovna! Allow me to report! Council of high school students completed your task! Another student returned to school!
Teacher: Thank you guys!
Koschey: (laughing) No, you remember how he told us: "I will complain to the council of high school students!" I almost died laughing!

The Fairy returns.

Koschey: Well, how is he?
Fairy: I ran to the OBZh elective to enroll in the library and get books.
Teacher: Great! (puts a tick in the notebook) Now we will wean Sidorov from smoking.
Baba Yaga-2: I have an idea! I'll tell you tomorrow at the council!
Teacher: Well, what would I do without you!

They all sing together without a chorus, the chorus on the backing vocals - "Tuba-Oak"

We would have our life like a film strip
Scroll back 10 years,
When we are boys and girls -
We left the noisy kindergarten.

And obliquely from the tank

Show us the address,
Where else are there such children!
And obliquely from the tank
School is the best in the world
Show us the address,
Where else are there such children!

We can study perfectly well
Sing no worse than all the nightingales,
And we want today, as usual,
Tell you out of my love.

What is from the tank obliquely
School is the best in the world
Show us the address,
Where else are there such children!
And obliquely from the tank
School is the best in the world
Show us the address,
Where else are there such children! - Recitative with the choir

Scenario of the performance 2 A class "Vovka in the distant kingdom"

Prepared by the teacher SBURK "KUVKILI" Kharchenko Ekaterina Aleksandrovna


In some glorious kingdom

In the lyceum state

An amazing people live

Every day is good for them

Cool lady:

Not high or low

Quite a few scientists, artists

Everyone is attentive, obedient

Nice, kind and simple-minded

And for you in this good hour

Prepared a story


The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

You guys all have a lesson

On the slide: "Vovka in the distant kingdom."

The roles are played by:

Hosts: Anatoly Reisvikh, Dmitry Orlov, Alexandra Sannikova, Sophia Yatsenko.

Vovka: Silkin Ivan.

Mother: Ksenia Kabanets.

Tsar: Vorontsov Nikita

Grandma: Kulikova Alina.

Goldfish: Daria Zamyatina, Daria Serdyuk, Ariadna Usatenko.

Vasilises: Vislushkina Irina, Dobrovolskaya Nadezhda, Revinskaya Zlata, Shachanina Ksenia.

Brothers from the casket: Daniel Zaitsev, Vladimir Tikhonov.

Coals: Daniil Kravchuk, Nikita Mozer.

Furnace: Modelskaya Polina.

Vovka in the distant kingdom.

Music at the entrance.


Good afternoon my friends!

I'm very glad to see you

You in a cozy light room.

Thank you all for calling

Tell us a fairy tale,

Well, we'll start.

There is a fraction four in the house

A lazy man lived in his apartment,

His name was Vovochka ...

He did not listen to anyone ...

Scene 1:


Little Johnny! Come here!

Oh, you have one trouble!

It's just a punishment with a son,

You need to work very hard -

He does not want to study!

Soon to take the exam,

So as not to waste time

Let's start with the ABC book!


I'm coming! Now!

What happened with us again?


Oh, son, stop sleeping!


I'll sit in kontkte

Or I will go to the playstation hall.


If you are lazy

I'll be angry with you!

OK OK! I read,

Though I know everything without an ABC book!

Mom leaves.

Vovka's song.

Oh, why do I need science,

I'm quite smart anyway.

I would lie down and lie down

And dream all day!

Oh, that leafing through books in vain,

Better an extra hour to sleep

Sleep from all diseases

Ten times more useful!

Let the one read books

Who cannot live without them,

Let them work

All nights and days!

I'll look at the pictures ...

In some kingdom

In a distant state

Once upon a time there lived a king

Great Emperor ...

Eh, I wish I could become a king now,

I wouldn't care about anything!

I wouldn't do anything

Wouldn't scold me ...

There is no better thing in the world

Than to sit around all day ...

Falls asleep. A curtain.

Scene 2


Oh! And he dreamed

And Vova had a dream ...

That he lives in a wonderful kingdom,

Great state,

And Vova can handle everything-

I turn what I want!

On stage is the Tsar with a tassel. Paints the fence and sings.

Song of the Tsar.

I have mountain cakes

And there is what to eat and what to drink.

But I paint, I paint fences

So as not to be branded as a parasite.

Vovka enters.


Hey king lord

Are you working alone?

Kings are not supposed to

Work. Forbidden!

But where have you seen that the king

Did you fix your inventory yourself?


You kid, where did you come from?

What advice to kings?

If you were already big

Down with your head!


Well, what kind of king are you then

If you always work?

Receive guests with honor-

This is the tsar's work!


Though you are young, but lazy

And besides, he is chatty!

All lazy bums

Careless and talkative

Drive out of the kingdom!

Here is my royal law!

Music. Vovka flies away. A curtain.

On the left is the sea, in the center is Babka. Vovka enters.


Hello grandma!

Why are you sitting, looking at the blue sea?


Hello dear man!

Here I sit for a century.

The paths to the kingdom are closed to me ...

Make me, granddaughter, a trough

An old man ran away from me

After my tricks.


The trough is not my problem!

I have a different matter!

Where is the gold fish,

What is the desire to fulfill?


The sea is there, but without difficulty

You will never catch!

Grandma leaves. Music "The Sound of the Sea". Dance of the fish.

Fish 2:

Hey my friends, fish

Swim up quickly

Look what kind of boy

In our fairy tale at the door


Hey, you! Goldfish!

I will make a wish.

Give me some jam!

Have you heard? Do it!

Fish 3:

She is not an easy fish at all

Like the sun, golden!

Loves to sing and dance

Keeps friends from getting bored.


You, little fish, do not spin

Do not skimp on desires

I have jam, but sweeter,

Well, let them bring a spoon!


WhatoOh! And you caught me!

You threw a seine into the sea!

Who is this here?

Uncommanded by me!

Appeals to fish:

What a nasty guy?

Speaks very rudely

In chorus of fish:

Leave the fairy tale away!

We can help you with this!

Magical music. Vovka flies away. A curtain. We do not turn off the music.


Well and please

The sprat is unhappy.

Scene 4:

Round dance Vasilis.

Let's do a good job

Calculate per lesson

How many cinder blocks are needed,

To build the palace on time.

We need to do the calculation

As water flows from the pipes,

What follows from this

Honor to arithmetic.

Vasilis we are sisters,

Jack of all trades, craftswomen,

If anyone asks advice,

We will give the following answer:

Only he does not grieve,

Who is close friends with science,

You can't live without her

Science and I are friends!

Let's start our advice!

Together: Vasilisushki! Hey!

Let's start our advice!

I read it in the starry sky

Our Koschey is seriously ill!

I ought to help him

And drive the disease away!

I walked along the magic path,

I found a healing bush,

From it, the broth is

Just a sip - and you are healthy!

Vovka crawls out from behind a bush.


Well well! This is a miracle!

How many beautiful girls!

Yes, in painted crowns!

Yes, in gold outfits!

These, I say boldly,

They can do nothing!

You need to sleep all day,

To be such a beauty!

And they neither give nor take

Everyone knows how to conjure!


Who is hiding there in the bushes?


This is me, your guest!


We are glad to have good guests!


And that's what I want from you!

A couple of magic words

To say - and the table is ready.

And on it - a pie with jam,

And another treat -

Gingerbread, my beloved cake,

Samovar, of course ...

We understand your order

Let's start teaching now.

And it will turn out from Vova

The best chef in the world.

So so ... Take flour ...


Stop! Study?. I can not!

I would just, without learning

Get the Jam Pie!

Here's a hint for you then

You go to another fairy tale.

You shout: “Two from the casket!

Identical from the face! "

Just give them an order

Everything will be done at the same hour.

In chorus:

Go on that path!

Good journey to you! Goodbye!

Disperse in different directions to the music of Vasilis. A curtain.

Along the edges there is a stove and a chest, in the center there is a tub with dough and firewood.


Here, not eating salty,

Our Vovka walks tired ...

What to do? How to be?

Vovka needs to hurry

Catch brothers from the casket,

And the desire to make

To make his dream come true.

Always sit back!


Here is that treasured chest!

Ay yes Vovka! Well done!

Hey you! Two from the casket

Identical from the face!

Get out, get out!

Yes, meet the owner!

Music "Chpok".

What does our master want?

And what is he dreaming of now?

In chorus:

We are ready to do everything at once!

Give, my friend, the order!

Soooo, first of all, I want ...

Wait! I'm running!

In chorus:

For you we, so to speak,

Let's bend our fingers!

Vovka: Well, well! Blimey!

Bend your fingers!

Brothers: Aha!


So I want to eat

About six kilograms

Delicious all kinds of sweets,

This will be my lunch.

And for dinner, I wish ...

Bend it over!


We bend it!


Huge chocolate cake!

It is clear?. Okay!

Waffles, gingerbread, jam,

Yes! And sweet cookies!

This is my third order!


Bus done! Now!

Brothers song.

We are two brothers from the casket,

Identical from the face

Eh, there would have been work for us

We can do everything for one or two.


Just tell me

You show,

We will get the moon from the sky

Just order!

We can tell a fairy tale

We can clean up everything in the house

We can dig up a vegetable garden.

Sleep for the owner.



Enough, enough, see the song,

Themselves, I suppose, overeat

And cakes and sweets,

Well, where is my lunch?

Music "Trytyty".

Here, my friend, candy!

There is nothing tastier!

Here are the cakes, here you go!

Put it in my mouth!

Here are the cookies, here are the jam!

This is a miracle - a treat!


Stop! Where! And what about me!


We'll eat everything for you!


What is this nonsense!

Eat for me!



No, patience is over!

Get out to the chest!

Music "Chpok". The brothers fly away to the chest.


Oh, how to eat something hunting!

Meet at least someone

Who would feed me

He caressed, but sheltered.

Pechka's song.

Pies, pies, Hey people, don't come in!

I will not cheat anyone, I will feed them with pies!

To you from the stove - mother

Delicious pancakes!

Blush pie

Buns and gingerbread!

Here is the dough in this tub,

There is very little room for him,

Knead it up my friend

And you will get a pie!


Hello, wonderful fellow!


Oh, how unhappy I am!

You, dear help!

I heard about pies ...

So what then? Serve

Your vaunted loaf!


I'm glad to feed you

It would be necessary to chop wood,

Light the stove with them,

Knead the dough in a tub,

Make a pie out of it,

And here, to the light!


What aoo! Work for me again!

Eh, we have to call the brothers!

Hey, you two from the chest!

Identical from the face!

Music "Chpok".


What do you want, master?

Marmalade? Chocolate?

How can we please?


Knead! And chop it up!

Music "Chpok", Music "Trytyty".


Well, who will understand you?

All wrong! Vice versa!

(swap places)


And I'm not tired, brothers,

To engage in nonsense?

No thanks for your hard work!

So I will be left without food!

Losers! All clear!

Get out back!

Music "Chpok".


I'll have to do it myself.

How to prick something? I don’t understand ...

Well, a hatchet, well, come on!

Once! Again! Ah ah ah!

I got a bad ax!

I almost lost my leg!

To bake a pie now

We'll put the dough in the oven!

How to knead it? By hand?

Fuuu! How disgusting!

The stove seems to be smart

She will bake the cake herself!

Music "Chpok". The dough flew past the oven. Introduction to the stove.


I will not cheat anyone

I'll feed you with pies ...

Khe-khe-khe! My friend, listen!

The pies are ready! Eat!

Music "Chpok". Coals fly out.


    Hey darling, look

What wonderful coals

In the heat of the heat, only from the stove,

We are grimy rings

    You bite our barrels

And bring it to the table soon

Just something for heartburn

Be sure to take it. Ha ha ha

    If you are a little lazy,

Eat crumbs from the table

Forget about cakes and cutlets

Enjoy your diet

    Than to taste the pie

Drink some water, friend

Malakhov cures all diseases by starvation

Even thinking on an empty stomach is easier and healthier.


I worked ... What is it!

Doesn't sound like pie!


At work - the result!

You were lazy - that's a fact!

Not knowing how, and not knowing

You won't get a loaf!

Well, to know more,

And also - be cured of laziness!

Don't waste your time!


And, perhaps, the oven is right!

I'll read the primer first!

Scene 5:


Our Vovka, albeit in a dream,

I fully understood the truth.

Wonderful lesson

Received our Vovka for future use.

What will happen when he

Finally wake up (sleep)


Little Johnny! You are sleeping again!


Oh, why are you shouting like that?


So you will sleep your whole life!


It was just a dream!

What can he mean!

I don’t want to sleep anymore!

I want to be able and know everything!


A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

After all, it is not for nothing that they say

Having received such a lesson,

We will study.


We are terribly curious

Pardon the weirdo

What we don't know

We will know for sure.


How many colors are there in the world

And bright lights

How many fairy tales are there in the world

And loyal friends.


Everything is complicated and simple

And mysteriously in it,

And we will find answers to all questions.


Look at this world!

It was not invented by us.

Let's paint the world of childhood

Bright pencils.

He's as naive as a child

And his eyes are clear.

The world of boys and girls

Peace and kindness fairy tales!

Final song "Visiting the Fairy Tale".

PHONOGRAM: In an ordinary city. On an ordinary street. In an ordinary library, an unusual story once happened!

The librarian comes out.

LIBRARY: If you're looking for fun,
If you howl from idleness!
Stop jumping and jumping
Stop running and yelling!
Better to take a book from the shelf,
Sit down quietly and read!

Sits down at the table. 1 girl appears, her face is covered by a wide book, she does not see where she is going, moves to the table and sits on the table, the librarian gets up and coughs hinting that the girl get off the table. The girl turns away, the librarian moves in the direction where the girl turned and repeats the cough again, the girl sits down at the table, the librarian knocks on the table. The girl snuggles up to the librarian.

GIRL 1: Horror! Never give me such a book again !!! (runs away)

Three boys appear, they shout at interruption.

BOYS: Give us a detective - "Bony Hand" !!! (one repels the other)

BOY 1: Give me the "Bony Hand" I really need it !!!

BOY 2: No, give it to me! I need it more!

BOY 3: The bony hand is mine!

LIBRARY: Unfortunately, all copies of The Bony Hand have run out, but according to my information, there is still one book left in the neighboring library!

BOYS (screaming): She's mine !!! (run away)

2 girl appears. She is dressed in her mother's clothes - high-heeled shoes, she is clearly too big, a hat, glasses.

GIRL 2: Please give me the book - Passionate Love!

LIBRARY: This is an adult book!

GIRL 2: Don't you see that I am an adult!

She makes a circle around the table, demonstrating how adult she is! The librarian pokes the girl with her finger, she falls, the shoes remain in her hands, the girl leaves crying.

Vovka appears with a book of fairy tales. The music is over.

VOVKA: Hello, do you have any more fairy tales? Preferably with pictures.

LIBRARY: I have a much more interesting book for you. Here, it's called "Do it Yourself"!

VOVKA: Well, no! All by myself. Go to school, teach lessons, solve problems! I don’t want to do anything myself! Whether it's in fairy tales: ask what you want! Everything will come true !!!

LIBRARY: Then you just need to get to the Far Away Kingdom. Do you remember there was such a kingdom in a fairy tale!

VOVKA: Are you kidding me, aunt! How will I get into the book !!!

LIBRARY: Look, stand here. What do you see?
(Vovka notices his shadow)

VOVKA: It's my shadow!

LIBRARY: Now I'll take a miracle pencil and outline your shadow. And this little Vovka will live in a book, you understand, only little boys can live in books, but you and him are the same, aren't you?

VOVKA: Fact! Are you a sorceress?

LIBRARY: No. What are you, I just regularly read the book "Do it yourself"! Well, go, buddy !!!

The music of transformation sounds. A poster unfolds on the wall depicting a large book of fairy tales. Vovka gets into the Fairy Tale! Wears a caftan and a hat.

VOVKA: Wow, that's great !!!

The Tsar appears, without a crown, with a molar brush and a bucket. He approaches the poster, which depicts a book with gates to a fairy tale, and begins to paint them and sing a song:

I have mountain cakes!
And there is what to eat and what to drink.
But I paint, I paint fences
So as not to be branded as a parasite!

VOVKA: Tsar! And the king !?

KING: Oh, Lord! (music sounds - commotion, in which the Tsar puts on the crown and sits on the throne, which is carried out by two servants.)
Oh! How frightened I was! I really thought who took our tales to read! And I am in this form!

VOVKA: No, it's me! Why are you painting the fence, you are the Tsar !? You are supposed to do nothing!

KING: I know, but you will die of idleness even out of boredom!

VOVKA: You don't understand anything about the Tsar's life! Tsar, you want cake, you want ice cream, and he paints the fence!

KING: Oh, that's it! A parasite, then you have come? Hey guards! Chop off his head!

The guards menacingly attacked Vovka, who backed away. Musical accent sounds. The LIBRARY appears and turns this page of the Fairy Tale, running from one end to the other. The song "Sea - Sea" is played. On the right side, two people unfold a blue fabric that personifies - the sea. An Old Woman appears with a broken trough.

VOVKA (acting out that he escaped from the guards and ended up on another page): Brrrr! Hello grandma! I would like to see the Goldfish!

OLD WOMAN: Yes, here it is, the sea, next to it. You would ask my dear, the fish has a trough!

VOVKA: Well, yes, first give you a trough, and then a washing machine ... You will do it! (Vovka turned to the sea) Hey, Goldfish? Don't you hear, or what? I want you to….

VOVKA: Study again! I do not want!

VASILIS THE WISE: (in turn) Then you, you see, need to go to the Far-away Kingdom there. Two from the casket - identical from the face. Whatever you order, they will do everything for you! (together) Go straight, go like a tablecloth!

The music of transformation sounds. The LIBRARY appears and turns this page of the Fairy Tale, running from one end of the stage to the other. Music of the appearance of two. Two appear from the casket - identical from the face.

VOVKA: Are you really going to do everything for me?

TWO: (barked) AHA!

VOVKA: Well, then, make me some cakes, (Two bend his fingers) What do you want me to do, and will you bend your fingers?

TWO: It will be done!
Cheerful music sounds, on which Two are thrown by fake sweets. Vovka runs across the stage with his mouth open and tries to catch these sweets, but he can't!

VOVKA: Stop, stop! What are you? And will you eat candy for me?

TWO: (with dismay) AHA!

VOVKA: Well, no! Then get out back!

Music of the appearance of Two, they disappear.

PHONOGRAM: Who are hot pies with jam, cabbage, meat….

VOVKA: (runs and looks behind the curtain) Pechka1 Give me something to eat soon! I'm hungry!

PHONOGRAM: Please! Just chop wood, melt me, and knead the dough!

VOVKA: Well, two of the casket - the same from the face, chop wood, knead the dough!

Cheerful music sounds, in which Two are running after the props - firewood and a bucket with an ax. One chops the dough, and the other kneads the wood!

VOVKA: Stop, stop! Yes, that's not how everything should be done! On the contrary! Got it?

TWO: (barked) AHA!

Cheerful music sounds. The two changed places.

VOVKA: Stop, stop! Give me myself!

Cheerful music sounds. Vovka kneads the dough and firewood carries everything backstage. On the soundtrack there is a hiss and an explosion, Vovka flies out with black pies.

VOVKA: What is this !? Black !?

PHONOGRAM: Well, why are you frowning? Help yourself, bake it yourself, eat it yourself!

VOVKA: Thank you, I don’t want something!

TWO: laugh

VOVKA: What are you laughing at ?! Do you think that I do not know how to do anything, like you?

TWO: (barked) AHA!

The music of transformation sounds. The LIBRARY appears and tosses the Do It Yourself book to Vovka

VOVKA: Yes, I'll prove it to you now! I want to do everything so - even a tub. At least a trough! (Runs backstage, sounds - work with instruments. All the characters go on stage and look behind the scenes.
Vovka takes out the trough.

OLD WOMAN: Fathers! Didn't Goldfish take pity?

VOVKA: No, Granny - it's me myself!

OLD WOMAN: Well done! And now the building is for me a hut!

VOVKA: I can't do that yet!

ALL: laugh.


(Everyone stopped laughing)

VOVKA: Come on, let's read how they make huts here!

LIBRARY: If you want something to do,
You must try hard
So that the people do not begin to laugh!
Don't be afraid, don't be shy
Go to the bookshelf!
Take a book off the shelf
You will find any answer in it!

Cheerful music sounds - bows !!!




"V Y P U S K N I K - Sh O U"

"Vovka in the Far Away Kingdom"






KURSK - 2010

The event is held on the holiday of the Last Bell for 11 grades. The participants - artists are the graduates themselves. This costume show is a gift to school and teachers.

The stage is themed and decorated with balloons. On the walls, besides the balls, there are comic announcements (see appendix).

The participants are dressed in fabulous costumes according to their roles.


Please send me a bottle of sunflower oil: the side lay. Gingerbread man.

The false jaw is lost. I will gil the one who found and returned. Koschei the Deathless.

I am looking for an effective remedy for moths, as the flying machine is out of order. Old Man Hottabych.

A lonely dreamer, height 12 meters, weight 4 tons, will give fiery love to a tender three-headed girlfriend. Zmey Gorynych.


Yesterday I didn’t think about what school means to me. This is a special world in which an atmosphere of kindness and cooperation reigns. This is a world of communication! It is so multifaceted - it contains my friends, my teachers ... It was here that I realized that in any situations the most important thing is to remain human. It was here that we discovered ourselves, believed in our strength, and made our dreams come true. Yesterday it was my world ...

Graduates come out and sing all together (K. Orbakaite "The world in which I live."

SONG "The World I Live In"

The world I live in

School called.

Do you want me to take you with me,

He to all smiles .

Will give he you love,

Will teach he you laugh,

Look, colorful rain

The wind sings with inspiration.

You didn't even notice that you were walking along the rainbow

Into my world, how beautiful and bright it is!

Will give he you love ,

Will teach he you laugh,

You will forget about sadness and pain

You will swim in the clouds.

The phonogram of the melody from the program "Visiting the Fairy Tale" ("Come to visit us as soon as possible") sounds. They take out the scenery: the fence.


One simple tale

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

We remember her from childhood,

Or maybe not from childhood,

Or maybe we don't remember

But let's remember.


Against the sky on earth

A man lived in one village.

There lived a man, and with him three sons.

The elder was smart,

The middle one was this and that,

The younger ... was called Vovka.


At 8.30, brothers go to school,

Only the bell rings cheerful,

They are already sitting at their desks,

They look at the teachers.


There is light outside the window of the sun

And he has no grief!

He sleeps and does not lead with his ear.

Won't go to school again?

- Sneaker, get up,

Get dressed, wash yourself!

And run to class soon.

- Yes, now I, well now ...

Vovka enters, holding the book "Fairy Tales"; examines pictures, on one of them - the king on the throne; admires.

- School, school! Lessons every day! What kind of person can withstand this ?! (Looks at the book)

- Here is the life of the king! Neither computer science nor physics. Just do, do nothing!

The king enters with a brush and a can of paint in his hands, paints the fence.

- Why are you painting the fence? You are the king!

- Why, you will die of boredom. And you, my dear, what do you like to mess around? Hey guards, chop off his head! Parasite…

Vovka is hiding and running away.

The scenery is changing. A picture is hung on the curtain - the sea and the Goldfish.

Rybka enters, Vovka runs out to the music of Y. Antonov "Sea, Sea".

- Hey, Goldfish! Can't you hear or what?

- What do you want? (sleepily)

- I want you to…

- What about? Have you weaved a net? Did you catch me? (throws it out).

- Wow, think about it! (runs away)

- What a bum! And as soon as they teach you at school ?!

Rybka reads a poem.

I woke up in a dark night

It was only three o'clock.

I was terribly scared

That the lesson has already begun.

I got dressed in two minutes

Grabbing a pencil case from the table.

Daddy ran after

At the door he caught up with me.

Woke up the whole apartment!

No one could fall asleep!

Even my grandmother dreamed

That she is repeating a lesson.

Only in vain did we worry.

When they approached the school,

Everyone around us was smiling

We had fun from the heart.

She stood on the porch.

This is how it is now!

Congratulated everyone on the holiday,

She invited us to school.

- Dear Elena Gennadievna, thank you for the kindness and soul that you have invested in us! Handing flowers

The scenery changes: three birches and birds are drawn. Three Vasilis the Wise come out (young men play their role).

- Who are you?

- We are Vasilis the Wise! We have a meeting of young Vasilis to exchange wisdom.

- Eh, I would also exchange some wisdom!

Ditties (singing by the Vasilis)

1. Oh, let's get us now

Let's look back.

Let's remember everything that happened to us

And we'll all smile.

2. How the lessons were dark

On our schedule,

Teachers to mind

Conducted by our efforts.

3. Oh, you are our Russian language,

We have no time for smiles:

To take the exam

Make no mistakes!

4. The world of literature is complex

We comprehend with difficulty.

We'd better watch a movie

Let's leave the text for later.

5. Mathematics - subject

Very entertaining

And the teacher for it -

Just wonderful!

6. Math is mine

Yes, science is exact.

We are to the subject of this

They were all eager.

7. We want to confess to you

Without much modesty,

That we will solve all the problems

Increased complexity.

8. Memory, logic, attention

They are important in everyone's life.

If we don't learn the formula,

At night we dream of you!

9. I love OBZH

Very, very strong

I look in chemical protection

Very sexy!

10. We have something to eat in the dining room

It is imperative.

To stand in line -

Little change!

11. A warm evening has come,

Everyone went out for a walk.

And we teach lessons at home,

We write exercises.

- I do not want! At school they teach - they teach, even here, in a fairy tale, they piled on!

- You, I see, need to go to the Far Away Kingdom.

- What did I not see there?

- And there are two from the casket, the same from the face. They will do everything for you.

- Wow! How to get there?

- You go straight and do not turn anywhere, run like a tablecloth!

A potpourri of songs about school life. Performed in groups of 2-3-5 people.

Song ("Song of the Bears")

Somewhere in this world

There is such a school,

Children study there

Everything there is in the world.

The teacher is spinning the globe

Sleep under the ice of the sea

The teacher is spinning the globe

I sleep in the lesson.


Sleep under the ice of the sea.


I sleep in the lesson.


If there is silence in the classroom

Flies don't fly

So we have physics,

Someone is being called.

If everyone rustled,

Know the teacher is moving

All cheat sheets must be hidden

And close all the books.

Physics teacher ("Apples in the Snow")

You write formulas on the blackboard carelessly,

Chalk touching gently black large board.

Formulas on the board ... they are so clear to you,

To us they are like white spots on the wall.

Formulas on the blackboard, formulas on the blackboard

You explained them to us, we could not understand,

The more we look at them,

The more we want to sleep.

Handing flowers

Scene "Exam".(3 students and a "teacher" are involved).

1 student. What is the exam now?

2 student. I do not remember. The main thing is that the last one.

3 student. Let us hear the question, and it will become clear.

Teacher. Well, a question for five. What exam are we taking today?

1st. Eh, the five fell off!

2nd. Out of luck again!

3rd (counting on fingers). They passed physics, literature too ...

Teacher. A question for four. Who wrote the tutorial?

1st. Writer.

2nd. Scientist.

3rd. A group of scientists.

Teacher. I see ... Question for three. What is my name?

1. You have a very beautiful name.

2. And your middle name is also beautiful.

3. And the surname. And you yourself are very ...

Teacher. Not bad. Last question. Where are we?

1. The main thing is that we like it here.

2. Because we are with you.

3. And all together - in our school!

Biology teacher ("Everything is fine, beautiful marquise")

And in our school there is such a teacher -

We are always interested with him.

We study fauna and flora

And we will never forget:

That worms live in the ground

And the fish swim in the water

The spider hunts flies

And the dog has a keen sense of smell.

That we contain water

But this, really, does not matter.

That we breathe oxygen

And we all grow from year to year.

Thank you very much for all this,

Our Olga Vasilievna!

Handing flowers


Here he goes along the forest path,

The boy's legs are tired.
Finally, before Vovka, the kingdom,

Cheerful state.

Vovka comes out, to meet - "two from the casket".

Hey, two from the casket, the same face!


    Hi. Are you really going to do everything for me?


    Well then ... Make me, firstly, cakes, and secondly, sweets ... and pass the exam for me, huh? ..

    Buit done! (Unwrap and eat candy)

    Will you eat candy for me? Then go back to the chest!

Advice from two graduates.

Councils for graduates.

    Always smile during exams. This will give you confidence and confuse examiners.

    Use the cheat sheet as a dangerous medicine: only in small doses.

    From time to time, cough into your fist and rub your heart area, hinting at poor health, undermined in preparation for exams. Thus, you will pity the teachers on the exam.

    If you feel that you cannot immediately answer a question, do not rush to report it. Let the examiners guess for themselves.

    And generally speaking. Don't think that teachers dream of failing your exam. After all, they love us very much and sincerely wish us only the best!


Computer science ... It burst into our lives like a hurricane. We got up with her, fell asleep with her ... And so from Monday to Thursday, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. But all this is after lessons, but on ...

Song for a computer science teacher ("It hurts, it hurts")

In a computer science lesson

Heart beats like a bird

It's dark and cold in the classroom

The class is like a dungeon.

Fall into the arms of darkness

And let's go where we don't know

Only you are to blame for this, only you, only you.

It hurts us, it hurts

How to leave quickly home?

So as not to hand over tickets to you creaking soul.

It hurts us, it hurts! You can't refrain from tears

The black wind of polls took away our happiness long ago!

Handing flowers


Physical education teacher

We had a particular passion for physical education lessons. It was before this lesson that everyone made amazing discoveries about their state of health. Here natural selection took place: all the frail and sick were sharply eliminated, and the strongest survived until the beginning of the lesson.

Two boys and two girls come out. The song is performed by young men.

Deep breath, wider arms,

Take your time, three, four,

Cheerfulness, grace and plasticity.

General strengthening, sobering in the morning,

If he is still alive, gymnastics.

If you are in the gym

Do not get tired of push-ups,

Start running and squatting.

Away from outside influences, study in silence,

Sport, alas, does not tolerate disregard.

The poem is read by girls.

Running in place. They closed their mouths.

We start three - four.

And for the tenth time in a row

On physical education we are going to pass the test.

And Olga Kontantinna is unaware,

Why are we late for class.

At the sight of a teacher, the heart beats fast,

And running with a heartbeat is so dangerous.

We are all in love with physical education,

But our love is secret

And, perhaps, sometimes it seems

She is very inconspicuous.

Handing flowers

Thanks to the OBZh subject and the teachers Sergei Kuzmich and Alexander Nikolaevich, we learned to shoot and march perfectly. We also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of service in the ranks of the Russian army. The exercises were held on the basis of Post No. 1.


Three recruits with backpacks. The ensign meets.

    And watchkeeping at Post No. 1 begins with the issuance of uniforms and with an acquaintance with the command staff. Comrades recruits! I have little time, so I will speak without thinking. Your surnames.




Ensign.- What are you, brothers or what?

They. No way!

He... Ah! Same names!

Ensign... Boots need to be cleaned in the evening in order to put them on with a fresh head in the morning. (Looks at the recruits) Do any of you know how to cook? You will be a cook! (Puts him a cap and an apron). Another one comes out in uniform, short trousers, a shirt dangling.

Rookie... Comrade Warrant Officer, look what you gave me. Pants only up to the knees, the shirt dangles, the sleeves are long, the boots slap! It's scary to watch.

Ensign. It's all right, Young Army soldier. A warrior must inspire fear.

Presentation of flowers.


Poem for a German teacher.Student reads

We had such a subject -

German is called.

And usually he is for us

And so it begins.

"Guten Tag! Liebe kinder!

Welker tag ist hoyte? "

Vera Tikhonovna,

Remembering how we learned German,

We'll be a little sad.

Goethe, Schiller and Heine

We will take it to life in our hearts.

We can understand a thing or two in German,

We can sing English songs

Life itself will offer us to finish teaching everything,

And today we can thank you.

Presentation of flowers. Tatyana Anatolyevna, Vera Tikhonovna, please accept it as a token of gratitude.

Song to head teachers ("The main thing is the weather in the house")

(Performed by two girls and a boy).

What is our first lesson today?

After all, I do not remember the schedule.

There is one sure way to find it out:

The administration will save me.

Most importantly -

Principal at the school

And the head teacher is also a head,

Only can help us all

Favorite administration.

Poem for the head teacher

Read by a graduate

We bow to Olga Sergeevna.

Who among us is not in love with you?

You are sincere and strict

And yet you are smart.

Know, our 11th grade will not forget you.

Zinaida Egorovna will have to work hard

And to bypass the school many times,

So that among boys and girls

Find a worthy replacement for us.

Elena Gennadevna supervised us

All the years spent here at school.

We felt your master's eye,

That I saw disorder and adversity.

Handing flowers

Words to the director

Read by a young man

Elena Vasilievna! As you want,

And we all believe that you are our patron,

Our guardian and our comforter,

And if necessary, then our patron.

To argue together at school work -

Everything is your mother's concern.

More luck to you, less excesses,

So that the matter is argued in the educational process.

Song to the director ("Invite the Lady to Dance" by Pugachev)

Performed by young men

We speak to you in the morning

Words of thanks -

The kindest, smartest, most strict.

We confess now

To you in my great love.

You came to us for a lesson -

Hurry, ring, bell!

Look, look, look!

This is an outstanding teacher.

Everything is sophisticated, fashionable, and blush, and slender.

She has succeeded in a director's post - yes.

We spent here with you

How many days can be counted.

We studied, well, and you led.

We grew imperceptibly

And we came to the finale.

So take a look at us

We are your best edition!

Handing flowers

Vovka comes out. There is a stove (a disguised graduate).

For whom are hot pies, with cabbage, with jam?

    Oh, stove! Give me something to eat, huh?

    Yes please! Just chop wood first, melt the oven and knead the dough.

    Is it that I owe it myself? Eh, I would only be able to do this! It's good that we had technology lessons at school!

To the labor teacher. ("Not even rustles are heard in the garden")

Not a rustle is heard in the workshops,

Because it's noisy here.

We saw it and we hammer it,

Our class will fix everything at school.

In the summer, we did repairs at the school,

We pasted wallpaper everywhere.

It's good that there is a lesson from work,

We love him very much!

Presenting flowers to Galina Nikolaevna and Vladimir Ivanovich


If the school is our second home, then the class teacher is the second mother. We were lucky because we had as many as four mothers: Tatyana Vladimirovna, Maria Ivanovna, Natalya Vasilievna and Rimma Vladimirovna! And, as expected, each of them put in us a piece of her kindness, love, her heart. And it is thanks to them that we have become so beautiful and smart!

How much effort they spent to unite us into one friendly family! How much energy and patience it took them to stop us from truant! But how many interesting things we did together and how many letters we received!

Thank you, dear ones, for everything!


Song ("Quadrille") (Two sing, two dance)

Russians know everything

Vanyushi, Tanya, Mani,

That all the work at school is

Hard, nervous work.

But still not in vain.

The class leader,

For you, as for a banner,

The disciples are walking.

Active, perky,

Serious, agile

Always beautiful in everything

You are great mothers!

Although they are similar in some way,

But you are different,

No one can tell

Who is the best of you.

But there is, which is very important,

Zest for each

And everyone is sick

For your favorite class!

Final verses Read by three in turn

1. The teacher is a fabulous person.

And he is fabulously modest, gentlemen,

Severity and tact is inherent in him,

And he never seeks benefits.

2. The language of someone else's resentment and sadness

The teacher understands from a young age

He was taught to inspire hope -

And this is his main subject.

3. Forgive us teachers,

For the tears that were shed for us,

For an evil prank and an unfinished lesson.
For all the joy that we did not give you.

PoetryGirl reading

Once a first grader - a boy,

Coming home from school for the first time

The parents asked: “How are you?

Did you like your first class? "

The son said to his parents in response:

- Did you like it? But these are all details.

So what didn't you tell me right away,

That they have been going to school for 10 years ?!

And 10 years have passed faster than a fairy tale,

The boy did not have time to look back -

And there is no teacher's pointer in the hands,

Chalk worn down to the last crumb.


So Vovka became a man. After all, the school teaches and educates.

School means teachers and students, school curricula and textbooks.

These are the caretaker, technical workers, and cooks.

School is absolutely everything, the whole world ...

Yesterday it was our world ...

Final song (all graduates come out and sing together)

The school world won't repeat itself

My soul suddenly became empty.

It's time for us to say goodbye

And there is a reason for sadness

After all, others are already being pumped

Our school swing.

School, school, we miss

How quickly we matured!

And notes with doves - Chorus

They come to us from childhood,

Disturbing our memory

There is no escape from them.

It's a pity that these years of childhood

They will not return to us,

But your dear faces

They remain in our heart!

We studied, we fell in love

We shared secrets with you

These ten years have flown by

The farewell bell rang.

Open the doors in September

You are already to the other guys.

School, school, we don't believe

That everything is gone forever.



    Phonogram of the song "My World" by K. Orbakaite (words by N. Platitsyna, music in Sushko).

    Soundtrack of the song "Quadrille" (lyrics by E. Temnikova, music by V. Temnov).

    Phonogram of the song “Even rustles are not heard in the garden” (words by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy).

    Phonogram of A. Pugacheva's song "Invite the Lady to Dance" (lyrics by D. Rubin, music by A. Ivanov).

    Soundtrack of L. Dolina's song "Weather in the House" (lyrics by M. Tanich, music by R. Gorobets).

    Phonogram of V. Vysotsky's song "Charging" (lyrics and music by V. Vysotsky).

    Soundtrack of V. Kazachenko's song "It hurts me, it hurts" (words by S. Kuznetsov, music by A. Rozanov).

    Phonogram of L. Utesov's song "Everything is good, beautiful marquise" (words by A. Bezymensky, music by Ray Ventura).

    Phonogram of M. Muromov's song "Apples in the Snow" (lyrics by A. Dementyev, music by M. Muromov).

    Phonogram of the song "Song of Bears" (lyrics by L. Derbenev, music by A. Zatsepin).

    Soundtrack of the melody from the TV show "Visiting the Fairy Tale" (author unknown).