HPV 53 types in men. Human papillomavirus typology (HPV types). Callus-like warts

Can HPV be permanently cured? More than half of the world's population is carriers of the human papillomavirus, a third of them have growths on the skin or mucous membranes - clinical manifestations of the activation of the virus in the body. Over the past few decades, the number of HPV carriers has increased 10 times. For a long time, warts have not been regarded as an exclusively aesthetic problem - scientists have proven that a harmless growth can cause the formation of malignant tumors, cervical cancer in women or genital organs in men. Even the latent course of the disease requires constant monitoring.

Varieties of human papillomavirus

More than 600 varieties of the virus are known. Some of them are completely harmless to humans, others cause warts, there is a group of strains of papillomaviruses that provoke cancer. More than 40 types mainly affect the genitals in both sexes.

According to the likelihood of developing cancer, experts divide human papillomaviruses into several types. Strains 1-3, 5 are considered absolutely safe when viewed from the standpoint of the development of cancer. Strains 6, 11, 42-44 can provoke malignant cell mutations only in some cases and not very often.

But the types of human papillomavirus numbered 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 68, 56, 58, 70 have a high oncogenic risk, and in the presence of some provoking factors, they can cause cancer with a high degree of probability.

HPV types 16 and 18 are the most common cause of malignant tumors. Moreover, even the presence of a human papillomavirus with a high oncogenic risk in the body is not a sentence. It has been proven that the presence of human papillomavirus in the blood actually increases the likelihood of malignant cell mutations and the development of oncology by 60 times. However, no more than one percent of women carrying HPV type 18 or 16 are diagnosed with uterine cancer.

Clinical manifestations of HPV infection

HPV infection can manifest itself in clinical, subclinical or latent forms and, depending on the type of virus, have different symptoms.

Thus, papillomavirus types 1-4 are the cause of the formation of plantar warts, similar to common calluses, the manifestations of HPV 10, 49, 28 are flat papillomas, 27 are common warts. The genitals infect strains 11, 13, 6, 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35, and HPV numbers 58, 53, 39, 40, 43, 67-70 and some others cause the appearance of skin rashes that are precancerous.

As for the forms of the disease, the clinical one is characterized by the appearance of papillomas - common warts or genital warts, sometimes when infected with several types of HPV, a patient may have several types of warts at once.

The latent form does not manifest itself in any way, and the papillomavirus can be detected only with the help of molecular biological research methods. The subclinical form of the course of the disease is characterized by the appearance of flat papillomas, which are not visible to the naked eye and do not rise above the skin surface.

The main manifestation of HPV is the appearance of papillomas - single or group-forming growths on the skin or mucous membranes. Neoplasms may not cause any perfect discomfort, but sometimes their appearance is accompanied by itching, burning, painful sensations.

In addition, HPV type 16 can cause the disease "bowenoid papulosis", accompanied by skin rashes, indicating the appearance of cell mutations. The rash rises slightly above the surface of the skin, is pink, yellowish, or whitish in color, and most often appears on the thighs or in the vulva.

How does the infection take place?

Infection with papillomavirus type 16 occurs mainly through sexual contact with a carrier of the disease. Moreover, infection is possible with anal or oral sex, and with kissing (that is, with contact of mucous membranes). Experts say that papillomavirus can be transmitted even during intercourse using a condom, but contraception still significantly reduces the risk of infection.

The so-called vertical transmission of the virus is widespread, i.e. from an infected mother to a baby during its passage through the birth canal. Contact-household transmission of the disease is less common, but there is still some level of danger. It is very difficult to get HPV just by touching an infected person, but doctors do not exclude this route of infection. Fortunately, less than 1% of those infected with human papillomavirus type 16 are ill with ordinary touch.

It is believed that women who are sexually active are more susceptible to infection than males. Experts also refer to the risk factors that provoke the development of the disease:

  • weakening of the body's immune defenses;
  • frequent change of sexual partners, casual relationships;
  • the presence of other diseases (both STIs and diseases of other organs and systems);
  • pregnancy, gynecological surgery.

The activation of HPV 16 and the appearance of papillomas, as a rule, causes a decrease in immunity. As soon as the body's immune defenses are weakened due to previous diseases, taking certain medications, unbalanced diet, frequent stress, bad habits or other factors, the virus can provoke the appearance of growths on the skin.

Why is the human papillomavirus dangerous?

The statement that if the disease does not cause discomfort, then it is not necessary to treat it fundamentally wrong, especially for an infection such as the human papillomavirus.

The latent form of the disease, although it does not manifest itself, however, requires constant monitoring by a specialist.

HPV type 16 can cause serious complications, up to cell mutation and the development of malignant tumors. In women, erosion of the cervix is \u200b\u200bpossible, in men, pointed papillomas may appear on the foreskin, glans or frenulum.

In the latter case, surgical intervention may be required, because such neoplasms complicate not only sexual activity, but also personal hygiene measures.

For women, genital warts can cause some discomfort during pregnancy (for example, profuse discharge), but in most cases they do not threaten the bearing of a healthy child. Papillomavirus during pregnancy is not treated, since drug therapy for women "in position" is contraindicated. There are exceptions when papillomas can grow to such an extent that they close the birth canal and prevent natural childbirth.

Diagnostics and treatment

HPV diagnosis involves, first of all, an examination of the patient's skin and mucous membranes of those organs that are most susceptible to the appearance of papillomas.

Determination of the disease in women includes a gynecological examination, examination of a scraping taken from the cervix, DNA testing and other methods, the need for which is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

The most commonly used drug or destructive therapy. The medicinal method involves the use of antiviral drugs in the form of tablets, injections, ointments and gels, in combination with immunomodulatory drugs. Destructive therapy is the removal of skin growths in various ways. A surgical method, cryotherapy, radio wave or laser therapy is used, small papillomas in some cases are removed with the help of special medications (based on acid or alkali) for external use.

Can HPV Get Rid Of Permanently?

The papillomavirus infects many people, the rate of spread of the disease is growing, so the question of whether HPV can be cured forever remains relevant.

Experts say that it will be possible to completely get rid of the virus and its manifestations only at a young age.

But even in this case, only a strong immune defense of the body can save, and not drug therapy. In half of young people who find warts, neoplasms disappear without a trace after some time on their own, while the rest again face the disease later, even if they were treated in their youth.

Is it possible to cure the human papillomavirus permanently if the infection occurred after 30 years? In this case, it will not be possible to completely cure HPV, the virus will remain in the body and, under favorable circumstances, can be reactivated.

Is it possible to cure papillomas, i.e. external manifestations of the virus? Complex therapy is not only possible, but highly recommended. For patients who were infected in adulthood, experts also recommend preventive measures and regular monitoring. Women with HPV should definitely visit a gynecologist at least once a year, and preferably once every 3-4 months.

There is a vaccine for HPV, but the vaccine is only effective for vaccinating girls aged 10-11. For girls who received the vaccine after the onset of sexual activity, prevention is no longer so effective in preventing infection and the development of the disease. Moreover, if the virus is already present in the body, then vaccination may not prevent the intensification of the disease.

Diagnostics of the human papillomavirus: photos, development, treatment methods in men and women

The papillomavirus is a group of viruses with about 24 subgroups. To date, about 600 species have been discovered. It is transmitted only from person to person. Many people and doctors face the problem of diagnosing and treating the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus is able to give impetus to tumor processes, is found on the skin, in the esophagus, on the mucous membranes of the mouth, in the bronchi, conjunctiva and even in the rectum.

Causes of appearance and ways of infection

Human papillomavirus is a very common disease transmitted by:

  • during sexual intercourse;
  • when touched, kissed;
  • through scratches or cuts when visiting a pool, bathhouse, public toilets or gym;
  • when shaving or epilating.

Statistics say that even with one partner, women become infected in 20% of cases.

About 70% of the population are ill and are carriers of HPV. The virus is especially actively transmitted from patients on whose body there are warts (it is this virus that causes them to appear) in the form of pointed or flat uneven growths on the skin and genitals. In medicine, they are called condylomas and papillomas.

Possible infection of newborns from the mother during childbirth. In babies, the disease manifests itself in the form of growths in the throat or on the genitals.

Symptoms and development of the virus

The latent period of the disease (incubation) can last from two weeks to several years. There are no visible signs of the virus at this time.

The appearance of warts on the skin can occur gradually and one at a time, but it is also possible that a multitude of warts or papillomas rapidly grow at once, similar in shape to seaweed.

If the infection was sexually transmitted, then the human papillomavirus manifests itself in women:

  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe labia;
  • vagina;
  • cervix;

in men:

  • around the head of the penis;
  • on the skin of the genitals.

When partners are infatuated with oral sex, the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat are affected, for lovers of anal sex - the anus, rectum.

Men rarely suffer from the disease, although they may be carriers. When examining spouses, the virus is found more often in women.

Classification and types

To date, about 600 types of the virus have been discovered. They are mostly harmless and disappear within two years after infection in the presence of normal immunity in the body. However, about 40 species are dangerous to humans, causing neoplasms, both benign and oncological.

In the 80s of the last century, doctors proved the relationship of HPV infection with cervical cancer.

The following types of virus are classified according to the site of skin lesions and varieties:

  • plantar;
  • "Butcher's warts";
  • ordinary;
  • flat.

On the genitals:

  • genital warts;
  • flat, provoking changes in the surface of the cervical membrane and causing oncology;
  • papillomas, which cause cancer of the genitals and anus, both women and men.

Other types:

  • damage to the oral mucosa;
  • papillomas of the respiratory tract;
  • tumors of the neck, head, lungs.


  • Simple papillomas appear on the back of the palms, and in children they can grow on the knees. They look like rough bump-like growths.
  • Plantar - interfere with walking, look at the beginning as shiny growths, then grow to a wart with a rim at the base. Growing up, they form a whole bunch of such formations.
  • Flat - they differ little in color from the skin, but cause itching, redness, and discomfort.
  • Filamentous. In medicine, they are called acrochords. They appear more often in people over 50. At first, they look like yellowish bumps, growing, they form growths up to 6 mm.

When warts appear in visible areas, a sick person can himself go to a medical institution for diagnosis and treatment. It is more difficult to determine the damage to the cervix or vagina, especially if women neglect visits to the gynecologist.

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Virus diagnostics

If suspicious growths appear on the skin or mucous membranes in the form of papilla-like (condylomas) or uneven bumpy warts, you should definitely consult a doctor. Condylomas do not cause cancer as often as flat papillomas, but it is better to remove them to reduce the likelihood of infection in people around.

Due to the possibility of developing cancer, such neoplasms are being investigated.

The doctor takes an analysis for the human papillomavirus - scraping from the surface of the mucous membrane (colposcopy in case of damage to the cervix - examining the mucous membrane under strong magnification) or skin. The sample is examined under a microscope for changes in tissue structure (dysplasia), as well as for determining the type of virus.

Cervical smears are divided into 5 classes according to the results of cytological examination:

  • no changes;
  • the changes are caused by inflammatory processes;
  • there are minor changes in the structure of cells, histology is required;
  • cells with signs of malignant changes were found;
  • there are many cells with signs of oncology.

Histological examination gives a more detailed picture of changes in tissue structure.

Clinics use special HPV tests that allow more accurate analysis results. A positive test result indicates the occurrence of malignant processes in the tissue.

HPV is of high oncogenic risk. A high risk of cancer is caused by human papillomavirus types 16 and 18, which are found in 70% of cases.

Based on the results of the examination, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

HPV treatment methods

How is human papillomavirus treated? In connection with the decrease in immunity caused by the disease, first of all, doctors prescribe medications that contribute to its increase:

  • interferons (reaferon, cycloferon);
  • interferonogens (prodigiosan, poludan);
  • indinol - forto.

But the main treatment is considered to be the mandatory removal of neoplasms by the methods of modern cosmetology:

  • diathermoelector coagulation;
  • cryodestruction ("burning" with liquid nitrogen);
  • laser removal;
  • radio or chemical treatment;
  • introduction of immunostimulants or immunomodulators into the growths.

In each case of the disease, the types of treatment must be determined by a specialist.

If, according to the results of the examination, no pathological processes in the skin are found, then only papillomas with a small area of \u200b\u200bskin around are removed. If malignant cells are found, the operation can cover a significant area, depending on the depth of the lesion.

Folk methods and recipes

How to cure human papillomavirus? At all times, traditional medicine has helped fight diseases. The experience in treating HPV is also quite extensive.

  • celandine juice;
  • sour apple juice and pomace;
  • dandelion juice;
  • ammonia.

Proven recipes:

  • Prepare an infusion of chaga, celandine, string, freeze it and apply pieces of ice 3-4 times a day.
  • Lubricate with castor oil, then cover with a cloth. Usually 5-6 such procedures are enough.
  • Kerosene and walnuts. Grind unripe nuts in a meat grinder, then mix: for 1 part of nuts - 2 parts of kerosene, the mixture should be infused for three weeks. Smear warts 2 times a day.
  • potato juice,
  • infusion of echinacea,
  • rosehip tea.

Collection of herbs:

  • dandelion roots, nettle, lemon balm, horsetail, plantain;
  • wormwood, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, dill (seeds), calamus (roots), clover (flowers), plantain.

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Treating HPV at home

You can remove papillomas at home using drugs sold in pharmacies:

  • Cryopharma is a special compound that freezes warts. It must be applied carefully so that it does not come into contact with healthy skin. After the procedure, after about a week, the growths will disappear without leaving any traces.
  • Treatment with special sticky strips. Takes only 3 hours. But it can cause unpleasant or painful sensations when tearing off.
  • Verrukacid - destroys neoplasms, but after application, the wounds heal for a long time.
  • 2.5 grams of aspirin powder, the same amount of iodine, 2 grams of boric acid, dilute in 100 ml of alcohol and smear these with papillomas.

Prevention of infection

And yet, do not forget about the viral nature of the appearance of unpleasant growths. Removing papillomas from the skin surface, it will not be possible to get rid of the disease. Therefore, you should see a specialist in order to prevent the degeneration of neoplasms into cancer. It is not yet possible to completely cure HPV, but measures can be taken not to get infected.

For prevention you need:

  • use condoms for casual sex. The condom does not completely protect against HPV infection, since it does not cover the entire surface of the skin from contact, but it still partially helps to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Avoid visiting baths, swimming pools, toilets, even with the smallest wounds on the skin.
  • Vaccination of children against cervical cancer, which is caused by the HPV virus, has begun in Russia. Girls 11-12 years old are vaccinated. Vaccination results have shown a reduction in this disease in women who received the vaccine with a drug called Gardasil.

However, the Japanese abandoned the papilloma virus vaccine until the end of the research because of the many dangerous side effects.

How to cure the human papillomavirus ?!

Every sixth person is a carrier of papillomavirus - this is indicated in the WHO data. The human papillomavirus is transmitted by contact, including sexually. Occasionally in medical practice, cases of household HPV infection were recorded. Infection can occur during childbirth in a vertical way (from mother to baby).

At first glance, the carriage of papillomavirus may not seem dangerous. A person only complains about the appearance of warts on the body and mucous membranes.

These benign neoplasms can form anywhere on the body:

  • face;
  • under the breast;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the genitals;
  • on the mucous membranes of internal organs, mouth and nasal cavity.

Lack of therapy, with HPV, is fraught with the development of malignant tumors on the genitals of men and women. The activity of the virus contributes to the development of cancer of the larynx and oral cavity.

The papillomavirus does not affect the course of pregnancy. But during this period, expectant mothers may observe an increase in the number of warts (genital warts) or their unexpected disappearance. Accumulation of large warts in the genital tract and on the cervix of the uterus threatens with severe bleeding and difficulty in labor.

The most dangerous complications of infection during pregnancy include the risk of infection of the fetus while passing through the genital tract. After giving birth, the baby of an infected mother develops a polyposis of the respiratory tract. However, there were also cases when the infection in children disappeared a few months after birth.

Caesarean section slightly reduces the risk of infection in the newborn. Experts insist on such an intervention if there is a massive accumulation of genital warts in the genital tract of a woman in labor or if it is impossible to deliver naturally.

Conservative therapy in the treatment of papillomavirus

How is human papillomavirus treated? Helping the patient begins with the appointment of conservative therapy.

If the wart or condyloma has not degenerated into a malignant tumor, the doctor's main focus is on drugs that affect cells with the HPV genome.

As for immunomodulators, their use becomes possible only after establishing the patient's immune status and determining the sensitivity of immune cells to specific medications. Prescribing antiherpetic drugs is meaningless, since they are not able to improve the condition of a person with papillomavirus carriage.

Usually, specialists prescribe to treat the infection:

  1. specific antiviral drugs (Alpizarin);
  2. inducers of interferon synthesis (Ridostin, Neovir, Tamerit, Immunofan);
  3. drugs based on interferon (Reaferon, KIPferon, Cycloferon, Viferon);
  4. Indole is a substance with anticarcinogenic effects;
  5. nonspecific immunomodulators (Derinat, Likopid, Wobenzym).

For the treatment of papillomavirus infection, Isoprinosine is prescribed. Its active ingredient is a purine derivative, which has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Children are treated with them after 3 years of age. Indications for prescribing the drug are the presence of papillomas on the vocal cords, genitals and larynx, fibrotic manifestations of human papillomavirus infection, cytomegalovirus infection, etc.

People suffering from human papillomavirus - reviews of Isoprinosine leave positive. Following the dosages prescribed by the doctor, it is really possible to achieve the disappearance of papillomas.

To strengthen the immune system at home, tea is brewed from hop cones, oregano herb, motherwort, linden blossom, lemon balm, coriander seeds and marsh creeper, valerian roots. The crushed components are taken in an amount of 1 tbsp. l. each, poured into a thermos and poured over 2 cups of boiling water. The next morning the drink is ready to drink. They drink it 4 r. per day in equal portions.

Hardware procedures in the treatment of HPV

The symptoms of human papillomavirus infection are warts, papillomas, condylomas. They get rid of them with the help of electro- and chemical coagulation, cryodestruction. Removal of papillomas is possible through radio and laser therapy.

How to cure human papillomavirus? Chemical coagulation is carried out with Solkovagin and Solkoderm drugs.

They are good for treating manifestations of papillomavirus on the vaginal mucosa and on the cervix. These medicines are a mixture of organic and inorganic acids, but they are only effective for removing single genital warts. The procedure is approved for the treatment of nulliparous women. But along with its effectiveness, it is worth noting the average pain and the possible formation of scars.

Cryodestruction, or the treatment of neoplasms with low-temperature liquid nitrogen, is fast and painless. When single genital warts are removed from the cervix, scars may remain on it.

What to do if the human papillomavirus manifests itself - through the appearance of flat and draining warts on the skin? In this case, doctors use a surgical laser. The device facilitates the removal of growths at any depth without consequences - scarring and scars. Complications of the procedure can be bleeding and narrowing of the cervical canal of the uterus.

The priority area in HPV therapy belongs to the Gardasil vaccine. The drug is capable of defeating even types of the virus with high oncogenicity. The vaccine minimizes the risk of cancer and speeds up the production of immune memory. This means that under its influence, protective antibodies are produced, which were present in the body before infection.

The radiosurgical method for treating the manifestations of papillomavirus is performed by the Surgitron apparatus. Along with the removal of condyloma, the specialist conducts coagulation of the vessels. The excised element is obligatorily subjected to histological examination.

Finally, the scalpel is an old reliable tool for removing severe dysplasia. The technique is the least gentle when compared with previous treatment options. However, in terms of reliability, it is not inferior to laser therapy.

The appearance of papillomas in intimate places (on the genitals, in the anus and on the skin of the perineum) can deliver a lot of unacceptable minutes to a person.

Despite the fact that the direct cause of the disease is the penetration into the body of one or several varieties of the papillomatosis virus, this pathological process differs from typical papillomas in several features.

Features of papillomas in the intimate area

  1. Firstly, this variant of the disease is highly infectious - the risk of contracting an infection from a sexual partner, on whose skin there are these benign neoplasms, is close to 100%.
  2. Secondly, it is against the background of papillomas in intimate places that malignant neoplasms develop - studies have argued that it is against the background of warts (papillomas) that cervical cancer often develops in women.

Nevertheless, representatives of both sexes have the same probability of infection - both men and women can find these neoplasms on their skin in intimate areas, which protrude above the surface of healthy skin.

In case of accidental injury, pain, bleeding, discomfort may appear, which inevitably provokes psychoemotional stress.

The likelihood that the patient himself will "transfer" a viral infection from another area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is negligible, while the likelihood of the spread of the virus over the surface of the body from the genitals and adjacent areas is high.

Experts explain this feature of the spread of the human papillomatosis virus (HPV) by the fact that the skin on the genitals is thinner and prone to trauma, therefore the virus easily penetrates into the epithelium and becomes fixed in it.

Why do papillomas appear in intimate places

In an inactive form, the virus can exist in the body indefinitely - its active reproduction and spread begins at the moment when the status of the immune system changes.

The virus remains in the body, actively multiplies and is excreted from the body - on underwear or bedding, in a humid environment the pathogen can persist for a very long time.

The papillomatosis virus can also be transmitted with common items that a sick person used shortly before a healthy person took this item - the pathogen can be "picked up" in the bath and sauna, in the public pool (in the shower or locker room).

In addition, the papillomatosis virus is actively transmitted during sexual contacts (both traditional and all types of unconventional sex) when one of the sexual partners is infected with the pathogen.

The papillomatosis virus can be associated with any sexually transmitted pathogens (Trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasmas, genital herpes virus, spirochetes and other representatives of the microbial and viral flora).

The factors that activate the "dormant" infection can be:

  • physical or psychological stress;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • suppression of immunity during pregnancy;
  • chemotherapy (regardless of the reason);
  • long-term use of birth control pills or contraceptives containing hormones (spirals, vaginal ring).

Symptoms of papillomas in intimate places

In addition to the fact that benign neoplasms themselves can cause some discomfort, they are often traumatized - this provokes bleeding and can become the entrance gate for any infection.

Women may notice the appearance of pain and bleeding after intercourse, which indicates the possibility of the development of benign neoplasms of the vagina or pseudo-erosion of the cervix.

It is against the background of these pathological conditions that malignant neoplasms of the multilayered epithelium of the female genital organs often develop - vaginal cancer (relatively rare) or cervical cancer.

When papilloma infection joins in intimate places, it may be accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant, fetid odor.

Diagnosis of papillomatosis

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is enough for a qualified doctor to examine the patient - the manifestations of the disease are very characteristic.

The need for laboratory diagnostics may arise when the symptoms of the disease are found in a woman - it is necessary to determine which type of viruses the pathogen belongs to - highly oncogenic or low oncogenic strains. In addition, it may be necessary to determine the composition of the microflora when an infection is attached.

Removal of papillomas in intimate places

By the way, I am in favor of natural preparations for the treatment of papillomas, for example, as Papillux drops.

In the case when papillomas have already appeared, the treatment of the disease should be carried out in two directions:

  1. local removal of papilloma growths,
  2. stimulation of the immune system and restoration of normal immune status.

Treatment of this disease should always be prescribed by a qualified specialist - the detection of papillomas is required, a comprehensive examination to detect concomitant infections of the body, and therapeutic measures.

To remove papillomas in intimate places, the following can be used:

  • laser removal - can be used on any part of the body, does not leave scars, bleeding is minimal, but healing may take 5-6 weeks;
  • cryotherapy - treatment with liquid nitrogen. It heals for 2 weeks, leaving a scar. After a while, papillomas may again appear at the site of cauterization.
  • radio wave therapy (treatment with the Surgitron apparatus) - after it it will heal for 2 weeks;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • surgical excision;
  • removal of papillomas with celandine - wounds heal very quickly. The procedure on the labia is painless, and on the mucous membrane it is very painful.

For the prevention of papillomatosis, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of sexual partners, use barrier contraception, and monitor the state of the body's immune system.

Papillomatosis remains a disease in which timely prophylaxis prevents the occurrence of many health problems in the future.

How to cure the human papillomavirus ?!

Every sixth person is a carrier of papillomavirus - this is indicated in the WHO data. The human papillomavirus is transmitted by contact, including sexually. Occasionally in medical practice, cases of household HPV infection were recorded. Infection can occur during childbirth in a vertical way (from mother to baby).

At first glance, the carriage of papillomavirus may not seem dangerous. A person only complains about the appearance of warts on the body and mucous membranes.

These benign neoplasms can form anywhere on the body:

  • face;
  • under the breast;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the genitals;
  • on the mucous membranes of internal organs, mouth and nasal cavity.

Lack of therapy, with HPV, is fraught with the development of malignant tumors on the genitals of men and women. The activity of the virus contributes to the development of cancer of the larynx and oral cavity.

The papillomavirus does not affect the course of pregnancy. But during this period, expectant mothers may observe an increase in the number of warts (genital warts) or their unexpected disappearance. Accumulation of large warts in the genital tract and on the cervix of the uterus threatens with severe bleeding and difficulty in labor.

The most dangerous complications of infection during pregnancy include the risk of infection of the fetus while passing through the genital tract. After giving birth, the baby of an infected mother develops a polyposis of the respiratory tract. However, there were also cases when the infection in children disappeared a few months after birth.

Caesarean section slightly reduces the risk of infection in the newborn. Experts insist on such an intervention if there is a massive accumulation of genital warts in the genital tract of a woman in labor or if it is impossible to deliver naturally.

Conservative therapy in the treatment of papillomavirus

How is human papillomavirus treated? Helping the patient begins with the appointment of conservative therapy.

If the wart or condyloma has not degenerated into a malignant tumor, the doctor's main focus is on drugs that affect cells with the HPV genome.

As for immunomodulators, their use becomes possible only after establishing the patient's immune status and determining the sensitivity of immune cells to specific medications. Prescribing antiherpetic drugs is meaningless, since they are not able to improve the condition of a person with papillomavirus carriage.

Usually, specialists prescribe to treat the infection:

  1. specific antiviral drugs (Alpizarin);
  2. inducers of interferon synthesis (Ridostin, Neovir, Tamerit, Immunofan);
  3. drugs based on interferon (Reaferon, KIPferon, Cycloferon, Viferon);
  4. Indole is a substance with anticarcinogenic effects;
  5. nonspecific immunomodulators (Derinat, Likopid, Wobenzym).

For the treatment of papillomavirus infection, Isoprinosine is prescribed. Its active ingredient is a purine derivative, which has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Children are treated with them after 3 years of age. Indications for prescribing the drug are the presence of papillomas on the vocal cords, genitals and larynx, fibrotic manifestations of human papillomavirus infection, cytomegalovirus infection, etc.

People suffering from human papillomavirus - reviews of Isoprinosine leave positive. Following the dosages prescribed by the doctor, it is really possible to achieve the disappearance of papillomas.

To strengthen the immune system at home, tea is brewed from hop cones, oregano herb, motherwort, linden blossom, lemon balm, coriander seeds and marsh creeper, valerian roots. The crushed components are taken in an amount of 1 tbsp. l. each, poured into a thermos and poured over 2 cups of boiling water. The next morning the drink is ready to drink. They drink it 4 r. per day in equal portions.

Hardware procedures in the treatment of HPV

The symptoms of human papillomavirus infection are warts, papillomas, condylomas. They get rid of them with the help of electro- and chemical coagulation, cryodestruction. Removal of papillomas is possible through radio and laser therapy.

How to cure human papillomavirus? Chemical coagulation is carried out with Solkovagin and Solkoderm drugs.

They are good for treating manifestations of papillomavirus on the vaginal mucosa and on the cervix. These medicines are a mixture of organic and inorganic acids, but they are only effective for removing single genital warts. The procedure is approved for the treatment of nulliparous women. But along with its effectiveness, it is worth noting the average pain and the possible formation of scars.

Cryodestruction, or the treatment of neoplasms with low-temperature liquid nitrogen, is fast and painless. When single genital warts are removed from the cervix, scars may remain on it.

What to do if the human papillomavirus manifests itself - through the appearance of flat and draining warts on the skin? In this case, doctors use a surgical laser. The device facilitates the removal of growths at any depth without consequences - scarring and scars. Complications of the procedure can be bleeding and narrowing of the cervical canal of the uterus.

The priority area in HPV therapy belongs to the Gardasil vaccine. The drug is capable of defeating even types of the virus with high oncogenicity. The vaccine minimizes the risk of cancer and speeds up the production of immune memory. This means that under its influence, protective antibodies are produced, which were present in the body before infection.

The radiosurgical method for treating the manifestations of papillomavirus is performed by the Surgitron apparatus. Along with the removal of condyloma, the specialist conducts coagulation of the vessels. The excised element is obligatorily subjected to histological examination.

Finally, the scalpel is an old reliable tool for removing severe dysplasia. The technique is the least gentle when compared with previous treatment options. However, in terms of reliability, it is not inferior to laser therapy.

Human papillomavirus is widespread in the world. According to medical statistics, about 90% of the population is carriers of one of the types of papilloma virus. In modern medicine, more than 70 varieties of this infection are described, causing various diseases of the mucous membranes or skin. A qualified doctor is able to determine the genotype of papillomavirus by external manifestations, but in order to determine HPV of high oncogenic risk, for example HPV 16, deeper examinations are needed.

Varieties of the virus

  1. HPV 1 - 5, HPV types 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19-24, 26, 27, 29, 57 cause the appearance of different types of warts:
    HPV 1, 2, 3, 4 cause plantar warts that look like calluses.
    HPV 3, 10, 28, 49 are manifested by flat warts. Certain types of papillomas: HPV 27 is responsible for the formation of "butcher's warts" and common warts.
  2. HPV types 6, 11, 13, HPV type 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 cause damage to the genitals, respiratory tract in the form of papillomas or genital warts. Particular attention should be paid to rashes caused by HPV 31, 33 types, 58, 52 types, 39, 70, 30, 40, 42, 43, 51, 55, 57, 59, 61, 62, 64, 67 - 69 types, so how they are associated with a precancerous condition.

The most important for carriers of papillomavirus is the division into types depending on the presence of oncogenic risk. Certain types of the virus are safe from the standpoint of oncology. Low oncogenic risk is associated with HPV of the following types: 6, 11, 42, 43, 44, 53, 54, 55. The formation of genital warts on the cervix is \u200b\u200bassociated with HPV 6 and 11, from the standpoint of oncology, these types of papillomavirus are relatively safe.

Papillomas and condylomas caused by HPV 6 or 11 are recommended to be removed. Pay special attention to HPV 16! It is possible to remove papillomas and genital warts using laser devices, which ensure complete sterility of the procedure and accelerate healing without scarring on the skin.

HPV viruses of high oncogenic risk include HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 66 and others. These types of papillomavirus of high oncological risk increase the chance of occurrence of precancerous and subsequently cancerous diseases of the female, male genital organs and the anal canal.

Increased attention should be paid to the state of health and people with HPV 56 and papillomavirus 66 types. Formations caused by papilloma type 66 and HPV type 56 can provoke the development of carcinoma (a type of cancer).

Transmission methods

The papillomavirus is transmitted by close contact with the infected epithelium, the main routes of transmission of papillomavirus are contact-household and sexual. Possible infection of the fetus from an infected mother. Factors provoking the development of PVI:

  • earlier onset of sexual activity, multiple sexual partners;
  • reduced immunity, use of oral contraceptives;
  • smoking, vitamin deficiency;
  • the presence of infections that are sexually transmitted;
  • living in a large city.

Signs and symptoms

The existence of papillomavirus in the blood of the carrier is most often asymptomatic if the body's immune defense is sufficient to prevent its excessive activation. You can talk about the symptoms of PVI when a patient has problems with immunity.

In this case, papillomaviruses accumulate in large quantities in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe mucous membrane or skin and change the function of epithelial cells. The latter begin to divide and cause the appearance of neoplasms, which are manifestations of the papilloma virus. Depending on the type of virus, papillomas, genital warts, and warts can act as HPV symptoms.


Warts are benign formations, dense to the touch, small in size, they do not exceed 2-10 mm in diameter. Warts are round or irregular in shape, have an uneven surface, clear boundaries, and their color varies from pale yellow to gray-black. These formations appear in the most traumatic places: on the elbows, fingers, knees.


The most common signs of infection are soft, round formations of various sizes that are attached to a pedicle or a wide base. The color of papillomas is close to the color of the skin: from flesh to brown. These formations appear more often on the face, neck, armpits and on the genitals. An important sign of papillomas is that they grow rapidly, cover ever larger areas, and their number and size increase.


Another sign of the presence of papilloma virus in the blood is the occurrence of genital warts. Condyloma is represented by a moist soft formation on a thin pink stalk, its surface is uneven, reminiscent of a wart. Condylomas usually affect the genitals and anus. They grow very quickly, and the area of \u200b\u200bmucosal lesions also grows rapidly.

All symptoms caused by papillomaviruses, with the exception of a few genital warts, which have a risk of degenerating into oncological education, are not too dangerous for health. But all of them spoil the appearance to varying degrees, cause physical and psychological discomfort, especially genital warts in the genital area.

Clinic of the disease

The incubation period ranges from 2 months to several years. The disease is characterized by a latent course, when there are no clinical signs, and with colposcopic, histological and cytological examinations, the norm is revealed. In 30% of cases, the virus is cleared within 6 to 12 months. Diagnosis of latent human papillomavirus infection can be carried out only by PCR method.

The combination of papillomavirus DNA with the cell gene causes dysplasia or neoplasia (most often in the region of the transition zone of the cervix). Infection with papillomaviruses HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, HPV 52, 56, 58, 59 and 68 types provokes relatively benign bowenoid papulosis or squamous intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix.

Diagnostic principles

To identify HPV of high oncological risk, real-time polymerase chain reaction is used, which allows finding the DNA of the papillomavirus in the studied biomaterial and identifying its individual types. The method is based on the amplification (multiple increase in the number of copies) of a DNA region specific for a particular virus.

When a papillomavirus is infected with a high oncological risk, the likelihood of oncological disease is not very high. Oncogenic HPV increases the risk of precancerous disease by about 60 times. But according to statistics, only 1% of women with PVI are subsequently diagnosed with uterine cancer. The carriage of the papilloma virus can be asymptomatic, therefore, for the correct diagnosis of a variety of papilloma virus, special studies are needed.

Prevention and treatment

Excellent prevention of viral activity and the appearance of neoplasms, when the analysis for HPV showed the presence of a virus in the blood - ozone therapy. Treatment with ozone droppers deactivates the virus for several years. If a high-risk papillomavirus is detected, you need to contact an oncologist who will perform an examination and prescribe treatment.

Particularly dangerous are HPV 16, HPV 18, 31, 33, 56, 66, 70 types, manifested in the form of papillomas or warts on the external genital organs and on the mucous membrane of the female genital organs. This is a reason for an immediate visit to the oncologist, a full examination, followed by the removal of papillomas and genital warts. Carriers of HPV infection of high oncological risk need to be regularly examined and tested for the presence of atypical cells.

Consequences of human papillomavirus infection

Paillomavirus infection is not considered a formidable disease if the carriage is asymptomatic, and the virus does not belong to the oncogenic type. But if genital warts appear on the mucous membranes or skin, then the assessment of the disease changes. Each condyloma is a kind of reservoir where the virus multiplies. Once on the surface of the dermis, papillomas will multiply and grow. This indicates the need to remove them, conduct antiviral treatment.

Scientists have proven the role of the virus in the development of a precancerous condition - leukoplakia of the cervix. The most dangerous complications are the development of cervical cancer in women and genital cancer in men. In this case, we are talking only about certain types of HPV: 16 and 18 types. Therefore, cancer prevention is at the heart of the treatment and prevention of human papillomavirus. With timely and correct treatment, the chance of high-risk HPV, including HPV 16 and HPV 18, degenerating into cancer is minimized.

To date, about 80 types of HPV DNA have been studied in detail, the total number of which reaches hundreds. Many types do not pose a serious danger, but some varieties of papillomavirus are capable of provoking the development of oncological pathologies on the organs of the female genitourinary system.

There are about thirty such highly oncogenic types that every woman is at risk of encountering.

Determination methods

It is possible to establish what type of papillomavirus is present in a woman's body only through a complete diagnosis, but the types of the virus may also differ in external manifestations. The following types of HPV belong to the types of highly oncogenic nature: 16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 45, 50, 59, 61, 62, 64, 68, 70, 73, 82, 83.

At the same time, the highest danger is attributed to HPV types 16 and 18, which most often become the causes of the development of uterine cervix cancer.

Attention! All highly oncogenic types are transmitted through sexual intercourse. Papillomatous formations can be found on the labia minora, in their inner part (vagina and cervix), as well as in the anus, where genital warts are most often localized.

Highly oncogenic HPV types differ in external manifestations, which are represented by the development of papillomas and genital warts, which can subsequently provoke serious lesions of the vulva, vagina, cervix.

In other words, the listed varieties of the pathogen are manifested, first of all, by genital warts, upon detection of which specialists must prescribe a comprehensive examination and treatment, if necessary.

According to medical studies, no more than 5% of patients encounter severe changes in the cervix, represented by second and third degree dysplasia, after 2-3 years from the moment of infection.

Such low rates are explained by the well-coordinated work of the immune system in most cases, which suppresses the activity of the pathogen. As for cervical cancer, this pathology is diagnosed in only 20% of women who have been diagnosed with grade 3 dysplasia.

What to do?

If HPV is highly oncogenic in the body, you cannot treat the disease yourself, because rash actions can provoke the development of a precancerous condition. Treatment of external manifestations is aimed at removing them, taking antiviral drugs and immunomodulatory agents.

Removal of papillomas, warts and genital warts is performed by surgical methods and using special pharmaceuticals, among which the most effective are: Panavir, Viferon, Condilom, Aldara.

Important! The destruction of growths must be supplemented with the reception of Isoprinosine or other analogs with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

Outpatient removal of papillomas and condylomas in the genital area is performed by:

It should be noted that in most cases, when detecting papillomas of a highly oncogenic type, specialists prefer the removal of formations with a laser and a radio wave method (Surgitron apparatus), because only this technique allows to exclude relapse and cancerous transformation.

The use of folk remedies in the destruction of such formations is not recommended.

Varieties of human papillomavirus with average degeneration rates

Reference! The following HPV types differ in average rates of cancerous transformation: 26, 30, 35, 51, 52, 56, 58.65.

Despite the lower danger of these varieties of papillomavirus, it is still not recommended to leave its manifestations without proper attention.

Their signs

According to their external manifestations, the listed types of HPV with medium oncogenic risk can be divided into the following categories:

  1. HPV 26 - common warts;
  2. HPV 30 - recurrent papillomatosis of the respiratory organs;
  3. HPV 35, 51, 52, 56 can provoke carcinoma localized on the cervix, vulva or vagina, as well as squamous intraepithelial lesions.

Often, the result of infection with HPV types with medium oncogenic risk is the development of several other complications not related to oncology. So, against the background of the presence of HPV 51 in the body, the development of bowenoid papulosis, which externally represents small warts in the genital area, may begin.

Treatment features

As in the case of any papillomatous growths, the treatment of HPV manifestations with medium oncogenic risk involves a combination of the destruction of papillomas and warts with strengthening the immune system and providing an antiviral effect from the inside.

In order to destroy papillomatous growths, you should use Supercleaner, Verrukacid, Viferon, Panavir, Solkoderm, Ferezol and other pharmacy analogues.

At home, it will be possible to get rid of papillomas with the help of freshly squeezed celandine juice, which can be used as an independent medicine or in combination with other herbal ingredients, such as Kalanchoe, dandelion, horsetail, lemon balm, plantain.

In order to avoid possible complications of self-medication, it is better to entrust the removal of papillomas to specialists., which in stationary conditions affect the growths:

  • liquid nitrogen, assuming freezing of papillomas (cryodestruction);
  • a conventional scalpel (surgical excision);
  • a laser that provides painless removal and prevents the reappearance of formations;
  • radio waves.

Local treatment must be supplemented with antiviral drugs (Isoprinosin, Gosprinosin, Allokin Alpha), as well as pharmaceutical drugs with immunostimulating effects, among which it is recommended to give preference to Immunal, Reaferon and Estifan.

Types of pathogens with a low risk of developing cancer

Important! The low-oncogenic HPV types, which in extremely rare cases cause cancer, include: 6, 11, 14, 42, 44, 53, 54.

As medical practice shows, most often women are diagnosed with HPV 6 and 11.


Like any other type of papillomavirus, the listed varieties with a low oncogenic risk can be detected only by the results of a comprehensive cytological study.

With regard to external manifestations, when examining a woman on a gynecological chair, a gynecologist can detect characteristic formations with pointed edges. Growths are localized mainly on the cervix and must be removed without fail.


If the cause of the appearance of characteristic growths on the body is infection with low-oncogenic HPV, preference in treatment is most often given to medications, because the risk of cancerous degeneration of formations is incredibly low.

In this case, you can use Solkoderm, Solkovagin, Panavir, Cryopharma, Imiquad, Condil, Viferon and other effective analogues. And in this case, it is mandatory to supplement local therapy with antiviral drugs (Panavir, Isoprinosin, Gosprinosin, Cycloferon, Genferon) and immunostimulating drugs (Galavit, Immunal, Likopid).

Reference! Low-oncogenic HPV types are not particularly dangerous.

In the treatment of their manifestations, folk remedies can also be used, as well as various modern methods of removing papillomatous growths on an outpatient basis, which have already been mentioned above.

But you need to remember that any rash actions are a risk, since they can provoke a deterioration in the condition, therefore, when detecting warts, papillomas and genital warts, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

Below is a short video on this topic:

Human papillomavirus is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that if the body is infected for too long, without proper and adequate treatment, HPV can cause malignant tumors, that is, cancer.

At the moment, medicine diagnoses more than 120 different types of HPV, of which approximately 40 types are sexually transmitted. It is in women that different types of HPV are capable of causing cervical dysplasia, as well as cancer.

You can get infected with this virus during unprotected intercourse, vaginal or anal, oral, in the case when there is direct contact of the mucous membrane infected with the virus with the partner's genitals. The transmission of the virus from a sick person to a healthy person also occurs with kissing, as a result of which papillomas appear in the throat and in the mouth, after which the infection can spread further. In the domestic sphere, such viruses are practically not transmitted, of course, only if there is no too close contact with the carrier of the virus - sexual intercourse and kissing.

Very rarely, but there is transmission of the virus from mother to baby during childbirth. The papilloma virus is a very common virus and HPV is common in women. But in most cases, the virus is treatable and does not cause any dangerous consequences. For the most part, infection with the virus is asymptomatic.

The length of the incubation period from the moment of infection to the manifestation of the first signs of the disease in different types of HPV is different, and depends on the mass of accompanying factors (the level of immunity, the general state of human health, the presence of other viral diseases).

For example, HPV type 11 manifests itself in the period from 3 weeks to 8 months from the moment the virus enters the body. And with HPV 18, it can take decades from the moment of infection to the development of a malignant tumor (cervical cancer). Therefore, treatment of the virus should be started immediately after you have done an analysis and you have been given an accurate diagnosis, which lists all types of HPV virus.

The papillomavirus has common symptoms:

  • Genital warts (genital warts) appear.
  • During and after intercourse, bloody discharge is released from the vagina.

When a woman sees a doctor during a visual examination, she may see the presence of cervical erosion, dysplasia, or even cancer. At the earliest stages of the development of the virus in the body, it is impossible to see changes, therefore it is very important to periodically, at least once every six months, take tests - a smear for cervical cytology, which allows you to determine the malignant nature of the formation. Identification of the initial stage of the disease helps to avoid the dangerous development of dysplasia, oncogenic formation.

Preventive measures that all women, regardless of age, should take are protected sex, using a condom during intercourse and then using antimicrobial and antiseptic hygiene products to treat the genitals.

Such precautions greatly reduce the risk of contracting HPV. You should lead a normal sex life in which a large number of partners cannot be present. A monogamous relationship ensures you are healthy and free of any sexually transmitted diseases, herpes, and HPV.

Modern medicine can also offer vaccinations against this unpleasant problem, vaccines reduce the risk of infection and increase the protective functions of your body. High-quality antiviral vaccination will not allow the development of human papillomavirus manifestations in the body.

HPV and herpes, as well as their diagnosis

Another sexually transmitted disease is genital herpes, which also manifests itself in the form of rashes and can provoke the development of other complications in the body (dysplasia, cancer). HPV and herpes are sexually transmitted viral diseases during oral, vaginal and anal sex.

But unlike HPV, genital herpes does not cause cancer. The virus is not completely cured, it remains in the body forever, periodically manifesting itself as relapses. Unlike HPV, herpes, in the presence of effective therapy, a good level of immunity, a healthy lifestyle, will manifest itself very rarely, and each relapse will be weaker in nature.

In most cases, it may not even show itself more, if the carrier does not create favorable conditions (promiscuous sex life, bad habits, low level of immunity and other factors). But HPV in women is especially dangerous if there is no adequate treatment. If the therapy goes well with the use of the necessary medicines, then the virus is completely cured, since the immune system is able to cope with this problem.

Women who do not pay attention to diseases such as HPV and herpes may find themselves in a difficult situation when various complications begin to develop - cervical erosion, blood from the uterus during sex. For example, if HPV is not treated, after a few years, when examined by a doctor, changes in the cervix will be noticeable, which are diagnosed with grade II or III dysplasia. This situation is fraught with the fact that in another 5 years the doctor will make a terrible diagnosis - cervical cancer.

Therefore, you should be very careful about your health, especially if you are sexually active and regularly diagnose your health condition. HPV can be diagnosed using PCR for the papilloma virus, which is considered one of the best and most accurate. Such an analysis will identify a specific type of HPV and determine the most dangerous types of the virus that cause cancer.

For analysis, blood is taken, smears from the cervix, as well as from the cervical canal, and an experienced gynecologist or oncologist will help you decipher the test data. Another more modern type of HPV diagnosis is the hybrid capture method (Digene HPV test or HPV DNA test). Today, this technique is considered the most effective and provides accurate test data.

To analyze HPV and the presence of a virus such as herpes, a smear of the cervical mucosa or from the cervical canal is taken. Such a test is also considered quantitative, since it helps to identify the concentration of the virus, in other words, the HPV load on the body. The test also determines the types of HPV.

The data is processed by an experienced doctor, but the main values \u200b\u200bthat may be present in the results are:

  • No DNA found. This means that there is no HPV virus in the body.
  • A9 data (HPV 16, 31, 33, 35, 52, 58) show that 3 lg (HPV / 10 * 5 cells) is a clinically insignificant amount of HPV. Such data indicate that the listed types of HPV virus are present in the body, but they are detected in very small quantities and there is no threat to the development of complications and oncology.
  • A7 data (HPV 18, 39, 45, 59, 68) show that 3 - 5 lg (HPV / 10 * 5 cells). These results already indicate that the listed types of HPV virus are present in the body, and their number can pose a threat to health and cause the development of a complex disease.
  • Data A5 - 6 (HPV 51, 56) show that more than 5 lg is present and this indicates an increased viral load, and these types of HPV can cause serious complications and the risk of developing cancer, which is very high with such a viral load.

Tests such as colposcopy are possible. For analyzes, the cervix is \u200b\u200bexamined with a special apparatus, which is a magnifying glass, thanks to which the virus is detected.

A cervical biopsy is one of the oldest research methods in which tissue is taken from the cervix and examined under a microscope. Both HPV and herpes in women can be diagnosed at an early stage and this will allow effective measures to be taken to prevent the development of complications.

HPV type 6 in women and its features

Doctors distinguish between two groups of HPV virus types: low oncogenic risk and high risk. For example, HPV type 6 in women, as well as HPV 11, 42, 43, 44, are types of the virus that belong to the group of low oncogenic risk. But in the high oncogenic risk group there are: HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68. The types of HPV that cannot cause cancer are: HPV 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 27, 53, 54 55, 62, 67.

As you can imagine, HPV type 6 in women will not cause cervical cancer, but this does not mean that the virus does not need to be treated. The body is weakened by the presence of the virus and this worsens overall health. If you notice problems with the condition of the mucous membrane, there is an incomprehensible discharge from the vagina, there is a pointed formation (wart) on the genitals or other tissue is affected, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

All types of HPV can cause other complications and diseases:

  • HPV 1, 2, 4 - cause common and heel warts.
  • HPV 3, 10, 28, 49 - cause the appearance of a flat form of formations.
  • HPV 6, 11, 30 - cause the development of genital warts.
  • HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 52, 56, 58 provoke the development of dysplasia of varying degrees and cervical cancer.
  • HPV 26, 29, 57 cause the formation of simple (common warts).
  • HPV 27 causes the development of two types of formations - flat and common warts.
  • HPV 34, 55 is rare, but it can cause a predisposition to cancer, can provoke those changes in tissues that ultimately lead to cancer.
  • HPV 41 causes flat and regular warts, as well as genital warts.
  • HPV 42 most often provokes the development of condylomas (genital formations), less often, but possibly causes precancerous changes in the tissues of the uterus.
  • HPV 45 is a provocateur of genital warts, dysplasia and cervical oncology.
  • HPV 40, 43, 44, 54 - form genital warts.
  • HPV 51 is the cause of dysplasia and cervical cancer.

As you can see, HPV 6, 11, 30 in women can provoke the appearance of various diseases that must be diagnosed and treated in time.

Human papillomavirus 31 and its difference from other types of the disease

Any type of HPV, papillomavirus 31 and others, must be treated with high-quality and effective treatment. Today, there is no specific antiviral drug that can specifically target different types of HPV.

Therefore, modern medicine conducts a comprehensive treatment aimed at increasing the level of immunity, so that the body itself fights viruses, as well as to combat and prevent the risk of developing cancer against the background of HPV viruses. Comprehensive treatment begins with tests that allow you to identify those types of HPV, including papillomavirus 31, in a person with whom therapy will fight.

The composition of therapy includes a local effect on the focus of the virus and the use of drugs that have a general effect. Local action means the removal of papillomas in various effective ways. At the same time, it is important not only to save the patient from education, but to destroy the virus present in the body, which caused papillomas.

It is on the level of immunity that the severity of the virus and the consequences that it can cause will depend. The complex treatment must also include effective broad-spectrum antiviral drugs, interferons and immunomodulators. For each patient, the doctor develops an individual treatment regimen, since papillomavirus 11, 20, 44, 31, etc., may be present in his body, which should be removed from the body.

Very often HPV is combined with another nuisance - herpes, which is periodically in a relapsing form and this can also lead to complications. Therefore, during HPV therapy, the doctor prescribes immunological examinations, according to the results of which drugs will be prescribed to normalize all indicators of the immune system.

A difficult situation with the treatment of HPV arises if the papillomavirus of any type, 31, etc., is accompanied by the presence of genital herpes, chlamydia, candidiasis in the patient. With such a combination of bacterial-viral and viral-viral diseases, the risk of developing serious complications of HPV viruses is very high. That is why it is so important to treat each patient individually and to develop therapy regimens especially for him.

Removal of papillomas can be carried out in various modern ways to prevent further spread of HPV viruses throughout the body. Thanks to such removal methods, the papillomavirus load on the body will decrease, the risk of infection of other people by the sick, and also, the likelihood of developing complications and oncology will decrease.

Today, doctors widely use the following types of papilloma removal:

  • Cryotherapy, in which liquid nitrogen is applied to the tissue affected by the rash, which freezes the formation. After freezing, the papilloma disappears, and the wound heals after it within a couple of weeks.
  • Chemical exposure is carried out using various special drugs that actively act on the formation and remove papillomas.
  • Diathermocoagulation affects papillomas with high temperatures. Previously, the place where the papillomas are concentrated is anesthetized.
  • Laser coagulation works with the help of a laser beam, thanks to which the tissues of the formations evaporate, leaving behind a small, dry crust that quickly falls off. The healing of the wound also proceeds quickly, regardless of how large the formation was removed.
  • The radio wave method works with a special apparatus. This technique, like laser treatment of tissues, does not cause complications and bleeding, does not leave marks on the skin.

The choice of a method for removing papillomas largely depends on the location of the papillomas, their size and concentration, the patient's individual contraindications to the use of one or another method of removing papillomas. The doctor will conduct a preliminary study to select an effective method of treatment and removal of papillomas.

The causative agents of papillomatosis are viral particles that contain DNA chromosomes in their structure. These microorganisms are only 55 nm in size. The symptomatic manifestations of such an infection vary depending on the type of papillomavirus.

Representatives of this pathology are not plated on nutrient media during bacteriological analysis. The type of pathogen can be more successfully determined by the results of the molecular diagnostic method - PCR.

The penetration of this infection into the body is carried out through the damaged epidermis of the skin or mucous membranes. First, the papillomavirus reaches the deep layers of the skin, where it can remain in a latent (dormant) state for a very long time.

If the patient has a strong enough immune system, it easily copes with the infection, completely destroying it. This happens in most of the infected people. But in those patients who have weakened immunity, the virus begins to progress.

The pathogen quickly infects healthy tissue in the neighborhood. As a result, HPV DNA is embedded in the chromosomes of normal cells, causing their uncontrolled, pathological proliferation. Outwardly, the symptoms of this disease appear in the form of various outgrowths of the mucous membrane and skin - genital warts, warts or papillomas.

It is known that different types of human papillomavirus have their own specific localization. Some types of infection can only cause damage to the surface epidermis of the skin, others multiply only in the thickness of the mucous membranes. Individual strains of human papillomavirus infect only specific areas of the body.

Often, doctors diagnose their patients with human papillomavirus. With this disease, patients may suffer from the appearance of warts and papillomas. But the worst thing is that this group of viruses causes such a disease as cervical cancer.

Colored lichen: causes, treatment and symptoms

The disease called "versicolor versicolor" was first described by Dr. Robin in 1853, who, examining the skin scales affected by versicolor versicolor, discovered yeast-like microorganisms and named them "Microsporum furfur".

In 1889, Dr. Bayon proposed to name this mushroom Malassezia furfur, in honor of the famous French botanist Malase, who described in detail the cells of patients with multi-colored lichen.

Without exception, all skin diseases can be determined based on the external signs that appear on the skin.

Versicolor versicolor is a type of chronic fungal skin disease related to keratomycosis. Lichen is characterized by damage to the stratum corneum of the skin and hair cuticles.

This disease is not fatal, but creates aesthetic problems for the patient, significantly reduces the quality of human life. Versicolor versicolor is differentiated from diseases such as Gibert's lichen, syphilitic roseola and Vitiligo.

All about HPV of high oncogenic risk in women. Its differences from viruses with medium and low risk of rebirth

HPV is one of the most common infectious diseases. According to available statistics, more than 80% of the population is infected with papillomavirus. At the same time, a third of infected people do not even suspect about the disease, which can have an asymptomatic course for a long time.

There are several varieties of papillomavirus, many of which are manifested by certain symptoms, represented by the proliferation of papillomatous formations on the skin, and are also fraught with the development of complications with an oncological nature.

Classification of causative agents of papillomatosis

All human papillomaviruses in medicine are systematized - they are distinguished by types and groups. Since there are so many types of this infection, they are simply numbered from 1, 2, 3 and on.

Pathogenic microorganisms are also classified into groups, based on the risk of degeneration of a benign formation into cancer. Any kind of this DNA virus can be found in humans, regardless of their age or gender.

How is HPV typed? To what extent have the types and types of papillomavirus been studied? HPV includes about 150 types. Some of them pose a real danger and can provoke the development of a tumor. These are oncogenic papilloma viruses. Therefore, when detecting this infection in the body, it is necessary to pay attention to its type.

HPV typing:

  • from 1 to 4 provokes the development of formations in the form of calluses on the soles. These are not very dangerous types;
  • Another 6 pieces belong to a species with a low probability of the appearance of neoplasms;
  • 16 types provoke the appearance of warts on the skin;
  • experts have identified groups of certain types, which are called a9. It is also called oncogenic HPV. It includes 14 types of HPV virus. These species are capable of causing the development of oncological disease of the genitals, in both sexes. They are at high risk;
  • there is a type of virus that means the onset of the development of cancer in the body, and has great oncogenicity. The list includes 13 pieces. They appear in the form of papilloma eruptions. They are called oncotypes. Specialists can use the abbreviation - WRC;
  • When types 6 - 11 are identified, it provokes the appearance of genital warts. It is a papillomavirus with a very high carcinogenic risk.

This infection begins to develop in the body at the age of about 40 years. With the development of a certain type of virus, a complex disease can begin to develop. Most often these are warts on the genitals.

Growths or warts may also appear. In the presence of a type that belongs to the group with a high risk of neoplasms, various diseases can occur. Therefore, experts recommend removing them.

The HPV virus group includes more than 150 types. The most important for carriers of this infection is the division into types according to the presence of oncogenic risk.

Types 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19-24, 26, 27, 29, 57 often cause skin warts.

Types 1, 2, 3, 4 appear on the sole, in the form of a kind of calluses.

Types 44, 6, 54, 42, 43, 55, 53, 11 have a low oncogenic level.

There are also types of virus that multiply the likelihood of cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, and anus. Types 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 16, 18 have a high oncological risk. This group is called HPV a9.

Particular attention is also required for rashes caused by papillomatosis type 70, as well as 30, 39, 40, 42, 43, 55, 57, 61, 62, 64, 67, 69 genotypes that are associated with precancerous conditions.

The average age of patients suffering from various types of disease is 40 years.

Depending on the type, the disease can cause anogenital warts, papillomas, laryngeal outgrowths, and epidermoplasia warty.

Genital warts are associated with types 6 and 11.

High risk types of cancer can lead to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Most genital warts and papillomas, even if they are formed by viruses of low oncogenic risk, doctors recommend removing.

The human papillomavirus constantly mutates, resulting in new, more harmful varieties. Since growths can appear not only on the outer perimeter of the skin, but also on the walls of internal organs, a person needs to understand for himself which types of viral organism have the ability to cause a specific condition.

The appearance of warts on the skin - arms, legs, face, neck is provoked by genotypes, which are hidden under numbers 10, 12, 7.17, 15, 14, 19-24, 27, 26, 29, 55. The characteristic features of problematic organisms, which are 6е hiding under the indicated numbers should be called:

  • relative safety for the human body;
  • minimal risk that the formation can degenerate into a malignant;
  • do not manifest themselves with any symptoms.

Genotyped HPV is a fairly common problem and a routine blood test is not enough to identify a specific type of problem. Over the past couple of years, laboratories have learned to identify the exact type of virus in the blood, which is already being actively practiced.

There are runways that have the ability to provoke oncological diseases, but there are many that completely exclude such unpleasant moments. A person can be sure that he will not have to deal with oncology if viral organisms numbered 54, 6, 44, 43, 42, 53, 55, 11 have been identified in the body by research.

Often, people have exactly type 11 HPP, which is a rather positive diagnosis for a person, because this suggests the following:

  • the risk of facing oncology is practically zero;
  • you can remove the problem through drug therapy and burning out;
  • low risk of relapse.

If organisms are found in the blood precisely under the numbers indicated above, then a person should not fear for his own health, but he should not try to remove the problem on his own either. Warts of this variety can be cauterized with a laser or liquid nitrogen, which is quite quick and comfortable.

The phrase human papillomavirus or HPV is quite common and some people believe that infection with this microorganism causes only papillomas to appear on the body.

But not everything is so welcome, infection with HPV sometimes leads to the development of a rather serious disease - cancer. It is possible to guess how the infection will behave in the body, but only knowing the type of papillomavirus.

The types of human papillomavirus are well known exclusively to medical professionals. Experienced researchers have counted them and found that there are about 150 of them. Depending on what type of viral organism has entered the body and the consequences of its vital activity will manifest.

Some types cause the appearance of papillomas on the skin, others promote their growth on the mucous membranes, and some more contribute to the formation of growths that can become malignant.

It is possible to identify a specific type of pest by conducting a special blood test. In order for a person to know specifically what is happening in his body, he needs to get to know the types of this problematic state a little closer.

HPV - types of human papillomavirus in most cases HPV exists in human blood asymptomatically and manifests itself with a decrease in immunity

Human papillomavirus (HPV, human papillomavirus, HPV) is a very common virus that causes changes in the growth of body tissues. Papillomas and warts appear on the skin precisely under its influence. Some types of HPV are extremely dangerous, as they can provoke cancer.

The carriers of this virus are, according to various estimates, from 60% to 90% of the population. It is transmitted only from person to person. The main routes of HPV infection are: sexual intercourse (including oral and anal sex);

Genital warts are neoplasms caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) in men and women. HPV infection leads to skin lesions, in which growths appear on a thin threadlike stem or on a broad base, genital warts, warts.

Due to the presence in the body of the human papillomavirus in men, benign formations appear on the external genital organs, which worsen sexual health. Diagnostics allows you to identify HPV earlier in order to timely start treatment for papillomatosis.

(according to research McConcl DJ, 1991; Lorincz A. T., 1992; Bosch E X. et al., 2002; Kozlova V. I., Puhner A. F., 2003; Syrjanen S., 2003; Shakhova N. M. et al., 2006;).

  1. Non-oncogenic HPV types that never cause cancer: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 28, 49
  2. Low-oncogenic HPV types (very rarely cause cancer): 6, 11, 13, 32, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 51, 72
  3. Types of average oncogenic risk (percentage of cancerous degeneration is average): 26, 30, 35, 52, 53, 56, 58, 65
  4. Highly oncogenic HPV types (the risk of cancerous degeneration is high): 16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 45, 50, 59, 61, 62, 64, 68, 70, 73. This is especially important in women.

By the way, sometimes the classification changes. For example, HPV type 58 in women is no longer highly oncogenic. It began to be classified as a type with medium oncogenicity.

Human papilloma viruses are quite common. These can be excellent types of papilloma virus. It spreads on the skin. Almost 90% of all residents are carriers of this virus. Experts identify different types of HPV. The oncogenic human papillomavirus is dangerous.

After the virus enters the body, a person does not experience a detrimental effect on his health. He is a carrier without even realizing it. In many cases, an infection with a high oncogenic risk does not appear even after several years.

But it can also cause the formation of genital warts and papillomas. The impact of the papilloma virus depends on its type. What types of human papillomavirus are there? Which of them are considered as oncogenic types of the virus?

Non-dangerous strains of papillomavirus - non-oncogenic and moderately oncogenic pathogen

Papillomatosis is a viral disease that is accompanied by cutaneous growths in various places of localization. Initially, pathological neoplasms are benign in nature, only highly oncogenic strains of the pathogen can, over time, provoke malignant processes.

Non-oncogenic papillomaviruses or types with a low carcinogenic risk almost never contribute to the oncology. In this case, the process can turn into malignant with mechanical damage to the wart.

Genotypes that provoke warts on the skin

HPV has completely different types, which are collected in groups of several pieces, provoking problems of approximately the same nature. If we talk about condylomas that arise in intimate places, degenerate into malignant tumors, then they are caused by viral organisms hiding under numbers 33, 31, 35, 45, 39, 52, 51, 56, 59, 58, 66, 16, 68 , 18.

The human papillomavirus type 35 is most often found in women, which leads to cervical cancer. The problem can be identified with the help of laboratory screening, which all women of reproductive age should undergo every few years.

If you suspect a problem with one of these types, a woman or a man should proceed as follows:

  • undergo a full examination by a doctor;
  • pass all the necessary tests;
  • undergo a histological examination.

The papillomavirus is a group of viruses with about 24 subgroups. To date, about 600 species have been discovered. It is transmitted only from person to person. Many people and doctors face the problem of diagnosing and treating the human papillomavirus (HPV).

How is human papillomavirus (HPV) treated in men?

How is HPV tested? Why is HPV dangerous in women? The development of HPV in a woman's body can depend on several factors. In some cases, this can take from several weeks to months. In this case, the patient will develop warts on the genitals.

It is possible to assume the presence of this infection in the body by external signs:

  • the presence of genital warts in the area and on the genitals;
  • discharge in the form of blood after intercourse or without it.

The gynecologist can determine the presence of erosion on the cervix or the appearance of pathologies. This is difficult at first. Therefore, a swab or scraping may be done to establish a laboratory diagnosis.

  • women under the age of 30 undergo an examination in order to detect papilloma infection should be carried out at the request of the patient or when characteristic signs appear;
  • after reaching the age of thirty, you need to undergo such an analysis approximately once every 4 years, this will be a preventive measure.

If this problem is identified, repeated examinations should be carried out every year. Cytology is mandatory. A biopsy, coloscopy, or cervical scraping may be needed. Sometimes a polymerase chain reaction is required. This is the name of a blood test for PCR.

Women aged 65 need to undergo preventive screening for infection. If it is not identified, you can no longer do such a study. Usually, an analysis is done to identify especially dangerous types that can contribute to the development of cancer. Other types of HPV will not be able to cause significant harm to health.

Many people do not pay any attention to warts and papillomas. But you shouldn't treat your health that way.

Scraping is often done to diagnose HPV and many diseases of the female genital organs. This procedure involves scraping the inner lining of the uterus. It is not dangerous for a woman's health and should not be taken as a surgical intervention.

In this case, the doctor can pursue two goals:

  • diagnose;
  • for treatment.

Scraping is prescribed for certain indications:

  1. The appearance of bleeding.
  2. Violation of the menstrual cycle.
  3. With premature birth or abortion.
  4. Suspected gynecological disease.
  5. The development of cancer.

If an inflammatory process develops at the time of the examination, the research procedure should be postponed. For scraping, local anesthesia is sufficient and does not require hospitalization. Only an experienced doctor should carry out the procedure to avoid complications.

If the analysis is not taken correctly, the following can occur:

  • damage to the walls of the uterus;
  • the development of inflammation;
  • the formation of adhesions.

This does not happen often, but still, such a possibility cannot be ruled out.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) can be found in the body of every second. HPV includes a whole group of viruses, which can be conditionally divided into 5 subgroups. These viruses provoke the appearance of warts, papillomas and malignant tumors of the reproductive organs.

70% of people carry HPV

It is known that over the past 50 years, scientists have managed to classify more than 100 types of HPV. Approximately 70% of the world's population is infected with HPV of various types. The severity of a virus depends entirely on its type. Many are interested in whether 53 type HPV is dangerous for women, as well as what symptoms it has.

The human papillomavirus is quite common among the population that has an active sex life. However, this pathogen causes not only various pathologies on the body, but can also lead to an increase in the possibility of malignant neoplasms in humans. The penetration of the virus into the tissue is especially susceptible to the cervix in women.

Thanks to research in the medical industry, there are currently more than 100 types of this virus. However, only 80 of them have been studied. A connection has also been established between the carriage of one of the 30 types of papilloma and the occurrence of a formation with a high oncological risk.

Human papillomavirus infection is a pathophysiological lesion that develops in the human body and provokes the appearance of both genital warts and warts in intimate areas.

Certain strains of the virus are able to cause more severe changes - the appearance of tumors.

Medical designation (according to ICD-10): the numerical definition of an ailment as an infection - B 97.7 and as the initiator of the occurrence of viral warts - B 07.

In English terminology, HPV is referred to as HPV.

In this article we will tell you what it is - human papillomavirus in women (HPV, papillomavirus), what the infection looks like in the photo, what are the causes, symptoms and signs, what is the treatment.

The human papillomavirus is a rather dangerous sexually transmitted disease. In total, more than a hundred HPV strains are known, many of which are oncogenic, that is, they carry the risk of developing cancer. The type 53 we are considering is not a virus.

A cancerous tumor develops very rarely because of it. But it is still necessary to be treated, since oncology is not the only dangerous complication of HPV of any kind. What are the characteristics of 53 strains and what therapies are best for suppressing it?

Human papillomavirus infection is quite common and occurs in almost every third person on the planet. The human papillomavirus in men has a negative effect on the skin and mucous membranes, causing them to be affected by characteristic neoplasms.

Growths in intimate places are considered especially dangerous, since most often this leads to an infection of the oncogenic type. Once in the human body, the pathogen may absolutely not manifest itself in any way for a long period of time and begins to develop only when the man's immunity decreases. The first signs of an infectious disease are papillomas or warts.

How to decipher an HPV test?

An example of a PCR test for HPV

Interpreting Analysis

The unit of measurement is the number of genome equivalents (in simple terms, the number of viruses) per 100,000 human epithelial cells (that is, 10 to the 5th power).

Abbreviated: Lg

Human papillomavirus in women - what is it, where it comes from, how is it transmitted and what is dangerous

HPV infection is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, although in medical practice there are cases of infection by contact-household means - as a result of the use of general hygiene products. The possibility of infection with papillomavirus when visiting the toilet, taking a bath, as well as carrying out water procedures in institutions with a large crowd of people, such as a sauna, a swimming pool or a bath is not excluded.

Direct transmission of the virus occurs during sexual intercourse, when harmful microorganisms penetrate the damaged tissue of the mucous membranes. At first, the infected person has absolutely no symptoms.

Even with a gynecological examination in women, no changes in the mucous membrane are visually detected. Only in the process of microscopic analysis on the reproductive organs are transformed cells visible, which are the main source of pathology.

Infection with various types of HPV in men and women who are sexually active occurs at some point in their lives. The possibility of re-infection with the virus is also not excluded. The likelihood of infection is highest at a time when young people are just beginning to be sexually active.

Although the infection is transmitted through sexual contact, penetration itself is not necessary for infection with the pathogen. Any interaction with the affected skin and mucous membranes of the wearer is as dangerous as sex with him.

Most papillomaviruses are not dangerous to humans. In many cases, this infection heals on its own, just a couple of months after infection, which means that the patient's immunity is in excellent condition.

The most common ailment that is closely related to various types of HPV is cervical oncology. In almost all situations, this pathogen causes dysplasia (precancerous condition) in women.

Today, this infection harms not only the fair sex, because in men it causes malignant degeneration of the mucous membrane of the anus and penis. Even relatively safe strains of papillomatosis (6th, 11th) contribute to the formation of condylomas in the respiratory tract.

Although such conditions complicate the patient's life, they rarely end in death. Pointed outgrowths - condylomas, grow quickly enough and are a direct carrier of infection.

Diagnostic measures and treatment of papillomatosis

The most informative method for detecting papillomavirus is polymerase chain reaction (abbreviated as PCR). This diagnostic method is popular because it allows typing HPV - that is, to determine the strain of the pathogenic microorganism.

Knowing what type of papillomavirus is present in the patient's body, the specialist can already judge the likelihood of the degeneration of pathological neoplasms into cancer. Of great importance in the diagnosis of such a disease are special screening tests that can detect all types of HPV present in the patient's body.

To identify the harmful pathogen, men and women also undergo cytological analysis and histological examination of the affected tissues. In some cases, signs of pathology are visible to the naked eye - if there is an excessive amount of papillomas and warts on the human skin.

How to treat HPV, is it possible? It is as difficult to get rid of this disease as it is to detect it in a timely manner, because the very process of reproduction and development of papillomaviruses proceeds in a latent form.

If the body's immune defenses were unable to resist the virus, then in most situations it remains infected with the virus forever, even despite treatment. That is why, in people with an excellent state of immunity, such a pathology occurs extremely rarely.

Often, as a result of examining patients infected with papillomavirus, the doctor discovers many concomitant diseases. It can be infectious and inflammatory, chronic or sexually transmitted diseases.

Therefore, the approach to the treatment of such an ailment is always complex. Therapeutic tactics should be aimed not only at eliminating HPV, but also at eliminating the symptoms of other pathologies. The state of the body's defenses is of great importance for the course of this disease, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Therapeutic measures for papillomatosis include the use of the following techniques and drugs:

  • Removal of pathological neoplasms using laser therapy, electrical coagulation, cryodestruction, surgical excision of papilloma tissues.
  • Use of chemical methods for cauterization of warts (Trichloroacetic acid 50 or 90%, Solkoderm, Salicylic acid, Contaridin).
  • Taking antiviral drugs (Aldara, Panavir).
  • The use of immunostimulants (Allokin-alpha, Genferon, Viferon, Immunomax, Isoprinosine).
  • Use of cytostatic agents (Prospidin, Podophyllin solution, Bleomycin, 5-fluorouracil, Podophyllotoxin).
  • Application of physiotherapy methods.

After completing the therapeutic course, preventive measures must be taken so as not to become infected with HPV again. To this end, patients are advised to lead a correct sex life, it is desirable to have a constant and trusted partner.

Sexual contact with strangers should be limited to a minimum, otherwise it is imperative to use condoms. You should know that even a barrier contraceptive will not protect you from this virus by 100%.

As a result of reading this text, you became aware of the variety of types of papillomavirus and its danger. That is why experts advise not to postpone a visit to a medical institution for a long time.

A timely appeal to the attending doctor will help detect the HPV pathogen and get rid of it as soon as possible. Immunoprophylaxis of the disease will not be superfluous. Increasing the body's natural defenses will significantly reduce the likelihood of re-infection with this virus.

The typing using the PCR method helps to identify the types of HPV. The difficulty in treating infection is that about 90% of its cases end in spontaneous remission, when clinical manifestations are almost completely absent, and 10% of cases - malignancy (malignancy).

Two-thirds of cancer patients have one of these types - 16 or 18. Despite the spread of the disease across the globe, scientists have not yet developed uniform international treatment standards.

Most often, doctors offer the removal of external manifestations, supplementing therapy with antiviral drugs. All these measures for the treatment of genital warts in the aggregate can reduce the amount of the virus in the body and prevent the formation of new manifestations of the disease.

Carriers of infection of 16 and 18 types of high oncogenic risk (HRC) should be regularly examined and tested for the presence of atypical cells in the body, as well as undergo treatment on time. After all, as mentioned earlier, types 16 and 18 in women can cause cervical cancer.

All women need to have an extended colposcopy of the cervix every six months, regardless of the presence of complaints. If necessary, an additional biopsy is done - doctors take a small piece of cervical tissue for histological examination.

Treatment 16, 18, 9, 31, 56, 58 and other types for both men and women should be under the guidance of a highly qualified doctor. Recently popular immunotherapy is successfully used in combination with other methods, since it does not have any specific effect, but only activates the components of the immune system.

With timely examination and proper treatment, the risk of HRS degeneration into the development of oncological diseases can be minimized.

Today, in the arsenal of doctors of the ON CLINIC medical center there is a weapon for the prevention of viral papilloma infection - vaccines that prevent infection of four types of infection - 6,11,16,18. They are suitable for both adults and children.

Also, in our center, an examination is carried out with typing of all oncogenic types by PCR. For the early diagnosis of changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix, extended colposcopy and microscopy are used.

Today we can say with confidence: against the background of the ongoing combination therapy with the use of modern antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, it is possible to achieve a good therapeutic effect.

At the moment

That would be able to completely eliminate the virus from the body.

The treatment regimens that are used for this disease are reduced to the use of antiviral drugs and procedures to eliminate papillomas on the skin or mucous membranes.

This virus can be driven into a latent or dormant state when it cannot harm the body.

It is especially important to carry out treatment in case of high oncogenic HPV type detection.

The most dangerous for women are the following genotypes of the virus - 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52. They most often cause dysplasia and cervical cancer.

After treatment with HPV of a high oncogenic type, a woman should regularly visit a gynecologist and carry out the recommended examinations to exclude the risk of malignant tumors.

Every sixth person is a carrier of papillomavirus - this is indicated in the WHO data. The human papillomavirus is transmitted by contact, including sexually. Occasionally in medical practice, cases of household HPV infection were recorded. Infection can occur during childbirth in a vertical way (from mother to baby).

At first glance, the carriage of papillomavirus may not seem dangerous. A person only complains about the appearance of warts on the body and mucous membranes.

These benign neoplasms can form anywhere on the body:

  • face;
  • under the breast;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the genitals;
  • on the mucous membranes of internal organs, mouth and nasal cavity.

Lack of therapy, with HPV, is fraught with the development of malignant tumors on the genitals of men and women. The activity of the virus contributes to the development of cancer of the larynx and oral cavity.

The papillomavirus does not affect the course of pregnancy. But during this period, expectant mothers may observe an increase in the number of warts (genital warts) or their unexpected disappearance. Accumulation of large warts in the genital tract and on the cervix of the uterus threatens with severe bleeding and difficulty in labor.

The most dangerous complications of infection during pregnancy include the risk of infection of the fetus while passing through the genital tract. After giving birth, the baby of an infected mother develops a polyposis of the respiratory tract. However, there were also cases when the infection in children disappeared a few months after birth.

General scheme of therapy

With normal functioning of the immune system, the body will be able to independently suppress the manifestations of the virus after a course of special therapy.

The general treatment regimen includes:

  1. Removal of external manifestations of HPV.
  2. The course of antiviral drugs.
  3. Strengthening the immune system.

Treatment can be carried out only after passing the necessary tests and identifying the genotype of the virus. Self-medication does not always give a good result and can cause complications.

Very often HPV is complicated by other inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

In this case, first of all, treatment of concomitant diseases is carried out - and after that, condylomas are removed and antiviral drugs are taken.

It is very important to remove papillomas, as they appear in places where the virus accumulates. This will reduce the viral load and reduce the risk of infection of the sexual partner in the future.

Which method of removing papillomas will be the most effective depends on the location of the neoplasms, their genotype, number and size.

The cheapest way to remove genital warts is the surgical method, which is currently rarely used.

It can cause serious wounds and scars, so it is only relevant in the case of malignant neoplasms. The most painless method of removal is using radio waves.


Prevention is the best cure. Remember this phrase, especially when it comes to the genital area.

Nature has come up with a wonderful mechanism of healing and prevention for a person, which then helps him not to get sick again. It's the immune system.

If a person has already had warts or papillomas once, then subsequently he develops immunity to this type of virus. Therefore, in adults, juvenile warts, spines and vulgar warts very rarely appear.

It is on this principle that the method of vaccination of a person against various infectious diseases, including papillomavirus, is built.

That is why it is SO IMPORTANT to maintain your immunity at a high level. Read a detailed article on how to strengthen the immune system.