HPV treatment in women types. Modern HPV treatment in women and men. The consequences of HPV. How do diseases caused by the virus manifest?

Human papillomavirus infection, that is, infection, poses a certain danger to women of reproductive age. Some have been scientifically proven to cause cervical cancer.

Timely identification of the virus itself and those changes that the microorganism causes at the initial stage of its development, allow the doctor to prescribe a course of treatment that is the prevention of a malignant process.

The reasons

The papilloma virus is the smallest microorganism that penetrates through scratches and cracks on the skin. The source of infection is only a sick person or a carrier who is unaware of the presence of a causative agent of a dozen diseases.

Sexual contact plays the most important role in the transmission of the virus, and it does not matter whether it is traditional sex or anal or oral. Even a condom does not completely protect against the penetration of a microorganism, since this virus is microscopic in size.

In second place in the spread of infection is the contact or household route of transmission. HPV can move from one person to another with a firm handshake, while hugging, kissing, using one towel, hygiene items and tools.

Naturally, this is possible if the body has wounds, scuffs, scratches. Cases of infection have been identified in swimming pools, baths, that is, where the virus has the most optimal conditions for existence - moisture and heat. If a pregnant woman has human papillomavirus infection in her body, there is a high risk of transmitting it to the child during childbirth.

There is also a group of factors contributing to infection with the virus, they include:

  • Early onset of sexual activity by a girl. It is believed that in most cases, HPV enters the body of a woman under 25 years of age. There is a risk of HPV transmission and without penetration into the vagina at the time of intimate intercourse. That is, girls who practice petting are also at risk of contracting papillomavirus.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners.
  • A large number of abortions. Injury to the internal genital organs during abortions violates the mucous layer, which contributes to better penetration and development of any infection.
  • Chronic gynecological diseases, including cervical erosion.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, ureplasmosis, gonorrhea, thrush.
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives.

According to statistics, more than 70% of women of reproductive age are infected with HPV, but not all of them activate the virus. The development of infection and the appearance of its various manifestations on the skin, mucous membranes are facilitated by a decrease in the body's defenses, prolonged stressful situations, and an imbalance in the endocrine system.


The manifestations of HPV in the body can be different. After activation, the virus changes the functioning of epithelial cells, which leads to the appearance of formations of various shapes and sizes on the skin and mucous membranes.

These changes are related to the external manifestations of the papillomavirus. But there are also histological changes detected in a woman's body during a special examination and after a series of tests.

The group of external manifestations of HPV includes:

  • Warts and papillomaslocated in different places of the body. They are formed under the influence of non-oncogenic and low-oncogenic types of the virus. In women, the most common sites of localization are the area under the mammary glands, neck, eyelids, face, back surface of the body. In shape, they can be filamentous, in the form of cones, the color from flesh to brown.
  • Genital warts are formed mainly in places on the body traumatized during sex. Single condylomas can merge with each other, and then the formation resembles in its appearance cauliflower.
  • Flat warts grow on the cervix, in the thickness of its epithelium. Often, such manifestations of HPV are found simultaneously with genital warts in women.
  • Inverted warts in shape and method of formation, they resemble flat. In women with flat and intraepithelial papillomatous formations, precancerous changes in the cervix are often detected.

Photo of the human papillomavirus on the eyelid of a woman

Dysplasia is considered a precancerous disease that results from the work of oncogenic strains of the virus in the body.

A histological examination can reveal a number of conditions that arise in connection with the action of the virus in the epithelial layer. Their group includes:

  • Chronic cervicitis, that is, inflammation of the mucous layer of the neck.
  • Squamous metaplasia is a process of transformation of reserve cells into squamous cells. The change is considered precancerous.
  • Dysplasia of the cervix, this change is recorded when the columnar epithelium overlaps with a flat.

Human papillomavirus symptoms in women

In most women, the activation of viral formations on the skin and mucous membranes is provoked by stress, changes in immunity. Initially, you can notice the appearance of small formations, they can be both single and multiple. The process of their growth in some cases is accompanied by burning and itching.

Genital warts women can notice when washing. You can pay attention to the appearance of small bumps, the places of their localization - the vulva, clitoris, anus. Often, genital warts grow very quickly and cases of the formation of a large number of large growths in just a few hours are described.

Genital warts can merge with honey, they are easily injured, which leads to bleeding. When genital warts are located inside the vagina, there is a possibility of complete overlap of this canal, this complicates intercourse and natural childbirth.

During the active phase of the development of human papillomavirus infection, a woman may notice a feverish state, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and a deterioration in general health. If the growths are damaged, soreness appears.

Papillomas and condylomas disappear on their own in about 15% of cases. In other cases, on the contrary, these growths can quickly increase in size and quantity, which requires their immediate removal. In 5% of cases, with the development of genital warts, their malignancy is observed.

HPV 16 and 18 types

HPV types 16 and 18 are the most dangerous strains of the virus for women. It has been proven that such a serious disease as cancer occurs only if the body has these two types of virus.

It has been found that type 16 strain causes the formation of cancer cells in 70% of cases. But the discovery of this microorganism in a woman does not yet indicate that she will necessarily have cancer.

Video about the prevention of papilloma virus for the female half of society:

After the penetration of the virus of the 16th strain into the body, it goes through several stages of its development, these are:

  • Asymptomatic stage - that is, the period of infection. Most women will not be able to reliably tell when the microorganism entered their body. Naturally, the greatest infection process occurs during sexual intercourse, and it can either have genital warts on the penis or be just a carrier of infection.
  • Incubation stage. On average, it lasts up to three months, but with excellent immunity it can take several years.
  • The formation of genital warts, bowenoid papules, dysplasia.

If HPV manifestations are detected, it is necessary to choose a treatment that will prevent the transition of papillomatous infection into a cancer process. The effectiveness of treatment is assessed by tests, but you must remember that the virus cannot be completely removed, you can only block its activity.

Human papillomavirus 16 and 18 types in women can lead to malignant changes in the vulva, vagina, labia. With anal infection, rectal cancer may develop.

Virus during pregnancy

Human papillomavirus infection is an increased risk during pregnancy. The presence of growths in the vagina not only complicates the process of natural childbirth, but also leads to infection of the baby.

After infection, the baby is most often affected by the oropharynx, on the mucous layer of which papillomas grow. This leads to breathing difficulties and other serious health problems.

Women are always advised to be examined when planning a pregnancy. Identification of the virus will allow you to receive antiviral therapy, and only after it is it recommended to become pregnant. If genital warts are found in the early stages of fetal development, their removal is recommended, since in the future there will be an increased growth of papillomas.

If papillomavirus infection is detected in the late stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to wait for the period at which the final formation of all fetal organs occurs. And only after that antiviral therapy is prescribed. Cesarean section is recommended for women with genital warts and genital warts.

Likely consequences

The effects of HPV on women can vary.

It is believed that in most cases, with a good condition of the immune system, 90% of viruses that enter the body self-destruct.

But do not underestimate the danger of this tiny microorganism. When women become infected with HPV, the risk of developing pathologies in the reproductive system increases and pregnancy becomes more difficult. smear .. In addition, immunomodulators are prescribed.

Preventive measures

It is quite difficult to prevent the penetration of HPV into the body, but it is possible if:

  • Have a regular and proven sexual partner.
  • Begin sexual activity only after the complete formation of organs and microflora of the vagina.
  • Be sure to use a condom, and after intercourse, practice hygiene.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle that boosts immunity.
  • Periodically be examined by a gynecologist.

Human papillomavirus infection is not as dangerous as you can read in some sources. But when infected with a virus, it is always advisable to know which strain it belongs to and, if necessary, to receive antiviral therapy.

Video about planning a pregnancy with HPV:

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a problem that is constantly heard in humans, although it appeared relatively recently. And, despite the fact that HPV does not pose a significant threat to society as a whole, information about this virus quickly filled the information space. Calls to “protect” ourselves from papillomavirus and cervical cancer have been eclipsed only by the seasonal hype around swine flu.

Having studied all the available resources of information about the papillomavirus, in the head of many of us only a set of words appears chaotically - "cancer", "warts", "vaccination". And even the official WHO website is not specific about HPV, giving out dry figures on the prevalence of the disease, very frankly translating the question towards vaccination. How do you really treat this disease? What treatment can modern medicine offer and is it worth treating this infection at all?

What it is?

HPV (human papillomavirus, papillomavirus, HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. The main danger of HPV is that some types of HPV can cause cancer if left in the body for a long time.

Causes of occurrence

The human papillomavirus enters the body through small lesions on the skin. If there are cracks or scratches, it is not difficult to make this infection. Infection can occur from a sick person, as well as an infection carrier who is unaware of its presence.

There is also a group of factors contributing to virus infection, these include:

  1. Frequent change of sexual partners.
  2. Chronic gynecological diseases, including cervical erosion.
  3. Sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, ureplasmosis, gonorrhea, thrush.
  4. Long-term use of oral contraceptives.
  5. A large number of abortions. Injury to the internal genital organs during abortions violates the mucous layer, which contributes to better penetration and development of any infection.
  6. Early onset of sexual activity by a girl. It is believed that in most cases, HPV enters the body of a woman under 25 years of age. There is a risk of HPV transmission and without penetration into the vagina at the time of intimate intercourse. That is, girls who practice petting are also at risk of contracting papillomavirus.

According to statistics, more than 70% of women of reproductive age are infected with HPV, but not all of them activate the virus. The development of infection and the appearance of its various manifestations on the skin, mucous membranes are facilitated by a decrease in the body's defenses, prolonged stressful situations, and an imbalance in the endocrine system.


Human papillomavirus can be of several types. They are characterized by varying degrees of impact on the body of women. Among them are:

  • 1, 2, 3, 5 non-oncogenic types;
  • 6, 11, 42, 43, 44 with a low risk of carcinogenicity;
  • 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 68 with a high risk of carcinogenicity.

HPV is diagnosed through a variety of laboratory tests. But the first signal for a woman should be changes in the body. Often, patients note the presence of neoplasms on various parts of the face and body.

HPV symptoms in women

In most patients, the papillomavirus occurs without visible symptoms. But, there are cases in which women with HPV have either warts or other rashes on the skin or mucous membranes, or vaginal discharge (bloody).

During a personal examination, a specialist pays attention to the following external manifestations of a viral infection:

  • signs of cervical erosion (they are absent in the early stages, so doctors take a smear from all patients for cytology);
  • signs of dysplasia;
  • the presence of neoplasms (they are most often cancerous) on the cervix;
  • pain in the genital area;
  • burning sensation, unusual discharge, etc.

The duration of the incubation period for HPV depends on the type of virus and other external and internal factors. Papilloma virus type 18 or 16 can lead to cancer 10, 15 or 20 years after infection. Papillomavirus type 11 or 6 appears as warts over a period of 3 weeks to 8 months.

Clinical manifestations

Clinical manifestations of papillomas:

Filiform They appear in the form of small yellowish cones, which gradually grow and thicken. Older women are most susceptible to this type of papillomas.
Vulgar HPV appears as a lump with a hard-to-touch coating and a diameter of 1 cm or more. Most often, neoplasms are found on the back of the hands.
Flat The appearance of this type of papillomas is preceded by redness and severe itching of the skin at the site of the neoplasm. In appearance, papilloma is flat and round in shape, often does not differ in shade from skin color.
Pointed Neoplasms are found on the female genitals, oral mucosa and around the anus.
Plantar A callus-like lesion appears on the sole of the foot. The difference from corns is that the growth does not contain liquid inside and looks like a shiny bump.

Of the specific symptoms of the disease in women, bloody vaginal discharge after sexual intercourse, an irregular menstrual cycle, and a slight itching in the genital area are also distinguished.

What does the human papillomavirus look like in women, photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in women.

The sight of this malicious virus is as unpleasant as anything else associated with it. (We specifically avoid obscene photographs of female genitals.)


There are two main methods for detecting HPV in the body:

  1. Hybrid capture method. A new and effective method for the diagnosis of HPV infection, which has a number of advantages over PCR. To carry out an HPV DNA test, a scraping from the cervix or from the cervical canal is required. This HPV test is considered quantitative because it allows you to determine the concentration of the virus in the test material (HPV viral load). This test, like PCR, allows you to type HPV (to determine the types of viruses detected).
  2. PCR method. This is a qualitative analysis that only determines the presence or absence of HPV in the body, but does not determine the number of viral particles (viral load). With the help of PCR, it is possible to determine the type of papillomavirus (HPV genotyping) and identify the most dangerous (oncogenic) HPV types. For the test, blood can be used (blood test for HPV), or smears from the cervix and from the cervical canal. The results are interpreted by a gynecologist or oncologist.

HPV testing is one of the components of cervical cancer screening. Every woman who has reached the age of 30 is recommended to be tested for HPV and periodically repeat it every 3-5 years.

In addition to testing for HPV, screening for cervical cancer also includes a smear for cytology. If you have been diagnosed with high-risk HPV and / or cytology has identified suspicious changes, your doctor may recommend further testing.

HPV treatment in women

How human papillomavirus is treated depends on the form of infection. So, if we are talking about warts, papillomas or condylomas, treatment in women is carried out in 2 stages:

  • The formation is removed by various methods. This can be surgical excision with a scalpel, laser burning or electric current, which is more effective in the case of papillomas and genital warts. For the treatment of warts, the method of cryodestruction is successfully used - the necrotization of pathological tissue using liquid nitrogen, which has a very low temperature.
  • The appointment of immunomodulators, the task of which is to activate their own immunity, which should no longer give the virus "raise its head" (drugs that would destroy the virus completely have not yet been invented).

Treatment for malignant tumors caused by the human papillomavirus depends on the stage at which the tumor is detected. It usually consists of three components: surgical removal of the tumor, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. When to apply the last 2 types of treatment - only after the operation, instead of the operation or both before and after it - the oncologist decides after the examination.

Drug treatment

The main striking force of HPV medicine is pharmaceuticals. The patient is prescribed drugs that destroy the cells of the virus and strengthen the immune system. Based on medical practice, the following drugs are most effective:

  • Groprinosin and analogues: Panavir, Epigen intim. Antiviral immunostimulant in tablet form. It is widely used all over the world to fight the papilloma virus. The drug effectively fights the virus inside the body and quickly eliminates the external symptoms of HPV in women.
  • Allokin-alpha. Antiviral immunomodulator. It is prescribed for patients infected with HPV of high oncogenic risk. The drug is administered intravenously. Mixing with blood, the active ingredients of this drug provide a powerful rebuff to the virus.
  • "Genferon". A powerful antiviral drug based on interferon, taurine and benzocaine, which will help you quickly recover from HPV and improve immunity. It is used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.
  • "Viferon" (ointment, spray, suppositories). Effective against HPV infection as a local immunomodulatory drug. It is used as part of a comprehensive course of treatment. Subject to strict adherence to the doctor's instructions, Viferon helps to quickly stop the development of the virus and get rid of external skin manifestations.
  • Isoprinosine. Another representative of the group of immunomodulators, which has established itself as highly effective. "Isoprinosine" can be treated for HPV and prophylaxis. These tablets strengthen the body's internal defenses and enhance the effect of Allokin-alpha injections.

How is the removal going?

It is prescribed in combination with medication. Modern medicine uses destructive methods to quickly eliminate warts and growths on the skin. The main disadvantage of surgical removal of defects is the high probability of recurrence, which is 45-55%. This is due to the fact that the papilloma virus is often reactivated. The drug treatment described in the previous section is aimed at preventing the recurrence of growths and warts.

  1. Laser therapy. This method is one of the most effective and safe. The papilloma is removed under local anesthesia in 1 procedure without bleeding, since the small vessels are immediately "sealed". If carried out correctly, after manipulation, a crust remains at the site of growth of the formation, after which no traces are practically invisible on the skin. Can be used to treat human papillomavirus in pregnant women.
  2. Surgical intervention. The method is considered the most accessible, but its use is fraught with the formation of scars on the skin. Removal of papilloma is carried out by the surgeon manually using a scalpel after preliminary anesthesia of the area around it. Nevertheless, it is surgery or radio wave therapy that is preferable to choose if there is suspicion of malignancy (formation of cancer cells) of the neoplasm, since when they are used, pathological tissues are not destroyed and can be sent for histological examination.
  3. Electrocoagulation. The method involves the removal of neoplasms due to the thermal effect of an electric current under local anesthesia. After the procedure, a crust remains at the site of the papilloma, and after it falls off, a slight scar may remain on the skin.
  4. Radio wave therapy. The method appeared in the arsenal of dermatologists much later than others and is considered one of the safest and most promising. Its essence consists in cutting off neoplasms with a special radio wave knife. After manipulation, no visible traces remain on the skin.
  5. Cryotherapy. The essence of the method is the destruction of neoplasms with liquid nitrogen, and if almost all other methods require local anesthesia, then this one is absolutely painless. But some papillomas may require more than 1 procedure to remove.
  6. Removal by chemical means. This method is one of the oldest. It is based on the destruction of neoplasm tissues by aggressive compounds. They are applied for growth for a certain time several times. The frequency of use and the duration of the application depend on which drug is chosen and the size of the papilloma. As a rule, podophyllin, 5-fluorouracil, podophyllotoxin, trichloroacetic acid, Solcoderm are used.

Thus, how to treat the human papillomavirus in women depends on the size and number of neoplasms, the patient's immunity, whether she has certain diseases or pregnancy.

HPV vaccination

According to the WHO, there are currently two vaccines that protect against HPV 16 and 18, which are known to cause at least 70% of cervical cancers. These vaccines may also provide some cross-protection against other less common HPV types that cause cervical cancer. One of these vaccines also protects against HPV types 6 and 11, which cause anogenital warts.

Results from clinical trials indicate that both vaccines are safe and very effective in preventing HPV 16 and 18 infection. Both vaccines are more effective when vaccinated before exposure to HPV. Therefore, it is preferable to vaccinate before the first sexual contact. Vaccines do not treat an HPV infection or an HPV-associated disease such as cancer.

Some countries have introduced the vaccination of boys, given that vaccination prevents genital cancer in both men and women, and one of the available vaccines also prevents the development of genital warts in men and women. WHO recommends vaccinating girls aged 9-13 years as this is the most cost-effective public health measure against cervical cancer.

HPV vaccination does not replace cervical cancer screening. In countries where HPV vaccine has been introduced, the development of screening programs may also be necessary.


To reduce the risk of contracting HPV, women and young girls should follow these guidelines:

  1. Always use a condom if you have casual sex.
  2. Test yourself and your partner for HPV twice a year.
  3. Timely educate adolescent girls about HPV disease and how it is transmitted. Only knowledge will help protect a child from irreparable mistakes due to inexperience. The best time for such a conversation on an intimate topic will be the age of a teenager 12-13 years old.
  4. Use exclusively your own hygiene products and never take someone else's towel, scissors, soap or something else.
  5. When the first signs of infection appear, immediately contact an infectious disease specialist. It is advisable to do this together with your sexual partner.
  6. It is very important to have one permanent sexual partner. Before starting sexual contact with a person, he must be checked for HPV, as well as for other sexually transmitted diseases.
  7. Prevent weakening of the immune system and promptly treat any diseases of the reproductive system.
  8. Get vaccinated against papilloma virus. Of course, it will not be able to protect against all types of the virus, but it will reduce the risk of developing the most dangerous strains. This vaccination includes three shots to be given every weather.

Also in the United States developed the vaccine Gardasil, which was recommended on June 16, 2006 by the "Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice" for use as protection against cervical cancer. Girls are vaccinated three times, starting from 11-12 years old. Price for 1 injection is $ 120 (360 for full immunization). A similar vaccine is used in some European countries (for example, Greece, but at a price of 185 euros per injection).

In Russia, the Gardasil vaccine was registered in 2006 and is also available for use. In a number of regions (Moscow, Moscow region), young girls are vaccinated free of charge, in others (for example, the Ryazan region) you have to pay for the vaccination (in 2013, about 16 thousand rubles).

Another vaccine - Cervarix - appeared on the market later, is available and approved for use from the age of 10.

The human papillomavirus in women multiplies, entering the body mainly through sexual contact with unprotected sex. Much less often, the infection can be transmitted by such methods of infection as:

  • contact - when kissing, the presence of skin microtrauma;
  • household - through personal hygiene items, kitchen utensils, etc.
  • vertical - from a sick mother to a baby during childbirth.

If the rules of antiseptics are violated, the risk of infection cannot be excluded even in antenatal clinics and gynecology departments. The immune system immediately begins to fight the invading pathogens. HPV disease develops in women with weak body defenses. If immunity is relatively high, many do not even know that they have long been carriers of HPV.

The cause of this disease in the female half of the population is the HPV virus, which affects not only the mucous membranes of the reproductive system, but also the upper layers of the skin. The papillomavirus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, both during sex and through any tactile contact.

The reasons for the appearance of papillomavirus in women include the following:

  • weakened immunity (especially after pregnancy);
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • casual sex;
  • infection with AIDS and other serious diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus, viral and infectious diseases);
  • alcohol abuse;
  • drug use;
  • smoking;
  • taking immunosuppressive drugs, etc.

1. Contact of damaged mucous membranes of a healthy person with the patient's secretions (for example, through a towel).

2. Unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner who is already sick with the papilloma virus.

3. Erosion of the cervix.

4. Long-term use of contraceptives, which provoke changes in the hormonal background of a woman

5. A sharp decrease in immunity is not able to cause HPV, however, because of this, a woman will become more susceptible to such a disease (the defenses of her body will not cope with their task).

6. The presence of untreated genital infections (thrush, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.).

7. Sharing a toilet or bathroom with a sick person.

8. Transmission of the virus from a sick mother to a child through the placenta or birth canal.

9. Possible infection in baths or gyms.

10. Blood transfusion or other medical procedures using non-sterile instruments.

As statistics show, women with the age of 21-24 are most susceptible to HPV, who begin an active sex life and often change their sexual partners.

Distinctive symptoms in men

For the stronger sex, HPV is not so dangerous. Although some of its types can cause the development of oncology, this is extremely rare. In men (as in women), the papillomavirus is often combined with other sexually transmitted infections.

The symptoms of human papillomavirus in men are as follows:

  • unusual discharge;
  • discomfort in the genital area;
  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • pain when urinating;
  • development of condylomatosis.

In most cases, men are only hidden carriers. That is, HPV infection has occurred, but there are no warts on the body, and the pathology is diagnosed only during examination, for example, cytology. In this case, a man still becomes a carrier of the infection, that is, he can easily infect other people with it.

HPV symptoms in women

Depending on the likelihood of developing cancer, there are two main types of HPV:

  1. Not representing a carcinogenic hazard.
  2. Oncogenic with low, medium and high risk levels.

If the representatives of the female half of the population ignore this disease, then it can not only seriously ruin their lives, but also lead to irreparable consequences. All, without exception, neoplasms that are a manifestation of the papillomavirus, not only disfigure the body of patients, but also cause:

  • infection of the baby with HPV during childbirth;
  • the development of oncological diseases;
  • infection with various infections.

The papillomavirus is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as well as for their unborn babies. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, expectant mothers need to be tested for the presence of HPV.

If during the laboratory examination the appropriate antibodies are detected, the patient will be advised to postpone the pregnancy. A woman will be able to return to this issue after complex treatment and repeated tests.

Sometimes papillomavirus is diagnosed in women who are already in a position. In this case, specialists postpone treatment until the 28th week of pregnancy.

By this time, all internal organs of the child will be formed and his body will be able to undergo drug therapy. After treatment of this category of patients, it is not recommended to give birth on their own, since the remaining condylomas can infect the fetus during the passage through the birth canal.

In most patients, papillomavirus is asymptomatic. But, there are cases in which women with HPV have either warts or other rashes on the skin or mucous membranes, or vaginal discharge (bloody). During a personal examination, a specialist pays attention to the following external manifestations of a viral infection:

  • signs of cervical erosion (they are absent in the early stages, so doctors take a smear from all patients for cytology);
  • signs of dysplasia;
  • the presence of neoplasms (they are most often cancerous) on the cervix;
  • pain in the genital area;
  • burning sensation, unusual discharge, etc.

The duration of the incubation period for HPV depends on the type of virus and other external and internal factors. Papilloma virus type 18 or 16 can lead to cancer 10, 15 or 20 years after infection. Papillomavirus type 11 or 6 appears as warts over a period of 3 weeks to 8 months.

How and where does the virus manifest itself

Therapy method Treatment measures carried out
Treatment (local) Altered areas of the epithelium are removed. To do this, doctors resort to the following methods: cryodestruction, diathermocoagulation, chemical, laser or surgical removal, exposure to the affected areas with radio waves
Treatment (surgical) With the help of a scalpel, foci of neoplasms are removed (most often this method is used if there is a suspicion of malignancy of neoplasms)
Drug therapy It is prescribed during the period of exacerbation, as well as in order to prevent relapse of the disease. Some types of papillomas disappear without surgery, under the influence of drugs (an effective method for preventing malignancy of papillomas)
Immunomodulators The work of the patient's immune system is stimulated

Can I be cured forever

Despite the active development of the medical industry, there are diseases that cannot be eliminated once and for all. The papillomavirus falls into this category.

Based on numerous studies of HPV, experts argue that the category of women who become infected with the papillomavirus after reaching the age of 30 will not be able to completely recover from this disease.

Patients in the younger age group have every chance of permanently curing HPV.

HPV treatment regimen in women

Before choosing an HPV treatment regimen, the doctor must find out what type of papillomavirus his patient is infected with. In most cases, specialists in the treatment of this category of patients focus on restoring their immune system.

They prescribe medication, which can alternate with physiotherapy. If the chosen method does not bring the desired results, then the removal of all growths is performed surgically.

The human papillomavirus has some peculiarities in its manifestations in women and men. Since this disease is quite often transmitted during intercourse, you should always take care not to infect your partner.

Against the background of the presence of inflammation of the genitals (vulvovaginitis, endocervicitis, pseudo-erosion of the cervix) in the fairer sex, the manifestations of papillomavirus usually proceed almost imperceptibly. They are often combined with other infections that are sexually transmitted:

  • herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea.

The distinctive features of HPV, which occurs in conjunction with other sexually transmitted diseases in women, are the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of soreness during intercourse;
  • itching and burning sensation in the genital area;
  • the appearance of unusual discharge;
  • problems with urination;
  • inflammatory growth of the skin.

Moreover, if there was no infection with concomitant infections, there are no indirect signs of the human papillomavirus. If a woman is diagnosed with only HPV, the only possible manifestation is genital warts. Condylomas in women affect the following areas:

  • anus;
  • urethra;
  • rectum;
  • vagina;
  • crotch;
  • vulva;
  • external genital organs;
  • cervix.

For many, such neoplasms become not just an aesthetic flaw. They constantly cause trouble in the form of itching or pain when touching if a secondary infection has occurred. Sometimes the growths can bleed if they are damaged frequently. Despite the troubles, warts are not considered a threat to life.

Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia is the most dangerous manifestation of papillomavirus in women. This is a precancerous condition of the cervix. If the pathology reaches stage 3, then this condition is considered the initial stage of cancer.

1. The formation of warts. Outwardly, they will be round, dense and with a convex shape. When pressed, these warts are completely painless. In color, they practically do not differ from the color of human skin.

The localization of such warts can be very different. They are most often found on the palms, eyelids and abdomen. They can be caused by viruses of 1, 2 or 4 types.

2. Genital warts develop on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Less commonly, they are localized in the vagina or oral cavity.

On examination, such warts are growths that have uneven edges. They are caused by viruses of 6, 11 or 3 types.

3. Papular warts are caused by viruses of types 16, 18 or 31. They are dense plaques that are pink in color. These growths are dangerous, as they can develop into a malignant tumor.

If you suspect HPV, you should contact your gynecologist, venereologist, infectious disease specialist and dermatologist. These specialists will be able to correctly identify the disease and select the appropriate treatment.

Diagnosis of papillomavirus begins with taking the patient's history and general examination. In this case, the doctor will carefully examine the skin and mucous membranes where warts and condylomas are most often localized.

Women must undergo a gynecological examination using mirrors and take a scraping from the mucous membranes of the cervix.

If HPV is suspected, your doctor may also take a small piece of your cervix for biopsy. This is necessary to identify a malignant pathology or refute its development.

For the most accurate diagnosis of the virus, a DTC test should be performed, which will not only identify the disease, but also determine the exact type of virus.

Treatment is selected by the doctor separately for each patient, depending on the type of virus that has infected the body. To date, there is no clear therapy regimen. The choice of tactics is individual.

The danger of HPV depends on the type of virus, since not all of them are deadly. Despite this, there are some particularly aggressive types of viruses that can lead to cervical cancer. These are the genotypes of viruses numbered 16, 39, 18 and 31.

Moreover, if you do not start therapeutic therapy, then warts can fester and continue to spread.

Modern scientists have managed to isolate 27 species from 5 genera and more than 170 types of HPV, but only some of them are capable of causing diseases of the urogenital tract.

Virus types differ according to the degree of oncogenic risk. So, there are (by type):

  1. Low risk - HPV 3, 6, 11, 13, 32, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 51, 61, 72, 73;
  2. Medium risk - HPV 30, 35, 45, 52, 53, 56, 58;
  3. High risk - HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 50, 59, 64, 68, 70.

In the early stages, it is not easy to visually diagnose papillomatosis, since neoplasms are only small roughness with a point vasodilation. The characteristic capillary network is formed on them much later.

If women have traces of human papillomavirus infection on the cervix, a colposcopy is performed. The essence of the method is to study tissues using a special apparatus capable of producing multiple magnifications. For diagnostic purposes, a gynecologist can perform painless tests with ethanic acid and Lugol's solution.

One of the main methods for diagnosing human papillomavirus in women is cytological examination of smears. Indicates the presence of HPV in the presence of specific cells - coylocytes in the material taken. Also, this analysis allows you to detect only incipient cervical cancer, when there are no visual changes in the tissues yet.

The most advanced HPV detection method is the Digene test. It is based on complex biochemical reactions, due to which the test is characterized by the highest sensitivity. The material for research can be a scraping of epithelial cells or a sample obtained from a biopsy.

Other methods, for example, PCR, are rarely used, mainly only with an asymptomatic form of the course of the pathology and to determine the type of virus.

Since HPV infection occurs mainly through sexual intercourse, women who have it are advised to undergo a full examination and be tested for other STDs.

If any neoplasms are found, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out their nature and origin. Women who have HPV, especially type 16 or 18, should also be treated to prevent the development of cancer.

HPV types 16 and 18 represent the greatest danger to the health and life of women. In addition to the fact that they cause the formation of genital warts, they can provoke dysplasia and cervical cancer. And it is he who causes the death of hundreds of thousands of women.

At the same time, the human papillomavirus type 31 in women also often becomes the cause of the development of dysplasia, and with non-intervention and cervical cancer, although it is one of the viruses with medium oncogenic activity. Therefore, if any type of HPV is found, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist and undergo the prescribed course of treatment.

Women from the following risk groups are most susceptible to human papillomavirus infection:

  • Early onset of sexual activity (before the age of 16).
  • A large number of sexual partners.
  • Neglect of contraception (not from pregnancy, but from the transmission of viruses and STDs).
  • Women who do not monitor the condition of the genitals (the presence of injuries, tumors, growths, etc.) when using some razors and other care items that can contribute to self-infection - the transfer of the virus from the body specifically to the perineal area.
  • The presence of immune deficiency conditions.
  • Failure to undergo scheduled medical examinations and examinations.

Women from these groups should be more concerned about their health, since HPV can sit in the body for a long time and wait for the right moment to activate. It is advisable to prevent its manifestation by detecting the virus in the body in the first couples, but if this has not been done and the signs of infection have already begun to appear, then quickly consult a doctor to undergo treatment.

Papillomas are of different appearance and internal structure (differ in cell morphology) and, depending on this, a woman's treatment regimen for papillomatosis is selected. There are three forms of HPV manifestation in women, and they differ significantly in symptoms (type of papillomas and accompanying signs) and severity.

Clinical form Symptoms When discovered
Latent (or there is an incubation period before entering the next form) There are no typical papillomas or other growths, as well as other complaints from a woman. Accidentally during routine diagnostics or along the way during testing for STIs
Subclinical Single papillomas can occur on the body, as well as on the mucous membrane of the cervix, erosion already appears. There are also flat elements of a different color. In some cases, a woman may feel pain during or after intercourse, and notice spotting for no apparent reason. In case of complaints during examination by a gynecologist, the doctor prescribes tests (especially a sample with 3% acetic acid) and reveals the carriage of the virus or even an already existing pathology.
Clinical or manifest On the body of a woman, multiple papillomas of various types are present in various places. The area of \u200b\u200bthe perineum is especially dotted with papillomas, the growths can even block the entrance to the vagina, which is especially common in pregnant women and complicates the process of childbirth. With complaints, a woman comes to the gynecologist and he conducts an examination. Either the patient has been observed for a long time and during treatment (unsuccessful) or its absence, the subclinical form flows into the clinical one.

It does not matter what clinical form of human papillomavirus infection the gynecologist detects, in any case, a woman needs to undergo a comprehensive examination to establish the presence or absence of malignant transformations, and also to start appropriate treatment.

HPV symptoms in women

Genital genital warts grow, as a rule, within 3-4 months after the introduction of the virus into the female body. However, the incubation (that is, latent) period of HPV development can last 5, 10, 15 years, and then it is impossible to determine when the infection occurred. This type of tumor has a small leg and uneven, as if torn, edges.

Human papillomavirus infection is characterized by a latent course, all this time the woman is unaware of her illness. You can get infected with several types of HPV at once. The incubation period lasts from 15 days to 6 months. In 90% of cases, the immune system copes with the virus and self-healing occurs.

If immunity is reduced, then the disease can go in two ways:

  • active reproduction of the virus with characteristic manifestations;
  • the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, in case of infection with oncogenic strains - the malignancy of the process.


The main method for diagnosing human papillomavirus in women is PCR (polymerase chain reaction). The method is based on the restoration of cell DNA using enzymes. If the virus is absent, then the reaction will give a negative result.

It is necessary to diagnose not only the disease, but also to establish the type of papillomavirus that caused it. Diagnosis is carried out by a woman's gynecologist.

He prescribes, in addition to the standard examination, such procedures:

  • Colposcopy.
  • Cytological and histological examination of tissue samples from biopsy.
  • Blood test for virus carriers.
  • PCR to detect human papillomavirus infection.
  • Analysis for the presence of oncoproteins.

Based on the research results, a specialist will prescribe treatment for a woman.


With the help of existing therapies, HPV cannot be cured, but you can get rid of the manifestations of the infection. For this, it is important to establish the type of virus.

It is necessary to treat the disease in pursuit of two goals: removal of neoplasms in women and strengthening of immunity. If papillomas do not cause discomfort, then you can leave them alone.

However, if the tumors grow rapidly, cause pain or are a gross cosmetic defect, they must be treated without fail.

Antiviral therapy

The main remedies that suppress the causative agents of human papilloma and enhance immunity are modern medicines. Medicines that destroy the DNA of viruses or prevent them from multiplying are especially effective.

In the treatment of human papillomavirus in women, radical drugs such as 5-fluorouracil, Kondilin, Podophyllin in the form of solutions and creams for topical use, tablets and capsules Indinol are widely used.

However, these medicines cannot be treated for papillomas during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of HPV in women. This virus remains in the body for life; a woman will infect her partners with it. Only the result of the spread of the virus should be treated.

To maintain the immune system, immunomodulatory drugs based on interferon and antiviral drugs are used. These expensive drugs, unfortunately, do not always lead to the expected result.

The most effective remedy is Allokin Alpha. It is prescribed when highly oncogenic strains are found.

Local remedies in the form of candles are also used: Viferon, Genferon, Cycloferon. If there are large accumulations of warts on the skin, then use ointments with a necrotizing effect (Vartek, Podophyllin).

After the main course, supportive therapy drugs are prescribed: Thymosin, Immunomax, Levamisole. They reinforce the result of the treatment.

Antiviral agents are also prescribed: Farmvir, Valtrex, Groprinosin. These funds act depressingly on the RNA of the papillomavirus, prevent its spread. On average, the duration of the general course of therapy is 5-6 months.

How to treat external signs of human papillomavirus in women?

A lot of papillomas and warts on the body cause significant discomfort, moreover, it is a strong cosmetic defect. To get rid of warts, methods such as:

  • Cryodestruction. Papillomas are frozen with liquid nitrogen.
  • Radiocoagulation. The warts are excised with a radio wave knife.
  • Laser removal. The method is approved for use in children and pregnant women.
  • Surgical method. If the lesion is extensive and there is a suspicion of malignant degeneration, then surgical removal is preferable.

In the case when HPV has caused cervical dysplasia or cancer, then appropriate treatment is prescribed. In the later stages, surgical intervention is indicated.

Many women faced with human papillomavirus infection and choosing treatment tactics are concerned about the following questions:

  • Who treats human papillomavirus infection? - A gynecologist or an oncologist, if there is evidence of malignant degeneration of tissues.
  • Can cervical cancer be treated? -Yes, but the ability to have children after treatment may be lost.
  • What is the risk of death if I have dysplasia or cervical cancer? - Extremely small - up to 10% and only in the absence of treatment.
  • Is it possible to completely get rid of papillomas? - Yes, there are a lot of medicines and surgical procedures for this.
  • Does HPV Prevention Matter? - Yes, it can, if not prevent the virus from entering the body (after all, more than 90% of women are already infected), then at least prevent the virus from developing into a disease.
  • What drug should be used to eliminate the virus? - You need to use only the funds prescribed by the doctor, only a specialist can prescribe a comprehensive treatment for papillomavirus infection, which will help eliminate papillomas and remove the pathogen from the body.

Therefore, women should not hesitate to visit a doctor when papillomas are found and do not skimp on diagnostics and medications, so that later they do not undergo a long course of cancer treatment.

How to treat HPV in women with folk remedies

Name of the medicine What is it prescribed for and what effect on HPV
Isoprizine (in tablet form) is prescribed in combination with antiviral drugs actively fights against the virus (manifested on the genitals and in the form of warts on the skin), stimulates the immune system,
Allokin alfa (available in the form of a solution for injection) prescribed for the chronic form of HPV (if an oncogenic strain has become the causative agent of the virus)
Viferon (in the form of gels or ointments)

Prescribed in combination with antiviral drugs

has a stimulating effect on the immune system
Epigen (solution) for processing
Likopid (tablets),

Acylact (candles), etc.


To minimize the risk of infection with the papilloma virus, women of different age groups should carry out a set of preventive measures:

  • use protective equipment (condoms) during sexual intercourse;
  • stimulate the work of your immune system;
  • give up all bad habits, especially smoking;
  • get rid of alcohol and drug addiction;
  • avoid casual sexual contact;
  • get vaccinated in a timely manner;
  • regularly undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist, do an ultrasound scan, etc.

HPV is one of those diseases that are easier to prevent than to cure. The main means of preventing human papillomavirus in women is vaccination. It is carried out using the Gardasil vaccine, which was developed in 2006. Cervarix vaccine is also used.

The price

The cost of HPV therapy is largely determined by the cost of the drugs. Inexpensive medicines can be ordered and purchased from an online pharmacy. Estimated cost of popular medicines:

  • Allokin-alpha, price - 3750 rubles;
  • Amiksin, price - 520-990 rubles;
  • Isoprinosine, price - 830-1400 rubles;
  • Panavir (gel, suppositories, solution), price - 140-3880 rubles;
  • Epigen intimacy, price - 800-1930 rubles;
  • Viferon, price - 180-920 rubles;
  • Milgamma, price - 560-1130 rubles.

Abbreviation HPVstands for “ human papillomavirus". It is extensive a group of viruses that integrate their DNA into the genome of skin cells and force cells to divide rapidly... You can become infected with the virus both during household and sexual contact.

No specific drugs have yet been developed to cure HPV. According to medical estimates, at the moment about 70% of all people are infected, the number of carriers continues to increase.

What is HPV

Human papillomavirus (referred to in medical documents as HPV - human papilloma virus) is a group of viruses that has about 100 varieties... About 80 strains are dangerous to humans. HPV is dangerous because when it gets into the cells of the skin or mucous membranes, it can integrate its DNA into its genome, causing uncontrolled, malignant division. In other words, papillomavirus can cause cancer.

According to the potential oncogenicity, HPV is divided into:

  • non-oncogenic - types 1, 2, 3, 5
  • moderate oncogenicity - 6, 11, 42, 43, 44
  • oncogenic - 31, 18, 16, 51, 39, 45, 59, 33, 58, 35, 52, 56, 68

From oncogenic the most dangerous strains 16, 31 and 18... Infection of 16 types is about 70% of the population. Of these, about half of the cases are diagnosed with cancer.

How the virus enters the body

HPV is transmitted from person to person by contact, mainly sexually. After genital herpes, the papillomavirus is in second place in terms of prevalence among diseases that are transmitted through intimate contact.

Note! HPV is not transmitted through saliva, blood, discharge. It enters the body with the cells of the skin or mucous membranes of the infected partner. The main source of infection is the existing growths - condylomas, papillomas, warts.

Ways of transmission of HPV:

  1. Sexual- infection through direct contact, sexual intercourse is optional. Close skin contact is sufficient. The most dangerous strains that cause cancer of the genitals, anus, mucous membranes of the rectum, vagina, urinary tract are transmitted in this way.
  2. Domestic- infection when shaking hands, using common things, in the bath, in the pool. So you can get infected with warts, papillomas

The external manifestation of the virus depends on its type and location.

HPV localization and symptoms

Each type of virus has its own affected area and a specific external manifestation:

  • Warts on hands, feet, body - 10, 4, 1, 2, 28, 3, 5, 49
  • Filiform warts (papillomas) on the neck, chest, face, armpits in middle-aged and older people - 5, 3, 9 and 8
  • Condylomas in the anogenital zone - 16, 6, 18, 35, 11, 13, 31
  • Multiple papillomas in the larynx - 11
  • Hyperplasia of the oral mucosa - 13, 32
  • Oncogenic damage to the tissues of the cervix - 31, 16, 18, 40, 67, 61, 43, 59, 33, 39, 42, 55, 57, 62, 66, 35
  • Oncogenic lesions of the skin of the penis - 16 and 18.

Note! Erosion of the cervix and dysplasia of the cervical tissue under the influence of HPV are different pathologies. Erosion is of an inflammatory nature. It is caused by mechanical damage to the epithelium during abortion, difficult childbirth, frequent sexual intercourse, inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.

Reasons for activating HPV

Once in the human body, papillomavirus can "act" in two ways:

  1. The virus is located in a cell of the skin or mucous membrane, does not integrate into the genome (episomal existence), it is inactive and "dormant". A person becomes a carrier, without external manifestations of infection.
  2. The virus integrates into the cell's DNA (introsomal damage), altering it and provoking uncontrolled, atypical cell division. There are external manifestations of papillomavirus infection - warts, papillomas, condylomas.

The third option, which is typical for healthy young people, looks like this: an infected person heals on his own. The wearer may not be aware of the processes taking place in the body.

Photo 1. A partner may not know that he is a carrier of the virus if he does not have external manifestations. Source: Flickr (Anna Lizman).

HPV activation and the appearance of external manifestations occurs for the following reasons:

  • Weakened immunity... A direct link between papillomavirus disease and the state of the immune system is confirmed by 100% HPV resistance in HIV-infected patients;
  • Hormonal disorders (illness, taking hormonal medications) or natural hormonal changes in the body (menopause, pregnancy);
  • Age-related changes;
  • Severe illnesses, previous operations;
  • Chronic stress, poor diet, alcohol and tobacco addiction.

Note! It is thanks to the ability of the human body to independently block and destroy HPV that humanity is not completely affected by this infection. In 90% of those infected, HPV is destroyed by the body without a trace within a year after infection.

Features of HPV in men and women

The female body is more vulnerable to malignant disease than the male... This is due to:

  • features of the hormonal system of women
  • a larger area of \u200b\u200bcontact between the skin and mucous membranes during sexual intercourse

Papillomavirus 16, 18, 31 typesaffects the female genital organs and is the main cause of uterine cancer... Genital warts occur on the labia, in the perineum, on the eve of the vagina and inside it. On the cervix, the virus provokes tissue dysplasia... Identification of this pathology in the early stages allows not only to cure a woman, but also to give her the opportunity to have children.

One of the most effective methods for detecting HPV is mandatory screening, which is carried out once every 3 years. During the examination, a visual examination is carried out, a smear is taken. If intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervical zone is suspected, colposcopy is performed. Clinical examination of women allows you to identify HPV and provide effective treatment.

Note! Advanced uterine cancer is diagnosed in women who have not visited a gynecologist in the past 10 years.

HPV in pregnant women

Papillomavirussleeping in a woman's body, often manifests itself during pregnancy... If papillomas (warts, condylomas) were before pregnancy, then they can grow and change. For the development of the fetus, infection of a woman is not dangerous.

However, during childbirth, if there are condylomas in the birth canal, the baby may be infected... Until recently, a caesarean section was prescribed to prevent infection of the fetus. Now there are opponents of these measures, believing that the baby's immunity will cope with the virus on its own.

Treatment for pregnant womenwomen shown as immunostimulating drugs... Medical treatment and removal of genital warts are prescribed after assessing the benefit / risk individually.

Photo 2. HPV does not pose a risk for fetal development, but can be transmitted to the fetus during childbirth. Source: Flickr (Dr Ruby Sehra).

HPV in men

The male body is less susceptible to the external manifestations of the papilloma virus. However, men become carriers of the virus and infect sexual partners without knowing it.

HPV in men causes:

  • penile cancer
  • damage to the urinary tract
  • condylomas in the anogenital region, scrotum, inner side of the foreskin
  • cancer of the rectal mucosa.

Warts do not deliver special pain to men. In case of internal lesion of the urinary tract, difficulty in urinating or "splashing" of urine may occur.

HPV diagnostics

As a rule, a person seeks a doctor after detecting growths on the body. For common warts, see a therapist, dermatologist or surgeon. In the case of anogenital growths women go to see a gynecologist, men should visit a urologist.

Diagnosis begins with visual inspectionand questioning the patient. After examination, appoint:

  • pap smear (PAP test) from the cervical canal to determine whether the cervix is \u200b\u200bbenign, borderline or malignant
  • colposcopy - examination with a special device
  • biopsy - analysis of tissue samples for the detection of oncopathology
  • histological examinations
  • PCR analysis to determine the type of HPV and their activity

Note! The patient does not have to undergo the full range of possible examinations. An examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis. Additional research is carried out to determine the type of virus and its activity.

HPV treatment

Human papillomavirus infection is treated in a complex way:

  • appoint removal of growthsas a source of active virus
  • spend antiviral(general and local) medication therapy
  • appoint immunostimulating treatment - to activate the body's own defenses.

Note! There is no definitive "cure for HPV". Even complex treatment cannot completely eliminate the presence of the virus. The main task of treatment is to suppress its vital activity, to reduce the amount.

Drug treatment

Medicines used to treat HPV:

  • Antiviral drugs - Panavir, Cycloferon, Isoprinosin, Allokin alpha
  • Immunomodulators- Immunomax, Interferon, Likopid, Polyoxidonium, Transfer factor
  • Destructive drugsfor topical use - Verrukatsid, Solkoderm, Superchistotel, Cryopharma, Kondilin.

Note! Preparations for the chemical destruction of neoplasms can be used independently only after a doctor's prescription. Unprofessional removal of warts, papillomas or genital warts leads to burns, scars, or an increase in growths.

Antiviral drug therapy is prescribed after determining the type and amount of viral infection. Immunomodulators should not be taken without assessing the current immune status.

Photo 3. Removing the external manifestations of papillomavirus is not enough. To avoid a relapse, it is important to undergo a course of drug treatment.

Papillomas are skin growths that are very common. They can form in the groin, armpit, neck, chest, and between the toes. In women, papillomas can occur on, on the cervix and internal genital organs.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is a common disease that affects two-thirds of the world's female population. There are many methods of treating this disease, both medicinal and folk. But only an integrated approach can give a positive result.

Papillomas outwardly resemble moles, so many do not pay attention to neoplasms that have appeared on the skin. Only a qualified technician can distinguish an unwanted growth from a birthmark.

There are several types of neoplasms:

  • simple;
  • flat;
  • spiky;
  • plantar;
  • threadlike;
  • vulgar.

There are certain signs by which a dangerous neoplasm is possible. The symptoms are:

  • a growth on the body looks like a mushroom, or a papilla on a leg;
  • this neoplasm grows, it can grow up to two centimeters;
  • when palpating the site, pain may occur;
  • the papilloma itself has a heterogeneous consistency - the surface is granular, rough;
  • the color is not uniform, it can be white or milky on mucous membranes, and dirty brown on the skin. If the build-up is damaged, its color changes to black;
  • papillomas begin to grow without any symptoms;
  • grow very slowly, but if unfavorable factors are present, for example, frequent stressful situations, then they can grow very quickly.

On a note! If there are few neoplasms on the body, and they do not manifest themselves in any way, then the doctor may not prescribe mechanical removal of the papilloma. In this case, you can get rid of the growths with alternative methods of treatment.

If there are not very many papillomas on the body and they do not cause discomfort, the doctor may decide not to remove them. But it is easy to get rid of growths on your own by applying treatment, choosing the most effective methods that will quickly and safely cleanse the skin.

Why do they appear

In 50% of cases, HPV is sexually transmitted and may not appear for a long time. But as soon as a person's immunity weakens, clinical symptoms of the disease begin to be observed immediately.

Most often, papillomas begin to grow in adolescence, when a young body begins hormonal changes during puberty and the onset of sexual activity. Young people often become infected with frequent changes of sexual partners. As soon as unprotected intercourse occurs, after 1-2 months, growths begin to form in the intimate areas.

In women, papillomas appear much more often than in the opposite sex, they are found in the genital area, on the mucous membrane of the vagina, and the cervix. These benign formations often provoke cancers of the internal genital organs in women.

It is worth noting that a small child can be infected with HPV from a sick mother, with constant, close, household contact.

Very often this disease occurs in people who are overweight. To explain this fact is quite simple - these people have impaired metabolic processes in the body. The growths are often found in the folds of the skin, in the axillary folds, on the eyelids and neck.

HPV diagnosis and therapy

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must determine the severity of the human HPV lesion, for this, the following studies are prescribed:

  1. Visit to the gynecologist for examination.
  2. Colposcopy - examination of the cervix using a special magnifier to determine the symptoms of dysplasia.
  3. Papanicolaou test - a smear from the cervical canal, which helps to determine changes in epithelial cells.
  4. Digene test - helps to determine the type of viral infection, and the load of the virus on the body.

Studies should be carried out at least once every 3-5 years, after the first analysis, if it has not revealed changes in the structure of the cervical epithelium. If dysplasia has been identified, then tests should be taken every year.

If the study revealed a disease, then the doctor recommends undergoing diagnostics to identify malignant neoplasms.

? As soon as neoplasms on the genitals are detected, you need to contact a venereologist or dermatologist. If the papillomas are black and large in size, then it makes sense to be examined by an oncologist.

Papilloma in an intimate place

As soon as papillomas are found, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • Solkoderm - in the composition, which contains acids. As soon as the drug enters the neoplasm, it begins to mummify. The active substance is considered potent, but despite this it does not affect healthy tissues and only acts on the papilloma. The product is applied once using the applicator. With a strong proliferation of neoplasms, they are used repeatedly until they are completely cured.
  • Feresol - the preparation contains phenol, which accelerates the process of mummification, after which the neoplasm is rejected. It can be applied repeatedly, but no more than 5 times, with the interval between application of the drug being 7 days.
  • Imiquimod - an immunomodulator that helps improve the body's resistance to HPV. The drug is applied externally and removes papillomas of any size and shape without leaving scars. The course of treatment, depending on the severity of the course of the disease, can be 16 weeks.
  • - a natural preparation that effectively acts not only on ordinary neoplasms, but also on those with a precancerous condition. The main ingredients of the drug are red pepper, propolis and garlic. The tool not only eliminates papillomas, but also has an analgesic effect. Do not be afraid that this solution will get into healthy areas of the mucous membrane, it will not bring any harm, despite such a complex composition.

Papillomavirus on the cervix

The main reasons for the activation of HPV on the cervix is \u200b\u200bweak immunity.

It is worth saying that with sexual infection with HPV, neither the type of contact, nor the presence of a condom can play a decisive role.

There are several activities that contribute to the elimination of papilloma on the cervix, they are divided into groups:

  • destruction or destruction - local removal of neoplasms using nitrogen, laser or electric current. Chemical destruction using trichloroacetic acid may be prescribed. Often these treatments are prescribed even during pregnancy, but there is a risk of recurrence of papilloma or bleeding;
  • immunology - in this case, such drugs are prescribed as: Viferon, Kipferon, Reaferon;
  • antiviral therapy, in which they are prescribed - Alpirazin, Panaviron, Tsidofoviron. Pregnancy is a contraindication for the appointment of these drugs, in other cases they cope perfectly with.

It is worth remembering that, once HPV has entered the body, it remains there forever, and even with a positive effect from the treatment, it can make itself felt at any time.

During pregnancy

It is not uncommon for the development of papilloma to occur during the period of bearing a child. At this time, a woman's immunity decreases, which becomes the cause of the development of the disease. The symptom may be profuse discharge from the genitals.

As soon as a woman notices HPV symptoms, she should immediately visit a gynecologist. It is strictly forbidden to carry out self-treatment with folk remedies in this situation, since the health of the expectant mother and her child is at stake. Only a doctor, after prescribing immunomodulators, can choose the best way to remove papilloma.

Intraductal papilloma of the mammary gland

This type of disease resembles cystic formations in appearance. If multiple papillomas have formed in the ducts of the breast, then there is a very high risk that they will degenerate into a malignant tumor.

A symptom of breast HPV is a nipple discharge that varies in color and can be:

  • milky white;
  • brown;
  • transparent;
  • yellowish;
  • greenish.

Multiple papilloma formations can be felt through the skin.

Breast neoplasms caused by HPV do not resolve on their own, even after the use of drugs, so treatment is most often surgical.

How to get rid of papilloma at home

Traditional methods of treating papilloma, there are more than a dozen recipes that can help get rid of unpleasant neoplasms.

Laundry soap

It is a proven HPV treatment that can quickly and painlessly get rid of warts, even in private areas. The soap should be grated on a fine grater, applied to the neoplasm with a thick layer and sealed with a plaster. This procedure is performed overnight until the formation disappears.

For use in intimate places, a creamy mass should be prepared from the same, by diluting the shavings with any cream or essential oil. The tool is hypoallergenic, it can be used to treat papilloma in children.


This natural antiseptic will help get rid of papilloma quickly. It is enough to rub the neoplasms with the juice of this plant several times a day, gradually the growth will darken and fall off. Also, you can prepare a medicinal ointment from celandine, for this:

  • 5 teaspoons celandine powder;
  • 1 tsp lanolin;
  • Vaseline - 1 tsp

Mix all the ingredients well, let it brew for a while and lubricate the problem areas until the neoplasms completely disappear. In the case of, the more often you apply the composition to the build-up, the faster it will fall off.

When using fresh celandine juice, you need to be extremely careful, as the substance burns healthy skin, getting on it.


Wormwood tincture works great with papillomas, if there is no herb, you can use essential oil. This plant is a natural immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent. The growths can be lubricated with fresh juice, wormwood essential oil or herbal tincture. It is worth remembering that this method has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy;
  • ulcer, gastritis, anemia - for these diseases, you can not use it internally;
  • long-term use can cause a mental disorder, and an overdose - convulsions.
  1. Aloe juice - used only if the plant has been growing in a pot for more than 6 years. Warts are smeared with agave juice 5 times a day, and at night put a small piece of the agave leaf on the papilloma, under the bandage. This method is effective and safe.
  2. Kalanchoe leaves are also excellent in the treatment of papilloma. You can lubricate the growths with juice, or apply a clean piece of paper, only it is pre-pricked with a fork, under the adhesive plaster. The result of the treatment will appear after two weeks of daily application.

Dandelion tincture. You need to prepare it in the following way:

  • Finely chop the freshly picked plant and tamp it into a glass jar.
  • Pour the composition with triple cologne and put in a dark place for 3 weeks.
  • Strain the composition.

Papillomas need to be lubricated with infusion 5 times a day, until the growths fall off.


In order for HPV not to worsen, you need to take preventive measures:

  • undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist;
  • exclude promiscuous sex;
  • maintain immunity;
  • resemble timely vaccination.

Health can be improved by independently applying the following folk recipes:

  1. Infusion or decoction of rose hips. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of fruits - 400 ml. insist 8 hours in a thermos, drink instead of tea a glass a day.
  2. Echinacea tincture. Add 25 g of plant inflorescences to 0.5 liters of alcohol, remove in a dark place for 3 weeks. Apply for two weeks, 30 drops a day.
  3. Herbal collection:
  • plantain leaves;
  • st. John's wort;
  • tricolor violet;
  • flowers of clover and linden.

Take all the ingredients in equal parts by a teaspoon and pour boiling water for a quarter of an hour, strain and drink instead of tea.

Human papillomavirus

This ailment often affects women, especially when it comes to the internal genital organs. It is also worth noting that in men, the growths practically do not undergo degeneration into malignant neoplasms.

You can vaccinate against this disease, but if the disease is already present in the body, then the effect of the vaccine will be nullified.


Papillomas bring a lot of trouble, but a timely visit to a doctor and proper treatment can not only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but also completely remove the growths from the human body. And the prevention of the disease will help to exclude a relapse.