Are seeds harmful with high acidity? Sunflower seeds for gastritis: the safety of "folk snacks". Exacerbation of the disease: is it possible to eat seeds

Patients with gastritis and ulcers should use seeds with caution. Excessive eating of seeds can worsen the condition.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are a common pathology. Patients are especially concerned about gastritis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach. Since the most important processes of processing and assimilation of substances take place in this organ, it is very important what and how much we eat. For example, is a delicacy like seeds useful for gastritis?

The culprit of stomach inflammation is most often the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. In addition to discomfort and pain in the epigastrium, other symptoms of the disease appear. A person becomes irritable, gets tired quickly, working capacity and vitality decrease, and drowsiness appears.

Provoke an exacerbation:

  • stressful situations;
  • use of harmful products;
  • violation of the diet;
  • some medications;
  • heredity;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • harmful inclinations.

Irritation of the gastric mucosa causes a violation of the diet, the use of fatty, fried, spicy foods. Plant seeds are popular and beloved by many. Therefore, there are active discussions about the benefits and dangers of eating seeds for stomach diseases. Some doctors recommend them to strengthen the body, others categorically prohibit them.

Useful properties of seeds

Most often, they eat sunflower and pumpkin seeds, as well as walnuts and pine nuts, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, apricot kernels and others. Raw seeds are plant embryos. They contain resources and stocks of the necessary elements for subsequent growth.

Sunflower seeds are especially rich in a fat-soluble antioxidant - vitamin from group E. It reduces the action of free radicals, prevents the destruction of the membranes of fat molecules, brain cells, protects "good" cholesterol. The seeds contain phytosterol. This substance enhances immune responses, which reduces the risk of certain types of tumors. The presence of magnesium relieves the condition of asthmatics, stabilizes blood pressure, reduces migraine pain.

Pumpkin seeds normalize the alkaline balance of the blood.

Seeds are rich in proteins and vitamins, especially of group B, and can be successfully replaced by synthetic vitamin complexes. Pumpkin seeds contain tryptophan, which suppresses anxiety and improves mood.

Flaxseed contains linolenic acid, fiber, phenolic compounds - lignans. Essential acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, together with antioxidants, it reduces the risk of neoplasms. Lignans have phytoestrogenic properties, normalize hormone levels, and alleviate conditions during PMS and menopause. Fiber stimulates the intestines.

What is the harm of seeds for gastritis

A sick stomach needs light, soft food. Even processed seeds, thoroughly chewed in the mouth, retain their coarse structure and irritate the mucous membrane. Seed oil is a complex food ingredient that lingers in the stomach for a long time. For its digestion, additional acid is required, and it enhances the negative effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

Eating large quantities of fried grains causes a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea, heartburn.

When cleaving, irreparable harm is done to the enamel, a characteristic gap can form on the teeth. It is recommended to clean the seeds with your hands to prevent microorganisms from entering your mouth. Store-bought seeds can be treated with carcinogenic substances, and they can also accumulate heavy metals - cadmium and nickel, if these elements are contained in the place of their growth.

Seeds and exacerbations of gastritis

The acute period of gastritis requires increased attention to the state of the digestive system and adherence to a strict diet. Irritation of the gastric walls by hard food causes hypersecretion, stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid and bile. This can cause an aggravation of the gallbladder, acute pain half an hour after a large portion of seeds.

Pumpkin seeds and sunflowers increase flatulence and cause bloating.

A complete ban on seeds for stomach ulcers applies to pregnant women. Sometimes a dependence on seeds develops, when a person cannot stop and eats a large number of them, which is unacceptable for any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and even for healthy people. Almost all types of seeds and nuts can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

How to eat seeds correctly

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds can only be eaten with care during remission. They need to be consumed raw, since after heat treatment most of the necessary elements disappear. The beans can be lightly dried in the oven. The seeds are crushed, used together with porridge, cottage cheese, yogurt and honey, and also added to salads. It is not allowed to eat seeds on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

The permissible norm is no more than 50 g per day, once a week.

For gastritis with any acidity and ulcer, the patient can eat flaxseed. It is brewed with hot water, a thick mucous substance is formed, when consumed, it envelops the walls of the stomach, protects against the irritating effect of incoming food. Useful substances increase the secretory activity of the stomach and intestinal motility. Add 300 ml of boiling water to two teaspoons of seed, boil for 10 minutes, then insist. Drink 100 g three times a day before meals.

For medicinal purposes, pumpkin seeds can be eaten with low acidity and a tendency to constipation. This is especially true if there are polyps. For gastritis, pumpkin seeds are used only after processing, they are used to make tea. Pour half a glass of nucleoli with boiling water, insist and drink at least five times a day. However, any method of treatment with seeds must first be discussed with your doctor.


  • Why does gastritis occur?
  • Symptoms of gastritis
  • What can you eat with gastritis?
  • Can I eat seeds for gastritis?
  • Treatment of the disease with folk remedies

Can I eat? This is an urgent question, as many people love them. Gastritis is a serious illness. Inflammation of the mucous membrane has occurred at least once in every person.

A feature of this disease is that the acidity of the stomach can be either increased or decreased, or remain normal.

Important! During the period of exacerbation, raw vegetables and fruits are completely excluded from the diet.

The possibility of eating seeds for gastritis will still have to be excluded, and there are reasons for this.

Why does gastritis occur?

Like every disease, gastritis has its own causes. The course of the disease and the patient's well-being depend on these factors. This pathology does not always manifest itself immediately. Sometimes the symptoms make themselves felt when the disease is already serious.

Causes of gastritis:

  1. Incorrect diet. The modern rhythm of life does not allow full breakfast and dinner. The human body receives the necessary energy through fast foods and a hearty dinner. This way of eating leads to the appearance of signs of illness.
  2. Harmful products. Very often we love what is not useful and does not benefit the body. But there is rarely a person who can refuse to consume smoked sausage, sausages, carbonated drinks, alcohol, spicy and fried foods, mayonnaise, coffee.
  3. Smoking. Cigarettes always provoke the development of this disease. In the process of smoking, tar and other combustion products constantly get on the gastric mucosa. They irritate the stomach and lead to illness.
  4. Nerves. Gastritis is a disease that directly depends on the state of the nervous system. People who are constantly exposed to strong emotions, in most cases, suffer from this pathology. And those who use halva or chocolate to "treat" nervous overexcitation only aggravate the situation.
  5. Avitaminosis. The lack of vitamins always affects the state of the body. This also applies to the stomach. It is believed that vitamin deficiency more than other reasons can cause gastritis. Therefore, in order to prevent the onset of this disease, you should daily eat fresh vegetables and fruits containing a large amount of vitamin C, for example, bell peppers, onions, oranges.

Each of the above factors is quite capable of independently causing this pathology. But when there are several such conditions, the risk of the onset of the disease increases several times.

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Symptoms of gastritis

Quite often, this disease does not manifest itself in any way until a certain point. As a result, the symptoms make themselves felt.

As a rule, signs of gastritis are such sensations after eating:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • gag reflexes.

Such signs can appear and disappear from time to time depending on the form and stage of the disease.

This disease can occur against the background of increased, decreased or normal acidity of the stomach, in this regard, the manifestations of pathology may differ slightly.

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What can you eat with gastritis?

Compulsory in the treatment of this disease is adherence to the correct diet and the use of only certain foods:

  1. Porridge. This is the main and healthiest dish. With such a diagnosis, you should mainly eat buckwheat and oatmeal. But they need to cook for a very long time. Such cereals are prepared in water or skim milk. You can not eat instant porridge without cooking.
  2. Bread. With gastritis, the use of rye and fresh bread is not allowed. This product adversely affects the gastric mucosa. White bread croutons are the best option for those with medical conditions. As for baking, you can use biscuit and oatmeal cookies, drying.
  3. Potatoes. This vegetable is very healthy and nutritious. But it is better to cook cooked dishes from it. It is strictly forbidden to eat fried potatoes or fries. These foods are harmful to the stomach.
  4. Borscht. This dish for gastritis is consumed only in limited quantities, since beets, meat broth, cabbage are used for its preparation, that is, products that are used with caution in such a disease.
  5. Persimmon. Although this fruit has a lot of positive qualities (vitamins, glucose, carotene, starch, acids, fats, minerals), doctors allow it to be consumed only in remission and in small quantities. This is due to the fact that the tannins contained in it can cause cramps and burning in the stomach. As a result, patients who use persimmon can complicate the course of the disease.

  1. Mushrooms. Diet for gastritis prohibits the use of heavy foods. Mushrooms belong to this category. Due to the fact that they stimulate the production of gastric juice, the disease can worsen. Also, this product contains a large amount of chitin, which not only is not absorbed by the body, but also interferes with the absorption of other substances.
  2. Shrimp. They are added to the dietary menu for gastritis. In addition to easily digestible proteins, they contain a large amount of trace elements and polyunsaturated acids.
  3. Dumplings. Gastroenterologists do not recommend using this dish for those suffering from gastritis. This is due to the fact that the dough with meat is very poorly digested by the stomach. In this regard, complications may arise and the patient's condition may worsen.
  4. Meat. This product is allowed for gastritis, but only low-fat varieties. For example, veal, chicken or rabbit. But cooking meat dishes should be steamed. Preference should be given to cutlets. Since meat is in any case a big load on the stomach, and in cutlets it is already crushed, the negative effect is somewhat reduced. In the case when the meat is cooked in a separate piece, it is necessary to eat it, chewing thoroughly, in small quantities. The use of smoked products is strictly prohibited.
  5. Fat. It is much easier to digest than meat. But it is still not recommended to use it for gastritis, because lard is very high-calorie and fatty. And this can create heaviness in the diseased organ.
  6. A fish. With gastritis, you can only eat lean fish. For example, such as hake, pollock, cod, pike, pike perch. But only boiled or steamed. Do not eat fried fish or canned food.

  1. Japanese cuisine. Sushi, rolls and other similar oriental dishes are very dangerous for patients with gastritis. They negatively affect the inflamed mucous membrane and can harm it. This category also includes soy sauce, which increases the acidity of the environment.
  2. Dairy products. Almost all products from this category are allowed, especially sour cream and butter. The exception is kefir, as it greatly increases the acidity of the stomach. You can drink milk, it is especially useful with tea. Yogurt has only a positive effect on this disease. As for the cottage cheese, you need to grind it well before use. From these products you can cook casseroles, dumplings, cheesecakes, but only in the oven.
  3. Dried fruits. This is a very rude and provocative meal. Therefore, it is forbidden to consume foods such as raisins, prunes, dried apples and pears in their pure form. It is better to cook compote from them.
  4. Hard cheese. With this pathology, it is not recommended to eat salty or spicy cheeses. You can eat other similar products, but only in limited quantities.
  5. Eggs. You can eat them with gastritis, but only if you cook soft-boiled or make an omelet. The limit is three boiled eggs per day.
  6. Sweets. Ice cream, sweets, pancakes, cakes, popcorn are strictly forbidden to use for such a disease, especially if it occurs against a background of high acidity. But doctors are not very strict about such sweet products as marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, honey, toffee, jam. They are allowed to eat in limited quantities.

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Can I eat seeds for gastritis?

Any natural product can be both beneficial and harmful to the body. Sunflower seeds are no exception. They are rich in vitamins A, B, E, amino acids. With their regular use, the work of the heart improves, the structure of hair and skin is restored, and the nervous system is strengthened. But they have fats that, with constant use, can disrupt digestion, cause problems with the kidneys, stomach, liver, teeth, and excess weight.

Research has shown that seeds are a food that can be addictive. But if a person suffers from gastritis, the question of the appropriateness of their use arises first of all. Doctors prohibit eating seeds for this disease, as they can damage the gastric mucosa.

In addition, a high fat content can cause hypersecretion of the duodenum and stomach. As a result, acidity rises and painful sensations appear. In addition, the protein in seeds is very poorly absorbed, which can result in flatulence and bloating.

Seeds can be attributed to one of the popular and favorite products of many people in our country, but not everyone knows what harm or benefit they can bring to our body. Many doctors advise the use of seeds, as they strengthen the body and have many vitamins of groups A, D and E. Other experts prohibit their use for symptoms of gastritis. So is it possible or not to have seeds for gastritis? This is what will be discussed in today's review.

Causes of gastritis

First, let's see why this disease occurs? The cause of gastritis is primarily a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. It "settles" on the gastric mucosa and provokes the development of acute gastritis. You can get infected with this bacteria through food, household items, kissing, etc.

Also, gastritis can be "earned" in other ways:

  • Alcohol and cigarette abuse.
  • Overeating.
  • Drug overdose.
  • Improper nutrition.
  • Constant consumption of hot food.
  • Stress, depression.

Important to remember! At the slightest suspicion of gastritis, you urgently need to contact your doctor for advice!

Are seeds harmful for gastritis?

Most experts advise against consuming seeds for gastritis. This applies to nuts, dried fruits and other solid foods.

Even during the period of remission, the seeds remain an irritating factor that can exacerbate gastritis.

Alternative medicine does not prohibit the use of seeds for gastritis, but "folk experts" forget that abusing this product can cause irritation, heartburn and stomach pains even in a healthy person.

During remission, simple gastritis can be consumed in small quantities:

  • Fresh walnuts (adults up to 100 g per day).
  • Not roasted peanuts (up to 50 g per day).
  • Fresh pine nuts (adults up to 50 g per day).

All other types of seeds and nuts in 80% of cases provoke an exacerbation of this disease.

Important to remember! Doctors categorically prohibit the use of seeds and other solid foods (peanuts, raisins, dried apricots) on an empty stomach!

Seeds are the cause of exacerbation

It is no secret that after trying some seeds it is difficult to stop afterwards, you can “eat a whole bucket”. It is this factor that makes them the most dangerous product for acute gastritis.

Biologists at Stanford University have shown that people can be addicted to seeds and chips. Tests were conducted on laboratory mice and found that the brains of animals that ate seeds and chips were activated in those areas that are responsible for reflexes and addiction.

In addition to mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, it must be remembered that seeds and nuts are quite a fatty product. Their use in large quantities can cause hypersecretion of the duodenum and stomach. And this will provoke the appearance of pain, increased acidity, bloating, flatulence, etc. For the same reason, seeds are categorically contraindicated for women in a position with symptoms of gastritis.

The benefits and harms of sunflower seeds

Like any other product, seeds have both beneficial and harmful qualities. Seeds are rich in nutrients and vitamins A, groups B and E. In this "folk" product is rich in amino acids that are so necessary for our body. When consumed adequately, seeds improve heart function, make hair and skin beautiful.

But seeds are also rich in various fats that are harmful to our body. In addition to gastritis, this product can lead to indigestion, problems with the kidneys, liver, overweight, etc. If there are problems with dental health, then it is better to refuse seeds.

Snapping seeds can strengthen the nervous system, but their daily dose should not exceed 50 grams.

Diet for gastritis

The main task of diets for gastritis is to normalize the digestive process in the body. The main foods for gastritis that are worth eating should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins B, D, C and E. A large amount of vitamin B is found in buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal and other cereals. Boiled fish, eggs, apples, rose hips, lemons, cabbage contain the required amount of vitamin C.

With gastritis, it is advisable to eat only soft food, which will help the stomach to deal with it faster. Porridge should be liquid, meat and fish should be well cooked. Vegetables can be steamed and mashed. Dairy products perfectly protect the gastric mucosa, they can only be consumed by patients with gastritis with high acidity.

In chronic gastritis, it is advisable to follow several important dietary rules:

  • Take food strictly at a certain time. The portions should not be too large - 300 grams will suffice.
  • The food should be varied.
  • Chew food slowly and thoroughly.
  • Salt and pepper less.
  • Eat only healthy foods.

In the end, I would like to remind you that the use of seeds for a patient with gastritis is undesirable. Seeds are able to provoke the resumption of the painful process. The attending doctor will answer in detail all your questions. Be healthy!

Video about the benefits and dangers of seeds

Gastritis is the leader among diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In 80% of cases, problems of the digestive system are associated with inflammation of the stomach lining. The causative agent of the disease is a bacterium Helicobacter pylori... Today, gastritis literally thrives on improper and irregular diet, constant stress and bad habits such as alcohol and smoking.

The disease can be acute and chronic. Both require a special diet. Can seeds be included in the diet? Which of them are useful, and which are capable of exacerbating the disease? Let's try to figure it out.

Can sunflower seeds be used for gastritis?

Doctors use this product for stomach diseases strongly do not recommend ... That's why:

  • Healing involves avoiding solid, rough food. It is to her that sunflower kernels belong. Small, hard particles can injure an already inflamed and damaged mucosa.
  • All fried and fatty prohibitedas it makes the stomach produce more hydrochloric acid. With increased acidity, the use of seeds can lead to a worsening of the condition, severe pain and cramps in the abdomen.

Seeds are capable of provoking an exacerbation of gastritis. Therefore, not only in acute, but also in the chronic form of the disease, they equally dangerous... With a peptic ulcer - under the strictest prohibition.

That is, a short answer to the question - is it possible to eat fried seeds for gastritis with increased or decreased acidity - not recommended.

Useful properties and possible harm

Sunflower seeds are popular and beloved in Russia. Them the composition is impressive with a set of useful elements:

  • Vegetable protein is a source of essential amino acids.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-6 and omega-9.
  • Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, D, E.
  • Minerals: selenium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

There is more vitamin D in sunflower kernels than in cod liver, and in terms of magnesium content they are 6 times higher than rye bread. The high amount of vitamin E makes them effective in maintaining the beauty of skin and hair. Oleic acid (omega-9) works to prevent atherosclerosis.

The product also has a mild laxative effect. The presence of dietary fiber and oils in the composition helps cleanse the intestines, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The insidiousness of seeds is that it is very difficult to know when to stop with them.... Few are able to eat a little and stop in time. Meanwhile, the delicacy is fatty and high in calories. There are 570 calories per 100 grams! Excessive infatuation can negatively affect your figure.

Lovers to gnaw and snap too risk dental health... Hard the shell damages the enamel, gradually leading to its erasure and the formation of microcracks.

In addition, the nucleoli are usually fried before eating. And heat treatment destroys many nutrients.

Pumpkin seeds

They are not as popular as sunflower, but they also have their fans. And for good reason. It's real a storehouse of vitamins and other nutrients.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Pumpkin seeds are also beneficial for the digestive tract. It is high in fiber, which can help relieve constipation and excess gas. Therefore, doctors in some cases allow patients to eat a small handful to normalize the stool.

Is it possible to gnaw pumpkin seeds with gastritis? Unfortunately, not either.

With inflammation of the gastric mucosa, especially with a peptic ulcer in the acute stage pumpkin seeds are strictly contraindicated... Although they are less fatty than sunflower seeds, they also cause an increase in acidity.

So, it turns out that pumpkin or sunflower seeds are not the best friends of a sick stomach. But there are seeds that can help with gastritis, not harm, we will talk about them below.


Small flaxseeds cannot be gnawed at your pleasure like pumpkin or sunflower seeds. However, for problems with the digestive tract benefit from them you can get significant:

  • This is effective bowel cleanser... Flaxseed works both as a laxative and as an adsorbent. It absorbs various toxins and helps remove them from the body, clearing toxins from the intestinal walls along the way.
  • Flaxseed decoction or infusion - good help in the fight against gastritis and peptic ulcer... It envelops the mucous membrane, becoming a kind of barrier in the way of caustic gastric juice, and also accelerates the healing of damaged tissues. This is especially true in acute inflammation.

For decoction take 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds in 2 cups of water. Cook for 10 minutes. Then let it brew a little, strain through a sieve.

Seeds can be attributed to one of the popular and favorite products of many people in our country, but not everyone knows what harm or benefit they can bring to our body. Many doctors advise the use of seeds, as they strengthen the body and have many vitamins of groups A, D and E. Other experts prohibit their use for symptoms of gastritis. So is it possible or not to have seeds for gastritis? This is what will be discussed in today's review.

Causes of gastritis

First, let's see why this disease occurs? The cause of gastritis is primarily a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. It "settles" on the gastric mucosa and provokes the development of acute gastritis. You can get infected with this bacteria through food, household items, kissing, etc.

Also, gastritis can be "earned" in other ways:

  • Alcohol and cigarette abuse.
  • Overeating.
  • Drug overdose.
  • Improper nutrition.
  • Constant consumption of hot food.
  • Stress, depression.

Important to remember! At the slightest suspicion of gastritis, you urgently need to contact your doctor for advice!

Are seeds harmful for gastritis?

Most experts advise against consuming seeds for gastritis. This applies to nuts, dried fruits and other solid foods.

Even during the period of remission, the seeds remain an irritating factor that can exacerbate gastritis.

Alternative medicine does not prohibit the use of seeds for gastritis, but "folk experts" forget that abusing this product can cause irritation, heartburn and stomach pains even in a healthy person.

During remission, simple gastritis can be consumed in small quantities:

  • Fresh walnuts (adults up to 100 g per day).
  • Not roasted peanuts (up to 50 g per day).
  • Fresh pine nuts (adults up to 50 g per day).

All other types of seeds and nuts in 80% of cases provoke an exacerbation of this disease.

Important to remember! Doctors categorically prohibit the use of seeds and other solid foods (peanuts, raisins, dried apricots) on an empty stomach!

Seeds are the cause of exacerbation

It is no secret that after trying some seeds it is difficult to stop afterwards, you can “eat a whole bucket”. It is this factor that makes them the most dangerous product for acute gastritis.

Biologists at Stanford University have shown that people can be addicted to seeds and chips. Tests were conducted on laboratory mice and found that the brains of animals that ate seeds and chips were activated in those areas that are responsible for reflexes and addiction.

In addition to mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, it must be remembered that seeds and nuts are quite a fatty product. Their use in large quantities can cause hypersecretion of the duodenum and stomach. And this will provoke the appearance of pain, increased acidity, bloating, flatulence, etc. For the same reason, seeds are categorically contraindicated for women in a position with symptoms of gastritis.

The benefits and harms of sunflower seeds

Like any other product, seeds have both beneficial and harmful qualities. Seeds are rich in nutrients and vitamins A, groups B and E. In this "folk" product is rich in amino acids that are so necessary for our body. When consumed adequately, seeds improve heart function, make hair and skin beautiful.

But seeds are also rich in various fats that are harmful to our body. In addition to gastritis, this product can lead to indigestion, problems with the kidneys, liver, overweight, etc. If there are problems with dental health, then it is better to refuse seeds.

Snapping seeds can strengthen the nervous system, but their daily dose should not exceed 50 grams.

Diet for gastritis

The main task of diets for gastritis is to normalize the digestive process in the body. The main foods for gastritis that are worth eating should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins B, D, C and E. A large amount of vitamin B is found in buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal and other cereals. Boiled fish, eggs, apples, rose hips, lemons, cabbage contain the required amount of vitamin C.

With gastritis, it is advisable to eat only soft food, which will help the stomach to deal with it faster. Porridge should be liquid, meat and fish should be well cooked. Vegetables can be steamed and mashed. Dairy products perfectly protect the gastric mucosa, they can only be consumed by patients with gastritis with high acidity.

In chronic gastritis, it is advisable to follow several important dietary rules:

  • Take food strictly at a certain time. The portions should not be too large - 300 grams will suffice.
  • The food should be varied.
  • Chew food slowly and thoroughly.
  • Salt and pepper less.
  • Eat only healthy foods.

In the end, I would like to remind you that the use of seeds for a patient with gastritis is undesirable. Seeds are able to provoke the resumption of the painful process. The attending doctor will answer in detail all your questions. Be healthy!

Video about the benefits and dangers of seeds