Alexander's Board Time 1 Domestic Policy. For the last years of the reign of Alexander I. The ambiguity of the position of Alexander between his father and grandmother

Russian emperor Alexander I Pavlovich was born 25 (12 by old style) December 1777. He was the firstborn of Emperor Paul I (1754-1801) and Empress Mary Fedorovna (1759-1828).

Empress Biography Catherine II GreatThe Board of Catherine II lasted more than three and a half decades, from 1762 to 1796. It was filled with many events in domestic and external affairs, the implementation of the intentions that continued what was done in Peter Great.

Immediately after the birth, Alexander took her grandmother's parents - Empress Ekaterina II, who intended to raise the baby by an ideal sovereign. Swiss Frederick Lagarp, Republican in convictions were invited to educators on the recommendation of the philosopher Denis Didro.

The Grand Duke Alexander grew up with faith in the ideals of enlightenment, sympathized with the Great French Revolution and critically assessed the system of Russian autocracy.

Alexander's critical attitude towards Paul I contributed to its involvement in a conspiracy against his father, but on the terms that the conspirators will retain the life of the king and will see only his renunciation. The violent death of Paul 23 (11 in the old style) of March 1801 seriously affected Alexander - a sense of guilt for the death of his father, he was tested until the end of his days.

In the first days after the modernity of the throne in March 1801, Alexander I created an indispensable council - the law-based body under the sovereign, who had the right to protest actions and decrees of the king. But due to the contradictions between members, none of his projects was published.

Alexander I conducted a number of reforms: merchants, breasts and government (related to the state), the right to buy unanished land (1801) were granted the right to buy non-resident lands (1801), the ministries and the Cabinet of Ministers (1802) were issued a decree on free blades (1803), which created a category personally free peasants.

In 1822, Alexander Masonic Lodies and other secret societies.

Emperor Alexander I died on December 2 (November 19, on the old style) of 1825 from the abdominal typhus in Taganrog, which accompanied his spouse, Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, for treatment.

The emperor often spoke his loved ones about the intention to renounce the throne and "retire from the world" that he gave rise to the legend about Starty Fedor Kuzmich, according to which the twin of Alexander was buried in Taganrog, while the king lived with an older-hermit in Siberia and died in 1864.

Alexander I was married to the German princess Louise-Maria-August, Baden-Badenskaya (1779-1826), who accepted the name of Elizabeth Alekseevna during the transition to Orthodoxy. Two daughters were born from this marriage, who died in infancy.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

Alexander I became the Russian emperor as a result of a palace coup and zarubideism on March 11, 1801

In the early years of the Board, he believed that the country needs indigenous reforms and a serious update. For reforms, he created a unlawful committee to discuss transformation projects. The unlawful committee made the idea of \u200b\u200brestriction of autocracy, but at first it was decided to conduct reforms in the field of management. In 1802, the reform of senior government bodies began, the ministry was established, the Committee of Ministers was established. In 1803, a decree on "free blades" was issued, according to which the landowners could be released for the redemption of their serfs on the will with land puts. After the appeal of the landlords of the Baltic States approved the law on the complete abolition of serfdom in Estlandia (1811).

In 1809, the State Secretary of the Emperor M. Speransky presented to the king of the project of fundamental reform of public administration - a project to create a constitutional monarchy in Russia. Having met the active resistance of the nobles, Alexander I refused the project.

In 1816-1822 In Russia, noble secret societies arose - "Union of salvation". Union of prosperity South Society, Northern Society - with the aim of introducing a republican constitution or constitutional monarchy in Russia. By the end of his reign, Alexander I, experiencing pressure from the nobility and fearing folk speeches, refused all liberal ideas and serious reforms.

In 1812, Russia experienced the invasion of Napoleon's army, whose defeat was completed by the entry of Russian troops to Paris. In the foreign policy of Russia there were cardinal changes. Unlike Paul I, who supported Napoleon, Alexander, on the contrary, spoke out against France, and with England resumed trade and political relations.

In 1801, Russia and England concluded the Anti-Manzu Convention "On Mutual Friendship", and then, in 1804, Russia joined the Third Antifrangesz Coalition. After the defeat under Austerlitz in 1805, the coalition broke up. In 1807, a forced Tilzite world with Napoleon was signed. Subsequently, Russia with the allies caused a decisive defeat of Napoleon's army in the "Battle of Peoples" under Leipzig in 1813

In 1804-1813. Russia won the war with Iran, seriously expanded and strengthened his southern borders. In 1806-1812 There was a protracted Russian-Turkish war. As a result of the war with Sweden in 1808-1809. In Russia, Finland was included, later Poland (1814).

In 1814, Russia participated in the work of the Vienna Congress to address the issues of the post-war device of Europe and creating a sacred union to ensure peace in Europe, which includes Russia and almost all European countries.

The beginning of the reign of Alexander I

Nevertheless, the first years of the reign of Alexander I left the best memories of contemporaries, "Alexandrov's days an excellent start" - so I designated these years by A.S. Pushkin. There was a short period of enlightened absolutism. " Universities, lyceums, gymnasiums opened. Measures were taken to facilitate the position of the peasants. Alexander stopped the distribution of state peasants to own landowners. In 1803, a decree on "free blades" was adopted. According to the Decree, the landowner could free his peasants, having gone their land and receiving a redemption from them. But the landowners were in no hurry to take advantage of this decree. During the reign of Alexander I, only 47 thousand male shower was released. But the ideas laid down in the decree of 1803, subsequently lay down in the foundation of the reform of 1861.

In the unclean committee, a proposal to sell serfs without land was expressed. Trafficking in persons was carried out in Russia in unacted, cynical forms. Ads for the sale of fortress printed in newspapers. In the Makarev Fair they were sold along with other goods, separated families. Sometimes the Russian peasant bought at the fair went to the distant eastern countries, where he lived on the rest of his days on the position of the slave-stranger.

Alexander I wanted to stop such shameful phenomena, but the proposal to prohibit peasants without land came across the resistance of the highest dignitaries. They believed that it undermines the serfdom. Without showing persistence, the young emperor retreated. It was forbidden only to publish ads for the sale of people.

By the beginning of the XIX century. The administrative system of the state was in a state of obvious collapse. The introduced collegial form of central control clearly did not justify itself. In the colleges reigned a circular irresponsibility, covering bribery and treblery. Local authorities, using the weakness of the central administration, created lawlessness.

At first, Alexander I hoped to restore order and strengthen the state by introducing the ministerial system of central control, based on the principle of unity. In 1802, 8 ministries were created instead of the previous 12 colleges: military, marine, foreign affairs, internal affairs, commerce, finance, folk education and justice. This measure has strengthened the central control. But the decisive victory in the fight against abuse was not achieved. The new ministries settled old vices. Running, they rose to the upper floors of state power. Alexander was known to the senators who were anti-bribes. The desire to endure them struggled in it with fear to drop the prestige of the Senate. It became obvious that one permutations in the bureaucratic car cannot solve the task of creating such a system of state power, which would actively contribute to the development of the country's productive forces, and did not devour its resources. A fundamentally new approach to solving the problem was required.

Balkhanov A.N., Gorinov M.M. History of Russia from early XVIII to the end of the XIX century, M., 2001

"Russian policy does not exist"

Russian, Russian politics in the reign of Emperor Alexander I can not say. There is a European policy (a hundred years later they would have said "Pan-European"), there is a policy of the Universe - the policy of the Holy Union. And there is a "Russian policy" of foreign cabinets using Russia for their mercenary goals and its king's skillful work of trusted persons who have an unlimited influence on the sovereign (such, for example, Pozzo di Borg and Misho de Boretur - two amazing adjutant generals who fired Russian politics , But for the long-term dejitancy general, not learned to any Russian word).

Here you can trace four phases:

The first era is predominantly english influence. This is "Alexandrov's days a great start." The young sovereign is unofficing in the circle of intimate friends about the "projects of the Constitution of the Russian". England is the ideal and patroness of all liberalism, including Russian. At the head of the English government Pitt Jr. - the Great Son of the Great Father, the deadly enemy of France in general and Bonaparte in particular. They will be launched a wonderful idea of \u200b\u200bthe liberation of Europe from the Tirass of Napoleon (the financial side of England takes over). The result is the war with France, the second French war ... English blood, however, is shed a little, but the Russian river is poured with Austerlice and Pultusk, Eilau and Friedland.

Friedland follows a tilsit that opens the second era - the era of French influence. Genius Napoleon makes a deep impression on Alexandra ... Tilzite banquet, Georgievsky crosses on the breast of the French Grenader ... Erfurt date - Emperor of the West, the emperor of the East ... Russia unleashed hands on the Danube, where she leads war with Turkey, Napoleon gets Freedom of action in Spain. Russia is furiously joins the continental system without considering all the consequences of this step.

Napoleon departed to Spain. In the brilliant Prussian head, the matte was ripe in the meantime, the plan for the release of Germany from Iga Napoleon is a plan based on Russian blood ... from Berlin to St. Petersburg closer than from Madrid to St. Petersburg. Prussian influence begins to push out french. Stein and Pful were arterly, deftly submitting all the greatness of the "salvation of the kings and their peoples to the Russian emperor." At the same time, their accomplices were raised by Napoleon to Russia, in every possible way to insinuate non-compliance with Russia of the continental contract, affecting the sore place of Napoleon, his hatred for the main enemy - England. The relationship between Erfurt allies was finally spoiled and a trifle occasion (skillfully bloated by the efforts of German benevolers) was enough to involve Napoleon and Alexander in a brutal three-year-old war, the expere and ruining their countries - but it turned out to be an extraordinary profitable (as the instigators expected) for Germany at all And for Prussia in particular.

Using until the end, the weaknesses of Alexander I are a passion for posture and mysticism, - Foreign Cabinets Thin Lesties made him believe in his messianism and inspired him to the idea of \u200b\u200ba sacred union, who turned into their skilled union in their skilled union against Russia. Modern, the sad events of the engraving depicts the "oath of three monarchs on the coffin of Friedrich the Great in eternal friendship." An oath for which four Russian generations paid a terrible price. Galicia is selected at the Vienna Congress from Russia, shortly before that it received, and the Duchy of Warsaw is given in exchange, than prudently, the Polish element hostile element is introduced into Russia. On this fourth period, Russian policies are sent over the Metternich pointer.

War 1812 and the passage of the Russian army

Of the 650 thousand soldiers of the Great Army, Napoleon returned to their homeland, according to one data, 30 thousand, and 40 thousand soldiers. Essentially, the Napoleonic army was not expelled, but exterminated on the endless snow-covered expanses of Russia. On December 21, he brought Alexander: "The war is completed for the complete extermination of the enemy." December 25, the royal manifesto dedicated to Christmas, who heated the end of the war was published. Russia turned out to be the only country in Europe, which is capable of not only to resist the Napoleonic aggression, but also put a crushing strike. The secret of victory was that it was a national liberation, truly domestic, war. But this victory went to the people an expensive price. Twelve provinces that have become a host of hostilities were ruined. The ancient Russian cities Smolensk, Polotsk, Vitebsk, Moscow were burned and destroyed. Direct military losses amounted to over 300 thousand soldiers and officers. More large losses were among the civilian population.

The victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 had a huge impact on all parties to the social, political and cultural life of the country, contributed to the growth of the national self-consciousness, gave a mighty impetus to the development of best public thought in Russia.

But the victorious end of the Patriotic War of 1812 has not yet meant that Russia managed to commit to Napoleon's aggressive plans. He himself openly declared the preparation of a new campaign to Russia, feverishly laid a new army for the campaign of 1813.

Alexander I decided to resolve Napoleon and immediately transfer hostilities outside the country. In pursuance of his will of Kutuzov, in the army order dated December 21, 1812, wrote: "Without stopping among the heroic feats, we now go further. Let's go through the borders and strengthen the defeat of the enemy on their own fields. " And Alexander and Kutuzov, with a full basis, counted on the aid of the peoples conquered by Napoleon, and their calculation was justified.

On January 1, 1813, the Stroysky Russian Army, under the command of Kutuzov, was transferred to Neman and entered into the limits of Poland. February 16 in Kalishe, where Alexander I was located, was concluded between Russia and Prussia an offensive and defensive union. Prussia took over the obligation to supply the Russian army on its territory.

In early March, Russian troops occupied Berlin. By this time, Napoleon formed a 300-thousand army, from the composition of which 160 thousand soldiers moved against the Allied troops. Heavy loss for Russia was the death of Kutuzov on April 16, 1813 in the Silesian city of Bunzlau. The commander-in-chief of the Russian army Alexander I appointed P.h. Wittgenstein. His attempts to keep their own, different from the Kutuzov strategy led to a number of failures. Napoleon, applying in late April - the beginning of May, the defeat of Russian-Prussian troops under Lucene and Bauzesen, threw them to Oder. Alexander I replaced Wittgenstein as commander-in-chief of the Allied troops Barclay de Tolly.

In July - August 1813, England, Sweden and Austria entered the Anti-Napoleon Coalition. At the disposal of the coalition was to half a million soldiers divided into three armies. The Commander-in-Chief of All Army was appointed Austrian Feldmarshal Karl Schwarzenberg, and the general management of military operations against Napoleon was carried out by the Council of the three monarchs - Alexander I, Franz I and Friedrich-Wilhelm III.

At Napoleon, by the beginning of August 1813, there were already 440 thousand soldiers, and on August 15 he won the coalition troops under Dresden. Only the victory of Russian troops three days after the Dresden battle over the Corps of the Napoleonic General D. Vandam under Kulum prevented the collapse of the coalition.

The decisive battle during the campaign of 1813 was deployed under Leipzig on October 4-7. It was the "battle of nations." It participated on both sides more than half a million people. The battle ended with the victory of the Allied Russian-Prussian-Austrian troops.

After the battle near Leipzig, the allies slowly moved to the French border. In two and a half months, almost the entire territory of German states was freed from the French troops, with the exception of some fortresses in which French garrisons were stubbornly defended until the very end of the war.

On January 1, 1814, the Allied forces crossed Rhine and entered into the territory of France. By this time, Denmark joined the anti-Napoleon coalition. Allied troops were continuously replenished with reserves, and by the beginning of 1814 there were already up to 900 thousand soldiers. In two winter months of 1814, Napoleon won 12 battles and two breaths. In the coalition camp again there were oscillations. The Allies offered Napoleon the world on the terms of the return of France to the borders of 1792, Napoleon responded with refusal. At the continuation of the war, Alexander I insisted, striving for the overthrow of Napoleon from the throne. At the same time, Alexander I did not want to restore in the French throne of Bourbon: he offered to leave on the throne of the young son of Napoleon under the regency of his mother Maria-Louise. March 10, Russia, Austria, Prussia and England concluded the Shotonian treatise, which was obliged to not join the separatic negotiations with Napoleon about the world or truce. The three-time superiority of allies in the number of troops by the end of March 1814 led to a victorious ending campaign. At the beginning of March, the victory in battles at Laon and Arsi Sur Oh, the 100,000-thousand allied troops moved to Paris defended by the 45-thousandth garrison. March 19, 1814 Paris capitulated. Napoleon rushed to free the capital, but his marshals refused to fight and forced him on March 25 to sign the renunciation from the throne. According to the peace treaty, signed by 18 (30), 1814 in Paris, France returned to the borders of 1792, Napoleon and his dynasty were deprived of the French throne, on which Burbons were restored. The King of France became Louis XVIII, who returned from Russia, where he was in emigration.

Miscellaneous and Entertainment of the Alexandrovskaya Epoch

The holidays of the dynasty were nationwide holidays and festivities, and every year the entire St. Petersburg, embraced by festive excitement, was waiting for July 22. A few days before the celebrations from the city in Peterhofa, thousands of people rushed: to know in luxury carriages, nobles, citizens, commoner - who will have to. The magazine of the 1820s reports us:

"A few people are crowded on the trembles and willingly tolerate shaking and anxiety; There, in Chukhonskaya Foura, a whole family is placed with large reserves of provisions of all kinds, and they all patiently swallow thick dust ... Moreover, on both sides of the road, many pedestrians go, who have a hunting and the stream of the feet overlaps the ease of the wallet; Perfors of various fruits and berries - and those in a hurry to Peterhof in the hope of barysch and vodka. ... Pier represents a lively picture, here thousands of people are crowded and hurry to get to the steamer. "

Petersburgers spent several days in Peterhof - the parks were opened for everyone. Tens of thousands of people spent the night right on the streets. Warm, short bright night, no one seemed to be tedious. The nobles slept in their carriages, breasts and peasants in carts, hundreds of crews formed real bivouaks. Everywhere you visited the living horses, sleeping in the most picturesque poses. These were peaceful hordes, everything was rarely quiet and chinno, without familiar drunkenness and Mordoboy. After graduating from the holiday, guests also left in St. Petersburg, life was part of her ordinary kola until the next summer ...

In the evening, after dinner and dancing in the Grand Palace, Masquerade began in the Lower Park, where everyone would be allowed. Peterhof Parks by this time were transformed: alleys, fountains, cascades, as in the XVIII century, were decorated with thousands of burning wet and different colored lamps. Orchestras played everywhere, the crowds of guests in masquerade costumes were walked along the alleys of the park, breaking in front of the cavalcades of the elegant riders and the crews of the members of the royal family.

Alexandra, St. Petersburg, especially happily met his first century. In May 1803, continuous festivities were walking in the capital. The audience was seen on the birthday of the city, as a unpelled set of festively dressed people filled all the alleys of the summer garden ... There were boalages, swings and other adaptations for all kinds of people's games in Tsaritsyn meadow. In the evening, the summer garden, the main buildings on the embankment, the fortress and a small Dutch house of Peter the Great ... were perfectly illuminated. On the Neva flotilla from small ships of the imperial squadron, diluted by flags, was also brightly covered, and on the deck of one of these vessels was visible ... the so-called "grandfather of the Russian fleet" - a boot from which the Russian fleet began ...

Anisimov E.V. Imperial Russia. St. Petersburg, 2008

Legends and rumors about the death of Alexander I

What happened there in the south is covered by a secret. It is officially known that Alexander I died on November 19, 1825 in Taganrog. The body of the sovereign hurriedly embarrassed and lucky to St. Petersburg. [...] And since 1836, already under Nicolae I, rumors crawled around the country that a certain wise old man Fedor Kuzmich Kuzmin, the righteous, educated and very similar to the late emperor, lives in the people, alone lives in the country, although it does not apply for an impostor . He walked for a long time in the holy places of Russia, and then donkey in Siberia, where he died in 1864. The fact that the elder was not commoner was clear to everyone who saw him.

But the fierce and unresolved argument broke out further: who is he? Some say that this is once brilliant cavalierry Fedor Uvarov, who mysteriously disappeared from his estate. Others believe that this was the emperor Alexander himself. Of course, among the last many crazy and graphomans, but there are people serious. They pay attention to many strange facts. The cause of the death of a 47-year-old emperor, in a general, healthy, mobile person, is not fully understood. There is some kind of strange confusion in the death counters of the king, and it made it makes it up that the paper is drawn up with a back. When the body was taken to the capital, then at the opening of the coffin, everyone was amazed by the crisal of Mother of the late, Empress Mary Fedorovna at the sight of the dark, "like a maura", persons Alexander: "This is not my son!" They spoke about some kind of mistake when embalmed. And maybe, according to supporters of the king's care, this mistake was not accidental? Just shortly until November 19, Feldgerer crashed in front of the sovereign - the crew suffered a horse. It was put in the coffin, and Alexander himself ...

[...] In recent months, Alexander I has changed very much. It seemed to them owned some important thought, which made him thoughtful and decisive at the same time. [...] Finally, closely recalled, as Alexander often spoke that he was tired and dreaming of leaving the throne. Nikolai I spouse, Empress Alexander Fedorovna, a week before their coronation, on August 15, 1826 recorded in the diary:

"Probably, at the sight of the people, I will think about how the late emperor Alexander, telling us once about his renunciation, added:" How I will rejoice when I see you passing by me, and I will shout you in the crowd! Hooray! ", Swinging with your hat."

Opponents object to this: did it see if it was seen to refuse such power? Yes, and all these conversations of Alexander is only a habitual posture for him, chemistry. And in general, why the king needed to go to the people, which he did not like that. Didn't have any other ways to live without a throne - remember the Swedish Queen Christina, who left the throne and left to enjoy life in Italy. Or you could settle in Crimea and build a palace. Yes, it was possible to go into the monastery, finally. [...] And meanwhile, from one shrine to another, Brere with the crops and kothomics in Russia, the Bogomoles. They saw Alexander many times at their travel around the country. These were not tramps, but people performed by faith and love for the neighbor, the eternal fascinated wanderers of Russia. Their continuous movement on the endless road, their visible in the eyes and does not require evidence faith could tell the exit to the tired sovereign ...

In short, there is no clarity in this story. The best connoisseur of Alexander I historian N. K. Schilder, author of the fundamental work about him, a brilliant expert of documents and a honest person, said:

"All the dispute is only because it is possible that alone will certainly want Alexander I and Fyodor Kuzmich to be the same face, and others do not want it. Meanwhile, no specific data to solve this question in that or the other side is not. I can give the same amount of data in favor of the first opinion, how much and in favor of the second, and it is impossible to do any definite conclusion. " [...]

1. Reforms of the beginning of the century. AlexanderI came to power as a result of the palace coup in march 1801. g.when he was overthrown from the throne and his father's emperor killed Paul 1.Soon, an unlawful committee is created to prepare reforms from friends and the closest associates of Alexander I - V.P. Kochubey, N.N. Novosiltseva, A. Chartersky.

In 1803 he was published "Decree of free blades".The landowners received the right to let go of his peasants to the will, providing them with the land for redemption. However, there were no big practical consequences of a decree on free blades: for all the reign of Alexander I, only a little more than 47 thousand souls of serfs were released, i.e. Less than 0.5% of their total number.

The reforms of the public administration system were carried out.In order to strengthen the state apparatus in 1802, 8 ministries are established instead of colleges: military, maritime, foreign affairs, internal affairs, commerce, finance, folk education and justice. The reform of the Senate was also carried out.

In 1809, Alexander I instructed MM Speranskydevelop a draft reform. The principle of separation of the authorities - legislative, executive and judicial is based on the principle of separation of the authorities. It was planned to create a representative body - the State Duma, which was supposed to conclude on the draft laws presented and hess the reports of ministers. Representatives of all the branches of government were connected to the State Council, whose members were appointed king. The decision of the State Council approved by the king was becoming a law.

The whole population of Russia was supposed to divide into three classes: nobility, secondary estate (merchants, gentlemen, state peasants) and people workers (serfs and persons working on hiring: worker, servants, etc.). Election should only be obtained by the first two estates, and on the basis of the property qualification. However, civil rights, according to the project, were provided to all the subjects of the empire, including serfs. However, in the Aristocratic Environment, Speransky was considered a stranger and anxious.

His projects seemed dangerous, too radical. In March 1812, he was exiled to Nizhny Novgorod.

2. Domestic Policy in 1814-1825. In 1814-1825 In the internal policy of Alexander 1 reaction trends intensified.However, attempts to return to the course of liberal reforms were made and attempts to return to the course of liberal reforms: the peasant reform was completed in the Baltic States (launched in 1804-1805), as a result of which the peasants received personal freedom, but without land; In 1815, Poland was provided by the Constitution, which was of liberal nature and assumed the internal self-government of Poland in Russia. In 1818, work began on the preparation of the draft constitution, which was headed by N. N. Novosillese. The constitutional monarchy and the establishment of Parliament in Russia was assumed. However, this work was not communicated to the end. In the internal policy, conservatism begins to prevail: in the army, a sticky discipline was restored, one of which was the excitement of 1820 in the Semenov regiment; In 1821, the Kazan and St. Petersburg Universities were cleaning. Increased censorship, pursued free thought. For the self-employment of the army in peacetime, military settlements were created, where soldiers under the conditions of severe disciplines were obliged except services to engage in agriculture. Turn to the reaction after the war of 1812 is associated with the name of the Tsarist Favorite A.A. Arakcheev And got the name "Arakcheevshchina".

3. Results of the internal policy of the era of Alexander I. In the first decade of his reign, Alexander I promised deep transformations and to a certain extent improved the system of government, promoted the spread of education in the country. For the first time in Russian history, although very timid, but still the process of limitation and even partial cancellation of serfdom. The last decade of the reign of Alexander was the time of increasing conservative trends in the domestic political course. The main questions were not solved: the abolition of serfdom and the adoption of the Constitution. The refusal of the promised liberal reforms led to the radicalization of a part of the noble intelligentsia and gave rise to noble revolutionism (Decembrist uprising on December 14, 1825 in the Senate Square in St. Petersburg).

Since the attitudes of the father and grandmothers did not make up, the Empress took the grandson from his parents. Catherine II immediately pushed great love for his grandchildren and decided what would do from the newborn ideal emperor.

The Swiss Labap was engaged in the education of Alexander, which many were considered a convinced Republican. Tsarevich received a good formation of the Western sample.

Alexander believed in the possibility of creating an ideal, humane society, he sympathized with the French revolution, regretted the Poles deprived of statehood, and skeptically referred to Russian autocracy. Time however, dispelled his faith in such ideals ...

Alexander I became the emperor of Russia, after the death of Paul I, as a result of the palace coup. The events that occurred on the night of 11 on the 12th of March 1801 were reflected in the life of Alexander Pavlovich. The death of his father was greatly worried, and the feeling of guilt pursued him all his life.

Internal policy of Alexander I

The emperor saw mistakes made by his father during his board. The main reason for the conspiracy against Paul I is the abolition of privileges to the nobility, which introduced Catherine II. The first thing he restored these rights.

The internal policy had a strictly liberal shade. He declared an amnesty to people subjected to repression during the reign of the Father, allowed to leave freely abroad, reduced censorship and returned to a foreign press.

Conducted a large-scale reform of government in Russia. In 1801, an indispensable council was created - the body that had the right to discuss and cancel the decrees of the emperor. The indispensable Council had the status of a legitimate body.

Instead of the colleges, ministries were created, in the chapter of which responsible persons were delivered. So the Cabinet of Ministers was formed, which became the most important administrative authority of the Russian Empire. During the reign of Alexander I, startictions played a big role. It was a talented man in whose head was great ideas.

Alexander I distributed all sorts of privileges to the nobility, but the emperor understood the seriousness of the peasant question. There were many titanic efforts in order to facilitate the position of the Russian peasantry.

In 1801, a decree was adopted, according to which merchants and foreigners could buy free lands and organize economic activities on them using hired work. This decree destroyed the monopoly of the nobility to own land.

In 1803, a decree was published in history as "a decree on free blades." Its essence was that now, the landowner could make a fastest person free for redemption. But such a transaction is possible only by agreement of both parties.

Free peasants had the right to property. Throughout the Board of Alexander I, there was a continuous work aimed at solving the most important in the political issue - peasant. Different projects for taking freedom to the peasantry were developed, but they remained only on paper.

Education reform has occurred. Russian Emperor understood that the country needed new highly qualified personnel. Now educational institutions were divided into four continuity of the steps.

The territory of the empire was divided into educational districts, at the head of which were local universities. University provided by personnel and training programs by local schools and gymnasiums. In Russia, 5 new universities were opened, many gymnasiums and schools.

Alexander I Foreign Policy

His foreign policy is primarily "recognizable" in Napoleonic wars. Russia fought with France, most of the Board of Alexander Pavlovich. In 1805, a major battle of the Russian and French army occurred. The Russian army was crushed.

In 1806, the world was signed, but Alexander I refused to ratify the contract. In 1807, the Russian troops were defeated under Friedlyand, after which the emperor had to conclude the Tilzite world.

Napoleon sincerely considered the Russian empire with his only ally in Europe. Alexander I and Bonaparte seriously discussed the possibility of joint hostilities against India and Turkey.

France recognized the rights of the Russian Empire to Finland, and Russia, the rights of France to Spain. But due to a number of reasons, Russia and France could not be allies. The interests of countries came across the Balkans.

Also, the stumbling block between the two powers was the existence of Warsaw Duchy, which prevented Russia to lead a profitable trade. In 1810, Napoleon asked the hands of Alexander Pavlovich's sister - Anna, but received a refusal.

In 1812, the Patriotic War began. After the expulsion of Napoleon from Russia, foreign campaigns of the Russian army began. During the events of Napoleonic wars, many decent people entered gold letters their names in the history of Russia:, Davydov, ...

Alexander I died 19.11.1825 in Taganrog. The emperor died from the abdominal typhus. The unexpected departure of the emperor from life, gave rise to many rumors. The people went to the legend, as if instead of Alexander I buried a completely different person, and the emperor himself began to walked around the country and, having achieved Siberia, settled in this area leading the way of the elder-hermit.

Summing up, it can be said that the reign of Alexander I can be characterized in positive colors. He one of the first to speak about the importance of restricting the autocratic power, the introduction of the Duma and the Constitution. With it, all the louder began to sound voice calling to cancel the serfdom, and the attitude was doing a lot of work.

During the reign of Alexander I (1801 - 1825), Russia was able to successfully defend himself from the external enemy who conquered the whole of Europe. I became the personification of the unity of the Russian people, in the face of the external danger. Successful protection of the frontiers of the Russian Empire is undoubtedly a great advantage of Alexander I.

The article tells briefly about the internal and foreign policy of Alexanda I. At the time of the reign of Alexander the First, one of the central events of Russian history - the Patriotic War of 1812, which greatly influenced the further development of Russia.

  1. Patriotic War 1812
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Domestic and foreign policy of Alexander I until 1812

Patriotic War 1812

  • Failure to comply with the conditions of the continental blockade in the end led to the invasion of Napoleon's army. Without going into a detailed course of hostilities, we note that the main factors of the victory were the patriotic impulse of the Russian army, the successful tactics of Kutuzov, which consists in exhausting the opponent and serious miscalculations of Napoleon relative to the company's plan.
  • The passage of Moscow in order to preserve the army was incomprehensible to Napoleon, crossed his experience in conducting wars in Europe. Borodino battle has become a turning point. Russian historians argue that the victory was won by Russia, French express the opposite opinion. Nevertheless, losses on both sides were huge. Napoleon understands that the continuation of the campaign is unpromising and begins to retreat, gradually turning into flight.
  • The overseas campaign of the Russian army ends in Paris and announces the glory of Russian weapons. Russia acts as a pan-European leader. To this end, Alexander I is based in 1815. The Holy Union (Russia, Austria, Prussia), which was supposed to become a guarantor of the European world.

Domestic and foreign policy of Alexander I after 1815

  • War with Napoleon and subsequent political processes were significance for the reformals of Alexander I. Romantic, faced with reality, disappointed in his former ideals. The reaction element begins to affect the effects of the emperor.
  • Some time Alexander I is still trying to continue reforms. In 1815, he adopts the Poland Constitution. In subsequent years they were exempted from the serfdom without endowment of the land of the peasants of the Baltic provinces.
  • However, since 1820, the emperor completely turns into conversion activities. His internal policy is to preserve and conservation of an existing building. Increased censorship, the ban on "free-forming" is announced. A peculiar second reassigning of peasants is the creation of military settlements. By the end of the board, Alexander I generally departs from affairs, providing management of the state elite.
  • There are no serious shifts in foreign policy. Alexander I is concerned about the preservation of the European and its own monarchy against the revolutionary movement.

Results and importance of the internal and foreign policy of Alexander I

  • Conditionally dividing the Board of Alexander I for two periods, which are divided by the war with Napoleon, you can draw the following conclusions. In the first period, the emperor was configured to reform, spent some of them, but his main merit was the reform of the state apparatus.
  • The war of 1812 became the triumph of the Russian army, but at the same time led to the tightening of domestic policies and the collapse of reforms.
  • The Holy Union formed by Alexander I, who had to become a guarantor of the world, acquired the status of European gendarme punishing any manifestations of freedom.