All manufacturers of stretch ceilings are named. Stretch ceiling brands and manufacturers. Which ceiling is better - plasterboard, stretch or rack

It should be noted that the production of stretch ceilings and the production of PVC canvases are completely different things. PVC film is produced at large enterprises of the chemical industry in large rolls with a width of 1.8 m to 5.0 m, a thickness of 0.12 mm to 0.34 mm and various technical characteristics.

The manufacture of a stretch ceiling for installation is carried out at smaller enterprises by cutting ready-made canvases and soldering a harpoon to it. (stages of manufacturing a stretch ceiling). This stretch ceiling preparation scheme applies only to the harpoon installation system, with all other systems this is not required.

So let's talk about making PVC canvases.

It would seem, well, what can be difficult in the manufacture of PVC film? Everything seems to be simple - mix polyvinyl chloride granules with thermal and UV stabilizers, add pigment, plasticizer, various additives, heat until a homogeneous plastic mass is formed and roll it out. As a result, you get the film necessary for the manufacture of stretch ceilings.

Most often, consumers choose a film made in Germany and France, as this material is of a very high quality level. But Germany, France and Russia produce small-width canvases (Chinese manufacturers already make canvases up to 5.0m wide). European companies are in no hurry to rebuild their production lines due to the fact that large-width canvases will cost more due to the fact that they are more difficult not only to manufacture, but also to transport.

The production of film for stretch ceilings has its own subtleties, the neglect of which leads to the appearance of various defects. The film for stretch ceilings, the manufacturer of which avoids careful adherence to technology, has a specific odor, is prone to fire and has a low degree of shrinkage. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The listed disadvantages are associated with the use of raw materials. The most important and ultimately fatal defects are associated with the rolling of the resulting paste to a film state. The fact is that rolling is a rather capital-intensive process, since it is carried out in expensive machines - calenders, the main working element of which is special rolling rolls. Before turning into a film web, the hot mass passes through a system of roller pairs. The rolls of the first pair are “responsible” for the width and thickness of the film, and the following rolls give it the corresponding properties. The texture, texture and uniformity of the film thickness depend on the quality of the roll settings of the last two pairs. If the rolls are poorly tuned or deformed, it becomes almost impossible to obtain a tensile strength film.

In isolated cases, manufacturers are helped by some tricks - for example, an increased dose of plasticizer and vinyl resin introduced into the paste in advance. It is naturally impossible to guarantee the stability of quality from roll to roll with this approach. This begs the question - is it really difficult for manufacturers to adjust rolls once and for all, changing them as they wear out, when needed?

In fact, everything is so if we have a bona fide manufacturer in front of us.

A conscientious manufacturer of stretch ceiling films uses calenders exclusively for the production of ceiling films. He does not have to deal with constant re-adjustment of rolls in order to produce banner fabric, linoleum, wallpaper, and many other things, including artificial leather, on the same machine. This method is most likely practiced by the Kazan Artificial Leather Plant producing different products at the same time, as a result of which the quality, let's say, is not at a high level.

Much depends on the quality of the input raw materials and the balance of the components, but it is the nature of the operation of the calender that has a decisive influence on the quality of the film. There is one more important point. There are manufacturers who reduce the cost of production, excluding one important stage - the straining process of the heated mass, which is necessary to remove coarse particles from it, which subsequently affect the smoothness and strength of the film. Only manufacturers with the advantages of large-scale production can achieve attractive selling prices for the market and at the same time comply with all the subtleties of the film production technology.

Most consumers try to find out before ordering a stretch ceiling: which manufacturer is better, since the products must be of high quality and at the same time an acceptable price. In addition, the cost largely depends on the type of fastening of the tensioning system - harpoon or harpoonless.

Their functionality and durability directly depends not on one decision, which manufacturer of stretch ceilings to choose, but also on equally important factors:

  • on the quality of the products of the company that manufactures the bearing profiles to create the frame of the structure;
  • the PVC film of which company is used in the ceiling system;
  • provision of warranty obligations by a company whose specialists carry out the installation of a stretch ceiling.

European manufacturers

As confirmed by many years of experience and feedback from professionals, the best manufacturers of stretch ceilings in Europe are the French companies BARRISOL, EXTENZO, NEWMAT, Carre Noir, ClipsO.

"BARRISOL" ... BARRISOL has been deservedly considered the leader in the production of harpoon ceiling structures for several decades, despite the fact that the company offers consumers a limited choice of interior solutions. Since 1976, this French manufacturer of tensioning systems (see), thanks to guaranteed quality, has taken a leading position in the world and Russian market. When placing an order for products from "BARRISOL", it should be borne in mind that the delivery time of the system for the ceiling after the craftsmen have made the necessary measurements is 25 - 30 days. For stretch ceiling systems from this company, the cost is about 10 - 15% higher than that of other manufacturers.

"EXTENZO" ... Another company is a manufacturer of tensioning systems from France, the main advantage of which is that they allow you to install a structure with a gap of about three millimeters from the floor surface, which allows you to maintain the height of the room. Offering stretch ceilings - manufacturing firms usually have few design options. EXTENZO is the leader in the range of stylistic and color solutions. The company's catalogs contain more than 120 design options for the ceiling space.

She has won international awards more than once. The company's products meet the requirements for elite finishing materials used in construction and architecture. When placing an order for the "EXTENZO" tensioning system, it should be borne in mind that the delivery time after being made is from 3 to 25 days.

"Carre Noir" .There are also the best manufacturers of stretch ceilings among the companies that have recently come to the Russian market. Of these, Carre Noir products stand out. To quickly conquer the market, this French manufacturer uses such a marketing ploy as fast delivery of orders and installation in the shortest possible time. Clients are offered 6 original fabric textures in 60 color shades.

"ClipsO" ... Suspended ceiling structures from this manufacturer have changed the idea of ​​what the canvases are for their creation. They are made of polyester, which is treated with polyurethane impregnation, which performs a protective function and gives the white color of the material of manufacture a matte shade. Fastening the ceiling system from the "ClipsO" company is easy and quick, since the method of mounting the curtain to the lathing of the structure using clips-clips is used. Russian consumers appreciated the opportunity, if necessary, to dismantle the system and re-install it after removing, for example, a cut in the material. The fact is that other companies - manufacturers of films for stretch ceilings make canvases that cannot be used after damage.

The video can help you decide on the choice of the manufacturer of the stretch ceiling:

Chinese manufacturers

By creating stretch ceilings, manufacturers - consumer reviews of whose products make you think about buying them, try to attract buyers at a low price compared to other brands. In this case, there is no guarantee that a tensioning structure is purchased, in the manufacture of which components that are safe for human health were used. A consumer who opted for an inexpensive Chinese product can only hope that he will be lucky and the ceiling system will last a long time.

Many consumers who want to install Chinese stretch ceilings do not know how to choose a manufacturer, since these products, as a rule, do not have the required quality certificates and most often unscrupulous installation companies use a frame from European manufacturers. They install the film in China and thus have a significant income.

Experts advise to order the installation of a stretch ceiling system and buy it in one place. We shouldn't forget about quality certificates. European companies - manufacturers of components for stretch ceilings always have all the necessary documents for their products, confirming the compliance of their products with international criteria.

Installation of stretch ceilings is the most common type of decoration today. This is due to the quality of the materials from which they are made, their wide selection, ease of installation and maintenance. When choosing ceilings, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer, since the quality of the ceiling, its appearance and service life will depend on this. Today, domestic and foreign manufacturers of stretch ceilings are represented on the construction market.

The average consumer is unlikely to be able to distinguish between ceilings made by different manufacturers. To be able to determine the manufacturer by the quality of the material, the countries in which they are made, you need to know the characteristic features of the canvases.

Distinctive features of manufacturers:

  • Domestic manufacturer. Manufactures canvases with a width of 1.4 meters. This is the only available size. This manufacturing technology makes it possible to create a canvas with a uniform density and paint coating. The Russian manufacturer does not have the opportunity to use expensive large-format equipment, with the help of which it is possible to produce larger and higher-quality canvases by adding special additives to them. In texture, the ceilings are offered in two types: matte and glossy. The colors have a sufficient color palette to make a choice. Glossy canvas reflects light less efficiently, in contrast to foreign paintings.
  • Chinese manufacturer. A distinctive feature of manufacturers from China is their bad reputation. However, it is important to remember that Chinese stretch ceiling companies represent qualified manufacturers who have proven themselves well. When dealing with a Chinese product, it is important to be able to distinguish between serious firms with a well-known name, from small manufacturers, whose product is not good for anything. If we talk about real manufacturers from China, they provide material made from certified film, the size of which can have any acceptable width and texture. The quality guarantee provides for 12 years of reliable service. Prices are higher than Russian ones, but the result in the form of seamless stretch ceilings is worth it.
  • European manufacturer. France and Germany represent this category on the market. For example, a well-known German company - Pongs. The films from these manufacturers are characterized by high quality, perfect appearance, variety of textures and colors. If the domestic manufacturer has dozens of color shades, then the European ones have hundreds. Stretch fabrics from foreign manufacturers have the highest cost.

Manufacturers engaged in the production of stretch ceilings have their own strengths and weaknesses, this should be taken into account when choosing ceilings of different production.

It's important to remember that trying to save money can hurt your entire renovation as well as your budget. Choosing a low quality material, you can be sure of only one thing - its appearance will reflect the price category.

Everyone chooses for himself which manufacturer to choose. First of all, the choice is influenced by personal experience, taste preferences, expectations and pricing policy.

How to install stretch ceilings: company reviews

Choosing a manufacturer for stretch ceilings is not an easy task. After that, there will be no less easy choice - a trading company that will mount the canvases. On the Internet, you can find a variety of reviews about companies that are engaged in the installation.

When reading reviews, it's important to remember that every opinion is subjective. Ultimately, only personal opinion should be taken into account, trying to find out as much as possible about the company directly from its representatives.

When deciding which company to choose, it is important to pay attention to your own expectations, to indicate this to the contractor before starting work.

Reviews about companies:

  • Genvik. Negative feedback on inappropriate behavior, low quality of work, disrespect for customers.
  • "ArtDesign". Quality work done on time.
  • "SD-Eurostyle". High quality work.
  • "Grandee". High quality service and installation.
  • "MsdDecor". Good value for money.

When choosing a company, it is important to pay attention to the reviews of other consumers. Sometimes, under the guise of a company for installing stretch canvases, scammers who are hunting for money can hide. When placing an order, great attention should be paid to studying the documents of the company and its activities.

Reviews of stretch ceilings manufacturers (video)

Stretch ceilings from manufacturers from France

Stretch fabric manufacturers from France are leaders in the finishing industry. High-tech enterprises allow them to produce canvases that are of high quality and meet all standards.

Top list of manufacturers ranked among the best:

  • Barrisol;
  • Alkor Draka;
  • Newmat;
  • Clipso;
  • Renolit.

The main companies have been present on the market for many years and have a well-deserved trust of buyers.

The best firms for the production of stretch ceilings use only high-quality and expensive materials. This explains their quality and high cost.

Each brand has rich color palettes that expand design possibilities, which is very important for creating a harmonious interior.

Distinctive features of good and high quality stretch ceilings

There are so many manufacturers on the market that you can get confused by the variety of quality, prices and textures. To determine what is good, you need to understand well the qualities that stretch ceilings should have. It is these qualities that will affect the long service life of the canvases, their appearance and the appearance of the installation.

Distinctive features of high quality stretch fabrics:

  • The ability to choose wide canvases. Using wide blades will avoid welding narrow blades and seam formation.
  • The reliability of canvases that will last a long time will protect you from a possible flood and at the same time retain their appearance.
  • Soundproofing is a characteristic feature.
  • Easy to clean.
  • They have a guarantee of quality and service life.

All canvases can be dismantled and reinstalled. In case of damage, which can only happen in exceptional cases.

The material on how to choose a high-quality film for stretch ceilings will also be useful:

High quality canvases are a guarantee that the ceilings will last a long time, pleasing the eye with their beautiful appearance every day.

Installation of stretch ceilings is an important stage in the catering work. The entire success of the operation depends on the quality of the materials for surface finishing. Considering that the installation of tensioning canvases is quite costly, it must be done as efficiently as possible. There are a large number of manufacturers on the market, whose products differ from each other in the category of price and quality. To choose a reliable manufacturer, you need to study its activities, consumer reviews and the material offered to them.

Stretch ceiling manufacturers (photo)

France is considered a trendsetter in many ways. And so the world procession began from here. By giving preference to French companies, we choose fashion, sophistication and cutting-edge technology. In addition to France, PVC film ceilings are manufactured in other European countries, China and Russia. In Rostov-on-Don, the company Rostovpotolok is responsible for fixing the ceiling.

The company's employees in their work use the film of proven and well-known manufacturers, and the price for stretch ceilings is quite affordable compared to the quality of the products. The company has more than 5 years of experience in installing stretch ceilings. About 200 projects are carried out monthly for which the warranty is provided. You can beautifully decorate any room by applying a photo or drawing to the ceiling. PVC film is used as a coating, as it has a number of advantages:

  • durable and elastic;
  • withstands high temperatures;
  • easily cleared of dirt;
  • moisture resistant, can be used in rooms with high humidity;
  • durable.

It is not recommended to use the film in unheated rooms. In case of damage to the ceiling as a result of flooding, it is easy to return it to its original form by contacting Rostovpotolok specialists. We present a list of manufacturers who have won the trust of buyers with their high-quality and reliable products.

  • Country - France
  • Website -

The French company Barrisol has existed since 1967 and today it is a leader in the finishing industry. High-tech enterprise has a head office in the city of Kembs. The main and additional production facilities occupy 8400 sq. meters. The company's products are sold in 68 countries.


  • very thin - 0.17-0.18 mm;
  • light - 200 g one square meter;
  • withstand heavy loads;
  • does not burn;
  • waterproof;
  • not sensitive to chemicals;
  • easy to mount and dismantle;
  • reused;
  • 12 years warranty;
  • operation at a temperature "- 5" - "+ 55". ;
  • do not condense;
  • do not absorb odors;
  • for 20 years the tension force does not change;
  • more than 90 types of colors;
  • 5 textures: matte, varnished, glossy and others.

BARRISOL stands for comfort, reliability, durability and prestige.

Alkor Draka

  • Country - France
  • Website -

This is an even older enterprise. It has been producing PVC products since 1947. The products are trusted in many countries. The Alkor Draka symbol testifies to European quality and reasonable prices. Stretch ceilings were no exception.

Vulcan Corporation, which includes Alkor Draka, manufactures stretch ceilings in the French and Dutch divisions of the company. There are sales offices in Italy, the Netherlands and France.

Features of stretch ceilings from Alkor Draka:

  • high-quality, confirmed by multi-stage control;
  • huge assortment;
  • do not attract dust;
  • easy to care for;
  • do not absorb odor;
  • with polyurethane impregnation;
  • up to 100 colors;
  • eight textures: gloss, mother-of-pearl, metallic, satin, matte and others.

  • Country - France
  • Website -

The French company EXTENZO, which produces tensioning systems, is famous for maintaining the height of the premises. It installs structures with a gap of about 3 mm from the floor surface. She also leads the way in providing color and stylistic solutions. The company's catalogs contain more than 120 design options for the ceiling space.

EXTENZO has international awards. Its products meet the requirements for elite finishing materials used in construction and architecture.

  • Country - France
  • Website -

Another French company that produces high quality stretch ceiling systems that are in line with fashion trends in interior design and look modern and creative... For more than 20 years the company has been known in the world market. Since 1997 he has been working in Russia. Her products vary in style. The catalog is regularly updated, expanding the choice.

Features of stretch ceilings:

  • no repair of the base ceiling is required, all defects will be hidden;
  • strength and tightness (1 square meter of film will withstand up to 100 liters of water);
  • reliability and durability;
  • the possibility of drawing a picture on a matte canvas with a 10-year guarantee.

Representative office in Russia LLC "Newmat" is distinguished by:

  • high level of service;
  • high-quality and fast service;
  • Individual approach to every customer.


  • Country - France
  • Website -

Ceiling tension structures of this company have high-tech profiles and are suitable for renovation and new construction of residential and public buildings. CLIPSO products comply with CE and ISO 9001 certification and are made from raw materials from EU countries. Certificates confirm the quality of products, their compliance with all standards.
Cloths are made of polyester, which is treated with polyurethane impregnation, which provides a protective function and gives the white color of the material of manufacture a matte shade.

Features of the stretch fabric:

  • ultra-wide canvas (up to 5.1 m);
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • printable coating;
  • sound absorption;
  • antistatic coating;
  • dirt-resistant;
  • waterproof;
  • antibacterial;
  • environmentally friendly (Oeko-Tex Standard certification awarded the highest A + score);
  • factory warranty for 10 years;
  • the possibility of dismantling and reuse after the elimination of damage.

The fastening of CLIPSO blades is carried out in a dry, cold way using clips-clips: clean, harmless and fast.


  • Country: Germany
  • Website -

The Lackfolie company, having barely appeared on the stretch ceiling market, immediately won a place among the leaders. German quality plus European standards give safety and comply with ISO 9001-96 standards. Environmentally friendly raw materials, unique technologies and modern equipment are the basis of high-quality, durable, reliable and beautiful stretch ceilings. At every stage of production, control is carried out to exclude even the slightest defect, therefore Lackfolie products have impeccable quality and a number of advantages.

Features of stretch ceilings from Lackfolie:

  • panel width 1.3-1.8 meters;
  • environmentally friendly PVC film. The user is protected from allergic reactions;
  • the canvas does not magnetize;
  • does not collect dust;
  • does not fade, the color remains for many years;
  • does not burn in case of fire;
  • will retain its original shape and save from flooding by neighbors (Initially, it will stretch, taking on the volume of water, and after it is drained, it will be restored to its original version.);
    cloth with a layer of antiseptic (Mold and mildew are excluded regardless of the humidity in the room);
  • wide range of colors and textures;
  • the ability to apply a photo or drawing that is resistant to light;
  • a variety of interior solutions, for example, under an old castle.

German Lackfolie ceilings will be an excellent solution not only for residential premises, but also for the interior of a store, hotel, conference room, pool, sauna, trading platform, hospital, laboratory and other facilities. They will help bring to life the most interesting interior decoration projects and give a zest to any style.


  • Country: Germany
  • Website -

The German company RENOLIT has existed for over 65 years. The company's PVC films undergo technical expertise and have a modern design. RENOLIT manufactures products used in medicine, offices, construction and the automotive industry. PVC films of the company are produced using a unique patented technology. The components used in production are only expensive and of high quality. RENOLIT canvases have all the basic qualities of PVC films, they do not burn, they are free from defects and any smell. The assortment includes textures: matte, satin, lacquer, metallic, mother-of-pearl 200 color shades.


  • Thickness - 0.18mm, 0.22mm, 0.30mm.
  • Width - 1.5 m; 2 m; 2.7 m.
  • Frost resistance: up to -3 C.
  • The warranty is 12 years.

PTCM Polyplast

  • Country - Belgium
  • Website -

The company's products are more affordable than other European manufacturers. Installation of a stretch ceiling is possible with a minimum distance of 3-5 cm, which has little effect on the height of the room. Assembled in 4-8 hours, realizing single-level and multi-level structures, at will and with 3D effect.

Features of the film:

  • web width 3.2-5.5 m;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength (100 liters of water per 1 square meter, fully restored when dried);
  • working temperature 5-50 degrees Celsius;
  • the richest color palette;
  • varied structure.


  • Country - China
  • Website -

The Chinese company has established itself as a responsible manufacturer. Its products meet all technical and sanitary standards. Stretch ceiling installation takes just a few hours, delivering minimal inconvenience without leaving dirt and debris. Moreover, ceilings of any shape are realized according to your imagination in one or several levels. All defects and communications are hidden behind the film. The surface to be closed does not require preparation. During operation, the stretch ceiling does not need special care, retains its original appearance and protects the room from water leakage from the ceiling.

Features of stretch blades from Gline:

  • film thickness 0.13 cm;
  • wide canvases (1.5-5.5 m) so that there are no seams;
  • rich selection of color palette;
  • various textures;
  • the possibility of large-format printing on canvas of any texture;
  • acceptable quality at a lower price.


  • Country Russia
  • Website -

SAROS DESIGN started its activity in 1992, and after 4 years began to supply stretch ceilings from Europe. In 2000 we opened our own production. The production of decorative stretch ceilings has been established in Moscow, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Narva (Estonia), Kiev (Ukraine), Stuttgart (Germany). This reduces lead times and helps control quality at all stages of production. More than 20 welding machines, such is the company's equipment park, produce stretch ceilings. Cutting accuracy is ensured by production tables, which allow cutting a single blade with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

Each of the branches will provide printing on any surface (art ceilings) or full-color drawings on PVC film. Today the company provides a full range of services from production to installation of stretch ceilings. The focus is on a wide range of clients: from individuals to construction companies that are engaged in interior decoration. SAROS DESIGN is the only company that has developed a program for Android and iOS smartphones to create stretch ceiling drawings.

When choosing a stretch ceiling, we must definitely pay attention to its manufacturer in order to be more confident in the quality of the canvas. The market offers a large selection of stretch ceilings from different companies, which are most often classified by country of origin. All stretch ceilings, depending on the country of origin, can be divided into three groups: European, Russian and Chinese. We will consider the distinctive features of these stretch ceilings in this article and tell you about what brands they are produced under.

European manufacturers

European stretch ceilings include those produced in the following countries: France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium. Or production can be carried out on the territory of another country, for example, China, but under a special license, according to its technology and on its equipment, with the fulfillment of all the requirements for the quality of ceilings. For consumers, such an assortment is beneficial in that everyone can find a ceiling for himself at a price that is favorable to him. Let's compare stretch canvases from different countries.

France - a leader in the manufacture of high-quality stretch ceilings that meet all safety and environmental requirements. The first to hit the Russian market were French stretch ceilings. The brands under which such ceilings are produced are Alkor, Draka, CTN. One significant drawback of PVC sheets is their small width - only 2m.

Germany is engaged in the production of stretch ceilings also of very high quality, when you see their stretch ceilings you can exclaim: das ist Fantastisch! German stretch ceilings can be found under the brands Lackfolie, Mattfolie, which produce PVC films, and Descor, which produce fabric canvases. German polyvinyl chloride ceilings with a matte texture have the largest width among other European paintings - 2.7 m. They are a good competitor to French stretch ceilings, as they are in no way inferior to them.

Italy produces stretch ceilings with a limited range. Very beautiful in appearance and do not have any frills. Italian stretch ceilings are produced under the brands Malpensa and Cerutti. The first of them specializes in PVC ceilings, the second mainly in fabric.

Switzerland presents its canvases under the Clipso brand. These stretch ceilings have a high price tag. However, there is something to pay for, high quality, compliance with all international safety standards. But cheaper PVC ceilings are replacing these expensive fabrics.

Belgium is engaged in the production of high-quality canvases without seams. At the same time, the maximum width of the polyvinyl chloride material is 5.5 m, but the cost for them is much higher for seam fabrics. Belgian canvases of two brands Polyplast and Mistral are known on the Russian market. It is fair to say that stretch ceilings are not produced on the territory of Belgium itself, there are no factories there, all production is carried out on the territory of China, but with high-tech equipment.

Stretch ceilings of Russian production

Russian stretch ceilings are not so popular among consumers, but production is only on the way of its formation. These ceilings cannot compete with European ones, as the quality is poor. So glossy canvases lose their properties after a couple of years, becoming like polished satin. Plants for the production of ceilings are located in Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod.

Russian-made stretch ceilings cannot boast of the width of the canvases, a maximum of 1.4 m. This entails the presence of welded seams. They are performed rather poorly, as a result, the ceiling may sag. However, the cost of such ceilings is also low, therefore these stretch ceilings have found their consumers.

Chinese stretch ceilings

In Russia, Chinese tension streams have appeared quite recently. Therefore, it is difficult to say about the terms of their service, and whether they meet all the quality requirements is also not clear. At a fairly low price, Chinese canvases have a good width of the canvases - 3.2 m. By external features, the ceilings do not differ from those produced in Europe. After installation, the canvases are securely held in the mount and do not sag. The most attention is paid to the Chinese brand MSD.

Rating according to the quality of paintings and their popularity among consumers

If we arrange the manufacturers of stretch ceilings according to the quality of the canvases and popularity among consumers, then it will look like this:

  • 1st place is shared by Swiss and French ceilings of renowned companies Clipso and CTN;
  • 2nd place is occupied by the German Descor ceilings;
  • 3rd place belongs to the Italian Malpensa ceilings;
  • 4th place was taken by the Belgian Polyplast ceilings;
  • 5th place - Chinese stretch ceilings;
  • 6th place - domestically produced ceilings complete the rating.

Thus, any consumer, no matter how exquisite taste he possesses, will be able to find what he likes and can afford. Moreover, the stretch ceiling market is expanding, manufacturers are improving production technologies, working on the quality of the material. But the fact remains - the quality of European canvases has been tested by time, while Russian and Chinese canvases have not yet been fully studied. You, dear, consumers choose.