Elm mushroom. Unique properties of tree tinder fungi. Useful and medicinal properties of tinder fungus

The scaly tinder fungus can be called differently: elm, and variegated tinder fungus, and motley, and hare. In appearance, it resembles discs or plates that have grown into a tree trunk.

Usually grows low. Sometimes it reaches a height of 10-12 meters, or vice versa, they grow almost out of the ground. Rotten stumps are perfect for the appearance of a scaly tinder fungus.

Appearance and distribution area

Young scaly tinder fungus has a helmet-like shape, but over time it changes to a fan-shaped hat. The cap grows up to 30-40 cm in diameter, covered with black or brown scales, located in concentric circles. It has thin and downward-curving edges of the cap, sometimes they are serrated. The caps are rather thick, fleshy, and have a juicy flesh. When broken, they give off a pleasant smell, similar to the smell of a half-baked bun, sometimes completely honey. As the mushroom matures, the cap becomes harsh to the touch. Most often colored yellow. The bottom is tubular, yellowish or white.

The leg of the scaly tinder fungus reaches a thickness of up to 4 cm in diameter, and is short. In some cases, the length reaches 8-10 cm. By location, it is mostly lateral and never grows from the center. The shape of the leg can be either straight or curved. It is dense in mass, but upward turns into a mesh, porous and loose. As for the color of the mushroom leg, it has a white, cream or yellowish tone. The color of the base is brown with black, covered with dark scales over the entire surface.

Scaly tinder fungus is a widespread species in the deciduous forests of North America and Europe. In Russia, it grows in the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory and the Crimea. It is also found in the North Caucasus. A separate subspecies of scaly tinder fungus is also found in the forests of Eastern Siberia, the Far East, and even in Kamchatka.

The fungus grows not only in forests, but also in city parks, preferring weakened non-coniferous trees such as maple and sometimes beech. Most of all he loves to settle on an elm tree - hence its second name - the elm tree. Often, the mushroom grows in clusters, forming small colonies.

Photo of scaly tinder fungus

Medicinal properties

In official medicine, scaly tinder fungus is used in the basis of drugs. Medicine from the mushroom give an excellent therapeutic effect, aimed at restoring organs that have been intoxicated with toxic substances. These can be common poisons, heavy metals like mercury and even gases like sarin.

The medicinal properties of the scaly tinder fungus are also used in folk medicine. For a long time, recipes for the preparation of dry anti-inflammatory extracts and ointments have been known, which inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi that develop on human skin and under nails.

Many of the medicinal qualities of the mushroom are manifested to one degree or another even with its ordinary consumption.

Medicinal ointments are prepared from scaly tinder fungus

The scaly tinder fungus can be called differently: elm, and variegated tinder fungus, and motley, and hare. In appearance, it resembles discs or plates that have grown into a tree trunk.

Usually grows low. Sometimes it reaches a height of 10-12 meters, or vice versa, they grow almost out of the ground. Rotten stumps are perfect for the appearance of a scaly tinder fungus.

Young scaly tinder fungus has a helmet-like shape, but over time it changes to a fan-shaped hat. The cap grows up to 30-40 cm in diameter, covered with black or brown scales, located in concentric circles. It has thin and downward-curving edges of the cap, sometimes they are serrated. The caps are rather thick, fleshy, and have a juicy flesh. When broken, they give off a pleasant smell, similar to the smell of a half-baked bun, sometimes completely honey. As the mushroom matures, the cap becomes harsh to the touch. Most often colored yellow. The bottom is tubular, yellowish or white.

The leg of the scaly tinder fungus reaches a thickness of up to 4 cm in diameter, and is short. In some cases, the length reaches 8-10 cm. By location, it is mostly lateral and never grows from the center. The shape of the leg can be either straight or curved. It is dense in mass, but upward turns into a mesh, porous and loose. As for the color of the mushroom leg, it has a white, cream or yellowish tone. The color of the base is brown with black, covered with dark scales over the entire surface.

Scaly tinder fungus is a widespread species in the deciduous forests of North America and Europe. In Russia, it grows in the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory and the Crimea. It is also found in the North Caucasus. A separate subspecies of scaly tinder fungus is also found in the forests of Eastern Siberia, the Far East, and even in Kamchatka.

The fungus grows not only in forests, but also in city parks, preferring weakened non-coniferous trees such as maple and sometimes beech. Most of all he loves to settle on an elm tree - hence its second name - the elm tree. Often, the mushroom grows in clusters, forming small colonies.

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Photo of scaly tinder fungus

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Medicinal properties

In official medicine, scaly tinder fungus is used in the basis of drugs. Medicine from the mushroom give an excellent therapeutic effect, aimed at restoring organs that have been intoxicated with toxic substances. These can be common poisons, heavy metals like mercury and even gases like sarin.

The medicinal properties of the scaly tinder fungus are also used in folk medicine. For a long time, recipes for the preparation of dry anti-inflammatory extracts and ointments have been known, which inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi that develop on human skin and under nails.

Many of the medicinal qualities of the mushroom are manifested to one degree or another even with its ordinary consumption.

Medicinal ointments are prepared from scaly tinder fungus

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You can eat, but only carefully!

Scaly tinder fungus is a conditionally edible mushroom, and only when fresh. That is, harvested in the spring, when its pulp is soft and fleshy. Later, the pulp becomes tough, like an old cork, crumbles easily and loses its flavor.

You can prepare delicious and varied dishes from the mushroom. There are cooking recipes that allow you to both fry, salt, marinate and dry, as well as cook pies with them, add to soups as a seasoning and much more.

The preparation of the scaly tinder fungus should be started immediately after returning from the forest: the first step is to soak the mushroom well for 12 hours, but it can be longer. In this case, the water changes every 1-1.5 hours. Regardless of what kind of dish you are going to cook, the mushroom should first be finely chopped, and then boiled well. It should be boiled for at least 40 minutes, then peeled from the skin with scales. An undercooked mushroom turns out to be quite hard and slightly sweet in taste, and even the abundant use of spices will not knock this sweetness down.

Before cooking, scaly tinder fungus must be soaked for at least twelve hours

Timely collected and properly prepared scaly tinder fungus has amazing taste. Having cooked a dish from it at least once, you can fall in love with these woody mushrooms for life!

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It is used to prepare means for weight loss, treatment of oncological pathologies. Decoctions and infusions help with liver diseases, prostate gland, sleep problems, constipation and other disorders.

1 Description

The most famous varieties of the mushroom are:



Characterized by a fleshy cap up to 30-40 cm in diameter, covered with black or brown scales


The mushroom is also called birch, as it is most often found on the trees of the same name. Sometimes it can be found on oaks and apple trees. With age, the growth practically merges with the tree trunk in shade


The mushroom has a fleshy pulp. Form - hat-knuckle. The color changes in rings, darkening towards the central part. The pulp is predominantly gray or white


The color is reddish, brown or pink. The surface of the cap is smooth

According to the description, the real tinder fungus looks like a false one, but the latter is poisonous. Outwardly, they are very similar, but the differences are still present.

  • See how I grow mushrooms at home on retirement for 55,000 rubles. every month! Take a 3 liter ...

A useful fungus has an uneven, rough surface. In the false tinder fungus, the fruit body is in the shape of a ball. A real mushroom is usually found on birches, and a false one - on dead and dry trees.

False tinder

A separate variety is the yellow tinder fungus (sulfur yellow). It can be identified by its characteristic bright color. The diameter is from 10 to 30 cm. This species also has healing properties, but it must be used very carefully, as it can be toxic.

Tinder fungus sulfur-yellow

In order to preserve the beneficial properties of the mushroom as much as possible, it is necessary to properly harvest it. Experts advise harvesting fruiting bodies in early spring or late autumn. It is then that medicinal raw materials have the best indicators for their medical properties. Tinder fungus quickly hardens, so it is required to harvest raw materials on the day of harvest.

The build-up must be cut off at the base. It is recommended to remove the top layer. The fruit body remains only finely chopped and dried. After that, the collected material can be stored in a glass container. Paper bags and boxes are fine too.

Chaga (birch mushroom): use in traditional medicine

2 Useful properties and contraindications

Polypore has the following medicinal properties:

  • destroys bacterial infections;
  • suppresses inflammatory processes;
  • resists viral infections;
  • has an expectorant and diuretic effect;
  • accelerates tissue repair;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • strengthens the body;
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

Tinder fungus accelerates the breakdown of fats. Funds based on it remove poisons, radionuclides, toxic substances, carcinogens from the body. Tinder fungus has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, restores the intestinal microflora, relieves constipation. The fungus has a detrimental effect on the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the causative agent of gastritis. Therefore, it is used for this disease, and for gastric ulcer and intestinal ulcer.

It has been found that tinder fungus also has a beneficial effect on hair, skin, nails.

The indications for the use of tinder fungus are as follows:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis in acute and chronic form;
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • gout;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • cirrhosis, hepatitis and other hepatic pathologies;
  • peptic ulcer, gastritis;
  • poisoning of various etiologies;
  • obesity.

But it is not always allowed to use medicines made from tinder fungus, as they can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash. People who are prone to allergies are advised to take mushroom products with caution. It is strictly forbidden to treat children with a tinder fungus.Also contraindications include the period of pregnancy and lactation, urolithiasis, stones in the gallbladder.

Tinder fungus has a mild laxative effect, so it is not recommended to use it in case of diarrhea, so as not to aggravate the situation.

If the compositions are improperly prepared, then they cause dizziness, nausea, and vomiting in the patient.

Treatment with a tinder fungus must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

3 Application in traditional medicine

There are many recipes for the preparation of various products based on tinder fungus. The most popular ones are:

Form of means and purpose


Reception scheme

Powder for the treatment of dysbiosis and constipation, wound healing

  1. 1. Take the mushroom.
  2. 2. Grind to powder

Eat a pinch of powder and drink half a cup of warm water. Consume once a day in the morning. The therapy lasts a week.

The powder can be applied externally, sprinkling it on wounds, and then bandaging the damaged area. You need to change the bandage 2 times a day. Repeat the procedure until the wound heals completely

Decoction for malignant neoplasms

  1. 1. Mix a pinch of powder and 400 ml of boiling water.
  2. 2. Boil for 18 minutes.
  3. 3. Filter

Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day

Alcohol tincture for insomnia

  1. 1. Take 180 g of powder.
  2. 2. Add 500 liters of vodka.
  3. 3. Wait 3 days.
  4. 4. Filter

Consume 1 tsp. tinctures an hour before bedtime. The agent must be dissolved in half a glass of water. Sleep problems usually go away after 3 weeks

Drink (the product is intended to slow down aging, improve memory, attention)

  1. 1. Pour half a teaspoon of tinder fungus powder into ordinary tea (infusion).
  2. 2. Brew

Drink instead of regular tea

Weightloss remedy

  1. 1. Take 2.5 g of powder.
  2. 2. Dissolve in 100 ml of water

Use the remedy twice a day on an empty stomach in the morning and evening half an hour before meals. Usually, improvements are noticeable after a couple of weeks, but therapy should be carried out within two months.

Remedy for peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines

  1. 1. Rinse raw materials with clean water.
  2. 2. Place in a jar and fill with water at room temperature so that the liquid covers the medicinal raw material.
  3. 3. Wait 5 hours.
  4. 4. Get the mushroom and grind it through a meat grinder.
  5. 5. Heat the water that remains after soaking the mushroom to 500 ° C.
  6. 6. Mix tinder fungus and liquid.
  7. 7. Wait 2 days.
  8. 8. Strain, squeeze out the cake.
  9. 9. Add boiled water to the original volume

Drink 50 ml 6 times a day. The therapy lasts 2 weeks.

This remedy also helps with malignant tumors. In this case, you need to take 3 cups of the drink per day.

Wound healing cream

Add a small amount of tinder fungus powder to skin creams

Rub the product into the skin on problem areas

Compresses for psoriasis

  1. 1. Mix 100 g of tinder fungus powder with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. 2. Insist in a thermos for 6 hours.
  3. 3. Filter

Moisten a small piece of bandage in the resulting infusion and apply to sore spots. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

Infusion for cardiovascular diseases

  1. 1. Pour 2 tsp. powder 210 ml of lukewarm water.
  2. 2. Wait 2 days.
  3. 4. Filter

Consume 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals

Decoction for constipation

  1. 1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. powder with 350 ml of water.
  2. 2. Boil for 18 minutes.
  3. 3. Wait another 4 hours.
  4. 4. Strain

Drink 2 tbsp. l. 4 times a day

Tinder fungus is actively used in cosmetology. You can use the following tools:




Infusion for cleansing the skin

  1. 1. Pour 2 tsp. powder from tinder fungus with a cup of water.
  2. 2. Insist 2 days.
  3. 4. Filter

Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day half an hour before meals. Additionally, wipe the face with liquid once a day

Tincture for strengthening and healing the nail plates

  1. 1. Pour 1 fruiting body of the mushroom with water completely.
  2. 2. Wait 5 hours.
  3. 3. Drain off the water.
  4. 4. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka.
  5. 5. Insist 2 weeks.
  6. 6. Grind with a blender

Rub into the nail plate

Skin cream

  1. 1. Mix 1 tsp. alcohol tincture of tinder fungus and aloe juice.
  2. 2. Add 0.5 l each of licorice extract (purchased at the pharmacy) and olive oil, 12 drops of vitamin E

Apply the resulting product to the skin. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes

The oil is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. 1. Pour 3 tbsp. l. raw materials 500 ml of linseed or olive oil.
  2. 2. Insist 14 days in a dark place.

You need to use the product for 2 tsp. half an hour before meals, 2 times a day. The course should last 3-4 months. The oil helps with bronchitis, pulmonary diseases, liver pathologies, obesity. It accelerates the process of removing toxic substances and carcinogens from the body. The tool is also recommended for use with intestinal dysbiosis.

Polypores are well-known mushrooms that cause distrust among many mushroom pickers. In fact, there are edible, completely safe types that can be cooked like regular mushrooms. And tinder fungi are also used for medicinal purposes, so neglecting them is at least unreasonable.

Tinder fungi are well-known mushrooms that cause distrust in many mushroom pickers.

General characteristics of the tinder fungus

Tinder fungus is a mushroom that belongs to the group from the Basidiomycetes department. This group itself is non-systematic - i.e. it combines different species that are similar in type of nutrition and lifestyle features, but at the same time they are very different in appearance, structure and characteristics of reproduction. The popular name is chaga mushroom. This is the name of a keratinized, hardened outgrowth, often found on birches and other deciduous trees.


Tinder is a real record holder in the kingdom of the Mushrooms. Some representatives grow up to 1.6 meters in diameter, and weigh 5-6 kilograms.

Tinder fungus is a fungus that belongs to the group from the Basidiomycetes department

Edible polypore or not

This question can be answered unequivocally as follows: there are edible types of mushrooms, there are inedible ones, and the latter are the majority. At the same time, poisonous representatives cannot be distinguished among them - in fact, the pulp of the mushroom is safe for humans, but in many species it is rather tough and is much inferior in taste to other mushrooms.

Before heading to the forest, you should study the photographs of edible species that are quite tasty in different recipes (for more details, see the corresponding section):

  1. Tinder fungus is sulfur-yellow.
  2. Liverwort (common liverwort).
  3. Scaly tinder fungus (or variegated).
  4. Umbrella polypore.


Since most tinder fungi are inedible or have a peculiar taste, you should not use mushrooms that you are not sure about. And one more important rule - you should not take mushrooms near roads and enterprises: they accumulate heavy metals and other harmful substances.

Tinder literally sucks out water and nutrients from wood

What and how the tinder fungus eats

Various types of these fungi settle on tree trunks and, over several years, penetrate inside by mycelium processes. Thus, the tinder fungus literally sucks out water and nutrients from wood - it feeds on substances that are synthesized in birch, aspen or another tree. As a result, it begins to die and rot after a few years.

Tinder fungus affects different types of trees

Description of the fruiting body of the fungus tinder fungus

Fruiting bodies of different species of polypores are very different in color. Many of them have a characteristic feature - as they grow, they become rigid and turn into completely hardened formations, similar to hoof-like outgrowths. Tinder fungus affects different types of trees - birch, aspen, alder, poplar, willow. but on conifers it is much less common - obviously, the resin of these trees inhibits the development of mycelium.

In shape, different types of tinder fungus almost coincide - their hat looks like an inverted saucer, stuck into the trunk. However, there may be other options - even fruit bodies. There is a wide variety of colors - from gray and beige to brown, orange, brown and wine-red. Tinder fungi usually settle alone, but there are also those species that grow in groups.

In shape, different types of tinder fungus almost coincide - their hat looks like an inverted saucer

Currently, the chemical composition of the fungus is not fully understood. Nevertheless, it is reliably known that it contains quite a lot of substances useful to humans:

  • polysaccharides that suppress the growth of cancer cells and strengthen the immune system;
  • saponins and polyphenols necessary for normal metabolism;
  • tannins;
  • sexviterpenes.

Thanks to this, it is used as a treatment for:

Some recipes of traditional medicine are discussed in the corresponding section.

By killing old trees, polypores make room in the forest for new ones

Why tinder fungus is dangerous for trees

For trees, tinder fungus is harmful, since it literally sucks water and organic matter out of wood. The process has been going on for many years, so the effect is not immediately noticeable. As a result, the plant dries up and becomes fragile, as a result of which, after a small hurricane, it breaks and falls to the ground along with the tinder fungus, which continues to feed on it.

Nevertheless, even such at first glance harmful activity brings its benefits. By killing old trees, polypores make room in the forest for new ones, and thus, in a sense, they can be considered the orderlies of the forest. The mushroom is also useful for its chemical composition - many of its types are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases (for more details, see the corresponding section).

How to cook tinder fungus (video)

Tinder fungus harm to the human body

Tinder fungus does not pose a particular threat to human health, however, inedible species can be very difficult to digest and cause bloating, a feeling of heaviness and even an attack of vomiting. Poisoning can only be provoked by those fruit bodies that grow next to roads and industrial production.

However, it is not recommended to use mushrooms in food for those people who suffer from chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, pregnant and lactating women. Also, you should not collect old representatives of edible species - they greatly lose in taste and become too harsh over time, which is why most mushroom pickers dislike them.

Common types of tinder fungus

Currently, several dozen species of these fungi have been described. They are quite widespread, because in most cases they are unpretentious to living conditions - wherever a sufficient number of deciduous trees grow, tinder fungus will inevitably settle. These mushrooms are found in Russia from the European part to Siberia and the Far East, everywhere in Europe and the USA. They prefer a temperate climate, so they are not widely distributed in tropical latitudes.

Below are several types that are most often found in our country. The edible varieties come first.

Gallery: tinder fungus (43 photos)

Tinder fungus sulfur-yellow

This species has a beautiful bright yellow color. It always grows in groups and is found in our country only in the European part. Most of all he loves to settle on oaks, cherries, poplars, mountain ash and beeches. A characteristic feature is that the mushroom family resembles polyurethane foam frozen on the bark of a tree.

You can take mushrooms at once with a whole nest, and it is too large, it is better not to use old representatives. And one more important rule for collecting - if sulfur-yellow tinder fungi from deciduous trees are absolutely safe, then it is better not to collect them from conifers - there is an insignificant chance of mild poisoning.


In Germany and the USA, this species is considered a real delicacy: it is called "forest chicken" for the similarity of taste to fried chicken. And in Israel there is a farm that specially grows this particular mushroom.

Tinder fungus sulfur-yellow

Liverwort ordinary

The hat resembles a liver in color, which is why the mushroom got this name. He also prefers the climate of the European territory of Russia, especially often settling under oak or chestnut trees.

Only young liverwort is eaten. It has a pleasant taste with a slight sourness. Most often it is fried or stewed with onions and potatoes, like other mushrooms.

Scaly polypore (variegated)

This species has a soft and rather thick cap. Unlike many other polypores, it even has a leg, so it looks like a normal mushroom. It grows in the middle zone of our country. It is quite common in birch forests and grows even in the most unfavorable seasons due to its unpretentiousness.

However, mushroom pickers rarely take it as the flesh is quite tough. Most often it is consumed after prolonged cooking.

Scaly polypore (variegated)

Tinder fungus

It is rarely found in our country, but in neighboring China it is a very popular mushroom. It has small fruiting bodies, which, however, always grow in large families. It got its name from the umbrella-like hat.

Mainly prefers a mild climate and oak, beech, hornbeam forests. Along with the cap, it has a leg that resembles a rolled tube. In Chinese cuisine, it is consumed both fried and boiled.

False tinder

Unlike the real one, it is very tenaciously attached to the tree trunk. It has gray, beige and brown (sometimes rusty) shades of the fruiting body. This mushroom has no legs at all, and the cap is quite large - with age it reaches 25 cm in diameter.

Lacquered polypore

This mushroom has a very beautiful fruit body, reminiscent in color of strongly brewed tea. Its surface is glossy and gleams in the sun, which is why the view got its name. It is best known in China, Korea and Japan, where it has even been nicknamed the "mushroom of immortality" because its extracts are used in local folk medicine.

Lacquered polypore

Tinder fungus

Methods for preparing edible tinder fungus

You can cook tinder fungi like ordinary mushrooms. Here are some simple recipes.

Scaly Polypore Soup

This type can be used to make dumplings soup. 300 g of finely chopped caps are boiled, brought to a boil and over low heat, they reach half an hour. Then they are removed and rolled in a meat grinder, and dumplings, potatoes, herbs and spices are boiled in the broth - to taste. Chopped mushrooms are again introduced into the soup and brought to a boil, after which they are boiled over low heat for another quarter of an hour.

Sulfur-yellow tinder fungus salad

Take 200 g of mushroom, boil in salted water for an hour, cool and chop. Sour cream, onions, vinegar or lemon are added to the salad, as well as salt and herbs to taste. You can enhance the nutritional value of potatoes.

Tinder fungus

Fried liverwort

And this type of mushroom can be fried with onions and potatoes. But first it must be boiled for half an hour over low heat in salted water. Salt, herbs and spices are added to taste.

Tinder fungus in homeopathy and traditional medicine

Tinder fungi are used for medical purposes internally and externally.

  1. To prepare an alcoholic tincture, take a tablespoon of chopped dry mushroom, fill it with a half-liter bottle of vodka and dilute with 2 glasses of cold water. It is infused very quickly - in 3-4 days.
  2. For the broth, the same amount of mushroom is boiled in 2 glasses of water for half an hour, cooled and filtered. This broth is used both internally and externally.


Since the composition of many species of these mushrooms is not fully understood, it is imperative to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Useful properties of tinder fungus (video)

How to prevent tinder fungus from infesting trees

If in nature a tinder fungus is a forest orderly, then no gardener wants to see such a “helper” on his trees. To protect garden plants from an uninvited guest, there are several simple ways:

  1. Regular thorough examination for foreign formations - young polypores are much easier to separate from the trunk than old ones.
  2. It is better to impregnate any cuts on trees with fungicides, carbolic acid or copper sulfate - fungal spores penetrate mainly through open places.
  3. If a tinder fungus is found too late on a tree, it is best to remove it anyway, so that the fungus does not produce spores that can infect other trees. In turn, all other trees must be immediately treated with fungicides.

Tinder fungi are both useful and harmful mushrooms at the same time. If you correctly apply protective measures and even just regularly monitor the trees, nothing threatens the garden - fruit bodies develop rather slowly.

Scaly tinder fungus is a representative of the Polyporovye family. This mushroom is also called variegated tinder fungus, hare, variegated, elm. This is a conditionally edible mushroom.

The Latin name for the mushroom is Polyporus squamosus.

Description of scaly tinder fungus.

The fruit body is large - its diameter is 10-40 centimeters. The shape of the cap is at first kidney-shaped, and later becomes prostrate. The cap is very fleshy and thick. At the base, it is slightly depressed. The surface of the cap is leathery or yellow, with dark brown scales. The scales are arranged in symmetrical circles. The edges of the cap are fan-shaped, thin. The hats are arranged in a fan-like pattern like a tile.

The pulp is juicy, dense, with a very pleasant smell. In old fruit bodies, the pulp becomes woody. The lower part of the cap is tubular, yellowish. The tubular layer has rather large angular pores. Spore white powder, spores turn yellow with age.

The scaly tinder fungus has a thick, lateral leg, sometimes it is eccentric. Its width reaches 4 centimeters, and the length can reach 10 centimeters. The surface of the leg, like the cap, is dotted with brown scales. The base of the stem is darker and the lower part is lighter with a mesh pattern.

Areas of growth of scaly tinder fungi.

These fungi settle on weakened living trees. Scaly polypores grow not only in deciduous forests, but also in parks. They settle alone or in groups. Sometimes they form small colonies in the form of fan-shaped clusters.

Fruiting is observed from May to August. Scaly tinder fungi cause the development of yellow and white rot on trees. Basically, this type of mushroom is found on elms. They prefer the southern regions, and hardly grow in the middle lane.

Scaly polypores are widespread in Europe and North America. They also grow in the Stavropol, Krasnodar Territories and in the Crimea. In addition, these mushrooms are found in the North Caucasus, the Far East, Eastern Siberia and Kamchatka.

Evaluation of the edibility of scaly tinder fungi.

Young fruiting bodies of scaly polypores can be eaten. They are assigned the 4th category of edibility. They need preliminary boiling. They can be stewed, fried, and also salted and pickled. They are used to prepare soups, side dishes, pie fillings and so on. Old tinder fungi are not suitable for food, as they become excessively tough. They should be harvested in the fall, while they have soft flesh.

Before cooking, the tinder fungi are soaked well for 12 hours, while every 1.5 hours the water is drained and replaced with a new one. Then the mushrooms are finely chopped and boiled well. Scaly polypores are boiled for about 40 minutes. Undercooked mushrooms are tough and sweet, and the sweetness is not even interrupted by the spices. Scaly tinder fungi, collected and cooked in a timely manner, are very tasty.

Medicinal properties of scaly polypores.

Scaly tinder fungi are recognized by official medicine, they are used as raw materials for the manufacture of medicines. They give an excellent healing effect. Scaly polypores help restore the body after poisoning with poisons and heavy metals.

For a long time, powders and ointments have been made from scaly tinder fungi to combat nail fungus. It is not necessary to prepare tinctures and powders from tinder fungi, their healing properties may even manifest themselves with their usual intake.

Related species of scaly tinder fungus.

Tinder fungus is an inedible relative of the scaly tinder fungus. The fruit body is sessile, the shape is often fan-shaped, the structure is cork. Color from orange to brown.

Lumpy tinder fungi grow in groups, less often they are found singly. Fruiting is observed throughout the year. These mushrooms settle on the fallen trunks of deciduous trees and old stumps, most often on willows.

Cellular tinder fungus is an edible relative of the scaly tinder fungus. The shape of the cap can be oval or semicircular. Its color is orange, pale yellow, red-yellow. On the surface there are scales that are darker in color than the main background. The stem is very short, its color is white, and the surface is smooth. The flesh of a honeycomb tinder fungus is very tough, with a faint odor and unexpressed taste.

Cellular tinder fungi settle on dead deciduous wood. They bear fruit from April to August. These mushrooms grow mostly in small groups, but they can also appear singly.

Scaly Tinder is an edible mushroom that grows singly or in groups from mid-May to late August. Other names are pestle, elm or hare. It is found on the trunks of deciduous trees, especially elms, and in deciduous forests. Its appearance contributes to the formation of white central rot on wood.

The cap of the fungus is at first reniform, and then outstretched, with a diameter of about 40 cm. Its surface is dry, dull, grayish-yellow, densely covered with small brown scales arranged in circles. The spore-bearing layer is porous, coarsely meshed. The leg is eccentric, less often lateral, about 10 cm high and about 4 cm in diameter. Its surface is smooth, dry, light above with a fine mesh pattern, and below it is brown, almost black. The pulp is thick, fleshy, elastic, in mature mushrooms it is tough, woody, with a barely perceptible mealy odor.
Scaly tinder fungus belongs to the fourth category of mushrooms. Possesses good taste and is versatile in use. Only young mushrooms are used for food.



Scaly polypore 500 g.

Carrots (medium size) 1 pc.

Onions (medium size) 1 pc.

Potatoes 3 - 4 pcs.

A little vegetable or butter.

Greens (dill, parsley), salt - to taste


Wash the mushrooms, clean them: cut off the rough legs, peel off the scales - this is easy to do by scraping the surface of the cap against the grain. Three peeled and washed mushrooms on a coarse grater. Young mushrooms are rubbed easily, without effort. In old mushrooms, only the edge of the cap is suitable.

Put the grated mushrooms in a saucepan, fill with water, add some salt and put on the stove. When it boils, carefully remove the foam and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes.

At this time, three carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Lightly fry the onions and carrots in vegetable or butter (whichever you prefer).

Cut the potatoes into small cubes. Add to the pan with mushrooms. Add fried carrots and onions there. Cook everything until the potatoes are ready - about 15 minutes. The soup is ready.

Serve with some finely chopped parsley and dill.


  • Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Incertae sedis (undefined)
  • Order: Polyporales
  • Family: Polyporaceae (Polyporous)
  • Genus: Cerioporus (Cerioporus)
  • View: Cerioporus squamosus (Tinder fungus)


  • Polyporus squamosus
  • Melanopus squamosus
  • Polyporellus squamosus
  • Pestle

Hat: the diameter of the cap is from 10 to 40 cm. The surface of the cap is leathery, yellow. The hat is covered with dark brown scales. At the edges, the cap is thin, fan-shaped. In the lower part, the cap is tubular, yellowish. At first, the cap is kidney-shaped, then it becomes prostrate. Very thick and fleshy. At the base, the cap can sometimes be slightly depressed. The scales are located on the cap in symmetrical circles. The flesh of the cap is juicy, dense and very pleasantly scented. With age, the pulp dries out and becomes woody.

Tubular layer: angular pores, rather large.

Leg: thick leg, often lateral, sometimes eccentric. The leg is short. At the base, the leg is darker in color. Covered with brown scales. In young specimens, the flesh of the leg is soft, whitish. Then it becomes corky, but retains a pleasant aroma. Leg length up to 10 cm. Width up to 4 cm. In the upper part, the leg is light, mesh.

Hymenophore: porous, light with angular large cells. The hats grow like a tile, fan-shaped.

Spore Powder: white. The spores are almost white, descending along the peduncle. With age, the spore-bearing layer turns yellow.

Spread: Tinder fungus is found on living and weakened trees in parks and deciduous forests. Grows in groups or singly. Fruiting from May until the end of summer. Promotes the appearance of white or yellow rot on trees. It grows mainly on elms. Sometimes it can form small colonies of accrete fan-shaped fungi. Prefers the forests of the southern regions. It practically does not occur in the middle lane.

Edibility: the young tinder fungus is eaten fresh, after preliminary boiling. You can also eat pickled and salted. Edible mushroom of the fourth category. Old mushrooms are not eaten, as they become very tough.

Similarity: The size of the mushroom, the black base of the stem, as well as brown scales on the cap do not allow this mushroom to be confused with any other species.

Video about the mushroom Tinder scaly:

Notes: Previously, Scaly Tinder was called a small mushroom with a cap covered with small scales. It seems that everything converged and the color and scales, but it was, which is considered the younger brother of the large - Polyporus squamosus. This mushroom is completely unusual, a forest hero.

Scaly tinder fungus Polýporus squamósus The scaly tinder fungus can be called differently: elm, and variegated tinder fungus, and motley, and hare. In appearance, it resembles discs or plates that have grown into a tree trunk. Usually grows low. Sometimes it reaches a height of up to 10-12 meters, or vice versa, they grow almost from the ground. Rotten stumps are perfect for the appearance of a scaly tinder fungus. Appearance and distribution area The young scaly tinder fungus has a helmet-like shape, but eventually changes to a fan-shaped cap. The cap grows up to 30-40 cm in diameter, covered with black or brown scales, located in concentric circles. Has thin and downward-curving edges of the cap, sometimes they are serrated. The caps are rather thick, fleshy, and have a juicy flesh. When broken, they give off a pleasant smell, similar to the smell of an unfinished bun, sometimes completely honey. As the mushroom matures, the cap becomes harsh to the touch. Most often colored yellow. The bottom is tubular, yellowish or white. The leg of the scaly tinder fungus reaches a thickness of up to 4 cm in diameter, is short. In some cases, the length reaches 8-10 cm. By location, it is mostly lateral and never grows from the center. The shape of the leg can be either straight or curved. It is dense in mass, but upward turns into a mesh, porous and loose. As for the color of the mushroom leg, it has a white, cream or yellowish tone. The color of the base is brown with black, covered with dark scales over the entire surface. The scaled polypore is a widespread species in the deciduous forests of North America and Europe. In Russia, it grows in the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory and the Crimea. It is also found in the North Caucasus. A separate subspecies of scaly tinder fungus is also found in the forests of Eastern Siberia, the Far East, and even in Kamchatka. The fungus grows not only in forests, but also in city parks, preferring weakened non-coniferous trees such as maple and sometimes beech. Most of all he loves to settle on an elm tree - hence its second name - the elm tree. Often, the mushroom grows in clusters, forming small colonies. Medicinal properties In official medicine, scaly tinder fungus is used in the basis of drugs. Mushroom medicine gives an excellent therapeutic effect aimed at restoring organs that have been intoxicated with poisonous substances. These can be common poisons, heavy metals like mercury and even gases like sarin. The medicinal properties of the scaly tinder fungus are also used in folk medicine. For a long time, recipes for the preparation of dry anti-inflammatory extracts and ointments have been known, which inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi that develop on human skin and under nails. Many medicinal qualities of the mushroom are manifested in one way or another, even with its ordinary consumption. You can eat, but only carefully! Scaly tinder fungus is a conditionally edible fungus, and only when fresh. That is, harvested in the spring, when its pulp is soft and fleshy. Later, the pulp becomes tough, like an old cork, crumbles easily and loses its flavor. You can prepare delicious and varied dishes from the mushroom. There are cooking recipes that allow you to both fry, salt, marinate and dry, as well as cook pies with them, add to soups as a seasoning and much more. The preparation of the scaly tinder fungus should be started immediately after returning from the forest: the first step is to soak the mushroom well for 12 hours, but it can be longer. In this case, the water changes every 1-1.5 hours. Regardless of what kind of dish you are going to cook, the mushroom should first be finely chopped, and then boiled well. It should be boiled for at least 40 minutes, then peeled from the skin with scales. An undercooked mushroom turns out to be quite hard and slightly sweet in taste, and even the abundant use of spices will not knock this sweetness down. Timely collected and properly prepared scaly tinder fungus has amazing taste. Used in the topic article and photos from Parakov Igor Ivanovich Healing properties: It has a stimulating effect on the secretory activity of the bile gland. The bioactive substance lecithin has been isolated. In medicine, many experts consider tinder fungus to be promising for the production of drugs used in testing tumors and in glycobiological studies. Another healing property of the scaly tinder fungus is its antioxidant activity. Application in folk medicine: It is used mainly in the form of ointments for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints, with osteochondrosis, arthrosis, varicose veins. Collection and procurement rules: Young soft fruiting bodies are collected for drying or crushed and infused in fresh water or vodka (chopped). Then the infusion, together with the mushroom, is crushed with a blender to a homogeneous consistency. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator. It is possible to use it for compresses, and make tea with properties similar to ointment from dried mushrooms.