Choosing an ecological wallpaper. Wallpaper from natural materials Eco-friendly wallpaper for walls

Gone are the days when wallpaper was in short supply and people grabbed everything that was laid out on the counter, behind and those times when we grabbed bright imported wallpaper that seemed stylish to us.

Today, when buying wallpaper, we not only stop choosing those that are suitable for us in design or price, but also in terms of environmental friendliness. And this is true. By purchasing poison wallpaper today, even at a decent price, you can spend a decent amount on medications in the future. And you hardly think that the reason for your troubles is those beautiful wallpapers that you pasted about 5 years ago. When wallpapering a nursery or bedroom, kitchen or living room, think: are you doing everything right, did you choose the right wallpaper?

Eco-friendly wallpapers are now available in a large assortment, we will help you figure out which ones you need.

Let's divide eco-friendly wallpaper into 2 main types:

  • paper,


Paper is the most environmentally friendly material and can be used to decorate any living space. These wallpapers are usually made using recycled paper. If the wallpaper bears the FSC certificate - they are made from trees grown in special, controlled forests, such a certificate is issued by an international organization.


price (as a rule, they are cheaper than others), easy to paste, allow walls to breathe.


wear resistance, odor absorption ability, no moisture resistance and fading.

Paper wallpaper slightly reduces the thermal conductivity of the walls and to some extent increases sound absorption.

for dry, often ventilated rooms with increased requirements for hygiene: for bedrooms, children's rooms, playrooms, offices and libraries.

How to choose:

When evaluating the quality of paper wallpaper, pay attention to the price. It's simple - the worse the quality of the paper, the cheaper the wallpaper. Often such wallpapers can be painted by hand, keep in mind that this also increases the price of such a coating.

Natural fiber wallpaper

Made from rapidly renewable materials such as seaweed, bamboo and reed, straw, linen, silk


aesthetics (add warmth and naturalness to the room), assortment (besides color, there is also structure), These wallpapers allow the walls to "breathe", they are quite durable, have high sound and heat insulation. In addition, these wallpapers belong to the group of materials that are hardly combustible, and materials containing linen fibers also have antibacterial properties.


tend to fade, some collect dust, have a high price tag, it is not recommended to stick in the house where there are cats.

they look great in bedrooms, study rooms, living rooms and grand halls.

How to choose:

Let's separate the wallpaper from the cork. These are eco-friendly wallpapers that are not afraid of the sun, moisture and fungus, have good sound and heat insulation, they are wear-resistant, elastic and hypoallergenic and have a natural color.

What wallpaper to bypass

Vinyl wallpaper is the most popular wallpaper prevailing on the market for many years. They have a number of advantages: strength, the ability to hide the flaws of the walls, an assortment of textures.

Undoubtedly, these wallpapers are not classified as environmentally friendly. Wall-mounted vinyl wallpaper releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other toxic substances into the air. Today, medical professionals associate diseases such as cancer and asthma with the use of such a coating. The greatest danger of such wallpaper when burning, since organochlorine compounds and heavy metals are released, which can lead to human poisoning. Such wallpapers do not breathe, which contributes to the appearance and accumulation of mold.

Please note that any wallpaper that includes non-useful components will end up in your body, this will happen immediately when gluing or later. If you choose fire retardant wallpaper or any other special purpose wallpaper, be aware that VOCs, chlorine or other heavy metals may be in your body.

Opt for plain paper wallpapers or expensive but stylish natural fiber wallpapers. It is fashionable to be healthy, and such a fashion lasts all your life, and the wallpaper can be re-glued.

During the repair work in the premises where the children will live, it is necessary to select the safest materials, one of which is environmentally friendly wallpaper. They are made mainly from raw materials that do not emit harmful substances when wet or heated.

What wallpapers are considered sustainable? First of all, they should not contain vinyl, this is important for the following reasons:

  • Vinyl wallpaper emits phenolic volatiles for some time after being glued.
  • The production process generates toxic waste that negatively affects the environment.
  • When heated strongly, it also releases harmful elements.

In addition, the composition should be free of synthetic dyes, formaldehydes, heavy metals and adhesives.

Selection rules

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the base material. The less it contains chemicals, the safer the wallpaper for the walls.
  2. You need to find out about the origin of the coloring pigments and the protective face layer. Most often, inexpensive synthetic products are not environmentally friendly. For their production, they use cheap raw materials that can be toxic.

    Attention! Despite the assurances of the manufacturers, materials from a low price category cannot be completely safe for health, since when creating such products, they save on literally everything: on raw materials, equipment, on control.

  3. It is very important to check for the quality certificate. If it is present, then the products were not made by a handicraft method. Also, the certificate indicates the composition of the material and its purpose.

Stickers and inscriptions "Eco", "Natural product" are just marketing, in fact, the legislation does not regulate the use of such marks.

In addition to choosing the right wallpaper, care must be taken to ensure that other materials are harmless to health. This applies to glue, putty and primer.

Types of eco-friendly wallpaper

As stated above, safety wallpapers should be made from natural or non-toxic plastics. Depending on the raw materials used in the production, they are divided into several types.


At the moment, wallpaper made of bamboo, reed and other plants is one of the most popular options. Their soft texture makes the room warm and cozy.

The most common are bamboo. In fact, it is a tube-shaped grass that grows very quickly, so cutting it down does not harm flora and fauna. In addition, the material is free of resin and other components. Not only wallpaper is made from bamboo, but also furniture, floor coverings and so on, so with its help you can arrange a completely safe room.


Despite the similarity with the previous type, environmentally friendly wood wallpapers belong to a separate group. In most cases, they are a thin layer of flexible wood that can be rolled up.

There are many raw materials for this wallpaper, but each one is natural and sustainable. Moreover, such wood is quickly replenished in nature.

Wood always looks rich and noble, so the materials also carry a visual load. As a decoration on the front surface, there can be carving or inlay; in some cases, the wallpaper is painted with natural substances.

On a note! Wood products are an excellent choice for allergy sufferers.


These wallpapers can be made from parchment, plain or rice paper. The modern market offers a huge range of models, both hand-made and conveyor-made. When choosing, it is necessary to especially carefully study the composition, some unscrupulous manufacturers use unnatural dyes, vinyl, formaldehyde and other harmful substances to reduce costs.

The paper itself must be certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. If it was decided to order foreign-made products, then they must be marked with the FSC inscription with the image of a tree with a checkmark. These documents confirm that the wallpaper was made from raw materials grown in responsibly managed forests, and therefore does not contain harmful substances.

Made from recycled materials

These wallpapers are made from recycled paper. These products cannot be called natural, their production is associated with many technological processes, but the result is an environmentally friendly material. In addition, the production of such products reduces the amount of waste and the level of wood extraction.


Fabric wallpaper can be made entirely of cotton, linen, silk and other fibers, or made using polyester, viscose and other synthetics. In the first case, we are talking about an expensive and completely natural basis. Textile wallpaper made of artificial materials is characterized by a lower cost, improved performance, and so on. Both types are absolutely safe for health.


Non-woven fabric is a non-toxic blend of natural and synthetic fibers. Wallpaper breathes well and can be wet cleaned. Ideal for bathrooms, saunas, kitchens and similar environments.


These products contain virtually no organic materials. They are made from the same raw materials as ordinary glass, therefore they are chemically inert, due to which they are resistant to detergents and abrasion.

Cork and other coatings

Cork products are paper-based and have anti-static properties. They are harmless and lightweight, therefore they are often used in interior decoration.

Also, you can often find products made from natural or artificial leather. It's a relatively expensive material, but it looks good too.

There is an opinion that eco-wallpaper should be made only from natural raw materials. This is partially true, but there are also synthetics that are absolutely safe for health and do not cause allergies.

December 11, 2017
Specialization: facade decoration, interior decoration, construction of summer cottages, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. He also has experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Everyone has heard about the presence on the market of low-quality, unhealthy building materials. Therefore, the question of choosing environmentally friendly coatings has become very relevant, in particular, many people are trying to purchase the most environmentally friendly wallpaper for walls, but which canvases should be preferred? Next, I will try to answer the question posed, and tell you which tapestries are the most environmentally friendly.

What does "eco-friendly tapestry" mean?

First of all, I would like to note that it is not entirely correct to talk about which wallpapers are environmentally friendly. The fact is that all wallpapers meet certain standards and do not harm health, if, of course, they are of high quality and certified.

Therefore, the main rule when choosing environmentally friendly materials, and any, is not to chase the price, but to purchase products from well-known manufacturers in large stores. In this case, it practically does not matter what material they are made of.

But when buying "from hands", even the most, at first glance, safe paper tapestries may turn out to be harmless.

But, most people, when talking about eco-friendly tapestries, mean canvases made from natural materials, and not just those that comply with safety certificates. Therefore, further I want to tell you about four types of such wallpapers.

Types of eco-friendly tapestries

So, we can say with confidence that the most environmentally friendly tapestries, in terms of materials, are as follows:

Below we will take a closer look at all types of these tapestries.

Option 1: paper

Eco-friendly breathable paper wallpaper needs no introduction. They are well known to all since Soviet times. True, since then, the tapestries have undergone some changes:

  • Modern printing technologies have made them much more attractive. Often their decorative qualities are not inferior to their more expensive counterparts;

  • The so-called duplex trellis appeared on sale, which are distinguished by their increased density and wear resistance.

The main advantage of paper tapestries is their low cost. But the durability, of course, leaves much to be desired. In addition, they are very afraid of moisture.

To increase the durability and moisture resistance of paper wallpapers, they can be varnished.

Option 2: non-woven

Many people question the environmental friendliness of non-woven wallpaper, but is there a reason for this? This material is made on the basis of cellulose fibers and modified, as a rule, with polyester. In other words, it is a papery material.

As for the polyester, i.e. synthetic components, do not worry. This material is now often used to make clothes, bedding, etc. The only thing, do not forget what I said at the beginning of the article - environmental friendliness largely depends on the quality of the wallpaper.

By itself, non-woven fabric belongs to environmentally friendly and breathable materials. Therefore, you should not avoid it.

Dignity. Among the positive qualities of non-woven coatings, we highlight several main ones:

  • Strength and durability. With these properties, these tapestries are significantly superior to paper counterparts;
  • Moisture resistance. Of course, the coating cannot be washed with water, but, nevertheless, it tolerates moisture much better than paper;

  • Attractive look. As a rule, the material is deeply embossed, as a result of which it looks very interesting.


  • Do not use in damp areas. As I said, you cannot wash the canvases, so you should not use them for the walls in the bathroom;
  • Textured surface. This leads to the accumulation of dust on the walls. True, not all types of this coating are deeply embossed.

Option 3: fabric

For living quarters, fabric tapestries are an excellent solution. They can be made from linen, silk, jute and other materials. The only thing, if you want the coating to be really natural, pay attention to the absence of synthetics in the composition.

Dignity. The canvases have the following positive qualities:

  • Design. The tapestries have an exquisite appearance;
  • Abrasion resistance. The surface covered with them can even be cleaned with a brush.


  • High price. Fabric wallpaper is more expensive than all of the above analogs;
  • Moisture instability. The fabric quickly absorbs water, so this coating is not suitable for damp rooms;

  • Stains are poorly removed. Removing dirt from fabric, especially grease, is very difficult.

Option 4: cork

If all of the above coatings require respect for themselves, then bamboo eco wallpaper for walls is absolutely undemanding to operating conditions. They can be used in the kitchen, bathroom or even on the balcony.

Dignity. Other advantages of the material include:

  • Durability. Since the coating is not afraid of negative influences, it can last for many years;

  • Heat and sound insulation properties. Cork is a soft, porous material, so it is even capable of insulating walls to some extent;
  • Practicality. Cork canvases are not difficult to wash with your own hands.

The instructions for gluing bamboo wallpaper have their own characteristics. Therefore, before proceeding with their installation, read the recommendations from the manufacturer.

The disadvantages include only the peculiar appearance of cork canvases. Therefore, they are not suitable for every interior.


Finally, I will give the cost of all of the above coatings:

The prices in the table are valid in the winter of 2017/2018.


We got acquainted with the popular options for eco-friendly wallpaper and their types, which will surely help you decide on their type. Finally, watch the video in this article. And if you have any difficulties with the choice - write comments, and I will be happy to help you with advice.

December 11, 2017

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Environmental hypoallergenic wallpaper for walls

The fashion for everything environmentally friendly, from food to cars, is growing from year to year and is not going to give up its positions. People suddenly realized that catastrophic environmental pollution turns into intractable problems, including serious diseases unknown to our ancestors.

Each person lives somewhere, and it is good when his home is his fortress, safe both outside and inside. A lot can be said about the ecological cleanliness of the home, but this article will focus on ecological and hypoallergenic wallpaper for walls, which is not quite the same thing.

The first thing to look for when choosing environmental wallpaper Is an eco-label.

The second is the presence of a quality certificate and instructions with a list of the components included in the wallpaper. They should not include artificial dyes, heavy metals, formaldehydes and other chemical compounds.

Environmental wallpaper for walls

All paper wallpapers are considered to be ecological. However, some of them are made using chlorine bleaches and synthetic dyes. Therefore, truly environmentally friendly paper wallpapers are those made of unbleached paper and painted with natural dyes.

Environmentally friendly non-woven wallpaper is a non-woven material consisting exclusively of natural ingredients - cellulose and textile fibers, without any toxic additives.

Another type of environmentally friendly and safe wallpaper is textile, the raw materials for which are natural fibers of cotton, viscose, silk or flax, known for its bactericidal properties, and paper web is used as a base.

The most environmentally friendly wallpaper is made of quartz sand and other natural materials glass fiber. They are harmless, antistatic, and mold resistant.

What other environmentally friendly wallpapers are offered by modern manufacturers:

Lincrust, created according to the original technology without chemical additives. Liquid wallpaper made from natural ingredients. Metal wallpaper that protects against electromagnetic radiation - however, they have a drawback: they do not "breathe", therefore, in a room with walls pasted over with them, it is necessary to maintain good air circulation.

Environmentally friendly paintable wallpaper consists only of materials of natural origin that are safe for humans. This group includes paper, non-woven, fiberglass and linkrust. They are painted with paints that do not contain harmful substances - dispersion, acrylic, water-based paints. Moreover, after painting, they remain breathable.

Eco style wallpaper

The new-fashioned eco style implies interior design using environmentally friendly building materials, furniture and other decorative elements with a predominance of natural shades, floral ornaments, images of natural landscapes.

Eco wallpaper for walls is made from raw materials that are harmless to human health - bamboo, algae, reeds, balsa wood, coconut shells, straw, leather, wood veneer, suede.

However, today the term "Eco wallpaper" is used in a broader sense, including to denote environmentally friendly wallpaper as such, and the abbreviation ECO can often be found in the names of trade marks and collections.

For example - Swedish eco wallpaper Wallpaper. They are not always decorated with drawings in the style of flora and fauna, but they are made of eco-friendly paper, the raw material for which is trees grown in an ecologically clean area. In general, all eco wallpapers produced in Sweden are of good quality and environmental friendliness.

Eco-friendly Japanese wall-paper for walls and one would like to call "smart". They are able to regulate moisture levels, resist bacteria, freshen the air, absorb and neutralize allergens. There is only a small nuance: the environmental safety of wallpaper does not yet guarantee their hypoallergenic properties.

Hypoallergenic wallpaper for walls

Not all environmentally friendly wallpapers are suitable for allergy sufferers. For example, paper, fabric, embossed - those are still dust collectors. The exception is their varieties, treated with antistatic impregnation, but then the question arises about the environmental friendliness of this impregnation.

Of course, allergies can be different, so you need to choose a hypoallergenic wallpaper individually. If an allergic reaction is caused not by dust, but by mold or fungus, then air-permeable wallpapers are suitable: paper, textile, non-woven, the above-mentioned paintable wallpapers and other types of environmentally friendly wallpapers, especially those with bactericidal properties: linen, cork.

But what kind of wallpaper is actually hypoallergenic in every sense is glass wallpaper. They inhibit the development of pathogens, do not become dusty, but stick them with harmless mineral glue.

By the way, about the glue. Eco-friendly wallpaper glue should be made from natural ingredients such as starch or casein.

Buy environmentally friendly wallpaper

The cost of environmentally friendly wallpaper, as a rule, is slightly higher than the cost of their synthetic counterparts. This is understandable - really high-quality materials are never cheap. If the manufacturer declares that the wallpaper is environmentally friendly, and the price for them is clearly underestimated, it would be logical to doubt the veracity of this statement.

If you are determined to buy hypoallergenic or eco wallpapers, it is better to choose reputable suppliers. And it is not so important which of them you choose - let it be an online store of eco wallpaper, Eco House - a dealer of a liquid wallpaper manufacturer, or the Moscow wallpaper factory Ecostyle. The main thing is to check the eco-labeling, certificates and carefully study the list of materials included in the composition.

Environmentally friendly wallpaper for: apartment, bedroom, nursery, kitchen

It's great when the wallpaper for the bedroom is environmentally friendly, and even absorbs sound - cork for example. Thick paper, non-woven, fabric, liquid wallpapers do a good job with this function - they are all ecological and are quite suitable for a bedroom.

Among environmentally friendly wallpaper for a nursery, paper is usually chosen, especially if the child is small, because they understand that the artist will wake up in him, and the walls will serve as an easel. Environmental paintable wallpaper is also good for children.

As for environmentally friendly wallpaper for the kitchen, it is desirable that they be washable, and glass wallpaper is just perfect. And do not write off vinyl eco wallpaper - there are some. They do not emit harmful substances, and thanks to the micropores, they "breathe". You can distinguish them by marking them with an environmental safety sign.

Lincrust, textiles, any kind of eco wallpaper - bamboo, jute, leather, wood, as well as their harmonious combinations will look great in the living room.

Given the pace at which our planet's natural resources are being depleted, and some are disappearing altogether, it becomes more and more important every day to preserve what we have and make the best choices when purchasing goods for everyday life.

By avoiding clichés, being interested in novelties and exploring different alternatives, we can decorate our homes with impeccable style and without compromising valuable resources of the environment. The choice of eco-friendly wallpaper is an important area where delicacy and eco-awareness can come together.

Why is this becoming more and more important?

Since the middle of the twentieth century, wallpaper manufacturers began to add so-called "enhancements" to their products: vinyl or PVC, formaldehyde, chemical dyes, fungicides and powerful adhesives. Thanks to these additives, the wallpaper acquired amazing properties: high strength, light and water resistance, durability, etc.

Unfortunately, with all this, there are by-products - volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These are toxic gases that are emitted from various solvents, plastics, paints and adhesives contained in wallpaper. They can cause recurrent headaches, dizziness, visual disturbances, memory impairment, respiratory problems, and even liver or kidney problems. Carelessness in choosing different materials for your home can cause serious damage not only to the environment, but also to your health.

How to choose an environmentally friendly wallpaper

If the main criterion for choosing wallpaper for you is environmental friendliness, then first of all, consider wallpaper without a vinyl layer. Vinyl wall coverings can not only emit harmful gases, but they can also contribute to the growth of mold on the walls. The harmful effects of PVC materials on the environment do not end even when they end up in a landfill.

Mold under wallpaper that does not breathe

But even wallpaper made from natural resources can be unsafe and emit VOCs. Before purchasing them, make sure that the manufacturer uses only natural water-based paints for finishing. You may be pleasantly surprised at how beautiful plant dyes can be. In addition, heavy metals, which are found in some artificial paints, are becoming a real problem for groundwater due to their increasing presence in landfills. By choosing wallpapers that do not contain heavy metals, you are making a personal contribution to the best drinking water for yourself and future generations.

Types of eco-friendly wallpaper

Bamboo and Grasscloth

Bamboo, sisal, reed and some other plants are the most popular materials for making sustainable wallpapers. The woven texture and uneven coloring of the plant fibers give the walls a soft warmth that cannot be conveyed with any other wall covering.

Wallpaper from natural materials. Manufacturer - Omexco

Bamboo wallpaper is gaining popularity especially at high speed. Bamboo is an extremely resilient material, and because it is a herb that grows and ripens very quickly, it can be actively used to make everything for the home, from flooring and furniture to fabrics and wallpaper. Undoubtedly, this material is the most promising in the production of environmentally friendly decorative materials.

From wood

Typically, such wallpaper is a very thin layer of natural wood, such as paulownia, which is so flexible that it can easily roll and bend at an angle.

Whatever type of wood is used to make these wall coverings, it comes from specially grown and rapidly renewable sources. The finished wallpaper is finished with fine carving or hand-inlaid, and sometimes even painted with natural dyes.

Wood wallpaper. Manufacturer - Maya Romanoff

Wood wallpaper is an excellent choice for allergy sufferers. In addition, they look very rich on the walls, giving them the look of a luxurious finish with artsy wood paneling.


Handcrafted paper, parchment and rice paper are available today in every pattern or color imaginable. But when choosing modern paper wallpaper, you should definitely check their composition. It should contain only water-based paints, no formaldehyde, no heavy metals, PVC or vinyl backing.

Wallpaper with a pattern with water-based paints. Manufacturer - Graham & Brown

For the environment, it is best to opt for paper that is certified under the Forest Stewardship Council scheme. If you order imported wallpaper, it must have the FSC (tree with a check mark) logo to ensure that the wood used to make the paper for the wallpaper is harvested from responsibly managed forests.

Wallpaper from FSC certified paper. Manufacturer - Little Greene

Avoid using paper wallpaper in wet areas. The mold that can form is a fungus that releases harmful spores into the atmosphere. Not only are they airborne to settle and germinate in a new location, but they can also cause allergies and other health problems.

Made from recycled materials

Recycled paper is an excellent safe wall covering option that is becoming more common in today's market. Discarded clothes and books are the main post-consumer materials most often used to produce these innovative wallpapers.

Although it is impossible to say with certainty that such wallpapers are 100% natural, nevertheless, they do not pose a threat to your health and, moreover, reduce the amount of waste. To be absolutely sure they do not emit VOCs, check with the manufacturer.


Typically, the composition of woven wallpaper is mixed, in which natural threads are intertwined with polyester, polyamide, rayon and other artificial materials that increase the strength and other quality characteristics of the fabric. But sometimes manufacturers also produce wall coverings made of 100% pure linen, cotton or silk, which, although they are of high cost, are environmentally friendly, provided that their dyes are also of natural origin.

Non-woven (non-woven)

Non-woven wallpapers are made from a special blend of natural and synthetic fibers, which makes them particularly wash-resistant and breathable. You can find interlining in many household products, such as tea bags or coffee machine filters. This material, which is highly breathable, is the best solution for bathrooms and other areas with high humidity.

A common misconception is that only 100% natural wallpaper (linen, sisal, etc.) can be environmentally friendly. In fact, the main criteria for choosing wallpaper that are safe for health and the environment are as follows:

  • no vinyl or PVC;
  • absence of heavy metals;
  • lack of formaldehyde;
  • the use of adhesives and dyes is exclusively water-based.

As you can see, finding environmentally friendly wall coverings for your home is not at all difficult: they are generally available, and their choice is extremely wide and diverse.

Eco-friendly wallpaper for the bedroom and more updated: July 11, 2015 by the author: Margarita Glushko