Choosing the right doors for the bathroom and toilet. Which door to put in the bathroom: choosing the best option Which doors are better to put in the bathroom

The process of repairing a bathroom is quite expensive, since it requires a complete renovation of water supply systems, sewerage, plumbing equipment, tiles and much more, in particular, the installation of a new door structure. Despite the seeming simplicity, such a task as choosing a bathroom door requires special attention.

For owners who do not have practical repair skills, the question often arises which doors are better to put in the bathroom. Understanding the variety of products on the market will help knowledge of the main types of structures and their characteristic features.

For the correct selection of the canvas, you need to take into account the following characteristics:

  • the material from which the product is made;
  • appearance;
  • price factor.

The market offers the widest selection of metal-plastic, wooden, glass door panels, as well as laminated, made of MDF. Each of these types of products has its pros and cons.

When a luxury renovation is being carried out in an apartment, it is advisable to order bathroom doors according to an individual project in advance. Specialists will help you choose and install a unique door block, ideally suited only for your home.

Custom made doors to complement any interior

The first thing to pay attention to is that the structure should not be affected by dampness, because because of this it can change its dimensions, and this is unacceptable. Also, bath doors must be resistant to temperature changes and be protected from the formation of fungi and mold.

Often the choice is hampered by lack of experience. Price also plays an important role. However, the expensive model is not necessarily the best. The door should be purchased only when you have a clear idea of ​​​​the type of interior as a whole. It is recommended to install door blocks designed in the same style in all rooms.

To give a special chic to the interior of the bathroom, manufacturers offer various options for decorating door blocks. It can be a stained glass insert, frosted glass with a printed pattern or a photo print.

The symmetrical pattern on the glass harmoniously complements the laconic design.

The selection of fittings is limited only by personal preferences - these can be classic latches and handles of various shapes and colors. You can also install the so-called knobsets - rotary knobs with a lock.

Description of solid wood door panels

These are the most expensive designs. The main feature of lumber products is the ability to "breathe", that is, to absorb water in conditions of high humidity and release it into dry air. This ability of the product often leads to its deformation. You can successfully solve this problem by applying a paint coating on the surface of the canvas.

In bathrooms, the use of solid wood door blocks is allowed, provided that the integrity of the protective layer is maintained. Therefore, the installation of doors is carried out only after applying antifungal agents to the product, coating with tinting compounds and finishing varnishing.

Doors to a separate bathroom, it is desirable to select in the same style

The frame is mounted in the wall with anchor bolts and polyurethane foam. Without anchors, the door frame will deform and prevent closing.

It is important that wood products are more susceptible to swelling, so it is necessary to leave mounting gaps between the frame and the door.

Wooden blocks need timely restoration of the paint layer. Maintaining products made of solid wood or glued beams in the proper form is very expensive.

The most inexpensive type of doors are coniferous canvases. Such blocks are stained and varnished. It must be borne in mind that products made from cheap lumber tend to absorb moisture much more than those made from hardwoods such as oak, mahogany (mahogany), beech, hornbeam, or maple. However, the cost of these paintings is much higher. Often, in order to give a more noble and rich look to the product, such a trick is used - a door block made of cheap conifers is pasted over with veneer of valuable types of wood.

Often, metal and glass elements are used to decorate door panels. To avoid unnecessary problems during cleaning, we recommend that you abandon such decorations.

Glass door and its characteristics

Glass doors to the bathroom, photos of samples of which are presented in the gallery of this article, look appropriate in the design of the bathroom and are very functional in use. They are not susceptible to infection by fungi and are very hygienic. Glass products are highly translucent.

Usually the design is a glass insert in a frame made of aluminum or other metal. Such a door unit will be very appropriate in a modern style.

Stylish glass sliding door

When buying a design, ask for a quality certificate. It is necessary to pay attention to the level of glass resistance to mechanical damage. This material is great for use in bathrooms, although it is also endowed with a number of disadvantages.

In high humidity conditions, the door leaf fogs up and condensation appears. This is not a design flaw, but more of an aesthetic issue, since stains will remain on the glass even after drying. In addition, water flowing down will collect on the floor.

Even given its considerable thickness, glass remains a fragile material. In order to increase the safety of operation, the plane is pasted over with a protective film. A glass part of this thickness is already quite difficult to damage, and if such a situation does arise, the fragments will not scatter. You can also adjust the level of illumination in the bathroom with tint films.

This material is quite demanding in ongoing maintenance. It is recommended to wipe the glass door leaf daily or be content with the not quite neat appearance of the bathroom door. Fortunately, you can use absolutely any detergent to care for the surface of the product.

Laminated MDF door panels

The most budget option are door blocks with a laminated finish. Such models of doors for baths will harmoniously fit into the interior of a classic style. These are lightweight and durable products. The plane of these canvases is finished with a protective film, as a rule, with an imitation of a wood structure. Over time, the frame of the door block is deformed, the necessary play between the leaf and the frame disappears, which prevents closing. This is due to the fact that the inner part of the frame, adjacent to the doorway, is not covered with a protective layer and is subject to dampness, despite the insulation. However, there are other disadvantages as well. The laminating layer is short-lived - any accidental scratch can irrevocably spoil the appearance of the product. The coating simply peels off over time due to high humidity in the room.

Laminated doors, even to the touch, cannot be distinguished from wooden ones.

Door leafs made of MDF are also covered with a more wear-resistant layer of plastic. This is an environmentally friendly and durable material that does not contain harmful compounds, and is absolutely safe. The covering of a door imitates not only appearance of natural samples. To the touch, the material also practically does not differ from the original.

PVC bathroom door block

Blocks from a metal-plastic profile have proven themselves well. They ideally imitate the external qualities of similar samples made of natural materials. The price of such products is relatively low, which is an advantage. PVC bathroom doors have a number of positive qualities:

  • material not subject to external influences - plastic and aluminum - is not at all afraid of dampness, it does not rot and does not deform; the durability of the metal-plastic profile is ensured by the immunity of the material to fluctuations in temperature and humidity;
  • a wide selection of colors and textures; using PVC films, you can get a great imitation of any kind of wood;
  • require minimal maintenance, it is enough to wipe them occasionally with a damp cloth, and cleaning with cleaning products will be required very rarely.

Glazed door panels add sophistication to the interior

Such doors are usually equipped with an insulating layer, which becomes an additional positive characteristic. However, the presence of a PVC door block will require the obligatory equipment in the bathroom of good ventilation, since their hermetic design prevents the free movement of air.

Deaf and glazed blocks

The door leaf can be deaf, paneled (in the case of a PVC structure, the role of the panel is played by a sandwich panel) and glazed. To ensure privacy, it is recommended to use stained glass inserts, matting, sticking tinting films on glass - both colored and one-sided mirroring. Photo printing, sandblasting and much more can be used. Such a variety of decor options will allow you to fully express your creativity.

A decorative insert will make a blind door not so boring

Classification by opening method

Usually bathrooms are equipped with hinged doors, but they require a large area to open. Along with them, sliding systems are used, which take up only a little space along the wall or are placed in a specially equipped niche, but they do not provide proper sound insulation. The same applies to folding doors, and the so-called accordions. As a rule, a hinged door will still be the best design option. But, in the end, which door to put in the bathroom is up to you.

Unusual solution for the bathroom - accordion door

Having understood the variety of different materials and designs, you can easily understand how to choose a door to the bathroom. Photos in the interior of samples of possible variations will help you make the right choice .


For the longest and most successful operation of the door block, several conditions will have to be met. The bathroom must be equipped with a good ventilation system, since water vapor must be quickly removed to avoid condensation on the ceiling, walls, and door plane. After all, the humidity in the bathroom is high as in no other room. With a properly arranged air exchange system, the door leaf will last much longer.

As you can see, a competent choice of a door block for a bathroom can be made by carefully studying the general classification of doors on the market and purchasing a model according to your needs.

Any type of product is mainly evaluated by us in terms of appearance, functionality and cost. At the same time, few people take into account the specifics of the operation of the product. In this regard, the choice of a door to the bathroom is somewhat limited - special requirements are imposed on such models.

The structural elements mounted in the opening are simultaneously affected by several factors: temperature changes and sudden changes in humidity levels; inevitable and direct contact of the canvas or box (platbands) with drops of water. And if we add that the doors should not interfere with the natural circulation of air flows (otherwise, the appearance of fungus and mold cannot be avoided), then it is quite clear that choosing a model, focusing only on its attractiveness, finish and price tag, is fundamentally wrong.

So, what to look for when choosing?


There are opinions that this item can be ignored if the bathroom is large enough. The argument is as follows - when the door is far from plumbing fixtures, water splashes on it are excluded. Even if this is true, what about the process of vaporization? And this is one of the specific features of this room - by opening the DHW tap, we inevitably break the temperature balance, thereby initiating the appearance of condensate on all surfaces, including doors. As a result, the gradual destruction of the structure with the penetration of rot into the depths. What is the best material for bathroom doors?

solid wood

Such models are expensive, and if they are treated with high quality impregnations, then this is one of the best options. But when choosing, you should pay attention to the breed. Not every wood is suitable for the indicated operating conditions. Hygroscopic material (most fruit trees, pine, spruce can be attributed to this group of trees) will not last long, even with a multi-layer coating with water-repellent varnish. It is not eternal, and when abraded (and this is inevitable), the contact of the tree with dampness is ensured.

If it is decided to install solid wood doors in the house, then for the bathroom and toilet rooms it is better to choose models from expensive species - beech, mahogany, oak and the like, with a high density of structure. It is this wood that is used in the arrangement of steam rooms in baths (saunas).

Frame products

These include paneled, molded, tsargovye models. Their durability largely depends on the type of frame filling. Doors to the bathroom and the bathroom should have not only durable inserts (MDF, chipboard), but also their reliable surface coating (lacquered or laminated with film, plastic).

It is better to purchase such doors from a company with a good reputation. Little-known manufacturers, in order to reduce costs, save literally on everything, including drugs. Since wood-based boards contain glue and antiseptic impregnations, there is a risk that when the temperature in the bathroom rises, they will emit toxic fumes.


For these conditions - one of the best solutions. But only if it is not one plastic, but in combination with metal (aluminum or stainless steel). And here the recommendation is identical - necessarily a branded model. There are so many different toxins in cheap plastics that saving on such doors will turn into big problems in the future.


But for canvases, it is used not ordinary, but increased strength. Such doors have many advantages - hygiene, ease of maintenance, high insulating (sound, heat) characteristics, a variety of design solutions. Glass differs in the degree of transparency, decorative elements - the choice is huge. But there is also a significant disadvantage - the high cost of products + complex installation.


The decision on which doors to put in the bathroom and toilet largely depends on the material of the walls. The model you like may not match the size of the opening; it will have to be narrowed or expanded. Even if this can be done, how much will the redevelopment (reconstruction) cost? Given the additional costs, wouldn't it be better to buy another model, albeit at a higher price?

Design feature

  • The basic requirements for doors installed in the passages to bathrooms and toilets are met only by hinged models, that is, of a traditional design. All the rest (sliding, swivel, and so on) are not able to retain heat and "extinguish" sounds.
  • Many questions are raised by the optimal number of valves. There is no choice for apartments - only one. But if we are talking about a bathroom in a private house, with a wide opening, then it makes sense to install a "lorry", with a fixed small canvas. If it is necessary to introduce / replace overall plumbing (shower, the same bath), it is easy to open it, increasing the size of the passage.
  • opening direction. Given the modest parameters of the bathrooms (toilet) rooms, only outside. And here is the nuance - in which direction? It is not a fact that if you open the doors of both rooms at the same time, they will not become an obstacle in a narrow corridor.


Its shape, shade and all other features are not for everybody. Here is the main material. Only metal parts will last the period guaranteed by the manufacturer. If at least some structural element is made of plastic, then it is pointless to hope for the durability of the sample. Moreover, the door to this room is opened and closed many times a day by the household.

What to consider

Few people pay attention to this, but the question is purely practical - is every door amenable to reconstruction? Not every model fits literally into any interior as organically as glass products. And we have to deal with repairs in the house, changing the style of interior decoration not so rarely. This is also a detail to consider when choosing. In this regard, panel doors win. Sometimes it is enough to replace just a couple of inserts, and this is a completely different sash.

The choice of doors for the bathroom is huge. Focusing on your financial capabilities, you should not lose sight of the criteria that they must meet. Then the acquisition will only please, and you can forget about such problems as restoration, repair or replacement of individual parts of the structure for a long time.

High humidity and temperature, splashes of water and soap suds - not only the floor and walls in the bathroom are exposed to all these aggressive influences. The bathroom door is also under threat - meanwhile, special models are rarely found in manufacturers' catalogs with photos. In such cases, it remains to buy ordinary serial products - this will also help to create. Indeed, according to modern design canons, doors should be the same or designed in the same style.

Which door is best for the bathroom

When developing technology, most manufacturers take into account that their products will be used, including in wet rooms. However, this does not mean that any of the models on the market is suitable for a wet area. We tell you what to look for when choosing.

Which material is best for bathroom and toilet door

First, consider what materials are generally used.


It is produced as a base and a layer of paper glued to it - this is called the lamination process. But they are not glued to ordinary glue, but with the help of special resins. But still there are gaps into which moisture can penetrate. Perhaps one of the few options devoid of this drawback is laminatin. It is thicker and varnished on top for better protection. Fabrics treated in this way can withstand humidity up to 60%.

PVC coating

Such models have an MDF base, and a PVC coating on top. It is water repellent and can even be washed. The advantages include a wide variety of colors and textures of these interior doors - it will be easy to choose the one you like for the bathroom and toilet. But there are also disadvantages - the canvas can exfoliate from too high humidity. And when the temperature rises in the paving, PVC can release chloride - for those who strive for it, it is better to abandon this type.


A modern material that is produced from woodworking waste and polymeric plasticizer. Despite the complicated name of the latter, it is environmentally friendly. Eco-veneer is difficult to distinguish from natural material externally, but it even surpasses real veneer in quality. Among the advantages are resistance to moisture, aesthetics and environmental friendliness. But it can become an argument not in his favor.

Wood (veneer)

Too capricious, and is unlikely to show itself well in the bathroom. But if you choose a product coated with high-quality varnish, it is quite possible to install it. The frame of veneer products is made of softwood or chipboard, but the outer side is already covered with natural wood.


Perhaps, if you are looking for an answer to the question of which door to put in the bathroom and save the budget, this is exactly your option. Raw materials are inexpensive, so the finished product is available. Plastic is not afraid of temperature changes or moisture, as well. And the sound insulation of such models, as a rule, is on top.

But do not rush to draw an unambiguous conclusion - especially if aesthetics are important to you. Plastic products are rarely beautiful, and they are also made in a standard form, and any deviations are impossible. Also, it is not eco-friendly.


Glass structures are absolutely waterproof, but the thickness of the canvas must be at least 8 mm, otherwise it will not be possible to provide sound insulation. In addition, you need to take into account that products decorated with sandblasting (matte and with a matte pattern) become transparent when moistened, and any relief pattern (laser engraving, fusing) will greatly complicate surface care.

It is better to give preference to hardened structures with a colored ceramic coating or triplex - plain color, with a pattern or photo printing. Glass products will last longer in the bathroom than any other, while it is easy to choose the option that matches the style of the apartment.

So which material is the best? Pay attention to alternatives to wood: eco-veneer, plastic and glass. And only if the room is spacious enough and well ventilated, you can think about laminated, natural wood (veneer) and PVC-coated. When choosing the latter, the type of coating on the web and edge is of great importance. If the joints are not tight, moisture will penetrate in this place and the product will deteriorate.

Which door to choose in the bathroom by design

There are traditional options - swing and other designs. Let's consider each.


A classic that is used in all rooms. It has a standard frame: a box, platbands are placed. You can also put thresholds, and this improves sound insulation. The standard swing type opens inward or outward, and there must be room for this. If inside - there may be problems with this.


The design of the coupe is very space-saving, which again is useful in small spaces. But during installation, a gap remains between the floor and the canvas, which means that heat and sound insulation will be reduced.

You can compromise and install a model that slides into the wall - this is possible only before the start of capital work, since it will be necessary to ditch the wall. With such sliding options, the disadvantages are minimized.


Structurally divided into a book and an accordion. In the first case, the canvas is divided into two parts, and in the second - into three or more. When folded, they take up space in the opening, so the space savings are essentially negligible.

6 things to consider before buying

1. The presence of decor

Paneled structures are made from solid wood, according to the generally accepted opinion, they are unsuitable for a bathroom. However, this is not always true. If the frame of the structure is made of glued beams, and the panels are made of high-density fibreboard (HDF), and at the same time the canvas has a multi-layer coating (high-quality polymer enamel or varnish), then it does not care about water. The likelihood of warping and cracking is minimal, and the finish will withstand both high humidity and frequent washing.

And shield (smooth) canvases, as practice shows, are quite capable of withstanding the conditions of the “home tropics”. Such models are distinguished by stable geometry, because their frame (usually made of ordinary coniferous bars) is protected from moisture by sheathing. But the service life of the latter depends on the type of decorative coating.

2. Transparency

The presence of frosted or tinted glass often raises questions. From an aesthetic point of view, it looks nice and good, but how practical and is it suitable for the bathroom? The fact is that sound insulation is good only if the glass is dense, from several layers.

3. Size selection

Usually the bathroom and toilet should be about 194-196 cm in height and 60 cm in width. Meanwhile, the minimum standard for the height of a door block for many companies is 204 cm. The design of the required dimensions can be made to order (it will cost 10-20% more, and it will hardly be delivered earlier than in 2 weeks). Another option is to file the canvas, after checking with the manufacturer how to do it correctly. Usually, 100 mm can be cut off from panel sheets both from below and from above, but then a strapping bar should be glued in place.

There is always an extractor fan in the bathroom. Moreover, in many apartments it is designed to serve adjacent premises. And it will function normally only if a gap of at least 8 mm is left between the floor and the canvas. But such a gap will adversely affect sound insulation, so it is better to build a ventilation valve with a sound absorber into the door (approximate price - from 1,200 rubles).

  • Material prepared: Vladimir Grigoriev
  • or rollback systems. To open the door, you just need to move aside the door leaf, mounted on special wheels and rails. Such designs allow you to save free space, but at the same time they do not fit well, which does not provide adequate heat and sound insulation.
  • . According to customer and expert reviews, this type of interior doors is not the best option for installation in a bathroom and toilet.
  • Rotary. The newest type of interior door. Thanks to special fittings, the canvas unfolds along the axis in the doorway and moves tightly against the wall.

  • Locking devices with handles for doors to the bathroom and toilet

    Having decided to buy doors to the bathroom and toilet, you need to pay attention not only to the material, the method of opening, but also to the fittings: hinges, handles and locking mechanisms. The door leaf must be securely and tightly closed so as not to release heat from the room and not violate the comfort of privacy when performing hygiene procedures. Consider several main types of modern fittings used in the bathroom and toilet.

    The proposed video will help with the installation of the door with your own hands.

    When choosing a door to the bathroom, several important points are taken into account. The wooden canvas is afraid of moisture, but this drawback is solved by applying antiseptic impregnation or varnish. Glass is appropriate in any interior, is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Plastic doors are durable, practical, cheap, not afraid of exposure to detergents, but not suitable for every interior. When buying a door, you should choose canvases (unless the interior requires otherwise), since scratches or chips are not so noticeable on them.

    Previously, high thresholds were made in the bathrooms, so that in the event of an overflow of water, it would not enter the room and spoil the situation. But this solution is not suitable if the family has small children and the elderly. Now the market offers special devices that prevent water overflow, as well as automatic systems that turn off the water supply system in the event of an occurrence.

    Leading manufacturers, models and prices of bathroom and toilet doors

    A huge number of models of interior doors on the market from a variety of manufacturers complicates the choice of a suitable design. Consider the leading Russian companies.

    Sofia is widely known not only to Russian but also to foreign consumers. The products of this brand are distinguished by functionality and a large assortment of decor. The manufacturer offers not only standard door models, but also the possibility of ordering according to individual sizes.

    The Onyx interior door company, founded in 1997, has relied on mass production without compromising the quality of its products. The factory is equipped with the latest equipment and uses advanced European technologies, which allowed it to become competitive. The company also has a separate production site that produces exclusive products according to non-standard sizes and design drawings.

    The Ulyanovsk factory Dariano during its existence was able to develop a unique production technology and offers a wide range of models for the most. The company's products are distinguished by high quality products and affordable prices.

    Manufacturer Model Parameters (H×W), mm. Peculiarities Average cost (as of June 2018), RUB

    Sofia Light Light oak

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