Select the juicer for vegetables and fruits. How to choose a juicer for vegetables and fruits Philips Viva Collection HR1837 - the most convenient to use

Make juice only from oranges, lemons, grapefruits, limes and mandarins. Fruits need to be cut in half and put the pulp down on a ribbed cone. When pressed on fruit on top, juice is formed and flows into the tank.

  • Benefits. Compact and easy to use. Cheaper than centrifugal and auger.
  • Disadvantages. Not universal, suitable only for citrus. Juice cannot be stock.

How to choose

Citrus juicers are manual, mechanical and electrical.

Manual - the cheapest, but ineffective: with them one glass of juice will need more fruit.

Mechanical work at the expense of the lever, which allows you to apply less physical effort and get more juice.

Electric juicers allow you to squeeze the maximum juice. Their power is usually 20-80 W. The more powerful the device, the faster the juice will get.

Pay attention whether the lever is included, which holds fruit during pressing, and the nozzles of different sizes. They need at least three: a small nozzle for lime and lemon, the average for orange, large - for grapefruit.

Another useful function is the presence of a reverse. When it is, the engine rotates the nozzle of the juicer is not alone, but in both directions, and from the fruit it turns out more juice. Dear models have a meat control function. It can be adjusted, making juice is more dense or vice versa.

The capacity of the containers in such juicers is usually more than 1-1.2 liters, because the juice from citrus is quickly oxidized and loses useful properties. It needs to drink fresh, for 5-10 minutes after cooking. If you make just a glass of juice at a time, choose a smaller juicer. If you cook juice for the whole family - take more with a laughter with a container.

Suitable for the preparation of juices from solid fruits and vegetables. Fruits are loaded into the neck, the disc chill inside churns them into small particles, after which they fall onto the separator centrifuge, where the juice is distinguished from the resulting cashem.

  • Benefits. The main plus of the centrifugal juicer is its performance. It works quickly and copes with large volumes of fruits and vegetables. Juice can be done with a reserve - for example, for the winter.
  • Disadvantages. Works loudly, not suitable for soft fruits (banana, apricot, mango, papaya). The juice is obtained with foam, and it is less than vitamins than in whole vegetables and fruits, since due to the high spin rate, it heats up, more interacts with oxygen and is oxidized faster

How to choose

Centrifugal juicers are two types: with a cylindrical and conical separator. Cylindrical gives more juice, but during work it must be stopped and cleaning from the cake (residues of fruits and vegetables). In new models, manufacturers are increasingly abandoning such a design in favor of conical.

The conical separator squeezes juice a little worse, but works without stopping: the cake is automatically deleted into a special container. It is still difficult to wash such a juicer: it is necessary to disassemble, wash all the removable parts, and then collect anew. There are exceptions - for example, SC-JE50S45 juicer with self-cleaning function. After use, you need to translate it into the Clean mode, and the special scraper itself will clean the filter.

Pay attention to the power, volume of containers and dimensional dimensions. The more juice you plan to prepare, the higher these parameters will be. Do not chase your needs: perhaps you overpay for too much power that you do not need.

If you need to recycle 30 kg of apples every summer, take the juicer with a capacity of 1,500-2,000 W, and if you just like to drink a glass of juice in the morning, you can do with a capacity of up to 200-500 W.

But with the size of the juicer neck, everything is definitely: what it is more, the better. In the neck of 7-8 cm in diameter, whole fruits can be loaded and do not waste time on cutting.

Suitable for any fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts and germinated cereals. According to the principle of work, a meat grinder is similar: fruits and vegetables are crushed with auger - a mechanism similar to the screw. Juice is formed under pressure, after which it is separated from the cake and is supplied to the container.

  • Benefits. Cold pressed juice. During cooking, it does not heat up and does not oxidize, it can be stored in the refrigerator to two days. It is richer, sweeter and contains more pulp.
  • Disadvantages. Less powerful than centrifugal, and work more slowly. They are quite difficult to disassemble and wash, the neck in most models is narrow.

How to choose

The screw juicers are distinguished by the case materials, power, volume of containers for juice and cake and additional functions.

The case of stainless steel is more reliable and more durable than plastic.

The minimum size of containers for juice and cake is 350 ml. Power fluctuates from 200 to 400 W. If you do juice for the whole family - take models with a capacity of 400 W with a 0.8-1 l container and a liter tank for juice, like SCARLETT SC-JE50S43. If you are enough one glass of juice in the morning - the compact juicer Scarlett SC-JE50S39 with a 350 ml container and a capacity of 200 watts is suitable.

Look for a wide throat model: they are easier to use. For example, at the juicer Scarlett SC-JE50S44, the diameter of the neck is 7.5 cm, and Scarlett SC-JE50S40 - 8 cm.

To wash the auger juicer, you need to get all the removable parts and rinse them under water. Includes a special brush for cleaning. For convenience, some models are equipped with a light disassembly system - when the parts are removed not alternately, but at the same time. This allows you to do everything in the sink and not stain the kitchen.

Some screw juicers make not only juices and smoothies, but also sorbets. In the Juicer Scarlett SC-JE50S41, the sorbet is made in the same way as the juice: throw frozen fruits in the neck, and at the output you get a useful dessert.


  • Screw juicers are the most functional and make the most useful juice. They are suitable for any fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts, but cost expensive.
  • Centrifugal juicers are the most powerful and suitable to cope with the country harvest. But they consume a lot of energy, work loudly, do not preserve all vitamins, are suitable only for solid fruits and vegetables.
  • Citrus juicers are the most inexpensive and compact, but are not suitable for all fruits.

Juicer for the recipe: Lifechaker and Scarlett Competition

Share the recipe for juice or sorbet from fruits, berries and vegetables and win one of the six SCARLETT juicers. Click on the form below, log in with the "VKontakte" profile or Facebook and send a recipe.

Describe the cooking process in detail - so you will have more chances to get a prize. The authors of the three best juice recipes and three best sorbitis recipes will be received by Scarlett juicer. The results of the competition will be announced on September 18 in a separate article on the Lifehacker. We collect all recipes on a special page, where you will find detailed information about the prizes.

To choose the best juicer for the house you need to clearly understand what you and your households need it. After all, the ideal for all the instrument does not exist, and each model has its advantages and weaknesses. In this material you will find a step-by-step guide for the choice of juicer for home and a selection of video reviews.

Step 1. Determine with the type of juicer

Type 1. Centrifugal (universal)

This is the most common type of juicer. The fruits in it are first crushed at the expense of the grater, then they fall into the separator, where the juice is separated from the pulp of the centrifugal force.

  • Sprinkles juice from almost all fruits, vegetables and berries (except for fruits with small bones). Especially good for soft fruits and vegetables (for example, tomatoes or peaches).
  • In a cylindrical hatch, you can insert small fruits of the whole (n-p, apples, pears, etc.), which greatly saves time.

The versatile juicer of the centrifugal type is a workhorse that allows you to cook the juice quickly and not spend time on slicing fruits. Just throw the apple in the neck, press it with his pusher and turn on the car

  • Juice is squeezed very quickly - 2-4 times faster in comparison with the screw juicer.
  • Juice from centrifugal juicer is obtained more liquid and uniform, without pulp (however, on the other hand, it can be called a minus, because the juice with the pulp is more useful).
  • The machine is easily cleaned even without the use of a special brush.
  • In this category the largest selection of devices for any budget.
  • The cost of centrifugal juicers is lower than on the auger. The price varies from 1000 to 12,000 rubles.
  • Due to the heating of fruits at the friction stage and the interaction of the pulp with air in the separator, the juice is oxidized and loses the part of the beneficial properties. In addition, such juice will not work for a long time, you need to drink immediately.
  • Summates juice less carefully than a screw juicer and gives 10-40% less juice (depending on the type of fruit / vegetable).
  • Gives more foam in comparison with the screw model.
  • Only expensive models of juicer can squeeze the juice from herbs, and they do not cope with it in the best way, but they cannot be completely from dusty.
  • Works noisy. Noise is issued about the same as from the blender, combine or coffee grinder.
  • Centrifugal models are usually quite high and require a lot of space.

If you have a priority for the creation of juice, say, you like to drink it for breakfast, you have a big family or you are looking for a juicer for a whole collective, then the centrifugal juicer is the optimal choice. It can also be recommended to fans of juicy juicy and soft fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes.

Tips for choosing the best centrifugal type universal juicer you can learn from this video.

Type 2. Auger (other names: "cone", "cold spin juicer")

The screw juicers are also universal, but they work on another principle: they squeeze the juice from the fruits due to the press under high pressure, and not abrasion. The main detail of the device is a cone spiral auger operating on low revs. Externally and on the principle of operation, the screw juicer resemble a meat grinder.

  • Keeps the maximum of the beneficial properties of fruits, as they do not oxidize in the cooking process.
  • For the same reason, the screw juicer allows you to make blanks and keep juice in the refrigerator 48 hours without losing its nutritional value. The ability to store juice in a sense compensates for slowness of the device, because you can prepare drinks in advance.
  • The spin is more thorough, which means and juice it gives more.

The screw juicer is more expensive than universal, but it squeezes 10-40% more juice (depending on the juiciness of fruits / vegetables)

  • Squeezing the juice from almost everything, even from cabbage, seeds, nuts and grass.
  • It works quietly.
  • The juice is obtained with a smaller amount of foam (1.5-2 times compared to juice from the centrifugal machine).

Only auger juicer can squeeze the juice from cabbage and herbs

  • It is more expensive (from 12 thousand rubles).
  • The choice of devices in this category is small.
  • The throat of screw juicers is less, so most fruits and vegetables need to be pre-cut, which complicates and slows down the cooking process.
  • The juice is more dense due to the presence of meat. On the other hand, it can be said that the benefits of the pulp compensates for the heterogeneity of the drink.
  • A screw car though squeezes juice from soft vegetables and fruits, but it turns out more like a puree or baby food. However, if you have small children, then this is a great advantage.

In what cases are recommended: A screw juicer is an ideal choice for gourmets, vegetarians, raw foods, families with small children, patients who need dietary / liquid food and just people who follow their health. In addition, screw devices are recommended for those who like juices from solid vegetables and fruits (apples, carrots, beets, etc.).

If you are interested in a screw juicer, we suggest watch a video review and comparison of 4 models of the auger machines of the average price category.

And in this video in detail and clearly presented a comparison of the screw and centrifugal juicer.

Type 3. Citrus (Citrus Press)

The machine is specifically designed to squeeze the juice from citrus. The design in electrical citrus juicers is very simple and consists of: engine, a tank for collecting juice and a cone-shaped nozzle, which rotates on small revolutions, squeezes juice from fruits.

  • It does not require cleaning fruits from the peel, it is enough just to wash them and cut them on the halves (across the poles). In the juicers of other types, it is also possible to squeeze juice from citruses, but for this you will have to be brought to pre-clean them.
  • It can be squeezed with pomegranate juice. In the screw juicer, you can also get juice from grenades, but first its grains need to be removed that it is not very convenient.
  • Compact.
  • It is necessary (the price of electrical citrus presses is 1200-3000 rubles, although there are also expensive models for 19-30 thousand rubles.).
  • Easy to use.
  • Works quickly.
  • Very easy to care.
  • It's not no cozy, thanks to which it is possible to cook juices even early in the morning when all households are still sleeping.
  • Many models of citrus machines allow you to adjust the amount of pulp in the finished juice.
  • It is not suitable for pressing any fruits except citrus and pomegranates.

In what cases are recommended: If, in addition to orange / pomegranate juice, you do not need anything else, then the juicer for citrus is your choice. And the cytrus presses will be very useful for lovers to organize parties. With such an instrument, guests can squeeze juice for their cocktails on their own, without cleaning oranges from the peel. At the same time, the press will not interrupt the conversations, and muffle music.

If you want to buy a citrus juicer, we suggest a comparative video review of three different models.

Step 2. Size and capacity of tanks

Determined with the type of juicer? Now let's think about the volume of tanks for the collection of juice and pulp. Citrus and centrifugal machines most often have built-in tanks for collecting pulp, and screw - separate (sold included).

  • For a pair, a person will be sufficient for a capacity for collecting juice 300-600 ml (this is 1-2 glasses), the volume of tanks for collecting pulp is 1.5-1.6 liters.
  • For a large family for the preparation of juice, a tank of 1.5-2 liters is required, the volume of tanks for collecting pulp is 2.6-3 liters.

Also, choosing a suitable model, pay attention to the size of the boot neck. What it is wider, the larger the size of fruits and vegetables you can immerse it without cutting.

  • The average loading neck is 75 mm. In such a hatch, an apple is accommodated up to 73 mm in diameter, larger fruits will have to cut. The wider neck of the juicer may have a diameter of 84-85 mm.

Step 3. Power and high-speed modes

The higher the power of the car, the faster and better it gives juice.

  • For centrifugal machines, the capacity is optimal 250-300 W and the speed of rotation of the separator 10000-12000 revolutions / min. Acquire a device with large indicators (up to 23000 revolutions / min.) There is no particular sense, since it practically does not affect the performance and quality of the juice. By the way, some juicers have up to 9 speed modes, although in fact, 2-3 modes will be a medium-time lover: low speed mode is suitable for soft fruits, and high speed mode is for solid. Keep in mind that some centrifugal devices can have only 1 mode, but they are not suitable for the preparation of juices from soft fruits / vegetables.

  • Auger juicers can have a power of 200-400 W.
  • Citrus devices have a completely small power of 20-40 W. In fact, in the choice of cytrus presses, power does not have such an important value, and the machine with a capacity of only 25 W will be perfectly cope with the work.

Step 4. Materials of the case and details

The housing of any juicer can be made of plastic and / or aluminum or stainless steel. Metal enclosures are much more beautiful and more reliable than plastic, but more expensive. The plastic significantly reduces the device, facilitates it and simplifies care for it, and with a gentle handling, he also can serve for many years.

  • Keep in mind that on polished stainless steel and glossy black plastic traces of fingers of the hands remain.

Centrifuge material in centrifugal juicer is always made of stainless steel. But the citrus and screw juicers can also be plastic filter parts, because due to the low speeds of rotation of the load on them are insignificant.

Step 5. Advanced Parameters

It is desirable that your future juicer has the following additional options:

  • The "drop-stop" function (in machines with direct juice feed).
  • A glass or jug \u200b\u200bfor finished juice and a foam cover. Well, if the tank for the juice is measured.
  • Legs-suckers or at least simple rubberized legs for the resistance of the device (especially relevant for centrifugal juicers).
  • The possibility of washing removable parts in a dishwasher.
  • The ability to remove the cord into a special compartment at the base of the device. Make sure whether the short cord is not too long or the model you have chosen.
  • Brush for cleaning sieve cells.

Freshly squeezed juices are good for health, but today it will be about products that are designed to help gardens and gardeners to prepare the collected fruits in the form of a juice for long-term storage. It is the juicer for solid vegetables and fruits that has all the possibilities to recycle large volumes quickly and with excellent quality.

Those readers who are interested can learn individual differences, advantages and small disadvantages of this home appliance, carefully reading this article.

According to specialists, grind and squeeze the juice from solid fruits will actually be able to only three types of products:

  1. The juicer with centrifuge is the most popular product of the presented species, it works as follows: whole fruits fall on the blade, where they are ground to the desired consistency. The spin of the juice occurs through a fine sieve of stainless metal, due to the high centrifuge speed. Pressing juice This device is pretty quickly and efficiently. The only drawback is: in the process of pressing the juice, the juice can be heated slightly, while losing part of the vitamins.
  2. The screw juicer is the smallest model, when it is working, juice is squeezed due to the active inheritance of fruits on the principle of household meat grinder using auger. The advantages include:
    • low noise effect;
    • a large range of allowed products;
    • very high productivity.

    During annealing, the juice is not oxidized, and therefore there is no loss of useful properties laid by nature.

  3. The press juicer from all presented works on the principle of the classical hydraulic press. As a result, such a process is obtained natural juice with preserved vitamins, as well as nutrients. The only minus is needed strong men's hands.

Advantages and disadvantages

The device of modern units for annealing juice is simple, so any hostess can cope, with the minimum of effort while working and maintaining the product. The neck is arranged in such a way that whole fruits are laid, therefore there is no tedious preliminary preparation by cutting, removing seeds, cores.

Due to the high speed of rotation of the shredder, all parts go to the case, and the spin efficiency is extremely increasing, it is only necessary to properly organize the feed rate of the fetus so as not to overload the product. Models have several speeds for different fruits, vegetables, so you do not need to buy a special device for processing citrus.

Positive advantages include a security system, for example, the product will not turn on if some of the parts are loosely adjusted or poorly fixed. The departure is equipped with an effective noise reduction system, so when working in the house there is a comfortable environment, the price does not increase.

All models of the chopper and the grid are made of food stainless steel, so the acids contained in vegetables and fruits do not affect them. The added carbon is much raised by wear resistance, thanks to which the models are operated much longer.

Some particularly picky mistresses make sure that the juicers need to be thoroughly flush after each use, while they are first dismantled, and then collect back. But it cannot be considered a minus, so it is necessary to take care of almost all household appliances.

Criterias of choice

Remember - the future owner must know exactly why he needs a household appliance: for example, if you want to drink a glass of fresh juice every morning, then you should not spend money from the family budget for the purchase of a powerful juicer for solid fruits or vegetables. It is enough to purchase a device with less power and volumes.

Choose the desired device is difficult, because in stores a fairly wide range is presented, you do not buy the desired model without preparation. It is necessary to determine in advance the sphere of using the future assistant to know exactly what power is needed and performance, because these parameters affect the value of the model. Extended functionality also adds its percentage to the final price.

It is worth paying attention to the speed of rotation of the centrifuge and the duration of the product without engine overheating. The degree of processing of the product depends on the first parameter: so, the grinding process is important for carrots and turnips: the better it is, the more it turns out the exit juice. For example, if you take a domestic model with a capacity of 320-400 W, then its performance at the speed of rotation of only 1850 revolutions per minute will be from 60 to 70 l / h.

Work time is a rather important indicator, because the powerful engine is quickly heated, and to avoid negative consequences of overheating, you will often have breaks. True, at this time you can clean the container from the cake and move the next batch of vegetables for processing.

Many foreign manufacturers set the speed of rotation above 10 thousand rpm, but the cost of such products increases, compared with domestic, models are almost twice. Some models have up to three speeds, so you can squeeze juice from fruits of different density, so you need to be attentive and not shy in detail to explore the technical passport of the product.

It is worth spending a few hours to choose the optimal option, but as a result, the best model of juicer from all offered by the sellers will be an ideal assistant during seasonal blanks on your household plot.

Additional improvements

Many manufacturers add such technologies:

  1. Smooth engine launch is found in all universal products. The electric motor is gaining momentum not immediately, but gradually, while the squeezed juice is not sprayed. With this option, household appliances are much longer.
  2. A drop-stop is a fairly convenient and useful feature for juicers of any type. With its use, the countertop will always be clean, while no drop of juice will be shedding past the tank. There are two options - after the press is completed, the user turns the spout of the device up or to the side or a special clip overlaps the flow of juice outward.
  3. Magnetic fuses are designed to eliminate the ability to paste the item incorrectly. Mounted side by different miniature magnets, manufacturers exclude such an opportunity.
  4. Rubber legs can have special suckers for fixing the product on the table top. This is especially true during the centrifugal spin.

In addition, there are other options, but some of them can significantly increase the cost of juicer.

Review models

  • Case Material: Aluminum
  • Power: 1,2 kW
  • Diameter of the boot hole: 84 mm
  • Max Rotational speed: 11000 rpm
  • Reservoirs:
  • for juice - 1.5 liters
  • for pulp - 3.0 l
  • Dimensions: 322x211x425 mm
  • Weight: 5.6 kg
  • Warranty: 12 months
  • Manufacturer: China
  • modern design
  • qualitative materials
  • squeezes juice from any category of solid vegetables
  • not found

Excellent quality model from the German concern Bosch has three processing rates and mechanical management, assembled at China's factories, but it does not affect the duration of operation.

  • Material:
  • cases - aluminum
  • capacities for juice and cake - plastic
  • Power: 500 W
  • Diameter of the boot hole: 55 mm
  • MAX rotation speed: no data
  • Reservoirs:
  • for juice - 0,5l
  • for pulp - 1.0 l
  • Sizes: 200x230x310 mm
  • Mass: 1,769 kg
  • Warranty: 2 years
  • Manufacturer: Philips, Netherlands
  • pretty thoughtful design
  • compact, high-quality assembly
  • for his miniature normally presses
  • small Capacity for Juice

Specialists tested this model, the conclusion is quite a reliable and qualitatively made instrument. Script efficiency is not a strong side of the product, but commensurate power and compactness is all normal.

  • Case material: plastic
  • Power: 150 W
  • Size of the boot hole: 35x50 mm
  • Juice Pressing Efficiency: 77.65%
  • Noise level: 65 dB
  • Dimensions: 190x180x430 mm
  • Weight: 4.0 kg
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Manufacturer: China
  • compact, works very quiet
  • easily disassembled and going for washing
  • the filter is cleared during operation
  • not found

This is a highly efficient screw juicer with an average speed, ideal for use in urban conditions for pressing juice from fresh and frozen fruits.

  • Case material: plastic
  • Power: 400 W
  • Max Rotational speed: 1850 rpm
  • Productivity: 70 l / h
  • Dimensions: 340x320x390 mm
  • Mass: 13 kg
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Manufacturer: Pensmash, Russia
  • two buckets of 12 liters of apples in 5 minutes
  • simple maintenance and care
  • high performance
  • vegetables and fruits do not need to cut, except cabbage and watermelon

Juicer - useful kitchen appliances, which allows you to prepare natural juice from fresh fruits and vegetables. In stores, these devices are presented in a huge assortment, but which juicer is better to press juice from solid fruits not to everyone. What to pay attention to when choosing a suitable model, which models are better and what else should be known?

To choose the best juicer, the hostess should be thought out how it will use it. For example, to squeeze juice from hard vegetables or fruits, you should not buy a model for citrus. You will also do not need an expensive professional model if you plan to squeeze one glass per day.

If fresh juices are the basis of the diet in your family, it is better not to save on the purchase. Also, a professional unit requires lovers to harvest juice in large volumes, rolling it into banks.

The price of the juicer depends on the power and set of functions. The wider functionality and higher performance, the more expensive the device will cost. Also, juicers for solid fruits and vegetables are divided into auger, press and centrifuge.

The power of the apparatus affects the amount of juice prepared for a certain time. In addition to sufficient performance, you can process fruits and vegetables entirely, without cutting. This is significantly saved and improves the convenience of operation.

An important parameter is the time of work. If you neglect by this parameter, the engine can overheat and fail. The speed of rotation of the centrifuge affects performance. To prepare juice from solid vegetables and fruits, it should rotate for 7-8 thousand revolutions per minute, but there are models and at centrifuges speeds of more than 10 thousand.

What to pay attention to when choosing?

With the general parameters, briefly figured out, but what characteristics and functions of the juicer should be taken into account so that with its help you can make juice from the hardest fruits? Useful feature is the ability to adjust the speed mode. Choosing an average speed, you can cook with a flesh, and at low speed it turns out a more transparent drink.

Pay attention to the device design. The case material and all components play a key role. So that the juicer served for a long time, it is better to choose metal models. In an inexpensive performance, the housing can be plastic, but the augers and graves must necessarily be made of metal.

It is important that the filter is strong enough, as it accounts for a large load. Ideally, he must be made from alloy steel. Take a look at the boot bunker - it affects the convenience of work. If the neck is wide, you are at all the fruits of the medium size, without cutting. When working with a narrow receiver, you will have to cut fruit or vegetables with a knife.

If the family is small, you quite have enough container for a 1-1.2 liter juice, and for the preparation of large volumes of the drink it will become inconvenience. Consider your tasks you are going to solve with the juicer.

More expensive models of juicers, including professional, have a function of self-cleaning. The recycled mass under pressure hits the bottom of the waste container. In centrifugal devices, it is additional. The lever to displace the cake down.

What should be power?

All juicers have a certain power. There are more productive models, and there are mini juicers for solid vegetables and smaller fruits. Each chooses the option for personal requirements. The greater the power of the device, the higher the percentage of the squeezed juice from fruits and the longer the device can work without a break. For solid fruits, it is recommended to choose more powerful models.

In the average, the power parameter varies in the range from 200 W to 1.5 kW, but there is also such a parameter as the speed of rotation of the centrifuge. Lower speed is suitable for berries or soft fruits, and for solid speed is required. It is better to choose a high-power model with a speed regulator - this is a universal version that will allow you to get a drink from different fruits.

What are the juicers are suitable for solid fruits?

Recycled solid fruits and vegetables are capable of only three types of juicers:




Centrifuge is most common and found in stores more often than others. Such instruments are functioning very simple: the fruits or their pieces are falling on the blade and are crushed, and the juice is pressed due to the rotation of the centrifuge with the sieve. The juicer is very productive, but has a significant drawback: the juice is heated and oxidized, as a result of which loses some fraction of vitamins. More similar models are quite noisy.

Auger devices are ideal for solid fruits and vegetables. They dislike the fruits in the cylindrical chamber with the screw, and the juice does not heat up and does not succumb to oxidative processes. Accordingly, the drink retains excellent taste and all vitamins. Other advantages include such models:

    desiccable work;

    you can process even nuts and cereals;

    high performance.

Pressing juices are also suitable for solid fruits. Juice with their help is prepared due to the pressure of the hydraulic press. The drink retains vitamins and taste, but in the work these devices are not very comfortable, so they almost do not buy them for home use.

Overview Mini juicer

In stores there are small juicers for solid vegetables and fruits, which are well coped with their task. There are no built-in beverage tanks in these models, and the liquid flows immediately into the glass that you put nearby. But do not forget to look at the power - than it is more, the better. From inexpensive mini juicers, you can highlight models from manufacturers such as Vitek, Moulinex, Polaris. We recommend to look at the following options:

    Polaris PEA 0205 is a compact device, coping with solid fruits and vegetables.

    Moulinex JU 2100 - has a round neck, which is very convenient to use. There are two velocity modes.

    MOULINEX JU 380 - is characterized by a 300 W power for mini juicer.

    Zelmer 377 ED - suitable for any solid fruit. Reliable juicer, time-tested.

Of course, the range of these and other manufacturers is regularly updated, so you can choose your own option.

There are also auger, as well as pressing small juicers. Such models include OURSSON JM8002. It has compact dimensions of 19x20 cm and power 200 W. With its help, you can get juice from solid fruits, grind spices and dry herbs, mix nuts and crackers.

One of the best juicers for solid vegetables and fruits with compact dimensions is Philips HR1832. It has a large enough for a mini-instrument - 500 W. Once it allows you to get to one and a half liters of drink. Juicer is easy to operate, as it is easy to clean and wash.

Differences of professional juicer

Professional juicers for solid vegetables and fruits differ from domestic performance and resource. They are intended for permanent and long-term use, and allow for one session to process large volumes of fruits.

Professional centrifugal aggregates are predominantly in restaurants, bars and cafes. They are rarely buying home because of the high price, and there are few people who need to prepare juice in such large volumes. More such juices are easily cleaned and have a lot of performance.

Screw models of professional class are industrial juicers that are very expensive. May have one or two auger, as well as divide on desktop and stationary outdoor. With their help, you can get even coconut oil, as well as process any other solid fruits.

As a rule, the purchase of a productive professional juicer for home use is inappropriate. Such devices are expensive, and they are still not used to maximum.

Mechanical or electric - which is better?

There are mechanical and electrical juicers on sale. The latter are more common and less effort are applied to their operation: you simply turn on the device and load the fruits into the hole. Mechanical screw juicers are not very comfortable, but they are also often used.

The main working element of the mechanical juicer is auger in the form of a spiral. It is single or double. When rotating, it grinds solid fruits or vegetables, and due to a high mechanical action (pieces are shared between the ribbed walls of the case and the screw) squeezed out juice, leaving into the hole. Expressible pulp goes into a separate container.

The main advantage of mechanical juicers in their silentness and mobility, but the large volumes of juice will not be prepared. Also, the advantages include the possibility of producing juice with the flesh (depends on the installed sieve). Of course, the fourth fruit, the harder it is to process them into the juice in manual mode.

Do you know about? Read about how much the drink brings the body and how to use it correctly.

The best juicers for solid fruits

Philips HP 1869 / 01-31-61-70-80

Speed \u200b\u200bof work

No noisy

Convenient in cleaning

Effectively squeezes juice

Uncomfortable container for cake

Cake sometimes gets into the main compartment

Build quality

Adjusting speeds

High percentage of squeezing


Large dimensions

Marriage is found



Affordable price

No noisy

Convenient in cleaning

Quality Materials

Quickly heats up

Uncomfortable switch

Not suitable for citrus


Build quality

Easy cleaning

Value for money

Not suitable for soft fruits

Quality Materials

Ease of disassembly and cleaning

Self-cleaning function

Legs with suckers

Cake sometimes remains wet

Uncomfortable switch

Juicer for solid vegetables and fruits is not a thing of essential. However, if you want to enrich your diet with vitamins, it is worth thinking about this purchase. With the help of the device, you can make a huge amount of nutrient and healthy drinks. Despite the established stereotype that the juicer for processing hard vegetables and fruits is needed very rarely and only at the moment when excess harvesting at the cottage is formed, this unit can be useful at any time of the year.

Characteristic juicer

A good juicer can become an indispensable assistant daily. From others, it is characterized by the fact that it can pass through themselves the hard fruits of vegetables and fruits. The essence of this technique is that carrots or an apple are completely lowered into the hole where the chopper is located. There is fruit, including peel and bone, processed to a homogeneous mass.

At the next stage, the unit separates the mixture, quickly rotating the centrifuge, separating the flesh from the liquid. Under the influence of high speed, the juice is poured into a separate container located outside, the cake remains inside the separator.

Types of devices differ in the form of separator:

  • conical, moves through the walls of the separator of cake, which is later independently separated into a separate container for waste, but produces less juice - only about 70%;
  • the cylindrical separator is more powerful and productive, squeezes almost 100% juice.

Positive and negative qualities

One of the most important drawbacks is too much effort to get the minimum result. But the further progress goes, the smaller care requires technique. It allows you to mortgage whole fruits that do not require cutting into parts.

A modern juicer for vegetables and fruits is equipped with several functional modes that make it possible to obtain juice not only from solid, but also of soft fruits. It is suitable for all types of vegetables and various types of fruits. The advantage of all this is a good security system, which can block the inclusion of the device in the event that some part it is poorly fixed.

Even an inexpensive compact small modern juicer is equipped with noise absorption function. All elements of the juicer for vegetables and fruits are made of steel, which is not exposed to the appearance of rust, resistant to acids. Carbon contained in steel largely increases the service life of the equipment.

What kind of juicer to choose?

Before moving to the selection of juicer, you need to decide on several parameters, not the mostst of which is the manufacturer. In our country, focus on the support of the domestic producer. But the choice always remains for the buyer.

The price is one of the key criteria to which absolutely everything looks. It is believed that the higher the price, the better the goods, however, sometimes it is better not to look at the price category, but to the reviews of real buyers. Sometimes inexpensive domestic devices offered for little money, they work better than imported, purchased by Stydorog. Share friends and acquaintances - this is the best option.

Each juicer brand has its design. Imported devices are characterized by more pleasant forms and the presence of additional functions. But some functions may be useless, and the design is a pacifier. Look at really important parameters, not for beauty, because a beautiful model can dust long on the shelf, and a simple design device with a minimum set of functions will become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen.

Import models in terms of silent work overtook ours. Domestic juicers often publish loud sounds that will dismiss anyone. The overseas juicer with a noise absorber can be bought even for a modest price. Productivity is an important factor. There are already domestic firms ahead. Russian devices can work in the season of ripening fruit smoothly, processing fruits on juice.

In spite of all sociological polls show that the Russians are inclined to trust imported producers more, and those companies that are widely known, because many brands have proven themselves from a positive side for many decades, and people have developed a stereotype: imported - it means the best.

To the question of how to choose a juicer for vegetables and fruits, it is quite difficult to answer, because the best juicer is the one that will satisfy all your needs, so before going to the store, you need to decide what you want to get ultimately. It is important to obtain complete information about a particular brand, learn its quality, advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on how many people you are going to cook drinks, you need to choose the capacity of the tank. One person is quite enough for a small juicer with a mini-capacity - only 200 ml. Such devices enjoy the greatest demand, small juicers are available in the arsenal from all manufacturers of such equipment.

The best juicers for fruits and vegetables on a family of 4 people are those that have a capacity of more than 1,500 ml. Often the hostess choose exactly such devices if it is necessary to process a large number of fruits and vegetables.

Little juicer has the following advantages:

  1. Occupy little space.
  2. The role of the tank is performed by a glass.
  3. It is equipped with several speeds, thanks to which the juicer becomes the most productive as possible.
  4. Allows you to press juice from greenery.

Select the best producer is very difficult. The best juicer, according to some buyers, is presented in the Panasonic model range. Many make their choice towards Delonghi and Braun manufacturers. However, you can look at other firms, among which there are quite a few manufacturers of high-quality equipment.